Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Ao > e.rtlfements undtr this Head. 10 cents per
Hue for the first insertion. Tcent * for each Mil *
rnjuRTit insertion , ntid tun n line per month.
No advcrtlM-mi-nt taken for leM tlian iSi cwit.s
for th" flr t Insertion. Heron \umls will bo
counted to thfl line ; they nmstnin conm-cu *
tlvely nml Jnn t be pnld In odrnnce. All nil *
vertlsemi'nts ' must b s hnndcd In before1IK1 :
o'clock p. m. . and under no clrctimMnnccs will
they be tnkeii ordlRcontinued by telephone.
PnrtleH BitvcrtlnlDK In thifu- columns mid hnr *
fngtho nni > wcrn nddres-M'd In earn of the Ilee ,
v. Ill tileav ) nsk for n check to enable them to
pet their letters , an none will lo delivered ox-
icpt on presentation of ( hctk. All answers to
ertlnementd ishould lie Hiclojed In envelopes.
All ndvertlM-mentH In tltw columns urn pul > -
IMied In both morning and erenlng editions ot
the lle - , the circulation of which Hifcrcnle *
more than I4f ) papers dully , ntid gl\cs the ml-
vtrtlM-Mthebenent. not only of the rlty drill-
hitlon of tli" Ilee , but nlo of Council IllutlK ,
Uncoln nml oilier cities and towns throughout
this p/irt / of the went.
TlflDLANI ) Dnnrnntcc nnd Trust Co. , liWI
. ! ' . I'nnintn street Complete nb trnct fur-
niched , mid titles to real estate examined , per
fected nnd guaranteed. l
" \\7ANTii : > Partner in old cxtiililMied renl
estnte buslnesq. "Nothing for good will. "
Address O 17 Hecolllce. Illl 2IJ
FJH HALK-Orexchnnge , nnew combined ! K
bbl. roller and buir mill with complcto
modem outllt of mm hlnery , doing u ttood busi
ness , with unlimited wnter power on Little Illun
river. In Thayer county. Nub. Will Inku } 2ooO
or upwnids Iniiish , balnncrt on eiisy terms , or
city property or lands In whole or lu part. Ad-
dresH , A. (5. Collins , Hebron , Neb. T22 d 22
IJIOK 8ALM-I'lirnlturn nnd Htock of IK-room
X' hotel In the best Jliotel town we t of
Omaha , in Nebraska , doing a good business ;
guarantee net piollts of MM ) per month ; piIco
J2 , ! JO. For particulars iiddress Hnldennairs
Iliiil Kstnti ! and Loan Hrokerage. nxims 5 nnd fi ,
Mlchelson block , ( irniiil iMland. Neb. 'C'.aij
STIIKNSDOKFF .t McVlckcr havna choice
list of Impioved and unimproved Insldo city
iiroiierty to for merchandlsu stocks of all
kinds. 'liVlti I'aniiim. 2.'i227j
rpWF.NTV-'r\vb room lintel In Lenil ( 'Ity. D. T.
I 1'rlce flO.OOO. Co-operative Land nnd Lot
Co. , an N nth ; bt. ; uj ; 2.1
"LIOTHL for sale or exchange-Fuinlliire. llx-
II tures. etc. , of the best paying small hotel In
Omaha : Illty regular boimleisimist ; be sold this
week ; small capital required ; a snap for HOIIIU
one. Address M. 71. Iteoollice. 271127 *
rpo EXCIIANOE Ilarber Hhop with rooms
J connected , for tr.ide for cltv juopeitv or
ImnK Co-operatlvo Lund mid Lot Co , 2ifi N IBth
Ht. _ _ 313 ST.
\\7ANTEn Clenn stock of grocerleH.lnvoIcin
T > i 2,1Kto ) M.IHUI ut once lor cash customer ,
H. H. Miller , 1,122 Douglas st. room 3. 241 27J5A )
\V NTEDTmttier with ti'fi In prolltnhlo
buslnes.s. Investigate it ut 3111 South Mtu
htieet , room n. 2in 2SJ
ri1WENTV-T\VO room hotel 111 A hliml , , Neb.
' fiinilturn worth about tlM i , pioierly |
J7.MO. part Co-opei.itlve I.utid nnd Lot
Co. . an N llith st. 31.1 2.1
FOII 8A r.E-I.iirgo restminint imigi-ond sloiu
window shades , /MM / S. ] h at. aw 28 *
171OK SAI.R-A lUery and s.ilo stabln doing a
good busliu-ss In a thrivlnir town In rantnil
Nebraska. For partlciil.irs address M IW , Ilee
olllei- . lUll l *
TT1OH HALi-l.enseonabilck : bulldlngon llth
I st. , sultablii for eommlsslon business.
Vi lee Mil } . Co-op'eratlve Lund nnd Lot Co. . 203
N llUh st. 3l.I2.-i
FOH SALE I'eed store ; line loc.itIon mid big
money to tlm ilnht mini. Owner hnsiio
time to attend to It. About JM I cnsh. Will benr
close Investlgntloii.ddtess M l < 7 lieu ollli i > .
F IOIl SALE ( end barber shop with bath
rooms , liuiulie Melcholr llros. , lllii Far
nnm.'t. 271
1T1OH SALE-Ding stole in city : Hue location.
1 good business. Id nsous tor selling will be
hilly explained. Addiess I ) , bov 111 : ) , i Ity. 282 21 *
FOIt SALE -Itcstnurmit lu Soutli Omnhn , $ .iml ,
part ciith. Co-operuth u Lund mid Lot Co. ,
211.1 N IMth st. 'It.'l 2.1
BPSI NESS runner WW stock drug ; one of
tlm best loentlous lu Omaha , Part , bal-
mieclt > jnopeity. H. E. Cole , Hill S. IMh st. .
Up stalls. ' . ' ) ! 2. ]
CHEYENNE. Wyo , , the fiituie Plttsbuig ot
the west. At present a railroad center.
The best built nnd wealthiest city of Its sJ/e In
1'ulled States. Wjomliig. Thn gicat minera
stole hoii-n of Amerliannd Its Ine.xhaustiiblo
oil nnd llelds. For full p.iitlculais ami re-
poll llnaid of Ttnde. nddiess E. F. Stahle , secre-
tm\ dies emit' Iloaid of Tinde , Chejeune. Wyo ,
( < l4n27j
J71OU SAD' Itestauinnt m a No. 1 location ,
fei ding mi iiimy dally. Will sell re.isnu-
nbly. iimt on time. I'o-operatlve Lnnd nnd Lot
Co , all N Kith .st. 3ISJ 25
SPLENDID oiie.Ing for Hour mid feed store
m best i esldence portion of Omaha.
F. L. ( Jiegoiy , Itental Agt. , arJS. st.
A SIIOKMAI\iit : ultliflOOrmi secure ngood
position b ) applying nt Him N 20th. ' . * ' . ) -t1
I/IOH SALE Olio hotel ! l stories high , goyi
1 stnnd , basement with wnter running nl.
thiouuh tinImlldlng mid nljr to the burn ; barn
MiinHng m ncad of iinrsps mid 7S tons of hay mid
water In U ; wlilsell or trndn for renl estate or
stoc'k. IVr fuither lufoimatlou wiltu to D ,
Hill A : Sou Duuliar , Neb. U18din
" \VTUOfiKSAf.B confectionery business for
sale. Pnylng Irndo established. Look
this up. Apply fll7 3.1.lth st. 21
HK8TA I'll ANT on Illth Ht. doing a good busl
nesrt , juice I4WI ; sickness lu tamlly caiiso for
selling , f'art cnsh. balancn easy. Co-oporatt
Land & Lot Co. , 2tt ( N . st. : ni : 2.1
IJ OH SALK flood pny'nir ' saloon on onn o
the principal streets In city of Omaha
Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address
l.-ller M , Is , Hen ollice. b2ll-2h *
"Ij OH SAI.l ! Oood brick business pioneityln
ceutieof ( trnnd Island ; greatest bargain
nnd best terms In the city : but little cash re
quired ; long time , low Interest nnd easy pav-
meut.s ; other estate fer sale. Addiess.I. II.
\ \ oolley , attorney at law , Urand Island , Nub.
