Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Bears Fall to Stop nn Advance In
OfttH Keep Hlcp With tlic Mnrch
of Com A Strung Market Tor
1'rovlsloiiH Ijltu Stock
Kuli-ly Active.
CIIKUOO , Xov 2H ( Siicrlnl Telegram to
the Unr 1 Tlic Inillnitions this morning
norno for Homcwhat lower prices for
wheat , but the lust half of the moriiing ses
sion saw a ilerlilcd clmngo in the complexion
of the mnrkft , anil the 1 o'clock close for the
May delivery. In which thcro was the most
active trmlliK , ' , was JjffgK nbovu the openIng -
Ing prices. I'arly cables ( | tiotcil spot urain
In Liverpool steady at unchanged prices.
J'rlvato cables were conlllctlnf. ' , and some
brought soiling , others buying orders. There
were rcpoits of rain from about St. Louis
and from southern Indiana. The temper of
local traders wis generally bearish and they-
Bold wheat. The Increase In the amount of
wheat In passage to the United Kingdom of
6-10,000 bushels und to the continent of 480,000
bushels was a good sized straw Moating In
their direction. Tlie market was not without
support , however , und u slow decline of \c \
was all that was accomplished during the
first hour and a half of the session. Then
came many reports from points throughout
the winter wheat sections cither of no rain
whatever , or if rain In too small quantities to
bo of use. Moreover , there was not only
drouth but cold , and more cold expected , and
n host of buj ing-orders came from all quar
ters. Many of the local short sellers of the
morning , discovering that the market was
stubborn and would not break , turned buyers
and helped the outsiders to put prices up
again. It appeared to bo no difllcillt mutter
to add % r to lower llgurcs and the advance ,
with a slight fraction , sustained to this
close of the morning session. Opening prices
were lower than last night's closings , or at
7fiJ.fe for December , 7tyBc for January and
fi'JJfi1 for May. Under the iirst downward
movement prices fell to 75. ; c for December ,
? ite for January and 8'4 ; for
May. From this point the advance
was steady to 7U'Mc ) for December , T'J ( ( < i7
for January and SPc ( , for May , and the 1
o'clock close was at 7ti'j ( , i > V' lor December ,
7J ( ! < e for January ami : ( , ( ' - ; ) for May.
( lenei-.illy speaking , whenever prices in the
corn pit changed to day , they moved upward.
The opening prices were about the lowest
and , with the exception of May delivery
which , at one time , touched a strained high
point , closing prices at 1 o'clock were the
highest of the session. There was a rather
better demand for cash grain and light re
ceipts , which are now almost a standing bull
argument , had their effect upon the minds of
men. Tile opening was at 4I ( < M t'jc ' for De
cember.It' ' o for January and 4bJc for May.
The advance was not very rapid , but was
steady until December reached -IIJiC , Junu-
nry 45c and May-Ill c. The last named de
livery barely touched this highest point and
there were but one or tu'o transattions at
that figure. Close was at 419'e for Decem
ber , 4.r > o for January and 4'.il'j'c ' for May.
The speculative market for oats was fairly
active and prices wcro stronger In sympathy
with the advance in corn. May sold from
tiOJ e at the opening up to III ' .Co and closed at
1 o'clock at Ill'sQiiil 'c higher than yester-
dav'.s latest bids.
In provisions a strong feeling held control.
Trading , or rather lloor speculation , was on
n more moderate scale than on either of the
two former days of the week , yet more than
the ordinary business was transacted and
trade lost little or none of its interest. The
fresh advance in corn , coupled with a strong
hog market , made the friends of the product
feel confident , while the bears showed a dis
position to act conservatively. Prices were
held comparatively steady throughout and at
1 o'clock pork stood - c and shoit ribs fie
higher than last night's closing.
ArTKiixoox SIMMON Wheat rather firm ;
May , December 7H\c , January 7 ( > Xc.
Corn easyMav ; 4H\c bid , December 44 * < e ,
January at 4IV- Oats stronger ; November
"S } o , December and January U75 < c , Mav
Bljfcbld Pork strong , closing at SIJt.'H ) for
January , 14 ( Kl'tf ' for February and $14.40 ®
CHICAGO , Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram to
the HEB. ] CATTU : A few loads of fancy
heavy cattle hold within a range of ? 5 OC@
6.40 and a few loads of prime native steers at
f4.70@4.JO. Good and useful natives , bought
largely by shippers anil dressed beef dealers ,
Bold at ? : i 70@ t 25 and along there. The pens
were crowded full of plain and undesirable
natives that sold ! Wi2r ( > o lower than a week
ngo and very blow at that. About half the
fresh cattle were Texans and rangers , both
Belling HKfi''llo lower. Fancy , 15.80
( u'o.GO. ' Shipping steers 1350 to 1500
Ibs , f4.'J.X'i. > 00 ; 1200 to 13,10 Ibs ,
H.2T4.U : ) , 1)50 ) to 1200 Ibs , 2.70@3.50 ; stock-
em and feeders. * 2.00Qf3.25. Cows , bulls and
mixed , Jl.XH.n'J.lK ( ) . Hulk , ? 1 75C < i2.33. Texas
steers , ? 2.WifiX : ( ) ; cows , tl. .H2.aS. ) West
ern rangers I0f ir > o lower. Natives and half-
breeds , $ lKi ( ( < c. ' ' > . > .
JIoosTrade was active , with prices about
the same as yesterday , with the quality not
near as good. The best heavy made ? 5 in < vj
C.SO and packing sorts 10. Light
Boris were lather slow at M.70 for the best
und f -lOtft-i.a I ) for pigs.
Union Slock YnrilN , Chicago , Nov. 23.
The Drovers' Journal rejKjrtH :
Hopt Itccflpts , 1)0,000 ) ; market strong am !
Co higher ; mixed , t.fiOrif505 ; hcavv , $4.t > 56 ?
5.25 ; light.fU K.4 75 ; skip- , , f3.00@l. ! ) .
Sheep KcceiptN , 10,000 ; uuiikut weak ;
fancy , WIH@I50 ) ; c-oiiiinon to peed , Si.MVti
fl.T.V , western , ; Texans , j'J.40rt
U.C ! > ; lamlis , M TfttiiS , M ) .
National Slock Ynnlx. Ka .r St.
IjoiilN , Nov 'ji ; Cattle Uecelpts , a.WKlt
BhlpincntH , 1 , ( K ) ; easier ; choice lieavv native
Bteorh , f I i la4.00 ( ; fair to good natives. 1 N :
( : > ; butchers' steers , inediuni to choice.
M.OOiiUHl ( ; , btoekcnt ana feeders , folrto irood ,
IU Xi .si ; raiiBerh , 25(24.iX ( ) .
