Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1887, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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A Brisk Demand for Money in the
Fore Part.
Packers anil Hpe-cnlator.s In Stocks ,
Grain and Provisions Moderate
Jloilower * Hlnuiihtcilng In
the AVest
In the Commotrlnl
Cult voo , Nov ' . ' 0 [ Special Tolegiam to
( ho HI.F. . ] Kuily In the week the demand
for money was quite brisk from all quarters ,
but towards the close Inquirj was less ui gent.
Hankers are moderately well supplied with
loanable funds nnd borrowers who nre nblo
to tender undoubted security cxpoticncul no
difficulty whatever in obtaining nil the ue-
Lominodatlons i ailed for Speculators in
Blocks , giuln and provisions weiu moderato
boi rowers , ns increased ti ado for futuie do-
lively has enluiged their wants to some ex
tent. Puckers , too , weio seeking a few
favors , ns they have been selling hog pio-
ducts i.ithor ficely for Junuuiy dolivuiy and
arc manufacturing the speculative ailic-Ici
quite liberally The How of euiiency to the
intctior has been quite free , innlnly to live
Block and wheat districts Considoiable
jnonej * has been advanced to merchants in
the Oountrj' for the purimso of purchasing
Bmnll grain at the stations , and also for c-nb
blng com. Lumber dealers are in want
of very little financial assistance
at present , as the season hns
about i loscd. Manufacturers , also , are onlj'
limited Ix-rrowers. Wholesale mere-hunts
were not so pressing in their demands , as
they have been selling goods quite fieely and
liavu Ineieased their collections to some ex-
lent , ( onscquently they have been enabled to
cancel some of their indebtedness. Interest
gate's m o w ell snnpot ted at O' j(2" ( per cent on
dull and 7@8 per cent on time loans. Veiy
little pnpor vvus uc-copted under 7 percent.
Borne paper not in favor with tlio
togular bankets is olTeied on the street at
rates slightly higher tliun is cur i cut ut tliu
banks in oustern financial centeis the do-
niund for manor continues active , witli the
( Jilpply of loanable funds lather light Hates
of interc-st weru well maintained at 5@7 per
cent. Advices fioinabioad indicate an act
ive inquiry for loans , with a good supplj of
roonej oflciiiigs Kates of inteiost wuie n
little stronger , more p.irtic ularly on the open
maiket. NcvvYoik exchange was offered
\vithalittlo more fteedom dining the week
closed , while the demand was onlv
fair. Tlio feeling weak mill ; : „ . < . declined ,
With sules bctweeinks utItKgiiO cents dis
count pi'iJltnx ) , closing at 00 cents Toieign
xchuiigo was in fair request and ofloringB
were not very huge , in a gonotal way the
market was steadier and rates higher. Ship-
l crs' sUtj- days dorumcnt.iiy bills on Lon
don changed hands ut 1 bO'4@l ' M ) ' and
closed stc-ady at § 4 bOi { < 4 tjD'i. ' Tliu New
JJork stock market vvns onlv moderately no-
live dm ing thu pastvveok. The teoeiit ad
vance in pi ices was fuiily sirppoited , tliougli
lliletuutions were fiequeiit. fepec-ulatois
wore a little more inteiested in gi.un and
provisions ami stocks met witli favor onlj *
from those who rnnko a specialty of them or
trade exclusively in thorn. Wall street ope
rutors traded with consider nblo ficcdom , but
O'ltsido ' speculutoiH woio not Inolinod to do
which. Foioignopotatois tiaded model ately ,
The oainhigs of uiilroads me still well main
tained , consequently opeiatois have inclined
I , to the "bnjIng" side of the market. . Theio
, was some , realizing , however , ut the icccnt
Bclviinc-o bj' parties who were
can.ving moderate amounts. Sales
on the Now York stock exchange tor
the week aggregated 1,4 IOUOO shales. Dur
ing the euilypartof tlio week c-onsideiablo
uetivilj in a speculative vvuj'was nuinlfcsted
In pioduco c-iulos mid tliu uiiderlono of the
leading inaikcts indicuted consldoiablo
Btrcngth. Tlrmo uppc-urcd to bo a more general -
oral investment demand , based on tlio inr-
, prossion that a fuithur advance in jiic-es
would bo gained In tlio near futuie. Later
'the mutkots weio less nctlvo not un unusual
thing dining holiday week but nc.u the
close the feeling was firmer , with inoio ac
tivity than usual. Tliero was some i call/ing
1)Jpit ties who had pin chased for small
profits and who held onlj model ate quanti
ties. Haiti in sections where winter giain is
planted also bail a weakening inllneiice on
thonmihot for some articles , coin
lind provisions woio the leading nit ides
traded in , though otlioi grain nnd seeds met
With considerable fuvor. 1'iiccs imvo nver-
nged higher , but the outside llgutes
reached weio not fully suppoitcvd
to the oloso. Supjillcs of ( ? raln
nvo giaclnnlly onhiiKing , with the oxeeption
pf coi a and out * , , but the uggicgnU ) supplies
of all kinds aio smaller than loported one
ycnr ago , excepting of oats nnd barlojHo -
cclpts of grain at vvestein points vv etc moclor-
ttoly lingo nnd tlio shipments well main
lined. The expoi t iiiov enient eontlinies fait
for the season of tlio jc-nr. The uinvulsol
live stock were liberal of all kinds. Packets
have putchuseil the bulk of hogs received al
the loudllig packing centers nnd tlio slaught
taring is quite liberal throughout the west
Blocks of piovisions are gradually enluig
ing , But in greater piopoitiou thai
Usual at this season of tlic
S'fcnr. All the blanches of tiade me cnjoj inj
rather tnoio than the usual activity mid the
outlook Is icgiirded fovorublo for Its contln
utinoothiougiiout tliu winter sea-ion , Cnpi
tulists IITO pin chasing gtum at interior pointi
and piukeis mo buyinghogsfieoly at proton1
prices. Merchants in disti Uniting nmikoti
nro pnivhaslng fair quantities of nil kinds o
I ' the stocl
pinin'aml provisions , consequently
nan liocur i led moio easily than hoietoforo
Money in the west , while not exceedlngl ;
, plenty , is in ample supply to meet nil trade re
quiromentH , niicl hankois mo disposed to us
Bist tlin activity in all depuitinents ns niiiel
II us possible ,
florrlhlo Work of An Incciidinry ii
Warsan , WIs.
' kW.Mtst.u , Wis , Nov. Sti A hoi ilblo hoio
cnust occui led hei o nt ! ) o'clock this moi ninis
A building occupied ns a residence by Car
' Ilonikel buined and Honikcl and tlueo of 111
l childicn peiishcd , TWO other children hav
Bluco died of their Injuries arid the mother i
Innfeeilous condition. The the btmtedli
tlio kite lien and the family doubtless suftc
fated bofoio tliu llumus i cached them Th
d flfo dopm tment vv us v cry slow in i esponcl in
to the alarm Thu casualty is one of th
most dioadful that hus happened in tills v
cinity nnd what makes it moio teiriblo is th
discovery this evening that the tire was c
Incendiary origin.
