Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1887, Image 1

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The Supreme Court Sustains the
Omnha Pollco Commission ,
All the Imw 1'eilntn In tlic Great
Municipal Conflict 1'illly Ills-
cussed liy the Highest
Slate Tribunal ,
Tim I'ollco CoimnlHHlon Sustained.
LIKCOI.K , Nov. 23. [ Special TclcKrnm to
the Hri ! . ] The supreme couit handed down
to day the opinion In the Omaha police case ,
entitled Slmcrul vs Scavcy , In which the
court holds that the law creating the police
commission Is valid and operative ; that the
npiHjlntmenlof Seuvcyas chief of pollto un
der the law was valid , and n legal appoint
ment within Iho scope and meaning of the
net. In regard to the constitutionality of the
law , the court held that the provisions of
the act whereby it is m.ido the duty of the
poveuior to appoint n board of
lira and police commissions s for
each city of the metropolitan class ure not
repugnant to the constitution. The opinion
is wiitlcn by Judge Cobb and concuncd in
by the other Judges. The written opinion
covers thirty pages anil discusses in full all
the salient points miscd by counsel. Judge
Cobb , in discussing the opinion , snystlieeom-
plnint is in substuncoa quo wutr.into with a
genei al object to obtain a judgment against
the respondent Kca\ey upon bis light to exec -
c ute the office of thief of police ; that the pe
titioners set up that the members of the
bo.i id of liio and police neglected to enter
Into good and sufficient bonds ; that they pre
tended to make appointments , while no inles
mid i emulations liud been adopted by the
council togovein thorn. The petition churned
that the appointments of the bo , ml by the
govcinoi weio invalid because not made by
and \vlth the consent of the senate. The net
cre.iling metiopolltnn cities , .Indgo Cobb
holds , was not an amendment , but an Inde
pendent statute , designed to bo pei feet in it-
celf and by section 1TII repealed the net
ci eating cities of the liist class and
all acts In conflict therewith ; that it contained
mi emergency clause and took effect and be
came a law immediately after it passage.
Thuo was no provision in the new law con
tinuing nnj officer in power , and it is cle.irl.v
the intent and within the scope of the net to
establish a new go\ eminent for the cities
named in its class. In tcgaiel to the section
of the hi\\ reuniting the goxcinor to appoint
u bo.ud of llto mid police commissioners ,
the comt holds that there can be no doubt
as to tin ) intent ot the law mid
while provisions mo found in the net which
the nmor and t ouncil ibid authority , it does
not follow that the section Itself can bo no
gleet eel The power giving the ma\or mi
tlioilty with the council to establish night
watch and ] ioliie is a geneial ptovision and
must not take1 the place of the definite scc-
tionricatlngtlie bo.ud. 'J'lie coin tliolds that
tlio constitutional clause conecining the im
posing of taxes on the municipality is not
violated. It is held by tlio comt that
tlio plea that the geiveinor's appointments *
should bo made by and with the
consent of the senate , is not good , the
governor shall appoint is mnnelutoi y without
caiij ing the consent of tlio senate with it.
In icgaid to the aigumcnt that the legisla-
tuio had not powi'r to make party ulliliatxm n
quiillllcution for olllce , the eoiitt lioldtt that ,
tlio language of the act is simply diicctory tt
the govemor and Unit whether the
mipolnteos ui o of one pai U or all pat ties , erne
no patty , nfloe'ts not the legality of the up-
pointmeiits To the question of the act mak
ing the governor the appointing power , and if
that is not lopilgnant to the constitution , the
court holds it is not. The application , as made
tothoeomt. is therefoio denied , mid the
cause dismissed.
NclmiHka Supreme- Court
LINCOLN- , Neb , Nov. 2 , ) . [ Special o the
lU.i : ] Vestcidaj's piotcedlngs weio as fol
lows :
Selmller vs Omaha ; 10 argument oideied
Heeds Jones ; icioid ouleicd leturned bj
Dei ember 111 , lSs7.
The following causes weio dismissed :
Hi on vs Watson ; Stephens vs state ; Mores
\ \Vilms. .
The following cause \\.is continued Hcion
\s Temple.
Thci follow Ing causes w ere ai pencil amimb -
mltted ; Doughcitj vs Utuuff ; Doisey vs.
Comt ndjouined to Tuesday , November
Sll. Ibtrfut S-iUln in. Toot of docket will bo
culled Fudiiy 2 , lv > 7.
iiisiiui * iiuiiici : .
A Cordial Welcome Accorded Him nt
Cliej enue ,
CUM i NNP , Wjo , Nov 2. ) [ Spec'ial Tele
gram to the Hi u. ] Ht. Kev. IJishop M. S.
Uurko arrived in Chejenno to day to assume
cliai ge of the new ly ti on ted diocese of Wj o-
mning. Accompanjing him woio Father
MucNumuiii , his seeietaiy , HIsltopO'Connor ,
of Omaha , and n number of priests fiom Ne
braska and Coloi.ulo. The party was met at
I'mo Hlnffs by a lecepticm committee fiom
Chejenne. A public leccptlon wustcndeied
the bishop this evening , attended by promi
nent people of the city icgaidless of denomt
national beliefs Govoi nor Moonlight made an
uddiessof welcome to the now bishop and
congratulated Hlshop O'Connor on the woik
ho had accomplished in Wyoming Hesponscs
weio made by Hishops Huiku and O'Connor
lioth swko | with conllilenco of the futino
glow th of W\uming mid predicted n rapid
development The new bishop has eieated a
fiiNotuble impiession hero , not only among
Catholics but Piote'stanfs , and his coming is
icgntdcd as mm king u new era in the ud-
Minccnient of Wjoming's. spiritual and tem-
poial growth
The Troubles Itrcnk Out Al'iesli In
TIIIIIODI \ , La. , Nov. 2,1 Tliolabor trou
bles had about ceased , when , on Tuesday af
ternoon , the people of this town were relia
bly infuimed that an attack would be made
upon the the town during the night. To pie-
vent any trouble a stiong gu.ud of deputy
slici iffs was jiosleil at nil approaches. At 7
o'clock in the moinlng two of the guards
were- shot fiom ambush and seiiouslj-
wounded. Two of thelrfriendH rushed to their
assistance ) and while they weio attempting
to ielie\e their wounded comindes they weio
also Hied upon from ambush Luckily thej
were , not banned A fearful state of excite
ment uroso and the aimed guaid of the town
nishod to the scene of action. They weio
ngain mod uK | > n fi-oin ambush and then 10-
tunied the llio by a general fiibihule , which
was kept up until the Hotels weio dispersed
Some six riotcm mo known to h.i\o been
killed and as many moro wounded Tlio people
ple me dcteimined to pieseno the peace and
ull good citizens are In perfect accord.
Tlio casualties RO fur nro sufficiently nu
merous , but theio is a feeling among th'o best
citizens that the worst is over , that the pas
sions aroused by the utteianccs of New Or
leans communists , the so culled fi lends of
labor , Imvo bocn stilled and that uo more
blood will bo shed or moro lives lost. The
fcflling against Uieso Now Orleans coimmm-
isls it , very strong , and on every hand their
conduct is denounced in the most uumeasut ed
AVpntnor Indications.
