TEES OMAHA DAILY BEfr : [ MONDAY. NOVEMBER 28 , 1897. . . D PREPARED TO CO TO JAIL , Lincoln's Mayor and Olty Council Adboro to Tl\plr Plan. THE BASIS OF THE ACTION. Judge dinpmiin'H G'omiiieiidablo Chnrgftto the llrer .fury Another Kffurt For n Hell Mni ? Capi tal City News. IrnoM tnr. nr.r.'s u.vcoi.x Ths morning Mayor Sawyer and the eleven mcmlxTH of the city council of Lincoln fined in the United States court for contempt , de part for Omaha and for a term of imprison ment. A special meeting of the council has been had and the more ini | > ortunt bushiest for u week hus been transacted preparatory t < i this step taken. The mayor and members of the council nro professional nnd business men of prominence , resx | > nslbllty ! and held In public esteem in the city. They take the present step In the confident belief that their actions leading up to the case in contempt were right and In Justice to the people whose servants they are ; that their actions were. taken In the full belief that they were not In contempt , and were not animated by desires to bring the court into contempt. In this last step of the mayor nnd council , as in for mer steps in this now somewhat rcmarkublo case , they are endorsed by a public opinion in the city of Lincoln that must IK ; gratifying to them to the full extent of its unanimity. Upon their arrival in Omaha and Imme diately following their incarceration , the proper utlldavlt setting forth their confinement will be mibscrlbed to liefore their attorney , G. M. Linnbcrtsim , who Will depart at once for Washington to present the habeas corpus case hufore the United States Supreme court. The brief hus been prepared so that the case may In1 presented without delay. The petition of tbo mnyor and council as prepared for the supreme court recites that , under and pursuant to the laws and ordi nances of the city of Lincoln , they proceeded to the-investigution of the clmrgcs and uc- cusutions presented against the police Judge by three citizens , accusing him of miscon duct , and inalfciisnnco in oil Ice ; thut the charges were referred to n committee of three with power to take testimony nnd re- | Mirt a finding of facts : that on the finding the [ Kjlice Judge wus found guilty ; that the IKiltco Judge , through his attorney , secured a restraining order from the circuit Judge of the Eighth Judicial circuit , and that there- tiK | > n the court , without notice or bond being required , issued the order. The brief ad mits tint proceedings of the council in which the order wus disregarded , and claims on the purt of the petitioners thut the court hud no Jurisdiction of the suit , that thu restraining order was not u lawful order , and that the Judgment of the court that the petitioners were in con tempt and the sentence of the i-ourt that the Itetltlonerspuy a line and suffer imprison ment for violating the restraining order , Is void and wholly without the Jurisdiction of the circuit , court of the United States and in violation of the constitution of the United States , It In necessary under the law and rules of procedure that in bringing cases of this char acter to the supreme court of the United States that special circumstances must bo alleged showing the necessity for the applica tion rulher than making the application in circuit court. Following is the statement in the brief in full coverlngthis point : "Your petitioners allege as special circum stances , milking direct action and interven tion of this court necessary and expedient , that it would bo useless to apply to the circuit court of the United States for the district ol Nebraska for a writ of hubeus corpus , be cause both the circuit and district judges gave it as their opinion in the contempt pro ceedings thut the suld restniining order wan a hiwful order und within the power of the court to make. Your petitioners also state as an additional reason for the speedy inter vention of this honorable court , that as the official representatives of the capital city of the state of Nebrusku , with u population of 4llHK ) ) , serious injury may accrue to the mu nicipal utTuirs of said city if your petitioners , as mayor und uldermcn of suid city , are longer restrained of their liberty. " JUIKIi : CIIU'MAN'.S CIIAlKill. In the Uecrs nnmlcr tri.il , Just closed , Judge .Chapman's charge to the Jury wus something to commend. Fur two duys the trial hud progressed und the defense closed its ctiMUVilh practically no showing but tlm insanity plea. There was no recognition of the theoretical classes of emotional and other alleged Insanities in the Judge's charge to the Jury. He gave the law In its full force and vigor for the protection of human life. He suid to the Jury if they found the prisoner cuiild distinguish between right und wrong when bo committed murder they should re turn a verdict of murder in the first degree under the indictment ; thut. under the law the man must bo considered sane until ho was * proven insane , and thut the evidence proving insanity must bo conclusive. The jury , after being out. live hours , returned a verdict under the indictment , und Uieru was u good deal of comment as to what could oc cupy their time for the five hours. To-day sonti'iico will bo passed on ISeers und the Judge will fix the day upon which he Is to bung , Mr. Strode , however , will make further efforts for bin client , through a re quest for a new trial , and a failure in this through appeal to the supreme court. I'l.VNs I OK TIIK IIKI.T M.VK. II. P. Porky , the well-known former Ne- bra.'ikan who beeamo for several years u boomer of the boomcri in Denver , bus been in the city the past fmv duys making proK | > M- t ions to business men to take churgo of the Itoltlincin.nl , build It , and put it In opera tion. Mr. 1'erky abe unfolded another Hr.lu'iue mul asked for support to aid in planting - ing it in Lincoln. The latter involves u patent all steel railway couch and the erec tion of works in this city for building them , III'KWTB or Till' STOIIM. The storm of the last twenty-four hours duhiyed all trains into the city on the main lilies. On tlm branches that do not run Sun day trains cuts will bo cleared so that train1- will move on tinio to-day. In the city tin street-railways worn forced to succumb t ( the. storm Saturday evening , but tbo trucltf were opened yesterday and business re sumed. The paving contractors wo.ro hupp.v in the fact that by working their force until midnight the night Ix'foro the storm the sou son's work was closed in excellent shape. A lurgo number of new blocks und business house * * that have been pushed the past week with all possible speed are yet incompleteil and the storm for them cumu u month toe soon. Till ! "lir.r. " AI'l'ltKCtVTKI ) . "I want to say , " suid a prominent Uncoil citizen yesterday , an ho secured Ills copy o the Srxiuv HEI : , "that 1 believe yon peopli am publishing u paper that is not excelled n the west both in quantity und quality of mat tor. I commenced reading the Hr.i : soveru years ago to get the news , and 1 regard it nov as indispensable. 