Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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An Alleged Forger Brought Bnck
From Mexico.
Tl 0 Famous Nan ! tc I < cctiirc Sunday
A New Ubrnry Put Out n Snmll
Fire Died hi n Sport-
Tlic United .Stales Court.
The case of .f. A. 1'resrott vs George A.
Hmmnoml ft Co. , South Omaha packers , for
the recovery of tlio vnluo of about $ > liOO ,
worth of cattle , is occupied the nttcntion of
Judge Dundy yesterday. These cattle.thc sup
position , or rather claim is , were stolen by
fomo party or parlies unknown to the plain-
tJff , and sold to the Haminondpncking hoiibc.
I'lUATICAl. l.t'MItmiMII.V.
Deputy Utiltod States Marshal Showaltor
went to ICoyn I'uliu county Tlmr HtuV and ar-
lested .I.M. Kpurgcon and Charles I' . Jewltt
on it charge of cutting timber on government
land , .lewitt , it seems , had erected u sawmill -
mill and was doing a land ofilco business
with thn government's timber. The pris
oners were arraigned yestmlay morning and
pleading not gtliltv , were put under i'-VMX )
curb , and their hcarin ? set for 1o-morio\v ,
nuiAiu's rum , M\r : TI i : inv.
Ilaradn , the half breed , who killed I'eter
Piplcr last August out on the Sluux reset vn-
llnn , will bo tried next Tuesday. This Is a
very seiisntiolial ense , the murder having
been eoinmlttcd with a tomahawk , with a
woman n the Inciting cause , as usual.
A roitici.o : i HE.
A bill of foreclosure was lllcd vest onlay
tnoniing , the parties to the suit being Daniel
Head vs. .loel T. Albright et til. The lirop-
ei ty Is : 0 acres iu Tha.\er tounty , and the
iimount of the mortages $2X \ > .
Kver since his lit in the court room last
Tuesday , I'eter ( iross , convicted of .suborna
tion of perjur.\ , has been under the treatment
of a physician His break-down was com
plete , both mentally and physically , and be is
n source of much wonderment to the medical
fraternity. ( Jross is probably permanently
tieranged , find the attack , coming on as it
( lid , in a seizure of epilepsy , is said to bo
without parallel.
THU snr.iitrr sunn.
Yesterday Hpraguo , Kmith Si Co. , brought
ctlon against Will Coburn , sheriff , to iccover
n largo amount of plato glass which they
, elaim is wrongfully retained by the said
Cobura ,
I Thomas S. Livingston died In this city
October 10 ! , ISM ) . Ho held an undivided one-
half intercut in the cast one-half of lot 0 in
block H In the city of Omaha , and died In
testate. Theodore C. Livingston , Mary
Elizabeth Klinehousc , Kilus Livingston , Anna
Kllza Livingston , Charles C. Livingston and
Henry Livingston , brothers and blood rela
tions of the deceased have assumed control
and possession of the property to utter diS'
regard of the lawful claims of other relatives ,
Hollcn Livingston , IClln K. .tones nnd Ben
jamin Livingston , whoycsteiday brought
Uutiou against the first named parties asking
for their share in the estate.
< itiirt.r.v : vs. CITY of O.MAUA.
A jury was empaneled yesterday in ft civil
fiction brought against the city of Omaha by
Thomas M. ( Jrcelcy. The examination of
witnesses had not been completed when
couit adjourned for the day.
The ease now commanding the attention of
the United States court is that of Ed Lcnt-
mon , of HeS'noMs , Jefferson county , who is
charged with forging the name of airs , Lucy
Lemmon to a draft calling for $10. A cousin
of his named Welsh is implicated in it , ho
having presented the draft for collection.
County Court.
The two cases of Nuhan Franko vs. Paul
. fitcln were continued until December 10 by
mutual consent.
.T. L. lllco & Co , was awarded a Judgment
to the amount of iOOO nnd costs against Lou
isa Hlllka.
The Police Court.
In the police court yesterday morning John
Hatflcldwasscntto jail for twenty-five days
for carrying a pair of lead knuckles big enough
for Goliah. Mnrinus Hadge , .1 nondescript ,
pot Jlvo days for vagrancy. Thomas Edwards -
wards , nn old timer , liitecn days. Anna
ilaclcson Wns up for bgjng drunk , she claimed
1o have been drugged , and on promising never
inoro to look upon the wine when it is icd ,
she was allowed to depart.
JAMIS : r.oM i : sr.xir.xrr.n.
The case of .Tamos Itoylo was disposed of
Jn the police court yesterday afternoon.
