Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head , lOcents per
line- for the firct in rtlon. 7 cents for each suln
Insertion , mid $ l.rfl a line per month.
No advtrtlKMix-nt taken for less than 25 cents
for tlm flrnt insertion , Beien words will bo
oonnted to the line ; they must run connecu *
thely and tnnst 1m paid in advance. A 11 ad-
\crtl emcnts must be handed in before 1:30 :
o'clock p. m. . and tinder no circumstances will
they bo token or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thesn columns and hav.
Imjtho answers nddrrsKcd In cure of the llee ,
will please ink for n check tocnable them to
get tnelr letters , ns none will bo delivered ex
rcpt on prc-Fentatlon of check. All answers to
advertisements should bo enclosed in envelopes ,
All advertisements in these columns are pulv-
lldhcd in both morning and evening editions of
the llee , thn circulation of which nggiegates
more than 1 ! . < > papers dullv , and ghes thn ad- the benefit , not only of the ctly circu
lation of the llee. lint nlfo of Connrll Hinds.
Lincoln and other cltlis nnd towns throughout
I this part of the wes > t.
MIDLAND Guarantee and Tmst ( Jo. . 1505
Farnam street Complete abstract * fnr-
tildhed , nnd titles to real v.stato examined , per
fected and guaranteed. Wi2
TjVH BAM"VootTer ! us a special bargain 100
JL ncres of land four miles from stock yards ,
at $12.1 per acre , on line of IJ. 1' . It. H. McCuguo ,
Opp. 1' . O. KM
IIEYKNNK , Wvo. , the tutliro I'lttsbnri ? of
the west. At prncent a railroad center.
The best built and wealthiest city of Its size In
United States. Wjomlng. The great mineral
Store house of America and ltd Inexhaustablo
oil end coal fields. Tor full particulars and re-
poi t llonrcl of 'I1 nde. address E. F. Stiihle. secre
tary Cheyenne Ilonnl ot Tiade , Cheyenne , Wyo ,
CIIOIC'E farm land In Central Nebraska to ex
change for good residence or business
piopeity. Ceo. N. links , 215 South 1,1th street.
FOIt BAM' or Trmle Tor Omaha properly
"fancies well Improved faun , four miles
from Union stock jiiids. no better located farm
in the state. Address MO N. inth. 721 18
FOIl SALE or Trade Thn state or county
right for a pntc'iit ' clothes dryer. Ono
of the licit clothes drvers over Invented , Hlght
party cnn mnke0m ) in the city of Omaha
alone. For imrtlcul-iis call on 8holcs& Ciiimb ,
room 1 , Darker block. C'll 21
Capital. * VXI or $1,000 secures a
third or hnlf lull-rest In n good m.inul.ic-
tuilug buslncVH. Addiess L W ) , llee.
AtiS 12 *
\\TANTED-1'nrtner with MOO to take half In-
TT toiustand fiillcharguof iiK.ilooiileimnii (
preferred. 1107 S. 1.1th ht. r.17 13 *
FOR SALE Stock , tooln , etc- . , f an estab
lished and paying wholesale eonfi-etlom-iy
business ; will Uke part pay in Omalin real
estate. Apply 317 B. lllth st. 700
OH EXCHANGE-ltanch of 1,800 ncics ,
cienm of Holt county , nil In a body ; llr bend
of cattle , B head hoi sew , farm machinery , about
W)0 ) tons hnv , good w ells mid everj thing nee i-s-
nary for n ranch. Will taKclinpiovvd or unim
proved Inside propel I v Ollice open evenings.
II. E. Cole. 3lfl H. lith st , 048
" 170 H SAI/K Hoarding house nnd fiiinltnre of
JL1 twenty looms. Cu.u.uitecd rent , $75per
month. II. E. Cole , : illl.south lilth Kt. 047
"ITOIt SAIiE 100 acres of land four miles fiom
JL' stock yaids , at JI21 per arm ; this Isnbar-
gnln. Mct'ngiie. Opp. 1' . O. ft 1.1
mOEXCIIANfiE-Ooodi'ast trout lot In Ilans-
JL com I'lace to exchange for clenn stoik of
dry goods or clothing. C. F. IIaiiison,418 8.1.1th.
" \ \ TANTEDStock of indso In live htock In ex-
TT iliiiugc * for land or city property. II. E.
Cole , : il S. Ifith st. fi8 |
TjlOlt KENT-One of tlm best locutions In thn
JL' city for meat mitikct or etoeciy , on I/eav-
PIIW01 th st , MTV cheap lent. Apply to W. II.
ciiemi.'ins. Mthtit an
TTUTHN ISM ED lint , making fW per month over
JU lout , to tiuclcfor estate. . Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange1 , ! ! w lor. Ifith und Harnev.ovor 3l'.c
rpo EXCIIANOE Improved farm in Iowa
J for Omahii residence propeity. ,1..I , Wil
kinson , 1324 1'arnani. OH4
FOR ItENT I'lotirnnd feed htore on I'ark ave ,
Splendid opening.
F L. GicgoiySOU South ht. 271
POK SALE A good fuinltuie nml undertak
ing business nnd two-stoiy fiiimo building.
I am postmaster nncl poxtolllru icmilri-s all nt-
tcntlon. Addiess 1 > . M Scotia , Nc-b. OH-1,1 *
TO EXCHANGE tl.Kfl htock geuc-rul mer-
cluiiKlin' for good Omiiha propeity ; Mnull
incumbrnnce : must FC 11 or exchange quick. t > .
S. Cnmpbell iird G. W. llcrvey , 310 Board of
Tl n d e. 4hfl.
IfANTIiD Stocks of merchant. ! ! * * In exT -
T clmngB for land. II. E. Cole. 310 S-1,1th
riNE business clnincn open In Colorado for a
light iimiiiifnctnrlng business ; largo piotlts
/ nnd mnnll cnpltnl ii-ciulu-d. I'nittctilhra nt A ,
F. Mayne'h , N.V. . cor. Kith und Fainiim. t)2J ) (
T7IOH EXClIANOE-iTonses and lots , farms.
JU hotels , lots , im-iclmiidlM' . hoises , cattle
nnd In fact anything } on want. If you have any
thing to trndo cull on or w rite to us. Ollice open
evenings. II. E. Cole , : W1S. Ifith st. tWJ
rpo TH A OK Two Imprmed farms In Iowa for
JL Omaha property or Nebraskalands. . Me-
Cullocli & Co. cor ; IMh nnd Fatnam. 328
K EAT mm ki't on pim-d street , flue business
prospect. Hi-lit i ht-ap
F. Ii , ( jlegiuy ! Ml South 10th St. S71
rpIIHEE diui ; htocks nmfiuturen of $ IN10 ,
JL J2.700 , W , W Inllneit Nebiaskii towns. Kot
sale or ical cMiitu vxchange. Addtess K. 'J. lira ,
M > sn3t *
POIl 8AI.E First-class two-Htciry brick hotel
doing excellent business ; rents for fcsn pei
month ; owner going out to Cnl. Address II. 8 ,
Lilly , llroken How , Neb. 220 n 10
EOll SAIiE A00 ! ! acre stock faun , inSiupj
county , just -Imllc'S fun : ; Omaha , with n
flno quarry on It , only 11 per acre. A. F
Maync. N.V. . cor. IClh and Farnnm. gill
OK TTtADr.-fi.OOd ncres of choice westert
Innd to exchange for general merchandise
Jno. F. Toft. S24 N. Ifith t. 813
IF yon have anything to exchange , write us
\Vo have Inipioved nnd unlmpioved Ne
liraska , Kansas iiud lowu lands , coal mined , ho
tels , stocks of merchund so , liorsc'S , cattle , hops
Fhi-ep , etc. , to exchange. S. S. Campbell und O
W. IU-rvcy , aiO Hoard of Trade. 4H7
T\HY goods mid notions storeroom for lent ,
Good chance for millinery also.
