Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Deficit of Flvo Million Dollars In
, the Signal Sorvlco. _ _ ,
Bntitti Oinnlia'H Five Thousand Dollnr
Bull A ItlK Mncolii Itcal
Cane on Trial Dr. Itultl-
Signal Kcrvlco Deficit.
Gcorgo M. Cliuppcl , the local sli'niil icrvico
ofllcer , received a letter from Chief Signal
Ofllccr General A. W. Grceley , yesterday
morlnnifjfuniiHhlni ; him with two copies of the
deficiency estimates for the service for the
present fiscal j car , which , he stated , were
for the benefit of the public , w ho complain of
the appearance of the Omaha ofllce , that they
might bo made aware of the reasons that pre
vent proper equipment. Ho concluded with
the hope that sufllclcnt Interest would betaken
taken In the service at this point to see that
congress approves of tlicae deficiency cstl-
Thin estimate is appended :
Memoranda of ilellulenrv estimate as re
quired for the sci vice of the llscul jear end
ing Juno IK ) , ISSS :
For rent , hire of employes , fur
niture , light stationery , kc , Moves and llx-
tures , icpiilii , lent of telephones , text books ,
lumber and other expenses of oftkes main
tained as stations of observation outside of
Washington , District of Columbia , bolng for
tlio service of the fiscal year ending June 30 ,
18XS | TiXKI.KX ( ( ) .
Note This amount is necessary to prop
erly piovido for the present stations ol ob-
npivations during the cnricnt fiscal year.
Congicss , In IbSM reduced the nmount al
lowed for rent , dtatlonatv , light , Ice , fuini-
turo , text books and all expenses from an
annual allowance of $110 per station of ob
servation to f 2 .10 per j car. The reduction
lias necessitated In cvci.v jear the dischaigo
of Junitois and clcancts in the middle
of the fiscal jear and the icfusal of ice ,
stoves , stationery and fuinltuio , for the
proper equipment and management of said
( stations. Atpiesent all Jmiltois and clean-
ois arc under ordeis for dls > chai go on Janu
ary 1 , IbVj. Tor four joais ) > ast the dilapi
dated and badly vvoin furniture of this ser
vice has steadily dctciioiatud In appearance
and quality , slnii- the rcduied appropriations
have not peimilled its being replaced by new
furnltmo. The oflkcs of the coun
try in general , as shown by the
oniclal inspection reports , me , in many
cases , in an unlit and imptopci condition. In
( he last four the icpaiis of old fuini-
ture and the puicliaso of new has avciaged
butfl per month for each station.
There aie now n number of olllcrs that
wmld IK ) moved into government buildings ,
and others tduld 1m moved by April 1 , 1 3 ,
and thus save lent in futuic , but for link of
funds this is impossible , as the expense in
ear h ease would bo about 'J"i ( ) ( Hi
Geneial Grceley also st.ited that the appro
priations for ilood and river observations was
ulteilv insuftkiont and these obseirations
\\ould necessaiily have to be discontinued ,
and for the Information of , the local ofllcer
subjoined the following :
Memoiandaof dellciency estimate as requiied
for the sci vice of the llscal jear ending
Juno SO , lss.S :
For river and Hood obsei vattons , and
expenses in conncLtiou thciewith ,
being for the seivlco of the iiscal
V ear ending Juno ! ) , ISbS $1,000 00
Note. This amount is veiy necessaij' in
order to cany on the vvoik without iinp.ui ing
the eftlciency of the servuo Kivo bundled
dollars of the present appiopiiatiou
has nccessuiily been spent in
building new gauges and ex
traordinary repairs to old ones The onic6
has been obliged to close one river station ,
owing to inability to repair the gauge and
keep the station open without incurring an
absolute dellciency. The present appropria
tion permits of no extiaordinaij-expenditures
which are certain to come with erery spring
flood arid which can only bo met by cutting
off the serv Ice entirely for the last part ot the
fiscal jear.
The local oftlccr was also notified to dis
pense with the set vices of a Janitor , and was
curtailed in other minor details.
A Mjstorlmih Dcutli AVIilch Mcnns a
Jmtt Suit.
The 111 n of a few dajs ago published a par
agraph fioni South Omaha about an accidcrit
Which resulted fatally to Martin Cunning
ham , a resident in Hush & bclbj's addition ,
Notwithstanding the violent death which he
sustained , it was only with the gieatest diftl
culty that anj thing i ould bo leai ned concei n-
ing the affair. Coroner Dicxel was not not !
lied , and the dead marr was buried without
any effort being nmdo to ascertain tire c.iusi
of his death , bince then , however , his vvlfi
has qualitied as adrninistiiY anil suit wll
by brought bv her to scour i
$ .1,000 fur herself and cmld
This nitlorr has shed some light on the acei
dent. It scenrs tUut on last Saturdav even
jug about il o'clock , a gentleman and lady
while walking along the countj road , which
fctt a continuation of Twentj- seventh street
luns southcasteily and inter sects Twenty
sixth street at Q in South Omahathey heart
rt groan over an embankment , which at thai
pla < o is about twentv live feet high. Thoj
Walked along until they found u place o
casj' ascent and then looked for the part , !