Hoyle pleaded guilty to assaulting an olllcer
find was sentenced to pay a line of 5oU and to
thirty days in Jail.
K.vConductor McDonald , ol'tlic I ? . &
M. , llruuglit Hack From 3llco. .
D. It. McDonald , formerly a conductor on
the 1J , & M. , ijin jail charged with forgery.
Ho was captured in the City of Mexico , and
the United States government issued requisi
tion papers. Four months ago McDonald
while in the employ of the H. & M. as n con
ductor of u construction train , met with nn
accident in which ho was badly crushed.
Some weeks prior to this n registered package -
ago of paymaster's checks valued at $ bOU had
disappeared from McDonald's train. Im
mediately after his accident McDonald cam
to Omaha to receive the salary duo him from
the company. On this same day thrco of
the lost paj masters checks , endorsed over
to various merchants in this city were pro-
denied for payment. They proved to have
liecn "rabed , " and the work done very skill
Detectives were at once employed to work
up the case. They found that other raised
checks had been negotiated in Lincoln , Hast
ings and other towns. While the investiga
tion was being prosecuted , McDonald disap
peared , and by so doing directed the sus
picion of the olllccrs towards hlm.sclf. He
was followed through the soulhcin states in
Old Mexico and was found Micro in the cm-
ploy of the Mexican Central road.
McDonald stiongly asserts his innoeoiico
and has no theory to otter as tolio com
mitted the crime.
That Torrllilo Small Boy.
People living In the vicinity of Twentieth
and Dodge Mi eels complain that there a
number of boys , armed with small rides ,
who frequent that neighbor in search of dogs
and cuts us target * . The boys nay that the
. innocent but olleiisivo sparrow is the game
they anj after. This , however , docs not
Bcein to prevent lliclr indheriniiiiato shoot-
' log at the dogs arid cats. A stray bullet
came near hitting , u nmn.nnd the way iu
which bullets conio hunnniitg around < he
house. * makes it extremely dangerous , not tu
nay unpleasant for .tho inmates' . Olio lady
doclurcti that the llrst youngster , aymcd with '
rlllo , slip catches trespassing up'ou bet
M-cmtsas will bo sent to the police station.
There Is considerable indignation e.spiessed
generally that reckless boys should bo per
mitted to irso Urn city as u hunting ground.
Pedestrians uTj arc vomix > llcd to pass the
corner of Park and Popplcion avenues , com-
pluln of u number of boys who congregate
there and nmuso thwnsolvcs iu throwing
clods of dirt at Iho passers-by , Tliebo
.peein to deriva a vast amount of fun froin
thls'jMstlme , hut Ithoso who have been cow/
polled to run the gauntlet do not regard it a
Vvry humorous. Thcso- boys attend tin
tiCftrgla avcnuo scluool , and if the teacher *
'if patents dp not bring about a reform it :
Vnr ! actions , the frequenters and residents
.of thaV i * 'ie'.j6x iauUl < report thc.r action !
to-tho _
Til. XA
\VH1 Ijpctuwi ( iiKl'Cnrluntiirn' Hit
Grand , Sunday RveiihiK *
Tills Uvturcr and'famous caricaturist wil
Appear at the Oi-and opera houQ ! Sunday cv
cnliit ? . Nust nnd hU pencil afford n 'mos.
humourous ami edifying entertainment , , Hi
Is the greatest picture maker oMho ago oi
flay. Ho plaivs his unique ideas on canvu :
quicker than thoughtnnd the satlyo of hli
iwacil is seen and feltut a glaiico.N <
labored explanation orhls work is iicc.essrtry
The argument goes directly home , and fcv
incnlu this country , orators or writer * , havi
no moulded and greeted imblio bcntlmCnt , a
has thU curiciilurltt during tbe i > * t twcnt ;
Darld'nf \ Kttcti Charged W < lti Fel
ony by Henry .I , Abraham * . '
In alppTpbabllity "something will drnp'1
ere many days that will cause n decided sen
sation and pcr'nafw land n few heretofore
respected cltlens of Omahn in the peniten
tiary for forpery. A Judicial investigation was
Hi-tiered by Judge Wakoleyyc"ttc.rdny morning
In the district court into the charge * made by
Henry J. Abrahams against Davlil Van Etten
and other. " .
What may prove n ti6ted criminal case
grew out of asull for S1TI.M ) brought by Van
Eltcn against Abrahams In Justice Frank
Ciawford's court , and on September 30 , ISiT ,
the plaintiff was gi anted u Judgment for the
amount anil costs.