IIopi Hccclpts , r > , ( HX ) ; shipments , r,00 ;
netlvo and n sluitlo hiphcr ; choice IIVUVA
nnd butchers' selections , f4.tC > @ .r > .l.r > ; Yorken
nnd packers , medium to choice , fl.twQfi.ix)1 )
pigs , common to Kood , M.UO4.C5. (
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram
to the Hii : ! . ] STOCKS. As usual before n
holiday , there was a good deal of Inickin
and tilling In stocks , but the volume of Iran
unctions was not large. The opening wa <
firmwith tract tonal advances. A sensational
feature was the sharp advance in Unior
Pacific , which moved up 3 ixilnts. The sud
den change in this stock was attributable tc
the favorable rej > ort of the investiKutliii
committee , which caused largo buying orders
to bo sent from Hostcm. Severallargo shorts
were also run In. One Chicago plunger hiu
orders In to sell 600 shares on every . pei
cent lip from W j and about 1,500 , shares wen
sold. The plunger then got scared nm
rushed to cover , London was a good buyci
of its regular list , and very diMxmrngitif
ndvlees were received from Unit quarter
Capitalists the'ro who recently sold their Kus
shin securities think favorably of American !
and uro disposed to buy on all weak spots
While Union 1'acitlo advanced rapidly , tht
rest of the list became weak , selling off | Q1
! K > ! nt , Grangers particularly exhibiting tin
most decline. The break did not last long
as under good leadership a sharp rally fol
lowed , and all the early decline was recov
CU'd tuuia several instances a small Rdvanci
pained. The market remained strong until
the eloso and during the lost hour slight ad
vances wcro recorded , last sales on n majority
of stocks being nt outsldo figures. The
Northern 1'acillo nnd Oregon Transconti
nental were the strongest , advancing 1QIU'
per cent on the report that It had placed
js.OOO.ono of its new third mortgages with
the Kothschllds. The only weak securities
wcro Western Union and Richmond Termi
nal , which closed 2s jier cent lower. The
rest of the list showed advances of'st' ! ! '
per cent , the latter on Union Pui'lrte , duo
to reports that the company has decided to
M'ttlo with the government. The total sales
were .1111,318 shares , against 2i:7.00 ( shares
GovnitXMKN'TS Government bonds wcro
dull but tteady.
. . D , Nov. at. Following arc the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Quiet nnd unchanged1 winter
wheat , U > 0 ( < ? 4.00 per bid ; spring wheat ,
$ : t.504.fKperbbl ) ; rye , $ 'J.7firt.1JO ( : per bbl ;
buckwheat , ? 5.f > 0Stl.'J5 ( per bbl.
Wheat Opened'weak and declined jtfc , In
fluenced by inlu reports from Indiana and
fair selling for parties in the northwest ;
closing was ' 40 above yesterday ; cash , 70Jc ) ;
December , 7iii c ; May. St'4e. '
Corn Active and linn ; opened a shade
under yesterday's prices , tluctnated some and
closed 'VW e higher ; cash,44J/c ; December ,
4I'B ' > ' ; May , 4'J ) e.
Oats Firm and higher , with n consider
able advance over yesterday ; cash , iiS a'c ;
December , 27o ; May , 31 5-lGo.
H\e- , Steady atniWc.
Hurley Quiet , with nothing done.
Pi ime Tmnthy-'J.3a ! < ( t' ,
Pork Moderately ai'tivo but unsettled ;
prices fluctuated considerably within n nar
rower range , averaged a trillo higher , closing
steady ; January , ? 18. JO ; May , $14.40.
Lard Quiet and steady ; cash , S7.W ) ; De
cember , ? lJ.'J7i ; May , $7.)5. : )
Dry Halti-d Meats-Short ribs , J7.00 for
January , hliouldcrs , $ . > .50fti.IX ) ; short clear ,
? T. : Xg7.3. * .
Huttor Firm and higher ; creamery , 2--
( J/'J'.V ; dairy , 1IK 24c.
Cheese Steady ; full cream ehcddars , ll ®
flats , IH/oTllJ-fc ; young Americas ,
Kggs Active at 20@21c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4@
4l'e ; No. " . Jl'jV ; c.ikes , 4J4'o.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , 7c ;
light , do. , 7' < c ; milted hull , lie ; green salted
calf , b ; dry flint. 12'ieiUr ; dry calf , 12QJ13o ;
dry salted , lOo ; deacons , each , JiOo.
Heceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bills 21,000 2S.OOO
Wheat , bu 117,000 & 4,000
Corn , bu Jlfl'i.WX ) Ib.OOO
Oats , bu 221,000 17,000
Hye , bu 4,000 1,000
Hurley , bu 80.000 45,000
Now York , Nov 23. Wheat Receipts ,
.0,400 . ; exports , 5S.OOO ; options opened very
eak and i4 < < ti a lower , but soon ruled
stronger , reacted % ( SJiJc , closing llrm ; sjiot
; 4iJ ( < , e higher ; ungraded red , 7bS'.ite ( ; ; No. 3
red , SlHjfc. ; No. 1 red , nominal at S2c ! ; No.
2 red , b7J.iisi4e ; ( ! in store and elevator , S'J
Ml > 0'4c delivered ; December closeil at 87 0.
Corn Keceipts , .11,000 ; exports , none ;
opened H shade lower , subsequently nd-
ember closed at "lO
Oats Heceipts , 03,000 ; exports , 175 ; fairly
active , closing lirmmixed ; western34J ! @ 30o ;
white western , 37 ( < 41c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Ulo , dull and nominal at'Ji ; opt ions lower nml moderately netivo ;
sales,7tl,250 bags ; November , * 15.f > 0 ; Decem
ber , $ l5.45 ( ; 15.f > 5 ; January , $ > ;
February , $14..C ' > @ 15.15 ; March , $14.S5 ( )14.05. )
I'etrolcum Firm ; United , 74J c.
Kggs Firm ; western , 12@2le.
Pork Less active but steady ; mess ,
quoted at fl5.OOQ15.60 for new ; $14.25 for
Lard Dull and lower ; western steam , spot ,
* 7.45@7.47J , ' .
Hutter Quiet but firm ; western , 13@30c.
Cheese Finn ; western , 0 @llc.
MlnnenpollM , Nov. 23. Wheat Steady
ern , November and December , 07c ; January ,
OSJjc ; May , 74e.
Flour Strong ; patents , f4.30@4.45bakers' ; ,
f3.40u3.r,0. (
Keceii > ts Wheat , 27S.OOO bu.
Sliipmcnts. Wheat , 00,000 bu ; flour , 15,000
KniiKnH City , Nov. 23. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 soft , rash , OUe bid , 72 } c asked ; Decem
ber , 70e bid , 73e asked ; May , 77e bid , 78Kc
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , JJSJ e bid , 3'Jc.
asked ; December , 3So ; May , 42e. .
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 23 } c bid.
Cincinnati , Nov. 23. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red , bOe.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 4Srtl9c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 31@3U.fc.
Hye-Quiet ; No. 2 , ( Sic.
Provisions -Pork , quiet ; now , fH.OO ; lard ,
dull at $7.00.
Whisky Active and llrm nt f 1,05.
