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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1887)
\ I > I ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. Bennison Bros MONDAY. FLANNELS. AVu hnvn decided to IIilit thn urcnt coal inctioM ) | > ly liy innkliii ; prlccn on Flannels Botlint every poor woinnn mid clillil can keep warm without con I. 1 CASE OF Shaker Flannels Nice quality ; 15 yards for $1.OO. 5O PIECES * * m i m * > H Plaid Linseys In 1'ltikn , HIiiPH nnd Cardinals. IOc Vard. | 25 1'IKCP.S SCOTCH IIOMH LINSEYS In Gri-y and nine , nice for children's school dromuH or ladles'dresses. Every Ji.hbi'r in the land join them at 1 He. Our 12k Yd price is : : Ttie quantity Is limited , so come curly 1 Case IJIuo ICft Vfl Mixed Flannels , IDC I 0 50 PIHCIOS Wool Flannels , 15c , worth. 30c. lit plaids , suitable for mornlne wrap pers or children's dresses. Plaid Flannels , 25c , Mondny , 5O pieces ( l-ounce IMnld Flnnnels , wentc-rii innde nnd every thread wool , that you cnn't liny of any other IIOIIHM lor less than -IOc to 45c : our prlco lor this salu is 25c a yard. 20 IMIOCKS I/AD110S' AM , WOOh FANCY STRIPE FLANNELS , 35c Yard. 4O inches wide , for skirts , sold nil over nt 7. > c. Bennison Bros , , 1519-1521 Douglas St. HAYDKN ItllOS. Special Itai'KuIn Sale. Monday morning , Nov. 2Sth , wo will open the greatest bargains of tliescason. Sale will continue from day to day until every yard advertised is sold. Special 'bargains are oll'ored in black and colored gross-grain silk at Ooe. 7oc , b8e , $1.00 , $1.15 and il.iio yard. GO pieces of black and colored silk vcl- vetH at 55C yard , worth $1.2-3. Good quality black velveteen , 22 in. wide at 2-C yard , worth Coe. Double width plain , fancy anil checked dress goods at llto , worth > 3c yard. Double width all wool mixed suitings 23e , reduced from -18c. IJS-in. wide plain and fancy Nation suitings at 2oe , worth -loe. Double width tricots reduced to G7Jc , worth 75e. 78 pieces of worsted dress goods at Sc , lOo and 12jo , worth from 20c U > 2-r oyard. 600 remnants of dress goods in lengths froiil 2j to 8 yards at about i their value. CO-in. Oryum table damask at ! 5Ue , worth 05e. C0-5u. cream table dajnask at GJC , worth $1.2-3. 118-in. cream table damaslc at Sjc , worth $1.50. ( iO-in. German bleached table damask nt Mo , worth 85 e. 72-in. CJerman or Irish bleached table damask at $1.00. worth 81.75. . Special bargain in 28-inch red twilled JlAimel all wool and medicated at oc , worth 0c. Extra heavy navy and royal blue all wool twilled tlnnnvl at 25 , oO and 05c per yard. 50 jieccs ) white domestic flannel at 5c per yard. J wide white llanncl at 25e worth 40e per yard. Pink , light blue , cream and salmon colored eiderdown Jlnnnols in remnants U" je , worth OOo per yard. 21-yard wide skirting llanncl reduced to 81.25 per yard. " \Vhito silk embroidered llanncl re duced to 75 , 85 and $1. per yard. 10--J red wool blankets at $2.50 a pair , worth $1 , 10.4 white blankets , 75e worth Sl.r.O. 11-4 white blankets , SI. 25 worth 42. 10-1 line silver grey blankets $1.25 a pair , worth $2. 10-4 extra line all wool scarlet blankets at $ l.a.r a pair , worth $5.50. 