"I ItV ( lOODS.IOIIHEIt.S-I'.irty competent to
1 ' tnke charge of a department with a block of
cnpltnl can uinkoery dc lrnble arrnngemeiit.s
to Invest ill a westeni Jobblngdry goodscom-
puny. AddresH , M , 10 , lleeoince. 7M-27
? PO EXi'llANdELivery htaTile Inn good locn-
1 ( iitlon doliuu llri-t-cluss business. Will
trmln tor city property or hinds. Co-ojieintivo
l.iml and Lot Co. . 2U5 N 10th bt. Illil 2.1
rpllltEE dnig Mo''l.s mid fixtures of Jl.rJH.1 ,
.1 f.'lH ) . $ Dl , io innuest Nebraska towns , l'0r
iiile or real eRtilto exchange. Address K. 2 , Ilee.
Ml"n23 *
_ _
371OII SALE - \ ( omplete steam laundrv hav-
ilia twenty horpii power cngiiio. J. S. lien-
nett , Smmders mid Clark st.s. ! ii
11OAHD with rooms for four at 2118 Hurt st.
J > psi
AKEW day boarders ran bo accommodated
with board lupilvnte family. Inquire Ml
N 22d , b i Cumlngs mid Hint. sAl 25
TilTllST-CLASS tnble bonid. serrrd In hoiiin
JiMyle , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. It'll Dodge , 2.HI
fill. NANNIE V. Wurien. clalrvoynut. lied-
Jl' Icnl , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis
ttff. Female dlseme.s n specialty. 11U N. IBth
St. , KOIIIIIH 2 A il. Tel.'JH. ifr7
Tl flIS 1)I'llAN7 ) ! ' Clnrlvoyant from Itoaton Is
A'l rell.iblo in all nfTnlr.s of llfit , unites sppnr.
nted lovers. SS N. IBth st. . room 1. 7 0 Dec. 1 .
JU ) THA OB Two CKI ! | < o ImpioveiT .
good Omnlni property , for stock of hard-
vr. r in live town. Address , O W , Hen otnce.
.321 2f. >
"l Oll F.XCIIANGEGood unimproved hind In
-1 inn th ea t rn Nebraska for Omu
The O. F. D.vvU Co. , l.Vi.1 . Farnam bt.
TT'OH ' EXCIIA.NOE-ftiO seres , U. P. contract
JL land , nt Iri.fnr Omaha property. > fy equity
BOW , only J-siO back. A. P. Tukey , 1324 Fnninm.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -IX
S WK of groceries to exchange for Omnh.x
Iowa farms to exchamia for Omaha , property.
Ifouses and lots to nxcluinge for farms. Chaa ,
a. Woollay. 41H8. lathnt. 2 < l 20
hPO THADIi Instils property for good house.
A eight or nine room * , and full lot. JlcCul-
loch & Co. . rur 15th ami Farnmn. _ : ta
mOTHADE-Threo lots lu Washington Hill.
JL wwerul horses , hiirnoa * and bungles , and
other vnhiivhles for etinltlos in fouth Omaha.
lot.s. AddresH , with full ducrlntluu , ot lot.s uud
prices , bt > x 5S < t. 2 0 23
l OH trodo-l U vo U-n irood tainm lu Holt
- * - rouuty , this state , will trr.d for Onmlia
property. C. K. Mnyne , lilh and Haruev.
ItK 2o _ _
BANMNCt business Will Itade bunk , in"-
rludlug building , tlxtures , good w ill , etc. , in
country town In Nebraska , for Omaha im
proved property. Will tnke number of houses
not fur out nnd HMUtito rtuibomtblu liicunv
brunce. J'or particulars , -nddress Geo. Holt ,
caroJJ A , ll n on. Omnha. Nub. _ M ji4
\\rAN TKD- * < ? oed farms in exchange for
v' ' Oamha property , C. C. CpoUwood. IXii'/J
) ICtiu . . tU
IF you hnv anything to rxrhnnRC. write tig.
We have improved nnd UnimproTfrt KP-
brnska , Knnsai nnd Iiwa lnnd . real mines , ho
teld , Motks of tnrrchand se , hnn < en , rnttle , hoffS *
f titcii. etc. , to cxehmiKn. S. S. Campbell and O
\T. Hi-rvt-y. 310 lltinrd of Trnile. 4B7
I OH SALE or trndu for Inside city property ,
X1 some fust jmclng and trotting horses ; nbo.
one pair heavy ilrnft horses. This stock U llrst-
class In every particular , nnd mil b seen nt
Cnnlleld .V Wilbur's bam , cor. 8tli nnd Farnam
st. N. F ( 'hamberlln , VA S3
WANTED Farm Innds In exchange for city
property. St. John i lily , Hooiii 13 , Freii-
zcr block. U37
KXCHANUE 3brlik lints on 2.1th st. ,
between Fnrnam and Dodge ; will exchange
equity for other good pa ) lug property , not too
heavily mortgaged. This property needs no
commendation. Speaks for Itself. No letter
In this city. If you want it come quick. Spots-
wood , navs S. Ifith t. 4''l '
T HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co ,
J nenr I'lattsiuoilth , will trnde for Improved
inside property. Address M Sii , Ilee ulllce.
"VrANTiirnini : lands In exchange for
TT stocks of merchandise. St. John A- Ely ,
Itoom 11 , I'rcnzer block , opp. I'.QI DM
\\MNTED-A stock of groceries nnd general
TT mdse , for city lots , pnld for. C.J.Cnnan.
WANTED-To trnde fornlot of second hand
furniture ; npply at Koom 13 , Fienzer
lilock. 113
\\TANTED I'ropeily of nil kinds to exchange
TT Special attention given to trading. C. C.
Rpot.swood , ; RJi ! ! { 8 llith. IBS
" \\fANTED-Fnrm' ) to exchange for Omnhn
i ropeity and stocks of merchandise , c.
L. llrown * Co. , room 13 l-'renzer block , Omnha
WANTED -Stocks of meichnndlse. In ev-
LhaiiKeforn Uigellstot faimund city
property. II. II , Miller , 1522 Douglas st , room ; ) ,
rpo EXCIIANli-For ( : cattle. 1 have WO ncres
X of good western land to trnde for cattle ,
nndngood hou onnd lot nenr the capital ; will
exchange for cuttle. Address S. U. Uryan. Aah-
land. Neb. DVi
rpo TKA DK-Two Improved farms in Iowa for
J Omnha property or Nebraska lands. Me-
Culloch A Co. , cor ; loth and Fnninm. ! 528
T71O11 THADli-fi.COU ncres of choice westein
J. land to exchange for general merchandise.
Jno. F. Toft , ! I24 N. l.'ith Bt. Dl.l
WANTF.D At a bargain , to trnde two farms
fi miles from county seat , well Improved ,
for Omaha house mid lot. Address , ! 1(11 ( I'urnum
st. Wt 2:1 : *
a'UJ EXCHANfiE-Oood enst trent lot lu Huns-
- com I'luce to exclmnue for cleun stock of
dry goodb or clothing. C. F. Hnrribon.llS S. luth.
( V.U
TlO EXCHANOE Impioved farm In Iowa
for Omaha residence property. J.J. Wil
kinson , 1321 Fmnam. Ob-i
\\7ANTr.l ) Oood f.imlly horse in exohangn
for lot , MiCulloch & Co. , cor IJth and
Farunm , ! Sjl )
I/1 ANTED- good tailor * utouce. John v oil-
T skell , DaMdClty , Neb. : _ ! !
" \ \ rAN'IT.ITwo good agents to sell goods on
1 In.stallmenUlnclty. Lovull MTgCo. , 221
1'Jih st. iKI 21 *
" \\rANTHD A limited number of persons to
> leain slioit-hand. Will give prlvntu le.s-
sons or teach by mall. Itates very low. For
pnrttculnr.s address HWChailes stieet , nty.
"V\7ANTUI- ) pel sous to learn bookkecp
' Ing. .situations December 12und January 1.
J. II. Smith , HIM Chicago st. ' .171127 *
" \ \ rANTllAoiing ! man to lenin the renl
estate business. Will p.iy 'K ) to start.
