Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Quarantine and Cuttlo luspoctlon to
Bo Transferred to South Omaha.
Ir. M rcor' IUR Hnlc of llcnl Kstntc
The Lincoln Police iltulft" Cusc
In Court The Mystcrl *
OUN lioinb.
Cnltlc IriNjircllon.
Another liniiortnnt change hi favor of
Kontli Onmhii , which will nt tlio same time
bo of indirect iidvnntiiKC to this ulty , is to bo
iniulo In u fuw days. It will bo tlic transfer
to the Htockyurds from Council muffs of the
inspection of nil cattle and stock Intended for.
transmission Into this state and the territories
bej ond. For some years back this inspection
has been carried on at the stockyards In the
bottoms ut Council muffs , the Inspector being
Dr. Kumnculottl , city veterinarian of Omalui
nnd deputy state veterinarian of Nebraska ,
It has been nnd still In his duty to visit the
yards ut the Uluffs and Inspect
cattle m riving there before allowing
them to cioss the Missouri Into the state.
AiiKinj , ' these cattle have been yearlings and
others purclmsi'd by western cattle dealers ,
together with the stock of Immigrants tothln
Ruction Iroin all parts of the country. Of thu
former , there have not been lots , on nn aver-
iifo , than 100 curs per month , and of the
latter the amount has run as hi 'li , especially
In uprliiK , as sixty and seventy cars per duy.
Under the new order of affairs , these will no
longer lie detained at the Uluffs , but shipped
Immediately to Ihu South Omaha yards ,
Where they will bo submitted to thu samu
inspection which was so vigorously main
tained under the quarantine nnd other
regulations of the state live stock commis-
idem , which was represented by Dr. Hanmc-
ciottl. The transfer Is to bo made with the
sanction of the Union I'aclllc railroad as also
that of the live stock commission for n num
ber of reasons. In the llrst place , the yards
at South Oimiliu afford more conveniences
for cattle , nnd the town and this city Imvu
butter accommodations for this emigrants and
shippers in charge. The yards on the other
side of the river , In spring are generally un
comfortable for stock on account of the lack
of drainage , while the perfect drainage of
the yards in South Omaha afford thorn the
most reasonable quarters. At the other sldo
nlso , the yards arc sometimes too small ,
while here , new ones are now in
course of erection , which will mnko it possi
ble to accommodate all the cattle which may
arrive. The yards on both sides aic owned
by the Union Stockyards company , and their
dcairo is to concentrate their interests as
much as possible , especially us the shipping
of stock to one point will bo more convenient
to the roads , all of which now run to South
Omaha. Hcsldes , the ground on the Council
liluffs side of the Missouri belongs to the
Union Pacillc , nnd the improvements mndo
by that company in the vicinity have given it
value , and the demands of the railroad com
pany are such that the site will before long
bo covered with tracks und houses such as
have been for a long time contemplated by
the corporation.
Whether the yards will long be able to
withstand the withdrawal of the patronage
above referred to , which since the establish
ment of the yards at South Omaha bus con
stituted a largo part of the business of the
former , is u doubtful question.
The Union Stock Yards company is now
laying down the tracks needed for this busi
ness at South Omaha , and building extra
yards on them , and when this work is llnish-
i'd , the transfer to South Omaha will bo af
fected. The benefit to the latter place will
bo considerable because , In busy seasons , it
will send shippers and immigrants fre
quently to the number of one hundred per
They Will Mnko Mono of tin ; Improve-
" niciitri Demanded by the Council.
The council committee who have under
taken to secure more accommodations for the
public from the Horse-Car Kailway company
liavo had several mcctingS'Wlth the officers
of that corporation , but it seems , hnvo not
been able to secure any concessions from it.
They have demanded that the cars bo run to
the end of every track now laid , notably on
Karnam street , where there is a stretch of n
number of blocks on which the cars do not
now run. They have also asked for more cars
or quicker time on every line in the city.
They want a system of tickets
by which six rides may bo secured for a
quarter , such ns it is , oven in Lincoln , where
the lines arc not one-tenth so remunerative
as they arc in Omaha. They desire the ears
heated in winter , the same as in Lincoln , and
as they will bo on the tramway line , the pro
prietors of which have iticuricd the expense
of $110 per car for heating apparatus. They
also asked the cars to bo run till t o'clock in
the morning and that no cars be permitted
to run in curlier than fl:10 : o'clock , which is at
all events no later than the lirst car is stabled
now. This would enable the cars to bo run
every seven minutes on the more patronised
lines until II ill ) o'clock at night , liosidcs
they want the cars to start out earlier on
Hunday morning. After the theater the
committee want more cars , and want them
to run moro frequently , to save citi/ens from
tvalking as fur cast as Tenth street
to bo enabled to ride homo ,
Upon none of these points could the com-
initto receive any concession , the objection to
hcuting the curs being that it was jmpraetl-
rablo and that earlier cars could not bo sent
out on Sunday because the early hours were
required by the drivers to wash their coaches.