1 "
The ilnlhouslri Deaths.
r-ti2 YOUK , Nov 20 [ Special Tclegrn
to the HIT. ] The mclaucholy news of tl
flcnth of Loid nnd Lady Dalhousio cause
Blncoro recret in society ciicles which tin
Duly recently loft hero to return to Kurop
Lord Dalhousio was in ill lit tilth w hen he u
rived hoio Octobei 1 , and was aecompanli
l > y hih pi ivuto phj t-ic-ian , Dr Tagg Win
on his biothei's fmni in Minn
sola , ho over oxer ted hlrn elf in hut :
ing and llshiug and ho was n
in such good health when ho staitedl
Hnvro two weeks ago Satuulaj u- when I
nrilved here. Lndj Dalhousio was unxloi
to got back to her homo and that deter mini
the speedy depart mo. After uuiviug he
Bho horbOif vvus indisposed when the steam
nailed. Lord DulhousloV brother , Ho
Charles Mnulo Uamsajs , is on the way fro
the wost. Loid Dalhousio leaves a tamilj
five ohlldien , the oldest of whom , ltiun u
will inherit his fathers title. Ho Is ni
yearn o'.d.
Hall Wicckx.
* " DEHIIAM , la. , Nov. 20.-A trclght tinin
\ \ the Milwaukee broke In two en r. hoa
grade near town .vesteri'.ay. The raoii cnto
ot the full tiiUu was so that t :
roar Boctlou carnc ov or the r Idge ot Win arai
and thru dashed down unchecked on the fc
ward section. Twelve cai * weio wroikc
Eo\cial of the tors vvcro loaded with goo
jfroiii South Omaha pai1'1' ' ' " ! ? ' Ihuis. T
vest-bumul p.isbC-ni-wr , tula wi.s'delaii
lil C houi s. ThO loai to the oj'iipauy i * os
1'OPU ynoillDA JONKH.
The Kecctitrlu Houthorn KtatOHinnn n
AVrerk of IIIx Fornlor HMf.
r Dr.Titoir , Nov. M ( Sj-e-clul Telegram to
the Hi r. ] Senator Jones will bo cited to up
pcnr before the probuto court Mondny nnd
will probably be committed to the insane
nsjlutn. If he contests some scnsatlouul dev -
v elopements arc expected. A number of In
fluential demooiatlc * sonntois In WushlnRton
have sent a representative to Detroit to take
prompt nnd decisive u < lion about the mutter.
Mr .Tones maintains that all his trouble-sure
the lesultof a conspiik-y against him to force
his withdrawal fiom public life and ho adds
to his list of members of the "sjndlc.ito" ns
ho terms the alleged conspiracy , the
name of every friend with whom
he may have hud n fulling out. His hotel
keepers , when they come In with their bills
which butt boon accumulating for months ,
weie forthwith put down us having Joined
HIP sj mile-ate. He seoins tobo n monomaniac
on the subject of liimsolf and his gtealnuss
Tor liouis ut n tlino ho has been known to
dosc-unt to ft lends on the greatness of his
c.uoer , letuinlng next duv to exemplify the
brilliant moid with quotations fiom his
| > eechos licio anil there In the
meantime his Income lias been
going fiom him , the doois of hotel
rooms aio locked against him rind his
linen is held in bondage to the washerwoman.
Ho hns aged womb rfnll.v slnc-o lie cnmo hctc.
His clothes mo seedv and fiaved , his shining
tile of tlio othci davs hus lost itn lustre , his
walk has beiomo loss coi tuln and onlj his
dignitj remains , for that alone with his citi
zenship In Florida , has ho saved fiom tlio
wreck of his foituno and loputation. Mr.
lilaino has hud Senator Palmer convey to
Jones the assurances of his most kindl.v feelIng -
Ing to try to disabuse him of his notions.
The duy ho was called Uxin | by Palmer ho
told all liift close ft lends of the duplieitj of
the Mainu statesman us he saw it in its new
light , so that Mr. Hluinc's consideration was
love's labor lost. Mr. .tones'father , a Hnt
isli at my doctor , tiled of Insanity which kept
him twelve j cars in a mud-house , the result
of a sabic-wouud received in the servie-e in
India. I
A Iiltcly Meeting to Consider Their
Mission Hold In Now York.
Nr.vYOUK , Nov. "tl A lingo audience
gatheicd at Chlckeiing hall to night to listen
to speeches fiom some member < * of the depu
tation from the Hntlsh paibainent who have
couie to this country to uigc international
arbitration. Major Hewitt presided and ex
pressed a heaity appi oval of the visitois' er
rand. Sir Geoigo Campbell was the Hist
speaker. After some pieliminnrjlomaiks
he wns explaining the object of his Jouinoj ,
when somobodj-called out : . "What about the
Alabama ] "
The question provoked n stoimof hisses ,
but the speaker retuincd the interruption
very happily by s.ijing that no bol
ter illustratiou of tno value of
arbitration could been adduced than
the Alabama episode. Ho thought
the Enghirti admitted now that their conduct
on that occasion was very shabby.
Hefeiiing to the present discussion
regui ding the fisheries , thu speakei
mentioned Chiimbciluin ns an honest and
satisfactory man-statement which pro
voked n storm of hisses and applause. Sir-
George , in fact , was subjected to Interrup
tions throughout Ills speech. Halley Stew
art. M. 1' . , speaking ot the number of poets
and commoners vv ho signed tlio memorial ,
said he believed the lush inomhcis would
vote for them. Hoio some ono in
the nucllcneo shouted : "Not ono. "
Stow ait retorted that ho know the Irish
members Having been asked why the
Kngbsh don't favor atbitratiori in tlio lush
question , In replj he asked if America would
h ivo submitted the questions that mused
the lute war to arbitration , l vcn though it
should loud to civil win , nngluud c-nnnot tol-
eiato foieign intcileieiiee m the Irish ques
tion. Stovvuit added that ho was a homo
ruler and if theio was a vote on tle ]
question to day ho bellgvcs tlio great
majority of the Knglls. ! , people would declare
for home rule , hosolutlons weio adopted ap
pointing r. committee of live with Major
Ilyv.kt us chilli man to uigo the government
to formulate an arbitration treaty with Great
Hiitttln and icquostcongiosstotukomeasme.H
to call a convention of the nations of Not tli
and Soutli America and sucli otheis ns may
( liooso to join to fein an intet national c-ouit
of arbitration.
The i\voiitito Committee Moving Tot
Mori * ThoioiiKh Organization.
ST. Lei i , Mo , Nov.i > . At a mooting ol
the national executive committee of the Jrtsli
National leanuo to day the question of n inoic
thorough oigaui .ition in ceituin states vvu1
considered and referred to the president. .
