Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1887, Image 1

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    TI T.
M. Orovy Credited With Express
ing This Sontlmont.
Iiord Snllshury Not n Magnetic States-
tniin Kngllsh Politics King Carlos
Opening "I" 'lie
Clearly Homo One IH Ijylng.
PAUIH , Nov. B4. [ Now York Herald Cnblo
Special to the HKK.J A sensation was
caused In the lobbies of the Palais Bourbon
this afternoon by the rei > ort that Grovy dis
putes the accuracy ol an article In to day's
Hadlcal describing his Interview yesterday
with Henri Maret. According to Lo Hadicale ,
thu president , after hinting at the dangers
abroad which might result In his resignation ,
declared that ho was resolved to resign. I
Iterviowcd Marrt at the Paluis Hourbon to
day."Do you maintain the accuracy of the Had-
icul version of your interview with President
M. Maret ! "
"Absolutely , " was the leply.
"There's no possibility of your having mis
understood anything ! "
"None whatever. "
"Eh bii'ii ulors , It's clear some one Is lying.
I bog you to believe It is not I , What interest
nhoitld I have in doing so I" added Maret
after a pause. "I am not the president's
enemy. "
For the first time since the beginning ol
the crisis I noticed a number of suspicious
loafers prowling around the Quid do Orsn
nnil the chamber during the setting. They
had thu hang-dog mischievous look of pro
fessional demonstrators. A squadron ol
cavalry has been toll ! to guard the Klyseo to
night. Happily the wcmiiui * is wet anil
Not Kti Happort With Ills Constitu
ents Churchill and Goschcn.
Ifujnirli/lit / IMTby Jiuncf < ! i > nlini Jlcnnrlt.1
Losnox , Nov. " 4. [ New York Herald
Cable Special 1o the BIK. : ] English torie
are faithful to their leaders , especially II
those leaders arc in ofllce , yet I hear nuinj
murmurs among the elect about Lord Salis
bury's speech last night at Oxfoul. "II <
never gives us any encouragement , " snj
oven the most faithful of the Hock. " 1I <
does not seem to bo in touch with us or will
the people. " Ho the complaints go tin
rounds. Lord Salisbury will not hear them
His knowledge of what iroes on is Illletei
through a small and chosen few who do no
rare to tell him anything ho may no
like to hear. All the same
there is grout discontent , and agaii
the cry Is "Here , wo must bavi
a man in the ministry wholias more clement !
of popularity in and about him. " The minis
try answer : "Pray leave us alone. Wo an
very happy as we are. If you touch usdowi
goes the union. " The argument is effect iV' '
hut it is pressed too far when it is contentful
that the pru cut officeholders are the enl ;
prople who can save the union.
You do not hear much of it through oui
newspapers but there is a subject which stir
up more feeling in the country than oven tin
Irish question and that is the state of trade
Prollts decline and wages must decline
Also outcries against the the growing inllu.
of foreign goods arc universal. The Time
and other journals hero ignore all this am
boycott speeches and discussion upoi
it. Hut they were obliged t
record the fact that out of
thousand delegates to the conscrvativ
convention of Oxford .scarcely a dozen vote
against a proposition to place foreign eompc
tltion under some restraint. I have attendc
n great many meetings in various parts o
KiiL-hmd and had frequent opportunities u
judging public opinion and I do not hesltat
to say that tUo demand for moderate dutie
on foreign manufactures , perhaps on eon
grows enormously and springs from th
working classes themselves and a spcakt
who knows bow to handle this topic ca
easily drive all other questions into tli
nhnilo. The worklngmon say "Free trade a
round or duties all lounil. " This Is a powc
that must bo reckoned with before loni
What are the lory leaders going to do aboi
It ! Lord Salisbury would not say. II
only begged his friends to kci
In the background all issues that are viti
but they answer : "Wo cannot keep this i
the background because wo were elected !
push it to the front. " Lord Salisbury shriif
bin F.houlders. lie is in u cleft stink. Tlici
Is his recent ally , Mr. Coschen. ! Ho wi
brought to the ministry to ditch Lord ] { ni
ilolph Churchill anything and anybody t
shut tbi ) door fast against Churchill.
tiosehcn was borrowed snd baptised but 1
will not hear a whisper about duties on fo
elgn goods. Free trade is the last link wlik
binds him to him to his old party. Lay sa
riliglous lingers on that and like the Seote
man ho will go back again and tin
what is to become of the gre ;
conservative party I Lord Salisbui
Is blamed all round for saying little or not
Ing about the trade dlftleulty. You jvill si
little or no reason why ho cannot offend hewn
own supporters. Ho dare not offend M
Ooschon who stands between him and Lei
Hundolph , but the conservative membe
elected on this knotty subject cannot rema
silent. They are bound to move resolutio
in the house of commons and I know of I
tween eighty and ninety members who w
support it. The ministry could not prove
this. Mr. Goschcn might not like it but
holds u conservative pent and n eonservatl
ofllco and to oxpt > ct him to resign both is
set up much too high u standard of pub
virtue for days like these. In some respei
Gosehen Is master of the cabinet. Ho canii
bo sent buck to his own side labeled "i
turned with thanks" his own side do ji
want him. It must bo admitted ho never w
much usu to them. Having taken the to
shilling ho certainly is giving them his In
services , but the price is not cheap. I
presence in the ministry , it is now forma !
stated , means Lord Randolph's exclus !
from ofllce , but the conservative workii
men , of whom there are a hundred thousai
will Insist upon being heard upon that poii
Sooner or later there will bo a tremendc
uproar , especially when all the jobbery H
corruption in public affairs are brought
light , and before the session is far mlvuur
some startling development intiy bo seek
Important measures will also bo discuss
shortly In connecting with education
'rolaml. The Catholics Imvo long complain
that they have no endowments for thi
schools , the clergy going so far ns to ma
tain that this is the greatest of the Iri
grievances anil nn attempt to settle this tfi
cully Is Hkciy . nwto. Meanwhile all i
{ nforinntlou leads NIC to believe that the < , |
nmong the Parnellites Is' .really serious u
lhat matters ore not Uupiovcd . , by Mr. P ,
nell's alleged Interview with a press reporter.
