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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY T3EE : MQNjDAY , NOVEMBER 28 , 1887 ; THE COUNTY SEAT OF OTOE , > * A Rovlow of Nebraska City's Busi ness Prosperity. THE YEAR AN EVENTFUL ONE. H mill the Iloaul oT Trade Con- xfnntl.v In llecc'lpt of lid- ILT.H I'roin Ciipllitllsls All Over Ilie Country. NVIiraHknOHv Jrrn < Mii and 1'ioipeetlve ' NrimtsKA Cm , Xob , Xov. UT. [ Coire- l > onduiico of the Hn . ] A lovIowofXe- binskii Cltj's ' business piospciltv for 1SST , mid Its goneiul advancement , must convince Hit- most Indifferent that il liu.s boon nothing less than plie-noinenul In nil things the 5ear bee-n nn eventful one for Nebraska City. The- business of the city has Increased enoi- tnoiisl.v , vast amounts of capital have been Invested in buildings nnd business enter- jiiiwn , new railroads have been constnii'ted , additional tcnitoij ope ni-el nnd the atte-ntion of the-c-ntiio counti.v IIHH buen drawn to our f.1-ncial iiniMirtanic XcbiasUa City's claims of fcolld growth mo backe-d by the fact that our manufacturing inteiests in the past Iwc'lvu inoaths have outstripped mo tiling that could reasonably have been expected , even lo the most hopeful. I'oi the Hist time noine H.vtttenmtio ntte-ntion has be-on given to this all iimloitant mutter und thu re-HUlt has proven that it was an clToit In the light diicction. MunufacUnus from all over thu countiy have come- hem in umsidoiablu num bers to personallj investigate the utj's cluims im thu fiituic manufacturing center of the wpst , nnd in nc'iiil.v every cnso have icaihc'd n favorable eoni-lnsion. Otheishavo deluged the sc-cictaij of the boaid of trade with letters for infoima- tion of the gcnoial facilities and ns to the encouragement otfc-rcil new rnnnu- fnctuiets The inteii'sts in this line that v/ill be ustnbllslied heio during Ibis will bring to Xebiaslta Uit.v n mint of inone-.v anil un unity of woiking ine-n The best uclv an- tali's nro offeied hero to nianufaetuiets which cannot bo lesistinl a variety of i.ivv tniiteiial in abundance nnd most excellent transKitation | ) fai'ilitu-s nnd thu proximity of thu | Hipulution who use inannfaetuied niti ties. Tlio time is coining when established InstitutioiiH 1n the east w ill bt > unable to com lute in thu we-ht with com01 ns located hen- , mid IIH n eonseiiuc-iHO manynio moving in this diieetion , anil Xc hi.utka Citv is seeming hiTHuute. It is not iinieMsonablo to believe- that within the mt live .vean Xebi-askn Citv will i'XK.'iitiicc | ! the mobt muik''d iiiuco- lial adviinc-umuit and ilui u close into for second place In thcstato. All our coininc-r i i".l tnteicsts will dc-vi'lo ] ) in u manner Unit will suipiiso uvc'n those who aio the most nangninu believers in the luturo greatness of the city. Tlio business mon of XebmsUa City aio liberal in thuii encouragement of new enterprises - prises and aio alwa.vs ieurti with substantial bupDoit , knowing that tlie-.v me onlv making un investuient Unit is eoitain to biiug won derful ii'tin ns An.v c lass of inanufactuiers , Jiieanlng business can ic-ec-ivo n hcait.v vvel- coiuo from Xebiaska City in thu waj of encouragement. Our two gieat parking houses nro now in 'lull opetatinn. under e\iellunt imitiageinent and with millions of nmne.v backing them. All. John Tnefel , of St Louis , has asstimi-d thu miinage'inc'iit ot the Missotii i Kive-r parkIng - Ing house , nnil pi onuses to make ; this house Hccoml to none in the state. The two house's me at picsent killing H.IXXI hogs per dav anil expect to ineicuM ) the number U the.v can be obtained. Xc-bi.isU.i Cilv has : i leioiel of : ilXHH ) , ( > hogs kilh-d last season and will moio than double ) it this season. The new pae king r lioti e which is to belinill ne\t spunjj will bo 1 Joevte'd noithvust of the citj , nnd it is said Will be linger than either one hero now. ' Any one einistloning the lumber of Xo ' braHUa Citv's population should bo satisfied with the ilgmes shown b.v the ne'Weliiectoi.v , iiscoinpiled b.v Mi I1 X 1C Oi ft , of Omaha The book contains sevenil hunched moio names than miv other dinctoiy in the stnto outside of Omaha and Lincoln , and shows' an Iniiease in oui population of 111010 than IIH ) poi cent in the past two .veais , 01 about inOiK ) inhalntnnts sni It men ns H. H. II. ClaiU , 1 H. Weuil , Mi Hnilimit , andotheis who H'c'ogni/o a glowing eitj w hen the.\ see ono , pic'dict that in two .vcuisinoic' Xebiaska Cit.v will have -"i.lHHI ( leople , and time will IITOVC oven theii picdictions an undeiesti- inati1. The mon at the he-ad of oui pi ospc-i ity know no obstacles and the fntuio inipoitunco of Xe-bnuka Cit.v is foit'oidaincd. Commeni'ing tn dav. the Missouri Pae-inY inad bv this cit.v will bo utili/ed as tlie mam lnii > . something of cnnsicU-iablo impoitanco lo Xc-btasKa Cttj It is also undoitttood that nn cxtia pnsscnge-i tiain will soon bo i.uu on tills i-iiacl between Anbnin and Oinulia The U it M. has i--ned , a new time table to KO into c-ffi'i t this week , and the new an aiige- tnents will give Isobiaska City two daily | ussengi-r tialns to Lincoln , with better nrminiiiiidiitliiiis than hc-rotofoio a matter Hint will bo appreciate d bj our citizens. It Xv ill also give neoplo along the road an on.oi- ; lunity to visit Xi-biaska Citv uivl return liomo the same dav. somi-lhiug tliey could , hot do before , to the rlKidv.uit.igo of thu , 'llty. 1 The best ovrticne-e of XclirasV.a Cltj's ml- Vftiicement is the piosjie-iitj of its nevvs- hiipeis The Hvi'iiing Xc-ws , which has re- , iontly passed its thnt.v-thiid nnnivei-saiv bnd is now under mnv and alilo mnnagcmeut , Is making rupiel sti ides towaitlsmctropolitnn- jfun. Tlio paper has been enlarged twice Ivithin a veiv shoit lime- , and aiiaiigements TWO being pel foetc-d to put inhtcicot.tpmgand j-lec-tiot.vping maihini-H , and n gencaialen- * inigument of the business , The Morning 1'roAK will build ulai go htl nc tin o of its own In the hpiing , new inatei ial , new pi esses and tin entno new papei ate' pminiscd fiom that iiQli'o in the not distant fntuie. Tlio Times , lui Inilependeiit e-v ening paper but tw o } eai s Did , bus c\peiliiiec-ii n HIIC'CCKS as ilii'iionieniil as the giowth of the ntv tuelf , and tills a Held ot usefulness with iredit to the cit.v The Slants Xeitting. a Uoiinan vveekH , has iecentlv nicieased its .acilitles and onhugc-cl the paper , and occu- iles the handhomest ciflke's In the state , out- Ido of Oiiiaha