THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 25 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. , PUBMBIIKI ) KVKUY MOUSING. TKKM8 OF Dnlly ( Momlnii Kdltlon ) Including Sunday llF.K.Ono Year | f ) CO ForHix Month * r > in ForThreft Months 2 to Tlio Omaha Sunday HrK , mailed to any ail. rtrrM , Ono Year 2PO OMAHA OrrtcK , No. UUANII tun FAUN AM ftTiir.KT. Nr.w YOIIK orpine. Hoowfifi , TIIIIIUNK IIUII.IH INO. WAHIIINOTON OrriCK , Mo. 6L ) Fouu TKK TII STIIKKT , _ _ _ _ _ COHUKSI'ONDKNCK. All communlcatloiiH relating news nnd frtltorlal mutter nhould bo uildrcHH-tl to the KDiTonor TIIK HKK. HUHINKSS LK'tTEItS : All Imxlniw IcttorH anil remlttnnros phnuld ho iwldrt-sHed to TIIK HER 1'iim.miiNO COMI-A.NV , OMAHA. Drafts. checkM und pott < lllo onlers tu be made payable to tlic order uf thu company , The Bee Pnlilisliinlcipy , Proprietors , E. HOSEWATEK , EniTon. THI : j > AiijY HUE. Sworn Statement or Circulation. Btate of Nebraska. I County of Douglas , f'1 Ot-o. 11. Tzsthuck. bccrctnry of Tlio UPC Pu1 > - llMdtiu ronitiany , IIOOH solemnly swpnr tliut tin- acttiul circulation of the Dally lice fur tlioeek rndlni ; Nov. If , 1M > 7. wivs UH follows ' : HKlitrdiiy. Nov. 12 . ai.'JKI Hiltiday * Nov. 1.1 lb.M > Mondny , Nov. H ir > ,7t/ ) Tuexdiiy , Nov. l"i 14.IW ) M'ctltic-tiluy. Nov. 10 14.WI mnir dny. Nov. 17 ll.Tttt rrlday , Nov. 18 I4.7JO Aver KO ir .739 OKO. H. T/siiiiuiK. B nrntonnd Biibt.crllM-d In my prt-MMicu this Wlh day of November , A. 1) . 1HS7. 1HS7.N.P. . FKIF , . (8KAf ( , . Notary 1'ubllc Stntoof NebraMkn , I County of DoiiKlnR. f1" ' Gco. 11. Tzhi-huck. beliie first duly swnrn , rte- TIOKCH nnd unjH tliut he in nerretHry of Tlie Hen PnlllslilnKconi ) ] > uny. that the actual average rtnlly circulation of the Dully lice for thu month of November. IPHi , IH.IHH roples ; for DecomlM-r , ISM ) , 13.-.37 O < IJICHJ | for .liiiiiiury , Inh7 , WJXH for Fob- , , rinity , IW , H.IWiopli'H ; for Mimh.lM-7. . 14.41)0 ) " " ' - - - - - I' roplcs ; for Apill.Jh * , October , 1H87 , . ( IICO. lI.T/SCHUriC. Fv orn to nnd subicrlbcd In my presence this ttli day of October , A. D. 1W)7. N. I' . FKM. , < Si.U : < . ) Noturr 1'ubllc. C'HIKF OF I'OMCK SlSAVY llllS WOII his Hput-ri in the fight , but ho should nut lose his head over the famous victory. ST. Loins is clamoring for a new union depot. It will not perhaps bo meddled nftor the union cow-shed of Omaliu. I'AT Font ) says ho doesn't euro u nickel for liis scat in the council since he can't get liis boarders on the police force. 'S'noutrugo. MANWACTIMIKS make great cities. They should bo encouraged nnd fostered to insure permanent employment for workingmon. WH hivvo given the railroads the free dom of the city with miles of right of way through public thoroughfares. Now lot us do something for mills and factor ies. MiXNKHOTA prohibitionist * declare high license a failure. . Yet this does not make it so. Those familiar with the Iowa prohibition law declare prohibi tion a failure. Now PUKt'AUK for thomoctingof congress - gres-s and the presidential message. But every cloud has it * silver lining. The holidays follow hard upon those dreary days. Dll. PAUKi'.n is going back to Eng land. Ho says ho is not tired but day.ed by the size of the country. We advise him to wait until the daze has time to settle into clear daylight. THE Now York policemen are raiding the bucket shops , and homo of the pro- prietoro arc being arrested. Yet .when Now York is short on gamblers the mil lennium will have come. TUB alleged illegal consolidation of the Atchlson & Nebraska railroad , as discovered by Mr. Dawes , is exciting considerable comment. Attorney Gen eral Leese promises to fully investigate the matter. SUXATOK EVAIITS announces emphat ically that he will not bo in the presi dential raoo next year. A few more such cheerful announcements from po5- piblo candidates , would greatly relieve the country. IT is said that the sentiment against division iif Dakota is gaining ground in the territory since the recent election. Tlio reason foi this change is the hostil ity on the part of resident demorats'tc admission in any form. K Washington "rumor bureau" has something now. This is that the presi dent will lot Mr. Lamar remain in the cabinet and nominate some one else foi the bench. The rumor bureau has n hard time of it with Mr. Cleveland. A iir.MAitKAitiA' brilliant meteor was seen to hover over Los Angeles re cently. It paused for a moment ovci the cily and then shot upward and oul of sight. It probably hud a glimpse o ! the price of real estate in that locality and hastily concluded to go back inU space. Mil. H. RIDKH HAOOAUP is cominf to America to lecture. Mr. Haggard i very much dissatisfied to know tha American publishers have- taken hi : books and given him no royalty. So h < comes to get even with Americans 01 the lecture platform. As TUB time for the four hundredtl niuiivor.saryof the discovery of Americi dra ws near rival claimants spring up ii all directions. Ireland now contend that one of her navigators came to thi country about the middle of the sixtl century and penetrated inland as far a the Ohio river. CITY ATTOKNKY WJUSTKU : la vcr , indignant over Councilman Loo's reso lutlon to relieve him from dofcmllni dnmago suits against the city. Mr Webster claims ho lias hired an assist ant cxpresfcly to attend to the city' ' business. Tills is precisely what is ol Jectionablo. Mr. Webster receive 3,000 a ycaf as city attorney , and h ehould either devote himself to th. duties of that office or resign. . The cit cannqt afford to have its important busi a ess done bv substitutes , . ' ' , . . Train * to thn