F , L. Gregory 309 SouthIBtn st. 71
T71OR SALE Or trade a No. 1 hotel property
OJ doing good trade , in one of the best urnlu
in Nebrnska. S. S. Ciimpbell and O. W. I It-troy
310 Chamber of Commerce. 4H7
TIT"ANTED A Mock of grorerlftt nnd genera
T T mclso , for city lota paid for. C. J. Oman
TTIOR SALE A complete steam latindry Imv
J inn twenty horse power engine. J , S. Hen
net ) , Haumlets und Clink Hts. 1"H
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clnlnovant. Med
ical , buslnebs nnd test medium. Dlagtiosl'
free. Female diseases u imecialty. 119 N. Itltl
t. , Rooms 2 & U , Tel. 044. UH7
RS. DIIRANT Ulnri\oyant from llcwtcmi
rtdlablo in all nnalmof life , unites sepur
ated loTcru. 822 N. JCth st. , room 1. 7CO Dec. !
masons wanted Immediately nt th
Omaha Milling and Elevator Co. . 1311 Nortl
10th st. 712 14 *
W rANTED-A High school boy with a goo :
pony to carry an evening route on Hull
WANTED 800 agent * ; teed salary or coin
mlHHlon ; rare cliance. . Addrcus with stani ]
for term * . \Vc ver UfrM ! I4 N. State bt. , Cblciigc
111. tUtmli *
WANTKD-Twelve coal mlnera In Neb..fcJ pe
ton , Kteady work ; 1 grocery clerk , must b
of good address nd acquainted with city ; 1
nhovelers for city. 8 Uamsters , I toy to lean
trade. 1 Iwy for lunch counter , must bo experl
enccd , 1 bell l > oy for hotul. Oiualia Bmploymen
bureau , 1KIN Itilh. TUIIS
WANTKI > Agc-nts for the best nrtlcl cvc
producwl ; costly outfit rrt-o ; no peddling
no money required until Kales are made an
poods delivered. N. M. IVledman & t'o. Mm
jlnaburg. MI > . duVia *
WANTEI10nrhtcli > s shoe salesman tog
to Lincoln , Neu. liumlre M. II. room ib
Arcade hotel between thu hours of 8:30 and 0o :
a. m. CtH-13.
W ANTED Tiuuors Uing Job , by Wiiltuiu :
& Scovell , 310 N. ICth. M > U
WANTED-20 InlKirer , and 10 bridge
ters for Missouri. Ship Sunday miiintni
Moore's uuiployuient ugciicy , bOllijouUi 10th.
i yyANTED-Mllker. dairy. 4115 Saunder- . .
WANTKD-A tim-cla&h bteam litter ; stead
work and good vnigr * to aromp tent , Hiln
man. Call or Hddrvsa F. A. Koo me ) er \ . Cu
Uncoln. Nub. . . 6M
W ANTKD-Ten carpenters at Y. M , C. /
bulldlug Monday uioniiug. Cor. Kith an
) - flood , reliable and experienced
cigar salesmaii for thlsstnto oncommN-
Moil ! references recmlred. Address the Mutual
I'nlon clear factory , Halbcrstiid & Co. . proprle-
torn ; 3Si E ( Bd gt. . New York. 7T. H *
WANTED Man and wife on farm , ' . ' cooks
for city , A mcdsago boys. 2 cash boys , n
dining room girls , 3 ill Mi waMiers , 35 girls for
private families , ; i good dressmakersZ iiinviifs-
e . Onto City Employment ollico , ! IW5 S. 11th.
. 7fJ 14 *
"AN'1IU ) Shovelers and teamsters. ApplV
four miles west of Fort Omaha on line of
Chicago A Northwestern railroad. C. 1' . Treat ,
contractor. AM 111 *
VV"ANTKD Men for rnlfiond work. A1-
TT bright a Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 801
\\TANTKD Ocnernl npi-nts for portions of
TT Nebraska , Iowa , KRIIHHB and MUfourl.
Iteferctico rainlicd. Address , Climax Window
Shade Co. , : . ' 01-and 2(0 ( N. 2d st. , St. Joseph , JIp.
" \\7"ANTED Good man partner to fell goods
TT and oversee agents In town ; can mnke
from ten to fifteen dollars per day ; must have
ash. Address L M lice. 543
\\rANTKD-lfiO men of good appearance to
TT try our irc meals ntNorrls restaurant , Jilt
and 31.1 South Hth street , ( old Live and Let
"VXTANTKD Twenty-five girls general house-
TV housework. llrst'and second glib , 2 dining
room girl * , 1 dining room ami laundry gIrl.Kamo
place , 2 cooks for tioaidlng houses , 1 second
rook. Ixits of places for girls , Omaha Employ
ment Bureau , 110 N ICth ht. 70313
AOIHIifor general housework , good wages
paid. 813 North 34th st. 677 12 *
WANTED Flrst-clas * basque finishers , also
skirt trimmers. Mrs. M. A. Wallace , N.
E. Cor , inth and St. Mary's nve. Etfl 13 *
\\7'AN'rKI-2 cooks , 2 cllnlngroom girls , 1'
T T laundress , 3 dressmakers' assistants , I girl
for dyeing establish incut , several experienced
girls for prlvato families , all for city ; 1 cook and
A dlnlngioom girls fcir DnvldCity , Neb. . 1 dining-
room girl for Friend , Neb. City Intelligence
OMlce. Creighton blk. 767
\\rANTEO-Olrlfor gcncinl housework , B w
T T cot of 21st and I.cavenworth sts. 7fil Iti *
ANTKD-Atonco , girl , Oil N 19th st.
Energetic agents. ladles nnd
gentlemen. to K-ll a new patent needed and
f.old In every household , easily Fold and good
paying , call and s > eo at 1317 Douglas St. , between
A und A p. in- ( I7J H *
\ \rANTni ) First-class girl for general house-
T > work In famllv of throe Immediately ,
ono \\lio cau go home nights. 114 N. istli hf.
C27 17'
_ _
WANTED-I.ady agents to handle light
metallic goods , good wages. Call after ! l
am. . at thoollltuof the Metallic Mfg. Co , antf
N17th t. CM 18 *
IfANTED Oirl for general housework. J.
T Mill ris , MIS 10th stieet. A39
w ANT13D ( lirlatlM-i bheriuan avo. M
J. M. Comibiuap. KU
WANTED BO ladles to try our ] Vi meals at
N orris1 restaurant ( old Live nnd Lot Live ) ,
Oil nnd 111IS. Htli st. O'Jl
y Intelligence Ofllco has the only prop
el ly orgnnl/cd emploj ment ngency in tlm
vest. It Is thu huge-it , most reliable and Its
turns the most llbeinl. If > ou me out of em
ployment orwlshlo make n change , why do
j on delay In securing the best possible
cnn be gl\en } ou. Persons should carefully
consider whom they nre dealing with us them
no many new catch-penny coiuerus coming
into existence dally. Full puitluiilnis concern
Ing our methods w 111 bo given upon uppllca"
linn All oideis ( cxc.ipt fiom pilvnte families"
lllli-d fiee nnd ht-nt to any pai t of the west w her
Tine is paid. Youts ic"-in-ctfullv , Chns. Ii
Unit , malinger. Hefeiences : .lolin l , . MtCngue
| iiesldciit M cCague nros' . bank ; Dexter L ,
Thomas , ciishli-r Nebraska savings bank ; Hon.
