Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by cnrrlor In nny jtnrt of the city nt
twenty untB 1 trwtfX.
JU'MMfsOiiK r , No. 4J.
N. Y. riumblng Co.
1 tailor , tailor , Full goods cheap.
Sec Chapman's pictures for ( 'hri-tinaf.
District court will not convene until
next Monday , mi adjournment being
taken until that time.
The home of II. M. Simpson , biipfrngo
master at the Iran s > fur , wan gladdened
Tuesday by the advent of iv son.
A largo force of men are nt work at
thu traiirtfcr on the trackn loading to
the new Union Pacilic freight depot.
Tlio guests of the Ore-ton Ilini'-e wore
Forved with a splendid Tliaiik.-giving
pinner by mine ho-a Max Mohn. and it
was duly enjoyed by a largo number.
Ycbtcrdny morning there wasji gen
eral hunting up of last winter's sleds
by thn boys and girls , but Old Sol ,
hmiled , and the sleds were put back in
tbu wood hhcd.
Kvidenlly tlie proclamation of Tlianks-
giving anil the request to ehc-o houses
of bujint"'H ( was not interpreted to apply
to tlio salooiib of the city , for they were
open , front and rear , all day yesterday.
Justice Sohmv. helped two couplcb to
celebrate thuir Thanksgiving by per
forming tlio marriage ceremony for
them. They were .John Shaw of Fre
mont county and Jennie Clayton of this
city , and Frederick M. Wheeler and
Mary 12. Harmon , both of this city.
Tlio new Union 1'acilio round house
nt the traiibfer is nearly completed.
With the exception of paving the pits ,
the brick work is all done , and as soon
as the workmen got through banding
the roof that will also be linUhcd. Tlio
Bwitcb tracks are laid , and the founda
tion for tlio turn table lias , been put _ in.
About all that remains to oi % done is to
hang the doors and lay the track into
tlio twenty stalls. In a few days more
the whole will be complete.
Yesterday morning , at half past five ,
the death angi-1 entered the home of
Mr. and Mrs. K. ,1. Xniiemacher , and
took their only child , Kinily , a babe of
fcovcn months of age. The disease was
membranous croup and the little one
was ill only a few hours. The parents
liavo just moved into the city and the
atliiction is more sad from tlio fact that
they are among strangers. Hut surely
the > < o who have buffered a like bereavo.-
meat will extend a hearty sympathy.
The funeral will occur at 10 o'clock this
morning from the residence 12.'ti'ine (
The performers of ' 'The Musketeers"
were collectively and individually
scored by the Omaha World , and
whether they manifested too much
timidity or not they flid not hesitate to
give tlio editor of that sheet an ex
pression of their opinion of him. In
the elopement scene in the last act
when just about to depart , the lovers
vrero biirjirised by Louise , the dunce
rushing in. They bogged her not to
reveal their secret and she agreed not
to on ono condition only. "Speak ,
mime ill" they cried. She replied :
"That you help me thrash the editor of
the \Vorld. " They all grasped hands
and raising one band to heaven sang :
"Wo swear it. " Tlio audience ap
plauded until the singers returned to
the stage and bowed.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. .
Tlio Ni-w
To-morrow will t-c tlie full completion
of the electric light towers , painting ,
straightening and all. The dynamo
that is to run the tower lights is now
being used on the 12 o'clock lights , as
the armature of the regular dynamo was
burned out the other night , owing to a
broken wire making a short circuit
witiiin the machine. The damage
will amount to nearly JCOO. A
new armature baa been ordered and
it in expected hero in time to have the
< < tower lights running by the first of next
j month. The new engine is on the road
! and is expected daily. Tlio new order
' ' of things will make a great cbango in
the illumination of the city. It means
nn increabc of over fifty thousand candle
power , and it is not lo be "hidden under
iv bushel , " but placed over one hundred
nnd liftv feet from terra lirma.