Liverpool , Nov. 2l. ! Wheat Quiet ; de
mand poor ; steady ; holders offer moderately ;
California , ( Is 10@lld per cental ; red western ,
spring and winter , ( is ' .lyllOd.
Corn Firm and demand fair ; now mixed
western , 4s ll ) d.
Xr\v Orleans , Nov. 23. Corn Irreg
ular ; mixed , .WQCiOc ; white and yellow , ) ( J !
Oli * .
Oats-Quiet but steady ; No. 2 , 37J4i ( Sc ,
Comment- Strong and higher at $2735 ®
2.40.Hog Products Moderately uctivo nnd
higher ; pork , $13.b7.Ji ; lard , f0.b7 } < (3i.90.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , f5.S7 > ; long clear ,
? 725 ; clear ribs , f7.37J.j.
Mllwnukri * , Nov. 23. Wheat Steady ;
casli , 74V * ; December , 74 > < c ; May , SlJJo.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 45c.
O.its-Strong ; No. 2 white , 30c.
Kyo Easier ; No , 1 , 54c.
Harley -Steady ; No. 2Xc. \ .
Provisions Quiet ; pork , November ,
St. Louis , Nov. 23. Wheat-Steady ;
cash , 75Kc ; May , b4s > " .
Corn Higher ; cash , 4IXcj May , 45Vu.
Oats Higher ; cash , 27 e ; May , 80 ; > a'e.
1'ork-f 13.25.
Huttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 222Ce ;
dairy , 10 < g22e.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firmer ; No
vember , 75' c bid ; December , 70 , ' < c ; May ,
s48o. Corn Steady ; November , 42Vo ; Do-
ccuiber , 41J < e ; May,45yVf. Oats-Quiet.
The receipts of cattle wore light ngnln yes
terday thcro being only twenty-five loads.
The market was quiet und the number of
head which changed nnmU was small.
Values remain about the same.
The receipts of hogs were heavy , there
being 140 fresh cars In. Although a few
early bids wcro mndo at about Tuesday's
close , the market practically opened fXglOo
higher. The demand was good and the mar
ket was brisk until the close. One fancy
load of heavy hogs reached fj.OO.
There was nothing doing on the market.
Official llcccipta.
Cnttlo 50T
Hogs , . . 9,227
Cattle , 2 cars , Local
Jlogs , ilrnrs , K. I v i Hoton
Hogs , Scars , Wnbashl /.Indiamipolis1
I'revallltiK I'rluoN.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the markesi
C holco steers , 1 ! X ) to IBOOlba fl.25g4.riO (
Choice steers , 1100 to i : Klbs. . ' . . . . 4.00 ( < f4.i ! : >
Fat little steers , ( A > 0 to 1050 Ibs. . . . . " > < ji 3.S5
Corn-fed range steci-s , 121K ) to 1500 ! 1.05.i J.BO
( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows 2.2.V/2.50
Common to medium cows 1.7f > ( ( ' 2Hi (
( ! oed range feeders 2.W ! ( < ( < . ' .05
Good native feeders , WH ) Ib * and
upwards 2.55(42.55 (
Fair to medium native feeders , WO
Ibs and upwards 2.25(32.50 (
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.10.i2.tX )
Prime fat sheep 'l.aVrt : . )
Fair to medium sheen a.MK't.l.OO
Common sheep 1.50 ( 2.25
Light and medium hogs 4.'iOcf4.70 (
flood to choice heavy hogs 4.Midi l.l'O '
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.70f ( l.bO
i ! Hales.
Live Stock Solil.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
Anglo-American Packing Co . 3,830
Armour & Cudahay Packing Co . 3,001
C5. H. Hammond & Co . S03
Kingan&Co . 172
J. T. Stewart . 208
Speculators . 07
Squires & Co . . . 150
Total . 8,027
of Prices.
Showing the highest and Unycst prices
paid for hogs , on this market during the past
seven days and on the corresponding days in
1885 and 18SO.
Ijlve Stock Notes.
Cattle qnict.
Hogs 510o higher.
Hogs continue on the up grade.
Mr. Wuford , Posten , was hero with hogs.
John Brown , North I3cnd , cumo in with
II. Hutton , IJandolph , In. , was in with
Miu-tiu Hannnwold , Aurora , sold a load of
90o hogs.
Two additional hog buycis on the market
Win. Davidson , Poston , was here with a
load of hogs.
C. Ii. Jones , bastings , came in with three
loads of hogs.
L. AV. Dcntnn , Waterloo , received J-1.00 for
a good loud of hogs.
J. E. Thompson , Council Bluffs , was over
with a loud of bogs.
Samuel Ewing , Geneva , marketed a load of
404-lb hogs at fUK .
G. Grosvenor , Tokiunah , topped the market
with a loud of very fine a'JO-lb hogs.
J. T. Stewart , the Council Bluffs packer ,
bought hogs on the market yesterday.
Charlie Sprague was nt the yards yester
day Hhuking hands with his old friends.
Mr. Cobb , of Cobb Bros. , Fender , cnmo in
with u loud of corn-fed Htoers of his own feud
Peter Herlett and son , Talmngo , stopped at
the yards on their way home with sonui feed
George Tyson , of Tyson & Lawrence , Mil'
rigun , was at the yards with two loads of
J. H. Zeller , of Dedhnm. la. , was hero and
sold three loads of cuttle nt n satisfactory
"Parse , " buyer for Squires & Co. , is back
from Sioux City , and bought hogs hero yes
Mr. Storrs , of the firm of Heno & Storrs ,
Otikdulc , was in with a load of cattle und u
load of hogs.
M. H. Stanley , Friend. Neb. , n well known
brooder of Shetlano ponies , wss among the
visitors nt the yards.
H. B. Munson , of Blno Hill , Neb. , an ex
tensive buyer of live stock is on the market
with two cars of hops.
I ) . N. Wheeler , Ponder , In with two
loads of hogs. Mr. Wheeler is one of the
oldest shippers to the yards.
The Union Stock Yard bank Is a year old
to-day. Under the skillful management ol
Mr. Branch , the cashier , the bank has kept
puce with the growth of the yards and that is
saying a good deal.
Produce , FrultH , Etc.
The fvUfiU'lim are the prices ( it which
tuts of jirodiu'c ( ircxuhl on tlttn imir-
let. Fmltx or oMicr lines o/yoo < / requiring
Kctm lulmr of piii'llmj citnnot dlinij/s In
sn ] > ] ) llc < l oninit.iltlriinlci-mittltc.tHUiit' jirlcct
qiuital the fo itmtlc. / .
BlTTKii The receipts were lighter than
usual , while the demand was active ut prices
heretofore quoted. Very choice dairy butter
is quoted at ISfaiiUc , medium grades Ui10e ( ,
ordinary , UftilSi1.
Koos Market steady , receipts only fair ,
Prices ' . " 'Oi-JlU * .