and Lincoln Hesldes these ho Wate'hinaii , foi meil > a monthly , i now KKtieil Mini montltl.v , and two monthlies , the Pnulti ) Kuvtovv and tlio Autogiaph , mo ' Knowing prospc-iit.v A demoeiatie Oeimaii \veeklj , and dalU htaatselliini ; are among lliopiomlxc'd fntiuvs The vvoikon thu new C'ldoago , Huillnglon & IJlllne.v biidge \u-oniessing \ nlcelj. Tlio past giado is c'ompli ted and the npprouili on lire \vest \ aldo is also nc-ai l.v tlnlxlicil. Ov or 0 undred men aio at pie ent emplojcd tVbout the liricl-n. ( Colonel Solnviiul , of the boaid of tiade , a few da.vs npo ix-ccivcd H letter from a gentle tnan in London , 'HnRlaiid , interested in num erous nmnfactu ! ing inteijinses , and with capital to invest , asking for general Informa tion regal ding Xcbraska , and Xebraska Cit.v In luutifulur A number of capitalists from Cansas Cltj wen > brie the past week and inVested - Vested laixolj in ix-al estate' , und sovcial ot thorn havu aniiounctd their intentions of doing somci extensiv o building In the spi ing. , trho outlook for XcbiaskaCitv'sfutuio grows l > rghtei ! eveo dav , nnd with the opening of spring the citv will astonish the world with some veiy solid giow iiif A Dowponclciil Wllo AtH-inptrt Siilclcle. PI.IM Cm ric , Xeb , yov ii * [ Special Tole- r.ini to the Hru ] A woman named Wilson , % vlfo of H. A Wilson , n photogiapher , at tempted fcuk-ldo jesteida.v bj taking n dose Of opium nt her lodging In this city The rffecU of the drug wcio overtome , however , ly walking the would IK > hiilc-Ido for several tiourft. The cause of the attempt Is said to bo the uveptlon of n letter fiom her hiubnud , vholsbupposcdtobuhoinewheiu In Mlssouii , etHtiug thutho had cc'iucd n divorce from fier. Wilson's icimtatlon Is not of thebeat hero and it is eh.iiKcd that ho Is now llv inn \vltlt n woman who was formerly icsUlcnt of tlilh citynnd\vlioomo months ago seemed odivoix'o from hci husband In the dUti let pourt , tJioTicasiirrr's Ottlco. PI.UM CiiL'FKj Neb , Nov. ST. ( Siteela1 Ttfloginni to the UetTho ' ofllec ol the * ounty tre.isuier lit tlio court house wa- tied. The thlct effected un entninct i a window , fucccssfuny woikcd tin combination on the rault door aiid walked off with M30 in cash. Ouo liutldred uucl llftcfn dollars belongot ] to the deputv triusurvr , tIn \ > In loose ehangn to the county und the balance to the I'lunib Cieek liuUdllig and Loan a'tso- elation. ' 1 hero Is no clue us to the thief but It Is the ptcvaillng opinion that lie was solnc- one well iosted ) ns to where the funds were und who iiad the lock combination all tight. AX INDIAN INNOVATION. Two HnviiKi1 I'llsoiiriH Allnck In .lull nnd then Hnlolilc. GirMUM , Mont. , Xov , lit. [ S | eelal Telo- giain to the Ui r. ] Helwcen 1 and 5 o'clock Satin day morning tlneo Slouv Indians , named ringer-Xull , SiUlng-ln-rront and Pete Matthews , i onflncd in the jail hcie for hoi so stealing , made an attack on two white prisoncis Theli wea | > ons weietableknlves , u pair of scissors nnd common chairs , with which tbc jail was supplied. After Inflicting serious wounds on the whlto prisoners , ringer-Xail and Klttinp-ln-rront htinged themselves in their roll with the bunk straps. They were assisted by Polo Matthews , who , after thej committed the deed , tiled to butt his brains out against the walls of the jail , but was secured by Sheriff Tuttle and several other persons The two Indians who hanged themselves Mabbed themselves all over their bodies before - fore icsortlng to hanging Talescc ) Snla- imno , an Italian , who was tonllucd on u charge of burglaiy , was stabbed In seveial places , and the couutj phvslclan does not ex pect him to live until morning. The other prisoner , L < II Ttuck , waiting the action of the giand Juty on a ehaigu of tape , was stabbed and jwundcd over the head w Ith chairs in the hands of the Indium. He ic- gained consciousness Into this aftei noon ami ouli leniembered that the Indians attacked him with knives , after which he became nn conscious. The doctoi sajs ho will iccover with proper care. The Indians tried to statve themselves to death several months ago. nnd after remarking that they 'would not live to be tried for hoi so stealing during the teim of eouit which commences Mondav , the.v had thcii war paint on and no doubt the assault was premeditated. The piisomis appeared Jolly nnd contented last evening when the jailer made his rounds. The.v vveioullowed too mucli liboity , neither one of the cells being locked , onlj the outside door of the c age The.v had ace ess to all the c ells , nnd the Indians waited until thev thought the w bite pi isonei s slept the soundest The c 01 oner's inquest lendcied the following void . "That the1 said Indians ing n t. , Finger- Xail and Sitting-in-riont , eamoto thcii death bj stiangulntion at their own bund& . " AVjomlnjr CIIM FSVIW.vo . , Xov. 27. [ Special to the Hi r ] living in the vicinity ot the Poit Wtteiinan wood leseivntion aio annovedbj mountain lions which destioj joiing calves nnd colts During the past month Uinta county has paid out * - ! ' ) for bounties on animals They were nearly nil huge animals , forty-one bear Re alps being r.inoug the trophies. Tei i itoi nil Geologist Hickctts sav s that the oil spiingsof Uinta county produce oil which is 'JOtl per cent better than the best oil of the Pennsylvania llelds Moieworkis being done1 to develop thooil mteiests of W.v- oiiiing tliun the most sanguine oxpetted a jc-ai ago. Latamio City is to have a new hotel which will sin pass m size and convenience nuv on the line of the Union or Cential Pac ifio loads from Omaha to San Trancisc-o It is to be built by u stock company and will cost Soineof the Ciouk county nine hmcn have been experimenting with new ciops this sea son. One of them succeeded in raising u tine jield of peanuts. They grew with scat cely anvcultivation. It is the pievuilitif ? opinion of AV.voming stockmen Innt the coming winter will be u mild one , and that lange stock will fate bet- er than for several vears past. lav is \ . Choato shipped two ear loads of mises this week fiom their Owl eieek ranch , near Cho.vcnne , to Hoston , Mass. i\mong the lot weie a number of line i mining lorses , ono of them being Climax , thow inner ot the Chc'ienne club cup Turnout eonnt.v papeis complain that them 11 ono mini facilities fen cential and noith- ivestein Wvoming. The mail lontes can bo minted on tin * Hngcisof one hand , and the aeihties the.v otlei foi the piemipt and