W'ho had made the groan. Just at that mo
inont u dummy rushed by and the glare o
the headlight showed a man insensible a
the base of the cut. Some people nrouru
were made aware of the diseov cry and tin
man was taken to his borne , where ho sooi
after died The affair vvaskeplseoiot.somuol
eo that a stor ekeepera few feet from the pl.rci
of the accident , know nothing about tlr
Irratter as late as j esterdav. The cause o
his death is now alleged to Cunningham1' '
having fiill'Mi over the embankment whicl
was gut by i Union Pacilie road , and fo
this reason ti tow not South Omaha w ill b
held responsiu ror the damages
MIL MIMS : SUKI > Fern $ -.0,000.
Ii. 1 * . Pruyii null William llobcitsoi
tire riulirtlrTu Mr. l'ru > n Intrrviownl
L. P. I'rnyrr and William H. Hobeitso
filed suits against John II. Miles in the di-
tiict court jester day alleging false in
prlsonment and asking for a judgment n
| 25flOO in each ease. Mr. Pruyn was set-
by u 111 B rcpresentlvo un
was asked com-emlng the trouble. Mi
Prujn said :
"Theearrse of rnj' falUno mayboaeercdite
to several causes. The times ar
hard , I have been unable to realu
on ruonoj' invested , and I have
largo amount tlul up in Ion
tinia notes for proper tj * sold. Hverv one o
my crcnlitors is fullv secured , and not one o
them will lose a dollar. Concerning Mile1
the true story of my connection with him. I
ts follows : I borrowed f'.i.UK ) of him. Fo
necuritv I ( rave hinr collateral valued at b (
tvveen f,000 and W.OOO. In addition to thl
I gave notes for f.1,000 , endorsed by some c
the most solid men in tow n. Tire agreemer
was that the collateral should bo relumed n
fast as money w as paid 1 paid f.lXXou ( ) the ucl
leaving u balance of i.coo. The collator !
returned to pro only amounts to f 1IHX . On
thousand dollars of this amount was secure
by ury bookkeeper , Mr. Kobcrtson , wlr
wont to Miles' bank , and by orders of Mile
himself received It and gave a i ceoipt for it.
"Then cnmo our arrest , a chat go of la :
cony being preferred by Miles. The reccii
given by my bookkeper was produce
in court und the court immediately & \ <
charged us. I have lived in Omaha liftee
rears , nmT frrn proud to sav that I have bee
Identified with rnanv of Its Improvements ,
have In that time built 2s > 0 houses/'OO of tire :
Imvo been built for lalwrlng men , to whoi
they were sold without orro dollar dowr
They never could have ow ned homes then
solves had they not been given the ino t 111
cralof terms. My character is above n
preach , and no mau ever has or ev er will los
one dollar through any business connectlo
With ffio. Miles Is n man who charges eno
mous rales of Interest , and. I regret that
cveV bad any dealings with him. Idoni
propose to Umely mibmlt to the disgrace 1
has neaped upon 6 , and I consider to ;
claim of damages just one , and will ui
every endeavor to make it hold. My nt-a
nd personal jtanajpjf in the community hi
rJured more thin any money couklde
cafi make good. "
TO P.T ASUII : MORTriAar * .
The equity case of J. M. Ituford , assignee
vs. .T. H. Cook , Is In progress bofor- Judge
Hrcwor In chambers. It Is a suit to set aside
a number of mortgages.
SAM is ixxornNT ,
The lury In thu case of the government
ngninst Sam B. Ljster , on n charge of coun
terfeiting , tried before Judge Dundy , brought
in u verdict jestorday of not guilty.
"UK DIDN'T wvxr vo I.ICBVSK. "
r John Strickler , brought In from Central City
Thursday evening by Deputy United State s
Maishal Allen , on achurguof selling liquor
without n license , arraigned jcsterday
found guilty and lined $ A5 and costs.
When asked if ho didn't know it was unlaw
ful to sell liquor vvitliout a license , he sold ,
"YVs , hut he didn't want no license In
hls'n. "
The case of Peter Gioss , charged with
subornation of perjury , is in progress before
Judge Dumly The court room was crowded
with spectators jostciday. and the case
seems to bo exciting considerable interest.
It will bo remembered that Gross brought
Blilt a year ago against the Union Pacific rail
road for damages sust.ilncd bv reason of his
soil's dc.ith on said road. The railroad won
the case , then retaliated by bringing suit
against Gioss for suboi nation of per Jury in
The HovvcnnaVoting cast's tue now occupy
ing thu attention of Judge Urewer In the
district court. These consist of three differ
ent cases the ( Irst ugiiinst the Lincoln Driv
ing Park association , the second against J.
C Dupution , und the third against Charles
M Lclghton. Tlio piopcitv In disnuto are
Lincoln citv lots , valued at half u million.
The plaintiff baes her chum under the
patent tit It1 , and the defendants base theirs
upon three diffeiont titles : 1. The tax
tltlo and over ten' possession ; 2
Under a Judicial sale made against the plain
tiff's grantor ; undii Under a deed exct uted
by the plaintiff's grantor bvitovvurof attor
ney of W. T Dnnavan. Two je.rrs ago all
( if these cases wet e ti led and a special ver
dict containing about twenty five llndings of
fact returned in each case lioth sides
moved for Judgment in their favoi on llnd-
Ings of facts. Tills is the matter which is tip
for trial , as to w hich is entitled to the judg
Howenna Young lives nt X.incsville , O , and
Is the sister of .lane Y. Irvvin , of Nebraska
City. A new clement of tontroveisv wits
introduced into the case jestci day by the de
fendants filing a motion to dismiss the cases
for want of Jurisdiction in tlio United States
t our t , tin ) grounds taken being that .Tnno Y.
