Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1887, Part II, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA D ILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER y. . log/ SIXTEEN gPEOIALNOTJ OES _ _ * " Adxirtlfw-mrlitH WHIT till1 * liPBtirhVcoilt'T ) ior line fe r tlic llrfct itinrtion , 7etnin for ouch null- ftuiudit Hinrtlrn , iitul M H ) n Urn * PIT month. NoaiHcrtlsdmnt taken for lc s thnn1 cmts for til" flril Insertion. So * , en words will bo rounti'd to llm line ; they must run con ecu- truly nnd must be paid In iithnnc/ * All ad- % orti n ntH imict Inhnndid in 1x fore 1 n o'clock p , jn. . nnd under no rlrrwiiMnnre * * * will they be tnken eirdliceiiitltinrd b } tel'-phonc. 1'iirtk nd\ rtl lti | * In lhe e columns nnd hnv- fncllip nnsMirh nddres id In cure of thf-HPP. Will plm o n kfoindicck tormiblo them to cpt IhelrlelterH , ii none will ho de-lit i red x- ccpt oiipreM-iitatlon of check. All answers to Rilurttmcnlh die ulil In' tin to'i il In i-nu'lopci. All ndvortl'uni nts In thc-i- column * ) are pub lished 111 both mm nlnp and \tnlm * itlltlous of the lle-p , llm ( Imitation of whldi fin'rii'ate-s juorothnn ll. ' < 0 papers doll } , nnd phi slhc nil- xcrtlrMTH tlm bpiitm. not enl } of thi-Vltvclrcu. Inllor of the llee , but nisei eif Council lllnll . Lincoln nnd cithetreltliB nil * ' l'-"ii3 IhioiiKhout thin part of the W'Rt. " ' riTLE. iS _ _ ' 1DLANI ) Ounrantep nnd 'lru t O > , 1KW Pnninm utrctt Cennpleto nb-tincts fur- nlshcd , ntid title * to tenl c&tuto examined , PIT * feclod and puaianlced. - ' ' ' BUSINESSJJHANCES. _ IJirA.Vi'l'n-A partner wllh Jl.OOOenpllal to T > tnkehnlf Intou-st In nn established nnd A ell pi } Inn patent medicine business , I nil or ftddicsH I. ( i. KLtihiini , Mniupi-r Carbollo ( Smoke Hall Co , Oinnhn , Neb lc 27 * _ IJirANTI ! ! ) flixid , honorublo nmn as partner \ \ to handle hardware and establish am-iitM thronph Iowa , for which I will pnv Jim nnd ex penses ; iiiiistlm\ofii liii h. Nemo but strictly tusme nun need upply. Addiess 0 .11 Hi > ' . "ItTANTKI ) Two or three p nttos cashtoform u coiporation or sloik torn tinny to mnnnfadure machlwtv julinl Just out laipoprollt * . permnni I 1 business. It will pay to inu-btlgitti * . Addt ess O.1 Hepolllee. _ ' Iti-staiirants fur snlo on PIISV terms All III peed locittliins. Sit klic- < auto of M-lllnj' two nnd tlui other two pat tits polnp to 1cm e the City. It Will pUV } 0ll to illM-StlpUtlJ lllPSO chuncis. CooperutiMi Lund \ l.ot ( o.0.1 N. JCth st. _ _ _ _ _ _ 4il H ? _ OHH7\rK Clpur stole on 10th st. dolnp u peed ImMnt-ss , also rnnfi etlune-ry store on Ht. MIIIVS IIM nnc Cooieuill\c ) J .md > V Lot Co , Ki Noith lijth st. _ 411 M " \TANTI ! ! ) A pailllPr in u tfood pilnKl > usl * TT ni'w Smill cnpllnl lequlud. Tor inrtlc- Ulnrx nildrem I ) 40 llt-o olllce. 4 -H _ " OH HAH ! \ dni store In llnhtlnus , Neb n peed e Mm K. , best leie nt loll liu Ity. Mint Jiecold , nnd wlllbcMld nt n biviciiln lu\oico nbout f-'M ) . I ) M. t-niith , llustluKs Neb ! 30 * FHSAIi1 < Mj luinbir and hiudw.irn bnsl- m.-ssiitOcllldl" , Dak Nilefini'HiKi1 from $ n , l to r > , W l in I inoiitli. No e-ompitltliiii Iteiiion fur Killlnt ; . am obllnnl to liathe roiinti \ on ni i omit of 111 health. II. A. ( ulluml , Oeliiclis , I ) , T. JIN1- FOlt SAM' Or ovfliniiRC , nnow combined 11 bbl. rollir nnd biur mill with ( omiiliti ) inuilei ii outllt of mm hlnery , dolns a iseioil bnsl. nes .wllli nnllniltid wutei pown on I.lttlo Him' ' river , in'JIui } ere emnh Nil" " . Will take KW ( or iijiwuids In ciiHli , bnlanciion ensj teims , or rlly nronortj or lands In whole or In pirt Ad flicss , A. ( I. Collins , Hi btoll , Neb. ! C. d L" ' FOH SAM ! I uinltnio nnd stock of .tMoom hotul In tlui best Ihotel town west of Oninhn , In Nebiaskn , doing n peed business ; gunrnntei1 m t piotlts of if "Jl per month ; pilio fcUU ) . 1'or purtludnM nddie s Ilaldeimiin'K Itcnl I'Htiiteand Loan Hiokei.iKe. looinn 5 and 0 , MkhrlHon block , ( hand Island , Neb. IiLTi iJ Horild for sale or e\rliaiiKC I iiriiltme , ll\ tmei. etc , of the best p ijliiKt-nnill hotel II Oinnhn ; fifty lORiilar boimuisjmnst bo sold Ibis Week ; smalt capital leqiilied ; a snap for some one. Additss.M. 71 llcoollleo.71127 * "ANTKD A partner in a peed paj Inp busi ness. Small capital -quired , j'oi pintle- t address O 10 lit o olllte. 4' ' . ' ) WANTKD-Clean stock of pioceilesln\olclnp \tifM \ to } I IKK ) atom o lor tash tiistomei , II. H. Miller , IKi. Douplas si. mom , ) . I'll UTj \ VMNTKI ) Partner with W-O in piolltablo TT business. Imcsllpiilo Hut , I1H South nth l ( ttrtol. loom Ii. ai'i as ; 1 Cw 10H SALK deiod barber shop wllh billi looms. Int-ulro Molcholr llros , lllfl Pur- -71 rillKVKNNK , Wyo , the liitmo Plttsbms ot \J the west. At present n lalhoad centei. Thpbpfct built and wealthlesl ell } of Its size In United ijtali-H. Wiinilnp. 'Ihe pieat mint-nil plot e house of Anieiluiand its Inexliaust ibl roll and coal llt-lilH. Pm full paitliulaia audit' liorl lloiild of'I rade. addiess K. P Stable , RI-CII' tuiyChicniie Ilo.udof Tiade , Cheenne , Wo. J M i , ,27 , j Sl'LKN'DID ope..liiR for lloni and fetd bloio in bi si i esldent o poi lion of Omaha P. li. ( lit-l'ory , Hentnl Apt , Ml S. Ifitb st. fc * | j1OH SALI'-Ono botd I htorles blph. pooil J } btnnd , Iripi ment with water ruiinini ? all thioimh HIP huddlmr and also to the bam ; barn Rtuhllnp I o Head of horn s and 7.1 tons of bin nut v , vntn In U ; * - - < lllsi'll 01 tiatlo fni n-al istate or ' ! Mock. 1'or fintlu-r Itiloimutlcni wilte to D ' Illll A-f-oll nillibar. Neb. UIWlll ) TVllOLKSALK ct.rifectloneibusiness fm " > tale. Pajtnp trade tstabllsbed. Look fills up. Apply.117 S Ulh st. Wl . SALK ( Iood ] iaInp i-alooii on one o the prlndpal blieits In dty of Omaha HtttlMnctoi } reasons plMii lor stlllnp. AddrebS jtCUd M , l llee olllie. CT-'b * TjlOlt WALK c.ood brick business propeitylu f ! . leiitloof ( irniid Isliuil ; preattst , br.ipall nnd best terms In the dt } ; but lltlio cash IP quired ; lonp time , low Intwp'-t ami PUS } pay 'Int-nlM ' ; other real estate fei MI ! " Addiess.I. H " " } , nttomo } atluwJiatid Island , Ntb. , , _ VOOI ( ! > SMOIlllKHS-l'aily competent to take runt go of a depaitment w 1th a block of irapltnl inn make \ery deslinblo aunnpi-nients 'to ' Imeht in a wpstern Jobblupdi } poodscom- twny. Addioss , M. 10. lieu olllce 7KS--.7 ljlOH SALK A complete "team laundiy bay- "IJC | nu twc nly liorso power engine. J. s. Ilin- pdott , S'aundeis and Chuk Ms. ! 't ii" BOARDING. T\7ANTKI-At-.vt5t California , ono pentlemau TT boaidcr ; front loom ; homo comforts ; } 1 Awrwcck. BS-J 'iTOOAHD with looms for four al'lit ) iTmt at. J > 1MI Ari'.W day boardeiscau be accommodnted with board In piluito family Imiutrobll * K J-'d. bet Cumlngs and llm t. KM : * o FIltST-CLASS table boaid , sened In homn blle , for.lor 4 ptiitlimcn. It'll Dodge. SM CLAIRVOYANT. TH. NANN1K V Win ion , cl.ilnoMint. Mc-d- 4LItal , business and ti'bt medium. Diagnosis 'free. IVmalodlM-nn-s a t-pechilt } . liu N. Itith S-Kfc. , Hooms . ' & . ) , Tel IMI. .IS7 "STflU. fTl'TTANT ( larl\o.iiit tiom llostonls AIL it-liable In nil allalrs of life , unites sepal- ixtcd UiM-iH. KStt. IMliht. . loom 1 7liO Dec 1 * . FOR EXCHANGE. fix ) exihnnpeCiood section of faun land In . .JL cential Ni lu askn for hoiiEo and lot Ge'O. f ; . lltclvrt , No.