1 regard its opinions 01 lcadimiquc.sUnn4of the day as right unit It ; miscellaneous depurtmrnts tilled with excellent collent mutter always. " The gentleman It question lias been long identified in etlticu tlonal work in the west und his comment ! are not unusual. The fact that Lincoln pee pie will shortly get the llm : In the carl ; morning hours is something also that receive ; much favorablu comment. HASH HAM , \TTKUS. . The information furnished from St. Josepl that a now western league is to be organize ( and that Lincoln will be ono of the eitie comprising It , appears to have no foundatioi so far as this city is concerned , llud the nev western ussnclulinu retained Lincoln as on of the cities in its composition , Lincoln wouli undoubtedly have been a buso ball town th coming year. Hut with the loss of a place i that leuguu much of thu enthusiasm illo away and it is not ut nil probable thut th city will embark in u third class orgiuii/utio Hint the last year's work shows the city 1m outgrown. _ _ For fear of losing n day's work , man persons put olT taking physio until Sal urday. The better plan is not to doln but take i ns soon as 'needed , it inu save you a hard spell of sickness. 1 benefit from th y ou want the most least l amount of physic without ciuislnj you any inconvenience , loss of nppe-tit i or rest , take St. Patrick's Pills. Thoi action on the liver nnd bowels nr thorough , they glvo a freshness , ton liurt vigor to the whole system and uc I'.hunuonv with nature. A MEXICAN SPARTACUS. llantllt Denial , the Terror of tlio IMno Mountain * . New York Journal : The tidven tures of Krncles JJern.il , the Mexi can outlaw , might furnish material for it dozen sensation novels , so full of dramatic incidents and during esca pades has his life been. This enterpris ing brigand found himself in his nine teenth year nt the bend of a band of regulators organized to enforce the abolishment of peonage. This Is a Mexican custom which uuthorlzcs creditors to etisluve these who are in debted to them und cannot pny. In conjunction with an exiled politi cian of considerable business nullity , the firm did a thriving collateral busi ness by raiding stock farms , und would have probably continued to thrive until the present duy if the governor of Sin- nloa had not arrested the precious pair in 1870 on a charge of highway robbery. The incarceration of the younger man seems to have been the turning point in his career , and decided him to take up arms uguinst his country. Ho delivered thu prisoners from jail and putting himself at their head , retreated to the fastnesses of the Pine mountains and defied the government. The adventures of this remarkable man have furnished' Felix Oswald witli the material for an interesting sketch in the November num ber of Lipplncott's Magazine. Ho writes that fortune for a long time seems to have favored fho bandit and his crew of cutthroats , who for years continued to defy the law and prey upon the people. In the midst of a hot pur suit the Honalites escaped by an im penetrable mist thatshroudod the high lands for half a week. Another time they were starving to death and Henal was about to sacrifice himself , when the insurrection in Sonorn drew the forces away that had besieged them and they were saved in the nick of time. Thu country people regard Hernal as the ohnmpion of their rights , and _ his camp is the refuge of political exiles and poor debtors as well as miscreants and refuse of the jails and cities. At great personal risk lie often ap pears at election meetings , where his impassioned rhetoric fires the country people with enthusiasm. In 1S8" > . the government finding thut they could not dislodge him , dispatched a board of commissioners to arrange for a surrender. The outlaw's terms were , startliirgHe wanted a pardon for. every member of his bund , a bonus of & > 0 , ( > iH ) , an armed escort of twenty-live1 retainers or u position in the army com manding u district of Sinuloa. His terms were , of course , not , accepted , and the government sent fresh tioops to try und conquer him. In 1KSU the Hag-bearer dispatched by the leader of the Mexican forces sent to dciuand the outlaw's surrender , returned stripped of his uniform and bearing the message from Hernal : 'If Colonel L. V. advances another mile , I herewith hot my life , the fate of my followers and our faith in the justice of'llenven on the event of a wager that within twenty-four hours I shall have his scull ) on the stretching-board , " Within a rudious of thirty miles from his headquarters the outlaw of the Pine Mountains moves with the freedom of a respected private citizen , at least dur ing the intervals of the annual cam paign , which confines his summer imunts to the wilderness of the upper Sierra. Peasants doff their hilts and ejaculate their "Good day , sir , ' ' on mooting El Capitan. with or without his escort. Merchants honor his draft on sijjht , priests enter bis camp without fear , but seem to share his favors with fortune tellers , for , strange to say , the armed reformer , as his partisans call him , appears in some respects to be as superstitious as a vision-haunted her mit. Since the death of his brother-in-law ho has taken his household under his special pro tection and , having no children of his own , makes a great pel of his lit tle nephew , who now und then accom panies him on his less perilous excur sions. Hut during his last visit to San Lorenzo the bullet-proof chieftain en tered the house of a friend and , with evident emotion , recommended that youngster lo his especial euro. 'I have a misgiving , " said ho , "that wo shall not keep Too much longer if wo over trust him out of sight. Two nights ago 1 dreamed that I sent him up to the to.xadu ( a sort of flat roof ) where the women were churning butter and that was the last time ho was ever seen alive. Wo searched the house and ull around for miles and met ull sorts of people , o.nly him wo could never llnd. " Karnlit ! ; * ) or New York AVorklut ; Oli-ls Now York World : As if to illustrate the truth of this , a woman , who was present al the committee meeting lust night , und who had ovido.ntly not been a wage-earner all her life , said : "I am a cloak and suit maker in a Hroadway house and have to work nine und u half hours a day , earning nbout $ ( > a week. The girls make from $ o to $7 a week. A short time ago the firm employed a number of dirty-looking foreign men who ought to have been working on farms instead of making women's gowns. These men worked for less than the . .jirls , and wore kept nt work very often while wo were sitting idlo. if we could have inailo the $ o orfi ! a week all the year round it. would not have been so bad ; but there are only two seasons- spring und fall and between times wo are idle , or have to turn our attention to something else. I once worked in the alteration room of n lurgo retail store in ( .rand street , where the-wages were H and ! 