THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10. 1887 , SrECIAL NOTICES. No ndrcrtlnctiicntn taken fur these column * alter 1 ! .1O p. m. TerniH CiiHli in Advance. Advertisements wirier this ticnil , 10 eentn per line for the nrMinseriloti. 7 cents for tach mib- neqtient liiM'rtlon , and 11 M a line per month , No advertisement tnken for less tlinn 2f > cents for the flrjt Insertion. Hevtn words will bo counted to the line ; they must rim con ecii tluly Mi'l ' must ho paid In ndrnnra. Allnd- vcrtUemuita nnict 1m handed In before \n \ o'clock p. m. . ntul nndi r no circumstances will they be tnken or dlMontlnurd by telephone. Purlieu ndvc rtlsIliL' In these columns and har- tngthe answers mldrosM din euro of thejloe. will tilrufco ask for n check to enable. them to get their letters. ns none will bo delivered ex cept on presentation of eheck. All answers to advertisements should bo t m losed In envelopes. All advertisements In them columns nrn pub- ll htd In both momlng and evening edition * of the lice , tin. elrciilRtlon of which npgregatea morn tlmn 14f ) papers dally , nnd gives the ad vertisers the benefit , not only of the city clrcu- Inllonof thn lire , but also of Counell HlulTs , l.lnroln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout thlpart o ( the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. IOLAN1) Oimrantcfl and Trust Co. . 1WHS Fnrnnm street Complete nb trnctn fur- nlphed , and titles to real entato cxiimlnod , per fected iiml guaranteed. 1X12 BUSINESS CHANCES. GIIEYUNNU , Wyo. the future Plttsburg of the weM. At prosint n rnllrond center. Tlic best built nnd wealthiest city or Its sl/o In I'nlted Stairs. Wyoming. The great mineral More house of America nnd Its Inexlmtistnblo oil and coal fields. For full pnrtlnilars nnd ric p ort Ilonrd of Trade , address E , V. Stable , pofre- t nry Cheyenne llourd of Trade , Chejeimo. Wjo. M4n27J FOH SALE A retail cigar and tolmcro stand ( stork and IlxtureH ) hi desirable lorallty. Address M44 , llco olTlcii. _ 125 l' ' * BAHIIUTl shop. with buth rooms ronnerted , for sale or trade for city property or lauds. Co-operatho Laud i Lot Co , 201 N. inth st. 979 10 _ _ AailOUMAKUItvvlth .loocnn secure ngood position by nppljlng at I tm N until. IW.1 23 * TOOK HA LU-Ono hotel stories high. X' stand , bnsptuent with water running nil through the building and nlso to thu barn ; ham tabling I Om nil of horses nnd 75 tons of liny nnd water In It ; wlllsell 01 trade for real estuto or stork . 1'or further Information write to D. Hill A Son nimbiir. Neb. lilEdlO 3710HSALU A llrst class luiull eouuter doing a paving business , gooi > d reason for selling , call 71 N. IBtb st. W719J FOH HALU A tlnoroneli team , perfectly mat- ed , " hands high , broke single or double , 5 and ( I veurs old. C. M. Uaton , B1U N. 1Mb st , on 20 confectionery business for TT sale Pavlnir tiade thtnbllshed Look this up. Apply . ' 117 8 I Ith st. 921 OH HALE -Good boarding business. 212 S. 10th Ht. 7(11-19 ( * of groceries and mil ouswine for hale STOCK at n bni caln. Ill health the reason tor sellIng - Ing , best lointlon ill the city. Add ! ess1 M in , caru Jlee olllee. K.21J > oinli ) in a Noirato -I feeding n army dully. Will sell reason- nhlv ; part on tlma. Cooperate Lund & Lot Co , K N. lllth st. 'J7W 111n * | j1U ( ) SAM ! Cond p.iliu ; h.iloon on one ; of 4 the principal studs In city of Onmha. Satlsfurtory reasons j-l\ t n for S ( llltiK Address letter M. IK. lleo olllte. ' rOH SALU StotK of groeeiles doing good business , Htore lent le.isonablo. good loca tion , imiulio MtCoid , llmdy A , Co , tlth and Jones. Kill Is * FOH S VI.F Hood brick business propeity In tcntii. of ( irnnd Island ; greatest liurgatn nnd best letnis In the city ; but little cish re- qnlied ; long time , low Interest nnd easy pay ments ; othii leal estate f el sale AddiossJ. H. Woolley , nttoinev at law.Crniid Island , Neb. f 35 * T\IIY(5OODS.lollllUIts pint } lompoteiit to . \s tnke < hni go of n di paitmeiit with n hlix k of capital i an limko veidislmble niiangemi uts to Invist In n westi in jobbing thy goods dim- puny. Address , M , 10. Hi eollite. 7SS27 rOH KALU or Trade I'or Omaha propeity ! 'fi2 at ies well Improved faun , four miles from lTnlou sto < k yards , no better located farm 111 the state Addiesu 510 N. Ifith. 721 1H TTIOH SALU or Trade 'Iho state 01 county X1 ylght for n patent clothes drver. Omi of the liest clothes dryers evi r Invented Hlght part Venn make V > W In the city of Oninlin iilonn. Foi pnnli ulais call on Sholes A Ciniiib , room I , Ilnrker block , fi91 21 FOHSALU Hoarding house nnd fiirnltmeof twenty rooms. Ouaiiititccd rent , I75jier month. II , H. tolo , IWIbouth IMhst. M7 T7UNE business chance open In Colorado for a X\ light mnuufarturlng business ; largo profits and Biitall cnpttul remilrcd. Pnrtlcnlsra at A. . Maj ne's , N. W. cor. ifith and 1'aiimm. 82(1 ( MKAT market on paved street , flno business prospect , Hcnt cheap F. L. Olegory-ailtl South Ifitli st. 271 mill ! ! . ! ' , drug stixks and fixtures of fl.MO , X r ' .7lXl , in finest Nebraska towns. For sale or real estate exchange. Address K. 2 , Itee. FOH SALE-A complete steam l.iundiy hay- inn twenty horse power engine. J. S. Hen- nctt , Suunders nnd Clark sts. Ml BOAtJDINC. Al'KW diij boniders cnn be nccommod.ited wltbbourd InpilMite family. Inquire Bll N 2iJd , bet CtiinliiK * * and Hurt. S'lTi U. " > BOAllDnnd loom for one or tv.o gentlemen ; Sll'J I.envennoith. _ FlUST-CIiAFS tnblo board , served In honif ht J to. for ! l or 4 gentlemen. Ifl4 li lge. Sii CLAIKVOYANT. Dlt. NANNIK V. Wnrreu. ehilrxoyant. Med Iciil , business and test medium , niftguosl- free. K maledlhe ses a specialty. Ill ) X. Kit I. St. , Huoms'A ! n. Tel.l'U. JIS7 MU8. l > UItANT-ClnrlMi > ant flom Itoslont' rellnblo In all ndulrsof life , unites ted lowers. ! C ! N. KitliHt. , room 1. * ( < ( ) llee. ! FOR EXCHANGE. WANTUD Tnnns In exchangn for men-Inn dlse or Omaha leal estate , C. .I.Caswell room 1H , lion Hank. 107 24 l ANTUD fieneraT TNT'Te In exchange "foi TT western land or Omaha property. A < ldresi lock box 24 , Fairmont , Neb. 91820 * flV ) trade Lunch room for lot , wlllpnv dllfei X ( new In cash , call 220 h. Ifith. UMM I1YEHY stable In a good localltv , clnlii' i J Hint class business , \\lll tliulo for ill' propel ty or lauds. Coopeuite Land \ Lot Co 205 N. lllth Bt. 979 19 ONE hundred nnd thlit-two feet on Dodge st totrndoforn good residence lot. Stuns dorlt A. McYlckei. 1.10D 1 'amain. 970 19 * Ftll SALE Or exchange , I'll feet on ! t2d st , bo tut en California and Hurt , fieeof Im urn Ifam e , vv 111 exchange for good farm. Charle O. Spotswoodt05S ; ! Ifith ss'l FOK trade-1 have ten ge > od farms In Ilol county , this Mate , will trade for Omaln propeity , C. E. Mayne , 15th and Harney ItCJ 25 BANKING business-Will trade liiinVTn eluding building , fixtures , good w 111 , t tc , Ii country town in Nebraska , for Omaha im proved pioportv. Will tnko n number of hous.