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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1887)
6 . ' THE SUNDAY BEE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27. 1887.--SIXTEEN PAGES. \v V . . . . . . ' ' ' ' . . . . . . * ni" . , . - iiMiimnMi. .imi.i 11 mmmwm iLi : i i. i uiim n ! i ii iiaii. i. II.H.IMI .iij.ii i - THE SUNDAY BJBE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. orricn NO. it ; , , _ IMAUIJ ; STHIIT ; ; JHllmcdljy rnrriirln nny jmrt of the tlty nt t\untyunt- i > i.r wwk. II. W TH.TII.N. . Mnnngur. IIIII'IIONISI ! : : HttRism Orrnr , No. 41. Kin-roil .No. 2) ) . .MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Koltor , tailor , Full goods clionp. Sco Chapman's pictures for Christina" . The district court resumes Monday morning. The 1'aelfin Mutual Telegraph com pany will teen open its ollleo at No. 602 Broadway. Tlio city rouncll moots Monday nlfjlit to consider djtleront mutters of importance - anco to llio city. The "Groat Wiong" party wore en tertained at the Creston hoiuo and Uuchtolo hotel. The now lire department building on upper Broadway lias boon supplied with fire alarm connections. The Union elevator received Friday double the amount of com received on nny other day since March last. A-i the witnesses against , F. Miller , arrested for disturbing the peace , did not appear against him yesterday , h6 was discharged. The Chautauqua. Literary society will hold its regular meeting to-morrow evening at its hall on Main street. The mibject for reference will bo an inter esting one and n full attendance io de- Bircd. In different portions of the stores of II. Eisoman ft Co. , are displayed the presents which they advortisodto give to their trade. The articles exhibited are the very best , and the display is as handsome an a picture. If some of those who liavo the decora tive art on the brain would direct their attention to the rude guy posts to which the cables of the olcctrio light masts are attached a grateful pulilic would weave laurels for the Miccosful one. A fire hydrant has been placed upon Pearl street , ju t opposite the new county court house. This was done , presumably , as a protection to the clock lace which is in constant danger of being struck by liglitn ing for its auilicity. Complaint is made that dirt is being lumped on Pierce street in such a man ner as to interfere with travel and with good prospects for having the street infulo impassible all winter , as it is liable to freeze in its present condition. Clergymen desiring the benefits of half-fare rates over the Northwestern road for the ensuing year are requested to call upon . 1. C. Mitchell. .121 Broad way , who is supplied with permits. Ap plications should bo made before January 1st. 'Yank Levine , the tobacconist , has at his cigar store one of the largest collec tions of rare coins in the west , lie has now about six thousand , and the variety is great. IIo has just got a new anil novel cabinet for holding some of his rarest specimens. On Friday afternoon John Stagg , a brick mason , while at work on a build ing near the Drover's hotel , slipped and fell to the ground , a distance of about ten feet. Ho struck upon his head and Bhoulders and the scalp over the right temple was torn away from the skull. Ho was taken to ,1. B. Atkins drug store where Dr. Macrae attended him , after which ho was taken to his homo on Eighth street. Considering all things , his escape from fatal injuries is little less than a miracle. i The police court yesterday was shorten on news. One solitary appeared before the judge and gave his name as Timothy Quintan , a tinner from Sioux City. Tim othy had disobeyed the injunction to take a little wine for his stomach's sake , and had a revised edition which led him to take whisky straight instead. IIo pleaded guilty and then commenced the sympathy dodge , but Judge Aylcsworth lias seen the play so often that ho was not touched. Judge Dcomer arrived in the city yes terday morning. The purpose of his visit was to hear arguments in the case of G'riltonden vs. Armor , Darbco it Co. ct al. This was tried before him some time ago and the arguments of counsel were deferred until such time as counsel and court could agree upon. One of the attorneys was out of town yesterday and on account of the storm did not return in season to attend to the case. Judge Deomor returned homo last evening. Ho will go to Auduhon to-morrow to preside at court now in session there. There are