E. Il.'Sbeafe loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictli
conlideiitlal. Onico 500 Broadway , cor
ncr Main street , up-stairri.
Arrentert III Time.
Chief Mullen yesterday arrested t
man by the name of Woodburn , win
was indulging in a "wild west" per
formance at the Tremont house. Wood
burn was arrested last Christmas foi
shooting a man through the arm , bu
I managed to got clear. His trouble yes
I ] torday was with the same man , and bu
| ji | for his timely arrest there would prob
nbly have been more bloodshed , as hi
was armed with a revolver and billy
which be seemed anxious to use. It 5 :
exceedingly improbable that he wil
luivo an opportunity to further indulgi
his war-like propensities until after tin
holidays' . Such realistic demonstration
of the wild and wooly west are no
appreciated in this city.
] i The Pierce street garden was oponei
HI Wednesday evening by a largo part ;
given by Jacob Ho\varththo proprietor
The promises have bonn put in firs ,
class shape , the rooms and halls belli ;
newly painted and kalsomined. It wil
bo let to responsible persons for partie
or dances. Mr. Ilowarth invites hi
friends to call and see him.
An Interpreter AVanteil.
Will some one who understands lai
gunge please interpret what was mcar
by the mayor's oulor to the gamblin
houses to close. ? Does closing men
doors open day and night and games i
chance running whenever enough me
gather for that purpose ? What mattoi l
Hit those who play are professions
gamblers ? This claim is made , wit [
the addition that no innocent jrnrlH
are filched. It is robber rob robbi
then , is it ? If this is what the otlicii
order contemplated it is well that tli
people should know it. Will tome on
rleo and explain ?
For best quality coal and wood , ca
on Glcabon , 1W Pearl street.
Uniler the
Reheai-Mile upon this beautiful oporet
have commenced. It will bo rendcu
by the singers of St. Paul's church , a
slsted by the best outside talent to 1
secured. The work will bo rcnden
within the nc.\t two or three week
As it musical production it is ono of tli
smoothest unit most original that hi
appeared of late. It will bo sung as n
oratorio and will , no doubt , bo Uriel
rendered , . _
. . Wadswoi-th. Etnyre &Co. , 19111 mom
Thanksgiving Generally and Appro
priately Observed.
"The Miiskctoors" to He Hrpoatoil at
the Slat luce ToOIorrnw Hlei'trlo
Ijlglit Towers Aliont Completed
.Minor Mentions.
They All Gave Tliankn.
The day of our national thanksgiving
was very generally observed. During
some portion of the day the most of the
business houses in the city were closed.
Keligious services were held at the
Broadway Methodist and St. Paul's
Episcopal churches. At the former the
congregations of the Baptist , Presby
terian , Congregational and Methodist
churches united. Each body contrib
uted its quota of worshipers , and the
auditorium was crowded to the doors.
Prayer was offered by Dr. Cooley , of
the IJaptist church. lie thanked Ooil
for the bountiful harvests , national pros
perity , protection of church and state ,
and for the signal punishment which
had been visited upon whothrough
the spirit and teaching of anarchy hud
sought to destroy our institutions and
our civili/ation. Dr. Crofts , of the Con
gregational church , read a scripture
lesson from Isaiah.
A beautiful song service was rendered
by the quartette choir from the Congre
gational church , constituted by Mrs.
Wnusworth , Mrs. Ward , Prof. McDor-
mid and Mr. Wescott. The solo and
quartet , 'INoarer My God to Thee , " and
the duet , "I Know That My Kcdeemer
Lives"wero especially line.
The Uov. W. II. W. Uees read the
proclamations of the president and
governor. Ho then introduced Dr.
Phelps , of the Presbyterian church , who
delivered the sermon , selecting for a
text the words , "Praise ye the Lord. "
"I am not here to preach or you to lis
ten merely"said the speaker. "Wehavo
gathered hero to praise God ; to respond
to the feelings ot our hearts ; to give
thanks for the mercies we have re
ceived during the past year. American
citizens all over the world will remem
ber this day and join with us in its de
votions. 1 wonder if the o who have
gone to heaven from American homes
will not add to their ascriptions of
praise to Him who liveth forever and
over a tribute of special thanksgiving
that their loved ones loft on earth have
been so blessed.
