' , - ¶ . , t 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t 'rilE OMAITA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 19. 1887. , ; . . EVINS ANI ) BILL STOUT \\TIN. \ \ ' . . . They Secure the CityIaU Supor- I3trueturo Coutraot . DISMISSAL OF REAGAN BROTHERS . TO1I Eit to JtIflUV ( ¶ I'helr THOIM ' I 1)1)HnhIceM FrIIl I lie ( t'O1ItIIM ( . VlIIIOtIt W'vftst ( ) rIei . . 11iIIi fiti , The ( iIty hail Cotitvnet. 'rho ineinbeis of the botrd of public works , IksMrs. IJRICOIII1)e , ? 1nyno nod Ilulnirod , met 1it ulglit niiI wino uumiltiious In evorythhig ; brought up for com4llcratioIL ( and that wa ittlopted. 'i'o Insure i speedy dIsIostIon ) utI(1 ( , caruful consideration of the hnincnso amouiit . of 1)Ufdrless to ho transucte(1 ( from outside In. tcrferemt , thu cty Wiu ; kept turned in the I door mid ito onu CXCCIt ) mexnIcrsof the press , J'rcshlent Be(13c1 of the city council , City Engineer Tiltothon nod Mr. Baker , superin. tendent of city building , va admitted. Thu . lrlnciIR1 ) toi'io ' receiving nttcntion was the , . ubaIduned coutruct of uegaii Bros. and the . Jetting 01 thu contract for the completion of Hegan Bros. ' tinfinishied work end the super. structure of the city hull. The first iimtter taken UI ) wa the report of the archiite'ct , 1Ir. ? lycrs , who lintl conic from Detroit tO iIISICCt ) the work and , ut his oh iervutIoiis in blnek and whito. They arc u follows : O.urA , Nub. , Nov. 17.-Honorable hioarl of Public ' , Vorks , Onnhu : , Neb-Centlenien I n 000hlhIancu svitli your teIUet mail o to liii ) In regard to tim city hail huilditig uiiil thu contract txistIng between the city of Onnlm : atni 1ega : , Brothers , iintl executed on the itI duy of Sepwxiiber , ibbl , I iejectfu1Iy statu : 'the conditions Itild zeuircmzit of said cmatract are aIrtndy set forth in the coii- tract , specilicuttolis ittiti plaits ; each part of tue vork and niiterial : Licilig already dolhiied 1)0th , flM to ItS cluiruct er , sizu iurl forzi : , nnd also set forth froni thu tiirio wheil haiti work cozriuiencs uflt ends , the sanio being already lufluiud , It i too uvIIit t to the tLdursIgicd : : thn t. thu satI Rug.tn I Irothiers have not coii- : I I ted vith Ui U coiidit III , S ita d r'qtl I teutetits ( if said cuntret , nor have Uiu sihL Iegni : Brothers cflhIlLtcd their e4)ntluct ) witlihi the titHe stated in stilil ( ontiact ; while thu work iitttl IIilttOI'IUi Iu vu ished : ; o fur stilt the (1iIs icijuircd. hut the sanie ho too iiiaiiy ilistances hi hot in accord. alice with the thriis of the contract , a large ) sntioii of the vorlc hierforined viIi of t iiecesslty for the safety ot thu structure be 1ehIiirei to lie 'ihie tiso of tile sclicdulu of the contractor c I'4 already dullard ii to IL' uses iiiol Is iiot a I I'art ' of thu contract to set forth the work and inatcrltd icquireci ( sec article III of thu sped. J lidatiOlls ) . limier the ternis o your coil- tract , stnted In article : tor the slieciticatiolis , , dehines ttiut the loarl , of Iuthie ) ) svorks tiis : the right nod sole jowei to direct the eider of iricctiurethat , the work shall proceed on siihil f Iii itihit loll 'l'hie city coiiiichl II , resolu. , tIOfl directet ( that the work on tIm cast svall i.hall teiiiporurtly Stol ) . This order from the ( itV CUi1CiI , would not prevent thu said . Ucgaii Brothers uioiii proceeding with iiiiy other Portion of t tie vork on uid ho ii ding. , ' .l'lio re'u ' I renient s of thu Plillis clearly dci- Iiio vhicro l.Iio t41 , hue of tuscutieat ceases cii said pliti , the stolic' stCh , , iiica , Vatcr tublo itiiil iroii voik Is clearly sin , vii , iuid iii thu st IhUhitIoiis ) SOt forth under the tories of the cotitract , and is a purL nial liarcel of the con- tl-.t. 'J'hio Cost of the work and inateilal yet ro- It 1 tilt-ed Li ) coiiiplcto 511 iii C' ' , iit iiict IS IJOt.T. ( ) h 'J'iciti , 14 iii i P0 rtions of the I ron and stotie SOIic Vhi ichi i.4 not hil I , tisit ion iiiiil coil- licdtioiiI4. 'J'o rciiiely such do feels iiiiil thio I" OlCI ) h1itit'Cti0t1 0 f the foiiiaLutioni during the % s-iiitcr It whit cost about hhtteen hiuiiiti-cd .lolhii . is ( $ I ,51 t ) to toii licet the same , : iiiik in g a titiiI cost work yet to be ilono by Rogan I trothiers tvdiIty-nie tiOUi41I1d ) live hiuiiilreil i&hiiu & ( IohIar4 SOVIit3SeVCui Cdiiti4 , (21 ( , tJ.77. ) Thu contract il1s ( ) tIeuhne the duty of the li&shi1euit of the boaid of iuhhie works so : clearly that the undci-sigiiod is of the opinion that us the sthiUhtttiOiis of the contract have hot beci , fiihhihlod , that it is uvidoiitly your I duty to uiiiiul the contract existhiig betweca t lie city o f Omaha an ii 1egaii Ii rothiors , mat IiOddh ) ulilleP the tcrmiis of sithi contract to conuidete time viirk mimitl ottaiil the material so ii'to ( O1iihlOt&3 ) sliIlYiLk in accorduncu to the - tel-his of time contract , or let the comitruct to , 501)10 responsIble builder to coimipheto thie Aiticlo 10 of the speehtlcatjns ) distinctly tute thimit "sill mnatciial and vork. , iiiiiii.ihi ii ) IdlliEC(1 , in the Cietjtioii &LIiii comnphct ion o f the ton mutation must 1)0 ) of the very bet Of thic' several kimuis mimiti iii strict miccordaimee vith the 1-etluiro- imieuits 0 f t ho Iamis , eluvatIos , dcl alt , drav. tugs amid sauulihes , fromit vhi helm , amid guided by time iliiis , time cHlt lactor immust furimish all immaterial amid vork stmovim miimtl set fort hi on the 1)1:1115 : 50 US to dtiliIICtU ) the hasemmiont to ii hue reluired ( by the jhaii' , , vhich includes the water table , floor bcumim , brick arches anchors , tie i-oils and all stoimo steps and um.eits mis ShiOVml itiiil rt9hlilmel by time , hmtiis. At time hue of tIme beamiis iii time sub-base- nwmit there is work cxtemtlcl , , that is hot hieuil in accordance vitlm thic ieqtmiicuiieimts of thu Ilhillis ; iio itlons ( , I thic l mime bu hit o f mm eimmirut ( SmI , f w-ork mint cent cnmjiLit el by time ciuimmt i-act , amid in ClISO that 1 eiimi lhittilmjis 5110111(1 meiilmiLo hu3-mnents ) on said vorIc , the ( itp' emmghmiccm vouId ho justihleil , itmiti iii fmmct w-ouhd 1)0 dIm-diet 1mm hIs duties , siiouid lie all - l ( ) ' evemi an estlimmato mitiolo or ) ( until such voi-k w-mis corrected. Therolom-ci , I sco no tist rouoiis why Uegmimi hirothwrs should stop ' . 