Abrahams , in an amended petition filed in
the district court , states ( hat on September
II ) he Hied nn appeal bond which was duly ap-
piovcd by the Just ice. On the 1'Jth of Sep
tember plaintiff caused a transcript of the
proceedings to bo filed in the
district court. That afterwards It was
discovered that said transcript was Incom
plete and .ludgo Hopewi'll ordered thatit ) 'bo
sent back to the lower court for correction.
This was done and the amended transcript
was returned to the district court before the
1st day of November. Some time after nnd
before November 8 , some person or persons
fraudulently and feloniously changed and
nltcted said amended transcript so as to make
it appear that the Judgment was rendered on
Septembers Instead of on the third.
I'laintifT further ullei'cs that the alteration
was made by D.ivld Van Etten or some per
son for him and for the purpose nf fraudu
lently ousting this court of Jurisdiction in the
appeal and that t Van Etten fraudulently
caused the Judge to believe that the ' 'd of
September was the ditto of the Judninent and
to dismiss the appeal , which was done on the
ild of November. Aftciward Van Etten
caused .ludgo Crawford to is'stio an execu
tion , which was placed in the hands of Con-
.viable ( .itlbert Hlue , who threatened to im
mediately execute said writ. Plaintiff states
that Van IHten is utterly irresponsible nnd
Insolvent and plaintiff will bo irreparably in-
jilted unless Van Etten and Hluo
are restrained from executing the wiit.
Therefore the plaintiff prayed for n restrain
ing order and that the dismissed order be sot
aside and appeal made to stand.
The motion came up forargutnent yesterday
morning bufote JudgeWakeley , who granted
a temporary Injunction as prayed for and
pending an investigation into the plaintiff's
charges. The motion to set aside
the dismissed order was overruled.
The court created a decided sensa
tion by stating that the amended
transcript had undoubtedly been changed
and could bo easily seen by the use of a niag-
nifiylng glass. Aflldavits are also filed as to
tbe truth of Abraham's charges. The court
said that such an alteration was a felony nud
if the guilty party or parties could be con
victed it meant the penitentiary. The county
attorney was instructed to investigate at
once and if warranted so to do to file imfor-
inutious against the parties.
David Van Etten was arrested at his homo
nt ! t o'clock icsterdny. The information
Hied against him charges him with fraudu
lently uud feloniously altering public records
This is only another iiiime for forgery. It is
stated that absolute evidence of the altera
tion is ready. Several books of public record
have not been changed as relates to the case
and are the most important witnesses to the
The Lutherans.
The English speaking Lutherans assem
bled in the Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran
church , corner Nineteenth and Cass streets
at 10I0 : ! yesterday morning , in a union
Thanksgiving service.
All tlio pastors took part In the services.
UB.V. J. S. Delwcilcr , pastor of Kountro
memorial church , preached the sermon.
Mr. Dctweiler spoke of tic ) mercies that the
American people have enjoyed'aa n nation , of
those rich temporal blessings which have
been showered upon us all , and especially
upon the citi/ens of our own s.tato and city ,
the bright future before the Lutheran
church and other Christian churches in this
land of freedom and plenty , and closed with
nn eloquent appeal to all Christians to con
secrate themselves to the Lord's work , After
the services , a liberal thank offering was re
ceived for the newly founded Lutheran or
phans' home of the Evangelical Lutheran
cmauucl charity association.
A New Library.
A meeting was held Thursday cvcningntthc
Castellar Street Presbyterian church , in the
intereslsof public readingroom and library.
A largo part of the programme was devoted to
the subject of Thanksgiving. Hcv. J. N.
Hoyd , of the Christian Hour , spoke ou the
needs and ad vantages of the companionship of
peed books and periodicals. The pastor read
the constitution adopted by the session of the
church , and called on those who wished to
become active members to enroll their
names. Forty persons responded. Hcsides
active , them nro honorary monitors who
may use the reading room tit the discretion
of the board of malingers. Work will bo begun -
gun on tlio basement of the church as soon
as possible to lit up a room for the associa
tion. The reading room will bo supplied by
membership fees , and the library will no
built up mainly by donations of books and by
part of membership lees. Alicady a num
ber of books have been promised. The pas
tor and people hope In this work to counter
act somewhat the balclul influence of the
saloon , futnish good reading for the mem
bers and strengthen their church. If anyone
ono has good books , secular or religious , to
spare let him correspond with the pastor ,
Kov..I. M. Wilson , and if satisfactory cata
logue them in this new enterprise.
Dead In n Sporting House.