Irvvin is now and since 18 3 hus been the real
claimant of the property , and that the trans
fer hi her to Kowenna Young b.v quit claim
deed and for a paltry consideration , which
was never paid , was Just befoic these suits
weie hi ought simply for the pin pose of bi ing-
Ing the cases before the United States coin t
Tlieie is n great aiuiy ol legal talent on
either side , the plaintiff being murc'sented bv
Thurston & Hall , lion Prank Ireland , of
Nebraska City , and .1. H Webster , of Lin
coln , and the defense by AttoinovsIIarvvood ,
Ames , Kelley , Lang , Kickctts and Wilson.
District Court.
The Jury went out last night to delibeiate
on the IK tion of W. M. Foster against the
city of Omaha to recover for damni'es
llyron Heed was awarded a verdict of $700
against the city of Omaha for damages done
property owned In him
Yestt'id.iy it Juii allowed Picdeiiik let-
tcrolT tl , . " > OU for damages against the i itj of
Omaha for injuues sustained at the * bKteentli
street v induct.
The I'ullro Court.
John Qnlnn and .lames Hanett indulged in
a little iough and tumble hciap down on
South ienth street Thuisdaynight , andweie
mulcted f 10 and costs each jesteiday.
Mrko Morgan , an inveterate old vagrant ,
was given sixty davs , but sentence was sus
pended providing that he betook himself
without the cltj 's w alls w ithln sixty minutes
Mike departed with the promise never to
show up here again.
G i oil's Movements.
Judge Groff relumed jcstcrdaj' from
Washington ! county , where ho has , for live
da.vs , bcerr trjrng to clear up tire docket of
that part of the dlstrrct. The most import
ant ease befoi o the court was that of Boggs
vs. Mattis. which involved the ownership
of a valuable quarter section of land. The
Jury was still out this morning. Judge GrolT
will go to Sarpy county this morning
nhd will return to Omaha Sunday night.
Monday moming ho will open cilmin.rl
couit. The Jail is now so lull that the cases
of prisoners contlncd there must iccervo
piompt attention.
Judge 11ottcll's ] Ketiirn.
Judge Hopewell returned fiom a week
spent in Sarpy tounty. But one important
case carne before him , that being the State
vs. G J. Hess , charpcd wrth the cmbc/7lo-
rnent of some $ SOO from Aultrnan , Miller
Co , of Akron , O. The Juij' disagreed
.ludgo llcipewell goes to Blan , Washington
toiinty , nc.xt week to finish up the docket
there. _
'lire fjai'KCHt Miiulilno Supply House
West of Chlcntio , 11M North 15th
St. , Oinahii , Nfh.
This licmso carries u jjroitoiul supply of
Shuttles , Bolts , ScrewDrivers , Oili'.nis ,
Oil , Needles , etc. , for- every innko of
Sewing Muchinu. They tell these Min-
plies to merchants in ovorj line of t ratio
in the west. Their pneumo the sjimo
us Chicago or St. Louis. They are also
agents for "Tuft's Sodn Water- Foun
tains , and the White Sowing Machine.
They are old men in this btateaml their
annual f-.iles amount to over 3 > 100.0IH ) .
The White Machine is their- leader ,
anil on it they Dealers and cor
respondence vCanteil.
Tin- Missing Man.
The man William Llddell , vv ho was men
tioned in the BLI : as hav mg disappear eel from
his home Sunday , has not been found. His
fi lends offered a reward of $100 , but thus far
neither tire police nor the detectives have
been able to nnd any ti ace of him.
How OOPS the ChirrStniul ?
The suptcmo court deilsion in the case of
Chief of Police Senvev , whit h was heard at
, Lirrcolir hist week wrll bo icndeied on Tues
1 day next.
HnLiVKHNDALL Chmlos S. Hell and
Mantle Kendall , nt ieiidi'iicoof D Kendall ,
170.1 California street. Nov. W , by Key A. P.
Absolutely Pure.
This now dor never varies. A mar-del of puri
fy , strength and vvholcsomcncus. SUire econom
ical tlmn the ordinary Vlnds , anil cannot be
bold in competition with the multitude of lov
cost , iliort weight alum or phosphate r.owu1'8'
Solrt onlv lnt n . HoyaluaWng reader Co. ,
! > . Wall bt , New Vork. .
FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO. , Proprietors ,
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Our new building , in this location , which has been in process of construction for nearly a year past , IS
NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC , and we solicit the pleasure of a visit from people of every section
coming to Omaha , and ask that they will inspect our new establishment in all its different
The building has been constructed from carefully prepared plans by Cloves Bros. , the well known architects of Omaha , and erected by Messrs. Young *
ermann Bros. , builders , also of Omaha. The fixtures and store furniture have all been designed and made by the Omaha Art Furniture Company , and we
now present the entire completed building for the inspection of our friends and the public generally , as being one of the largest , most elegantly lighted ,
and complete in all its appointments of any clothing establishment west of Chicago , without exception.
