r 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25 , 1887. THE IOWA BUTCHERS BEEFING Armour's Attempt nt Monopoly Causes a Big Kick. A BIG FIRE AT DES MOINES. Norfolk' KfTortH nt Interim ! Improve ment llecelve a Temporary Cliee-k Oilier Nebraska mill Iowa NO.V\H. Iowa Iliitrliors Stlrn-d Up. Moixns , la , Nov yi P. D. Aimoitr's attempt to supply the DavcnK | > rt markets with diessed beef has stliredup the hutcheis there , and It is reported that a pro | > osltion I * to bo made to the common council asking for the passage of on ordluante compelling In spection by the city authorities of all dressed beef exposed for wile on the ground that dis eased meat might bo shipped in fiom Kansas City and Chicago , and the people would not know the quality of what they were buying. It is not so appaicnt that the people of DavcniKirt are veiy much conecined ubout the .quality of the meat Armour proposes to furnish them , as the local butchers are about the price at which it is offered. The probability is that the quality would bo equal to that now fuinishcd by the city markets. For if the Davonpoi t butchers do not supply a better grndo than is fur nished by butcheis In DCS Moines , the con sumers would take u gi eat many chances in supplying themselves elsewhere. It is a no torious fact that the markets In Iowa's leadIng - Ing cities nro supplied with about the "scrawniest" beef that Is nllowed to grow in the Went. The young , fatstock isallshlppcd east , wlulo the "sctubs" uro butchered nt homo and retailed. The people of Des Molnes , nt least , in e tired of eating steak besldo which a sldo of sole leather Is tender find Juicy. _ _ _ _ _ Tacking HOIIHO Tire at Do.OlolneH. Ii.sMoiM.s , la , Nov. iSpeciul \ [ Tele gram to the Hrr ] Puo broke out In the l o'i k-packing house of the Des Moincs Pack ing compani this evening and binned for two houis bofoio it could bo gotten under contiol. The packing house was in the midst of its heaviest business and $100,0X ( ) worth of goods were packed leiulv for shipment , nearly all of which aio a total loss. The principal loser Is .1 M. Windsor , of this city , who was the general manager of the concetti. The ( lie was caused by the explosion of a lamp In the tendering room andtlietewas so much inllammablo mutter around that no headway could be mudo against the Humes for a long timo. The pack- Ling house and all its appointments , suvo u pattnf the Ice houses , uro a total loss. The burning buildings adjoined the Chicago , Hnr- llnRton & Quiucy tracks und trains have been held b.v the Humes for over two houis , unable to enter the citi . AVIl nesHCH Threatened. Sioii1 Cirv , In. , Nov. ! M. Henjnmln .To- sephsoii and wife , the new witnesses against John Aiensdoif , aie in a piti.ihlo stuto of nloi m because ol thieiith made by vuuous jKiisons. The man sai s ho wus told to day that ho would not be heio long to do any talking , for ho hud talked too much on the stand lesteiiluy. A number of customers Btop | > od taking milk of him today. The agent ol a local insurance company which cart IC-R a i isk on his house went out thoio this aftei noon und tendered him n cheek for the uncal ned pi ciiiiums , suv ing the company refused to tat rv the tisk any longer on ac count of the liability of loss tin ough rev ens * . These stoile-t aie laughed at by th- coun sel of Aruusdorf , but thcio i positive pi oof of the action of the inSift customers and the insunuicfl ai-Qi'.t. Itistiot probable that any over-1 * against the witness will ho com- Tmttcd , as such conduct would be fatal to the ease now pending in the district court , but the .losepnsons believe that some assault will be mudo on them or their pioperti. ' Ati Oppot Utility 1'or Itanium. , KNOXVII I.K , la. , Nov. 21 [ Special Tele gram to the Hrr ] Considerable Interest has been moused in the discovery near Percy , In this county , of what bcoms to bo the pctiilled remains of seine huge monster. It is between M and ( JO feet in length , with a head about ( feet long by 12Vj ' .vldo with four eyes. The ball of Ono eve is gone.leuvlng n socket about 8 inches In diameter The other three oycs arc closed und look like the closed cies of a frog. The lemains arc well pieseived , but the famlli of the extinct monster seems to bo unknown. Mangled liy the Cars. BOIUNOTO.N , la. , Nov. Ul. George Sulton , a machinist , employed at the Chicago , Burlington - lington & Qumcy shops , West Iturbngton , foil under the wheels of n passenger train at that place this morning and was mangled bo- jouil iccognitlon. It Is supposed that he jumped on while the train wus m motion. > Tlic Day In Sioux City. Sioux Cm , la , Nov. 21 [ Special Telegram - gram to the Urn. ] Thanksgiving day was quietly spent In Sionx City. Hegular relig ious services weio held , llusmcss us a gen eral tulo wus suspended. 1 to 1le > ; lHter Norfolk's IlnmlH. NnuroiK , Neb. , Nov i-M [ Special to the Bci : . ] The city of Norfolk recently voted to bond In the sum of 8,000 for the. pin pose of building sewers nnd giadlng the pilncipnl 1 street. The auditor of state has refused to register the bonds , holding that the only nu tlet ity that cities the sl/.o of Noifolk htvo lo vote bondB for sewers under th statutcs must bo because sowets mo vrorki of lutetnal im provement , nnd ho holds that they are networks works of internal improvement w ithin the measure ot the law under which they were voted. Inasmuch ns the general mtoinul im- . provemcnt laws of the stuto provide that cit- i ies shall constiuct soweis by levying a tax , nnd limits the amount of the levy , It would itccm to bo nn open ipiestion , nnd the supieme couit will bo asked to pass upon the matter And letmlto the auditor to legistcr the bonds If the court takes a different vlow fiom thut bold by the state olnciul. IteniH From Wnlioo. WAHOO , Neb. , Nov 'J I. [ Special to the BBK. ] District comt under Judge 1'ost has t been in session hero all wcuk until this 'laoiiiing , when it adjourned until Monday next. Several civil cases of little genetul I nportuuco wete disposed of , and John Hrad- \v was unit to the penitentiary for two ' . ears for forging his father-in-law's name to > hivciul notes , ThunksKlvlng was duly celebrated hero by i ppniprlnto services at the Congregational 1 < hurch. in which nil thoother churches Joined. Tim tlrst snowfall of the season occurred l.uit night nnd nbout tin inch of "tho benuti- lul"tci > OHed on the bosom of the earth this morning. Htnnton'rt Hoard of Trntlo. STVNTOX , Neb , Nov 21 [ Special to the J.rr. ] The Stanton board of trade was duly i vfunized labt Saturday night w Ith a chartei i icmborshlp of thirty. The