'OVlC cmi said liulldimig cmi miecoumit that tIme city had hot iuuiho immmitcmi Is vlicim dcimiaimdcd , 0i even qimesthomi time , iuullties of vork m-cturmmctl by the suhmcriuteumdeuit , mmmiii they timeumselves imavti not porforimmeil time Work mm ieqimircd by the commtrnct. After careful exiimmm I mint ion o f t lie contract and time wmk , , oxt'utt'iI , I sec mm just m-cusomm to exdimso 1egami itrothmers for the i-cfusal to go emi mind toiiiiihoto thick Commtrmict. ' [ 'hmemufot-ci , immider the IO'emS lmivcstcl ( imy time eommtraet in tIme uimdershgmmol , I tIc imcirely mmmuko the mibove mmvurtt utah hsiievo time simmmie Ii ) be just amid true. E 1 MVEIi : , Aicimitect of City hull Building. Pdr. lteummmrod suliimittCt thu fohlowimmg m-eso- lutiou , svlmiclm was imsseii lesolved , 'J'hut iii order to avoid any cmii- tioversy , no material immamiufmmetimied 1mm ummy In i4oml or by prison or comivict lahor , summIt 1)0 used hi the ronsti-uctiomi of time supcrstruc- t nrc of the miow city hull of Ommiahmim , mimmil that tii comitruetor to whom time cnmmtract is awarded uecepts the comitract with this kimowl- otige.Mr. Mr. Mayimo moved that time bhtl of 1Viihlamn Nevhmis & Co. , contractors for time building huporstmuctlmi'o of tIme mmmv city lmuli , be mie- ( 'iitO4i ) mmmmml time style of stomme dcsigimutetl here- uftor. ' 1hmo motion was unammlmmmously adopted. ' .l'tmo bid of Nevins & Co. is MS,5&XJ. & mlr. lialcomuisi presomited the following vcsolutiomis , vliich vem-e mulopteii lCmlV1'tl , 'J'iiut time contract lietween time city of Ommiaima amid iteagmum 1 irotimem-s for eon- mtructiimg time basemimeimt ammil simb-basemiment of t ime city hull in Ommmaimu shouitl be immimmuhioti utah camictihled lmnimmedimitely , for time following i-CaLSOils : 1. The mnmiterials furmiislmed are not first- class , her hits the voit hmeen irforrnt'd so fur mum it hmims irogrcssod iii a skillful , aimil workmanlike nummimitr as 5t11)uhmmted. 2. TIme work hits not been c&irm-icd & on as rapidly - idly as It should iuive beemi. 8. The contract vmis miot. coinplcteml on or before July 1 ISST , as stipulated. 4. The worc has beomi imbmimtdoned. . Thu said commtr.metors immivu kept iii their Culhl03 an umifmmitlmful amid lueomultomit Overseer - seer of time work. 13. And for the further reason that tIme comi. tractors howe not vehl mind fmiitimfuiiy ncr- formmied any of their obligations under said comitract according to the Plans amid siecltlcatlomms and stipulutlomis therein Con tmmtned to the gicmmt detriment of the imbue interests. ' Wihhlaui Norms & Co. offered to complete time umitlnishmeil twork of Regami lirothmers on time baseimmemmt for $ l9S.O.ItO. 'rhclrpropoltlon wit' accepted im necordammee with time up- iemmtlotl rcsoiutlomi offerotl by Mr. Marime : Resolved , 'rimat inasuiuchm as W'illlamu Ne. vimis & Co. have beemm awimrdetl the commtrmmct for the commstructiomi of the superstructure of thu city imitli timid Whereas , rtmehbitt for time completion of time substructure l withlmi time amnount of time , estinmatu us furnished by t.iiemirelm1tect there- hlesolved , Thiit , limb contract for tile coma. , lc ttoim of time substruettmre be mvurilttl to . Vhhiimun Novins & Co. . The fohlocthg emtlumate were ailowed COfO \ \ ' McKiuuCy , l1Un . . , . _ . . ' . , ' : . - . . : _ _ _ _ - _ - _ Smith sail hlmtrinieh's ahilltlons 1 ,41 1.07 ; ( icom-ge W. Mt'lCltmmiey , fhimimi grnmiing cstlmrmata on Itcmwnrd street fromim i'veimty.seepnd to Twenty-fourth , 2.i2.1l ) VtItl Pmibilsbhmg Commmlimtm , pubhl.ihmlmig city bull proisismils , * I. Chmimtrmmmmmn ilulcommibe toad time .followhmmg letter : 1cor : , : e1) . NOt. 1.-TTnp St. A. fl I iiicormmho-lemmr , Sir : I see your lIttrs ) : imimmi t lie stomme mmumsons' ii nIomi huisir under time mimimi- tmmprcumciislou thimt : I desigued or desire to lisa convict labor lii the iireiartion ) of material for your city hull building uin which Mr. Nevhrms amid mmiyself reetmmmtiy biti. I vishm to silty to you amimi thmrougb you Li ) time other hmnmm- orimble niemnbers of your board that I micithmur hmmve such design or desire , mmd aiim ptm-fccthy willing that a iiroimibitor clause should be Inserted iii our comitrimet shmotmld the contract be miwimmiled to us. Yours tmul , \v. Ii. ii. STeer. The board , throtmghm its timnirumamm , Mr. Hal- comnbe , Issued time mippemideth OtAlIi Nov. lt--Mcsrs. ) Itrgami Brothers rind any others whom It may roneerim-Gemi- tiememi : You are hereby imotltied that your commtrtict for time coimstmuctlorm of time basemimemmt val1 for time city imimli buildimmg emmtured into with Umo city of Ommumhma Septemuber 3 , lSSd , mmmiii approved by the citycoundl Scptctnber 0 , amid by time mayor September 1 I , ISSfl , Is this tiny annulled timid muncclled by mae as autimom-iecl ummder stlpmmhmtlomms of said comitm-nct amid time Instructions of time board of publIc works , and with time cormcurrctnce of the arch. Itect of mmiii building mmmi time city enghmicer. You are also notified timmit the 10 per cent of the mimmmnt of each and every estimate imeretofora given VOU timmiler said coimtrmmct Is retnimwd by imumil forfeited to time city of Omnuimmi , in mmdditiomm to thit amount sectim-cil by the immiti as damniuges bi ich said city may sustaimm by Itiasomi of your failure to eonmllcito said contract In no- corhmmiico , with time terms amid commditiomms tiicroof. 1 also notIfy 3'nu that thai city of Oniahma commsitiers amid declines timmit all hmuildiimgs , sheds , femiecs , mumcimimiery , mechanical ap phiammces , toots timid commvenlmmccs of every kind whatsoever , wimicli mire at present lmfOfl or miemir by the saId foundntlomm imreImiiHts for uqe In constructiomm of said foummtlatiomm wall vlhl , dum-immg Its construct - struct lou aim d d u mi mig cciii ph utloim , ham comm s Id- ered mind construed as the property of time city of Oimnmimmm amid umider commtmol of limo city couimcii , i13 mtdmh It homimil scout mit.y mm gmm I mm st d iimmi- ages , and timerefomo imnmst mint be momnoved froimm time ruummises before time coimlhmletiorm of the said fomimimlatlon vnll , except by time writ. tell eommsemt of time city council. You mu-c also miotihied timmit this hnmrml at its lust Imieutiimg miV.ilIiCtl \Villimimmi Neviims to ii Oiitimict for time coimipieteil portioim mmnderyommr comitr.ict for time simm of 1t,8.tiO. ) ( ) Yours truly , ST. A. D. BAI.OMimm Chialm-nian. -S TO ThII HItIDGE. A Move ( I ) Secure AiItimel Approach to Cmoqs the itiver. Time taxpayers of time First \Vai-d have immi- der way aim Itnportmiiit seimemne which is Intended - tended to lCiiCflt. that ll.mrt of the city and it siilt. to the tnivuimtago or 1)001)10 ) Iii time south- em-il mmd southwosterim sectiomiu of the towim. It is to eiiemi a roadway south of the Ummion Pmeitlc track to time wmigomt anti licciestrimmn way on time imew Ummlon l'ueilIe bridge. This would ommaimlu iiuople to reach the bridge without eoniug : mmorth of the truck to the irdsemlt upprouicim and timeim retrace mm mlumlliicr of their steps to reach time bridge. while at time same time it. ommiml eumimblo ieohuic from time Bluffs to go directly to tin ) sutmtimermi lutit of timci tovn. 