lelu- lie distiibntion of mail matter uio exces- sivel.v meagci. Tlic > Xoithwestern i.iilicmd thieatens to give the town of Glcniock tlio go bj. The nil of the tiac'k is at Wohott , about a mile , vest of Glcniock. wheio a depot , side track md nn engine house will bo constiucted. The town of Gleniock , the site of which is vvnccl bv a coal company , will not bo given a station , the i.nlioad company having un- louni I'd its intention of building up Wolcott nstead. A hunting paity composed of Geneial latch , connnnndor lit IToit IJobmson , Xcb , leneial Ciook. ,1. S Collins and Mr. Ilobnan ) f Oinaliu anhed at Glenuick this week , 'iringiag ndlng horses , wagons , Lear tiaps nnd foiage foi n ten dajs' tri ] ) to the head of Sand creek foi the purpose of hunting bear .mil elk. The Mccioctse saw mill , in the 11 1 , * Hoin uis'.n. is doing an cnounous business , having sawed T. > ,0X ( ) fc * t of timber and 50,000 hhiiigles "n the last two months. Tlio timber cut on the Moeteetso is unmenso. From ono ti cu was sawecj llvo logs , the shoitest being foui- teen feet long and the largest equaling tlneo feet. feet.Tho The flist shipment bv rail of the Gleniock 'oal ' was inado by the De'er Cieek coal com- panj rilduv nioinlnglast. The consignnient onsihted of six c'aiscontnining ten tons each. The compan.v expects to ship ISO tons dinlj. The ti oops rctuining to Tort IcICinney from the Ciow icscivation , nv that moio Indians weie killed than icjiorteil to the war depaitment and the eastein imjiers They also shite the expedition was anything but a pic ulc. ISuftalo i iti/ens held n public meeting to oiganbo a boaid of trade. Wishing to icpie- hont its ehaiacter bi some thoioughlj west ern name1 , a me inber proposed that the insti tution Im called the "Git Thar" association An nmendmcnt to add the word "I'll" was accepted , and the "Buffalo Git Thar Kll Uoaid ofTnide" will bo the euphonious name of the association piovided the geneial incmbei ship latillcs the action of the public meeting. _ SnrvivorH of the ( ) \ Corel. [ rnijifiilW | / / liu Juinc * fiimlcH Hciinetl , ] Pi IMOITII , Xov " [ Xcvv yoik Herald Cable S | > e' to the llLi'l The mate and appi entice of the Hntish Oxfoid , which was wiecke'd on the Island of Lugon off Manilla during the t.vphnon of September 10 , in i iv ed at their home hcio in the , this evening. The mate expiessod to the Herald eon ospomient tho" belief Unit H M. S. Wuspmust have foundeied in the same t.vphoon The ndmlialty seem to have otll- eially ai lived at the same conclusion , for bOino families of these on boaid have had en- nulilcs nnido to them which show' that the ndmiialtj aic to pension them. lolieit.v'n Victim Dion. [ Cnpj/j fyi ? ( tWf by Jamr * Gnnlon Ihnnttt. ] IOMOV ) , Xov. ' - ' " [ Xew Yoik Ileiald Cable Special to this Hi E.J Giaham , who was shot by Doheity , died at tlio hospital Sunday The latter will inevitably bo con- vie ted of murder. Ite-fusecl tooecpl the Drrorntlein. Puns , Xov 2i" Ceilonel Webb , an Ameri can icsidentof Palis , has refused , in cense queued of the scandals , to acvejit the cioss ol the Spanish oulcr of Isabella , the Catholic , fin whlcbhnhad ugrcc-d to jiaj the sum ol ( Tin ) The man who obtained it thcrcuioii | sueul the colonel The case was dismissed .Vi' ! > tc-rday , the c-ouit holding that thoconti act was an one. An M. 1 > . Ki-slgns. I.OSHOV , Xov. 27. Charles Cnrmlchne' ' Lncaita , member of parliament for Dundee liberal and homc-niler has icslgiu l , us IK sajs , becatiso ho cannot uteadily supiviil Gladstone , who , by his Immedialo attitude , hindciH the Blunting of homo mlo tc 11 eland. A Miinli'rvr Sulclilcu. C \\TOII , O. , Nov. ' 'r. Coin ad Dell , 01 tinil for tbo raurdcr ot hi * wife and Mc | > son c-onlniittod s'liciclo .lu. his tell ut tlio count : jail ! a-tnit-'ht by hansius himself with a 8h9ct NOT A ijAitoit or ii .Severe friticlninoi'Dr. I'nrkcr , Ilccoh- er'.s Ciiloglst. Xr.vv YOIIK , Xov. 2 * . [ Special Telegram to the Htn.j Mr. Kljiley Hopes , tieasuter of the Heechcr monument fund , In sinking of certain rc | > orts regiudinR Dr. Parker and the Hfexher eulogy , which hnve been given wld publicity , said : "It looks us though Dr. Parker's eulogy upon Mr. llecehcr was u matter of business and Tiot u labor of lov e I expected to get 0IKX ) perhaps * JV)0 ( ) fiom Major Pond I nm fico to confess that I inn still wiittlnir , but mv , hoi > c3 of u lurgo amount me not great now. " A paper ticats the nffulr ns n gieat public It quotes from Dr. I'm ker's famous ointlonthe follow ing vvorils : 'Weie some other man to claim this honor on the ground of stipeilor genius , he should have It Instantly , with mv heart's absolute- content , but no mini shall take it from moon the plea for l.nger love To mv task I hi Ing cutlio love. If love may speak , mv speech is leadv. Today wo pa.v the toil of love. " It then comments on him In the following oath leal vein "Words me cheap some times Thewoids above quoted , however , e heap lu ono souse , lire cle-ar In another Cheap hi their essential emptiness , dear in what they cost the Heec her monument fund , Dr. Parker's fee for deliveiing the eulogv , Di. Paikei's and Mis. P.nkci's trips at high lutes from Kmopo to America , the unaicei- tnlncd amount of their board In the Catskllls foi a month , the sum Dr Paiker got Will for selling the copyi ight of the oration U > the Hiulielorsvndlcate , the bill of foi live dn.VH' boaid nnd llvo meals per day a la carte at the Hotel St Geoigo heio and the un- speHlled 'Incidentals' Words arc cheap when jou consider how much they may signify , vvoids nio dear when \ou consider how much they may cost " Ph mouth chuich | ) eople talk of demundlng an itomi/cd nee omit of Dr and Mis Parker's expenses In visiting lirookhii. The < M charged for passage Is thought to be excessive. LcUmil hotel , Chie.iyo. SOUTH OMAHA Nn\VS. W. H. Giay , of Kansas City , was in iho eit.v .vesteulay. 