Later curs ut night meant longer hours for
the men. To this latter objection the com
mittee showed that not longer hours but
moro men would effect nn improvement.
The committee bus not yet decided what to
do but it is moro than likely that it will bo
compelled to draft an ordinance covering till
those points. _
Thu Union Pacific Sullcliiiirn Deny
that They Ilnil Grievances.
The threatened strike of the Union Pacllle
switchmen has proven itself to bo a most
colossal flz/lo. The return of Vieo-1'resident
1'otter was not marked by uny demonstration
on the part of the switchmen , neither were
their alleged griovunces discussed. All of
the old force is nt work with the exception of
Tlphe and two of his friends. The discharge
of Hugh Tigho was not the result ot any
threat by the switchmen ut nil. Ho was dis
charged for drunkenness while on duty. The
other two quit work of their own accord.
The switchmen in both yards arc all at work
save the three mentioned above , and every
one of them expressed themselves as per
fectly satisfied. The men as a general rule
say that their grievances were purely imug-
igary , und now that cooler reflection has
come they deem their action In culling for the
presence of Grand Master Monnghuu u very
great mistake.
Mr. J. 11. McCoy the new yard master at
the upper Union 1'ucitlc yards is conducting
the business In a manner worthy of unstinted
praise. Ho has posted his orders in consp.c-
uous places anil every man under him is
given to understand that the rules of the
company must bo lived up to. His most
prominent order It ; that which culls attention
to rule No. 10 of the time table. This rule
says that the USD. of Intoxicating liquors
must bo dispensed with and that it will be
rigorously enforced.
\ \ * .NT OTIlKIt TUTS , '
Commissioner ( ! rifllttNof the Omaha bnnrd
of tnulo , has toUxraphed from Washington
that the inter-state railway commission
agreed to hear a statement of his cuso with
respect to the discrimination practiced
against this > und in favor of Chicago by
the railroads , but not In an official or linal
way. Hi ! aKo states that the commission is
not disposed to look upon the published rates
of the road as evidence of the discrimination
alleged , und when the mutter comes up for
Html adjustment or hearing , which will bo
only after the railroads shall have been
given nn opportunity to bo present , this im
portuht feature must be corroberuted by co
incident facts.
The llrst fast freight train on the Chicago
fi Northwestern road , bulwccn Chicago ana
this city , lott the former place Monday oven.
Ing nt 7 o'clock and sped.rapidly In this direc
tion. It reached here utl'JiiW a , 10. yester
day , and the sixteen cars were quiokly and
aUcftlly unloaded ud the freight ready
for delivery nt a reasonable hour In the
morning' The enterprise of the Northwest
ern people is highly appreciated by Omaha
1-OsTI'ONKII V.NTII. TO-Mltl(0\V. (
The rlmiieo InthotlmctubloontheChicago ,
St. Paul , Mlmiciipolls C Omaha rend , adver
tised for yesterday , did not go Into effect.
However , Us stipulated rules and legulutlons
will bo carried out at live minutes after inld-
night to-night.
n. * . M , K.vrmiioN TO rAt.ironxn.
To-day the H. ft M. sends an excursion
from this city for Los Angeles , Sun Ulego ,
San Francisco nnd other points In Califor
nia. A largo list of passengers Is exiiccted.
Yesterday the Seward line of the Fremont ,
Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , wns
oivetied for truffle from Linwood , Neb. to
Cienuvn , Neb. , 138.8 miles from Missouri
Valley nnd liGVi.O miles from Chicago. A list
of stations with distances from Fremont is
nppemkd : Llndwood. 34. : ) ; Abie , 80.4 ; Skull
Cretk , ! H.O : Uralmird , 41.8 ; Dwight , 49.U ;
Uec , f > 5.1 ; Seward , 02. ' . ) ; Goner , 71.0 ! Heaver
Crossing , rat ) ; Hunkins. S'J.'J ; Kxeter. b'.M ;
Uuxton , tll.l ) ; Oenovu , 101.8.
iiivn Aixiprnn rium CAIH.
Hereafter the Union Pacific will run two
chair curs In connection with thulr Kunsas
City train to und from Council Uluffs , with
out extra charge , for the accommodation nnd
comfort of their patrons. The cars will bo
attached to the trains leaving Omaha dully
about 5 o'clock , und to the return one leaving
Kansas City utU:40 : p. in.
1IUVKI.IM ! IN A 1UUM\V ( 'Alt.
W F. Herman , of Cleveland. O. . traveling
passenger ugent of the Union Pacific , arrived
In the city yesterday In charge of the palatial
Pullman cur "Ognllalu , " whoso passengers
were a party of tourists bound for the Pacific
slope. The party stopped over In Omaha
for a few hours , after which the trip was re
sumed. Their names are : George W. Mor
gan and wife , M. L. Hulle und lumlly , F. H.