The question of when and where
to hold tlio next national com en
tion was icferiod to a committee
of seven , headed bv President I'itrgeiald
Resolutions wore adopted appealing to UK
liberty loving people of Hngluncl , Seotlaiii
and Wales , and also to people of lush butt
and uxti action in Anieiic-a , foi moral nnii
mntciinl uid ; tendering svnipatlij' to all now
suffeiing in Ii eland ; denouncing coercion
eulogizing Gladstone and extolling the powei
and advantages of orgunl/ation , and nighi ;
every friend in America to Join the Nationa
The Tiuok of the Illlz/nrd.
Dm MorsrNoy. . 2H A bluzaul com
nicnccd snow Ing from the noithwcst thic
afternoon with a rapidly falling merouiy one
this evening has become quite a gale will
light snow filling the air. Uepoits fion
vvestein and noitlivvestcin parts of t'he stuti
show the bliz/nid is veij1 seveio thcie.
S. PAI i. , Nov. Ji > The stoi m w hic-h wa
central in Dakota jesteiday i cached hcii
this aftcinoon and tinned to a liglit snov
which bus been falling for two dajs into ni
.Incipient bli77aid. A special from Mitchell
Dak , ropoitstho mercury ( i devices belov
7cio theio at 7 o'clock tills morning with
northwest wind O\ei six inches ol snow I
repoited fiom Huron Da\ . , with nhighwinil
Trains , however , mo not jet much dolajcc
At St Paul the thermometer registered 1
degiees above , this rnouilng. H wns t bclo\
nt Mooiliead , Minn , 3 below ut Uismaie
nnd 0 below at Uhej eane.
Cold In the Noilliwost.
ST. Put , , Nor CO- Some icmaikubly lei
tcinperatuu's tluoughout the noilhwestur
reported in tlic blgnul set vice bulletin issue
lieio ut 11 43 p. in , nil of the following be-in
below 7010 St Vincent , Mian , 23 ; Toi
Gurry , SJ , Mlnnedosa , JJ Toil Totteu , li
Hisnmick. HI , Chejcnne , 10 ; Voit Custc
12 , Toil Assmnbolne , ' . ' ( ) ; I'ort Huford , 1 |
At St Paul and Dulutli coitcsponding elise
rations indic-atc b above.
Itiislncs ? TtoiihlcH.
PiTTsiiuuo , Nov SO The Amoi ican ban
of this cltdoing business in the old Pen
bank building , closed its doois th
moining and announced it would go m
liquidation The capital stock $ ? 00COO.
is raid the bink will pay all clain.s against !
The failure has no significance whatever i
unfnvorablv uffceting other I'minciul ' instil
lions or the general business situation. It
uncleistood that the dpponiN have be-on gra
iiallj dec i easing for jo.iis until they uggs
gate less tli in Tlio liabilities ui o le
o than $100,000 uml the ii tclo uio luigc-lv
excess of that amount
NiYOIIK , Nov 'M .ludgmonts agiegr
lnn'li00t.i ) Iwv'-boon cntoied against Dnv
M Koliv Ho is a westoin iuan mid t ]
judgmen.s * n o for nionev loaned on his g'u
nntee foi the constinotion of the Toil Mat
son .x. Noitlrvcttci n i.nlw ly of Iowa.
Will 111I * Weclf .
„ Nov0 A'i.uvs fi-om the Cal ana l m mine s.rv , it is expected t
l.rc will bun several weeks nnd tdat t
niino i.miiot bo oiienod for n still long
( jieuoil Ten he ids of stamps nro now Ic
In the mbl mid live fuinuc\-s in the smcltl
uio blov.'n out.
Tim Conrctloralii llngr.ivcr Dead.
Pun..m i PHI v , Nov. ' V. Jncnuoi AVissh
vvro c-nsiin'od nearly all the plates frc
vhl'h the moiio-y and bondi of the tonfcdt
ntcstutc-s of America tvcie pi Intcd. died b
night at. his. home in fcaru-Jcn , N. J. , ag
Encouraging Outlook for a Grand
Olub for Omaha.
Everything In for Nc-
hrnskn'H Mlilillo-Weifiht Hoxlng
ContestN Warrcn'H Coining
1'lght With Wclr.
Local Huso Hall Affair * ) .
There is but little new in local base ball
muttcis excepting thot the sntisfnction of the
public in the now roster of officers elected at
the recent meeting of the directory is being
manifested mot o mid moio every duy. Not
that any disparagement Is Intended toward
anj of the retiring officials , but the opinion
piovuilsthut the management is at last in
hands partlculatlj * adapted to the woik , and
that a season of unprecedented success is
foithcoming. Mr J. S McCorrnuck , the
new president , is un enthusiastic devotee of
the gioat national pastime , a gentleman of no
little expci lence , sound and practical on busi
ness principles , go ahead , energetic nnd un
tiring in his ofToits to piosper whatever ho
takes hold of , hence a better rnmi tit the helm
could not bo found forOmuhu's ballistic craft.
J. .T. Hnidin , the vice president , will muko a
most efficient colaborer with the president.
Ho has be-on Identified with professional bull
since its introduction heie , Is cool , collected
mid a wise counsellor. Dr. Woi lev , the seo-
retuij' , and.lohn M. Doughertv. the treas
urer , mo both pcculi.uly fitted for
the positions to which thev have been
elected , and altogether the ollleiul board is u
line one. That , base ball is to experience ) n
boom hero thci c is no doubt vv Imtsoever.
Theio is more interest evinced in the pros
pects of thu loc-al nssociation even now than
ever marked any particular epoch In the
history of the game , aid \v ith such un excel
lent coii > s of office-is , and such a stiong team
ns his alieady been secur c-d , it eannot be
othei w he than next season is to bo an ci a of
unknown succ-css In the sjMirt he-re. Another
fa < t which guuiuntocs propciity is that
Trunk G. Slice who ranks with the best
managers in the profession , hns been engaged
lo pilot the Omahus through tlio season of
IbbS. Ho left Monti ese , Muss , for Omaha
last evening in response to a telegram from
SeeicturjWoiloj - , and is expected to univo
lieio to mot tow evening. The officers unit
manager will then enter into a eonfeieiico
nnd establish the polic-j that is to govern the
club throughout the season. Slice has been
hustling in the interests of the uew club
lor the past month and has
nt last succeeded in signing
n team that looks like a
pennant winner. If they do full in taking
the ( lug , they w 111 bo in uncomfortable prox-
imitj to the leaders when the gong sounds
I for tue final gaxna next October. The man
agement hns nhoady exhausted $ .r > 00 in ad
vance money , mid the name of plajciswho
have placed their signatures to Omaha con
tracts me : Lovett and C.issiun , pitchcts ;
O'Conncll , first base : Shnnnan , second base :
Doian , third base ; Miller , shortstop , and
Hums , Campnnn , Annis , MeCaity , Mcssett
and Walsh outfielders mid icseivcs
Sam Moi ton , president of the w estei n ns-
socation , writes.President McCormack that ,
In Ills Judgment , this is the strongest nggre-
gallon jet secured b7 any club in the circuit.