followmgofllcoi- > -roe'lccted J. C Clelundpicsldent ; Ailatu 4 Igor , vice-president , r I. Ackerman , se < > . ' i l-ary John Kberly , tteasurcr , executive i mmiiteo , J C. Cleluml , Adam 1'llcer , r I. . kerman , 1 . J. Ilaitan , F Rnalio , C. M Densmoro , P. McCiWtiiciu , W.V. . Young , \V'll ' J , Uobbs. A coihi of rules uud regula U as was adopted. The board Will met I ! ! , ,11 Saturday to discuss the best methods , o' Advertising the city. I urge quantities of cuttlo uro being shippei ili cto to bo Jed this winter. About su v mund head nro now feeding in this count } [ Fatally Hurl In n llunnwajr. "TAXIOX. Neb.'Nov , 21. [ Sj > ecittl to the v HUE. ] Yesterday afternoon a team belong 4ng to Mr , Sclle , attached to a light farn wagou , ran uway just after crossing the Ftc 'luont , ElUhOrn & Mi souti Valley railway , V ntcks , throwing -Mis. Sollo under tin horses * heels , two wheels of the wagon passIng - Ing over her chest and breaking one Ice. She Is not exct''d | to live. Mr.SclIo wus tlnowii out but wus not seriously hurt. KAN IMMVN Till ; TKACK. An UninaiiaKcablo Team Causes a Prlulitriil I'litallt ) Near Uosliin. UotTov , Nov 21 A team attached to n cnrtluge containing Patrick D Gorman , AVIllIum and Chnrles Hnnnon and Joseph L Hurke wns driven through the safety gates nt the lioston & Albani crossing at West Newton this afternoon. The team gained the truck , and the horses becoming uncon- ttollnble , turned nnd followed the rails , and the cat Hugo and Its contents wore quickly overtaken by a train , which crashed Into the rear of the vehicle , killing the two Uunnons , injutlng Uuiko and badly hi ulsing ( Joi man. AMi'.sn.Mi.vr.s. ; Two PorroriimnccH Yesterday l y the Iliiimii Abbott Opera Company. Two exceedingly huge audiences greeted the Abbott opeta company uj Hoi d's yester- dny. "Chimes of Normnndy" was sung nt the matinee and in the evening Ualfo's "Uo- heinlan Girl" was presented. The audience In the evening was a most enthusiastic one , and the familiar and charmIng - Ing numbers were encored time and again. Miss Abbott was at her best , and sang de lightfully Her solo with lluto obligate ) , In the last net , wns rapturously received , nnd the prlmn donna wns nceordcd tin ovn- tion. The role of Arllno Is peculiarly suited to Miss Abbott. Thoio Is a certain abandon ment nnd cltlo in the chnracter of which she makes the most. Miss Annnndala as the Queen divided the honots with Miss Abbott , and in the second act was presented with a basket of llovvcts and a magnificent diamond crescent. This was the gift of the telegraphers of Omaha. It vvu-s n costly jew el , no less thnn cloven costly gems comprising the setting. Miss Annnndulo , at the time of the telegrapheis' strike in 18S1 , sung at a bonetlt for them. The lady was completely taken by suipilse , and showed no little emotion. The work of Mr. Hrodenck us Count Arn- helm was most excellent , and that of the bal ance of the cast acceptable. THANKS TO TiTMlOUAl'HKUS. Miss U/.zle Annnndulc AVrltes Them a Note of Gratitude. After the close of the evening performance at Hold's opcta house lust evening , Miss Li7io Annanuulc , the charming singer who was presented with a beautiful diamond ring by the telogiaph operators , extended her thnnks to them in the following neat note : To the Omaha Telegraphers- vcrv dear fi lends , collectively and individually : Wouls fail to expiess the feelings of giatitudound pride I feel in being tlio recipient of i our lovely gifts of flowers and diamonds. lean hardly realize why 1 should still bo so gener ously retnembeted , but it iills my heart with joy to know I can count my friends so staunch and tiue. Hcbovo me , your gift shall bo eheiished and worn while life lasts , and wheiever I tnuy bo my services atoulwas loins to command. Yours over , IjI//IU AXNANDVI C. "TIIK LAST ItOSK OK HUMMKU. " How Kininu Abbott Granted a Child's DyliiK AVIsh. The following Incident in Iwinma Abbott's career , which has not us jet iippourcd in print was tolatcd ton Hn : rei > ortcryesterday moining by an cnstein gentleman who is stopping for a few da.vs at the Millard hotel. Three years ago Abbott was singing in the oust and had u three night's engagement at the Academy of Music In Scranton , Pa , A prominent attorney of the city , VV. . Wil- co.x , had a little son ? .bout live or six years of ago who \v.i" passionately fond of musio and had a'ueady developed considcrablo talent Vinong his fuvot ito selections was Abbott's greatest success , "Tho Last Hose of Snm- . " nnd little had secured nor. Geotgo a prom- se from his father to take him to hear her that evening. The little fellow wns m high gleodurmg the dny and conveised of nothing else. During the afternoon he was bent on in ei land three or four blocks nwny and while crossing a stieet wns knocked down by n runaway horse hitched to an express wagon which passed over his body. The little follow was taken to his homo and medical aid biim- tnond , but his injuries weio pronounced fatal. Ho letained Ins faculties nnd as evening came on spoke frequently of going to the opcta and icqucsteu his mother to get him icndy. When told that ho was too ill to at tend ho showed deep disappointment. For ihaps two hours ho lay silent but linall.v spoke and said that if ho < ould not go and hear Miss Abbottho know Miss Abbottwould como nnd sing for him if ho sent for her. Ho insisted on Mr. Wilcox going to the tllCnter nnd bringing her to his beilsi.'e. His father llnully consented sun arrived at the opeia house r. Tow minutes befoio the curtain wont down on the last act. Ho informed the muna- per of his mission and was conducted behind the scenes where ho stated to Abbott the object of his visit. Without taking time to change her costume the ludythiow a heavy cloak ubout her hhouldeis and was rapidly diiven to the Wilcox tesldencc. When they entered the chamber the little palo face over which the ashen hue of death wns already stealing , lighted up and his weak voice fal tered , ' 'I knew you would couio , Miss Ab bott , und I wunt jon to slug-Last Koso of Suinmei'lor ' mo. " Laying her cloak aside and sitting down on the bedside of the little suffeier , the puma donna took the little hand in hot's and sung In that wondrously sweet voice those woiels whoso mention often 10- cull memories of bigono dujs : "Ilia last ro oof Miininvr Stand * blooming nlonu. " As the lust words passed her lips a tremor passed over the little lorin , which had hith- otto lemnined silent. The little lift ) had passed away to the musicof Abbott's = ong. Smoked With Martin. Mat tin Quick , who has stood by and sym pathised with the police