Morlcy und family. O. E. Full-child and fam
ily , C. A. Vial , Mrs. Whitney , Miss Whitney ,
F. J. Hart , Mrs. Outhwuite nnd two ser
vants , C. A. Davis and wife , A. O. Carpenter ,
Henry Augsbcger und wife , Mrs. Teal , Mrs.
Juengling and family , Mrs , Era Hay ,
Miss A. E. Stanley , Mrs. Tun-ill ,
K. M. Leathers , S. Samson , William Hock ,
J. Miller , H. F. Hrew , Mr. und Mrs. Swttsei.
H. I ) , Mercer Dispose" ) of Ills Lot on
Sixteenth nnd Vnrnain Strcctw.
The highest relative figure jet secured for
u piece of property in this city was yesterday
received by Dr. S. 1) . Mercer for his lot on
the northwest corner of Sixtcnth and Far-
nuin streets , now occupied by the old build
ing in which the city offices were formerly lo
cated. The proiHrty : was sold for $ ? , ' > , ( HK )
cash , the purchasers being Philadelphia cap
italist , who , next season , will erect u ten-
story stone structure , second to
none in the city. The doctor purchased
this lot less than UNO years ago. paying for
it $ ; IONM , ( ) , which was then considered u re
markable figure. Unt thopurchaserseemed to
know what he was doing because it was not
long before ho was offered a grout increase on
his Investment. He refused to sell , however ,
even when ho wns offered almost double the
amount of the purchase price , preferring to
sell for cash. The figure at which
the lot was finally sold is the
largest that has been offered , having the
other advantage of being in cash. The lot
on the southwest corner of the same streets
sold .some months ago for 1x1,0110. and the
Millardlot , on corner of Eighteenth and Far-
num. lltixttt ) feet , double the si/e of the Mer
cer lot , sold for # MKKi. ( When the pioposed
ten-story building is erected on the last men-
limed lot the array of structures on Furnum
itrcet from Sisteenth to Eighteen will be un-
xcolled almost in the countr.\ This is an
'Vidpnee ' that Omaha's reullj and prosperity
till progresses.
It AVitH Not a Itomu hut a "Sell. "
The mjstcrious clinic of brass , supposed
o bo an anarchist iKniib , louiid by a tele
graph messenger boy nt the edge of the sielej-
, vulk ut the cornerof Thirteenth and Ilarney
itrects Tuesday afternoon , was sent to
rofcssor 1'atton , of the Medical col-
ego , by Chief Seavey jesterday
'or amdjvation. It was , indeed , u
uspicious contrivance , being a piece of brass
.bout an inch in diameter and two inches in
cngth , with a fuse not unlike that of a huge
Hiineso firecracker , protruding from emu
end. It was "taken up gently und handled
ivith cure" about the police headquarters this
norning , for if there is one class moro ufruid
: hun another of mysterious packages , bits of
iiluggcd gas pipes , etc. , in these days of in-
'crnul muchines , bombs and deadly devices ,
t is the police. However , in this instance
heir apprehensions wern idle. Prof. Pat-
on's investigations revealed the fact that the
DI-USS receptacle in question was tilled with
sand und u fragment of candle wick inserted
ii a small hole In one end. It had been pre-
> ared , however , undoubtedly for the very
.mrpose it served ; that of badly scaring
somebody. However , such practical Jokes ,
Just now , are in decidedly bud taste , and lia
ble to get the perpetrators into trouble.
The Krcnt Oriental Sulo
of KutfS Cuqiotri anil Kinwoidories will
bo continued to-morrow , coniiiienciiif , '
.it . half piist 10 n. in. , at our wan-rooms.
SiOS-10-12 South llth , Paddock's block.
The Indies arc cordially invited.
Koiix & Y\'r.u.s.
The Alleged Diamond Thieves.
The case of Shaw , Hruco and Eaton , th
alleged burglurs and diamond robbers , cunn
up in police court yesterday afternoon , but n
continuance was secured until to-day. Misi
Carrie Gallon und Kiltie Nelson , two ioung
girls on whom the thieves had mud
"mashes , " together with Mamie Dcnn , wil
bo on hand to testify to what they knowubou
this worthy trio. They will probably hi
bound over to the district court on charges o
burglary. liruce , evidently the leade
of the gang , sent nn express packug
to Sioux City on the ' 'Oth of last August
the duy that the Jewelry house of .loimson
corner Thirteenth and Iliuney streets , wa-
robbed of $1XXI ( worth of diamonds nnd Jew
elry. This , it Is thought , was a package ol
the stolen property. A shipper's receipt lei
the same was found on Itruce's person whei :
arrested and the express officials at Sious
City have been telegraphed to ascurtaii.
whether it was ever delivered or called for.