7 .1 week. There wo never left oil on Saturday nights until 11 o'clock. It is the same now. Ono of the young women present , wlui is actively engaged on the committee , but for fear of being discharged refused to give her name , said that she wus em ployed on milking up sample cards foi commercial travelers. There are hall a dozen firms in this city devoted to the business , employing from live to twentj hands each. They make up books o samples of dress fa'brics , laces , ombroid cries , ruchings , fancy leather goods , be sides putting up samples of drugs am every other kind of similar merchan dise. At ono time it was a profitable business for employes , but competitioi has lowered the wages , and now tei hours' work a day are given for $ ! > to $ i a week. This gtrl was clear-eyed , in telljgent and good looking. She re sided at homo with her parents , and luu an air of independence so peculiar ! ; American. "Hut , " said she , "I know girls win have to support themselves on $5 i week. Ono in particular , a curd cutter She pavs $1 a week board and wnshini nnd it costs her 10 cents a duy car fare She has 40 cents a week left for cloth ing , shoes and other incidentals suppose she could get cheaper board but 1 doubt it. She boards in a lln whore about seven other girls board They sloop two in a room in single beds That is not very luxurious. I don't kno\ what employers expect girs to do. W have to go to our work fairly wel 'dressed. If wo were not wo would b discharged , and yet thousands of girl in the lurgo retail Jry goods stores , i shops and factories , never rccolvu mor than $5 u week , and not sternly work n thut. Some , of them receive oven , les ? Yet , ns I said , we must keep up appeal ances. What wo- are to do , I don' know.Tho only way 1 see out of it.is t organize. " , . ' ' ' THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER , Items of Interest to the Men on the Road. A DRUMMER'S THANKSGIVING. A Romantic Talc or Local Interest Hull Tinier In Texas lllo- graphical Omaha' * Sun * dny Guests Sample * . A Drummer's Thanksgiving. "Did you ever hour the story of well , we'll call him Joe Dearborn t" asked a well known traveling man of a HIK : represent- ! tivo Friday. ' 'It is not n tragedy nor u com edy , but a ncut llttlo tale of actual lives with BonmthhiK of roinanro about It. Joe DearboM was young in years but as a commercial traveler lie was by no means u Iludgllng. At the age of twelve ho had en tered the oftlco of the great mercantile estab lishment of Chnlllngsworth , Savage it French. In the rapacity of ofllco boy ho had acquired some of the elevated Ideas of mer- eiintllo duties which had won for his em ployers their enviable position in the com mercial world. Through gradual promotion , at the early ( iKOof eighteen , Joe Dearborn made his initial trip on this road. The same lidelity and promptness which had characterized his rela tions with Clmlllngsworth. Savage & Frenrh as an ofllro boy and general clerk marked his efforts us u traveling salesman. Now , at the ago of twenty-six , Joe Dearborn had for eight .vears wended his busy way over an ex tended territory winning for himself many personal friends and for his house a host of profitable patrons. A genial , generous na ture was his. The loss of both parents at nn ago when he was appreciative of the bless ings of their ministrations and the struggles he had encountered in caring for a younger sister made him naturally sympathetic with the trials and erodes of all with whom he came in contact. His sympathetic nature did nothowcverlcad , him to permit the interest of his house to suf fer. Umn | more occasions than one this same .loo Uearbon had with heavy heart yet linn resolution , closed the doors of unfortunate merchants , many of whom ho believed to be worthy of "extension , " yet to whom lie was deprived of lending a hand by the stern ordi nances of commercial custom and the invaria ble law of Challingsworth , Savage & French. The ability Dcarhnn had displayed in his ilealings with failing merchants prompted Mr. Savage , the "business man" of his linn , to lelcgate this unpleasant task to Him in other erritories than his own. The manner in .vhleh . the unfortunate debtor was closed out > y .Too Denrbon pleased exceedingly the ielflsh nature of Mr. Ravage , who counte- mticed no variance on the part either of him self or employes. of the strict rules of the "louse. "A stitch in time saves nine , " was : ho motto of this successful and stony hearted merchant and the. "extensions'1 given by Chnllingsworth , Savage & French were few and fur between ; as a result it was 11 rare case that this house ever came out of 11 mercantile collapse with burnt hands. It was on the morning of November 22 , 187 that .foe Doarbon arrived at the last own to bo "imido" on that trip. His sales ind collections there completed , the young Irummer was enjoying his cigar in the oflico if the only hotel in the town and dreaming of 'he happy hours ho would spend with his ittla sister ; ' all his arrangements had been nado to take Thanksgiving dinner with the ittle girl ho loved so well and she had writ- en in her most persuasive manner "Don't fail mo Jou for wo will 1ft ) so hnppy ; " and Joe had answered that he could be depended ii ] > on. Now he was absorbed in thoughts of ho only relative ho had on earth and wus .hlnking what ho could take the little girl as a token of n brother's love. His reverie was broken by the appearance of the landlord who handed him a telegram : Joseph II. Dearbon , care Mansion House , Oo at once to Buehlerville , collect our ac count of K. Tazwell or attach linmediatclv. Have forwarded bill W7 to 1' . C. Doii't delay. SAV.UII : . All his plans for a happy Thanksgiving were frustrated but like the commercial sol- ilier he was Joe pocketed the instruct ions and going to the postoflieo received the bill from the mail. Wiring his regrets to the little sister , the drummer prepared for his Journey which meant misery for some poor unfortu nate country dealer. Bnehlerville was not in his territory and so small was the place that it took consider able inquiry to locate it. Uy 10 o'clock that evening the drummer was on his way and at daylight the next morning arrived at E town tne county scat of tbo county in which Htiehlerville WIIH lo cated. Securing a horsn and buggy the traveler set out , after a hearty breakfast , for his destination , a distance of twenty-eight miles. After a long and tedious ride the little villiago of Buchlcrville was reached. The first sight which met the gaze of the tired man of commerce wus u neat sign bear ing the words : "E. 