* I . v" . ' i. : ILY SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 23 , 1887. NUMBER 158 . It is GtniBlng Great Alarm Among His Party Followers. FOOD FOR POLITICAL PROPHETS. A Careful Search Falls to Hrlng Fortli Any Statesman Competent to Take Ills Place Harcoiirl's Stand ing Foreign News. Figuring on Probabilities. [ Copi/r/i/ht / IMG liu Jitmr * Uortlon Ilcnnttt. ' ] LONDON , Nov. 22. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the HEK ] Gladstone's In disposition Is slight , but sends n tremor throughout his party. People cannot help ashing what would happen If the rigors of nn English winter should prove too much for lilm. The fogs and east winds arc unusually fiovero this season. Although Gladstone has n constitution of cast iron and Andrew Clarke says may live ten years more , doctors' fore casts como wrong sometimes and tho'grand old man is but mortal. When It is known that he is ill consternation reigns throughout the ranks of his followers. Who is to succeed him when the inevitable hour arrives ! We know ho announced that the mantle should fall on Lord Hartington , but great changes have happened since then. The main wing of the liberal party would no longer recogni/e Lord Hurlington as a leader , ( loschcn never was In the line of suceecsion mid never had a recognized posi tion in any party until ho went over to thu conservatives. Chamberlain Is the ablest de bater , the clearest thinker and has the most powerful intellect in the entire liberal parly next to Gladstone , but ho is a heretic on homo rule and would bo so regarded if Glad stone were removed from the see-no. He is ready to go very far. Ho would give Ireland all the home rule it could ask in purely local affairs , ns much as is possessed by any state in the union. It may bo doubted whether , in the absence of Gladstone , the liberal party would stand out for anything more. In that case would there bo union In the liberal household } Any pres ent alliance between the conservatives and liberals would bo broken up. It can only bo temporary. Gladstone is the real bond which holds them together. When there is no longer any hope for his return to power all but a very few liberals would coalesce and local government would extend to Ireland. Many conservatives are quite prepared to vote for it tinder a reasonable safeguard and Chamberlain would lead his party. To sup pose that Harcourt and Morley can ever occupy this position is an absurdity. Ono has not the requisite character in the country ami the other has not the requisite abilities. As a swash buckler Ilarcourt Is often effective , but his own side would burst laughing if you culled him a statesman. Hd would knock his oppo nent , down If lie was weaker than himself nnd Jump upon him , then he exhausted his resources. Morley is liked personally , but the character of his mind is essentially femi nine. Ho speaks badly and cannot go far without notes , which resemble an essay. Ho has no readiness in debate. Give him a few hours notice and he will prepare n passable speech. Take him on the spur of the moment nnd ho is all adrift in the commons. Ho makes no way whatever. The press has given him every advantage man could desire , reporting all his speeches fully from tlio very first and treating him generously. Puffery nnd flattery , however , do nothing for n man in the arena of the commons. He must win his own spurs. Three different houses have now made up their minds about Morley and their verdict is little likely to be changed. This finishes the list of probable successors to Gladstone from his present followers. There is Fowler , u good second class man , Mumlclla , ditto , then comes a crowd of third raters. Take Glad stone away and what becomes of his army ! If Hartington were now to transfer himself to the consorvntivi'8 bis usefulness as a liberal would I in gone. Goschen's fate proves that whenever Goschen's mime is mentioned nt a liberal meeting the people cry outHe : has gone home ; let him stay there. " Yet it is said that ho earnestly desires to bo e'on sidorod a liberal eligible to forma part of r futtiro liberal cabinet. Ills projected visil to Ireland in eompany with Hartington is n sort of mlviytiscmcnt of this. Mj belief is that the liberals will nevei have him back again upon any terms. He has always been u wobbler. It is not so will Chamberlain , who , frankly u radical , ac counted all thoroughly orthodox until Glad stone threw down the homo rule balls upoi : the table. Ghul.stouians do not * like Cham berlnln , but could they do without him ii : Gladstone's absence i Would they , for in stance , risk u general election led by Har court and Morley i If the-y did they woule como back a fragment of their present wreck It is consequently easy to be understood wlij nn unfavorable rumor conccrnlngGlndstone'i health should depress the party that part ; which largely depends upon the life of om man. Many old liberals have adopted homi rule under the inlluenco of his authority. Hi nlono can keep them up to the mark. In conservative circles much discussion i' ' taking plneo as to the wisdom of the govern incut meeting in parliament without strength onlug itself for the fray. Everybody ex peeled to see llic'krh-lJeach provided with : post in the ministry. 1 understand that , no gotintlons are going ou looking to that object The president of the board of trade Lori Stanley-Is utterly elleto and useless. It In would kindly ivmovo himself theministr ; would doubtless bo obliged , but ho is ver ; comfortable where ho is and means to stay His colleagues still hope to shake his resolu tion so that Hicks-licuch may bo put in hi place. Pressure has also been applied to reinov another antediluvian member of the ministry but without success. Tito barnacles seldon slip off of their own accord. To ge n man out of the ministry U difficult unlcs he possesses n high spirit and has a great mi tional iwillc.vwhich ho Is anxious to carry ou nud Is systematically opposed and thwartci by all his colleagues. Thus bo can bo worric out. This wa.s the method put in fore nnuinst Cln.rchill , and succeeded. Old luiiul at oflloo seeking are uut quito so thii skinned. Salisbury Is understood to strongly favu delaying the meeting of parliament till th end of February , which would mean a shot Bwsion and little business done. Member generally look forward with aversion to a n sumption of tticir labors. The last sesslo lias sickened everybody except a few r . the nioro boistorou.s Purnellitles. 