Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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OFi-'icu NO. 12 , I'KAitti
Delivered by currier In nny r > Rrt f > f the city at
twenty cents j er.wcck.
II. W TILTON , . . . Manager.
Jllll'iv } ! ' * Oync'K ' , No. * J.
filOHT KlilTou No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co7
Ileltor , tailor , Fall goods chenp.
The Pull Mull ] ) arty will bo hold next
week Friday overling in the Royal
Arcanum parlors.
Mr. George Hunson nml Miss Katlo
D. Niuman were married yesterday
tiftornoon by Hcv. G. W. Crofts.
Mrs. W. W. Wallace entortaincd the
members and friends of the Congrega-
tionul church in a hociahlo hint eve
The regular meeting of the city
council that was to have been held hint
evening , was adjourned until Monday
The grand jury returned an indict
ment against John Hamilton for lar
ceny fruin the person. Hamilton IH in
All momber.s of Harmony Chapter , O.
K. S. , are requested to meet at the resi
dence of Miss Potter , oiiO First avenue ,
this evening.
Only forty more names arc wanted to
make the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium an
assured fact. Two hundred is the total
to be secured.
Photographs of the pretty "Musket
eers" are displayed at Dohany's opera
house. Ono would hardly know they
were not professionals , HO boldier-liko is
their bearing.
The Miibkotecrs are meeting every
evening for rehearsal. They will ap
pear in public next wcok Tho-iO who
do not secure tickets "willvish they had
when it is too late.
IKCaptiilri D. R. Van Etten addressed a
fair hi/ed audience at the Baptist church
last evening. Ho is n hustler in tem
perance work and does not allow his au
dience to go to sleep.
The patrol house is being plastered
and painted. The Interior woodwork
is painted a gray tint , with bright red
trimmings. It makes a line looking
building , both inside and out.
C. D. Crabill was ordered out of town ,
and advised to keep several miles be
tween himself and this city , where his
reputation as an all-around "crook" is
fully established. Ho skipped , without
even a fond goodbye.
Mablo Luella , the three-year-old
daughter of George W. and Hattie M.
Smith , died yesterday of membraneous
croup. The funeral will take place at U
o'clock Sunday afternoon from the resi
dence , lBaughn ! street.
James Jacoby was before Judge Ayles-
worth yesterday morning , for having
no license as a common carrier. Jlo
wiib discharged , with the order to get
one immediately if ho wished to con
tinue his business unmolested.
Mr. D. Ij. Kohrer has purchased three
lots ii | Park addition , upon which lie
intends to erect two elegant residences.
The position it ) a most sightly one , giv
ing a full view of both cities , as well as
the surrounding country for miles.
Dickey & Co. negotiated the sale.
On Thursday evening at 0:80 : o'clock
Justice Higgs tied the matrimonial
knot for Mr. M. A. Huntley and Mrs.
Delia Fletcher. The ceremony was
performed at the residence of the bride ,
No. 1-17 Sixth avenue. It may bo a
trillo late , but congratulations are in
order just the tamo.
After looking over the programme
for the Chinese entertainment to be
given in the Baptist church next week
Saturday evening no one will fcol like
inibslng it. The entertainment will be
given by Chinese students , who will
$ ing , play , cat , worship and marry in
Chinese stylo. Tickets arc now on
An extensive grain buyer , whose
IIIIHIO is prominently connected with the
inihh and improvement of other cities
than this , ib arranging for an extensive
Investment in real estate in this city ,
Should the present prospects material
izp , which is almost assured , the tit.\
will bo augmented to the extent o
piany thousand dollars and substantial
Some beautiful photographs of those
who take the leading parts in the Mus
keteers , iyo being exhibited in show
windows. Some of the subjects coule
hardly make any other than beautilu
pictures , but given the same subject !
and { hero are few photographers win
could produce such exquisite work a :
Gorham has in this instance.