- not fnr out und assume icusonnhle liuiini brunco. For partUulars , uddieus ( loo. Hull euro E. A. IJenson , Omaha , Neb. b42-24 rpO EXCHANGE Fine cairlage team and tun X ness for good lot lu South Omaha. ( ie < N. Hicks , 15 S. 15th st. Nil 19 QfU .HNSDOllFFiMoVickfihavesevofaTgolT ; kJ clean stocks of merchandise to ext hanne fo city propeity. Also a good livery nnd l Mublo doing good business. SteliiMlorll > VIckcr , 1509 Faniam st. U70 19 * NTI' ! ) Farms to exchange for Omah T i ropeity and iitm-ks of merchandise. .C L. llruwiuvCo , room U Frtrnzer block , Oinnli 711 nJ rpo UXCHANOU-S Inside lots for horses am X innles. H , M. Bampson , .iM ) Cumlng orV M. Ilarils , over 220 8 IMhst. _ NVV20J ' 'fVANTRl ) to Uxchnnge 1 want stocks o 11 merchandise In exchange torn largo Ha of fining nnd city property. 11 , 11 , tilth i.nj Douglas Ht , K > u 21 Vint. ! , exchange good tnsido property fu 11 wt'stem lands , bternsdoilf i , MoVickei 1509 Farnnui. 970 19 * _ FpiT iJXCHANUK-For cattle. I ha\e 640 acre X of good western hind to trade for cattb nnd R good house and lot near the capital ; w I exchange for cattle. Atldre * * 8. 0. llryan. Asl land. Neb. _ UM T.POH TltAnK-EqUlty Ul lots 1 and 2. Tulo X ! Rcjuare. next bloct to Martin. Eassou ) ; J4.WO for house and lot , oracntit Insld lot. AddreaaK50 llee. 7U7 _ KXCHANIH-3 brick Hat * on 25th st l > fteen Fnniam and Dodgewlll ; exilmiiB for other good paying property , not tti y mortgagvd. This proiH-rty nei l > u comnu-iidatlon. Speaks for iUelf. No belt * in this city. If you want it come quick. . Spot' Vrood.UOiiH8. IBthbt. 4'1 _ _ WANTED tttock * ot merchandise lu c : clung * ( or Uud. Ii. K. Cola , 316 S15t PTchnnee fnr Nrliraikn , TC.TTH or Kansas land , stock uen'l in'il'e about tl.r/i ) . hard * wnronbout J2.HJO ; mnsthnvu M ctuh. It & H , Hex 9i ( ) , Hlienamloah , In. 71" ) ll'l 1710H exclmnpe-Uiiulty In two nice 4-room cottages within mlle of p. o. for stocK of books , ( ttHMonery and notions cither In nr out of city. Address M 29 , Hee OIHce. 050 18 * AOOOD horse to Bell or trade for stoves and furniture. It. A. McKachron , room 11 , Frcnzer block. WU 20J rilO THADU Inside property for good hon e , J elKht or nine room * , and full lot. McCul- loch A Co. . cor nth nnd I' ! Ci I HAVU for trade Improved farm In Cass Co , near Plnllsmoiith , will trad" for Improved Inside property. Address 1 'M , Ike ofllce. r PO nxchanfte Sotnfc money and choice land L for first class Improved Inside property. H.B. Coif. H1K until. 4 1 1 _ WANTED 1'urm lands In exchange for stocks of merch tndlso. fit. John JL Uly , Hoom 1.1 , Frenzer block , opp. I'.Ol _ ' .Cl ! FOH UXCHANUU Houses and lots , farms , hotels , lotn , merehnndlse , horses , cnttlo nnd In fact anything ) ou want. If jouhiixunnj. thing to troilo call on or w rite to us. Olllee open evenings. H. E Cole , 3IB S. 15th st. WAVl'UD Oooil fnrniH fii exchange fir Omaha property , C. C. Bpotuwood. .105 B Ifith. uM ANTED-l'arm lands In exchange for city property. St. John & Ely , Hoom 1. ) , 1'reii- s-cr block. ' .CI7 _ W ANTIID A stock of gun cries nnd general mdse , for city lots paid for. C. J.Canan. Util " \\rANTED-To trade fnr n lot of second hand TT furniture ! apply at Hoom IJ , Frnnzer UlOClC * jti ) WANTED Property of all kinds to exchange Special attention given to trading. 0,0. Spotow oed , U05J { 8 Ifith. 656 rpo THADE Two Improied farms in Iowa for X Omaha property or Nebraska lauds. Me- Culloch & Co . cor ; 15th and I'arnam. K28 T71OH THADE n.noo nrn of choice western X' land to exchange for general merchandise. Jno. K. Toft , 24 N. nth st. 811 l > 'iou have anjthing to exclmnge , write us. ± Wo have Improved and unimproved Ne- brnskn , Knnsns nnd lown lands , coal mines , ho tels , stocks of mcrchand se , horses , cattle , hogs sheep , etc. , to exchange. 8. S. Campbell nnd G IV. Hcrv ey. 1110 Hoard of Trade * . 487 WANTUD At a bargain , to trade two farms 5 miles fiom county seat , well Impioved , "or Omahn house and lot. Address , t UN 1'ariiaui on 2:1 : * T710H KXCHANOE-Hanch of 1,300 acres , X' cream of Holt county , all In n body ; 115 heid of cattle , 8 head horses , farm machinery , about WU tons hu > , good wells and everythlugneces- ary for u lunch. Will take impioved or unlm- irovcd iriBldo property. Ollico open evenings. 'I. ' H. Cole , atn 8.115th H ( . 1S nit ) EXCHANE-ood ( ! ! cast front lot In Hans- J com Plicn to exchange for clean stotk of dry goods or clothing. C. F. Harrlson,41rt S. 15th. Mil 1O EXCHANGE Impioved farm in Iowa foi Omaha lesldenco property. J..I. Wil kinson , I.i24 Farnam. US4 7ANTUD ( ! oo < l faintly horse In exchange for lot , McCulloch i Co. , cor 15th and I'nrnam. ; tHJ CHOICE farm land In Central Nelvraskn to ex- chiingo for good residence or business propeity. Oeo. N. Hicks , 215 bouth l"th street , 57li 19 WANTED MALE HELP. \\7ANTUD-Hood Job and book compositors : TT nlsooloctiotjpers tlnl-Oieis , moulders and ilockeis. ( iood wages and permanent employ- nent Apply Immediately. Hand , McNaliv 4 , . 'o , HSMonroo street , Chicago , III. 2'Jl lb * WANTED 'Iraveling salesmen coffee and tea salesmen,2 carpenters , W.'iO to M per lay ; book agents on salary , solicitors for sub- hcilbcm to purchasing association , lewelry salesman. Hcnihmaitcis , lld'il'.iiiiam Hoom9. I U'O 19 * " \\7ANTFI ) An A 1 s.ilesmiiutraveling In the TT South Platteconnttj tociiuy aqulcksell- ilg spidnlty for the haidwait1 tiade. none but IIOM- meaning business need applv. Adilit'ss lei onoweek , H. II , \ \ heeloik , I'lillc'itou. .Neb. 114 21j TXrANTUn Extra ctothliiE salesmen foi Hut- TT urdiiy. Apply to.Continental Clothing louse cor Douglas and nth. 1 ! 2 18 "WANTEDCash bojs. Apply Sitmday moiuliig to ( ' ( intlnental Clothing house. corl5thund Douglas st. Ul 18 " \\rANTUD-12 minors $1.71 per ton , steady TT work. I birkpt'per , must bo experienced and speak ( lerman.w ages 145 per month. Omaha limp imiouu , 11' ) N Kith. 1 Cl la WANTUD-4 men to drive .teams. $20 board and loom ; ) ardman for hotel , $ -0 ; 8 col- ircd VMiltets , t'M to lil ; llrst-clnss pastry cook , ( M , for city , ( 'aiiadlaii Employ inent ollice , Mrs. Iliega Ic Son , 31d S.I5th st. Telephone KH4. 1M1HJ \ \ rANTKDCompositors. . Job compositors T T can get steady emploj mi nt nt good v nges In Chicago. Apply between ( i und Hthls evenIng - Ing , or hand 10 a. m. Satin day ut thu Pnxton. IMvvnid ( ioldbery repiesentlug Hnnd , McNnlly JsCo.or write direct to Hand , McNnlly A Co. , Chicago. 111. 