The chief looks for u reply soon.
Fatally Injured.
Thomas Langston , the imm who was run
over by the cars ut South Omuha on last
Sunday morning it has been found has sus
tained possibl.futul Injuries to his spino. Ho
is still at St Joseph' . * , hospital , and his wife
in Springfield , III , has been notified of his
Absolutely Pure.
. A mnrdol of puri
ty , strength nnd \ \ luilrsomcness. More eeonom-
Icul than tlm orellnnrv klneK anil cannot be
ioia iucoiuindltldiluUU tlio niultltuelo of low
cost , short uelKht alum or vhostihatd powders ,
Sole ! e > nlv incnn . Hojal Uaklnj ; Vov 3j ! to.
1J. \ \ all St. , K \ > Vork , . . :
FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO. , Proprietors ,
Corner of Douglas and 1 5th Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Friday Evening , November 18 , 7:30 : P. M.
Freeland , Loomi & Co.r present their compliments to the people of Omaha and vicinity , and request the
pleasure of their company at our opening , in our new building' , corner of 16th and Douglas Streets
011 Friday Evening , November 18th.
iur Establishment Will le Open for Business , Satortiay Moniiiig , Nov. 19th ,
We shall use every effort to make the evening a very pleasant and enjoyable one to all who will favop
us with the pleasure of their company on that occasion , and shall at that time take great pleasure
in showing the results of our work , both in building and preparing a stock for this establish
ment , during the past six months.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
FREELAND , " LQOMIS & CO , Proprietors , OmahaBostonNew , , York , DesMoines.
TinCoriITS. : .
LSUII : ) iii i : .
The ( laniatro suit of Mrs. Anna Stand :
against the Chlciifjo , UnrlliiKtnn & Quim-.v
railroad company , lor .fKMKH ) , fame up buforo
.fudge Dnndy yesterday with Attorneys
Humphrey A ; H.ibcock , of I'uwni'o City , for
plaintiff and Dcwvesivif the firm of Dewouse ,
Maninotto & Hall , of Lincoln , contra. The
suit was brought jointly in the panic of Mrs.
Stnnck nnd Albeit Huplc , administrator of
Anton Stanck. deceased , husband of Mrs.
StaucU. The petition alleges that Anton
Stiinelc was run over and killed Mime months
ago by n train of cms ontho ChicagoHtirlin- }
ton & ( Jilinc.V road ncarT.ible Hock.this sstate.
That Stanck was a fanner and in attcnivt- |
ing to cros" , the track on a public load at the
above designated point in a two horse wagon ,
ho was run over and instantly killed. It is
further claimed that the engineer failed to
ring the bell or blow the whihtleatthis cross
ing , as the law provides , and as the rail
road here is considerably higher than thu
wagon road , Stanck was unable to discover
his perilous position until too late , and there
fore lost his life through the gross careless-
nes * and neglect of the employees of the rail
road , and Mrs. Stanch therefore prays for a
judgment in the amount previously men
The answer of Andrew J Sawyer , mayor ,
and r.oreii7o\V. Hillingsley , John M. Burks ,
firanville KimU'ii. John Kims , H. H. Dean ,
L , C. 1'ace , J. / . Hriscoe , V. A. Hovey , Rob
ert ( Iraham , W. J. Cooler und John Dailey ,
city council of Lincoln , to the rule to show
cause why the.v should not he attached for
contempt for violating a restraining order
served upon at the suit of Albert K.
1'arsoim , was filed yesterday. In this an
swer respondents state that Sawyer was and
is major , and the others members of the
clt.\ council of Lincoln. They investigated
charges against I'.irsons for mis
conduct and malfeasance in his
olllco as police judge of said city
under authority conferred on them empower
ing them to remove all oftlcero when found
guilty of the otTcnsps , or similar offenses ,
I'arsons was charged with. They claim that
1'arsons conveited to his own use and em-
be/vied largo sums of money received by him
for fines , costs ami fees as police judge ,
which under the laws of the state and ordi
nances of the city , called for remedy at their
hands. Those- accusations against Parsons ,
they allege , were proven true , and by a reso
lution they declared the oflleo vacant and ap
pointed a successor to the ousted
incumbent. I'.irsons and his lawyer ,
Lionel O. Him1 , appeared before the council
and asked a deferment of the e.xceu-
tion of this action until a certain tmio
when their complete evidence could bo heard
in the case. This petition was granted , Par
sons declaring ho would bo satisfied with
whatsoever might bo their disposition
of thu case after ho had submitted his testi
mony. This petition , the lespondents claim ,
was a subterfuge , to enable Parson * and bin
counsel to obtain n restraining order , and
that all their claims were false and fraudu
lent. The restraining order was issued , and
the mayor and council , obtaining u copy of
the bill niKin which the order had been is
sued , thev submitted it to eminent legal
authoilty , who advised them that the court
was without jurisdiction , and in disobeying
the order they would not bo guilty of con
tempt. The appointment of H. J. Whlt.aoro
ns I'.irsons' successor was then confirmed.