We also ask the attention of critical buyers to the stock , which is the production of our own factory during the past four months. For this spacf o
time we have given exclusive attention to the manufacturing of a stock of goods for our new Omaha establishment which we confidently believe , in all ( ho
perfection of details that pertain to manufacturing in our line , is unequalled in the United States anywhere. Wo offer the stock now open for examination
on our counters , in all the different departments otf our establishment ( Men's Heady-made department , Boys' and Children's department , Gouts' Furnishing
Goods department , Hat and Cap department , Custom Order department , and AVoolen and Cloth department ) , as the result of mouths of the most diligent
and careful labor on the part of our buyers , in both Domestic and Foreign markets. And wo claim for this collection of goods the merit of being entirely
new in every department : no old goods nor old styles , of any name or nature , being placed in this establishment , and wo ask a careful examination of our
stock , as well as of our store , by all visitors , from whatever section , who come to Omaha.
We do not believe the people of Omaha and vicinity want to buy shoddy or trash , or inferior goods of any description. We have none for sale at any
price. We come to you here , to establish a reputation for honest work , honest goods , honest and fair dealing with all who favor us with their patronage ,
honest representations in regard to fabrics and colors , and as low prices as are named in the United States anywhere , consistent with fair dealing and
reliable goods. Upon this plan we base our expectations of success only. We solicit no trade , except what may be obtained by legitimate business methods ,
and offer equal advantages to every customer that comes to our establishment , no matter whether they are expert judges of the value of goods or not ; every
man , woman and child can buy goods at the Continental Clothing House at exactly the same price. We have but one price to all , and no goods are
shown in our establishment but what are marked in plain figures , so that every customer can judge th price for himself , and wo guarantee the prices nam
ed for all merchandise in our establishment will be as low as can be obtained in the United States , either east or west , for goods of e pial quality and merit.
This guarantee will be one of the fundamental rules of our establishment , and will be strictly adhered to. Any goods bought in our establishment , if not
perfectly satisfactory , after examination at home , can be returned to us , if not worn or soiled , and the purchase money will be cheerfully refunded.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
Omaha , Boston , New York , Des Moines.
nuts. coia iT/au's : COXCKUT.
rorthc Bciioflt of the First Corrnrc-
gat lonnl Church OiK' > ' > Furid.
The concert Riven at the residences of Mrs.
Fr.rnlcColi > ct7cr Thru srtnyo\ ingirsrndeoil
quite nn elahorate ntTalr. It was umlor the
ilirection of Mr. 1 ? . U. and Madam Younp ,
fet the benefit of the Fiibt Corrgrcg.rtlorr.rl
church organ fund. Mrr Colput/ur's elegant
parlors were be.uitIfully dcLor.itcd with cut
flowers and jiotted plants , while the sur-
roundingb were lubthetrc and lu\uly irr the
The ( list number on the evening's card was
Cade's ' 'Trooper's Song , " w tilth was ren-
deied In \erytaUing way bi a chorus of
rnili-\oices embracing Messrs Vim Kuran ,
Klggi. Whcoler.Hrighnm , Burkley , Young ,
Downing and Heed. This was followed bv a
selection from the magnitaent ojiora "Car
men , " the gentlemen being most rh.rr mingly
assisted by Mrs Squires arrd Mrs HstabrooU.
The second number was a solo by Mis
Siiuiies , "Spinning , " bv Cowon , which was
\ery capitally renderd , the lad\'s lovelv
voice filling the commodious apartments wrth
su eetost rnelodj.
Mr. Young's rieh.harmoniousbaiitoni' was
heaid in the following number rn " 111 l'iov-
cn/.r" fiom Vciill's pathetic "Tr.ivwU "
The piano duet , "Coi ! main" MozsUowski ,
In Mrs Young and Mr. Tabcr , was the hi
st inmental feature of the evening , ami re
ceived the most lavish plaudits
Tlio succeeding number was a sextette
"Liu l.i.V Unnrzcttl , whit h was supetblv i un
der etl by Mesdames Squires and IMabrook ,
and Messis Wheeler , Driglum , Kstabroolc
and Young.
That iiicompaiablo contralto. Mis I'lst.r-
biook , thin smgChadwuk's latherluprubri-
ousand plaintive "Across the Hills" in her
most lurpr essiv e w av.
' " Mo Not" was
Mr. Nat Hnghani's "Forget
ono of the premier attractions of this delight
ful entertainment. Ho was in his happiest
vein and in splendid volte. Asa tenor Mr.
ISiiu'hanr must bo aetoided high rank.
The quartette , "Tho Owl and the Pussy
Cat , " by Ingraham , anil rendered bv Mrs.
Squill's , Mi * , Ustabiook , and Messis
Hugham and Kstabiook , was another grand
A duct , "i\-ontlde , " by Abt , was beauti
fully sung by Mrs Squires and Mis Usta-
bi OOK , wliilo the "Toreador's Sung , " by
Mr Young and choius , was most cno. ) > able.
The allaii was an unqualified buecebs , and
worthj of frequent repetition.
Mil \AS's | | Hhll IIV.
Tied Nash , geneial agent for the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul , rt'tuineil jestcrday
from Milwaukee , where ho went several
dajs ago. It was thought that the object of
his \ isit was to try to checkmate the move of
thu Chicago i. Northwrestern road In running
a freight train into this city. Without ad
mitting that such was the intention of his
visit , Mr. Nash , when asked what his road
proposed to do in the premises , said that It
Intended to make as good if not better time
between this city and Chicago than the
Northwestern did. "Any freight , " said
Mr. Nash , "which is delivered
to us before 0 o'clock in the evening ,
say , to day , w ill bo in Council Bluffs tomorrow
row night at 10 o'clock. That fr eight will bo
In this city at 7 o'clock next morning ready
for delivery. No road does any better than
this "
"What about delay at the transfer ! "
"We have no delay at the transfer. The
freight arrives there at 10 o'clock at night.
