Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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oFPicu NO. IB , iMJAHij STHIIT : ;
Delivered liyrnrrlir In nny pnrt of the city nt
Uunty ( .uitMiirvstik.
II. W TIMON. Manner.
'll.l.r.l'IIOMIS :
JIUPINF.PS Ot n < K , No. < ) .
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Hotter , tailor , Full goods cheap.
Keo Chapman's pictures for Christina ? .
The public tchoolb of the city closed
last evening and will teopun next Mon
The chorus choir at St. Paul's will bo
entertained to-day by the llov.and Mrs.
T. J. Mackey.
The Congregational church choir
sings at the union Thanksgiving ser
vices at the IJroadway M. K. church
this morning.
II. Kisonmn & Co. tent out nearly a
ton of advertising matter yesterday
that made the outgoing mails the heav
iest of the year.
The street car track' on lower Broad
way , between the bridge and Sixteenth
btreet. is being raised to conform with
the new grade.
Active work will be begun upon the
operetta , "Under the Palms , " to-day.
The children who are to take part are
requested to incut at St. Paul's church
this afternoon at J5 o'clock.
Jennie , the six-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John ( Jargon , died Tues
day afternoon after a short illness. The
funeral will take place this afternoon
ut li o'clock from the residence on
Fourteenth street between First avenue
and Broadway.
George Itlnxsiin , M)7 ) Main street ,
conies to the readers of the HKI : this
morning with an advertisement of his
business. Ho guarantees good material
and the best workmanship in his goods ,
which ib a siilllcient recommendation to
command trade.
The paving of Glen avenue will be
completed to-day. This will close up
this part of the improvement work in
the city for the season. The blocks ,
sand and atmosphere are so cold that as
teen as the melted tar touches the
ground it is congealed instead of pass
ing into the gravel and forming a solid
bed. The best results are desired in
this work and to secure them warmer
weather must bo had.
Marriage licenses were issued yester
day to Theodore Larson , aged twenty-
four , and Anna Peterson , aged twenty-
one , and to Frederick M. Wheeler , aged
twenty , and Mary K. Harmon , aged
fifteen. Wheeler is the pop-corn mo
nopolist at the corner of ] ( roadway and
Main streets. Ho was so tickled at his
approaching nuptials that he ' 'treated'
the clerical force at the county clerk' *
ollice to three sacks of pop-corn , saltet
on both siiles.
For an elegant birthday giftor Christ
inas present , a Domestic sowing machine
leads them all.
A Narrow Kscnpe.
Charles Smith had a little circus all
by himself yesterday morning. Ho was
engaged in drawing away the surplus
dirt from around the Paeilio Mutual
telegraph poles , and backed a load up
to the bank of Indian creek by the side
of K. H. Waterman's new building.
When he arrived at the edge he forgot
to stop , and wagon , horses , and all went
down twenty feet into the creek. Aside
from breaking a few straps and the
coupling polo of the wagon , there was
no damage done. Judging from Smith's
personal appearance , he must have
landed upon his nose. Ho was lucky to
escape so easily.
Until January 1st wo oiler the public
the very best values in every department
of our immense stock. We offer no
catch-penny gifts to work olT worthless
poods , but wo do put our gifts into our
goods. The best values and the lowest
prices UHarknc&s Bros. ' , 401 Broadway.
iMi't It 1/ovely.
All aesthetic enthusiasts should .visit
the new patrol house on Bryant street.
The acme of high art is shown in the
decoration of the doors. Such perfect
blending of colors was never been before
except on a barber pole. Red , blue ,
yellow , green and drab , are all present ,
but no one can tell which predominates.
It would make an angel weep , but as
the average citizen of Council Bluffs is
possessed of small angelic propensities ,
ho walks by on the other side and ven
tilates his knowledge of "plug-ugly"
English. _
J. W. and K. FJ. Squire lend money.
Dint net Court.
The attention of the district court was
occupied yesterday by the case of George
S. Damon vs Samuel Weston , forspccilic
performance. The trouble is over some
land that was bold during the "boom , "
and the plaintiff sues for damages. The
case was submitted to the jury at 4I0 : !
o'clock. The rest of the afternoon was
spent in making an assignment of cases
for Monday. The jurymen have been
discharged until Monday , and there will
be no business of importance during the
remainder of the week.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at onco. Ad
dress or call on J. H. Hico , No. IK
Main street , Council Bluffs.