They had conclusively found Parsons guilty
of misconduct und malfeasnnceus
the prejudice of the city und community
whoso Interests respondents had taken oath
to protect.
Judge Urewer , In the court In chambers ,
occupied the morning In culling the equity
The cases of John Hnssoll , the Drown
county counterfeiter , and Sam H. Lyster , the
Holdrcgo counterfeiter , tame up bcloro
Judge Lundy ) yesterday.
This morning the cn o against Peter
Gross , for subornation ol' perjury , will bo
Hoth judges. Dundy nnd Hrewcr , In the
United btutes court , uro now busily engaged ,
und everything is business and bustle nbovo
tno government building. ,
The decision In the case of the mayor nnd
city counbil of Lincoln will bo rendered
this morning.
Suit was bcRun yesterday by John I , . J IP
and Janicj I'liomjisoa ugaluat Lwmea *
Priiyn for the recovery of certain notes
va'u'ed at * li'.M ! 2T > . The plaintiffs allege that
tin notes are unlawfully withheld b.the .
defendants , nnd ask for their return or a
judgment lor the amount and costs of the
i in \ rv.
In the action of fieorge O Scry acainst
Andrew Traynor judgment was rendered in
favor of the dolendant.
In the suit of Ilagennman vs. ( Sreenbcck ,
ctal. . jndmcnt in the sum of scii'.i was enleicd
up in favor of the plaintiff.
Judgment was rendered . \cstcrdav in the
sum of > ; C > in favor of K. A. Klct < her against
Frank L. Colton.
To-dny nt i ! OVIoelt.
Tti-ilnj nt - o'clockwill eoiiimunce tlie
HTetit bank rujil -ale of line dothhitf.
huts nnd otlimjjfotids : it No. liil 1 Doug
las st. , Iwtwi't'ii 1-tli nnd l.'ltlt sts. , oppo
site .Millnrd lioti'l , Oinnlin. KvoryHiint :
\\ill be sold 1" ) per ei'i't les than cost.
ns snU < must close in six days. Men's
line quality overcoats" ! > , < rimranteud
worth $1 ! ' inuionoy refunded. KU'nnnt
beuvor suits. $ ! > . ! ) ! ) , ffuarniitced worth
$ ! ! > or imuifriifmuk'd. , . MonV olctrant
pants S1.-4. truiuanteed worth il or
inonuv refunded. Men'n lint ; tailor-
umdo'.Miits f'-lit. worth * 1H , and 10,0(111 (
different styles suits and overcoats
equally an cheap. Kstra quality men's
hats 81. ! M , guaranteed worth $ i ! . Kino
x.miilla unibivllns Soe. worth ill. Woolen
jackets ! le ! ) , worth W.)0 , nnd 110.000 dif
ferent other goods equally ns cheap.
Hnlo coinnionccs lo-dny ( Thursday ) , No-
voinhoi1 17 , at - o'clock , at No. 1-11
Douglas st. . between lllth and lth ! ! st. ,
Omaha , nnd must dostin six days.
.Stwo open until ! ) o'clock tit night.
Officer Waril'H Slick Catch.
The arrest of Charles Fletcher by Ofllcer
Ward at an early hour yesterday morning
wr.s a clever piece of work. Fletcher has
been under police * surveillance for some time ,
and U'ard determined to Investigate * . Attir
ing himself in citi/cn's clothes and shamming
drunkenness , the eifHcor was leel the rounds
of the saloons by Flcte'hcr , and finally let a
house of Ill-repute. In this place while Ward
pretended to bo asloe'p Fh'tcher relie-ved his
pockets eif fliil. A few moments later , as
Fletcher was about to de'part , Ward jumped
up , and ewermg Fletcher with his revolver
told him he ) was in the ) liunels of an eiftlcer.
Clapping a pair of haml-e'iiffs em the thief
Ward marched him to the e'ontral police sta
tion. Ve'slerday he was gi\c-n a hearing be > -
fore Judge Herka , put nmliT'M.OOO ' bonds , and
in default of this was sent to the county jail.
Flctche'r has u bad record , and is supposed to
have ! been implicated some months ago in the
robbery of a laundry wagon of which ho was
driver. The safe' of the naini ) laundry was
blown open and robbed of $100 sheirtly after
wards , and it is thought that he knows more
about this than he cares to tell ,
Nalleinnl Ce > nviiit1eiii , I-'unel.
