THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 24 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. PUBMSflED KVKRY MOUNINO. TKIIMS OK ilnllr ( Morning K-lltlon ) Including Birmlay Ilrr. Ono Yi-ar 11000 VorBlx Months ft ffl ForThree Months 2 W The Omalm Sunday II LK , mailed to any ml- tire * * , Oiif Vi-nr 2 00 OMAHA OFTICE , No. H ANIISKII-'AIINAMHTHKKT. NKW YoiiKOrKiCK , ItooMr.l. Tunuri * K IJCH. WASIIISOTO.V UKKICK , No. 61.1 TtKimi BTIIKKT. cou All coimuiinlciitlim * n < lallnK now * nml Mlltorlnl matter Hliotilil be addressed to the Kiiiroiioi' TIIK HKK. jiUfiNiiPs iirrnit9i : All ImnlncMi lclttr.s ; nud rinuUtntircft should lie aililrcKwd to TIIK HIK : I'tmi.isniMl CDMI'AMV. OMAHA , Jrnft . rliccku nnil imMnltlrp orders to lie Hindu jmyitblo to tint older ut the coinliauy. The BecPDlilisliiiigCipany , Proprietors , E. HOSKWATKll , Knrron. THi : I ) AHA' IIKK. . Bworn KtnU'iiiont of Circulation. State of N'phrnfikn , I _ . County of IKiiiKlni. fH'a > < lco. II. T/tw'huck. MTirtnry of The HOP 1'ub- lIMilnu coiniuiny , ilowt Milrlimly swear thnt tlio iHttml rlrcti fill tun of HIP Ihilly flow for thuuck nidlng Nov. is , lPh7 , WHS us follows : Saturdiiy. Nov. 12 l p,20f > Hntidny , Nov. 1:1 : ir > , UMI ) Moniluy , Nov. 14. 1ft,7 l Turfxlny. Nov. If , IfflMI WviliiFMlay. Nov. in H. * Thurwlnv. Nov. 17 H.Tl''i Friday. Nov. 18 H.TJO A verage 13. W OHO. I ) . Tz > unutn. ; ; flworn found subscribed In my tinwnce tllU llitli day of November , A. 1) . 1CS7. 1CS7.N.I' . KKII. . ( SKA I , . ) Notary Public Btutc of NfbrnKkn , I County of Iounlnn. f ' " ' ( ieo. II. Tzschtick. bclnc first duly sworn , ile- pot-en mid suys thut hn la fti > crftiiry of The Ili'o rubllslilnu roimmny , tlmt the actual urernKu daily clrculntlon of the Dally Hoc for the month of November , IPWi , 1.1HS : for July. UNI. H.Utlnmlrh ! for AURUht. Ibh , , H.- 1M rnilrn | : for Prptrnihvr , 1N > 7H.IHSlcopleti ; for October , 1M > 7,14.5H. < 1KO. H.T/SCIirriC. Rworn to and Hibrrlln'il In mypntu'iiri * this Clhilnv of October , A. 1) ) . 17. N. 1' . KKtU ( SKAI , . ) Notary Public. WHAT will become of Put Ford's pots on thu ] MliooV GKN'TLK.MKN'of thccouiicil , this is Mr. Boavoy , chief of polico. Tin : bonds of Police Commissioners Smith and Ciilborl will now be approved. TIIK great imnuiil feast of turkey and flow of crnnburry suuco comes oT ( to-day. IT was u wise idea to have Tluink&giv- ing always come before congress con venes. Tins is the ono day of all the year when the American eagle is not the proud bird of freedom. PAT FORD'S objections to Chief Seavey's side whiskers were iiot sus tained by the supreme court. PKCUMAH Mr. Itiddlohorgcr will muko : i speech. Tlio senator does not appear to appreciate his weakness. Ur to this date Governor Ogolsby has received neither a boom nor a bomb in consideration of his action in the an archists' CUSP. CHICAGO now demands that street cm- fare bu reduced to four cents. Chicago will next clamor for the grand stand on judgment day. Ir Councilman Billingsley , of Lin coln , had known that ho was to bo lined $000 , ho would not have wasted so much time in mailing his speech to the court WITH the crown prince enjoying n cancer in his throat and Mr. Carlifclo eternally being interviewed , the news of the world is ample- oven if at times tedious. P. T. BAUNUM estimates that he had received $50,000 worth of advertising out of his show burning. Mr. Barnum , although old , still believes in the use of printer's ink. THE citizens' ticket of St. Louis has boon victorious in a closely contested election of the school board. The citi zens' ticket has caused many political deaths this year. SUMI : of the Crow Indians recently captured will bo sent to Florida this winter. How they must pity the poor people who are compelled to remain north and bravo the bliv.y.ards. THE Standard Oil company is now being handled by the inter-stato com- iniKsion. The Standard has always managed to grease people who have in terfered with its plundering business. AND now it is predicted thut the Kug- Ilsh winter will prove too severe for Gladstone. His party followers hope lessly wonder where iv leader will bo found to take the place of the grand old man should the prediction prove true. CHICAGO claims that gas can be prof itably made and gold at CO cents per 1,000 feet , and demands gas at that price. Other cities nro making similar demands. It will be well for gas monop olies to heed these writings on the wall. KNT GIUSVY , it is reported , has decided to resign. If this is really hie intention the republic will bo left in an unfortunate condition. Franco has able party leaders but the trouble is they arc now engaged in bitter factional fights. 1'horo is no reason why the president ihould eacrlllco himself for his rascally lon-in-law. THE Continental LSfo Insurance com pany of Connecticut , although for years enjoying a reputation as being one among the best , appears now to bo s wild-cut concern. The insurance com missioner of Connecticut has notified this company that ho has found itf tissots to bo less than its liabilities , This is a pointer. TUB prohibitionists of hnvo hold their annual convention at Minneapolis. Their resolutions wore favoring total nnd absolute prohibit lor in thnt state. If it is in order wo would like to suggest that the iron-clad law 01 Kansas gives license to sell for modi clnal purposes , and the nurabcf of slcl people In fioroe of. the towns is actually i istonlahirtp.t ; , . ' . ' , " Tfannkftjclr'tag Day. The observance that will be given Jo to-day by sixty millions ot people lias the approval of two and a half centuries. The history of Thanksgiving Day is fa miliar to every reader of American his tory. Its earliest observance In this country wns after thoflrstharvcst of the New