Yesterday morning about three o'clock the
third sudden death within less than twenty-
four hours which attracted the attention of the
coroner , occurred in the sporting house ol
Lulu Rogers , on 'tlio northeast coi1'
nor of Ninth and Dodge streets
when a rather comely and well known iu
mate dropped dead in the arms of an nsso
elate. The victim was Blanche Hoffman , !
woman who has resided hero for about eight
years. She had been feeling as well as usual
went up stairs to don a looser garment , whet
ti heavy fall was heard in her room.
Another inmate of tbe hou < 4pMhm1 Pearson ,
responded and raised the lallen girl , whc
gave a couple of wild shrieks and then died
The remains were brought to Dicxnl & Maul's
It is not Known where Miss Hoffman's pa
rents resldo. An inquest was held yestcrdaj
afternoon and the verdict rendered was thai
death had resulted from unknown causes
probably disease of tlio heart.
Sent to VillUca.
The remains of Samuel Dahuff , whoso stuV
den death in a H. & M. ear Thursday Was re
corded in the Hm : , were forwarded Thursday
evening tohisold homo In Villisca , la. Thej
wcie accompanied by his son , of Gibson , it
this state , whom he had been visiting the da. < i
of Ins death. No inquest was dccuied ucccs
kwry. .
The Mule Waif.
The child of Lizzie Shields , which wa ;
found dead in bed with its mother , Thurs
day on Eleventh street near Capitol avenue
was yesterday afternoon buried by thocouiity
- No Inquest was held. The city ph Itch
that the death of tlio child I had been 1 occas
ioticd by the helplessness and ignorance o
the mother , who for ten days , had not beet
uble to leave her bed.
A Small Itlnzo.
Au alarm of tire was turned in at S o'cloekyes
terday morning from box4l. Tins was occas
oned by the discovery of a blaze in Thoma
Shannon's ono story frame dwelling ? back o
thu Missouri Pacific railroad shops. Th
lire department was. quickly upon the seen
and subdued the fUmes bctoio any conaUlci
able damage was done.
at $0OOp.
.At a meeting of the board of county com
; nissloaers yesterday afternoon the. followin ,
resolution v > s adopted. :
Kesolycd , That thu tax on lot 3 , section C
township 15 , range 13 , bo assessed at. $0M
and the comrty treasurer be ftiuj is hlstructci
to-coljoct taxes jit ncqecdanct ) therewith. ' j '
IX W. Main's.- Seer.eta.ry and . .n
' of the CHiiuax'AYii do\y.Bhutto company
of St. Joseph , Anil , un old. ' resident o
Omaha , is it ) this city ou u pe'rsoiial ant
professional visit.
Continental Clothing HOUS&
By spp.cial arrangement with express companies running from Omaha we will send every TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY , THURSDAY ancj
FRIDAY of each week , packages containing Suits of Clothing , Overcoats , Furnishing Goods , Cloths and Woolens of all kinds kept in our establishment to
any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota or Wyoming , C. 0. DM giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this 1
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining thd
same before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding ten dollars ( ? 10.00) )
may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. We have for years sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express
with the most satisfactory results. YOU TAKE NO RISK. EXAMINE THE GOODS , and return them at our expense if they do not plcaao
Send for Men's Suits. Send for Shirts.
Send for Boy's Suits. Send for Underwear.
Send for Overcoats. Send for Hosiery.
Send for Ulsters. Send for Gloves.
Send for Pantaloons. Send for Fur Caps.
Send for Samples of Custom Goods. Send for our Catalogue
Giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self measurement
and you can be fitted just as well at home as here in our store. Send to us and see how much
money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
Omaha , Boston , New York , Des Moines.
Her Mysterious Disappearance nml
ForcboUiDKM ol'llvr RclutivcN.
Otto Nelson , of 1033 South Twenty-second
street , together with his stop-brother , Mr.
Andrcsccn , ntul AV. C. Martin , of Shenrm-
iloah , Ia.were at the polife headquarters JTS-
crduy morning to implore the assistance of the
lolioo in ferreting out the fate anil where-
iibouts of pretty Aniiie Nelson , who has been
since November II. Annie is a.
Dane , with light brown hair and blue
'yes , and only arrived In this country from
Denmark five months ago. Although a bright
nnd intelligent girl , she has as yet but pooily
managed the English tongue. She has rela
tives in Khunundouh , Iu. , and ou arriving in
this country that was her first destination.
Reaching Khenamioah she went to
work as a waitress lit the restaurant of W.
C. Martin , with whom slio remained until
two weeks ago , when her brother Otto wrote
for her to come to this city and live with him.