Tim Musketeers.
The comic opera , "Tho Musketeers , '
was presented last evening at Dohany'i
opera house by home talent and was r
decided success. There was a large
audience in attendance and the libera
amount of applause bestowed was ovi
donee that the entertainment was thor
oughly appreciated.
The Hall Opened. ,
The first of the gan.bling cases wa
called in Jiibtice Burnett's court Tues
day morning. The parties were no
ready to proceed , and a continuance fo
thirty days was granted. This was ex
pocted. 'it outlines the policy that ha
been settled upon by these persons
They will stave off a hearing as long .a
is possible. They are probably Imtchin
up some line of defense. What it wil
bo is a conundrum.
For best quality coal and wood , cal
on Gleason , L't ! Pearl street.
Police Court.
J. H. Duncan and Ira Merriam wor
each fined $7.60 , and Thaddeus Stanle
18.10 , for an unsuccessful encounter wit
"tanglefoot. "
W. Holder was charged with forgin
ehpck on B. K. Berry , which ho ha
cashed by Jim Wiloon. Holder
R newsagent , and Borrv is
popular conductor on the "Q " The o' '
Idonco is not ready and Holder is kil'Jn '
time nt the city jail. Ho will postpor
hlsThnnksglxing until noxtyear.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
A Trip Over the City to V16w Its
A Spicy Letter From California The
Tnle of a KattlcMiuKo I'olleo
Com I DoliiRs Minor MiMillon
mill 1'ei'HonalH.
1'nre Water.
Through the courtesy of Manager
Blrkinbine a representative of the BKI :
was taken over the city and bhown the
workings of the water works s.\ stem , -and
inasmuch as the facts exhibited are of
interest to the general public they are
herein given.
When the waterworks company took
the contract to furnish this city with an
adequate supply of pure water from the
Missouri river the public thought the
the thing could not be done. It was
not suppo-ed possible to take the water
af the "Big Muddy" and cleanse it so as
to make it lit for use. A scheme was
llrst devised to purify this water. No
artificial means could be employed
which would do the work and it was de
cided to do it by natural means i. e. pre
cipitation and evaporation. The law
that water will purify itself by llowinga ,
certain distance was fully and admira
bly demonstrated.
The place at which the water was to
betaken from the river was located about
a mile above the pumping works. A
conduit , or ditch , wa.s dug connecting
these two points. This is large enough
to carry the full supply , even should the
consumption bo much grater than it
now is. At the head of the conduit
stands the conduit engine , the pumping
capacity of which is 15,000 gallons per
minute. The suction pipe extends into
the channel of the river and only ' 'live
water" is taken up by the engine. On
account of the treacherous banks , which
are liable to slough ott at any place and
without warning , it was impossible to
put a permanent building here , and the
house which covers this portion of the
works is of the most temporary charac
ter. It is of wood , constructed in sec
tions , and hooked together so that ,
should the necessity occur , the whole
thing can be taken down in a very short
time and placed at some other point. A
lake of considerable si/.o is being formed
near the pumping work's. Here the
water received from the conduit comes
to a stand still and piecipitation is very
rapid. From here the surface water
passes into a "pump mill , ' ' from which
it is taken to the two reservoirs situ
ated south of the works. These contain
(1,000,000 ( gallons each. From here the
motor is pumped through mains into the
immense supply reservoir in Prospect
park , with a capacity of 4,000,000 gallons
lens , from where by gravity pressure it
is distributed to consumers all over the
city. It will bo observed that at the
lake , the well , and the settling r.eser-
voirs the surface water only is taken.
Thus the sediment is left behind and
when necessary it can b'o taken away.
By this method of purilication the con
sumer gets pure water.
From a personal inspection of many
of the cities situated on the largo rivers
of the west , as well as the east , the
writer is safe in saying that no better
water is had anywhere , except it be
taken from the potsdam sandstone by
artesian wells ; and in the matter of
purity the comparison is favorable to
the water wo have.
The "works" contain three engines
and four boilers which have a
capacity of 7,000,000 gallons per
day. As the present consump
tion is only 1.700,000 gallons it wlr-
bo seen that all the reasonable piVsiljRi.
lies of the future as to the growth of the
city , etc. , are amply covered. About
twenty-live miles of pipe are'"now laid ,
over 'one mile having been jmt dowiui
during the past year. Two hundred and
one hydrants are distributed throughout
the city , and the best and most complete
fire protection is secured. Every pipe
lias been tested rt 300 pounds
pressure , which is more tin n double the
amount required to do the work they
have yet had to do. At u recent test of
u hydrant on Park avenue , the register
showed a pressure of 135 pounds , which
is equivalent to an altitude of 800
Tins demonstrates the sulliciency of the
system , for every house within the city
limits can be reached , with pressure for
its full protection.