England colonists in 10'Jl , when Governor Unidford issued a proclama tion summoning the people to meet at a common time nnd plaru to rejoice in prayer for the bountiful harvest that had rewarded their labors in the new conti nent. Subsequently at intervals days of thanksgiving were observed , but it was not until the year 18011 that Thanks giving Day was proclaimed as a legal holiday of national observance. Every , year since the last Thursday in November has boon observed as day of national thanksgiving , nnd the practice thus established will probably continue for generations. It lins grown in favor from year to year , and there is no rea son to doubt that it will take n stronger hold upon the popular regard with the coming years. Every consideration commends the day to approval and ob servance , and all the conditions that have contributed to preserve it thus far will operate more strongly in the fu ture to perpetuate n respect for it. The present year makes a moro than ordinary demand upon the gratitude of the American people. This nation has been peculiarly and generously blessed in all material respects. While local ities may huvo sulTorcd from one cause and another , the aggregate results huvo added largely to the wealth of the country , which during the past twelve months has taken a long stride forward in the path of progress. The people as a whole are more prosperous to-day than they wore a year ago , the nation is wealthier , and all the conditions to further advancement huvo boon in creased. The American people have reason to see still more clearly that the destiny of the republic is to occupy the foremost plaeo among the nations of the earth as a commercial power , with all the possibilities of moral and political influence that such a position implies. No other nation has so much in the achievements of the past and the promises of the future to be thankful for. There are connected with the observ ance of to-day offices of kindness and beneficence that will occur to all who o feelings arc in sympathy with the occa sion without suggestion. It will bo suf ficient to say that the o who have every reason to bo thankful should endeavor to bring less happily situated into sympathy with the spirit of the day. The opportunities to do this will not be wanting to those who care to .seek them , and there is gratification in the knowledge of having contributed to make others contented and thankful. "VVo trust that every reader of the BKE is in a position to fully appreciate the significance and enjoy the festivities of the day. Too Much. Regan Bros , and Brennau , their as signee , in the city hall contract , have entered protest against letting their un finished work to a now contractor. Now we would like to know what right they have to object. Regan Bros' , contract for constructing the city hall subbasement ment nnd basement was made a year ago last September. The contract al lowed them until tlio first of July , 1887 to complete their work. Any responsible contractor could have finished the work by the first of May. But Regan Bros , turned over their city hall contract to Bronnan last winter , and devoted their time and capital to paving. Brcnnun himself , had but very limited means , and was in no condition to carry out the con tract. Regan Bros , know tinsnnd , there fore they cannot pretend to be surprised at Brennan's failure to complete the work by the first of July. Nearly five months have been frit tered away , since lhexpiration of the limit fixed by the contract for complet ing the basement. Brennan has quit work altogether , when other contract ors on private buildings are still at work , lie has virtually thrown up the contract by refusing to proceed with the work , and the board of public works , very properly , has let his unfinished work to a new contractor. This the city has a right to do under the agreement with Regan Bros. , and their bondsmen are liable for the damage , already sustained by inex cusable delay. The city is paying over ton thousand dollars a year rent for its own offices , board ot education , library , etc. , which are all to bo accommodated in the city hall building. The delay in the construction of the building will cost the city nearly a year's rent , besides exposing the books , doc uments , etc. , to destruction in fire traps which are liable to burn down any night. If Regan Bros , or Brennan mean business , why have-they not the mater ial on hand to finish the work , and why have they not kept right on when the season was so favorable ? In tlio Interest of the Fanners. The wheat growers of the United States are to be congratulated upon the advance in the prices of wheat that has taken place within the past week. The advance in this country naturally fol lowed that in the English market ; which was the natural resul of the de cline in export from this country. In- btead of an average of 19,000,000 bushels monthly us during the whole of last sea son , or an average of 18,000,000 bushels as during the first two months of this sea son , American exports have lately fuller to an average of U,000,000 bushels , and with very little prospect of an increase until the next fall crop is in sight. The export in 1880-7 coiibiderably exceeded the actual surplus from the crop of lasl year , while the exports in the first twc months of 1S87-88 were so far above the nmrk as to be entirely misleading. The latter put n stop to speculation by put ting the wheat operators of the world on the wrong scent ; but with n returr to normal export , speculation is once moro reviving , ami wheat value , * whict should have been maintained at tin average of 1886-87 are now returning t ( that position. believed that tin decline in wheat was hot only . . .no1 caused , by any competition