There are now about a eiorcn committees
canvassing the merchants and professional
men In the different lines and walks of hfo
for subscrlptiems to the fund necessary to se
cure the next national republican convention
for this city. Yesterday a Hir. : reporter was
told bv one of the members of the committee )
to visit the real e-stato men , that they were
meeting with , and he had no doubt
but that J.0IKKI , with Judicious work , could
bo ROe'urPd in the city. If the real estate
men could be Induced to give on an average
fX | ( ) apiece a handsome sum could bo raised
from them alone. As it was the two com
mittees , Messrs. Kitchen , Clarksem uud
MaMie , and I'pton. He-nson and Albright ,
hud'subseribed 11'JW ) . The committees are
working with a great deal of energy.
Who Knows Detnulil
Postmaster Gallagher received the follow
ing cablegram yesterday :
LoCHOAinox , Scotland , Nov. IS , 1657 Postmaster -
master , Omaha , Neb : 1'leaso search out
Donald Forbes and cable his e'ondltlon. Im
portant. FOIUIKS LocnuAinoN.
A. return me"ago was prepared nnd ,
although Mr. OalluKhur has made cxtensivb
inquiry for tlio party ineiulrcd ubout , ho as
yet has Ivuruud nothing of hint or bit where *
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
N. W. Corner of 13th and Dod e Streets ,
For tin1 treatment uf all e iiuoMe und "I iie.nI ,
Il ) > -K'f IIIIAI I - . Al'l'l H\e'l S Inr IIKHMIMI Ills.
iHnrrill'--- ! . lleit tnellltU" < , iipii.iiutui and ri'inr-
ilte11 * for pnece"1 * ! ! ! ! treatment ul ever > lorm ol ill1 * '
eii'-e * reiinirlnu' Mi dti ft ! ur In iitment 1 eiin \
M.u HOOMS tor i\ni MSlu.xr nn-i'irvi neeni-
MoliMieiNs In tlm weM Write' Iur e-milar ! em lie-
liirinllle and Krai ex. Club I'eet , I'nrMiliint nl tin )
spine , l.'lle" . 'I'nmoi" , Cane'er , e'litairh , UrnmliltK In.
hHlatloii. Kleilne'lt ) . I'nnilv-l . Kpllepi ) . Kluney.
lllndiler. KjeKur. . skin , und III I and all Miruleal
opeiatlon > . . | ) | SI.\M.S of WeiMlA a M'triAIM.
lliiiii > on III'i'itM' * nt Wiinien. rilKl. . Onl ; rell ililei
medldil In-lllnlo iniikliif a Mietlnll ) nt I'lllVATK
DlsiKs. : . Ail blood tllseanes smco xiully treated.
IVr-uin1 * unable1 In vHt nn treated nl lioimi b > enrie1 *
xpundeiKe. All conininntuitlnns eonlldentlal. .Medl *
clnen or jnttiuiiie'nt * fent l > > mall eire'xpre" . * . M'C'iuely
pne'ked , n i niarkH to Indlrate cnntent' * or veniie'r. e > ne
lierMinal Intel \leu piefcrrod. ( * all and eonnll tin , or
send hl tnr > of > onrea e.and wet will send in piiiln
capiteT.our lloeiK 10 MhfrieiK upon ru\atespe-
e'liil iind Nerveiiis Di ea e" , ete * . Addre1 * " * ,
( ( malm .MrilirnI ami Surgical Iii"Ulne ( , or
Dfi McMenaraj , COF , 13tli and Dodge Shu Omaha. . Neb
Ovtlriite ) Iho rnpldBrnwIh nf Onmliii and our iiic
ee hln eneitltiK enrefitur l > ut > liie * < 4 IIIM beeonio HO
larce1 that the old Metlluil InHHiili'nil llth stie-i-t and
Ciipltol aveiiiie > , eoiild not aiTominodatei alleomlni ;
ti ) feirlrCHtiue'iit. We > hnvei then-tore niove'd Intel
our new brie k bnlldliiK , Niirlliwi > l e'oinei uf l.lth and
Doilue ptrwtn , IMM * hleiik i-oulli of the old Inslllnte
biilldliiK , anil have now the larrext and nuift fuiii-
pletu Mrilicul In-lllute or liii iil | l In thu wi'it. I'urlr
newly Inrnl-hi-d , we'll warmeil and \entlhited roeuni
tor patients , three kllled physltlHii * altvi.i . In thu
bulhlliiL' . All klniN uf Ul'catwi treated In thu modt
selentllle manner.
WPinanulaelnro Siirnleal llracei for Deformities
TriiHiett , Mipportorc. KleetrK'al lliitli'rle * , and enn
Minply pli ) vlelunx or Imlli'im 1111 } apiillanre , remudy ,
orinstriiieipnt knovtn. Cull and ton nlt 111nr write )
feir circular * upon all nlilei't , wltli INUnf ipicMldin
lorpHtlent to answer , 'f hououndi tre-nted nuccess-
fully hjr ceirrviioiielcncu. We ) liaxe Miperlor udvan-
tnt'i'K and fiu'llitlr * for trciitliik1 dl en > if < , perlnnnlni ;
rurKlral oiierutliinr , u.ul inir-lim patient which com-
Iilnvel with einr nek now led tied ability , experience.
re'vponMlillity und repnlatlon honld inakothii eiiiabtt )
Medleal and sinL-lial In-lltiiln the llr t i Itole-e ,
Ti HE Toy
likes best !
