Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Arthur Rothory Ohnllongoa the
Winner of the Fox Modal.
Clew Anxious For a Tight AVIth
Coiiloy I'm Klllcn nnil Frank
Cook Now * I'Yom tlio
Artlinr Itotlicry's
The middle-weight boxing contest for tlio
eli&mplonshlp ot the stnto of Nebraska nnd
Iho II. K. Fox inciltil tultus iilaco tit exposi
tion hull Monday evening , December 5. The
interest being manifested in the event !
really prosit nnd wiw givun ti nctv Impetus
yestcrxhiy by the rumor that ono of the best
und most favorably known local pugilists
had decided to clmllengu the winner. That
this report was well founded is shown by the
following :
OMAHA , Nov. 23. To the Sirartlne IMIlor
Of the Hr.n : The winner of the modal offered
by It. K. Fox as the state's middle weight
champion , to bo decided Monday , December
C , Is hereby challenged to defend his title
and the medal. I only stipulate that the rules
governing the contest December fi shall bo
the Hitmu as the match with myself.
[ Signed. ] Aimiim KoTiiriiv.
The'intercst in Icgttlmutu sK | > rls is rapidly
Increasing nnd to pcrKtuato athletics tlio ono
thing needful Is that all factional strife bo-
tvfeeii those interested should cease forever.
There Is no reason why Omaha should not bo
World renowned by its patronage of athletic
entertainments. The exhibition December 5
Will bo conducted in thu most decorous style.
It is simply a sparring match for points.
Several other important events arc on the
tapis. This afternoon Mr. Ed. Itothcry and
Mr. 1'ntsy Fallen will meet at the lattcr's
of business and sign articles of agree-
Since for a sparring nnitcli between Arthur
Kothery nnd I'nt Carrol. A forfeit of WO
Will be dc | < ositeil and tlio purse will bo f.VK ) .
U'ho contest Is to bo simply for points and
Will undoubtedly provo ono of tlio greatest aL-
attractions of the winter.
Clew l ivpnriiiK > Klwlit Conley.
DUMTII , Nov. 23. [ SiH-'cial Telegram to
the HKK. ] Gelding , manager for Joliu P.
Clew , said to-day : "As soon as Clow's hands
Will | > ermlt we will go to Ashland and meet
C/'onk-y on his own grounds. 1 have an idea
that 1'addy McDonald , properly handled ,
could defeat Conley in a ten-round contest ,
nnd if Clow's hands do not right soon I may
inatcli McDonald against Conley , Just for a
( Iyer. " 1'addy McDonald returned Irom Ash
land to-day. Ho sujs he does not think Con-
ley is very anxioUH to muko a match with
anyone , ami lit ) offered to light Conley in Ash
land but the latter put him oft.
Klllen and Cook To-Nl ht.
Duu'Tii , Nov. U3. [ Special Telegram to
the UHI : . ] Pat Killen arrived here to-night
io meet Frank Cook to-morrow night in a six
round knock-out contest. Cook It only
twenty years old , but is fix feet four inches
tall and weighs IbO pounds. lie Inut been
Very successful.
Philadelphia's WalkiiiK Mnteli.
Plin.Aiii.fiiiA , Nov. til. It was announced
this aftemoon Hint Liltlewood would en
deavor to beat tlio six days record of 1110
miles. At 11 p. m. the score : Littlcwood ,
JM3 miles ; Albert , yi5 ; Panchot , a)7 ( ) ; Nor-
' . ' Klson 'Jill.
inac , 'SO ; ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 211. It is asserted this eve
ning that Harry Tarnell , the convicted < ; x-
wardeu of the county insane asylum , has
been iu communication wth | States Attorney
Griunell for some time ami has given him
much valuable information about tlio lioodlo
pang regarding who had paid commissions
for dealing with the county and a lot of
special information on which noniu leading
'njiiritH who have esca | > ed may bo entrapped.
The Information about tlio commissions , it is
findcrstood , is already being used by the
( states attorney in recommending settlements
to the county board. Nothing very definite
lias been learned about the matter , but it is
believed Miat the information will be turucd
over to the new btates attorney , who will
make an attempt to begin more prosecutions.
It Is said that in return for valuable informa
tion given States Attorney Griunell will re
commend VarnoU's pardon.
St. Joe to llavi ) a Now Theater.
ST. Josnni , Mo. , Nov. St. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Uiu. ] The uatalorium build-
Jug in this city , situated at the corner of Jule
hnd Fifth street , has been leased for a term
Of flvo years by Messrs. L. It. Close and A.
0 , Axtle , of Kaunas City , who will Immedl-
tttely commenco-tho necessary alterations fet
turning it Into a theater. The gentlemen an-
lioimce that it will bo open at i > opular prices
fthd will attempt to have it open by Deceiii'
borl5. The building is a substautial brick ,
40x1'0 feet deep. Mr. L. K. Close loft to-
lilght for Chicago , where the fittings will bo
purchased. About tlOKX ( ) will bo extended
in Jilting up tlio building. It will have i
Beating capacity of 1'JDO and bo provided
\vlth eight boxes.
Mormon Church Properly Seized.
SALT LAKK , Utah Nov. 241. This aftenioor
Marshal Dyer , receiver of Mormon cliarcl
proserty , took jwssession of all the books ant
property in the oflieo of the president of the
Mormon church ngainst the protest of tin
Mormon attorney , who claims the action tie <
\io unconstitutional and the order of tin
court court coiild not cover it , tlio property
being owned by the president of the Mormoi
church and is not liable to seizure. The re
culver placed u bailiff in charge of thi
The Chinese Minister KiitortuiiiH.
WAKIIINIITOX , Nov.U. . The Chiuesi
lulnister entertained at dinner to-night
Secretary Uayard , Secretary Whitney
Berretary Full-child , Postmaster Genera
Vllas , Secretary Lamar , Secretary Kndieptt
the Kuglish , French , Spanish , Danish
Bwedlsh , Mixlcan , Argentine , Costn Hicii
Hawaiian and Italian ministers , the Japaties
charge d'affaires and the justices of th
BUpremo court. The enterudnment com
lucninnitux the birthday of the Empress o
China , which occurs to-morrow.
DufcotnS Vote.
lliMtAiicK , Dak. , Nov. 2.1 , OCicial return
thus far received at the capital show that th
majority for division iu the territory is aboti
i,000 ) , The majority for prohibition increases
It is impossible to glvo exact figures , as th
returns are not all iu. Tliero Is a ] > ohsibllit
hut the mnall majority for division will h
entirely wiped out by the returns yet to b
received , as u majority of the Bounties yet t
be heard from are in north Dakota.
iiiiitrtlliiK Uynamllerti Clone ! y.