12 F. Keefe , of Chicago , is in town. P. K Kills , of Omaha , was in the city jes- teiclav. L C. Johnson , of Sewnid , Xeb , was In town .vesteidn.v. T Hrooks , of St. Louis , is nt the Stock KM hange Twent.v-llve care of hogs weie lecclved esteidaj. The new depot was occupied for the llrst line veaieidav , mid is n gieat iinpiovcmcnt ) \ei the old aiiangemcnt. tiainp named John Sinter was found nbout two miles below Albright's .vosteidav noining with his feet and hands badlj fro/en. Ho said he lost his vvav In the storm , iccauie chilled and sat down to icst and was lOon asleep Ho awoke , ho thinks , about 10 lYloek. and managed to keep alive until dav- ight bv cxei ting himself greatlv. He is now at u farm house near the place vvheie he was ncked up , but will be taken to Omaha to-day or to-moiiow. Personal Paragraphs. N. A. Keid , Hud O.ik , lu. , is at the \Vindsof. "VVilliuiH A. Irons , Philiidolphiii , is at he Milliirel. .7. W. Smith , St. Paul , Minn. , ib ut ho Millnrd. C1. I1. Slovens , of Tort Liiramic , is at ho Windsor. .T. , T. Donahoo , of St. Paul , IS'cb. , ib at ho Windwii' . M. R. Campbell , Osccola , la. , is at , ho Windsor. M. HtMlprc and wife , of Cincinnati , O. , nrc > ut the Windsor. E. W. IliH has returned fiom a tripe o Colorado for the inipiovoment of liib u > alth. Mr. and Mrs. Lconsiid Grovor. jr. , and Mis. Cora Tan nor , of Now York , arc at ho Millard. lion. G. M. Lamberton , Lincoln , is at hu Millard , leady to shirt f or "Wu-jhi nfj- on n- < soon us the Lincoln ma.vor und cit.v council have boon incnrcor.itc'd. .1. A. Williams , freight ajjent of the Missouri Paeilic. luu > rotninod fiom a wuc'k's tiij ) to Chicago , whore ho hud a consultation witli fi eight mon and rail- loaders in { , poiioi al. StoleMcCormick'H Ovorcont. J. S Me'Conuick , living at Xo. 20. ! Xoitb l ighteenth street , hung bis oveicoat , of leaver lining and cuffs , on a nail in the hall of his bouse and lelt the fiont door unlocked. While his attention was otbeivviso engaged a sneak thief inado way with the garment , and at last accounts hud not been ejuptui ed. Gathering in The police have detei mined tovv ipo out the sti cot beggars , and jestcidny the work was inauguiateel by Otllcei-s Dcmpscyand Hradv. wlio pulled in ono William Dailov , un invi'teiato "jian-handler. " Witnout doubt Dailei will put in the winter at the county jail. _ A Texas /cphj r's A1 ork. MINLOIA , Tex. , Xov. 2T. Late last night u heavy wimistoim visited this town , blowing down a liall during u colored people's dance. Of seventy in the building 1lvo weie killed and about twent.v mjuicel. Sixof thoinjuml have leg or arms bioken. John htctmm Itohhcd. HOSTON , Xov. 27. John Stetson was robbed e-arl.v Sund.u moining of jcvvi'lri valued at $ -V'llO bj a tlne'f , who enteied his apartments. lie Lilic-rlaii Ilsslcin Vnriinl. siuvmoN , Xov. 27.--Chaile > s II. .T. Taj lor , minister to Libeiia , has icsigned. tinnier and Suicide- . Ciri , [ Xov. 27. Hcni.v Kbeitshot Ins wife nnd himself to night , The woman ih and Kbeit will not live. TERRIBLE TALE OF THE SEA. KK Sailors In an Open HOnt N'caily li Iv en to CaiinlliallMii. Now York lloi aid : In an open boat , fur out lit tea , their vessel sunk , their captain , mate and f-oino of their com- liidi's enc to the bottom , without feeder or water , nearly btarvi-d and almost f i antic with thiiit it would bo haul to piei.ont a moio tluillintr'iiictiuo of mis- or.v than tliat hiillorecl by the six hui- vhois of the Norvvoffian bark Aufnista , wlio arrived in Now York o the bark Union , fiom Pernambuco , jc toidaj. They worodjinn by im'hos whou Iho Union rescued thorn and had neiuly do- cidi'd to ca t loth to see who should bo Killed to furnish food for his famibhed mates. The Auprusla , a vessel of 7 "i7 tons , commanded by Captain Me.vor , left Swansea for Aspinwall , with a cni o of patent fuol. She was manned by fifteen tiblo hcnmpn , hoxiilos n cabin boy , who \vii ! > luimiiii to bo u tin * . The earlier part of the vojajje vva romarlcably fair nnd was attended by mimoiou calms that tended to delay the vessel's pro- On the morning : of October 14 , w lion in latitude 1U decjiecs , longitude IS do- pices , the wind ficshonod and by ! ) o'clock a jjnlo was whistling through the riffKintr from the east. Sail WIH rapidly i educed and the bhip t-cuclded on her way with two men at the wheel to hold her steady. At C o'clock the vessel was hove to , some canvas was rove on the mi//en rijigiitfr and the wheelmen managed to keep tlio ship's head to tlio huge sea * . The bpare bpur on the main deck bioko lee o soon after this and worked hiuoo. TJio bulvvurks , lxth ) port and starboard , \voro torn fiom the vessel fiom the poop to the forecasllo , part of which was IIMJ carried ovcrboaid. Two sailors in the v\ay of the clashing timbers wore liuit , but managed to gain the poop. "All bunds to t-h" 'H'kfV" * 'as tain Mejor's ordr / , ( nd lie Bet the example - ample hiiiKolf bv iminnitig one , ] ) .u- tially la hlng himself thereto. The eievv froon found It Impossible lo work the pumps In thl > ri'gular way , and by the eaptuin's ordtir Ihoy worked tiioni from tlie poop by inenns < of topes. So tlie night wire away and the mom- ing of the loth duwned. Tlie wind had by thin ttino moeleiuted. but there was a tioinoiidoiH ou runiiing. One of the s-mull boats wax caught by a billow and literally .smashed into fiag- ments , which were carried away on the nevtvvave. At S o'elouk the men pur- took of some food with heavy heartsnot knowing but that it was tlie last meal they would eat. The foienoon woio slowly away. Tlio captain and men got Home eases of bread anil preserved moats fiom the cabin atid placed them on the poop , intending to take the boats. Two cases of bread , a lot of presoived meats , but no water , had been placed in the lifeboat , which the men tried to launch at 1 o'clock. At this time a huge wave struck the Angus-la , which had breiached to and wa l.v ing in the trough of the sea. The wave can ied Captain Me\vor. the Hist male and ono seaman , wlio weto stand ing aft , overboard. The weather house over the wheel followed them , and the mate was seen to clumber upon the loof. Nothing more was been of gallant Cap tain Mo.ver or thoseaman. Onlj two men were left on Iho bail : , and they at once leaped into the seaand weto drawn into the small boat. The boaUt were neaily full of water , and two men were constantly kept bailing. The cabin beiy , wlio was at tltst thiovvn into the small boat wanted to gain the life boat , and , jumping into the water , struck out for her. Mate Fulthohn and his men. live in number , in the small boat , could not tell w bother the lad over roachetl the1 other boat. When the last two men to leave the sinking burl : had gained the small boat and she was turned heael up to tlio seas till on board looked toward the They weie just in time lo sec her jib- boom disappear beneath the vvater. She had gone dovvn in tlie twinkling of an , and tlio men hud left at the \er.v last possible moment. Not a