Now the reader may ask , "For all this
are not the water-works company re
ceiving ample pay ? " In the matter of
rates , yes. The people are paying all
they can afford and enough to get the
best service ; but the company have not ,
as yet , received a cent in dividends.
The establishment of such u system
looks to the future for its pay , but it will
be some time yet before this company
receive even the average per cent , re-
uli/.ed from other investments of a pri
vate character involving the amount of
capital hero invested.
E. II. Sheufo loans monov on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ollico 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
The Pierce street garden was opened
Wednesday evening by a largo parti
given by Jacob Howarth , the proprietor ,
The promises have been put in firsl
class shape , the rooms and halls bcinf
newly painted and kalsomined. It wil
bo let to responsible persons for parties
or dances. Mr. Howarth invites hit
friends to call and see him.
A Kjiloy la-tier From California.
The following extracts from a lettoi
to friends in this city , from one of tin
many credulous invalids who hav <
sought relief and a renewal of forme :
health in the much extolled atmosphere
of California , although not original ! ;
designed lor publication , will furnish i
few facts to the readers of the Biii : tha
may be of interest and future use :
"Dear L I am getting rested and i
little used to dust and climate , but i
nearly got mo down at first.
I will not got the good I wished fron
the climate , for I despise all I've seoi
west of Kansas. Nothing but glarini
sun and sand heaps , with Hies as numcr
ous as the grains of sand , by day , am
cold and "skeetors" by night. Uncl
Joe and others used to say , "Can't tuk
re cold in California. Lie on the grouin
anywhere. " You can Ho , not on th
Ih ground , but on sand , and the other par
is one of the worst lies over told ,
know , myself , and have been told repeatedly
poatedly by Californians , that one take
id cold easier here , and it lusts longei
isa than anywhere else.
a Wo got here when what they term
v- "norther , " hud just sot in. The win
cornea through thc.pass in the mom
ne tains , north , comes over the desert , an
the air is full of sand , us you over sa' '
It , of snow. A man can't drive facin |
these "northers. " They lust aboi
three days. The nil"become ? hot , and
everything burning up. We have seen
scon Iho three weeks that'we
have been here.
There is no place on earth that is
landed like California. li is HOMO prin
cipally by real estate agents. This
plaeo. lias one dry good" store , two gro
ceries , one bakery , and forty real estate
agents. 'They ' meet you at the train ,
most large-hearted fellows "We don't
wait for introduction * in California. "
take you riding , and show you their
list. \ ( you say , "No money , " they say ,
"Good day. "
The only good that can come to any
body here' , is the constant outdoor life
thai he can lead in a nfly atmosphere.
Hut it N bilious here , and in the sum
mer the days arc exceedingly hot , and
the nights are very cool. I can see
little health in such extremes in twen
ty-four hours. 1 am going to Los An
geles in the morning , to get f-omething
for my throat. I am nearly choked all
the li'ino.
H is barely possible that a few years
in this climate might do you good , but I
will not influence you to come. If I was
well I would not stay hero twelve hours
longer. Perhaps I have given you the
dark side. T wish it had been given me.
then I would not have been so disap
pointed. I think that if you can settle
well in Kansas or Iowa you had butter
do to. But if you want to see this coun
try , now is u good opportunity.Vo pay
$112 per month for a room and J ! ) per
week for board.
It seems to mo that there is more sick
ness here than in any placu of its size in
Indiana. Not simply invalids who have
come here , but the stout and apparently
able-bodied. Some of our friends left
pleasant homes in the east , and are liv
ing here without comforts and wishing
for the homes they have left , yet pos
sessing hero an abundance of climate ,
for they have forty steps of stairs be
tween earth and home , and have to
"climb it" for daily food. Write soon.