This day has been set apart for
thanksgiving and praise to God , and
not for the exaltation of our government ,
its institutions and people to the
heavens. This would prostitute the
day and debase this hour from its in
tended meaning. Wo may with joy
think and speak of our lofty mountains ,
hills and plains ; our buried treasures ,
our gold , silver , petroleum , etc. We
may speak of our magnificent stretch of
coast , with its beautiful bays and har
bors for tli-j protection of our immense
commerce ; of our grand lake system
and our magnificent waterways. We
may speak of the intelligence , refine
ment and culture of our people ; of that
wonderful intercommunication by tele
phone , telegraph , etc. , which binds all
our people intoonebody ; which reaches
across oceans and seas , and writes the
purpose and design of life and law upon
tlie hearts of all men.
We can bo but one people one coun
try. Look at our physical union. The
Mississippi belts tlio continent , and our
hills and valleys stretch away to the
east and west to hail the rising day and
bathe in the effulgence of his departing
glory. Our position gives us a political
unity and thus it must always remain.
We may be glad of our free institutions ;
of our religious interests ; our skill and
our industries. Wo may speak
of our government and glory
in the advantaged it confers
upon us , its children , and wo
may bo thankful , from the bottom of our
hearts , and beneath this spirit in speech
and song that anarchy cannot despoil or
rob us of our heritage. In this day of out
cry against our government we may
well speak in honor of a government
which can defend itself against the at
tacks and invasions of a foreign foe.
The inllucnco of our acts upon the people
ple across the water is wonderful in fa
vor of universal liberty , and the pro
tection of our people in the exercise of
their rights and privileges vested in
their citizenship. "
"Hut in all these things is not our
strength nor the elements of our pros
perity. " He ( the speaker ) referred to
nations which have acquired promi
nence and became the rulers of the
earth and have passed away. "They
forgot God and died. Our national
danger lies in the same direction. "
Tlio peculiar weakness of our people
were dwelt upon at length. AVe are
ono nation made up of many nations.
People with every possible shade of pol
itical opinion and religious belief are
hero , and from them must come a "peo
ple whom e ono in interest anil effort ,
this oneness to bo the iiiaiatainance of
our constitution and laws.
Lack of space prevents a fuller report.
The sermon was able and was the echo
of the sentiments of every liuart loyal
to American institutions.
Services appropriate to the day were
held at St. Paul's. The sermon by the
rector , Uev. Mr. Maclccy , was eloquent
and characteristic of the day and occa
"The Musketeers. "
To-morrow afternoon "Tho Musket
eers" will bo repeated at a matinee , and
will doubtless have a third good house ,
as the audience that witnessed the pre
sentation on Wednesday evening was
even better pleased than on Tuesday
evening. The performance was not
, above criticism , few are. But when it
is taken Into consideration that the
whole thing was managed and carried
through by the young folks of the city
it is the general verdict that great credit
< is relleoted upon those who took the
3nl several parts. Perhaps what was criti-
nlh cised the most was a timidity mid ap
es parent fear that the opera would not bo
ar wull received , but it was a decided
aral change from the "wedon't care whether
10 you are pleased or not. we've got your
10 money" air of some of the professional
t r u p that have occupied the snino
stage. The singers evinced nero confi
dence the second uight than
on the first , and this was in sc
much | an" improvement. The choruses g
were rendered in n spirited lively man-
.tn ncr , and were verv eajovablo especially
"Tho Ologios" and "Confers Out
Faults" by the pupils at the convent
isbo K-hool in the second not.
bo Among the -oloists Miss Roll nn Marie ,
ed seemed to bo the favorite , though Mr ,
tt > . Judboa as captain of the Uuil Muske
10 teers , divided the honors with her ,
as Misi' Nellie Hatches , as Simono tin
in \ \ aitivas , pleased the audience by hoi
ly acting.