11-4 silver grey extra Heavy blankets at $4.05 a pair , worth fi ( , Remnants of llannel nt less than factory prices. H"8avy unbleached muslin at 5o per Kxtra heavy yard-wide southern sheet ing nt ( } e worth bii. 10 bales of cotton bati ! : . ' r at 7e per roll or 4 rolls for 2-ic. This is .1 clean 'cotton and generally retailed at a bar gain for IOc. 100 comforters at 50 , 09 , 81 , Sl.UO , $1.75 (2 and $2.2-3 each. Our $4.50 baleen comforts reduced to M.cneh. You will save money bv buying your dry goods at 1 [ AYDfcN' 1JHOS. , 110 and 118 S. 10th st. , _ Omaha , Neb. Atwatcr heaters. _ 1C03-5 Howard st. Doors Open Monday , Nor. 28th. Sale to commence nt 0 a. in. sharp ; pianos , organs and furniture at auction prices and on easy payments that will etivo von 25 per cent. NKW YOUK STOUAOK Co. , i Cor. Capitol avo. and Joth st. Oysters , celery , grapes , lettuce , mince meat , saner kraut , etc. , always on hand at GooverVtitta' iuh K 'l- eery , N. K. cor. IStU and St. Mary' * uvciiuo. _ _ Atwatcr heater * . 1C03-5 Howard .st. Bennison Bros NEXT WEEK. THIS KILLS Till ALL 9c Each. FOIt ClUIjUKKN'S SGAUMJTVOOIj mid rants Monday , nil we have left In si/.es 1(1 , 1H , UO , 22 , all nt one price , Uu each. Coma carl ) ' , ns they will not last Inter thtiu IO o'clock. Not more than two suits sold to one customer. ANOTHER STUNNER. 16 Dozen Children's White Merino Vests and Pants 15c Each , Sizes 10 to JJfi ; nil nt one price Mon day , I "conch. STILL ANOTHER. 13 Dozen Children's ' Scotch Grey VESTS AND PANTS , SUcs 1(1. 1H , 20 , 22 , nil at ono prlco .Monday , 16c Each. HOLLAND SHADES 49c Each 1OO Holland Shades , fancy gold dndo , with sprint ; rollers nnd silver pull , all rcndy to hung up on your window. 49c Each. Bennison Bros. , 1519-1521 Douglas St. Ilaydcn Ilros. On Monday wo will continue our sale of ladies' and gents' furnishing goods. Wo have made still further reductions , especially in wool underwear. We guarantee our scarlet and white wool underwear at the lowest pricesover quoted. For Monday. 1 case of ladies' scarlet lambs' wool vests , nicely finished and very heavy , only Olio each ; worth 81. On Monday wo will sell you the llnest ladies' cashmere ' mere vests 'and pants in scarlet at 05c each ; worth $1.50. On Monday we will close out the balance of our la dies' scarlet cashmere vests and pants that wo have told for $2 each at $1.2-3 each ; no better goods made. On Monday , 100 dox gents' heavy ribbed Shaker socks , only lOo per pair ; worth 2-3c. Gents' lambs' wool hose heavy i re duced to 2-3c ; worth 50c. 100 dogents' silk hdkfs , largo size , only 25e each. Gents' wool mufllers , large size , 25 , 35 and 5oi ; each. Gents' silk mufllcrs , extra quality , large * i'o : , 47 and 5lo ) each. Gents' Cardigan jackets , all sizes , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1. : 7 and up. Gents' heavy scarlet lamb's wool shirts and drawers , only 75c each , H'orth $1.25. Gents' heavy double-breasted , blue flannel shirts $1.35 and $1.05 each. Ht- amino these goods. On Monday 50 doz ladies kid gloves , blk and colored , in all si/.es , all the now shades and handsomely embroidered backs , only "tie each , reduced from $1.25. Children's heavy wool mitts , 10,15,17e nnd up. Just ubout i price. Children's leggins to be closed out at about i usual price. Toboggan caps 25e and up. Ladies' wool-lined kid mittens , only 75c , worth $1.25. HAYDKN BROS. 10th St. , bet Dodge and Douglas. ixviGouA'nxo itnint. hemp's Kainous St. Ijonis lieverngc Now nt Henry Kaufmann's. To-morrow ( Monday ) in conjunction with a grand lunch Henry Kaufmann will commence the sale of the excellent and world-famed beer of Lomps , the great brewer of St. Louis. Ho manu factures extra Palo and Culbachor beers , and these are sure of being popu lar here. Bo on hand at 10 to-morrow morning. Atwater heaters. 