1 thrro Is to bo a laud bill , th probabilities of which vary from day to dn.\ \ wo ought to meet lu January , for months mu > bo snout , over 9-10 measure. In any ease thei nvo estimates and the whole question , of n form of the publicdepartments. . ' Lord Randolph Is not likely to'let thi bleep. His cause has. mfiilo Immense r"1 ' press sliic.0 imrlianipnt adjourne-d , the/ Who ! ' . country being BOW -alive to its importune * < f " t , , ' * * \ ' i . rhero Is jobbery ns well as extravagance tel l ) rooted out and nobody but Churchill has either the ability or the courage to get at It. This Issue will be raised to great prominence before the session is far advanced. The probable results are more Important than the owls and bats In the conservative party arc at present able to jicreelve. A Criticism of Swinburne. [ fii/rfylif | | * ? / < /.Mmm / Hiinhm.HfMirfM LONDON , ; \uv. 22 [ New York Herald Cable Special to the HUB. ] Swinburne's new volume appears to be treated with con temptuous silence by the London press. Kach paper gives much space to a review of Darwin's Life , Letters and Journal , just Is sued , but the only daily which has touched "Locrino" Is the Pall Mall Gazette , which thus sums up the work : "Mr. Swinburne's new poem In rhymed dialogue Is an InterestIng - Ing example of how not to write , or , as ho would say , to write a piny you first choose n theme ns lindramatlc as possible. Then you dress up half a dozen old puppets , the most stiff-Jointed and wooden-featured you can llnd , then you ar range a string of scones in such a way as to minimize what little Interest there may bo In your plot , and , lastly , you set your pup pets to talk at great length In an artificial ill- nlect , stiff with rhetorical and politic orna ment and in a metre which shall render their utterances as remote as possible from ra tional human speech. " A Mi.Mmn : : or PAUMAMCNT. Death of Don .In.in. Ifnpi/rfu'ifftiW / 'i/.fiiiii' | ( 'onion Dennett. ] PAUINov. . 22-New | York Herald Cable Special to the Hii : : . | Don .limn , father of Don Carlos , died at Hrighton Friday. Don Carlos Is expected at Hrighton to-nluht. Hy this death the Spanish pretender claims to bo the legitimate king of France. Conservatives Moot. LONDON , Nov. 22. The annual meeting of the national union of conservatives opened at Oxford to-dny. A thousand delegates were present. A resolution in favor of free trade was carried by a large majority. A resolu tion in favor of the reform of the English church was adopted unanimously. A letter was read from Hright referring to his pro posal to send Irish bills to a grand committee composed of Irish members. In the letter Hright says : "The rebel party will not ac cept the proposal because they are rebels and ' with rebel Irish members in the house'of commons , the plan would not be allowed to work. Gladstone is committed to a hobby in which the rebel leaders , for a time , have agreed to join him , and cannot condescend to consider a plan less pretentious but more rea sonable than his. Nothing can be done until Gladstone's bills have been entirely got rid of and the position is whollv changed. We cannot allow Gladstone to return to oflleo on his Irish policy. I prefer to join hands with Lord Salisbury ami his colleagues rather than with Parnell and his friends , the leaders of rebellion. " Ilismarck and IhoCznr. Hr.ni.iN , Nov. 22. The North German Ga xette ( Bismarck's orirnn ) , says the interview between the czar and Hismarck Friday last was of n friendly and comprehensive nature. The c/nr complained of the policy of Ger many , especially toward Hulgnriu , which , he said , was directed against Hussia , as the let ters received at the Russian foreign oftl- ces showed. HNmurek indicated that Germany always regarded Hulgarin as lying within the sphere of Russian inter est and acted in tnis spirit wherever nn strictly German interests were Involved. lie expressed a desire to see the letters the czai had mentioned. Ho then formulated at length Germany's complaints against Kussia. The czar was attentive and promised on his re turn to St. Petersburg to better inform him self on the. question * on which these com plaints were founded and to arrive at decis ions accordingly. Sr. Pr.TKUsiiuun , Nov. 22. It is not eon. iidered in political circles here tlmt the interview - terview between Hismarck and the czar at lierliu will lead to a modification of tin policy of either Russia or Germany. It is believed , though , that it may contribute tr the maintenance and strengthening of the friendship between the two emplros , providet : both respect mutual political independence and both are desirous of maintaining peace. TIio Krencli PA my , Nov. 22. Hrissou had an interview with President Grcvy to-day and told him the crisis in relation to the presidency uppeurei to be without remedy. The president uskci why. HrlsMin replied that it would be pain fill to explain. The reason was universally apparent. Ho reminded Grevy that at tin Independent meeting lie had maintained tha nobody was entitled to demand that tin president should resign. He was still of tin mime opinion. "Tho president alone , " addei Hrlsson , l-wns entitled to raise the question. ' Colonel Hopping' Siilislled. LONDON , Nov. 22. Gladstone has written : letter to Colonel Dopping , apologizing for th inaccurate statements ho had made concern ing him In reference to the occurrence n Ciwocdore. Ireland. He says ho did no mean to impute to Colonel Doiping | the ns of a loaded ritle. Colonel Dopping is satisllci with the apology and has withdrawn his at tiou against Gladstone' . Impugned Gladstone's Voracity. LONDON , Nov , 22. Snundors , in n special ' al Nottingham to day , declared' that Ghu stone's statements that the murder of Coi stable Whcohin was a put up case , was a absolute lie. Gladstone , he said , was at on end of the chain mid Patrick Ford tit th other. _ _ CJrpvy Advised lo Ite-slgn. PAIII ! , Nov. 22. M. Leroyer confcrrc with Grevy to-day and advised him to n sign. Grevy , after the interview wit Leroyer , consulted M. Do VON , M. Fouchci De Cariel and others , but all his efforts t secure the formation of ; \ ministry prove futile. _ A Sensational F.