The almost full quarto of stock has been sub
scribed within the past week , nnd the sub
scription list embraces sorno of Omaha's
best know n business men , still nnothcr evi
dence of the tenewed faith iu the new ic-
Handle For Umpire.
Now that the new western base ball asso
ciation is upon a solid footing , and there is
every prospect of a grnuil revival of Interest
horcaboutsi Qniaha should insist upon being
loccvnized as one of Iho chief and essential
j factors in the organi/atioii. She should not
be backward in claiming her rights and insist -
sist ng upon her deserts. At the meeting of
the association in Chicago no reprpsentutivo
from Omaha was ever mentioned as a candi
date for niij- official position. All the officers ,
the monibet s of tlio schedule and other com
mittees bivo been chosen from the other
cities , mid jet even n murmur has not es
caped the local mnnngomont. Thev mo sat
isfied that the interests of the whole will bo
subsoived by the woik uhcndy done und
have no occasion to molest or remonstrate.
However , tliej" should insist on having a
voice * in all legislation mid all rn.itteis per
taining to the general interests of the clubs ,
mid inasmuch us thej have thus far icfrained
fiom nsking for nnjtiling , they should
surely bo granted the piivilegu of
nt least ono member of the stnft
of umpires , nnd will likeljdo so This
should bo in behalf of that haul working ,
painstaking local favor itel'iank Handle. Ho
rs an applicant , and his fi Sends , now upon
his piofesscd desiio to retire fiom active
woik upon the diamond , should sco that his
long j c.n s of meriUn ions service uro remem
bered. Ho is n plnj or of no mean nbilltj' ,
was identified with the Hist move made in
Oniuhn for tlio secuieineiit of professional
base ball. Ho Is ono of the oldest of local
plavors , and has alvvavs been true , reliable
mid conscientious inhlslulmis for Omahu's
base ball gloi ilicntion. Ho is thoroughly
conversant with ovorj * point in tlio gnme , is
lojnl , impartial mict upright , the possessor oi
a quick eve , plenty of nerve and a good
volt o , and is clearly nnd fully entitled to this
recognition at the hands of his old confreres
of the bat and ball.
Dulutli For the Western licn uc.
DCICTH , Minn , Nov. SO [ Special Tele
the Hf . - W. Andeison has
pram to r ] .TajW. ar
rived hero from Chicago andbionght will ]
him glad tidings for lovoi s of base ball. The
mission which took Mr. Andeison to Clue-age
came through u telegram announcing that
Kansas City would enter the Amor ican usso
ciution , anil thus leuv o n v at auey in the now
league It was intimated that the remaining
members ot the Western league favored the
admission of Dulutli to till the vacanoj , anil
to leant the true fuels in the matter , Aiicler
son went to sco Moi ton at Chi
cngo. Andei son w as moi 6 than pleased will
thoicsult of his tn ] ) The next meeting o
the Western league w ill bo held Junuurj 15
nt Chicago , nnd Dulutli will bo admitted will
the sumo piivilego as charter members. An
del son snjs there will bo no diflleultj' in so
cut ing a vv Inning team if action is taken sooi
enough , Minneapolis lias not .vet secured
team mid ntiinj good plujoisuiu holding hue'
until spring.
The New "Western IjenKiie. "
ST. , , Mo , Nov. Sl ( [ Special Tele
pram to the Hi.u ] There piomises to bo
inottj-sciamble fortho new Westein leagu
before it is permitted to oiganlro fortho con
ing season , Uveijbodj- consideicd th
old loagu&defunct , und oven the clubs whlc
composed it made a desperate seiamblo ft :
membership in the organization. Tlio ol
"vVostei n league is not dead , how ev or , an
proposes to make itself felt nnd worrj * tli
new organization , if such a thing is possibli
Mr Klllot Marshall of this city , mid seen
taryof the old league , said jesteidny : '
would like for some ono to toll mo who is tt
nutlioi itj for the statement that the Westei
league of iss- hud disbanded. Theio h ,
never been mi otlU-lul announcement to tin
s etlect and theie is no truth i
the statement Wo have paid o
all our indebtedness and are out
rnoioon our feet As long as the Westei
league insists under the national ngioeme-i
this now organisation , which ptoposes to en
llsclf the Western league , cannot. Wo * |
not sit idlj by and sec our mo - . ' . , , - ! base !
desert us and go into i > roiher league whii
takes our mime T'no end of the matter
not jet. T .c old league U in existence , is
P'H'.J to thu national agtcement and will n1
Us protection Thu mutter will bo pi esontt
to them at the next meeting and the utbitt
tlon committee will bo called on to make
decision in Iho premises , "
Flashes n-oin the Dlninoml.
Folding chairs me to bo put In the grai
stand next &pi Ing.
Annla nnd Hums , Hie two latest noquli
lions to Omaha's team , ma both valual
men ,
"Scrappy Jack" Mesalth will again bo se <
tramping down the euiss in the right gmdi
next season.
Moi ton , of Chicago , w rites to know whoth
Joe Walsu has been signed , llo 1ms , m
with Omaha.
Xuo Philadelphia , Spotting Life says
"Lovett nnd Wilson will bo found nt Ornnha
rlor.t scetiHon h great cutoh for that town. "
AVIlson , ooo of Omaha's new catchers ,
speaks four lnngua i" aja an Oskosh daily.
Avhut an ndvantugf- has w hen n foul tip
takes off a linger nail.
A now bulletin bo.ircl , one uimn which the
score can bo rend at least a do/en feet away
w ithout field glasscw , is to bo elected tit the
ball park In the spring.
Among the other changes to bo made Is n
new stand especially for ladles , und mi ex
tension of the blenching boards clear round
to the left Held foul line.
To a man almost Omaha's next ycar'3 team
Is comprised of what 14 known us joung
blood. Walsh and O'Connoll come thu near
est being vets , und iet Messltt Is no spring
.Too Wnlsh , short field m last season's team ,
has been signed for next , season. It has not
been settled , though , whether he. Miller or
Hums , will bo delegated to guard this posi
tion regular ! j' .
Mark it. Mes ett and Walsh will l-olh bo
up among the toiHiiotehets as batters next
.vour And then , with such henry butters us
Shannon mid O'Connull and MtCurtjtliero
will bo somu leather hunting hereabouts next
j ear.
ear.No league In the c-ountrj * Is booming like
the new Wostoin association. Kvei.v club
has alteatly signed a complete team , and of
foimlduble talent , too , ami within u few
years it will compute favorably with the two
older 01 guiilzations.
The management have concluded , owing lethe
the immense amount of miscellaneous work
that must bo accomplished ore thu robins
nest ugiiln , that it will bo hotter to have
Manager Selco lieie upon the .ground till win
ter. Ho will arrive hcio to moi tow.
The MIUillc-WulKht Chniiii > loiiKlil * > .