1MW-5 Howard st. Toys , Toys , Toys. Our new addition to our ttoro is nearly completed , and wo expect to open our k'semont on or about Thursday , with the mCJt extensive assortment of toys overseen in this section of country. With a room U2 ! feet in length and forty-four feet wlu ? . wo expect to mnko a magnificent display. display.f. f. U. y. Drespeil chickens , OSc a pound at Coovor A , Watts' cash grocery N. 13. coi1. Nineteenth tinil St. Mary's nvcnuo. Clioyrnnc , AVyomliij * . The future ritt&bnrg of the west. At pros-cut iv railroad center. The host built and wealthiest eily of its bizo in the United States. Wyoming. The jireat mineral storehouse of America and its ino.xlmustnblo oil anil coal Holds. For full particulars nnd report Hoard of Trade , nddress K. lStahle , secretary Choyi'iuia Board of Trade , Cheyenne , Wyo. _ Auvutcr hetit-jrs. 1003-0 ITo\vaid ; st. Bennison Bros MONDAY. DOMESTICS 6c. A yard , I case Indigo Blues , 6c. A yard , I case Turkey Red Figured UNBLEACHED MUSLIN , ( SLIGHTLY SOILHD ) 17 Yards for $1,00 , AVe have 5 hales only slightly soiled in transit. The rnllroiid company allows us it rehatr , and wo unn lvo our customers thu hcnrllt Monday and Tuesday. $1.OO Tor 17 yards. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! 15c. 2(1 pieces double fold fancy check Dress Goods , 112 Inches wide , all tic- sirnhlo shades. Your choice Monday for 15c n yard ; worth , 25c. no pieces Dress Goods consisting of l > 'nncy Mixtures , 1'lniti Cashmeres , Screes , etc. , nil need staple colors , nil at one prlco Mondny , 25o a yard , worth "Oc. Bennison Bros. , 1519-1521 Douglas St. S. P. Morse & Co. Monday morning wo luivo a now lot of embroidered linen lawn inititil handkerchiefs that are actually worth 50 cents each , the initials arc hand em broidered and made on sheer Irish lawn ; our price , $1.50 a half dozen. HOLIDAY DISPLAY. Next Tuesday evening wo will make our display of holiday goody , bric-ti brae , toys , dolls , vases , &e. The finest and largest display ever made in Omaha. S. P. MORSE & CO. Norn S. P. "M. & Co. advertised the naiuiKercniofs referred to above in Sat- usday evening's 13ii : : , but by mistake wo made it read " $1.50 a do/.en" instead of " $1.50 a half do/en. Tnu BIK Puiiusiuxa Co. MltS. J. ItlONSON. Chrlhtmiih Goods. On Tuesday morning we will put on sale an elegant line of holiday goods. Among them will be found low priced and high prieed _ presents for ladies , gen tlemen and children. A handsome line of leather goods ; choicest perfumes in baskets and out ; brass , oxydiv.ed and phihh goods ; hand-painted celluloid souvenir cards ; elegant line of fancy aprons and handkerchiefs ; gents' muf- llors ; gold-handle umbrellas and other halboiuu ! goods , too numerous to men tion. Mits. .T. BKNSOX , IStli and Harney btreet/ . If you are anxious to learn nil the latest dances in a short space of time , join Morand's class in dancing in Ma sonic hall next Thursday afternoon and evening. Course of twelve let-sons $8. The "German" will bo taught in all his clu&ses. T1IH Kl.VlCST UUKIl. It is lamp's iihd is Sow on Draught at llenry Knufmnnn's. Lr'nps has been maljing beer for forty years in Id- ! Louis