LONIIOX , Nov. 23 , Extraordinary jirecai
tlous have boon taken to guard the dym
Uiltcrs , CiUlcn and llaskins , In prison. 1
. dust holes at Callen's lodgings have hoc
found thirty pounds of dynamitu of forei ) ;
make and other explosive compounds ha\
been found in neighbors' gardens.
National Capital
VASHISOTOK , Nov. iy.-Cardinal Glbbc ;
n do a short visit to the president at tl
v iHo houbo this iiftc-moan.
crctary Whltiiey presented an order fi
ti .vy to Oiieh employe of his dcpartmei
t -jv ,
VMV YOIIK , Nov. lit.Spoeial [ Tolegra
to " Hn : . ] Arrivcd The Italy , from U
or jl ; the Chicago , frOtr. London ; the Nerd
lui , from Antwerp.
.M.OX , Nov. 23. Arrived The Ural :
Ci' " n , from Hoaton. ,
( 1 i SSTOW.V. Nov. 23. - Arrived TI
A' wuai from New York. _
Tlio National ( i range.
1.XMNO , Mich. , Nov. 3. The "Nation
Grmigo to-day voted to hold tin ) next me <
. iiif ? ut 'ToiK-kn , Kansas. A resolution w ,
| uloi cil asking a reduction of the bonded 1
' the country bo nindu from tl
I-'onK8TPIIU59 <
.Several Southern Htatcn .Still Being
Devnstatctl Ity Them.
CiiAiu.K-fTo.v , W. Vn. Nov. 2.1. Forest
fires have broken out again In this section
and arc doing much damage iu destroying
fences , hay and other crops ,
Mr.Mi'iut , Tenn. , Nov. 'Ji.-Thc : ravages of
the forest llres sliow no abatement In this
section. In Arkansasnear the De-wri range ,
the prairie and bottoms have been almost
completely destroyed during the wnt ten
days nnd thu smoke has been so ilenso that it
has for several days obscured the sun. Tlio
towns arc now surrounded by forest llres and
everybody feels great uneasiness. In the
neighborhood of Okalona. Ark. , forest llres
are sweeping the mountitinH. valleys and bottoms
toms alike , destroying fencing and other
I.ri.A , Miss. , Nov. 2. ) . Forest fires have
been raglni : throughout the Yiizoo delta for
tlio past two days , carrying great destruc
tion in their wake. There has been great
loss of cotton , corn , fences nnd outhouses ,
and in some instances gin houses and barns
have been destroyed. The greatest dam
age , however , has been to timber.
Mapnllicent cypress brakes In many
Instances hnvo been almost denuded ,
entailing a loss upon Iho owners of
many thousands of dollars. The smoke has
been BO Intense that the people have suffered
beyond endurance. So great nnd so Uenso
has been the smoke that cotton In the Held
has been turned to a yellowish cast nnd it is
almost Impossible to have washing done.
Tlio flames in the Hatchlc bottom , fanned by
the prevailing winds , have carried devasta
tion before them. Thousands of acres
of forest have been destroyed and
the Bwiteh cano has been utterly
consumed. In tlio vulloys of the Hatchio
river cano has been the clilcf dependence for
winter pasturage for cattle. It is now effect
ually destroyed and old settlers say it. will bo
ten years before it can bo renewed. To-night
a pentlo rain is failing. It seems general
and may btay the ravagen of the llres.
Young lilckcll In the Clutches of the
1'Vdcral Authorities
DCI.UTII , Minn. , Nov. 23. [ S ) > ernl ! Tele
gram to the Uci : . ] The case of Frank Hickcll ,
the Union National bank robber , caino up for
examination before Judge Carey this after
noon. Cashier Ware was examined and
stated the discovery of the loss of the pack
ages of legal louder notes containing $ ' 3-1,500
at ! i o'clock on the afternoon of the robbery ,
Diekell's arrest hi Chicago and tlio finding of
the money in the original packages by W. A ,
Pinkerton nnd J. J. H. O'Dell , president of
the bank in Chicago , nnd of Hickell's confes
sion.V. . U. Wells , teller , and W. S. Bishop ,
clerlr , tcstilied.
The defendant , Bickcll , was closeted with
his attorneys , Ensign , Cash and Williams ,
and Sheriff Fulsou during the greater part of
the afternoon nnd was brought before
Judge Carey for a few minutes and waived
examination. Ho will bo tried at the next
term of the United States district court at
Winona and will leave for that place in com
pany with Sheriff Fulson on Saturday. Tlio
case having gone into the hands of the United
States court , there is no probability that the
young man will get off without punishment.
The penalty for grand larceny against a bank
organized under the national banking net is
imprisonment for not less than live nor moro
than ten years. There is every likelihood
that he will spend Jlvo years at least inside
the walls of the United States prison at Jack
son. Tlio case was brought by District At
torney Haxtor and United States Marshal
Meetings Held In Memory of the Man
chester Martyrs.
NKW Yoitic , Nov. 23. The twentieth anni
versary of tlio execution of the Manchester
martyrs was celebrated iu the largo hall of
the Cooper institute this evening. The meet
ing was not altogether harmonious. When
Kichard Cattrcy denounced those who
opposed Henry George In the late
oleetion , selecting Patrick Ford for
special denunciation , thuro were loud
protests. Several of those who protested
were promptly put out and a company of
the Sixty-ninth legiment arose and left the
place. The confusion lasted several minutes ,
and while the two men were being1 ejected by
the citi/ens and police , matters assumed a
serious aspect. Dr. McGlynn also rated a
linglcd storm of hisses and applause when
io denounced tlio treatment to which he had
icon subjected by tlio pope and Archbishop
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. A largely attended and
enthusiastic meeting of Irishmen was held
o-night in Central Music hall in memory of
.he Irish patriots who yielded up their lives
at Manchester , England , twenty years ago ,
and incidentally of the three who fell before
he recent charge of the constabulary at
Mitchellstown. Ex-Congressman John E.
Finerty presided and made a spirited address.
Hon. John E. Fitzgerald , of Hoston , was the
orator of the evening. Ho said that in tlio
nationalism of the Irish is the hope of their
race and as a result of recent events tlio do-
mind for separation from England was
stronger to-day than ever. Ho concluded
with the declaration that if the British gov
ernment resolves upon des ) > oratothings , they
must expect desperate measures iu.return.
Conccnleil as a child iu the gnmo of
hide and sock" amidst tlio matter of
this page the observant will flnd a suj- {
jcbtiou which it will profit any ouo to
vet upon.