Urerrlce-lllt ,
richly lllu tr -
tcd ID colour-
prtat. of tb <
whlcb ( bonU
b * ftond la
crery ftunlly and m y b * obuloed from til Toy
deafen , BUIloncn toil Educational DeDOU. Tfca
Pdct-Utt mill be fenrtrded piUi on ajtoUoUoD
X 'K D. RWHT R A Co.
Tour Ii ftt thetioe rtine < tf
known to klf jl eioBorili'ra
nd Glctt.
\v' hae loM coniMcr.
Able , Indln every c l U
tuigtvca tiUtUctlca.
Alcolt Ji Llik ,
lluj n. H. Y.
Scld by Drurt'i" ' .
flic. tl.OU.
.11 l B. r.
Real Estate Dealers ,
140 South Spring Street ,
LOB Angeles , California.
Dealer * in city lend country property of nil < 1
cctlptloQj , General Information to new-coin-
era freolr Klven.
I \OV > MANHOOD.0lltb'ul > ImPr *
LOO T u3"nc""erTOUlDebintTcau d
tUrough errors aud bad practice * CUMEp.
UXi X. l.lth Street.
: ( AI irejItNl \ \ \ INKS , shipped direct
fienn einr vlimynrd Itlcsllng , CnleMlcl Cliirets ,
I'oit. Slu-rrli'S , e-tc. .Sun Jose ) Vaults , Sen until ,
r.lKhth , San Salvador and William streotM , y.m
Jo-e , Ciilllornla.
k your rrtulle-r far thn
$3 SHOE ,
Ui'roreling In yuur iiet'dt.
( AIITIOVI r > ltl el.v none FrnnlnMinlrii our
iiieaml npH ] ri > l.iiiilymthp M los. Some
di'ulrrs , In unit r to make n liriirr
I-rolll - , " III rrii'lnnif ml Hit Inlrrior
will ] nlikli Ilif lil.irkit Is
1 SHOT Ii Hkl.t and > lll h. It
du HUc u hloikhiK mi.I . ItK-
< . ) IIKi.s ! : NO " 1UCKAK-
1N < J IN , " lidiiB | > rrtictly
t my Ilic flrtl time II Ii worn.
U will nieiUfy the moil
vital ri'ipi'd | inl to
the tiand.ip r > l
liorn rr-
tallf.l lit
$7ort . JAMKS MHANs S.'l SIIOK Is Hiee.rlcl -
tinl $ I Shew mill Ii iihinlnte ly HIP onl.i her nf In price
which hns ever l > rrn placed rxpn lelji nit the iiiarkrt
In "lilch ilurahllily It runililrnel Ixfein1 mere outwiril
puraranre Thc p nhnrs are ioM hy the licit rf tnllf t *
throughout the Unllnl hlnlei , suit vte will plniethora
easily wllhln yuur reach In any tate or territory IfjoU
Kill lend in a po < l l card , inenllnnlnK thli pape > r.
lame * Meaim & Co. , 41 I.lntuln .St. , Huitun.Mii * .
Full llnoeif tlie > nliovo Phot-s for sale InOMUIA
tiy (1. W , CoeiV , i : Mi Kariiam street ; O. . MIHi-r ,
K\2 \ North Kith htrt'ut ; Hnjuiiril llros. , 407 South
Ifith street. In Ceni.vuih UI.UFFH bj Bargejnt *
E\ans 41Hro.uhviiv. .
Epps's Cocoa
"fir n thorough kno ledie | ) of th nntnrnl Inwn
tthlcn ice veil n Ihn operations eil ilUi'illon and nutri
tion , and by careful application of tlm flue properllci
eif well electeMf Cotoa , .Mr K | > p h provided eiur
hreaklnit tahlen with it dvllcate-ly IlKvored liovcraKU
which IUIIT einvu m ninny lee-avy elpcteir'a bllli. It K
by the ] udlcloii > n'O of mail nrtlelei of dirt that n
coiuttlliillouinay bo cradually built up until tlrimic
enoniih to ruslut every tendency to di'eate. llun-
elredi eif nulitle nmlndle nru tlemllnt : around n ready
tonttack wherever them l u weak point. We. may
PI.CHI > I > many a fatal uliiilt tiy keeplni ! oiirtelvus well
forlltle'd wltli pure bloeid ami u properly nourlnliuu
Jiame.-Civil M'rvlct'iaiette ( ) ,
Made ) "Imply with bolllnir watf r nr milk. Sold only
In hall pound tins byl.roeers Inl.eled Hum :
T * IIUO PDDtJ 9 Pfl lliimere'patUc Chemists ,
Jxlfflto DlfO a uUei J , IMM N.TMIIM.NU.