'l'hiti i-timid ) ) ( ) ( is east on l1mmcihle itmeet vhmleim is himivod to Sixth , timeuce through a Comm 1 > 11' of lots iii iiOei 8f amid timermco tim moimghi Ltmiimiger ( ; 'ihtteii : fs iuoim'mt3 , mm sect 10:1 : of svhmieim hims : : iir'mmdv beemm seurcl ( for time iuIii.i)4)5O. 'l'hmei-e still u smmmahl immmt 0 f time - , mouto vim icim hmmis mmot I meemi eomm- demimmicil. iiimt it is thought by time proleetimr,4 timmit I lie dommc I mm mi simoi-t t immie. 'l'hmo ecu mm- oil , helcgmmtiomm frommi time First vmmril have hind time limlitter referred to thmemmi mmmiii are vorhiimg lint-il on it mimmmi are backed by time 1)001)10 ) of thu southmermm Putt of the I'ieseuteil to No. 2. No. 2 cFire comnpaiiy wims imiesutetl last ovemihmmg with a iifeslied Portrtitoftirn : famous 13111 hunt , mum old vet who mliii service in time mimmymi of10 , wimeim Ommiaima ivas iii her iufmmrmcy. It mis Preseimtcd by Ir. but imIimi'elf. 1\lr. .Tiiii , , MdBmi,1 , , ' , oh idumtii f of time boys , temmdered their tiiammks itt mm vcry eioqueumt immmimmner. Sum rpvised. , Tetf Megeuthm was surprised at hIs residence Timurst1my nihmt by about sixty friends , viin sPeult the evenimmg In a umost eimjoyable umati her. IlCill Estiitti Tvmmmisfers. Simoim . \Vrigimt anti svife to George .1 \ihhmiiid , lots 1 , 2 , h , 4 , 8 , 10 , II , it3 , it : , 42 , 4t nail Ii 1mm North Side add 'V ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dOOO , I3ei-nnrd lucy cit ni to henry Hey. mimmiimii et mu , of lot 19 in 1)aven- port SUl-iiV ( of lots 6 , i13 , 51 , 55 , 56 miiimi Sd Olse's multi w it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 , Bmirartl Ililcy ct mu to A ihleck cit al , thu cit of lot 19 Daveumport's sub- dlv mmdli 80th ) Ommimil ma C'mmirl mige mmmiii Sleigh company to S. F. itockweih , lot 0 in first add to F.ictory iimmco \ % ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Omnniia Curt-hmige mmmii Sleigh commipammy to I ) A Mmmumker , lot 7 lii first maid to 1'aetor.v w , l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 S i' Umckveul to C \lmmnker cit iii , lot p i mm II m-st mmmlii to F'mit oiy idace ' d . . 50 \Viihiniii S Paul to L ? ilarir , lot S bik 2 mmmi lot I 1 1,1k 5 of i\luyiitm's maid v d 1,250 .T II hleimgiite to .Tammmes IC Cimuinbers , lot ill 1)1k ' 2 , hot 2 1 bhlr 8 , lot 7 hilk 1IJ , lot 19 hik 7 lot I I 1,1k , (1 ( , lot 1 hilt it ) , lots 2O , 21 amid 22 hIlt lOammul lot 22 bhic hi Bedford iimIe d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,150 , ViilImiimm Seimohdt mind vifo to ! 1ury Sti'hteii ( ) , lot S blic : . , village of Elk- iimimim , \v ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 -\v i tomisomi : mimtl wife tolrs Teiesmm immhi ml , hot s I aimd 2 Ilemmsomi's sub South Omaha , \ % ' d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 Smmimmuel P 'mlmtitimi to Sinmumu Netzer cit al , 1-5 of aim acre 1mm w of ci of it 0 of si'c : il-isit : , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 i1 A Upton mmmiii wife to Chmimrlotto Cowley , tim , ) s 40 ft of lot 7 bItt UT , Sotmth 0 mmumima , v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ,00t , ) South Ommimmimmi 1mimul comi : hmnY to Jacob Kemiihis lot S bik TI , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 H l Emmgluimml to Emiward Saummu , lot S bik 1 iii 1st mold to South . Omnaima , vl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ltimmm Soiwro tO Stom-z & 11cr , s ft of lot U hdk I , lmimimtz' 3d timid , le.iso for hi-i Veims , 1)um yemir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis Sehmroetler , trustee , to Williani Ciimmka , lOts 17 and IS blk 3 , Brown Pmmmii , v ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 A S Billings imimmi wife to A Ic lot 4 1mm itilhiimgs'sub dlv , lot 2 blIc 17 , \v Omimuima , sv ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 R C I'ntteison amid wife to T it Dody lots I I nmid 15 but 7 Iii Edgewood I'ark , w ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 E S ltOml ) antI whfe to Julia A iCoos , lot 14 blk 0 - ' , Albu-iglmt's macox to South Omnaimim , w ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 John Ii Itegmmn to hiommjammn S Browmi , the tmnti lot 8 blhc 7 , .Teiomne Park mmmiii , . ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo Nathan Simoiton antI vhfe to hmiria Stuavart , lot S bhk 7 , Windsor terrace - , race , w ci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 v A ( Iramidjean to Lmuwrcrice C Emmo. vold , lots h5 , 10 miamI 17 bik 2 , iii i"ow. Icr plmlte , w 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,550 I ) R Archer cit al to time PUW1C , Plot of Asimlamid intrlc on S w 3 ( see 5.14- E S Dunuhy , sr. , to Iul1)lIc , plat of E S Dummdy'mu , jr. , sub-div of lets 13 and 14 14k 6 , htanseom ilacc. . . . . . . . . . . . . South Oimmmiha Land company to M A Upton , lot 7 , bik 97 , v ci. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 , A W Nmuson et ni to E N Ilarmicy lot I j , bllc 7 lots 1 amid 2 , bik 5 , In cu trmml vurI add , sv d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 Alice O'Donohoe ot al to William Col- fax , lots 1 to 7 , bilc ill , lots I to 6 mind Oto 14blk 17 lots I toGandS to 14 , bik 28 , lots 2 io to 14 , blk 24 , lots I to 7 , bik :3.3 : , nil in Carthage , v ii. . . . . . . 20,000 South Onmmihmm Land commmpmmny to mt A Upton , lots 1 to 0 , blk LS , w d. . . . . . . . 1,500 Total sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . limilhihug Permits. The colmi weather of yesterday seemed to iamve a depressing effect eu the immediate construction of proposed buildings , and the following tsvo lcrnilLs verO the only ones Issued Ommtahma ( ia Mnnimf.ichmm-ing Co. to re- imalr gemmcrathng house , by sustitut. , Immghmomm ionstruitton. . . . . . . . . ; . , . $ 5,000 c.