* 5he started the day following the receipt of
her brother's letter , some two weeks ago ,
but has never arrived liProiior can any of
what became of her or where she went be
obtaiaed. The brother and step-brother are
much perturbed over the mysterious dtsap
pc-arancu of their sister , and have been as
siduous in ttcarching for her ever since they
became convinced t-liat she had pone astray.
They fear uho has been induced or forced to
deviate from the paths of virtue and recti
tude , or kidnapped or entrapped
for disreputable purposes. Mr. Mar
tin , of Slienandoah , was infoimcd of the
girl's non-arrival , and so interested did ho
become that he , too , began an arduous search
for his former fair employe. Ho arrived
' hero this morning. At Klieimndoah ho went
, to the baggagcmaster at the depot and took
< the number of the cheek given to the girl for
her trunk , with tlio hope of being able to
trace her by this. Hut his efforts have
proved futile. At the transfer depot at
Council muffs the oflleers Inchargo informed
him that the number was outstanding and
they could possess him of no information
whatever. Martin then sent here for Otto
Nelson , and they applied to the police across
the river for assistance in their search. This
was Ircely given them , and every question
able house In the city visited , but with no
icsult. What might bo considered a clue was
finally run down at the Denmark house , u
hostelry extensively patroaued by railroad
men. Hero Messrs. Martin and Nelson met
several brakeuien and depot attaches , and
two of them , Wilson Hankin and Arthur
Hhodos , said that a week ago yesterday the. ?
saw a flashily dressed man in conversation
with a green loolclntr girl on the platform at
the transfer. They suspected that the colloquy
quy boded no good , at least to the femaleand
they made it their business to place them
selves in a position where fragments of the
conversation could bo overheard , The girl
talked brokenly and they could not under
stand her , but they heard enough from the
man to convince them that he was offering
her inducements to go somewhere and work
for him. Tlio two llnally strolled
back into the depot , and that was the last
seen of them. This girl , young Nelson
thinks , was hit sister , and the man with her
ono of those vile procurers that haunt depots
for just this purpose. Here they have an op
portunity of exercising their devilish wiles
on the ignorant and unsophisticated female
immigrants , and similar cases to the one In
question are being reported almost dally. I no
chief of police hero wilt detail a couple of
men to day to Investigate the affair so far as
this city is concerned , but is inclined to be
lieve , ax this was the girl's destination , she
has been taken elsewhere.
. _ . . . Permits.
The following building permits wore issued
yesterday by Superintendent Whltlock :
WU Vaughn , barn , Capitol avcnuo ,
near Clinton * co °
E A Leavcnworth , three IJtf story
dwellings Caldwell , between -'Mil
und'Ttu. ! . r'- ' ° °
, T.wo permits agprcgatlng $ 6,309 ,
A Valentino Ofllclnl.
Sheriff ConnoUy , of Valeiitfne , is fn lowti
on his way home from Lincoln , where ho
left in the custody 6f Warden liycrs , for fif
teen months , n'tough named Hcrr , who was
convicted some weeks HEO f '
robbery ,
Good Prospects For a Heavy Fall
The repoi ts received at the signal service
oftlcc yesterday all point to the convergin
of a tremendous snow storm at this point.
However , through the ameliorating influences
of a balmy south wind , it may turn
nto rain. The beautiful was falling this
norning not only at all points throughout the
west tniu north , but to tbe northeast , cast
and south of Nebiaska , with a gradual in-
losing for this locality. "With the slightest
'all in the thermometer , the Hurry will un
doubted be inaugurated here. Anyway , it is
safe to say t'.e ' delicious days of Indian sum
mer arc o'er , and from this ou out is cold
weuther , Blcct and snow.
A lint her Illg House.
The reputation which Omaha seems to bo
paining as a beer-loving town , has impelled
another foreign brewery to establish a house
tore , the latest being that of hemp's West
ern brewery of St. Louis. These concerns
have invested a great deal of capital here ,
especially that of Aunheuser-Hiiseh , who
liavo already made arrangements for the ex
penditure In buildings and grounds of nearly
1X ( ,000 , part of which has already been paid
DUt and some of the struotuics erected.
mp'H coming will mean another outlay
from abroad.
Poultry Thieves.
The butcher shop of J. T. Townsend on
Hamilton st reet.ncar Orchard hill.wus broken
into by thieves Thursday night , and twcnty-
ftvo turkeys , forty chickens , thirteen geese
anil eight ducks were stolen. The poultry
fanciers gained entrance by prying oft u shut
ter on ono of the rear windows.