MlMoitrl IHrer. The determination of the Burlington road to reduce the time of travel bo- twcon Chicago and the Missouri river live hours , commencing December 4 , has naturally aroused the managers of othe. lines , who last Tuesday wore in conference in Chicago to consider the situation. The proposed action of the Burlington was not regarded with favor , but it was understood that it would bo adhered to , and it was admitted that the effect would bo'to compel all the other ronils to meet the time reduction. No dellnito action was taken at the Chicago conference , but it is inevitable that so far as the lines from Chicago to Omaha uro concerned they will have to come to the now arrangement. It may safely bo assumed that early in December all the roads running between - tween these cities will reduce their schedule time five hours , making the trip in seventeen hours instead of twenty-two , as ut present. There is no sound reason why this change should not have boon made long ago. Travel between Chicago and Omaha is at present nt the average rate of a fraction over twenty-three miles nn hour , an unnecessarily slow speed , that renders the trip a very tedious one and deprives those traveling on business of valuable hours. Under the new arrange ment the average rate of travel will bo about thirty miles an hour , which is not at all excessive , and the time gained by those to whom time is valuable in doing business between Chicago and Missouri river points will bo of very great importance. Wo have not a doubt that the roads also will find that the change will not be without some advantages to them. In bupplying a faster service the roads will Hud it necessary to give a somewhat more careful attention than they have been giving to the condition of their road beds. There is no one of them who cannot improve in this direction , and under the changed conditions they will bo compelled to do so. In a word , the proposed new arrangement is an important btep forward that must bring other improvements , from all of which the traveling public will derive advant ages , and which tire to be welcomed as gratifying evidences of progress. New Englnutl'a III Temper. It is from the New England senators that efforts' to obstruct a settlement of the fisheries dispute , unless their view of what should be done is complied with , will chielly 001110 , and among these the leading spirit is Frye , of Maine. The senator has shown great solicitude in this matter at all times , nnd the tend ency of this has not been strongly ftiv- oriible to n bettloment by diplomatic methods. It has been quite evident from the first that of all the plans sug gested the Maiuo senator regarded most favorably that of retaliation , und if we remember rightly ho is on record us one of the warmest advocates of such a policy. The senator is a very earnest and aggressive man , if lacking some what in breadth and the higher quali fications of statesmanship , and having recently expressed his disgust with the lisheries commission and de clared his opposition to any treaty ar rangement , saying frankly that he pre fers annexation , there is no uncer tainty as to where ho will bo found when this subject comes before the senate - ate , as it must do , very early in the sea son. Other New England senators may not bo willing to go so far as Mr. Frye. but very likely none will have the courage to champion a moro conserva tive , intelligent und practicable policy such as a majority of the people outside of their section believes to bo desirable and proper under- the circumstances. It remains to bo seen to what extent the senators of other states will bo disposed to indulge the somewhat unreasonable temper of Now England on this subject. Certainly if it shall appear that the an nexation remedy is generally approved by the people of that section , as may bo fairly inferred from the preference given it by Mr. Fryo , it will lo the imperative duty of the senators representing other sections to give Now England to understand that that must bo the very last resort instead of the llrst. The country does not want to ex tend its urea northward by absorbing any part of the British dominions , either by purchase or conquest , and the man who advises such a course is not a wise counsellor. As wo have already said in reference to this controversy , it can bd settled on a fair and just basis if approach ed in the right spirit. Wo have no doubt us the situation now stands the advantage of the facts and arguments is with the United States , but there will have to bo mutual conces sion , aud two enlightened nations ought to be willing to make this in order to maintain friendly relations nnd continue the peaceful contest for ma terial supremacy which for three-quar ters of a century has gene on to the im measurable advantage of both. The people of this country desire in connec tion with the matter only what is just , and this can undoubtedly bo much more certainly secured by pursuing a fair , candid and honorable course , evidenc ing good will and a fiiiicere desire tc perpetuate peaceful relations , than by attempting to coerce conditions by unj 'sort of menaces. If such a course fol lowed us far as the nation could with reason bo asked to go fail to etlect a set tlement , it will then bo time to seri ously consider what other action out rights and our honor call for. The ill temper nnd relentless sentiment of Now England may bo given a reasonable latitude to vent itself , but it must not be permitted to direct the policy of tin nation in dealing with the fishery dis pute. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No More Nonsense. And now comes the hand organ ol the anarchists' section of the city coun cil , which has for months sought to fo ment lawlessness , disordo'r and riot in the city of Omaha , and attempts to ad minister a rebuke to the papers that have raised their voice against the star vation of policemen and the policy that has advertised Omaha abroad as the rowdy metropolis of the west. Why should the newspapers that have stood up for IH w and order nnd good gov ernment bo condemned and branded H : incendiaries ? Is it because they have iuy lickspittle to councllmei who arrogated to themselves powers which were not conferred Upon them by law ? Could there bo anything moro de grading in journalism than this venal catering to lawlessness in exchange for a few hundred dollars of city advertis ing ? What other incentive inspirestho "official organ" of the council with its insolent thrusts at contemporaries that have not seen fit to prostitute them selves to the support of policies that were palpably in violation of the char ter , nnd were tending to incite resist ance to the police authorities ? But the organ of the council goes a great deal further than merely prod ding the papers that have uphold good government in Omaha. It foreshadows u reactionary programme on the part of the council wliich law-abiding citizens of Omaha will not tolerate. This is nothing moro nor less than an attempt to continue the starvation policy by withholding the necessary levy for an efficient police force. Speaking for the law-defying majority of the council , the Jtcpublican insists that the con trol of the police by a commission appointed by the governor makes the police force of Omaha the creature of state government "and the council who represent the people have no voice in this control. " This is simply a repeti tion of the pettifogging by which the boll-weather of the council has for months led a lot of ignoramuses by the nose. It is the most arrant humbug. It is true that the governor appoints four out of the live commissioners , but they are citizens of Omaha , and just as much in accord with local self-government as if they had been appointed by the mayor. The people elect our dis trict judges , but when a vacancy occurs on the district bench it is filled by the governor. Is such an appointment in violation of the spirit of local self-gov ernment ? The milk in the cocoa nut is the fact that the control of the police has been taken from the council. This was a re form demanded by the peop\o \ and granted by the legislature because the citizens of Omaha had incorporated this reform into their metropolitan charter. It is true that the charter originally provided for the appointment of the commission by the mayor , but the change was made through tlie pernicious interference of the notorious combine in which the edi tors and managers of the Hei > uliUcun ivero chief factors. They should take , heir own medicine like men and cease whining. TIIK second campaign of the people of Mlanta on the liquor question will come , o an end to-day , and the election to- norrow will determine whether prohi bition is to continue in that city or give iluce to a license system. The present L'ampaign has been even more heated and bitter than the former one , business ivirtners being divided , personal feeling mining high und animosities being created that may hold for a lifetime. There is a strong array of earnest and ' .ealous men on either side , and political initiations have 'now , as in the first campaign , had nothing to do with de termining on which side of the question i man would place himself. There ha ? been a most liberal expenditure of elo quence on behalf of continuing prohibition. Mr. Henry W. Grady being perhaps the mosl brilliant advocate of that side , bul the argument of facts presented by the champions of license , showing that pro hibition during the past two years has been a failure , is more forcible to tlu minds of practical people than tin rhetoric of the other side. It is sliowi that since prohibition went into clTccl the number of the distilleries in oper ation in Georgia has moro than doubled and the collector of internal revenue reports that his collections for the cur rent tax year will bo $7fi,000 greater that the tax year , It is also shown tha in the mouth of October there went intt Atlanta & 2,6 < M ) gallons of spirituoui liquors , which were dealt out in part bj fifty-seven places in which liquor is soli by the drink in that prohibition city Surely such facts amply dcmonstraU that prohibition is not a shining sue cess in Atlanta. Each side is conlldon of success in to-morrow's election , urn as before the colored vote , which hold the balance of power , is the uncertaii factor. PllK IDKNT Cl.KVKF.AXD llllS quitl generally shown a disinclination to giv < otlicial position to men who have re ceivcd a boom , and ho is especially averse to selecting tjioso who have secured cured liberal and fulsome ncwspapo advertising. Ho. apparently proceed upon the hypothesis that men who an vigorously backed by politicians am the press cannot bo sufficiently frei from obligations and entanglements t < enable them to bo entirely independcn in their official capacity. Ho may hav- - changed in this , as in some other re spects , so that the newspaper puffer , Mr. Don Dickinson , of Michigan , ha boon getting may not operate ugains him as a candidate for cabinet honor : yet his friends are reported to be vor , apprehensive that it will. A grea deal will depend upon how anxiou Mr. Cleveland is to secure th fullest advantage of Mr. Dickinson' alleged ability as a political manager The administration is confessedly