Tally must have JI.OOO to take interest In the
business. Address O 111. Ilee. 301-TiJ
\\rANTED 2 : > sho\elei.s. I drh ers , 10 teams ;
nil for city work. Cull Immediately nt
nty Intelligence olllco , Creightou block. 238
"YVTANTED Ironworkers. Apply at Cable ofT -
T lice , 20th and Ilainey sts. 2.YT24
\ \ 7ANTEDtnillSouth Tith street , room fi
TT mnlu or female agents. Call and see
what we have. 218 2SJ
W A.NTKD-1'rens leederat \\i"tll.herf'oui-
ier ollice Immediately. 2 : ' > i |
WANTED Twomcn.Ciipahlo of selllm ; goods
toiousumeis. Call 121 S. llltli St. 27 23"
IJESIOENT safcsmmi for the Slate of Ne
I Miiuskn wanted by a NtiYork Cigar fni lot y ,
milking Klne ( ioods. Liberal niinngvinentij will
be made with pmtv contiolllng tiudc among
Flist-l'lnss Hctnllcrs. A.idiess with lefereuccs
and full partlculnrs. Cigar 1'iutoiy , M Wuireu
St.N. V. City. 27S23 *
ANTEDI'lltv slm\e7e7sApplv. ! four
miles west nf rortOnrihn on due of C. \ N.
W. road. C. 1' . Tu-nt , Contractor. JJIli-W
\yANTEO-\ir.\TsalesmmiTtrnvellng In the
TT South I'lattecoutitiy tocntry n iiiliksell- ]
lug spetlulty for the linrdwmc triule , none but
tho-c meaning business need npply. Address
for one week , H. H , Wheelock , Fulleiton , Neb.
" \\TANTED-Truvellng dry - & ( salesmen ;
TT men of e.xpei iT.C.i who inn uintrol trade
in Nebraska nnd Kmisnuwlll bn liberally denlt
IMth. Addiess , statingoxperleiicu mid amount
of tindo can loutiol. Drawer L6 , Lincoln. Ne-
bi a.ska. H.J7-23J
IT-ANTED Men for tnllrnnd work. AlT -
T bright s Labor Agency , 1120 Farnum. BOt
\\rANTEI ) Oeneral ngents for portions of
Nebraskn , Iowa , Kansas and Missouri.
IteferetiLU leqiilred. Address , Climax Window
Shade Co. , 201 and 2rtl N. il st. , St. Joseph , Mo
WANTKD- 1 ( men of good appearance to
try our Me meals at Noirls restaurmit , 'III
nnd : ni South 14th street , ( old Live and Let
IT ANTED filrl for orenenil housework. ROOI
T wages. Call ut 21.22 I'ainam 31023
W ANTED -Neatglrl aged II , 5.1"i Pleasant.
w ANTED Good gill at ISl'J Murcy street.
- 3 dining room girls , 3 good cooks ,
i 2 kitchen girls. 2 girls for private families ,
rremout , 2dl wahers. 1 ollice boy. must wrlto
good hand 3 message boys , H girls for house-
work. ( late City Emp olflre.311" , S Mth , 2UH JJ
" \\r.\NTED-A chambermaid unddlnlngroom
TT gill at City Hotel. a-21 * .
\\r.\NTI'.D An American ordermmi girl to
woik lu smi'.ll family. Kefeiences ru-
qulred. Apply'Sit once. 713 South Ulth t > t. 2.VJ-21
VITANTEI ) A competent nurse , ( lermmi pie-
TT felled. .Mrs. S. A. Slomuii , 2IW8 St. .Mary's
ave. M t
J" ADIES are olllered plain needlnwork at their
J own homes ( town or country ) by n wholesale
house. 1'iolltuble , genuine. Good p.ry can bo
made. E\er > thing furnished. I'mtlculnr * free '
Addiess Artistic Needlework Co. , 13,1 8th St. ,
Now V'ork City. 274
" \\7"AN'rKI ) Two ladles to copy J. H. Smith's
T T work ou bookkeeping for "yomltigschools.
Address John V. Moigau , Council lllutls. 231-2.1J
G OOn sew Ing1 girl wanted , 1419 Howard st.
21)1 ) 24 *
W ANTED Girl for general housework. 2013
Cumlng ; .st. Irish preferred. 144 SI *
WANTED Girl lor gensml housework , 613
S. 17tn st. IWO
WANTED Good girl at once ; must be good
cook and laundiuss. M . J. H. Harris ,
1120 Catherine. 2M
WANTED M ) Indies to try our IVs meni.s nt ,
Norris' rt-stnuraut ( old Live und Let Live ) ,
Ml mid 313 a. 14th at. B ! > 4
STATE Employment Parlors. 1417 Farnam st. ,
loom U. Look for advertisements.
338 23J
\\rANTKO-W coal lulnei-s. $1.75 per ton ; 10
V > shovelcrs , 1 farm hnnd , 1 butcher , 1 meat
cook , men to work in gravel pit. Om hn Em
ployment Hurcan. 11 ? N. ICth st. 32023
vv , . . . . . . . . . . cook.s to register ; alsonomo
TT good Dalesmen nnd teuniftters. Applyut
Stntrt Kmploj mem I'nrlors , 1117 Knnmm at. ,
room 11. 33s 2iJ ;
"VxrANTED A few more coffee and tee 8.iles-
T ? men for Neb. . la. nnd Kan. , crockery and
glaiiswure. boots and shoe xulc.siucn , IMIJ.S for U.
S. nrmy , 14 to Irtyenrs old. and all clnsjeb of
help , iftna Kuruam sf. , room U. KU 24
W"ANTKiWMi4U cook out of city , small hot l
f"farn pnld , first cln s piulry cook , flOr ,
second cook tin. mini dUhwusher , boy doctor's
otllie. Man nnd wife for ranch ft > . Cnnadlun
KmpOOlce. . Jlrs. llrcga i Son , 31U S. 1Mb. Tel.
. uLw f
N i. < > >
" \\rK solicit a trial from th ladles of Omaha ;
T T good girls on hand. State Employment
_ urors , 1117 1'arnain ht , . room 11. AMIJ
ON Hecord 10 general housemaids Swedes ,
Irish and Americana ; ft chambermaid * . 3 A
1 Inundresxc * , 2 bindery glrls , M -amst reuses , 2
cooks , 4 inlly comp-itent lady clarks. btor or of.
lice , 1 stenogr.iph r. State hfrnploynieiit 1'nvlore ,
Itlf Farnam > Koom 11. 33A 23 *
\\7'ANTED 'i1o grocery cterks with cxperl.
T T ence , 1 lmrk * i > r. M.'I per mouth , 1 lady
cnshler with expirlcnce. OuiaUa Euip. Jtureau ,
WANTEDcotupcteiit aermnn Rlrls for
general houeworkt 3 of the lending fam
ilies In Omaha : big wages paid the right girls ,
At the State Employment Parlor * , 1417 Farnam
bt. . room 11. : KS 2IJ
ANTKi-2 wattresv-es for out of tlty , Mi
fares paid : 2 dtnlngroom girls forNe-
braxka City.U for ( lrecnwixd : cook for prUntO
family out of city il , one Ut'i7 : 2U girls for
housework , M and Ki per week. Cmiadlau Emp.
offlce , Mrs. llregu i Soit 3W south 15th , Tel. ( W | ,
STHAYKD-Ono yejirold jomi mare colt , main
mid tall cut hiiuare. liberal rew nrd for her
recovery. Con Sullivan. 1311) ) 1'nclllc st. SO U
IO.STA pocket-book neiTr iTTlli nnd CnmliiR
sts. wiiewardfor return to n. e. cor. S7th
nnd CumtuRs . 'M ' P
- ellow jiony , blnek mane , tall mid legs
Heturntollll s0.2fllist. : l
TOST-Or stolen , near Hn cnU'M pare , a med-
* lutn nlze dark bay iiime , with hmiies Dn ,
mail white spot on face , huge.hind legs. T.
Murray. 12tl
" \\7ANTEI ) DiessmaklngTlIl S. llth st.
T ! mi2'j ! ! '
" \\rANTED-Tobuy. Iwmit a good modem
house of 7 or R rooms , ou p.ived stieet ,
nearcnr line , II. H. Stiller , KCJ Douglas st ,
rooinjl. 211 27
" \\rANTED-Chenpbuslness lot from ? .1.0nO to
T fi.iUKl , ns centrally located ns posslclo for
the money. Addiess D. M. T. , HUH ruriinm t.