14018 * W ANTED A boy to carry a btrcet Mgn , 3(18 ( N Ifith. IHXJ 19 \VANTHD-lmmedlately 10 men to drho TY teams. lObhovelers. Cnil nt the City In telligence ollice , Crelghton block. VU " \ \ 7ANTUDHonest young man to leaitfto IT tend ollice this wliilui ; small pay but good steidv job after that. Call at onio at llKHi Tar- st. IM-lliJ A\7"ANTUD-Tiiixelliig diy goods T > nun of ( ixpuieuoi who can control trade in Nebinska and Kansas will be llbt rally dealt with. Addiess , stating nxpeileiico and amount of tinde can contiol , Drawer IA Lincoln , Ne braska. _ HI7-2iJ : ANTED- young man of sixteen , of correct - rect habits and who has a deslie to learn the clothing business. L. t ) . J ones & Co 18 _ \\TANTKD-A tlist-class head miller In KKI bbl TT full roller mill ; must be good miller and come well recommended : to light man steady Job ; state wages In ( list lettei. Addless Lock Drawer II , Cential City , Nob. Kflj Vi 7 ANTED - Men for railroad work"AT bright s Labor Agency , 1120 I'limam. COJ WANTED General agents for jxirtlons ol Neluaska , Iowa , Kansas nnd Missouri Heferenco reiiilied | Adiliess , Climax Window Shade Co , 201 and 210 N. 2d st. , St. Joseph , Mo. 47J _ _ _ _ | _ \\7AN1 UD ICO men of good appearance to TT ti ) our lrt meals attsoirls lestuurnnt , Jll and itIJ bouth 14111 btieet. ( old Live and Lei Lite ) h'JI WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\rANTUD-2 dining loom girls for Akron 11 Colorado. $17 pel month , flee fare. Sales Indies , expoilenced , lltadiiuaiters , rat Far nam. Hoomii. 124 19 * WANTED -Good ci ) k and lauudlCss. bostol wages. .SkW I'ntiinm bt. 14020 \\rANTUD-Agood Irlsh-Amerltitn girl foi T getiei al housework , 5 room cottage , fain llyoftwo. Wages H per week , rc'feionce ie quired. Address M 45 this office. 14118 * 17ANT1ID ( llrl for housework , family ol > three. SI15 California st. lirj 111 \\fANT.ED-For Coloiado 2 waitresses 1 T T chambtf i maid , out- laundress , pastry ( ook for W > omlng , ! l dining room girls , tM. all fine- paid For Nebraska City , 2 waitresses , 2 laiiud russesand I chambeimald. For city , 20 girl torhonsunork.l to * 5 , oxpertencetl wiutresi < > . Ulrls to help in iKiardlug houses , vvomet cooks forpiivato families. r.0tof0 : ! per month fcecoud girl v\lth refeiences , houKekeeper foi nil Indian agency , must be able to play some or the piano. Canadian Employment ollico. Mis llregilAfconlliS : ) < > . 15th. Tel. b 4. 1IW 1HJ \ \ 7 ANTED Competent girl ; good wages. Ap ' ply 810 B. t th st , UI20J \ \ rANTED-QIrl for general housework. 2rti : Cumlng St. Irish pieferred. 144 211 * \v TA JTED-A good girl for laundry work cor. 14th and Howard St. , Casino. t > i7-S ! \\TANTED-A competent girl for genera hoiinework In family of tince , 122 S 17tl 94J 19 A r ANTED-A gocK. girl at 2:112 : St. Marys av e \ \ fANTED-Qlrl lor general housework , Gl S 17111 St. KM _ YVANTED-A goo < l girl for cenernl house TT vvoik at Hosenstelu's.Flsli Market. 217 ! 12th st. U17 \\7ANTED-2 cooks , 8 dlnlngroom girls , T T laundress , 3 dressmakers' assistant * . | glr for dyeing establishment , several experience. girls for pi hate famlllitK , all for city ; 1 cook am 2 dtnlugroom girls for Dav id City. Neb . 1 dlnlntj room girl for Friend , Nub. City Intelligence OIHce , Crelghton blk. 707 \\7ANTED-i01udles ! to try our Pic meals a TT NorrlM * lebtaurnnt ( old Live and Let Live 311 und liMS. llth 8t. U < 4 MMIH Udy who left her handkerckhict an L money lu the Uth street car going south H 9:11 : lliU morning , can obtain the same by i pi } lug to T. V. Uruiuiaa , LCI S. 1. th st , Uj It LOST Yellow pony , black mane , tall nnd legs Hetunitollll So , ENthst. 3il rObT Or stolen , near Ha call's park , n med- 1 lum rlze dark bay mare , with harness on , mall white spot ou face , largo hind logs. T. Murrny. Ktl EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. /1ANADIAN r.mplojinent ( llllco outers for V/ parties to till position of trust filled free. Domestic help fumlMiod on uliort notice. Male nnd female help sent to nil parts If faro is paid , Elqht venrs successful experience spenks for our reliability ns employment agents Itefer- enco : Omaha Nntlonnl Hunk. Mrs. llrega > V Sou , 810 So. 15th , Tel. M4. fi49 18 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\7ANTUD-2nd baud foot powi r mortising Ti mnchlno. Address J , IL , lOIJ Fnrnnm , 101 20J TXfANTUO-A loan of f 1,000 for n year on gilt TT edge security , ( not real estate ) , wo pay 10 per cent. Inquire ut loom 21,1'ienzer block. 113 aij Adentlemnn who has hnd experience , would like to assume control of the circu lation of nllve city dolly paper. Address M 4i ) llenollice. in 20 * WANTED-fiOObu\cr.s for hickory nuts , for Wnshbnrn's best Hour , 12.75 per cwt. ; for canned goods wholesale nnd retail , for choicest Colorado potntoes. for choicest Nebras ka potatoes. C. llniiseu , 701 North 10th street , II74-1H IF yon wnnt to buy , ell or exchange pioperty or merchandise call on Steinsdortr & Mc Vlcker , W'l Furnani , 970 19 * WANTED Four persons to lenrn bookkeep ing. Situations December 12 and JiiutlRry L J. 11. Smith. Hill Chicago st. 973 19J WANTF.D-Oood fnmtly to adopt pretty plrl bnby of good parentage. Address U 4. , Hoc. 901 19J - Place. Address WANTUD-AlotlnKountre box 227 , city , giving location nnd best onus. liu-i 19 WANTED A young ladv deslies to boriovv $1S5 for fl months. Interest not to exeetd ? 0 per cent per annum. Ample socially. Address M 12 lleo. 77(1 ( 1HJ SHOHTHAND nnd typewriting. J. H Wood , KxMi. | Illdg. ( H5 d 16 * GOOD South Omnhn property wnnted nt a bargain , for cash customer. II. H. Miller , 1122 Douglas st. 801121 IMPHOYED or unimproved Insldo property wanted , to supply purchasers. II. II. Mil- er. 15J2 Douglas st. Hill 21 IfANTUD Set of books to keep evenings. T Address , M , 11 , lleo ollice. 7NMSJ WANTED To buy the furnltnro of n small or largo housu ( entrally locnted , Co opera tive Laud k lot Co , 205 N 16 < h Ht. 1 W WANThD-To miy short time paper. J. W. dross , ut C. K. Maj tie's olllee , nth and larnoy. 285 \\rANTni > To adopt n nice bi Ight boy tiom TT 1Uto U > ears of age , good home. Call nt the City Intelligence ollice , Crulghtou block 171 W A NTH 0 To buy fi\a thousand to ten thntisiind lloono county Kinds , n\ernge uality , at $10 per ucre nnd less. Addres llox .IH , inuhu. 1M . MONEY TO LOAN. MONIJV to loan T can now- place some flist class city loans Jmmedl itely. Cnllntoiuu If yon desire to he I ) . V. Mioles , room 1 Ilarker block , entrance In alley. bW MONKY to loan on Improved real estate ; no commission rhargcd. iicavltt Ilurnham , room 1 , Crelghton block. H74 M1 ONUY To loan , II. 13. Cole , 310 S. Kith. 417 TIO LOAN Money Loans placed ou Im proved real estate In city or county for New Kngland Loan i T rust Co , by Douglas County bank , IHth nnd Chicago sts. 977 MONEY-To loan on chattels. Co-op iatlvo Land and Lot Co , 205 No. 10th stieet. TKW Yolk Storniro Co. Corner Capital i nv iV I'th st , have money to loan on household goods , muchandlse of ou-iy de- hciiiitlon nt lowist intts Speclnl facilities for merchants , goods moved , packed nnd shlppnd , Alldinrgcs ndvnnccd. Flrepioof brick block , Capitol nv. \ nth st. 419 MONKY loaned ou finnllure , pianos , organs , IIOIMS , etc , low rates. ,1. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1J24 Fatiium , o\ur llurllugton ticket otllce. M IONEYtolonn. II. K. Cole , 310 S nth. 201 dcc2 G PER CfiNT Money. Patterson A , Fawcett 15th nnd Harney. 