between ox porting countries , but that the advance is an effort on the ] > nrt of England to obtain adequate supplies which oilier wise would be diverted to the continent. America , instead of supplying two- thirds of her wants , as in 1880-87 , can only supply ono-half , and in order to ob tain the remainder Franco , Italy and Belgium have to bo competed with. Russia has a full crop , but very little of it is reaching England , wliilo India and Australia , pending thoU * now crop , will only part with the remainder of their email surplus at an advance. The Argentine Republic has a largo crop , at least on paper ; but , as inother cases , the advancing freights are an obstacle , and one that ot itself compels higher prices. As the situation now appears , the promise is that the wheat growers of America will realize many millions moro for their product than at the close of harvest they seemed likely to do. Al.l. ndvices agree that there is a dis position among the members of the na tional republican committee to look with favor upon the application of Omaha for the national convention. Our ability to provide accommodations for the vast crowd that will attend the convention nnd our willingness to pro vide the required fund nro the import ant conditions of which the committee must bo satisfied. The former will present - sent no serious difficulty , but as to the latter the progress making is not en tirely reassuring. The full amount ought now to bo pledged. There is only n short time in which to raise the sum needed , nnd it is to bo hojK-'d our liberal citizens will come forward with the sub scriptions without further doltiy. It would help the cause a great deal to bo able to announce that the money had been pledged. THE decision of the supreme court sustaining the police commission of Omaha in their controversy with the city council creates no surprise in this city. This decree is iu accord with the letter and spirit of the law , and in the interest of good government. It sustains the position which the BKE has maintained from the outset of the con troversy between the council and police commission. It is to be hoped that the disgraceful wrangle over police man agement will now cease and the police commission will bo permitted , without urther hindrance , to give Omaha of- icient police protection. The full text of the decision has not yet been re ceived , hence our comment upon the > oints.touched by the decision of the court is necessarily witheld. BY means of an ingenious device a jorinnn farmer living near Himrods , tf. Y. , committed suicide by hanging ind shooting himself at the sumo time. There is something very cheerful in , he announcement that means of self- destruction are securing attention. But it is moro cheerful to know that the men whose creative genius conceive the appliances always make a sweepstakes test case. THE members of the Lincoln city council threw a man over a transom. tt cost them $000 a piece. The next time they will probably open the door ind let the gentleman walk out. Inci dentally it may be slated that the mem bers of the council feel as if they had been thrown over a four story building. THE methods employed in stamping out pleuro-pneumonia in Illinois have been successful. It is a difficult disease to deal with and requires jKirsistcnco and liarmon ions action among the health board. There are some health boards that do not pursue this course of action. TIIK next congress will bo obliged to wrestle with the woman suffrage bill. Anticipating this hundreds of the best women in Kansas have signed a remon strance against the granting of the equal suITrage , which will bo presented to the next congress. THANKSGIVING TAIiK. The laboring men ijlvc thanks for u year of prosperity. Omaha is thankful for her solid condition and bright outlook. Chief Soavcy can affonl to buy the turkeys for the supreme cwurt. The builders and mechanics are thankful for the favorable weather. \\'o thank the public for its appreciation of the HUE ns a live newspaper. W. F. Gurlcy Is thankful for his appoint ment as assistant county attorney. The cable line folks pive thanks because they are so near the end of their ropo. The lawyers thank the people for electiiip a non-partisan and upright judiciary. The citizens of Omaha arc thankful to the supreme court for knocking out the city coun cil combine. The people of the Third Judicial districtoro thankful that Hullou , Hancock and Kstclle were snowed under. TIIK F1KLD OF INDUSTUY. Kastcru lumber markets arc crowded with supplies , and business is active. Huycrs arc carrying larger stocks than in former sea sons. In New York wholesale lumbermen who sell to consumers are "jHjated" aud for bidden exchange privileges. The slovo manufacturers are greatly wor ried over the oversold condition of the stove market. There are certain localities , how ever , that arc still doing a little business. Throughout the wcststovo molding aud sell ing has been for the present overdone. Some cities to the west of Chicago arc find ing that the inter-state freight rates arc giv ing them seine advantages over Chicago , and jobbers who have heretofore been doing busi ness In Chicago have found it cheaper to lo cate at Davenport and some other cities. Ironmaking is prospering in the south. At Sheffield flvo furnaces are in course of erec tion , at Birmingham seven , and at Bessemer two. The great trouble hero Is the want of coke , and pro | > cctinR is going on for the pur pose of finding the right kind of ooking coal. The builders throughout the city have as much work on hand and In sight as they can possibly pet through with between now and the holidays. A great deal of now work is projected for next spring , and from present unx | > aruncc9 there will bo no cessation of ac tivity. A