His statement that he was never consulted
about the plan of campaign and acknowledges
no responsibility for It , Is a staggerer for
many of his party. Davltt's con
templations to nationals who
hide or run away from the iwllco Is also n
hard hit. The open and public difference be
tween the special force party and the parlla-
inentariansbecomes more acrimonious. These
tokens of dissension cause much sj > eculatlon ,
and I understand there is some anxiety felt
nmong thu Glailstonlan section of the homo
rulers. If these bickerings cannot bo kept
private-the Gladstonlans may bo plnce-1 In n
very unenviable position. One said privately
the other day : "We could win If it were not
for our Irish allies. " The Irish may possibly
return the compliment. Evidently the con
dition of the iiolltlcal atmosphere foretokens
n big explosion somewhere before long.
Tim King of Spain and Ills Preten
sions Id IllC HOIirhDIl Succession.
HiiiuiiTON , Nov. 31. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the HKI.1 : Don Juun do
Hourbon , father of Don Carlos , died hero
Friday last and the latter arrived Tuesday at
midnight in consequence , stopping at the
Clarendon Hotel with all his attendants and
suite. His personal friend and representa
tive In England , Earl Ashburncham , who Is
nlso nt the hotel , Is in charge of the papers
and effects of the dead father. Concurrently
with Don Carlos ui rival , statements are
made In some of the continental
and English newspapers that Don
Carlos through succeeding to his
father's claim to bo the rightful king of
'ranee would not impress himself and the
lourbon claim upon the existing crisis. Al-
hough in a period of mourning and grief ho
onsented for a few moments to see a Herald
oporter in the presence of Earl Ashburne-
am. Don Carlos gave a strong assurance
hat the rumor is perfectly grounded.
"Perhaps I can better explain his condition
11 relation to the subject , especially
vhilo the prince is so sad , "
uterposed the earl. "Hy the death
if the Ccinto do Cliambord Don .Tuun do
lourboti , that is Don Curios' father , became
he of the house of iJourbon and ,
.here-fore , by the Salic law the king Ac Jure
f France. Don Juim never , however , made
ny claim to this title , being a man of pecu-
iarly simple and retiring habits. Many years
ircviously ho had also abdicated his claim to
he throne of Spain in favor of his son , Don
'nrlos. ' Now Don Carlos considers himself ,
ibovo all things , a Spaniard in virtue , not
jnly of the Spanish blood which runs
n his own veins , but also ol
ill the Sp.inish blood whiohwas | shed for him
by his faithful subjects during the warol
s72. Ho has consequently , although of
ourso cognisant of his legitimate rights ,
irotmhly no intention of advancing unj
claim to the throne of Franco. "
Hut , " I said , "should bo refrain Trom
'nuking ' such claim will not the fact of his
.bus holding his hand , so to speak , tell uiV
tersely on any claim bis heirs may think
necessary to prefer ! "
'Don ' Carlos does not think so. Such is
iissuredly not his desire. Perhaps later t
categorical declaration will bo made on this
subject by Don Carlos , since ho has now
> ecomo , by the death of his father , the heail
of the house of Hourbon , as well as the legiti
nalo king of Spain , which ho was already bj
ils father's abdication. Hut the fact of hi ;
lot seeking to press his claim to the ciown o
France will not in any way prejudice uni
claim his heirs or successors may feel callei
ipon to make in this direction. "
To all of this Don C.irlos thoroughly as
Considering the painful circumstances eDen
Don Carlos' presence nt Brighton I did no
feel it necessary to further question him , bu
n private I asked Earl Ashburncham
' 'What Don Carlos'
are prospective move
incuts ! " '
"That is a diftlciilt question to answer , '
said Lord Ashburneham with a smile , "Hi
has just returned from a protracted sojoun
in South America. Ho came to Hriglitoi
from Venice yesterday. It is uncertain hov
loner bo will stay here. "
The conversation led to the father's death
"Ho died of heart disease , very suddenly , '
said Ashburncham. "Ho was sixty-thrc
years of age. Ho was a singu
Iarly retiring , unostentatious man
For all kinds of pomp no showed ho had i
natural dislike and was entirely devoid of an ;
political ambition. The funeral , which take
place to-morrow morning at the Church o
the Sacred Heart , will bo of an cntirel
private character and no invitations at
issued. The body is to bo kept in Urightor
but will in all probability bo removed t
Trieste , the burial place of the Spanis
branch of the Hourbou family ever sine
they were driven Into exile. "
Then , speaking for himself , Lord Ashburm
ham remarked that there appeared to n get
oral impression in Europe and America the
there were no other claimants to the thron
of France exceut Don Carlos and the Comt
do Paris , whereas , as a matter of fuel , tli
Alfonist branch of the house of Spain and tli
prince of the aranehof Naples and Palmn at
all nearer in the Icgimuto succession than tli
Orleans branch , the latter descending froi
Louis XIII wile the former descend froi
Louis XIV. "
In the invited Lord Ashbiirneham to giv
me for publication the opinions of Don Carle
in reference to the critical position of affah
in Paris.
"Thero is so littl" to say on this point ,
ho replied. "Since the death of the Coml
do Cliambord Don Carlos bus fo
quite disinterested. Ho has ceased I
take any special interest in Krone
politics. He , however , wishes well to th
country for which ho has a.sincere affection.