Don't delay , euro your cough with Dr.
J. II. McLean's Tar Wino Luii } , ' Halm ,
it is pleasant and promptly cures.5
cents u bottle.
Church and Opera Houso.
Ed Church , formerly manager of the old
opera house at Lincoln , nnd now the leading
spirit in an enterprise to establish at the same
place another house on a grander scale than
that now in the capital , came into town jcs-
terday to examine the drawings for a struc
ture of the kind mentioned by Architect
Ellis , of thin city. The building is to cost
JIOO.UOO , and to bo ono of the linest in the
Absolutely Pure.
U-Bltlij tne. ordlnnry s.
olil In competition illi the niUltltuiie of low
rest , MiortAelRlithlijlnor phosp : atu powders.
Pold only 1H oniilloyal Uaklnf I'or.iler to. ,
120.Vall fc ) . , Sew Vork ,
CAPITAL PRZE , $300,000
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated by tlio LotiNntiirc in 1W , for IMuci
tlniiiil unit Clmiltntile | uiriiot > s , nnd Itx liunchbi )
liliirli' a pnrt ot tlio pn'si'iit Mull1 Conttltutlon , In Is .i ,
by nn iiromlifliiilnK popular Tote.
Its ( Jniml biueli * Number Drawing * I'iko pl.ioi
mnntlily. and thp ( irand Htfiul-Annunl Drawing rfgu-
Itirly u\ery sit months ( Juno und Dvccmbvr. )
" \Ve rte licroby certify that wo snpprTlco the ar
rangements for nil the monthly nml fonii-mimm !
DrawlnKnof The Loulslnnn Slate Lottery Couuiny | ,
nnd In pcrxon inannuo and control the tlruwlngs UKMII *
pelves , ind that the sumo arcooniliictcn with liono ty
fnlrniM * nnd tti iiood liilth toward nit partli's , nud HP
fiutliorlretho Company to u tbl icrttllrnte wltli
JMC Kliniles o ( our signature attached , Iu its udvcrilio-
iucut . "
we , the umlerf Ignect Hanks nnd linnkors nil ) pay all
I'rlzeo drawn In tlie louninnii siHtij J.ottcilcd nulcb
may bo presented at our counters.
K II. Of T.KSI1V , I'ros. Txiulslniiu Nntlnnnl Il.intE.
1'11'HIUC I.ANAUX , I'ros. Stntu NMtlonal Iliuik.
A. BALDWIN , I'rcj. New Orleans Natlcmal
CAltl , KOI1N , 1'rcs. Union National llanlc.
In thn Academy ol' Mime , Now Or
leans , TuesdayDftcomhcr lJIHH7. :
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
JOO.OOO Tickets at Twenty Dollnn
Kach. Halves $1O ; Quarters $5 ;
Tenths $1 ! ; Twentieths $1.
1 I'ltlX.K OF { 311.1111 19 f.Knmi
1 I'lll/K OK J ( J.I > II . . . . 1IIMIU
1 l'HI/i : ( IK fti.oii
i i'iii/r OK l Ki.HD
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JO I'ltl/.KS OK : U urc. iii.iin
100 I'rltes ot &vm approxliuatlnR to
Mno.uiil'riro are .
100 l'rl/p > ot &V'I nppioxliuatliiK tu
tlUMlii I'rlfo nro . , 30.0JO
IU ) 1'rlzf" nl ( 'iJlapiirdjIniatliiK tu
| .MIXU ) ITI/o arV . . . .
TKIIMIVAI. rm/r" .
lftOPrlfe of J10U decided by. . .jaii.un
l'rlioar . . . . . . 100,000
1W ) 1'rlte * of HOD decided by f l i(10 (
I'llzoure . . ionoi
3.1.lil I'rlres amountlnu to . fl , ( .ui )
Foe rluh rates , or any further Information apply In
thp. . umlerflgncil. 1 our handwriting niii't t'O ' nl'tlnct
and fUnutiiro plain. Muru rapid r ft urn mall ilplltcry
will be. assured hy j our cniloslniiinenTi'lupu bearing
your full nitilrpss.
Snd I'OSTAI. N fTK : > , express money onler , or
New Vork inlmnin : In nnlliinry letter , t'urrcui'j b
1 1 A I ) . \ I I IIINt
Address Registered Letters to
T > 17\T"7'\rT)1 < 'l > Tlntthnproenca of < icn-
Kl'jJtl 1M > 1 1)1 11 pral * Hi'anrt > k'Jr > l anil
Knrly , who an In UinrKuof the tlniwlncs , is H Kimr-
nti'o of abiolutu fulrni'ii and IntuKrlty , that tlin
clinutes Hr H | | ciiuiil. nnd Unit no onu tan pustllily
ulTlftc what numlier wrlll Uruvr u 1'rlie.