fotco In their strug gle with the stubborn city council , lust night expressed his Joy over the decision of the suptemo court by sending two boxes of fra grant Havnnnas mound to the central station. Every ono of the blue coated protectots smoked and wished long life and prosperity to their liberal-heat ted stand-by. KeonruiK tlio City I'or Him. Last evening word was * received at the central station that Stephetison , the rapist who Jumped his ball a few dais ago , hud te- tinncd to the city. Soon after the report cumo hi the bondsmen of Stevenson put in appearance to substantinto it. Captain Green and thc'reservo detail stalled out in search of the slippery rascal , but at last uc- counta hud not succeeded in tunning him down. _ Moshor-KilmlHton. Last evening nt 5 o'clock Mr Gcorgo H Mosher , nf this city , nnd Miss Ufrto P. Ed- miston , of Clinton , 111. , were united in the holy bands of wedlock at the residence of Dr. A. W. EdmUton. No. 1013 Dodge street. Mr. Mosher is well known ns a salesman for lei ! tor , Wilholmy .S ; Co. The future homo of the luippy couple Is to bo Grand Island. Salt Klieuni. With it.s in ton so itching , dry , hot t-Kiu , oftou broken into painful orueks , and tlio little watery pimple * , oftou causes ImloHcrlhablo mitTuring. Hood's SarMi- parilln hns wonderful power over this tlisoiiso. It purifies tlio blood and expels - pels the humor , und the hUin heals without a near. Sontl for book con taining many statements of euros , to f. I. Hood .t Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. An Old ( icntlemaii Injured. John ConnollijTwcnti-tlfthand St. Mary's avenue , Is a lame old gentleman , and in the street car collision at the corner ol Pifteenth and Parnnm streets la&t evening , ho hud tUo mUfqituuu to fall heavily to the k'umnd und received an ugly scalp wound Ho wa * taken to the central pollco station I uud the wound wus&owed up by Dr. Ualph , A llsalled I'olSto Koujc , The nhcady abbruviated polite foiro I- Romowhat cmharra9cd by having bovcn moil on the sick list and unable to do duty. A majority of the seven are luld otf from the cffioti , of iujurie * ' ipcoivcd wlillo dcullnj ; with refractot y pi Ueniet a. , l PI I 1\H I TV I\T Tlfr < PTl T l Tn lELL ( DEAD IN THE STREETS , Dlocl hi the Arnia of Ills Bosom Frlond. A SAD AND TRAGIC ENDING. llcmnrkiiltlo Iettei-H anil Cm Ions He- ( | iu-stM I'oiind tin the Deceased No i'reauhets or 1'nij- ors Wanted. Died In Ills I'tlend'H Arms. J. L. Mullen , n giocer doing business nt South Omaha , last night pet fin mod a delicate and sad task , but 1 > i so doing onl.v car- tied out a request of mnn.v years' standing Ho held In his arms his lilend and companion for many icars , Edgar M. Sellon , whose spirit took Hlght to the ether wet id shottly bofote 10 o'clock on one of the public-hlgh- wu.vs of Omaha. Sellon's and Mullen's nc- quintancos date back to a pciiod , when the two used to run In nnd out of Omnha over the Union Pacific in the capac ity of special agents. On these trips tlio two foimed a strong attachment for each other , and that tespect , love and confidence that was then formed wns nov or ROV ored , though circumstances cast the lot of the two men in dlffetcnt directions. Sellon went to Colorado , nnd being an accomplished telegraph operator and a thorough railroader , on accomplishment with a line education combined , brlllunt intellect nnd well balanced head , ho found no dlfHculty In securing a position with the Hlo Grande rail road at some of its most Important points ns a train dispatcher. For a while he wns locntcd nt Lcudvllle , und subsequently wus transferred to Denver , whcio bis health began to fnil him. Fiom n henlthy , robust man of nearly two bundled pounds la weight ho lost flesh in a stattllng degree , and two months ago when compelled to resign from physical icquho- ments ho had dwindled away to n mere shadow of his once foimcr self und weighed but 140 ixnmds. Physicians pionounccd his complaint ihcuuiatistn of the heart , com bined with lung troubles. The medical men Impressed upon him that when ho died it would bo sudden , nnd warned him to bo on his guuid for the final summons at any timo. This not over-gratifying intelligence did not evidently unnerve the man , who from all in dications did not take u \ eiy scilous view of the terrors of u hereafter. He was rf strong and immovable advocate of the Bob Ingcr- sell ctocttlno , und It is said that he wns nt one time nn ngent of Ingcrsoll during the lecture tout s of the latter. Sellon wus , however , biought up in the sttaight nnd tiaiiow path by his father who is u minister of the gospel and lives in New Yoik. Sellon arrived in Omaha last Monday night and registered at the Windsor hotel. Ho called for and was necoided the best quar tets la the house , and ictiicd to his room at an early hour. Tuesday ho visited his fiiend Mullen at South Omaha. Mr. Mullen at the time was sick m bed , and Sellon sat on the bed and talked over some business matters. Ho lefeiied to Ins own phjsicnl condition , and spoke gloomily of. ever regaining his health. The two friends parted in the course of the day , Sellon promising to call the next day , Wednesday. However - over , ho did not keep his engagement , but passed the gi cater part of the day in his room wilting lettcis , three of which weie found on his person , together with a largo sum of money and valuables when his clothing was searched at the moiguo. Ycbtculay cumo and had neatly passed when Mr. Mullen , being cognizant of his friend's dungeious complaint , became un easy and telephoned to the Windsor for in formation. The reply was that Sel- lou was still at the hotel , but was not feeling well ami Was desirous of seeing Mullen as soon us possible. The latter cumo to the city and had supper with Sellon , who casually 10- inaiUed that ho was then feeling better than ho cv or had in his life , but that Tuesdav und Wednesday nights ho had been vciy ill and thought ho would dio. After supper the two friends sat in the totundaof the hotel and smoked a cigar each , after which they stai ted up stieet to \ isit the proprietor of the Can- Held house. Sellon s.iitl nothing of having upon his pcrsou thtce lettcts written by him onWcJncsduy , but conllncd himself to the Consideration of contemplated business clutions. In some manner the two lost their bearings , and straied to the corner of Ninth and Douglas ctteets , when Sellon fell in a faint. Ho grasped the arms of Mullen in ti death grip , und begged of him not to lenvo him. All this time Sellon was conscious , and spoke hopefully of regaining his strength ns soon ns the fainting spell passed