TIIINOEIlCO. . . 1.1H . Dodge t. . wnut some
good notes on llrst-chiss Improved inside
propel ly 2l > 7-23 r 1
"VXfANTED A first class , small .second hand
TT safe. Address JI 6S Ilee ollke. 20,12 : ! *
SiVKHU"rash ) wanted inn J"iOHdeal ) ; some
of Omahii'H best realty : objvct , cash : will
Jleld largo prollt. Addri'SsO. 1 Ilee. 277 (120 *
HollTllANI ) miiTtypewriling. J. II. Wood ,
Expo. Illdg. ill" ) d Hi *
" \\fANTEI ) -To buy the furniture of n small
T or large house centrallv located , Cooperative
tive Laud A Lot Co. . 203 N llith st. 138
" \VANThD-To buy short lime jiaper , J.W.
> ( ! io. s , at C. K. Mnyno's ollke , Ifith and
llnrney. 'M
\\rANTFD To buy live thousand to ten
thousand lloono county laud" , nverngo
qunllty , at JIO per uciu nnd less. Addles Ilex 8M ,
Omaha. li4 !
[ ONEV to loan on coed senultyrsrLTSmltlil
L room 17 Ilaiker block. i l 21 *
MONEVtoloati 1 can now- place some Hist
class city loans immediately. Call nt once
if you deMie to be iiccoinmodnted , D. V. Slioles ,
room 1 llniker block , entiance In nlley. Nil
MONEY to loan on impioved leal estate ; no
roimiilj-Mon charged , l.euvltt llunihnm ,
room 1 , Ci eight on block. U74
o LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
proved estate In city or county for
New Knglnnrt Loan * Trust Co. . by Douglas
County bunk , luth and Chicago sts. 077
ivr ONEY To loan on chattels. Co operative
Lund and Lot Co. , 2U > No. 16th htieot.
\TE\V York Slor.ico Co. Corner Capital
JL av , \ Ifith st , hnvo money to loan on
household goods , mcrclmndlse of nvery do-
M'lIptlon at lowest intea. Special fni'llltlec for
merchants. goodH nun ed , packed nnd shipped ,
A11 charges ndvnnced. 1'irepioof brick block ,
'npltol av. & IJth st. Illi
MONEY loaned on furnttuie. pianos , organs ,
hornes. etc , lowuites. .1. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , it-'l ; Fuiuam , o\er llurllngton ticket office.
Patterson iV Fiiwcett 13th nnd Harney. UTH
fNE\'toLonn-O. ) F. DnvlsCo. , real estate
L nnd loan agents. IfAl Fm nnm st. 1'72
. on Omaha city propertv at 0
P per cent. G. W : Day , S. E. cor. KJC. Hid.
MONEY to Loan-Sums of Ju.OOO and upwards.
Fltst Mortgages. Improved city property.
F. . S. Illsbci' , V > llamge building , Omalia.
8f4 decll *
$7filiniO ( to loan nttiper cent. * Ma-
houej' , IWl Farnam. U i7
$ M10.000 to loan In any amount at lowest rate of
interest. H. 11. Irev. Fienzer block. 008
LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Co.'t Loan
Olllcn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar-
tli les of Milue without removal. HIS S. Uth ,
over Hlngham'3 ( ommUslon store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. Pc3
LfONEy * < > Innn. Notes nnn it. It. tickets
'I 'nought ahd sold. A. Foiman , 213 S 13th st.
SI1OKT time loans mnde on nny avauabln
security. In i en onnblo amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. Oeneral
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly mid fairly nt the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 11th nnd Har
ney bta. , over Slate National bund. Corliett ,
manager. U71
MONEY to Loan lly the undersigned , who
ban the only properly organized loan
ngency in Omnha. Lonns of 110 to IIIK ) made mi
furniture , pianos , organs , horses. wTgous , ma
chinery , etc. . without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
tlmt any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing thn cost pro rata. Advances
Hindu on ( Inn watchea nml diamonds. Persons
should c.irnfully consider who they urn dealing
with , as many new concerns art ) daily coming
into existence. Should you need money call and
se me. W. R. Cioft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,
lilth and Hnrney. 9SO
MONEY To loan. Lowest rales. No delay.
J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial No
tional bank 1178
MONEY to loan on city property , nnd nlso
farms In Nebraska and Iowa. Odell llros.
> k Co. , loan , real estate and insurance agents , 11(1
Pearl street. Council IllutTs , la. ; 1,123 Farnmn
street , Omaha. 203
IfHOO.000 to loan , special rates on farm propeity.
p Sobotker itl'eirlgo , Ifrfl Furiinm t. ' . )
MONKY to lonn , cnsh on hand , no delay.
W. mid E. L. Squire , 14K1 Fanimn t. Pi
ton hotel building. DM
IHOKTHAND and typewriting. J. H. Wood ,
J 7liraclllcst. 815(1111 *
TANDAHD horse and cattle food.
Standard stock liniment.
Tlm food Is the best sold.
And the liniment is also the best sold.
The food Is not a cure nil , remember
The liniment la not n cum nil either.
The food acts upon internal Irregularities.
The liniment alleviates external pain.
The food Is perfectly safe , remember.
The liniment Is equally HO.
The food Is guaranteed , remember ,
Thn liniment is equal ! so.
The food is 7 pounds for n *
The liniment is 4 ounces for50o.
The food is sold by nil denlers.
The liniment Is sold likewise.
The food Is mfgd. by F. E , Sanborno & Co ,
And o Is the. liniment.
The mnnufactory is st 1307 , St , Mary's UVB.
And so In the Ollice. . 2:10,2 : : !
F fNF. shirts made to order at II oacn. Omaha
Shirt Factory , 308 N loth. 329 d i
ri O roomers Get your coed by the snck. 13th
JL and Capitol ave. llascment. 2.14 2:1 :
PH1VATE lessons lu French and Oernutulan-
Buages by Prof. Paul llobeit Call at
Southern hotel , S , Oth st. 10021 ]
SAFES Agents and business men. We nrn
mnnufncturlnprnnd selling independent of
nny snfo rlnjcor pool by placing upon the mar
ket three sizes of tire proof nafun nt such low
prices that farmers , profes-donal mid business
men can nirord to purchase. Size , itexlHxIU
Inches : wcJzhtfOO Ibs. ; retail price , > i ; smaller
nnd Inrger sizes in proportion. Hare opportun
ity offered. Alpinu Safe Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio.
1C8 :
] 3EHSONAL-Ou account of poor henlth I will
trade a fine business lot In the heart of the
city for n good Improved farm. Must not be
further thun 5or 0 miles out of the city.
.11 31 , Him Olllco. l f.i 24 *
"IDEHSONAIr-Privatohome for Indus during
JL confinement , strictly contli'.ential. InfnnU
adopted. Addre J'R42 Heo otOcc. 167 lib *
PtlOFESSlONAL Nur e. MM. Peterson. 3713
Ohlobt. UXID'4' '
Oil rinq iiack
SALK-1200. nVe-year-old
mare , free driver ; Clarko' buggy , ana liar-
PO.S3. 311 So. 10th St. ' 318
FOH RU.H-Doetor'H curt , leather top , b vel
. glass side wludong , Utruiig and well built ,
run ouly ouu year , Dr. Jones , 1411H Varuum ut.
303 gy-
_ _
"I71OU BALE A good Muldls uud butgy. horse ,
JU Hmulru UJi W liti. ao ; ss
THAVE a number of choice first mortgagea ou
Omaha ltMd property for galA. C. A. Starr ,
Kill Farnam L 1 24'
AHD and soft coal In qtiantlUc * toinlt 13th
mid Capitol ave. llaicraent. 2.1 > 2i >
T7' I ITY cents a sack for coal , delivered and put
JLIn your box. litth and Capitol are. IU e-
mcnt. an 23
K SA LE Typew rlter. J 11. Wood. 714 Pa-
ciiiot. PII d 10 *
/"tOAI , lu nny quantity at 13th and Cnpltol nve.
Bir.LAUP Tabln at half price , nrun.virick
llnlkp Co.'s mnke. Inquire Leslie A Leslie ,
llith mid Dodgu sM. 210
FOIl PA LT5-Or trade horse , bmiiry nnd har
ness , stutidlnk dusk mid stool , haul coal
stove , Will sfillcfienpor trnde. for property or
paper. Alex 0. Charltou , MiCnguo llros. , opp ,
COAL by the sack , We , delivered , 13th mid
Cnpltol n\u. llitsoment. > 4 -1
O KUANS at wholesnlo prices , on easy pay
ments. New York 1'tano Co. , cor Cnpltol
nvo nnd 15th st. 700.