The musicale at the residence of J
M. Trey nor on First avenue , last even
ing , was tv grand treat for the larg <
company of muslo lovers that won
present. Every number on the pro
gramme was a perfect gem , and tin
rendition all that c6uld bo desired
The rooms were all well filled , abou
one hundred guests being present
The most hearty appreciation was expressed
pressed , and it is hoped that this grca
W fcucccfas is but the first of many.
Frank Johnson , a prominent bankc
of Randolph , la. , has been in the cit ;
during the past two days. Ho came t
investigate ) the advantages thiseity pos
Bcs'ses for investors , anditisnotunl'ikol ;
that ho will remove hero at no 'dibtan
clay. Ho is a man well known finonorg ;
and good judgment , as well as the pos
sessor anil controller of largo capital
The coming of such niou is always rnos
welcome , for all the material interest
with which they associate thenibolvc
mubt of necessity feel their influence.
Fritz Fritzmoyor , restaurant , 108 Mai :
Et. Meals at all hours.
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chatte
security of every description. 1'rivat
consulting rooms. All business strictl
confidential. Olllco 500 Broadway , coi
iier Main street , up-stairs.
J.V. . and E , L. Squire lend money.
The Hlooilthlrsty "Major. "
A portion of the unsavory career <
the notorious Major Williams , as h
called hinibolf in this city , is known 1
many of the readers of tlio BiKand : th
following piece of news in regard to hii
may not prove uninteresting to them.
TIIOY. N. Y. , Nov. IS. Jume-s Drown , nlU
Major Williams , win indictoil by the Knit :
Jury of Kuiiftscluur county , for murder in tl
lli-bt degree , in having killed Patrick Kell ,
Ills trial will bo called ut the coming sessile
of the supreme court.
1'ci'honal Paragraphs.
S. W. IIoIss , of Chicago , was at tl
Ogden yesterday.
AV. II. Saundcrs , editor of the Indu
trial West , of Atlantic , is making
fchort vibit in the city.
J. True , of Knox township , and L. 1
JIatHwell.of Grovo.woro in the city ye
torday. Mr. True is ono of the pioneu
of this country , and viewed with astoi
ibhment and delight the wondorf
ctridoH the Blulla is making towai
mutfoi > olUanlHn. !
The Working man , us. well as the ma
rlcd man , can get the furniture at
itovuH ho needs. How ? By buying <
Weekly or monthly payments of Mundt
Road nnd Brldgo Petitions Granted
nt Yesterday's Mooting.
Wlint Was DUMP In tlir District Court ,
Hold SlinnttM'H to Itoyn The
New Trttuk TcHtntl
lllitfTsCVH. .
or the llonril.
The bonrtl of county PU per vigors coni-
pleteil the work of this session last
ni ht , nnd tuljuurnutl until the llrst
Montlny in Jiuuwry. Dtirliiff the sc.sslon
the petition of .T. II. Murphy and others
asking for the establishment of a new
road in Garner township , the petition
of W. M. Maxwell and others asking
for the vocation of a road In James
township , the petition of John Blrncy
for the ostablitthment of a consent road
in Valley township , and the petition of
Kdward Mitchell asking for the estab
lishment of a consent road in Silver
Creek and Washington townships were
till granted. The petition for the vai'ti-
tion of a road in Valley township was
referred to It. P. Jones to report at the
Januarv session. J. J. Shea's appoint
ment of J. II. Smith as deputy clerk of
the district court at Avooa was approved.
Tlie olllcial bondh of A. C. Itayburn as
constable of Macedonia township , Will
iam Stuove , constable , and John Nipps ,
justice of the peace of Lewis township.
were approved. The sureties furnished
by Joseph A. Spaulding in place of those
withdrawing were accepted. Erasmus
O. linnvn , a registered pharmacist of
Council HlutTs , was granted permUxion
to buy anil bell intoxicating liquors as
provided in chapter 8li , laws of Ibbl ! .
Bills of Wiv IcJiaiii Bros , to the amount
of $0,489 , and of 1C. A. Norling to the
amount of $ 'M.'j. ' for material and work
on the court house were audited and al
Billfof W. D. Hnrdin , overseer of the
poor , to the amount of $ 00 wore allowed.