073 M IONEY to Loan O. F. DaIs fo , real estate nud loan agents , 2505 Faiiiam t > t. 1172 UIMO.ttJO To loan on Omaha city property nt 0 P per cent. G. W. Day , fa. E. cor. Kx. Hid.97B 97B MONEY to Loan Sums of $5X10 ( nnd upwards. First Mortgages. Improved city property. G. S. Dlsbeu , 415 Uamge building , Omaha. Ni4 decil * $ ; 7"0,000 to loan nt 6 per cent. Llnahnn & Mahoney - honey , 1BUU rnniam. 9 7 $ riin.0iu ( to loan in any amount at lowest rate of interest. II. 11. lre > , I len/cr block. UtjS INI ONUY To loan , II. U. Cole , Illrt S. nth. IT7 INIMONEY MONEY LOANED at 0. F. Heed & . Co 's Loan Ollice. on fiirnltuie , pianos , hoi ses , wagons , crgona ! propeity of all kinds , and nil othei ar- des of Milne without removal. 31S S 1 tth. over Illngham's commission store. All linsi. ness stilctly confidential. PS2 M ONP.Y to loan. Notes and H. II. tUkets bought uhd bold. A. Toi man , 213 S h bt , 1125 SHOllP time loans mnife on nny nvniinbln securltv , inieiisonnblo amounts. Setured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of nny kind transacted promptly , quit tl > and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. nth nnd Har- ney sis , overstate National band. Corbett , maiiagei. .171 MONEY to Loan Hy the undersigned , M he has the only pioperlv organized loan agency In Omahn. Loans of f 10 to ( iim made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , mi- chlnery. etc , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so inadt that any part can be paid at nny time , each pay > ment reducing the test pro rat a. Aihauce" midp on line wat < lies and diamonds. Person" should carefully consider who they nre deiillnn with , nsmnny new concerns me dally comlm ; Into oxlttence. Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Withnelt building 15th and Harney , UK ) MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No deHy J. L. lllce & Co. , over Commercial Na tlonal bank 978 M ONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 4V MMONEY MONEY to loin on city property , nud nlsr farms in Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odell Urns Si Co , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , lit Pearl stieet. Council Uluffs , la. ; 1523 Farnan : street , Omaha. 208 M ONEY To loan , H. K. Cole , 316 8.16th. 4 ? $300,000 to loan , special rates on farm property Sobotkcr A Perrlgo , 1521 Farnam St. 1 { MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no 'delay. , T W. nnd E. L. Squire , 14U Farnam St. Pax ton hotel building. 084 MISCELLANEOUS. 1)111 VATE lessons In French and German Ian guages by Prof. Paul Hubert. Call a Southern hotel , S. 9th bt. 100 24j OV1IH 2,000 kinds of ten-cent sheet mUHlc at T (1 Doyle's music and stationery store , llil Capitol avenue. AUo French tissue papers urn flower materials. 912 2U * JUST opened , a first class lunch counter , at 22i S Kith , old city hall. ttil 19 * s TANDAHD Stock Liniment , 07B-19 rpHU claims made by the manufacturers o X Standard Horse and Cattle Food am Standard Stock Liniment are worthy of invest I gallon. These stock , lemedles are sold under M positive a guarantee that stock owners need no hesitate to test them. Your deiler will tell yoi all about them. For sale everywhere. Mann facturedby F. U. Sanliorn & . Co , 1703 St. Maty' live , Omaha. 97719 S' TANDAHD ' Horse and Cattle Food. U76-19 SHOHTHAND and type riling. J. II. Wood Expo. Illdg. 915 d 10 * S TANDAHD Horse and Cattle Food. 97iM9 OA. SCHOFtELD. expert accountant. Hook potod und audited. Estates cared for am rents collecUil. Patents bought , sold aud prc cured. Terms reusonabls. P. O. box25.1. Olllc N. W. cor. 16th and Furnani. 73M9 * S TANDAHD Horse and Cattle Food , F I INE shirts made to order at II eacn. oinah Shirt Factory , 308 N 10th. 329 d 4 CJTANDAUD Stock Liniment , S7&.19 Dlt. J. W. nAtlNPDAT.T.'S surglcnl and ob- stetrlcnl home , 1724 Capitol avr , Omaha , Neb. Telephone P-SQ. 643 u 2IJ QAFK8 Agents and ufclnesa men. vVo are O manufacturing and-"illlng Independent of nny nfo ring or pool by pmclng upon the mar ket three size * of tire proof safes at such low- price * Hint fnnncre , professional and business men cnn afford to purchase. Size , ! > xlsxl3 inches ; weight 00 Ibs. ; retail price , 135 ; smnlli'r ami larger Bljes In proportion. Hare opportun ity offered. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio , QTANDAHD Stock Llijltticnt. PERSON AL. 33UH8ONAI. "A cheMful home Is the heart nf n nation. " In order toseciiie the same > ou should have well trained domestic help , nl ays to be found nt the Canadian I'.mp. ollice , Mrs. Hregn A. Son , 310 B. 15th. Tele. Ml. 101 19 * UHSONAL-Onnccountof poor health I will ttade n tlno business lot tu the heart of the city for n good ; improved farm. Must not bo further than 5or I ) miles out tit the city. Address M ill , llee ollico. Wg 23 * I > HrUSS10NAL ( ) Nurse. Sirs. Peterson. 271J Ohio st. ilOB D 4 * PEHSONAIi Private homo for ladies during confinement , strictly conlldcntlal. Infants adopted. Address K 4. ! lleo ollice. 1B7 n 8 'M ISCELLANEOU S . T710H SALU-Fuinltuie , carpets nnd every- L thing complete In a twelve-loom house , Inlets lots to suit. Party buj Ing can rent tlio house. Possession can bo had either Dec. 1 or Jaiiy , 1. Enquire , MM 8 Ibth st. \X 20 * T71OH SALU-Onenovv Imperial lleutly organ X1 cheap. Call at HIT Ninth Uitli st. 11720 * lilOH SALE-A lively und snlo stable doing n X1 good business In n thrlv Imt tow n In centrnl Nebraska. I'or particulars uddress M 39. llco office. VfVSl * FOIl SALU Horse , harness and wagon ; Jtrlce , 170 ; 15(17 ( N. 19th St. 7H.-19J Foil SA LE-Or trade for Inside city property , some fast pacing nud trotting horses ; also , ; > nc pair hcuvj draft horses. This stock Is first- lass lu every p irtlculnr , and can be seen at Jaulleld & Wilbids barn , cor. 8th and Farnam st. N. F. Chnmllerlln. 115.1 2:1 ' F5ll SALU Heating stove , Hadlant Homo No lid , AOI I'arnam st. 985 20 * OltfJANS At wholesale prices , ten elegant black \y Unit case organs at less than low est price ever mimed by any dealer or agent , call New Yoik Piano Co. , wholesale depot block , cor. Capitol ave. aud 11th st. SSK ) 10 FOH SALU Horse , buggy nnd harness on In- stillmentrt. ImitilioC. M. Utitou , t > ! OX Idth , or A , J. Uaton , HIW Dodgo. 91120 FOH SALII-Tjpewilter. J H. Wood , U\poT I lldg. IH4 d Hi * _ POH SALU flood driving horse , suitable for family or dellveiy wagon , ( ! eo. N" . Hicks , 2lriSo. Pith st. Nil-ID FOH SALU-Iood ( gentle horse , phaeton nnd harness , that lady or child can drive , price ' 125. Inquire 4'14 ! Nelson st. , Walnut Hill.M7 M7 20 EI.1KSANT Itosewood piano , $ I. 7 , full scale , Itnsevvood case , over top dampers , ' lentil epeatlng action , $10 monthly ; don t .tojeiui . nouey cull. New Yoik Piano Co , cot. Uth and Capitol av t > , over llemiett's. h'H ' ) I'l ' TC1OH SALE A new-lot of dry goods fiiinltuio JL ? cheap. 