vor , weak in this direction , the rotiremen of Mr. Manning taking from it the enl skillful and far-seeing politician it pot sesscd. Vilas is a blunderer , and Whit noy's ability in political management i not sufficient to spread over more tha one congressional district. There i really no one near the president excej : Colonel Lament who can bo depcnde on for safe and effective political sorvic on an extended scale , and manifestly i would not do to commit the nutioni campaign to the control ormanipulntio of a private secretary. If , therefore the president can be convinced tin Don Dickinson is the marvelous mani ) ulntor of politics his friend * claim , de spite the fact that his work in Mlchiga last year resulted in largely ineroooin the republican vote , doubtless in hi desperate need Mr. Cleveland will tak him , albeit his friends have had n course to newspaper puffery aud othc meretricious means to give him noU > r ety , implying that he is carrying heavy load of political obligations whic as postmaster general ho would bo ox- pooled to cnncellj Ono thing is potent to cverv intelli gent observer. Mr.JHoscall and his fol lowers cannot afford'to ignore it. The citizens of Omalm will stand no moro nonsense about their poll e manage ment. The co'uncllmen are their servants , and us such they are expected not only to submit to the laws as interpreted , by the courts , but they are in duty bound to provide the necessary ways and means for ample protection to Hfo and property. Any attempt to continue the reactionary policy of starving the police or to re duce the force to a mere skeleton will bo resented. LOYAI , L. SMITH is now figuring in the Chicago courts. . Mr. Smith posses ses some of the qualifications of a states man and business man. Ho knows the use of a brass band and the benefits to bo derived from advertising. Ho lucks , however , the more essential require ment common honesty. IT is claimed that some of the money sharks are getting G per cent a month on thirty day loans in many parts of Nebraska. Such unscrupulous usurers should not bo tolerated. There is no business in the world , least of all farm ing , that will justify the paying of over 10 per cent per annum. KI5KI' up the boom and don't stop un til Omaha bus pisscd ; the 200,000 popu lation milestone. PROM1NKNT 1'KUSONS. Mr. Husldu realized 4,000 from Ills books last ycur. It is sniil that H. Killer Haggard is coining to tills country to lecture. The widow of General Thomas Francis Alciiglivr will spend the winter In Koine. It is reported in Huffulo that Mr. William D. Ilowells will spend the winter in that city. Senator Mitchell , of Oregon , is going to do his best this winter to have a navy yard es tablished on Ptiget Sound. General Duller has become a pronounced cold water advocate. Ho will present Colby university with a Imnilsomo fountain. Uncle Billy Frceii , of Petersburg , 111. , was a warm friend of Abraham Lincoln in his youth and used to c-oai-h Abe In gr.immar. State Senator Fount uln II. Ketclium , of St. Louis , has been found guilty of having added some bugus names to a registry list in that city. AV. K. Vandcrbilt lias a complete collection of Louis Quutor/.o furniture , purchased ut the sale of the private effects of the lute King Ludwig of Bavaria , i Hugh .T. .Tewett , tlw noted railway ox-pres ident fell from a porch at his son's house , in Hartford county , Md. , few nays ago- , and in consequence is critically 111. It is said that John L. Sullivan has in creased his vocabulary to 500 words. But he will never make an orator. It is in dumb bells , not in elocution , his path to glory lies. Says an observer , speaking of Secretary Fail-child : "Personally he is the best dressed and most aristocratic looking mem ber of the cabinet , ne | excepting Mr. Whit- ney. " | fr Sam Jones recently lectured in Hartford , Conn. The original title of the diseourse was , "Get There Eli , " but ho said that ho hud learned that the people of Hartford ob jected to slung , ami he had therefore , loft off the "Eli , " and named his lecture ' 'Get There. " He got there to such an extent that some of his audience went away in anger. E. B. Haskell , formerly of the Boston Herald , is in Atlanta , Gu. , making arrange ments for the establishing of a daily news , paper. He hopes to muke it "the biggest paper in the south. " Col. Kobert G. Ingersoll recently wrote tea a friend : "Cleveland's lack iniulo him presi dent , and his love made him popular. " Cleve land's two "L's. " therefore , have , contrary to the laws of poker , beaten Blaine's three "K's. " Charles Henri' Jones Tyler , United States minister to Liberia , who is now hi this coun try on leave of absence , is a fat , sleek , jaunty young colored man who dresses hi the height of fashion ami seems to enjoy life to the ut most. His position as American representa tive in Liberia pays him W,000 a year , anil ho has little or nothing to do. Kx-CuntlllutnH Appreciate Thin. Lowfll Citizen , Ilasto is inadvisable ut any time. A man running for an ollk-o , for example , is likely to be tripped up oy a very small obstacle. Where the .Ta\v Fnil.s. Kcte O/tains / I'lMywic. Men who bite oft moro than they can chew are no worse off than these who want to chow more than they can bite off. lleclpe lor a Philosopher. 1'Mh. It is the easiest thing in the world to bo a philosopher. All you huvo to do is to utter I- truths you don't belicvo anil can't make Is other people believe , either. Named I'or the Occasion. 