IjlUll" HI'NT 4 room house centrnllylocatod
A. fJO ; luniltiiro for mile. jurt outline. Two
6 room houses , furniture for sale. 6 loom Hat
cm llth xt. Itroom ! bonrdlnj : house , twoyenrs'
leuse Will per month ; ! lj steady boarders ; tin ill-
ture. STliO ; $ . ' ) rash , halanen ensv , Four res-
tnurnnts , 7 room house , furnltuiu rlUO. 11 room
bonrdltiK house , furniture for snle on time.
7 room Hat ; nil modern conveniences ; rent , fj ;
furniture , smti. Houses and lots for sale or rent
In nil pm ts ot the city. Co-operutlvc Land \ Lot
Co. , 'M > N lUth st. 3K1-25
T71OK KENT An elegant new It-room houte. nil
modern Improvements , mid a beautiful lo
cation , at the low price of K < 0 per month. Morse
Ar llniner. 1WW IVrumu. 11177
"IjlOH KENT Chenp , clKht-room house , barn ,
J. ' cistern nnd well , 1 block from street car ,
north. J. Kendb. 14 ; S. 13th. ! tl"J *
_ _
U UHNT-Ifouso No ( KJ S luth st. Ituinlro
(117 ( S 1-itli St. SH 24 *
TT1OII 11F.NT A new 2 story 7 room house , east
JU front , on 2"th , between SewnCd nnd
lln , only ? i"i per month to reliable , permanent
tenant. ( ) ood3room housu and laigo corner
lot. Kith nnd Arbor , good repair , HI per month.
Call iiulck If you want them. Clark & French ,
Kill ) Douglas ct. aid 27
"I71OH HUNT House of 1 rooms on 17th. near
JJ Laavenwoith st. Immho nt SHI S. Ifith St. ,
clgnr factory. : c.M 2HJ
TJIOK IMJNT-fi-nwiiii tlat on N. Hith St. . Ml ;
! furnlturo J123. Co-operative Land \ Lot
Co. , 205 N. Irtth st. af-25
TjlOIl HUNT Dec. 1st , 5-rooiu cottage onn
J3 block from street car line- Apply L. II.
Wntts , n. e. cor. I'.Uh ht and St. Mnry's ave.
2 > t7
KENT New 8-room housu 2220 Chicago
st. All modern conveniences. Five-room
hou e . . e. cor. 27th and Dodge. J. 11. Hlimwalt ,
21 S. lilth st. XU
TTIon HUNT New 7-room hou e , 2ith ! between
J. Illondo and Tatrlek ave. Kent f.W per
month , imiulie2001 Patrick ave. 21 > tl 2J1
" 171OH KENT IToiise oC"i rooms , corner llth nnd
X1 Hickory , J15 per month. Inquire next door
sonth. SB4a
TTOH KENT Broom Hat , larce closetH. on N
X1 imh ht. , * . . 1'itrnltiire 1l t : miLstbuiioUl
nt once , an owner Is compelled to leave the city ,
Co-opeuitlvo Lund A : Lot Co. . K05 N llith
an as *
OH KENT- room house on 20th st on the
cnr line , cornpr of ball grounds , liuiulie
John ll.imlln , nil * llth s-t. 222 2 < ij
9KOOM.S. allcouveiilenees. ( Iporglu jbO.OO
10 rooms , .every Improvement , Woolworth -
worth . . r > o.oo
10 rooms , every Improvement , Sewnul st . rr > ,00
K rootiiH , bat li. glib und water , Corby st . . iVi.OO
ft rooms , city A.iter. mil I'ellnr. 2fth st . 2200
fi rooms , cellar , well nnd cistern , Iturdette 20 00
Fine store loom , good locution. . . . ! ! 0,00
F. L. Oratory , Hental Agt. , 3 > tJ S. Itith ht.
j'OH HENT Oood live-room housu 21th and
. MUMHI. A. l' > Tukey , 1U24 Farnam st. S/ )
Foil KENTtrfeK > gmit brick i evidences with
all modern Iiiipiovemeiits , 12 and 14 rooms
itch , pleasant and i omenlent location. O. F.
Davis company , lee ; Fanimn st. 112
FLAT for rent In Estabrook lllock , all modern
cou\eiilnces , steam heat. Appl ) to Itentul
Agency , .1.11. Pmrotte.ltVKI Chicago. Ui ( ) :
FOU KENT S-room house , Will S 2'ith avenue ,
1 block south of Leavenwoith. J. D. Cowle ,
at Fah oner's. iwi
F I OH HENT y-room house n w cor. Seward
un'J STith sts. UVI
H HENT Six-room house comer IHth nnd
Chicago bt , Ui per mouth. S. Lehmau.HW
Fnrnam. U71
( jlOH HENT 2 new hmidiome (1 ( room cottages
L' well , clstenm , etc.$17 per month H2d mid
California. A. C. Wakeley , Omuhu Nntl bank
bid. aa :
FOH HENT-Honso 11 roGi.n. W. M. Hush-
man , N E corner loth and Douglas. H40
[ 71OH HENT 2 nouses nnd four rooms. En-
I uulre of Ciinniughmu As Iler.rooms 0 and 7
Arlington block , 1.111 mid 1313 DodgH st. S.V1
T71OH KENT 2 room lioiise..rear 1711 Douglas ,
* - $1(1 per month. Not suitable for housekeep
ing. Apply at piemlses. U1J
F I OH KENT A 11-rninn new house on l.lth st. ;
can be occupied by two families ; city water ,
large lot. Enquire of Illmebuugh JfcTaylnr.
2H 24
FOH HENT New two-sloty nlnn-rooni honse ,
Two muntnls and nil modern Improvements ,
llimcment under all. HO per month. Will sell
Inquire of C. W. Cain , 2S10 Ohio .st. 9102U'
"IT10H KENT-,1 roomcotUgo , I12II N 21st. st
JD Apply 3111 S Mth st. 153
POU HENT A splendid new housu cor 21st
nnd Grant , ! > room.s and bathroom mid all
modern conveniences. . Apply early , Spot.swood
K S 16th. 627
. _ _ _
FOR RKNT nnru near 11th st. . betwper
Douglas and Dodge ; room for II horses anil
8 vehicles ; also hay lott. Apply to City Stean
Laundry. M3
EOll KENT Nice new 5 room house in Bed
ford Place , come early , Spotswood , OTi'
Kith st. SMI
POH HENT Severn now 7 room nousns
block fiom street cnr , leady for occupancy
fovember 1 O. F. Harrison 41BS. Mthst. : i.M
KENTAI. A(1ENCY-F. L. Gregory will be
found after November 1st at ; n South lOtu
6t. , opp. Itouid of Trnde. Ground lloor. 010
F IOIl HKNT If you wish to rent ahous call
on Ik'iunvu A. Co. ' 15th St. , opposite P. O.
FOH RENT A nice front parlor for one or
two gentlemen. James Stockdule. 113 N.
10th st. IK 27
ROOMS for lent. No. IKJ4 8 12th bt.
, ! 129 d 22 *
i'.SIItAHLE Ifooms well fuinUhoil. terms
reasonable. oaoJilock from 1 * . 0,15U5 Capitol
ant furnished room ? for2
ut on 150K Karnnm st. opp.
. ni 2 *
OH HEN'l'-Fiiilshed room.s ; bath nml
modem comtuleuces. 401 N. 15th street.
31.1 2IJ
FOH HENT Nicely furnished roomson street
car line , tcoavrensouable , 1IJ S. 24th st ,
.I 11 30J 2.1J
Foil HENT Trf two young men , furnished
front room'vonvenlent to Union Pnrino
depot , J15 per month. Ilreakfast und 7 o'clock
dinner If desired. P. O. box 28. 412 SJ !
OH HENT Hladilcely now furnished rooms.
All modern Improvements. 1312 Daven
"poll HENTJ-Fiffi Ilshed rooms. 22/l ( Dodge.
FH ) HENT Furnished , a pleasant front
room , wHh largu clooet. l'"u ' Cusd st
FOH HENT 2 nicely furnished rooms , 1 front.