1120 Cap. ave. Us BILL.M.I ) Table at half gnlce , lliuiiswlck II ilko Co.'s make. Intnilrj Leslie A Leille , li > th and Dodge sts. 2Hi "TT1OH S yLE Or trade lioise , bnc'gy nnd hni- X' ness , Htandlng desk and stool , hard co il , tove. Ulll sell t heap 01 tiade fm piopeily 01 i.iper. Alex G. tliailton , MeCague Hios , opp , I'.O 311 OHOAN'S nt whole * lie prices , on ensypa.v- menls New York Piano Co , cor Capitol nve nnd 15th s-t. 7UJ. l-'OR RENT-HOUSES. POH HENT 4 room house , 1504 Iliutst.UK . UK ! PJ POH HUNT 7-room Cottage , < I1 pel month , 2".2I Illondo st. North Omaha , l > i blocks nom Hed car line ; lefeu uces. Hfi 19J F OH HUNT Two houses 5 looms with cis tern w ell , just w e t of shot tow er. 11(121 ( * F ItHNT H elegant bilck lesidenres with all model u InipiiHonum * , 12 and 14 looms each , pleasant and convenient location. O. I' . Ihu la unmjmn > , VM I'mruuu Ht. 11J' f FOIt UI.N r 5-room house. S K Cor. ntth nnd Dodge , $17 , J. H. lllugwalt , 21d b. nt at. ItKNT House of ,1 rooms on 101S Center FOH stieet , IO n month. I2S IK F Oil irUNT-Cottrge2 OU Hamilton -t2blocks fiom Mreet car. Has live looms , cellar , city wutei nnd cistern ; 1110.11 he at 1H19 t'upltul n\o. i : 20' KENT Furnished cottage In nice order FOH for the wlutei.D rooms , of which 1 leserved. Chliaguatrett. 141 1'IJ _ ' F IOIl ItKNT Good K-room house , nice loca tion. Apply at premises. ( ZJIS. 15th st. 14S1HJ FLAT for lent 111 Kstabiook lllock , all modem con\cnlnces , stenm heat. Apply to llental Agency , .1 II. I'arrntte.ltMJ Chicago. IO 2:1 : FOH HUNT House , five rooms , southeast cornel 17th and Dorcas st- 25.1 2U * HUNT A three-loom bouse with barn FOR horsen nud cow Ham jaid foi hoises nnd wagons at s > . w. cor. Hanun and 2uth. Jumcs Neville. Ml POH HUNT New two stoiy nine room house. Two mantels and all modem improements. . llaseiiunt under all. * IO per month. Will sell. Immlie of C. W. Cain , 221 Ohio st. 4'J2 ' * ( ) lfsA LUciieaji , 2 bTiilanTand ! 1 pool til- bles. W. N. Nason , Kin 1'uinnm. JU521 HO II lir.NT House nnd lot with barn. Giant I street between Twc'itty-IIrM and 'I wenu-seC' ond. W. N. Nuson. Ifil1. 1 amain. H4ii Jl F Oil KENT H-iooni house. 'lOfl S 25th n\eniie , I block south of Leaveuwoith. J. I ) . Cowlc , nt rnlconei's. W ! ° It HUNT fl-room house n w tor. Suwurd F and 27th sts. . Wi FFOH FOH HUNT A I room house close to Lea\en woitli school foi a couple without ihlldren Ad dress M , M lle-e ollice. jfis la * FOH HUNT 10-ioom boarding hoii'-e one-hull block fiom theposfotllce ; lent f55 ; fiunl tnreon monthly ) ) n.Mntnts ii room bo irdlnp housw thr < e blocks from postolllie ; luvnlture on easvteims. Hestaiiiaut on Ibth stieet doing n first-class business ; flxtmes nt u bargain Hi s tatnnnt on Uth st. nt join own teims ; sicklies- the cause of selling. Call and linestlgate Houses and lots for lent or sale In all parts ol the city. Co opeiatlve Land and Lot Co , 205 N Kith st. Id l'i HUNT Six-room house corner 18th ami FOH Chicago .st , $ .i5 pel mouth. S. Lchmnu.llOt rarnam. 971 Foil HUNT 2 new handsome H room cottage' well , cisterns , etc$17 per month ! ! 2d ami California. A , C. Wakeiej , Oniulm Natl bant bid. 097 FOH HUNT Four new five room houses Ir Hanscom PInco 120 per mouth. Four new 8 room houses lu Windsor Place , W and $40 pel month. Nine room house , S. IStk st , 150 per month. D V , .Sholes , Hoom 1 , mrker lllock , entrance In the alley , lf | Mi 20 FOH "HUNT 5 room Vottnge , nice location water , shiide trees , etc. , on street car line Apply to John P. Schmiyko , ngent , 4-2 S nth st H28 2U * -4i = - HUNT Four nlcrtght-room housesiieai X1 Hnn.scom park. Ueo.N. Hicks , 215 H. 15tl bt. K5M9 F IOH ItUNT-House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush man , N E corner Ibth and Douglas. K40 T71OH HUNT 2 houses and four rooms. En X' quire of Cunningham i Iler.rooms 0 nnd 7 Arlington block. 1511 and 1513 Dodge bt. 850 TTIOIl RENT Three-story nnd basement brlcl X1 biilldlntr. 44xM feet , ftultuhln for n hotel o : stores and flats , corner Uth and Pacific sts. Ap ply at 11U S.I Itli st. h14 rpo HENT-A House. See Cole , 31B S. 15th st- X IAt rPO HENT-A house. See Cole.110 8.15th st. J- C4i ( TT'OIl HENT-2 room house rear 1711 Douglas -1 110 per month. Not suitable for housekeep Ing. Apply at premises. su Foil HENT-A 11-room new house on 15th st. can bo occupied by two families ; city water large lot. Emmlle of Hlniebaugh & Taylor. Fpo HENT-A house. Bee Cole , 316 S. 15th st. X 654 FOIl HENT House,7 rooms , with good barn (10 per month , 2540 Capitol av ( JfJ TJIOH HUNT 3d stoi-y lUt , also several ollice X1 on 2d btory , Douglas ht bet 15tb and IGlt. Chas Turner. 61 IS' HENT U room house ; all modern 1m X1 provenients , 24th and Farnam sts , I7" > pe month. H. K. Cole. Ulit a. llth st. B4S TO HE NT- house. Sa Cole , 316 S. 15th Rt. _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . . , _ ] _ 94 * T-A houi , & ) e Cole , 310 3. 15Ui at , Ml FOH nnNT n-room ho e , corner Mixrcyanil Terrlll st. IUI. Inquire Uulnger & .Metcult Co. , 6th and Pacinc CM _ po ItKNT- house. Boo Cole (110 ( B. 15th st. 1. C4J _ OH HEN.T-2nd nnd ! M floors at 1417 Douglas ot. , with lease of t' > eo years. Kennedy & llbblns , l.m DOUBUIS t , _ 707 oil HUNT-n room cottage. 1120 N 2t t. ut. I 1 Applyill0815thst. 143 ( .TUMilUNT Nov. 1' , , new eight-room house , 1 all modern Improvements. 2218 Chicago < st. M. J. It. Hltlgwaft , 2IS S 15th st. 777 _ liUM HUNT A splendid new house cor 21st X' and ( Irani , 9 looms and bathroom and all nodern conv enlclicej. Apply early , Spotsw oed , TlC4Slbtll. tw-7 _ POH HKNT Hani iiear llth St. . between Douglas ami Dodge ; room for 11 horses nud ' vehicles ; also hay loft. Apply to City Steam .inmilry. 6.M FOlt HUNT Nice new 5 room hoilio In lled ford Place , come early , Spotswood , ; &VV3. blast. hMt V HOOMS-Ilath and barn , Colfnx st . . .J4-.00 ' lOiooniP. bath and fninace , Se\vardst. 55 rt ) 0 rooms , bath nnd furnnco , Woolworth at. , 50 00 < rooms , bath , city wnter , Coruy st . to 00 r > rooms , cottage , llurrtetto st . . . . . . 2. " 00 Brooms , cellar , well , cistern. 27th st , . 2S.U ) 1 rooms cellar , city w ater , 2Mh st . 22UO . 'Ine largo storeroom , good location . 35.1W F. L. ( "iregoiy. 09 South loth st. 1 8 FOH HUNT Mood cottage. 21th nnd Mason , $20. A. P. Tuky. 1,124 Farnam st. 777 "IJIOIt HUNT Severn new 7 room houses X1 block from street car , ready for occupancy November 1 t ; . F. Harrison 418S. 15thst. JIM RENTAL AGENCIES. LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms with tis. We will rent ttuun. Office open ev enlmrs. 11. E. Cole. 31H S. 15th st. U35 RENTAL eAUUNC. Y-F. L. Ore-gory wilt be found nfter Nov ember 1st at 3U9 South lOtu it. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground floor. 510 HUNT If jou wish to rent alio.iso call on llenawn & Co. , 15th st. , opposite P. O. BiW LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms with us. Wo will rent them. Ofllce open evenings. 11. E. Cole H1C S. 11th st. Klfi FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. T71OH HENT-Smnll , nently furnlsuod south - room , for one gentleman , J10,25th nnd far- uam. Apply 11211 nriinm. 