i n the county jail now an oven score of prisoners. There is only one woman in the twenty. The revolv ing cage is as dillluult to turn as over and growing a little worse if anything. The great iron cylinder or cage hangs from the top , and in the settling of the building the bottom crowds on the foun dation moro than it should. There scorns no way of remedying the trouble without great expense. The result will probably bo that the settling will grad ually continue , and if so the time will come when the cage will not turn at all. The whole jail will needs bo recon structed. It is understood that those who favor this sort of a revolving jail concede that while it will work all right for a two-story jail , the threo- story ones are not liable to bo satis factory. The county board did not find it very profitable to attempt to cut down Jus tice Scluuv. ' olllcial fees. The suit be fore Judge Aylosworth secures for the justice all but about $20 of the fees claimed by him , and in saving this amount the county has an expense for costn of $75. At this rate the county is n loser by its attempted economy. The judgment is , moreover , a vindication of Justice Schur/ , the cutting down of his fee bills by the county attorney being an intimation that ho was charging for services never rendered. There are other claims on which suit has been commenced against the county , one be- iug by Marshal Guniiolla , whoso bills had also been chopped to pieces , With the first of the month the blaze of the olcctrio masts will be. turned on the city. The s.\ stem of lighting the city will then be put to the test , and there is some little anxiety to note the result. There is much confidence felt in the coming light , and if the masts wrovo to bo wisely located the streets will doubtless bo brilliantly lighted. There are many who claim that with the city so well lighted all night there will bo no chance for burglars or thugs. Others differ in this , and some of the most experienced police ollicors claim that the record shows that there are moro burglaries on moonlight nights than on dark ones. They account for this bv paying that the thieves can see to work hotter when it is light , and they can watch the ollicera easier and avoid them moro readily by sneaking into shadowy places. _ Notice. During the cold spell , for the accom modation of laboring men , I will kcoji my store open on Sunday from 9 n. m. to 1 o'clock n. in. and from 2 o clock tc 6 p. m. Cull and select your stoves and furniture. A. J. MANPKL. Nos. 323 and 325 Broadway , WHERE AND WHEN TO WORSHIP. The Churches Not Blockaded and Invitations Out to All. THE COURT HOUSE HEATING. Wotkmcn Shiver While Contractors and County lloatd Discuss An Oriental Church Show A I'lant ol'Slotcn Goods. Concerning the Church * " ) . At the Presbyterian church , preaching as usual by thu pastor , both morning and oven ing. Strangers and others cordially invited. Special services nt the Congrega tional church to-day , morning and evening. The Ilev. T. O. Douglas , of ( irimicll , la. , nlll preach. Fine music by the choir. A cordial invitation is extended. Methodist Episcopal church W. II. W. Hoes , pastor. Preaching at 10'iO : a. m. Subject , "U'orldlincssAlso at 7 ; : > 0 p. m. Subject ; "Pay Your Debts. " ' Sunday school at 12 m. 'Young pcoplo's class at G p. in. Scats free. Public in- uted. St. Paul's church Divine service to day at the usual hours , 10:15 : a. in. , and 70 : ! ! p. m , Morning bormen , "Tho Coming of Christ. " Evening sermon , "Advent Lessons. " Solos will bo ren dered by Mrs. Judd and Mr. llayden , and the boy choir will sing as usual in the evening. The work on the now Gorman Cath olic church has boon delayed somewhat by the non-arrival of the stained glass from Chicago. So soon as the windows can bo put in the work of decorating and finishing the interior will com mence and bo rushed right along. A change has been made in the Con gregational choir , Mrs. Evans , nco Anna Mpnkol , is to take the alto in Iho quartet in place of Mrs. Ward , who has tilled the position so acceptably for some time past , It is understood that Mrs. AVard is to take a like place in the Presbyterian church choir. John A. Finch will hold n Salvation meeting to-day at No. 717 Sixteenth avenue , between Seventh and Eighth streets. All are cordially invited to attend. A beautiful Processional cross , the exact counterpart of that in use in Trinity church , Now York , has been presented to the "Boy choir" of