After this it was , jx-rhaps , hardly roasonab'
to expect an answer to the question , "Doi
he think the republic is drifting into serioi
peril ! " and indeed no further answer wr
"My own opinion , " said Lord Ashburn
ham , "is that Don Carlos is by no means an
mated by any sentiments of hostility to tl
French republic. "
Lord Ashburnelmtn has been acting fi
some years past as the unofficial represent
tivo of Don Carlos in England , and can
down on Saturday last , on being made awa :
of the fact of Don Juan's death , to take i > o
session of the body on behalf of Don Carlo
Hesides Lord Ashburncham Don Carlos
accompanied at Brighton by his brother , tl
Infant Don Alfonso and Don Alfonso's wif
the Infant Maria do Las Neuncs , the Chev
Her Hcsaldiza and Father James Hayes ai
Captain Merry , formerly an oftlcer in tl
service of Charles V. though , as hi * nnn
Implies , nn Englishman.
Francis Connolly Tried for Uhln
Seditious Language at Hyde Park.
| Copi/i Mit tfSJ l , > t Jame * ( T.inJoii Htmutt. ]
LONIKI.V , Nov. .M. [ Now York Hera
Cable Six.-eial to the Une. ] There was
t-lH-cies of the Most cs. o to-day In the Ho
street court before Sir James Ingrams. O
Francis Connelly , aged twenty-seven ycai
was on summary trial. "Charge Using sedi
tious languargo at Hyde park on Sunday
week. Intent To Incite riot. " Two strong
constables , who were In plain clothes there
pave testimony that the prisoner's words
were these : "I intend to go down to the
square this afternoon and I intend to take u
stick and I Intend to use It ,
Mind , I don't tell you to use u
stick , but if a policeman strikes mo I will
strike him back. I have a good sound oak
stick that came from Mltchcltown , and Its
got a drop of Shinnlek's blood ujwn it , and it
has helped to kill one policeman and It may
help to kill another , * * * * \Vc wish
to tell you this , that It Is our Intention to go
down to Trafalgar square every ! Sunday till
wo are allowed to meet. If wo cannot meet
In public let's us do the same as the Fenians
did In lbf > 0. Let us meet In private. It Is our
duty , It is your duty , It is a. public
duty to meet In Trafalgar square , but If wo
can't meet there let us meet here. Let us
split up into several parties , some go there ,
bomo here. We are millions and the police
are few. They cannot bo everywhere. * *
* * * Let them come In their thousands
and you can como in your hundreds of thous
ands. Youdonotneedtobringsticks. There
are better weapons hero than bay
onets. Pull down these railings
and stick them into their guts. I went to the
square and if I had ot into it I would have
told the people there what I toll you now , If
wo were 8r > ,000,000 Instead of the 5.000,000
that wo are we would have killed every in
fernal policeman , "
The counsel for the accused admitted the
language but pleaded to have the case sent tea
a jury nntf not summarily disposed
of , so that the legal question might bo
raised. "Are such words , unaccompanied by
acts , liable to punishment ! " Hut the magis
trate refused and held the accused in high
bonds to keep the peace. This was done
under a Victoria statute which , by the way ,
was copied into the New York special ses
sions amendment act , laws of ISM , and forms
now section 1-l.VSof the municipal consolida-
tian act , subdivision 'i.
Another case heard , with another convic
tion and holding In bonds for the peace , was
that of Henjamln Somerville , who used this
yet more violent language : "I have done
Warren to-day , for I spoke for five minutes
on a 'bus and if I had had a revolver or a life
pioservcr I would have used it. I would not
Imvo thought of the other world , l huvo
como hero to picceh sedition and
mean to do SO. I have
preached sedition all my life. Next Sundy
come better armed with sticks or anything
else. I mean to go armed and if you meet
with force , use force. Don't forget MS
and Hyde park. When the railings were
pulled down I helped to pull them down. If
they stop free speech there will bo secret
meetings , then there will be dynamite used.
The nights are getting dark. Don't forget
the Curlton club and Park Lane. This will
be a second Pcterloo with Warren
and his crew. I would like to
hang him on a lamp post ,
or worse than that , burn him and do away
with that feather bed robber , the Duke ol
Cambridge. They are going to put another
in his place. Don't forget to como around
next Sunday. "
This accused did not oven claim to be in
Much interest is felt by the authorities a ?
to the result in the Most case.
All Well on the Alva.
& 7 Iiy Jainm Ron/on Ilcnnctl. \
r > ov. 23 [ Now York Horali
Cable Special to the Hei ; . ] The Alva sailei
Monday for Palo , and will probably be a
/era to-day , thence to Cotturo , Corfu , Constantinople
stantinoplo and Alexandria. All well 01
Gould at Marseilles.
[ rupi/i / lulit ItS ! liy Jflnicf ( Inrtlun llemtett. ' }
MAII UIM.EH , Nov. 23. [ Now York Horali
Cable Special to the HKI : . ] Jay Gould am
family arrived hero yesterday and went fo
u visit to Nice to-day by rail. Tin
Atlanta bus been hero since the I''th await
ing stores and a steam launch from Nev
Blnlno Dines AVItli Morton.
[ CiifuifS67 ) | ; fiy Juinr * ( iiinliin llfnnrtl , }
PAUII , Nov. 23. [ New York Herali
Cable Special to the Hm.l : Hlaino dinei
with Morton to-day. Morton leaves for Lon
don to-morrow to spend a week there. Th
weather is mild and rainy.
Opening ol'llu ; German KelcliHtnfj.