ItK RMUCH that thn payment of all prltei It
out FAN" , and the uc > : t > ( re uluiiPd by the prt'tnipnt
of an Inilllutlon who o UisrlercJ ilulili aru ri'iog-
rilroil In the hUlimt ( ourti , therefxru. tenare of auy
mltatlont or anonruious lehcmei ,
Vt tfi Illtly r rereaif n4
vour (4 lIht l n rtai ly
Lnowa f ? us f.l Ocagnhur *
and ( . ! < tt.
Meliave toU con\tJer *
we. inJIn tvriy cm II A LUI ,
N. V ,
, , _ . Ton thf ul , Impr-
J I uuL'iicu * terTOU4l > eblllt > caii ! > cI
tliruuKh crriiiM uiul liad rnctlcon CURED.
C M9L ctUilit.ct.Lvul
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
IT. W. Corner of 13th and Lodge Streets ,
Kortliotii'Utmenl nf nil t intoMC nnd PiiicjtcAt/
ni K\SIH IIIIUM , Ari'lIAMf ! ) lor IICtllllMITIF" .
nml Tiiusit.lint facilities , apparatus aim leim-
dies tor ! mcci"isful trcatniont oii'Vcry loriti < it cllv
rase requiring Medkal orMirclcal trentiuent 1 IIIITY
M.\V ItHIM , * tor 1MTICM1 lll-RT IlllSI'ITAI ACrciM-
In tbe west Wrllo lor ilrculhrs on ! >
HOOK on Dlsoftses of Women. I'IIEE. Only rcllatilo
medical InJtllilto intklnx n mecliilly nt MIIVAIK
DISIHSl.K. All blonil dlsuatcs siiccoinfiilly irvalud.
l'or niis unntili' to vhlt IM Heated t liunm liy porrp-
Apondenco. All roiiimntilcations rotitldentliil. Meill *
clnci or ln triiinunti rent by mull or uxprot * * , socurelT
parked , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. Una
ijir ntiHl Interview pH'lnrreil. Call nnd consult us , or
M'nil hlstnrr of your cuiii , and we Kill f nn in plain
wrapper , our IJootc f" Mh.v ! UEK upon I'nvutc , Si'O- '
cUl and Nervous tlltenipd , etc. AdJrcs's.
Onmlia .Medical nnd Surgical Institute , or
Or , McMenam/i / Cor , 13th ind Dodge Sis , , Omatis , Neb
Owmetntlic rapid erowth of Omnlia and nur sno
rpsstn efffctlne ( Miros.ciur t > uslness lias beroino o
lurici Hint tbe old Medical Institute on lllhflrect nnd
Capitol itvfniu' , ioul'1 ' not accommodate nil romlnrf
to lor iientnient. We liavu llieroforo moved Into
our new brkk tun Id ing , Norlbweet Corner of Mill and
Dodue "Irpetf , one ( dock south of tlin old lii-tltiitu
tiulldlni. . nnd halo now the largest and most com
plete' Medical Initltuta or bcmpllal In the we i. iMirtr
newly turnlsbed , well wurnied and venlllatrd rooms
for imtlonts , tbrcn ( killed ph ; lcluns always In tlio
UnlldlnK. All klndf of dlJuhses treated In the most
' '
'Svc'inifrmfaetiirV Surgical llrtces for Hfforniltles.
Tru c , Hupporters. Klectrlcal llattrrlo , nnd cun
Mipply pli > slcinns or patlonls any appliance , remedy ,
orliislninicnl known. Call and consult u , orwrlo
lor tlrculiirs upon nil stiblncls , wllli lints of cjucHlons
lor patient to answer. 'llinu auds treated successfully -
fully UT correspondent.N * ti ve ( tiperlor adn -
InKi'iia'iul facilities lor trentlnir cll eaj s , prrliiroilni ;
surtdcal onerullons , and niirsiiia | mtleni wblcl | com
bined llli our Hiknowledgeil Hblllly. eiperlence ,
responsibility and rBpiitallon should maketlie Oiuan
MeJlKaUnabuulcal Institute the Urst choice.
Ka Kationai lia
, , , , .
Paid UpCnpitoU - $2COOOO
Surplus , - - - BO.OOO
H. W. YATE ? , President.
LEWIS H. KKKII , Vice-President.