Pueblo man lias inve'ited a Btrect-car- motor that will drive out cables and electri city. Ordinary gas from the street mains will be used. A Pittsburg man la oat with what appears to bo a better patent for a gas motor , which give four Unpulat * per revolu tion , intlcad of one or two. ' ' Minneapolis is becoming ray important mntiufHcturlnR renter > lu the northwest , AuiotiK the Industries ro boots and Hlioo * . . . lothlriK , impor , Rhlas , brick , leather ami all duds of pluninp mill work. The reason Is , liut | Hvcr Ix cheap , niul the surrounding country is being built up very rapidly. The Hour and lumber Industrie * fuultii'$4U,000OUO imr your. The latest hostility of American workingmen - men to centrnlizution of any kind , even of u trude.H-uninn churnrter , la lending to tlio incrouxo of national trades-unions under tlic Knights of Labor , nnd , under the federation. Flvo brunches of trndo nro now organizing , nnd .Htejm are iK'liig undertaken to orpunlro about u dozen more. ' Humorshtive Ijpeuicirculntod of lulu that the iron workers of vho country would next vear make nnothe'r iU > mnml for an advance in wiures. A little fmiuiry shows that this dis position exists ntnotitf the memborHhlp , but not among the leaders , who rei-ogni/o the possibility of a decline in activity within u year or two. A recent Investigation Into the price nf wheat shows that the American farmer hns superior advantage for competition into the wheat markets of tlio world. Charges from Llhicagoto Liverpool have been reduced with in seventeen years ! U ) c'ents per sixty pounds , wliilo the freight rates from India to Livor- IK > O ! have not decreased in that proportion , if at all. In certain quarters in Mio west and south west there are largo ncttlcmcnts of idle men who congreguto In the off season in u half- wild way at u very low price , waiting for the return of the next season. They hunt nnd ilsh us much HS possible , and go traveling about trying to secure work. They do nut Belong to the trump fraternity , but are slni- > ly making the best of the dull season. Kansas has the load this year in rallroad- l > ulldinjr. having bnilt 1,081 miles. Texas fol lows with 834 miles ; Pennsylvania coincs hobbllug along with 103 miles , and Now Jer sey reports ilvc miles. But these flgurcs do not represent side-track improvements. In six states and territories not a single mlle of new track was laid. During the past year 1,000 miles of track were laid in India. The Stnr-Kyed. JtalHmnrt Amtrtctin. In the snlo of thoroughbreds now being conducted in Lexington , Ky. , no mention is made of the Star-Eyed Goddess , sired by Henri Wottcrson. Isn't she for stile ? The FiiifHtiing Toncn. 11'iMft b/fnn ( .S/itr. / New York Is an awful place. They are suing a dead man for hearse hire at General Grant's funeral. Why don't they attach the silver screws in the old hero's coftin lid ? By selling them for junlc the mis erable picture would bo complete. The Secret of Happiness. Charles Andrew Miller. . An nngcl once appeared to mo ( Particulars sonic other day ) To answer what had seemed to be The question oftcnust in our way The secret of all happiness. The way of life for every ono. The light of truth that all may bless , And guide to Heaven when life is done. Thus spaltc the angel visitor : "I come not of my own free will ; Thou , man , art my inquisitor ; But in thy heart I would instil The simple virtue of ono law To want no moro than that which must Bo true and right without a flaw , Kcposing In one God your trust , The truth , supported by such worth , Impressed itself upon my heart ; No longer did I want the earth , Nor seek with every subtle art To magnify thywants of lifo Uiwn the pica of iaving all , Redeeming them fnim pain and strife , But trustcdjin thut ono true call. STATE AN1 > J NebriiHka Jotting * . The "festive board" is welcome to the floor. The ensence of Thanksgiving is fowl smoke. A prohibition paper is to be planted in Chadron to supply u genuine "long felt want. " The Lutherans of Sidney arc pushing work on their church and hope to oc cupy it by Christmas. The fence swindling gang stopped long enough in Johnson county to har vest &MO from ono farmer. J. C. Jensen , living near Fremont , slipped off a hay stuck and caught the tines of a pitchfork below the belt. His injuries are dangerous. Two more youngsters and a gun have parted company , the latest being near Crete. Claude Williams and George Harrington are laid up with shattered bones and bowels. Mrs. Fannie O'Kinn , ex-postmistress of Chadron , is about to forsake the elo quent appeals of a hashery and weave n .wreath of fame as a barrister. She lists 'made application for admission to tlio bar inThiwes county. Hastings is on the heat sugar-coated. A prominent Chicago linn is reported stuck on the town as a site for a sugar factory , and great hopes are entertained thut sweetness by the barrel will bo dis tributed by the third city at an early day in the future. The town is ulbo pulling a btring on a number of pack ing houses and other big game. The Jottingecr recently made n de termined effort to crceit the Fairmont creamery with a product of _ 150,000 pounds of butter since its inception. The types succeded in crediting Fre mont with 15,000 pounds. These dis crepancies are referred to now to show the ama/ing transformations which mind and matter undergo in their pus- sago from pen to cold print. The Nebraska City News renews its compliments to United Slates Marshal Beerboyd , and intimates that "tho son- in-law is a hybrid of politics. Pork in politics may bo very good for some fam ilies , but there is a scent about it which indicates that those who intruded the pig to politics have moro dollars than bouse. " The fate of President Grevy of Franco will have