\ioso. HKIII.IN , Nov. 22.The Cologne Gazette hn caused a sensation by the statement tin : the czar , in ids recent interview with Princ Hismarck , learned ho had been deceived I regard to Germany 'H policy by a furgcd lottc purporting to bo from Prince Hisnuirck. Th letter is supposed to bo the work of Orleani : intrigues , _ _ Starving Croilors. LONDON , Nov. 22. Two thousand croftci on the Isle of Lews have commenced a can paign to exterminate the deer in the fores They nllego tlmt 0OW crofters are Marvin who ought to bo living on the land noi given up to deer mid that In adopting the ! present course they are actuated by sheer in cossity. _ Vow CaiHi > rous Colin. HCIII.IN , Nov. 22. Ur Franck dined wit tit" crown prince today and found him cnjoyin a hearty meal ajid in good spirits. Tapeblai asserts that Prof. Virchow discovered ver few cancerous cells in the dit > cirt''t'ed ! ' matte from the prince's larynx. Trafalgar Sqnaro Itiotcra On Trlu LONDON , Nov. 22. Hums , thy socialist leader , and Gr.iham , member of parliament arrested Sunday , the 18th inst. , for partlc paling in the Trafalgar square Hot , were a ruigncd to-day and after some testimony tli case was adjourned , ilolm I/M VorcfKii Jaunt. MAXI-IIKVITU , Nov. S1 } . John L. SulHva iv.ichod hero to-day. Crowds greeted him : the depot und escorted him to Ills hptcl. - * Ml. . . ' . . J.os'iiv.N , Nov. 22. ICx-Kuiprctis. Eucnie ' critically ill ut Amsterdam. . ' , . ' Tvn > I iiKAi > 1 Kb The Attorney General Delivers an Opinion on the Subject. WHO ARE BONA-FIDE PURCHASERS Their ItlgtitH nnd Those of Settlers With lloNpoet lo Vorfoltcd Tracts Action to lie Taken at Unco. The llnllronds and the People. AV\SIIINIITON. Nov. 22 , Animportnntopln- ion by the attorney general on the construc tion of sections II , 4 and 5 of the act of March 3 , 1SS7 , passed , "To provide for the adjust ment of land grants made by congress to aid In the construction of railroads , and for the forfeiture of unearned lands , and other pur poses , " Is made public to-night. The opinion Is given In reply to questions asked by the secretary of the interior. In substance , It is as follows : The first section of the act named directs the adjustment of grants ; the second section provides for the restoration of title to the United States where the lands have been erroneously certiilcd or patented to the rail roads ; the third section is "lhat if , in the adjustment of said grants , It shall appear that the homestead or pre emption entry of any bonn lido settler has been erroneously cancelled on account of any railroad grant or withdrawal of public lands from the market , such settler , upon appli cation shall be reinstated in all his rights and allowed to perfect his entry by complying with the public land laws , provided that he has not located another claim or made un entry in lieu of the ono so erroneously can celled ; provided also , that he did not volun tarily abandon the said original entry , and provided further that if any of said settlers do not renew their application to be rein stated within a reasonable time , to be fixed by the secretary of the interior , then all such unclaimed lands shall bo disposed of under ho public land laws by which , priority of Ight is given to bonu fldo purchasers of said unclaimed lands , if any , and f there bo no such purchaser , then the bona Ido settlers living thereon. " The question submitted under this section was , "What class of purchasers is referred to by the ex- iression bona lido purchasers of said un- laimed lands ! " The rights of the several classes to the lands referred to in the section lire successive in the order stated therein. The lirst in right is the homestead or pre emption settler , whose entry has been wrongfully cancelled. If he elects to assert "ids right , and has not been disqualilied by locating another claim , or making another entry in lieu of thut'erroneously cancelled , bis right is absolute , and the successive right of the icmninmg two classes cannot ; ittach if he lawfully asserts his claim. If he fail to claim the land , or is disqualilied inder the act , the right of the second class of _ > ersons , who are the bona llde purchasers of the land unclaimed by him , attach and Imvo precedence over the third class. The bonn llde purchasers here referred arc those who , without knowledge of wrong or error , have purchased from the railroad company lands which have been previously entered by a pre-emption or homestead settler , whose entry has been erroneously cancelled , mid which laud the pre-emption or homestead settler did not elect to claim after recovery by the proceedings prescribed by the second section of the act. The second question was : "Can the de partment , after the adjustment of the grant , issue patents to purchasers of such land be fore said hind has been reconveyed by the road or title recovered by judicial proceed ings i" In reply to this the attorney-genera ] says : Until lands shall have been legally deter mined to belong to the United States , the right to issue patents under the fourth sec tion does not arise. If patents should issue under the fourth section before reconveyance or judicial recovery under the second , and proceedings should then be instituted to can cel the patent issued to the railroad , in tin case of a decision adverse to the government , two patents would be outstanding at the tame time for the same land. The third question was : "Thetifth scot lor of said act provides that where a railroai company has sold lands not conveyed to 01 for the use of such company , nnd where sucl lands are , for any reason , excepted from tin operations of the grant of sail company , it shall bo lawfu for a bona fldo purchaser therco from said company to make payment to tin United States for said land , and thereupoi the patents shall issue to said bona tide pur chaser. " The question submitted under thi1 section is , whether the proviso last quoted i' ' conllned