over. Mullen suggested sending for u doctor , but Sellon cntoiod n dissent saying that ho would bo nil light in n few miutes. The expected tclicf , however , did not cotno nnd in thirty minutes after the fntnl attack , and before Dr. Lee , who hnd been sum moned , ariivcd Sollon bicathed his last in the arms , us ho had continually tequcstcd , of Mullen. Coroner Drevel was notified , and the body was removed to the moiguo to wher'o it was followed by Mullen who was peiceptibl.v gieived by tlio unfoitunuto affair. As previously stated , the letters weio found on the person of the deceased enclosed In a largo envelope of tlio Kio G i undo railroad. On the face of this envelope was written , in a beautiful and linn hand , the following : * "In ciiso of death notify nnd dollver this scaled to J. S. Mullen , grocer , etc. , opposite Albright's depot , South Omaha. " This envelope contained three sealed letters , ono addressed to Mr. Mullen , ono to Mis. Edgar M. Sellon , Dcnvoi , Col. , wife of the deceased , and ono to n lady whoso nddiess m Denver it hns been consideied best not to nmko public ) . The letter to Mr. Mullen is closely written on both sides of seven pngos , nnd cmbruces directions ns to the disposition to be uiudo of the remains of the wi ittir , together with some poetry und personal t cminisccnces , nnd a sermon to bo deliverad by A. T. Mills , n personnl friend of the deceased nnd n benediction to bo pro nounced at the grave. Mullen is requested to huvo the body cmbulmed nnd forwmded to Denver to an undertaking establishment fiom whence they nro to bo convoyed in u hearse to the cemetery by us many cnrringes as will bo desired by the members of Denver lodge , No. 4 , 1. O. of O. P. , Denver council fi'U , Hoi al Arcanum , and the Telegruphcis' Diothcthood In all of which Sellon was a member In good standing und holds an insur ance on his lift ) . The dead limn admonishes Mullen to sco that bib wishes uro carried out fo the letter , nnd begs that "no praying , preaching or damned foolishness will bo permitted at the gravo. " To this ho adds : "I iwbtivoly forbid and eat neatly request that there will bonoprujors at my gtavo. " The sermon and benediction which follows was written onatipo writer , and bears the crused duto of Lc.ulvillc , April Iss" . The erusion was no doubt mudo on the iM InsU , the date substi tuted and which appears. TIII : SHIMOV AND tiEVFmemo.s- . Why should the spirltof mortal bo proud. Like a swift Jlj Ing meteor , a fust Hying cloud , A Hash of the lightning a break of the wave Man passes fiom hie to hiu icsv in the giuvo. Our life is but the shadow of a cloud pas nig before the inidduv sun We can travel the road but once Every hour mis sjiont is forever lost. Wo should ever do deed * oi l.lndness ns wo an > passing towards the sun- Mil of our lives , us it may lie said thut the world Is bolter for our having lived Wo en counter superstition at the daw n of our oxls- lento ami are moro or less Influenced by It along the unceituln path to the grave. A few yeais ujro wo were not , to day wo exUt the past a dieam , the piest-nt a misteiy , tin futm o n doubt. In a fovv days w o will hav o unravelled the enigma of death and Joined the endless procession to the shore of the gteat ocean of eternity , over whoso dark waters no voyager's bark is over seen return ing , and whore thosti that have crossed-even if they do exist ute foihid by backward looker or sign to divulgetho seciels of Iho coflln or Ihe nhroud. E > ory form of life relurns todust. The very panicle * oC dust under our feotweto out-e w. hat we are now. 13uJ , blossom ami Dower nc the epitaphs of the loved dead. Truly has t been tainted : , "Hojond nature we cannot see , nlmvc nature we cannot rise and below nature w o cannot full. " All nature Is tending ton final doom. The Treat clock of lime , vvho e seconds tick cen turies , whose minutcA nro ages ami hours are eternity , is running down and every second end Its pendelum stojis neuter the center of eternal test and will until the whole universe teturns to the primeval forest from where .1 . so vainly emei ged. Then why should frail man alone expect nn existence pcipctunl which bus never been proven and Is against the fatoof all universal death. At the various nllo ) > osts nlong the palh of life we should leave u retold of at least ono ind act one kind charity and ono kind word , passing them all , lot on bended knees and useless supplication , > ut honorable and erect , and when , at the ust mile post , we falter nnd lay down In our Innl sleep , let us hope some good angel of ncrcy may meet us , holding In her hands Iho sacred scales of Justice , whcieln luuvbo weighed out actions at the gates of eteinlty. And now Into the arms of nature , our uni versal mother and our Until home , we consign : heo , forever past the trials of life , fet over free from the tears of son ow and pain i est oblivion forever In thy windowless tomb under the blue eanopj of skIn moonlight , stni light , sunlight , summer's golden dawn. lutumn's chilling fiost und winlct's shroud of snow. Hest , swcel resl sleep , eternal sleep whoso dust knows no waking , and whose teposo di earns of no future. Again , ) cace. quiet and rest , n last long farewell. EDO vu M. SBLI.O.V. Omahn , Neb , Nov. 2J1 , l&ST. Mr. Mullen at un early hour tbls morning telegraphed the sad tidings to the wife of the de < eased In Denver , and will leave for that | ) lace to-night with the body. Died on the * Train. When the Kansas City train reached the n. & M. depot In this eity.v cstcrduy morning nn aged man wns found dead in a scat In one of : hc coaches. He was about 00 years of ngo nnd inquiry resulted in discovcilng Iho fact thut ho had boarded : ho tiain at Gibson , the flist station on Iho U. & . M south of this city. Word was Im mediately dispatched to that pluco nnd re sulted In llmllng n son of the deceased , who immediately cnmo up to this city. Uy this time the ictnnins had be-cn taken In charge by Deputy Coroner Maul , under whoso insructlons they weio home to Drcxel & Maul's , wheic It was ascertained that they were those of Samuel D.i } hoff , of Vllllsca , Iu. It was also ascertained that the deceescd , to reach the trnln hnd to run from the icsldenco of his son to the depot which wns quite u distance , und the supposition Is that this unusual cxciciso had produced unwonted and dangerous activity on the nction of the heart which resulted In death. The deceased was on his way hero to take the Ltaln homo , which did not stop at Gibson when sjoing cast. Ho Is repotted to bo pretty wealthy. At lust accounts it hnd not been decided whether