There is certainly food for reflection
in the above letter , and parties who in
tend to dispose of their stock of this
world's goods in this part of the moral
vineyard , and seek that priceless boon ,
health , in that 'wonderful Eden"oa the
Pacific coast , will do well to pursue their
investigations a little farther before
making a change. There are many sec
tions of the country that arc now being
"boomed" for all they are worth , and
ncarlv every not thus spread catches its
full share of "suckers. " It is but a few
days since a covered wagon drawn by a
yoKc of antiquated oxen passed through
the city in an easterly direction. A few
months ago the same wagon , drawn by
four line mules , passo'il along the same
road in the opposite direction. On the
outward trip the promised land was
soon in anticipation , through the eyes
of the real estate agent , but on the re
turn they had seen it in reality for
On general principles , the real estate
man is doubtless a truthful and honor
able personage , but when it comes to
describing a tract of land , of which ho
has the agency , his veracity may bo
compared to that of a deacon in a horse
trade. But the truth must bo known
sooner or later , and Iowa in general ,
and Council BlulTs in particular , plainly
demonstrates to their citizens that il
they wish to enjoy every advantage ,
natural and artificial , they should re
main whore they are and "let well
enough alone. "
Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co
. * .
Free ! Free ! Free !
Until January 15 , wo give a valuable
present with every purchase of $10 01
No blanks every one gets a. prize
who buys.
Couxc-ii , BLUFFS CAUI-KT Co.
Evorv one making a cash purchase o
2o cents at T. U. King & Co.'s cigar
store gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
lie Thankful.
This day has been set apart officially
as a day of thanksgiving and praise.
This docs not mean that wo shall bo
thankful officially or that wo shall ren
der our praise through our officials. It
does mean , incidentally of course , that
the average business man would forget
that he had anything to bo thankful for
and would loose his voice for "praise"
entirely if a day were not set apart as a
reminder. Men are rather peculiar. A
horse gets along the year round bearing
its burdens day after day eating its
meals , when its fortunate enough to get
any ; sleeping when its day's work is
done ; and taking little interest in the
matters that otherwise pertain to it. It
recognizes no responsibility ; obeys no
master but its appetite and the whip
and finally lies down to dio. Again
man is peculiar. Ho isn't a horse , and
yet his life is somewhat after the same
order. It is safe to assume that many
> eoplo will cause the necessity that
} orces them to lay aside the business of
the day. A horse gladly welcomes a
playday. No , a man isn't a horso. Other
men never consider the serious side of
lifo and recognize the fact of respon
sibility to any power higher than their
stomachs. A monkey does the sumo.
But man is neither a horse nor a mon
key and yet , what a similarity.
Have you anything to bo thankful for ?
Look over the past year and sec that.
Have you been prospered in business11 !
Bo thankful. Have you been blessed
with healthy Be thankful. Have your
family and yourself been sick , and are
you burdened with the bills of the doc
tor and the lawyer ? Bo thankful that
you are not dead. Find something tc
bo thankful for , and bo thankful as you
can. It may bo a change from youi
usual methods , but it will bo a healthi
You AVnnt Them.
Domestic patterns and patterns foi
stamping and embroidery. Latest style !
ire and Imest designs. "Domestic" office
e 105 Main street.
A Itattlcsnuko Tnle.
The family of Engineer Snyder , o
the Northwestern , residing at the corner
nor of avenue G and Eighth strec
were alarmed yesterday morning by tina
appearance of a huge rattlesnake whicl
had found its way into the house in som <
unaccountable way. His snakcship wn
discovered by ono of the children. /
man who was employed hauling dirtdis
patched the reptile which was found ti
Wudsworth , Etnyro & Co. loan mono ;
On und after December 4 the C. B. i
Q. road will put on an extra local , pas
bonger mail und express train whicl
will start from the transfer at 0:50 : a. m
and from the local depot nt 7 o'clock
This will place the BKK in the hands c
its many Iowa readers curlier in th
day. It will reach subscribers us fa
east as Sheridan before any daily froi :
the east. The Q road is always umoiii
the first to appreciate and meet th
a wants of the traveling public.
n- Ono thousand head of ono , two an
nid thrce-veur-old steers for sale. Will glv
id.w crodit'to reliable parties. Enquire c
.wR A. J. Groonamaycr , 023 Mynster st
ut telephone 121. ' <
George H. Mitchell , iqf Omaha , was. nt
the Ogden .yesterday.
J. B. Shively is spending Thnnk ! -
giving with his uncle , J. ' H' . Shivelv , ut
Undue exposure to cold winds , rain ,
bright light or malaria , mav bring on
inllummation and oreness of the eyes.