Mil Dm enport * > t. 237 2U *
FOll HENT Small , neatly fumlsned south
room , for oue gentleman , 410,21th and Far-
num. Apply mi Faruam. 105 21
FUUNISIIKI ) looms , btonm heat , ail H.24th.
TT OH HENT- Elegant suite of looms , al&olurgn
J- upper front room , Ju bilck residence , steam
heat. 1HI3 Douglas. BV1SIJ
FOll HENT Nice room ou ground tloor fcult-
ablu for doctor's oilke , steam heat , contiul ,
rent reasonable. Address O7t It'-o. a'.T.4j
FOK HE.N'T Fumlbheii room for one or two
gentlemen , wlUi xiboot bath , at 161'J Cnpl-
tel a/e. gg gp.
SoHBD ! rooms < vltn board , 1'JOJ 1'nrnum.
TT'On HENT ricasant.e t new fnrnlshe and
J-1 cheapest room * in private Imtlfe in city. All
conveniences. Near business. 16)3 ) Cnnltol nvn.
? 47 d S1J3
N I room , fin ill-died , 1. .
24. ; i *
Foil HRNTFurnished room with Ixmrtl for
om gentleman ItiprlrntP family , ticst loca
tion In the city. Address j | 6V , lice offlcn.
_ ' _ jtlsja |
1ILI5ASANT rooms with or without Imnrdj
new house. HW So. liMnnd Vau'nwoitlu
Till 27 *
FOU ItKNT-Furnlshcd room , 310 South IMh
asiai * .
FOU HENT l-'urnlshcd rooms In private. fam
ily. with or without lnurd. s-utl fnctlou
uuiit-.inteed. Everything Illatcluss.ddress
Si 70. nee. 2722i
_ _
J jMlONTp.ulornud bed-loom forninti nml wlfn
In pilvnto family , conveniently located , tali )
CallfoinlllSt. 111 2t
furnt'hed nlcove nnd slnclo rooms.
and furnlturo now. Mrs. limber , MSN.
18th at. IDS d 17J
El ) rooms with board , 1S10 nnd 1312
Chlcngo st. 137 23 *
11BXT I'urnlMied roonm } l(1 ( per month ,
or clean beds atll.UU to Jl.,10por week. 602
. go. 18th. SK"d I5J
FOK HUNT I'urmsaeil rooms , 1013 I'm num.
FOH HUNT A hnndsomo south front , biy
window room , modern conveniences ; suit
able for two gentlemen , 1U rurnniu. S 70
FOH IlKNT Small room , stcnmheat , for geu-
tlcmanir-'l Davenport bt , 12,1
TI1O lir.NT Hirnlshed room : modern 1m-
JJ provcments , table board , 1718 Dodge .st.
OO.MS ; nlto tabln board , 1303 rurnmn.
i > m d icj
AFINF. largo bay window room , newly fur
nished with gas , bath , furnace nnd closet ,
no other roomer , for ouo or two gentlemen , COl
a 20th st. Itl
TT10H HUNT Honms , single nnd en suite ,
X1 good piano for tale , lltl'i , lt-21 Farnam st.
A LOVELY , Inrge front room heated , beauti
ful location , with all modern conveniences
on st car line. IP17 Cuss. 2:13 :
FOK KENT-Nleely furnished rooms , ICl'l I
Dodge. _ K * 21 *
FOU KENT Furnished rooms In ( Jreunlgblk ,
cor. 13th mid Dodge st.s. Inquire of Gco. K.
Davis , MHLird hotel billiard room. TOJ
IAIKIIj south trom room , nil modern coiivcn-
i lence.s , sultnblo for two gentlemen ; nlso
ilrst-clnss table board for three or four ; refer-
dices. 1S14 Dodgost. 701
FOK KRXT Nicely furnished front room , nil
modern con\enleiicerf. RmiuliullUl Dodnest.
rp\VO or three furnished rooms for light house-
X keeping , 202J St. Mnry's uve. Mr.-27J
FOH KENT-FumlHlied looms , 1S10 Dodge st.
102 N HO
KKNT-Hooms ; 10211 Dodge.
FOK KKNT-NIcely furnished rooms nt 2227
Dodge. Q as , bath nnd furnnco heat. ( > ' " <
FOK KENT A large nnd plensaut room.nlcely
furnished , for two or threu gentlemen. w)7 )
S. 13th st. Inquire up-stnlrs. 5b7
FOK HUNT-Two furnished rooms. 1017 How
ard st , , with board if desired. Keferences
reimlred. rai
TJ10H KENT Nicely furnished room suitable
JJ tor" gentlemen , lumiHo2011 St. Mary's uvo.
"IIHJK HENT Furnished rooms in all parts of
-I tlm clly , by the day , week or month. City
Intelllgeme olllco , Cielghtou block. 1(11 (
WANTHIV- two gentlemen , nicely fur-
nlslied Kioms with modern conveniences.
Will pay liberally for suitable accommodations.
Addl-e-s O 20 , Ilee olllco. ; ill-2IJ
"l/OK KENT Three rooms suitable for hon
J. keeping , llth nnd Chicago sts. For colored
people. 1
[ jlOK KI'.NT 'li.ieo unfiirnlslied rooms , suit-
L1 able for housekeeping , at 1021 North 21 stst.
FOI < HUNT Jl iinfuiulshed rooms biiltable for
housekeeping , lolu N 20th at. 1M
"I71OK KENT -Four ( t ) unfurnished rooms. 41l !
-i Si.uthluthat. , contulnlng all modern con
veniences. 541
Oll KENT One siugln and 2 double rooms
fronting on Illth st. suitable forotlice. lodg
ing or Unlit housekeeping , Inquire at U10 S. lath
tieet Hoard of Trade. HS2
F HF.XT 3 rooms sultttMn for house keep-
- Inc. N. W. cor. llth and I'lerco st. Apply
toUBS. l.'ith St. HW
F IOK KENT 0 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping. 1112 S. 7 th St. 248
FOIt KENT Olllces. 2nd lloor. south front
facing postolllce , I large und 1 small room ,
i eiitral position , low lent. Apply to Stringer &
Co. , MIS Dodge st. 207-24
TrOH HENT-lirick warehouse. 44x120,2 atorle' .
. * / high basement , sidetrack nt rear on Leav-
cnworlh und llith at. A. C. Powull , MOT ) Faruam.
aw ; w
FOR KENT Three-story and basement brlclc
bulldlntf. 44xtni feet , sultnblo for a hotel or
stores and Hats , corner Ulth and I'acillu sU. Ap
ply at 1112 S. l.lth st. 8.14
B AICEH and Confectioner wanting to open a
Htoro in gocxl location should write or call
on mo. Large new store-room with cellar , gas
and city water , ( /'heap rent.
F. L. Giegory , Kentnl Agt. , 009 S. Mill st.
FOH KENT 2nd and lid floors ut 1417 Douglas
st. , with lease of three years , Kennedy *
lllbbins , lljotl Douglas st. 707
H AHDWAHE stornroom for rent on Park
ave. New building. City water nnd gas.
F. L. Gregory , Hental Agt. , MS. IBth st.
FOH HENT-OIIIces on Farnam st. at f 10 to
per month. One olllco furnished. 1H12 Fnr
nam. 18
FOH HENT Store 22.X.10 , all Improvements ,
illth st. . W.I ; line basement , 22x411 , for res
taurant , CM ; 5-room tlat , near bussnesii , modern
conveniences. Thompson , 314 S. Mth st. UH
'OH HENT-Htoro building 20x.10. A good
opening nnd location for business. Api "
Wm. F. Fleming , llth and Douglus. 115 2 ,
FOH HENT Flour and feed store ou Parkave ,
Splendid opening.
F L. Giegory-WJ South 18th st. 271
DHY goods and notions storeroom for rent
Good chaiicit for millinery also.
F , L. Gregory-OO ! ) South llltti st. 271
FOH HENT Ground lloor offlce room , cen
trally located , heated and lighted. O. F.
Harrison. 41H S. llth st. 719
F OH HENT-Officu room , Hut lloor , at 31(1 ( S.
15th st. 44.1
F I OH HENT Ilasement. stores and Hats , cor.
l.lth mid Jackson. Enqulru Mrs' F. Lnngu.