105 24 NICELY furnished nlcovo nnd sluglo rooms , nnd furniture new. Mrs. llarber , 812 N. IHth st. lOtid 17j FUHNISHUD rooms , steam heat , 201 S 2Uh. lltld 17j FH ) HUNT Elegant rooms , well furnlshed.ln new ! building , wlthosteam heat , bath , lost ts and all modern conveniences. 17ln Day- upoit stieet. . 11521 * IfUlONTiMilor and bed-loom foi man and wlfo ' lu prfv ate family , conveniently locatecl.lSlO Callfoinlast. 11124 * FtJHNISHUD rooms with board , 1W I'arnam. Hb2l * FOK HUNT-fientlemen In want of sleeping rooms near business cunt or and depots , w 1th thick walls nnd stoves to kei ji thorn w aim In bll/znid weathei , call at HIM Howaid near ( 'o/- zens house. Hi nt fill month , 119 20j I'lt.N ISlTuii oomTwlth bTmid.Trt'lO iiiiiTrsii ; ! I hie ago st , 1 17 2:1 : * "IJIOlt HENT 1'lvo rooms of nice six room X' cottage , furnished for housekeeping , to small famllj for the winter. HeutWO. 2MI Chicago - cage st. _ _ U. I't ' * HUNT Three nicely furnished front FOH rooms , gas , bath ; hicakrast furnished If de sired ; l t door north ot bt. Mary's avciiiu1 , Ion- vent street. b4-2IJ 7011 HI'.NT rurnlshed rooms (10 per month , . or clean beds at tl.OO to $1.50 per w ei k. 50J So.18t _ h. _ 92 ,1 in j _ rp\VO fuinlshed or uiifuiiilshed looms In a X pi h ate tamilj , one-half Ulock fiom stieet car , 1M17 Webster st- lU ) l'i ' * 1J10H HUNT-Hoom for one or t\\o gentlemen X1 with use ot bath , llil'i Capitol ave. ' 1)119 * MAN and wlfo or two ladles can SM-CIIIO A looms nud board at 2118 Hint stieet. I'll ' 71011 HUNT Nicely furnished looms tor gentlemen - . tlemen In pihute fimil ) , steam heat and e\er ) ion\eulenco ; veij close to business. 1B1) ) Douglas. W8-lb 11HNT ruinislied looms , lull I'lunnm. FOH sir.n27j ' ) looms at 811 N 21. Ft'llNISIIHI PW 20 FOH HUNT A handsome south front , bay wlndovi loom , modem lonvtnlences ; suit able foi two gentlemen , 2212 Furnani. bill "IjlOllltKNT Nicely finnlshed purloi , bedioom X1 nnd closet , pJh ate family , uunr car line , $10 with or without boaid. IflU Izard bt. 7J1 M I1OII ItKNT Nicely luinUued rooms with all modern coiuenknce. first-class bouid If desired. Mrs. Win. Young , 2209 Douglas st 879 21 * F I OH HUNT Nicely fuinlshed rooms with board at 1919 Dodge st. 89S 19 FIMtNISIini ) rooms to Indies or gentlemen ; Jll N 12th ht. SM lh HUNT Furnished flout rooms , bath nnd modein conveniences , 401 N 15th street Mfl 18J FOll HUNT-ruimalad rooms , ! ia N. 17th. fcN ) 21 * FOH HUNT-Nlccly furnlbhed rooms , 2214 1'ailiam bt. 902 B2J FOH HUNT A sulto of rooms for 4 gentle men , one block west of the II. Ac M. depot ; nlso two other nicely furnished rooms with or "IJIOH HUVr-1'our huge rooms , furnished or X1 niifurulshsd. suitable for light housekeep ing , good location on car line. Terms leason- able. Stetusdorll & McYlcker , 1509 riirnam st , 1170 19 * "I71O HUNT uinished loom : modem im- X' pie > cmcnts , tublo boaid , 1718 Dodge st. l l 28 HKNT I'urnlshed rooms with or with- 01HKNT 01 ut boaid , blO N lllth ht. HJ7 19 > OOMS ; also table board , HWI Farnam. t HOild IfiJ FL'HNISHUD looms ; also rooms for huiixe- kteplng , 2207 Douglas. HOJ 2-'j ,10H1IUN"T , I'muUhed rooms at 17(17Cas ( st" . 1 NCI IS * Ft'HMMlED looms , one with alcove , bnth , gas , city water , steam heat , etc , boaid if de-sll t d , 2:119 : Douglas st. Nil ' 'IJ t HUNT llooms , single nnd en suite , teed piano for sale , * ! . " > , iWl Famuli st. ALOYI'.LY , Inrgo front room heated , beauti ful location , with all modern conveniences on st tin line , 1917 Cass. 15 OH HUNT-Nlcely furnlslni ! rooms , S. W. cor. Ibth nnd Chicago. 74V18 * OH HENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms. 1011 Dodge. God 24 * J1CULY furnished rooms with or without N board. .W ) N 15th st. 795-20 * FOIl HUNT Furnished looms , 220' ' ! Dodge. KJO-19J T\USIHAHI.K room , 1923 Dodge. 989-lb * OUHN1SHED rooms , 1418 Dodge. 8.I1-22J 171OH HENT Single looms , well f mulshedfnr- 1. naceli . gas and bath , 21J5 Dodge st. 831 21 * ADESIHAHLE Hoom well furnished , teims reasonable , one block from P , O , IVfi Capitol avenue , K152UJ FOR IlENT Furnlsliert rooms In flreunlgblk , cor. Uth and Dodge wts. Inrjulre of Ueo. H , Davis , Mlllaid hotel billiard room. ! > " OH HKNT-3 nicely furnished rooms , 2UX > St. Mary'save , 99 FOH HENT One back pallor and alcove , and one south room , new house , new furniture , pas , bath , steam heated , ou car line , 2317 Doug las st. WJ 20 * FOH HENT Nicely furnished fiont room , al modern coin enieuccs. Enquire 1921 lodiett ii > 'iO O or 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping , St. Mary's ave. WI2-27J POH HENT Furnished front room ; large bay window , wither without board , 617 Pleas ant st , near Pt. Mary's ave. Car line. 7W20J i F OH HENT-Furnished rooms , 1816 Doflce nt ItUN'JU FP P IOH HENT-Hooma ; 1C23 Dodge. 773 > LEASANT rooms with or without board new bouse. b09So. 23th and Lvuvenworth 791 20J AltOH south front room , all modern rouven L lences , cultable for two gentlemen ; also flrst-cloj-a table board for tbrtu or ( our ; refer elicej. IBltDodgest. 7M T710II IIRNT Ilnrn * nd furnished room , n e co : -I1 gjth and Chicago ta. 75319 RENT Elegant rooms , over ) thins new FOK convenience * . Three minutes from P. O Avenue Vlac * . UU &a 1815 CtylM aye , 7M11 AFINU largo bay window room , newly fur- tiNhed with uns , bnth , furnace and closet , no other roomer , for OUQ or two gentlemen , Mil S2UthHt. 1H _ "IJIOH llKNT-l''urnlshed and unfurnished X1 room * In nil purt.s of the city. v\ hen ) ou vtnnt n house wo cnn ncconitnodnto > ou I'ji rlage ready to show houses , oillca open ov fil ings. H. fc. Cole , ! I16 S. 15th st. Mi _ IJ10H irUNT-Nlcoly furnished looms nt 2S.T L' Dodgo. ( Ins , bath and furnace heat. C2U OO.M-For two. with board If desired , In prh ate family , 17J3 Davenport st. I710H HUNT A largo and pleasant room.nleely L' fumlshod , fortvMior throii Ecutlomen. ( W7 ? . 13th st. Inquire up stairs. bs * F ollEriV-Two fnrnslied rmims. 1017 nrd st , , with board If desired. Hoforoncoi eiiulred. KM ITTOH HENT-Nlcely furnished room suitable X1 for2 gentlemen , Iniiulio2ill ) St. Mnrj'sHro. _ _ VJU I OH HUNT-nirnlshed rooms In alliiartof the city , by the day , week or month. City iitelllfiunco ollice , Cielghton block. ltV > FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. F 1011 HI'NT Small rootn , stenmhont , for pen- tlumnn. 1TS1 Davenport st , la > _ FOK HUNT .Intco unfurnished rooms suit- nbl for housekeeping , sltnnteil on Zlit nnd Nicholas at. Apply 11KI N. iilat bt. 6J9 FOR UK NT .1 unfurnished room's suitable for housekeeping. 101 ) N 20th st. 1M TTUHl KK.VT Four (4) ( ) unfurnlsUod rooms , 4K. X1 South loth st. , contnlnlng all modern con venient es. Ml ItKNT 2 unfurnished rooms nultalilo for lioiisekeeplng , with bnth room , hot and ola water , jh t.t. between Onpltol nve and ) avcnport bt. J. 0. Snnn , 1U1 JUudge st. I1O11 HUNT One single nud 2 double rooms fronting on Ifcth st , oultablu for olllee , lodg- ng or light housekeeping , iuqultu ntaiO 8. lUth street Hoard of Trade. N2 FOH H12NT Elegant sulto of rooms In Dar ker block , near l. > th nud rarnam , will rent 'iirnlshed If desired. Inqulro of Qoo. N. Illckd , . ' 15 S lutllbt. roi-l'J _ TjlO HKNT 3 rooms suitable for house keep X1 tng , N. W. cor. 14th and 1'lerco st. to am s. iiith st. avi unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping - keeping , 2012 llnmeyst , VM-W F 1011 HUNT 8 unfuinlnhed rooms suitable for housekeeping. 