One of the most enjoyable feature !
was the excjlk ( > nt orchestra compoted'o !
young men under thu direction of .M iss
Koblnson. with Prof. Bnctens first violinist
linist , and Miss Olllcer presiding at the
piano. _ _
Every one making n cash o
M cents at T. D. King ft Co.'s cigar
store gets a chance in the minimi prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
The Chinese Will Come.
There will bo an entertainment at the
Frst Baptist church to-morrow after
noon and evening that will be both
amusing and Instructive. It will bo
given by Chinese students , and It is the
intention to give n correct idea of Chi-
nc o customs , religion and styles of
dress , to correct many erroneous Im
pressions regarding their people and
country , and to assist In the great mis
sionary work that is now doing so much
good in that idol-ridden country. The
following Is the
Chinese Tnne..X'cti'oiii ( ) Moon Instrument. )
Gospel Hymn . Chinese Welds
Chinese Swip . Solccteil
Opium , Pipe mul Outfit . ( Inhibited
Idols , .loss I'apor and Prayer < anil
Machine I Kxp
Chinese Song . Lady's Voice
Chop-sticks and niodcTtf cutiiis ; .
Chinese conversation mul Scripture rending.
"Musical" instruments Goap , drum , horn ,
fioinycn , .vessel ! , otic-stiin lldille , etc.
MnvrinKO Customs . Explanation
[ Followed by u portion of thu three days'
ruiemony constituting a Chinese wedding. ]
Haliinin ( bow ) to ancestral tablet.
Murrlnpo song of love.
Wedding bracelet.
Unveiling of bride.
Tea drinking. ( Good luck and fortune tell
ing. )
Wedding supper.
Ancestral tablet reverence.
For an elegant birthday giftor Christ
mas present , a Domestic sewing machine
leads them all.
$ < IOOOO Worth or 1'nviiiK.
The gang of loafers who have put in
much valuable time for the past few
weeks watching the pavers will now
have to Hud a new attraction to help
them while away the hours. The last
of the paving was finished yesterday
and the work will now rest until spring.
The idea occurred to Judge James yes
terday that as the work was about fin
ished there should bo some distinguish
ing feature to celebrate the occasion.
He borrowed a dinner pail from one of
the workmen and covered a block' with
it. The "silver plated" block was duly
laid and the men passed on. The at
tention of the inspector was finally
called to it and ho admired it to the sat
isfaction of all , but decided that "al
though it was very valuable , the specifi
cations did not call for any such mate
rial , and he should bo compelled to re
ject it. "
Tlio work just completed has cost
the city about $00,000 , but it is money
well expended , for the paving is
strictly first-class. City Engineer Tos-
tcvin pronounces the work on Wash
ington avenue as well done as any he
ever saw. Park avenue is the only one
included in the contract that was not
paved and that will bo done as soon as
tlio weather will permit in the spring.
Proposals for next years paving are al
ready advertised forand it is hoped that
the standard will not fall below that of
the season just closed.
J. W. and E. L. Squire load money.
I ) , mul 1 > . Kiitertainment.
There was a very interesting enter
tainment at the deaf and dumb institute
last evening , and several of our citi/.ons
accepted the invitation of Superintend
ent Rothert to bo present. The pro
gramme was rendered by the students
and was as follows :
Uccitatlun . Louhln vnr
Winnie Emerson.
Tableau . Brides of Earth and Heaven
Misses O'Day , Boslcy , Lovette , Doone ,
Counter-parts . Uncle Tom , Uaeie Harry ,
Aunt Judy , Aunt Sue.
Tableau . Three Graces
Misses Kruse , Hall , Thompson.
Cobbler's Ingenuity . Dr. Killall. Herr
Muiidoiinvcll , Masters Uothert and Shilling.