u parallel in Ne braska before many seasons. The fetaff and lifo of the daily papers will give thanks to-day at Iho old stand. While the ordinary mid uppertondom stuff themselves with beastly sinews and plucked poultry , the thoughtful toilers weave garlands of prose to deck the throne above. No fowl stains their venisons ; the worldlings they consign to groveling appetites , while they com mune in greabeloss harmony with loftier spirits. * "Omaha , " snyg.thc , Hastings Gazotto- Jourual , "is raiwngl $50,000 to secure the national republican convention and every citizen of .Nebraska heartily hopes that she will got it. In many respects Omaha Js the re prose ntativo city of the west. The time ts nfpidly approaching when NobraskaV metropolis will bo the metropolis of thegrent west. The wesi is entitled to some recognition from the republican partv land that recognition could be given fir no better way than by appointing the national convention at Omaha. " _ _ lOWIl ItCIIIH. Herndon is enjoying a flattering boom since striking natural gas. There are more than sixty | > eoplu over eighty years of ago living m Lyons. The authorities at Keokuk are begin ning a cru ulo on the gambling dens of tlmt city. The Burlington syrup company began business Saturday with a capital stock of 10XX ( ) . The ollicial count of the vote wist in thu stnU ) at the last election shows a meagre republican majority of 1,301 over the opposition. John Coon and C. D. Atkins1 two sons of.Osct'ola quarrelled Saturday over the erection of a partition fence. Coou be- bnrno BO oarmfod that he flred a lot of hot at them , seriously if not fatally in juring ono of tliom. ' llnkntn. An oil famine is imminent at Deadwood - wood If the proccnt monopoly continues. A shipment of SI 10,000 worth of gold bullion wus mndo from Dcndwood Satur day. "Jerry , the Bum'a notorious rounder. was shot and killed in City last Monday. Seven practical coal miners hnvn ar rived nt Huron and will sink a shaft im mediately. The entire business iwrtlon of Her- niosa , twenty miles MUitli of liapld City , was burned Friday night , causing a loss of $25,000. Farmers in the vicinity of Spencer re port their corn crop so much larger than that of previous years that they are un able to nnd storage room for It. Morton -county farmers say that there is more money in raising llax and send ing it to Minneapolis than in raising wheat and shipping it to Duluth. AMONG TIIK HAILUOADS. New Fast , TrnliiH on tlio Jlurl In jton - Items or Interest. The running scheUulo of the two fast trains to bo put on the Burlington December 4 , mention of which hu been made in the Br.K , has been decided unon. No. 1 will leave Chicago daily at o'clock noon. Dinner and supixjr will bo served iu the dining cars , nnd the train will reach Omaha ut live o'clock the following morning. At this point a sleeper and dining car will bo side tracked , and breakfast will bo taken at Lincoln. The Cheyenne sleeper will be dropped at Holdrcge , dinner will bo eaten at Oxford , supjwr at Akron , and Denver will be reached at 10 p. in. , where connections will bo made with the liio G ramie's new trains for Utah , Nevada and the Pacilic coast. The return train , or Burlington No. 2 , will leave Denver at 10 p. in. , breakfast at Oxford next morning , pick up the Cheyenne sleeper ut Holdrege. dine at Lincoln and arrive hi Omaha at a0 : ! p. in. ; attach sleeper and din ing car and arrive iu Chicago the fol lowing morning at 8 a. in. The whole run iuujudes only a dozen stops , and the stations where these stops are made are eighty miles apart. This annihilat ing of time on the part of the Burlington will no doubt rebound to their credit , and in the main be appreciated by the traveling public. STor-ovKis CIIICK.S. : General Passenger and Ticket Agent Kiis- tis , of thu Burlington , has issued the follow ing circular to conductors and agents : Stop-over may bo allowed on the following tickets : 1. Unlimited tickets issued by other roods. ! i. Unlimited tickets issued by this company reading through Denver or Missouri river points , to iMjInts beyond. ! J. Unlimited tickets issued bv this company good in either direction between Denver and the Missouri river. 4. Uouml trip tickets Issued by other roads , and those issued by this company , reading to Denver or beyond. If a stop-over check is issued on a round trip ticket which expires iu less than thirty days , the date of expiration shall bo the same as the coupon or ticket taken up. Any num ber of stops will bo made , but each time u new stop-over chock must bo issued limited to the same date as the original check. ' * . Albert Kesyor , clerk to Superintendent Jones , of the Chicago , SI. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad , will partake of his Thanksgiving dinner in Sioux City. George H. Crosby , general agent of the B. & M. ut Denver , was in the city yesterday. C. E. Yules , superintendent of the B. & M. telegraph system , with headquarters ut Liu- coin , is in the city. A COUPON STATION. Beginning with December 1 , Arlington , n station on the Oregon railroad nnd National Transportation company , will bo uiiulc a coupon station. CAN DO TIIRIR PIlnl'l'INO. The Sclmyler line of the Burlington , under the now time curd that goes into effect De cember 4 , will connect with trains T and 3 nt Ashland. These connections will prove ad vantageous lo shoppers from Ashland , AVahoo and intermediate iwiuts who will bo enabled to visit Omaha ami return homo the same day. XOUTIIWE.OTCKX OITH'IALS. A party of Northwestern officials arrived in the city at a late hour Tuesday nnd re mained in their car all night. Yesterday morning early they pulled out on nn ofik'ial inspection of the new line being built for the company in this state. A FIIEIOIITWlir.CK. The