Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1887, Part I, Page 5, Image 5
OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , .NOVEMBER 27 , 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 5 Enormous Reduction COMBINATION SUITS. * On Monday morning , we will offer our entire stock of finest French Combination Suits that were imported this teason to sell lor $40 TO $75. Reduced to $19.75 $ For next week's ' sale all niainiflcent Plush and Velvet Novelties , These are also plush , silk nnd velvet ; plenty of material , reduced next week from $ ! > 5 clown to S12.50. COMBINATION SUITS , We will show another line of fine , neat , Mylish , cut and uncut velvet tuits that art worth ? it5 each , for $15. The suits that we olfer at $19.7 ( above , are the richest imaginable comM nation ; all new , each a distinct style ty itself ill the very best m fall shades. S.P.RSE&CC BEERS GUILTY OF MURDER A Verdict Against the Slayer o Augusta Soifert. THE INSANITY DODGE FAILED Tin ; lOlkhorii Hoail Denies Xliat It nro UnreaHoiiallo niul Unjust Omaha. At Lincoln. fnio i Tim nr.r.'s LINCOLN The Hucrs murder trial was attentive ! , Hatched yesterday by a largo audience thu sought Immunity from the storm without I the district court room. Tlio defense occn pled the tliuo until along In thu afternoon The ease made by the prosecution was clca and concise , as the evidence was of a dlrcc and positive character. Tlio defense coi lined itself to two theories Iho sympathy t to bo made in the case through a showing c the relations existing between the murdcn and the murdered prior to their coming t America , and tlio insanity pica that in itscl could not evidently bo made very telllnj The facts showed in the liistof tlio abov mentioned was that Hccrs lived at tlio hem of the girl prior to their coming to America that when the family determined to cross th ocean the young lady insisted strenuous ! that 1 Jeers should accompany them , and thr ho did so , going further and advancing &JO t help defray Iho expenses across the wale : Tlio further showing was made that th young man was practically cast olV of lat and that the trouble preyed upon him. Mi Louie Meyer was put upon the bland lo dc cribe the conversation between Heei and himself shortly after th murder. Prior to this was entered Iu evidence that Ilcers had bee assaulted and badly beaten and this migl have affected his mind. Mr. Meyer testillc that 1 leers hinted that ho hud a hammering i Ills head ; that us he was passing a gun stov ibis hammering prompted him to shoot tli girl ; that ho stood for MIIUO time ou the wal before the store and the hammering iu hi bead continued to tell him to shoot hei Ho secured a revolver and meeting the gii they went walking , und tlio hammering coi tinned until ho shot and then it left him for t imo. Mr. Meyer stated that ho talked wit Beers in tlio language of their country , the both practically coining from the same lam Cross examination , however , developed tin the defendant's attorneys Imd solicited hi to talk with Beers. Several physicians test tied on insanity questions. Among the ; testifying was Dr. Knapp. of the insane ho pltal. The doctor testified as to the dllTerei characters of Insanity and deep molancuol ; and ono of the jurors entered ini n dissertation with the doctor c the insane question and announce a new character of insanity that 1m nvcrrc could bo found in Webster's dictionary. TI doctor , however , was ignorant of the exls once of Unit kind of insanity , and the jure looked pityingly down upon tlio doclor as aware of his own superior Intelligence. The jury retired after the arguments an the Judge's charge , and ut 1JUO : o'clock r turned a verdict of murder in tlio first dcgre TUP. nl.KIIOUN KOAD'S AN3WKII. The answer to the order of tlio board i transiortutlon | ordering the Fremont , Kl' ' horn & Missouri Valley road to reduce rati iu tlio state one-third has been lllcd with t ) supreme court , and hearing of the facts s for December - . Tlio answer amounts : practically nothing more than u delay schcu ou tlio