Itanium > . „ iirnud Show.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 2 ; ! . [ Special Tnlccrrnin
to the HRI : . ] When asked what the Hridgo-
port lira cost him , Barnum said : ! think
that ? 200,000 will nil up the gap. Of course ,
I will have to pet a good many moro animals
than those we have lost , because they will
have to go through a sort of 'survival of the
lUtt-st. ' Wo will kill off many of them. Oi
the $80,000 insurance the circus was carrying ,
S.'i.UOO was on what was lost. " Barnum es
timates tlu > worth of advertising they gain bj
the lire at Jtt,000. ) Hutchinson puts it at
? 100.1XX > . Scientists were busy yesterday ut
BridgeH | > rt , carving tlio dead elephants. Bar
num says they uro welcome to as much at
they care to tuko away. Dr. Sequin ,
of New York , captured the brain and au en
tire ear of ono of the elephants.
A Strange Case.
EAST LiVKiti'ooi. , O. , Nov. 2A : mar
went into the decorating shop of James
Bauui this evening and was horrified to flni
live pirls nnd two men lying on the floor U
all appearances dead. They were hurriedlj
removed to their residences and treated bj
physicians. Those that have revived are delirious
lirious and can tell nothing. AU are in i
very serious condition. It is thought tlnr
probobly they were usphyxiat * i by naturu
gus , but no odor WHS perceptible in the shop
The Karth Kinking.
Pi.Aixnuj ) , Ind. , Nov. 2U. [ Sj > ocial Tele
gram to the Bur. . ] A most startling rcpor
from Fishers btation , a small villagi
eighteen miles northest of here , came thi
morning , saying that oinco the opening o
the mammoth natural gas well at that pb'.f
n few days age , there has been n jJGK'eptibl
settlement of the earth of several inches
and that the whole pojraifitkm of the vilhig
and surrounding country is terrified bcyom
A Tool for the Tories.
Dniux , Nov. 2it. The Express ( Orange ,
says O'Donnell , cx-vico president of th
homo rule confederation , hm caused sul
poenaes to be Issued for Pnrnell and Thoma
Power O'Connor as witcssos ) in his sul
against the London Times for . 50,000 dan
itgi'i. for libt'l in charging him with beiu
connected with the Phojuix park murders.
Failure of Attempts at Peace.
LONIIOK , Nov. 2i. : The attempt made n
ThuHcs to-day to restore unity in the Oaili
Athletic association was n failure. D.ivll
and Fitygerald , llmling that nothing slwrt c
absolute submission to the party represents
by thn priest * would satisfy the seceders , M
Thurlcs without setting Archbishop Croke.
A Wealthy Suicide. .
CiJcrtxxATi , Nov. 83 , Charles A. Keblei
a wealthy and.yrominent lawyer , eommlttc
suicide to-night.-- . . ; ' . ' , ' '
The Manner In Which Thanksgiving
Will Bo Observed.
Services In the Churches ClofdnK of
Kallioiul nnlocs-A Foot Ball
Mutch Ball of I lie Maiinorehor
Other Attractions.
AnnouiiecMncnts For To-Dny.
In connection with the celebration of
Thanksgiving day , the following announce
ments are made :
There will be a union Presbyterian ser
vice at the First Presbyterian church , iu
which all the churches of that denomina
tion in tlio city will bo represented. The
sermon will bo preached by Kev. .lohu Gor
don ,
Chancellor Manatt of the state university
at Lincoln , will deliver the principal ad
dress nt the union Thanksgiving service of
the Congregational churches nt 11 o'clock , in
thu Grand Opera house. Ho is a forcible
thinker nnd speaker.
A union Methodist service will bo hold at
the First M. E. church on tidvcuport near
Seventeenth street. Tlio bcrmou will be
preached by Hev. T. C. Clendeiining. The
subject will bo "Tho Year Divinely
Crowned. "
In the evening there will bo services at the
Castellar Street Presbyterian church , nt
which a parochial library will bo the subject
of tHe discourse.
At the Trinity Cathedral the sermon nt the
morning's exercises will be preached by
Bishop Worthington.
At the Cathedral of St. Phllomcna there
will bo masses in the morning at 7 , 8 and 0
o'clock , the last being a high mass , with
Father Carroll as celebrant.
The members of the various Baptist
churches in Iho city will hold a union service
in the First church , Fifteenth and Davenport
streets , where tlio sermon will bo preached
by Hev. A. AV. Lnmar.
The freight offices of the following rail
ways will bo closed during the day except to
deliver perishable freight in the morning :
Chicago , Milwaukee. & St. Paul , Union Pa
cific , Chicago , Hook Island & Pacific , Bur
lington , t Missouri , Chicago , St. Paul , Min-
neuKlis | ) it Omaha , Chicago & Northwestern ,
.Missouri Pacific.
In the afternoon at ! > o'clock there will be a
newsboys' dinner at the city mission , 112
North Tenth. Parties charitably disposed
are requested to make donations of food for
the purpose.
There will bo a live bird shoot nt the base
ball park in the afternoon.
Tlio Omaha Athletic club meets iu the
evening at Prince & Kirby's , on North Six
teenth street.
There will be j foot-ball match on the
grounds near Sulphur springs , between the
St. George and B. it M. cricket clubs.
Tlio Omaha Meniierchor gives a ball and
entertainment in the evening at Kcssler's
hall.A grand musical and dramatic entertain
ment will bo given in the cveuiug at the
Grand Opera house , by one of the greatest
aggregatins of local talent ever gathered in
this city. It comprises Mrs. JV. . Cotton ,
Miss Pennell , Mr. Poundl. Mr. AV. B. AVil-
kins , Miss Mablo Fonda , M'me. ' Muentefer-
mg , Nahali Fnuiko , Ivan Leunep , the Second
Infantry band and the Omaha Madregilclub.
No entertainment of tlio kind ever gotten u
in this city excels the variety'of amusement
which this array is able to afford. The en
tertainment is to replenish the charity fund
of the Custer post of this city. The object is
a deserving one , and ought to attract a full
houso. The tickets are only fifty cents.
At the People's theatre the Katie Pearson
company will appear both at the matinee and
evening performance in "Nobody's Claim. "
The pupils of Ida K. Greeuleo and M. D.
Bullautync , teachers of the eighth and sixtli
grades , Lcavenworth schoolgave u ' 'Thanks
giving Celebration , " this afternoon , begin
ning nt 1 : ! H ) , when the following programme
was. rendered :
Song , "America" By the School
Instrumental , "Spite of the Spray" . . . .