-ljtJ. 1Mb ntuet. 4tl SX T.IVKIIY Ham , will tiade for gooif piopeuy. .JLJCo-oponithel.anU LotCo-Oj ; N. lilthbt , 411H _ AHIIKH Shop with bnlh and ll\tm ; looms omipcted , will trade for laud or lots , Cei- ntliiiLaud A Lot Co. . Mis. Kith st. 4II-.S JH cxplinnpe--17rt ft on Kind between Cat- . .Mfomlu and Hint , with 2 houses , no liicnm- ftmncp , will t-xchanpo for peed lmpro\ed faun pliXliwest lowuoi houtluUbt Nebraska. Clnult's p.1pootf.wood , IKlHi 8 Itith bt. 41(1 ( VCIIANiP.-C40 ( acies , U. P , contract iliinil , at Jti.for Omaha piopeity Mv tnulty WO , only fsio bntk. A. P.Tukoy , IJu'l Piitnam. TANTKD Pnrm lands in cxclmn"u for f ctocks of meuhandlsp , st Jonn A Kly. Room U , PreiiEt-r block , opj , . t. . o ntu TllAVi : for unde Imprtued farm Iif Cass. Co , . _ . " < r rluttrfmouth , will tradn for lIllpro cd lAsldo propvrt } . Ailurcbs M 'M , lleo otllco. \\rAN" ! Kl > A stock of Rioct-iles andpcneial T ? indbe- , for cil } loin paid for. C. J. Cumin , FOH P.XCIIANC.K ( Jood nulmproM'd land in neil 111 astern Nebraska fur Omaha pioperty Tlu O. P. DaIs Co. , 1303 i'urn im st. iis 'is WA.STKD Pariu Inndn in cxchanso for city piopt-rty. bt. John A Kly , Hooui 13. Preti- zprtijock. ( - . * _ SfTKHNSlKlHFF A MoVltkoi haxoa d\oU * ) ? 1IU of impnued and nnlmproMd Inside city Tu-oix-ity to trudJ for mtrcliaudUo blocks of nil Ltaits. 1.VX' ' rarnam. -W J " \VOPM ) I.1KK to e.xcnaupti a lot lnHuim < v > ileisA lltniebauph's nddltlon to Walnut Hill fur a guild blelKU and light two-seiitetl eurry ; would nUotukoupood , , jhllv tci-v. . Address box \'X P. U , JjO * 1jrU It exchnnpp , paid up non-n , se > > . .iblo utticV X ? , . , In one of the ucst block toiupault-s in th * wiwr , toexchnngp for Impum-d city pioperty. . will usbiime n Miinjl incumbrunce. ror purtlcu Ian * , addrt-gs. OXIiJIi-c olllce. . 40087 lO-'lirADK' Inaldopriipuityf > r urootl"IIOUSP , clclit or nine rooms , and full lut. .McCul locli ii Co. , CQi 1Mb und Kuruuui. IU of nil kinds tootclinncr i nt Ion given to trading , ( ' C. Spotswoodmi ) | 8 Ifith. f Vi JrjcrttTiinc nn\tliliij ( to exthnnKi1. wrllo in. \ \ o IIHVO Itiiptoxed nnd linitnprovtd Ne > - lirniV.i , Knti ns nnd lown lnnd , rnai mini * , ho Ieli , Blocks eif uirrchnnd fe , lior < - , cnltle , hops fOicepelr , tonMlintmi * S. H. Cmnplicll nnd 0 \V.JIiryey. Sill ) llonrd nf ' 1 mile. < s ; " \\rANTri ) ( lood furnis In rxcliamjc for Uinnhu luopirtj , C. L. t-potsnood , .liVi'i turn iu _ . I > M \ \ ANTii ; ) Mixkt of meirlinnillse In er- ( hnnuoforii Inrt-'i'list of faimnnd city propi rl > II. II. Mllkr , IW. Donahis st. roftin J , _ - " ! _ rPO KX ( IIAN'dK Per tulHc. I h I\P MO acres I of peed western land to trade for enttle. und a peed hou ontid lot near the capital ; will exdmtipo for cattle. Addii-sii S. ( I. llijali. Ash- bind , Ntli. _ V * " fPO 'IHADK Two lmpio\ed faims In Iowa for 1 Otnalui propi ttor Nebraska lands Me- Cullodi A Co. , eor ; nth and I'm trim. K'Ji " 171OH'I HADK I'.liK1 nncs eif clioUo wpMerii J1 land to exchange fen puiclal miichandlse. .Ilio. P.'loft. .tU'l N. Ifith nt. Bll rPO HANUK-dood east Iront lot in linns- -1 torn Plate ; to ext Iniupo tor cltan slock of dty poods or clothing. C. P. Huirl uii,41i S. Mth. pb ixnANCli-lmpio\id : : fium 111 Iowa 1 for Oinnhn reside nui pmpirt } . J..1. Wll- kliiM-n , l.'iu'l I amain. i > "l \V AN'I 111)dood ) family hoiso Infer for lot , MiCillIoch A Co. , cor J&th and rmnnm. M _ 171011 Uxihnhi-ts i : II. II. Cole. 11H S. 11th. lip stnlis. ( leiiL-ial Mt-uhaudist- . 510,0f ) stoe-k. Tails ntv. Nub. , want fmm. WWI ( teickVlsner , Ntb , want lit u Htotkor land $ liKKIstoik ( ( , Nowinnn niove. Neb , waul piit leal estate , balance ensh or peed ptipei. Dniiis. PS.fmil clean steick , eiiie of the best localities In Omaha , want about M.UUO cash , balance leal estate In e Ity. Ml l clean stock. Ashland , Neb , n\eih'e ( Biles , t-Mpn day , want farm ill soiltlieui p.ut of Nebiaska J 1'iiKi , stock , 1'alH Citv , Neb , want peed 1 md. t I , Mitotk , Auburn. Neb , , want good land , Hotels. tfiriOno. A nmsnltUent heitnl known as the hltteiianKo White Sulphur Spring * * hotel. o\n rooms all fiiinlshed , liulndlm ; bllllaul halt , ti , , wHh"i't niu-sof iK'iiutifully orniiineiited round , col tapes , etc , 15 milts from Straense , ' . V. W.mtt peed Inside ImpreiMd r unlmjio\ed oinalin propcity. Call nil see pliotopiapll. Jil.doo. Mottpiire tl.nin , Itindshaw , Neb. L'T oeuns , nil fiirnlshid , peed bainant unln- inn bi red tlty propeilj , faun , 01 stock of hard- \nm } 700. Mc.ilpapf . , ! ll.0i)8-ier ) cent I jeais. ) ledionms , nil furnlsliud Want inside Omaha ue-pert ) . lour beautiful now .Vloom coUnpi" ! , 'i..ttn ncli. Montlil ) pajmcnts. II. II. Cole , Jld S. 1th , ii ] ) Mails. 'l\\o eltpant IIPW fiiootn cotlnpes , $ l.ufn ; mall < nli ii.i\ment , bal nice monthly. U.K. oha 10 f. nthstup-stiilrs. I'aims. 211' } ncres Monon.i count' , , lown ; peed finmc IOIIMbain , loin uib , fi uies , wells , etc , Uc Hortpnpe ) ! , M > . Want impio\ed or unlmpiov i-d ltpiopvitv. . lifl.itiesCalhoun rotintt , lown , bouse ; bain , VUCIM , itc , etcMoitpape fl.JHl. ! i } oars7 per cuit annual Inletist. Uant In-ldo pie ] > oit ) or stoik of men haiKll e. u'.iMiaiiescn-nm of Holt county.allln a body : llheadcittle. 8 Iioi-e < f , KR ) tons hay , peed JIOIHP , bain , iarm machlnerv , tiees. tie , etc. \ \ unt Inside IiupioMd or nnlmpioM-tl pioperty. liouseH and liots. A nuinbi rot houses and lots for vacant lots , K'icliuuillsu 01 fin ms. I.l\ery. 1'lne barn.ono of the best locations In the city , { , ! iVKl ; half cash , bal nice Inside propcity. II. r Cole , .till s 1Mb. uii-st.iiis. _ -til 'JM WANTEU--MAI.E HEt.P. JAIKS > MA\ . well intinalntid wilh letall pie J cei } Undo In til } . Addiess O .11 , lleeolllcp. \\7'ANI ii-Apents : ) ; to handle tliu new theml- ml Ink lliasliif ; IN mil. ( Jieattst iio\elty eu-i piodiired. Krases ink III two srioiids , no abiaslon of jupir.Ii. ) tofiOlpi r tcntpiollt. One apt nt's -ales amounti d to I > JO In sidajs ; an other In two houis. Teiiltoi ) absiilutuly fiee. balm j te > peed men. No ladles need an swer , bani'ilu .J.1 < i nts Tor ti ims and full iijii- liinlais.iiddiess the nmniiliictmcis , J. W Skin- nei A. Co. , Onaiaskn , \ \ is. 47.'i-- ! ) * TANTKDSbiit salesman A competent ex- I pciienccd man who h mill s peed trade inn nake piolltnble aininpement to represent lu Jmaba and \lclnlty n u-llable lionso in Chicago unking line s'mtH to ordei. Also wnnt-mips , iitu in two othci nncovcied polnls , Addrt s blnlllnp experlmce ami past micee- wllh let t-ienies , diiss , " mom J" ) Snpeiioi block , 77 ( Clark st , , Chicago , HI. 4f7"I * 'plIAVKLINfi salesman , wholesale pioet-ryor -1 collet- , well in iii | linted with 11 lull trade lu br.iska , Addiess O , t ! lleo olllie , 4ss-J7 * " \\7ANTKD-At oiiio , piano pl-nor. mule or TT iPinule , peed w apes. Appl } l.ulu llogds , 101 N ( Ith st. _ .117 \\TANTKI-'Ihoiou ) hl } c\peileneedsalesman TT none othei to ti.nil In Nebiaska anil Dakol i with ht.indutd speclalt * . In ili\p ids Ine No attention pin n applli.itlmis unli ss In letall as to pit-M nt conm t tlons and otcniiatlun , niM-llnpexiii'ikiiie and cxi u'tutlons Oclliei rommuniratlons linmcdiutel } to Mlllaid hotel. W. P. Stieldi. 