part of the road and cannot bo > much weight In the hearing of facts. TI road denies that its rates , us determined I the board , are unreasonable and unjust. TI answer admits the legal existence i tun board of trunsjwrUtkni und udml now after the court lias said it that the board luis jrawors under the law. . talcs , however , that rules on its line of ro : wore not excessive when tlio order was mai fcnd then proceeds to cite tho'alar chamlx annpi-oniiso as bottling the matter , holdU like death to tliat farcical proceeding asUcii SPJOM CO FINEST ALL WOOL TRICOTS 75c. We will open on Monday , 100 pieces 5i inch lincbt quality nil wool Tricots ; these have hecn the quality so popular at $1 a yard. Monday ( or ? 5c. Steam Shrunk French Amazon BROADCLOTHS , These are the quality so popular for la- lies' drcsfes ihat other houses ask from f2 25 to § ' } . * 6 a yard for , our price $1.95. Holiday Goods Open Tuesday Night , s. r. MORSE & co. Eider Down Stripe Flannels On Monday , we will ofl'ur 103 pieces choice styles Stripe Eiderdown Jersey FUnncls , usually sold for fjOc a yardat obc. Samples Mailed , Orders Filled , KidGloves,48c , Monday morning we will .sell 50 dozen 15 and -I button Kid Gloves , $1 25 and $1.50 quality , in f > o < ( , ti and 0 1 1 only , at18c pair. in itself : i settlement of the question The answer states that the rates put in force un der the compromise are as great a reduction as that demanded by the board , although when the facts are elicited it will bo shown that they scarcely approximaoo tward that reduction. The answer winds up with a request for dismissal on the part of the court. A rn.nniM .lot'iixnv. Among the arrivals in the city yesterday was the following delegation from Omaha : ( iiistav Anderson , William J. Mount , Dr. George 15. Ayers , John N. Wistberg , L. M. Anderson , Kictmrd Smith and Oliver F. Briggs. It is understood that , these arc seven weary sons of the desert who have couio from the desert halting place of Omnlm across the sandy wastes and who seek shel ter In Sesustris temple of the nobles of the mystic shrine in this city. This is , in other words , u now degree of Masonry recently instituted in this state , the. only teinplu being at . the oasis of Lincoln. Two weeks ago n band of llftccn journeyed from Kearney seeking the mysteries of the new order , and the Omaha delegation , it is expected , is on a like mission. At 7ilk ) last evening the pilgrims alighted at the temple and were introduced to the oriental myste ries , processions , rejoicings and illumina tions , and the order went forth for all mem bers of the shrine to accord the wandering thirty crabs a cordial welcome. Among the chief otllcials of the temple at Lincoln arc lieutenant Kdgar S. Dudley , Trcasurei Charles II. Willard. John H. MeClay , Prof , Nicholson and K. F. Warren , of Nebraska City. or ixcouroiiATiox of the Citizens' hank of Atchisoii , Neb. , wen Hied with the secretary of state yesterday Capital stock , $ .10,000 , in shares of ? 100 each business to increase when one-half stock i ! paid in. The incorporators are II. H. Dor sey , O. W. E. Dorsoy , fieorgo W. Lusk Scott T. James and H. A. Allen. \VJ11 C 77 Jnil. United States Marshal Kills M. lltorbowoi received a letter from L. W. Hillingsloy chairman of the Lincoln city council yes tcrday , which in utTeet , was about as fol lows : LINCOLN , Neb , , Nov. " . " > . E. M. Hierbowei United Slates Marshal , Omaha , Neb. : Deal Sir Iu all probability the mayor and eit } council of the city of Lincoln , adjudged guiltj of contempt of the federal court , will arrive in Omaha Monday morning and deliver them selves over to you for imprisonment in jail pursuant to the decision of the court The citizens of Lincoln are unaninuni' in the conviction that wo are in the right , and this action on our part has not been de termined upon through any disrespect 01 umUca toward your honorable court , whou wo feel was only actuated by the highest sense of duty Gur dcslro Is to submit tin case to the highest court in the land. We hope that Judge Dimdy