WANTED Situation by an expeit olllco
man , A 1 iHfereuces , In or out of town ;
nlso nil experienced pharmacist , on record , nt
State Employment parlors , 1417 Farnam st. ,
room 11. IttSSlj
W ANTED To do sewing in private family ,
call 501 Pierce st. 3:11 :
W ANTED-Sltuntlon In u good country jirlnt-
ing : ollice. Address O 11 , Ilee otllce. ; ! ill-2l
WANTKD-SItuntlon to tnke charge of engine
und boiler or heating nppnrntus by nil ex-
perlenced man. Address "O 8 ' Itee olllco. 3.0-24 *
T7ANTEISitiiationbya Cermnn of 27 ns
V > coachman. 2 years In last place , or to net
it.s porter In wholesale houau. No ollice. fee.
Canadian Emp. otlicu , Mr * , llrcga & Sou , 310
South llth. Tel.WL _ 2 l aij
" \\7ANTED-SltUHtlons for girls in private
families , hotels , etc. OurolliccM full of
gills. Comwund cheese for yourself. Orders
by mall recelvo prompt utttntlon. Canadian
Employment ollice , Jlrs. llrega A : Son , 3Hf touth
llth. Tel.8.4. 3 2iJ :
WANTED A situation ai custom rlothlni ;
cutter nt or near Om.iha. 1'lrat-cl.m luf-
crences. Address S.un Gioas , " 11 lirown t.
1'hlladclphla. Penn. rd2lj
\AT.VNTED-Sltuatlon by Uermmi girl for Kcn"
TT oral housework , good rofuientes ; inquliu
2U15Oumlng st. gt/J-23 *
VV7ANTED lly young man , i nltlon fnofllco
T V or store ; iinderstundi ollice work and lia.i
had several years' uxperleiicti ns biilesmnu lu
eueral iniUa. : can furnish good rufcieiices. AU-
§ rooM 12 , UteotllM. 211
GENTLEMAN of long experience In busi
A ness would like to taku a ultuablo position
la a wholesale or manufacturing establishment
January 1st prox. Fli.t-clas. references. Ad-
divss until Dec. bt. 21. t , U e ( i'.Hi 30
\\fANTRD-rnRmemi'n < tn do
T > Ing lu fnnillle ! . Addjp.i Ofl , life. 31.1 2.1J
WAJiTHlfrlly n young Inily of experience.
IHisltlon ns book-keeper , cashier or general
ofllco work , or would nccept position ns
Indy.i cnti furnish good city references. Address
M ft , llye office. 84. %
" \\TANTEO-Sltuntlon as traveling or illy
TT salesman ; ten years erperieuce.procerle.s
or cigars. Address 0 3 , lice olllco. 21.1 23 *
AVANTKn-Sltuntlon cnrlng for lior es or
TT stock , Address O J , liceolllfc. . SRi 24 *
\rEW YOIl rTstorngo Co. have most cxtetnlre
-Li facilities for MorngB of furniture , plnnix ,
hugules. Remind merchandise , west of Now
York. Cn. h advances to nny nniount ; nan-
hou H receipt : ) glvim ; goods Insured ; brlctc
InnldlnR fireproof ; special ixrrniiKement * for
rotnml.iilon inerclmntt. Call Now York StorsKtt
Co. , Citpltol nru and X , l&th st. , llruuett'ii block.
"TpIlST-CLAS5 ( stoiagu nt 111) ) X. Mth St.
ViTOilAdn-MerclmndNo or furniture , i.ltllu
fj A Williams , HOT DOUBTS t. NI'J n'-J
S1XHA(1E Furniture , boxed Roiuls , etc.ternM
rrnsontible , 714 I'aclflo. V'4 '
A SNA 1'If taken quick Choice farm partly
Improved , tineo miles from u Rood live
tow u In Heaver valley , I'tirnat countNeb. .
Also linn farm partly improved two miles from
Hutsell SprlneH. county coat ot IoKnn county ,
KntH. I'.lKht hundred acres of choice selected
land ncixr Sidney , t'hej-enno county , Neb. All
exchanped for Komi Improved fnrin orOmnlui
property or stock of general merchandise , fieo
of Incumucrance or nearly so. AildrivWOli , "
lieu ollico. SiU-Sl' .
FOIl SAIiR-Cltpnp bonier. Om > mile from
riorenro. 6 ncre lots IJ1KO. ( O. 1' . Davis
Co. , 1IJ05 Karnnm ( street. 24rt 2.'iJ
HOUSD KOIt SAIK-Onitli. ! between Capitol
nvo. nml PodRC. Must bo sold nt once.
Apply at Hyron , Ucod ACo.'a. 'SA
TR10II KALI1) Ilest wholesale trackaotc property
-L1 lu Uninlui ; four full lots , two of them wltli
corners , with track In nlloy. AH on grade , street
cars , water , gas , nnd nswerage connei'tloiH.
Very doslrablu mid cheap. A. P. Tuker. tui :
rarnnm st. C
N. Heal Eslate. 311 fl. IMli st. , offers
tlm follow Ing genuine bargains :
rulllotln ItauscomPlare $ I.POO
RlpRiint place for home , fronting llan com
I'ark ! l.nno
r 1 feet on SaundeiH st. , near Ornco . . . . f > , ViU
Lot on Farnam St. , ( pnved ) near Ultli , per
foot li'i
Desirable lot In Kllbvl'lace IJWI
One lot In Patrick's tiaratoRa add l )
1(10 ( feet frontnce , near Ilnrnny and 27th . . 4,000
Vine tr.ieknpo lot In city for * nlo or lea e. cheap.
Iot near psrk In Pouth Om.iha Pyndlcntn. 7"fl
1'roperty in all parts of Oinnlia mid South
Omaha. -btf
S'tTtlNnr.H .t ra.l.'dS . Podge st. , have a few
good and cheap lots nt South Omaha.
" 17K > H SALE fiioom tint nnilfinnltiirn ; 1 yenv'.s
J loiiMp , MTi.OOjier month : will sull at a bar-
Rain , pal ties leaving city. Cnll nt 419 ! { S llth
st. Cor term1 ? . 2.W-2.V *
TPOU SAM ? Or nxi-hmiRO , lltl feet on ! 5.'d t , be
JU twe < 'ii California und Hurt , free of Ineiim
liNiicn , will exchange for good farm. Charlo.s
C. Spotswood , KO.- . " , S. llltli. JWI
FOK benutlCul new n-ronm cottage ,
ear.U. Monthly payments. U. K , ( ' : d ,
inth up Btnlrs. fi -
1T10U SAfjR Two east fronts oneiiilln from
JJ po tolllrn , Just oir of Cumliijr , on Montana
ft. ; lotsHl and W , Nelion's add line place for
six "lints ; " hlsh , dry , healthy , nnd ut low tlg-
ure. A. 1' . Tukey , Fiirnam ft.
Omaha lota for sale by Hicks.
SOUTH Hicks.R122J
SALE A furnished lint of 9 rooms with
steam nnd bath , central ) ' located. Cull 223
North 14th. 811) ) .
Foril beautiful new fi-rooin cottages , M.OOO
each. Monthly payments. II. K , Cole. UlllS
Mil , up st.ilrs. SW 2.-I
CHOICE lots , South Omaha , for sale. Hicks ,
KB 21
T1ST homes , rurnished and unfurnished
rooms with us. Wo will rent them. Olllcn
> pen evenings. H. E. Cole , 1110 a. Kith at. W
FOR SALE location for a homo in
West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homos
of Ivlrkendall , Coe , Itrady , Easson and others.
Nothing liner In tlm city. Can s l lifixlH" or
less ; for prices mid terms see S. A. , liui :
Farnam bt. 733
COHNEIl lots , South Omaha , for sale , lllcks.
Kti 21
FOU SALK W oiler as a special b.irgain IllO
acres of hind four miles from stock yards ,
at 112" ) per acre , on line of LT. P. H. It. McC.iguu
Opp. P. O. li4 !
KALE or tr.ido .Wl acres of land , 711
head of cattle. , horses , hogs. Implements
nnd feed for a good frush 'lock of geneinl mer-
[ hnndlse or hardware. For full Information ad-
ilress P. J. Woirall. Xorcatur. Kim. iiftHt t
I HAVE 124 lots In Council Tlluir.s , 20 minutes'
walk from postolllco , only 1(1 ( minute)1 ! ) with
horse car. will amount to little over plo.OW. 1
would trmln for a good established business In
n. town of but. fi.OOOand 10.l Xlnhabitautn ) either
Nebraska , Colorado or Wyoming , When the
Omnhu , t founcll Illutrs bridge w 111 bo finished.