Fun Drill Misses Hannu , King , Clmpiiimi ,
Emerson , McDonnell , Jackson , Pieston ,
Unfurl fans , Shy , Playful ,
Bushful , Inviting , Kcpcllcnt ,
Flirting , ( Jossip , Surrender ,
Triumph , Itetrciit.
Tableau . Old Man's Darling and Young
Man's Sliive.
Misses O'Day , Fry , Messrs. Welter , F. Ellis.
Heuitation . Over the Hiver
Nellie Birney.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of
A. J. Greenamayer , Oli3 Mynster st. ,
telephone 1-1.
The Pacific house always sets a good
table , and this is ono reason of its popu
larity with the traveling public. But
yesterday tlio Fergusons fairly outdid
themselves. Their tables fairly groaned
with good things , and two or three gen
tlemen from where "tho sweet breathed
kino roam o'er the llow'ry mead , " who
undertook to eat clear through the bill
of fare also groaned before they finished
it. The BKK force and all employes of
the office were invited to dinner. The
following was the menu :
Blue Points
Scotch Broth , Chicken Gumbo
Black Bass , Claret Sauce
"Potato Purlblenne"
Olives Celery Lettuce
Uibs of Beef , Ilorso Kndish Sauce
Stuffed Turkey with Oyster Sauce
Boiled Tongue , Ham
Shrimp Salad
Uo.xst Goose with Apple Sauce
Mallai d Duck with Jelly
Game Pie
Currlo of Chicken's Wings
Croquettsof Sweet Bread with Croon Peas
Nectarine Fritters , Champagne Sauce
Mashed Potatoes Sweet Potatoes
Boiled Potatoes
Stewed Tomatoes Boiled Onions
Asparagus with Cream French Peas
Michigan Cider
Lemon Mcrlnco Pie Mince Pit
Thanksgiving Pudding , Brandy Sauce
Charlotte Husse , Cream Jelly
Lady Fingers Assorted Cakes
Catawba Grapes Oranges Bananas
Crackers Chccso
November 24 , 1SS7.PACIFIC
G. W. FEUGU&OX & SONS , Proprietors ,
Council HluITs , la.
You AVant Them.
Domestic patterns and patterns fo
stamping and embroidery. Latcta i _
and 1lnebt debignb. "Domestic" ollico
103 Main btreot.
At Uncle HUIU'H Work.
The new postolllco building has boei
inclosed and heating apparatus put in , b <
that the work begun some time ago ma ;
bo continued during the coming winter
Just now the plumbing work is belni
done. No material progress can b
made until this portion of the work i
finished. When this ibdonecontiactoi
* i
for the other portions ot o'f the work
will put on forces of mfchf This they
are now prepared to do. From all pres
ent indications it is safe to predict that
no unnecessary delays yrlll , bo allowed
to interfere with nn early completion
n result most earnestly hoped for.
Insure with Wadswortli , Elnyro & Co.
I'rco ! 1'rcet I-'rce t
Until January 15 , wo give a valuable
present with every purchase of $10 or
No blanks every ono gels a prize
who buys.
Father P. H. McMcnomy anil his
brother Mathew loft for St. Louis yes
terday afternoon to attend the funeral
of another brother , Peter , who died
there yesterday morning. The deceased
leaves a wife and seven children.
Tokens ol' Appreciation.
We Imvo 10,000 customers in Council
HlullM , Omaha and vicinity. As a token
of appreciation for past patronage wo
will present them on January 1 , 1888 ,
with a beautiful organ , containing two
and throe-tilth sets of reeds and an ele
gantly finished case , and nineteen other
beautiful gifts. Every customer re
ceives a ticket.
All holiday goods elincil out regard
less of cost. Prices on all goods reduced
until January 1. Mail orders promptly
lillicd and tickets accompany goods.
MUKUIU : Music Co.
Houses ami lots for sale on monthly
payments. Johnson & Van Patten , oil
Main street.