J. II. MiCnlloch. county Judge. 571. .
LOST A dark blue ihluchllla overcoat on
thu load to South Omaha. A liberal ie-
wuid Mill bo paid by leturnlng same to GOOM
hotel. Peter ( ioos. ( ,07-U
T OST At or near U. I' , depot , a silver chate-
J-J lalne with a smnllltlg-bnttle , tablet and
handsome fan iitt.iched. Finder will bo liber
ally icwaulcd by lea\ing samu at U. I * , ticket
ollli e. nu'i 12J
OST A bunch of keyt. ; leave at llee ollice
midget reward. 41K )
"TST Veirowpony , black mane , tall and legs
Heturn to 1111 8o.2hthst. 33 !
LOST Or stolen , nfar Hascall'a park , a med
ium slio dark bay mare , with harness on ,
mall white ( .pot on fate , large hind legs. T.
Mm ray. 120
\\fANTED-To buy first-class road horse , top
TT buggy and hai ness at u bargain. M 7 Ueo
ollice. . 721 1 ! > J
TVTANIKD Two'or thieo rooms , furnished ,
T for light housekeeping ; state lent. Ad
dress M 0 , llee ollico. 730-14 *
WANTI3D To buy the furniture of a Bmalt
or largo house centrally located , Co-oiiera
tlo Land A : Lot Co. . 2U.'i N st. _ Ii8
\\7ANTI3D Good family horse m exchange
TT for lot , SfcL'ulloch & Co. , cor 15th and
Fuinam. UiO
\\/"ANTnTwro tra < io"for a lot of second hand
TT fuinltuie ; apply at Itoom 13 , Frenzer
block. 1'JI
WrANTCU-lloiihowUli U or8 looms within
reasonable distance of P.O. by American
family of udulU. ( Jootl refvreuce. Addiess
Ij B7 llee cilice. O.VJ 12 *
ANThU To Buy shott t4me paper , J.\V.
Gross , at C. K. Muyue'i DOice , Iflth ( and
Ilniney. 285
W ANTED Two persons to learn nook-keep
ing , situations. 10U Chicago st.J. H. Smith.
578 10 *
WANTED-Property of all Kinds to exchange
Special attention given to trading. C. C.
Spotsw oed , 1W.1 S 10th. C55
WANTED Farms to exchange for Omaha
icipeity and stocks of merchandise. C.
L. Ilrow u & Co. , room 13 Frenzer block , Omaha
741 1125
WANTED Farm lands In exchange for
stocks of merchandise. St. John 4 Ely ,
lloom 13. Frenzer bloclc. opp. P.O ftM
" \7ANTKD To adopt a nice bright boy fi om
TT 10 to 13 years of age , good home. Call at
the City Intelligence oltice , Cielghton block. 471
WANTED Good farms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Bpotnwood , 305i }
8ICth. 653
WANTED To buy live thousand to ten
thousand llonne county lands , average
quality , ut $10 perucre aud leg * . Addres Hex
Omaha. 104
WANTED Farm lands in exchange for city
property. St. John & Ely , Itoom U , Freu-
zer block. I7
M ONKV To loan , H. E. Cult ; , 310 S. 1 ith , 451
NEW Yoik Stonmo Co. Corner Capital
-uv. & 15th St. , have money to loan on
household goods , niercuuncUho of every de-
bcrlptlon at lowest latvx. Spi'chil facilities for
meichants. goods moved , packed and shipped.
All charges advanced. Fireproof brick block ,
Capitol uv. _ 15th fit. 419
804 deo3
M ONEY to loan. H.B. Cole. 318 S.15tb ,
801 decS
MONEY to Loan On Improved city propertj
at lowest rate.s of Interest. No comuil- ?
Mon charged. Bholes It Crumb , room 1 , Barkei
block , cor. Uth and Farnam sts. V81
M ON EY To loan , II. E. Cole. 810 S > 15th. 451
$75 , to loan utUper cent. Linahau & .MIV
liouuy 1 ; , 1UW FaiUKUi. % 7
( Jj 600,000 to loan In any amount at lowest rate ol
P interest , U. B. Irev. Freiuer block. 903
\ rONEY To loan , II. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 4 ?
ONEV LOANED at G F. Ree < l i Co. ' Loat
Offico. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons
personal property of nil kinds , and all other ar
tlclen of value without removal. 818 S. 13th
over Blnghum'H commission store. All liusl
iiessMUctly contldentlal. 982
T\r ONEVToIoan , II. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th.
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs
horses , etc , low ratca. J. J. Wilkinson I
Co. , VJ21 Furuum , oer Burlington ticket otltce.
MONEY to loan ou Improved real estate ; ni
rommlsMon chaiTjoJ. Leavltt Uumhaui
loom 1 , Crelghton block. 974
TV1ONEY To loan , H. K. Cole , 3188. 15th. M5
E Y To lo a , U. K.-Col , 310 S. 15th , s. .
jl fONEY To Joan , It. F. . Cole. 310 3. 15th. 437
rV ) I/OAN Money Ixinnn , placed on im-
X , proved real estate In city or county for
New Knglftnd Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , ICtli nntl Chicago Rts , UT7
M ONEY 1o loan on Mmttcls. Cci-opemtho
Lund and Lot Co. , OT > No. ICth street.
jVrONEYTo loan , II. E. Cole , 318 8.13th. 4J7
1'KlfCKNT Money.
I'attvr'on A. I'nwcett Ifith nnd Hntney. Wl
ON15Y to I.nnn-O. F. Oat Is Co. , real estate
nnd loan ngcnts. 1505 Fariiam st. 97B
_ _
ti > 5noUio To lonn on Omahn city property nt 4
P per cent. O. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. BUI.
to lonn to parties wishing to build.
S. 8. Campbell , 310 816th st. , Chamber of
Commerce. 070
ONEY to loan. Notes nnd n. U. tickets
bought nhd sold. A. Forman , " 13 S 13th st.
SHOUT time loans made on any available
security. In leasoimble amounts. Secured
notes bougiit. sold or exchanged. General
financial btiMncsa of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at thn Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 16th and Har
ney sts. , overstate National band. Corbett ,
manager. 071
1.00(1.00ntrvJoan. ( I [ . E. Cole , 310 8. 15th. First
$ mortgage notes bought. 000
To loan. Jxwest rates. No delay.
MONKY . Ulco & Co. , over Commercial Na-
tlonalbank 078
MONET to loan on city property , and aho
farms In Nebraska and Iowa. Odell llroi.
It Co. , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , 103
1'carl street , Council muffs , la.SU ; Farnatn
etreet , Omaha 203
TICONEY To loan , II. E. Cole , 318 8. 10th. 457
M ONEV to Loan By the undersigned , \rho
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Ix > ans of tlO to 1100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly confidential. Loans BO made
that any part can bo paid at any time , ench pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on flno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call ami
pee me. W. 11. Croft , room 4 WitlmuH building ,
15th and Harney. 080
M ONEV To loan. H. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 4u7
$300.000 to loan , special rates on farm property.
Bobotker & i'eirlgo , 1521 Farnam st. OS )
MONKV to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J ,
W. and K , I , . Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 034
A. SCHOFinLD , expert accountant. Hooks
posted and audited. Estates cared for and
rents collected. Patents bought , sold aud pro
cured. Terms reasonabls. 1' . O. box 53. OOlco
Farnam. 7.17-10 *
TTUKST-CIiASS board and rooms at live and let
JL : live prizes , at Cottage house , 110 813th st.
J 37411 *
_ _
/ tAHINET and screen factory , best location In
v-'Omahn , on paved St. , 44x40,2-story and frrooni
house adjoining , together with engine , boiler
and full bet machinery , Includlnafi } ears lease
of ground at half Its value , all for M.OOO. Easy
terms. E. M. Stlckuey & Co. , 240S Cuming ht.