an inquest would bo holder or not. Accidental or Violent Death. Yesterday moining Mattlo Hills , n colored woman , found a dead boy-baby In bed beside bis mother1 In n rotten room in a htill mote rotten hovel on Eleventh street near Capitol nvcnuc. Tlio babe was ten duj B old. pud since its birth , the mother bos been bed-t id- don. The futhcr'3 mime is Shields , nnd ho is low in the penitentiary. The child wns cuovvn to huvcn been 'alive about 4 o'clock yesterdiy morning , The cause of death , whether accidental or otherwise , remains to 30 determined. Deputy Coroner Maul nnd City Physician Ralph were notified of the death by Ofllecr Uloom. SOUTH OMA'HA ' NEWS. J. B. Hartzcll , of Puoln , Kan. , is in the city. city.The The machinery for the now rendering es tablishment is being put in position. The Hoof and HomoLlco will bo completed by Sntuiday. < Thomas Stevens , .Gi.iud Island is in town. JN George Wntsonof Blue Hill , wnsinthccity jestciday. The bunks were closed j'cstcrdny on account of Thanksgiving. Ono ical estate firm disposed of 100 lots in ono of South Omaha's additions Wednesdaj' . The Hi omen's ball occulted lastcvoning. EnpinoNo. 412 , C. , 11. & Q. , loft the tiack at the N stieet crossing vcsterdny moining. It roquned several houis' labor to teplacc her on the rails. .T. M. Collins and Buck Kelly , two well known chin actors , weio nrrested onnwariaut charging them with highway jobbery. It is said thut they , In tompany with two others knocked a man , named Alex Kclnhart , down , beat him unmeicifull.v nnd robbed him of $0. They were taken befoio Judge Hcuther und gave bond for their appearance. W. r. Sprague , an cmploio of the Armour packing companv. was the victim of a very painful accident Wednesdny night. Wlillo en gaged in some labor near ono of thomnmmoth bird tanks the escaping gas from the ventiiipo ignited and exploded. The llesh on his right hand and arm was burned terribly , and his hair , eyebrows und mustache burned off. It is doubtful If his right arm will again bo of use. Hr. Klrkpattlck attended him. A shoot Ing affray Is said to have occurred on Tvventy-llfth htreot between the hours of 1 and 2 yesterday morning , In which n mini imtned .Inck Kiloy was seriously wounded. The two men weio Intoxicated and weio quarrelling over some trivial matter when Uiloy's companion shot the other In the thigh. The wounded man was brought to this city and the mutter kept very quiet , not even the police being awuic of the event un til this morning. MOKTUAUY MA.TTKUS. Facts About Those Who Have DC- patted This Life. MAllONV. Edward Marony died in the fifty-fifth year of his age , at his iesidcnccThiity-Hist street and Poppleton avenue , olfiM" ; Wednesday evening of pneumonia. Mr. Matony canto to Omaha in lSti4uud entered thociuploj'of Clinic & Pi enchgrocci s. In 1STO ho embarked in business for hlinsclfand for llftecn - has ness , j-cars suc cessfully carried on a produce commission business. In 1870 Mr. Marony wus married to Miss Isabella Sw.ut. Six childien wusthe icsult of their union , five of whom nro living. Mr. Mm ony was nn exemplary citi zen and esteemed by all who know him. Ho was a kind husband nnd father , nnd his death will bo sincerely tegrettcd by n host of friends won duiing a life of honesty nnd rec titude. Ho was a consistent member of Trinitvehureh , nnd the funeral win take pluco fiom that church Saturduy at 2 o'clock p. m. , tol'tospcct Htll- Three YblinK HnlTlans. As J , D , and P , ' 'W. Groves , a couple of well diessed jouns rucn woio passing under the railroad biidgi'f on South Thirteenth street last evening , the , } ' were Insolently ac costed as "dudes" by llaco loung nnd notori ous toughs named JJm. find Joe Collins and John McDonald. At' they followed the Groves biothcis nidit | ntlnued their insults , J. D. finally turned mound and Invited them to mind their own business. This seemed to bo taken by the j ountf rilfllans us a signal for mi assault , for tho.r immediately fell UHHI | the brothel s with elftbs nnd pieces of roiks , and beat them in 'a ' shameful manner Among other wound loooivod was u long cut on the head wtiuh li.id to bo sewed up b.a . phvMcian All time of the culnuts wcto anested and lockud up. 'llieio Imvo been but fovv light' ! und dlstuibamoa on South Thirteenth hti cot lint w hat a scion of the Col lins or McDonald i Inn have managed to have a finger in the plo Thopioper pluco for them Is the icform M-hool. A. Pietly < > lrl Annie Nelson a good looking girl nlwut eighteen jeai.s of age who for some time past has been In the cmpio.v of William Appleton , the proprietor of a ic tauianl atShonandonh la , lof { that place on Thuisdaj- last to join her brother , Otto Nelson , wlio lives utlBu South Twenty-second street In this city und has not been hoard from slnco , Mr. Nelson Is much concerned regarding her and fours thtt ( h lias been foully dealt with. The matter hus been placed , rn the hands of thu ) K > lipa and tie ) mutter will bti thoiouyhiy In- VoMlgutcd. . - ' , A DAY OF THANKS AND JOY , How Thanksgiving Was Obaorvod Throughout the City. COMMEMORATED BY ALL CLASSES lYnstiiiB I IIP Street ( Jaiiiln Footl nnd Clothing for the llootbtnrk Ob- , hor\tinees at tin1 Cliitriilics Sports nnd I'liHtlmcs. The observance ot Thanksgiving day in Oinnhu was ittoie gcnoial ypstordaj than for sovcral.veuispast. The light snow that fell In the early moi nlng hnd nearly vanished by noon und the bi nclng air uud bi Iglit sunshiuo culled out thousands ot people As euilv as ( i o'clock the stteels wete crowded with well diessed men , women and childtcn Klcgant e iulp- agcs dashed up to chinch doois und their oc cupants joined the worshippers within the sacred edifices. The clerks nnd salesladies weio out In full force , attired in holiday clothes and the woikingmen puton their best in honor of the tla.v. F.ven the ui chins who make their living on the streets looked a trlllo neater and many of their faces shown fi-om nn unusual application of soup and water. When at noon the various religions set vices hud ended ninny of the principle stieetswoio falily jammed at the street railway junctions the barrier of humanity wus Impossible for some time. Ncurly nil of the wholesale houses , many of the it-tail stoics , all of the bunks , thorall- toad ofticcs and the county and municipal offices were closed. The hotels and restaurants all served extra dishes and the patronage was very laigo in deed. There seemed to bo very little drunk enness and the best of feeling pievailed everywheie. The amusements in the after noon and at night weie largely patronized AT Tin : JAIL. < The guest sot Jailor JooAlillcr