-J. U gtrs , barim , 117th und.11oard. . . II0O Two lerm.ts , ggrcgatIng , . , . . . . , , .j.3QO - - ' COXTINENTAIi GLoRY. Aehmlcsetl In time Opemmitig ortiie l'nthor Chitimimig Store Tntt Night. Last eveimiimg the doors of time Colitlncmmtmul ( 'iOthiiflg house emu the imortilemist coiner of 11ftccntim mmml iouglns streets vero thrown open to time people. Thirteen elcetrle lights mimmul mm immmndrcd ga cts Ilimmimmineil time Vlimco. Five timousammml IeOhmle iuasscd mmtoutmml the ho- tenor of the store , amid between time taimies bailed witim wemiming apparel of nil klmm&ls , mmiii ) retIred with time fcelhng that the occasion rcxmilnmhed thmvmn of time rimmugmmlhleemico aiiml coum- jictcmics which cimaimmctcHze time gmcnt. elmmthi- lug estmmbiishnieuits hi time largest citIes of time coummtry. No tumor store than timat of time Contimmeotmil olotimlmig imotme Is to ho loumnil 1mm time city. It fronts upon Douglas 00(1 ( FIfteenth street.s , timid titus sumeim a sum iiid of hot it limmtu mmml mmmmd mir- t IhicImil I ighmt tim mm tlmo PU reim miser mmccii mlOVtr be at. mm loss t4) ) tieterimihime time mmntUrc , texture coil worth of time gmmrmnent ho Is exmitumlnimmg. Thiti fixtures mmio of hmarml wood , beautifully emrveml immimi otherwise etmmhellishmod. 'limo beauty of tiiehr graimm Is hrougimt. omt : by oil , time macret m-lelous ormmumnommt of paint vhmimit amy read ii. trmmiisfom-in p1 mme 1mm to am mmiiogmmimy , imimig , set mismde. 'I'hmege hlxtum-es , or those cmf thicumi at iemmst which are set against time wmmil , ni.o stocked Itli an Iimdolimmito vuiiety , of aim- demwenr mmmd gemitlemuemi's furnlsliimig goomis , huts , emips , gloves , tIes , scarf pins , shirts , jackets , in fmmct anything ho thIs hue which hilly 1)0 desIred by mm iei'somi of fastidious us well mis of simple tastes. 'l'lmere is nothmimmg , however , mimimong timeum of time shoddy om-tier. 'J'lmey are all of time Irmictical nod worthmy ommier , ouch article 1n every Instance - stance being wom-tim the money whIch is hmomiestiy exacted for ILs exchange. In time north cmi is mm hmandsomneiy decorated pmirior witim ml suite of di-essing m-oonms in tIme former of wimlch mm hurchmmser , , mifter immivlng attired hmixmmself 1mm his imey imubilimnemmts , mutty viev imiinself in Pier ilute , mirrors wimhchm extend front the floor to time top of time surrounding wmmlh. 0mm time cast side Is another thinly par- tit homied lilace imm whIch time cashier amid book- 1t'eucis ) vill be mimmarteromi. TIme features of elegmmmmce and roliniihity , vhich cimaractorize I lie fmirimlshming depurtimmomit also distimmguisim time ciotimhmmg stocic. This v.ms amnhly ulemnomistrateml to several thousand Imeople viio improved time opportunIty last e'emmimm to inspect time ummiterial imimil vork- nmmumishiiii of imtmmimlmeths of the gmlrnmeuts whIch % .em.e siret(1 ) ( umpoim the tables. 'rime tables of time institution ntmmhcr 115 , each of timemn twelrm : feet Iommg , amid those of thenm on the fm-st iloor were lmmst imight huiled chum high with time finest variety of goods imnaginmuhile. 'J'hme stock emuriied by thus lirmn is valued at $ l2,0O0. It was attemided by a corps of twenty salesmnomi , every ommo of whmommu wmms , In apmearatmce and demmieanor , a gentle. alan , with whmrnn to maice a deal or examine mu garment would imavo mm pleasmumit commtrast to that. whIch Is sommietlimmes oxperlemmeemi when mu sale is mint offeeteil. 'l'imese smilesniemu ao mmmmeml to realize time Ideal of the successftml vemmdercntcrtaitmcd by I ho irohrietors , tmmmi rimoiii time visitor cx- iCctS to Ilmmml iii time store , becmmuso In ha-ge letters and frames upon time wall , Prohiriotors give time Imumbhic to unmlerstaimmi what. ii to be CXheCteil ) of every attacime 1mm time way of courtesy tumid came. Jim like nmaniicr time flrmmi imavo elmmilaznhmed time pm-ui. dihmhes wimlch mirtuate them In time commdimct of their immsimiess irhiicihmlos vimicii fmtmihimmrity with time members nsmum-es one will be adhet-ed to mmmiii wimich immsemmsibiy con- duico to a feelIng of friendliness at otmee be- tweeui time Iluim1himi5eI mind those fiommm whonm time imlireimmusci imas been nmauio. At iimtervmmls aioimg the counters anti t aimles were disllmmycl ) Iloral decorations , which were vurmmmly mmppreciateml l- time hid los , mumd mit- tracted time longing gaze of hmmany of the strommger sex. ' .h'hmo crowd vas imicessamit in its passage timmommgim the store until mmbout 10 o'clock , mit iimtcirvmik , time intem-est of time occasion beimig lmeigimteneml by thimi cxcelleumt imumsic of the Sec. ommd immfmmmutry iLlmii. 'l'ime Cmiii immemmti1 "lothming Imouso Is emme of four immmmmemme : establislmmimemits , thu other I imree ieiiig , iii ouch of time cities of Boston , Now York , mtmmml Des Momnes , In. Time store imere comprises thX ) sihhmmtre feet. With time giomimmml mimd : struictumre , wlmicim latter is mum oriiamntmtt to thmo city , time muhvcmmt of the emmtt'riirise repre- se-mmts , ex1usivo of stock. 1200O ( ) . Time lire- lmietOtS mire F'reeiammml , Loomis & Co. , whose rLimlmtutiOmt is co-extensive with the llmmilt ( if the country. They have beemi in thmo bumsimmess for more tittum omie-timird of a cemmtury and In that Ic'rio(1 ( himive built up ami Imnicumse trmmmlo wimitli is solely for their own mmmiiufaetured goods wimicim gives emmllhoymhment ) to salesmen , miteOumntmmflt8 mimi mirtisitims of iieariy 1,0X ( ) hmimids. 0mb of time features of this tirmn , and clue u-imkim is mm guarmimmty of the expressemi , hesime to iiimise , is timmit mmfter a pmmrty itas mmmmle a iurthmmise wIth which Ito is not smitis- fie , ) , he mmmiy : m-etumrn amid ho swill receive his nmommey without a request to make a cimauge. Immeidemmtmmi ti ) time opemming lust imigimt. vmis time distributiomm of soimvcmuir curtIs , nimmi an admmiiruhiy illustrated and vtdumi1i book , which vmts full of immformmmLmtiomm for all classes of ocople. 