Tor Ncbrusku mid Iowa : Light .snow , fol
lowed by fair weather , slightly ilslng tem
perature except In custom Iowa , fulling , foi-
lowed by lislng tciaperututo , light to fresh
vuiiahlo windshitting to east frain.south.
rorEastein and Coutnil UakottVnimer ) : ,
generally fair weather , ight to fiosh Miriablo
Wind * . .
The Injunction Suit Analnwt tlio Chi-
Ciuc'Acio , Nov. 2.1. [ Special Telegram to
the HEK. ] One hunched and fifty thousand
dollars Is snld to bo the price that the Chicago
cage ( ras tiust paid the Hoffman estate of
New York for -400 shares of stock In the Chicago
cage Gaslight and Coke company to day and
by means of which transfer the Injunction
suit and application for n receiver for the
Chicago Gaslight and Coke company by the
executor of the Hoffman estate of New York
City , which was in hearing before Judge
Tulley several dais last week , was dis
missed by the pontiffs attorney this morn
ing. The par vulile of the shares Is * 2o , so
that the premium is 1100 per cent. It is also
said that the gas trust will pay all the legal
expenses which the estate has Incurred so
that on the whole New York Is ahead and
Chicago fur behind on to day's transaction.
Moses & Newman , the Chicago lawyers for
the Hoffman estate , In the matter did not
feel at liberty to mime the amount but said
that his firm were acting under dltect In
structions for the New Yoik lawyers and
had not been consulted as to the advisability
of the settlement , Mr. Newman expressed
the icgiet of his firm that they had not been
allowed to curry on the litigation to the
end. Ho continued : "This is tlio
( list time in the history of rot potato litiga
tion that a stockholder has ever attempted to
have a receiver appointed for n corporation.
Hitherto the couits have always refused to
make such appointments Hut wo managed
to get possession of such damning facts
against the gas tiust and the gas company
that the comt would have been compelled to
appoint u leech or The lawyers rcpicsctit-
Ing the gas tiust and gas company knew
.ludgo Tulley would appoint a icceiver and
theiefoio they luUised their clients to send
an agent to New York and they did send two
gentlemen who have been in New Yoik for
ten da\s can ymg on negotiations. "
It was subsequently learned from nn undc-
niabl.\ trustworthy source that one of the
emissaries to New York repiesenting the
tiust was E , G. Ten man of 1'oiiuan llios. ,
bankeis , also that one of the damning facts
alluded to was that a number of Philadelphia
mid Chicago capitalists formed a combination
to contiolall the gas companies In Chicago
and in order to do so they organized what
has been known as the gas trust whose busi
ness it was to manage all the companies and
to paj out thcpiiiflts in the way of salaiics ,
etc. , so that the stockholder would get
nothing nt all sind they placed a $10000,000
moitgago on the piopeity of the Chicago
Gas Light mid Coke company and divided
$7c'00HH ( ) of it among themselves. This is
now spei'illcallj known to bo u fact. The
ouginal bill was for an injunction to resit am
the Chicago Gas Ltjdtt and Coke company
from issuingn MOXHi,000 ( mortgage upon the
piopeity Tneir clients held 100 shines
of stock in this company They fe.uecl
that the issuance of atho moitgago would
swamp the eoipoi.itionnnd Unit the moitgago
was simpli intended as an instrument by
which the manipulators should wieek the
gas company because the company could
neer hne paid tlio mtei est on the bonds
and upon fiiiluie to pay the interest the
holdeisof the bond would have foicelosed
and then the syndicate would have bought
the piopcitj , just us thej did in the case of
the Consuinois Gas company. In speaking
of this p.ut of the subject Mr , Newman said :
"tt'ci found that they , ( the Chicago Gaslight
& Cokoeompanj ) pi clouded to ha\o made the
moitgago and to have issued the bonds and
sold them to the Union National bank of
Chicago for7lK)0,000. ) Upon this view of the
ease our injunction to restrain them from
doing what they had already done would have
been useless. Wo therefore concluded to
change our position , to amend our bill and
apply for the appointment of a receiver. "
The motion for a receiver was argued befoio
Judge Sullcv lust week mid betook the mat
ter under advisement. "Wo icgret the cessa
tion of hostibtcs" said Mr. Newman. Tlio
appointment of a icceiver would have dc-
strojedtho distiust. They would not have
conti oiled the plant , wo weie not consulted
by our New York lawj ers or clients as to the
piopnetv of selling the stocks. First wo
were asked to cany on the litigation and
iifteiwutds to dismiss it. "
Consolidation of the Santa Fo AVitl
the St. .Joseph & St. Louis.
ST. Joaupit , Mo. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hri : ] Mr. Winslow Judson
picsidentof the St. Joseph & St. Louts rail
road company , oftlcially announced to day
for Oie Hist time , the relations which the St
Joseph & St Louis load would sustain to the
Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo. Mr. Wlnslgw
said. "The piopeitv of tlio St. Joseph & Si.
Louis and tlio Atchlson , Topeka Sc Santa
Ko will bo under one management
known as tlio St. Joseph , St.
Louis & Santa Fe. Theie will bo u
local management in St. Joe , and although
the loads will bo u pait of the Santa Fo svs-
tem they will bo opeuiled separately. The
same fiicndly lelations will exist between
the St. Joe & St. Louis and the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul , and the immense not th-
westcin tiuftlc of the latter road will bo ciu-
ned to St. Louis over the St. Joe & St.
Louis. "
The Anti-I'owdcrly Knights ,
CniCHCio , Nov. 2.I. [ Special Telegiam to
the Hi u. ] The woik of icorganizing the
Knights of Labor on an anti-Powderly basis
is meeting good progtcss , accoidlng to
Chin lesF Selb , secretary of the "Kickers"
piovisional committee. Ho claims to bo in
chiilj icceipt of letteis fiom local assemblies
in vaiio'is pints of the country , and asseits
that most of the communications express
discontent with the piesenthead of the eider
and the methods of the picscnt adnilnistia-
NiYOIIK : , Nov 2.1 [ Special Telegram
to the Hi r ) The tioublo between icitain
members ot the home clul ) and the central
onice of the Knights of Labor is likely to le-
sull In an open withdiawal from that otgun
i/ationof a number of local assemblies that
aie contiolled by a few discontented "kick-
eis" against the authority of Powdeilv The
men who lead this icvolt nio those who have
icpeatedli tiled to get control of the older ,
for what purpose other than personal gain
none but themselves know They created a
disturbance ) at MlniieaH | > lis dining the con-
\eution , and accused Powdetly of ucaily
e\ cry ci ime that they dared to.
I'leachcrs of Anarchy.