and yourself will noi make our imprisonment any moro suven than Is posslDlo or the peculiar circumstance : of the case require , but at the same time we do not wish to put ourselves in the attitude of beggars , Youra very respectfully , L. W. UlI.MX ( ! LKr , Chair. City Council , Lincoln , Neb. Thus it will bo seen that lf is the inten tion of the mayor and city council of Liu coin to push this matter to the very limit and not acquiesce in the justice of their pun Ishment until It has been passed upon by tin highest tribunal in the country. They wil submit themselves to imprisonment In ordei to carry the cascj to the supreme court o the United States , and make application foi a writ of habeas corpus , and thereby havi the merits of the case ini poratively passed upon. The lecoip of IJillinghle.v's communication has esccltci a vasi amount of comment within legal cir eles , and the most prevalent opinion seemi to be that they have only jumyed from th < frying-pan Into the llro. Somn appear t ( look U | ) n the iqattcr'as a great big bluff , am that Monday morning the mulcted municipu legislature and the chief magistrate of tin capital WU | return hero und step up line si many little men und divcmburden tiiei bends-men by paying their lines ; while other Ray that they are hut obeying the advice o tlmir counsel , anil that the lilllinsly docu incut means unequivocally what It cuuveys- less nor nothing more. Internal Itcvoniui CollectUtns. Yesterday's Internal revenue collection amounted to SIGS39.60. [ Monday Morning , Nov. CURTAINS , CURTAINS , Draperies. Draperies. $3.75 $ Pair. 100 p\irs : Null Silk door Curtains , col ors crimson , olhe , frold , blur. v\ltli \ liaiul- MHUO dado > . S | fii-lal price for Monday , $ ; j.75 per pair ; worth $5.00. DOOR CURTAINS $7.50 Pair. 20 pairs Tapestry , Turcoman nnil Chenille Curtains , only one nnd tno jmii > of a pattern , to close llieni out we liau inarKt'tl them $7.50. They nro wortli $9 Per Pair 42 pairs in thN lot of Curtains , onlj oiu'andtuo pairs of a pattern ; they an 2 YARDS WIDE , 4 YARDS LONG , very suitable for dining1 rooms and libra ries , or for door curtains , worth $ 'J5 t < $ ! ! ( > . To close them out next wei'k Tor # ' . ! a pair. MADRAS , ETAMINE , Nottingham Nottingham CURTAINS , I'alr ; worth W , $ : { . " > < > and $ J. S. P. MORSE & CO O.MAIIA-'H 11US1NKSS. SlatlslioH ShuwiiiK the movement in Itcnl Kstutc ItuililiiiK I'ormils. The week's business in Omaha so far a : real estate and building are concerned , ha ; been exceedingly largo for the time of year The investors are still ready to place their money in solid dirt , oven though the snow.- of winter cover their purchases. The main investments were made ou inside property and building lots iu the extreme western portion tion of the city. All of the brokers seem to bo of the opin ion that when the spring opens again tin. business will nearly double Unit of las' ' spring , so far as outside of building property is concerned. There is a great need of niort tenement houses and small cottages. Thou sands of mechanics and laboring men an forced to seek boarding houses this white whereas they would establish homos of theii own could they rind suitable abodes. Of theSH.OUO in building permits issuei during the past week , nearly the wholt amount in for cottages. It is understood Urn two wealthy gentlemen of Omaha proposi next spring to utilize ono of the uuimprovci additions by the building of n large nuinbc of cottages , especially designed for familie of limited means. Indeed the details are al ready in the hands of u prominent architect and ho will subject plans during the winter it is the purpose of the projectors to estab llsh a model colony with wide streets , hand some cottages , a park , and to have the strce cars , both cable and horse , run directly to it The following shows the deals in realt , for the past week : Monday J 2"on Tuesday W.TO Wednesday yj.S1 ? Thursday ( legal holiday ) Friday ! ttN ) , ! Saturday llST ) Total , ? : > 50,1T The building permits issued during th week arc shown by the following : Monday $ 0,00 Tuesday 2s < ) Wednesday ll- | ( ) Thursday ( leiral holiday ) Friday ( ! , : ) Saturday 0,1)0 ) Total fW , . ' ) There was a gratifying increase in th clearances during the past week. The ii crca.