evening train over the Chicago , Bur lington & Quincy was nearly three hours late in. getting in last night , having been de layed at Creston , la. , by u freight wreck. A FAMILY OF CKOOKS. The 15arrctt8 Notorious Desperados Their Doings in JUimtCMotu. Detective .Tames Howard , of Minneapolis , arrived yesterday with requisition papers for the alleged murderer Peter Barrett The prisoner will bo taken to Minnesota tomorrow row night. Mr. Howard says that they have adcodsuro thing on both the Barretts , and that they will undoubtedly bo hanged. According to Detectives Howard nnd Kin- ucy the Barrett family is composed of des perate characters. They ufilrm that no ICKH than fifteen charges for highway robbery are pendiugagainst Tim nnd Pete Barrett. One of their boldest crimes was nt Minnelmhu FaUs , whuro they forced a lady nnd two children to tuke off their jewels ut tlir point of a revolver. Even Mrs. Barrett , mother of the boys , has aided them in many crimes. Sonic time siuce the family started from Ornahn to Minneapolis. Tim would take 0110 of the horses and go ahead u few miles and sell it to some farmer. Tlio next day the old woman would reach the plaeo and demand tlio horse , claiming that it hud been stolen from her , and if the farmer showed a dispo sition to hold the property she would threaten him with prosecution. This would cause the farmer to jrivu In. In this way the same horse was sold and reclaimed six times. Ofll- cers in Omaha corroborated these state ments. Mrs. Barrett and attorney M. II. Scars will accompany the prisoner to Minneapolis for the purpose of giving him the very best of defense. The boy , for ho has hardly yet arrived ut man's estate , strenuously denies all knowledge of the fatal affniy and his mother declares that she will tt | > ciid every cent she owns or can raise to see tlmt her son gets Justice. Notwithstanding all this show of bravado on the part of Barrett and his mother , ofllccr Kenney , of Mlnncaiwlis , uf linns thut the testimony against the young man is conclusive , and that ho hns no moro show of getting oft than ho does of taking wings nnd Hying. Barrett retaliates mid says tlmt the ofllccr has u special grudge against him and his brothers , and thut all his talk amounts to nothing. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. George Graves , of Valparaiso , Neb , , is in the city. A. P. Icobinson , of Ord , Neb. , Is at the Heed house. The now scale house at the stock yards is nearly completed. C. M. McCalley , of Kearney , Neb. , Is in the city to-duy on a business trip. Miss Jcnnio Coi > elaud , of Grand Island , Is visiting friends m this city. It is rumored tlmt another DhRcmbly of the Knighlsof Labor will soou be founded In this city- cityCyrus Cyrus Wiitling , a former resident of St. Joseph , but now of Oelrichh , Luk. , was nt the stock exchange yesterday. David Anderson moved his family from Columbus , Neb. , to South Omuhu this morn ing and will reside hero in the future. The old sluice gate nt the outlet of Lake Pivonku U being lillod up. The lake will be drained ns soon us this work is completed. The grading for the 13. ft M. yards U being - ing forwarded as rapidly us | x > ssiblo In order to have the work Ikitbtied before winter bo City Attorney Grlco Is UuviriK hisofllro rulaod .up to ffNtdo on N street. Mr. Grico fcuys ho wants to be on A level with the rest of the city. Dr. John A. McNeil , of Uurdctte , U tcs ooirutjr , Mo. , wu in tUa city for a few hour * this morning , The doctor will luuvo for Sid- noy'to-tnorrow. Barney Lucky , of Creston , la. , Is in Uio city purchasing real estate. Mr. Lucky pro- pesos erectliw Hrst rhiR boarding hmiso on the corner of Thirty-tint and S streets. City Marshal Hlco Is carrying out the In structions givuu him by the CD u n nil ivfsiml- lug obstructions to slrcetH , utid many purllcs nro engaged In removing objectionable urtl- cles. cles.A A young man named Hartley , living two miles west of Albright , wliilo out driving lust night fell from his buggy mid broke his right arm between thu ullxiw und shoulder. Dr. Klrkpatrick reduced the fructuro. The Swift packing house Is being com pleted us nipidly us possible. As yet the number of cut tin killed each day Is below 100. The house will be running its full capacity u.s curly us December 1. The duugorou ! ) condition of the N street crossing IM.VOIUCM moro iippm-cut each day. The two lliigmcii perform their duties faith fully , but it is Impossible for them to watch every otic. The urrivul of the dummy trains is the signal for every switch cnujuo to begin bucking cars up and down the tracks to the great danger of the crowds tn waiting. Some measure should betaken taken ut once to ri1n ly this difllculty. A SOFT SNAP. Ono Kutiilillnliinent Twloo AVItliln n AVoek. The notion and dry goods store of the Livingston brothers , corner of Twelfth nnd Dodge streets , was burglarized Tuesday night the total loss In goods footed up something Ilk * WOO. The thieves effected nn entrance through u rear window by prying up the fastenings. This sntno establishment was burglarized lu precisely the sumo way just one week ago , the burghir.s getting In the same way and carrying off about the same iimount of plunder. Olllcer Turnbull , who has been doing some pretty effective work recently , together with Sergeant Me- Cracken , wore detailed to work up the case. At un early hour thin morning they found u largo bolt of luce , some Indies' under wear und u bale of towels in Miss Meyers' yard , Ufur Capitol nveuno on Dodge street , and they huvo come to the conclusion thut the thieves hubltute the 1m- inediato neighborhood which Is HUftlclcutly tough to warrant the suspicion. Search war rants have been sworn out and the otllcors will investigate several of the