in its application to hinds within tin primary granted limits , or whether it nppliei to lands within indemnity limits of which tin company had made selection , but which Inn not been approved. The attorney genera says : The first section of the net in the use of tin word "grant" must have necessarily in eluded both primary and indemnity limits ii the adjustment , as it was doubtless intendei that the adjustment should bo a full and tlna one. The protection afforded and the red res granted the settler by each nf the sections i fully as important in indemnity as in prinmr ; limits in order that the remedy bo adcqunt to redress the wrong. The word "grant , " ii the fifth section , must bo construed to include as it does in preceding sections , both primar , ami indemnity limits. Upon receipt of tno opinion Secretar , Lnmar directed the commissioner of the gei : ernl land oflleo to proceed at once and with a much dispatch as possible to unjust all luni grants under the act of March 3. Cutting Dressed Hoof Hates. CHICAGO , Nov. 22. The freight agents o east-bound lines to-day cut the tariff o dressed beef , hogn and sheep to corrcspon with the reduction made by the Grand Trun yesterday. The latter road to-night got ou u new tariff , making still further rccluctio to Hoston and New Knghind points of .1 } cents per 100 pounds , the rates in refrigei ator cars now being -tT e-ents nnd common -I cents. The American roads will meet thi to-morrow. Pennsylvania's 1'cncc Committee. Pirrsiintn , Pa. , Nov. 22. Governor Heave to-day appointed a committee to wait upo the president and request him to Ineorporut in his next message n suggestion relative t legislation looking to a settlement of the it : tenmtional difllculties by arbitration. Thi committee was appointed in pursuance of resolution adopted at the recent " Pence conference in Philadelphia. Unsuccessful Ilurglnrlos. S.UHTOCH , N. Y. , Nov. 22. An unsuccesi ful attempt was made to burglarize the Hall : ton Spa National bank by two uuknow thieves last night. The night wutehmu noticed n man loitering around the buildinj He summoned aid and gave chase to thieve ! capturing one of them. The other escaped. The Sunken Scholton. LONDON , Nov. 22.--An improvised Ugh ship lias been placed ovcrthosunkcnstcainci W. A. Scholten. The sea is so rough the divers have been nnublo to explore the wrecl The hull will probably bo blown up. Th survivors of the disaster huvo passed resoh tlons expressing gratitude to the people c Dover for the kindness shown them. Granting the I'opo Temporal Powei PESTH , Nov. 22. An address to the peopl voted by the Catholic assembly of. Hungar favors the granting of temporal power to th ] > opo. H.ls feared that the address will mak a bad impression in' Italy. .It is likely the the ministry will make some explanation 'o tb.osubject to'Italy , . . ' . ' . . " THI : SOUTH iux ; UTKS. IloportN That They Are Off Their llosorviitlon Trouble 1'oarod. Dixvrn : , Col. , Nov. 22. [ Special Tele-gram to the llii : : . ] Considerable feeling Is being made manifest regarding the southern Utes and several communications have been re ceived by persons In Denver lately , express Ing Indignation at the uncontradlcted report that the southern Utes were off their reser vation and slaughtering game in the moun tains of Colorado. When the treaty was made with the confederated bands of Utes It was agreed to furnish them with n specified amount of provisions such as beef , Hour , bak ing powder , etc. It Is believed that the sui > - ply of beef Is insuftlelent and must bo very short or the Indians would not bo out hunt ing , ns It Is well understood by those familiar with the Indian that ho will not , us a rule , hunt , while his wants are well supplied. Governor Adams received a letter to-day from Durango containing information regard ing tills matter. The governor will probably take steps to notify the Indian department of the situation and thus try to avoid another expensive campaign. Several prominent state militia men at the state house to-day saidVo : are ready to go in nnd make a clean finish of this Indian business. As long ns they remain in Colorado without n restric tive civilizing process , so long there will bo trouble. " Adjutant General West when spoken to upon the subject said : "There have been several letters received at tills oftleo regard ing the Ute-s and 1 think we will have to give them an overhauling yet , unless the general government moves them out of the state. " The letter received by Governor Adams was quito bulky and seemed to bo of some Importance. In his quiet way the governor said the letter contained sensational matter but refused to divulge its contents. The probability is that trouble with the southern Utes is not far distant. TIIK IjOYAIj Ii. SMITH CASK. It is Hevlved Hy the Arrest of Hal- man Iiowy. Cnicvno , Nov. 22. [ Special Telegram to the HKI : . ] Theold story of Loyal L. Smith's Omaha store venture was revived In Judge Prcndergnst's court to-day by a motion to have Deputy Sheriff Hurke ordered to show cause why ho should not be attached for con tempt of court. Some mouths ago D. 1C. Tenney commenced suit against Ilnlman Lowy , who bought out Smith just before the alter skipped to Canada. The suit sought .111 ae-covnting with Lowy. Fearing that Lowy co ntcm plated leaving the state , Tenney : o-duy secured n writ of no cxnt to keep ilm here. Lowy is u defendant in n con demnation suit before Juilgo Prendorgast , uml it was while he was in attendance on the L-ourt that ho was taken into custody by Dep- ity Sheriff Hurke. The writ of no exnt called for 75XM ( > bonds. Lowy at once em ployed counsel , who brought the maUer be fore Judge Prendergast. After bearing ar guments the court ordered Lowy to be re- 'eascd , and said that ho should not bo rear- I'ested unless he attempted to leave the state liefore the conclusion of the case in which ho , s u defendant. Minnesota Prohibit ion 1st s. MiNNKM'in.is , Nov. 22. About two hun dred people nttented the state prohibition convention to-day. Plans for the next cam paign were adopted. The rcjiort of the com mittee on resolutions was in the nature of an address to the people. Tlio resolutions de clare that voting is a duty , neutrality a polit- e-ul crime. The evils of the liquor traffic have reached a magnitude Slmt threatens the foundations of the government. The corrupt use of money to control legislatures is the gravest problem in the history of the coun try. The saloon has entered both parties republican and democratic and now rules them both. High license and local option are declared failures. The entire prohibition of saloons is the principle in law and ethics , and the prohibition party pledges its co-operation and influence in the prosecution of all measures needful for the protection of the home from tho.drink curse. Resolutions endorse inter-state law , labor and farmers' organizations and temperance work of Knights of Labor. There is also a clause favoring reduction ol tariff on necessaries. An Kssiy on Immigration , Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 22. [ Special Telegram to the HII : : . ] At a meeting of the Academy of Political Sciences last evening at Colum bia college , Prof. Richmond M. Smith read a paper on immigration. > The continuance ol uimlgration was not needed , Prof. Smith thought. Then1 were , ho said , about l."ilD- , ( ) ) 0K ( ) persons in the Unitl'd States who were of foreign or mixed parentage. This vvw nlxmt III per cent of the entire population. If wo include the southern negroes , two- fifths of the population consisted of person * who could not be strictly classed as Ameri cans. Although some good might bo pro diieed by the infusion of.new bloodwe should reali/e the extent to which immigration hail been carried. Illiteracy hud been increased by recent immigration. sWe hud now reached a positionho said , where we no longer needed immigration. < Commissioner Column's Yiows , LvNfi.vii , Mich. , Nov. 22. Commissioner o Agriculture Column , in a long address to tin National grange this forenoon , said the worl of his department had nearly stumped oil' ' pleiiro-piicumonla and olcomargerino frauds Each state ought to have experiment station ! and distribute seeds. Ho was opposed to tin commissioner of agriculture having u pluci in the cabinet because the department shouh bo free from politics. The following officers were elected Worthy master , Pat Harden , Mississippi overseer , Joseph Draper , Massachusetts lecturer , Mortimer Whitchoud. New Jersey steward , X. X. Charters , Virginia ; assistan steward , . ! . H. Hale , Connecticut ; chaplain A. J. Hose , Texas. Florida Jones Hunted. Dr.TWilT , Nov. 22. Kx-United States Sena tor Jones , of Florida , who for some unex plained reason has sojourned in Detroit fo two years past , is practically u beggar upoi the streets , and but for the charity of i friend would be without food or shelter to night. Ho has run through all his mono ; and completely exhausted his credit. Lead ing members of the democratic party , ns wel as high church officials and others , have re peatedly urged him to go homo to Florida but ho will not do it. His utiud is undoubted ! ; affected. AVeather Indications. For Nebraska : Fair vveuther. slowly rislni temperature in western portion , slightl ; colder in eastern portion , light to fres.1 winds , becoming variable. For Iowa : Colder , generally fair weather with cold wave , fresh to' brisk northerl ; winds , diminishing in force. For Eastern aim Central Dakota : Generally ally fair weather , colder in southern portion colder , followed by slightly warmer wcathc In northern portion , light to fresh vuriubl winds. The Pnclllc Commission's Report. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 22. [ Special .Telegran to the HER. ] The Pacific railroad commis sion will finish writing its report and go ti Washington sometime this week. Member of the commission for several days have hai the Pacific railroad magistrates buzzlni around them ns Hies revolve around a mo lasses barrel. Sparks For Congress. CCNTRAT.IA , 111. , Nov. 22. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] It is believed hero tha General Sparks will seek re-clectjon to congress gross from his old district next year. Designated n Public Depository. WASIIINUTON , Nov. 22. The secretary o the. treasury to-day .designated the Natlonn Hank of .Commerce qf ICilnsaa City , Mo. , ] depository of. jmbluMnoneis. . . " . " , ' 'in > PT i TP iivpTr * ITO n t ni lilt SI Alt RtSIS ITS lASt , Oloso of the Prosecution lu the Aronsclorf Trlnl. THE DEFENSE TO BEGIN TO-DAY. V Woman at Col fax Suiters n Horrible Death While Lighting n Lamp Nntc Italnshnrjjor's Trial Commenced. The Prosecution Closed. Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. 22. [ Special Tele- Tiun to the Urn. ] The new turn nlTuirshnvo liken In the Arensdorf case is a general sur- iriso and has become the principal theme of onversation mid speculation in the city. The story told by Mrs. Josephsou , substantially is reported In these dispatches yesterday , Is liseusscd freely In all Its various phases , omingns It did so unexpected , being In its mturo so direct , positive and damaging to \rcnsdorf , Many are inclined to hesitate mforo forming an opinion us to the merits of hu testimony until later. However , it must > c admitted that n very largo proportion of hose consulted by your correspondent be- ieve the testimony to be true. Mrs. Joseph- son proved to bo u most interesting witness , n her statements she was straightforward md the most trying and severe cross-exam- nation failed to break the weight of her direct evidence , while many believe t only strengthened it. Among other liings she testified to having known Arena- lorf about live years ; knew nlso Paul deader , Harry Shennan , Hismarek , Harry i'eters and had seen Rev. Haddock. This icing the case , she was in the best possible losltlon to distinguish the various actors and conspirators in this great tragedy. And what she knew she was able to state in a manner carrying great weight. She was watching to sco what Hismarck and the Towd were going to do while waiting for her nisbaiid to return from an errand. Honjamin Joscphson , the husband of the foregoing witness , also testified in substance , is follows : "Saw a man on the crossing coming from towards the Columbia house ; saw u crowd on Dinen's corner ; saw Arens dorf mid Peters step out nnd meet the man on the crossing ; saw Arensdorf lire * a re volver and the man on the crossing fall. " After examining Murico KosnitskI , a laughter of Hismarck , the state rested its case. case.Tho defense will begin the examination of ts witnesses in the morning. Hnrned to Death. COI.FAX , la. , Nov. 22 , [ Special Telegram to the HII : : . ] Mrs. Albert Martiudalo met n horrible death hero by burning Saturday night. She attempted to trim a lamp while It was burning and ono of the pieces of the Imrning wick fell upon her dress , setting lire to her clothes and enveloping her in llames. She ran out of doors , but thereby encouraged the lire tlie more and was so frightfully Inirned when rescued that she died soon after. Her husband , who was near by , ren dered helpless by rheumatism , was compelled to witness her suffering wliile unable to relieve her. An Insnno Man Cnptnrod. Dr.M'in , la. , Nov. 22. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.E.J An insane man was found wandering around in the vicinity of this place yesterday. His strange actions alarmed ths neighborhood , and he was brought to the city for examination. Ho is a broad-shoul dered fellow , with long , ( lowing black Imlr and beard and unusually red face. Ho is thought to bo French , His words are tin- intclligablo. A Dos Moines ritizon's Loss. Di > MOINIIH , la. , Nov * . 22. [ Special Tele gram to the Hm ; ] W. .T. Rodenbnugh , of No. 1IU1 ; Walnut street , is 110 poorer than lit was a week ago. He had thai amount , to gether with a mortgage contract and a ledgei in a tin box at his home. It was intact n week ago and had not been disturbed , but when ho went to look for them recently thej had disappeared , leaving no duo lo the theft , Xu o Itiiinstmrircr's Trial. MAitr-iiAi.i.-iowN , la. , Nov. 22. The seconi trial of Nate Ruinsburgcr , of the famous Hat-din county gang , for complicity in the murder of Knoch Johnson , November 11) ) Ihs-l , began this morning. To the surprise 01 everybody a Jury was secured before ad Inurnment this evening. The first trial o Nnto and the trial of his brother Frank wen both conducted here' , and Frank was con victcd and is now serving a life term. An Insurance Ccrtlllcnto. Hovokod. Dr.s MOINK-I , In. , Nov. 22. [ Special Tele gram to the Uii : : . ] State Auditor Lyons Inn directed the attorney general to prepare tin necessary papers revoking the certilicati granted to the Continental Lifo Insnrunct company , of Hartford , Conn. , to do busines in the state. Thrown From the Tnuk nnd Killed. HOONI : , In. , Nov. 22. As Mrs. R. L. Cass ! away was walking on the trestle of the Chi oago& Northwestern , ono milo west of Doom to-day , she caught her foot in the rail in sucl a manner that she could not extricate her self. A train of coal cars backed up am knocked her off the trestle , throwing her ti the ground , about thirty feet below , killini her instantly. AX INHUMAN WKKTCH. A Chicago Itruto Causes Ills Stop Son's Death Ity Heat Ing. Cnic.uio , Nov. 22. August Hat/.ka i looked up at the West Chicago avenue polic station for killing his step-son , Max Oilman eleven years old. The latter came homo las night after n three months' absence am Hntzka whipped him unmercifully with i strap , which had a buckle on it. The bo ; was found dead in his bed this morning will his face and bodv covered with the marks o the strap , it appears that Hutzku continuei to ply the strap on the boy after the little fel low's moans had bccomo imperceptible. II desisted only when the neighbors interfere ! and threatened to summon the police Hatzka is thirty-five years old and an em ployo in a furniture factory. His wife , thi boy's mother , is dead. * The .Toilet Insurance Case. Joi.ir.T , 111. , Nov. 22. John Lambert and J M. Hishop , president and secretary rcspcc tively of tlio Lambert & Hishop Wire Fenc company , testified in the sensational Insur mice case to-day , denying Supcrintcnden Whyto's story , and the defense rested it case. It will go to the Jury to-morrow. A Non-Partisan School Hoard. ST , Levis , Nov. 22. An election for a ne\ public school board was hold hero to-day am resulted in a sweeping victory for the eltl zcns'ticket. The democrats did not put can dldutes in the field , but practically cndors the citizen's ticket. Killed lly n Fast Kxpress. SANDWICH , 111. , Xov. 22. The fast cxprcs to-day nt Sornanuuk struck a carriage con tniningJohn Hose , nn old settler , und hi daughter Lillian. Miss Rose was instantl killed and Mr. Rose dangerously injured. Suicided in Ills Coll. LAXCABTKU , Pa. , Nov. 22 , Henry Kocli nged fifty , tin inmate of the Lancaster count prison awaiting trial on the charge of obtaiii ing money under false pretenses , committe fculcldc tbLa morning by OMAHA'S OIIAXCKS GOOD. ( right Prospects For Getting the Na tional Itopuhtloan Convention. NKW YOIIK , Nov. W. [ Special Telegram to he HUR. ] A number of the executive com- nltteo of the national republican committee nivo been seen In reference to Omaha's offer or the next convention. Senator Paddock ins been active In pushing Omaha's claims nnd has urged every argument likely to in- luenco favorable action. No decision will 10 made until the meeting of the entire com- uitteo at Washington on the day congress opens. Senator Tom I'latt was seen to-day by your 'orrespomlent and spoke encouragingly of Omaha's chances. The chief objection urged s the possible luck of hotel facilities. A strong effort will bo made by the Now York tie-labors on behalf of Saratoga , while Chi- ago's claims will bo vigorously pushed. A imminent republican editor to-day ventured he prediction that the convention would not ic held five miles distant from Lake Mich- gun. Onmhr. should make clear her ability o handle the crowd which will certainly bo n attendance if she hopes to secure serious onsideratlon. FOHKST AXD PKAIItIK FIUKS. Great Damage Helng Done in Arkan sas and Mississippi. ST. Loris , Nov. 22. Reports of forest mid irnirlo fires come from all directions except he north and give accounts of coansiderablo lestruction of property. The bottom hinds if the Okaw and Hig Muddy rivers In south western Illinois mid the prairies In many inrts in the same section arc ahlurc. In southeastern Missouri and Arkansas , between ho Iron Mountain road mid the Mississippi Ivor , the swamps and lowlands have been lurned out und the whole country filled with smoke. As far west as Hot Springs thu Ires have devastated farms and burned resl- lences and outbuildings on the east side of the Mississippi river. In Mississippi much valuable property has been destroyed. From : he Indian territory come reports of great iruirio fires. Thousands of tons of liny , great nmnlitics of farming implements mid largo numbers of cattle have been burned. McMi'iiif , Tenn. , Nov. 22. Forest fires in ; his section continue to rage with unabated fury and arc doing great damage. All steam ers on the river are from twenty-four to seventy two hours behind time , owing to the dense smoke which prevails and prevents Lhem from running at night. CAIHO. 