CIIEKM : There wusngoood demand yester
day. Following prices are quoted : Fancy full
cream , Cheddars , single , lUc ; lull twain twins ,
KXQiWXe ; yonngAniericas , lit&iIJtckj ; brick
checho , 100 Ibhi case , 14@lBoj Liinburgcr , W
Ibs in case , I'XgliiJ c. In less qualities , 14Q
14) ) e ; Swiss domestic , UKiJl c.
PoULTitv The market was actiro yester
day and some heavy sales worn made. Live
chickens have advanced. Dressed fowls continuo -
tinuo steady , The following prices arc
GIMK The frame market was more active
than usual yesterday and sales were heavier ,
hotels and restaurants being heavy purchas
ers. The supply Is equal to all demands
ut prices following , Piairio chickens
| ; j.r)0@4.00 : mallard ducks. t2.SW7ia.KI :
quail , rJ.-'SQ'J.M ; teal und mixed ducks
11.75 ; snipe , { 1.35 ; Jack rabbits , 35 < < j
1CV cadi ; Amall iiibbll * $1 83periled ; door ,
CffJ'n * ; nntelnii | * , T ( < iyi ; deer saddles , IH'illo ;
nnd-lopo , l'J ( Hc. , . [
POTATOUocolnt * UL'bt nnd innrKot dull.
Price * steady ; t'tali < ina L'dlorudo llndlngn
ready ninfkot at iK'c. ' Clmlce homo pi-own
jititatoeo , HVdTlv ; common grades , 4 > Xi < iMV.
SWKFT PITTHK ( ChrtlCt1 hoiili ) grown and
New Jersey stock , IWpei' lb ; common grades ,
' . ' ( < ( Ji , i * . '
I5nsnood slot % N.OOCd'J SO ; fair to
peed , * l.fAil.7r ) ( ) ; California beans , M.
' . ' .20.
.20.ONHiX" Home grown , SOftZOOi * ; Spanish
onions per fiO-lb crati1' , W.tK ) .
S\nn : Knu'T Choice , per bbl , fS S.jj9.00 ( ;
Ji , bbl. f \V I : > IK ) . '
OTIIIS : 1'lnln stnndnrd. 25c ; standard ,
SOc'i extra select" , Me ; New York count" ,
4U ( * .
Ti'UNii" Good sales nt'IVfJiW , accotding
to quality ; rutabagas , T0 ( " 5c.
C it i n low 1:11-Choice : stock limit n sternly
nmrki't utW.riilCii3.75.
Cvnn\oi--tiood : c.ibb.ige f-ells readily nt
COc per do/en or ? . " > ( HI per hundred.
CCI.KKY The iiipi'ly ' Is good. Choice celery ,
JC > ( in."ie per do/en ; fancy , I.Xl.'Mli1 ; e.xtni line
Salt Lake celery , 51.5(1 ( per dozen.
Cinr.ii Cliolio Michigan elder , fO.fiO iicr
bbl. of ! gal.
CiuNiinnuir.o Hell& Cherry , fiOW-tV ) ;
Bell & Bugle , * S.5U ( < iy. ) ; .Cupo Cods , W.WKjS
lO.tX ) .
Ari'i.r. ' ! Active and steady. 1'astern fruit ,
{ 'l.rxiffl..T ( ! fair to choice stock , < cj.2. > 6i3.ri ( ) ;
fancy Jonathans. $ : i.r > OCTt.7r ( ! .
( JriNcnt Choice Calffornla quinces , J2.00
@ 2.10 per box.
Itoxuv Good choice honey In 1-lb frames
limit H ready market ut 'Jlu22e.
Porcons Choice rice corn , JiCinc per lb ;
other kinds , 2g2-ft ( ' * per lb.
OK < S < II : < Louisiana , fl.Wiper box ; fS.M )
per bbl ; Florida , * > cr box , fl.00ffi4.rll. (
LuMos'st Messina lemons , ? fi.OOC7r > .f > U ;
Malaga , fi.OO ; extra line Maori , tft.4lNi ) ( ( f,0.
CAI.IFOIIMA FUIMTS Pears , t2.Wia'J.7ri. (
CjitAlT.s New York grapes , < Hb baskets ,
40fit75c ; California double crate , ft.&O ; crate ,
t' > .yriC < ? 2.(0. (
BVXASAS The market is well supplied at
the following prices : Choice bananas , t.00@
3.W ) ; medium buchcs , t2.lHi.OO ) : ; common ,
tt.rili2.H ( ( ( ) .
Ni rs Peanuts , " ( ft'l c , raw ; Brn/ll nuts ,
llc ! ; almonds , Tarragona , ! . " -'c ; English wal
nuts , 15 ( < tl8e ; lllberts , 12o.
Grocers' IjlHt.
Corrr.r : Ordinary grades , 20a20 ( ; o ; fair.
21 ( 21J5c ; prime , ilji22c ! ( ! ; fancy green and
yellow , 2IK 2.V ! ; old government Java , 2 , @
IKlc ; Interior .lava , ii'iCy'-'So ; Mocha , ' 'XjIUdc ;
Arbucklo's roasted , " . ' .V c ; McLanghlin's
XXXX , 23 4c ; Dilworth's , 24 c ; Hod Cross ,
" ' '
jiiHMiMO Extra4-tle , 2.00 ; No. 1 , ? 2.00 ;
No. 2 , # 1.75 ; heavy stable , 1.00.
CAXDV Mixed , OiJUlc ; stick , 8f ( 9 c. 30-lb ( tails , $ l.bO@l..IO.
PitovisioNs Hums , lOJjffii'llJti * ; breakfast
bacon , lOJ liZlle ; bacon sides , 8J/W90' / , dry
salt , 7X@8c ; shoulders , OJ ( < .7e ; dried beef
hanii ? , 10 ( llc ; ill-led beef regular , UJtfjf 10 > fe ;
hams , picnic , 7Jiit8c. (
KKFINBI ) LAKI > Tluree , 7' < fc ; 40-lb square
cans , 7 } < c ; 50-lb round , 7Hc ; ; 20-lb round ,
7 ? < c ; 10-lb pulls , 7e ; 6-lb pulls , 7Jfo ; 3-lb
pails , 7c.
PicKi.r.s Medium in bbls , $0.50 ; do In half
bbls , $3.75 ; small , in bbls , $7.50 ; do in half
bbls , $4.25 ; gerkins , in bbls , * S.50 ; do in half
bbls , 14.75.
Svitui' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $ 1.50(7 ( ? 1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , H5ij4(5e ! ( ( ; maple
syru | ) , half bbls , "old time , per gallon , 80e ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per doz , $0.25 ; cpunrt cans , 125.
STAUIn Mirror gloss , 5J4c ; ( ! raves' corn ,
O' ' o ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
Hin.LAND Hiimixas : 73C'75c ) ) or keg.