111S. . 7 th 8t. 244 FOR RENT-STORESAND _ OFFICES. OR ItKNT-l urnlslieil bnrand bTfilnrd hall nt the Cozzeus hotel. Apply to M. J 1'ranck. 10420 " 171OH UP.NT-Storo 2-JvMt. all Impioxemouts. XA 1 ith st , $4.1 ; tine basement , 22x41 , for ros- [ nurnnt , $ .U ) ; n-room tint , near bussness , modern convcnlcnrvH. Thompson , ! I14 8. 15th Bt. 1 3 IfOll HKNT-Storo building 2oTw ) . A good opening nnd Uxntlon for bubluess. Apply Win. r. fuming , 14th nud Dodgu. 145 27 * Foil HUNT Flournnd feed store on i'arkiive , Splendid opening. 1' L. Uiegoiy-0y ! Niith Ifith st. 271 FOll HUNT Sultnblo for jobbing lionse. sec end nnd third lloors No. 1117 and Ul'l Doug- Ins st ; will bo lilted up to null tenant , Heard * OIK 771JU rOK ItP.NT Storo22\M ) , city water , gns , hew er-age on I Ith st , $45 per month , new 5 room Hat nil lmpro\ orients , W. " > . U. K. Thompson , 1114 s nth st. 714 DllV goods nnd notions storeroom for rent , ( iood chance foi millinery also. 1I. . . 0regory tiOy South llitli st. 271 FOH HT.NT Ground floor ollleo room , cen- tinlly locnted , heated nnd llghtoil. C. F. Harrison , 410 S. Kith tt. 71U FOI JIKNT oniceroom , first floor , nftlBS. 111 .thst. . 445 FOIt Iir.NT Rasement , stores and flats , cor. Uth nnd Jackson. Unqulro Mrs' F. l.angu. iiha HKN'T A whole block of brick stores Foil Miltuhlo for li.v goods nnd notions. Hurdwaiuund stoves. Hour mnl fned. H.iker and confectioner. Meat m.ukiit. I'lne opening for business. Cheap rents , paved leets , etc. P. I , . Oiegoiy , 30-J B. falxteenth st. SITUATIONS WANTED. ) -Situation as head cook for hotel. T T riiat-cliii > a reteiunces. Address M W , lleo. 127 19 * Situation us salesman by young WANTED thoroughly understands furni ture and household goods. Uood referenced. Addl ess 41 54. Hoe ollice 152-20J A Lady with a child , w ants position as house keeper , or any other place ; also first-class cook 01 laundress. Addiess "Al 40 , " Itee ollice. 10318 * ANTUD-Sltuatlons foi 20 nice Swede girls , some are good cooks nnd laundresses , some are Inexperienced nnd will work for small VMigos , have some good Irish and Ameilcan gills and M.vei il sm ill girls who can assist In hoiisoworK or mind i hlldicii. Our waiting loom Is full all day , raimdliii Ump. Ollice , Mrs. Iliega 4bouJ188 15th , Tel. Wt. 9,1119 * YV"ANTBI ) Sltuntlon by dress cutter ; S. T. TT Tajlorbjstem used. Address Mrs. Rich ards. 1(119 ( Howaid st. 923 20 * irANTUD Situation as saleslady , has had T expedience. Addreas il 8J this ollko. (159 ( 22 * " \\rANTr.D-Ilyajoung man , hltu.itlou lu n TT grocei y store Six \ * , irs cxpeilenee. Spenki UnglUh , ( ieiman , Hcundliunlou. Address M 41 , lieu ( illlcu. lllOOlh * l\7"ANTEI-Pltuatlon by a young man. posl- TT tlon In ollice. Competent to takwclmigo of any ollico In the city , llmiuestlonble infei- encn. .Situation nun u of an object tlmn salaiy. Address Canadian Umplomeut ollice , : iin S nth st. Telephone HK4 , 1W 19J An oldish man wants a situation WAN1UD as ucopj 1st or cashier In restamaiit. In quick and cot net lu figures : can give refer ences. Addlc-bS J. A , l 'll S. 15th st. 9S < M7 * SITUATION-Wanted by a } omig man Inn pil\ate family , to Uikocaie of hoises and do chores for his boaid and go to school. Addiesg M.W : Ilee ollice H91-18J " \\rANTUD Situation us bookkeeper or IIH- T T slstaut ; age 211 ; unman led : live ) e rn pine , tlcnl nxpeilcneo Commission house ineferred , Addl ess M . , lloo. 'll'l 1SJ \\7ANTIII ) Situation ns general ollico clerk T T bj young man thoroughly conversant w Ith olllrework Opportunity for advancement die sited. Address M .X ) , llco. yt > INJ AOHADIJATUD muse wishes n position in some westtin institution. She tan furnish sitlbf.ictoiy rufeiencei from nn eastern hoipl. tul. M.-I. lleo ollice. NI722 * AdENTLEMAN of long experience In busi ness woiilu like to take a sltuable position In a wholesale or manufacturing establishment January 1st piox , Flrst-elnsn tefeiences. Ait , dress until Dec. 1st. M. 4. llee. b'Jtl ilO WANTED Position us housekeeper for wldoner , with small family , by a middle- aged lady of exneileiiee , can 1 mulsh refeiences if reqlihed. Audi ess L 05 , Hue ollice. CI8 STORAGE. NEW YORK Storage Co. have most extensive facilities for storage of furniture , pianos buggies , general merchandise , west ot New York , Cash adumcis to any amount ; ware house receipts given ; goodi Insured ; brlcl building- proof ; bpcclnl arrangements foi commission merchants. Call New York Storugt Co , Capitol ave and N , Uth at. , Ununett'a block 719 pU HST-CLAS3 storage at 110 N. 13lh at. 903 'lOHAGU-Merchandtsfi or furniture. Little. { Williams. 1407 Douglas st. N > 9 uai _ _ QTOHAK ( ! for carriage at Omaha fair gronndi O and horses wintered by A. Thomson , STOHAlK-leo. ( Schwartz. Omaha Waiehonse. 1001. loll North Uth st , fiiinlt uie.bugKluaunilmercbandlite , Ollleelin Dodge 4-7n 19 * S'lOHAOU Furniture , boxed goods , etc , toim leasonuble , 714 Pacllto. 994 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOHSALE-Or for rent , naw foui-room house oed well , cistern , cellar , etc. , full lot. Wll hell for Jl.CU ) . Terms to suit , ( Jr will rent Ham for (14 per month. This Is a bargain. Htcnn clorir & McVlcker. 1509 Fa i nam at. 070 19 * S OUTH Omaha lots for sale by Hicks. & - > 22t OHSALU-A fiuntsheil lint of I ) rooms will steam ( ind bath , ctiutraly located. Call North th. blO. O HOICK lota. South Omaha , for sale. Hli kH H.J3 21 * E10H BALK Finest location for a home Ii X1 West Omaha , adjoining thr mansion home of Klrkeudall , Coe , Hmdy , Ka.SHon and others Nothing finer In Uio city. Cttn el IttTixIKT o less ; for prioua and term.1 see S. A , Slomao. 1 Farnam tt. Ti ) /10UNKU lots , BoutU Omaha , fur hale , lllcka V > 8J324 fTIOll SAT.KWo offer ns n opeclnl Imrpaln IM X' acres of liu.d four mlli-.s from : stock ynr\l J it II2.-1 per acre , ou line of U. 1' . 11. ' 11. McCnBUo ] 1pp. P. O. t H I CAN oiler for the next few days Rome good bargains In resldrncvs nnd doalrnbla vacant ots , among which aret House and lot with barn , south front on 0 rant tfeetbet2stand22d. | Lot 11 , blk 1 , MJCM , Illchards Tllden's add ) . Ion , Lot "rt , ralrmount ( n corner ) . > un 12. blk 2 , A. S t'otrick's ndillllon. Lots 9 nnd 10. blk 1 to , South Omnlm. House on lensed lot , 21st st , near Lake. W. N. Nivson. 1015 I'nrnanist. _ JU5 21 moil 'flAIiK or trTdo CO acres of l nd. 7S X' head of mttlti , horses , ho/ts / , linplemeiiU md feed for n good fresh atock of general liter. handlxo or Inirdu ar . For full Inform itloti ad- Iresj p. J. Worrall , Noroivtur , ICan. IV.s si * JTHlNOUHJfcCO. , 1MH Dodgnst.odor for siiU 7 or tiade ncrettge propertj In the city , farm leartho city and other partx of this state , 3 ititels. 