A. K. TOL'ZAl.l.v , M Vlec-l'renldent.
W. II. S. HCOHBH. Cushlor
W. V. MonP.
II ' W * YAltX.
'A. E.TOl'/AMN.
On. Will ami rjimtniSls.
A General llankmu
Proprietor Omahtt Business College ,
Book-Keeping PenmansWp
- , ,
Commercial Law , Shorlhand , Telegraphina
and Typewriting.
Send tor Collect J urn l.
S. E. Cor. 10th and Capital Avo.
M otlcnlli 0rc b e
CHUM ! without pain or liliidinn.'o
from bii lncs < \ | | Cliionio Dlvm , " . '
Inrliindiaiupot any in-tlliilon ! in
tills country Those who coiiliMnphito noliiu in Hot
-nnnus lor the tic-nimont of any 1'nv itct or Illood
disease can be i ied fui uuu-thml Iliu coat nt uur
Private Dispensary , -y"
llv his treatment a Pure , Lovely ronv ,
LADIES i. licufiom sitjowne , frccklct.
-ails , eruption * , etc. , brilliant
eves and perfect healtli can lie had \ t
f | TTImt "Hied " fiMillnic nnd nil female weaknes M '
tromptly cured , IlIoaHnu Headaches , Nervous Pros *
iirnton , ( iPueral Debility , Mneplcsinvts , IK'pre < doiit
t'nd Indigestion , Ovarian troiililes , Inilmmnilon nnd.
itlcleratlon Knllliitf nnd Displacement" , weak. '
cpss , Kidney cumplalius and LbauiiO of Life , C'onlUlt.
llieold Docior .
CVC lilfl CAD Acutn or Chronic Innamain-
rlr ANII tflrl Honor the Kvrllds or lilolitf
I. I U nilU unil aiiM , , , or Near Militedii ! ( s ,
Inversion of lUoLMs , Rcintulous ) : ) . - < , Llefmthnii ,
Intlaminntlons , ABsc'ss , Dlmnosa of Vision ot ono of
both eyes , and 'liiniorsnt l.ld '
t Vlnttanitnatloii of tlici Kar. t'loernllon or Catxrrli ,
Imernalor Kxlermil Deafness , or ruralsisHums
or Itoarlnifliolios , 'Ihlckened Drum i'tc
liubtlllr. I. " " nt Vital Power , sleep-
li- nc' f , DoFpondnnev , Io-i of
.Memory. Coiiluiliw ot Ideas Illurs
before th s.l.nsMlude. Languor , Ulootulne s ,
WH , > .I. . . . . , , AverMou loBiicioty hasy DIs-
eoura ed , Lock of Conlldenoe. Dull. Listless. Unlit
for Hiudy 01 llu > lncssaud llnilsllfcu burai-a , safyl ; ,
r rm nently ami Privately Curd. v-Ji 11
_ i , ' . . . .
V &
A K m. mm mm K flrTnf lit A
Kry lpeiasKcvmorcs <
liloch ( s , l'lmple-,1 1-1
cur ? , Pains in the Head and HonesMiiiillltlcMjriii
Tliroat , Mouth and TcmKiio. ( Jlandular Kiiliinieiufiil1
nt tli Kf ( k. llhenmiitHiii. Catanli. Klo. , Permaucnl-
| y Cured When others | Ia\o ailed. . . , J
Con ullntion free and strictly ronflilantliil
Mcillclntt.sent ft en ficiin observation to nil jiaili
of tlio I'tiltecl PtntL" ) . Coni-siionileiiLu IMI-I-IVI- ; *
momiit attention. NCI letten mnwou-rt unless
HCI nniiinloil ) by four rents Iu slump Send ten
rentIn."tamps for iiainplili't nml Hit'of nins ;
tlons upon pilvat6. bjieilul anil uufvoin Ul
UVims fitrlctly cash. Cull on or aililra'1 ,
No. an Botith 13th St. . Omaha. Njlj ,
S , S , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB , '
lOI N UlliKtiect.
Jose , fallforulii.
The best known and mo t popular Hotel In tin ,
ttale. location cenltal , Hiipuliitmenti " ' ' " " ; ,
lleadquarler * lei commercial uivnaul ll polltlctlj
K Kf iK | .Wpr.elo . *
HemarkalilB for powerful
trietle toiiipllHlilo action ainlab- t
dcilute ilurahlllty W yuarn recorcl.
of tlin incul-
HIP ln-st K'lRMMteo '
ipm ( iniifHtf ( nMiuriiunta.
? rn : / .l