DIIII-.I ) FituiTH Apiile.s , new , J4's , Oo ; evap
orated 50 lb ring , 'JJjfiilOc ; raspberries , evai > -
orated , 2bOE2lJc ; blackberries , evaporated ,
94C'fll"c , pitted cherries , 20U21c ( ; peaches ,
new , 8l2 ( ilc ) ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 2s
( g2io ; evaporated , uupared , 180 < 19c ; now
currants , ( y40i7o ; prunes , 4 > < ( % " , citron ,
raisins London J2.85 2.-I5 California
25c ; , layora , ( - ;
fornia loose muscatels , * 2.00i(2.10new ( Val
encia , 8 ( ft8) ) < jC.
Hoi'i : Seven-sixteenths , 1 IJ GTll ? .
CincKiiits Gurneau's soda , butter and pic
nic , fie ; creams , Sc ; ginger snaps , be ; city
soda , 7c.
THISI Japan , SO&Vic ; gunpowder , 20@
OOJfc ; Young HysonV 25@55o ; Oolong , 20 ®
OOc.SUOMI Granulated , 7-Vi7Kc ( ? ; conf A , fijf
( gOJ < c ; white extra C , ( WrrfO e ; extra C , ( ) j <
WO' ' e ; yellow C , 5Jifit5e ; cut loaf , 7 @
7 c ; powdered , 7'gi ( 7Ji'e.
Tomcco Lorillard's Climax , 44c ; Splcn
did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , -lie ; Leggctt &
Meyer's star , 4''c ; Cornerstone , 8lc ; Drnm-
mond's Hoi-sc Shoo , 44c ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 4lc.
CAXXr.n Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , ? ; i.l.r > ( 8.20 ; strawberries , 2-lb ( icrcasc ,
$3.15ii3.20 ( : rabjiberries , 2-lb , per case , J.dO@
3.10 ; ; California pears , ( ) cr case , fc4.00@4.bO ;
apricots , ( > er case , $4.25 ( 4.30 ; peaches per
case , f5.7.ri@.ri.b5 ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , f380@3.90 ; blueber
ries , per case , J2.8 ( ) ( .2.-40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
string beans , ( icrcase , 1.75 ; 2-lb lima beans ,
per ease , Sl.lK ) ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50@
2.00 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , t2,7."i ;
3-lb tomatoes , t2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , ? 2.UO@
WooDCNWAltc Two-hoop jmlls , per doz ,
f 1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1 70 ; No. 1 tub , * l.liO ;
No. 3 tub , $5.50 ; No. it tub , $ -1.50 ; wash
boards , $1.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1
churns , i'J ; Iso , 2 churns , ? t > ; No. it churns. $7.
I > ry GooilH.
DUCK West Point 29 in , 8 oz , 10J c ; West
Point 29 in , 10 oz , 12Xo ; West Point 19 in , 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , llic. Checks
Caledonia X , 0) ) c ; Caledonia XX , 10'ie ' ;
Economy , ! i' o ; Otis , He-
Iti.KACiir.D SIIKKTIXO Berkeley cambric ,
No. ( M ) , 9 c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , li'/o ; butter
cloth OO , 4.jO. ! ; C.ibot , aFarwell \ , Sc ;
Fruit of Loom , Oc- ; Greene G , lie ; Hope ,
7 40 ; King Philllj ) cambric , lie ; Lonsdnle ,
ll' c ; Lonsdale. bc : New York mills ,
10 } c ; Peppeiell , 42 inch , 10 } c ; Peppcrcll ,
40 inch. Ul e ; Peppcrcll , 10-4 , 15c ; Pep-
perell , 8-4 , ISc ; 1'cpperell , 9-4,20o ; Pep-
porcll , 10-4 , 22 0 ; Canton , 4-4 , Si c ; Canton ,
4-4 , 9fc } ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Vul-
cy , 5c.
KEXTI'CKV JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton
ISc ; Durham , 27kc ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22 > fe ; Cottswold , 25c.
CitA-iii Stevens'B , lie ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , 7Mc ; bleached , SJ e ; Slovens' P.
SKo ; bleached , 9J c ; Stevens' N. 9Kc ;
bleached , 10)c ; Stevens' S H T , 12)40.
Mii > c-ii.iAXF.oi's : ' Table oil clotli , J2.S5 ;
plain Holland , b'icto lie ; Dado Holland , 12) 0.
FIANNII.S : I'lald Haftsmun. ii'Jc ; Goslien ,
30c : Quecheo No. lJf , 42c ; Qucchco No. 2 , Jf ,
87) ) < c ; Quecheo 'No. 3 , Jf , 32) ) je : Anawan ,
it ; ) c ; Windsor , S'f. ' . IJed-C 24-inch , Ifi c ;
E , 24-inch , 21c ; GO , 24-inch. ISc ; II A F ,
} ( , 2.r ; ; J H F , 4X , 27' < c ; G , % , i5c. !
CAMIWICS blutcr , 4) c ; Woods , 4)c ) ; Stan
dard , 4e ; Peacock , 4' ' c.
BIANKKTS White , | 1.00 ( < ? 7.50 ; colored tl.10
(28.1K ( ) .
Buowx SIIBKTINO Atlanta A , 4-4. \ { aA \
Bantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ( i 'c ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , SJfc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5'fc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , li/fe ;
HoosierLL , 4-4 , fijj'c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , " c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , fiVc ; Old Dominion , 4-4
5 } < c : Poppcrell H , 4-4 , B o ; Pepjierell O , 4-4
lie ; Pepporell , 8-4 , IGc ; Pepporell , 9-4 , ISo
Pcpperell , 10-4. 20c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ;
AVachusott , 4-1 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-1 , Gfae\ \ Au
rora B , 4-4 , lie.
PUIXTV- SOLID Count * Atlanta , 5) e ;
Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil , ( IJsfe ; Garner Oil , liQ
7c. PIXK AXII HOIIKS Ulchmond , lie ; Allen ,
lie ; IUrcr ] > olnt , 5c ; Steel Hiver , lie ; Hich-
inond , Do ; Pacllio , lijc. . Ixnino BLI'K Wash
ington , do ; Century Indigo bine prints , lOo ;
American , li'-.c ; Arnold , ( iic ; Arnold B ,
10) ) 0 ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > , c.
DUK.-S Chuiter Oak. 4J c : Hiimupo , 3J/c ,
Lodl , 4'c ( ; Allen , 5)c ; Hiehmond , ! > ) ic\ \
Windsor , Kddystono ; , tie ; Pueilli * , lie.
COII.-KT Jixi : Androbcoggin , 75 c ; Ifear-
surge , 7l c ; Hockport , ( ! J4c ; Conestogu , li e.
BTTStandard , Sc ; ( Jem , 10l , c ; Beauty ,
12kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , fH.Wi.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , liVc ; CO , 7Kc ; SS , bMc ; Name
less , 5' c ; No. S , tic ; EE , 9 > jc ; GG , lOUe :
XX , 12c ; OO , 14c ; NX , Hie ; HX.lbi * ; K,20r ;
No10 , S c ; 40 , wytc00. \ . 12' < jc ; Wl , 15c ; SO ,
colored , lee ; 50 , colored , 12o ; 70 , colored , 15o :
Bristol , IHke ; Union Pacitlc , lb .