and his brew is proof that ho undorsir.'ids his business , lie makes the finest beer stfUl in the coun try. You can got it now I ; ; , ' the glass , pint , quart or case at lien Kauf.'uinn's , 1314 Douglas street , , and the first s.t'o. ' with a grand lunch will take place to morrow ( Monday ) , at 10 o'clock. Mr. Morand will consider it a favor if piironts will send their children direct to his classes in dancing in Masonic hall from their everyday school , their shoes or gaiters are the only change necessary. at This. Commencing Monday , Nov. 28th , pianos , organs and furniture sold regardless of cost to manufacture , on payments that are easy. Call early and avoid the rush. NKW YOUK STOUAOI : Co. , Cor. Capitol are. and 15th st. IJSMP'S ST. LOUIS BI310H. To Be Found nt Henry Kaul'niami's To-Morrow nt 1O a. in , Lapp's western brewery , of St. Louis , has at length introduced its beer into Omaha at the request of hundreds of ita admirers , autl it will bo dispensed for the first time to-morrow ( Monday ) at Henry Kaufmann's 1311 Douglas street. It will be accompanied by a. grand lunch , Admission Free. Commencing Monday , Nov. 2Sth , the Now York Storage Company will sell " pianos , organs and furniture" whole sale prices and on easv payments. NEW YOUK STOUAOK Co. , CapUgl UVC , UOid Bennisan Bros NEXT WEEK. MUFFLERS rou GENTLEMEN. MUFFLERS , 33c , 20 dozen Oont's Illnck and WMto Check Cnslnncro MulUarM , on Mon day , : tic : ; worth ( I5c. MUFFLERS , 48c , 2O dozen Gents' Polkn Dot Crtsli- incrc .MiillUcrs , 4Ho cnch , really worth 75c. MUFFLERS , 69c , 100 dozen Gents' Knncy Stripe Silk and Wool MtilHsrd , OOc cacti ; would Lie clienpnt $1.OO. MUFFLERS , 98c , 15 do/.on Gents' All Silk Mulllers Iti wliitu and crcniu nt U8c cnch ; worth $ l.l ( ) . LADIES' Silk Mufflers , $1.00. C dozen hadlcs' Silk Mulllers at $1 each , worth $ l.r ( > . Ask to sec them. no no/n.N HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , 15c Each. In fancy borders , fancy embroider ed , plain , hemstitched , etc. These nro an importer's sampler which wo houKht at hiilf cost nud close the lot Monday at loc cnch. Bennison Bros. , 1519-1521 Douglas St. 'S ST. LOUIS IlKKIt. Sold tit llenry Hniifiiianii's , First Time in Omaha , To-Morrow. On to-morrow , Monday , the citiyens of Omaha , for the first time , will be en abled to drink Lemp's celebrated beer , from his well-known western brewery in St. Louis. It will be sold over the coun ter at Henry Kaufmann's , 1314 Doiiflas street. The enterprise of this well- known brewer and the refreshing and invigorating qualities of his beer have made his name familiar throughout the United States , especially in the eastern part , as also in Mexico. To satisfy the demand which this success has occa sioned requires a corps of 000 employes1 , an annual brewing of over 000,000 bar rels and over 350 refrigera tor cars which are used to transport the beer to all parts of the country. Lemp's western brewery was established in 18i8 ! , and now in the com pleteness of its appointments is iinox- eclled. The beer it brows is popular everywhere , and wherever it has been exhibited it has boon awarded the first prize. It is the popular beer of St. Louis , where it is brewed , and its sale throughout the year includes thousands of barrels. It is now introduced into Omaha , and will readily meet with the popularity which it has achieved in al most