The change of road petitioned for in
Minden township was granted as recom
The bridge petitions of D. F. Perry ,
of Ilardin township , and II. U. SucUs-
dorf , of Washington township , were re
ferred to S. O. Underwood , to report at
the January session. The bridge peti
tion of K. B. Itytin , of Boomer township ,
was referred to U. B. Waite , to report
at the next session. The bridge pcti-
tion of B. R Bobb , of Wavoland town
ship , wus rejected , as there is no road
at the place named in the petition. The
petition of G. Hover for reduction was
rejected. The refund petition of O. A.
Klliott wax granted.
The bonds of the county otllccrs were
Hxcd us follows : Auditor , $1 ( , ( X)0 ) ; treas
urer , $1-40.00(1 ( ; sheriff , $10,000 ; super-
vi-or. ii,0)0 ; ( ) ; superintendent of schools ,
$1 , ( KM ) ; coroner , $1,000.
John Limit was appointed to attend
to the burial of indigent soldiers.
One thousand head of ono , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire ol
A. J. Greenamayer , Olilt Mynster st. ,
telephone 121.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Up * in the World.
The oflieial test of the new aerial ex
tension truck took place yesterday after
noon at the government building. The
trial was ti pronoun'ced success , exceed
ing oven the expectations of the m.os1
sanguine. The long seventy-live-fool
ladder was tried at different angles ant
elevations and was mounted by botl :
Mr. Bruegger , agent of the builders ol
the truck , and Chief Temploton , of the
fire department. When placed againsl
the building a half do/.on of the boyi
quickly skipped to the top , their com
bined weight making no porcoptibk
strain upon the ladder. Mr. Brucggoi
complimented the boys very highly foi
their work as green hands , and pro
phesies the speedy arrival of the timi
when they will beat the record of tin
boys across the river , who , ho says , cai
raise their ladder eighty feet in lift ;
seconds. Although there arc but fev
buildings in the city that would rcquln
a boventy-flvo-foot ladder , there an
many that could receive no benefit fron
the ones on the old truck. The map ;
three nnd four-story buildings in th'
city would bo decidedly "pokerisb , '
places in case of a lire , unless the do
pnrtmcnt was supplied with an appar
ratus similar to the now ono.
You Want Them ?
Domestic patterns nnd patterns fo
stamping and embroidery. Latest style
and Iinest designs. "Domestic" ofllcc
105 Main street.
For best quality coal and wood , caJ
on Gleasou , ii ! ( Pearl street.
For an elegant birthday giftor Christ
mas present , u Domestic mowing machin
leads them all.
Sold FlrcnrniH to lioyn.
Among the indictments returned b
the grand jury was ono against Josop'
Riche and M. A. Pierce. The crim
alleged is selling firearms to minor :
Upon this finding four information
were issued yesterday by Justice Bai
nett , and warrants for the arrest c
Riche and Pierce. The information
were sworn out by the fathers of th
boys to whom the firearms wcro solt
These are as follows : O. P. MoKessoi
arms sold to hia son , Frank MeKessot
W. B. White , arms sold to his soi
Clinton White ; C. Dcetkin , arms sol
to his son , Henry Dcotkin ; and Williai
Van Denburg , arms bold to his soi
Albert Van Donburg. The indictmciv
wore returned separately and the case
will come up for trial next Monday at
o'clock a. m. Bonds in each case" wet
fixed at $200. Sureties were furnishei
These four boys are the ones mcntionu
in the UKI : of yesterday as the brave
who started cast to kill Indians , an
came back from Weston with u polio
Every one making a cash purchase i
2o cents at T. D. King A ; Co.'s cigi
store gets a chance in the annual pri ;
drawing. Twenty elegant prices.