bignwas boon of the weather house on which the ( list mate had climbed. Tlie men in the sniall boat made an etToit lo gain the side of the lifeboat , with the intention of lashing the two together , but the high seas made this impossible. Night closed in , and the boats drifted fui thor and further apart. By da.v lighi nothing was ocn of the lifoboa't , and the six shivering men in the smaller eiaft found themselves on a waste of sea without a sail anjwhero in sight. In the boat was a bucket containing sen bise'uit. There wns albo a small quan tity of ham and a little vvater. This was dealt out , each man receiving once per day a half of a boa biscuit , a little ham and a verj small allowance of water. Itvvasonl.v enough to stimulate their hunger. Aiedshiitwas laised on the mast for a bignal , but day after day wont by and no sail was seen. A small bag of petroleum was hung over the boat's bow to quiet the sea.The wind did not blow so haul , but the seas still rolled high < Sometimes they hoisted u small thiee cornered suil. and then the men would take turns rowing , in the hope of sighting some passing ssol. But time went on , andon the morning of October 22 the provisions were en- tirolj exhausted. Tlio last morsel had , been eaten and the very last diop of water drunk. The men looked ut o.ich other in de- pair. They had been hungry before , but now hunger and thirst began to be felt Keenly. What v.ere they to do ? they asked one another. Then one pio- po-ed as a last lesoi hat they east lots to see who should bo killed to soivo lib food for the others. IFis comrades gaed at him sternly , but their hunger made the proposal look h'-s hoirible ? than it otherwise' would have seemed. The second mate bteinl.v lefu-ed to .sani'tion the cabling of lots or to have aught to do with it. lie preferied to die rather than live by eating his fellow men. Besides , lie argued , there was no Knowing how near succor might bo and if it came after one had been bacti- liced it would scorn nothing short of minder. His talk had the desired ef fect , and the men eoncludeel to put olT the matter until the following day. Their siillorings gievv intense as night closed in and still no sign of the looked for sail. Still the men tool ; their tuin at the oarb. thenigh their ejes woie bloodshot and their tongues thick and wollen. s"Wntorl Water ! " was the cry , and theie wab water all around , but "not a chop to drink. " Slowlj the night faded and the light of a now moi ning daw nod. Tovvaul noon a sail was been , anil the i eel shit t used for a signal was eagerly hoisted. It was a buik going fiee , but she Kept on her couiscand the momon- turj hope that hud buoyed the men gave way to despair. Again the btib- jeet of casting lots came up , but it was bet aside for jot one moie day. The 2Uh ciime. Thorp was not so much sea running and bail was made on the little eiaft. She had boon leaKing all the time , and the men took tin ns in lulling. In the afternoon another sail was seen about four miles away. Only the lojals appeared at first , then her lower .vaids , and finally a full riggcel bark loomed into view. Oh , joy ! she was coming tovvaid thenUp wo'nt the ied shirt , and its nigged tatteis waved , , in the air. But the slowly passed. In despair the men fell on their Knee's ami pinyoil for deatli to end their buf ferings. But suddenly the mate saw the bark go in 'sta.\s. Slowly she came about nnd in le s than tvventj minnteb the Union , was no other , was close to the boat. The bindy tars on boaid had to help the survhois to the Union's decks. Their parched lips could bcuicoly omit a bound und they could not stand alono. Captain Petejif-on and hib jyiyvv ga\o the men every attention , auiiqvhuti the Union un h cd yesterday tltjit "hud nearly ic- eovored. > \ J'5 /rheioisilot tho. Rjlg tcst tidings of Iho lifeboat and horjww' of bix men , Mate FoUhohn bajsihuw ) was notadiop of water onboard ofclieJfjund unless , they vveio locuued .soonerittiuu the occupants of the small boat they must have gone mad fiom thirst. , 11 Ucnntil'iil lidrnc. , Seven-room novv 'op ! M't every modem convenience ) , south and oust front , on corner , c\r : Jfyo b.v tlio door , line neighboi hood. Price 8(1,000 ( , , half cash. Special barWifl , , ' , t.l alien & Co. , ' Solo Agents. Dr. Hamilton Walton * , Magnetic Phy sician and burgeon , Hoom 8 , Ciounbo block , cor 10th and Capital avo. Chronio and nervous diseases a specialty. Tele phone 014. Don't Pall lo VIMt. Hospo's Art and Music store for fine , artists' materials , etchings , engraving's and elegant fiamos. Two-seated family sleighssmall body or Portland , Pailin , OrondorflMur - tin Co. . . . j Horsoq Ixwrded $ \ & month. Pioneer Lhery Stable , Honmu & Torry. See cutterbTnll sl > 7csut P.irlin , Oion- dorlt f- Martin Co. C , ' bcfoio ment is biol > en. STORY OF A STRANGE CAREER , Llfo nnd Dotvth of Thomna Francis Mcnghor Recalled. EARLY DAYS AT VIRGINIA CITY. Act Ing ( iovcrnoi- loiiliinn Highly Conncoled In Xcvv Yoik Com- iniindcr ol' the 1'ainonu lilsh Helena , Mont. , Coriespondenco New YorkWoild : 1 have scinched the uich- ives for traces of the genius of Thomas Francis Meagher which might thiow Home light on hiscaieerin Montana and lift the veil of mjbleiy whieh buiiounds his death. It is u stt iking lellection on the emptiness of fame that compara tively few people know who Thomas Piancis Meaghor was. and ntill fewer who know that he was tlie acting gov- IM nor of tlio teriitory. and that the patriotic ring of omo of his messages and state papers called forth the aelini- latioii of the eastern journals of the day. Virginia C'ity , the scone of his hist ex ploits , then tlie capital of the territory , swarming with life and activity , is now a deserted and sle-epy village. A stage leaves Dillon , a shipping point for cat tle and wool on the Utah & Noi thorn railroad every morning atiI0 ( : ! and lolls into Virginia'Clty at sundown. For the last eight miles of the journey the road runs along the left bank of Alder Gulch. Twenty .vears ago this gulch which embraces the foot slopes of two long , icgulur mountain ranges , was the highest placer mining district in Montana , and an an army of gold hunt ers sallied foith evor.v moining and te- tired at night to squander their "dirt" at the gaming table or in e-arousing and revelry. To-daj the gulch is deserted , except for the pieseneo of a few nonm- dic Chinamen , who mabo soon wash ing gtavel in the dilapidated sluice | jc\es that