every city in the country. It will bo found alwavs on draught at Henry Kaufmann's , 1314 Douglas street , where it may also bo procured in pints and quarts and by the case for family use. It will be put on draught to-morrow at 10 o'clock' , and the occasion will bo signalized by a grand lunch. Leo acheban , the ener getic and popular agent of the company will be in attendance , and in view of the fact that Mr. Lcmp has a larger scheme on hand with respect to Omaha , many of our Deoplo will find it agreeable to meet tliis enterprising agent. - At water heaters. 1603-5 Howard st. COOVI3K & AVATT8. Groceries Down , Down , Down A Few 1'olntorn on Canned Goods. Can. Do/ . Cora , peed . 10 Corn , line . \ } $ ? 1.40 Corn , bust liruiul . lb l..K ) String beans . ds ) jio L'tua ' beans . u K ! HI 1'eas . . . , . < b > IK ) I'uus , curly . ! l'uo ' . V A 1.-40 " " best . lT } < f l..K ) " marrowfat . 12 > < f 1.40 " French . , . . . . 'J"i y.T.l " " extra line . 3 : i.T.r Strawberries . ifi 1.7.1 Iasibcrrics { ; . . in ] .t" > Cherries , ml . ir > l.Tft liliiekbernes . IT. 1.75 Tomatoes , a Ibeans . ID . . . . 11 best : ill > cans. . . . . . . \ yt 1.40 cu.iioiiMA \xxnn Gcon < . KPB plums . 'M 2.Q.1 C ! reon KHRCS . ' , ' (1 ( ' _ ' . ' . ' . " ) Muscat grupcs . 'JO li.5 Peaches . 'JO y.'J.'i Apricots . 13 1.75 MI lT.M.\NiOL'3. : Mustard cardiacs . 10 . . . . Snhnon , 1 lb cans . is ii.OO 'J lb corn bocf . ' . ' 0 . . . . M usbrooms , French . ! } o y.75 Dutcs , iwr lb . 10 41b bird seed . 'JS 4 lb rorn htarcli . ' ! " > XXX oyster crackers box lb. . ( ) . ' XXX soda crackers , boxlb.t5 ( ( linger 8tinH | , box lb . 0 } ; XXX creams , box lb . Us , ' < ; Full line of jellies , preserves , syrups , oUves , etc. Come and see us and bo convinced that wo are giving more goods and bettor goods than any grocery bouse In the city. f'OOVKH & WATTP , N. E. ior. : 10th and rit. Mary'b avc. Atwater licater.s , 1GOS-5 Howard at , 'Bennison Bros MONDAY. Silk Gloves , 75c. Mnmlny 1O dozen l.nitlcp' I'urc SHU Olovos in cardinal , lro\vn anil nnvy foluo. AVe bought these n\vny titulcr rcftnlnr price. They nro realty worth S'J.OO per pair , hut we will neil tllcin Monday nt 75 n pair. 15 Dozen Ladies' ' Fine CASHMERE GLOVES 35c. Kmliroidurcil unck . Mondny : t5c n pair : worth 5Oo. 25c a Pair HO dozen Hoys' Wool llenvy YARN MITTS , 2."o pair ; worth 40c. I HMD $2.5O ( SILK , MIND YOU. ) 100 line Silk Umbrellas with plain hnndlrs , fancy ignltl hnndlcs , nil nt one prlco nionday , fust to keep things huminliiK , $ " .5O each , worth at least double. Bennison Bros , 1519-1521 Douglas St. Bennison Bros NEXT WEEK. JERSEYS $1.48 WOItTIl THlUi : : TIMES WHAT WK ASK. 1O dnxcii IjadlcH * Itlack ilorHcys , fancy pleated fronts. Tlieso nro the reatost value everXUVred In n Jer sey and we close t ; t'in nil out Monday at $1.48 , worth tlirlnlc. Children's ' Jerseys , 48c , UO dozen Children's Jerseys , nil colorsandslzcs , one price for choice atIHo each. A GREAT CHANCE. ( JO dozen Children's .ler-icy Itihbcd All Wool Illncks and colors , sl/- > s O tii H 1-2 All at ono price MOMA V ONljV 23c a Pair.fortli . Double BOYSllOSE,19c. 10O dozen Hoys' All Wool Illlibctl Hose , extra heavy , 19c a Fair. Bennison Bros < , 1519-1521 Douglas St. Bennison Bros MONDAY. CLOAKS. VISIT 01'K CI-OAK nr.PAHTMKNr TIII : CO.MINO WIIK : ; , CHILDREN'S ' CLOAKS , $1,47 Each , HO Children's Clonks in all HKOH1 to 1O yrnt-H , inndo of n nice hrowit Ml.