"Tho Musketeers. "
Manager Dohany yesterday inforim
the young ladies in charge of the com
opera , "Tho Musketeers , " that whi
they hold his written contract for tli
use of his opera house on Tlmnksgivln
day , ho had Just discovered anoth <
given by him last January , to tl
"Alone In London" company. This u
co-sHntcs a ehango of dates by ouo
them , and in consequence"Tho Mu
bo announced to-morrow morning. Tl
young ladies very much disliked to r
linqutah their claim upou Mr. Dohai
for the holiday , as many would bo pr
vented Iroai hearing tlio opera 11 D
given on that tiny , but as it was Impos
sible for the opera hou o
management to secure another
house for the traveling companv ,
and as it would lay him open to a prob
able suit for damages li the1 contract
with the home company should bo ful
filled , it was deemed be t to make th o
change. It is very unfortunate that
Mr. Dohany should have made such a
mistake in his bookings , but in spite of
the change , the troupe should bo
greeted with three full houses. The
company has its own orchestra. Im
ported costumes , and a chorus of fifty
trained voices. Tickets will bo on sale
at Hushnoirs this morning. Lot every
one turn out , nnd besides enjoying a
good laugh and hearing lots of good
niu ic , show that musical education is
appreciated in Council Blufis.
Stove.s of all descriptions at OtloU &
Special bargains in stoves , to elo e out ,
at Odell & Bryant's.
Base burners , Imio heaters and com
mon stoves. Call and see our prices be
fore you buy. Odell & Bryant , 604
Main street.
I > lHlHet Court.
District court convened yesterday
morning. The arguments in the case of
M. J. Blair against C. M. Witt et til , for
$ ' 5,000 damages , were concluded and the
case went to the jury at 10HO : ! o'clock.
They were still out at adjournment last
evening. A disagreement is looked for.
The case then taken up is a complica
ted ono , four cases being combined in
one. The substantial facts are as fol
lows : Four brothers , Thomas J. Joseph ,
II , , B. M. , and W. T. Cullison , owned
together a largo property. The two
former died without having made a di
vision of the estate. Robert Mothcroll
was made their executor. In settle
ment , claims and counter claims were
put in by both the living brothers and
the executor. The brothers sue a claim
against the estate and the executor sues
them for the amount of a note he holds
against the estate. The case will con
tinue to-day.
For houses to rent feco Tipton , the
real estate broker.
Odell & Bryant , 604 Main and 605
Pearl sts. , keep a full line of hardware ,
cutlery , stoves and tinware. Call and
examine prices and goods before pur
chasing goods in our lino.
The Pierce street garden was opened
Wednesday evening by a largo party
given by Jacob llowartb , the proprietor.
The promises have been put in first
class shape , the rooms and nails being
newly painted and kalsomined. It will
bo let to responsible persons for parties
or dances. Mr. Howarth invites his
friends to call and see him.
We are now prepared for tlie
Our immense buildings nro packed full of
the most
In our line , and at prices that will defy com
petition. Wo guarantee our goods to bo just
as we represent them. I'leuso give us a call
whether you wish to buy or not , and brini {
your friends with you. It Is no trouble to
show our goods. ReHpectfuUy ,
advertls menU. surJins LostFound ,
To LourX For Fate , To Rent , Wants , Boanllni ; ,
etc. , wtllbt ) inserted In this column t tUe low
rate of TUN CENTS I'EH UN U fur the nrst in-
fiertlon and Vivo Cents Per Llue for each subse
quent insertion. I/eixvo nuvertlscmentu nt our
ofllc No. I" 1'carl Street , near Broadway , Coun
cil HluffH , Iowa. >
FOH KENT Uood eiRht room house , with
gns furniice nnd water. Stable on jiteinl-
sea. blto SeconAwve. . rwo blocks fioiu dummy
depot. Apjily nt 14 jean-st.
OK KENT-A Uvo room house. 213 Franklin
st. Enquire at 215 Franklin it.
FOU BALK A fine residence in the best per
tion of Council Illuffs. Call on or address J.
N. 0. Wylle , with ( Well Ilros. & Co. , 1U11'earl st.
ClOIt ftENT Houses in all parts of the city by
JC Johnston & Van 1'atteu , Kl Main st.
YOUNO lady , experienced bookkeeper and
competent stenographer , wauta imsltlou.
Address 1110. lice oulce.