'Tazwcll , General Store. " The young salesman could not withhold a sigh of sympathy ns ho thought of the pain ful tusk iiiiMsod | ) upon him. His horse cared for , the drummer repaired to the little building culled a hotel , which made up in neatness and quality what it lacked in splendor and quantity. Inquiry developed the fact that Tazwell's was the only store in the town , one grist mill and a saw mill constituting the balance of the com mercial feature of the village. Taking his grip Dearbon sauntered in the direction of Tu/.woll's establishment. From exterior in dications the building guvo evidence of its occupancy by a thrifty country merchant. A two-story frame edifice , it boio every evi dence of its owner's prosperity rather than financial ruin. Entering , the young sales man found the interior in keeping with the outaido. Every feature was a inarval of neatness , differing greatly in the general ar rangements from the average store of the cross roads. The usual number of idlo.ru was gathered around the great box stove. A glance at thu shelves Indicated anything hut u failing establishment ; not over burdened with wares , each wus comfortably laden with the usual stock of a country merchant. Approaching a grey haired man whu wus delivering mail , for a portion of the build ing was devoted to the postoftlee , Dearbon inquired : "Is this Mr. TazwelH" "No. sir. " "Is ho in ! " "Mr. Tazwell is dead. " "Dead ! When did lie die i" "About u year ago. " "Certainly some mistake about this. [ Tak ing out his note-book. ] I sen by this that less than two months ago my house sold goods to E. Tu/.woll. " "Yes. Hut that is Miss Tiuwoll , thodangh < tor of the old merchant. I will cull her , " Things hud assumed u perplexing Mate Tazwull dead a whole year and yet other per sons buying goods in his name ! His thought ) were interrupted by "Step this way , please. ' And .loo Dearbon was ushered into a ncai little ofllco room , where seated at ii table was a young girl. Not marvellously beautiful she possessed a handsome , pleasant face am a pair of blue eyes that by no means indicate ! Intentional wrong. Joe Dearbon wus not : bashful young man , but in his many cxpcri cnccs of dealing with ruined merchants hi had not encountered one to him half so dim cult of approach us the genlul repretmntutlvi of "E. Tazwell , general More. " Ho wus not the man to hesitate , and after i brief commonplace conversation , Uearlran laid before the fair young merchant his mis slon. As ho had expected , it was not possl ble for the debtor to liquidate the bill o Challingsworth , Savuiro & French. Fou hundred and sixty-seven dollars was not t bo raised at a moment's notice and times li HuchlerVillo had been hard. The two mill had ceased running some months since and n a consequence thu long list of idle laborer woii ) to bo supplied with provisions and "cm L ried" over the idle season. The outstandin accounts were good as gold , the fair mcrchan said , and with an air of sincerity , but Jo Dearborn's experience had tuupht him whu "outstanding accounts" were. In his hem ho could not charge the fair young debto with fulso pretense * in obtaining goods froi his firm and as much from curiosity as froi any other jnotivo ho Inquired as to why sh operated under thonauio , of her father. I reply , the young girl told an interesting tal of woman's grit and pcrsoverence. Tvvelv months ago her father had died , leaving hi affairs In a tangled slui | > e and his widow , hoi invalid , and daughter with no mean of subsistence save the little stotv' . In a sec Ron of fair trade ho hud uia'nuxcd t place the little establishment on footing , hod dlkoWUrgcd the Obligation * Incurred - curred by her father and was lust beginning to uiovo comfortably along In the commercial channel when Uic .mills stopped nnd hard times reigned ouCc more. For several months previous to her father's death no traveling salesman hod vlidtod the town and nil the goods wore ordered by mall , Her father's credit was good.Wth ; ( the wholrnle dealers and when sbo hod assumed the reins , not from any deatrii to deceive any one , she had continued business under the name of E. Tuzwell , which , while It had been her father's , was Us well her own Ellen Taz- well. In the present crisis she had written a letter of entreaty to Challingsworth , Savage & French , asking HO extension , and In reply bad received a flat refusnl. This WHO the first failure to meet in mrsoimble time her obligations. If closed now.herself and mother would bo thrown out of the actual npcossltles of life , while , if permitted to continue , she was fully confident of a speedy financial re covery. How many times Joe Dearbon had listened to this same story ; how many times had his heart really nchcd for the mis fortunes of country dealers. But never before. hud such a case met hit extended observation. Hero was a girl who beyond doubt hud been guilty of thut which men like Mr. Savage would consider a hein ous offense , an unpardonable crime. And yot. .Toe Deurbon could not believe her guilty of Intended wrong. The amount was small , yet the watchful Savage guarded jealously the pennies due his house. What should ho dot What could ho do ) Nothing but carry out his instructions , and with u beating heart ho gave his decis ion to th'j brave girl before him. Attachment or assignment was the alterna tive , and the feelings of the poor girl were plainly manifest in her fair young face. Not piteously , as some more masculine had done before her , but with earnest solicitude , she besought an opportunity to retrieve her fortunes , insignificant to the world , all to her. A vision of the little sister eating her Thanksgiving dinner this day alone came be fore the young drummer and excusing him self ho repaired to his hotel , where ho penned nnd dispatched a messenger with the follow ing telegram to his house : "Think Ta/wcll O. 1C. Asks for ninety days' extension. Special case. Can I give ill" Anything but a happy Thanksgiving wus that of Dearhon's. All day long ho bore a heavy heart and when late that night u mes senger arrived with a reply it cannot be said that ho was surprised upon opening it to read , "Followyour instructions. " Well , to make a long story short Dearhon's heart was by this time thoroughly enlisted in Ills fair debtor's cause. He visited her and consented to give her ninety duys extension. Her gratitude wus unbounded. Ho urged her to use every endeavor to make her collections in that time and by telegraph reported to his