'J'imo openIng wmms in-omioummecti mu SUCCesS. Fver.v : mmppoimttmmmcmmt was coampiete muimil every Iimommmiso immore tlmaii realized. It was time vork of : mmmmnv days amid stIll immoro : iummnerous lmammds , bitt itus mill the result of time uiaster-muiimds of S.V. . Loomnis anl W. A. Wright , of time eommmhuauy , each of wimoni Illustrate in both ht'rson amid manner time Momil of successful bimsimmess atom and inanmmgors , wimoso coniing imeme , wimile , of course , beneficial to timeumi- selves , Is omme of time recent mmchiorcmcumts of , 'wimieii Ommmmmha must be hiroummi. At 10:30 : , a bammiluet nt time Miilmurtl was ten- demoi ) In' time mmew fit-ni to time ne\yspmmper amen of Ommmaima amid thu cloths of time mmev ostub- iishmmmieumt. Over timimty guests wci-o presemit , itimmi Mr. Loomis hiresitleil. Six courses were sem-ved , mufter wimich followed toasts to time 4 'Ne\ % ' firm , ' ' time ' City o f Omnimima , ' ' amm1 "l'ime Omnaima Press , " wimlchm wet-u responded to by mmearly evemy persOn present. TiLE WIN1)S 1)11) flhjO'V. Ihitors nimd J'viutets Leave tue Ito- jmaiileau ItumiluhIng. Shortly before : mmidmtlght Imist imight time vlmmd blew a Perfemt gale for several hours. Time ulust wits s-elt ) nil from time sticets amid filled time eyes of imocturuni pcdestriamms. Titroumghm- out time city time effect oftime winmlwas visible. Dry goomis imoxes , asii barrels mind glitter sIgns were swept iu vmmrloims dlrectiomms. Jiwui- logs were wrecked , and iernlmimient signs s-ero iiOWmi ) down to stick - an oxtemmt that mmmcmi on coining down street thIs iumornimmg vill , in mill prolmabillty , 1)0 led astrmuy If timey depenmi on time sigmms to locate thorn. Trees amid shrubbery succumbed to the force of time gale , anti straggiimmg evidence of the diummngo dommo Iii this dim-ectiomi was yisiiilo on all sides. Htmil'himmgs rocked mind in many vart of the cIty teumipormury staging on structum-es under way of comnpietiomm vere blown down. Thmo intililimmg of tue Hepubilcami , corner - nor of Temitit and Douglas street swayed mmml shivered with every bias of the whit amid simortly before I &clock there was a geumeral walk-out of editors , reporters anti PrItiters. Of time latter class time fore- Imimili mmmmd mtssistmunt foreman only remained , timid tIme typos took refuge 1mm the hallways of ailJmimming iUlldimigs to awaIt an abatomuemit of timi ) wltim.l's eccemitu-Icitios. Time Alleged 1)maimmomutl Thihevos. Franlc Bruce , J. W. Shaw and Jmmmnes Eaton , the alleged diamond thieves , were tried before Judge Berkn yesterday antI put umider 1 200 , S00 amid $1,000 bonds respec'- tively. iii default they vent to jaIl to nvmtlt trial bofoi-e the dIstrict court. Labor Meeting. There will be a public mnootimmg of the Central - tral Labor union on Sunday , November 20 , at 2:30 : i. in. , at lloyal Arcanum hull , 1314 Douglas street. All workimimcn of time city are Invited to attcmmd. . Iimternat Ileveummo Collections. Yethrtlay's internal rowemmno collections amounted to tS,17l.63. , flimyarti's New First Assistant. \VAuIaTo , Nov. 18.-TIme office of first assistant secretary of state has been tendered by Secretary Bayard to George L. lUves , of tbe Now York bar , amiti has been accepted. Mr. Itivea is of a Virginia famIly. ills gramiml- fmitherwM senator from Virginia. immmtl twIce American minIster. A Schooner Lost. KIGSTO , Out. , Nov. 15.-The schooner Glenovmt , grain laden , from Duluth , % was lost by the proioilcr Qlenmmrry off Pre&quO Isle last ntgimt In gaio Girotigh time toY line S jreakIng it tshopott tile vest w'U t mru up. I si ! rmt. . lieuciow numbers seven wmai. . - - - - - % trM , 'hI it it'y in Witshmington. W'AiIiIINOTN , NO % . 18.-Mrs. W'hmitmwy re- ttlruietl to Wnslmimmgtou tiuls attcrtmoon. Site mtiml time secretary vas munich imnhmroveml 1mm lmt'mmltii imn4 % Vitll ( commo bucic to Vnsiuimmciton mmext week , I Ic Is still immmalulu to do any work , imumvuvor , imod It vhil ho soume timmie before htu missumtit's full charge Of time navy departmmmeimt. - - - - _ _ _ t Cheeky Corporal lummi. MIsNIu'oLls : , Nor. IS.-'l'hio Northern I'achhle comimpammy wilt lint emily refuse to obey time hate erder of the 5tmtte rmmhlrouh : commimmils- slotmer , remltmeimmg pmtssemmgcr rates fm-mn 4 to 3 cuimmts iemimilie , but -will resIst every mittemopt to enforce It by mum ippcul to tIme federal courts. ltmmrimlmmg i-Jim the ' 'lhOhuIerR. " F'olmTVoitTlI , Tex. , Nov. 1S.-News was rec-civeul iierc to.iilghmt to time ciTOct timat. the imimi hums mime bumimming time Oklmihonma cotimitry. No cause is missigneti for time alleged out- break. 'lhme suppositlomm Is that thieve Is aim umprisimig agaimist time "booimmem-s. " Chose oi I1tmimmhuer.Hmtwlng. MINNE.5l'omms , Nov. 15.-Time lumber-saw- log season Is practically finIshed , itmimi time fev immilis still rmmmmniimg vill ; mroimmtih , shut dowmm to-morrow. Ahoumt 200 OtX,00'J ) feet , or G0,000.OthJ , less than lust year , lutwo been cut. siumimped time Trmumk. . Teimimu Il.eTl : , Imid. , Nov. 15.-Aim engine miami coach of a train cmi time Vmcimtlnlia road ililmilied the track near Brazil. Time passemi. gem-s escaped. Emigiiieur Yeltomu viis killed timid Brmikemumtmi Uobertsomi sorlouisly iimjuircd. A STRANGE METAMORPHOSIS. StOt'y of a Girl Vho Changed Ititi , a oumig lmtim. Boston Globe : Tim romnrkaujlo story of ICittie Humsseul is much lcs rcmnmurkmc- ithie than timuit of Cotmmnmisslonor Cimmirlos Feat' , who walked the streets of Ilostomi ti few ditys ago , amil whose relatives live in this city. School Coniunissiemmer Chmmurles Fcmmr livesat Ripley , N. Y. lIe is well edumeated , mis indicated by his of- Ilcutti lositioim , tumid is a yotmmmg mmmii up- iiieuitly ) : about thirty yctirs of age , Of slight build tumid of a femnuttino cast of fcmuttmre. lIe is a umuitmi lmlghly esteemed by his neighbors anti. fellow-citIzens , timid multimough at omie tinie semisitivo touching his pccuhitr career , ho hmus now leam'mmcd to hear his owmi stoi without - out tmukimig olTense , for which remusoli all the mmammies amid J)1mLC05 connected with his hmistoiy arc given tlmtut they many be verified by any viio doubt time accuracy of timis strmtiige title. Conmnmissiomm er Cimarles Femur wits once time betrothed wife of herbert ( jovell , tllm(1 was time belle of the little village of ihipley , N. Y. , time following mum-c the fimets of time umiutaniorphosis : 1tiple3' is it somalI town imear the state line timmut divides New I'orlc tumid I'emmn- sylvania. There lived lion. imumnos 'IV. Baxter. Nemur by time Baxter fzurmn wits mm siiimh1 turin owmieml by ouio Owen Fear , who lmul : quito a miuinbcr of young cliii- dccii. Ommo of these svas Iost : , who , mifter giaduatimmg at the grmunmncr schooi of time town , went out to service timid foimnd mu cungcmiimti iositiphi in time fmumnily of \lr. Baxter. Jim that pheutsant home she Ii s-ed for seine years. amid it was whmilo them-c she earned the love of 1ICthert Luciums Covcll , now it clergymnmmn and ilvimig iii St. Paul , m1Iinn. I"mcrimmer limux- tem gave the young mnmun time ruim of his house , mmd vmen the questiomm 1111(1 1)cen Ph1Ped tumid Miss 1osmt I"ear laud pralmi- mmmcd to be Mi' . Coeh1 in tue spring , Imu iimsistetl that the weddimig should take iimtc mit hits hommme. 