10 HENT A House. See Cole , 810 8.15th st-
UOFrSSlONAT , Nurse. Mrs. Peterson. 2713
Ohio st. 8W ) D 4 *
F IltST-CIiASS table board , seived in homo
stj Ie , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 18H Dodge. 230
o IlKNT A house. See Cole. 310 S. 15th st.
. 64B
F 1NE shirts made to order ut $1 each. Omaha
Shirt Factory , 308 N Kith. 32U d 4
A SMALL Prlvato family wishes to board a
gentleman nnd wife , front room , all con
veniences , model ute tcims , address P. O. Box
28. dC9 14 *
TO HENT-A house. See Cole , 310 S. 15th st.
T IO KENT A house. So Cole , 310 S. Ifith 04S St.
SAFES Agents nnd business men. We are
manufacturing and belling Independent of
any safe ring or pool by placing upon the mar
ket three sizes of Ore proof .safes at Mich low
prices that farmers , professional and business
men can afford to purchase. Size. 28x18x18
inches ; weight 500 Ibs. ; retail price , $ J5 ; smaller
nnd larger sizes in proportion. Hare opportun
ity offered. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio.
.16830 *
TlO UENT-A house. See Cole. 310 8.16th st.
T < KENT A honse. 8eo Cole , 3111 S. 15th st.
I 1ST TOUR ROOMS at the City Intelligence
t Otflce , Crelghton Hlock. More people call
dally at our ofllce than at any other place in the
city , except the poRtofflce. 585
DR. J. W. HAHNSDALL'S surgical and ob
stetrical home , 1724 Capitol ave , Omaha ,
Neb. Telephone 086. D43n2U
EXCHANGE For cattle. I have 040 acres
of good western land to trade for cattle ,
and a good house and lot near the capital ; will
exchange for cattle. Address 8. G. Itryan , Ash-
loud. Neb. 883
LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished
rooms with MS. We will rent them. Office
open evenings. H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th st. V35
rAGENCY F. L. Gregory will be
found after November 1st at : tO South ICtu
st. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground floor. D10
LADIES A full bust without medicine ,
mall 30c. . Btamus , to H. H. Rich , lUltimore ,
Md , Wnl7 *
I > EUSONAj-Prlvatehomefor ladies during
confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address E 42 llee ofllce. 107 u 8 *
FOH BALE Cheap , 3 young horses , Inquire
NW , cor 2Sth and Cap. live. C95 14 *
F I OR SALE-Good boarding business. 212 S
10th st. 701-19 *
FOR SALE Horse , harness and half sprint
wagon , 1507 N. l th St. . 47H2 *
TPOR SALE Furniture for light housekeeping
X of two rooms , $115 ; cost $200 ; inquire Ml
N. ICth 6t. 51112 *
TjtORBALE Cheap , 4SkyoTcrrlor pups. Ap-
JD ply 019 North 14th st. 07914 *
FOR SALE Heating stove. Radiant Home
No. IX ) , double heater , cheap , nbed ono week
call at Strang's building , 10th aud Farnam , 4tl
floor. G0214J
"Ij"1OL SALE-Cheap , a good , stylish family
X ! horse for family Ube , Inquire Kaufman
Hros. , 1009 Farnam st. 452
/ \NE hundred and fifty dollars will buy a news
\J _ and cigar stand. 603 South 10th st , U30.
FOR SALE A new lot of dry goods furniture
cheap. 1120 Cap. ave. 118
TTIOK SALE Or trade , horse , buggy nnd bar
X' ness , standing desk and stool , hard coa
Etove. Will hell cheap or trade for property 01
imper. Alex G. Churl Urn , McCogue Brosopp
P. O 8Ci .
BILLARD Table at half price , Brunswick
Balke Co.1 * make. Inquire Leslie k Leslie
16th and Dodge nt-s. 216
ORQANB at wholesale prices , on easy pay
menu. New York Piano Co. , cor Caplto
ave and 15th st. 7CO.
F 10R RENT-Sultable for jobbing house , sec
end and third floors No. 1317 and 1319 Doug
las st ; will be fitted up to suit tenant , Heard &
Otis. 771 15
TI1OH RENT 7 room flat and furniture fo
X1 Kale. Inquire at 1G03 Howard St. , 3d door
Mra. Parker. 717 17'
TC OR RENT Small cotUigo on South Six
X' teenth street , near Vlnton , Apply to T. J
Fltzmorris , Bee ofllce. Nov 12
T7IOR RENT-Store 22x50 , city water , gas , sew
X ? erage on nth bt , M5 permonth , new6 roon
flat all improvements , { 35. G. E. Thompson , 31
S15thbt. 714
T710R RENT fl room house ; all conveniences
X' cor lith and Poppleton are , H. Abraham
094 14 *
TT OR IKNT-IO ! room boarding house J5R , S
X' block from P. O. . furniture for halo ; 4 roon
house 120 , furniture f30037room flat centrull
located , forulture for sale Mft cu h , bal. ) ' * > pe
month without interest ; S flats for rent am
small amount ot furniture for sale. 4 rcstuu
rants , all In good locations , saloon for rtnt , tlx
tures for sale ; livery stable for sale or trad *
cigar More { 50 , fixtures for bale ; lease on a brlc
building for 6 yrs , S 8 room houses sulatable fo
boarding noimes , Co-operative Land & Ix > t Co
K > N. 16th t. 70014
TTKR RENT A 11-room new house on 11th ht.
X1 can bo occupied by two families ; city water
large lot. Kaqulre tit Htmebaugh & Taylor.
[ T1OH HEN'Tr nVim ltMt e. furnished com-
L1 pleto for 1iousckeepmi ( , } WJ per month , 4.W
N. lith St. jj UH 14
CTOIt RENT lloiisi7rDctn , with peed bnrn ,
X ; tlO per lnontli < a > IO Cgpltol ave. W U J
RENT .Id story BUB. also several olllces
on 3d story , UouglaH fit , bet Uth nnd lilth.
s Turner. . , C cl 18 *
OR HENT l.T-room Ipaso ; all modern Im
provements , "Ith nncL.Vnrnam sts , } 75per
nonth. 11. E. Cole , 31S S , lyh st. C48
tr OR RI'.NT New storp , bulmlng with base-
L1 ment and barn In DiLpont place , Milt.ible
or drug store or haidw ate , or both combined ,
heap to n good reliable paety. Hugh G. Clark ,
BIB Douglas Bt. -.Jo fi2t 15
[ T10R HENT Store nnd basement. Inquire nt
V A. Donnann. 611 a. nth st. 6t > 7
FOR RENT A good basement to party with
out children. Inquire ut 2025 Fat nam st.
ClOlTllENT About Dec. 1st , three new cot-
X ; tnges on Hamilton street , ono block from
trcct car , seven rooms each , all modern 1m-
irovemelits. Apply to 15. Jlorony , 309 S 12th st.
| 7OR ! RENT Splendid 0-room cottage. $35 per
XJ month. Patterson & Fawcett , 15th aud
larney. _ 689
TOR RENT A splendid new hoiisn cor 21st
X ? and Grant. 9 rooms and bathroom ntul all
modern conveniences. Apply early , Spotsw oed ,
FOR RENT Barn near 11th. st. , between
Douglas and Dodge ; room for 11 horses nnd
I vehicles ; also hay loft. Apply to City Steam
laundry. 55J
"I710R HENT Basement , stores and flats , cor ,
X ! 13th and Jackstn. Enquire Mrs' F. Lnngc.
TilOH RENT-2nd nnd 3d floors at 1417 Douglas
X ? St. , with lease of three years , Kennedy &
Illbblns , 1300 Douglas st. 707
TjlOR HENT-3 room cottage , 1124 N 21st. st.