St. Pauls church by the young ladies of the Acme club , an organV/atiou which has done noble work in the furnishing of the church. The cross will bo used for the first time at service this evening. Preaching in the First Baptist church at 10:30 : a. m. and 70 : ! p. m. by the pastor. In the evening : "The Man After Clod's Own Heart. " In the evening - ing the Chinese students will sing in their own language. Elder Mark II. Forscutt , of Omaha , will preach at the Latter Day Saints church this evening at 70 : ! ! o'clock. The public are cordially invited. For best quality coal and wood , call on Gleason , 20 Pearl street. Shoot the Shooters. The young boys Hko the older ones have crazes. Their present ono is the annual "nigger shooter" epidemic. The mildness of the initiative stage of the disease has developed beyond the shooting of beans at a stupid target , or into the blue either , and now no boy is satisfied unless his aim is at some brittle target of glass or some living form of lesh and blood. With the develop- nent of the craze the ammunition has joeomo harder and moro deadly. The pidomie seems to bo especially violent n the Fourth ward. From that section of the city there comes numerous com- ilaints daily. Glaziers may bo scon lurrying in that direction , doctors find calls plenty and limping dogs and dead jhickons show how the young shooters ire developing in accuracy of aim. The > oys have lately tired of windows , chickens and dogs , and are kardly con- cnt unless they lot one shot lly just or fun. you know , at some other boy. Due lad on Fifth avenue was quite badly uirt yesterday by ono of these shots , the stone hitting his face. It seems al- nest impossible to prevent the shooting ago I'unning.its full time , but if some nventivo genius could devise some choking oil plan it would bo most ac ceptable to anxious parents and bUlTor- ing property owners. Wadsworth. Etnyro &Co. loan money Who Shall Heat it ? In order to prosecute the work upon , ho now court house with the greatest economy of time and with comfort to the workmen employed , it has been found iccessary to heat the building thor oughly. The fixtures for steam heating uui a furnace have boon put in. This will bo ready for operation during the coining week. They are the permanent llxtures of the houso. But hero occurs i hitch. The contractscxisting between the county and the contractors did not contemplate , and do not make any pro vision for either fuel or a , man to man age the engine. Of coin-so a competent man must be had , whoever pays him , for the system would very soon bo ruined in the hands of a novice. The county claims that the contractors must furnish whatever is necessary to do their work , which includes heating the building during the cold weather , while the con tractors claim that their stipulations of labor and material do not include this latter necessity , lire. It is further churned by the contrac tors that the county has hindered them in the prosecution of their work. They made their excavations for the building , and the plans were then changed by the county to admit of piling the founda tion. In the rear of the main building also , brick were to bo laid , and this was changed and btono used instead of brick. There is uoopon dispute. It is simply a matter which can bo adjusted without dilliculty. In the interest of all parties concerned this is earnestly desired. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Hunting For Stolen Goods. On Tuesday night the htorc of Good * rich & Nareon , at Fremont , Nob. , was burglarized and a largo quantity of jewelry - elry , clothing , etc. , taken , the value being - ing $1,000. Detectives have boon at work hunting up the goods , and they followed up what they supposed to bo traces ) Xlnt ing to the presence of the goods in this city. Two strangers ap peared hero on Thursday , and they se cured a room for ono month for the storage of live trunks. Then they wont to another place nnd stored four largo boxes. On Friday they took the boxes to the depot , to bo shipped to St. Joe , and took llio trunks to the baggage room , to bo cheeked away when they should got ready to call for them. The strangers not having claimed these goods and tlioil actions being suspicious , it wa thought the trunks and boxes conlaliiett the goods stolen from Fremont. An exam ination was'inadq yesterday , but the goods proved not to bo the ones stolen thorp. The trunk * and boxes contained clothing , apparently