HK.UI.I.V , Nov. 24. The reichstag wu
opened to-day. Minister William Hoettiche
read the speech from the throne. The speed
was substantially ns follows : Germany , ii
her foreign policy , has successfully endeuv
ored to strengthen the peace of Europe b ,
the cultivation of friendly relations with a !
of the powers by treaties and alliances aim
ing to avert the danger of war and to jointl ,
oppose any unjust attacks. Germany has n
aggressive tendencies. She has no wantst
bo satistled through victorious wars. A :
unchristian disposition to surprise noighboi
ing peoples is foreign to German nature nin
to the constitution of the empire. The mil :
tnry organisation of the country Is not calcu
lated to disturb the peace of her neighbors b ,
arbitrary attacks. Germany is strong ii
parrying surprises and in defending her it ;
dependence. She wishes to become so stron
that she can face with composure every dot :
ger. TbS resumption of the roiehstag come
at a serious time. The grave complaint wit'
Which the crown prince has been visited 1111
the mind not only of the emperor but of hi
august allies and the whole of Germany wit :
anxious care. Nothing that human scieiic
and knowledge and careful tending can d
Will bo loft undone. Our eyes and prayer ?
however , are directed towards God , whos
decrees rule the destinies of nations as wel
as that of individual man. Firm eonf
denco in God and a faithful fultll
ment of duty have been in u !
times , especially grave moments , tried suj
porters of our people , and they will now als
enable us to do Justice to the labors awuitin
the legislature. There has been u gratifvin
Improvement In the llnancial condition of th
country , and it is expected that next yea
will show a surplus of nearly 0OOU,00
During the reading of the speech Miniate
Von Hoettischer was often interrupted b
applause and enthusiastic cheers. At th
close Van Hoettischer , having declared th
reichstag open , Herr Wcdell Piesdorff , pres
dent of the body , called for eheer.s for th
emperor , which were given with enthusiasn
The president , in his opening addres !
alluded to the serious nature of the illness c
the crown prince and the grief of the com
try over his fate. Anxiety concerning hi
condition relegated all other thoughts to th
background. The members would Join In th
president's aid in expressing the sorrow un
declaring that they placed their confident
In God's grace and mercy. Ho aske
authority to convey these sentiments to th
emperor and to send the .following telegrai
to the crown prince :
The reichstag , in profound reverence an
cordial love , thinks of your imperial hlghnes ;
May God protect your precious life and pn
servo it for the salvation of the fatherland.
The deputies listened to the address stain
ing and unanimously approvcdtheprcsiaent
Hlliot to Form a Nv Cabinet.
PAIH * , Nov. 24-Grevy has requested Rib.
to form a new cabinet and charged him i
convey to the chamber his message of rcsl ,
nation. Hlbot consented but advised Grevy
that as n message was a political act , the
tenor of which required the approval of the
cabinet , the president ought to confer with
the retiring ministers. Grcvy accordingly
summoned Kouvier and his colleagues. The
Hibot cabinet will probably include M. Flou-
rcns , M , Waldcck , Rousseau , M. Sade , Carnet -
not and General Kerron.
Hadleal Journals strongly oppose the elec
tion of General Sausslor to the presidency.
It is reiwrted that Hibot In a second Inter
view with Orevy advised the president to re
tain the Kouvier ministry in oftico until ho
had resigned. _
American nanquet In Merlin.
HHUI.ISNov. . 2-1. A Thanksgiving banquet
was given by the American colony nt the
Hotel Arnim to-day. Poudleton , United
States minister , presided.
Pcndleton , in his speech , referred In very
feeling terms to the crown prince , remarking
that there were no human ills which human
sympathy was unable to alleviate. At the
instance of Chapman Colcman , first secretary
of the American legation , it was unanimously
resolved to send the following telegram :
"Americans In Herlln offer their most heart
felt sympathy with the crown prince in his
sufferings and their best wishes for his carlv
return , restored in health , to his people and
their hospitable capital city. "
Ponce DelcgutcH Hut urn.
Losiio.v , Nov. 24. The peace aibltration
delegates who arrived at Queenstown to-day
speak highly of their reception in America
and express themselves as hopeful of good
results from their visit. They say they found
old Jealousies giving way to generous interest
in English affairs.
ProtostH on O'Brien's Treatment.
Di'iiMN. Nov. 24. A crowded meeting was
held hero to-day to protest against the treat
ment of O'Urien by the Tullamoro jail
authorities. Lord Mayor Sullivan acted as
chairman and seven English members of the
house of commons were present.
Sullivan Seven Times Summoned.
Driii.ix , Nov. 24. Lord Mayor Sullivan
has received seven summonses for publishing
in his paper the proceedings of suppressed
branches of the League. His trial will begin
the 1st of December.
Funeral ol' Scliolton Victims.
Dovcu , Nov. 21. Five thousand people at
tended the funeral to-day of the victims of
the W. A. Scholtcn disaster. There was u
general suspension of business in Dover. The
queen has sent a message of sympathy to the
bereaved families.
Crofters Honied.
LosnoK , Nov. 54. The crofter movement
for the extermination of deer on the Isle of
Lewes collapsed on the appearance of a force
of police. Troops have been sent to prevent
a renewal of the attempt. There has been
lieavy slaughter of deer.
Sugar Bounties Conference.
L.OXDON , Nov. 24. The sugar bounties con
ference was formally opened to-day. The
foreign oftico gave a banquet to the dele
Tenants Reinstated.
LONDON , Nov. 21. Ono hundred and
thirty of the Gwecdoro tenants have been re-
nstatcd. Their arrears of rent have been
reduced 2,500. TltVo Is great rejoicing
among the tenantry , j *
Decided to J'rosocutc.
Nov. 24. 'I ' 'A ' government has de
cided to prosecute Masjand ) Shcehy , nation'
alist members of parliament.