Nnw Yomc , Nov. 2J. [ Special Telegram
to the H K ] Next Tuesday mombeis of the
Hellevillo avenue Congregational church of
Newatk , will vote on the question of ictain-
tng Hugh O. Pentecost as pastor , i\cr :
slum Pentecost preached n sermon a foi t-
nlght ago , denouncing the amuchlst execu
tion mid esptesslng siinpatliy with the
nnuiehlstledoctiine , n feeling has incteased
in the church that a chtingu should be made
in the pastorate Most of the oflleeis of the
chilli li mo in favor of ictalulng the past or ,
and the\ , expect a majority for him Tuesday
In Haitfoid last night Unity church decided
to ictain Kev John C Klrnuall as tlio uastort
icgaidlcss of his hcimon compaiing the
Chic.igo anarchists to Christ The Kimball
faction was comtoscd | hugely of ladles. The
meeting was lively throughout.
AVeeds I-'or August.
Cnictnn , Nov. 23. Nina Van Xandt , the
proxy wife of Anarchist Spies , w'ent to a
millinery store with her mother this morning
nlul oidcrcd a mourning bonnet sent to her
residence. Her mother objected to Nina
purchasing n heavy veil , but Nina , after a
few lu ty woids , lmdhcrwu.\ and the veil
was bought. Miss Van Xandt did not wear
mourning at the anarchist fnnonil , and the
puichase to daj is the Hi st public intimation
hat Nina will wear weeds for August.
Di'iith of ( icneral .M.ircy.
NEU Yomc , Nov. Vi : Hiovet llrigadier
General Handolph H. Marey died at Orange ,
N , J. , Ust evening , at the ago of seventy six.
1T"TA\T I ITI \ flOP
A Letter From Socrotnry Lumnr in
Koforonco to It.
The : Decision of the Land Oflloc Also
Alllrnicd In Another Timber
Culture' Untry In the Me *
Cook District.
Two DeclHloiiH SuHlalned.
, Nov. 2.1. [ Special Telegram
to the HEI : . ] Sect elnrj'Lumur has addressed
a letter to Acting Land Commissioner Stock-
singer In reference to the D. C. Hudeltson
land case from McCook , Neb. , which Is of
more than local Interest. The following Is
its full lext : "I haveconsldeicd the appeal
of D. C. Hudeltson from jour oftlco decision
of May 2 , ' , IbWJ , denjing his application to
miiko homestead entry for the northeast
quaiter of section 25 , township 7 uoith , range
4b west , McCook , Neb. Instead of the land
being the northwest qmntcr of the same sec-
lion , town and range named in his homestead
declaratory statement , Hudeltson filed his
homestead declat ntory statement August 12 ,
iss- , , mid on Match'JO , ISM ) , mudo his appli
cation to enter Iho oilier laud. Afler filing
ho retuined to Kansas for Iho puiposo of
closing up his affairs piep.uatory to lemov-
ing poimancntlj' to his homestead claim. Ho
sajs in his letter dated Mai ch 20 , ISMi , and
filed in support of his appli
cation , that it wus impossible for him
to return in the full and
since Jnnuurj' 1 the winter has been so seveto
that ho could not move with his fnmilj and
joung stock till the present time ; that ho ar
rived in McCook on his way to snld land late
last e\cnlng mid on uppljing lo homestead
the land coveicd by his said filing this moin-
Ing , was informed for the flist time that said
tract was covered by n homestead cntrj'
No. 553 made March 11,1SM5 , by Elislm T.
Smith. This affidavit is duly corioboratcd.
Tlio circular of December 15 , Ibvi , allows
cntrj' lo be made for Hie same tract of hind
named in the dcclarutorj1 statement after the
expnation of the six months after the date of
filing. In cases where the failuic icsulls
ftom sickness , misfortune or any Insurmount
able case which shall be piopcrlj * alleged and
satisfaclorily shown mid wlicio no adverse
right has inteivened , where such cause 1ms
pi evented entry and an adveisc ruling bus
been admitted , It will be held pioper within
tlie discietion of this office to allow any entiy
upon another tract piovldecl that it shall bo
shown to tlio full satisfaction of the commis-
sioneis that the default was practically be
yond the power ot the claimant to avoid'
The applicant has not In this ease piesentcd
a state of facts thai brings it within the pro
visions of this eiicular. He does not state
imy of the citcuinstances that pi vented his
retui n lo the land in the fall of Ibs5 , before
the selting in of cold weather , neither docs
he show that the winter of ! Ssr > bO was ex
ceptionally se\oie , or that travel wus inter
rupted by stoims or snow blockades. In
short , theie is nothing in his application to
show that ho honestly endeavored to comply
witli Iho requnemenls of the laws and was
pievenled theiefiom by ciicumstnnccs be
yond his contiol. Your said decision is
affirmed. "
The secrelnry's decision in the appeal case
of U. G. Giimian , of the McCook land chs-
liicl , also involves a general question. Gil-
lillan made a timber culture enlry Januaiy
14 , IbbT ) , and July 2IbW , tiled a relinquish-
ment. On June 2 , IbbO , ho filed his petition
to have his light icstoied and at the same
time filed un application for another entry.
In passing upon that application the land
commissioner said. "It seems that the paity
relied too much upon the topi osculation of
others in making his cntrj' . I musttlicrefore
decline his request and for the fin ther i casern
that the law of Juno 1 , lb7S , ullows but one
timber chum entry. "
Tiom this decision Gilfillnn appealed. Thi
application is accompanied by the affidavit of
the applicant , duly iquoboiated , which sets
out in substance that he was induced to make
the llrst entrj' by tlio false lepiesenta
turn of n certain locator , whc
ivpi esented that theicwiisno right or clain :
to the land except an old picemption clain
which "had out mid
inn was nogoodwhut-
ever , and Unit the pi c emptor had abandonee !
the same nnd had m > vcr lived on the land ami
Unit there would bo no tionble in this nppll
cant seeming the hind. " Ho finther stutcs
Unit ho wasajoung man , onljtwentvono
jeatsof age , fiom the cast , and not being
uc'ciuulntcd with the manner of Inking land ,
lelled on the statements of the locator ; that
shoitlj' nflei winds bo found he had been de
ceived and misled as lo the fuels concerning
tlio land. When lie leatned that he hud been
misled and had no chance to hold or get Uils
land , ho relinquished his light to the govern
ment without consideration. Tlio secretary
sajs to the commissioner : "If bj'tho slnte-
ment Unit the act of Juno 14 , 1S7S , ullows
but one timber culture cntij' , jou mean that
under no circumstances may a second cnlrj'
bo mndo. I cannot concur with you. Entries
under the limber cullm c law should bo gov
erned ns to amendments and the ullowanccs
of second cnli ics by Iho rules thirl govern
homestead entries under like circumstances ,
Theio are ciicumstnnccs under which a second
end entry may be piopcrly allowed , us where ,
through no fault or neglect of the entrjman.
the Hist enlry wus incapable of being ran led
to u patent. The petition in this ease does
not set up facts that entitle the applicant
to Iho relief asked. Ituppeuis that ho wus
uwuro Unit there was a declaiatoiy state
ment for the land on file and tins was
sufficient to put him upon his guard. The
pie-emption filing wus no bar to his cntrj- for
tlio land. Ho simplj took the chances of that
filing being perfected into an cntij- . That he
was misled and deceived b.\ the pait\ whom
he hlied to locate him , while unfotlunate for
him , is not sufficient leason for allowing him
a second enti.v. The petition docs not show
that the applicant e.xcieised the slightest
CM iv or piudeiico in making his selection even
to the extent ot inspecting the land in per
son For the icason stated jour decision ic-
jectmg the applicatlein is ulUi'incd. "
TliankhlviiiK | l > ay in Washington.