111. , Nov. 22. The woods arc on llro for a radius of fifty miles in every direction from this place , but no dainiigu beyond a few fences and a little nngathered corn lias been experienced. The smoke from the burning forest is very dense and interrupts nuvugu- of the river to u great extent. KNIII.KWOOD , N. J. , Nov. 22. At Henaoum n largo brick block , which contained several stores , biiriiod this morning , causing u loss of * 1KOUO ( ) ; insurance , $4:1,1101) ) . TUIUMPII FOK TIIK TYPOS. Lending Chicago Finn Concedes Their Demands. Cnifveio , Nov. 22. The striking printers scored u point to-day. S. A. Shcppnrd & Co. , one of the largest printing firms in the city , notified the union they had decided to accept a compromise at the nine hours work and nine hours pay offered. Sheppard Si Co. were members of the Typothetao organiza tion of employers of printers which was lighting the union. Most oil * Trlnl. Nnvv YOIIK , Nov. 22. Most , the anarchist , was placed on trial in the court , of general sessions to-day on n charce of Inciting to violence lence by inllummatory speech a week ago last Saturday night. He is defended by Counsellors Howe and Ilummoll , nnd Assist ant District Attorney Nicoll conducts the prosecution. The work of getting a Jury was begun and progressed very slowly , us the men called so far expressed decided preju dice against anarchy in general , and Most in particular. When court adjourned there were eleven Jurors in the box. llnllrond Accident. WINOXA , Minn. , Nov. 22. A passenger train on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road , due hero at Ilia , in. , is reported five hours late. It is rumored a serious accident has taken place. Ciuc\no , Nov. 22.In answer to inquiries made by the Associated press representatives at the office of the superintendent of the St. Paul road in Chicago , that official said the only advice's received hero concerning the delay to the train were to the effect that there had been no accident. He understood that the elevator at Wliionu had been burned. and the debris falling across the track had stopped traffic temporarily. Steamship Arrivals. Nr.w YIIUK , Nov. 22. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.i : . ] Arrived The Circassian , from Glasgow ; the Nevada , from Liverpool. HA.Miimn , Nov. 22. Arrived The Rugia , from New York. Soi'TiiAMi'TON , Nov. 22. Arrived The Pcnnland , from Now York for Antwerp. Qrir.NsTO\vx : , Nov. 22. Arrived The Ncssmorc , from Haltimoro. AMsTr.niiAM , Nov. 22.- Arrived The Xaan- dam , from Now York. Niw : YOUK , Nov. 22. Arrived Tlio Elbe , Hremcn. Hloody Fight For a Girl. Wii.Kr.MiAiiui : , Pa. , Nov. 22. JackGilmoro nnd Ed Demiison , miners , fought u desperate prize fight at Luzerno borough , n mining vil lage , Sunday. The fight lasted ono hour ami ten minutes. When the fifty-fourth roune was called , n constable arrested both men Hoth men were terribly punished. The quar rel was over a girl , the daughter of a mining boss. The physician who was culled to attorn : Dcnnison last evening says that he may die. Thumping Thugs. HOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 22. Early this morn ing , George Ryder , of Hrooklino , Mass. , and "Slippery" Hrcen , of Chicago , fought , twenty. live rounds with bare knuckles in this city The tight was stopped by the referee at thr end of the twenty-fifth round on account ol the interference of the spectators. When the twentieth round was finished both men were covered with blood. An Old Soldier Itiirned to Death. VANcofvmi , W. T. , Nov. 22. This morn ing the dwelling of Patrick Clancy burned Ho and his wife perished In the ( lames Clancy was sixty years old and had Just retired tired from thirty years' service in the United States army. Now York Dry Goods Markrr. NNW YOIIK , Nov. 22. Though more quiet in general demand because of nominal stocks and the production well sold ahead , the cot ton goods market was. very strong at the hit Chl quotations. A Presidential Appolntmont. WASHINGTON , Nov. 22 , The president to day appointed Tom Wall , of Oshkosh , Wis. , to be special agent to make allotment elands lands in severally to Indians. An American Ship ( iocs Down. LONDON , Nov. 22. The American ship K F. Weaver , from San Francisco Juno 11 foi Ouecnstown , was sunk by a collision will the British stoamcr Palinurus al Folkstom. this morning. Capital Stock Increased. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 22. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.R. ] The stockholders of the Kansa' City National exposition to-nigi.t decided tr Incretiso the capital stock to flW,000 ant issue 200,000 , in bonds. A WoW In Otllco. LONDON , Nov. 23. Sir Henry .Druwir.oni Wolff lias been appointed llriUsU minister al ' Teheran , ' ' TO BE HANDED DOWN TO-DAY The Decision Propnrocl In the Polloo Commission Case. A NEWTRIAL FOR NEWTON PURDY I'lio Slayer oiTIInt Xorrls to Ho ( Jlvcy Another Chiuico. A $ ! , ( ) ( ) ( Iturg. Inry al Fremont Other Nebraska Nows. To Ho Uondorcd To-Day. LISTOI.N , Nob. , Nov. ' „ > ) . [ Special Tele gram to the Hr.t : . ] It Is stated on ( rood mi- : hnrlty tluit the supreme court 1ms Its dc- islon prepared In the suit to determine thu lowers of the Omaha tire mid police commls- sion and tlmt It will bo given to the public to- lay. _ V Fremont Clothing House Hohhcd. Fiir.MONT , Neb. , Nov. 22. [ Special Tcle- : ram to the Hii : : . ] The clothing house of r.oenlrich it Noreen of this ' , eity , 'us burglar- red hist night and nearly $1,000 worth of clothing , furnishing poods and Juwelry stolen. The burglars entered the baek door by cutting out a panel with ehlsols , then rawled through and removed a largo Iron iar securing the door. The oflleers Imvo teen working on elnes all day , lint nothing lellnlte has been found yet , The supposition s that the guilty parties live in or near the city. _ _ _ Newton Purdy Crnntod a Now Trial. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 22. [ Special Tel egram to the HII : . ] Judge Crawford held ils last eonrt hero to-day before the oxplra- ; iou of his term. A new trial was granted Newton M. 1'urdy , charged with the murder of Clint , Norris , in Homer , last March. Died lly Her Own Hand * . Fiiir.s-n , Neb. , Nov. -Special [ Telo- ? ram to the liti : : . ] Coroner Parker arrived iiero this forenoon and impaneled a Jury in the case of Mrs. Kate Spears , who was found deud hero yesterday. The verdict brought in was that she- came to her death by strang ulation by her own hands. CIJKIOUH HILI/FOH DIVOKCK. A Nebraska AVonuin's Appeal For a Legal Separation In Chicago. Cmc.uio , Nov. 22. [ Spevlal Telegram to the Mm : . ] A curious bill for nullity of uinur- riago contract was Hied in the superior court to-day. The bill is as follows : Mary L. Hurehoss , otherwise called Mary L. Crumb , otherwise called Mary L. Carringford , against Charles G. Crumb , criminally per sonating Charles O. Carringford , and pretending tending to bo the husband of the said Mary L. Hurehcss. Complainant says she is the daughtcr'.of Kdward II. Hurchess , of Hrovvit- villc. Neb. , and has resided in Illinois for three years. On September 7 , 1 S" > , she and defendant , Charles O. Crumb , criminally personating Charles O. Carringford , were , in form of law but not in effect , married at Mil waukee and lived together until about March 1ft , IhMl , when , she says , she discovered the marriage to bo null and void and ceased to live with him ; that the marriugo took plneo under the name of Cnrringford ; that Crumb was personating another of good character und repute , and that ho dropped the niiino of Crumb and took that of Carlngford for the purpose of fraudulently concealing n former marriage , which Btill exists. The nnmo of Crumb's former wife is Kftio I ) . Crumb , and she says they were married on Juno 10 , 18S4. She therefore nsks for the annulment of the marriage contract. STIKS TilK > 1 UP. The Hiirliiigton'H Fust Train Plan Excites - cites Ilio Oilier Koails. CntrAoo , Nov. 22. Hepresentatives of all the roads extending west from Chicago and St , Louis to the Pacific coast i.iet this morn ing at the oillce of Chairman Abbott , of the Western Passenger association. The meet ing was called to discuss the action of the Hurlington road in declaring that it would Inaugurate a fast train service from Chicago lo the Missouri river and Denver December 4. This contemplated move did not meet with the approval of some of the other lines , which would in all likelihood have to follow Milt , so u meeting of managers was resolved on. Chairman Abbott said that the morning session partook of the nature of an informal conference. The managers broke up into knots of two and three and discussed the sit uation. The meeting lasted from 11 to 1 o'clock , when au adjournment was had until later in the afternoon. It may take several sessions to arrive at definite conclusions. Sad CAM ; of Hydrophobia. CniCACio , Nov. 22. Uruno Meullor , head of the printing llrm of Mueller & Co. , of this eity , is suffering from hydrophobia and his ca o presents some features which make It peculiarly interesting as well as sad. In Juno last Mueller and bis ten-year-old son were In a saloon in the neighborhood of bis residence , The boy btvan playing with a small dog that had strayed into the place. The dog bit thu lad on the hand , and while attempting to rescue his son from the animal's nttnek the father was also bitten. Six weeks Inter the boy died , and bis physician had no hesitancy in pronouncing the case ono of well defined hydrophobia. Last Saturday the father was stricken down with the same dis ease and is to-day suffering untold agony. Four prominent physicians and friends of Mueller are constantly in attendance to earo for him in his spasms. Mueller reall/.cs his condition and is , during lucid intervals , dis posing of his properly. Later Mr. Mueller died about noon In great agony. A Itcnr-Kml Collision. Si'iiiNGFini.n , 111. , Nov. 22. A rear-end collision between two freight trains on the Chicago & Alton railroad , near Sherman , eight miles north of this city , occurred at an early hour this morning. Two locomotives mill seventeen freight cars , with their con tents. were destroyed , being totally burned up. The loss is from 10,000 to jr.0,000. No lives were lost and nobody seriously Injured. Hljj Damages Demanded. Niw : YOIHC , Nov. 22. Mrs. Mary Seymour , nf Illinois , who was tin own from the plat form of a car on a Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern railroad train at Dunkirk. N. Y. , In IbNi , and who was crippled for life , has begun suit in the United States circuit court against the road for (2 * > , ( x > 0 damage * . Hondsmcn llosponsllde. NKW YOIIK , Nov. 22. Judge Wallace , of the United States circuit court , has decided on appeal that L. II. Kogrrs , who was bonds man for Signal Service Ofllccr Henry W. llowgato , who absconded from Washington In April , 1SS2 , with flttl.OOO , must make good the amount of the bond , & 12.00U , Minors Strike. SIUHON , Pa. , Nov. 22. A coal miners' btriko involving MX ) men , with the proba bility of extending to 1,000 more on the line of the Shcnango & Allegheny railroad , has been Inaugurated at Stoneboro , Grove City and Carver mines. The men demand un ad vance of 9 cents per ton. Fatal 1'Uplohlon of fins. HOSTOX , Nov. 22.Hy an explosion of gas In Cunningham Hrothurs1 bicycle room to day Jlvo persons were hurt , two cf them fatally. Illslmp Itedell Growing ; AVorsc. ( | .IV : J.AJI , O. , Nov. 22.-Hlshop Hodoll s MUCKS has been complicated by an nltaclt o ( pneumonia ; and his condition is