received a din ner iesteulav uftoinoon thut should cause them to be thankful. The menu is un elab orate one for institutions of this class and in cludes , Tut key. oysteis , roast beef , vegeta ble's , pastry , puddings and toffee. Many friends of itho unfortunates eonlined theio called this moining bearing largo bundles of delicacies in their arms. Mrs. Oliver , wife of the self-convicted man wus seen slowly tolling up the steep loadvvn.v that lead to the ban od outer door. Show-as burdened with sovoiul bundles. Mrs. Hurictt , mother of the alleged muidcrer , Pete liariett , who will betaken taken to Minneapolis to-night , also called with several packages. AT HIE count nousn. The court house und city ofllccs weio al most entirely desct ted j estet day morning , the entire building being under the charge of the jnnltor who was Improving the day by giving several of the looms u , thorough cleaning and scrubbing. A vicvic roil XKWsuoi * . A feast wus served for the sttoet urchins yesterday morning by M. Hellnian&Co Both of thesnaclolls windows weio used forthcpur- PQSOf dining looms , and the lads hnd u line time. The bill of fare consisted of ojsters. toast turkey with cranbeiry sauce , bi cad and butter , pics , cake , Ice cieam and coffee. It is simply astonishing how much the av erage small bov can "stow away. " Some of them between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock ate as many as four times , and managed to get away w ith u square meal each time. The huge und cutlous crowd outside did not seem to spoil any of their nppetites. AT THE imron. Nearly all tht ough trains were late .vest crclav moining. Tlio oveiland mail was neatly live hours behind timo. Tlio tiavelwns lather light. Manv people of this city went to Council Hluffs to dine with ft lends there , and many cumo fiom that city to Omaha for the sumo purpose. The dining cars tunning out fiom the city seivo magnificent iliiineis to day , and the traveler will Hnd his enfotced absence fiom luunc on this dnj less disngicc- uble than expected. Tin : IIOTTIS. The Millaid hotel set veil a magnificent dinner to-dav , and the houseful of guests will f.ne sumptuously. This noted hostelr.v glows hi popul.nity dully , und the elegance with which their meals me set vcd entitles it to all its prestige. Ono of the most elegant dmncis ever served in the west was that given to the guests of the liaikcr. The dinner comprised eleven com sea and was enjojed by nearly two hundred guests. At the Windsor and Aicade , the spreads weio both elaborate und vai led , and n host of stiungeis nt each discussed the displav with mote than the usual Thuuksniviiig icl- ish. ish.Tho regular guests and a largo number of transients enjoyed a sumutuous dinner at the Paxton. Kvery imaginable luxury was served in a most satisfactory manner. The congregation hero was vciy large nnd the net vices more than usually intetesting. The musical piogrammo was as follows : Festival Mai eh 1. Haptisto Cathen Voluntaiy , "Tho God of Istael , Kossini Offeitory , "Mighty Jehovah Hossml Maroli Henry Small Sermon By Her. Goidon tOSflliri.ATWNAI. . At the Grand Opera house , the Thnnkspiv- ing berviees of the Congregational chin oh of this city attracted n largo audience , all the local pastors being present , with huge icpio- sentations of their various congicgatlons. The First church wns represented bv Uov. A. F. Shcrrill , 1) . I ) . ; St. Maty's Avenue , Uov. WillnrdStott ; Bethlehem. Her M. J. P. Thing ; Park Vulo Chapel , T. H. Ta\lor , superintendent ; Third thuich , Hev A. B. Penniman ; Saratoga , Kov. .T A Milhgun ; Oorman , Kov. F. II. Hructhert ; Chen\ Hill , Uov. J. A. Milligan ; Hillside , Kev. H. U. Uiano ; Park Place , Her. M. L Holt and Kev. J. L. Maile , state hiipeiintendent. TIio older of exercises consisted of u voluntarv , Iho hymn , "Old Hnndied , " scriptural read ing , unthcm , prayer , nddiess by Chancellor I. J. Mnnntt , of the Unheisity of Nebraska ; hymn ; uddiossbi Kev A. F. Shenill ; oiler- ing und offertory ; Thanksgiving pi-aver ; hymn , "M.V Country ; " benediction. The choir of the Fust Congicgulion.il church led in the hinging. LMTIII riiism : triu vv. This chuich wus also o\crllowins with n grand congiegntion The services opened with a psalm "Give thnnks to God for Good is Ho. " This u as followed by a psalm ' -PiaUo Yo the Lord and Give Him Thanks , " Apoweifnl and instructive sernyjn was pi cached b > Kev Williamson. * riUST M1TIIOIHST , At this cdlllco the decorations were charm ing , the congiegatlou largo and the hi'imon by Kev T. C. Clendunng one .especially ap- piopnato. ttllsT \PTIsT ( III IICH , Theio wns no unoccupied scats in this cdi- Ilco. The set vice wus us follows : Oi gun Voluntai y Holden Invocation , HjtniilhT Baptist H.Mimal Reading Scriptures F. W. Toiler l'iu\er Kev. H L. Houbo Anthem."O Loul , how Manifold aio thy Works. " Sot moil Kov. A. W. Clink 'I his was one of the finest of disc out scsUio reverend gentleman taking for his subject , "Faith in God the Nation's Hope nnd Sufetj " . Tree w 111 offoi ings Hjinn , No. liU. A vv u TO ri\r. THINKS. Gustare Andieen , propiictor of the Omaha Safe wonts , presented emplo\es.vostei day morning with a turkey anil a iJ note each. Theie wore twenty-live of them. toisTi AOKNf's WAIUIS. Vesterdar County Agent Mahoney sot un nppcti/ingtabhi for the unfoitunute MctlniK ( it llio poor house , and the latter did not full to uppieelato the spiead. niMI : ci.oTiinn. The nnnlveiHaij dinner at the rltj mlHsion at 4 o'clock last evening wus all the bootblacks - blacks , ncwibo.vs nnd street gamins had an- tiiipulcd. Owing to the energetic tffoits of tlio kind heat ted Indies identified with the mission , und the llboi ahty of the good lutlicH ami printloiiien of the Ity , there was un abundant ! ! uf tinl.cy , thicken , pies , cakes and other goodie * well calculated to tlcklo Iho palate und icgalo the Inner man. Besides - sides them wa a liberal donation of cast-off rlothliiff , and manv a lad l ft the mission la t night warmly clud and well fed. The young sters taking pait in the f"tlvltlcs behaved themselves nobly , and expieiised their ap preciation of what lud bean done for them by vigorously chegi luj their woviders. WOHTIMM AT Tire tui.i. PARK. There was a sllin uttondanco ntho Hvo pigeon and turkey sbpot at the base ball grounds yesterday nfternooiif but theiewns no end to the fun. Sovotnl seiub mntches were Itidttlgcd in , nnd some good scores were made. 1UI.IS ] . * T r.VFAMVO. The OmahaMneiincrchorsocietyrelebrated Thanksgiving with n dnnco nt Kessler's ' hall last evening. A largo eio\\d was In attendance - anco nnd