WX-IIINOTON , Nov 2.1. [ Special Tclegiam
to the Hi.u. ] Very few senators and icpre-
si-ntutives uro in Washington to night and
less than oiio-fouilli of ull will eat their
Thanksgiving dinner heio to-moriow. The
bulk of them have i elm ned to llieir homes
feir that. Most of those who me keeping
house he'ie , were in tlio market e.nlj tills
inclining bujing jellow legged turVvCjs nt 15
cents n pound and cclerj' at 25 cents a bunch.
It will be a quiet Thanksgiving day in Wash
ington. All of Iho chinches will have spo.
cial sen ices and there will be u stioet parade
after a drill ut the bairacks bv the national
guuids Only tlio mmkets will bo open anil
tliej will close catljNo business will bo
done in the departments and comniciciul men
will genei.illj take n test. It will bo like
Sumltij lo morrow in Washington.
IVrMtnal ( ioship ,
WOIIIX-OTOV , Nov. 23 [ Special Telegram
to Iho Hir : 1 Uepiesontativo Jahn A. Gear ,
of Iowa , Is at the Ebbett.
Secretaiy Whitney was able to bout his
desk to-duy nnd to attend a dinner given by
the Chinese minister to-night.
Mis , llelvu A. Loekwood has received a
letter from a gentleman in Denver , Colo. ,
stut ing that he sees no reason why he should
not emploj nnuttoinej' to procure n wife for
him uml then places his CUM ) in her hands.
He states 'Unit he is engaged in the banking
business and would therefore piofer the
widow of a banker. Ho then proceeds to
describe himself and his financial condition ,
tcmiieiment , etc- . , and usks her aid. Mrs.
Loekwood has already secured the address of
n ludj w horn * lie supposes will All the bill.
A Postal Hilling ,
WiMiivciTox , Nov 23. In response ) to an
appeal takeu by a prominent New York news
compntiv from the ruling of Postmaster Pier-
son ut New York , exacting n llrst cluss rule
ofposlugo on cei tain third and fourth class
mall mailer now held nt the New Yoik uost-
oflice , the poslmnster ffcuerul has icplled
thai while ho has no power to aulhorlzo any
meiditleulion of the law re
garding permlssablo printing on wrap
pers enclosing such multer , Iho statute's
do confer upon him the right to remit penal
ties. Holding that the extra chin goof jKist-
nge In this particular case falls Into Iho mi-
lute of a penallj' , the penalty or additional
postage is remitted. The ixistoftlco depart
ment is prcpat ing a circular Ictler , which will
bo sent to all postmaslcrs , nulhoi Izlng them
to t emit penalties In nil similar cases or where
the circumstances seem to reemlre it.
A HAD MAN CAl TUKii : > .
Capture of a ToiiKli With Many Allason
at Duluth.
Dut.LTii , Minn. , Nov. 2. ) . [ Special Tele
gram to the HcB.l James Egiin , alias James
Somers , desperado , dive keeper , illicit seller
of whisky and wauled In several states for
vin lous ciimcs , was captured bj' Deputy
Shci in" Free J csterduy morning at Tow er uml
lodged in the county jail ut this place for safe
keeping. Erun is 5 feet 0 inches in height
nnd about thlrty-ilvo\cirs old , with a hind ,
"dovll-mav-enro look. " Egan sets himself
up for n "holj1 tenor" and has ulteady once
stood olT the countj' authorilics successfullj' ,
but this time he hud a determined , resolute
man lo deal with , and is now safe behind Iho
bars. The town of Ely uml surioundlng
country has for some time past been partially
run by this rulllan , who openly defied
nrtcst , sweming Unit it would cost int.v
man his life to attempt to nncst him. So
sine wus ho of immunity Unit he attempted a
fewdujsiigo to shoot un explorer mimed
Palmer , who lefused to associate with him.
He came up behind Mr. Palmer mid , exchim-
Ing , "Damn jou , I'll kill j'ou iinywaj , " put n
pistol to his head and Hied. Palmer luckily
ducked his head and escaped witliu bad scalp
wound. Ho fell to the ground , and Egun ,
thinking ho had been successful in killing
him , walked olT , coldlyrclouding his revolver.
Ho lobbed two men not long ago , at the point
of u pistol , of u cnnoo nnd nil their camp
equipments and repcatedlj' sent veibul mes
sages to Dcputj SheiilT Fieo claiing him to
ui test him , but his time came ut lust.
As soon as Mr. Palmer recovered
sufficiently ho went to Towes nnd wnitcd
llicio until the would-be murderer should
appear. In due time he enmo there and put
up ut Dave Kelle.t's. Dave Fieo went theio
nnd waited for his man , who never expected
for one moment that even u complaint hud
been laid against him , much less that ho
would be attested. The dcputj' waited near
Ine door of the bur-room and us Egan put Ins
nose inside the door ho found himself look
ing down u pistol barrel , ut the other end of
which was A short , dink man , who evidently
meant business. The desperndo was taken
aback , but Mr. Fieo hud the dtop on
him , so theio was nothing for him
bill to suriendcr. The bracelets soon clinked
iiroiind bis villainous wrists and in tlio
twinkling of un cj'o ho was in the lockup
Yesloiduy ho was brought befoio Judge
Williams , of Tower , nnd bound over to the
next tei in of court in the sum of * 1,0K ( ) . This
is n vciv important capture , us this vill.iii
lias for \eais existed bj lobbcn uml terror-
i/ing other men , and the nuthoiitles ot Mis-
soini , Illinois , Wisconsin , Not them Michi
gan , Nebiuska and other pl'iccs ' have been
looking for him. Ho is a muscular , well-
built fellow. Ho lust came from Murinetto ,
Wis. , whetclie is wanted for shootitigumun.
Lust summer ho kept the lowest kind of a
dive iiji on Iho shoies of Long Lake , where
he and Ins fellow-pirates held high revelrj' .
Ho be.ns a very hard chancier ami one
which docs not seem to possess a single 10-
cleeming feututo.
Joliann Mo3r Trial.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 23 Assistant District
Atloinej' Nicoll mnde tlio opening argument
for the people to diij' in the cuse of the Slnto
vs. Jolimiii Most. Nicoll told Iho jmy Unit
the clause of the penal code under which the
indictment was In ought provided that any
assembly of thieo or moro persons at which
was tinealeiied any unlawful net was an un
lawful nsscmblj' and the participants were
guiltj' of a misdemeanor. Colonel Fellows
will sTnn up the case for the proseculion. De
tective Hoth , for Iho mosccutlon , was the
Hist witness called. The witness told how
he nnd his brother officers wcro present nt
tlio meeting in disguise , nnd gave a detailed
account of what wus said and done. Saxe ,
another detective , corroborated Hoth In lull.