Dr. J. H. McF ean's Strengthening liyo
Salve will subdue the inflammation ,
vool and toot ho the iiprves. and
strengthen weak and failing Eye Sight.
io ! cent- box.
\Vc nrc now prepared for the
Our Immense Imililiii s are packed full ot
the must
In our line , mid at prices that will defy com-
IM'tition. AVu gunrnntc'o our goods to be Jint
as wo represent them. Please give us a call
whether you wish to buy or not , ami brlnij
your friends with you. It 1s no trouble to
show our goods. Hospoctfully ,
The Alcohol , Morphine uiul Opium hnlilt Ab-
Holutfly Curi'il without iuturfi-rliiK with the
patient's dully nvocntlon. Correspond with or
call on DR. F. P. BELLINGER.
1114 MrondNMiv , Council lllmr.1 , In.
All correspondence confidential.
' advertisementssurhns Lootfound ,
To Lnnti , fur Salo. To Kent , Wants , HoiirdltiK.
etc. . will l > e tnvrrti'd In this column nt the low
ruteofTKN CUNTS 1'Ell UN K for the llrst In-
MTtlon und Five CenN I'cr l.ltie for pilch subse
quent Insertion. tmi\t > udvertlai'ini'iits lit our
ollice No. 1U 1'earl Street , near IJrondway , Coun
cil Illulls , Iowa.
FOH SAliK Very cheap for cash , or would
for Council Illulls or Omaha prop
Mty , nretul htock of boots and shoes valued at
about * 4lHKl. Cull ut > tore. No. WW Broadway , or
address It. Martin , sumo number , Council
FOR HKST Good clht ( room house , uith
pi , fiuuiicemid Muter. Stable on premi
ses. KM Second ave. , two blocks from dummy
depot. Apply lit II I'enrl-bt.
IOK llf.NT HOUSOH In all parts of the city by
Johnston A : Vnn I'ntten , ; CI Main st.
FOH 8AI.K A second hnnd Kiinlio square
plunu. nearly new ; cost Jdvi. wllforKOO.
Address QHI. . llee olHeu , Council lllullH.
OH UKNT Housi'mind furnished looms. J.
K , DuvUNon Oli'i Fifth avenue.
FOIl SAI.K Second-hand Columbia bicycle
very cheap , fill-Inch , nt llee ollice.
! hundred thousand dollars to loan on
ONI estate und chattels by F. J. Itay , 3V
1'earl nt.
"IJUIUHNG lots and acre propelty for sale by
F. J. Day , : ) Pearl st.
"IjlOH HUNT A tlncly furnished front loom ,
J3 llrst lloor. In pilvate residence near court
house. Water in room , lighted mid heated.
Iurce closet. References required. Address II.
li , llee ollke. Council Illulls.
Carriage and Express Line.
Telephone No. to.
All calls from District Telegraph Offlco
promptly attended to.
) OO T0 (
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturerf of
Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad- Ogden Iron WorksCouncil llluff.s , Iowa.
O. McDANElD & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
820 and K2 Main Street.Couucil llluff.s.lowa.
Latest Novelties ,
In Ainbcr , tor
toise shell , etc.
v - " - as well ns the
In lialr goods.
8 " ; " * '
- Hair
Made to order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
29 Main Street , Council niutTs. Out of town
work solicited , and all mall orders promptly
attended to.
$2. AN ELEGANT $2.
To each purchaser of $2.00 worth of
goods wo give a ticket which en
titles the holder to one chance on
an Elegant Gold Watch worth $90.
\Vo carry a nice line o ( goods , in the
latest styles , ombrnuintf Men's and
Boy's clothing , hats and cups , boots
and shoes , gloves , mittens , etc. , which
we will hell you at Ono-hulf the Price-
asked you by other dealers and give
you 11 chance on the watch besides.
Coino and examine our goods and prices
Fi ( before purchasing. * Remember the
ot place , . 'ill ; and < r > 48 Hroadway.
401. 401. 401. 401.
These Are Symbolic !
What Do They Symbolize ?
There Are 401 Reasons for This.
The best goods in the various
Quality ! departments of our stock the
market contain.
The most goods possibleto
Quantity !
be given for the money.
The greatest amount of the
Cheapness ! best goods for the least
401 persons can testify that this is so.
401 Kinds of Dress Goods for
4O1 styles of beauty.
4O1 styles of Carpets for
401 kinds of homes.
401 styles of Underwear for
4O1 kinds of persons.