twenty numbers \\ero danced. Variety was given to the occasion by the ! ien- till Ion of two songs by the Mnnni'ic.hor , "Auf den FrelcnSlchtcnhohn , " and' 'ThoSoldier's March. " Prof. Stelnhuuser's orchestra fur nished the music for the occasion. The man agers of the entertainment were I' Mecis , Louis .laeger. Themloro Bucslng , C. Living stone and Kobei t Wondt. The Omnha Meiclmnts1 Hxpioss company's employes chose 'I'lmnksgUIng nlKht as u lil ting tlmo to hold their firstunnual ball. Ono hundred and twenly-ll\e. jolly couples were In nttemlnnce. Tne Plnttsmouth orchestra furnished minin excellent music for the ihmceis. Supnerns sctvcd at mldnlKht nt Ouen's. K S Deter wns master of ceie- monies , and the Moor manasrerseto.l Kllck , T Kennedy , C Hellock. William Mu grave , C. Hajes , O. H. Kecd , T W. White and .1. A. Liinnan. iMioMisr.NT STIUNOFUS is TOWV. John C. Watson , of Nebraska Cili , ate tur- kej nt the Paxton. F 1C Oivis , of nixon. Til. paitook of Thanksgiving delicacies with friends In the city. city.Wlllium Wlllium Simpson , of Chiiago , dined at the Paxton. G. W. Shepaidson , of New Yoik city , dis cussed n western Thanksgiving dinner. A. S Ash. of St Louis , ate his ThnnUsglv- ing meal In Nebraska Mnx Slmnn , n prominent St Louisnnditied , jestciday In Omahn. C H. Pratt , of Kansas fit\ , sampled n brace of prairie chickens with fi lends H A. Hogun and C ! W. Je sup , of Phila delphia dined with fi lends. The I'ollceinan'H ThanKsgh lii . When n fellow is imbued with maitinl sen timent , And constabulary duty is the game , Ho occasionally meets with bomo Impedi ment And Is wont to cuss the day when he became A ] Kliccman. For when the great moguls have s.iid it , And the council stops our pay it's Just then fun When n fellow has to live on air and ciedlt , A i > oliceniati's lot is not a happy one. But when the enterprising bobby Is n staler. And keepeth down his irp for a spell , Ho can truly seek and llnd deep consolation Intending all the councilmen to well ! To Lincoln ; whole the Judges see things clearly , And declare uloud that justice shall be done , When the policeman knoclath out n city council A policeman's lot Is then a happv one. one.A O. T1IKMAOJUtJATj CLUll. A Miifjli'-.i and Dramatic ; Fcnst at the Grmul Opera. The musical nnd diamatic entertainment of the Omahn Mndngnl clui ) for the benefit of the icllef fund of Ouster Post. No. T , Grand Army of the Kepublic , was favoied with n laigc and nppieciutive audience lint evening. All the participants appeared at their best , and a most excellent nnd varied entertainment was picsentcd The follow ing is the piogramme : Oveiture , "Caprice Ilorojguo'1 Cde IContski ) 2nd U S Infantri Band. Quartette.Mj LadyissoWondious Fair Calkin Omaha Madngal Club. Kecitation , Genevia Cooledge Miss Mabel Fonda. Violin Solo , Witches' Dam es . . . Paganini Mr Niihan Franko Solo , The Hi cad Winners. . Cotsford Uick Miss Klmibeth 1'cnnell Recitation , A Thanksgiving Gioul Knk Miss Mabel Fonda Piano Solo. Hondo Diilllanto ( Mendelssohn ) Mine H Mnenteleiing. Solo , Staccatto Polka Mulder Mis. J. W Cotton. Oi chest r.i , Point-code Conceit , L'Ooean tin Bois Theiie Piccolo Solo. Mr. Kuhl Quartette , You Stole M.Loe . . . .Macfaiien Omaha Madugal Club Either Solo , Dueitissemcnt ftuin tlie Opetn Lucia di Lammetmoor . . . . Donuetti Mr Ivan Lcnnep KecitationWild/angeielluincostume ( ) . . . . Mi'Dowell Miss Mabel Fonda. Qunitctte , Bella Figlio .Vcidl Oinalm Maili ii.al Club. Band , Kecollcctions ot the War Bajcr Jnd U. InfantiBand. , . The Madi ii-'ul club is n cjuai tetto composed of Mis. J. W. Cotton , Miss iiiabeth Pen- noil. Mr. Thomas .1 Pennellnnd Mr. W B. Wilkms. All their icndltions weio win mil applauded , Iho song , "You Stole Mj Lore , " seeming par- tlculatli to please the audieiue. The staccato polka solo bj Mrs , J. W. Cotton was splendidly executed , and displajed the per fect control she has over her lieantifiil \ oice Thoiceitations bj Miss Mabel Fonda showed consideiable histiionic talent Her facial e\- piession is excellent and liore\erj motion full of grace ; this with her perfect imperson ation and musical and well modulated voice won for her the heaitiest plaudits of the audience. Pi of. Fianko as usual was far above nilcuticism , and dicw fiom his violin that wondurfulH exptessivc melody the secret of which Is onlj known to the master The xanio can bo said of Mr. Lennep. the yilhor phuer. The piccolo solo of Mr Hnhlo was desi'ivedly em died and ho appeal i d u second time All the selections bv the in- fnntrv band weio line , but the last , "The Kecollcctions of Ihe War , " pleased the mull cmo best. To the old war \etoran this se lection was full of leinlnlsceiucs On the wliole , the Mailligal club travo an cmteilam- nieutof which it may well bo pioud. NOT SO HIjAC'IC AH I AIXTii > . llojlo Claliim to Jlave Acted In Self- Defense An ln > cHlltailiii I'rolinlile , A charge of assault witli intent to Kill has been made against .lames Hojle , the man who had the thiilbng nnd bloodv struggle with Oflicer Ormsby In the patrol wagon lastSaturda ) night. For the. futthoianco of justice a stiict investigation into this aflalr is demanded. Boilo claims that ho was abused , and In self-defense , ho icsorted to force. Ho. is badly used up , and de mands that the routt in HH hearing of the matter peibo\eics in getting the fuels Theie- seems to bo a geneial icvulslon of feeling in favor of O'Bovle , nnd the opinion of main of the best citi/ens is that Oflicer Oimsbv got no worse than he deserved. It is claimed that the policeman made un un wan anted attack upon IJojle , who was slightlj undei the influence of liquor Ho\lo stated In the jiollro touit jestciday mom ing that the olnccr began clubbing him nnd he , supposing that Oimsby intended to Kill him , defended himself Fiom many prominent citizens who have known Hovlo for ycais.lt Is learned that ho Is far from being the bloodthirsty Indi vidual the papers have painted him. On the contiai v it 11 stated on the best of authority that liojlo Is n MeatU , hardwoiklng , peacealile man and It Is Intimated that a thoiough exnmiiiaiion will be inndo Into tlio tondutt of Onnsmhy. Kour DollaiN In Gold. Leo Sc hebcn , the npc nt for W J. Letup's westun buwtij , of St. LOUIH , Mo. , aruved in town Wednesday , nnd produced a tmioHitj which has been u munel to the bankers of this cltv H ih a com of gold slightly binaller and lighter than the Jive dollar piece , fash loncd Into a well simulated imitation of United States money in weight it is ono- llftli less than the half < agio , the milling and mint ing being t xi elli nth done , the ftatuien on the Goddess of Llbcitj mbeautj ami clear ness giratlv ex edlng those of the Ji\edol lar piece 'On the Llbnity sldo thoio Is n combination of Htnis and Itttors around the edge , one of the latter heliiff between twostarn and tending In consecutive order , G C G G S 7 G 7 C H A.M. On this s-Ido the coin bears the dalonf JS79 On the reverse , the piliiiipul fcatuio Is a fltar , on which aie stnmii.fl the woids , "one .Stella , W\ \ tenth " SunounduiK the star Is the Latin words ' 'K Plunbus I'num , DcocstGloiia " Thciro Is no knowledge of a four-dollar gold piece in United States money , yet this ono bears the Imprint of the United States mint in every feature. It Is claimed , however , Unit In ' 7'J ' seventeen of these coins WQIO stunk off and ono of these got Into Mr S < lichen's. tw en slon. Ho hus ulieady been offered ? 