3 Kilman C. Justice was tlio singularly ap 0 propriate name of a gentleman who was 0t hanged at Hywassee , Pa. , the other day. His parents must huvo known what ho was coming to when they named him. He UmlcrstamlH the Growler. fttfubHri ; Chninttlr. A recent magazine writer wants some wealthy man to offer a prize of $100,000 for the discovery of some means of opening com munication with the lower animals. Why not use as medium a man who has goao to the dogs. Tha Hhlp. C. Mnckay. A king , a ) > opo and u kaiser , And u queen most fulr was she Went BullitiK , sailing , sailing , Over n sunny sea. And amid thorn sat a beggar , A churl of low ilcproo ; Anil they all wontHallhig , sailing , Over tlio sunny soa. And the king said to the kaiser And his comrades fair and free , "Let us turn adrift lid's ' beggar , This churl of low degrco : For ho taints the balmy odors That blow to you and me , As wo travel sailing , sailing , Over the sunny sea. " "Tho ship is mine , " said the beggar , That churl of low degree : "Anil wo'ro all of us sailing , sailing , To the grave , o'er the sunny sou. And you may not , and you cannot , Cot ! rid of mine or mu ; No.not for your crowns mid sceptres My name i Death ! " quoth lie. Omaha a AVomlorfnl CHy. Chtv nnr Lrndrr. The Denver Kcpubllcan Bays the raovo monk among Omaha business men to ralsi the necessary funds to pay the expenses o : the Republican national convention Is silly because the convention will bo held in a cltj Denver or Chicago , for iilstan'co. "No Mis tour ! mud hole will ever got it , " the papei adiK ThU is about the worst specimen of hldo-bouml local bigotry wo hove lately como across. Denver in a charming city , beauti fully located and Illled with enterprising cltl- zcni , but admitting all thU , it Cannot on the other hand bo denied that Omahn in ono of the most wonderful cities in America. That its citizens uro enterprising Is evidenced by the fact that they arc subscribing liberally to meet the necessary expenses of the conven tion , and until Denver tiuike.t good its claims to at least that extent it should tndulgo in no flippant criticism of the claims of a rival city. * What Our StirpltiH TUIOH Could Do. r/ilfn / < ! cpMii ! llccoitt. Thoblgpeit unfinished cntcrpilse now on foot is the Panama ship canal , the construc tion of which appears to empty the pockets and stagxur the faith of the French invest ors. But with the surplus taxes unneces sarily wrung from American taxpayers wo could llaisli the canal In six years. Only $000,000,000 is needed to complete the job. SIX TIMES A BRIDE. Unusual Mm-ringa Hocortl of n Imdy Who linn .lust Died. Palmyra , N. Y. , special to Cincinnati Times-Star : The aeeeot death of Mrs. osophino Baxter , at her homo in Trumunsburg recalls to those who know "ior the remiirkablo series of vicissi- udes through which she passed during her eventful life. Her married Hfo ivus an oxtraoadinary one , nnd in do- all reads moro like fiction than a story of real life. She was six times a bride and five imos a widow. Born in Canandaigua , n August , ' ; t2 ! , her maiden name was .li-sephino Tobor. As a child he was , ho acknowledged beauty of the neigh borhood , and everybody who remembers "ior as a young lady recalls her particu- arly vivacious and dolicuto manners. In 'CO , when she was eighteen years of ngo , she was sent to the Palmyra aca demy. From the day of her arrival she A'as the conceded belle of the academy. Her alTection soon sot upon an im- .iceunious but smart young teacher in the academy named Odell , and ono light in December 'ol , she eloped with lim. Her father and mother had re peatedly bogged her to discard Odell , mil when the announcement of the mtir- iiigo was made they wore wild with grief. Josephine returned to Cnnun- ilniguii two weeks lutco , and stoppin ; at : i hotel thord. begged for a reconcilia tion with her parents , who ronminud obdurate , and she went to Toledo to itrugglo for u livlihood with her hus band , lie became a teacher in a night school , nnd to make ends meet his young wife was compelled to do sewing in her rooms. In July , 1858 , Odell died of consump tion , leaving the widow dependent on her own labor. She was too proud to return to her home and nsk for help from her parents , but maintained her self by her needle until February , 18(10 ( , when she married Clarence Cushmun , a wealthy bachelor pork packer at Cin- cidnatl. She was then twenty-eight , anil , notwithstanding her hard toil for u livelihood , was us hundbomo us over. She lived in quiet style , and no couple were over moro devoted to ono another. Two children wore born to them , but both died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Cushman went to Europe in 18(12. ( In Homo the husband caught the Roman fever , of which ho sud denly died. The young woman , again a widow , returned to London only to find that her husband had boon insolv ent for several weeks previous t6 his death. She was loft with only a few thousand dollars. For a year or two she was a governess in the house of a Lon don banker' and then , losing all of her money in an unfortunate speculation , she returned to America. For two years she was n saleswoman in a New York dry goods store. In June , 'C ( ! , she was married at Nynck , N. Y. , to Lieut. Oscar WillianiH , of the United States army , and went with him to Fort Sully , Dale. They lived hap pily together , and Mrs. Williams be- I'umo a favorite at the fort. In August , ' ( > " , her hubband was drowned and his wife became for a third time u widow. Her father , who hnd heard of lusonly daughter's misfortunes , bogged her to return to her home and be forgiven , but she would not go. For two years she was a governess in the family of a Louisville merchant. She married Rev. Edward Lukes at