SALE A second hand Knabo square
piano , nearly new ; cost WV ) , sell for f"00.
Address Q Z 31 , Uec office. Council Hluffs.
TjlOH RENT Houses and furnished rooms. J.
J It. Davidson. 63i Fifth avenue.
T710R SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle
A ; very cheap , 53-inch , at llee ofllce.
hundred thousand dollars to loan on
ONR ebtuto and chattels by F. J. Day , tfj
Pearl st.
lots and acre property for sale by
F. J. Bay , 391'earl st.
Tj OR RENT A nncly furnished front room ,
JE flrst floor. In private residence near court
Iiou e. Water tn room , lighted and heated ,
Large closet. References required. Address H ,
12. Hee olllce. Council Uliiira.
The Alcohol , Morphin * and Opium habit Ab
golutclr Cured without interfering with Hit
patient's dally avocation. Correspond with 01
call ou DR. F. P. BELLINGER.
8H Uroadwny , Council lllutts , la.
All coirespondencecontldcntlal.
$2. AN ELEGANT $2 ,
To each purchaser of $2.00 worth oi
goods wo give a ticket which en
titloa the holder to one clmnco or
nn Elegant Gold Watch worth $90
Wo carry a nice line of goods , In tin
latest styles , embracing Men's anc
Hoy's elothing , hats and caps , boots
antl shoes , glovesmittens , etc. , whiel
wo will sell you at One-half the Prici
asked you by other dealers and givi
you a chance on the watch besides.
Come And 6xamino our goods and price1
before purchasing. Remember thi
place , fllO nnd f > 48 Broadway.
Carriage ami Express Line
Telebhoiie No , Wl. ,
All calls from District Telegraph Ofllc
promptly uUcudetl to ,
401. 401. 401. 401.
These Are Symbolic !
What Do They Symbolize ?
There Are 401 Reasons for This.
The best goods in the various
Quality ! departments of our stock the
market contain.
The most goods possibleto
, be given for the money.
The greatest amount of the
Cheapness ! best goods for the 'least
401 persons can testify that this is so.
401 Kinds of Dress Goods for
401 styles of beauty.
401 styles of Carpets for
401 kinds of homes.
401 styles of Underwear for
4O1 kinds of persons.
All this and 401 times as much you will find at
401 Broadway.
Harkness Brothers.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
IJroadwuy , Council Uluttti , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses and mnlrs conrtantly on linml , for
cale ut retuH or In cnr loud lota.
Orders promptly fllleil by contract onslioit
Stock sold on commission.
Tolcpliono 114. SCULUTKH & HOI.RY.
Oppodttu Dummy Depot. Council lllutrs.
Trotting - Stallions
TOE GARY , Council Bluffs ,
COO Brooihvay , Council muffs , Iowa.
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturer ! of
Orders r > y mall for repairs promptly attended
to. Hatlhfuctlon guaranteed , lutli Avrnuo. Ad
dress Ogden Iron Works , Council llliitr.i , Jowa.
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
620 and K ! Main Street.Councll IlliilTs.Iowa.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Ea-
capo. Eloctrlo Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor ,
Worth $2OOO to bo Given Awny by
Henry Elsomnn & Oo.'s Pooplo's
Store , 31'1 , 310,310 and 32O
Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
With Kvery Two Dollni-s Worth of
Goods IMirolinHCtl Volt AVI11 llccrlvo
a Coupon Ticket Gootl l-'or Ono
Clmnco In the Following ( irnntt
Presents to be Given Awny by
us on Momtny , ilunuary
Kith , 1HHM.
Every $2 jnirclinso receives ono ticket
nml every luliUtiotiul $ U the FUIUU.
Hold your tlukuts until the above men
tioned date , when the lucky numbers
will ho nnnouiu'ud mid the holders in-
vitcd to call for their presents.
Itomombor you will nnvo to pay noth
ing extra on your piircluibeH. Wo
ptiarnnteo to sell you poods cheaper
than you can buy at any other house in
the wes t , nml plvo yon { ho livrpest , iinest
nnd hebt atock west of Chicago to select
All mail orders receive prompt atten
tion and tickets for the fre 3 gifts for
warded witli the orders the biimo as if
you were hero in person.