Dillon Elected Pr , ldcn < of the Ore-
Ken Companies.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 34. [ Special Telcgran :
to the HKI : . ] The Tribune says : Elijal :
Smith has resigned the presidency of tin
Oregon Trancontinental company and Sid
ney Dillon has been chosen as his succes
sor. It has been known for some time thai
radical changes in the management of tht
Oregon companies were about to bo made
and the return of Henry Villurd to contra
of the Northern Pacific at the recent electioi
was merely a prelude to his further rcstoru
tion. H has been supposed that Mr. Villarr
would take the presidency of the Oregon A
Transcontinental , us ho might have taker
that of the Northern Pacific. His agreement
with his/.ulin friends was modified so that lu
could oecomo a director of the Northern Pa
cilic and possibly it might have beer
stretched to enable him to bo ii
nnnio as well ns in fact n controllint
power. The fact that Dillon and not Villari :
succeeds Elijah Smith in the presidency ol
the principal Oregon company will bo a snr
prise to Wall street. The change will nol
take place until December 1 , but it was agrcei
upon yesterday. Sidney Dillon said , aftei
ho knew that the change had been made
"There cannot be two presidents of ono com
pany at one time. 1 think street rumen
must bo false. I don't bcliovo you havi
heard any such stories. "
Parsons , who remembered the diftlcul
ties that were encountered in makiiif
up the Northern Pacille ticket , ex
pressed the opinion that Dillon had beet
made president of the Oregon Trans
continental company through Villard inter
ests. Some of the directors who urged Vil
lard to take ofllco were most emphatic in tin
statement that the selection of Dillon was i
disappointment to Villard. This undoubtedly
is the speculative view , which has no gooi
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 24 , [ Special Telcgrau
to the Hr.K. ] Arrived Tlio Statoof Nevada
from Glasgow.
HMovn.LE , Nov. 24. Arrived The Devonla
from Hoston for Glasgow.
Qi UKNVTOW .v , Nov. 24. Arrived Tin
Gcrmaniu , from New York.
Soi-riiAMi'TON , Nov. 24. Arrived Tin
Travo , from New York for Bremen.
HOSTOX , Nov. 24. Arrived. The Kansas
from Liverpool.
Organizing a Fuel Gas Company.
ST. Louis , Nov. 24. Parties from Penn
sylvunin have arrived in this city forth' '
purixjso of organising a big company to oi
erato a fuel gas plant. The plan is to inunu
facturo gas at a central point in n coal dis
trict of Illinois Just east of this city am
bring it hero in pipes. It is expected that i
million or more dollars yill bo expended 1 :
the cntorprpriso. ,
Aii Elopliunt'a Grnli.
Hitinar.roiiT , Conn. , Nov. 24. [ Speclu
Telegram to the HEK. ] Drs. Sequin am
Godfrey have secured and examined th
stomach of Alice , Jumbo's widow. It wa
found full of hay , and in the hay was foun
between three and four bundled pennic'
part of a jack knife , a Job lot of cane fei
rules , a coil of lead pipe and a collection o
assorted pebbles.
A Itlot In
PiTT-nt'iin , Nov. 24. A riot occurred o
Bedford avenue to-night between member
of the notorious "Owl" gnr.g and som
twenty-live Italians living in the ncighboi
hood. Pistols , knives and stones weio use
promiscuously. Two men were shot an
twelve or tifteen othcn , otherwise injuiciJ
but no person was killed.
Itnln Checks ilic Foreht Fires.
MKMI-IIIS , No\\21. HciKirts from the sut
rounding country indicate a general hcav
rainfall and the quenching of HID forest fires
which for the past week have been so d (
l"iitenie's Condition.
, Nov. 21 , Thn report of th
illness of1 exEmprossiEugrulo Was gi'eatl
She ntict > out'v/aJkiiit' daily.
DoincKj-atlc Loaders Considering a
Compromise on the Tariff.
The People of the Several Territories
Confident of Admission at the
Coming Session of
Capital News.
The Tariff.
WASIIISOTON , Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] On Saturday of last week
Speaker Carlisle mailed a letter to Congress
man Sam Kandull at Philadelphia. The let
ter was written ut the president's suggestion.
It was very brief. In it the speaker in
formed Mr. Hundall that ho desired u privuto
conference with him mid asked the latter to
Hx upon the earliest day possible for the
purpose. Yesterday Mr. Handall's reply
was received. Ho hoped , ho salil , to return
to Washington cither the 2Ud or 24th inst.
Within the next few days following his re
turn bo would endeavor to accommodate Mr.
Carlisle by meeting him us ho desired. An
intimuto friend of Mr. Carlisle , from whom
the following Information was received , says
the object of the conference will bo to secure
an expression of Mr. Handall's views
upon the subject of tariff reduction in the
Fiftieth congress. The conference will bo
strictly private. There will bo no one pres
ent but thu two gentlemen in question. If
Mr. Handull will meet the low tariff demo
crats half-way some compromise measure maybe
bo agreed upon and passed this winter.
Should ho refuse and manifest u dlsK ] > sition
to pursue his past obstruction policy then Mr.
Carlisle's friends say Mr. Uandall must look
out for himself.
When the Hr.u representative Inquired
what was meant by this declaration ho was
told that it meant that Mr. Handall would bo
regarded by the tariff reformers precisely as
a republican protectionist would be. with all
that the term Implies. When asked If it
meant the removal of Mr. Hundall from the
chairmanship of the appropriation committee ,
the reply was that that mutter would bo
further considered after Mr. Kandall had
stated his iiltimation. Hy inference , however ,
the UKI : correspondent was led to beliovetbat
anything short of a liberal spirit of dealing
with the tariff question would result in Mr.
Handall's removal from his present position ,
and his assignment to one of much less dig
nity and power.
Morrison Has the Mopes.
WASHINGTON' , Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram
to the Bun. ] One of the saddest men In the
city to-day is Inter-State Commerce Commis
sioner Morrison. Ho seems to wander
around his hotel us if lost und unxious for a
time to make a spurt and pass over a year or
two. One of t'no things that makes him par
ticularly snd is the increasing talk of some
tariff reform bill passing congress this ses
sion. It is a well known fact that Morrison
is not satisfied with his position on the com
mission anil hutcs to think of himself us
being shelved when congress is ubout to
enter upon a most lively time. It is aggra
vating , to say the least , for him to think ,
after all his troubles and worry over a tariff
bill , to flnd just at this time that ho is out in
the cold ; that some reduction is likely to bo
made , or , at least , democrats so think.