J ApplyUlflSUithst. _ 152
TjlOR RENT 3 flats and furniture for sale , all
X ? on Iflth. A. 4' . Mayno , N. W. cor. loth aud
Farnam. Wl
9ROOM8-Hath and barn , Col fax st . W5.00
1(1 ( rooms , bath and furnace. Sow ardst. 55.00
10 rooms , bath nnd furnace. Woolworth nt. . 50 00
4 rooms , bath , cltv water , Corby st . 3500
irooms , cottage , Burdctte st . 2500
3 rooms , cellar , well , cistern , 27th st . 2J , oo
I rooms , cellar , city water , 2flth st . 2200
Fine large storeroom , good location . 35.00
F.L.Gregory , 009 South 10th st. Ib8
FOR RENT If you wish to rent n house call
on Benawa & Co. , 15th bt , , opposite P. O.
THOR RENT d-room house , corner Mnrcynnd
X ; Terrlll st. J2i ) . Inquire Llulnger it iletcalf
Co , Cth and Pacific. 220
FOR RENT A whole block of brlct stores
suitable for
Dry goods nnd notions.
Hardware and stoves ,
Flour and feed.
Baker and confectioner.
Meat in ut ket.
Flno opening for business. Cheap rents , paved
streets , etc. i. L. Gregory , 309 B. Sixteenth Bt.
_ _
FOR RENT Nov. 15 , now eight-room house ,
all modern Improvements. 2218 Chicago st.
tOO. J. R. Rlngw alt , 218 8 15th st , 777
RENT Severn new 7 room houses
block from street car , ready for occupancy
November 1. 0. F. Harrison. 418 3. 15th st. 31,1
houses , famished and unfurnished
-J rooms with us. Wevlllient them. Ollico
open evenings. II. E. Colcj 310 S. 15th st. IU5
FOR HENT 11 room nouso on Sherman avo.
A. F. Wajuc , N. W. ' cor. 10th und Farnam.
_ _
_ _
THOU RENT Two furnlMied rooms , ono of
X ! them suitable for four gents , S. W. cor. btn
and Harney. „ 010 12 *
FOR HENT Furnished ) parlor nnd bedroom ,
B28 S. 21st St. _ 673 12J
F OR RENT Furnlshodirooins , with or with
out board , 1909 Farnura st. 273 12 *
F 1011 HENT Elegantly furnished rooms In
new building , heated by steam , with bath
and all modern Improvements ; location central.
No. 1719 Davenport btieet. 642 12J
T710II HENT Three nnfninlshed rooms ; water
JU In the house and everything convenient for
housekeeping , 2012 Hiuncy st. 552 11 *
FOK KENT A nice furnished fiont room
Miiublo for oi.e or two gentlemen , cheap ,
1308 Williams. 08812 *
south front room , all modern conveniences
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ; also
first-class table board for three or four ; icfer-
ehces. 1814 Dodge at. 704
TTIon HENT Barn and furnished room , s e corD
-D 80th and Chicago sts. 752 19
TI10K KENT Elegant rooms , everything new ,
X ? all conveniences. Three minutes from P. O.
Avenue Place , 1613 and 1015 Capitol ave. 75019 *
"ClOtt RENT Nicely furnished rooms for gen-
-V tlemen In private family ; ateam heat and
every convenience ; very close to business. 1013
Douglas. 738-15 *
F jtt HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms. 8 , W.
cor. 10th and Chicago. 745-18 *
FOR RENT Furnished front room ; largo bay
window , with or without board , 517 Pleas
ant st. , near St. Mary's nve. 703-ltl *
EOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms. 1013
Dodge. 058 17 *
FURNISHED Room cheap , 2020 St. Mary avo.
057 dlO *
FOR RENT 3 nice unfurnished rooms suit
able for housekeeping , situated on 21st
and Nicholas st. Apply 310 S 15th st. M9
F I OR RENT Furnished rooms , 1816 Dodge Bt
102 NUO
"DOOMS nnd board for four. In private family.
XV with home comforts , B. W. Cor. 21st and
Leavcuworth sts. 621 15 *
TmOR RENT-Nicely fmnlshcd rooms nt 2227
J-1 Dodge. Gas , bath and furnace heat. Dr. J.
C. Whlunery. G2
n RENT 1'urnlshed rooms , 1419 Chicago.
57214 ]
ROOM-For two. with board if desired , in
private family , 1723 Davenport st.
T71OR RENT Elegant suite of rooms nicely
4 ? furnished , brick flat , south front , 1410 Chi
cago. U57
FOR KENT A large and pleasant room.nlcely
furnished , for two or tlireo gentlemen. W ,
S. 13th st. Inquire up-stalrs. 587
tflOR RENT 2 largo rooms for light houso-
-L1 keeping. 007 8. hUh st. Inquire upstairs.
TITOH RENT Ground floor ofllce room , con-
JD trally located , heated and lighted. C. F.
Harrl.Hon , 418 8.15th st. 719
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and
board , 1810 and 1812 Chicago st. & 5Q 10 *
F I Oil RENT Furnished .rooms , 1913 Farnam.
> l 815I127J
FOR HENT Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 415
South 19th st. , containing ull modern con
veniences. } Ei 611
FOR RENT Two furutehed rooms , 1017 How
ard st , , w ith board ICfdeslied. References
required , - - 520
TTIOR RENT Three furnUhed rooms , all new ,
XI 1311 Davenport st , Ml 14 *
"I7IOR HENT Furmsneailroomj Kficlern im
X' provements , 1718 Dodge s ( . 515-li
R. RENT 3 unfurnlshf d rooms suitable for
housekeeping , 1025 N th at. 153
FOR HENT Two unfurnished iind one furn
ished room , with larK closets and usu ol
bathroom. 807 N 17th at. 3 . 71014 *
FRONT room , peed Ixmril. modern conven
iences , privafe family , ' For gentlemen , ot
gentleman and wife , 019 BpSth avenue ,
FOR HENT-Onc largo front room with al
cove and closet and a large bedroom nd <
joining with closet , &J5 ; also 2 bedrooms , nil
nicely furnished , each suitable for one or tw i
gentlemen , with hot air , gas , bath , hot and cold
water on game floor , $10 and $12 : 207 H 24th St. , on
car line , between Faruam and Douglas.
71511 *
B RENT Handsomely furnished front
room , fill Saward nt. 708 14 *
JICEIiY famished room S W cor 18th am
Uodgo. 701 i ;
A FINi : largo bay window room , newly fur
nlhhed with gas , bath , furnace and closet
no other roomer , for one or two gentlemen , tvo
S anti st. 113
FOU IlKNT Furnished and unCiirnUliei
rooms in all parts of the city. When you
want a honse we can accommodate you. Car
riae i-endy to show housw. Ollice open even
inga. 11. K. Cole. 3188.15th st. 'M
AIXVKIA' , large front room luiated. boautl
ful location , with all modern convenience
on st car line , 1U17 Cass. S
K HUNT-3 uaturnUhod rooms , 2d floor
[ 7 ! < Ml nn.NTTwo clnslraWij rooms , Rns.itoam
JL1 and bath. Mi S 24th st. UcntliMlK'ii proforroil.
_ _ Ml 14'
p _ _ _
OH IIBNT ITurnl-shf d rooms In OrmmlR blk ,
cor. 13th anil Dodiro i > u. InanUaotUoo. U.
tuvls , Mlllard hotel billiard room. UJ3
IJ10U RENT 1 unftirnlshrd rooms suitable for
-L1 housokt'cpliuf. 11UU S. 7 th St. 24S
[ 710K Itr.NTl nicely furnished looms , 2 > St.