The cross examination of Saxo was begun
bjr Mr Howe. An effort was made to show
that the witness hud given diflcient tcsli-
inony befoio Ihe grand jury. The witness
had not given his account of the meeting so
full us at the tual , nnd ho admitted having
mndo mistake before the ' in
a grand jurj' saj1-
ing that Most began his s | > cech with the
woids , "Fellow Slaves. " The words used
bj- Most weio "Hruder Anarchists " Ho
thought Most hud used the English plural of
annu hist and not the German. Simons Diei-
fus , a teporter , coirobornted the other wit
nesses substantially. A man had sut next
him nt Ihe meeling who jumped up sajmg.
"Why not to daj i We're icadj' . " Most con
cluded by snj Ing i "I urn nn anaichist. Hise
ininiclij ! Long may itlivcl" He thought it
time to get out , which ho did. He did not
take notes because ho diel not want to bo
c.n i led out dead. Tim witness did not suffer
much under a seveio cross-examination. The
stale lested its case and the couit udjouincd.
1'rcMlilent Grcvy Will ReHl jii.
Puns , Nov. 23. President Grovy to day
Infotmcd Minet , radical member ot the
chamber deputies for the clcp.n tmcnt of the
Seine , Unit ho hud decided to lesign.
Ho said ho would to-morrow nsk Hibot to
form a ministty to superintend a meeting of
congress of the senuto iind chamber of Iho
deputies which will elect anew pt csident. If
Hibot should t of use lo form u ministiy he
will ask Goblet to do so. Gie\y fuithei
stuted that be will not quit his post before is
suing an nddiess to tlio countiy in which he
will icpndiato the t expansibility for the pres
cut state of uftans , and devluivs that his ic
tnement is forced bj' thoimpossibilil.vof gov
eining the counti v. He will depart tiom the
piesidcnej with the sinceiest wishes for the
fntuieof the icpnblie. The president held i
two houis' confetenco with Feiry am
Kn.Muil ,
It is icpot ted that Hibot , member of the
chanibci of deputies , will feu in anew cabinet
innongUie mcmbeisof winch will be Goble"
and Pcvcs.
His stuted that during the Interview will
Mm ell lo day Piesiacnt Gcwas gieatlj
affected and pleaded pitcouslj for lime
M.nclt was obdnruto nnd told him It was his
duty to resign not later than Satin daj' . It is
icportcdthat Grevy woiked at his message
until u lute hour to night.
Clemcncc.iu , Gianet , Loekioy , Kocheforto
nnd others held a consDltulion lo night le
garding Gievj's swccssor. It is rumoiec
Unit nil mllltarj candidates wcro i ejected.
The * riiarlcM | > , Chdulcaii limned.
Gin rsrin.r , Miss. , Nov. 2t. Last night
the steamer Clnnlcs P. Choute.iu burned a
Sunflower landing. A coloted llie'iimn anc
anil loloicd deck passenger weio binned to
death. The boat and cargo of cotton ate .
total loss , nothing being left of the gi eat cot
ton under but her imniciiso non hull
Wants Itw Charter rorfrltnl.
Nl.w OI.IIVN-S , Nev. 2U The Geiman Insinunco company today tiled i
IK'titinn In the ) civil dlsttict court , pr.ninf ,
for the forfcituto of its chatter , the' cause us
sii'iied being the fniluie of Hunk tV Co , of
Kcntuckj , the companj'b largest loiruspond
"Jlllnkj" Morgan Fontciifecl to IlaiiK
Cir.vrMM ) , Nov. SO. At Ha\cna to-dnj
judge Johnston oveijuled the motion for :
new trial In the cusu of "Hllnky" Moigun
and sentenced the prisoner te > bohungeel ii
the penitenliary ut ColumbUH , Mmch 111 , Isss
The case will bocurrjod to the circuit court
Chairman , TOUCH Will Not Iteslyn.
PtTTMiuto , Nov. 2.1. Hon. H F Jones
tluh man of the national u-publlcun execu
tlvo eommittco , denies the lepoit that ho In
tenus icblgnjnjrat the coming meeting of the
committee ) .
N ?
A Jury Snys Locksmith Klocko
Didn't Do It.
ClutliliiK Worth $500 Stolen I'roiu n
Ki-einotit Store A $ UOOOO Flro
nt Conwny , In. Murder
nt Silver City.
More Victims of the Shotgun.
CiniTT , Neb. , Nov. 23. Claude Williams
and George Hairimtoii , twelvc-j car-olds ,
while hunting on the Hlg Hluo river ycstcr-
lay , were diingeiously injuied by the nccl-
lental dischatgeof u gun. Williams' aim
ind stomach weio perforated with shot and
he llesh torn fiom Harrington's left arm.
The latter w ill probably lose his arm.
ABla/.eat Chirks Station.
Ct.Mius , Neb. , Nov. 2J. The elevator of
31aik , Heaton & Co. , was desttojed by tlio
hlsmoining. Two hoises In nn adjoining
Min weio also burned. The origin of the
lie is unknown ,
Klockc Cleared.
NmuusKA CITV , Neb. , Nov. 2,1. [ Special
relcgiam to the Hri : 1 Tlio case of Dick
vlocke , charged with assisting Uohannon in
lis escape which has been before the disti let
out t for the past two dins was concluded to-
lay by the Jury finding Klocko not guilty.
Damages Tor a Hroken Tiou.
riiKMO.ST , Neb , Nov. 2. ) . [ Special Tele-
; ram to the Hi K ] A Jury in the distiiet
court this evening bi ought in a vcidlct of
* . " > 00 damages against the city for Mai tin
henner who broke his aim by slipping and
'ailing on an inclined sidewalk some months
igo. Ho sued for $ J,000. ,
to 1'rotc nn Alill.
Sioux CITV , la , Nov. 2,1 [ Special Tele
gram to the Hir : ] The day 1ms been con
sumed in taking testimony by the defense in
the Arensdorf case. An attempt is being
nadoto piovo an alibi for the prisoner. A
large number of witnesses have been on the
stand. There are no new ones as yet , how
ever. The testimony of the Josephsous is
still the talk on evciy hand.
The Vellu 1'olsonliiR Case.
K\o\viui : , la , Nov. 2H [ Special Tele-
giam to the Uni , . ] The tual of Vandcven ,
charged with poisoning his wife at Pclla last
August , has been in progiess heio for the
past thieo da > s. The evidence for the pros
ecution is now neai ly all in. The state bus
cndeavoied to show that the defendant was
not on goocl toims with his wife befoio she
died and to establish the existence ot poison
in her stomach. The defense dein the latter
and claim that she died fiom nutuial causes.
Murder in MillH County.
Drs MOISM-S , la. , Nov. 23 [ Special Tele
gram lo the HLI : ] Sunday afternoon Isaac
Hook and n joung man named McQueen liv
ing near Silver City , Mills county , became
invehed in a quart cl which resulted in
Hook's sinking McQueen a terrible blow
over the head with n hoe. A post mortem ex
amination is now being held , and an indict
ment will piobably follow.