We have all night to get It over here , and it
gets hero at the time 1 tell jou. It is tnro
that the facility at the dejwt has not alwaj s
been huth as to warrant speedy delivery , but
that has not been the case lately , and now
that the Nor thw estern fr eight has been re
moved from there , thcrn writ bo Jut > t so much
nroie opportunity to handle our mutcirial.
It is simply the matter of crossing a bridge ,
and it makes no dlfforenco whether our
freight comes over the Union Pacific bridge ,
or the other freight has to cross nt , Blnir or
Platthmouth. " Mr. Nash thoh rtfcrral to a
certain car. remarking ' -Thftt car was in Chicago
cage last Tucbday night , uud loaded ut 0
o'clock. Ten o'clock Wednesday night rt was
in Council Bluffs , ( Trifl yesterday morning at
7 o'clock It was on the tracks hero ready to
be unloaded. We o4h make the best time be
tween Uhkago wtd here. Wo hay& left local
juslness , and our line is one rnrlo shorter
: hau the Nor thw estern betw e < n both points "
sniuniuN Tiur\s.
The long-promised nor \ ice between Omaha
and Floienc'o over the Chicago , St Paul ,
Minneapolis Si Omaha went rnto effect yes-
teiday morning , much to the comfoit and du-
light of the residents of Florence.
AS tnuinoVAi , ntuv.
Beginning with to clay tlio Denver & Rio
Gi amlu road will put on an additional fast
train betw ecu Denver and Option. Connec
tions will bo made with the H & M , at Den
ver , and at Ogden with the Souther n Pacitie.
Tin ongh Pullman sleepers , fa nllv excursion
cais , inmfortiihlu coaihes and asuflliicnt
number ot b iggago will bo attached to
these trains and all classes of passengers will
bo can led.
Oeneral Superintendent Dickinson , of the
Union Pacific , returned jestuiday fiom .1 Hy
ing ti ip to Kansas Citv.
Assistant CJenei al Passenger Agent Larnax ,
of the Union I'm rile , is back fjomaluo
weeks' business trip
Mi. Murray , tiav cling agent of the Michi
gan Central mad , ciiciil.iti d among tlio rail
road men of Omaha j ester d.ii.
Home ITnJiiHt Clini'KPS IlrTiitetl The
At a meeting of the directors of the Omaha
Carnage and Sleigh company held Thursday
Mr. L. P. Prujn offered his resignation as
piesident which the diiectois thoughtwlse
to accept under the present circumstances
A thorough investigation of the companj's
affairs confirms the claim that the temporary
financial embanassmentof Mr. Prujn eftetts
in no wiiy the affairs ami business of the
Omaha Can i.ige and Sleigh comp.m.v. It is
to thu credit of Mr. Puijn that he has not
permitted the affairs of this companj to be
come complicated with hihovvn. The sleigh
lomp.nij is limning a full forte of men and
at e behind their 01 dri s for goods At a sub
sequent meeting lust evening Mr. H D
Buckingham of Chicago , ono ol the largest
stockholders Irr the companv , was elected
piesident and it is expected that he may bo
imliitcd to remain in Omaha. Mr. Hncklng-
1mm is a tlioiough going.voung business m.m
and it vvas thiougli Ills clfoits that the Star
Cutter tompanvof Chicago , of which ho is
vice piesident , was organized , and which
though having been in existent e a little over
two jears , is the largest mannfiu toi.y of cut-
teis and sleighs in the world. The sales of
the Chicago company this jear have amounted
to ID.tHH ) furnished and unfiiinislied sleighs
and4,000 roadtaitH. Thov employ 3V ) men ,
and their plants at Lowell , Mich ami Chicago
cage nio operated night and day to keep up
with 01 dois received. With a little encour
agement by the business men ot this citj' ,
Omaha will have ono ot the l.ugest wagon
and sleigh riianu factories in the country
Iniegaul to ccitain statements made re
cently concerning the Omaha Cainago &
Sleigh company , the follow ing will be of in
terest to the public :
A r-TA.1l MFNT.
Wo , the under siped cmplojes of the
Omaha Carnage arid Hlelgh company , of our
own fico will and accorddo herebj * announce
to the public that the article appealing in
the Omaha papers in regaul to that com
pany's ernplojes having been paid
in duo bills by Mr , L. P Piujn is utterly
false , and throughout vlthout imy foundation
whatev er.
Wo have alvvaj's been paid In cash every
week promptly , and hav ono claim whatever
against him nor the Omaha Cuniago uud
Sleich comimny.
W. L. Samleif. , Supt. . C A. Panders ,
W. F. Doran , T H. Dovvmca.
C N. Durhalt , M A. Mltchclton ,
P. Thorns , G. Hand ,
Charles Yartlnc , JohnTajlor ,
H Sherman , David Uoekw ell ,
Jack Keyzcr , Charles Malouej' ,
Andrew Anderson , M. THJ lor ,
Will Smith , Kd Luetbge ,
O Ducker , J. C. Uarr.
W. G. Dorian
Mr. Young Files n Complaint of Fraud
Against Him.