4SU'7 ) * " \ \ AN"IP.I ) Siilesimn-To a Hist dass mar TT who tan M-ll 1 u es , i mhtoldcili s ntid mbi' loiiiidlnm tiade. iilai-iiinnil Hist dislino u ! poods Is uireied on libel il commission basis Samples itadv .1 in 1st. Adducs with nlu- tntt-s , stating tt-iiltoiy , llox 1W , llo ton , M is- , . - . - 4JO---SJ " \ 7AN'ITT-A ) janlten to taku cno of olllce. T Apply AnuiKan 1'icss n&sotiatlon. V\rAN'l lit ) -Api nts to Mill the ndjustnlile cull > > holtUi foi ladles. The sales ot this Indls- ppnsllo | ) intiile. me absolutely niijinalelled by mi } thine of tbo kind oer invenled. Ile api nts wanted e\ti\\heie. Sample p ilr by mall " 1 iciits. 1'owlor , Hoomli , Jl raclllt iue , , Chicago. ll'f-T ' " \\7"ANTrl-A ; peed letoucher to take woikby T > tin * ploe-u at J , C. Curd'photopiapliei , HOB 8 I It list. IIS1 .7 * BOYS wanted at Ileo mall loom to t > tllll pi- pets. Appl > between hand 10 a. m. P 8 " \\7ANTr.D I'onr persons te > leaui boeikUecp- TT inp. Sltuntlons llceembcr l.'HUil Jiuniaij 1 , .1. II , bnilth , liilltldc.ipost. nrJU'7 \\rANTr.O-L'lfluneltis , 4 dilvers , 10 tennis ; all lor city weuk Call immidlatelv nt City IntelllKemoollice , ( .iclf-hton blink. * iis TATAXTI'.U Ilin SouthTlth'strei t , looniTi T T mnlti or temalo agents. Call and see w hat w o haye. ais L---J " \\7AN'IKD-Piess fiedii atVtstlic her ( onr- ier ollico Immedlattl } . Sri \\TAN riD : - Men fin woik. Al- TT biijjhl H liilior Agenry , llu Pnrnain. fOI " \\rANTKD ( ieui-ial apents foi jioitlons of Nebi.iska , Iowa , Kansas and Mlssoml. Heferenco ri'iiiilied Additss , ( llinux W indow bliudo Col ) and -V ) N. 21 bl , St. Joseph , Mo. \\rANTri- 111 men of peed appeatanco to tn our lie meals at NonIs leslauiant. 111 ai.d aiJbouth llth btleot ( old and Let LUe ) C1H WANTED FEMALE HELP. TVTA7 11.1) ( ilil lot peneiul hou ewoik lu small lamll } . ,11J S. Wh st. J7'.l"I " \\rAN" ! KD-Two Faltsl.idles. must have had T > i peilc-ncewltli cil } Uude. Kollei-tl-i : r A Co. ' " ' 'J1' ' ! " \\rANTKD dill for peneial housu work at Jll7Ca ! sstieel. 4"i -DiesMiiaV Hit " , to do al iwsMh T street , three blocks fiom Ilod's opera jiPiisp. _ _ _ .IIS 'J7 _ * _ \\rANTKD-At ! SIO Karnam St. , a good pill to 11 do peneral house M oik. 4 ! i | 'iy * " \ \ 7"ANTi-C.lrl : for hoiiso woik : no wnshim ; . Mr M. A. Wall.uu , 13th nnd St. liao'h * > . 4CJ " - _ _ 5- VANTKl-Dre-asmixklnK , 111 S. HlTi st. 'MXI-iJ ( J JOOD pill w anted lu Miuill famllj. Immiiu of Mis , 1) . H. \ \ hceltr , Kl h ioth Bt. 403 27 L ADlP.Saioolllerid plain needleweuk nt tUr-lr own homes down 01 luunti.M byavnoleaiiln lion so. 1'iolltable , peuulno. Citr > * p.nian Im made P\erlhlnp P.iillinlars fioo- Addiess .Artl-uc Net-dlcwoik Co. , lij tth 8t. , New YorU fit } * . * . * 7i \\7ANTKO-50 i.iillcs lo try our IV meals at TT NorrlV restaiiiant iold l.Uo and Let Ll\o ) , oil uiulMJS llthbt. tUI " \\rANTKD CVlteo and tea Balosmen to fam Illcs , none M-lllnp al present make less than M dayjn fuw more cabinet makers for Kansas City. Meady wmk ; peed butcher ; U coul bhovoler ! . , much work for wintei ; luxik apenta oilbiilar } . ( Western iluu'uu , 150U rarnam , IODIU I" " . 4/0 So * \\7 ANTKI ) ' - ' dlnlnp-ioom giils for Idaho , f-M , > > faro paid ; dlulng-room phi and hpcoiul cook for Noith lup. wallitss tor Oreeuwood , nil fines pultl ; rook for prli ate family ut 1're luont. ti ; 'Oglila for penirtil housework , a pHil to tend notlou Ktand. housekeeper lu conntr } town , must have borne knowIcdt't * of bookkcep lug and not bo afinld of work. Cuu.idlnn i'.mp otiiciMn. . - . Uro-gii Sou , aiu 8. IStlt. ' 1 cl4VJ'7j ! 4VJ'7j "I ? M PI.O VM PAT" Pirlovsifxceflent. . .fomul , Jl < help fiiusht and biipplled. PaU-'r" dealing Ollico { 117 Puruutu M. , Uoom 11. ! /--V \VP nppeul all employers who nin in upp-l of liny kind oChvlp to call onus and theieby Mtpport a tepiili lble medium. Onr liooks uro open toltixpeitlo'i , We hioei all kinds of i mlo and } on leconl nnd cup- pile 1 0)t'iurt ) uollie , HoilMSloUt State Km- jilointtit Parlors , HI" I urnam t. , HeKinHL MLN andweimpti , bo\s and plil < . black and white , all nntlonalltles , constanlly cnllin-j ntiiurolllcf. Wecalillll orders piomptlv for help In any Indium * known , Call and select such help ns yon wlVU , Onto City Kmploymint ollli p. .Ill' , S. 1,1th , 4'i7J ' | * \V I'mpli-vment Olllee-Tlui 1ie t CVVADI to n t help or situations. Hi-fi rtnee , omalia Natlciual bank. Mrs. lliepfl A Son , .IM Hi Hill 'lei. " "I. WIM LOST. I O.-.I' \ mnll tan Slut 'Ihe tinder will bo 1 Ai'ltntiU lei.'ardttt b } leiivlBgliu ul 8it4 ( mil- itirfs st. Siimlllcity. I 4 " .187 * OST ins In gold mid bills between 1 lib nml J llth on.luiksou and Ilth und I'nrnnm by u widow billy , Ihiirsday eiolilng Plndi r pli-u o ictlii u to lice nnd get lew aid. 4'J7 " 7 * 1OS I'1 ellow pony , blaci : mnue , tallnmlltpu J Hetumtollll so.Mb si. ' " ' _ _ ' - Miili-ii , nonr llascalfs pirk. a mod- J Inm siri. dark ba } mure , with harness in , mill whilespolon face , huge thliid leps. T. Murray. US STIYKI ! ) nrst'ili-n from mie ldence.corntr of llee 1 and Pinmls Mieet , W Indsin Place , one diestnut mine , ou Nov. l'i A suitable it- ward lor lit r ieco\erv. .loliu lloss te-b-pboiie liri " - ' _ IOST lli-ni set blown water spaniel. J answers lo namool " 1II1U. " Leiue at IfiM N. IHh street and ice ell P it-ward. ilM Vil Ios'i' Tncsilnv last. Irish sptter. ( "miles J leather nit kle-plnttd collar Listens "Spoil. " Hetuin lo llnfltbsler \ \ t , nnd pet lewaid 11 I'm v Ldimanu l1 -7 FOUND. 1JIO1TND Awalch. owner can li ivcMtme l > y pio\lnp pioiiil\ ] and pa } inp lor this ad- \t-itlst-meiit , N. II. J'alconor , dry goods stole. WANTED--TO RENT. U AN'IKD .binuniv 1 , to icnl hoit'-e , llvo or six looms. In tweeu Doliplas and Callfoi- Ida. Kth and -Jiith W 111 DO laken fumlshed If tie- tilled. Htfeiemesplieli. Atldit-ss O , ! iii. llet of- ' - * lice IV---7 A\rANTKD To lent on or Indue 1st Dei. > > stole on llith , ( nmlnps or I ith "I , in treed biuliif-slutallt } ; addiess O , X > , lleenlllce I--J J7j MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\rAN'ir.l > VH ) bint-is fir biikoi } nuts , feT T T W nshhmii s lust Him , * ! ! ' , ' } ] in i wt , lor ( iiuiipd goods w holt-sail and letiilt. 1m dii-iiost Coloiado potutois. tot ( Imliist Ntbiaska pota toes. I llaiisen , 701 Noith t . . " 0 7 fcJIIOHl \NDand tpcwillitig. J. II. Wood , 7 Kxpo Illtlp. IMI d Hi * WANTED-TO BUY. " \\7AN'IKI > To buy. I want n good modem TT house of 7 oi Siooms , on p.ucd slice ! , mar cm line , II. II. Mllloi , Hi. Douplas bt , loom .1 - 147 \\TANTi:0 : To buj the fuinltiiin of n small TT 01 laipe house i ( ntinli\ lei atod , Cooperate te e Laud A. Lot ( o . ' .ui N loth st. 1 W \7AVI 1.1) To DUN sbnit time paper. .1. W. T > ( iioss , at C. II. Miino' olliu11th and llainej. S1 \\7ANTr.O-To buy IHo lliousaml to ten thousand llooue count ) lands , aM rapu ntinllt ) , nt ! 10 pci nuo. nnd less. Addles llo Omaha Hi I MONEY TO LOAN. ONI'.1 ! io loan lean now place some tlrst M clT-s i lt\ loans immediate1 ! , , ( i all at once If ) on desire to be accommodated. 1) . V. Slioles , loom 1 II ukcr block , entrance in alley. b'H MONJJY to loan on improved leal estate ; no ( ommlssion chaiped. Ica\ltt Iturnhani , loom 1 , ( lelphton block. l 7l rPO LOAN Money Loans placed ou 1m- JL piovedreal estate In dty 01 county for New Kin-land Loan X Tiust Co , by Doilplas County bank , 1t > th nnd Chkaeo sis. 