Third Judicial District ,
The Old Kellnblo Ppefl.ill't of mnny ye-nn1
To-i.i -
DIIDTIIDC enre-d nlthonl pain or hindrance
nilrl llni" from lintilneM , All Chrunlo ll ) eaeiei ,
tnl. i , mivaneeeif any Inrtlliitlon ilk
thin country Those who eeiiitemplalo tulni ; to i Hoc .
lor the trcatmentof any Private or Illoeiel
ran l.o . euied lor olio-third thu cost at our
Private * Dlnpeniary.
II ) bin treatment a Pure , Ixwe-ly Com.
plexlnn , Iren I ruin nation iii' i , freteklctf ,
him kheniK ernptloni , etc. , brilliant
eye and perfect health enn Im hud.
lifTliat "Hied " reellnKiend all femnle wenkne' e-i
liomptiy cine'il. llleiHtlnu lleadaehei , Nervoni Prof
arieton , eie > neral Helilllly , Ste'enle9 ni" < ' , Deprenilun
1'nd Indlce-Mion , eivarlnn trnuhlci , Jntlinnintlun nnel
iilclerallon ralllni ! and lli pliuemenl , Splinel weak-
i'p i. Kldnc } e-omplalnts nnd Chuneo of f.llu , Couaull
the tllel Due-tor
I Mfl C1D Acnle or CTironlc Innnmniar
All II rAn llemof the Kclld or eilotii )
nilU umi all , | Karor Neier slilitediu 9 ,
Inversion nf the l.ldi , Scrofiilinn Kivt , Uleemtlonii ,
IntlninniatlonH. Alitie'i , Dlmnest of Vlalou ol one ) or
both eyen , nnd Tumori of Md.
I flntlnmmatlon of the ) lOnr , ITIrerntlnn or Caturrb ,
fnlernal or Kiternnl Ienfne , or Paralysis , Muxlnf
eir _ Uein rlnt nol eH , TliU kened Drniii. etc.
Dehlllty , | , O H of Vital Power , Slcep-
| I" . IICHI , Di-ipondeiicy , fo" of
.Memory , Contii'lon eif Idealllilr *
hnfeire the ) Kyen , latitude , Languor , ( iloomlnelKi ,
li'iiri'i ) > iiiiii | of Spirit" . Averiilon to soi lety , Kieiy in * *
e-onraued , l.uck of tSintldenrc , Dull , Llntlesie. Ilntlt
for study or Ilii > lnei"i , ind tlnda IIfo n burden , safely ,
Permanently nnd Privately e'eired.
UbUUU nllU Ul\lll ni lcnuR. i'imple . III.
cer . Pains In the Head nnd none" , byiihllftlcsors
ThreialMouth : and Tontine , ( ilandular Knlari/emcnt
ol the Nei k , , e'lUnrrh. Klo. , PerniHiirnv'
ly e'nred U hen ( ( them Have falli-d
Conhiiltatlon free and strictly conlldanllal.
Jledlrlnu sent free ) fiemi eiliservatlon to all partH
of tile ) I'nlte'il States. ( ! eirrenpolldeue'0 reie-olvcs
] ireiinpt nttentleai. No letters anuwuruel unless
arreimpanleel by four centx in Ntamns. Hi'iiel tea
ce'iitM In stamps for punphl : t and list eif ein | > s
lloiiH upon private , Kpoclul and nervous dis
Terms Btrlctly cash. Call on or aeldre&s ,
No. Ult South mh St. , Omaha , .Net *
Paid UpCnpitnU - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - 42,600
H. W. YATKP. I'resldent.
J.UWIH 8. KKKII , Vico-I'resldent.
A. II. Tou/AI.IN , 2el Vlcej-l'resldent.
W. II. H. HueniKs , C'usUlei
W. V. MmtKK. JeniN S. ( 'eM.i.vs ,
If. W. YATKB. I.fcw is S. UEKIJ ,
Cor. 1-th and Karnum StH.
A Ocncral IlankliiK flUhluo.ssTianBacted.
Warrantee ! ubiohtltly purf
Cocoa , from wlilch tkceiccifof
Oil hu Ixen removeil. IthuMrx
limn the itrttigtft of Cocoa mlixl
with Burch , Arrowroot orHufir ,
met Ii therefore f r more ecxmoaU
cal , ( titling Itn Man ont ( tnt
cup. It It dollcluui , DQurliblnr.
elrrngihenloir , " y Ulgulf J. " < *
aelmlr liy ad l > t l for Invalldi
well m for per on _ ln tealth.
Sold by OrorTri eterinhir * .
f , BAKER & CO. . Dorcttr , Mass.