Hut Morrison for the last few weeks
has been busying himself ubout tlio depart
ments. Ho has been at the postofllco depart
ments as of old , looking after appointments
and seeing that things are being kept straight
under a view of helping himself when the
time comes. Although his friends deny that
ho thinks of resigning his present position ,
yet there arc many who state positively that
Morrison at the next congressional election
Will run for congress from his old district.
Everything is being worked to that end. His
fences are being repaired , and ho expects to
enter the battle with renewed vigor. There
arc many hero who pity Morrison in his pres
ent position , and as ho sniffs the coming bat
tle from afar he cannot but feel restless rtnd
anxious. It will be still harder for him to go
to the capital this winter and hear the fiery
debates on the floor of the house und not be
able to rush down the aisle und gain the eye
of the speaker and take once more his posi
tion ns leader of one of the democratic rings ,
Therefore it is no wonder that Morrison
wants time to hurry up.
Admission of Territories.
WASIIIXOTOX , Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram
to the HIM : . ] Letters just received from
Utah , Dakota , Washington and Montuiu
ten Itories state that the people there do nol
take any discouragement from tlio announce
ment that no territories are to bo admitted t (
statehood till after the next presidential eleo
tion. They say they will send delegation !
hero the Hrst of the year with arguments am
propositions which cannot bo refused uni
that there can bo little doubt that they wil
get admission acts through at this session
They do not ask for the exercise of any stati
functions , such as participation in elections
until after Uio election next November. It i
stated tlmtTtho president is more favorably
Inclined io consider their propositions thai
formerly and that the democrats in the housi
are very much divided. Tlio prospects un
bright just now for at least three new states
" ' o Young Montreal Girls the Vic
tinis This Time.
MONTIIIMI. , Quo. , Nov. 21. Another eusi
whereby two young girls were decoyed awa ;
to the states for immoral purposes has jus
come to light. A very respectable French
Canadian family who reside at the West Em
have relatives in Lowell , Muss. Tlio famil ;
is composed of three girls and a young mai
about twenty years of ago , all of when
worked In the city. A cousin , who workei
in u factory in Lowell , about six months agi
sent letters to her cousins hero asking then
to come on til ere and they could get employ
ment easily at largo salaries. Tlio girls dii
not like to leave home , but finally ono o
them got out of her situation , and as tin
cousin in Lowell was still asking them ti
come , two of the girls , aged sixteen urn
twenty-two years , started some four montni
ago.They were met by the cousin , who was i
fashlonablo girl , and who stated that she wil' '
about to bo married and had not been work
ing in the factory there for some weeks past
She would , however , get the girls employ
ment ut the residence of a lady friend of lien
who was looking for servants. They wen
conducted to the house , n very fashionabli
one , and were offered good wages and lin
clothes , with very little work to do. The ;
agreed , and wrolo homo conveying the new
ot their good fortune to their parents. 1 lie ;
remained in the house about a month und mi
t It-oil that there were several other girl
there , who received visitors frequently. On
evening an incident occurred which arousei
the Montreal girls' suspicion , and finally th
truth began to dawn u | > on them. They guv
notice that they would not remain in th
house longer , whereupon their employe :
made propositions.but of no avail. They to !
egraphed homo and their brother hastened t
Lowell , where ho met his two sisters an
brought them homo. Tlio cousin could mi
bo seen around , and no search wus made fo
Wcalhi-r Indications.
For Nebraska. Generally fair , sligbtl
warmer weather , light variable winds , get ;
erally from east to south.
For Iowa : Fuir weatho- , light to frcs'
variable winds , nearly stationary tcmpcn
turo.For Eastern and Central Dakota : Ocnci
erally fair weather , except in northern jKir
tion , followed by local snows , , colder , light t
fresh variable winds.
Yale Bi at Harvard anil Iiolil h Uni
versity Downs the Cornell Team.
NcttroiiT , Nov. 21. The great game of
ootbull between Harvard and Yale to-day
vas witnessed by 20IHX > people. It was a
plcndid struggle and ended in favor of Yale ,
lie score being 17 to 8.
The huge audience wus extremely enthusU
istie und the noise mudo by the yelling col-
egiuns alumni and Indies who took uppar-
ntly equul Interest in the contest , was
rlgntful. Everywhere bunches of ribbon
trcamers and Hags fluttered. Yale's blue
iredomlnuted , Hurvurd's crimson eumc
icxt. und Culnmblun , PrhiiTtonlaii , I'nlon
Vesleyan and Pennsylvania colors went to
nuke up us bright und pretty a picture as
an bu imagined. Not only were the cheers
if the contestants and their usioclutcs heard ,
jut Prlneetimiun and Columbian cries worn
ilso sent forth. The Columbia * favored
larvard , while Princeton wus inclined
owurd Yulo. When the gumo was con-
lulled the crowd swarmed all over the Held
n the wildest excitement , sweeping fences
ml ropes before them. The victorious play-
rs were borne off the Held by their follow-
veanu's of the bbu\ For tQ-night Yale bus
dopted Harvard's colors and is putting crini-
on nil over the city.
Foot Ilaue Trial Heats.
Pitn.u > r.i.rnu , Nov. 21. Trial heats in the
HO-yurd handicap foot race were run at
Ccho park to-day. The sprinters were from
nil parts of the country. There were sixty-
our entries , and when darkness stopped the
port there remained only the following , who
vlll run the deciding heat on Saturday : P ,
I. Delee. of Hopkinton , Mass. ; Petei
'riddy , Pittsburg ; P. .1. Griffin , Burlington ,
Vt. ; C. O'Brien , Holyoke , Muss.
Philadelphia's Walking Match.
PitiiAiiKU'iiiA , Pa. , Nov. 24. Little WooO
still keeps ahead of the record und his
Heads believe ho will beat it. The follow
ng wus the score at 11 p.m. : Littlewood
40 ; Albert , 417 ; Noremac , tllll ; Panchot , 41X1
Slson , ! ! jS. _
I'nlversity Beats Cornell.