house- that the entire bill of E. Timvoll hud been pa'd. Instead of returning to his home be re * .r.iil his run with peculiar feelingsithoiit arousing suspicion ho could withhold a portion tion of the remittance and as ho bud in bis own bunk the sum of . ' X ) he felt that he was doing no wrong in assuming this amount. The expiration of the ninety days came and Dearbon was found at Buehlerville , nnd there received from the ; v > .uiig merchant the full amount of her indebtedness. It took the strictest econ omy to save it , and during the time her mother hud died , milking her trials doubly hard to bear. Deurbon replenished her stock , but it wus plain that the trade in Bnehlervillo would never amount to much. Some months after that the store of E. Tazwell was sold to a stranger and the energetic , yonug girl , much beloved in the scene. of her trials and troubles , left for other parts. What over bceamoiof her ? " Well. Denrbon long since left the employ of Cliullingsworth. Savage- & French , and yesterday I ate Thiinksgiving dinner in a commodious cottage in the western part of ' .his city , owned and occupied by this same lee Deurbon , only thut is not his name. His ivlfe well she knows the price of groceries lee and is the same patient , earnest , woman she was when she presided over the affairs .if "E. Tazwell , general store. " Yes they are liuppy and Dearbon always blesses the day thut teak him to the little own of Bnohlerville. A little blue -o.ved - girl bearing the name of Slli.-n Tu/.well Dearbon listened la.st night to .his sumo tule T am telling you , and 1 fancied I detected a tear in the elder Ellen's eye and i bnsklness In Deurbon's voice when the utter remarked with a poorly assumed air of ndlfference 'yes , that was a lucky moment 'or me. ' Ain't much of u story , is it , but its true , every word , and this Joe Dearbon is to-day u ml bus been for several years travelling for II prominent grocery house in Oimiha. " Dull Times in Texas. Commercial Traveler ( to Texas hardware dealer ) How's your stock of roi > e , Mr Sharped gel Mr. ShariKXlge We've got a pretty Tail- stock left ; things have been rather quiet round here lately. Omalm'H Sunday There wus u lurge delegation of commer cial travelers in the city yesterday , and the ooys enjoyed themselves in that peculiar way latent with thu profession. Thu following named were at thoMillard : ( . ? . Hernia , Chicago ; G. G. Dodd , Chicago ; M. M. Levin , New York ; W. G. Coughlln , Now V'ork ; J. L. . Swain , New York ; .1. G. Silvester , New York ; U. G. Uferro , New York ; F. L. Adams , New York ; A. J. Gustel , Now York ; J. E. Jones , Bultimore ; C. I' . West. Chicago ; A. Colin , St. Louis : J. W. Smyder , Baltimore ; A. Mahler , New York ; Leo Schofen , St. Louis ; P. J. Swayne , New York ; II. E. L. Strong , New York ; C. I' . Treat. Chicago ; George , AV. Parker , New York ; C. S. Hiirdy , Chi- cugo ; J. F. Young. New York ; E. II. Kelt- felt , New York ; W. Stretch , Chicago ; W. W. Muck , Uoehester , Fred Harvey , Leaven- worth ; H. M. Coyle. St. Louis ; 11. J. Swan , Chicago ; .1. W. Sanders , St. Louis , ' lien Cornhauser , Chicago ; S. F. Storm , New York ; H. I . Frond , New York ; P. H. Al- brccht. New York ; George II. Dodd , Du- liith : J. T. Breg , Chicago ; M. Woodward , Des Mollies ; .1. J. Council , Chicago : W. O. Everett , Milwaukee ; C. Dobruner , St Joe ; Ben Bergfleld , New York ; Edger HCISB , St. Joe ; Edwin C. Lewis. Chicago ; C. II. Hill , St. Paul ; S. Van Slykc , Chi- cugo ; U. 1) . Buckingham , Chicago ; J. K. Gebbnrdt , Dayton ; W. J. Caughlln , Des Moines ; John M. Comstock , Chicago ; M. S. Jaeger , New York ; John W. Moore , Philadelphia ; S. Funk , New York ; Juincs Bull , Philadelphia ; J. M.Limleman , Chicago : M. M. Levistien , Chicago ; J. M * Cromby , Chicago ; J. C. Acbterinan , New York. The arrivals at the other hotels were : II. C. Cloyes , Chicago ; H. H. Osgood , Chicago ; C. S. Truvers , New York ; E. J. Strcnksv , Chicago ; George C. Tate , Chicago ; .1. W. Watson , St. Paul , Minn. ; J. It. Ireland , Now York ; H. V. Iticsen , Chicago : W.C. Ebbitls , Detroit ; C. C. Houghton , Wooster , Muss. ; L. C. Sylvia , New York ; II. II. Dean , Chicago cage ; Nathan Kecso. Chicago ; Frank P. Hoot , New York ; A. S. Dean , Chicago ; W. B. Edgerfon , Boston ; A. Bailer , New York ; S. Geuitomun , Now York ; George A. Ballard , New York ; A. Cap | > el , St. Paul ; M. Glazier , Chicago ; W. Hassolmaier , Newark , N. ,1. ; W. B. Shute. Now York ; W. H. Budicr , Cin cinnati ; S. S. .MVCloon , New York ; S. P. Knight , ChicugS ; M. Knight , St. l ouis ; W. L. Cundee , Brooklyn ; E. Holland , Koches tcr ; W. S. Little , Boston ; C. H. Poole , Bos ton ; C. A. Estos , New York ; W. E. Brown , New York ; C. O. Mitchell , Chicago , II. Hossford. Boston ; A. L. Brockwuy , Now York ; F. M , Mori-ill , Minnesota ; Win , Hitchcock , of New York ; L , F. Brooks , Bos ton ; L. E. Hoberts. New York ; George Wil- lard , Boston ; Arelflo Martin , Denver ; Emll Mujert , Now York ; J. E. Bull , St. Louis ; C. H. Pratt , Kansas City ; H. A. Hogan , Philadelphia ; J. W. Je-sup , Philadelphia ; T , It. Black , Chlcnim ; W. C. Cless , Iw Moines ; H. 1) . Whitmorc , Chicago ; W. H , Crownenshicld , Sun Francisco ; Alberl Lambert , Now York ; J. 1C. Buck , Hocli Islnnd ; J. M. Ledgerwood , Chicago ; . I , It Bo well , Chicago ; Frank Honey , New York L. B , Taylor. New York ; O. H. P. Stoddard Boston ; C. E. Brown , jr. , New York ; J. H Coburn , Boston ; J. E. Dean , Chicago ; W. B Wliittaker. Philadelphia ; Charles Strew bridge , of St. Ix > uis ; J. H. Green , Chicago John A , Treat , St. Louis ; J. C. Southard Chicago ; A , Al. Stewart , Chicago ; J. fj Hitclicouk. Chicago ; Dun Morgan , Cincln imti ; J , Wyenbnrg , Chicugor ; S. W. Golden Chicago ; A. S. Aldrich , Hocheatcr ; W. H Brevoort , Chicago ; L. L. Sperry , Spring Held ; J. M. Leighton , .Chicago. Sample * . Ben Cornhauser , who is one of the oldes whisky men out of Chicago , eumo lit from thi went and spent Sunday ut the Mlllard. Iko New , who has been representing San WcstheinuT , wholesale liquow , St. Joseph Mo. , is now nettnp In th same c pnclty for DallemauA & Co. , Chicago. Sl r Meyer , of l > . D. Meyer ft Co.Chicago , wholesale cigars , is in town. Sieg , although one of the youngest cigar men on the road , manages to sell a great many goods. He has been traveling In Nebraska thrco years. C , L. Llndley , one of the oldest commercial travelers now on the road , Is in the city. Ho has had an experience of thirty-seven years nnd represents u silver-plating establishment in St. Louis with the activity nnd vigor of one much younger in years. Jn the ranks of the youthful , energetic and ImtidsuRo traveling men of this city again appears the Wflll .known Kd. B. Guze , whose crip is now emblazoned with the name of D. M. Steelc k Co. , of this cRy. Ho is one of the men who has aided In his own way to drive from.this territory the grocers of Chicago cage , who long held t > ossesion of It. Though known throughout the state , Mr. Oare Is a young man of preitossesslng npiwarance , with a natural , ruddy glow to his coun tenance , such as comes to most countenances only nfter the indulgence of hearty and healthy exposure In the open air. Ho bus a peculiarly agreeable baritone voice , musical even In the conversational tones , with n clearness of enunciation and n measured style of expres sion which is interesting to the car. It is an evidence of prudence , caution , earnestness nnd exceeding goodness of disposition which readily Impresses the dealer with whom ho is desirous of effecting the purchase of a bill. Mr. flare is twenty-nine years of ago , having been born in Ireland In 1SCW. He cume to this country In 18J and became connected with' the dry goods house of A. T. Stewart & Co. , New.York , subsequently going to Ar nold ft Constable's of the same place. He came to Omaha in 180 , nctlngns invoice clerk for Steele , Johnson it Co. . which imsltlon ho held for two years , resigning to go on the road for S. W. Vennblo t Co. , the Peters burg , Va. , tobacconists. His headquarters were in Omaha and Denver. Ho traveled through the states and territories of Nebras ka , Iowa , Kansas , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah nnd Now Mexico. This position Mr. Gaze re tired from in ISSri , since which time ho has been on the road for D. M. Steele & Co , , of this city. Mr. Gaze Is unmarried , though his recent trip to Europe , where he spent eleven weeks in Jaunts through England , Ireland and Fruncehas led some of his friends to feel was prompted by a desire to see the girl he left behind him. Food nwkes Hlood and Blood makes Duiiuty. Improper digestion of food necoKsarily produces bad blood .resulting in n feeling of dullness in the Htotnnoh. acidity , heartburn , sick hundnchu , and other dvspuptio symptoms. A eliwoly confined lifu causes indigestion , consti pation , biliousness and loss of appetite. To remove tlu'j'O troubles tlioro no remedy equal to Prickly Ash Bitters. It has been tried and proven to be u spocilic. THE SHADOW ON THEIR HEARTH. Homo Complications That Arose From tin ; li'ninlly'H Kllorls to Dispel It. llnrt'ishui'g. Va. , C'orre.-ipoiidoiieo of the New York Sun : I'rof. .1. H. Sher- rard. Miporintondunl of the Lawrence county common schools , lives in Sho- nnngo township , that county , in a fine residence surrounded by orchards nnd vineyimls and fertile Holds. The pro- fessoV's wife nnd his twenty-year-old John share his pastoral retreat. John has won local fame as n l iso ball um pire. The family is happy , and but one thing has crept in to disturb its punuo. That disturber hasn't crept in exactly , either. Sometimes it bus uotnu in with a jump over a live-rail foni'u. Sometimes it has unhooked the gnrdun gate with its horn and stalked in as unhlushinglv as the light ning-rod agent. If the six-foot bars of the pasture lot luivu bade it pause some times , it has unused only long enough to butt down the bars and como in with a crash. This shadow on the Sherrard hearth is cows. It seemsns if every cow in the township regarded itself as a can didate nt largo for n plncoin I'rof. Shcr- rnrd's orchard , garden or front yard , and loses no opportunity to prove its eligibility and make its election sure. This prediction on the part of the town ship cow to pass in nnd occupy the Sher rard premises , besides being a lurking menace to domestic tranqiiility , so to speak , was tough on the hired man. He had to protest , at all hours , with clubs and stones and an occasional shotgun , against this predilection , nnd it dis turbed his slumbers and broke his rest. So ho resigned a few _ days ago and left the Sherrard family ulonu with its ser row. row.The night after the hired man left Prof. Sherrard woke up and heard the tramp of cows in his orchard. Tlioro being no hired man to show the sweet- breathed kino the quickest way oil the grounds , the professor roeolved to go out and eject them him&clf. His wife was asleep , and for fear of waking her ho did not dress himself , merely draw ing on his slippers. "This night-shirt's enough to have on to drive cows out at midnight , " said ho. "It won't take long , anyhow. " Thun the professor tip-toed out of the house and went into the orchard to oviot the cows. Shenango township cows arc like nil other cows. They will open a gate or break down a panel of fence to got into a lot , but when yon go to drive them out they pretend . .they . don't know how in the world to get out , although ton rods of broken down fence may yawn for them and open gates confront thorn at every turn. Ko Prof. Shorrard was still engaged in the inspiriting elTort to surround and head olT a half dozen cows that insisted in taking ns manydilTeront directions in evading the open panel of orchard fence when his wife awoke and found him gone. She was startled for a moment , but remembered the shadow on their hearth. ' 'Cows1' ! she cried , and sprang out of bod. bod.She She went to the window and , looking out , saw the awful sight of the superin tendent of common schools of Lawroncn county , robed in his night shirt , chas ing impudent and obstinate cows around his orchard , dodging like n spoelre in and out among the trees , but plunking stones at the cattle witli unmibtaUahlu corporeal vim. "Oh , myl" said the wife , "I wonder if I hadn't better go help him shoo them out ? " Waiting only long enough to slip on her shoes , she hurried out , and presently there were two white figures Hitting about in the orchard on the trails of headstrong cows. The professor's wife had not been long with him in the mid night roundup when Mr. John Sherrard , the son , quit sleeping. He rose up in bed. Ho listened. "Cows ! " said ho. John got up. Ho put on his trousers , his hat , his coat , and his shoes , " ' " said ho ' 'and "I'll slip out nuiotly , , throw these cattle over thu fence with out waking up the old folks. " Ho went out of the frontdoor. The combined efforts of the professor and his wife , it seemed , had convinced the i-ow * that it was the desire of the family that they should go away , and they wore going uwny just us John reaohod thu yard. The cows wore passing nlong toward the gato. John drove them all out nnd then turned to re-enter the house , when ho saw two white figure- coming toward him along the orchard fence. Now there had been reports in that part of the township thut certain persons had , at different times , ( ' > < > < ; ghost stalking abroad at midnight , 01 thereabout , now nt ono place and then ut