\ud Melton Cloth , llavelock Cape , nil at cue price , $ l , . | . 35 MISSES' NEWMARKETS , $4.88. Rlnde of n nice llrnwn Molten Cloth with shoulder cnpc , nil aces , 11 ! , 1-1 , 1(1 yours , at oiia prlco $1 NH. Misses'Newmarkets ' $7.50. All wool , brown checked , with nlco shoulder ciipo , ntjci t'J , 11 anil to years , sale prlco $7. . " > < > : worth J-ilO.OO SPECIAL PRICES KOU ONH WKICK IN LADIES' PLUSH SACQUES. Bennison Bros , , 1519-1521 Douglas St. A few days until we open our magnificent display of Holiday Goods. It will pay you to wait. We have devoted our entire basement 44x100 feet to Holiday Goods , which will comprise - < vI I I | -f I IOV anything and everything , useful and ornamental , suitable for trade. If you wait we will FOR US surprise you both as to variety and price. WAIT , A DKFKNSH OK "QUIDA. " A Itcply to Mrs. Klla IVIiecler Witco.x's Arraignment. In the KICK'S Sunday edition of No vember 13 , is contained an interesting article upon the "Immorality of Ouida , " from the pen of the renowned Ella Wheeler Wileox , which , though ele gantly put , and doubtless fresh from the pure thoughts and conviction of the writer , rather jars upon the reader as being unjust , and a trillo too much of a condemning nature. Now the author in question , "Ouida , " being a favorite of ours , wo naturally feel called upon to express our convic tions in regard to her several works , and crave the Indulgence of a small space in your paper , in which to enter a protest in favor of "Ouida. " While it is true that her writings nro a little out of the common , and while some strictly orthodox people might ob ject to some passages and phrases which she employs in her most vivid descrip tion of her theme , nro they not , on the whole , true'to the letter , oven in refer ence to our own knowledge of modern eyory-day life , with slight difference of circumstances , etc:1 : Truly , I believe they are , and that therein lies the charm. Do we not , in the course of our more or less eventful lives , find now and then n true "Lady Vavasour , " a "Countess Othmar " " " with , a "PrincessNnpraxino , even a "Lady Usk , " to give the pro ceedings an air of vii'Uious respectabil- ityV Indeed , it has been lUo writer's privilege or misfortune to meet with them all in bygone days ; they , of course , bearing a more modern guise than their predecessors , and they only servo to strengthen his belief in the stability of "OuidaV romances as typical of the private life of some of our own time , although it is lamentable that such should be the case. I do not think a writer of such works as come from the pen of "Ouida" should bo classed as "immoral , " solely because she is striving to confer a knowledge of the private doings and somewhat ques tionable pastimes indulged in by 1 re gret to say .some in our own land , upon those whoso own thoughts and resources of imagination would fail to give thorn an inkling of the true inwardness of the somewhat varied exi.stanco and occupa tions pursued by those whoso moral cede is1 in a sense obscure , although it may bo practiced with all duo regard to out ward respectability. To read of such desolation of noble love , such artfully conceived decep tions , such wholesale slaughter of true virtue , ; : 'id above all , the terrible down fall of the refining evil spirit which has taken upon it tJjo form of