Wo nro mnv prepared tor the
Our immense bulldlngf aio packed lull of
the most
la our line , and at prices that will defy com
petition , We Kiinrantep our poods to bo junt
us wu represent them. IMcaso Rive us a cull
whether you wish to buy or not , and bring
jour friends with you. It Is no trouble to
show our goods , Hespoctfully ,
' uilvprtlseiiiuntx.Hiirliim LostFound ,
To Loan , For Sail1 , To Kent , Wnnts , Hoarding ,
etc. , wlllliu Insniti'd In this column nt the low
rutoof'IT.N CKNTrt 1'Klt MX II for the m > t In-
surtlon mul Klve I'cnts 1'cr Linn for ench Htihsu-
ijtiunt Insertion. I.euvo ailvertlsi'ini'iits at our
ollicc No. 12 I'eatl .Stieul , neur llioitdwiiy. Coun
cil Illiills ,
"C'OK SAKE Very cheap for cnsli , or would
JC cxfhntiKo fur roundl llluirn 01 Omaha prop-
t'lty , n retul stock of booth and shoes \aluril ut
iiliout fl.UUI. full ut stoic , NtWW I'.ioiKlway , or
iiililrvss H. Mm tin , Mime number , Council
CWK IlKNT-llnusps tn nil putt * of the city by
JP Johnston .V Van I'litten , .11 Mrtlu st.
' 17KK SAIjR A second hand Kimhe Mimro |
JL piano , ne.irly new ; < -oit ( AMI , M > 11 for ! UO.
AUdre-s Q / ; , Hoe olllce. Council lllults.
FOH HKNTHouse * mul ( mulshed rooms. J.
H. Diividson , lir. i rifth iivenne.
FOU SAUI-Si-iond-lmnd Columbia bicycle
very choan. KMnch. nt Hoc olllce.
ONK hundred thousand dollars to loan on
real estate mid chattels by ! ' . J. Day , 'M
1'cail st.
BUIM1INC lots mul acre ptopcity for sale by
P. J. Day. ttl I'eiirl .st.
"IjlOll KiNT-A : llnely furnished front loom ,
JL1 iirst floor. In private residence near court
hou e. Water In loom , lighted und hented.
Iarjiocloset. Hefeienci-srequired. Addlc&slI.
W , lieu ollici > , Council muffs.
In a few juars , even on a small
Purcliiibing Your Groceries of1
Cash Grocers ,
No , 345 Broadway ,
We keep no book accounts , con
sequently wo have no bad debts
which the balance of our trade
has to pay. This is the reason
wo are able to sell K > clicnp.
< 3rKomomber the place. Give
us a call.
' .The Alcohol , Morphine and Opium habit Ab
solutely I'uriMl without interfering with the
imtlent's dally a vocation. Correspond with oi
l-all on DR. F. P. BELLINGER.
OH llroadwav. Council Illuirs , la.
All correspondence conlideiitlal.
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
ilHimfacturcrf of
Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction Kiwranteed. 10th Acmie , Ad
dress Ogdun Irou Works .Council HlullB , Iowa.
Trotting - Stallions
WADECARY , Council Blnffs ,
PINTflY RTlRJffl Attorney-nt-Law , Second Floor JJrowu
rilUJDl DURIVD , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council
Blufl's , Iowa.
N < \fHIIR7 ! Justice of tlio Peace. Ollico over American
UimmUfjEvpri'SS , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
QTMO Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State
UlluOj aili ( Federal Courts. Oliice Koonis 7
and S , Shugart Beno Block , Council El nil's , Iowa.
F S RARNFTT Justice "of th < T I'eacorrmJroadwayi
. ,
U. U unilDUll , .
Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
Sr CAMC Dentists. Oflice corner of
IX OU110 , Pearl St. and First Avenue.
For We Have Nothing to Give Away ,
We Have No Clearance Sales
For We Have No Worthless Goods to Work Off ,
The Market Contains which We Sell at
the Closest Possible Margins.