E Mary's ave. tKI
_ _
Ii ilOH HKXT llooms , ulncle and en suit * .
good piano for gale , tlV ( > , ls.'l 1'urimm st ,
FOll RENT 3 rooms suitable for house keep-
Ing , N. W , cor. 14th and I'leico st. Apply
to 310 S. 15th st. .Tift
1JIOK HENT-Nlcely furnished room suitable
JO for S gentlemen. Inquire 2011 bt. Mary's avo.
" 170111ICHT Furnished room with heat and
JL' board with use. of parlor , tor man nnd
w ifoortwo Indies. 3,1t ! Davenport , U77 10 *
T7VIl RENT Pleasant rooms , furnished ,
JU1 southw est corner 2Wh and Webster. Wll
Foil HUNT Furnished rooms in all parts of
the city , by the clay-week or mouth. City
Intelligence olnce , Crelghtou block , 165
Foil HENT-onice room , first Ooor , atillOS ,
Uth Bt. 4 < r >
\\rANTKD-Situatlon by B young man as
T ghlppliiR clerk , ot stock man In shoo
lotne. llai nxperienoo and willing to woik.
Addiess M 0 , lleo olllre. 707 13 *
WANTED Hy a carried man n Hltuntlon as
Janitor In a buMncvifi house or block , east
ern experience , address M 2 , Ileo ollice. C7512J
WA NTED Uy lady as a first class wotkor a
few places to work by the clay nt washing
or house cleaning orany otherhouso work. Ad-
liess Mrs. W. , 1007ChlciiKO st. 7'-'d 15 *
ionNTI.KMAN of long experience In Imsl-
HC.SS would like to take a sltuabla position
n a wholesale or manufacturing establishment
lanuarylst prox. First-class references. Ad
dress until Dec. 1st. M. 4 , Ileo. 6W 30
Position as housekeeper by n
woman of experience , Itvfeieiices given
if required.7 South Md bt. CbOH *
Position as housekeeper for
WANTED , with small family , by a middle-
aged lady of experience , can furnish references
If required. Address Ij 05. Ileo ollico. C18
YORK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
liupglts. general merchandise , west of New
York , Cash advances to any amount ! ware
house receipts given : poods insured ; brick
building tiro-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New Yolk Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , Hennett's block.
7f > 'J
1" Merchandise or fin utture. Little
IJ AWlllhims , 1107 Douglas st. 809 n29
IRST-CIiASS storngo at 110 N. 13th st.
STORAGE for carriage at Omaha fair grounds
and horses wintered by A. Thomson.
173-N 20 *
Oeo. Schwartz. Oiniilm Storage
STORAGE . 1001,1011 North nth St. , fumlt-
ure.buggles and merchandise. OUlco 131r > Dodge.
42711 ID *
STORAGE Furniture , boxed goods , otc.terms
leasonable. 714 1'iiclllc. 1104
AROAlN-Sbest lots in Hillside , No. 2. corner -
ner , J.1,200 ; terms easy. E. M. Stlcfcney &
Co , 2108 Cuming st , 732 11
FOR EXCHANGE Improved and unimproved
city property for farms or moitgago notes.
J. A. lllnstand. Arlington blk. 73.1-15
FEW more lots at 100. II. E. Cole ,
fjVHl PAIiR A comfortnlne homo on a sight S.
J-1 fiont Sew arcl st. lot for only 2,850. Very
ensy terms. Improvements cost $1,100. .1 , A ,
Hlebtand , Arlington blk , 1511 Dodge st. 73.115
8ATJ3 Or exchange , farms In Iowa ,
Knnsas nnd Nebraska for Omaha houses
and lots ; w 111 assume moi tgages. on houses and
give clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange
city lots for good farms , well located and as
sume small mortgages on farms and give clear
deed to city lots. Farms wanted In Central Ne-
brabka. A. P. Tukey , 1321 Farnam st. 140
A FEW more lots nt $100. H , E , Cole.
A FEW more lots at HM , H , E. Cole.
FOR 8ALE-Lot45 , Uurr Oak , $1,1W ( , $000 cash
bal. 2 years.
Lot 40 , liurr Oak , 11.00) , 1350 cash , bal easy.
Lot 47. Uurr Oak , $1,050 , $400 cash , bal easy.
Lot 10 blk 8 , Hillside No I , 43,800 , $1.100 cash ,
bal 3 years.
Lot 5 blk 7. Hillside No 1 , $2EOO , $1,000 cash ,
Lot 7 blk 10 , Heed's 1st add , $3,000.
Lot U2 , Sunnyslde , $2.4UO , * HX ) cash , bal easy.
Two new 7 room house s with modern conven
iences two blocks west Hanscom park , $ .1,400
each terms easy.
Lot 05 , Fairmont place with five room cottage.
Two good lots with flva loom cottage on each ,
in blk 10 , Patrick's add , only $ -,000 each , terms
very easy.
liuslness lots in South Omaha on N , O , 24th ,
25th and 2ith ) streets for sale cheap.
Acre property near South Omaha for sale or
for trade for Inside and South Omaha
lots. Potter & Cobb , HWl Fiiruam St. , Hoard
Tioao building. 87721
IF YOU have any good property to sell or
trade list it with Geci.N. Hicks , 2ir S. ifith.
A I'EW more lots at $100. H. E. Cole.
T710R SALE Finest location for a homo In
JL1 West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Kirkendall , Coe , Brady , Kasson and others.
Nothing finer In the city. Can el 1105xlb7 or
less : for prices aud terms see S. A. Sloman , 1.1J1
Farnam Ht. 7,18
TjTOH THADE-Bqulty In lots 1 and B , Union
X ! square , next bloclc to Martin , Eassou &
Hrady ; $1,000 for house and lot , or vacant Inside
lot. Address K 50 llee , 707
A FEW more lots at $100. 11. E. Cole.
FOR SALE At $ fOO , house nnd lot , rented at
$11 per month , on small cash payments , bal
ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash at a but
ter price and warranted deed. D. D.Smcaton.lOOJ
Dodgejit. 112
L IST houses , famished and unfurnished
rooms with us. We will rent them. Ollice
open evenings. II. E. Cole. 310 8,15th st. Uli
A FEW more lots at $100. H. F. . Cole.
BIG Bargain-Corner lot , 72x110 feet , on Hello-
vue st. . South Omaha. Call and get price
nnd terms. Geo. N. llleks , 215 8.15th. 500 fj
! ALL und seethe choice bargains I offer in
South Omaha. Hicks , 215 BiMlist 600 U
OUTH OMAHA business lots for sale , nicks.
1 50012
FOR SALE or Exchange Eighteen acies ,
Junction of two main street * and M. V. Belt
Line Ity. , only ten minutes' ride by rail to South
Omaha nnd stock yards and 20 minutes' ride to
the business center of Omaha ; covered with
splendid hhude trees ; will plat Into W clioleo
lots ; land all around It Is divided Into lots and
selling for * 100 to $100 each : pure t 1,000 ; bujer
to nsiiime incmuhrano fir * 'i,2oo , due in 1,2. 3
aniHjeiirs ; will tsko 17,000 cash , balance $0HW
in good liiipro'f'd fium property. George N.
HlcUs,2HS. 15th St. 5(1012 (
TTJOrt SALE-Ncw stoio building and lot on
at. ' Bellnvuoht. , South Omaha ; price $1,000 ; on
ly $ COO cash. Can give Immediate possession.
Oco N. Hicks. 215 S. 1,1th st. 500 1' . '
rpO exchange for House and lot n .section ol
X good farm land in central Nebraska. Hicks ,
215 S. 15th. 50012
I OTS and houses worth buying. It you want
* to make inonoy.