-to over tlie corresponding week for IS1 per cent. The following table show the amount of business done : Monday $ fii'i.m Tuesday filO,4'J Wednesday 550b'J Thuraday ( legal holiday ) Friday ( KCi.yo Saturday SsU.M Total $ -'JU,7S Ilr. Ualdrlilge'H Cane Dismissed. The case of Dr. Haldrldge , who was ai rested on complaint of David Young for ol tainlng money under false pretenses , occupie tha attention of the police court ycstordn afternoon. Ualdridgo had bought a dm store outfit of Young , agreeing to pay $1X1 for it. Ho paid 1100 down , and agreed to pa the remaining $ 00 Inter , but there seemed t bo a misunderstanding between the two i regard to money duo being on deixjsit at th Nebraska National bank , and hence the suil The doctor , however , was exonerated froi all criminal intentions , and the case was dii missed. Van Kiten'H Ittiscality. There was considerable comment ycstorda on the arrest of David Van Etten , who i charged with alluring public records. Jus tlco Frank Crawford , who is also charge with this same crime , was arrested ycstorda afternoon , and the two worn arraigned befor the police magistrate. A continuance wn secured until November 30 , nt 2 p. m. Hot of the alleged criminals deny their guilt , Va KttPii declaring that this charge is u piece c ( pitmvork , and Crawford asserting that he ! not responsible for the changed records. Yesterday In the district court Cuunty At lorney Slmcrnl made a motion that Judg Wukelcy appoint a committee to lavestlgat ( he charge against Van Ettcn , aud If the s-piomco Brussels Guipure Lace Curtains $5 $ J4 oalrs of line flrussc > i pattern Guipure curtains , very handsome patterns , reduced from $3 down to $ , " > per pair. Holiday Goods Open Tuesday Night. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! With our special bargains in cloaks nex * week we have a lot of imported Hare Muffs valued at $ ! ! ; often sold at $5 each ; to be GIVEN AWAY , Monday to each purchaser ot a cloak cost ing $15 or more. Whether it is a Lady's or Child's cloak bought , the muff goes with : t free. LADIES' $1. Monday morning-we - will ofl'er a special bargain in gowns , tucked and embroidered mother Hubbard style , worth $1.25 to $ lEC each , Choice for $1 , tlnd suflleient cause , to expel him from the bar. Such a committee is to b.e appointed. Another ease of Van Ellen's rascality ha ? co mo to light in the garnishee case of Hciirj Meyer et al vs William Hutte , iu which Van Ettcn is said to have coolly pocketed $ lJ.iC ! belonging to Mr. Hutle. This money the court had ordered Clerk Ijams to pay over to Mr. Hutte or his attorney , and Van Ktten , nf Hutte's counsel , got hold of it and appropri ated to his own use. A MeotiiiK < > f County Commissioners , The board of county commissioners ut theit meeting yesterday accepted the resignation of J. 1J. Orieo as constable of South Omaha , A largo number of contractors on grades and grading were allowed part payment of thcii claims. The county clerk was instructed tc advertise for bids for furnishing supplies foi the poor of the county. L. Shipley reportet the finishing of grade 7tl B , and the amount of iiis claim. ? ( 13.10 , was allowed. County Treasurer IJolln submitted a list , of lots ir Douglas addition to Omaha which were sole' at public auction on April " and "S , and 01 May T , 1S87 respectively , upon which balance oftirst one-third payment was duo May 10 1SST , and has not been paid by the purchas ers. The treasurer states that he has frequently quently notified the said purchasers , but ha : been unable to collect from them. In tin opinion of Mr. Holln each purchaser can b < hold to his contract , and upon his recommen dation the matter was referred to the counti attorney. The list of delinquents embrace ! several of Omaha's wealthiest und bcs known citizens. They All Kentl the " IJee. " In a conversation with Superintcnden James of the public schools , with referenci to the great bcncllts accruing lo scholars on of Iho circulating school library just Inmi guratcd , ho related a little incident that fur nlshcd a happy illustration of the popularit ; of the Hiu. : In discussing the facilities o scholars for obtaining suflicieiit meritoriou reading matter in ono of the public schno rooms Friday morning , ho inquired of them i they read the daily papers. They did. Then ho said : "How many of you reai the Herald ) You that do hold up you hands. " Ono solitary hand went up. "How many of you read the Republican the. World and the Nowsf" Seven litllo hands went heavenward. "How many of you read Iho HIK : ! " Almost every hand in the room was heli aloft. This is certainly an excellent reeoni inundation for the HKI : us a popular famil , journal. I'crmltH. Despite the wintry aspect of the weatho yesterday there vcrc more building permit issued than have been any day for a coupl of weeks , as follows : George Woodard , barn , Hello avenue near Joslyn. . . . . . . ' . . $ 10 William Wchrer , ! cottage , Nineteenth near Vinton . 30 John Pabrian , cottage , Martini near Twentieth . . , . ' . ; . . 1 . 30 Herman SchatTort larii | , Nineteenth near Mason . ' . . 10 Albert Kood , barn , Hinney near Twen tieth . 4. . .i . 30 Dr. Hryant , two-story und attic dwel ling , Sixteenth and Hinney . 4,50 J. Anderson , brick basement , Twenty- third near Leavcnworth . 30 P. H. Helden , ono and ono-hulf-story dwelling , Seventeenth near Mander- son . 1,00 Eight permits , aggregating . ? 0'joi , Increasing the Slock. An amendment to the articles of Inenrporn tinn of the World publishing company wu llled with the county clerk yesterday. H , consent of Gilbert M. Hitchcock , Fred Nyc fieorge W. Tillson and Frank J. Uurkley representing a majority of the stockholders the capital stock of said company shall b AuKociutinn of Charities. There will bo an adjourned meeting of thi ladies and gentlemen having in charge th forimitlon of u board of charities in Oniahn at the council chambers to-morrow evening. Plush Wraps , $35 Next vfcck we olfcr a special good bar gain IN ENGLISH Seal Plush Wraps , like the above , regularly sold for $ f > 0 and a very stylish garnfent-next week $ ! ! 5. LADIES' Silk Circulars $9,75 We have secured for next week's sale a limited number of ladies' Silk Circulars with a black hare collar and edged with same fur all around. Never advertised be fore less than $18 to $15 ; Monday for $ ! ) .7f > ( Jowl * Often Tttefdnu JViy/t LADIES' New Braided Jackets $12 Monday morning we will show some new Blyles in braided jerseys. The very latest al $12 each. SP , MORSE & CO TIIK CITV JIAMj 1IASKMKNT. air. Ilitlcoinlic SJIJ-H Ilic Council's Ac- lion Violates the Contract. Chairman Halcombe , of the board of public works , was asked by a Ur.i : reporter what ho thought about the action of the council Fri day night by which the latter insisted upon Hegan Brothers finishing the city hall base ment. "It is not my duty , said he , "to interpret , the action of the council , nor yet to say what they should or should not do in the premises. This much , however , I will say that the board is the rcx > sltory of knowledge on pub lic works , and wo have here all the Informa tion which inuy be desired on such mutters in our records. Hut no councilman came here to ascertain the merits of the ease. What ever may be done iu the future whether the ease goes. into the courts or not I think , especially in the latter event , the action of this board in cancelling Ucgan's contract will be upheld. The council , seine time ngo , vested in the chairman of this hoard , the right , under cer tain circumstances , to do just as this board has done , mid by way nf proof read this. " Mr. Halcombo then submitted the con tract which was entered into between the council and Hcgan Hrothers , one of the clauses of which reads as follows : Hidders will bo required to make their proposals for the excavation and full and entire - tire completion