'l'iic mnmcrr'mmtgo dmmy was but four nionthms oil when a grunt cimitmigo wmts observed iii Miss Iosmt. She who wims the bright and vivmLcioiis village imeulo becamno dull timid despomident , maid uvithmout any mmpar- emit reason. lice lover was as faithful ttimd trun mmii evom- , amid her friends were kind amid lmvitmg as of clii , lmmt Iiss 11oa shunmied the society which sue himid pee- viously conito(1 , amid vent , nloumt lieu- lmommsoliohl duties its though burdened with sumiim3 gtPat ti-otmblem. lrc'r strmtmmge commiluct. was noticed by a visitor at time Baxter hmomestemmd , a surgeon , Dr. A. A. Froommimun , imov a lawyer , mis well as a phtysiciutui , amid chairnimun of time Erie cotmnty rciubli cmiii coin niitteo. lie 11 yes itt 8 East Seventh street , Ei'ie , Pit. Miss Fear wmms much perturbed oveu-lr. Free- mann's notice of her , ammd emma lnorimiumg sue was imuissimig. Search was mantle , but liosa coumid not be found mimmywimere. All hiet clothes vere left behind , but a suit of clothes that Imud been in Dr. Free- mnuum 'H tmtm mm Ic immm ml boon reumuved . 'l'he miipmmmel left 1)Cilimid 1)y time youmng vommmau S11OWCl thimit sue haul not taken ma ) much as an iijCOll of lice wardrobe , amid after waiting soume weeks iii the hope that time mystet'.s' WOUll ( hi ) cioart'l up , the Coimvicitiiiii forced itself umpoim time mnitds of all timmit Hot : hmutl : eloped with 'oimmo uimkmmowmi swmii mm . mummd imud. conccnieml imot' iilomm Ut- , i a immtums mm tti me. I 'CollO of the vilimugo were loath to emist rein'omiehi upon time inmate of sucuu aim mmnmimuble git'l , iumt time storim evidence of lice disgraceful fiigiit and time hmurcommy of time doctor's suit coumld hot be gnlmmsmmiml , tumid bmfom'o time tune emumime tttouimd whmmimi lrett.v Hoa Femir wits to have beumm mitt-clod to Lucius Coveil hei mimune and her sbmune weun hold ap :18 : wmti'iiimmgs to other village mmmmtidous immehimmeil to iii rt. A year imtSed nvmi- , maid still notimimig was hemmed of Rosa 1' ctit' hot' -emits \vci'e alnuest biokeum-iiemtmted over hem' dis- mmplmmrmumco , itmal time young immamm uvhmu ) V1LH to hove mmimurm'icd lice mtbmtmmdommed Im is limmu- lue to bet UI ) itisiiies $ fi iiiumsclf mis mu pumImihmmnker , got religion , amid I tied to ( irowmu iiis gild in time sttmtly of theology. lie succeeded so s'oul thmmtt lie was cm- ( muilicl , iiimtt'iicd mumiotimur girl , tumid is now time fmititot' of four ioys. Omme dmiy , fuumt , ycmius after time disaim- poau'mumice of itosa , a ttstefuhiy iuttim'eul - young immun tthigiitod frommi a Lmtkc Shore tumult mit the Rmpley tiepot timid jit'occetlcd briskly to the old Femur ftit'imi. Knocking at time door , time yoummg man was nsked his buislimess by it yoummmgor sister of Hosmi. Time strungcu' : suiiled mind mtsked if news of Itosa Femur would be accopteti. Time sister mdumost pulled time yoJumg mmiii into thmo 1mimse , amid wuental him iii ndvammce timiut if rummy hmmtrrn had befallen poor Rosa through his macui nuttlomis lie liutd better beware of lieu' Chronic Catarrh C.mnnot Im , etim uii hf iocsh smpmlcmtmorm , . It lu a refill. mmmtlonmmi dlen'.u mmiii rt'qlm ro4 a constlttmtitaimi , remt'ily 1150 itoOtli m4amsimpitrlmis , wbhcim , working tirtmgl , , lImo miooI , eruitlcMms mm , mmutmmrity wiiclm cnu.ju , iil moo- emoteS tim' ' dlst'aou , mmii soflit cWcti a ilormimelneit , C , , , , , . At the memo tilue lloii4s Bsrtciisrimlit ttmilil , , imi 11,0 wlloh ) system , mind nizikei 'ou feel r'rit.wud lit strength und ieiitth. flo iuri to got ltool. 1 timyo ascii Hoods 5nr-sm'arhim mr citt5rr ) with very satlfaCtOrT ieuIL $ . I reeelvocl nioru I'urIuaelL , , lt'iitItt from It tlimi , ( room any oilier rcmia1y. " M. h. uIEAi'i'IIU'tOYI , OhIo. Imingerolls 'rciidenvles Ctisntcterhle cmitimrrh , The foul mimsttor dropping Into the tirmiimcuimnm tubes Or lungi , mS bring or , brinchitts or eOniUnmlltlOim , which roMps ami lmnmonoo bar-vest of ihtthS iunnuiuilj. IlencO time neceulty of giving catarrh Imnietilato ttontlOii. Taku Uoods 5.rsa- piu-ItIn before It Is too bite. 1 have been troimti0i with thit annoying dhuemise , niitI cittarrh , sad have taken mmii ktiis , , of blood purl- i1er , bul mIiver ( outiS relIef ltlh L use4 lIoo4' Sarmi- ptmlilit , whir ) , I imlim contimieril wIll co all that Is chiilmnetl. llurrlm fo 11001's Ssrsspftriliai" J. b ltou-rr. MarkmbiiiC , Kj. father's vengeance. Thmo yotmn g mnait tlmrcw her a kiss for answer , iimmtl then , sci-2ii1g her by time us'i'ist , tA ) iittg lieu' vith gremut fmumiihimurity. Of eoum'so time utmahleum told ii tin to tIn hmmmnd her , and of cotmu'so ho did mmetluitmg of thmo kind , for tlmt 30tifl fellow wns1smu imer- self or hmimmmsc'hfVhomi imis identity Imami been ifl'OCittitileI , explammmutioims were 1mm order , timid losmt , or Charles Feat' . ns she wmts imommceforth to be kmtowim , told a me- inarkiublo story of lliYtiCmtl ) eimtmmgtm : which WOtlhtl better udorui the columinmis of it entitle jotirnal timmumi time coluiiuiis of a ImOumiintlet' like time Globe. It wmus a StOm'S' , imowever , which wits PerfectlY sat- isfmtctory to immouhieni seleutco. niut voting l'emir , , who limud been foume years um time icumigmuim lumber region , settled douvmi to work cmi time fmtu'nm. I"oi' it tlmrmci ime was ito ohijeet of eummIos- Ity timmmoimg Phlso vhio imad kimown imlmn mms ml dmuimmscl , but time novelty wore oil , nuid Fear entered into mu bmmsiness partner- Shill ) S'itit one of time old tulummircm's amid sumitots for hIs imatid , ommo Elmer Johmm- son , wimo hmnti timicutemiecl : to drowmm ii I in- self wimeui the imews of Iosa's limtcmmded immarmhtge svmms mum mmoulmcei. ( 'I'hey got mulomig so tvcll timmut lie , uu'hmo would imavo died for 1osa , made mu big lIle of muommey , whmichm , by a tricky trmmimsnctiomm. his lat't- lieu , was cut OIT fmom sumumeimig. Tlmomm Clmnm1es Fear moumgiut a position mug touchier iii tIme Public sclioo1. lie suns ttecepted , mind limimuhly becmunio 1)mltm- cipmul. J1hme towum elected himn to its councIls , tumid simico then Ito hits bCCtI elei'ted to seu'eral 1)esltktIS ) of trust. This story emmim be vorilied 1mm every dutiull 1)3' niimhicttt Ion to the laurtius immumimed muiS'e. Truth compels time wm1tee to sttuto timmut Clmau'lem , Fear ( mmcc 'uIiss 1osut F'emtr ) is not immam'ried , mmou hikuhy to be. lie uvill tHe us he lived mu slimibtem-bzieileior , amid esteeumied for his exceulemmt qtmmtlities by all who kmmew Ii mum. - . Job lot of itfllOt'tcd toys. Cutli at Meyer & 1au1mke. : - A Cry oh Jcspnlr. Bill Nye iii Now York World : I'cmtsoxii.