EI.MIHA , N. Y. , Nov. 21. The football con
cst to-day between the Lehigh university
mil Cornell university teams resulted : Lo
ilgh US , Cornell 10.
Itosallnd Wllkes AVIno.
MMIIHISANIA , N. Y. , Nov. 24. Tlio grca
trotting match between KoMilind Wilkes am
iCenilworth , on the Fleetwooif truck , tool
ilace to-day and was won by Kosalind ii
.hree straight heats in ! J'JI94',2aiJ4 : : and 22'J ;
Illinois Democrats Denounce tin
SprliiKlleld Postmaster.
CliiCAno , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram ti
the But : . ] State Senators Stephenson
Seller , Biggins and Fornian have ready fo
tiling the charges against H. W. Clendenin
postmaster at Springfield , with Posmastc
General Vilas. The document is a legu
brief. Mr. Clendenin is the defendant in tin
printing combine case which occupied s <
much attention ut the bunds of the Icgisln
turo lust winter. The postmaster general i
not asked directlj to remove Clendenin , bu
nnrff presenting their charges the senator
ask : "In Olfadcnln a proper person to b
retained in the Important position of post
master at the capital of our state , 2Jid that
too , by u party which came into power miin
ing the most sacred pledges to economical ! ;
ndmlnster governmental affairs , and reforn
the public BorvicoP1 They assert that th
public press has condemned Mr. Clondonin
: uid file u lot of extracts from papers will
Vilas. They cluim that the republican vet
shows a steady decline in the republican mil
jority in the state , but they say the demo
crats t-uii wage no successful war on the !
adversaries if the highest authorities in the !
own party retain in public ofllco ono of th
participants in the greatest state Kcandu
which ever disgraced them.
Premier MacDonald's Political Pres
eiits and Promises.
OTTAWA , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram ti
the BII : : . ] In connection with the endeavo
to unseat Sir John MacDonuld on the ohurg
of bribery and corruption , the following teli
gram was received hero from Kingston as
result of the investigation now going on
There ore thirty-nine charges of bribery b
giving or promising to give money for vote
in the protested election of Sir John Mai
Donald. In several other cases , wood worl
traveling expenses , and presents uro amoii
the Inducements offered to get votes for th
premier. Ono party received carpet an
other goods below cost on promising to vet
the right way , while the premier is said t
have made a vote by promising to use his Ii
llucnco to get the voter's grandson out of th
reformatory. The affuir has caused consii
crablo excitement naturally , in political ci
cles , und the result is anxiously looked for li
Sir John's politiial friends. If unseated i
Kingston Sir John will sit forCarletonwhk
he now represents jointly with Kingston.
. - * -
Sparks' Humored Successor.
DKAXSAS CITV , Nov. 21 , The Journal prln
a statement to-day announcing the appom
ment of Judge John F. Phillips , of KUIISI
City , us commissioner of the general lai
oftico to succeed General Sparks. Judf
Phillips , In an interview , said li'j hud receive
no information whatever that such an a
pointment hud been made. Ho was great !
surprised at the report. Judge Phillips
presiding judge of the court of appeals , th
city. Ho served throughout the warns
lieutenant colonel of cavalry in the Unir
army , was u doleguto to tlio democratic coi
volition of istis , a member of tlio forty-fourl
and forty sixth congress and served in lh"
with Secretary Lumar on the congressioni
cfmimitteo investigating the Huios-Tildu
election in South Carolina.
Thanksgiving in tlio Kastern States ,
Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 21. As fur as reportc
there were no unusual features conneeU
with tlio observance of Thanksgiving di
throughout the eastern states. Biisine
everywhere was practically suspended , lion
gatherings to Thanksgiving dinner were go
oral und there was a grc
rush of collegians and otln
to participate In and witness numerous fo
bull und other uthletlo exhibitions. Chun
services were fairly attended , theaters we :
crowded and the charitable did not forgi
the poor.
In Washington the President and Mr
Cleveland attended union services at tl
Fourth Prcsbj terian church. Subsequent
they ate Thanksgiving turkey at Oakvie\
having us guoits three young lady friends i
Mrs , Cleveland , Tlio observance of the di
lifter tlio New England fashion appears to 1
coming into general use in the south , as i
dicated by reports to the Associated press.
The National Opera Company.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 24. [ Special Tel
gram to the Hcc. ] The National opura gai
of ' "Tu
a mugniilcunl production Wager's
nehuuser at the Grand opera house. Tl
vocal and dramatic work which go hand
hand in this opera were grandly given 1
such artists as Elvi Sylva , the great drumat
tenors ; Mine. Fursclt-Madl and Willia
Ludwig , Frank Vettu , Alonzo Stoddard , et
The choral and orchestral work was iitfn
rubly given under tlio direction of Gustir
HeinricliR William Hock , master of stage (
feels , pioiluced some exceptionally line stui
spectacles. The performance wits in ull i
specls u triumph for national openi.
Hurlal I'liicit For Anarchists.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. The anarchist dcfcn
committee to-day Bt'iectcd a plot of ground
AValdhelm wiwtory in which to bury t !
live dead anarchists. The plot contai
ubout UXX ( ) square feet of ground.
The Head of the Knights of
Determined to Retire.
The Better Part of UN I.llVi Hacrfc
liced In Honest Endeavors to
Build ITp and Strengthen
I ho Order.
Itr-solved to Itettre , , Nov. 21. General Mastof
iVorhman Powderly , of the Knights ol
-abar , in response to a request from n protnU
lent knight of this city , urging him to rccon
sldcr his announced ill-termination to rctlrd
rom the leadership of the order , has written
n letter lit which lie says he cannot consist *
cntly do so and that it would bo unfair to aslc
ilm to retain the position , whlcW
10 does not want and which he Irt
confident another man can fill to better
advantage to the order at largo. During the
mst year ho has received thousands of com
munications from individuals , in which ho
was abused , condemned and asked to resign.