Eva Manchester
Origin of Thanksgiving Stella Singer
Selected Heading Fred Behm
Uocitation , "Autumn Thoughts".Alice Hanii
A Story of Thanksgiving..Luther Lciscnring
Hecitution , "Down to Slcep".Annio Peterson
Original Story Charles Frank
A'oyago and Landing of Pilgrims
Amy AVatts
Recitation , "Tho Old Man at School. "
Harry Bernstein
Instrumental , "Fantasio".Lulu Ilornberger
Original Story . ' .Jacob Hoseustein
Hccitation , "Thanksgiving Plato"
Lizzie Boddling
"Tlio " Balch
Essay , Pilgrims" George
Hecitutioii , "Grumbler's Corner"
Josle Kemmcrling
Essay , "Virgin and Mars" Louis Adams
A Story Defending Dutch Customs. . . .
Harriet Fogelstrom
Declamation , "National Ensign"
Uobert Law
Concert Uocitation , "The Pumpkin" . . .
Sixth Grade
) Maggie OToole
A Turkey Dinner V Allen S | > oner
) Myron Howell
instrumental Duet ( " -
Song , "Homo , Sweet Home. "
The Philamathcan society o * the Farnniii
school also gave an interesting Thanksgiving
entertainment tills afternoon , the programme
of which was published yesterday in the
Bcu. na
This evening the Emmett Monument asso
ciatioiij at their rooms , will commemorate thi
execution nf the three-patriots Allen , Larkit :
and O'Brien who died seventeen years ago
How the National Holiday is Cele
1)rated In the Kastcrn Sullen.
Thanksgiving day. Tlio crops are liar
vested , the summers' labor ended and to-day
ere the icy breath of winter has changed the
mirror-like surface of the lake to one of erys
till and the murmur of thu little brook as i
rippled o'er it ; , bed of pebbles is hushed
while yet the last silvery note of thofeathem
sougster , whoso music has gladdened tin
heart through the sultry summer days , i
heard upon the crisp air us he bids farewel
for a season und prepares for his Journey ti
the sunuy south land where the chllliuj
blasts from the north are changes to coolluj
zephyrs and where perpetual summer ulwuy
reigns supreme ; the people of this natioi
unite in rendering to an all-wise and bonc.ll
cient providence praise and thanksgiving fo
the many blessings bestowed. From th
Atlantic to the Pacific ; from the northeri
bordpr to the gulf , in every city , town inn
hamlet the deep-toned bells'uro ' calling u | > oi
ono and all to assemble in their abodes o
woi-ship and unite in giving thpnlcs to Jlin
who for another season. ' Las watched will
such fatherly cure over the destines of thi
Pcvlmps in no portion of the country is th
flay observed as in the New England Mate *
There it was that Thanksgiving day was ttrs
celebrated. And what a day it is to bo sure
Members of families whoso hearts have no
been gladdened by the sight of ench other
faces since last Thanksgiving gather in. th
old home and talk over by gone days one
again. Tlio old grandsire. whoso hair is si
vereil with the frosts of the tlin-e score an
ten winters which have passed over his hem
takes little blue-eyed Nellie upon his line
and smiles as ho listens to her artless pru
tlmg , mid grandma , the dear old lady , ho\
her wrinkled face lights up at she hear
sturdy little Uennio boast of his latest sui
cess in school. The other members of th
family converse together and recall the evci
pleasant memories of childhood.
In the midst of this conversation the dinnc
is announced and nowhere on earth can I
found ono to equal a genuine New Eugluu
dlnuL'r. Turkey , the choicest bird in thotlocl
chicken pie. lx.vf , hum , tongue , the lightest i
bread and the must delicious butler , mine
pics , the contents of which uro meat -HII
tipples , wlUi a liberal supply of raisins , tt
whole flavored with some of grandnin
lioljod elder , wlilou "she has had In thotflh
since 1SU.V And pumpkin jiios. lee , for wfc
ever hiuird of u New England Thanksglvin
without pumpkin pies ; cranberry sauce un
rtspbcrryjuniund c'iiicrni'ttli } sauce thavwi
put down last fuli , crls'rt cookies nnd dough
nuts that only those who have ever tasted
can appreciate. These , with u vast variety
of other dainties I Jo numerous to mention ,
go to make up a which In striving to
eiitml would cuuso even Delmonlco's chef to
die of mortification. And now the company
are seated and every head Is bowed and the
trembling voletof grandpa Is heard ns he
thnuk * the Father for his many mercies and
invokes his blbsslug. And then the old man
prays that they may bo once moro permitted
to unite , if not around the ilresido on earth ,
the throne In heaven , whuru eternity Is ono
grand Thanksgiving Day. Perhaps when the
simple petition is finished n hasty glance is
cast around and familiar faces are missing.
Mother's eyes are dim ns ho thinks of
Harry , her bravo boy who left his homoxinco
last Thanksgiving to peck n fortune in dis
tant lauds , and who even now may be think
ing of thu loved ones ut home.
Brother George's face saddens as he re
members sister Lucy , whoso merry laughter
gladdened the hearts of all at the last re
union und upon whoso grave the ( lowers of
but ono short summer liavo blossomed.
* * * * * * * *
Thanksgiving is ended und the family have
separated. The merry laughter of the chil
dren is no longer hoard , Grandpa and grand
ma are sitting aluno before the fireplace and
watch the flames as they flicker to and fro.
And as clasping each other's hands they
gaze , one into the other's face , each blesses
God for ono more Thanksgiving day and yet
live to meet once more with the children ere
the summons shall ho received which calls
their house to that clime where one knows no
The IlchrcwH1 Thanksgiving.
At the synagogue this ( Thursday )
evening , the Hebrews of On mini will hold
Thanksgiving services. Divine services will
commence ut 7 o'clock. Habb ! Benson will
ofliciute und lecture. The public is invited.
Fuels About Those Who Have. De
parted ThiN 1,11'e.
UllNMMCH : ? .
John Hcnrichs , junior member of the
recently established and well-known liquor
firm of Prick & Henrichs , on South Tenth
street near Harney , died of typhoid fever ,
yesterday morning uthis residence , 1520 Park
AVild avenue , nt the age of thirty-two years.
Mr. Henrichs was brother-in-law of Mr.
Stubbeiidorff lately retired from the liquor
business in Tlio funeral will take
place this afternoon. The remains will bo
interred iu Forest Lawn cemetery.
Hit-am J. Skillcn , a carpenter , of O'Neill ,
Nob. , who had como to thu Surgical Institute
in this city to bo relieved of a malignant
cancer In the stomach died yesterday morn
ing and the remains will bo forwarded this
morning to his homo under escort of the
I. O. O. F.
At Hln Old Tricks.
Joe AVaring , who has just finished serving
a term in the county jail for stealing harness ,
was arrested again yesterday for resuming
his old profession. Mr. Scheid , corner of
Twentieth and PiArce , is the sufferer this'
time , having a fine set of buggy harness
stolen from him by AVaring. Phil Corbott
was arrested also , as an uccomplicc.