another. John hud heard these re ports , nUd when ho taw the two white figures moving In the orchard ho wns startled. Hut ho wasn't scared , He hud umpired too many base ball garnet to bo reared by a little thing like ghoats , "Hollo ! " said ho to himself. "Horo't the hcnuugo township spook I 1 won- dor who's the fraud ho'a got along with him. " Then John stooped down nnd picked up n stone. He threw it in the direction of the spectres. It whizzed past their heads , and quick n * u Hash they turned and run buck n few yards and dodged dowti in a fence corner. "I'll hnvo some fun with those ghosts'mild John , and ho began bom barding the fence corner with stones. They milled about on the ground , nnd by and by ono of the ghosts shouted in 11 deep , masculine voice : "Heythorel Lot up on this or I'll have you arrested ! " Thtit struck John as being so funny that he nuulo up his mind to go bad ; nnd wake his lather up and tell him nbout it. He entered the professor's room. The light was burning nnd Hhowod the empty bed. A glimmer of something shot ncross John's mind. "Hoaring Jupiter ! " ho oxclaimodnnd started for the yard again. Before ho got out of the house the back door was thrown open , and two panting and tlus- triitnd figures in white , with mud on their clothes , came hurriedly in. They looked nt John , and John looked nt them. At lust John said , in mock sur prise : "What in the world's the mutter , nnd where ? " "Cows ! " exclaimed his mother , "and you ought to be ashamed of yourself ! " "Cows ! " exclaimed his father , "and you pack yourself buck to bed , sir ! " Then tlioy all went to bed , nnd the shadow on the Shcrnird henrth deop- vned. It always gives us pleasure to speak well of a good article. The "Garland Stoves and Uangcs" nro acknowledged to embody all that is best in that lino. Though imitated by many they are equaled by none. A Two-Mont hod Man. New York Times : They have got a two-mouthed man up in the bowery. He is a blonde young man , with smooth face nnd a sort of sewer-gas expression , who sits on a plutform , drinks water with one mouth and simultaneously smokisn cigarette with the other , and does various other duets for the delec tation of the mob. His upper mouth is in the fashionable locality , and consti tutes a medium si/ed aperture immedi ately under his nose and immediately over his chin. The lower ono is not good for much , ns ho had brass lips fitted to it , and the two-headed cow , who had felt quite badly when ho came , has become reconciled after watching Ins performances. Otto Tolpcfor is the num. In a talk witli him yesterday Otto did not exhibit that satisfaction over his unusual bless ings that one might oxnect. Ho said he was born that way aim couldn't help it. His folks were poor , and he sup posed it was n sort of congenital sar casm on his parents , who already had more mouths to fill than the larder was equal to. When Otto talks ho uses his upper mouth and shuts the lower ono with his linger. This gives him u sort of flageolet manner that is a little try ing. It seems as if ho were playing con versational tunes on himself. The luxu rious vista of ecstasies conjured up by the idea of two mouths Otto does not ful fill. Ho cannot cat , except with the upper one , and ho cawnot talk very well with either. Unless ho stops up the lower one in spunking , he is forced to talk to a whistling accompaniment. This does not take place because the lower one is jealous , but because the lower one cannot help it. Morohvor , the leal ; in histrachoal bellows gives his voice a strange and unreal whisper ing sound like that of u sexton at u funeral. Instead of having the fair sex at his feet , as might ignorantly bo ex pected. Otto is a lonesome bachelor. That kissing tendency which Darwin observed through all the scale nf organic evolution , beginning with the sunbeams that kissed the sea , is discoverable in quite a number of Otto's friends of the feminine gender , but still they do not adore him. Whenever , in the process of a courtship , ho has kissed anybody with his upper mouth the lower ono has whistled. This interruption appears to lie awkward and unpopular. His second mouth , in fact , keeps clo o nnd envious watch on his first , and Lhe .sentimental bugle call spoils all his tender plans. He is resigned , however , ind now uses it simply to smoke cigar ettes with and play on a kink of sriuoo- jeo , which combines the neurologic olTeet of the mouth harmonica with a slow and lingering death by the accor- deon. Otto is not a pleasant object to gaze upon excessively , and as n wall decora tion ho would not succeed The brass cup on his unnecessary aperture in his windwipo gives him u sort of Franken stein look , and convoys the idea of ohomois-skin lungs and u morocco- leather heart. Ho does not look at all happy , and in comparibon with him the armless wonder , as ho passes a fnrkhmd of fried patatoes to his mouth by aid of the first and second toes of his right fool , a thing of beauty and joy for quito a m OWDEB Its superior excellence proven In millions of homes for more than a quinturof uicnttiry. It ised by the United States ( iovermnent. Kn- dorsed by thu heads of thu rent universities , us tlm strongest , I'urvft und Most Healthful , Dr. I'rlcn's tlm only ll.iktng 1'ov.der thut does not contain Ammonia. Mine or Alum. Sold only in cans , I'niCKlltKiMl rowiiKiiC'o. , New York , Cblnico. St , J.ouls. THE OMAHA BEE , AMPAifi -IIV CAIIIIIKII I-'OII- 20 Cents a Week. Seven paporu a week. Send your order to thii uHice , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building r. J. G/u//um/ ; , Surgeon and Physician , Ofllce. N. W Corner Hth nnd Honi-las Kt. Office , telephone , 105 ; IteMdttUce tvlejihonu , 'Mi. Its dcncrnl Ofwrrmiro In Omaha - Ld.iThursday. . KM Origin Pnrclr American What Omntin Pcopln Jlatl to B Th nk pvlnp ! d y hnn rome nnd pone , lu 1A90 > in thp ath iUy of December , the HlgHm i-utlierx Inndnl In America , and Immcdintelr et nsiuV n day to bo observed In IhankHKtyltiK and faslln * . ThunkrtvtnK ; ; liar lias Mnee become u Keneral hol'.tUy In the l'nlti ' < a Mutes ; ft belm ; appointed first by the proldimt by pie liiiimttr.il. nfter which the Kovernnrs of tln > seyerul Mate * also Issue their proclamation to their own eoiistltuencv. The people of Ne braska had plenty to be thankful for : the crop * during the year have been pltnty und fruitful ! no epidemic him devastated the stiifanil no serious iiiTldents have ninrn-d the lecord of the four. Anioiii * tlu > many people of Oitmlmnon * had more cause to bo thankful on that dny than the faintly of Mr. Wlirir * . r.'cldlnc at the eovner of Twcnty-vlghth unil llunlrtto utreetn. i.mt .Inly lllanehe. n little tlviyi > iiiMill daughter of Mr. WIKKK. WHU tikiu nick with ncarlei fever. Shu -covered from the illt-oaso , but In B few dny afik-r nn al neem formed on her neck under tint rlchl eur. n chronic nb.