Fire ut Conwny.
Lrxox , In , Nov. 2.1. [ Special Telegram
to the HHE. ] Fire broke out at Conwny in
Houston Hios.1 hnulwaro nt S3 o'clock this
morning. In thiity-ilvo minutes it had
bin ned Houston Hros. ' bin dwni e stoi c , James
Andeison & Co.'s general store , the post-
office , James Mathews' general store , Wil
Hum Benson's Ice-house , and Hales it Co.'s
blacksmith and wagon shop. Loss , $30,000 ;
Foster Pleads Xot Guilty.
LF.NOX , la. , Nov. "S. [ Special Telegram
to the Hi r.l Milfoid Foster , the supposed
mm deter of Kmmct Heed , pleaded not
guilty to-day at liedfoid. The trial lakes
place next Tuesday. It is generally expected
that ho will be the subject of the first legal
hanging in Iowa for twenty jeais.
ol' " Victoria lOn t'iiie
Julia Kim" nt Itallater.
tCopi/nn/it / 1567 liy JCIMICU Gtntlon Itennelt. ' ]
BU.IATUI M\II : BALMOKKI. , ( via London ) ,
Nov. -New [ Yoik Herald Cable Special
to the Hi.c. ] One jear ago to-day was bema
a son to the princess Heatrice. This , its ( list
anniveisary , was celebrated by the queen
as chiistcning day for the piincess' littleghl.
The ceremony tluoughout was simple ami
indeed democratic. Litlle about it suggcstcc ;
loyalty. Doubtless as a special compliment
to Scotland , the queen chose the baptism
formal of the Scotch Piesbytciian church
and selected to officiate nt the font , Dr.
Lees , only thieo days homo fiom his
visit to New York. Ho is the min
ister of St. Giles , Edinburgh , a clean of the
Thistle and pimcipal Scottish chaplain to the
queen. Thus , for the first time because the
Stuarts were Catholics a rojal infant has
been baptised into the Scotch Piesbyterian
church. One o'clock was the hour selected
the place being that drawing room so ofter
referred to in the queen's books , with wind
ows ovei looking the picturesque valley of the
river Dee , in the backgiound of which rise
the shadows of the historic Grampian hills
It is a plainly fuinished apartment , sucn asi
successful mcichant might plan a IOIIL ,
loom , iich in windows , light
and views , with cm tains of Halmo
ml tin tun dropping upon n raipct
of tlio Stnnit hunting t.ntnn. There is not
one very IIIMIIIOUS belonging about the
loom. Upon the walls hang proof cngtavings
of Landscer's famous deer scenes or his sug
gcstlons of hunts over the healher and hills
At one extiemity of the diuwing loom stooc
groups of Halmoral tenants , keepers and at
tendants good sturdy highlandeis will
their families , nil in picturesque and v.nio
gated costumes. At tlio other extiemity was
ranged an aristocratic group of guests tlio
Piincess Ficdericka of Hanover , the dow
ager Duchess of Hoxburg and the Marchion
ess of 1'ly , couit hidics-ln-wuiting
the Countess of Hi i oil , the Lnrl of Hohcton
who Is the loul high commissioner to the
Church of Scotland , the Ht. lion C Hitchie
cabinet mmister-in-w ailing , Sir Henry Pen
sonby , the queen's contldcntial secietary
Piof and Mis. Piofei , the queen's paitlcuhu
neighbors and her family friends , togothci
with many other guests. Sovcinl dcei
looked in fiom the lawn and seemed btaitlcc
when the exercises begun with the sing
ing of u Scotch hymn by n selected
Abetdeen choir. In the center of the loon
stood the royul gimidmother suiioundcd bi
her Indian Fcrvanls , d.nk orientals bla/ing
red and gold. It did not seem that a quect
and empicss stood lliero but rather a woman
and n mother wealing n sinilo which sug
gested jouthful tenderness. She wore a
dress of black silk trimmed with black lace
Across her breast iblio wore a narrow scar
of theUalmoral platd. Beside her stood the
father , mother and nurse , who held the coo
Ing cause of the assemblage , nil fronting the
Ohuplain , who , In dicssjtuggcslod the well
known pictuii-of John Knox. Not fat" awnj
was another nuibu , holding the jear Old
prince \vtao looked aiouud with
uuiderment. Theio was nothing royal or
uetentlous In the dresses of either baby
It hough the christening robe , with Its
\ealth of bottom embroidery and ndotn-
nents of luce etossed with u Scotch ribbon ,
vns the object of muehndmitution. Cmloslty
\as visible ujKin all face's us the minister up-
iro.ichecl the naming , because ns yet the
iiimo was a secret. Ho announced It ns
'Victoria Eugenie Julia Una. " Eugenie
after the empicss , Julia after
ho Princess Hattenberg , the Gentian
; rnndmothcr , and Emi as a Scotch name.
I'ho water used was fiom the liver .Ionian
and after tlio baptism was sung a new hymn
> y Sir Atthur Sullivan. The set vice con
cluded with singing of n German hallelujah.
I'ho whole affair passed off Inn thcmmghly
lomestlc way and next cumo the luncheon for
ho "classes" mid afternoon Jollity for the
'masses. "
SciiNntloiiH In Court.
ICnpui tolitN7 / lillJtlinr * ( Ionian
LONDON , Nov. 2J. [ New York Hciuld
Sable Special to Ihe lici : 1 The several
.aw couits today weio busied with sensn *
.ional cases. Judge Manlsty and u special Jury
mil n case involving the Interesting point
that , although the 01 Iginnl plaintiff , a wine
meichunt who was libelled , hud died , jet his
cvccutois could continue the action so far us
t slnndcicil his title to a wine tiudemurk.
I'ho defendant was the London ngcnt of
Messrs. Delbeck , of Hliciins. Tlio opening
statement of the Q. U. , which was sustained
> y the evidence wus that Mcssis.
Delbeck had u champagne tiiido mink in
iXmoilcnln lb0 "liich they icgisteied in
fiance as L' Delmouico , as u trade mink for
the champagne. They only sold this w ine to
onoor two people in England and did not
rash the Irade heie for fear of iiiterfeilng
iVlth the American Undo and did not icglstcr
.heir tiade mnik in this country until Ma.v ,
a. The plaintiff in IbTU icgisteicd the
Delmonico chiimpugne mid the defendant in
serted in two trade circuits the fol-
.owlng caution : "L1 Delmouico chum *
j.igno. Messis. Delbeck & Co. , of
Hheims , finding u wino stated to bo Del-
monlco champagne being aihoilised for
sale in Gtcnt Butiiin lieiebj gi\o notice that
such wine cannot bo the wine itisiepresente'il
to bo us no champagne shipped under that
name can bo genuine unless it bus their
mimes on the label. Such wino beingshipped
horn Franco thej- will take pioceedings lo
stop such shipments and such oilier piocecd-
ings in England us they may be advised "
This publication wus the ground of action
upon tlii ) former It ial. Their non-suit on the
iiound of action , being peisonul , died , when
Lite plaintiff died. The divisionul court held
hut though this was , so fur us tlieui'lion wus
conccincd , one libel , jet pioceedings could be
continued so fur us the action asked damages
for sluudcilng the title to the' trade mink.