All this and 401 times as much you will find at
4O1 Broadway.
Harkness Brothers.
COUNCIL m-UITS , ; ; ; i : ; IOWA.
405 m
Times < RUGS
as Much Carpets ,
Stock Curtains ,
as is Carried Upholstery.
By any Other Upholstery ,
House * J Curtains ,
In Western Carpets ,
Iowa. RUGS.
405 405
Kntrance.s John Allen , 112 , Prop. Main The Great Bargain
and 113 1'earl St. SHOE STORE
Open from 6 a.m. to 10 Is nt 100 Main Street ,
p. m. Council U hi ( Is Council lIlulfH. la.
Iowa. S. A. I'lerce. Prop.
Hazard & Co MR , W , B , WHite WuiFitzgeralil.
Pole Konl for
* Dealer In
Rotary SbutlleStandanl
Sewing Machine Restaurant. Staple OSOCEEIES. and Fancy
for Nebraska rrn lowa. & Weet- Vo. Now Ftnro , New . . Ptork.
, . il'J Atnln ft. Crtsiuii
Office lUiMaln .
ell llluffa. lima. . ell Bluffs , lowa. lluu o Uluck. , .
Agent wanted. Council Illuffi la.
Neiimayer's . ' Hotel Teller &Egan ,
J. Neumajcr , I'rop.
$1.00 PEIt DAY. Wholcialoind retail
Street car connections . Grain. Floor , Feed
to all ileiioli. . .
Klre proof Mablo In con llale-1 haj.otc. Auenti
nvctlon , No * 'JW and for U'nlnul IllockCoHl
21(1 . ( llroadwiiy. , Va Main fct. Council
Opp.OtMlcn House . . .
Council lllutT * Iowa. Illufls.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
llroadway , Council liluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Ilorsea and mules constantly on band , for
lala at retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on short
Htock sold on commlHMon.
Telephone ill. BCIILUTEU A HOLEY.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Jllutff.
eOOIIroodway , Council llluffn , Iowa. Established
Worth $2OOO to bo Qlvon Away b
Ilonry Elsommi < fc CO.'B Pooplo'a
Store , 014 , 010,010 mul 02O
Broadway , Council Blufte ,
Wltli r\cry Two Dollar * Worth
Good * I'liroliaseil You \VI1I Itcoeiv
a Conixm Ticket ( Jooil For Oi)0
Cliiuici * In the FollowliiK tJrnnil
I'rcHcuts t > lioil\cn Away by'
us on Idiular , ilanuary
tilth , 1HHH.
Kvory $2 purchase rpooives one ticket
ml every additional * i ! the Minid ,
loltl your tickets until the ubovo men *
ioneil date , when the Im-kv number !
ill bo announced and the holders In *
itoil to call for their nrej-onts.
Hoinoinbor you will naveto pay noth
ng extra on your iiurehiibesi. Wo
uarantoo to hell you goods cheaper
linn you can buy at any other house in
he wi'M , and give you the largest , finest
nd best block wuht of Chicago to select
All mail order * receive prompt niton *
ion and tickets for the free gifts fori
varded with the orders the t-amo as if
ou were hero in pert on.
Tho-o distributions will be jnado with
very fairni't-s , and customers may do
iciid on the lucky numbers receiving
heir reward.
No tiekoH will bo { riven to employe
f our hour-e. customer * only receiving
he bonelit of the pri'/es.
i.iyr or 1'iti/KS.
No. of pri/e.
1 One elegant parlor set I'onsjstina
f t-ofii , divan and 4 largo easv cnairin
mri-lias-ed from S. K. Keller of this city !
" One elegant cherry bed room bow
' ( insisting of bedstead , dresser ami
viish stand. Have large bevoll French
> late mirrors. 1'ureliased from 0. A.
Jcobe & Co. , city.
H Ono elegant silver tea set , consist
tig of extra largo and very heavy
iVuitGi' , eolTt'o pot , tea pot , sugar bowl ,
creamer and spoon holder. Muit bo
teen to be fully appreciated. Uoughi
rom ( J. 15. .lacijtioniin \ Co. , city.
4 One very handsome water setcom
prising pitcher stand goblets and wash
bowl of the very largest design. Ail
jlegant piece of goods. Purchased from
'obiiibon Uro-i. , city. /
5 Decorated China dinner set of 130
nieces. Purchased from W. A. Maurer ,
I ) Elegant decorated China tea bet ot
5 ( > pieces.