-\\'ill time yeummmg womamimi s'imo edited time gravy ulcpirtnmcimt ; timid cori-ectemi proof mit our Itie foumidry for tvo , lays amid then jmmmmmimd time guimmo on time eveimummg tiimmtie weme to imave olit clergymnemi to dimmo with its please colon lamcic or write to 3i Pmm-k how saying wimere sue left time crackers mmml cime so. Comae butch , \Viihieummmiima , ammml lie otmi- little suimbetumi once bore. Comae bacic mmimd ctmster miroumid our imcartimstomic mit so mmmcli per cluster. If you think best we will quit having Comflifltim3' mit time liotise , cspeciiiliy 1)001)10 ) who do imot belong to youmm' set \Ve will 1115(1 strive , 0 so iuurd , tomuauco it 1)lefl8mLhitOi for you iii evuu'y way. If \S'I ) limul icmmowmm four em , live years ago that ciiildromt s-eme oliemmuive to you It would have been dihleroimt. But it is too lmmto now. \il Sv ( ) cumi do is to simut timommi imp iii a barim amid feed them tin-ought mu icimot-imolc. If thmo' simriolc loud emiougli to give imtumi to yone timrobbimmg brow , let un omme know , amid we will overcome tummy fmulse sontimmieuit we mmimty feel towards timeimm maid scud thteni to time Tombs.- Simmee you went away we can see how WiCiCC(1 amid e1flshm we were and how lit- tie we considered your comfort.T0 miss your glad smile , also your Temimies- see mimari)1e emike 1111(1 your simit 1)10. \r0 have Iearnel a vmuluable lessomi simico you wemmt away , rtmd it is that time hilmime should umot immuvo rc'ted on omm alommo. it should immuve beemm divided , leavlimg time to beam. ' hutlf of it tumid muty wife time other immmlf. \Vimete vo erm'ed ut-mis imi divldimmg up time bimmmne emi the basis of temmdorloim : stenic or iClCui cobbler , conipeillng' you to bemir half of it yourself. That will imot. voricVilhelmnhmmi. . BImune mind pre- scm'u'cs do mmcl. divide omm time smmnmu basis. \\r0 now in fmtvor of wlmmtt iminy be called a siidimmg scale.Vo think you is-ill 111cc this better. \\To mule mimmude a grave inistmtke in the mntttou' : ( if mmiglits out.Vhile young I fcmmmmcd time wicked and Pem'fliOieUS iimtbit of imavlmmg mmikimts out niyself. I pmuited for the mmight ni r amid would go mu long ( listiImce : mind stay out a long while to got emiougim of it for a mess and time bring It homime iii a luiem : bmmg , but 1 cnn see mmow tiiat it Is timime for mc to remnutimi indoors mind give young 1)001)10 like yourself a elm miii cc'ihiiel nil mitt. So if I can do anythmiimg ovemmimmgs while you are out that will assist 3'otu , such as stoimimmg m'aisimis om imeigimborimig windows conummuid me. I man mme cook , of course , but I can Peel mupples or grimmd coffee , oi' hold your imemud for you urhemi -s'omt need synpathy. I could milso seen Icaimm to do the plain cooking , I thmimmk , amid fricittis uu'hmm ) Conic to sue tnt muftom' this immuve mmgrecml to brimig tlmeir duimimers. Tiiei'o is ito reason svimy immimimiommy should not be restored among us nod tue old sumnligimt comae back to omit- roof tm-cc. Another timimmg I wisim to wmite before I chose this huiuiiliathmmg pem-sommal. I wisim to ttke : hack imishiurab tunti bitter words ttiOUt 30t1t simigimmg. I said. tiimit 3'Oti sting ii he mm siiingie-mnill , butt I svtts tumid when I sthl : it tmmmul I wronged you. I was inimddemmed by hmumiget- amid 3'ou told amo thmmut immushu timid umilk uvmLs the li'oPOt thiimg for ii. 1)muiim- ) worker : mmmd you refumsemi to give mmie mcmv dope omm miiy (1u1U1)ii ) 1mg. Gomideil to mmcd- ness iu.v timis , I smm id t limit youm smumig ii ice mu simimmgle-imiill , but it wmms not mn' better , imigimer mmmttume tlimmt spoke. It vtts mm' grosset' timid immomo gmistmie nature tiimmt misvted itself , amid I miow desire to take it buck.ou (11) mmot slug like a shimmgie mmiill-mmt iemmst so umiucim us to mmiislemul. a 1)rmucticed cur. Your voice has more volume amid wimemm your 111)1)01' register lit cioseti is muClhlus'er thmtmm mummy sumlmmgle-imiill I ever hiOitmI. Cotmie baeicVhlhmelimii mm a 'Vo mmcccl you every hour. After you s-eumt awmm.y we tmlcml to sot the hren ( as we Immul seen you do it , but \u.mts miot mu success. Time next day it czumo otT time nest with mm. litter of somalI suhlow : tolls which would easily resist time action of acids. If youm ciummnut come back , vihl you iietmsC write and toll Inc how you mire gettiimg aiommg amid imow .vou comitrive to iimsert air-holes into imotmio-nmmudo bread. 1 mmOereti soveroij from chrommlo cstarri , , srIIng front Impure blood. It boesmo very bait , Cmtiing sOrenv , ot the iironcimtmti tubnl mmnd ii troul'loonmo cotmgii , wtliim gave great anxiety to my friemmibi mind nmjsolf as two brothers , Ilcd ( room bronciitmti commsmimnp- thin. I trlmd nimmny nme4Ictmme , bmit receIveS tic , in-no- lIt. ! wmms itt haut tndicod 10 try minoir. Smtrsspriiia , ana i nit ( ho ssmnu man lit hmeamtti or feoilrmis. JiIy CattirrIm Is conS , nmy tiromit , Ii entirely wmill , nail xi dyspoi'sIxi trouble , with ulck heacischo. timivu mill dli. ni'poared. " IC. 31. LmNCoiN , 3.5 Chawburs St. , floton. 'rr , the paculimir , xmeilclimo. Stishieti Feeling Tor several year ; I hnvo boomi troutikid with tbst terribmy dliagroemthio disi ai , catsrrh. I took liootI'i Sarsspartlls wIth the yery bes rc.uita. IL Cured ems of tutu comitlmiusd dropping In toy thrust , and tuiTeil up feeling. It ba also helped my mother. who ham tson It for run down state of hioxiltim armd kidney troubbi. I recommend flood' . Bamparthla to amm as & good niediclnu. " Nuts. B. II. IISAT1I , lutn.ua . , Coax , . hIooda Sarespartlia cured ins of c5tarrb , loreocis of ttme broncimiah tube , , simS terrible heMsche. " IL GlimmioNs , hlmmnmtiton , OhIo. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by sit Urmiulluis. ttmlt fori. f'veparol Iy by olih by alt tirugglets. 11 ; lIz tom 1 $ . Prepsred only by C. I , 11001) ( ii. A15becSrioi ; , i.OwiIl , itmei. C. 1. 111)0 ! ) k /pOtheeariei , LOweU , Mass 1OOIoes One Iollnr 1 D Dow. OncDoIlar .5 - . - , . . . - s.