CAIII-ET WAHIBibb white , ISJ o ; colored ,
OixaiUM Plunckett checks , 7J4'c ; Whit-
teuton , " 'j'c ; York , 7J.fc ; Normandl Dress ,
8)fc ) ; Calcutta Dress , 8) ) < c ; Whittenton IJress ,
'Je ; Hcnfrow Dress , ! ai2fc. }
TICKS Lewiston , 30 In. , 12) ) < o Lewiston ,
! t2 in. , 13) < e ; York , 32 in. , 14o ; Swift Hiver
General . "
Fnx Snuiv-llns advanced n trifle Good
qnality , tl.te ( per biHiel.
Co * L Egp , jlO.25 ; tint , SI0.25 ; range. $10 25 ;
walnut block , 1.75 ; lowu lump , t'JM , low.i
imt.tJ.73 : Illinois , $1 2.W4.75 :
Hiv There Is a good demand for liny nt
the following prices ! Common eoawo hn.\ ,
< 7.Kii7.50 ( ( per ton ; upland prairk * , $7,75yi ;
Gnux Prices remain . Ttiesdav's
quotations , Wheat , No. 2 , liiic ; rye , I5 ( : .0o ;
outs , 2c ( ! ; corn , old , ! 17'ac ; corn , new , ! Ge ;
barley Is ipioted at fi''yf.'itc , according to qual
Hums llrcen butchers' , r.c ; green cured ,
7e ; drjGlnt. lOc ; dry salt , V ; gieen calf
skins , * . . , ( ; damaged hides , two-thirds price.
Tallow : i'4i * . Grease Prime \\Idle , Scyel ;
low , ilo ; Drown , I'm * . Sheep pelts , 25imlOo.
Fi-its-Haccoon , 20CnN70c ; mink , UKa50c ;
musk ruts , fall , 2of5c ; striped skunk , 10 ( IV ( ;
mountain wolf. No. 1 , * . 'l.00@i.50 ; ; No 2 , pi-al-
rle , (10Crf75o ( ; No. 2 , 40jZI5o ( ; beaver. No , 1 ,
peril ) , . ( Xlofil.lH ) ; No. 2 , M.lHKiM 25 ; otter ,
$ l.lKtoai.l ) ; dry deer skins , 20cn3.V per lb ;
dry antelope , elk , moo e , etc. , 15ii25il. (
Fi.oiuNI > Fr.r.D Prices stcuily at Tnc's-
day's iiuotatlons. Minnesota patents , * -.55
per cwt ; Kansas nnd Missouri winter
fancy patents , $2.45u2r ( > 0 : Nebraska patents ,
$2.2iJ2.U5 ( ! ; rye Hour , ? l.75ieUH ( ) per cwt ; rye ,
Graham , $1.40 per cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75
per cwtcornmeal ; , yellow , Wo per cwt : corn-
ineul , white , tl.OO per cwt ; chopped feed ,
bOe per cwt ; bran , $12.50u ( 13.00 per ton ;
screenings , 49.X ( ) @ 12.00 per ton.
Si'iniTS Cologne spirits , 1SS proof , $1 10 ;
do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits second quality , 101
proof tl.lH ; do IbS proof tl.tW. Alcohol Ib8
proof , $2.10 per wino gallon. Hcdistllled
whiskies , $ ! .00i71.r ( > 0. Gin blended , tl.SOOJ
.MX ) ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00 < < 1 < UXI ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , t-2.00cJli.50 ( :
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 11.50
( Sil.lXI. Brandies , Imported , $5.00tb'.5 ( ) ; do
mestic , tl.mi@tl.00. Gins , imported , M.50@
li.OO ; domestic , fl.25(7fi.)0. ( : ( ) Champagnes , 1m-
IHirtcd , per case , t2S.lHiiaiJK ) ( : ) ; Ainciican , per
case , ? 10.Xli ( lii.lio.
Hivv : lUnnwviin Iron , rate , ? 2 70 ; plow
steal , special cast , 4 0 ; crucible steel , li e ;
cast tools , do , 12i lfic , wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.UOC 550 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , ciii'li , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb. llVTI3c ( ; coil
chain , per'jOMiic ; malleable , S ( riOe ; Iron
wedges , Oc ; crowbars , tie ; harrow teeth , 4e ;
spring steel. 4 ( < f5e ; IJurden's horse shoes ,
i-1.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 5.75 ; barbed
wire , In car lots , $4 00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nulls , $2.50.
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , lj | inch , s. 2s..f50 50
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s. , . . . . 45 50
" " IJf , 1)4. ) -in . . . . 40 50
A select , 1 inch , s. 2s. , . . . . 40 00
" " Wi 1H'- ' 44 00
B " 1 inch , 8.2ln . . . . 30 00
" " l.Vi Da.-in . . . . 37 00
1'01'l.Alt I.t'MIIKll.
Clear Poplar , Hx. lids , } t in. , s2 s . . . . $ , ' ( , > 50
" " yt in. Panel , s2s . . . .2700
" " Corrugated Ceiling , J . . . 23 50
No. 1 com , s 1 & . $18.00 I No. 1 , com , s 1 s$17.00
No , 3 " " 15.501 No. 4.- " " 13.00
Com. 4 & 0 in. flooring ? 17.5l (
Star " " 21.50
Clear % in Ceiling 21.50
Clear } i'm Partition 25.00
Clear nnish , 1 & U | in. , s 2 s 20.00
Clear corrugated coiling , 4 in 25.00
Yellow pine casing and base 27.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough $10.50
" " " 10 " 10.50
No. 2 , " 12 & 14 " 10.00
" " " 10 " 17.50
1st com. % in White Pine Ceiling f-UOO
2nd " " " " 28.00
Clear , ? „ ' in Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. % in " " " 14.00
b TOC 1C 11OA11D9.
A 12 inch sl s f-15.50
No.lcoiu.l2 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
" " 14 ft 10.00
" " " 10 ft 18.50
No. 2 , " " 10.00
" " " 10 ft 17.50
Inch Grooved Roofing , 1.00 ] > er M , more
than 12-Inch stock boards same length.
A , 12,14 & 10 ft . $21 50 I C , 12,14 & 10 ft.f 15.50
U , " " 20.501 D. " " 12.50
Third Judicial District ,
T tllAMlil.ll 0V ItlJIMlllCK.
vita TUI oEoauirHT or TBII
t\f \ rtnon of Iti c ntr l ponltlol c.aja reUtlon to lion
Eait of Cbltigo , fttul contliuuui linoi at tcrmliiil
point ! Weit , Horthvivit and hoatliweit , Is the true
middle link In that transcontinental cyatem vrhlch
InTltf and facilitate ! trarel and traffic between the
Atlantic and 1'acUc.