7 Very handsome blue satin water
sot , consisting of < ! tumblers , 1 pitcher
.imi one hammered brass tray.
8 One Venetian water sot. comprising
0 tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass
0 Lustre amber water set , eompris-r
ng ( i tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 elegan
brass tray.
10 One ruby water set , consisting of
tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brass tray.
11JOyds ; best black tininett bilk the
best silks made.
1U 1 pair Japanese portiere.
1 ! < 1 gentleman' : * smoking jacket.
M 1 very elegant Paisley shawl.
15 1 set beaver furs.
1(1 ( 1 gentleman's dress suit.
17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat.
18 1 boy's or youth's suit.
19 1 boy's or jouth's overcoat.
i0 ! 1 pair sealskin gloves.
21 1 pair California , white blankets ,
" 2 1 combination nobility dress pafi
tern , worth f")0.
" ! ! 1 Misses cloak.
1M 1 piece Lonesdalo muslin.
lie 1 pair men's boots or shoes.
12i ( 1 U. P. corset any bixo.
" 7 1 pair Misses shoes.
U8 1 Dr. Warner's corset.
lit ! 1 very line Mar.iailles bed spread ,
. ' 50 1 elegant album.
Ml 1 toboggan eap.
'M 1 infant's cloak.
Itli 1 Kibluuere dress.
'tl 1 set furs.
M 1 line large doll.
lili 1 autograph album.
. ' 57 j doxen ladies' line wool fast black
HH J do/.en Misses line wool fast black
; > ! ) J gingham dress pattern.
40 1 do/.en gentslinen handkerchiefs.
41 1 do/en ladieslinon handkerchief
4'2 ( J linen table cloths.
41 ! 1 do/.en linen njipkins.
44 1 do/.en line linen towels.
45 1 fancy stand cover.
4i ( 1 table cover.
47 1 Marsailles quilt.
48 1 line largo doll.
4 ! ) 1 large album.
SO 1 toboggan cap.
51 1 child's hood.
5U 1 piece "fruit of loom" muslin.
5It 1 fancy stand cover.
, _ pair'elegant Japanese portiere.
55 1 album.
5(1 ( 1 largo doll.
57 1 autograph album.
68 1 seal skin hand bag.
59 1 toilet bot.
(10 ( 1 Long pocket book.
(11 ( 1 line sill : mulllor.
( W 1 shopping bag.
(115 ( 1 elegant lace handkerchief.
(11 ( 1 largo bottle line perfumfc.
(15 ( 1 pair kid gloves.
(1(1 ( ( 1 pair silk suspenders.
(17 ( i pair ladies' ear rings.
(18 ( 1 pair ladies' cull buttons.
(19 ( 1 line lace pin.
70 1 Madam Warner's corset.
71 1 line hand bag.
7" 1 large album.
7 , ' ! 1 largo wax doll.
71 i gents' scarf.
75 1 line silk mufllor.
7(1 ( 1 pair ladies line shoes.
77 1 autograph album.
78 1 pair silk mils.
79 1 gent's fur cap.
{ ,0 1 gents' bilk binoking Jacket.
81 1 gents' hat.
M 1 pair men's arctic overshoes.
K't 1 pair ladies' overshoes.
84 1 line alburn.
85 1 hammered brass umbrella btand.
8(1 ( 1 pair line bilk suspenders.
87 1 largo doll.
88 1 largo shopping bag.
89 1 silk umbrella.
! ) < ) ! line lace handkerchief.
91 1 elegant evening shawl.
92 1 gent's traveling bug.
9.5 1 toboggan eap.
91 1 child's hood.
f)5 ) 1 pair kid gloves.
9(1 ( 1 ladies' line jersey.
97 1 elegant lace handkerchief.
98 1 silk mulller.
9 ! ) 1 per ladies' line shoes.
100-1 bet ladies' furs.
Total value of the above 100 prcBenta ,
two thousand dollars.
See them exhibited in our More.
The drawing will be conducted under
the management of a committee of si *
eiti/.ens , and the utmost fairriebS will b
had so the presents will go to the per-
boiiH who holdstho lucky numbers.
Now ' , the time for everybody to take
advantage of this great gift pITering.
Buy your goods at the People's utore ,
have money thereby and got 11 present-
in the bargain , Henry Kiboman & Co. .
People's store , ! il4. 310 , 818 und aitf
Broadway , Council Dlutls , la.