of the foundation wall to the line of this floor of the first story as described by the plans and specifications. And if Iho contractor shall assign the contract , or abandon the work , or shall neglect or refuse to comply with the instructions of the engineer in charge relative thereto , or shall fail Iu any manner to comply with the speci fications or stipulations herein contained , the chairman of the board of public works Hindi have the right to annul and cancel the contract and to re- let the work or any part thereof ; or , at his option , if tlic work is not carried on us rapidly as it should be , to employ men and prosecute the work at the expense of the con tractors ; und such annulment shall not entitle - title the contractor to any claim for damages on account thereof , nor shall it affect the right of the city to recover for damages which may arise from such failure. " This contract is witnessed by W. J. Cou ncil , by whom it was drawn as city attorney , attested by Clerk Soutberd and signed by .1. E. House as chairman of Iho board of public works and William F. Hcchel us president of the council and acting-mayor. "Hegan Hi-others , " said Mr. Halcombe , have really acted as anticipated In all the conditions thus specified. 1 have acted ns the council' ! ) authority empowered mo and 1 have been not alone in this business because the board was unanimous upon the subject. You see also that it specifies that the work shall bo done up to the floor line , which is shown also by all the plans , even those which Kegan Hrothors had in their posses sion. How tlio council can do as they have done , in view of these facts , I do not know. " Railroad Notes. The following circular has boon Issued In Union Pacific agents from the passenger de partment : "In order to correct any misunder standing that may still exist in regard to ac commodations on the fast train , called 'The Overland Flyer , " from Council HlulTs to Sail Francisco , please bear in mind that this train is to all intents and pur | > oscs u limited train , and only first-class business can be taken thereon. The accommodations on this train are limited and passengers do'sirlng to avail themsolvcs of the yarno must telegraph ahead , to secure such accommodations , as ap plications are always in excess of the de mand and we cannot put on extra curs. " uuMHi.xiui niKiniiT TRAINS. All the railroads running in and out of thu city were eonslderabXv hampered by tlin slorm of yesterday and last iiight. Depot and train dispatchers' bulletin boards riv ported trains late , and home , i-lueily freight , abandoned altogether. On tlio Hurlington several freight trains were pulled off , und work wafc confined mostly to kcopingtht ! i-uad clear for passenger service. STATION C'lUMJl'S. tome Uock station , of the Denver & South Park district system , has been abandoned , aud u freight aud passougcr stutiou opened ut S. P. MORSE & CO Seal Skin Sacques GENUINE ALASKA SEALSKIN LONDON DYE New lot received on Satin day last made of SELECTED SKINS SEALSKIN SACQJ/ES , $17o. SEALSKIN SACQlUlJS , $200. SEALSKIN SACQ.t'ES , $250. SEALSKIN SACqUES , $075. The Warm Weather had such an clVect on the fur market thai we bought theie $50 to $ IOJ less than usual prices. "OUR OWN" SKIRT , As will be seen these skirts are tmdc.vith yoke band and draw strings , which throws the fullness all at the back. They lire the widest skirts made and the only one giving perfect comfort to the wearer. We keep them in 3 grades. Farmers' ' Satin , Quilted , $2 , Alpa , Quilted , $3,50 , Morecu Shirts. $4. Holiday Uootln open Tuesday Hiyht South Platte , which will cover the business heretofore transacted at Dome Koek. Fred M. Chase is the agent. I-'arnHin School's Wednesday afternoon was an occasion of joyful Import to the pupils of Sixth grade , Furnam school. Tlio little folks had lire- pared u Thanksgiving programme for the day , and merry looks and joyous voicrs greeted the throng of smiling visitors who honored them witn thulr presence. The children were in holiday attire and blooming with houlth