Benjamin Youlig has filed a complaint
against Samuel T. Daldridge , charging him
with obtaining a stock of drufm by fraud and
rciRrepreirnutlon. In the In f munition rt Is
Alleged Ural on the X'iUi of Julj luit ,
ridge purchased of Young a stock of drugs
amounting to ( WCi. bv pa.v ing * 100 down , and
representing thai ho had a deposit to
his ciedit in the Nebraska Na
tional bank of { 00 , which ho would
diaw and pij over to Young. Haldudgo
opened up a stoic at 'Jli2 Lake street. The
next daj camebut the fsH ( ) did not.Baldridgo
begging a jiostponement on one pretext or
another , and tnntinuing this until Young
grow wear v , the latter finally called at the
b ink design , ited and found that Baldndgo
had no money there , nor did ho have at the
time ho claimed ho did This satisfied Young
that ho was being duped , and jester day
he sw 010 out the papers , for Baldndgo's ar
Baldiidge was ariested in the afternoon.
Hosa.vs ho was disappointed rn tha col
lection of monevs fiom the sale of certain
Io\va lands , and found himself unable to meet
his obligation immediately. Ho apprised
Young of this , asking for a little more time ,
and offeilng to secure him bv a mortgage on
land owned bv the dot tor. This was refused ,
whcicupon Haldiulgo said ho was willing
then to transfer thodiiig stoic back to Young
and lose the money he had alicady paid on it.
Young refused to t.iUc the property back ,
and the arrest followed Haldiidgo was re
leased on giving tlOO bonds to appear for
tual to tin ) .
A JlrokiMi Window.
Some unknown boy thicw a Mono against
ono of the plate glass windows in ft out of , the
United States Wind and Pump Co , Thursday
night , cracking the pane. Yesterdav the
wind finished the lad's destructive work and
blow it in. The loss to thccompany is nearly
A Iliokrn Unib.
George Christiansen , an emplojo of the
store department of the Union Pacific , had
his right leg broken at the ankle jestorday
by the falling on it of a tar wheel Thu nuf
feicr is now at bt. Joseph's hospital.
WITH TII oioasiriiT or rmi
By rcaton of IU central poiltlos c.ose relation to lines
East of Chicago , and contlnuus Unea at ternilnat
points Weil , ( and Hoathwcit , Is the true
tnlldlc llnlc In tKat transcontinental > yit m which
Invites and faolrltates trarer and trafflo between lue
Atlantic and I'aoUlo.
The Kock Itlaad main line and branches Include Chi-
raco.Jnllel , Ottawa , Lahillf. 1'oorla , Uene eo , Molln *
and nock Island , In Illinois } PsTrnport , Mu'catlne ,
VTashlucton , FalrHeld , Ottuniw , Oikaloosa West I III-
erty.Iowa City , Drf UulnesIndl noUVVIntertet , Atlan
tic , kneiTllle , Audubon , HnrUn , Outhrle Centre and
Council Bluffs , In lowat Gallatln , Trenton , Bt. . ' seph ,
Cameron and Kansas City , U Ulrsourli I eai iwortfc
anditohlson , InKansasi Albert Iea , Minneapolis and
It I'aurlaMlnnesotii | VTatertown and lioui tails , I *
Dakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
. ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" *
Guarantees speed , contort , certainty and safety. Itt
permanent way Is dlsllnruulird for Its eirellence. Its
brlJgn ara of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid
iteel.lts rolllngstock ptrfsct. Its passenger equipment
kas alllhn safely appliances that experience basprgrel
suful , and for luxurious accommodatlore Is uiUJr-
. Its Kipress Trains consist of superior tuj
aches , elegant Tullmaa Falace Parlor and Sleeplif
Cars , superb litnlnv Cars , proTldlnc delicious nesls ,
and ( between Chicago and 8U Joseph , Atchtlon and
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. IU iaaa-
zement Is conierratlre , IU dUclpllne enctlng
' 'The Famoue Albert Lea Roitre"
DetwatB Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt , Pa. ' Is the
( afortte. Otsr this line gelid fait Kspreis Trains ma
dally t * attract ! ? * resorts for t rlsts la Iowa aal
Mlanesota , and , Tla Watertowa aad lloui Falls , to the
rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Vis.
Isneca and Ksukakee , tlie Hack Island offers supsrior
inducemsnta to trarelers tetweea ClnclnnaU , Indian.
apilta , LafaVilU and Connf II Bluff ) , It Joseph , A\ckl-
sen , Learenwortb , Kansas City , it. Paul , and laterme-
( Uate points , All patrons ( esfreclallr laaifl ao4 chll.
0 < afcelT ) protection , courtesy and kindly atUntlof.
far tleketa , maps , folders , copies i Western TjraJI. or
MIji * l' a Intormatlon , artly to principal la
ttf t&ted aU/and Canada , cr a4dress , al Calcago ,
1. 1. 1111 , I. IT. HI , t. A. .IlllllI ,
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
IT. W. Cuner of 13th and Sedge Streets ,
1 or tin1 trrnliui tit of all I IIIIONU mill bl lime u ,
Di > > r < * Fi IIIUIM API r iM i t > < tnr l > riniiMrni
nml'J ui S K H liiit fuUHtlr" * , Hj > | mrtituH ttmi rtuio
(1ie5 lor PUIce fiil trtHtiiH nt ot c\in loriti fit < lh
pa p r ( < ] iilrlMtf Mtnlical nr Mirtzlcnl trontuu nt ( HHtTV
IMOIMTICIVM In thu eilNrllu fur rlrmliiri on Do-
fonnltti nnit Hnuov ( lub 1 ( i t. Oirvntnrn of tlio
* * | ilm' , IMIt1 * fl UIUUM , ( muor ( .ntnrrli , HiorKtilM * . In
Imlntlnn , Klt'ttrtdty. Iunily l , I'l'llcpHj. Hlim > ) .