still i emain , in the hope of discovering u btray tin cad or nugget of gold. The town lies tip in the hills at the end of the gulch , and consists of some toleiably decent frame houses and a good many tumble-down shacks. In the early elajsii courthouse of some pio- tens'ions was built , and that still 10- mains , the only cnduiing monument in the town. There is still standing on ono of the side sti cets leading into the main thoioughftue u small , one-story frame structuio , whieh was occupied in more piosperous dajs as a banking house. Adjoining this General Moagher had liisollieo and passed much of his time while acting governor of tlie territory. All the okl-tiincrs had de serted the place. I was unable to dis co * or any one who could enlighten mo , but aseoi tained the names of some of those who wore intimate with Genoial Meagher , and returned to Helena. Ileie I interviewed Maishal W. F. Wheeler , the librarian of the Montana , Historical society , a newspaper veteran whoso volubio reminiscences' of "Sunset" Cox's llrst political campaign in Ohio relieved the monotony of a three dajs' unavailing search among the news paper liles in the Historical society rooms. All the copies of public prints covering the period of Meaghcr's resi dence in the teiritory have been do- stio.ved b.v lire ; and the few facts I have been able to gather hav e eomobui dened with prolixity and confusion , through the meagie und obscure iccollei'tions of the old-timers. Kvoiy one familiar with the history of the lobollion has heard of the famous lush brigade which Meagher com manded through the thickest of the bat tles for the union and in the dtuKest hours of national peril. When the war broke out ho was engaged in the prac tice of law in New York City and hud an oillce in Ann sti eel. He laid down his volumes of BlacKstone and opened the pages of Vauban. Emerging fiom the quiet atmosphere of his law oillce , ho called upon his couiitr.vinen by proc lamation ami in public speech to rally to the defoiiho of Iho union , and they respondeel to the call onthusiasticallv anil in gratifjing numbeis. Tliiougli the battles of Fair Oaks , Richmond , Manassns , Antic'tam , Fiedoricksburg and Chancollorsv ille the brigade fought , coming from the held of Clmncollors- ille straggling and wear.v , thoj omnant of the In ave lighting material that had Hashed their swoids amd won the praises of McClellan at Fair Oaks and Rich mond. Geneial Prim romaiked after the battle of Fair Oaks that he did not wonder the brigade fought so well , "for , ' said ho , "their clieois areas good as the bullets of other men. " Meagher inspired his men with bin ex hilaration ol spirits and constantly in fused them with now courage both by vvoid and deed. Where he ordered them to chai go ho was the Hist to lead and last te > letient. His hem ing us a soldier was the subject of nnivei-nl ad- miiationand he himself was the idol ot his mon. After the war President Johnson , in iccognition of his sorvie s , tondoied Meagher the eerotarv-hip of Montana territory. Ho armed in ViiginiaCity , the seat of the government , at the close of the hummer of lM > ri. Goveinor Kd- gerson , who was about to leave the tor- ritor.v for some months , isucd a procla mation appointing Goneial Meagher acting governor in his absence. Mea- gher's ilist otlicial act was to call to gether the legislatuie for the purpo-o of voting supplies for the expense of the gov eminent. His constitutional right to do this was immediately called in question b\ the politicians nnd the pi osi opposed to him. Ho himsedf at llrst doubted his right to call the legis- latuio , but , on consideration ho dociilcel to taKe the stop and defended hit ( ouiso with his usual ability in his message and in a speech doli'veiod at u demo cratic convention shoitly afterwards. Meaghor , it is known , had some dilli- cuUy with tlie politicians in the terri tory. The true inwaidnoss of tliis it is now impossible to ascertain , but it is not unlikely it grow out of the sharp lines that weio diawn between the not them and bouthcm sjmpathi/eis and the acerbities whieh were life at the cloo of the great conflict. Both sides wished to claim him , but Mea- ghor's btand was decided and uncom promising. In answer to the politicians whoso h.Miipathies woio with the north and who cavilled bee'aiibo Meaghor ap pointed southern mon to olllco , ho told them that the boldior of the south , hav ing heroically fought for yeais , had now loweicd his colors and sheathed his bwoid ; that the spirit in which ho Miriondered , as well a * the spirit with whieh lie fought , entitled him to respect , honor able coiisideiation , and the fianK confi dence of Ills late adversaries. The war over , ho , for one , "would not have planted thorns in tlio giaves whoio the olivAhnd taken loot. " And so ho defined - fined his coin-so , frankly nnd honestly , but unflinchingly. For some time before - fore the accident which resulted in his death Goneial Meaghor tontoni plated resigning his position. Tlio salary of his ollico was too beauty to justify him in retaining it. Ho hud indeed been waited upon by u committee of the lead ers of his own party , tendering him the nomination of delegate to congress and ottering to defray all the expenses of the campaign. The nomination would have been equivalent to election , for the ilomocititle paitv was overwhelm ingly domlnent in the' territory. But Meaghor declined the ptotToroil honor in geneious tones , which , however\vere tinged with melani'holy. sa.vlng that lie was too poor to enter upon tlie duties of a delegate to congiess and suppoit an establishment in kccplnir with the social position It would necessarily en tail at the national capital. He in tended resuming the practice of law as soon as ho could bo relleveel of his olllcial duties , and had negotiated for u partnership with a Mr. Bailoj , one of the memborsof the Montana bar. It was at this time. too. that Mrs. Meagher had arrived at Port Henton on her way to join her husband , and MeagheV looked jo.vot'sly forward lo her compan ionship and society as being additional incentives to his desire toe-arveouta fottune for himself in the'variouscuter- prlses which were opened to him. In the summer of 1M17 came the news of a violent Indian outbreak. Murders had be'on perpetrated on the Yellow stone and on the load between Helena and Foil Bunion.and Meagher ut once issued his pioe'lamation for the organi- /utioir of a military command and com