1 restaurant , I Hour and feed Morv. nnd o\iral houst's nnd vacant lot * at voiv lovr irlces. 'J here is good money lu buying Omnhft enli'stnte now ; next ) ear > oil will nil be kick- ng yourselves If you don t follow our mUleoj TO also liny and sell good notes. tiwl It * IHAVK121 lota In CVmncil Iltaiffrt. 10 tnlmiW walk from postolllce , only 10 minutes' with lorsu cnr , will amount to little ovpr f.mOiXl. [ vouhl trade for n good estnbllthed business in n town of bet. 5,000 nnd IH.OlOlnhabltnntK either ifebrnska , Colorado or WyomliiK. When the ) innhn \ Council HlulTs brlilge 111 bo lliil-dicd. Fully INlOlW could bo realized out of It. Answ or with full particulars , Address M 4 , lleo ollico. ima ai I N South Omaha. I hav o for sale n lot with two houses for ll.noo which iwyn over 17'i ier cent , within ten minutes walk of Armour'a ' nnd Fowler's packing house ! * . Owner out of th city. 1) . 1) . Smcaton , KM Dodga st. 1J $ 100 cnshvv 111 securon good 1(0 ( ncies of fnrm land In northensfern Nebraska. The O F. Javls Company , IMVi Farnam st , I'M d 1 FOH finest business lots In Pouth Omaha set Ueo. N. Hlcts , 215 South 15th st H52 24 TjlOH 8ALK-124xl Mft cor. Hownrd and Mth f sts , next block to Ensson , Hrndy * Mnr tins houses , t7,500. Address E. 83 Hoe ollice. 014 IK YOU have any good property to sell ot trade list H with Qeo. N. Hicks , 215 S nth. t.7ft l E11NES T corner lots In South Omaha for snl by Hicks , 215South Ifith t. MS 24 F OU South Omaha lots see Hicks. 8M 24 F Oil SA 1,1 ! .Monthly liistiillmenUs. Two MX room houses on ( Irntit st. 1'nt rick's 2nd nil. .lition. . A. 11. Comstotk , lliSI rnrniun st. Ra HOUSF. of 7 or 8 rooms In good location wauled , forcish purrhnner. H , II. Miller , l Douglas t. PIJ < I 21 LIST lioutes , furnished nud iinfurntslind rooms with us. We will rent them. Olc ( open evenings. II. 13. Cole , .IlitM. Ifithst. ftH 1ST jour property for sale with Charles at I * I Spotiwood , .KViSt Slllth st 012 BI B UY South Omnhn lots now , nnd get In on ground Hoer prices. Hicks. bf > 2 24 TjlOH SAMI-Or exchange , farms in Iowa , X1 Knusus nnd Nebraska for Omaha house * and lots ; will assume mortgages on houses niiif giro clenr deeds to farms ; \ull nlso ex < hung * city lots for good farms , well located nud a . sum smnll mortgnges on farms and gl > i Ieo4 deed to city lots. I'm ins wanted In Cent i nl N brnskn. A. 1 * . Tnkey , l.t'4 I'm mini st. HO FOHSAIiK-AnlcoPOncrefarra In Holt Co Neb , or would exihatign for il stork of tpbncco utid cigars. KcjuHy $1,000 nud must of good merchantublo stock. Address i M IK , Ilol office. r > 1 ij T71OH SAIiK Three (31 ( very dnslrable farms In X1 Holt Co , Null. All selected lands. 1'art' noing nwny will dispose of them at a xa < rllU Now Is the tlrao to catch ou. Address M ,17. It ollice. I51'.iJ jlOIl SAIiK 160 acres of land four miles from stock > nrds , nt J125 per acre ; this Is n bar * gain. McC'agiie. Opp.,1' . U. 6.CI SOUTH Ouiahn buslneis lots for mile. Hicks. Ki2 24 FOH SALU A good.lotai feet ) on Park nf enuo. low prli o if sold soon. McCnlloch ti Co . cor llth and I'.mi-im. iCll TRUSINESS lots in South Omaha. Hii ks. JJ KW 2 "CIOII SAI.K Hoverni houses nnd smnll payments , also some houses anil lots to traijo ; sovornl farms for salu or tinde tat Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mnyno. N. W. cor Iiith nnd Fnrniun. . 991 I I'you havonnytlilngtosollor exrhange list It w ith O. C. Spotswood , noTiJi S Kith. (154 ( FOIl business lots , South Omaha , Bee Hicks. H5224 Foil SALU-LotnblockS , A. S. Patrick's mli eitiou , will sell for few days at ( I,6.VI. fT2 | cash , balance easy. M 37 llco ollico. 9S7 POH SALE A beautiful new H-rooin house In block "A , " Hodford Place , small cash piyt inentJlulunco monthly or to suit. Cndrlus GL Spotswood , 305J1 8. Ifith st. WH B US1NU.SS lots In South Omaha. Hicks. MS 21 milOMPSON , .114 S. 15th st , buys and sells r a X estate , loans money , purchases securitl.i { has n good list of propertj for sale and wuntj more. Notary public. 854 T710H business lots , South Omaha , hen Hicks. X1 JH52 24 FINEST business nnd residence lots In South Omnlin for snlo by Hicks. HKJ 24 FOH SALE A 300 acre stock fnrm , InPnrp/ county , just 25 miles from Omaha , with 4 flno quniry on It , only t % per acie. A. Vt Mayne , N. w , cor. Ifith and Tarnnm. 091 FOH SALE-Lot 32 , Bunnyslde , K,500i casli * $ ) ; 1ml. easy. Lot 17 , Sunnjsldo , K.VW ; cash , $ s50 ; lial. easy , Lots 28 and 29 , Sunn } side ; $5,00(1 for bothj cash , H. lllock 2 , Myer. Illchards & Tllden's ndd.$0,000 : cash. * 2 , ( M ) ; bal. land 2 years. Lots block 24 , Kountzo Place , 12,500 ; cosli , 15-1 "i. Ixit in block 2 , Potter's add , 11.450 : cash. Wnd. Nine-room house on Popplcton avenue bet. Virginia and Georgia nves , with all modeili com internes ; price M.250 ; terms easy. Lot 4 block 212ii , city ; t .OOO ; i eats for $175 per month. Lot n block 70 , city ; Hfl.OOO ; rents for $97.50 po month. Lot il block 71 , city ; 820,000 ; rents for J1W pof mouth. Lot H Muck H , city : tr.,000 ! rents forJlGSpaJ mouth. Lot 2 , block 77 , South Omaha , $1,600 , cash 1-3 , balance isy. Lot 2 block 71 , South Omaha , W.500 , cash t- % balance easy. Lot h bloc k 74 , Bouth Omaha , $ ,1,000. l.dt I block 2 , First addition to bouth Omaha * J2lniO , cash I- , ) , balance easy , Lot 4 block ! ) . First addition to South Omabju f-.iKiO , cash 1-.1 , balance easy , Lot 2 block 7 , First addition to Bouth Omah * . $ lriOO , cash 1-3 , balance 1 and 2 years. Lot 1 block 2 , Pirst addition to Honth Omaha. . 'l. I-.I cush , balance I and 2 } ears. Lot 4 block 7 , First addition to Houth Omaha. tl.KU ) , cash J4 , balance easy. ' Lot 12 block 7 , First addition to South Omaha. tl.KOO , cash IHOil , balance easy. Lot 11 block H , First addition to Bouth Omkha , I1.KK ) , cash l,000 balance easy. Jxits'J undo , block I , Jettnr's asdltlon. $ ,1,501 cat h , buildings on lot ; i rant for $15 per inontn , and on lot 0 K i per month. fots In an best addi tions to South Otiinha for sale and acre prop. erty near bouth Omaha for sain or trade fur lu. side property. Potter & Cobb , looi 1'anmm et. , boird of trade building. < tM-21 QOUTil Omaha lots for sale by Hick * . O 853 8j _ TEHN.SDOHFF 4. McVlcker have to offer the following Hpeclul bargains : < < 0xl K. cx > r IHli ami Dodge , fJ8,000. JJUxl.C , cor. 9th aud Cup. ave. tW.OOO. ( iiixHo ( leorglu nvo , ucnr Leavouwortli gt Now four-room house , full lot , 11,000. Bterusdorff & MeVltker , 1509 i'arnam Bt. 97019 * _ EMSl'HJKNEY A : CO. make a specialty of property In North Omaha , for aulo or rout at CltUeiiH' bank , 24CN Cumlng ht. Tin S KlTour lisTsouUrbmaha lota. Illoks. TjlOH SALE A flno residence In b t portion X1 of Council Illutfx. Cull on or address J. N. OWllii , with Odell Jlrus. < Co.lU3 1'earl Council llhilta. 70V19 rourU t lhcb % t ltndf kno D to ul Iji Coo 0111.1x4 I TO t DATS. an 1 Clctl. hav ftoM coattdrr * MUM BUkut > . trra oTiJT it > < CLUCK & WILKINSON.