'J77 M ONI'.V To loin on chattels. Co-opeiatl\o Land and Lot Co0,1 No. llith stiect. .Vul NKW Vmk Ptoinpn Co. Corner Capital aA. . llth st , IniM ) money lo loan on bouseliold poods , niprchindlsn ol tneiy de- scrlpllon at lowi si lates. Special fudlltlcs lor men hauls , poods mo\ed. ] i uked and shipped. Alldmipos mUaiiied. I'liepioof brlek block , ( apltol in. A lrith ft. Ill" " IONKV loinul on finnlluie , pianos , orpans , J'l hoiM's , itc , low into. .1. .1. Wilkinson A' Co. , ] * * l rainam , o\ci lluillugtoii ticket olliie. Wi'l / { PI 1 ! CKNT.Money. * f P.itteison A I'awtitl llth and Ilamc-y. I ) " ) 'INKY to ] ' . D.nlsCo , real estate . und loiiii iii'i-nti. JKtt rainam st. 11" 0i.tiO ( To loan on Omaha dty piopeitj nt 0 pel cent. 0. W. Un } , S. K. col. Kc. Hid. ' MOM'V to Lo in-Pums of $1.1X10 andupwauls. I'iist Moitpapes. lmpio\ed city propcity. K. S. lllsbee , 1.15 Itamgo. building , Omaha. W > 1 elec , ) ' * 7KW ) < ) to loan i.tOpcr cent. Llnahaii Aln , honey , nwi rarnam. V'ij7 ' i''fiO,000 ' lo loan In nuy nmount at lowest late of P inleust. I ! . It. Irey. Tieiizer block. Wi MONKV I.OANKDntC P. Heed Olllt P. on furniture , pianos , hotscs , wagons , JIPI soii'il propel tv of all kind" , mid all other ut- tides of Miluo without iimoMil. 3I'i ' S. llth , OMT lllnpb im's ( ommlsflon Btoio. All busi ness still tly toiilldentlal. OK ! MON'KV lo loin. Notes aim it. H. llekets boupht ahd bold. A. Poiinnn , "U S Mth st. Id SHORT limn loaiiK miitto on any inanalilo security , lu re.ison.iblo nmoiints. Secuied notes bonpbt , sold oi xclmnped. ( llnani lal business of any kind transatted piompth * . tinletly and fairly at the Omaha PI- mincial KxclmiiKo. N. W. cor. llth and Har- ney xts , oMrblato National band. Corbett , \IOXKVto Loan Ily the nndeislgni d , wheAT AT ! has the only pi opt ily orr'iini ed loan apt ney In Omaha. Loans of tlO to Jim ) made on furnltnie , pianos , orpans , hoises. wipons , ma- cblneiy , etc. , without n-mo\al. Nodelus. All bnsliu-bS htrlclly ( Loans MI inndo that mi } p.ut can bo paid at ail } time- , each pi- me lit i educing the cost pro r.itu. Advances iiuidn io\ line wntthes and diamonds. Peisons Mionld carefully conslib r who tin y uro deallnp with , as many new comerns am dilly ( omlnp Into cxlstem * * . Should } ou nenl money call and neiiip. W. H Ctoft , loom t Wltlinell building , 1 Cth nml 11 arm * } . IMI M ONKV-To loan Lowest lates. No delay. .1. L. Hlto A Co , om Commordal Na tional bank 1)78 ) MONKY to loan on cit } propeitj , and also larms In Neluask.i and Iowa. Odell llros A Co , loanleal estate and Insurance apentb , lit ) Pearl Mutt , Council illnirs , la. ; PCI Piirunm Btieiit , Omaha -IM CjSOO.fKO to loan , spt Pin ! iates on farm inoperty. 'P Sobolkci A I'ciilpo , 1U1 1 amain st. USI " \TO.NKV to loan , i ash on hand , no delay. .7. IM W.nndK L fciiulie , 111.11'uruam M. I'.ix- ton bold bulldlnp. list MISCELLANEOUS. ALlj luoutsaio bt'leby notllliil to wllbtlraw in } jiropert } foi tulo on ifiiil st N'tlson Clo o. 411 MP/1'/haP , fdO S 10th Ht has be " . iemotitieil ! Hi eulaigtil , new ilT.r'ng lloor , new deiora- lli'll atrd t-uj'l"r ' looms Kntiame ou loth f.t. ; initlos , lodges and MM ie-tles anticipating gh Ing balls 01 hotlublt-b tall ou Ituii.i x Mnmm , Mi hall. 4U'd-'l II voiir hnise has Impute blood P t standaid IIOIMuud cuttlo food. I'l-oStandaid stoik llnlmtnt for bpralus. Ifoiu hoi so nas poor digest ion I ho Standard bor o and ctittlu Iood. Hue Standard Mo * k liniment for cuts. If } om hoi .so has a pool appellto I'M * Standard horse mid cuttlefood. 1'ho Standard htm k liniment for bruUes. If Minr liorso In hltlo bound I'so standard Iiorm nml caltlo food , rbostumlurd stock liiilmi-nt for barb who wounds. If your horsH has worms , Pbo Standaid horse and tattle food. Pso frtaiidnrd block liniment for swollen glands. 1 f } our liorso is i mi dow n , Pho Standard hor- and ( uttle food. I'M ) standard ntock lliilmeiil for bcialchei' . 1 f } oiu horse has n coiiuh or cold , Uhi ) Stuudaitl lioi-so and cutllo food. Ps blamlaid block liniment for blrnliiPd couls. 11) our hoiho has thu dUtemppr , I'so Standaid horse uutl cattle food , Mauufa * lured by P. K. Sunborn Ao , 170) ) St. JInry'.sa\e , Port-uloe\erwhere. 4017 SAPP.S Agents uud business men. Wo urn manufacturing and selling Independent , of nuy Mforlntroi pool by placing upon theiiiar. ket thriohlzenof lire proof nufes nt cuch low pill-en that farmers , profohdonal and I men can atlord to inlrclmse. Size , Inclies ; Wnluht WO HIS. ; relall price , f.11 ; mnnller nnd larger blzcu in proiwrtlon , Kara opportuiv Ily oBi-red. Aluluo fSafo Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio , 714TH \NI ) nml l-pcwr\llng. \ J. II. Wood , r > 714 Pnclllr ht. _ < JI5dl8 jM I "hlrts innde to order nt II cacn. ( imalm Shirt I'lirlnr } . ! M N lull , _ ffiii d 4 , PERSONAL. "ItrAN'lKD To mnkc thn ncerlinltitnuco of a > i 1 id ) wilh menus , objn imatilmoiiy. Hot M ) . CultII. . nnd H , , Shtnuudonu , In. 'K1 ' 's pKH ONAi-Thol idles ot'Onnbn ' will llnd It J coin end-tit when looking foi help lo lui.t * a ro' m full of plrls to dioostrfrom , thus nvnltl- Inp nil delays and UndlUp to betler satlsfiu Hull. Such Is llio ( list ) nt Canadian Kmp. olllc- , Mrs , Hn-ffu A Son. IltO IfiUu Tel. h l. 4V ( > - ' . > 7J " > KII - hn-itl deroiatcd 1" ONAI/-MI for a pii-ttv 1 dinner sot at Moddy.s , kr.'N | itb st. _ 4717 I JKHfOXAlf A home for nice younjhidy , emI - I ploiddlliin Ihe day lloitil xinnll. Ob ject , company. Adille-ssOi7 ; , llee. 4U1 * . * i * PlHsirjrAl.-si e that Ml 'mud pnlnted illnnei net nt Moody's , - > rN mtli st. 1717 l Jinialid dccorned tntuu' i M't nt MootU's , ! HC * \ Mth Ml , , Is the nicest set foi the money In the t Ity. _ 4717 "I JKl'sON.LHi - } n'shilpst.lews of Omaha , I In. ludlup'all pilndplebnlldlups blid'si-yo \ lew s , bow Inp tbn dty to the best mil antape for biilc at I It } n'b ialler } and Laulllold s biwik store. PKHSOVAIr-m ( * ll dinner net Is not deco- lated In pi iln print nt one color but Is pilnted Indllleielit ( oltus , Jlootly'N ( Iljth st. 1717 _ _ _ "IIKHSOXAIr-A Rintlemauof'JI with peed nd- I tllessaiid piospt'itius business , desires to lorrespoiid with a l.idof cultiiro not o\er " ( I , with means. Objed matilmony. All it-piles trpatt'd with pleatest lonlldenie , anil letumed lldpslicd. Address O'il Hitolllce. . IH ) ' 'a * Ijr.llSONAL Tell that husband of Minis that 1 the til dlntiei set at .Moody s , ; , ir. Ninth st , winiltl mnko a bnndsomo lilt-sent. 1717 I'rlMitehomo foi ladies during tonlliiement. strldly , Infants adopted , Addiess K 4. lleeolllce. 107 118 * TiKI'-OVAI.