The Initial series of contests for the mid
die-weight boxing championship of Nebraska ,
and a handsome gold medal offeted by
Hichmd 1C. Fox , is now udvcitlsed to take
place at the Otand opera house one week
from to-morrow night , December 5 , under
the management of Mcssis. J. C. Cinwford ,
Edwurd Hothery und Putsy Fallon. The
names of thesecnuigetic promoters of nil
athletic sK | > rts is assurance enough that the
affair will be a grand suc-ccss. Following
nro the entiles : .11 HI Lntdsav , Oniuhn , 14 I
pounds- , Homer Kitk , I.uuoln , 1M pounds ;
Dan Hint , Omiihu , 140 pounds ; .lack Killett ,
Omaha , 1-10 iMJUtids : Ora McVeigh , Oinuha ,
IfiO pounds ; Jim Illgglns , Soulli Omaha , Us
In addition to these regular onti ies the
following local boxers and athletes have
volunteered their service's to mnko up mi at
tractive progiuimno. Hilly Haw lev , Put soy
Fallen , Toininv Miller , Aithnr Hotherv ,
Jack Condon , , lee Ostrelln , Piof. Ed. Miller
and Tom O'lJnon. George Kendall will per
form his wonderful dumb bell lifting act , and
Miller , the hc.ivv-woight wrestler , will en
gage in a fiiemlly bout with an unknown.
And that it w ill bo a vai led and interesting
exhibit of athletic skill there is no possible
doubt All those who attend with the ex
pectation of witnessing u slugging null w ill
get bcautifulljleft. . It Is to bo rniitlo up
strtctlj" of boxing matches for scientific
points onlj * . Six ounce gloves will bo used ,
which precludes the possibility of mjuiy to
the contestants.
The Warrcu-Welr Fight.
MINXI , Minn. , Nov. 20 [ Special
Telegram to the Un * . ] Bantam Tommy
Wan en resents the lecent ihargo made by
the custom press that ho is n hlppodiomor
mid n cow aid. The mnteh between Wan en
and Weir , to be fought in this city , " -as
onginnlly fixed nt elovfii rounds , ut War r en's
ow n request. To show the public thnt the
natch will bo n straight one , it has been
bunged to a twentj'-round contest. Wmicn ,
n discussing the matter , paid : "I've never
ought a hippodioine contest in my life. I
, lm to 'do' my man wlin I enter the i ing.
'm preparing to give1 Weir the best of it
vhen wo meet. I've been trjingto gel on a
natch with him ovcr'a'jear1. I've failed until
low. Now that he has agreed to moot mo ,
want to find out whether he is
ho light-weight champion of the world , or
v bother I am. I'm ' thinking the mutter ov or.
mnito up my mind thnt a llftecn-iound 1011-
est might possibly result in a chaw.
Since tlio Clow-Glover fight I could tell that
he Minneapolis lovers of/ spoil have become
iiedof tlio familiar referee's decision , 'fought
o a draw.1 I want the people who turn out
and pav their good money to sec u fight the
voithofit. I'm going to do it. Inn tvvcntv-
ound light between Well * and rnjsclf , the
ofeiee , I think , will have notionble in un-
louncing the winner from the platfoiu.
HcutM Haitian.
Su\MN. S W. , Nov. 2(5 ( The sculling
ace for the championship of the world be
tween Heach and Hanlan took place on
Na | > oan rrver to dnj' and was won by Heach
The race was an exciting one. Heach took
the lead at the start and , though closelj' fol
lowed by Hanlan , bold it throughout , wm-
" . The contest wit-
unir bj" two lengths. was -
icssed bj thousands of enthusiastic specta
tors. _ _
The FiiKllHhiuan First Koist.
Pnuu > Fi run , Nov. 2 < i. Tlio l-U hour go-
as-jou please race ended to-night shoitly be
fore 10 o'clock wilh Litllcwood , Hie English
man , in first place , nearly forty miles ahead
of his nearest competitor. The Englishman
this morning abandoned his expressed inten
tion of trj ing to beat the world's record of
010 miles and Jogged along easily throughout
the duy. Following mo the scores of the five
tinisheis :
Littlewood , COO miles , I lap ; Albeit , C.C !
miles ; Pain hot , fill miles , ! ) laps ; Noremae ,
501 miles , 0 laps ; Elson , 500 miles , 1 lop.
Harvard Oiit-Kioko Yalo.
NEW HULN , Conn , Nov. 20 The Har
yard fi cshmau foolball cloven defeated the
Ynlo fieshman eleven at the Yalogiounds
this aftoinoon , six points to two.
Sporting i
Tommy Chandler and his dog "Tigei" me
ill at the Hai kor.
Aithur Hothoiy will train and secom
Johnny ICellott in the middle weight bout-
next Monday evening a weok.
The Omaha Amateur Athletic club vvil
meet nt Print o &Kirbj'H Sixteenth htteo
spotting heaclquuiteis next Thuisduy even
in- , ' .
The match biovolo e-huso1 between Ei
llotheiv and Ed Wiishbutn , live miles for i
Make ot $100 u bide , vv ill e-otno oft at tlio base
ball pink next Saturcbij , the weather pjr
The prospective plovo contest belweei
Anthony Hothei y and Patsy Cm roll for * r
u side will be an event vvoith witnessing
Uoth aio clover men , and tlio fact that itvvil
bo a genuine stiugglu nddb Intelost to tli
Peiuoso & ll.inlin bavo sent a c-hullongo t
Linge-it and Williumsof Towandu , Kan , t
meet them half wuj at St. .loo , or any othe
convenient point , mid shoot them for SiV )
side. An earnest of tro has been deposite
w ith the Amei u an Field.
Dan Hint , who hud the memorable buttl
w ith Sid Clatku up in T < Ava mst summer , ai
lived In the oitv Jiom Chcjemio jostord.ij
Ho claims to bo a Nelnaskun and will entc1
for the Hichmd 1C Fox iw-dnl to be boxe
for one week from to mot tow evening.
The r.ic'lllcMull Ctinimny.
Nrvv YOI.K , Noy ' . ' -Vicel Picsldont Lai
torback , of the PncilleMiiil ( frtcmiibhip con
p.inj , conlbmed the tefinit that at the Ch.
cage meeting vesteid.iy the Compain vvf
gi anted a subsidj of * " . ' , , tHiO n month bj tli
overland iiiii rtUR. Ho said it was pi net
cull * tiio best mrangoineiil for the ooinpan
thai had been mudo since the time of the o
igiiiul subsidj * . . , . . „
Hugh Chiltick , foi moi Ij ugentntthoUnlc
stock v mils , but now livohtock ngc-nt of tl
Fremont , niUhnni ft Missouri Vulloj i
Clinch on , was In the city jcstord.iy. M
Chiltick expects soon to bo timibfcrrcd I
Dogtc-o lodgoNo 2 I. O O F put foil ;
six members through the third degtco lu' '
The Aimour compntiv paid out $100,00q fc
hOga on Thanksgiving duy
Tlieio will bo a meeting of the local bi-an
of tlm Irish National league at St , Phil
meiia's hall , Ninth and Hovuml streets , th
( Sunday ) afttinoon ut 2 ftO o'clock , to lie :
the teitoi t of the < ommlltci on subscription
U Is hoped thcrplll l S laigeattendance.