woman , in order to more fully carry iut the mach inations of yes the Devil , oUjrUt to bo sulllcient to turn the reader's in'ud ' from such a course , to a better and nobler life , in order to escape finch a lasting and blighting curse as will bo surely the lot of those who eo blindly play with the fire. And I believe that the reader , if she bo possessed of good common bonse , be she cither a young girl , or a woman of maturer ngc , will bo greatly benefited by a perusal of any or all of ' 'OuidaV' novels , as to bo in ignorance - noranco of this side of to bo with out the means of escape should they bo called upon to undergo such temptations as all are , at times subject to. "Ouida's" characters are portrayed with such a master hand and the plot so well laid , that her works are truly most interesting and -while the reader is compelled to admire her work , ho is also compelled to detest some of her chief eliaj-acters ; thcfgr oHowin/i up this line of thought , what is more nat ural than the achievement of the au- thorcj-s' aim doing good and scatter ing such seed in the reader's mind that will bear rich and beautiful fruit in a virtuous and happy life ? And I would suggest instead of clas sing "Ouida" as "immoral , " that wo do her justice , and change it to "noble , " thereby giving her her just dceerts. P. I. ALMN. M-JMI'S' GUN AT ISKI3II. Get it liaiifmnmi'K llenry To-Morrow nt 10 A. 31. This popular beer of the well known St. Louis Western brewery will bo quailed to-morrow ( Monday ) , with eag erness and relish at Henry Kaufman's , 1311 Douglas street , by hundreds of ad mirers. Leo Scheben' , the well known agent , has introduced the drink to Omahans and it will immediately be come popular here. A grand lunch will be served. The Welcome Heaters Sold by E. Paulson , 015 North 10th st. , are in many particulars the best heaters in the city. Hundreds of families in Omaha are using them. They give sat isfaction every time , You only buy a stove once in ten years , why not got the besty Especially when it costs no more than a poor one. "Tho Great Dunlap Hat" at Freder ick's , leading hatter , Crcighton Block. IjK.MP'S ST. 1,011 IS ItKHK. The Delightful Drink Now on Sale at Jlenry Kanl'mann'M. Lovers of extra pale and C'nlbacher beers , with all the agreeable qualities peeii:1 ! ! to those drinks , will appreciate the introduction Of Letup's celebrated beer to this city. TnC Urot ( > f it will bo sold to-morrow at Henry X'tufmann's , liil 1 Douglas street , at II ) o'clock , V'hen a grand lunch will lie spread. _ ArchilectH nnd Superintendent * * . Hodgion & Son. 20 , Iron Bank. Gco. L. Fisher , architect , Teem ? 47 , Chamber of Commerce building. Jtonl INlaU ; Transfers. Ualtlms .letter and wife to Kdwiml S Lnvclcy , lot T blU 10 .letter's add w d OQO Charles Corbctt tnliyrnn ( ' . Hcabnnk , nnd J. , lots 1M UK ) 11 blk IMS , lot II0 1(1 ( 11 blk IIKI , lot 10 bile CM ) , lot ( i blU1U ! ) nlbo WK1T MI ft of lot 1 blk11 Credit FonCUT add , q c d 1 Alvln S.uiailtTh and wife toillinin 11 Hush lot < blk 11 Sliinn's ' 'd mid w d 2,500 William H Hush nnd wife to II T Lea- vitt lot 4 bile II Slnnu'b ! M add w d. . 