- ! ' ! ! } pint down and wo will hold 1 the tit din HIT set for } ou till Christinas. Moody , . ( K N. IMh Ht. 171 i.7 _ .ON A I. Nurse. Mr * . " Petprsim.7n oiiioHt. ; w. D 4 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. -cIass dih Inp hoi se tot sale at a bur pain Illiks , L'll S , llthstleet. I U . ' 7 1 ITlOlt S M.13l.aipi lestauiant lanpe and stoic -L1 window shmlis , UH S It-Ill st. - Iss * TTIOItIiSteii' : > piapb , sllplitly used Ad- J1 die-s A. Ki tiler , lillO Dodpe. ail , -'s . * Ij'OH SM.II Sit ot iheny bidioom fnuiltnie ( heap. I'mu-ll \ MiLlllsk ) , .s u loililtll und Douplas. l VI 7 * FOlt Sl Doctoi'srart \ , le-ither top , bevel plnss side w liidows , stronp and wtll built , un on ! } one } en. li. ) Jinif , Illl1r.iiminiHt. . * Alil ! A peed saddle and buppy hinse , Imiulie U1SN Kth. , i07 - . ' > FOlt > -AIi-Tjpi.wilti.i. : J H. Wood. .II 1'a- title st. HI I dIC * BlM.AItl ) Table nt hnlf pilce , Hiunswlik llalke Co.'s make , hiqiiho Les > llo & Leslie , lljtlinndllodpests. .Id FOlt SAM ! ( ) i tiade lioise , Iniiipy nnd h.u- nr" . staudlnp dik anil stool , haul coal iteM * . WH1 sell i heap or tiade foi piopeit ) era a in r. Alex ( J. Lluultoii , McCnpuo Ilitu , opp. I'.O ! I4I OHCiANS at wbolesalti pilces , on easy pay ments. New Voik Piano Co , tor I ipltol iMMinil Hth st. Tiiil FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOI ! HI'VT 0-reiotu ctHtnpe , iilil N 17th lief- elencu leiiulled. Immlie "TJOS Unit. 4s , I ' "J * UOOMS , cellar and well , T nuiklin st. . . * 10 00 1 " " " Dtarhoin st 10 ( * ) I " " " 1'rsinklln ht IJOD " , " . 11 ( W " " " No , ' .titli st . Is If " " " IJltuletto f > t . . .000 " cellar , city w ater , No.'U'sth ' st ? ! ( ) .Miami st . . IC < ) " cell u , well , i.'stein , No. _ 7lh st. . _ K I " liath , pas , water , Colby st , V > 00 Jluitst Ill IK ) ( Irani st 4UOO 10 " all Sin\ard . 5.100 10 " " Woolwoith liOOO 10 " und bath In bloc * of 1 honeys coi ner Woolworth nnd .JOtli. JV.rmue , dty watci , pas , sptnkiup tubes. \ - , all new nnd will built , oiil ) 1 blk. fiom i.u * Hues . r.OO . 1 * . I , , ( liepory , leiital apt , fti-l So. Jii t. I il Al Ol'lt loom , well ftimlshed hon-e on \ il pini i.ue2 block south of l.eaxtnwoith. Will init cluap to i-liiKle couple. Inejiilient liicol ) i ; . TroiolX Co.-.TU'J I.ea\en\\oith stuct. " 171OH HI'.NT-The loom house corner of atli ) -L1 and Spiuco stu i ts , f . * 0 pi i month. I'ht-iooni - house neiu iiiinei of Ciincc and Saiuiilils , J'iJ pel month. ( iood IH e room house In Omaha View , * l 1 pi r inoiuh. I'otttr \ ( ebb , 1C01 rainam si. , llonrd of Tiade llnlldliiK. 4 0-"J " 17011 ItllN'r-I'lM-reiom houseblinks ! south 1 St , Mai ) SUM * em 17thht , fldpi i montli , in imlie K. 'Ihoiup-on , I. Iliadfoid olliicl.'il " 7' . . HKNT I'Ie room house-'Stb and Hani' llton. luiiulio'iill Cninliipst. , up-stalis. : M --7 * ] 7iOH UKV'S lOiooni liouso with all modem iJnpioM-meuts , and fumltuio lor h.ilo.v South Mb M. - - 1710H ltKNT-Iesiablocottapo-iIJ ! ) Hamilton JU btret-l. Imiuliu at Idl'i Capitol u\e 1OH HKNT H loom house , gas , haul and soft 1 walt-i , IJ17N. V.Uhst. Apply nt U1I N llith. 117 ' 's * J1OH HKNT-H room house , tomer IMh nnd J Jones , 01 nppl } to A. C. Powell , HOI J'nmnni FOH Hl'.NT A nkely lumlslmi coltiipo ti iiutwho will boaid peiitlemaii and wlfe ll.'l N..Mtllhtleit. llb7 * "IjlOHllKNTlOioomliouM'on Dodpe.iuar I7tl : 1 M , * WI. Inrnltllli ) MV ) ; 4-1 oem hoil-enn 1711 ht , W ) . turnltuie J. ) ; II boiiidinp houses id : tintialH located. Co-opeiatl\o Land A l.ot Co an N. luih st. 4417 T71OH HKNT HHIII suitable foi four (4)hoi-es ( ) J. ' t inner of 7th and I'utlllu his. Apply , ! IH South IDthhliecl. i'r- ! I7\Olt \ HI'.NT All elepant new U room house , nil 1 moilim lmpio\ementh , unda btautllullo ( atlon , at the low prle o of sV ) per month. MoihO A Iliunei , liUH rainam. ; i7.7 ! JjlOII HKNTlieitii ( , olphl-ioom IIOIIM- , ba rn t l lein and will. 1 blink fiom .slreet i al ninth. J. Ki mils , 14 S. 1 Ith. ; tft - , - < ( * "TJ"OH HKNT A new 2 story 7 room house , -1 limit , on 7th , bttwt en scward and I'lank lln , oul } ftll pel month to icllahle , ] itimanen tenant , ( iood. I loom IIOUM ) ami larpo IOIIU-L lot , loth and Albor , peed it-pair. H I per month , Call iiilck | It von want them. Hark A lieneh urn nonplus ht Jin HKNTNowtroom nousiiai cileipT st. All modem coinenlumes. I'lve-rooni boilM- . e. coi. * * ith and Dodpo , J. H. Hlnpwalt ' . ' 1H b Mth st. tfCI FOH Hl'.NT Selepnnt bilck icsldeiHi-s will nil modern impioM menu * , U and II room each , pleasant and i imu ntunt ; location. O. P la\ls ) compaii } , I.Vr ; Purnajli j . It : 1/HK Hl'.NT sioom lioiiWS ftltli n\en 1 1 blot k south of LeaVefnonh. . J. IJ , , nwle , at Pulconei'H , ' n ini * ' ' IJIOH IiK > ! " ' il-rooni lion's'i * nV cor. SmMiid _ L' und 87th sti * . , 'jvi 17'OH ' HKM'i' Smw hnndi-'imrfti loom cottapi-H 1 wtll , clslenis , eti , i7 ! pec tiumth .Kd and ( 'alifoinlii. A. C. WakeieOmuha Null bunk bjd. L _ , ! 7 _ _ 171OU HKNT llmisp n looms.V M. Hush- J } mini , N 1 ! corut r H > th i nd DOIIJ-IUH. mi - j HKNTnouses and four rooms. I'.n- 17IOH Cunnlnpham A Ili'l.ionmsO and 7. Aillnpion bloik , nil and i'.lVilpoht _ OH HKNTroom linusiir av 1711 Douplas , F J10 per month. Not niill .bl for hous * keep- Inp Alipl ) at piemUis. , . , lU _ ITHJiritKNT- i room cottage , II. 'l ' N L'lst st. -L1 Apply aiiiH nth st. _ 15- " 1710H IM /Tsplendid ntw house cor tllst J and Cruut. 'J rooms and bathroom anil all modern comenU'iitt-s. Appl } call ) . Spol-nvood , : J > ,1j S IMh. _ _ _ & " TOH HKNT NTio new ,1 loom house In lied- I1 roril I'hitc , tome tarly , si > olawood , , M S. Mill st * * _ _ _ HKST Sexera new 7 roeim IIOIIBHS FOH block ffom street car , ready for occupancy Novembei 1 C. F. Harrison tin a. -taut. . ' RENTAL AGENCIES. _ ( ! llTuioIl V , i f utnl npent. 8ua S. lOtli , Kt. , FI Kround lloor. Tc'lc phone S1. _ 4 J1 T IsT furnished and iinfairnWu'd Jj rooms with us. We wlJl rent them. ( l ieo optn FttfiiliiKi. H. I' , Cole 31o ti. IMhbt , M > " wTshtii rent lioiiVo call 1710H KXT-lf j mi -ft on Ucniwa i. Co , JSth at , , PPPOJ.UU 1 > . O. _ FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. 17IOII HKNT1'lea nnt fin nltjied room , cheap. -I ? Itc-felcluei ri-nulred. 1U10 Webster ht , t HI'.NT-Vtry dopant room , 1711 Dodurest. - * " 171011 HKN'T PurnWlcd and unfurnished -L looms , fiuiii } < i to Mil pet month , till N. 'nth. IJICm HKNT-1 mulshed rooms 1211 Douglas. l Oll HKST Pors n iilnty furnMicd loom 1 ? with he kt. ' "Ollllariiey 470-7' 17IOH HKN'T front loom newly furnished , Jiill littplas ) t , pas , hilti and heat , breakfast - fast Hint il o'i lock dinner if dtslied. - - ! * Lf'OH ' HKNT furnished looms ; gas , furnace heat , modem coincidence" , 1W1 Paniaiu. HKNT Two fnmlshe-d "room 7h ) 1 7 1 1 o"w - ? nidst , , wilh boaid If desired. Heferences letpiliod. tM J" jloiritlS.N i-VtiPlT"luinsliod""fToiit | or olhe ? looms ntr.'IO I'ainam ulieet. 4 17J * 1jU HNIS'HKl ) looms witli bo.utl , l'l ' > l rarnam. FI ) ll ' "llTivi'-'i fiiiiiNhi-d looms hiiltnble lor llpht honsekeeiilup ; a1 > o I i-mm snltnblo fortwop.mllemi n. IIAI-I la\enjioitst. ) iw aj ROOM and boaid for two or three younp ladles 01 two or thnn } oiinp petillimeu when ) home lomforts i an bo * njod ; HW cot''lst and l.eaieliw tilth sts. ; KI"S | * 1711'HN ISIi KI > looms theap , ' .IJtAl St. Mary s a\ei ; iu"TJ HOOMS for lent , No. IXJI S st. .t ? ) d . - _ 1/OH HKNT r.lepant suite of ioom , alsolaipe utipi i fiont room , in btitk le-sldenie. ftenni heat Ibli Douplns. * i1l'.17J ITlOlt HKNT-Nlcelv fmiilshed looms ill 2 7 X1 Dodpe Oas , bath and furnace heat. (5."J ( FOH HKNT A larpeand pleasant toom.nlcely furnished , for twoortlireo ( eutlomt-n. wj 8. lltth st Intiulro up-stnlis. M7 JAK'IHlll.i : ltioiiis well tnmlslieil. teims U leasonable , ono block fiom 1' . O , r-U.1 Capitol Kill-si _ _ TilOH Hl'.NT - nlte mint looms , lu Mluple or nUle. with modem ( omeiilentos , lor 1 or "pentlemt n. Cm. St Mat } UNO. und uiith st , or OJ is. . ml * . 