Arrival In the City of the Ffttiioun
Pictorial 9lati.
Thomas Xnst , the famous iilctorial states
man , was found at his hotel last night by a
BhK reporter quietly enjojing tlio cornpuny
of n number of ladles and gentlemen. Ho
opened conversation with tlio reporter by
saying that ho had been in Omaha fourteen
jears ago , and from all that he could dlvern
tluough the llcccj snow that bedimmed his
eyesight dining his promenades of the aftoi
noon it had giown wonderfully ttlmo then
and w as cut out for a great city. He is on a
lecture tour , and will appear at the Grand
opoia house to night. Mr. Nast had not In
tended to do uny lecturing on this tr ip , w hie h
he takes mainly for his health , but while in
Denver he was pievallcd uponto take to the
roilurn. Trusting his interests to the
managerial ubllity of Mr. John
McGuiie , wlio manages tlio North
Pacific theatrical circuit , ho started
out , and Mr McGuirc. in conjunction with
Manager McComt , of the Denver njioni
house , will perfect arrangements for the HIV-
poaramo of Mr. Nast in several cities that
will extend to the coast.
Speaking upon pollth s , Mr Nast said that ,
though he Is a republican to the backbone , ho
was glad when tlio democrats weiostiuess
fill in l M He thought a change would bo
good for the lountiy , and , thus fai , has not
been disappointed. Pit sklent Cleveland , ho
s ij s. makes a tine president , and ho predicts
that lie will be irnominated in IbsOf
Hlaine , Mr Nast has a ver.v ) > oor opinion
and , in response to a question bj the icjtorter
as tow hut course he would take if lilalno was
nominated by the republicans in li > ss and
should be supoited | by Mr. Curtis and Har-
pei's Wooklj , lie fit inly responded * " 1 would
ask for a leave of absence of six months. "
The Commissioner * Moot and Trans
act IlllslllCMS.
The fire and jwlice commissioners held a
meeting jcstcrdaj'after noon at the majoi's
ofllco. All were present. A communication
from the chief of police asked that the per
mit of Matthew Ncrod , the special police
man who recently wont insane , bo revoked ,
w liich was granted. The chief also asked for
the purchase of a team of lioises for the
P itiol wagon Placed on file , ns theie arc no
funds on hand.
A lommiiiiication was received from J. M.
Kddj , fe'iperaityrident ' of the Missouri Pa
cific lallvvaj , asking that Daniel blmnahau bo
appointed as policeman for the j aids fiom
California to Guico streets. Grunted.
Shiiimhan's bond for $1,000 was accepted.
A petition from J. IJ Kcd field asked for nn
alarm and police box at tlio comer of Tenth
and Hani i oft stieets Placed un file , there
being no funds on hand.
A Utter vuis read fiom W. A. Dillvvoith of
Hastings , recommending the appointment of
A. T. Valentine , the Union Pacific detective ,
as chief of the pioposcd Omaha detective
f 01 ce ,
'lire chief escntcd bill of fortho
pi a $10 ex
pense of chemically testing tlio supposed
bomb found tvv o w ecks ago on the coi nor of
Fourteenth and Harnev stieets. Allowed.
C. S. Smith presented n senes of chuigcs
against Captain Green of the police foiee.
No action was takch.
The rest o tl.o . business of the commission
ivas transacted in secret cxecutrv o session.
Resolutions of llespoct.
A meeting of the Commission Merchants
f Omaha was held at the ofllec of Troxcll &
Williams on Friday , November 23 , at 2
clock p in , , to take action on the death of
.ho Into udvraid Morony.
K Hiugham was elected president and
nlins Pev eke chosen sec-rotary. On motion
f Jacob Williams acommittoe was appointed
) j tlio chair , composed of Jacob Williams ,
tobert I'm vis and Dav id Whitney to draft
csolutrons expressive of the confidence and
'steem in which Mr. Moi ony was held bj'
he commission merchants of Omaho The
-ommittcc reported tlio following preamble
.ml icsolutions , winch were unanimously
adopted , and the secretary instructed to fur
nish the widow and family with acopj-of
ho same :
Wlicieas , An ahviso Pi evidence has taken
from among us oui late esteemed cituen and
fellow commission merchant , Mr. Edward
Moronj ; and
Whereas , In our social relations w ith Mr.
Mororrv we alwavs found him courteous and
. ontlonmnlj , and in business honoi able and
uoitlij of out fullest confidence ; therofoie ,
Hesolved , That we , the commission meich-
iints of the citj of Omaha , in meeting assem-
' ) led , heiebj oxpicssour sinceie i egret in tlio
oss of one of our oldest and most respected
ncrchants , ami bliall ever remember his up
right example In business us ono woithj of
iraise and emulation.
Ke-solvcd , That in their sonow and great
oss the widow and children of our into
ir other have our heartfelt sjmpathj' , and to
them we can lend the assurance- that a uus-
) and father has passed fiom life to death
w itli n < oiiscionsness of hav ing been just in
his dealings with men.
men.H. HIVOHAM , President ,
JUIILS PMCKI : , Sccrctaij' .
Personal Paragraphs ,
C. Dobcmer , St. Joe , is at the Millard.
Edgar Uoss , bt. Joe , is at the Millard.
F. Coe , Nebraska City , is at tlio Millaid.n
C. H Cooke , Hoone , la , is at the Millard.
H. H. Hiu-ger , Dubuque , la , is at the Mil'
G. W. Mabis , St. Joseph. Mo , is at the
Mr. and Mis T. O. Gaiiock , of Custcr ,
Dak , are in the city.
Mossis F. H. Xiebach and P. C. Mirier , ol
Pluttsmouth , Neb , aio at the Millard.
Mis .f. Lardley and Miss Lnidlcy , of Sar
Francisco , Cal , mo visiting in the city.
Messrs. E. W. Fen ton , James A. Svvopt
and L E. Williams , Glenwood , la , me at tin
C. P. Langlois , Ncwmk , N. J. , is In the
oitj' . "Lang" is a knight of the gup , am
ono of the best bojh on the road.
Death ol'Kenator Mundei son's Father
Pnu.\il l PHI v , Nov. 20 John Marnier son
father of United States Senator Mandcison
of Nebiaska. died at his residence rn this
city last night , aged eight jseven. .