We Prefer to Put our Gifts
into Our Goods.
Then we Can Guarantee
And this is what the Public Wants.
Not For 30 Days But Every
Day in the Year.
This is Guaranteed at
401 Broadway.
. ,
No. 201 Main Street , Council BluffsIowa
Both Domestic and Foreign. .
Hull , Parlor , Kitchen , Store anil Office
Crockery , Glassware and Plated Ware ,
Large Assortment nt Button Prices.
W , S , HOMER & CO ; ,
yo. 23 Main St. , Council lllulfs , lovni
D. H. McDANEtD & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KO nnd Kii Main Street.Councll niuffa.Iowa.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Iltouduay , Council llhillH , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Ilorxea and limits constantly on band , for
iuli ! at retail or In car loud lots.
Urdcru promptly nlltd by contract onbhort
Stock sold on coinnilHslon.
Telephone 114. fCHI.UTEU & 1IOI.EV.
sjttf Dummy Depot , Council illutls.
Carriage and Express Line.
Telephone No. ! .
All calls from District Telegraph Office
piomptly attended to.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es-
capo. Electric Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
W * Brood way , Council Illuffi ! , lotta.
Worth $2,000 to bo Olvon Awns * by
Ilonry ElBomuu < te Oo.'a Pooplo'a
Store , 314 , 310,31O mul 32O
Broiuhvtiy , Council BlufTd ,
With Kvory Two Dollni-H Worth o
( JoodH I'urclitiM'il You Will Itrrrlvo
n Coupon Ticket ( iooil For Ono
Chance In the Kollou Itifj ( iratul
1'n't.eiits to lie ( ilvcn Away tiv
UM on Monday , tlatuinry
Kith , 1HHH.
Every $11 purchase receives
mil every additional Ji ! the same ,
lold your tickets until the above men
tioned date , when the luckv iiunibera
will bo announced and the holders iu
vited to call for their presents.
Kemembor you will liavo to pay noth-
ng extra on your purchases Wo
ruaranteo to sell you goods cheaper
ban you can buy at any other house iu
the west , and give you the largest , llnest
mil best stock west of Chicago to select
All mail orders receive prompt ntten-
tion and tickets for the free gifts for
warded with the orders the same as if
you were here in person.
These distributions will be made with
every fairness , and customers may de-
imnd on the lucky numbers receiving
Iheir reward.
No tickets will be given to employes
of our house , customers only receiving
ihe benellt of the pri/os.
No. of prize.
1 Ono elegant parlor set consisting
of sofa , divan and 4 largo easy chairs ,
[ iiirchasod from S. S. Keller of this city.
- Ono elegant cherry bed room set.
consisting of bedstead , dresser anil
wash stand. Have largo bevell French
plate mirrors. Purchased from C. A.
Hoe-bo & Co. , city.
H One elegant silver tea sot , consist
ing of extra large and very heavy
waiter , eolTeo pot , lea pot , sugar bowl ,
creamer and spoon holder. Must bo
seen to bo fully appreciated. Bought
from C. 15. Jacquomin it Co. , city.
j Ono very handsome water setcom
prising pitcher stand goblets and wash
bowl of the very largest design. An
elegant piece of goods. Purchased from
Ifobinson Bros. , city. /
5 Decorated China dinner .set of 130
pieces. Purchased from W. A. Mauror , '
city. /
( > Elegant decorated China tea set ol
50 pieces.
7 Very handsome blue snlin water
set , consisting of ( i tumblers , 1 pitcher
and one hammered brass tray.
8 One Venetian water sot. comprising
0 tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brasa
9 Lustre amber water set , compris
ing ( i tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 elegant
brass tray.
10 One ruby water set , consisting of
( i tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brass trliy.
11 10 ! yds best black Guinett silk thffj
best silks made.
It ! 1 pair Japanese portiere.
l.'l 1 gentleman's smoking jacket.
M 1 very elegant Paisley shawl.