a portion of some plod : of goods. The police think they have discovered a plant , and it is thought that the parlies who left them have been frightened away. A Glimpse of China. Ln t evening an audience of quite re spectable dimensions braved the weather to witness the Chinese enter- talnmenl at Ihc liaptist church. The programme announced , and which was fully carried out , contained many of Iho customsof Ihatpcoplo which are , viewed from an American standpoint , unique to say the least. A wedding was pre sented with all the etcetera which ob tains in the actual ceremony : also , n supper which was novel and realislic as well. The entertainment was presented by three natives of the Flowery King dom , which assures those who were there thai Iho various representations were given according to Iho modes pre vailing in the land of ( lowers. The af fair was ti financial success , as moro than three hundred tickets wore t-old before the doors opened. For an elegant birthday giftor Christ mas presenta Domestic sowinginaoliino leads them all. ItlflcClno. Last evening a number of the shots of the city met and organized a rillo club. Dr. Seibert was elected presi- denl ; Broadbeck , vice-president ; Clias. Malhias , bccrelary , and M. F. Uohrer , treasurer. The organisation was chris tened the "Council BlulTs Rifle club. " A range will bo laid out east of the city near the brickyard , upon which a com fortable building will bo erected. The membership numbers at the start about ti dozen which is expected lo materially increase. A meeting will bo hold in one week to perfect the arrangements of the organization as to the future. Special Sale. In order to close out our stock of cloaks wo will cut regular prices in half. Sale begins to-morrow , Monday. Look out for our big ad. Harkness Bros. , 401 Broadway. _ _ One thousand head of ono. two nnd three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. , T. Greennmayer , 0:23 : Mynster st. telephone 121. 121.A i A Case of Straw. Yesterday Iho case of Iho slate against William Simpson , of Pleasant township , was tried before Justice Schurz. The complainant is William Overturf , and the charge is malicious mischief. Some weeks ago Overlurf lot a stack of st raw- by lire , and his complaint alleges that Simpson sot the lire. IIo places his loss at5. . Simpson was bound over to ap pear at the next session of the grand jury. Bail in Iho sum of 8150 was se cured. William Simpson and Thomas Bowman appearing as surelies. You "Want Them. Domestic patterns and patterns for stamping and embroidery. Latest styles and linesl designs. "Domestic" oflice , 10-3 Main street. Personal 1'iirngrnphn. Judge Larimer leaves this evening for Sioux City. W. F. Connor , of Boonc , la. , was in the city yesterday. John Lundecn , of Illiolt , la. , was a visitor at the Bluffs yesterday. Frank Yenawinc is entertaining his old friend , Gus Moser , who is visiting 'lore for a , short time. William Caldwell , Woodbine. la. ; J. I. James , St. , Louis , and J. T. Barnes , of Bingluimpton , were registered at the Pacilio yesterday. Mrs. Frank Yenawino is confined to lier home. No. 717 Fifth avenue , with a very severe illness , which prostracled her yesterday afternoon. F. C. Hunt , reporter for the BKK in Council BlulTs , is on the sick list , and has been obliged to go to his homo in Hebron , Neb. , to recuperate. Miss Kulcmun , of Avoca , was in the cily yeslcrday and returned homo on the evening train. While hero she was the guest of W. W. Chapman. Colonel J. II. Keatley slipped on a banana skin in Washington last Sunday and fell , his breast striking an iron hitching ring. Ho is hardly able to do duty in the treasury department. Mr. Albertson , of the firm of Albert- son < lk Co. , and It. Hick , both of Breda , la. , visited the BlutTs yeslerday lo lay in slock for their holiday trade. They purchased a largo quantily of Mueller Co. Co.William William Kearvillo , of Mindcn , la. , was in the city yeslorday. The firm of Kearvillo & SlialT , druggists at that place , have sold out to Dr. Wyland. Mr. Kearvillo now goes to Plalfo Center , Nob. , where ho will engage in the drug business. A largo force of men have been at work on the Manawa motor line at the interseclion of Ninth street and the Wabash road. It was expected that the work would bo very nearly completed before cold weather came , but it has come sooner than was expected. Don A. Judd intends leaving Monday , with liis family , for California , where