Ambler Place , lot 15 , block 13 , price , ! WOO.
Ambler Place , lot in block 5 , price , $ .V ) .
Orchard Hill , lotblock 12 , price , soo.
draco street , 110 feet front , price. $3.800.
HaimderH st. one and a quarter mile.s from P ,
O. , 120 feet front , price $12coo.
Farnam Rt.oneutidono-half miles from P. O. ,
48 feet front , price , $5oni ) .
Walnut I mi , lots 2 and 3 block 8 , price , 1)1,100 )
for 2 lots.
South Omaha , Albright's Choice , good lot for
$ .0.
.0.Sevenroom house east front
- on Georgia ave
nue , pi Iff , $ rtXio. (
Five-room house cast front on 18th st. , price
Four-room house in Omaha View , price , $2,000
Six-room house on California St. , price , JJ.'JM )
Nlne-ioom house on Park avenue , pi Ice , $7,0110
Well Improted farm of 010 acres in lloouo
county , $ lo ] > or aero.
A good hotel In Saline county , Nob. , $4,500 , in
chiding furniture ,
Ilnvu 2 unencumbered farms to trade for
small nousc .
Stringer fc Co. , 1518 Dodge. &t. 50512
fPRACIvAGE I have some choice property in
X. Wi-t Omaha on the F. K. Si M. V. It. R. um
Missouri Pacific Hy. . near the Junction of thu
two loads. There Is no finer trackage near ( he
city for mills , elevators and manufacturing l > ur
poses. Parties contemplating locating In Uinaha
willdow oil to call and eu thu property , to tlie
right kind of jiaitli * I Will oiluc liberal lnduu-
miiiita. George N. Hicks. 815 B. 15th st. 600 U
IR SAL-lJ4 iDOttcor. Howard and 15th
its. , next block to Katuon , Brady *
T,1ST your property for sil with Charles C.
JUspotsvpocUBOuji a Iflth _ _ _ * t _ Mi
f71OlT SAlifc- nnolot tiforehard Hill. Very
JL1 small pii.vme.nt , mul balnncu any time
within 411 years.
Two tine lotIn .tetter's Add. , So. Omiihn nt ti
price tlmt w 111 sell them.
If you have tome Kilt edg paper maturing In
1,2 nnd ; i years 1 w 111 tuku It fur an olegiint resi
dence lot.
Houses for n1o.on . small monthly payments In
Omaha or South Omaha. F. K. lurllng , IbUi
onu'r 1'ith mul Howard. BIO It
, v .W I'lRht-room house , pleasant location , can
-Ls gl\e Immediate posHi-ssion , u bargain if
taken at once , Geo. N.llkks , 215 S , 15th st.
. W013 _
rpo TRADIJ Inside property fur good house ,
JL right or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul-
loch > V Co. , cor 1,1th nnd 1 uriiam. IIJ-J
A FEW more lota at 1100. It , K. Cole.
4V ,
T7KM 8AI.B-Agood lot ( K feet ) on I'ark av-
JL' eiiue. low price If sold soon. McCulloch < fc
Co. . cor 15th and Farnam , 331
OR TRADK-Houso and lot worth JI.OOO for
Mortgage notes or farm or vacant lots. J. A.
lllestand , Aillngton blk. 7J514
FOR SALE-Ooodbrlck liuslness property In
centre ot Grand Island ; gientost bargain
and best tei ms In , thu city ; but llttlo cash u -
quliedjlong time , low Interest and easy payments -
ments ; other real estnto fer sale. Address J. H ,
Woolley , attorney at law , Uraud Island , N b.
rpHOMPSON , Real Estate , 314 S. 15th st.
IV ) ft on Farnam near 31th , per ft I 12.1
40 ft on Fainnm ntmr2Mh , per ft 22.1
( Lift on Saunders near Grace fsMX )
lie-it lot hi Klrkuood 1.4.V )
( lood lotln Kliby Place 1,275
M ft on ISthst near St. Mnrv'fl ave 8,7nO
100ft In blk 1. Redlck's subdivision 4,200
A good truckage lot in city for lease cheap
Lot on Park in e opposite Hanscom Park , , , 2,700
Lotln 11 oil man Terrace , only 275
10 acies nt South Omaha for platting , get
List your property w 1th Thompson. 3.3
TjAOR SALE Several houses and lots on
JU small payments , also tonio houses nnd
lots to tradu ; several farms for sale or tiado for
Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mayne , N.
W. cor Kith anil Farnam. ml
A FUW more lots at $100. II. E , Colo.
TO exchange Somu money and choice land
for tlrst class Improved Insldu ptoperty.
U.K.cole , yiosnth.
fF you have anything to sell or exchange list
Lit w 1th C. C. Spotswood. oOr > ,4 ' 8 lUth. O.VI
BALK A beautiful new fi-room house in
FOR 1 "A , " Dedford 1'laco , small ciiMi pay-
mentJlalanro monthly or to suit. Charles C.
Spotswood , ; V > V4 S. lUth st. IM4
NEW Four room cottage , w 1th pantry , closets
und cellar. Near car line , schools and In nn
excellent nolghboihood , bolng lot 1(1 ( , lluulutto
court , pi Ice (1,800 , small cash payment and $15
per month. Wallace , Crelghton block. 4(18 (
* | 7UR EXCHANUE-a brick Mats on 2.1th st. ,
JP between I'ainam and Dodgowlll ; exchange
equity for other good paying pioperty , not too
heavily mortgaged. This propcity needs no
commendation. Speaks for itself. No better
In this city. 1 f you want It come quick. Spots-
wood. 305K9. lUthst. 41U
T71OR SALE Good six-room house costing
JK $1.100 , sightly Sownrd ht. lot , 60V1.I2 , for only
&i,0.m , fcYii ) cash. J. A. lllestand , Ailiugton blk ,
1511 Dodge bt. 73.113
rpIIOMPSON , 311 S. Uth St. , buys and sells real
JL estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has a good list of property for sale nnd wants
moie. Notary public. 854
Two best lots in Washington
BARGAIN , Madison e. , jiisteastof Slier-
man nve. , line location for three houses , for only
f 1'ijii ' , ensy terms , worth $ (1,000. ( E. M. Stlckney
&Co , 2108 Cumlngst.
A FEW moFe lots at $100. H7
houses in llunscom plaro renting for
TIWO per mouth to exchange lor good limldo
vacant property. H. S. Campbell aud G.W. ller-
vy .1111 ri. Hit list. Chamber of Commerce. 152
FEW moi clots ut $100. II. E. Cole ,
OR SALE Cheat ) Ono of the best corner
F lots on South Eleventh street. Apply Itoom
21 , Omnlm National bank. 58H 10
BAHRAIN HSxlU on N W cor Ilurdett
and 2'Jth hts ; il choicest building lots In
Omaha , south und east tiont , all giuded ; sell
within ten days at $1.200 , $2.500 rash ; balance
easy. E. M.Stlcknuy & 0o. , 210d CumlngHt.
MSTICKNUV'te CO. make a specialty of
piopeity in North Omaha , for > ale or rent
at Citizens' bank , ! it08 " Cuming stz Tjfl
FiJirSALE A lino"residence in bestportton
of Council Hlutrs. Call on or addiess .1. N.
G. Wyllo. with Odell Bro . & Co. , 103 Peuil ht. ,
Council lllutrs. 7ijii.lU
Running Ilotween Council Illufls and Alblrght.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
htop nt Twentieth und Twenty-fourth streets ,
und ut the Summit In Omaha.
jpouxqiij _ HLUFFS _
Leave Arrive
CONNECT1NQ L1NK3. Transfer Tiuimfer
depot. depot.