These distributions will he madowith
every fairne1" ) , and customers may de
pend on the lucky numbers receiving
their reward.
No tickets will ho given to employes
of our house , customers only receiving
the benefit of the pri/cs.
_ LIST or rui/KS.
No. of prix.o.
1 One elegant parlor sot coiiMhting
of t > om , divan and 4 largo easy chairs ,
purchased from S. S. Keller of this city.
2 One elegant cherry bed room set ,
consisting of bedstead , dresser and
wash stttml. Have large bovell French
plate mirrors. Purchased from C. A.
IJeeho i , Co. , city.
3 One elegant silver tea sot , consist
ing of extra largo and very heavy
waiter , colTco pot , tea pot , sugar bowl ,
creamer and spoon holder. Mubt bo
seen to bo fully appreciated. Bought
from C. B. .Tacquemin & Co. , city.
4 Ono very handsome water sotcom
prising pitcher stand goblets and wash
bowl of the very largest design. An
elegant piece of goods. Purchased from
Kobiiison Bros. , city.
6 Decorated China dinner set of 1HO
pieces. Purchased from W. A. Maurer ,
( > Elegant decorated China tea set of
BO pieces.
7 Very handsome blue snlin water
sot , consisting of 0 tumblers , 1 pitcher
and one hammered brass tray.
8 One Venetian water set , comprising
C tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass
! ) Lustre amber water sot , compris
ing 0 tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 elegant
brass tray.
10 One ruby water set. consisting of
0 tumblprs. 1 pitcher and 1 brass1 trny.
11 20 yds best black ( Juinett silk the
best silks made.
12 1 pair Japanese portiers.
li ! 1 gentleman's smoking jacket.
14 1 very elegant Paisley shawl.
1C 1 set beaver furs.
1(1 ( 1 gentleman's dress suit.
17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat.
18 1 boy's or youth's suit.
lit 1 boy's or youth's overcoat.
20 1 pair sealskin gloves.
21 1 pair California white blankets.
22 1 combination nobility dress pattern -
torn , worth $50.
23 1 Misses cloak.
21 1 piece Lonesdalc muslin.
25 1 pair men's boots or shoes.
2(5 ( 1 C. P. corset any size.
27 1 pair Misses shoes.
28 1 Dr. Warner's corset.
29 1 very line Marsaillcs bed spread.
30 1 elegant album.
31 1 toboggan cap.
, ' 12 1 infants cloak.
33 1 snshmcro dress.
34 1 set furs.
35 1 line largo doll.
3(1 ( 1 autograph album.
37 1 do/en ladies' line wool fast black
38 } dozen Misses fine wool fast black
39 1 gingham dress pattern.
40 1 do/en gentslinen handkerchiefs.
41 1 do/en ladieslinen handkerchiefs.
42 6 linen table cloths.
43 1 do/.en linen napkins.
44 1 doicn fine linen towels.
45 1 fancy stand cover.
40 1 table cover.
47 1 Marsailles quilt.
48 1 fine largo doll.
49 1 largo album.
50 1 toboggan cap.
51 1 child's hood.
52 1 piece "fruit of loom" muslin.
63 1 fancy stand cover.
fit 1 pair elegant Japanese porticrs.
55 1 album.
5(1 ( 1 largo doll.
57 1 autograph album.
5 ? 1 seal skin hand bag.
59 1 toilet set.
fiO 1 Long pocket book.
01 1 fine silk mufllor.
02 1 shopping bag.
03 1 elegant lace handkerchief.
04 1 largo bottle fine perfume.
05 1 pair kid gloves.
00 1 pair bill ; suspenders.
07 1 pair ladies' ear rings.
( ! 8 1 pair ladies' culT buttons.
( i ! ) l line lace pin.
70 1 Madam Warner's corset.
71 1 line hand bag.
72 1 largo album.
73 1 large wax doll.
74 1 gents' scarf.
75 1 line silk mulllcr.