Jlliiililcr , I > p , FHI- , Skin , Hinl Illooil mill till inr .Uill
operation * HI-TAMS otIIMIS a -I H I u M -
HOOK on l > l rina < ofomin 1 HI I Ihm n lliihli >
nifilkal Uirtltiite niakliu u t > i > pUalt ; ot I im M'r
DlKlAhlsAll lilooil < l ! ui n HIILI Mftilly trnilc'il.
IVri-on' unable toU lt ui tre-itiM at lioum l > j mrrc-
Bpunlpnio All luininnniuitluns i nntlilcntliil Mecll-
rlni'inrln'triiiniMit * 'cut n > iinilloriM > rp I i > ciiri > ljr
pnrKrd , nn mark * tn Inillrnt" lonii'iits nr inli > r One
I'lTMinnl Inli'nU' " prelirnM Call an I i' < m ult ui > , or
mml lilKtnrjr nt jour cine , anil wo will KOIIII in plain
wrapper , our Home 10i N riut upon 1'rnnto , t-p -
il il anil NorToni ll ) eu-ti , etc. AiWri is
Oiniiliir .Medical and Surglial Institute , or
Dr , McMenamCor / , 13th ind Dodge Sts , , Onahi. Neb
Owlncto thn rapM urnwtli of Omaha anrt nnr MI
cr Hln ifTeitliu : inrii.our liii lnc n linn ln'ioini * no
larei * that tlu > olil Meillial Inxtltmn on I Itli Mrci t uml
< ipltol iiTcnuu , romil not nunmuii lnte all cuinlim
to lor In atininl'P limit tlu-ri-fiirti inovnl Into
our mm Inhk bullilliiK , .NorthKi t ( nrnur of Hth ami
Iitil o strt i ti * , ono Mink outli ot the olil Ini > tUiiti ]
btillillnit , anil havi > now thu larifiBt anil inoitroin-
ploti' Midlial Inttitutpor lioi-pllul In thn wi nt 1 titlj
npwly fnrnhhoil , wi II vrunm a and TontlliitetT rooini
tor patii nt1 * , thriit skllli * ! iiliyatUan * always In thu
tmllilliijLi All klmU of dl ! > uifC9 IriattiUn the most
fclciHIflc inHiuipr.
\ \ < 'iiiiinurnitiim = nrulrnl Ilraio for Dcformltlpn ,
Tru it , t-unporlt-r , lliitrlml llattrrlin , and cnn
nunplr plijMuiun or I atli nit any applliuuu , ri'iiunly ,
or IM trutm > nt known ( all and ronrull ni.orwiltii
for clrcuhim upon all inbti cti. with ll ta ot fiip ] tlrns
furpntltnt to UHI.VM r 'JnoiipHiids tr ( > Htt > il mic't i *
fully by ( nrrmnmidpmn \ \ have rnpi-rlor * 1inn
InKi mill fin IIIIIH9 tnr troatlnK dltai > i > , pi rf jnnlni ;
mrKli nl opt rutlouM iinr iny putli'nta wl KI (4 > ui >
hlind itlth our ! nl Illty. p.pirltn < e ,
n PJ on lblllly and n iiutatlon should IIIIIKI thu Uiuutm
iliillinl and MinlriillM"llliit ( ' thu tlri-l ( nolcu
( feist !
Uof > dna1p-
Urerrlci llir ,
ted In colour-
prtul , of UM
wklek ikoaM
te ftntvl la
vary tunilj tnd te r t * obulocd from ttl T7
dnlcn , Sltllonen ted Educational I > peu Tb
IU U torrvttt CU n afpUwOoa to
F. AD. A Co.
Epps's Cocoa
"Ilr a thorough knowludge of tlio naturnl lawi
wlilui KiTcrn tin' np < ration" of ( llKCutlnn nml riiitrl-
riun. unit t > ) rurufiil nppllrnllon tif Hie tine propcrtlfs
of will fdecud Coruu , Mr Kpi | linn pnivlileil our
rirpukfnit inlilni with a Uelicad ly tlnvori'il Iievcra u
whlili um ui itiHiiy liiaYjr ductnr H Lllla Ills
br the judlcloui u of uth nrtlrt | > of dirt tlmln
coiiBlltutlon mnr 1' " crndimllr hullt up until rlronu
inniiKli tu refill uvurr t udrncr to illneaie lluu-
drcji of iubile raaU lion are tloailnit arnunil u > rca Ijr
tn attack wlieri-ifr Iliftp It a weak point. Weiimir
e > cap inaur a fatal ibalt br kreplnit ourielvei well
fortin d liu pure blood anil a properly nourlilieil
frame " -CITllPcrTlrcOaiette.
JUflo iliuplr with bolllnij water nr milk boM oply
In lialf pound tlniLrtirucereUbelrd thus
TAUPO TDDO 9 Pfl llormropathltChimUts ,
Jfllubu tliru LlUn Ln.NUON. Ksfli.AMi.