Postponed the Meeting.
Owing to tlio absence of Chief Gullagnn ,
who is still confined to his bed from the
effects of the injuries received some days
ago by being tin-own from his buggy , the
meeting of the Veteran , Firemen's associa
tion advertised for last lilght was postponed
for one week.
Connection ( of theHyHtcins. .
The South Omaha water works system was
connected with that of this city yesterday
morning. _
That Forged Licltcr ol' Uisiimruk'H.
BmtLix , Nov. ffil. The public prosecutor
has been ordered to investigate the Cologne
Gazette's statement that the czar has been
deceived by a forged letter purporting to
have been from Prince Bismarck. The
statement has created a great sensation
throughout Germany. It is also stated that
thu czar lias beeu led to believe by interested
parties at the German court that Emperor
William had not always approved Prince-
Bismarck's policy.
Choice ,
Choice ,
The Maryland Method.
FIICPEKICK , Md. , Nov. t3. ! John II. Blgus ,
olorcd , charged with felonious assault on
Mrs. Yeaklo , au aged white woumu , Friday
lost , was taken from jail ut an early hour
this morning aud huugcd by a mob. Bigus
declared his iiiuouenco aud charged another
colored man with the deed.
Stripped ol' Ills Clothing.
DUIIMNov. . 23. AVurders to-uny entered
the cell in Tullamorc jail iu which John Mau-
devillo is confined , violently stripped him of
his clothing nnd loft him entirely nuked ,
Mtiudcville still persists that he will not wear
the pribon uniform.
The largest , most
the largest , most
A HigBoml Sale Negotiated.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 211. President Harris , of
the Northern Pacific , to-day closed negotia
tions with August Belmont mid Henry
A'illard , representing n nyudieato in which
Kothchilds and Deutschof the bank of Berlin
are principals , for the Palo of ftUOUiIXX $ ( ) ol
third mortgage bonds authorized at a special
meeting of stockholders of the Northern
Pacific road.
Dr. Schmidt' * Diagnosis.
Bntus , Nov. 2y. Dr. Schmidt , in n long
report to the medical society of Berlin on tin
case of the crown prince , says cancerous In
filtration has existed from the very beginning
below the left vocal chord. This caused an
irritation which produced papillary growths
on the chord.
Valuable and Sightly
valuable and
Investigating the Scolteii ! Disaster.
LONIIOK , Nov. SS.-nAtiin inquest on th (
ivcoverci bodies , of , th\i Victims of the
I'.vamer Scholten disnsster the Ilottnrdnir
agent testified there \Verpj2H persons aboard
of whom ciphty-iiinowro mivod. The bodj
of Marcus AVasser. o OH > f the steerage passengers
ongors of the Scholten , was recovered to-daj
off Dover. _ '
Spot AVIthln tin1 Corporate
spot within the corporate
A llallrond JHrouW' Will Probated
CHICAGO , Nov. 23. ' The will of Georgt
Straut , the late director j > f the Chicago . <
Alton road , was probiitcd/to-day. His estate
amounts to , - < Om third is left to hi >
wlfo ami the remainder itivided among tw (
brothers , one sister nnd two nephews.
Charged With Knthczzlfimcnt.
Bii.i.r.vii.i.r . Out , Nov. ! ! . John Hnrte
formerly manager , of the Harto , t Smitl
Manufacturing company , has been arrested
charged with cmb < v.7.lmg the funds of tin
ciiui | > uny. The amount stated is betweoi
Ho was admitted to bail
l'Sonth Omaha
limit * of South Omaha
Strctohlim tin- Hours of Trade.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. Sl.An ! excited meetini
of the grain trade WAS held ut.the pn > duci
.exchange to-day relating to having n rontinu
oils session frum lOiikl in thc , morning to 3U : !
in. thp uftmioou. After , several .storm )
seeches .the motion was carried .by n largi
majority. ' . Herfto.fijfO trading ceased at. !
' ' - , ' . .
O'clock. - . !
Mm. ridden Sim. Nehwntt nt ilollrt.
JOLIKT. 111. , Nov. 23. Ficldcn and Schwab ,
ho anarchists , were for the first time visited
> y their wives at their prison to-day. The
Isltors were received In the waiting room ,
loth prisoners donned citizen's clothes , as Is
ho custom when convicts receive relatives.
Ilie meeting was affecting , but not demon-
PurchnHcd Now , Will Yield
Mircliubou now , will yield
A Iteci'lver Appointed.
PiTTsiiriin , Nov. 23. Tlio application for
ho removal of the Heading railroad from the
lands of a receiver , made in the 1'nited
States court tills morniui ; . was granted and
lie property will be turned over to the com-
mny January 2. The onler ulso Includes the
ersey Central and HutTulo , New York &
Jliiladu1phia companies.
Almndnnt Kcturiix , Whether
nbtindutit returns , whether
Natural Ras U\iloslon. |
Hr.AVKii , Pa. , Nov. 23. While examining a
mtural gas regulator here last night , Henry
" "amp , thu Heat and Light company's supcr-
iiteiidcut ; H. P. Brown , its secretary , nnd
'anio-s ' Cunningham , illrivtor , were danger
ously injured by an explosion. Two of the
'ictims will probably d'e. '
InvnMmcnt Is Made Tor a
nvestinent is nuido for a
.Jockey S | > cllnmn Dc-nd.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 23. .John Spcllman , the
ockey , died at St. A'mcent's hospital Sunday
norning. His death was duo to injuries said
o have been received in n house on Thir-
eenth street , during a dispute one night last
veek. The coroner will make an invcstiga-
Permanent Home or Tor
) eniiiinunt homo or for
Shot Jly u Senator.
Cmc.uio , Nov. 23. It is learned to-day for
he first time that in n scuflle which occurred
n u saloon on North Chirk street Monday
light , in which State Senator Garrity is part
iropriotor , Michael Kennedy was accident-
lily shot by a rillo in the hands of Garrity.
Tlio wound may prove fatal.
speculative purposed.
The Fin-go Khliilo.
New YOIIK , Nov. 23. Georgia Farpo ,
daughter of the late AV. G. Fargo , the mil-
ionairo expressman , has brought suit against
.ho exccn'tors of tlio estate to compel them to
iay $40,000 , which she alleges they have
wrongfully withheld ,
* -
And TeriiiH Which Are Kasy.
and terms which are easy.
The Juliet Insurance Case.
JOLIKT , III. , Nov. 23. Counsel in the
Lambert & Bishop insurance case consumed
he whole of the day iu arguments and pleas
joforo the jury.