and happinyss. There were speeches and recitations , and a debute between two tiny youngsters as to the relative merits of Thanksgiving Day and Fourth of July as n boy's holiday , and onu appreciating little chap with a dlnipln in nis check , "broke out iuto poetry" in this wise , concerning the Farnam girls : Oh the Farnam girls arc the girls for me 1 So merry , wise and witty ; And we'll give you leave to say we're wrong , If you'll watch 'cm iu this city. You may boast , If you please , of the Central girls , The Park street girls , and the rest , sir ; But wo'll stand up for the Farnam girls As the prettiest and the best , sir. Oh 1 if I were a lord of the HrltlsU Isles , A marquis , a duke , or an earl , I'd cross the seas to lind mo a bride , And I'd pick out a Farnam girl. Oh those onto little Farnam pirls ! Thosy dear little Farnam girls I By .lingo ! Just wait till I'm twenty-one And I'll marry a Farnam girl. Franklin Hose , the president of the society , was the pride of his teacher's heart on this occasion and performed his duties in a way that would put to shame many nil older in cumbent of the speaker's chair. The little misses Flora Day and Susm Colpetxor were very sweet , and graceful upon the Mage , and Cicorgio Easson's composition , "Our Visitors , " and Master George Purvis' ' Turkey's Diary" abounded in sly fun and boyish jokes on the teacher , who was as merry as a grig and enjoyed the i'uu more than anybody. Kddlo Swan's speech , "Thosn Phvpruoy Hulos1 was received with thunder * of up. plauso from the delighted boys who enjoyed , as only boys can , the sly lilts at the teachers and superintendent and their fondness for making rules. MLss Alice P.irrott and Miss Nannie Briggs told the nudmnco in strictest confidence whom they meant to marry and Louise Whitman recited Whiltier's ballad , "Mary damn , " In a sweet , clear voice. At the close of the exercises the Hov. Mr. Malic made some very pleasant remarks to the children which they will long remember for their simplicity and hoauty. Mr. J. T. Plenum also spoke to the chil dren , and Iu a few pleasant words told them that in their conduct of their little society they were gutting a brief gllmpso of the way the real alTalrs of the world are conducted. The children wore also greatly flattered and pleased to hco the genial , pleasant face of Superintendent James among the visitors , though as usual ho managed to make his escape just as the speech-making began. At those "public" or "reception days , " as they are called in Farnam school , it is each child's prldnmid ambition to number a parent or friend among the guests , and on this occa sion there were between forty and llfty visi tor * present * to Wed. The following marriage licenses were granted J > y Judpe McCultoch yesterday : Name nna residence. Ago. I Carl I'atrontsko. Omaha 24 I Esther Shultz , Omaha B-S i Ezekiel Dorman , Oinuha li.'i I Martha Porter , Omaha 'J4 i John L. llrowu , Oibhon , Neb ' 1 I Carrie K. Thompson , Gibbon , Neb 5J1 i Louis Timmc , Sarpy count" , Neb 3H I ' Keeseh , Douglas county , Neb. . 2(1 ( TlioConstantinc.s Captured. .1 , and A. Constantine , who assaulted and robbed Henry ( Jlado of a sold watch tome six weeks ago , were captured by the police yesteiday and lodged In the central police htatlou. Ever slnco the robbery thuy have succmnfully vaded the pollen until yester day wauu they wer spotted uiid run iu. M Monday Morning , Silk Check , Silk Stripe VELVETS , 39c. Worth $2. Monday morning no will offer a lot of nrat stjle , now color , silk faro strlpo nnd check Vclu'isj worth $ s ! u yard. Black Silks , For our customers on Monday wo Imvo secured a bargain in Hlai-k Silk 22 INCHES WIDE , USUAL PRICE , $2.50 OUR PRICE , $1.50. MAIL ORDERS FILLED , We have received some new patterns in Axminster , Moqucttes , Wilton Velyct and Hody llrussols Carpet- ? and will make special prices for next week. RUGS FOR HOLIDAYS ! A new lot of rugs will be placed on sale next week. S.P.MORSE&CO. AH1UHUMKNTS. Emma AMxttt's Crowning Triumph Last KvcniiiK- The Emma Abbott opera