missioned the olMccis. He was again acting govui nor in the absence ( iroun Clay Smith who had succeeded Gov ernor Kdgorton. Ho instructed them tej proceed at once to the scene of ra pine , with the warning , couched in his own beautiful imager ; } , that "ever.v blade of grass that spuing to the suii- llghl" admonished them that the min utes suielv shot toned between their arms and the red cloud of war that was traveling towards them with the stealth and artifice of Indian cunning. Them Meagher him led for Foil Beaten , wheio ho wished to superintend the ar rival of nuns and munitions for the equipment of the militia , and utter- wauls rejoined the tioops in Gallntan valley. He i cached Foil llenton in the evening of .lul.v 1.1SH7. worn out bv a long da s ride in tlie saddle under the rajs of a beating sun. There weto no accommodation * at the fort , und Goneial Meagher was inviteel by Captain Doran , of the- Missouri river steamer ( } . A. Thomp-on , which was moored to the landing , to lake up his qtiarteis in one of thestaterooms. . The sun had just gone down when Geneial Moagher anil the captain took their chaiis out on the guaids of the boat for a pleasant chut. Meagher wab much at tached to Captain Dot an on account of some little Kindness he had shown the general's wife on her vvay up the river from St. Louis. The night was pleas ant one of those ? t.v picul summer nights which aie the charm of life in Montana ; but there was a storm blowing in the niountuins and the clouds weie fast gathering. The two men lighted eigais , and after some desultory conversation. General Meagher took up a copy of Gerald Gritlin "Collegians , ' ' which Captain Doian had laid down , and be gun to read. He read apparently with much interest for half an hour , when , laying the book down , he complain d of being nervous and wearv. This was at 9:30. : Captain Doran.having persuaded him to retire to his room , had gone below only a short time when he heard u bplash in the vvater and the crvof "man ovoiboaid.1' Tlie river at that point was about twelve feet deep , with u cur rent rushing at the rate of nine miles an hour. It hud grown by this time to be dark and cloudy , and no object could be discerned in the water. The glints of several lanterns were thiovvn acioss the moving hticuin and active olToits weie made to hasten his loscuo , but all ellorts pioved nsoloos. Cannon were fired the next daj and the river was dragged for miles below the fort , but tlio bodj wab never recovered. There was a hirse e'oil of lope near the guard rail where Meagher fell over board. . It is supposed ho left his state room for some purpose , stumbled over this coil of rope , caught at and missed the guard Kill , which was low and in- becuie , and fell headlong into tlio water below. There aio sevoial bmall islands lising fiom the bed of the river diiectl.v below tins point , and whether the bodv was ever washed ashore upon one of tho-e and became thopie.v of piowling Indians is not known. The Indians weie active and hostile in the neighboihood of these little - tlo islands , and an.v attempt to reach them would have been fiaught. with dangei and possibl.v death , so that no ono could be lound who had the hiudi- hood to make theshoies of the lower islands. The gov er nen1 of the tor ritorj , upon hearing tlie newsollcied a toward for the recovorv of the body and ordered the territorial olliccs and buildings draped in mourning. Mrs. Meaghor also olTeied a huge reward for ( ho body. Resolutions : of respect and con dolence vveio passed at vaiiotismeetings and the deepest ev Sciences of general grief wore announced ftorrr all parts of the teiritory. Thus closed the cnieer of u man wheat at the age of twent.v-thiee , as .Justin McCarthy toll * us. was the most biil- liant orator in the .veiling lielund move ment of ISIS , and who under other con ditions than those which piovail in a country downtrodden and besot with ill- fated liiisfoi tune , might have iiseiito the highest distinctions of public life' . Meagher was tw ice man ied. His lit st wife was the daughter of the governor of Tasmaniafiom which place she aided in his escape : She dicer at his father's home in lieland. Ills second wife was u Miss Townsend , of the well know < Long island famll.v , and is still livlnfl and icicles on MudUon avenue , in Now York. She is a sis-tor of Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. lie left u nby \ his first wife , whom he ni'ver saw. The child was bom in Ireland ' utter Meagher's in-rival in this country. 1 believe this son Id now in California. Me'aghor may or may not have touched the highest point of his giealncss , but ho was titlll in the prime of manhood , In possession of bodll.v and mental fmcciof u high or del1 , und with the possibilities' of tlie future before him. lie would1 hnve bee'ti forty-four years of age' on the oil of August following his death , and had he lived he would just now have liassed his si\t\-fourth , , \ ear. Xo mound mtn ks his resting plne e. and his name is nnhonored and unKuown hero except b.v the few friends who gathered around him while he lived. - ORRIN TARBOX'S STEERS. \ Norwich CeuTespondeneo New Yoill Sun : Not long ago On In Tarbox , o ! i\ \ PacKerville , bought u pair ot Texas steers and was piotid of them. Tbev ' wore stalwart and wiry animals , witli M' long , wicked-looking horns , and in their was an insciutable o.vos gleam * i i that could have been Kindled now hot i1 i l else but in Texas. After looking them over carefully , one of Mr. Tin box's neighbors let fall the icinark : H "Them steers of .vours. "Seiulre , re mind me eif the hogs' thc'y rise > cl to raisn out in Michigan in the woods , and which could Hog a bear and out run a wolf , out fur 'em 'Squiie. ' Mi. Tat box dhl look out for them , bill ono daj tho.