Call Upon or Address
call upon or address
Boy Murderers Sentenced for Ijlfe.
Scori.v , Tex. , Nov , 23. Martyn Robertson
ind James Bromley , white boys , aged seven-
en , were yesterday sentenced to tlio pom-
vntiary for life for the murder of Archie
Henry , their companion.
W. G. Albright ,
218 S 15th st , who lias a lnr , 'o list of bar
gains in Omaha and South Omaha prop-
Thirty-Five Drowned in a Collision.
LONDON , Nov. 23. The Ihi'-siun steamers
Sitieus and A'csta came into collision off the
Crimean coast to-day. The ATcsta sunk and
thirty-live of her crew were drowned.
The Death ICeuord.
Loxnox , Nov. 23. Father Gualdi , who
has a colleague of Mgr. Parsico in the papal
mission to Ireland , Is dead.
A "Warrant for John Dillon.
Dum.i.v , Nov. 23. The Evening Telegraph
says a warrant has been issued fur the arrest
of John Dillon anywhere in Great Biitain.
Personal Paragraphs
Colonel J. U. Calhomi , editor ol the
Lincoln Democrat , is in the city.
A. I' . Ilubbard , an old Omaha resi
dent , lately of Fort Ajmoho , San Carlos
reservation , Arizona , is in the city.
1' . J. Fitzgerald , ono of the councilmen -
men of Aspen , Col. , and ono of the lead
ing Irish natiomilis of Qolorado , ia in
the city.
D. C. Sutuhon , formerly the proprie
tor of u well-known ciyai-'blorooii Far-
nnin Htroet near Henry Punilt's , and
whose present residence is in AVabliiri -
ton , is visiting friends li'j.v for a couple
of weeks.
Yesterday's arrivals at the COZZCUH
hotel : Frank AA'arren and wifeDenver ,
Colo. ; G. K Wnlilo , Ulysses , Neb. : A.
E. Arnold , Council Bluffs , la. ; M. A.
Mot/pror , Beatrice , Neb , ; Misses J. Hand
and E. Harris , Columbus , Nob.
AAV. J. MeGavoek , a large contractor
on the Tauipico branch of the Mexican
Central , which runs from the Gulf coast
to Aquas. Culicntiiti , a distance of 450
miles , is in the city on a visit to his
brother Alex , who is xvell known hero.
Yesterday's internal revenue collec
tions amounted Io $7ii9.80. ( (
Sneezing Catarrh.
Tlio UlstvefsliiK snui'ze , suuezo , MICCZD , the
acrid , watery discharge from the I'yos and mc-p ,
thu painful intlammution extending to the
throat , die swelling of thu mucous lining , caus
ing choking wnsatlons. couch , ringing noises in
the head and splitting lieuduthi's , how familiar
tlioso symptoms arts to llmus-ands who suilur
periodically from head colds or Intliif uzn , and
who livu In ignorance of tin1 fact tliut a blnclu
application of HANKOIIII'S ] ( .u > ic.w , CmniuK :
CATAIHUI will iilTord tn--t nti.iiicintn rrllcf.
Hut this treatment In cases of simple catarrh
gives but a faint Idea ot what this remedy will
do in the chronic * forms , \vhi.Tc * . thy bim'tlilug is
obstructed by choking , putrid iv.ticoiit iicounu-
IMIons. the liHiirlng iillect 'i , hnifll nnd tuste
gone , throat ulcerated and luickltui rouuh grad
ually fiiRtvntns INolf upon the dcliilltiitcd sys
tem. TJ'Ti it is that the marvellous curutivo
ptr.vernf SAM'oiili's H.uiirAi. Cnti : manifests
Itself in In tuntannons and gratr-tnlrelief. Cure
Ih'irlns from ttm first application. It Is rapid ,
radicHl , permanent , cconomictil , safe ,
SANKOHII'S HAIIICAI , CiniEfmslstR ot one
bottle of the 1'AUic.u , C'L'iiK. one box OAT-tnnu-
AI. Boi.vr.NT and an Isii'iiovmi I.MIAI.IMI ; price
C'hi ) t 1'ixlus , Soreness. AVeakness ,
lliickliu ? Coiuh , Asthma , Pleurisy
'and Intlnmniiitlnn , : ] > IN ONI :
_ Mi.MTTh nnd ( insisted to a speedy euro
. ) > thu ( .TTK r A ANTI-PAIN I'r.tsTi'.it. Anew ,
Instantaneous and Infallible iintid'ito ' to pain ,
liillammatiiiu nnd wnukiu'S-r. of tlm ( liest and
l.unuH. 'I he tlrst mid only juln.killhiK piaster
All drUBClitH , Si eents ; tlxe lor tl.UO : or , poatiiKO
tn-n. I'ovrr.n DHUCI A.MICIIKMIC.U. Co. , Host on ,
MIIH.- , .
CAPITAL , . . . . 8500,000
SURPLUS , . . . . 100,000
JOHN A. qilKlfillTPN , A'lco-l'resldent.
P. H.DAVIS. Ca.uW.
The New ImprovrtnnntH Intrnitnced
In the I'ork I'ncklnu
South UniBhn tialnn Hnpliily on Knn-
sns Ulty. Dave Kilenn Tells All
About It , Ktc. , Ktc.
It wns reportcd severnl days ago thixt the
South Oumlin I.und ( 'otujmny nnd let the contract -
tract for the tTiTtloa nf Il.aK. ' * litiiKra In South
( iniulni , lieitrtuit ut this our roiMirtvr tnuilo u
visit to that busy city nnd found tilings gener
ally on en ImineiiKu buoin. 'I'hu neiiacktnc
luni-MM nro ulnuist ready for occuNini'v , mid
\\hru coniili ] > tiM\IU entnrito the XIUIiiKnitiartty
to almost ilIMl ( , IIOR * ) > er cl y. In every direc
tion them lire evldemv.s of thn boom , new
liou-xM are uulinj built every horo. WhlUi
strolllim around mi hi * ml . lon the reporter
dropped Into Ditto ICdeus' plniv on 'I'M-entv-
sixth street. tlu < iironrlvtor. Mr. DuvM IMens ,
was bii ! y dlxiicnsfnillimld rerresluneiitN to tlio
thirsty customers. On belm ; nccostitl liv Iho
ropoiter. lie frreutt'd that Individual \\\ih \ a
coidial ira p of the hand. "Yes , " mid he. "wo
lire liiivlnir H loom here , nnd V.W mxm be jiiick-
liiK as niitny IIH < , 'N In Sontli ( InmiOi us they da In
KaiHiis flty. 1 h.tvi'just returded from a trip
uptoOmnh.i , nnd feel tike tulkliiK. I wan up
tlioivto the ( Hlli'o of Urn. .McCoy and Henry.