HohhloN ol' KiiKHlaii Millionaire ,
Lc Cmisour : Among its ninny mil
Homines Moscow iiossoKse-s a. Mr * . Manv
inontolT , who last year built liiniboU i
privatu theater in which Ituliirn ant
Hiissiirn opi-nib were ] > or formed alter
natulv. After spending f > 0M ( ) r ublus 01
this Irttle iiinusonioiit ho 1ms now givc'i
it uj ) for the himplo iea on Hint i
"docMii't p.i\ . " The Into Bur on Dervis
of. St. Potoisliiii-f , ' \\iisiininciis-olyvvpaHlij
KnondiiiH : most of his time at Nice
hue u hovc'ic'ign jiriuce , ho Kept hi
own oic'lii-str.i , which , for stie'iif-ll
anil quality could compare favor
ahly with the best of the kind
Tliins-c'lf nn indent lover- mid jiuljjo o
Illtlhic , llO IklbO pOisCSftCll UlO 1111 0 Sift O
Imriifj able to dicovcr * the latent talent
which ho took the yrcalcst Uuliffht in
fostorintf and training , toward less o
cost. In this r ospe'ct lie diiTorcel gi cull ;
from olhor we iltliy prtronsof the triti
IJiissiun typo. Odessii to-dny boast ) , om
of the finest phiyhouscb in Euiojw. Tin
loh-eo is u resilient mcrcliautof onor
inoua wealth , namcU Tchorponnikoll
Tlio gcii'.loinnn Kuowy us much ubou
t'no miiniige-ment of a thcntcias i
Russian peasant dooa of the eclipse o
the sun ; out that iloes not matter h <
has monoy. A month nrjo Mr
Tchi'rponnikolT &ot out fron
Odchsa to Milan to ciifrngo | ln Ttalii- , '
opera tiouiio. His Inowloi1 ( o o
laiifjungo holnp us scnnt ns IrU theatn
i'al oxporlenoo , the tlnriiiK impicsari
wns lucky In liaving for u companion i
woll-Known composer , ] > oot and reciter
M r * . Liehin , who was ffoint , ' to Ital ,
How the cntorpriso will tun
out tlio gods only know. According 1
a iccont ciiculation , the Odessa thcatc
t icqnircti n j early bulnoulion of hctwcci
1WX ! ) and IJ.OW ) rubles , for * tlio totn
r monthly icoctpts , with daily full houbc =
amount lo ( ! 0HX ( ) rubks , or- just enougl
to pay tlio salaries of the Bingers am
other * for1 tlio same iroriod. AUo I
Tilliu ( Guucnsus ) an eccentric onthuslas
IH going to i-ot up domestic Italia :
opera. Ho has already bigncd agreements
monts and the performances are to h
given solely for the eittoituinmeiit c
hlimulf aud UU
8. 1 * . Morse * CO.'H Opening lr Trios-
day Night.
But few people in o aw are o ( the im-
tnoiiso amount of preparation iiecossnry
In hu-go stores to imiko a display of holT-
diiv goods Mich as S. 1' . Mor : > o' & Co.
will make this .vcar * .
To begin with the purchasing ;
Morse's European buyer. Mr. Sehrnmrn ,
visits all the smiill towns In the dis
trict of
In scinch of novelties ; commencing with
the fair beginning in Loip/.ig the Sun
day after Easter , ho purohnscs in snioh
towns ns Hlankenburg , Mellonbach ,
Ootha. 1'laiie. Oludruf and Sonneburg
tlio latter rilnce being the
district In the world ; Intel * on Mi * .
Sclunmm visited Berlin , Vienna and
Frankfort on thu Main in bcnroh of
leather * goods , pocket books , albums ,
oto. , and as tlio result of his summer *
labors S. 1' . MDI > U & Co. will make ono
of tlio finest and largest disjilny of really
nov el ar tides useful for Chi islirms gifts
that have over lieen shown in America.
The v uses , brlc-a-br nc and jKittory are
each one a distinct and sopiuato st.vle
the odd jncces being marvellously
pietlv and all useful.
Not a single duplicate of any piece is
to bo found in this country c'xcoiit at
ate very novel. GentlemenV traveling
cases , bags , satchels , etc. each one the
only ono of the kind imported ladies'
toilet sets , manicure cases , etc. , in im
mense variety. But
Black dolls and white dolls , blondes ,
buinettes. bo t , and gills , sailor dolls ,
bridal dolls , in fact dolls of all kinds aio
to bo found hero aud nllaru new. S. I' .
Morse & Co. having sold everj doll on
hand last Christmas.
next the store will bo open after 7
o'clock in the evening and S. P. Moi so
& Co. bend jou an invitation to come.
Neatly FIO/OII to Doath.
Hilly Hope-is , an oxpicss duvcr , while
under the Inlluonco of liquor last night ,
stiajed dovvnon the bottoms wheio ho was
found in a da/cd mid Imlf-fio/rn condition In
Special Officer Mullmll near Hoaglnnd's Inm
berjanl. The ofllccr'took him to Ins liumo
and doubtless saved him fiom being fioicn to
Will Stiek at tlio PoHtoflloo.
The rumor life to the effeHt that W. P.
ampbell would resign his position as monej
order clerk and return lo tlio seivice of the
Union Pacific i ailrond company , is denied bv
Mic gentlemen himself.
HowStevrnw , the Illcjclor , ninilc His
Way Throuili thu Ijand of Iran.
St. Louis Kopubliern : Among the
many odd and inloiesting characters
ihnt came under my obsorv iition dm inq
: ny biciclo tour around the world , ft vv
weic were more amusing to me than the
Persian lutis. The lutibaio wandering
minstiels , tioubadouis , montebank or
bufloons , whichever name one caies td
Mil them. The ordinary outfit of a luti
is a big , hairy monkey , a poney or * don
key , and a drum. They travel about
Persia fiom town to town , affording
amusement to the people by milking
their trained monkeys poiforin sundry
tricks , while they join in with song-
mid drum-beating.
L Scarcely a day parsed when 1 was rid
ing through the shah's dominion with
out encountering on the road ono ol
these Iritis. He would invariably be
ilono , never in company with other people
ple , and behind him , perched contenUj
on the rump of the pony , woulcl
bo his giotepquc comrade , the
monkey. The monkey would always
be a largo anthropoid of the baboon
species poscs-scd of long , silvery luiir.
The hairy covering is generally shorn
from the lower * part of the
poimilted to lotain its full growth about
the head and shoulders. Tlio partial
shearing causes the long hair of the
shoulders to partly ovei-lap the naked
ness of the body and impar t to the mon
key an oxtiemelj fantastic appear mice ,
as though it woie wearing a fur trppct.
From constantly traveling about anil
associating with people of various cities
the lutis aio far more enlightened than
the average Peisian who stands and
listens to his songs. The Persians , as n
nation , arc the mo t poetic people 111
the world , and a common accomplish
ment with the lutis is the ability'tt ;
warble verse after verse of impromptu
song songs composed ev en as they sing ,
Tint , happy accomplishment enable-
the lutis to'alvvajs adopt their theme U
tire temper and prejudices , likes tint
dislikes of their audiences ; and the lut
is alwaj scute enough to find this ou
and htiokc his listeners the right way
If ever I got into tioublo with a cit ;
moi ) , as I sometimes did , I could alway
depend upon the good ollices of a luti ti
help mo out of it , should one of then
happen to bo present. This was parti ;
because they were more cnlightenet
and tolerant of the manners and mis
takes of a stranger in a stiango him
than their * untr.iveled country men , am
partly because ' .hey felt pretty ceitan
of a coin or two for their services.