70 1 pair ladies line shoes.
77 1 autograph album.
78 1 pair silk mils.
70 1 gent's fur cap.
80 1 gents' silk smoking jacket.
81 1 gouts' hat.
82 1 pair men's arctic ovorsboes.
83 1 pair Indies' overshoes.
81 1 line album.
85 1 hammered brass umbrella stand.
80 1 pair line silk suspenders.
87 1 largo doll.
88 1 largo shopping bag.
fc9 1 silk umbrella.
00 1 fine lace handkerchief.
01 1 elegant evening shawl.
02 1 gent's traveling bag.
1)3 ) 1 toboggan cap.
01 1 child's hood.
I ) , " ) 1 pair kid gloves
00 ladies' fine jersey ,
07 elegant lace handkerchief ,
08- silk mufller.
09- per ladies' line thoes.
100 bet ladies' furs.
Total value of the above 100 presents ,
two thousand dollars.
Kco them exhibited in our store.
The drawing will bo conducted under
the nmnagcmopt of a committee of six
citizens , and the utmost fairness will bo
had 60 the presents will go to the per
sons who holdstho lucky numbers.
Now is the time for everybody to take
advantage of this great gift otloring.
Buy your goods at the People's store ,
bavo money thereby and got a present
In the bargain , Henry Klbomun At Co. ,
People's Btoro , 314 , 310 , 318 ttnd 320
Broadway , Council LUuils , la.
Who u wr.AK. NKKVom.
TKD , who III hi * KOMY unit Kl
1ms TRIFLKI ) w y till VIGOR ofTlODTi
MINI > kml MANHOOnriuiiilMg txbtliMlnf
drftlni upon the roiTNTAINfl of MFK }
UKAnAdfir , A ! KA 'UR , Dr * c1flll
Drcumt , WEAHNKNM of Menorr , II A II If tf
rifl.Kr.MIn NOt'IKTY. PIMPt.rMUpotf
the FACE , anil * 11 the EFFEITN letdlnj j3
KAHLY UEt'AY and pcrliifi CONNVMP.
TIUN or INMANITY , ihonli couiult at one *
the < T.IF.BRATEI > lr. Clark * . KjUMIih
1M1. Dr. Clarke 1m made NERVOHH DE.
RIMTY. CHHONH ! and all DliraMf of
the UE.MTO VKINAKY Organi a l.tfi
Utudj. U makti NO difference WHAT you
hare ukrn or WHO has fallrd to cure you.
4VFEM AI.Eft nuflcrlnc from dlioatei pcu +
liar to their MX can coniult with the uranc
of ipetdy relltfand cure. Send 2 centi pottaf *
for worki on jour dlttaifi.
_ 49-Hvnd 4 cf till poitaire tot C > lcbri l *
Wcrki nn 'hronlr , Nvrvou * and 1 > 1U
! Il caici. Coniultatlon , penotulljr or by
letter , fro * . Coniult the old Dorior.
TlioawnuiU rttrrcl. OIHrmaml iiitrlorfl
prlvntp. flhnse cnntemplMlne MarrUgc *
end for Or. Clnrko'n crichralod guld
Male and Femnlr. each U-c. , both % > e. '
( lUmpi ) . llcfore confldlne your caie , ooniull
I r. OliAKUE. A friendly letter or rail may
uvo future nulTcrltiennd shame , and mid golclo *
year * to life.Book " Hfr'n ( Secret ! Eri
ror , " too. ( itampK ) . Medicine and writing *
tent everywhere , necurc from rmpuinr (
Uours , 8 to R ; Unndnyi , U lo la. Atldrcm.
P. > . OLAKKB , M. D.
160 So. Clark ; St. CHICAGO , ILL.
Have the largest and most
Assortment of
Fire Place Furnishings
One Hundred & Seventy-Fve
Different designs of fireplaces can
be seen all set tip In our show
rooms. Also complete
Bath & Toilet
Kooms all fitted up with Tiles.
Brass Goods
Of all th e choicest and inont original
Headers of thin paper
yoods In our line should caller
or communicate.