\ got out of tbo unclcHuic , and , it is said , tiavelled acioss two townships he foi c the.v wene cnptuicd und locked up again in ( heir owner's high-walled jaid. This exploit was only a sample of what the.v could do. Tlioj got loose again , the other daj , ami made made mine excitement than east ern Connecticut had expoi'lonced Mnco the earlv Indian wais. The.v llrst broKe into into Caled Bishop's corn Held and overturned seveial acies of com shocks. People who saw ( he act at a .safe dis- lane e s'iv _ that a western ev clone could not have' w01 keel more r.ipiell.v and de- struetiveh. As thov rushed thiough the field tliej huskeel with their sharp horns' corn enough for a InoaKfnst , which thi'.v swallowed on the inn. To save his cm ] ) Mr. Bishop tan into his lot , aimed with a pitchfoik , and con- fionted them , but , when ho saw both steers bearing down tow aid him , lie throw avvaj the foiK and scampeiod. llob.nel.v escaped with his life1. The foremost steer bellied him over the wall and ho landed on his face in the high- vvay. vvay.Both animals cleared the fence at t\ leap. It was lucky for Mr. Bishop that .lured Phillips' tin peddler CM it was halted at I' . .1. Bieiwn's house , which was not two lods fiom the spot whoio Mr. Bishop cleat ed the fence "without teching it , " as he said ufterwind ; if the steels hud not caught a glimpse of a bright tin boiler on the cait Mr. Hishop must surely have been trampled and goicd to eleath. Tlie stee-is cliutgcd stiaight on the boiler , whieh dangled fiom ono side of the wagon. They stiuck Mr. Phillips' c'aitand the boiler amidships , and il went over with a crash und u rattle that weie heniel by .Tared and the Blown family , who wein diekeiing with him in the kitchen over an exchange of twent.v pounds of lags for a w.ishboaid and a tin clipper. They lushed to the final of the house.getting there just after tlio cart had exploded. For two or thiee .vaicls the1 btielevl was sprinkled with all Kinds of shining lin- w.ue , fr.ving pans , inin pot" , bags , steel- \aicls , washboards , elotlies-miib , and lemon-squue/eis. The hoisc In.v in the ditch on its hide , ga/ing steadfastly . an expulsion of docile ania/ement on his aged face , at a lolling pillar of dust down the load , which betokened in what direction the Tar box steers , which had been slat lied bj the explosion of the c.ut and the fnsiladc ot tinware , weie ll.ving at a furious pace. The steers and their wliiilmg cocoon of dust speedil.v passed out of sight. Jt was learned later b.v the band of faimeis that .lined Phillips und Mr. Blown or- guni/ed to go in puisintof them , that the anini ils leaped a wall. bfrncK across the countij for a mile , and swam tlio Qninnchiug river into another town. Hint and wieck mniKe cl their piogiess. Tlic'.v tote > up a line liold ot cabbages for Clinile-s Waldo , goied Giudoii Ames's colt so seriouslj that it had to be shot , spitted with their ilomsMnoial cattloof George L. Stetson , i Ippcd up fences , and ia\ aged coin Holds. Faimci si allied fiom nil sides to hunt the infill luted beasts , and the chu-o swelled in the numberand gievv hotter in the lieof the huntsmen at ovei.v mile. Ncail.v e-ver.v fanner in two or tin co towns was on thu warpath , armed witli pitchfoiks , stnblu folks , eel sjieais , init stakes , bliotguns , , unel lovolveis- , and oveij fanner had hvvorn that he "would kill the ciitteid and no quaiter. " I Out of bieath after seveial liouisof | running , or anxious for mm > spot t , tlm ste-ets linallj balled in a lot not fai fiom Westminister for their pmvners to up- | pioac'h , but ns soon as the.v saw the mug- nitutlo of llio hostile demonstration tbeiy I set oil on a iiish again. The.v dis.ip- poured in tlio woods bo.vond Wc-htminis. tor , and the latest i c-poi Is f i out the front bring no tidnigbof either steels or iiatc faimeis. The damage the.v wiought id estimated at T" > 00. Eves Ears Nose 1 I Are nil more or IPM nffcctod by rntnrrlt The pye-i bo CIIIIHI lintiiinipd , rod nnd unti-ry , with dull hcnvy puln bcUtcoii tliLiu thtmt uro rourlntf , buzrlng nol-H H In the ( UMnnd Honit-tinii-i thu hturintf Is utTn ti d the no-o H u PI tire surti nr , with Its constnnt nn toniforUiblcj dhchnrM' t > nd broiith , nnd IOIH of HIM H-IIM ) nt MIUII All nt Ihesu iUi > itrci ! > i bloKyniiloni | < llMiipinr | nhcn UiiMlln n l < iciritr by Hood * tnttHiip irlllu , uhlch expels ( roni iho blood Iho Inipnrlt ) from hlth cilnrrh nrlMi , lone * und ro * i > torcttbo rthcn'ccl oruins to heullli , und bullja up the whole ( i } tci Ho juruto ( . ( t Hood sSnM.ipnrilh Catarrh in the Hoad. "I ii oil IIiicnlH hir < iprllli for rnt irrli , nnd re- colvcdKrpnt rc-llct nndbe-ncllt from It 'Ihu tatnrrh a \cry clliinTi'eiiblc , ( pi-tlnlly In the winter , runs InKconmnntdlirhnrKO Iroiuuijr Hc o , rlnulni ; nolnct In my enrn , und palm In Ihu butk of my hrud. Thu cirort loclenrmy hind In the mnrnlnit by Imwtlnir nnd fplttlnunns pnlnfnl Iloiwl - nnnp irllla unvo mo relief linnitillittljr nhlloln llntu 1 win i nlln ly cured rnmnevi'r without Iho inrdlcliip In my homo n I think It is worlli 111 i luht III Bold Mr * ( ] II. Glim , UUM.'lvlilliMrcLt , N W , VVuhln.ton , I > C " 1 liivpmiftYml wiili rnlnrrli In mr hc ( l for yean nncl ptld out bundled nf dollnn for nil illclnii 1 nnsuink und in ) i ) ( " * wi rn to son thiil 1 loiihlnoi ii'iv or riad iniiili 1 In tun lo Inko lluod Snri > apu > rill i nnd now my catarrh Is npirly rurcd , Uiu wrak nrxiil my bcxl > liiill Konc my iinnlliu Isi-ooil-ln furl , I fi tl Ilko unolhi r pc ron llortdi smip ( rijg | | i thu only nicdltlnn Unit hui dnnii inn pirm ineiil ( .noil" Mils A LCNMxniiAU.I'nivMi'iiii'.ll I "llooil sursnpnrliu Imn liolpi d nm inuru frr riv tnrrh und liii | > urc > blood tLnn uujthUit ; clao 1 ovcl used. " A.11VI lsjiniu c , N V Ringing Nolsoa Inlhoonn inmctliiiui roirliitf , IPU//IIU ound 01 < niiiplullko | ! the ri purt of n phlul , nru canicd h ) r.tlarTli.tbiitoTrvcitlnulyillMicn'i iblonnlriry com niondlx niu , Hoods sur.npirllln , the mint liloyd purHer , U n puullnrly ( ( tnl icmidr foi Hill dlscnoiwlikli ltiiirv purlfyln.'Ihu hlowl rfou suitor from cutnrrb , try Hood 9 s r' ipnillhi , thu puuu IhiriniilUInu ' Ihmoliki n I Inn In fc r < n'lirllln for cilurrli and Ithusdonoino u urtut iknl of Kuixl I u roinnicnd It loiillnilhln mr rLj'.U. " I.l'TIILU I ) Hilliur.s , Ho t 'Ihuiupion , It Hood's Sarsaparilla Irukulst * ll.klxfortj Prci'iireJ only by I tuM by all dnuxliH llijirforH I'r'pi & tOiApotlueurloJ lentil M i O I. IIO01I A. CO , Aputbouirlni Ijmill , : 1OO Doses Ono Dollar. | 1OO DOBOS Ono Dollar . THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB , llpulquartvn for . . toiuintnlal . mon . anu nd public' , , . ] { ( UOGn.v | rfnprlotf. DREXEL & MAUL , ( faucecssors to John O. Jacobs ) DndcrlakcR amilMm \ \ \ \ . _ , . . . At tlioolcl htniicl , lUJt rarimmf-t. . ' kullcltul.nnd proiiipily jittonrtw to. WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILE BLIIJQ Wo K YtrY Inly wlm Uckiic * | > rrfcuion In title mil uru . tJ.o iU nrar tli-ni. Manudllurr.l onlli Ui WORCESTER CORfiET OOMPANiy. \ \ . utu.kUri Mai3.inl Ji * ALukU lcnl , C.'Ua