Defense no iiiulico mid statement tine
Hoth Macs made speeches spaikling with
spirited champagne , us it weie. When the
Jiuy expressed Uieir opinion that the publica
tion was n libel on the trade-mink , but pub
lished without malice , nnd assessed damages
at Ifi , Mr. Justice Mniiisty said : "Is there no
malice ! Then the veidlct should be for the
defendants. " Accordingly the action was
Four other sensational proeccdures wcro
also dismissed. In the Bow slrect court
cnmo n cross summons for assault between
Dcbcnsuude , husband of Violet Clinician , and
his old butler. The latter ignominiouslj'
turned "chucker" on his old master nnd
ejected him from lo nmison Violet. George
Lewis , for Miss Cameion nnd the butler , ob-
tuined the Iiisheidict of "guilty but suived
him light. "
In another court Madame Nicols was suing
an nquniium eompun.v for breach of contarct
in discharging her while she was acting as tlio
vanishing lady in the celebrated Fiench
tiick. Justice Kejwick waxed humorous
over the case , non-suiting tlio vanishing ludjf
nnd nuj ing her ease hud vanished and look
ing ns if ho would tell her it was now time
for her icallj1 to pcrfoim her trick.
Ex-Loid Mayor Sir Francis Truscott , ns
aldeuunn , was mciinwliilo dismissing the
agent of an American watch fac torj who , for
an ndvcitisciiicnt , had dangled un exagger
ated watch on a cord and pullej stieU'lied
across the strccl. On Iho trial , after the ac
cused hud spent some time in another kind
of n watch house , he was accused of obstiuct-
ing the highway.
At the same hour of the daj' nt Cheltenham
u maglstiale , nmid great updlauso in court ,
dismissed u complaint madebj-one Gotlwaltz
for assault against Joel Thomas , father of a
j'oung lady whom the former hud seduced
under promise of maruinge. It wus said in
court to bo Iho case of u "masher mashed"
with n horsewhip. The accused reall/cd his
nnmo by precipitate flight. All the parties
me of high family connection.
Tuffy For Scotcliinc-n.
LOVDOV , Nov. 2.'l. In u speech ut a meeting
of the national union of conset vnlives at Ox-
foul to-day , Loid Sulsburjr ! said ho saw in
Iho success of Iho conference Iho happiest
augury for the future. Tlio infounalion
fiom Scotland showed Unit the calm sense of
the Scotch would not sanction iinj' scheme
endungeiingtho integtily of the elliptic. Ho
ncknowli'ilgcd the genoious and unstinted
help of the liberal unionists uml declmed
thai se > long ns their support was iissutcd the
counti.y would test in pciiee' , secure liom Iho
assaults of the p.ntj of disotcler.
At the ou'iiingeonfeicne1 Loid Salisbutj-
said he would not icnew the eliscussionof the
question \\liethrrlionio uile should boestub-
lished or not. It would pass the wit of mini
to pioduco a home ) 11110 scliemo wliii'h would
bo pleasing to both TieveUun uml Davitt
The coming session of p.iiliument would bo
devoteil moiei to meiisuies that would satisfy
the piessing wants of England. Ho did not
intend until Iheio was a manifest change in
Iteluml to ptoposo increased powcis of local
government theie. The goveinmi'iit was
prep.ned to fuco the obstruction. Tlio pie-s-
ent system of pioeeduro wus not enough.
Diustio icforms were lequitcd to pio\ent
wanton waste of public time. Ho hoped the
effect of these measuicH would bo the te-
fitoralion of the eharue ter and usefulness of
the house. The question of i c-giilutiem of the
liquor tr.ifllo would have a foiemost place in
the local goveinment bill. Ho was in favor
of liberty in Unit tiaflle us fur as
was consistent with social older IIo wus
stiongl.v opposed to chinch disestablishment ,
but admitted that the go\eminent wus bound
to icfotm the chinch by lemovmg whatever
evils weie pioscd to exist. Ho piomisc > d a
measuio fen the icinovu ! of the lithe e'huiges
from the land. The statu of iigiicultuie , ho , was dcplorublcVhutever mcasuicK of
icllef might obtain general consent would
iceeivo the ic.idicst consldetallon of tlio gov-
ct nrnent. Hcfei ring to the squat o
tumbles , lie. said ho icg.nded the meeting ! )
theie as lawless demonsliutions , Tliey weio
the natural lesultH of Gladstone's words
Gladstone could not picacli to an Irisli mob
to defy law without having his advlco up-
plied in England as well The goveinment
was dotei mined at nil costs to maintain the
supicmiicj'of the law He-could not under
stand what it was tlm > excited the sjmiMthy
of the English lilie i als in Iho ease of William
O'HiIen , who had IIIOKCII the law and incited
othcib to luwlchxni i , $
WAJC > AV\ . \o\ ' , ' .1 At the military bui- ;
quct this cnmr' < Gc nn al Gourko , on pro
posing a i , t i i i , "lUcus , said : "Unless
the A'uiulit.s ' 1 . . lulotted mo a veij biiof
span of lift tl > \ ill nut l > u long befoici 1 will
aguln lead jou to the Held , us 1 did a decade
Llttlo Doubt Tlmt Ho Will Bo the
Next Sponkor.
An lltTort nt Harmonic KfTcet The i
1'rcnielent N nn liicHtrliut ? | Sen
ator lUddle'lteTger Dcllvcrx Illni-
M'lf- Washington NCWH.
All Agreed on Carlisle.
WASIIINCITOX , Nov. 2 , ) . [ Special Telegram
to Iho Hr.i : . ] ll Is conceded by nil factions
Unit Mr. Carlisle will bo te elected s-peukcr
without noteworthy op | < ositon. ! Tills even-
Ing's Star suj s that it is assei U'd that one ol
the independents , Mr. Andeison , of Iowa ,
will enter the democratic caucus , ns ho can
vassed his Mntu for Iho democuitlc ticket It )
the icccnt contest. If that is coireet , even
should the other thieo independents vote )
with the republicans , the demoetuts would
have thirteen majority It is said that Mr.
Kamlall would put Cm lisle in nomination for
speaker in the caucus but , us It is customary
for a candidate to be put feu waul by his own
slate delegation , that com so will , in all proba
bility , bo punned. But the nomination will
bo seconded from iiniong the putteetionists ,
pei Imps l\v Mr Kamlall and Mr McAdoo as
it murk of evidence of hiunionj existing In
the putty.
G reiver Will Learn to Hide.