Covington , Ky. , in * 0i ) . Her hubband was pent u little later as Presbyterian missionary to India and she accompanied him. They made their homo successively in India , Hong Kong and Honolulu , in each of which places Mrs. Lukes was well known for her devotion to her husband , who was a consumptive. Mr. Luke died in the Sandwich Is lands in ' " 4 , and his widow made her way back to America with her husband's body. For a year she made her homo with her brother near this place , then removed to Philadelphia , where she en tered a private hospital nn nurse. Among the patients to whom she miniHterod , was Graham P. Estoy , a sugar and mo- his es merchant at Now Orleans. Ho foil desperately in love with his nurse , and after months of very warm court ship , married her in March ' 78. Their happy home in Now Orleans \\asbrolcen up by her husband's failure ' the next year and his biiicido b'ecauso of his linancial lo > ses. Loft a widow for the fifth time and broken in health and spirit , Mrs. Kstoy returned to her brother's homo a few weeks after her husband's death. For several months she was very ill and wits convalescing when her father died of old ago. Until ' 81 she lived with her brother , and about that time became acquainted with a wealthy and retired gold miner named Albert Baxter. Tlu-y wore married at Palmyra in ' 82. The couple t > pcnt a year or moro in travel in Europe ' and Egypt. During the past year Mr. Baxter has been ' engaged in' building u magnificent man sion for their occupancy , near Ithaca. It was their intention to spend their remaining days there , and Mrs. Baxter , who had known so many disappoint ments and bereavements , looked for ward with pleasure to her bright pros pects. But in all this there was ntill another disappointment for her. She was attacked about two months ago , when about to remove to her mansion , by a fatal Jiseabo. She died last Fri day. Ho OWIIH UN Man. Philadelphia Press : A rather singu lar bet was made in this citv on the night before election. No money was wagered , but it was agreed that the winner should be privileged at any time within twelve months to call upon the loser at any time , night or day , and in any place , and proclaim in a loud tone : "I own this man. lie dare not deny it. I possess a secret about his life that puts him completely in my power. Ho dare not rofuxo to do any tiling 1 tell him. To provo my assertion I will order him to treat every ono within sound of my voice to champagne. " Imagine the situation , should this be sprunguponthu unfortunate lo > ur in a crowded cafe , or at u business mooting , or at a banquet ! It was mutually agreed that no matter how offensive the tone or manner may bo the laser dare not rebuilt it. The manner in which the gentleman who got on the wrong hi do of the fence avoids the gentleman who got on the right niilo. in crowded places is amusing' to say the least. Ho has boon living la dread since election day. OLDEST SCOUT IN THE WEST , Strnngo Onroor of Jim Baker , Bosom Friend of Kit Carson. THE OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAINS Jle llns Keen Hunter , Trnpprr nnd Imliiut I-'Ightrr Taking 1'nrt lit Alt tlio Great lliittlrH Against Iliu UedskltiH. Denver correspondence of the Now York World : In a humble homo on Snake river , near the boundary line be tween Colorado nnd Wyoming , lives Jim Raker. Ho is familiarly known us the Old Man of the Mountains. Forever over fifty years ho has been hunter , trapper , scout and guide on the frontier. After half a century of thrilling adven ture , both on the plains and in the mountains , his almost iron constitution refuses to yield its strength to changing timo. Ho is now over eighty years of ago , and many say older , but ho laughs at his years and says ho is still young. His eye is as keen and quick ns the ouglo's , oven though the burden of four score years is resting upon him. His hair is long and silken nnd white as the mountain snows. The locks are curly , and , flowing far down on his shoulders , inuko him look verily the patriarch of the llocky Mountain coun try that ho is. His is the most charac teristic fuco on nil the frontier , and no Western artist feels that ho has achieved success until ho lias painted old Jim Hiilcur IIH the finest typo and the last of that old class of hunt < 'r.s who will over live in the romance that has always iriven a mystery to the border land between civilization and the homo of the savage. His fuco is as rough us the unhewn and rugged rocks , and thu sharp rough features show the strength and nerve that bus always clmractcri/ed him. KIT CAItSON'S VUIKNI ) . Kit Carson and Jim Baker for years were boon companions and tried and trusty friends. Together they fought many a battle with the Indians , and wont through hundreds of adventures nnd hair-breadth escapes. Hence. Kit Carson spoke from experience when ho said , "I have never met a man in all the Koeky Mountain country who had a nerve like Jim Raker's. " They both married squaws and lived happily with ' them. Raker fell in love with u'Shos- hone Indian maid , courted her and won her after the style of her tribe , and by ' her has raised u family of half-breed's well known in the west. Some say that Raker and Carson married sisters , but that cannot bo stated as a fact. Jim Raker first began to bo a promi nent figure on the frontier about the time of the coming of Fremont and nil- pin , but ho hud acquired considerable fame as a hunter even before that period. The first time the Fourth of July was celebrated in the Rocky Mountain country was on the St. Vrain in 184J5 and in that little band were Fre mont , Gilpin , Lieutenant Maxwell , Jim Raker ana Kit Carson. Governor Gil- pin is not quite sure now that it was on the Fourth of July , but it was near that time and the object was the Mime. The American Hag was hoisted and Fre mont's old howit/or thundered its salute. One of Raker's first hard fights with the Indians was on Doniphan'b march at the lime of the Mexican war. Ho was scouting with Gilpin's part of tlio com mand and came uj > on a band of Indians on the line of the Pandhandlo. There was hot skirmish , and the arrows of the savages cnme thick and fast , and Raker with other scouts was compelled to fall back. The men intrenched themselves but it was two or three days before the Indians wore driven buck. There is non living lit Trinidud or near there , this state , an old man who lost both legs in this light with the Indians. It was the work of Jim Raker as u scout that saved Albert Sidney John ston's army from starving in his expe dition against the MormoiiH. Secretary Floyd , under Ruchannn's administra tion , planned a campaign against the Mormons , and about three regiments wore sent out from Fort Lcuveriworth , and in their trip across the plains dragged along in weary , broken at tachments. When the first of the com mand reached Fort Bridges , the strag glers with the commissary were cut olT by the Mormons , and their provisions destroyed. Johnston was then Kent out to take command , but before he could begin an active campaign winter had sot ill. Their supply of provioions was getting small , and they wore afraid to buy from the Mormons , for fear they would poison them. Johnston then de spatched Captain Mnrcoy with a detail to Taos , N. M. , for provisions and horses , intrusting this command to Jim Raker ns scout und guide. It was a long expedition , full of dan ger , in midwinter. Over a thousand miles of nn almost unknown country , covered with deep MIOW , was between Johnston and the nearest settlement. Rut what if there was HIIOW on the trail ? Jiin Raker know the way. On u recent visit to Denver Raker pointed out to a fricndi the spot on the Platte where Captain Mnrcoy stopped a few days to rest hfs men. Part of the city of Den ver now covers that old camp ground , and Raker could hardly ll'nd the place. Rut they made the trip in safety , pur chasing provisions of Lieutenant .Max well and horses from Kit Carson , ex pending about 8100,000. Tlio return was full of danger. There wore hostile Indians to guard against on tlio ono side and warlike Mormons on the other. The winter was sovcro , und several times there was dangerof mutiny among Marcoy's command. It way a long and perilous march , but Jim Raker's nerve and patidnco und words of courage pulled them through , mid Johnston's command of about three thousand men was saved. Jim Baker did good work with General - oral Harnoy ut Ash Hollow , and , us the story is now told in the west , it WUH RalYer who discovered the whereabouts of the Indians. In that fight was Spotted HOI-EC , then only u common warrior , but who lutor became a great war chief. After the battle many squaws and pappoobcs were ruptured and the Indians Hod. Raker was with the scouts that followed in pursuit , and he tolls the story of how , later , the Indians wanted peace und of seeing Harnoy talk to thorn. Ho wanted the murderer.- ) given up within four days and they then could huvo their squaws and pappoosos. Within the time specified three Indians were surrendered , and among the number was Spotted Horse. Raker then told of how these Indians were seat to Washington instead of be ing killed , nnd bow Ruchanan , with his own hands , hung a silver medal around the neck of Spotted Horse. In reward for this clemency Spotted Horsoilurlng the Indian wars on the pluins.murdered und masssicred over two hundred men , women and children along the Platto. Raker thinks that Spotted Horse was in after years roasted to death by the Runnocks for treachery and that such a death was none too good for such a Havugo. Duels wore as common in the west in those days as la thu south , and the fol lowing story is told of Jim Bnkor chrvl longing Loft Hand , the grout war ohiol of the Arupahoos. Ho was known by that name by the whites as it was ro- murkublo to POO an Indian who was loft handed. His Indian nnmo waa Nl-Wot. A mountain stream and a little post- olllco near Denver bear the nnmo Ni- Wet , in honor of the old wurrlor. It was curly in ( ho sixties , when Jim Raker was living on Clear Crcok , thut ho had excited the unlmosity and hut- red of Left Hand. On ono occasion Loft Rand and u band of his tribe cuinpcd near Jim Raker's cabin. Relieving that they wore bent on mischief and that his old enemy intended to make war on him , Raker , with rillo in hand , went alone to Left Hand's camp. The Indians wore unuucd to see Raker enter their camp iilouo , und much moro HO when they saw him walk up to Left Hand and sny : "Is Loft Hand the great chief and warrior of the Arapahoes , bore for ponce or war ? " The chief , sUirlled by the nerve and also the abrupt question of the speaker , he situ toil a moment. "Which is it my Indian brother wants ? " again said Raker. "Paleface no friend of Arapahoe"re plied Left Hand. "Mo no afraid of Jim Raker. Ho shoot rifle like KitCarnon. but Left Hand no afraid. " Angry words followed , and Left Hum ! shouted out : "Mo heap great warrior of Arapahoos ; mnd at paleface. Left Hand como to light , and light now , " shaking his rillo delimit ! y. "Figlit with rillcs ? " asked Raker. "Left Hand no afraid paleface rifle ; light with rillo hundred yards. " "Left Hand has spoken like a warrior and 1 will fight , " replied Raker , for ho know that ho was moiv than a match for any Indian with his rillo , und al though the only white man in or near the Indian rump , he feared them not. The hundred yards was paced off , and Raker nnd Loft Hand look their plnoes ; hut before either hnd Hrod u shot I ho Indians interfered und put an end to the intended duel. Rakor llum throw his rillo ever hisshoiildor and returned - turned to his cabinnndIIMIOVOI - after wards molested by Loft Hand. The old hunter took n grout interest in the education of hi.s two half-brood daughters , and sent them to u oonvont. Ho had thorn taught music , and once when on a trip to Don vor ho bought the elder u molodeim. Re fore leaving the city , ufter thinking the iniitloi- ever , ho ( nine to the conclusion that it would not be doing the fair thing to buy a melodeon - deon for ono and not for the other , and. returning to the music store , bought another , and when ho won ! bark to the mountains ho took witli him two inolo- deoiiH one for each ( laughter. One of half-breed daughters is said to have wonderful strength. It is reported of her that on ono occasion , when milk ing u cow , she liecame angry at the at tending calf , und seizing it by the tail , swung it over her head and thence ever the fence. Jim Raker is like a sphinx. His long life in the mountains and among the In dians has made him ono of the most reticent - ticont of men. He refuses to talk about his exploits , ami only occasionally ro- fei-s to the great events of hi.s life in some private talk with a friend. If you try to interview him it alarms him nioro than an electric car. "Don't ask me any questions"he says , in his dry , bluff way ; "you newspaper fellers want to make a fool of mo. " Such are some of the characteristics of old Jim Rakor. A more honest man never lived. Ho has the courage of alien lion combined with the simplicity of a child , and many a frontiersman's' fam ily has felt doubly safe because Jim Rakor. witlrhis rillo was beneath thu roof. Rig hearted and loyal , and ono who never deserted u friond. Rut his mis-iion is ovor. His work is done. Ho will live in history as ono of those who first opened the new west , nnd led the way for a new civilization , though not a part of it. . A Mystery of the Congo. Rlackwood's Magazine : Having landed the woodcutters und iniulo every thing right , wo then the cap tain. Lieutenant Dhnnis and nr > nolf sat down to dinner , and soon uflor it wa-s over 1 turned in. being very tired. I should explain that there are no call- ins. Our sleeping iihicct ) wore at the stern of the boat , the captain's being farthest .uft ; our mosquito curtains were fastened up to our sides , and our camp mattresses reached right across her , IIH she is only about six foot in the beam. Captain D. was in high spirits and kept plnying tiiiieson amolo- dian we had with us ; talking in the in tervals of his home at Rnissols and his delight ut soon seeing it ngain. Pres ently ho poured out three glasses of Portuguese wino und handed one to Lieutenant Dhanisnnd the other ( under the mosquito curtain ) to mo. I tasted it and passed it out again with the remark : "Its too strong : put some Congo in it ! ' ' Ho added a little water nnd said : "Hang it , man , it's puru water ! ' ' aud 1 never hoard him spunk ngain ; for , soon after , I turned over nnd wont to sloon. with the strain- ) of "M\osotis" which 1 had asked him to 'play ringing in my oars. Next morning , 'instead of being called by him , us usual , I slept on until aroused by Lieutenant lhanis , who came to me with a while , soared faoo , asking : "Where is the captain ? " "I don't know , " I replied. " 1 believe bo's in tlio Congo , " said Dhanis. Of course I was up like a shot. Sure enough , then- was the captain's bed his clothes , booln , hat , nil lying beside it ; his mosquito- curtuin unlorn showed tlieat nothing unusual had taken place , and ho could not have got ashore without awakening either Dhanis or myself , nn the bout was anchored with her bow to the bank. Wo questioned the men , but none had noon or heard anything save occasional splashes in the wuloi which no ono on the Congo ever hoods , UB the crocodiles and hippopotami ! may lie heard sploshing all night long. How it happened will never bo hoard till the day of judgment ; wo could only ' come to th'o conclusion that lie had getup up in the night , fallen ever the stern of the boat , nnd gone down ( being unable to swim ) without a cry , perhaps never even rising to the surface a second time , as tlio current is vnry strong. Wo searched tlio sandbanks for miles down the river , and promised largo re wards to the natives for finding the captain's body or any traces of him , but in vain. The son may , but thu upper Congo never gives up its dead. Nuggets | ty the Tint. Conor d1 Alone Run : There WUH a bight in Ruckskin Gulch yesterday that would have made the oldest placer minor's heart leap for Joy. Tlio surface gravel had been washed olT , and the out in the jugged bedrock for ever 100 fcot was a niass of glittering gold. In places where it had lodged in the crev ices it could bo picked up by the spoon ful. About a pi nt of nuggets , from 8iiO to $ T 0 in weight , were picked up in the forenoon by Charles Dudley , and about twenty pounds of gold had already been taken to the bank , which hud boon pcoopcd out of the potholes. No very largo pieces had boon found ; the largest would probably go over three ounces. Tlio clean up , which will probably take two or thrco days yet to make complete , will bo by far the largest over made hi the camp. It is estimated to roach fifty pounds or in the neighborhood olIO.OOO.