$ hi& & $ jF&t1tRl
A qilK'K ' mid I ,
- ' - - ' - "ItoOK. fu 'r riYtVtVri/Ae"eV Iii 'oY 3ii
itrsb > I J. * llnaoui , mlH. OOthltllCUrTtaU O *
tricVjL , . " - - - . -
: l tric- ' Itjrdlr.elt/lliroulK ---ntjM-
l itlhim-jYfe.lofcMlthatiiJVUorou.ItMiith. tltctii * > M _ "ii' ' tollr ' ? 'r / ° rr"ij . ° > fi "M
tnincutly curtii In IhrM raoathi
th * linden EUctrio Co. '
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omalm and CounciJ
KIiitTs to
COUNCIL ni.urra
Clrlcngo , AND Mllrraukfp ,
St. I'uul , Minneapolis , Cedar Kapidg.
Rock Island , FrcrporJ , Hockford ,
Clinton , Ilubiiqiie , DaTPnport ,
Elgin , Mndlson , Jmicsrlllf ,
Belolt , Winonn , f Ln Crosse ,
> other Important point ! Eait , Noitheatt n *
For tbrough tlcielt call on tb * ticket tcont it 140
Furiiam ti < ; et , III I'Rilon Hotel , or t Union I'acliyi
FulKnan Bleepem and the nneit Dlnln * Can In It ) ,
norht ar Kin on the main lloe of the Chicago. Ml
auket 1 ft. Paul llallwar.and eT rr atlfDtlon li
pnl.l . to ftuengen courtuout tupluroi cf thi
H.MinLEUOeDeralMan | cr.
J ! 'I L'CKKH , AiiKtant ( ; npral Mnnager.
A. V. II. UAKI'KNTKK , Ueinral 1'nntnier am
T 1l ) . Jt"KAr-'KoriD ? , Anlitanl General Pa icnge |
* J. T. t'lIUltfiOeneral ? Superintendent.
NorthWestern -
Western ,
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tbt only road to tnko for TIM Molnei , Mnrlalltowa <
Certar lUi.lil. , Clinton , Ilium , CkltnKii , Alllwadki-d
ari'1 all polnu unit. To II.e . people nt Nrbrniku , < nlol
rnilo , Wjuinlnir. Utah , IJaho NeTailn , Union , WmliJ
lintun ami ( 'Hlltornla , It nfferi lui'Ulur ' adtanUKv *
br I poiilale by any otbor llnu , . , .
Ainoni ! A fur < if tbu nuineruui p lnli of niprriorlt *
tnJoyiHl by tlie p trunii of thli rnail t > lwf Sn.o.1' ' B.ia
* nai blcairu , arnlti two trrlnt n Uny of DAY ( UAJU (
KM , wblcb nru ilir llnmt that ' niaii art aiirt Jn nuU
ty ; ancre t . IU I'AI.AfK HI.KK.riNU CAIll. iliM
arg inoilulHuf tointnrt and lf anc in I Aiii/im
In wlrtfly celebraleil I'Al.A'l IAI , ll.M.N | < l CAIWV tb
. < iu l of which c aniKit bu found U wli r At touiffl
til JlliifTi tbo tralna of the Union J'uclllo Kallwar , coitj
nect In union depot IIU thoi * of Iho lilfato Jl
Nortliwe.l.Tn lly In CUIraieo Ibo train * of tills llnd
inake clom connection itlth ihoso of all utber eaitcri
tor nc-trnlt , Oilumbui. Imllaiiapolli. CInclnBall , '
s'lavara I utli , IluRaln. l-ittiatiru , l'r { nlo , Moiitiral ,
loiton , New Vork , I'hlladelphla , llalllmore. Waih
on. nud all | ioluti In tbo mil , utk for a ticket il
U jou ulih the bi'iUrcorauiocUUGQ. All ticket ncut *
ell tlCkCU l Ihll llnO. , _ , , cr.I
ilcdiirri' K p. WII.SON ,
" ' ( icnl Mariaucr , OeU. J'ai.T Agent