Those pliynlelntis Imvu dunu for me. In ono
mouth , more tlinn nil the dortiirluu 1 have dnno
tor almost four years. 1 Inive been nllllcted for
that tltno wltli itatirih , and have tried u num
ber of doctor" , hut Imvnobtained no lelluf until
I u cut to their olllie nlxint one innntli npi. 1
think I must nuvu got ( lie ciittirrh vlillo work-
Inc InToxus , I worked there a Innu time , nnd
came here to Smith Oiniilin , and since lit-lnK
liei-o I liHvn sullered terribly. I had nn it ful
ill/.zy fet'lliifr. had nluht sweats every nlslit ,
slept iiocnly. would hawk nnd "pit almost nil thn
time , mid n distressful ; couch llUl1 mKerublo
trickling In tlio hack ot m-i throat frum my
nose , I was nil broke up Kenni-iiHy , nnd felt
iibout ns mlseinble as n mnn could feel. I saw
lr.i. ) .McCoy \ Henry's advertl.iomenl.s and culled
on them. They told me I had u jirott y bad cnso
of Catarrh , but mild they could cure me , but It
would probably take tlireo or four month * .
Wt'll. I commenced on their treatment , aud onlv
n month has passed , and t teel so good that I
teel like saying all 1 can for them. 1 have no
more night sweat * , mv eolith l luoken uiinnd
1 nm not bothered with it at all. 1 do not hawk
nnd spit nny more than niitnral mid feel like n
nuw man cntlii'ly. "
Tlic subject of the above sketch Is proprietor
of Dave Kdens' pln.ce ( iu Twenty-sixth street ,
South Omaha , where ho will corroborate tlio
ubovo to uiij one who will call on or uddiea.s him
The followiiiK Rtnleinent vepirdliiK Ir . Mc
Coy and Henry ts made upon good anthorltv :
"Miner tlimc rintntnt ii/i/ / / ; lriiii.iHUT lirfn In tin
wr * ( . tlitu linre Ittnlfu nitil mint ' ' ( xljr tlnm.i-
and cat < if catitnh iinii chronic I hi tint nntl limi/ /
titKililcn , ( did of tlifc eaten J" ; rnit had been
declared anil i > roimuiiectt tncuntlilt. "
The Symptoms At tend liii ; that Disease
AVliloli luRntlH to Coiistiniptlon.
When catarrh 1ms existed in the head nnd tlio
upper part of the throat for any length of time
the patient living In a district where people
are subject to cntari'hnl atlectlou and the ills-
ease has been left unrnrcd , the catarrh Invari
ably , sometimes slowly , extends doun the wind
pipe and Into'the bronchial tubes , which1 ; tube-
convey the air into the dlncrcnt parts ol1 ths
lungs. The tubes become nllecteil from the
.swelling and the mucous arising from catarih ,
'id , in some instances , become plugged up , HO
that the air c.innut get In as Iroeiy us It should.
Shoitnessot breath follow.s , and the patient
bientiles with labor and dllliculty.
In either case there Is n sound of crackling
and wheezing Inside the ( best. At this Mage of
the disease the breathing Is usually more iniild
than when In Health. Tlio patient has ulso hot
Hashes over I he body.
Tlm pain which Accompanies this condition Is
of a dull character , in the chest , behind the
breast bone or under the shoulder blade. The
iiniii miiv comii und go- last a 1'ew days and
ilien be absent for several other * . The cough
that occurs in the Urst stages of bronchial ca
tarrh Is diy. comes on at intervals , hacking in
character , and is usually most troublesome In
the morning ourlHlmr , or going to lied at night ,
and it may be In the evidence of the disease
extending Inlo the lungs.
Sometime * there are tits of coughing induced
bv the tough mnens so violent as to cause vom
iting. Later on the mucus that Is rulsed is
found to contnlu small particles of yellow mat
ter , which Indicates that Ilie small tubes in the
lungs are now ullected. With this there are of
ten streaks of blood mixed w Itli the mucus. In
some cases the patient becomes MTy pule , IMS
fever , und expectorates before any cough ap
Ju some cases small masses of cheesy substance -
stance are 1 > H up.whlcli , when presj ; , ; ; , Htvvcn
the lingers , emit a bad odcv. iu fither eases nar-
ticles of 11 hard , cr.nmy nature are spit up. The
rnlili of rneesy or rhalky InmiM indicates > < e-
rioim mischief Ht work In the lungs.
in some C.IKCS catarrh wilt extend Into the
ogs In u few weeks ; In other ca es It maybe
months , nnd nven years , before thn disease ut-
tacks the lungs snlllcicntly t < > cause serious In
terference -with the general health. AVhen the
disease hus deveo ] ] > ed to such n point the pa
tient Is said to liiuo catnrrhal consumption.
With lironchliil cuturrh there is more or less
fever -which differs with the dillerent parts of
the day slight In the morning , higher In the
atternoon and evening.
What It Mnuns , How It Acts , and
\Vlini It IN.
You sneeze when you get up in the morning
you try to suee'/.e your nose oil' every time you
lire exposed to the least draft of all' . Von have
n fullness over the front of the forehead , and
the nose feels as If there was a plug Iu each nos
tril , which you cannot dislodge , yon Mow your
nose until your ears , crack , but it don't do uny
good , und the only result Is that you succeed In
getting up u very red nose , und you MI Irritate
thn lining membrane ot that that you are
unable to breathe through It at ull. This is a cor
rect und not overdrawn picture of uu iiento ut-
tuck of catarrh , or "Bneer.lng Catarrh , " us U is
ClXow what does this condition Indicate ? First
n cold that causes mucus to be poured out by
the glands In the nose ; then those diseased
glands are nltacked by swarms of little germs
thecalarrh germ that lloat In the Mr In u In-
c.ulity where tlio disease is prevulent. These an-
linalculue , In their etlorts to Und a lodgment ,
Jirituto the sensitive membrane lining of the
nose and nature undertakes to rid herself of
them by pioducJng a lit of Kneezlng.
Whentmi nose becomes tilled wllh thickened
diseased mucus the nuturnl channels for the In-
tioductlon of air Into the lungs Is Intel fered
with aud the person so nUVcted must breathe
tliiough the month , nnd by such means thu
throat becomes parclied and dry , snoring Is
piodnced , and the catarrhal dlwuse gains ready
access to the throat and lungs.
Late of Hellenic Il < i .nilal , .N. Y. ,
Corner l.'lli nml Hnrney Strt'.ots ,
Oinnlm , Nolirnska.