-cf.ss that \MIH contin ually ill charRlni ? pus. . rhnnilc abscwts nppenra under various de.sfnii it lon.s , nuch ax o.ild.Kcro- f nlons or tuberciilou.s abscess , ll in one that la Blow In Us progress. Mr. Wlgis * . In talkltijt to thi ? reporter about th cnse , mild ! 'The alxTMi In thl.scuso was the result of the scarlet fever , clnonlcnbcessoiteii following such low forms of disease. The ilNchiirKe wus the most profuse nt nMit , often satnratliif ; the baudnff s Mne Mould put on It.Vo doctored for It from .Inly until September , nnd It w continually grow- IIIK worse , nnd we becaiuA herlously alarmed. I then notion ! tileadvcrtlfement * of lr . McCoy und Henry , und told my wife she had better take Illaiuhe nnd BO n > e them. She ( ltd and In one month tloy : hud her well , ns you HI O there U nothing left of It lint a MlKbt near that will noon be Kone ulM ) . " Mr.VlKl { - > called to a bright and nrettv Itlllo Rlrl who was plnylnc with her llltle brother and showed the reporter lhal her was us well us over 11 was. IIMNCIIE mans. Mr. Wlujts ri'Nlfio * at the corner of Twenty- 'luhth und llnrdetto streets , nnd wtll corrobor- ntu the above to any one doubting It. The following statement regarding Drs. Me- ? oy nnd Henry Is made UJKUI good authority : jjliHvilftMe fiiifimil i > h/ieutN | / ( mnr Itfrn in the rr.it. the u have tr ite < { unit rurf < f < iw alt I/IIIIM- / Wilcntennf ctitanli anil cliniuir. thniat mid lunfl nmliloi. nnil othtte nwat > JUT crnt hml fc n lectured and t'ranuunctit-dicuralile. " CATARRH DESCRIBED. The Hymptomg Attending that Disease Wilted liourts to ConHUinptlon. When raturrh hn.s ox IK ! oil In Hid head and the ippt-r part of thu throat for nny length of tlmo thu patient living In a district wlmro people ire subject to rnturrhul affection and tr.udlit- IIMhus been Ifft uncureil , the rntnrrb fnvarl- ilily , comet Inn's slowly , extends down the wind ilpo ami into'thn bronchial tubes , which tube- diivcy thu air Into the dlnVrent parts of UIH unijs. Tlm tubes become affected from the swelling and the mucous tirlNlng from catarrh , mid , in Mime Instances , bccomn plugged up , NO tint tlm air runnot ta't In us freely us It should. ihnrtni'ssof lirouth follows , und the patient iroathes with lal > or nnd dllUcnltv. In either c-aso them Is a sound of crackling nnd nhpezlnu Inxtilo the chj.st. At tills xtHgo of ho illst'iisu tbo lireatlilng In usually morn rapid hun when in bnalth. The pntleutlms also hot lushes over the body. Tlm pain which accompanies this condition 1.1 > f u ilull character , felt In the chest , behind the iroiiht bonu or under the shoulder blaile. The 1 Kiln limy conui anil go hint u few duys und .hen 1 bo absent for several others. The rough : hat occurs In the first stages of bronchial cu- nrrh Is dry. comes on at Intervals , bucking In character , anil IH nmiully most troublesome. In tlm morning nn rising , or going to bed ut night , mil It nmy be In Uio tlr.st evidence of the dlseiise extending Into the limps. Sometimes there are fits of coughing Induced ! > y the toniih mucus o violent us to CUIISH vom- itlm ; . Later on the mucus thut Is ralhrU u round to contain small particles of yellow mat er , which Indicates thuttliB mnull tubes In the uniKsuru imwauected. With this thuruuru of ten streaks of blood mlxeil with the mucus. la BOIIIB cases the patient becomes very pule , bus fever , und expectorate- ) before uny cough i > - i > eurs. In some cases small masses of cheesy imb- Ptaneo are spit up.which , when pressed Ixitweon the lliwrM , emit a bad odor. In other canes par ticles of a hard , chalky nature are spit up. The ralNlng of cheeky or chalky lumps ludlcutcs ae- rlons mischief nt work In the IIUIKS. in some cases catarrh will extend Into the ait * Inn few weeks ; In other cases It may ba months , nnd oven years , before the rtlseaseat- tucks the IniiKS biifllelently to euuso Horfoub In- terfercnco with the Keneral health. When the disease lias developed to unoli n point the pa- tlont Is said to bivn : euturrhul consumption. With bronchial catarrh them Is more or le.su f ver which diners with the dlllerent part * of the clay slight In the morning , higher In the afternoon und ovenlnK. SNEEZINCTCATARRH. What It nioariH , How It Act * , nod What It IK. You sneeze when J'ou ( ; et up in the morning you try to xnef/.o your none oil every time you nro exposed to tlm leu- ilruf t of air. Von have a fullness over the front of the forehead , und tint HIM ! feels its If tliero was a plim In each 110.1- ti 11 , which yon cannot dislodK' * . Vou blow your niisu until your enr.s crack , but It don't do any good , and thu only lesult Is that yon mirceitil In itettliiKUpa very red noou , und you KO Irrltata the llnlni ; membrane nf that origin that yon urn unable to bi-eathe through It at all. This Is a cor- lect und not overdrawn plctnru of on acute at tack of caturi h , or "Sneuzliig Cuturrh , " a It in railed. Now , what does thin condition Indlcntu ? 1'lrnt u cold that canse.s mucus to bu poured out by the ( jUnds In the none ; then tnnxn dlm-ased ylamls aie uttucked by BwariiH of little Hernia - the catarrh tierm thai tlout In the air In a lo cality wheio tnudlMpasn IK prevalent. These n- Imalcnliie , in their eltovu to llnd u lodgment , lirltatn the senltlvti iiiembruno lining of tlm nosu und nutiiiu undcitukc.s to rid herself of them by produclnu u tit of snri'/.lne. When the 110.10 become * tilled with thlckuued diseased mucus the nututal channels for the In troduction of air Into the IIIIIKS Is Interfered with , and the person so airccted mtixt liruatlici through thu mouth , anil by Mich means the On oat liecmiH'H parched und dry , xnorliiK Is I'liotluced , uml the cutarrhul illseahu nulni rcadr t < > iho thry.it mid lungs. DOCTOR J , CRESAP M'COY , Late of Hellenic Hospital , N. Y. , AND DOCTOR COLUMBUS HENRY HavuOIIUes 310-311 RAMGE BUILDING , Corner Ifttli and Hartley KlreetH , Omnhn , Nebraska , Where nil curable rases nro treated with sue- CUM. Medical diseases , treated hklllfully. Con. Mimptlon , Uriel's lllxcnxi' , Dyspepsia , Hhen- mutism , and all Niim : > us DIKKANKM. All ills- eases peculiar to thesexea u specialty. ( jATAimn CONSULTATION by muller nt ofnre , $1. Olllco ll < mrs-nto II u. ni ; Utoip.m ; 7to8n. in. Knnduy Included. Coriesnondewe receives prompt attention. Many dUeuM-n urn treated successfully by Urn. McCoy and Henry thronijh tlm malls , nnd It In thus poxslblH for thosn mmtile to make a Jour ney to obtain Huctvusrul hospital treatment lit their homes. No UtleiH ansvvired unless accompanied by Ic In stamps. AddresH ull letters to Ir ) . McCoy & Henry , ItooniH .11U uml : m Itumeu ItullUinu , Ou ' Nebraska.