Tte Hock Iiland main line afid branches Include. Chicago
cage , Jollet , Ottawa , I.aEalle , I eorla , Oenneo , Uollna
and llock Iiland , In lillnalsj DaTinport , Mu > catlne <
Walhlngton , Falrfleld , Ottuuiwa.Otkalooia , WcitUb-
ertj.Iowa CityUe Molnei.Indlanola.Wlnteruet , Allan *
tic , Knoirlll * , Audubon , Ilarlan , Guthrle Crntro and
Council lllnlti , In Iowa : tlallatln , Trenton , St. * ' , itpn ,
Cameron and Kaniai Cltjr , In Mliiourl ; Loaf jnorlh
and Atehlion , InKaniaii Albert I.eaMlnneapolIi and
It.I'aulInUlnneiotat Watertown and Sioux
Dakota , and hundred * of Intenncdlato cltlei and to * ni.
' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" '
Guarantee ! ipeed , comfort , certainty and ! f ty. Itt
permanent way lidlitlnruiihrd forIti excellence. It !
Bridge ! arc of itone and Iron , It ! track Ii of lolld
iteel.lti ralllngitorkperfcct. Itipaiiengcrequlpm nt
hai all the lately appllancii that riperlrncehaipr rei
meful , and for luiurloui accommodatlora Ii uiu lr-
paired. } ta Expreii Trains conilit of superior Day
Coachei , elegant lullman lalaco Parlor and Klceplug
Can , luperb Dining Carl , prorlJIng delicious nieali ,
and ( tictwoea Chicago nnd Bt. Joseph , AtchUon and
Kansai City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. Jt man
agement Is conierratlre , Us discipline exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea"
Between Chicago and Ulantapolls and Bt. I'a. Ii the
farorlte. Oierthlillno Solid Fast Eipren Trains run
dally to attractive resort ! for tovrUti In Iowa and
tllnnesota , and , ria Watertown and Sioux Falls , to tbe
rich wheat and grating land ! of Interior Dakota. Via
teneca and Kankakev , the llock Island often superior
Inducement ! to traveler ! between Cincinnati , Indian ,
apolli , Lafayette and Council llluITi , St. Joseph , Atchl-
on , Learenworth , Kaniai City , St. I'aul , and Intcrme *
dlate polnti All patrons ( eipeclally ladlci and chll-
ilrvnrecrh eprotectlon.eourteiy and kindly attention.
Tor ticket ! , maps , folders , coplei of Wottern Tr ll , or
any desired information , apply to principal ofllces In
the Unlti-d Htatei aud Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
I. R. CAIlf , ( . ST. JUKI , E. A. UOUIOOI ,
Mtauir , 0. . nt r > M. IfV
wt ccrdllilr reeonntn4
vcur ( i 11 thi t l icmcdy
, drill ! Known lo ut fcf IXbonttca
Tl TO t U1T . \ net Olecl ,
D ir ot * 4 AOI u 1 We lu.t iol < ] ccnildtr.
.CABMBirleuri , tlr.tnflln crcry cm U
tufivcn ittliUctica.
Vrt oil ; bjr tbl AUott * Lltk ,
ITUI Chialol Ct.
lluJicn. K. T.
OUo. .
flic * 1.00 ,
uuence.NerTuu l > bllUycauh i
through errors mid bad practice * CURED.
tt LU M MKAb t ,19Lotu .t. "tiLuuU
Agricultural ImpTiomonts.
" "
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wapns ,
C rri > o ami Hue i < * . J < 'n ' < Sln-ot Ili'twpcafth and
lull , llmntm , .S.Wi Vn.
Agricnllnral Implements , Wa onsCarriagcs ,
HuKlo * , Klff. W hulioalc , Oiualm , Nrbrniaii.
" "
, \V7iolf xlc IVnliT * In
AgricnllnrallfflDlcfflcnlsWagons , & Buggies
WUUUMJRtid SW.JoniA Stii'clOmoliiv.
P. P. MAST fi CO.
Manufacturers of Bncfcoye Drills. Sectors.
Cultlratom , liny lt t.p . ( 'Mi-r Mill * ami l.nluu ) I'ul'
vcrlicr. ' Cor lull nml Nlcliolns directs ,
" "
Agricultural liimlciiiciiis.WaEons . SBiiggies
rornrrHlli nml Nlcliuln * Mrt < vtl ,
Artist ' Miitorlnlsr"
" * ' '
A.'HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos ami Organs ,
1513 DouiilM Strwt , Omiilm , Nul.ra kn.
Boots nnd Shoos.
W. V. MORSE Si CO. ,
Jotters of Boots and Shoes ,
Ol Tarnaru St. , Onmha , Neh. Manufactory , Somrael
Street , lloilun.
( Suecc or lo llccd , Jonrs A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agccti for llostnn llubbcr Slip * Co. 110 ] , 1104 Jk Hot !
lliunu ? St. , Omnha , Neliniska.
Coffeee , plcoa , Eto.
Omahn Curfoe and Splco Mills.
Teas , ColTees Spices , Baking Powder ,
KlaTorliiK Kitr ctiij iJiitntlry Blur , Ink * . Kto. 11111418
llimu'y blreet.Umuha , Nutnvska.
_ _ _ Cjrookory andjCl sawnro.
Asent for the Mniiufncturpri find Importcn of
Crockery , Glassware. Lamps , Chimneys.
Ktc. omcc.SUS. IStliSt. , Oiunlia , NeliruskH. '
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Bittr , KIIKI nnd 1'roilucc. ConMiinnicnt ! lollclted.
IKtantinrtor * ( or Stoncwurc. llt-rrr Holes nnj
( ) r i'Q lluikol ! . 1414 lloilitf Bt , . Om hn.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
foultrj. lluttcr.Cianif , Fruits. Klc. nuhoutli 14lh St. ,
OmatiA. Nebraska ,
( hiicceisori to McShane A Schrci-dor. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage
Onmlm , Nebraska.
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard and Son Coal ,
KG South 13th Street , Omr.lm , Nebraikit.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
ted Fhlppors o ( Coal , Coki > , Ci'inrnt , 1'lRflcr , Lira * ,
Drain Tile anil Sewer I'lpo. Uttlrp , rititun llutcl ,
Faroam Ht. , Omaha , Neb , Telephone 811.
SMppers of Coal and Coke ,
211 youth 13th St. , Omaha. Neb. _
Dry CoodB an
M. E. SMITH t CO. ,
Dry Goods , FnrnisMng Goods and Notions
11W and llOlUoiiKlm , Cor , llth St. . Omaha , Neb.
Importersand JOukrs in Dry GoodsMions ,
Genti' KurolibliiK Goods.CurnerlUb and lUrnej BU
Omnha , Ncbrakka.
Wnolcsale Dealers in Furniture ,
Knrnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
7 % , 707,709 and 711 H , lOtb Ht. , Omaha , Net ) .
Wholesale Grocers ,
IJtk and Lenvcnnortb Mri'cts , Omaha , Nebraska
Wholesale Grocers ,
H19 , mi and 1221 Harner Street , Omaha , N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 111C llnrncj Street , Omaha. Neb.