WASHIMITOX , Nov. 2,1 , [ Special Telegiam
to the Hi K ] Pi csident Cleveland , who
recently siTbsciibcd to an annual member
ship in the tiding school in the northwest
section of the city lias decided to tuko an
active part In the school. Ho will tnUo pri
vate lessons in older to i educe his weight and
to insure as much ptiuii'j us possible' , he pro-
iioses to rcccru ) his lustiuctiotiserycnily
In the moinlng. As soon us ho sccutes u
good seat the ptesidont will purchase a hand
some saddle horse and will join Secretary
Fuiicliihl in his dully tides. President
Cleveland bus not jet wulUeel u distunco of
Iho blocks within Uie limits of the city of
Washington. Among othets who have taken
membeisliip in the tiding school mo
Secictuty's Whitney , Luinur , Endieott ,
H.ijaid and Full child ; Commissioners
Wheatl.v , Webb and Ludlow ; Senator's
Edmunds and Cullom ; Chailes C Glover ,
John W Thompson , E l-'iancls Higgs , Mis.
H. C. Hitt , Mis Mlldied E. Cmlisle. Dr's.
Floienev Donahue , Hon. .leihn M. Glover ,
Justice W. T. Cox and Judge John Davis.
Hlclcllel > er or' View.
WAsniseuox' , Nov 2 ! ! [ Speciul Telegiam
to the Hi r J Senutoi Hiddlcbeigcr , of Vlr.
giniii , wus heie to day on his wsij to Phila
delphia , where ho addresses the Chnn-nii-
Gael and the United lush Society to-night.
During his wail at the luilioiid station he de
li vcied a lew opinions , political uml other
wise. He thought the icpublicints of the old
dominion weie "licked fair and squuio" in
the lute election , and declined Iheio was no
finud ut tlio polls. Pi evident Cle\eluml'a
civil sci \ ice poliej , lie suiel. w us not cneloi seel
bv Virginia democrats , am ( thej cuise' ) him
sonndl.v for it , jet the state will send a solid
delegation to the convention for him bcciiusi
the democrats tlioie bolic\e ho is the strongi
est man to be nominated. Senator Klddlo
berger hates Senator Mahone with a vein
gcaneo and to-day declined that
Blaine , who lost Vnglniu bj
only 4,000 , would hnvo carried it
but for the ambition of William Malione.
Talking of his successor , lie said indication !
pointed to J. S. Baibotir. but tlioio wcto na
many silent aspirants In the ) Held Unit It
would ulmost be impossible to toll who would
succeed him B.nbour wus u shrewd politi
cian , but u might.v poor speaker. IIo WUH
not the best man the demociats e-oulel send.
If the senatorship
would be tendeted to him out of gi.itltudo.
In closing his remarks nbnut the senate , ho
suid with emphasis : "A poor man bus no
moio light to lie in the United Stutes senuto
than an tccbeig has in li or in Flciridu. "
Army Xeww.
WA III\OTOV , Nov. 2,1 [ Special Telegram
to Iho BIT ] It is expected that congi ess
will pass tlio neeessarj bills lo secute , here
after , monthlj payments to Ihc army. The
expel iment has been ti icd ut thirtj-llvo posts
near to the stations of pujmusteis uml bus
given satisfaction. Tlio puj master general ,
in his annual lepoit , states Unit with his
preicnt foico und u slight inci case of nppro-
puulion for Hie necessaij' expenses , the
other posts , over n bundled in number , can
till be paid monthly and icinicsls legislation
uccoidinglj' .
Second Lieutenant Fiank W. Ellis , signal
coips , has been ordeied to pioceed fiom this
c'ltj to Sugar Loaf Mountain , Mo , on public
Fust Lieutenant Jumps A Hulton , Eighlli
infantry , is to act us inspector of certain fuel
ut Churleston , S. C.
Fiist Lieutenant Juntos G. Wutren is or
dered from the West Point military academy
to Millett'8 Point , N. Y. , for engineer duty.
Fust Lieutenant John Blddle is ordeied
fiom engineer duty in the department ol
Dakota to the mllltarj academy.
Second Lieutenant Samuel D. Sturgis , Jr. ,
Fiist intillctj' , bus been grunted two months'
First Lieuteminl Fiederiek Wooloy , Tenth
infantry , has been appointed receiving officer
at Sun C.ulns. Art/
Lieutenant , Dodge w ill uc t us udjutant gen
et al at Fort Li'avenw 01 th during the absence ]
of Colonel .1. P Martin
Ciiptuin Fiune'is ( 'l.nk , Twenty second In-
funt i j' , is president of the < emit martial now
in session ill Foil L\e > n , Cal
A general con it mm tialw if hCupluin.Tunics.
Henlon , Tw cut -third infunti.y , us prcsldi nt ,
has been en del ed lit Foil Bliidj , Mich. , No
vcmber 211.
Leaves of absence have been granted as
follows : Fiist Lieutenant Oliver Wnimlck.
thieo months' extension ; Fust Lieutenant
Fume IK Patten , Twontj flist infantry , two
months'extension ; Fust Lieutenant James
V. S. Paddock , Fifth infnntiy , six mouths'
leave on account of disability.
I'onsioiiH Issued.
WAMIISC.TOV , Nov. 2.1 [ Spociul Telegrutn
to the Hrr 1 The following pensions have
been issued forNebiuskuns : Mexii'iinwur
William It. Huntoem , Omaha. Original-
Anthony W De'ffenbaugh , Cheney. Increnso
William F. Davenport , Cielghton ; Tiithill
It Cole-mull , Mudison ; August Muhllng , Ply.
mouth ; Delia li. , widow of Bcnjumln F.
Hote'hkiss , Beatrice. Mexican wur Frce-
mun B. Tucker , ( ! lcn ItocK. Incieiisc John
H Me G raw , Sett.
Pensions foi lowansChristiiinln , mother
of Hc'iuv C Lnndeis , Luinonl Mc'xlcuii
war belli P lliiiitington , Cliition ; DuvicJ
Gcplmit , Ottumwa , Oilginal- . Kepler ,
Spillvlllo ; Chillies Dii'Sing , Muishalltowii.
huiease ( * lliiam Holmes , Mugnoliut John
Figgnm , Mondiimln ; Jacob \Viscaiuer. Glin-
nell , Heniy M Engle , Hurllclt , John A.
Gust , Clinton ; William Beiinum , Pialiio
Ciiovo lie-issue GcoigoW. Lee , Moultpn.
Restoration Mnij.l , widow of John Phillips ,
Clinton. Oiiginul .losiah Heetmit , Median-
lesullo ; Muiy Newe'll , Winslow. Incieuso .
Lester. ! . Paimonter , Feud ; Samuel P. Curter -
ter , Eldon ; Fiamls W. Kimblc , Sclmu ;
( Je'oigo Kchiod.v , Wuukcm ; John S. Pcio-
griiuHiooks ; .Slullhias Heiter , Montc/iima ;
Selden Cady , Emmellslmig. Heisstio William -
iam T Wind , Lewis ; Geotge W. Huiigalc ,
Postal Changes.
WAFIIIVUTON , Nov S3. [ Special Telegram
to the Bn : ] Tim following Nebraska post-
inasle'is weio appoinlcd to-day : William
Ewen , Gili'iid , Thajer e'ounty , Vice Thomas
J Klik , removed ; Mat tin L. Wlntcrmoto ,
Sh.imiock , Holt county , vice Miltou Ilcaoclb
resiLri' * * * '