ho will probably permanently reside. Mr. Judd has been for years in the em ploy of the Union Pacific , and besides being a valuable ollleo man is a thor ough gentleman. IIo has many friends who wish him and his family great suc cess , though regretting that they are to tear themselves away from so many pleasant Council BlulTs associations. The matinee of the "Musketeers" yesterday afternoon was fairly well at tended. The programme was noticiibly smoolhor than at either of Iho preceding evenings. _ _ Don't Freeze Up ! We are bound lo close out our largo line overcoatings. Will make them up at greatly reduced figures. This is the oportunily of a lifelimo. A. Rirrr.u : , 1110 Broadway. The St. Joe stables have again changed hands. Dr. Brcoling has released hlfi contract to C. E. Brooks and returned to his homo at Glenwood. Mr. Brooks is what is technically known as a "dirt contraclor , " and has been at work dur ing the past year upon thostreols of the city. This possession is to furnish him with adequate room lo proloct his teams during the winter. Every ono making a cash purcha so c 25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigai Btoro gets n chance in Iho annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. There is a demand for ineandescenl electric lights for Council Bluffs , ami the first to get them into the resi dences and ofllces of the city will find natrons plenty , nt reasonable prices , The Electric Light company is waiting for bOino further improvements , ant promises then to sul-f/.v the public de mand fullj In this rosspect. l * i i Sleigh bells , skates , handsleds. OikU JcBriant , oOl Main t.t. , Money lo loan. Cooper & Judton. Prof. Dalby's baud concert and ball will be held on Tuesday evening next. The concert will be given by the full band , between Iho hours of 8 and 9 , after which Iho ball will ! follow. Hero is pre-sented an excpllent opportunity for all to hear a , grand concert and be come acquainted with Council BlulT's- author. His music will bo used almost exclusively. Hard and soft coal healing stoves. Prices low to close out. Odell & Bry ant , 501 Main st. E. II. Sheafo loans nionov on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Ollleo oOO Broadway , cor ner Main streel , up-stnirs. BlufTCity Typographical union. No. 2m , will give their fifth annual bal masque , Christmas eve. . Saturday , December SI , in Masonic Temple hall. The annual masquerade of the printers has heretofore been the event of llio season in that line , and this j car Iho commilteo will spare no pains to equal if not surpass all former olTorls. See our line of skalcs. Odcll & Bry- anl , oOl Main si. Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. Brad Smith , formerly proprietor of the St. Joe house in this city , but lately of Omaha , was run over by an engine on llio Union Pacific road one day last week. His injuries proved so severe that the amputation of ono of his legs was necessary and be was removed to his homo in Ibis city on Friday. The operation hns been performed and the cimnees for the recovery of the injured man are considered good. Snow shovels at Odoll & Bryants ; C04 Main st. _ Trains Discontinued. Beginning with November 27 , the ferry trains leaving Broadway at ( i:5 : > a. in. and 0:15 : p. m. have been discon tinued. J. M. Oursler , Agent. Sleigh bells , all kinds at Odell & Bry ant's , 601 Main st. Houses and lots for sale on monthly payments. Johnston & Van Patten , 'M Main street. Chief of Police Mullen is temporarily olT .luty not having fully recovered from the ellects of the policeman's ball. It is expected ho will be able to resume the duties of his ollico within a few days. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge o parlies who will build at once. Ad- ilrcss or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Iain btreet , Council BlujTs. The "Guards" have arranged for a special meeting to bo bold last evening "or Iho purpose of putting in nomina- ion some oncof their number for major of Iho liflh regiment 1. N. G. The se vere weather prevented the meeting nnd that work will probably come before them at the next regular meeting which tikes place on Tuesday evening next. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. nilvortl oinont , such as LostFound , SPECIAL , 1'or Snle.To Kent , W'nntR , HouvdiiiK. etc. , will 1)0 Inscrtoil In this column tit the low rntcMifTEN t'KNTS I'KIl LINK for tln > in sertion timl I'lve Cents Per Line for ciieh subse- inicnt Insertion. r.ruve nilvertlsemrntB ut our olllre No. J2 I'eurl Street , neur Ilroadway , Couu- ell lllutls Iowa. WANTS. A llr&t-clasi horscKliocr. C. Qieg- WANTED ) Miiin st. , Council IllulTs. CIO It SAM' Oil KXCHANUK-Kqulty of 1" L ? sliures in Jellries syndicate. Imjulie o Oclell llros. & Co. " \TTANTI20 All kinds of sewlup machines to V lepair. Work promptly and honestly done. Charges reasonable. Domestic ollitu 105 Main st SAIjIJ Very cheap for cash , or would FOIl for Council ItlutTs or Oinahn prop erty , retal stock ot 'boots and shoes > alued at about iH.lWO. Call at store. No. 60S Ilroadway , or addiexs U. Martin , bame number. Council muff" . In. CT10H HUNT Houses In all parts of the city by JD Johnston & Van fatten , tU Main t. SAL12 A second hand Knano piano , nearly new ; cost JfiftO. sell f Address Q Zai , Dee otllie , Council lMulT > i. T71OII HI3NT Houses nnd furniilieil rooms. J. It. Davidson .631 Fifth avenue. ITKU SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle C very cheap , KMuch , lit Heo ollleo. hundred thousand dollars to loan on ONE estate and chattels by V. J. Day , .19 1'earl st. ' . . lots and acre property for sale by BL'II.DINC. , 33 1'carl st. "LjlOK KENT A finely furnished front room , JD tliht floor , in private residence near court house. Water in room , lighted and heated. Large eloset. Heferencesiecjulrcd. Address II. ] 2 , lief office. Council Illuffs. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS BOO Ilroodway , Council HlufTs , Iowa. Established 1S67. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDARD. UNDUU HUI.E 6. WADE GARY , Council BlulTs , Star Stables and Mule Yards Ilroadway , Council UluQs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Hor. es and milieu constantly on hand , ( or sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly tilled by eontract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. &CJH.UTKK & HOLEY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council llluHs. I'AIMJOSB ALCOHOL , OPIUM AND MORPHINE CURE ! The Alcohol , Morphine and Opium habit Ab solutely cured without Interfering -with the imttent's dally avocation. Correnpond with or call on DR. F. P. BELLINGER. 614 Ilroadnuy. Council lllullv , Ja. All correpoudenc confidential. ; WE OFFER NO GIFTS , * > For We Have Nothing to Give Away , i We Have No Clearance Sales For We Have No Worthless Goods to Work Off , WEHAVEtheBESTGOODS The Market Contains which We Sell at the Closest Possible Margins , We Prefer to Put our Gifts into Our Goods. Then we Can Guarantee GOOD VALUES And this is what the Public Wants. Not For 30 Days But Every Day in the Year. This is Guaranteed at HARKNESS BROS. , 401 Broadway. Ten Per Cent Profit WILL PRODUCE A FORTUNE In a few years , oven on a small investment. You can save that amount by purchasing your Groceries of TROXELL BROS No. 345 BROADWAY , We keep no book accounts , . consequently wo have no bad debts which the . balance of pur trade has to pay. This is the reason wo are able to sell so cheap. Remember the place. Give us a call. FREE ! Until January 15 We Give A Valuable Present. With Every Purchase of $10 and Upwards. Every One Gets a Prize. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS SWEET , - - - OMAHA. IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT TUB St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. 1J. IK WIN , Prop. Worth $2,000 to bo dlvon Awny liy. Hoiiry Elsomnn & Qo.'o Pooplo'a Store , QM , 310,010 and 32O ' Broiulwny , Council Bluffs , Iowa. READ , READ , READ. Wltli IJvory Two Dollm-i Worth o OnnilH I'lirrluiM'tl You Will UcccUo a Coupon Ticket ( < eel KOI- Ono Clinncc In tin1 l'ollo\\ | > j ( it-nnil I'lv-ont- lic(2lvi < n Away In ns on Monday , .lanuary Kltli , IHHH. Every $2 purolmso roecivo * ono tioljot and every additional $ ; > the wuno. Hold your tickets until the ubovo men tioned date , when the lucky number * will bo announced and the holders In vited to call for their present * . Remember you will Imvo to pay noth ing extra on your pun-habe * . Wo guarantee to soil , \ou gooda cheaper than you can buy at any other house in the west , and fjivo you the largest , and best stookve t of C'liicnyo to select from. from.CALL CALL AJCl ) HI ! COXVIXCKD1 All mail orders receive prompt atten tion and tickets for the free tfifts for warded with the orders the MI mo as if jou were hero in pert-oil. These distributions will bo-mado with every fairnesM , and customers may de pend