4 11' ' . id } lumlshed looms , single or en snlto Ji 8 bloi ks oiltb P. I' , depot , 111 , ' ! > . Mil strict. 4",7 * " ! "IJIOH Itf NT furnished looms with 01 without 1 ? biuiitl. ( ins , bath. ' . ' 1 is.-'lth bt 41.18 Ijll UN Ml I'D looms-'largo and 1 .small. 1-10 1 ami fl per mouth. HUN 17th st. ,171'0 ' K I'f'l ' Dodpe. f V'SIIIAIU < loom , \ ) ill ! W * Ft'HS'I.-ilir.l ) looms lo ladles 01 gentlemen. ,111 N.U'tb. , ) ) --7 * "TJIOll HKN'T 'Ihieefnmlsbed and ono tinfur- - Inlsheil loouiH , with ba.\ window , finnan- , bath and pas , unt fiont , at KM S. 17th st. iIU ! ritWO 01 time tninlslii'd looms foi llpbt honsu- keeplnp. ar.'ii St. Mar's IIMKr ' dlj "I7nll HKNT Slnplo loom' , well fiiinlshed JL ; Inmate heat , gas anil bath.UI Dmlpe st. .I7 dlj IJIOH HKNT Twocomfoilable well fumlshed -I looms with boaid If deslied. pihite lamlly. Hefittiuedebited. . Appl } tf 11. cor , ath ) and rumnmstis. ; i70-dlj FOH HKN'T A nlco fiont pallor for one or twopcntlemeu. Jiiinos Stotkdale. II IN. liith M. ! MT FOH HKNT-SK nicely new ftiruMied looms. All modern impioiomeilts. 1JIJ Iu\en- ) 'i - ' * port , l-'h . IjlOH HKN'T-OnelaiKe. well furnished fiont X' loom with nlioie buy window nnd doset , pas , bath , hot and iold water on same llooi , fui- muebtat. for "KI nth-nun 01 man and wife , 'iH7 S.-lthbet I amain and Douglas. i4 pet month. K.'X'bJ TJI IOll HKNT-l'iirnlshed looms. S-01 * Dodpe. U'HNISIIKD looms , steam heat , 80I S.8lth. llOd 17J FOlt HUNT I'lensantest new fiiinlshed nnd cheapest looms In pil\ate lion e In clt ) . All bu-jlness. lidJ Capitol n\e " 17 d lj 1)M'\SANT inunin with or without board ; new house. Wl So.-d ! and lAuiinwoith. 7'J1 ' ' . ' 7 * FOlt HUNT-Nicely fiiinlshed loom wllh bay window , iMioiiubli > , ( O'Jb. ' 17th st 41S--J7J "VTK'IILV fuiiil hed nlcoM ) nnd shiRle looms , -L > and fmiiltuiu now. Mis. llaibei , SUN. 1Mb st. Kksd 17J I71OH IH'NT I'liniMied looms , futnaie , bath and pas N. sldo of LeaNciiwoitli st. bet , 17th and 1tli. 417''J "IfOU HC.NT-Hooms ; ! ( : ) Dodge. FOlt HUNT ruinished looms < IO per month 01 clo in beds at tl.W to if 1.00 per week. MK So.jsth. JNlirj _ Hl'.NTruinisiied looms , 101" I'miiani. FOlt Itl'NT I'ninlsheil looms , also table boaid it dc-slud , lull I'ainam .st. "IT'Olt lllINT-Vnnilshed rooms prhatn fam- X ily , filJ I'luisant st. 4l4dl * IHOlt IM'.XTNeatly fiiinlshed looms , heated 1 g4-'l i'aiiinm. 41-Mi ( * IT OIt HUNT A band'-ome south trout , bay 1 window loom , modern ion\enlences ; suit able foi two pent lemon , * iJJ | rainam. KG FOlt Hl'.NT S'mall loom , hteamhcat , for pen- tlcman , 17-i ! Dayenpoit bt , l l HKNT 1 mulshed room ; modem liu- miiemuuts , table boaid , 1718 Dodpe st. OOO.MS ; also table board , Itntl J arnnni. ! ! tj il K1J JAHdi : south tiom loom , all modem conyen- J limes , suitable lor two peiitlemen ; also lli-sl-ctnss tnlile bo.inl forthuo or lorn ; lifer- clues ] SH DtidKUHt. 7i4 ! Foil IHINT-Nlcely fiirnMied fion t room , all modern com cult-need. I'nqiiliultu FOlt KKNT-Two handsome p iloi fm nMieil or iinfnriil-hed , with till modem conu-iii- ernes , In a pihnte fnmll ) , lust location , two car lines JISH tno boiiMllll'i ' Cass st. : i.Ml g7 > TJIOH HKNT riiinlshid room In pilvatn fam- JL' 11) ton hlnplo Kentleimtn ; .ipply 1711 Ihl- caotf . ' ' * IflOH HKNT 3 fiiinlshed looms for lionsc- keipinp for man and wife , no chlldieu.icnt taken In boaid , 'tl'l N 17tli st. U77 * roil HKNT Pumlsbetl rooms , 181il Dodgoi-t. lit ; N M " 17HJH HKN'THooms , slnglo and eu biilte , -t peed piano for bale , JIM , ] s'l Parnam bt. fv."J | ALOVKLV , liupe fiont loom heated , beauti ful loiution. wllh all modem con\ on ht ear llm , 1917 Cass. 23.1 FOH HKNT Pin nlshed icomslu ( 'leuuigblki * or. l.lthand Dodi-ostb , DaM , Mllliird U.iol iiillhuil loom. ' . " * TJIdl' iinNT Nkely furnlsbod loom Miltubla i- for gentlemeii , Inimlio-'Oll St. Maiy'H nve. v I71OH HKNT I'ltrnlshed rooms In all part's of .1 the city , by the day , week or mouth. City Intelllpeniti ollico , ( lelphton block. 1H1 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. "I/lOlt HKNT-Slttlng loom nnd bed mom. -1 Closet and othei . * . . " > 'I Dmif- las fit. r.-O-U" ! HKNT Pleasant looms , cential ; Kt'iO "I7IOH HKNT-Jblgiooms.ut No JI1 Sinmest. MI Hl'.NT Tbiro rooms Miltabln for honso- keeplii } ; , llth and Lhltago bts. For colored puiple IK ! Foil HKNT Thioo unfurnlnhedrooms , nuit- nblu for houbtkttpln , ; , ut lir'l North -1st st. 1OH HKNT-.1 unfurnished rooms sultablei for - Lhoiisikeoplns , 1011 N Aith it. 11) ) 171OH HKNT-four ( ) unfurnished rooms.Tl ! ) . .1South 19th bt , tontalulna all modern con veniences , 6(1 ( T7vill HKN'T Olio single and" dejublu rooms 1 fronting on Kith HI , htiltablo foiolllie , lodg ing or light huuiokpcpln , , ' , iiumlrt * at Jl'J S. Kith Htrept lloard of ' riule HJ FOn HKNT nioomsHUllnhlo forhou-ia keep- ing.N. W cor. llth and Pierce bt. Apply FOH HKNT 3 imftinilHhtsl rooms suitable for hullnekctipliig , HUH 7 til bt. jb _ FOR RENT- STORES A NDO FFICES. . , J' * j p r month. A IHIIIUMZU In Ihn Imibt i-llne. C'uoirutlc La cl & . Lot Co. , - < & N. loth bt. TJMIU HKNT-Ptont bulldlnc aitW. A Rood J oiHiiltnt and locn lion for binlnes * . Apply Win. I1 , ritniilnn. llth ami Doupla-i. Hi * . { 1710H HKNT * .toro I0i)7 Parnam , witli 7room * i ! I1 A ddtesstM \ Park ao. . : ru XVJ T OH H KNT-llllckwarrhou < t , t txiaS Mortem JC iiiuh baiemenl , sidetrack ntrenron Leu- eliwortlinndlltlist. A. C 1'owcll , 1VV1 1 arnam. ' I/IOH Hl'.NT-Three-story and basement brick building , llxltl feet , suitable foi a hotel or lores and Hats , coruir IJth and Patlllc Ms. Ap ply ut IIU'S. Ulh M. M4 and Confeclloner wanting to open a ' MOIP In good location should wiltnor call on me. l.iitg * > now Meiii'-room with cellar , gas and illy water. Clieip unt. 1' . L. Ule-Kory , Keutal Agl. . 3W S. lOlll st. 'OH ' KKNT Suit nnd tit ! Doors nt 1417 Douplas st. , with IP-ISO of thrt-o jean. Kennedy A iblns , 1 WO Doupl.H st. ,07 I TAHDWAHK storeroom fur lent on 1'nik - ' inc. New hulldltiu' . City water nnd pas. 1 * . J , . ( 'togory , Helital Agt , oW b lulli st. 11U _ IjlOH HKNl'-Olllreson rarnnmst at flOtosW ? -I1 per mouth. Oneollico fuinlslied. ltd. I'm- num. 171OH HKNT-Sloio Sx-fl. all lmpro\Pineuts , JA I till st , fl'ij tine basement , \f\\'i. \ \ for res. liiuiaiit , $ .111 , Vioom Hat , mar bussness , modem con\elileures. 'Ilinmpson , .114 S. llth st. 1W "I71OH HKNT ( iiound lloor otllro loom , ccn -I triilly located , heated and lighted C ! ' . llaiiisnu. IISS. llth st. - TinT T Oll ilKNT-Olllcoioom , Hut lloor , at llTS ! JMllsjL _ | _ 44-1 " | 7"OH HKNTllascment. . Htoiesnud Hats , ( or. -L Ut liuiid Jackson. Kmiulio Mis' ! ' . l.nngo. SITUATIONS WANTED. A I'l HST-CLA. S"oiie7all\ J V dentist do-dies a vltnntlon as assistant. Will go out of town , Address O J-J , lle-e otlit e. 4HI7 * " \\7ANTKD Situation as housekeeper bv a ( T tilt e sensible woman of "s , is a peed cook ml launiliess and Is not afiatd towoik. No oti- ii ction to le.iInp clt\ . Canadian Kmp , olllce , 'ills. lliepa.V Sou , Bill so. IJth. 