company's week's engagement closed last evening with Guonod's immortal opera , "Faust. " The pre vious performances of the week showed the company to be biich an exceptionally strong organization vocally that the highest expecta tions were more than realized fora magnifi cent production of "Faust. " As Murgherlta Miss Abbott has no superior , if un equal , ou the stage to-day. She sang the part as only she can sing It , and displayed intense dra matic force. Next in iwint of cotiscqueuca in" the rendition in question was William Hroderick , as Mephistopheles. Ilia voice , n splendid , robust basso , has a resonance - sonanco nnd voluminous penetra tion that is indescribable. Broderick makes , indeed , a most puissant mcphisto- pheles and was the most conspicuous figure barring the charming Abbott , of course In the opera last evening. Ho won the honors by the strength of his acting nnd the rare ef fectiveness of iiis singing , nnd was encored to the echo lime and time again. .Slebel , by Lizzio Annundalc , was , of course , well im personated. while PrueHo'8 Valentino was strong and realistic. Miclieleiia in Faust was excellent and elicited enthusiastic plaud its from his admirers. At the dose of the third act , by the request of innumerable * friends of Miss Abbott , she sang the "Last Hose of Summer , " mid sang it with a pas sionate elcgtmco , an irresistible pathetic sweetness thai carried the largo audience off their feet in inanlfcslalions of approval. But us to Iho o | > era as u whole , Iho music was us delicious as the scenic and mechanical effects were startling und dn/zling. It "Faust" "Faust" was as was never pro duced hero before. Even the votaries of Gounod were conquered , and that portion of the audloiico which was not educated lo en- Uiusiiusm over tlio matchless music found thorough satisfaction in uio alluring influence of thu sweet Abbott's master .work. The Indies of Omaha remembered her with a shower of flowers and other tokens of their inestimable favor. ( HUM ) orniEA nnusK. At the Grand opera house to-night , Thomas Nust , the best known of American caricatur ists will give an arllslic entertainment draw ing hi black und white and painting iu oil colors at the opera house. The price of ad mission is 50 cunts. On next Monday , Tuesday and Wednes day evenings , J. H. Studley , Into support to Mary Anderson , appears iu Iho melodrama "A Great Wrong. " TUB UKIIMAN COMPANY. Tn-nlght at Hoyd's opera , Haurels & Pills' Comedy company appear In ' "Maria and Mugdalonu , " 0110 of the choicest Gorman society plays yet produced in this city. ITOI'Lli'S TIIUATItK. At this plaeo of amusement , this afternoon , Katie Pearson's company will appear in the popular Irish drama ' 'Kathleen Mavourccn , " and In the evening in "Mountain Ph.k. " The latter play will bo produced every night this week. _ Army NOWH. A general court martial has been appointed to mniit at Fort Niobraru , Nob. , on Monday , December ft , for the trial of such persons an may bo properly brought before it. The de tail for the court is as follows : Cap tain Porter , Eighth infantry ; Captain Wilhclm , Eighth infantry ; Captain Whitney , Eighth infantry ; Caplaln Cusack , Ninth cav alry ; First Lieutenant Emmet , Ninth cav alry ; First Lieutenant Ames , Eighth try ; Second Llmitcnaiit Stafford , Eighth in fantry ; Second Lloutnriant Hlchardson , Eighth infantry ; Second Lioutcnant Ding- hum , Ninth cavalry ; Second .lieutenant ICrug , Eighth infantry ; Second .lieutenant Smiley , Eighth infantry ; Second Jcutonant Pettit , Eighth Infantry ; Second .ilcuUmant Jones , Jr. , Eighth Infantry ; First lieutenant Lynch , Eighth Infantry , judge advocate. Ono of the new "Dovlres for instructing troops at aiming drill" is to bo issued by the chlttf ordnunco ofllccr of thu dcpm-tuumt to each of the following uoats : Fort Ojauba , Neb. ; Fort Sidney , Nob. ; Fort Du Chnsne , Utah. The commanding oOlccr. * of those posts , ufti.-r three months' careful experi mental use und trial cf ill cm , are to RUbiait t > report on their merits 10 headquarter * .