on the luuKy numbers receiving their reward. No tickets will bo given to emploves of our house , customers only receiving the benelit of the pri/.e-i. LIST or i'ur/.is. : No. of pri/.e. 1 One elegant parlor sot consisting of sofa , divan and1 large easv chairs , purchased from S. S. Keller of this city. " One elegant cherry bed room set , consisting of bedstead , dresser ami wash stand. Have large bo veil French plate mirrors. I'lirchased from C. A. Heebo & Co. , city. 3 One elegaui silver tea set , consist ing of extra largo and very heavy waiter , colleu pot , tea pot , sugar bowi , creamer and npoon holder. Must bo seen to bo fully appreciated. Bought from U. Ii. Jacquemin & Co. , city. ' 1 Ono very hamls-omo water s'et.eom- prising pitcher stand goblets and wash bowl of the very largest , design. An elegant piece of good.s. 1'iiroliasod from Robinson Hros. , city. 5 Decorated China dinner set of 1.10 pieces. 1'urehased from W. A. Manrer , city. 0 Klcgsint decorated China tea set of M pieces. 7 Very handsome blue satin water set , consisting of ( i tumblers , 1 pitoliev and one hammered bru s tray. ' 8 One Venetian \\ater set.'comprising G tumblers , 1 pitcher mid 1 elegant braaa tray. 0 Lustre amber water set. compris ing 0 tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass tray. 10 One ruby water set , consisting o ( 0 tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brass tray. 11 ! ( ) yds best black Ciuinc-tt bilk th < ? best silk's made. 1'2 1 pair , lapanco portiors. 15 ! 1 gentleman's smoking jacket. M 1 very elegant 1'aibley bhawl. 15 1 sot beaver furs. g ] ( i 1 gentleman's dress suit. J 17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat. I 18 1 boy's or youth's suit. 'f ] ! ) 1 boy's or youth's overcoat. " 0 1 pair .sealskin gloves. 21 1 pair California white blankets. ± i 1 combination nobility dress pat * tern , worth } .r)0. ii. ! 1 Misses cloak. 24 1 piece Lonesdale muslin. iI-5 1 pair men's boots or shoes. 2 ( > 1 O. P. eor.-et any si/o. 5i7 1 pair Misses shoes. 2S I Dr. Warner's oor.sot. U ! ) 1 very line Marsailles bed spread , M 1 elegant album. .11 1 toboggan cap. Hi ! 1 infant's cloak. HI ! 1 sashinero dress. 114 1 set furs. : i.r 1 line large doll. . ' ! ( ' ) 1 autograph album. H7 j do/.on ladies' line wool fast black hose. liS } do/.on Misses fine wool fast black hose. HO 1 gingham dross pattern. 10 1 do/en gents linen handkerchiefs. 41 1 do/.en ladieslinen handkerchief * , 42 ( i linen table cloths. 41 ! 1 do/.en linen naplcin1 ? . 41 1 do/.en line linen towel * . 45 1 fimcy stand cover. 4(5 ( 1 talilo cover. 47 1 Mar.sailles quilt. 48 1 fine largo doll. 4 ! ) 1 largo album. 60 1 toboggan cap. M 1 child's hood. f)2 1 piece "fruit of loom" muslin. flll 1 fancy stand co\cr. 51 1 pair elegant Japanese portioi-fc M l album. r > ( \ 1 largo doll. 57 1 autograph allvum. 58 1 seal skin hand bag. 50 1 toilet set. GO 1 Long pocket book. Gl 1 fine silk mulllor. Gil 1 shopping bag. ( > : ! ! elegant lace handkerchief. 01 1 largo bottle line perfume. G5 1 pair kid gloves. 0(1 ( 1 pair silk suspenders. 07 1 pair ladies' ear rings. 08 1 pair ladies'cull buttons. GO 1 line lace pin. 70 1 Madam Warner's corset. 71 1 line hand bag. 72 1 large album. 7. ! 1 largo wax doll. 71 1 gouts' scarf. 75 1 line silk mufllcr. 7i ( 1 pair ladies line shoes. 77 1 autograph album. 78 1 pair silk mils. 70 1 gout's fur cap. 80 1 gents' silk smoking jacket. 81 1 gouts' hut. 82 1 pair men's arctic ovornhocs. 8tt 1 pair ladica' overshoes. 81 1 line album. bo 1 hammered brass umbrella hii 1 pair line silk suapendui-i. ; 87 1 largo doll. 88 1 largo shopping bag. 80 1 silK tunbrulla. 00 1 fine lace handkerchief. 01 1 elegant evening shawl. 02 1 gent's traveling bag. 01 ! 1 toboggan cap. 01 1 child's hood. 1 < 5 1 pair kid gloves. 00-1 ladies' line ji-1-i.oy. 07 1 elegant lace handkerchief. OS 1 Mil ; munier. 09 1 per ladies' line shoe * . 100-1 sot ladies' furs. Total viilno of the above 1"0 prcbcnts , two thousand dollar ! * . Koo them exhibited in our storo. The drawing will bo conducted under the management of a commilteo of six citl/.ens , and the utmost fairnus't will bo had to the presents will go to the per sons who holdstho lucky numbers. Now is the time for ovcr.\body to tuko advantage of this great gift offering. Uuy your goods at the Pcoplo's fctoro , biivo money thereby and got ti present in the bargain , llotu-y Klsoman & Co. , People's frtoro. 311 , 310 , 1S nnd .420 Broadway , Council Blollu , l -