'lei. SM.J'll .J'l-l ' ! . ' 7J SllTATIONS w.vuted bv sc\eial pills for lioii e work , ( - ) men and wl\es ou laim. 11) ) "ilmki.x plils , ( . ' ) ) dliilnp and ihamlier maids , mile ami It-male coous , laundry pit N , Mam- tie-sstiH , muses and honsekei pels , also ( ti mni ii-ttlil ImU t lerks olllce01 stoles.i liliii-tt ndei , Ii man with team and < l > salesman , state Km- iloMiient 1'arloi.s , 1117 raiuam st , ICoom II 4KJ:7 : | AK.S'I \ \ V-'IIIItr.K gills awaiting situations. L 1117 rain im st. 4r7 | * ' \\7ANTKD A sttndysltuntIon Inside , wlieio dose attention to woik nnd ( iipnhlllt * , t1)1 ) allow a goot ! position , Addiess O u'l. lieu - \\fANT r.D-Sltuatlon In diup store , lltpl- f " ( tered two M-ais In ( hlcapo Collepe I'hnimii- \ , We-stem jiait of htulu luefeiied Aildle-ss lox 7J4 , riemonl , Neb. 4sl trr * " \\7ANTKD-A position as fin email wllh some TT 1 tipe- ire ( ompauy , hj a man who lias hud jears epeiienceAddii ss O.V1 llee. 47,1 " 7 * " \ \ " 7ANTKDSituutlon by a man , middle aped , T "I hiulm ; had about seventeen jenisexpei- eme III the baidwaie business. A good stove. nan and n pia- Heal tliini r hi - > tdcIs open fni -npapement. Can fninlsh the \ery best of efeience. No objection tolra\ollug. Adihe-ss O aiJ , Hee- . 4 11 * \\7ANTK1) - Stonopiapbei and t\pewrlu-r TT ilesiies a po-itlon ; No 1 lelereilcs ; valaiy 10object. , llee. 1SJ 7 * ASHOlirilANI ) nmn , ninnyt ais e\peilem e , w nut s n peed Job. ' \pewiitei 1 ( mulshed. Addicss0"4 lee. ! JI7U dl * \ \ 7ANTKDSlluntlon .iBioacluiviu or towoik TT around wholesale house , ( \peitenitdnnd has peed reteieiices. No olliie lee. ( anadlan Kmp. ollice , .Mis. llreaSm , ( Jliifa. lllh.ti Ife" ! . 4VJ T. " "i\7ANTii-Sltuatlon ; by a Dine , i ! " , will do TT an } kind of wmk in 01 out of doois that will bo htiaiU for the winter. Is able and anx ious to olllce fee , Canadian Kmpio1- ment ollice. Mis. lliega \ ton , Jlii S llth , lei. bal , I III 47 * AOKNTI.KMAN of lonp expcilenci ! In bnsl- ness woiiiu like lo take a sltn.ible iiosltlou inn wholesale in nnniifiutinlup pst.ibllshnu nt .l.iminrj ht piox. I'list-ilasd leteie-mps. Ad dress Illllll Dec. lit. M 1 , Hee. 30 " \ \ 7ANTI.ISituations foi plils In pihnte lamilles , l.dtils. etc. Oui olllie is full of Kills. ( ome and choose for juiiiMlf Onliis 11 } mall itielMpiomjit attintliin. Camv'ian r.mpUnment olllte , Mis. lluga. ' . Sfin.Jllli South lith. 'J el. 1-1. ' .VI " , ' 7J ' " \\TAN I'E ! ) Knp.ipiments to do ilisssnmk- InplulamUlts. Add-e-sOD , lee. ! -II -j ANTKD It } * , OUIIK man , position In olln o . orstmn ; understiinds oilue woik and has had suit nil } ears' experience as salesman In general mdse ; ( nnfiirnish good n leieiiLi-s. Ad iliess M V.1 , lleeolllce. -14 TAN'I KD-lly a jounp ! . .idot expeilence. . . position as book-keeper , in-blei 01 pi neial plllcowink , or would aiiept po ltlou as s ile-s- " t : can furnish oed clt } lUeicnccs. Addiess I , lleeolllce. " 41 STORAGE. YOHIv Ptoia eCo. hiiM ) most exteiislio NKW facilities for sttirapeof finultuie , pianos , biiRples , pential inorth indlsp , west or New A'oik. Cash niHatues to mi } amount ; w ue- house ic-d-lpts fi\eu ; poods in-Miit-d ; bilek bnildlnc lire-proof ; spedal ariamrements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage. Co , Capitol .no and N. 1,1th st. , Hi-nnett's block. 7VJ IJIlHST-CLAfcS btoiago at 110 N. IJth st. S1OH \fJK-Mi-irhnndlsPor fumltuie. I.lttlo A Williams. 1407 Douglas st. Hi'J iu-t SIOIIAOK-rumlluie , bo\cd goods , etc , teims leasonable , 711 I'acillc. I'd FORSALE REAL ESTATE. "I71OH SALK 'Iwo e.i-t fionts ouomlle from -t peistolllte , nist oil of Cumllip. on .Montana st. ; lots no mid K. , Nelson's add line plum lor MX "Hats ; 'hlpb , di\ . healthy , and at low lip- me. A. I' . Tukey , 1 t.'l rainam st. -'U7 $ -.1,0iiMKIcash ( wanted Inn ( ViKK'dtMl : MIIIII ot Omaha's bcsl ic-alty ; object , ca h. will } ldtl hugoptolll. Address O. 1 llee. UT. ( Ut * ' - ot houses 1 oirei GALLandt'C-iJthediolcollst fin sale ou easy terms. ( Jco. N.llliks , _ r Sloth st. If7 ) B1. ] ( bingaln , comtr lot. 7 ' feet h } IV ) lei t , 01 Ili-lle1 , uo stiiet , bouth Omaha Call and [ jet pike and It-mis. I fieo. N. Illcks , "Il S llth ht i tl7 ALL and si o the dioli o coinei lota I eider In C lusldeme and buxlnc > N poitloil of South Omaha , ( ieo N. Illcks-'IfiS. lUn st. lu3J'7 - lot * ) In South Omaha for sale FINKSTtoini-i by Hit ks , : , & 1.1th at. 4CI . ' 7 ' V p.i\ lent when you can bin a rumMied Wl' IKIIIMJ mi a nli" larpo iotf-n.\llo , in tb llnest rislmnie put of Omabn , neat the Mutt i ail ami within one bloi k of win le llm Mitio- polllau i able will rim , by palnp aKinall sum down ami Ihobalaiiio monthly. Addu-ss o lit , Full llnest imshuss lots In s'outli Omnli i see I 1 ( Ieo N. Illiks.-'IIS nth sUUliiT " jIOH SALK Wo ollei lisa t-pielal bargain 11 ] .ities of land four miles funn stoi k sards , at 1111 pi e.ou line of U. r. H. II. Mmisuo Opp. 1' . O. lgl | X South Omaha 1 hnMi for Kale a lot with [ two housi-s fur ! . ) whlih pay < over 17'i ' iiei ( put , within ten mlnnUs wulk n ( Arm Mil i and low lei u p.u Mutt i-onsf s. Ownci out of ibe dty. 1) . I ) , hmeiiloii , ItjUi ] Hedge > t. ) - * ' yourptoperty for Halo wltn Chau-sC LISI ' s t'-th ' MJ _ Spotswood. _ Jul'i - j - I OPSlT I OH SALK On' tll , between ( apitol 1 1 nM * and Diidge. .Must bo b ild at e r- Apply at 11 } i on , llml A I o.'H. - _ Fpo pnTilei bin InpToN ol me In f-ouih Omuhu -L nndiiiHii'siinll ( ottugih , I will gum.til ted to lent tlii-in at pifcesI"1' ! ' ? _ ' . .ft01" ' ' to'j pel u.nt pel aiiiium. llkks , . ' 15 b , [ , ! . ? ' /-1KNTHAI , propdit } fm wil : Wo IKolfor \J onrtiiM-iinlilupiyMiPiititl-s lollo wing lint of Ir.-ltle iiropert } and r.K iiiu-stor > or thnso dt- blrinjl.i iiuilil to b'lvo tih a call auil let us bhow t > * l fuct 1 uriiuiu bt. , ni'ur 10th bliect. 6700 per f ° ir/'ftel / Pumarn St. . near SUtli btiect , ! rx ) per "w feet Parnam 8t , near Will sired , with good wiVi'e't i'ai'mim ' st. W'i st Knd , 1100 per foot. ( H ft 11 Pnmnm ht . ceir Sprlim bt. , * s.1 tier foot e.l fee t. Hariley ami loth. JV per 41 fret , Stxte * nth near I/aril , I Wl pel foot. ut li i-t. Hixte-i nth near C.racn Ui per foot u , fn t t.i ( aiillol in und Illht , -IO pel tei'it ' 1 he iibox o aiu all Jlilctl ) prime business prop- Cr\Vohnyo also on band n-if-ral lots. On Saunili i HI nt for ? 'iO to tun p i * frmil fo . On nratti bV at l i i'er ' front foot. Ill Cat alp a phi co . * * * * fl.Hnj tier lei In Myeia , lllthaict A Tildc-n's nil , $70i ) to 'n Pairmont pi im Jl.noD lo H.vJ i/or lor. C/0. / K. A't. CV. , liOl f auum jt. ill 1710H yA l,1.-tflO nrrM of Inud four tullp from * - . xteick yards , M I151 per ucro ; HUs. is n Mr * gum. McCapue , Opp , p. o , KH irolt SA LK A good lot 111 feet ) on Park % ' J1 OUUP , low price If sold soon. Me'CulIoell St Co. . corlfith _ and I'urn im , , tn pll or ov-hango lUt u w Ith C. C ( . .Mi-it1 Idth. Ail > lt S-ALK Lotlbloik * ' . A S Patrl.k's ml i. elllon , will cell for few tlnxs nt ( I iivi J"A1 ( ash , Imlanco easy , M 117 lleo olllce. ' 'is7 31011 SALKfinest lofitlou for a hemp In . . . .vv e-st Omaha ' ' , nd'olnlm the mansion homes of Klikondall , Coo , llridy , Ka s > m nd otlitrs. Nothing liner lu HIP city. Can sol lulxjs ; , ir less ; for pilctM and terms see s1. A. tfloman , UOI 1 ai nam t. 7y ; rpnoMi"'oN , iipai Kstatpni : s. nthst.oirus l HIP follow lug genuine baignliis : Pull lot In llnnsiom Plate . IM \ \ Kit pant place fui home , lioiitlng Hausuini Park , 1.ft ) il M fpi t on sannders st , near ( tract * rWO ( Lot mi Pamimst , ( p.iMd ) near 'lltli , per fool . . . . . M't Dosli able lot In Kllby Place . . . . 