Where all curabl * ca ns uro treated with suc
cess. Medical dlheav's Ircatcd skillfully. Con-
Miniion IlrlRlitfsJi < ease , Dyspepsia , Itheu-
laatlsm. * nd ull Muvorn : IIISKAHKS. All dis
cuses poculluv to thPtexes o speclully. CATAIHUI
VJUN'MII.TATION ' by initllor nt olllce , II.
UlllcH Hours - l 11 u. m ; a to 1 p. mi 7 to 8 p.
m. Sunday Included.
tVrrii pouatiii-o recelve-i prompt attention.
Many dlsea cK are trouted huccessfnlly by Dr.
.M.foy through the matl , and It Is thus po slbl
for HiVe nimble to inako a Journey to obtain
Biicce.saful liohjiltul treatment ut tlinlr homos.
No letters ixiibw ered Millet * uccouipaulud by
all letlnre to lr . McCoy & Henry.
Itoumi 810 uud Oil ItKUiuv llullUlus.UmuUm
1W N. ltth : Street.
ttterrln.Hct ,
richly Itliutro :
tM In colour-
rrlnt , of the
which iho ! ,1
I * fuml In
cvfnr flunlljr and m r b obtained ftom 101 Toy
rtmlcn , Btotlomn ind RdnoUlonil Drneu. The
1'sJoc-Uu iu t forwuixlol gnlli oil uppUwilOB ,
tocompo ent lln Men ucciitlng excuslvi
city iiKeiir'iM for sale of our NATION'A1 , Alfi
ciulreil by all gas t yammers. KAVI : ; ( | l'iii : ( Y.M
IN HAS llil.i.s. 'Hi > j equalize the pre.sMiroat lin >
ter. S-ctire n steady and Increased Illumination
Infilling iH'i-fect comliusilon ol the gases and I
pure undlicnlth ) iitmosi hero , rreventsthodls.
iigivcnMe wliisiUng , blowing an 1 smoUncol
burn * rs. remedying freqiu nt dnngc r Irom tire ,
and espen-e ot broken globes. ( Iver C..OUU In sen
Alee l.ii'lome'l ' by highest mercantile , eorpo.
rate and expert Anth Mil cs. Ageuts clearing
} ' , IHIII. riininih Adilnns.
Tlir.t.MON \T1D.NAI. . ( JAS-riTTlNn CO. ,
7tl IIIIOIWAY. ) . NKW VtlllK.
A k your n-tnller for the ,
$3 SHOE ,
ni'cordlni'Mu your nee < ln.
CAITIOV I 1'iiillltilv iiiincpniilnrnnlriictiir
i npiM-nr pliilnly t > n Ihc gold. Somt
ui'.ili m , tn ofilt i InniAkfl luriftr
priitlt. 111 i rionuiu nd Uic Infi rlor
tnM < nltli which tlir mnrkrt II
n. . < lu. , | ASIUS M I'.ANS l
1 MIOK IK llhl ; : miJ Ml > h. l |
li\ > like H HloclilliK ulul KK-
UI'lltKS NO "ItltKAK.
l.NO IN , " iKlnn iierfrclly
ni tlirttrtUlincliliwdra.
It "ill ntljly Iho moit
l.uli.llmiMiilil. In oirrr
.lint iTpict eipml in
willed $1 sit ) > p Hurl it nh Mliiti-ly Uu1 inily MIOC of Its i > nc < )
hlrti hits cvrr tic1 ! ! 'tl.ioi'il ii\tc'i lvi-ly ch Uic nmrKri
In " In roin'ilfii'il iM'ioie lucre nnlKnnl
uppuininco. 'i hM' Ml'.ocii me iol > l hy lln.1 IICKI nlnllcTS
tluntlllliiilll Ilio t'nllnl htntrj , fiiut we will iilnu' Ilium
rnsllv nltlitn juiir rrai-h In nny Btnte or If rrltury If > on
will J ii > i" l --l U c rJ , niclitlonlni ; Dili3xT. \ ' .
"Juuii-'B Means .V Co. , II I.lntuln HI. , Uu > lDii.M .
I'lill line ot the above Shoes for sale In O.MAHJ
by ( i. W. I'ook , HHH ! Karmim street ; ( ] . S. Millet ;
Bli ! North loth street ; linywurd llros. , 4(17 ( South
inthstreet. Iii CoiiNCiii llLurra by Sargent *
Kvuus 41 llroadwav.
1707 ( ) li > e Street , St. 1-oiiis , 3Io.
Of the Missouri Slate Museum of Anatomy , SI.
Louts , .Mo. , I'niverKlty Colleun lln pltnl , l.on
don , ( ilesen. tiermimy and Now Voik. llavl
devoted their attention
More especially thn u arising from impri1. .
clence , ItiMtr all MI sullerlng tocorrespond with.
cmt delay. Dlst-itses of Infection imd contngloij
cured safely aud speedily without use of dangerous -
gerous drugs. Patients wl'ioso c uses have been
neglected , budl * . denied or pronounced Incur ,
able , should not full to write us concerning their
svmploin.s. All letters locelvo immediate alien-
And will he mailed I'll HI' to any address on re
ceipt of mm i-cent stamp , "Prucllrul tlbsiirv'l.
lions on Nervous Debility und Physical Uxlmiis-
tlon. " to which Is added uu "I-N-iay on Mar
riage , " with Important chapters on dlseiiHes of
the Henrodui'tlM * Orgaiiii , the wli"le formlni ; il
valuable medical treatise which bin mid be
by all yomiK men. Address
DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Pnid UpCapilal , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - DO.OOO
II. W. YATIS. : 1'rei.ldent. UKKD , Vke-l'resldeiit.
A. K , Tnr.A.i.vM Vice- 1 'resident.
W. U.S. llriniKS , Oa-jhlor
\V. V. MOIISK , .llHIN S- ( ' ( JI.I.TNS ,
II. W. VATKN l.i : IA rf. I
Cor. l"th and Vuniiun Sts.
A General Hanking lluslncss Transacted.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmansliip ,
Commercial Law , Shorth nd , Telegraphinfl
and Typewriting.
Send fur Cwiitee Journal.
S. E. Cor. IWh and Cm > ital Av
llcntlou tlio Oinalni lice ,
( HuccrHs-ors to John 0 Jncob < u _
Underiakufs and Hi
At thn old stand. ll 7 Farnnm Ht. Orden by tcld
irrnph solicited mid vromptly.ntte- to ,
Teleleplioiie .No. 'J ' .
Tlio tent known n < l moit poimlitrI1s'oll5'r1tl ' | lj/ [
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"fur - " "
t-oainierclM lu n ud
mill | iubllc iatlit tliiKi.
I x. I- Iioprl t .