15 1 set beaver furs.
10 1 gentleman's dross suit.
17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat.
18 1 boy's or youth's suit.
1 ! ) 1 boy's or youth's overcoat.
" 0 1 pair sealskin gloves.
il ! 1 pair California \\hito blankets.
12'2 1 combination nobility dread put-
tern , worth $ . " > ( ) .
lilt 1 Misses cloak.
ill 1 piece Lonesdale muslin.
IK 1 pair men's boots or shoes.
" ( i 1 C. P. corset any si/o.
" 7 1 pair Misses shoes.
128 1 for. Warner's corset.
Hit 1 very line Marsaillos bed spread.
HO 1 elegant album.
! tl 1 toboggan cap.
It'J 1 infant's cloak.
'W 1 sashmcre dress.
! )4 ) 1 set furs.
U.r > 1 line largo doll.
U ( > 1 autograph album.
< 57 j do/.en ladies' line wool fast black
HH } doyen Misses fine wool fa&tblaclc
hose ,
li ! ) 1 gingham dress pattern.
40 1 do/en gents linen liandkerohieffl ;
41 1 do/en ladiosliaen handkerchiefs *
411 0 linen table cloths.
4H 1 do/.en linen napkins.
44 1 do/.en line linen toweU.
45 I fancy stand cover.
4 ( ! 1 table cover.
47 1 Marsaillos quilt.
48 1 line large doll.
41) ) 1 large album.
50 1 toboggan cap.
51 1 child's hood.
5U--1 piece "fruit of loom" muslin.
5t ! 1 fancy stand cover.
r,4i pitir'elegaat Japanese porticrfr
55 1 album.
5i ( 1 largo doll.
57 1 autograph album.
5S 1 seal skin hand bag.
5 ! ) 1 toilet sot.
tlO 1 Long pocket book.
01 1 llno'hiik mufller.
011 ! 1 shopping bug.
( > ; { 1 elegant Inoo handkerchief.
( il 1 largo bottle line perfume.
05 1 pair kid gloves.
( i ( ! 1 pair silk mispenilprH.
07 1 pair ladios' ear rings.
(18 ( 1 pair ladios' mill buttons.
( ) ( ) ! line lacn pin.
70 1 Madam Warner's corset.
71 1 line hand bag.
7li 1 largo album.
711 1 large wax doll.
711 gun to' scarf.
75 1 line silk mulllor.
70 1 pair ladies line shoes.
77 1 autograph album.
78 1 pair silk mils.
7 ! ) 1 gout's fur cap.
SO 1 gents' silk smoking jacket.
hi 1 gents' hat.
bli 1 pair men's arctic overshoes.
K' ! 1 pair ladies' overshoes.
81 I line album.
85 1 hammered brass umbrella htanoj
80 1 pair line silk suspenders.
87 1 urge doll.
88 1 largo shopping bag.
8) ) ) 1 silk umbrella.
! )0 ) 1 line lace handkerchief.
ill 1 elegant evening shawl. i.
! )2 ) 1 gent's traveling bug. I
1K5 1 toboggan cap.
01 1 child's hood. 'J
! )5 ) 1 pair kid gloves.
00 1 ladies' line Jersey.
! i7 1 elegant hico handkerchief.
98 1 silk municr.
09 1 per ladies' line shoes.
100 1 f > et ladies' furs.
Total value of the above 100 presents ,
two thousand dollars.
See them exhibited in our present'J
Tlio drawing will bo conducted uiiiletf
the management of a committee of sU
citi/ens , and the utmost fairness will bo
had so the presents will go to thu pert
tons who holdsthe lucky numbers.
Now is the time for everybody to take
advantage of this great gift offering.
Buy your goods at the People's hloro. '
save money thereby and get a present
In the bargain , Henry Ulboman ft Co.
People's ? fatoro , IIH , JUG , HIS und ; i2J (
Uroadwiy , Council IJlutTx , Iu.