1 * . * 7-i , Olio lot lu Patilckss'uiiitopii ' add . . . ml liMfett lioutage , near Hiimex und7th ! 4.UH ) Plm-lriekaiioliit in city for Kiiloni leu e , iliiap. Lot ue.ii puil. In Smith Omaha "sMitUi-ato " 7V ) I'loput } In nil parts of Omaha and South Omaha. -.vj TJIOIt KA1.K New stmo building nnd lot on I llellexuo M . South Omaha , pilee H , V , out } "mil-ash , ( an gl\o Immetlt.ile posse-sUm. ( Ieo. N. Illi ks15 S nth M. Ul7 [ j Olt \LK-lleil wholesale Inn kape property l in omahiij fein lull lns | , two of them with orneis , with tnuk In allej \11 on pi ide. street ais , watei , pas , and SIWI-IIIKI * ionueitlons. \ ei } desliiiblo and cheap. A. 1" . 'liiko. 1 t'l 'arnam st. -it- "IIIOICKIrnckapp , do e to illy , for . \\a \ by W Illiks'Hf. . 1,1th ntleet. 4H.7 J : roul.i : \ of 'i ' looms with steam and bath , eontialy locati-d. Call Ninth llth s $ IIH ) cash w 111 pcuii > apood I ft ) aues of farm laud In inntheastern Nebraska. 'Jb. ( ) I' ) aMs Ciiinpaii } , UiOl I'ainam tit. 1'ild 1 " n1 ALL and se-e the cliolie b-iipalns 1 ollt-i lu "O soulhOluuha. Illcks , U'lj b. nth hint t. I tl ! . ' 7 I MSTICKNI'.VA ( O. make n-po , lull } of -J.piopoit } ill North oinah.1 , fui su0 | or tuut UCltUuis bunk , ' 'lus t umlng st. Tin rjllloMI'fON. ; IIIH nthst , liujsTiTdTeilsTca" -L estate , loans mnnoi , piirdi.isps steiultles ; lias a good ll t of puipeit } for xalo and want : * iimie Notiuy pui-lli KM TTIOH SALK Look ! Look1 Lot. ) , bliTlt'-liiixTS ' J - mi ( ass between -"Jim and Jltl sis. Only $1.MK iKH ) cash. A baipaln , and no ml take. IWixl > limit toinei.on nillh and .lotu-s MM . lust smith ot tin * line lesidemes nf 1'nmnii , lli.uly and otheis. Can sell ii ( | . if taken at om e fni inIlM ) . An tlepant lesidi nee ttuner. Nnthlnp In the \lilult } so i heap M. A. Ppl'iii A to , Idth st , opp chambei t-f ( nuiineue. | s.l UOP'l H OMAH.vTots forb.ile by I 41 ! 27 fPO Inxcstois-Comer lots in South Omulii L Within loin to IIItdilodv of the depot , lllleo blocks funn the juiiitliin ami enisling ot the Pnlon I'm Hiethe II A M . Mts-onil I'uciMcnnd lln-C A N. \ \ . lallwtns , and onh two to loin blockH Horn the now i lei tilt motoitai Hue link ou llellwln stiei t. J IIUMa few of these lots ut in It es i unplug fiom } smtol. > oO , small t ash pin- limit , casi letms. Itwlllpu * . } onto ln\t--llpaio this bt once. Cico. N. Illcks'IS S. 15th Miect. 4 Cl7 171OH SA LK Lot - . ' , blotk f , K V. Smith Bf7WU , I1 tnshi.l.vio. Lots 7 and s , block ' - ' , l-.nac A Si-Men's , id.OHi ) . Lot II , block H , ISHUP A Seldcn'f , J..Wii ) , cash lot ! : . ' , Sunn } side , f-.VX ) , * ash JSOJ. Ilalauco easy Lot 17 , Bum * } side , f..iloo , cash JViO. Ilalauco Lots "f nnd - " . ' , Sumislde , i1M l for both ; cash Jl'llock- . ' . Miis , Itlehai Is A TiliUuV , } iiOoO ; ash U.MXO Lot ,7 block -I , I\oiinl70 Place , . ' ,100 ; cash Lot 11' ' , block - . ' , Pot lei's addition , Hl"-0casli ; Nine loom hoiiso on Popjilelon n\e. betwieii Viiplnli and ( ii-m plaines w lib all modem ( oil- \ cllliIHtI'lltelfli.'i" ' ! ; teimseasi. Lot' . ' , block 77 , South Omaha , Jl.Mnl , lash > j , bal as } * . Lot to , block V.i , South Oinnhn , 5.fiOO ( , cash > j , Inl easy. Lot H , bloi k 71. South Omnlin , MVX ) . l.ot I , block - , 1'iist add n Smith Omahn , W.OOO , c ish I , , bal\ J.ot - , bloi k 7 , I list add nSonth OmahaSl.iWJ , ca-li 't , bal i as\ Lot 1. ' , bloi k" , Piistndd'nSoutli Omaha,51soo , ish fH ) . bal P.IS > . Lot 4 , bloi k 7 , Ilist add'iifcoiitliOmnha , slNHl , cash J'KIO ' , bit tasy. J.otJ. lilcit if , i list add'n South Omaha , JiAX ) . 'Lot l"l blocks' ' . PliHtnild'nboutliOmnhiilsOO , lash tl irti ,\ . I.nts I and d blk 1 .lettei'Hadd l.iimii'iiih.biilld- inp on lut ; ti-tits. toi H"i pet month , und on lot 0 --'ipermiitith Huslm-ss lei utlmi. The nnithfiO in t ot lots uund'J blk I .Ittlei s add , l.-'Vt. i isb liiOO ( Iood lots within a few l-links of § wIll's Pat Kim - im , house , JIMIeadi. t Nlueti en and one-tbbd acies Joining Pnlon StoeVMiids Cn 's piiiiind on the -oiith. with 1 i ( l Icet naikap on Pnlon I'aelllc tine k. I'llieM.KHI ptrncri * . Will s < > | | ( uMiiallei tluits it mil ( has- elsdislio- ( nil foi turns. Lots In all the best addlllons to South Omah i foi sale , nml IUIP juopi m nini * South Omaha , In lli. i. ten , Illtti i n en twi nty at i e tracts foi sale m tiade fni iiiildn piopt it > iinuiit umben d. Potlei A Lobb , Hoi rarnani st , llciaid ofliado building. nil.i Foil SA IK-Lots in Lincoln Plate , limillng on the MetiopoHtan iiiblo , iNA ) cadi , "j cash. ( 'inner lot on Lowe memio and Cullfoinl.i cubit line , ? I,7KI , 'j tush. Vi.mediolielots in West Cnmtng addition , ? N to-1'joo , i asn mis. 'Ihescdols anonoi near the cabin now being built on Callloiill.l bt. Ill ) } now at old pi U ex. A line buslniss comer at lOtli and Donpla" , SiUJO ; , > i cash Acit s lu Solomon's add. tiTO. J- ' * ) i ash. Ami InSpiing N allt- } with Initk.ige , j'lOO , lj cash Lots In Lolieck's nib. near''iililh ' Omtba , ou N W.H. * , Wmi i adi , II dish. 'IliPse aii-tlm dieapest nlli lings In Hull lu-pedhe ni-lphboi bonds. MaisliallA Lobttk , locim' ' , cbambi l of coiniiiPUP. IM (1 KOIKli : M. Cnoper , PiOU Paniaui , ic-al enlato \ loans , and ii-ntiils J..rtKI i ash to loan , 1st mortgage , ( oilier I in I , Kounl/e'H 4tb , cash , f l. ) . f 1,100. Coinei Sin II , Hied stlrst , , ciiili , # 1 ( I'm Nine and ti n , llurdi IIP murt , for both , { 1,100. P.leieiHlDliil. ' , Ilidlonl.'iiasb ' , fl.Oilil. lions * ami lot In Diuenpott ciifeh , i'oiiiei , blk fiom Saundeis , A. B. Pntik-l. tl.HJI ) . Lot " 0 Iilfi , On haul Hill , Jiflfl cnhb , f' l Lot Illn'i. Itii hmoiid , on I.eiiM-nwinth , J'OJ. Hlchinoiid lots-fill ) to * 7io ( ; om-llith uisb Tableland luts f-'i-U to * iV ) ; one-ti nth i ash Spi dal IndiicKiin ills to muiuifai tnitiw , and ti.u kape farllitli s tuinlslu d to lei ale. List * > oui * mopoity with me , and lionsrs for lint \Minti i ! ( Jcoigu M. ( oojier , bcile a ent , 1103 I amain. CHANDLER & LOGAN , VETERINARY DENTISTS. W 111 make theli IIP idiiinitPis | for n ft w weeks nt Alex lli'iilnim m w stable , i mni i Davenpult nndSo\enlienlh bis. examination fice Jfali } diseases can bo cured nnd dlsnrrccablf ; hnbi's tiM mime li } emr opeiiition mi tin lnui-i"i tuth Wohu\eeuridtlnmof nm , him , ' , diool. Inp , fctoiiplimHhoit , BtattiiiRHudilnImthlnir ! , loss of tit till , weak oyrs , and nun dully f"1 ! ! dilvlnx on one rein and pntlhip Wen mene all loni'li edpes tiom their luolius and luel tlm mulltll , tluiioby ( imbllliKthiilioisn to piopeiiX masticate Ills lee I Improper M" " } ' " , "r.r''j ' produces lii'llpi-stlon. ' ami liiillpitl"n di'1 ' * Iildob'iimd ' , w i ) in liniiiH btailiirfnr ili-ail-IU'J uoat of hair , ard lots of uppc I He 4 oung a1 * well a old huf-u ijuiiuiru this opi'iatlon. luim iuuuna I'ndorthe Manngcme-nt of DPS. GLICK AND DYMEHBERG. Atttntlon fclM-n lo piactlco dfidBur * guiy Also treat duonlc tmd prlialo eUseunoH. IIIHI'I Vin H W , I'OHMIIl ItlTU . .Ml IMIIHIt : hfIII ITH. OIliCu.AIWaib Opcu. "