LEE , PRIED ft CO. ,
Jokers of Hardware and Nails ,
TinwareSli > et Iron.Ktc. Aiitnta for Howe Hcalet.and
illurul Tuwder Co. , Omaha , Nttb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanlci' Tool * and Buffalo Rcalei. 14(6 ( Uouilai-it.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harncj rit . , Omaha , l b.Vcslprn Aeonti
( or Austin I'uwilar Co. , JelTeri > ( > n Mcul Nallf.l-air-
hanks Standard Hcalcs.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waeton Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1109
and 1211 Ilirney .Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Hats , caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HOT Hamcr Ptroet , Omaha , Neb.
and ILER & CO. .
Importers & Joote of FineWines & Liqnors
East India Hitters an'l Domestic Uquors. 1112 Hartley
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IMk BUeet and Union 1'ocldc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
con , etc , Yardi-Comer 1th and Douglaij Corner ilk
and Duuglas.
c. N. DEITZ.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lnmher ,
llth and Ctllfornla Eli. , Omaha , N b.
m ' "
Lumber Ume Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner tth and Douglas Kti. , Orn ha.
* T
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 1103 rarnut BUnt , Omaha
Wholesale Lumlier , Etc ,
tmtatitA and American Portland Ciroiot. Rtatl f *
"tnr Miwt | k Htf
Dealer In Hardwood Lnmber , 7J
tTooa Carp * I * nJ 1'nrqupl I'lourlug , Mi ami Douglal
Mllllnory nnd
Importers Uolitos of Millinery & Notion !
aw , 710 atitl 811 South Hilt Btref I.
Wholesale Notions aud Furnisliing Goo.i
_ 4UI find 4 * Sotitli lOtli Street , Oinalm. _ *
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 Hartley Street. Oniilia. _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils/ /
.tlo ( Iroase , etc. , Omivlia. A , II. Illiliop , Maaagtf ;
Popor. . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ I-
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
stork of rrlntlnu , wra'tplnit and wrlll AI
| 'I > | HT special atlf iitlnh t'Hin ! lu cnr luad oHlen. J
Prlntora * Mntorlals.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealer ! In type , prvisri and i-rlutorn' iuppi : i. Ml
riouth IllU htravt , Ouiaha.
Kunuor CootlH.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Good !
Oil Clothing ami I.riUlicr llolllun. IUH rnrimm Hlratt ,
Stonm Fittings , PlimP8 JJS . "
A. L. STRANG CO. , ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Btcnra , water , rnllxnf nnil nilnlnu ! uiillv | > , etc. M
va nml W4 Varimin Mrytft.oniitlia. , .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
gleam ami Wiitor Sumillon. lli-itliiinrlt'r , | * for Maik
Koost A fo'i nuoJs. 1111 Kimiam M. . , Omnlin. " j
Steam and Water Supplies ,
HallldajVlml Mills. IU1 nml Ml Knrnnm M. , Om h .
U , K HUM , Acting Mnmiuer.
B R O WN ELL it CO. .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bliecl Iron Work , Stvim Pnmp- w Mllli. 1213-lIU
l aenwurth plrt'ol.Oumlia.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
( ill nnd Un.lonc'S St. , Oiim'm
Storage ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Hrniicli hoiire of the llenney llnKKy t'u IIUL'uk'i a |
Kliolvsulu ami rvtnll t KX.ulO ntul 1.112 linrd bticut ,
Omaha 'IVIt'i'lunui Nu , .to. ,
JToas mid Cigars. ( _
" "
WM. A. WILSON" & co. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars ,
Spires and Daisy Making I'otrdrr. 1410 nnd IIIU llat >
ney Street , UmiiliR. ,
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornicl
Joliu Kl'i-ui'ter ' , Troprletur. WQ Doiliti' anil 1U1 aud 1UO
Nurlli luth Stret't. Omalia. ; 1
Smoke Stacka , Bo 11 o re " , Eto. j |
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoie Stacks ,
Tnnksaml llenrrfll Ilollor lli-pnlrlng. 131
Uodtfu Btroot , oiuutia , Neb.
Iron Wprks. i
" " *
- - -
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Kiifflnen. IlraM wurk , ennrnl foundry , tnnrhlnc nn
blaiktuilth wuik. uincu nnd nurki , U. 1 * . Hy. and ,
17th Htroot , Omaha. _ j
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk mils , window gnnrdii , flower nlKiuM , wlro slgnp ,
etc. , Ut North ICth St. , Omaha. _ f
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes !
Vaults , jail work. Iron and wlr fencing , nlgni , etc. 0 ,
Andrcen , I'rop'r. Cor , lull and Jiuksun Bt .
M nufncturura and Jobhurs In
Wagons , Buggies , RaKes , Plows Etc ,
Cor 9th and I'nUIIC St . , Oiiuiha. Nvli.
General Agents for IMebold Safe 4 Ixick Co.'i
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks ,
Vault * and Jail Work , 1415 Farnam str l , Omaha.
' '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
J ans rants , Ehlrti , KU ; . 1103 anil 1104 Douglas Btfeet.
Omaha , Nub.
8a h , Doors , Etc.
Wliolesalo Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , 12th and Iiard Htreetn , Oinaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Fl
lib , N. B. Corner Mb. and l-oaveuworth Streetl ,
Ouiaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
Aad IlUndi , Turning , Matr-work. Hank and Offlc *
Hltlugs. wth and 1'iippltloa AYCUUO.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
Uil North Eighteenth btrcet , Omaha , Nub.
ail. I'AI.UKK. N. V. 1IICIIUAK. J. II. l
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Office Itooin s < , OppoiK/i Kiehanze Ilulldlng , Union
.Stock Yardn , South Omaha , Neb.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnWird free on ai > pllcatlon , Htockem anil
feeders furnished oa peed lonns. llefc'rcncn : Oma-
lia National llauk aniThoiith Oinaha Nutluual. Union
HUick Yardf , houtb Omaha ,
Liye Stock Commission , ;
Room IS , Kichanta HulMIng , Union Stock Tarda.
S'tilh OmabH , Neb ,
Commission Dealers in Liye Stock ,
Iloom Zj , Kirhanva Ilulldlni , Union Htm-k Vtli. &
Omaha , noiemicet 1'nloii ' Nnl'l Hank , Omaha.
UnlouKtock Yards Hank , H. Omaha , K. S. Ikiwley
i'res. Am. Hank Jt'lrusl Co. , Omaha.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Room 22 , oiiiioiltn Eichanita IlulldlnK , Union Htod
Yards , ttaulh Omaha , Nub.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
_ John f. Boyd , HamrlDtendtnt.
AdvuitlsltiK Inn always | no > ea
euecfSBful. Iloforo VlacliiKarif
Newupupcr AtlvcrtlsInK consult
U U M &t < ilk lUMt , CHICAGO )