Fully Wl.floo could bo realized out of It. Answer
with full paitlculars , Address M 21 , He ollice ,
1O17H beautiful new fi-room cottages , K-.OOO
each. Monthly payments. H E. Cole , : uo S.
inth , nn stair. ) . tin 2i
IN South Omnhn. I have for sale n lot with
two houses for JI.MO which nays over 17i !
per cent , within ten minutes wall ; of Armour's
and Fowlor'.s packing houses. Owner out of the
city. D. D. Smenton , Itftl Dodge st. 12 ! >
cash will secure a good 1 0 neres of farmland
land in northeastern Nebraska. Thn O. F.
DaviH Company , lAOS Faruaui st. 120 d 1
F I OH finest business lots In South Omnha sen
Geo. N. Hicks , 215 South IMh Ht MB 24
F IN F.ST corner lots lu South Omaha for sale
by Hicks. 2J6South l.lthst. b.12 21
F IOIl South Omalia lots see Hicks. 852 24
LIST your property for unto with Charles C.
Spotswood , 3u.1J ! S Kith Ht (112 (
BUY South Omaha lots now , and get in on
ground lloor prices , Hlek.s. b.12 21
FOIMl beautiful new 5-room cottages , S2.000
each. Monthly payments. H. K. Cole , ilin H.
Mth , up stairs. SB 25
SOUTH Omnha business lots for fettle. . Hicks.
Kit 24
FOR SALE-Looki Look ! Lot 3 , blk 411-0(1x132 (
on Cass between 22nd nnd Kid sts. Only
$ (1,200 , H2.H.10 cash. A bargain , and no mistake.
KHixl.M oust front comer , on 'Mlh and Jones
HtH. , just south of the Hue i esldences of I'.asson ,
I Irmly and others. Can tell this , if taken ut
once , for $ .1,01)0. ) An elegant residence corner.
Nothing In the vicinity n cheap. JL A. Upton
&Co. , lilth St. , opp Chamber of Commerce. 1H3
FOH SALE lUOneres of land four miles from
stock yards , nt $125 per acre ; this is a bar
gain. McCugue , Opp. 1' . O. (133 (
I IOIl SALE A peed lot (3.1 ( feet ) on I'urk nv-
1 eniie. low price if sold soon. ilcCuHcich &
Co , , cor Ifith miin'aruaui. ! CI1
SOUTH Omaha lots for sulu by Hicks.
853 24
B U81NESS lots lu South Omaha. Hicks.
K12 21
rPWO elegant new B-room cottages. $ I.V)0 ) ;
JL Hinnll cash payment , balance monthly , II. E.
Cole 310 S. 15th St. , up stairs. ZW 23
IF you onve anything toMill or exchange list
it w Ith C. K. Spotswood. JiDTiH S 1'ith. ' 0.11
T71OH business lots , South Omah.i , sco Hicks.
K M22J ,
IflOlt SALE- Lot r. block S , A. H. 1'ntrlck's nd-
1 tltlon , will sell for fnw days at tl.ftVt , $72,1
cash , bulauco eahy. JI 37 Ilee ollice. US7
rpWO elegnnt new S-rooin cottages , $ l,1of ) ;
X small cash paj-ment , balance monthly. II. E.
Cole , lIHS. ; 15th bt. , up btulr.s. 2.K ! 1
BCS1N ESS lots'l n SoiaTi"Omuha. "Tfick'T
b.12 21
Foil SALE-A beautiful news-room house In
block "A , " Hudford Place , small cash pay-
incntIlalum monthly or to suit. Charles 0.
Spotawood , iHHi < 8. Kith st. 80 >
171INEST business nnd residence lots In South
JU Omaha f or tala by lllcks. 85221
\7 > M STICKNEY * CO. muka n &i jclulty of In North Omaha , for b.ilo or lent
nt Citizens' bnnk , 2108 Cumlug st.
12 our list South Omaha lots. Illi'kH.
riAWO elegnnt new frooin f cottuge * . tfLWiti ;
JL xmall caih payment , balance monthly. H. E.
Cole , 31ilS. 15th bt upbluln. Zltl 2.1
FFlTlOMPfcON.UU S. IMh St. , buy * und sells rea
JL estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
hnsrigood list of proiinty for bulo and wnnU
moro. Notary jmullc. b.11
T7WK LiU3lnci3 lots , South Omaha , w lilt ks.
I' K.V ! 21
of ttit bodr cnlirceJ an4 itieoctlitucJ , Full [ uutlc-
titlt ( Mllli ) bl. * UU ittU. CO. . VuOalg. N. Y.
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
nt ontr rctd tn Uke for Dfi Molnm , M rlllto n ,
Cmlur Hni'Ui , Cllutiin , Dliini , Ctildixo. MllwmUra
nml * ll ruliiti n t. To lit * | .onpln of Nnlirmkii , Cole *
ruin , Wrnnilii * . Ulati , Idnhn , MernvU , Oriton.V ih
Inutoii nml Oilliornln , It ntror > upwlor nitftntagM
m t roilnl * l > r nr olhor linn.
AmoiiK a fe-r of Ihe nuinrroui rolnH of iipcrtorHf
enoj il by Ih nalron * of llil ri > ml botoreii Om li
nut ] Chlcmco. I u It * two trnlni itnr of DAY COACH-
KH , whlrti HIM lb flnpnt Hint hiinmn nrl > nd Ingrnul-
tr cmi croutn. It > I'A I. AC i : SI.HKI'INl. } CAHH. whirl !
rn moitols of comfort mul eleunnco. lit 1'AllUm
DUAWINO HUOM CAHS , uninrpuMeil br ny , anil
Its nl < telr ce.i br teil PALATIAL lll.NINlT CAIW. th
iMiual of Jihlrli rnnnot tin ( nnnJ elsewhere. At uinn *
rll Illutls tlie trnln * ot the Union I'ncltlo Ilikllw * ? . con *
tn union depot with tlione of the clitcainA
orthwc'teni IlrIn Chleaicn Ui trulnii nf IhH line
miik close connootlon nltli these ot all other f tcra
For Petnilt , Colunibim , Tnitlnnnpolli , Cliiclnnitt ,
NUznra Vnlli. nuirnlo , ruiinnrii , Toninto , Montreal ,
llndon. New \ork , rhlln < 1clpiU ! , lltltltuoroVmh -
Inutuu , uJ all point * lu Ui vail , nik fur tlckgttla
If jou wlnh tlie bent accommodation. All ticket agent !
K-n tlc-kpln Tl tUI lino.
11. lltllllltTT. K. P. WILSON ,
Oml. Maunicr , Uoul. TniCr Atfont
CUtcaao' " "
W. M. tuncocK.CUtcaao' "Y. n. noitn ,
Wilra Agout. Ciu 1'att'r. Agaak
Um h , Ntbratka.
or Tim
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. '
The Best Route from Onmlin and Council
Ulntfe to
Clilfnfto , AND
Stt rani , Mlnnonpolls , Cednr
took Island , Frcrport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Duliiiquo , PaTonport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsrllle ,
IJclolt , Hlnonn , Ln C rosso ,
And all other Important pnlnti E t , Norltiout n4
Fnr thrniigli ticket * mil on thfl tlrknt ouont Kt UT1
rurnnrn struJt , In 1'aiton Hotel , ornt Uuloa i' cina
I > opot *
T'lillnmn Slnopan Hnd tlio flnrit THnlng Tan In tha
world urn run on tlm m ln linn of th Clilc ltii , Mil-
autee A HU Paul Ititllvriir. unit urorr utteullon It
iilil In pa'MMiuurs courtuuus eoiiiloyot ot tbv
K.MII.i.wn.rlononilMnniicrr. .
J. k' . TUCKHIl , A l Unt ( K'lioml Maniiccr.
A. V. 11. ( 'Alll'K.NTKil , Uuuurnl l'n ungr ( and
OKO. l il AKKOUt ) , Ai liit nt General I'Mianger
anil Ticket AKunt.
J. T. CI.AHK , ( lenoral Suportnteiulont ,
Running Rctween Council UlniriJ and Albright.
Innddltion to the btatlom mentioned , trams
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
nnd ut the Summit in Omaha.