' . J. OALHHAlTll ,
Sur on and Physician ,
Office N. W Comer Hth and UyiikiluK Ht , OUIc ,
tul ljUbce , i ; Ktildeuco telephone , out ,
Hit ! Olrt Kclliililn peelnllH of many years' njporl-
tnir , truiK with wonderful nun ens , all LUM ) .
IIIIlOA'I.t'AM'sniA. | ) . s
DIlDTIIDC'nre' ' wl11"11 l < 1 or hlndmncd
IlllI I llnr fn" " tmi-liicM AIM hrnntc ll cftcs,1
IIUI I UIIL. jar | n ndvMiii'tinr miy liiMltutlim ltf <
this country Til0"wh ml in | > lntu gninu In llo1
" iirlnits for Ilia In iilinciil uf nn ) Private or Illtiwf
ill'mvp run Im for one llilril tlio cost at our
1'ilvito lllnii.'ii | arr.
> lili trnntniPiit n I'nro , I ivoly Pom *
.I'xlon , free fioni pHllonin ii , freckle * ,
iliuklunils , criiiitlniis , ctu , brllllnnii
oyi" > anil prrfi < l lu-nlth tun Im had
JzrihHt tlrtil" f PI Him anil all fiMnaln wpnkiioii'pj .
troniptlx onrtil , lilnnlliiK llciuliiilii'H , .ScrMiu Crow I
iiraton , tiPnrral li ) bllllr , t li i nit mi m , Dopri ssloft 1
I'nillndlKi pllon. OMirlan Iroubli't , liitlinniiitliin anifi
nlrk'riillon I alllnirand l > l | > liiioini nl , Spinal ,
( \ ' - > , Klilni y iiiinpliilnlK unit Uuuigo ot Luc1 , Consult
Ilii'lllil Dntlor
CVC AMR LtD Arntpor Chrnnlc Inflammv
tit ANU tAH tlonof tlioKulld or ( llobo
UIU nilU a.nil „ , „ , i.ror , kiahlnlnni .
IHTPr'Inn of the I ld , S < rnfiilou < Kye , Ulicrallonil
111111111111111110111 , Ab piH , llniiK > of VUluu ut ono or I
linlhitii anil I union of I til. f' '
tiflnllaiiiiiiallon nl llir Kar , tlln-rntlnn or OHmTh.
Internal or Kxti rnal Di afiu 11 , or I'Hralfnls , blnjclng
or Unarlni ; nolm i , ' 1 hkkt nml Iinin , tMc.
IH-blllty.Iimiior Mlal Power , locrK
'i ' niiim , DcKpnmltmy , l.i oC *
M , mry , , ConfiiBionof Idims fllurs
I rfnrn the Fypi , | jiimltiiili > , I nnuiinr , ( lloiiMilnpm ,
Hi pri * lon of ! - plrltiAM'i > hm In Jndct ) . Kany 111- ,
louraiiiil , 1 ni k of ( Ninlldi nco , Dull , I lilkw. tlnfli
lorlinly nr Ilii'lm < , and llmli > Ufa a b
rerinani nil ) imil I'rlvati If J uri'il.
UkUUU nilU UIMI1 jnne , | , IMmiiles , Ul-
. .K , I'nlnnln the Ilndil Hnrt lltine , jplillUlcbora
'llirunl. Vliiuth Hurt 'IHIIKIU. ( llunilnliir KnlHrKeinunk i
til thu .Ni' k , Kin mmill tii , ( iilnrrli , I tc , IVrniiinent-
Ijr ( un it W hen Otlii r I line t-iilli' I
Consult at inn fun nml htrlctly cnntlilnnttal.
Meillcliii ) si nt free from observ ittlon to nil purls >
of the I'ulti'd htiittM. Corn spomlt nt receive *
] > nimit ] utti'iitlmi. No li'ttcisiins\\iutil miles *
ucnmpnnlnd by four ti ntH in stuinnn. Si-nd tea .
cents In stumps for pumplilit iiml list of cjues-
tlnns iipim piivute , spcciul and riurvous tils-
'J c-rins htrlctly cash. Cull on or address ,
No. : iH South 1 Hh St. , Umulia , Neb
100 N. ntluStreot.
I'l'UK UAI.IIOKNIA WINKS , Bhlppfil dlr rt
from tinr vlnejanl. Ulimllmf , ( iiitcdul Clun IH ,
I'orl , bliirrliH , < tc Sun JUM > VuultH , h vunth ,
Eighth , him Nilvuilor \\llllniiibtreots.t3uu
Joke , Cullfoinla.
Ht-markublf for powerful B ) mpa-
tlietlt tout' , iilUhln actluli nml ufr
hulutB diiriiblllty. JO > i IITH rrtoril ,
tlia lifHt nuuranteo cif thn ixri-l-
Ifni.ii of tliei"i liiHtrumi nt .
( hucccbHum to Julm Q. Jacobu )
Uiidcilakcrs and Emhlracrs
At the olil Htiind. HOT Fnrnftrn Bt. Orders by teltl
grtiph tolkltiil and promptly attended to.
' 11 li lejiliouo No. ZA.
_ _ uileuce LrTounlebllltycuuae4
tlirouxli trrun mill tail uractlcosi CUREC *
COsW eu t t,6U