questionable resorts iu the locality this afternoon , A HOIjl ) KNICAK. Ho KansaclsH Hie Itcsldcuce of Mrs. ,1. It. Dctwlflrr. The residence of Mrs. J. H. Dctwieler , cor ner Twenty-second and Davenport streets , wus rilled by u thief ut un curly hour Tuesday night. The theory of the family is that the party who committed the robbery found in gress to the house through the rear door of thu laundry in the afternoon , and secreted himself in the pantry. While the family were ut Biippor it is supposed , he employed his time in ransack ing the house , llo went through the parlor und ull the sleeping tipurtmculs und suc ceeded in getting u gold watch und chain , u pair of gold bracelets , breastpin , collar but tons , and other jewelry , but no cash. Ho had also rolled up und laid usido for subse quent removal the lady's hundsonie astrakhan sucque , but so far us this garment wus con cerned , hl.s plans settled ) for it wu.s found near an open window , where he had depos ited it. Mrs. Dotweiier thinks tlio thief wus frightened off before completing his depre dations. Miller ami David City. Mut Miller , the well known lawyer of David City , and for the past two sessions member of the state legislature , bus been in the city for several days past in utteiidunco upon the United Stutes court und leaves this morning for home. Speaking with u UKK re porter upon the prospects of his town ho said thut in some mouths buck David City hud made 'considerable progress , although for u short , period before thut it hud been some what retarded. The cyclone which destroyed muiiy of the buildings hud , in u degree been mi advantage to the city because it removed buildings which were old nnd un sightly und which would probably never have been substituted by moro substantial ones. Now , the latter uro springing up satisfac torily , giving tlio place an excellent appear ance. Among them is a ! 0OOU , hotel which Will bo nn excellent accommodation to the traveling public. The city has now u popula tion of L',000. County CoiiiinlHKlnncrH Meeting. There wus a full attundimco ut the meeting of the board of county commissioners yester day. Two bids were received for building bridges between sections Itll mid ! U and in Puddock pluco in sections U4 , ITiuiid 11 ; one from Uuymond Uros. , tTiill , and J. C. Whip- pie , $510. The contract wan awarded to the latter. Louis Peters wus appointed constable for the Soveuth ward. M. W. Nelson , us- sessor for the Niuth ward , filed his bond and the same wus approved. Army News. Word was received ut headquarters yester day thut the company from Fort Douglas which wus assigned to the duty of repairing the roud which had been washed away by u cloud-burst between 1'ort Duclicsno anil Price , the railroad station about eighty miles from the fort , huvo linished their work und returned to Douglas. Hammond Accepts. J. A. MeShuuo hns received word from Hammond & Co. , of Detroit , that tlicj' huvo acoejitcd his proposition which means cither Unit they will buy or rent the house now occupied by them ut the .stock yards ut South Omuhu. Heal Ksluli- ItosaM Duvis to L M Phillips , lots 3 and U , blk U , iu Hillside adil Nu 1 , w d. . . . . . . . e i.oo JuinesMcGeuthnnd wife to W It Hunt- our , lot U , and u , lot S , Windsor Place , wd . 2,000 D CPuttersoiiund wifoto.l II Douglas , lot l > , bik 11 , Patterson Purk udd w d 5.10 Morris Morrison to the Public Plot of Morrison's udd to South Omuhu. A II Gludstouc to Michael Collins , lot I , blk 711 , South Omuhu , w d . 3,500 E S Kuod uud wife to 11 P Wliitmorc , lot 14 , blk 11 , iu Albright's uuiiex to South Omuhu , w d . 1"0 Theodore OUuu uud wife to DuruCiniii- bock , the u 0 of w 1M ft. of lot LU blk l.r > , improvement association , w d 1,000 E E Slomuii to T J Willows , lot 15 , blk II , Hriggs Place , wd . 2H'0 ' W L McCuguo to 11 W Ilwitrass , lot 10 , blk H , in Plum view , wd . 750 Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Vulley rilllroud company to Pionoecr Town Site cominmy. the nw Jf of nw K of sec 14 uud the B % of sw of sw , ' 4' of sec 11 , ti | 111 , ruiigo 11 , q c d . Csr)5 .1 li liluku and liuxbuud to Joseph Ne ville , the inludlo H of lot 1 , bile Sill , city of Oninhu , w d . 4,000 H U St John to C A Hulllu , the undi vided 1-10 of the following : Lots 4 , 5 uud 1" , blk 1 ; lots 'J uud n , blk a , uiid lots ( J , 7 aud 1f ! , blk 3 , iu Ex- chungo pluM ! , q e d . 1 P Cussldy to .1 Sugfimi , ten ucrus , with new house , known us Cussldy furui , lease of two years , f.V ) per yeur. J McMuhon to V Dullouc , lot : i a-M- ! ; > . iu sub-div of lot 14 m liaullold w < l. . 1,000 , J H JiurnuclH und wife to I'Mwurd Coylp , the undivided )4 ) interest iu w lot II blk 0 iu Pratt ' sub division midwd . - . . 3M , F V Fowler and wife to Flori'iien C Proctor , the wist 80 feet of lots lit uud 14 except s 18 feet in blk 1 Luko'i , udd w d . . . . . . . - . 2 , 1 00 J U Parrot ! ( H al to Charles E Will- lams.lho cust IKK ) feet of lot 8 in Forbo'b sub-div w d . 1,500 , V Duupcrt to Edward Muticr , lots 4 and 5 blk 1 Jn'Guto City park udd w d . 00 J A MuHlium' to M Hurt , lot S qlk 7 iu llrbt add to South Omulm w d. . . . 350 Total . . . . . . . . . . 121,555 UuildliiK Penults. The following building permits wore issued yesterday by Superintendent Whltloclc : Chnrlcs OUon , two story and attlo brick buildiug , Wirt uud JHd . S 7,000 G. P. Dltr , two story and uttlo dwelling , Wirt nmr S under . 8,500 , M. li. Cody , two one and one-half tory cottftjfo , 2Utwjur Loout. . . . 000 Throe jwrinlls uuerctuting- . . . . . 11,400 51 r . T > letz'i Dinner Partf. Thl * nftcrnoon nt o'clock Mrs. 0. N. Deltl will entertain twenty-five of her lady nud gentlemen unpnvlntanccs nt dlunor Bt'tho Mlllurd. A sumptuous nud elegant repast will be served , The moiiu curds nro models of beuuty mid elepitice , uud the Individual tiamo of Mich gwwt is embossed In cllt lei ters on the title page. lilcciiHcd to Weil , The following lUvnio.