1W ) fof this curiosity. AN KAUIiY MOUMXU i.'inu. T. J. Uenrd * Mi- , ) , ' . Wnll Pnper Hen\ll ) DninnKed. An alat m nnnounclng the outbreak of n flrt In T. J. Heard & Hro's fancy wall pnper and paint shop , situated on the north slilo of Douglas , between Fourteenth mid Fifteenth Bit cots , was turned in nt 4i : : > this moriiliiff from box No. U. Four companies ro- sponded-Nos : I , 2. 3 and A. The bltuo was very html to locate. Dense volumes of smoke poured from the windows on Dmiglm street , giving the impression that n gicat Iho wns i aging. The ilremen attacked the ih-o fiom the alley and pouted vast ituaiililles of water into the building. At the hour of going to pi ess ft o'eloeli-tlie llic Is not jet fully under lontiol. The loss N imivsMblo to esthmite , but will foot up quite heavily , mnlnly from water , owing to the nature of the contents The origin of the lire could not be leaincd. Personal I' C. H. Cooki , of lloono , la. , isnttho Millurd. V. Allyn , of liioKtMi Bow , Neb. , Isat the Paxton. G. U. Mabis , of St. Jo-onh , Mo. , is at the Millnnl. Orliintlo To 111 , of A\ooti , Xcb. , is at the Millanl. k C. 11. Walkins , Deadwooil , Dak. , is at the \\MnilMii1. \V. II. 11. Stout , of Lincoln , Nob. , id atlbe Millaid. M. Shiiieriiian. of Dos Mollies , In. , Is at thoMlllatd. .1. T. In\iilson ) , of Mtisoatinc , la. , is at the 1'avion. M. M. Snydor. of Dos Moines , la. , is at the Windsor. .1. \Vat-on , of NebtaskaCitv , Nob. , is lit the I'avUui. H. 1 ( . KniK1. of Lincoln , Neb , , was iu tlio I'ity jostL-rilny. , ' L. H. MowhirtiM- Kapid City , D.ik. , iat the WindMir. David ( lobhart and wife , of Ia\tun , O. , is at the Millaid. L. A. Slioiiiian and wife , of Dinilap , la. , mo at the Millard. C. W. Bitting and family , ot Wichita , Kan. , are at thu 1 "avion. Messrs. .1. , T. Donal'.tio and Bornn TTart , of St. PUM ! . Is'eh. , is ut tlio Windsor. Mrs. ( . . H. llioh ntitl tliuijrhlor , of I'oeotohi , Idaho , are at Iho I'axlon. C. M. M.inisoii , of Oolriohs , Nob. , thou \u ) 1 1 known turfman , is at tlio 1'a.xton . Harris Franklin , of Deadwood , lak. , is at tlio I'avton. accompanied by lobuft Giahain of the fame jilaeo. A. C' . HeeKwith , tlio well Known capi talist of I Miiiston , W.\n. . irt at the I'ux- ton , on his return fiom a trip to the oast. oast.Paul Paul Hor-h. for some time at the Paxton - ton , has resigned. Ho nmdo ninny friends for himself and the house bj his ' polite \\ii\i and com tootin troatiuo'iit of all with whom he was brought in con tact. tact.C. C. U. Douoy.lio has boon in Chi- cajro for several \\ucl\s IMU-I , loUirned jostotdav and is spending a few days at the Millaid. bofoio ho leaves again for Now Yoik. Mr * . IVwej IB vi-iting friends in the oast. Senator M.uidorson jistenlaj re ceived a tolofjrnm infoiiiun him of the serious illness of his father in Phila delphia , and ho started for that city at ' once. The senator will yo from Ph'ila- dclphia to Washington. Yo-lordaj's arrivals at the C'oz tins house : Mis. Julia James , liuihiigton , la. ; William Aboidino , Clncapo. III. ; 'I' . M. Darraek , Lincoln , Nob. ; Trank C'assuly , Lincoln , Nob. ; II. B. Holers. Lincoln , Nob. ; . C. M. rinitinion ami wifo. St. Louix , Mo. ; Ira II. Jackson , Denver , Colo. ; Willis Kocers , oily ; Miss A. Snmlall , Lincoln. Nob. ; C. H. Hi own. St. Louis , Mo.S. ; L. Huob. Pine Hlnlls , W\o. ; S. W. Moshor , Piano , Nob. ; P. R Butler , Albion. Nob. ; C. A. P.onnott. Po ne.t , Nob. ; Mrs. 1) . < . ' . Pos tal , St. Paul , Minn. ; John Hajo , St. Paul , Minn. A Parisian Dandy. Tlio piMiuino Parisian iludo is an ovqnisito of the first water. His ov oiling dross is a jirofund study , almost classic in its pcvonty and yet ehio bcjoml the ken of onlinary humanity , SSI.VH the lobtoa Horahl. Ho wears two studs in his shirt front now , and hisoo.it collar lapolsmroof dull silk. Tlio length of his coat tails mi ht bo designated as * bobby , ' ' but lux waist- ooat is buttoncil rather hiuiior than it was last winlor ; his tie iiidiratc's onius , ami genius unadorned at that , for not a juvvoloil jiin of any sort relieves il.s im- maeulatoiH'.s- , . Putty ooloiod gloves without stitehlng on the back , are worn , and ho can ios a cane with an omlKHsod gold l.nob of a si/o that loadorH it im- liossiblo to ( , 'ct it In hisniQiith. Siicldnsr his eano ami iinttin < r Ills hands in Ills poekots bciii- ; , jiiolnliilcMl this season , ( hiilodom has to iclv on some ether moans U ) Keep its o < | iiilihriimi , but. just what the Parisian product hn adopted remains a seeiot. Doubtless .shall Know in good timo. BUFFALO BILL , CnrlHiilrSmokri Hall To-dim- Hi mi'h t inki nn in ( illinium In ntntlim Hint I Imro IIPM-I ! tli < " liiilli fmiiku Hull I nuuhl not In wltlHiiil uiii- I or H mmcl n ( ol.liir Ilirnut Irniilili Itlilnvul- iinlilit lit fin t " < i Hi ti-ii llmua 114 wt iithl In vnlil \ourx trulr. VM ! tnut iliutriilo Hill ) I'litarili , AMIium , llr < iMi.hllM. -Sc'iirnluhi. cjup. . l.uiu 1 rcnitk'l C IIH | tli . hint limy rulluvuil inn ) rpi i-illly curi < l ( Inn Imll ut iiiiiiilly fii'.it ( Ii nt Vlull orJur * : siuokn Ifi'il liy iniill I.'nnil 4ri'iit1 inmlHff Di IM llntur fnrlliuliloiHJ il iiiMitlniiiil A 1 IIKIi 'JKs'l1 M i ii nl inir ofllru idirlurs. bold CARBOLIC SMOKE'BALL ' COMPANY , Over 111 feouth riftfinth Stui-t , Omnlia , Neb. Win. NOT UNHOOK V/HILE BEING Wonr . lurry Uily wlm illkiitb jicrlf cliim In style mil liiii shnufil wmr them. Miniifictiitrn nnly hUia WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY Wurcnter , MJH. . , jml jisMxiUet ilicil , CM M Vl.l-.ll Ilk , full l " "l r > trie. ' " erf iW 61 % ST BCW YORK. FOUNTAIN FINIS CUT AND PLUG. Incomparably the Dast. , L O S T aWii" " .srFvouHr < ) lUHT thruimli < rrom and had prnrtfcng CU UOJ.J > N M2AJL CO , IVLocust8t ,