In the ba/aar of Lendjan , a largo cit1
in noi them Persia , one day , the nitilti
tude of peorple , wild with curiosity am
c.vrtemont concoining the Foiengli
and bin wonderinl asp-i-ahen ( hoisoo
iron ) , as the Persians called the bicjolo
became so gieat iibout mo that it wa
impossible to'movo in anj niieetioii. Al
though the ba/ar was so deusly packet
with people , struggling and pushinj
forwaid lo obtain si poop at mo and tin
bie. < , clo that the one could not walk , lo
aloiio ride a bicjelo , the mob was < him
oring loudly for mo to mouii
and let them see me rido. Tlioir igno
lantc of a e\clor'ri , capabilities and tin
natural dull wit of a half civill/ed pco
plo , blinded them to the folly of shout
ing for a man lo ride without givinf
him so nuichrooiunstoeven tui n round
As a matter of fact they might will
equal consistency have been shoutiii !
for a fish to swim without providing hiri
with water.
In the midst of all the uproar then
came elbowing his way tluough tin
crowd of wooly hatted Persians , ono o
our * friends , tlio lulls , boai ing on hi
Hhouldor his monkey companion , am
Jclthnulofiih ono hand his drum
Itcaching my side the luti. ts hi
monkey on llio ground , by jeikiiif
its chain and addressing it tnroiii.igo
ingly ( iiu-ed it t j caper about and gi\i
utteiauco to 1' jd and nngi j g.-unls. li
this msinucr he Micceoded in ichovinj
the eruah about mo and the bic.vclo n
short order * . I then told him to lent
iho way lo a respectable tchal-lmhi
( tea house ) , where I could obtain vc
froshmenls. Using the money to clea
n passage through the people , by en
coin-aging him to grunt angiily am
spring about , the * luti piloted m
through the bazaar and into the to
hou e. Aniving hero ho took up hi
station at the door , and whenever th
crowd jib jut Hbe < amo noisy and abti
she , ho would chase tficin aw.ij will
the monkey.
The dimedooH iVol pass through th
wci"hcr's hands as docs the coin of
largei * denomination. Onoandono-liai
grains I allnwo Hoi' variation or "to !
eranco , " in all f-llv or coins fiom a della
down ( iiutl the deviation fiom the stain !
aid in the caao of the ten-cent niccc/i i
so trilling that the trouble and expofib
of woighinjfcoiiii : p ( thisj dpiioinlnutlo
Ls dispensed with. s '
s , siions , snois : , MONDAV.
Special bargains in men's shoes ,
tidies' shoes and bo.vs'shoes. . .
Our stock ot men's shoes is one of thu
argcst and best in the city and fully fiOc
to Sl.OO a pair cheaper than others get
for the same quality and styles. Bead
our prices on good goods :
Men's calf and
cordovan-polid-shoes at
$ ! 2.r 0.
Men's calf seamless button , lace and
congress shoes , $ , t.OO.
Men's line calf boamle-s shoes , button ,
lace ami congicss , tip and plain toes , at
Sl./iO / , worth $ > .U ( ) .
Men's calf seamless "Waukenphast"
hi.-o shoes at So.OO , woi th fli.OO.
Men's French calf hand-sewed shoes
at $0.00 , woithST.OO.
Men's r'lench calf handsewedVau -
ken phiibf lace shoes a t $ < i.r > 0 w 011 h $7.f > ( ) .
Men's genuine "i'nglibh 1'orpoise'1
congress shoos at $7.XI. (
Men's calf boots i. , ( X ) to So.lX ) .
Men's French calf hand-sowed boots
onlv $7.0. / .
Men's heav.v boots , felt boots , Arc-tie
oveishoes and rubbers at conespond-
ingli low pi ices.
LADII'.S' SHOiAXI : ) PI.ll'l'KUS.
Ladies' felt slippers only $1.00 per
Ladies' cloth warnr lined slipporsonlv
81.K ( ) .
Ladies' line beaded felt slippers at
Ladies' fine fur trimmed slippers $1.75
and JH.OO.
Ladles'lino blight Uongola shoes at
$ o.OO ; woithU)0. ;
Ladies' fine Curacoa kid button shoes
at SX50 ; worth $ l.H ( ) .
Ladies' high button overshoes , buckle
ovei-jhoes , Alaska ovcishoes and rub
Boys' olid A calf button shoes , sues
1 to S , at $2.00.
Boys' all calf button and congress
shoes , sires 1 to , r- } , at 8-2.50 ; woi th $ , { .00.
Bo.vs' calf button shoes , sixes ] to6t ,
D and E widths , at $ ! ! .00 ; worth $ J.OO.
Ono price to all.
The c\tiemcly low prices wo arc ask
ing for
Fixr. Fun TKIMMIXOP , MLM rs , Sirrrs ,
are attracting and astonishing every
one. Intending put chasers should got
pi ices from other dealers , for coinpai r-
son , it wrll jirovo positively that our
prices are the lowest.
in Iho following furs : Beaver , black
bear , black 111:11 : ten , chinciulla , l.snx
back , long light l.\nx , black Ijnx , reil
fo.x , grey fox , raccoon , nutria , American -
can and Australian nppossrim , silver
hare , blue hare , blue coney , black
coney , black Persian lamb.
in the following furs :
Oonuine Alaska seal beaver , black
bear , black mat ten , chinchilla , Ijnx
back , long light lynx , black l.vnv , rod
fox , gi oy fox , monkey , rat coon , null ia ,
oposbuni , silver and black hat o , black
coney , etc. , etc.
; > 0 children's grey and white f'oaoy
collar and mull sets , $1.23 , would bo
cheap at $ -.lT .
Oltei * , black bear , black nun ton , blade
liii.x , l.vnx back , long light Ijux , roil
fogrey fo.x , nutria , opossum , etc.
spr.cL\LmivisspicfALniuvr.H ! : :
100 black Russian hair muffs , 75c ,
actual value $ ! . " " .
W ) black Coney mulTs , 81.50 , value
| , > O"J
" "
50 him soul pUish mulTs , $2. : > 7l , rcgu-
lailysoldat $ .1.50.
Ii5 Imrtatioa seal mulTs ( resemble the
genuine elosc ) } } , $ ! t.OO , woith $5.00.
100 do ? Ulx'Jl inch Pure China Silk
Ilnndkorchtcf' . in solid colors , al o
Printed centers and bottlers on white
and colored ground. KiullrRsvaiictj as
a drl\c at 45o , actual value 70c.
fiO do/ i\'lJ ! Inch LndlcB I'uio China
Silk Municrs with Printed boidor on
white , cream and colored Kiounds.
Lovolv designs , b5c , actual value $1.JS.
Special prices on Blankets , I'launcla
and Coinfot table-fc.
Dodge , cor. J5th