-i to marry were Issued ycstcrduy by .Ind go McCulloiiu | ; ; Numo and residence. .Ago. ( Noel Abbot , Oninhu . 517 I Amollu W. SuuVlder , Oii.iiilm. . . . . ; j I Goodrich Wcrkmelslcr , Douglas co.Xeb " ' ) I Hnniiuh Kutinumuim , Douglas oo , , Neb. ' 'I I William UriitUt , Omulm . ; u ) ( Jcnuio Kobllug , Omuliu . { I MlohiiolO. Trucy. Omuhu . 21 ( MuryA. Howler , Omulm . pj ( .Toliu J. Ludcrs , Omului . } II I Liwio Kggors , Omulm . 3 I George II Mosher , Clinton , 111 . 21 1 Elfa T. Kdmlston , Clinton , 1)1 ) . 21 Pnrm-ll Club Dance. The Puriioll Social club hold their usual b | . monthly diiui-o nt Cuuuluglmm hull last evou > lug. A hundred couples wet c pivseut mid general good time wus enjoyed by ull , Thora were twenty numbers , nud the ilauclni * con- tinned until long Into Thunksglvlug day. H nek led. Judge A. C. Kcnd ycflterduy morning mar rled Fred L. Smith uud Minn UobcrU. of this city. _ Food makes 151 oed and Blood nnilcci Heuuty. Improper digestion of fooj necessarily produces bad blood , resulting in a fooling of dulincH * in the stomach. acidity , heartburn , sick heuduchc , anil other dyspeptic symptoms. A closely confined life causes indigestion , roimtU pation , biliousness and Ions of appetite. To remove these troubles there m ] remedy equtil to Prickly 'Ash Hitters. It has been tried and proven to bo 9 specific. A MAN OF BONE. A Pctrllled Skeleton Wild Is Halo mill 11 early , Though. New York Commercial Advertiser : The Bowery is fairly tattooed with freaks the yeur round , und it is not an unusual thing to moot whole troops ot freaks seeking their homes ut a Into hour at night. It takes a most unhuiinl of freak to astonish the Howery , but this week all the dime museums lint ono are jealously coveting the "OssinVil Man. " A reporter for this paper was granted an interview by this freak , whoso name is .lonathan K. HO .M. ' 1 lie "Ossified Man" has diverted public at tention from the Albino , the tattooed sailor uud his tattooed dog , and the Spanish dwarf , to himself so completely that thc-so other freaks have bceoino. moody and despondent. The ' 'O.vsilied man" weighs sixly-nino pounds , andas his title implies has har dened into one bone , bonier than Sarnli liernliurdt , and still'as the ramrod of iv Springlield rillo , A poster on Iho wall of the museum tells the public that Mr , Bsiss at the age of seventeen fell in lovq with a villufto maiden named Carrie ) Jones , and took her rejection so muck heart that ho went to bud and has not got upsinco to spite hor. Hut tlio cold fact is , well attested by medical rocordaj tlmt Mr. Huss stubbed his too in a pota * to patch nt the ago of seventeen and roi ceived an abrasion which resulted in n > species of lock-jaw extending through his entire fruino. For thirty years Mr. Bass has lain on , the same old farm house bed and until lately was taken earo of by his folks. An advance freak agent , while walking over railroad ties near Lockport in ( .hia stale , where Mr. Bass lives , heard of hlj fame and secured him for the bowery * The ' 'Ossilied Man" was at once nut onii baggage car , bed and all. und billed , through. It is not exactly a treat to see Mr. Bass , although ho is n curiosity. The only parts of his body which hnvo not become ossified are the toes ami lingers , from which the bones seem to have fallen away mysteriously. The ' freak's appearance is that of'a Now England farmer who has been trying for thirty yours lo make a living out ol a liill farm in a back settlement. llo is u human skeleton petrified. His spiao is so rigid thai he can only bo raised to his feet liken clothesline pole. His uppetite , however , is murvolous , and he likes to eat. llo is lifty-novoij years old. and ho bus lots of lifo in him yet. In inibwor to questions of the reporter porter , ho said that , as a boy , ho wus A sinewy wrestler and a cut-like juinpori that he was the best catcher arounoj _ Lockport in the infancy of tlio national game ; that lie is a democrat und wil ( vote for Cleveland next summer if hd has to bu carried to the polls ; that lid has no particular religion , although ha believes in a horeulter for an ossiliod man , and that ho never gets despond ent , "because it's no use. " Mr. Buss is altogether n most chocr- ful and engaging specimen of potrillcu- tion. A Snapping Turtle In Her Stomuon , Chicago Dispatch : Miss Hendau , a French maiden , nineteen years old. who resided on Fonjuoi1 st vet , wuj ; buried on Wednesday. Her death wus unexpected. Although tlio young lady had been subject to violent spasms ana fits of vomiting for ninny days , no dee tor was able to discover tlio cause of hoc death. On the day before her dentil she was seized with a very violent pur- o.vism. There was a choking si-nsation. and finally there was forced from hoi ? btomucli a live young snapping turtle with a shell as large as u silver hull dollar. Dr. flutehiiiKon said the patient became came unconscious and almost iniiiiedi- * aluly began to .swell up in her limbs like one alllicted with Iho dropsy. She never rallied. The doctor has the lur * tie in alcohol. It is n perfect specimen of its kind , and it is believed that it grew from a germ swallowed in wutotf from Lake Michigan. CREAM Ittnuperlnrucc llenc proren In million * f home * for morn tban a quarter of a century. It in used by thu United Htalai ( lorornment. tfn. dorsad by tilt , lieudiiof thy jrrfcat unlvarnlUe , < thH tnrnneeat.I'iir et ul ( M/wt Healthful. lr. I'rlM'n the only linking powder Mint /low not couUlu Ammonia , tlm * ur Alum. Bold only m Clins. J'uiRKlUKINO 1'OWllXU CO , NtirYwk. Cfalofcro. BCJxwfc.