8,000 IJaUliasletteratui\vifo ; to.l FKiclihust lot "i blk 10 .letter's add w d 400 William Lntey ft alto IMwin H Howley lot ft blk 'J011 ; Oamha w d 50,000 IlobcrU'ltosworth and wifitoUirlwrd M Genius ct nl lot 5 Hiclilinrt it IVr- son's sub div lot 6 bll ib S Onuilia wd ! VSO Clmrlcs C fioos-t-'o ct ul to Thomas llrcnnnn lot I blk 1st add to South Cn-nlmwd -,000 Samuel J ? ; " < TS and \\.fo to A II Scott Jr lot 0 and W X V Jot 10 blk 4 Jui Ass'n ndd w d , , v , buu M S Lindsey und wife to iJr"r o I' Beans Unit pai t of Limlsey's add o"H fcouth of alley nnd north of Prospect Place add nnd bctw Hist and Xld bts except w 100 ft of u 200 ft w d 'JOO John merits nnd wife to Alfred Olson lot 17 Is JO ' . ' 0 blk 13 West Albright nddwd . . . . 1,100 Amanda A Bacon nnd husband to GoitnuloHuiton , lot W blk 3 , Pet- ntcr'bndd wd . , l.J-'OO ' Clara K Conknnir and husband to IJuvldM Urc. lot 'J7K , MHIimlfc Caldwell's ndd w d 0,800 Duvld M I7ro nnd wife to John F Flack , lotB _ ' , 4 and 0 of Flack's pro- l > osed bubdlvof lot ' . ' % MlllarU & Cnld well's add w d 3,1M F FlacU and wife to Leo U 1C rat/ , lot 4 of Flunk's proposed Milxlivnf lota's' , Millnrd & L'lildwell's add W d . John F Flack and wife to II L Uha'm- hcrlnln , lot U nt FlnrU's promised hiibdivof lot'J % Millard & Caul- well's add w d . ; t . | oo W G Albi inht et nl to ( ' , A Umliiuost , ' lota ! > r , US and 2 ! > Liiidipiest's subdiv of Albright's choice w d . COO GCOI-KO II Uofffjs and wife to O K I'omstoek , lot 1 blk 1 ! > , George II Hof.'fs' mid w d . ; . ' 00 George II lin s and wife to Albert T Ford , lot ii blk is , ( it-or o 11 Hoods' add w d . Total talcs . * Suit Against a Itailrond. Nr.w YOUK , Nov. ! . Abram W. Spies , owner of J < ! 2r , > 00 of htoclc In tlio Clnrupo & Kastern Illinois railroad , Is hoekinj , ' mi in junction to compel the company to plvo an accounting of its earnings and asks that it bo restrained from distributing the earnings until the inteiest is p.ud. YcMordny .linlKO Co.\e , of the I'niti'd States circuit runrt , de nied the motion of the company's iittoincy to remove the cuso to the Illinois couits. Arch I lee In nnd SiipcriiitcmluiitH. Ilod son & Son , iii ( , Iron Hani ; . AMUSEMENTS. Grand Opera House. TlloOuly first rl\s < > K ! ' iii < l Hoer Theater In the I city. Al K'lliilclj ' h.ifc. Commencing Monday Evening , Nov. 28th I The ( iiaml $ i > uctaciilar Hnmant'o Mulo-Dranm A Great Wrong IlltroilurliiKtliP rnrrmostrtor , Mr. J. B. STUDLEY , Latowlth MaryAniler on Snpp ivtcil by i , alu- , rl.illy t-i'li c < < ! < 'oiii | > .iny. 1 2 CAR LOADS OF SCENERY , 2 ! And < 'o'-ti\ " j'lraiilit'niiillB Ciom tliufirnndOprra lloiite. Sail rrai/"hlf' , I'nl. A nidilul IUK > UI/.U- | tlonltli i-vi'iv iiu\i"iy ! t < > Inauioii pciluit IiclTolllianro otu ( ; lcit ; lil > . Iti-Kiilar 1'ilct KiitliL- first lloi'- ; llnlconv ! Kc ! liiillfiy , > < : ltdhculH. . i.'ic and il. Hi c o ] , e Grand Opera House. The Only I'list Ci.iss Croiiml I'luor Thuatcr la the City. Abiolutfly ! < - . POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. Sunday Evening , November 2711 ! , Thomas Mast , In His Artistic Entertainment , Drawing in Black and White and Paint ing in Oil Colors , In the pro-end otthoniidlrncp 1'ilccsjiusual. . u\s on mlu. PEOPLE'S THEATRE J'ouith nnd last i-i'kof tht Clinrmin ; Soubtetlo Miss Kalis Pearson Ami Hc-r Uxti'llent ( onidly Coinpaiiy , TO-NIGHT - , And rtinliiB Hie wt > fV , Matlnpn Sunday. ThcS-Aci tuiiifilj-iniimii , A Mountain Pink. I'l Ices l.V > , 2'.c me. ! 0c > fr. .iav , at 3 p. in. ( ! t..n > l * Vaill } ' i.ntl . . I'liiuof'K.aUlcta.MuvouruLfii , . ' l' ( . 4 ' . ' . X uii'l'- '