The papers wore full of abuse , threats of im-
leuehment were made and threats of with
drawal from the order freely indulged in.
ilo has never hud any fault to find withJ
ils ofllciul treatment , but believes
ho best service he can render the order
is to step aside and allow some other member
do the work ho is trying to do. tils lift ? , ' ,
since taking up the cause of labor , has been
one constant struggle against the enemies ot
labor and elements of discoid. Such n llfo
has been most exciting anil has left him a
legacy ho never can part within tho1
shape of heart trouble which may ,
do its work ot any moment ? . *
"It would not bo becoming for me , " nddoit'
Mr. Powderly , "to speak of thu financial
sacrifice 1 have made for the order , but 1 am
free to say that 1 would bo willing to inuko
the same sacrifice- again to either health ,
wealth or comfort. 1 have for eight ycur .
striven as honestly as 1 knew how to better
the condition of my fellow-workmen by belp
ing to build au orguni/ation through which
they would bo protected In thelc ,
rights. That orgniiiratUm is built , but
profane bands have been laid upon it. The
men who gathered at Chicago and gave out
that hostile declaration to the world did so
only because anarchy could not rule the
order. 1 do not charge all those who attended
the meeting in Chicago with being anarchists.
but I claim that a vast majority of them did
not represent their constituencies. "
Pennsylvania Aline TronhleM.
POTTSVII.U : , Pa. , Nov. 21.- About llfty ex-
ecutlvo officers of Knights of Labor assem
blies and minor organizations met hero to
day to consider the Lehigh region coal strike.
It was resolved to Issue a boycott against
the Lehigh Valley road and the Snsquehunna
division of tlio Central Kuilroud of New Jer
sey. Committees were appointed to issue
appeals to the public for aid , and to confer
witli President Cochin , of the Kcuding road
and others with a view to a settlement of the
troubles. A special appeal for aid will bo
i.du ; to the miners of the Mahoning region.
PS .Ucady to Strike.
Kn , Nov. 24. It is thought that
: t,000 brewery employes will strike Tjiesday
morning because of u circular to bo issued irf
them to-morrow by the brewery establish.
ments , informing them that their union will
be no longer rccogni/ed because the contract
muilo with it lias been brtiken. The trouble
grows out of the attitude of the brewers'
union ordering a boycott of three of the Hi ins
for using malt made by non-union maltsters.
Another Version ol' the Trouble Be .
tween Bird City and Wane.
Hum Cur , Kan. , Nov. 21. [ Special to tha
HKI : . ] The note which appeared in the Usn
of Monday regarding the election held In thh
county Friday was incorrect. The election
was not for the selection of the county seat ,
but for the election of county ofllcers. The
majority of votes , according to the count ,
were cast for Hird City candidates instead of
Wane. The Wane faction came to Bird City
before daylight Saturday , armed to the teeth ,
and took possession of the court houso. No
attempt was made to dislodge them , though.
the homesteaders of the cast side Hocked to
town as the news spread , mid were only do-
terrcd from moving upon the court house ,
with a view of driving out the intruders , by
determined efforts on tlio part of the peace
fully inclined of this place. The court room
was u fair imitation of an arsenal
during the stay of the Wane people ,
which lasted till shortly after noon.
The present chairman of the county com
missioners was not present , neither was ttm
county clerk , but the self-invited visitors
supplied these officials from their own num
ber. They then proceeded to declare every
west side candidate elected and to Issue cer
tificates of ( 'lection. Though the ullalr nur-
inwly escaped terminating in a light of tha
bloodiest kind , its peaceful ending causes
everyone hero to regard it us a roaring farce.
Tin ) commissioners met Friday last to can
vass the- vote , but seine legal question arO.3
which they dei Ided to submit to the crudU
tion of Attorney GtJiicral Bradford. This
dissatisfied the residents of the west side ,
hence the Invasion. With two sets of ofllcera
to tuko possession of the county edlllco upon
the first of January , an Interesting session of
the Donnybrook fair species , with the
deadly Winchester In place of the blackthorn ,
is anticipated.
Two Vessels Stranded at Clilijuno , tha
Crows Narrowly Ksiiapln .
CilKAno , Nov. 2-1. Tlio schooner Halsted ,
coal-laden from Buffalo , went ashore at
Glencoo last night during u storm and tlio
crew were in great danger. They were
rescued this morning by the EvaiiHton lifesaving -
saving crow , after u desperate struggle In the
surf , in which the life-savers' boat was twice
capsized. The schooner is probably a total
The schooner E. Stevenson , from Kenosha ,
was driven out of her course and on tiio
beach near South Chicago last night. The
surf was tremendous and nothing could bo
done by those In town. Word was sent to
the Chicago life-saving station and an effort
was made at I ! o'clock to go to the
pceno , but no tug would take them
out. After n long delay the captain
piocuretf a wagon to take the boat and equipage -
ago and tfiovu as fast as possible around the
lake to South Chicago. The ciew arrived
there about 7 this morning , and after hard
work succeeded in rescuing the men on the
vessel. They were nearly dead from cold
and exhaustion , having been in the rigging
all night.
AMiiniisTiiruo , Out. , Nov. 21. It Is re
ported hero that the schooner White Star is
ashore ut Point I'eleo. The crew all . swam
ashore with the exception of the captain unit
one man , who are lushed to the rigging. A
small boat cannot live in the sea , and it In
feared that they will bo lost unless the llfo
na\ingiT w at Sandusky , who huvo bcea
sent for , succeed in crossing tlio lake.
In the Hands of the Jury.
JOMIT : , 111. , Nov. 21. The arguments in
the Lambert & Bishop insurance case was
completed to day und the case is now In the
hands of the jury.
Snow at Norfolk.
Nonfoi.u , Neb. , Nov. 2 h [ Special to the
lliir. I An Inch of snow fell hero lust ulgut.
the llrst of the season ,