- ' I : : . - : - . : . . . . : . . . - - - . S. ' ' ' 1 ' . . - - - - . - - - - - - - EXTRA ! This will be an extraordinary week for buyers - ers of Extra Fine Clothing. Extra size men , whether extra large , tall. short or thinwill ' find. an extra surprising number ofreally fine suits , overcoats and trousers to fit their pockets as well as their person. Plain every-day folks that have heretofore made a virtue of a necessity- and bought "hand- me-down" clothes , can buy of us the choice of' fine merchant tailor made clothing at about half the original price , whilst we make every necessary alteration free of' charge. Gentlemen of ease , leisure or wealth can find their most fastidious notions - tions and ideas of refined elegance iii wear- in apparel already forestalled. Patrons of merchant tailorsdisgusted with extra high prices , can find the same class of goods , same make , and perfect fit at half the price at MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1119 Farnam Street. This Price List below gives a proportionate idea of our goods and prices : SUITS. Mmtdo to eu-tier Vor $4) ) will be sold for..I icr , ) 'or 81) ' Itir a- ' 17.11) i'or 40 " 111.80 For 45 ' ' For (0 " " 21.1) ) For ( ii OVERCOATS. Mmtmie to Order h'or 1I.O ) ii ill ho sobi at. . . . . her 2.i.tl ) ' . . . m2.45 F'u7.T ) . . . 14.1) ) For fl.iWl ' . . , 1.11 For 4.m ) ) ' . . . i.Ml ) r mr 41) ) 1) - ' _ . . For 7JJ ) ' ' . . . : u7.u i-or I ) ) Ut ) ' " . . . 41.11) ) T& T llollg Emmibody time lmlgimtst , 'xceliemmcles him Simnpilmmess Commifomt auth Iimrablhlty timid mire t Ito REIGNING : - : FAVORITES In I'asiiienaule ( 'treks. Our mmammie Is omm every sale. J. & T. CouSins , Nhw Yoiuc AG1NTS FOil OMAHA , Hayward Brothers. 'rho Theatrical Profo..ion. ITorIt wIth win ned rocelvo public recogulttomt anti preltO. Facts , , ixich arc ( hi' outcome of general cx- p.rbinco , growing through years of critical mtn practical ioat , become xis rooted and lmnxovalimoii , the rock of Oibraltar In publio opinion , end liencta. forth ticeil no further guarnnt.o Os to t4t-ir gcnu Inenes. The ladmiputablo fact that SwtfVa St'oclflo ts tmmo best blomit puritter Iii the world , I. cite of these Immovable OltraImar rode LSCL , of whiteit ice ha , . smoku , amxd every daya eipricuco roots title comm. vicOon deeper anI dtspor iii PtmiiloOPlmxioxI. LYcry oimiil of our vcoumo in AmitriCxi anti it , Europe , ever , trade , camtmu amid rroriiion. iimeitmdiug the medlcat profestiox , , have itorso vollimmmnry teeti. men ! to lbs romxmarksbio virluel or a. . s. minti it , , Infamtlhie emeacy in curing all ditciuci of limo bioo4. Ih.so teaimxnoniau. arson flit , by th thou. saute , anti open Ic , lImo luapoetlon of mill. ISow coins , ijasoilcmtotl , IWO dlitliigiitbCti immcxmmIcis of limo Limuat. rmcal professIon. who giatefuUy testify lOtmip wonder- ttit cfaLivo qualities of the clflo in their itidi. vldmmmd csse. Their teitlnmohiials mire hisrowlttm sub- mlttod to Ih pimblic without fmmrther eninnient-ict then , speak for Iheniselecs. Time lady Is a nisemiter ) C tbofamoue Thaila Theatr. , CompauyOf NOW , 'ik. ate ! formerly or ti-.o Iieslm1xme T.etre. i3rtmn , Otr- mnany.antl ot McVlckmir'Mtock Comnpxiumy. oCCiiicltmtJ. Thu geittlemia Is xi welt known iemntmerof , , the .CtV York ThaiLu flitatru Cormipammy. ammm are WemI known lxi theatrical circles Ia tItle eounlry And tim Europe. Charhoito hlenduw' . Teem liimoiy. Nrw Yonum , hay 3. 1581. Swift Opcchflc Company , Athanla , Os. : OeIliiimeii-JIavIiig l.en annoyed wIth pimples. erimnlioxia mmii rough iic ( , f I lie akin. fronm antI con. ditimmi of immy imot > I , for imioro Luau a rear. I u.d a leatming preparatioxi of earsam-aritia and oUter advcr. tmsem rexiedmes , to no trnct. 'lumen I comisuilitti tA Irofl- iiiunl pitysiciati , mittS fioni himi treatment received no In-neSt. I ihex concliideij to try limo S. Fm. S. ream. itly for the imiottii anti flva or ill p&ckaii. lty a titorough eradication of may trouble anti reotom In sflhmmines. , to my skin , have niatie me lam'i'y am , I cbecrfutiy give you i5io &esttmiiunial for sucii Usi miud publicity a. you wIsh Ii mimilke of it. CIAMt.otTE 11500W. lml Tmoivury , near Canal 2tree $ . huge flns.kerh'u 'Tcdlmnny. Tb. Swift pecIflo Commipsny , Atlanta. Ga. m Oentiemon-For Iwo years I hami a severe eaa.o ( .ozoma. I u.cil tar osm'i , sulgtlur , soaps , sad vario.d other remedies and wai prescribed ( urity nunbers of t'hysiclana , but ( outl no reitef. AL lasL I tieter. inlneO to try Iii , . H. S. I3. rrniedy , anti seveii or .i&Im $ hollies ha , . liiorou5bly relieved a , . , end yomi van mm. . Ibis certtdcate Ia aimy malt tier ymu ii miii. Iiuut , IIaMgaKr. ) feinber of Ibails Timeal , . 111W York , Iay 3. 1817. Treatise on Utood anti Skit , Dlse&ses maih.d fre TUa Uwmrr Bracmrio Co. , Drawer & Ati&nt& Qa BUY _ " ! iUt ( ( ' FOR SALE BY . N. H. FALCONER AND FISHER IiROS , . wmslosH. I , . P. 500 WaIL BODWELL Ju McINTOSH , Real Estate Dealers , 14:1 : Sotitii Sprhmig Strei't , Los Angoioim , - - - CalIfornia , Demmlers In city amid enimmmtry property of mmii do scriptions. ( Junral , himformnatloum to new-ceui-i ers freely given. FOUNTAIN -A.e- FINW CUT' AND PLUG. , - jiicomQr&b1v th . .L PANTS. Matlo to Ortier i'tim- 5l ( ( ) ivhih it soiti at . . . . S 2. httr 5)8) ) ) ' ' 2. h'ttr ( ) ) ' . . . . 'I.- , h'i.m I'.thl ' 11.54 h'ttr 5(5) ( ) ' ' ' . - . 4.411 I'ir I ) ) U ) " ' . . . 4)45 ) htim12.01 ' ' _ . . . l'or 14.1)1) ) ) " " . . . . . .7 I'ttr 151) ) " ' . . . . . . NiiI ; Ii1IIi F U. . EPOITOBYOMAhA _ , NED. Paid Up Capital , - $2130,000 Sum-plus , - - - 42OO II. W. YATr. $ . Preitiimt. Lwis S. Iiym { : , . Vice-President. A. E. ' 1'uuzm.tr , \'tco-Pretihclemit , \v _ hi. S. hItmumirs , Ciuiliter limitic-romis. sv. V. Moitsm , .louix S. ColliNs , H. W. YATICS. i ewts : S. htmtmw , A. K ToumzA tIN. hlankhimg Once- THE IRON BANK. Cor. Rthm anti Yiirmmmim Sin. A 0 mcml ihimmikhimg hlmmslimess 'Im-mmn.sactod. J. B. HAYNES , A- -Ol'FICIAI.----- STENOGRAPHER , 'Jhm lid J mmthichiil I ) lst i let , h17 Chl.tMhth8I 0h ( 'Oiiihhlt1l. ! BOYNTON FU2NAOE GO. , Sole Manufacturers of BOYNTON'S FURNACES , RANGES HEATERS , With Ahi MODEFIN ltoprovctneut's. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MAUAGER , CHICAGO. 1Ohl IAfi LIV Henry E. Cox , Omaha SampieBottles Free. I , ; ' p An F.Imiclent Itetnetmy for lixirrlmoma , CIilerit , , l'sh trtIIH , Isr ntrry And all Illiortiers of the hioweis , hnmIurteti by Mihalovitch , Fletcher & Co. , Cincinnati , 0 , I-or stile , Ieslersm hlilzmtriIOfl flrii lit time following ( 'I . . , firut , , , , & Iirlor ) , llIimtiston ) lilmiks & (4 Atl'r ito , . . ? i Co. , ijsik , IS-Ilone . ' . C , , . . II It. ( lOttIe , 511 silt wImolsi0s sutti rstsm , Irxgglili , liquor tlexiicrs n , , , ii no nu-rciitiLa everywhere THE CAPITOL HOTEL . LINCOLN. , NEB. . - The Limit knowit and most popular Ifotel Is Liii ilsio , htititlou central. SiiPtiULtflSliLI qrvt-ci Jlsstlqu.rters br eoueierclal toes and su pulltm , amid publicgauhcriugs. . . , I , IWOUL' ( . . . . ' , , .1 ' \ ' , . . , , . . . : . . , : 4 . . . . . - . . : . . . - : . . . . - . _ . , .