C..K.I. & ! > . ; 9:40 : a. m. 0:15 : a. m
All tralm run Dally. C10 ; p. m , 7:00 : p. m ,
0. & N. W.s 0:40 : a. m. 0:11 : a. m.
All trains run Dally. 0:19 : p , m. 7:00 : p. m.
C. . B. fc Q. : 0:41 : n. m. 9:11 : a. m
All trains run Dally. ( Jo ; > i i > . lu 7UU ; p. ii. |
0. . M. i St. I' : ! ) : I1 n. m. 0:11 : a. m
All trains run Dally. fi.K ) p. m. 7:00 : p. in
Stoux City. I . : H p. m. U'.W m
" K. c..st7 r'ia H IT AI a. m , 0:31 : a. m
All train * run Dally. (1:15 p , m , uig p. m
W 'Bt. L. 41' . ;
All tr lnn run Ully. 2:15 : p , m , 13:15 : p.m ,
B 0. Jk P ' 9:40 : . m. 5 a. w
All UiUa ruu'bilir. . 7W : P. U. .p. u
l'rcMl io , Prultn , Mto.
Tltc fnUon-tna art the prices nt toJilrJi
rotnic/ / ( ( of jircHliice o fold on thin
mn / , < ( . rriiltn or o/irr ( / lltiM o/joocj ( ? rr-
; ulrlM ( ) ettnt htiior Of j > ncM > i(7 ( rcninot ill-
ccij/s tie Mtj'jillrc' ( i MittMc orders nt the
nine prlCM c/iiolfd the local trade.
1UTTKU The rocolpta contlnua fully cqifil
o the demand. Cnoleo dairy , I'QJltA ) ;
n oil In in grndi's , ISCcSlBo ; ordlnury , 1V. (
KtitM The roecljils of cpgs ycntcnLiy worn
Iborul and the market fulrly notivo nt ' 'Oo.
An ocvaslonal cnio was sold nt21c , but It wtw
very hard to got tlmt price.
CIIIIKSK Market fair. Fancy full civiim ,
clKHUlai-y , filnglo , 12o ; full cream twins ,
'J ! o ; young America1 * , lto ! ; brick
cheese , 100 Ibs tn c.180. lf > o ; I.lmbergiT , 10X1
b-i In i-asi , 1:11 : 0 ; Swiss domestic , HXirHo.
I'oi'i/ritv The iMitltry innrkot was flat ycv
tirdiiy. Whllo the receipts were not very
icuvy there was almost no doiuund. Dealers
weru asking f-.lX ) for live chickens and ? u fof
livssed , lint they were glad to sell , t any
irlce. A good many chickens went at fie ,
uid It was Impossible to sell out oven nt thai
(1 IMK Slow. Prnirle chickens , J4roO ; mal
lard ducks , $ 4.50iJ2.75 ( ; quail , 2.U5 ; teal
mil mixed ducks. 1.75 ; geese.
H.UO ; snipe , fl.So ; Jack rabbits , : Vx3
40o onch ; small rabbits , $1.25 per dor. ; deer
und antelope , Tof''o ' ' ; deer und uutolopo sad-
diet , l ! > ( tfUc ,
1'OTATor.s The market Is nbotit steady.
[ lomii grown stock in car lots Is selling nt
ftr > @t'iOc. An occasional small lot from the
stoiu goes att > 57lV ; Salt Luke stock , Wc.
S\\KKT I'oTATons Cholco now Jersey
stock , J5.50 per bbl.
HKANH The demand Is not notivo ; peed
clean Htock , )00@2.35 ) ; fair to good , fl.RO
@ 1.75 ; California benn , $ J. ) .
ONIONS Home grown , 7fic ( Jl.OO ; Spanish.
onions , W.OO per fiO-lb crate.
OisrKiis Mediums , 25c ; stnndnnl , HOot
selects , H'JJtfo ; extra selects , 35c ; Now York
counts , 40c.
Tuuxti's Receipts equal the demand.
Good stock , lOrSIitV ! rutabagas , 809c. ( )
CAUMFU\\Eii The supply not largo.
Choice stock , $2 GO.
OISTBII I'LANT Choice large oyster planter
or salsify. Wo do ? bunches.
CAIIIIAOE Homo grown , $15 00 per hundred.
Cin.KHY The supply Is light. Good stock
brings Wen dozen. Theio Is some fancy
stock on the market which sells nt 45c.
LETTUCE Choice southern stock , 85o per
Cinr.ii Qholco Michigan elder , $0.50 per
bbl. of 2 gal.
CHANIIKHIIIKS Bell & Clierry , $3.00 ; Uoll
& lUtglo , t'J.UO ; Cupo Cods , S10.00@10.50.
ad cidar
AWLES Choice stock Is selling in round
lots at $3 25ci.)0 ( ; ; fancy Jolimithans , fl.OO.
HONKY Choice , lu I Ib frames , 21c.o
PorcouN Choice rice corn , y o per Ib ;
other kinds , 2@2) c per 11) .
Oiuxans Louisiana JJ.BO per box ; $8.50
@U 00 per bbl ; Florida , per box , f 3.00.
LUMONS Messina lemons , $ r > .UO@5 50 :
Malaga , $5.00.
CAi.miitNiA FKUITS Pears , $2.r)0@2.75t )
quinces , $2.K ( ) .
GIIAIT. ? New York grapes , 5-lb baskets ,
40c.UANANAS Tlio market Is well supplied
with bananas at ? 2.t)0@3,00 ) pur bunch.
NUTS Peanuts , 7rt ( > 7 o. raw ; Urn ? ! ! ntits ,
13o ; iilinoncls , Tiirragontt , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@lSo ; filberts , 12c.
Orocors' Iitnt.
COFPEC Ordinary gi ndcs , 20@20J c ; fair.
21Cci21 c ; prime , ! ! | i @ 22u ; fancy Krcon and
yellow , 2i25c ! ( | ; old government Java , 2S@
yOo ; interior Java , 25C'-3" ( ! ; Mocha , 23 ( < MiOo ;
Arbucklo's ro.istcd , 2'i c ; McLiniKhlin'3 '
XXXX , STijfc ; Dil worth's , a-IJfoj lied Cross ,
25 'fc. '
HIIOOMS Extra 4-tio , $2.00 ; No. 1 , J2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , fl.OO.
Cisiiv Mixed , 9Sllc ( ) ; Btic'k.
.Tii.ins : W ) II ) pails , * l.SOVei ( 00.
ProvistoNM Hums , I0dilc. > \ { breakfast
bacon , 10V@llo ; bacon Hides , 8Kci'.li ( : ; dry
salt , 7J C7jjo ; shoulders , 7@ Xc ; dried boot
hams , 10cllc ( ; dried bcel regular , 'J
hrms , picnic , 75f@Sc.
Fruits Apples , new , Jf's , Oo ; i
orated , r > 0 Ib ring , lOfUlOUc ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 2STM' ( } ; I'd ,
OXO lOc ; pitted cherries , 10 < 320c ; peaches ,
now , } jc\ \ evaporated , peeled peuches , 38
' ' j ; now
citron ,
, > ! Cali
fornia loose muscutels , $2.10012.20 ; new
Valencia , 8J/@S ) < ? c.
CAXNF.I ) Goons Oyster , standard , per
case , $3.10@15 ; stiawberrles , 2-lb per case.
$3 IKW3.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , l.)0 ( ) ( |
3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4,00 ( < 4.80 ;
apricots , per cases , $4.10@4.25 ; peaches po *
case , $57fi@5 ! W > ; white cherries , per case ,
$ (100 ( ; plums , per case , $3.80@390 ; bluolicr-
rics , per tase , $3.30@240 ; egg plums , 2 Ib ,
per case , $ ' 3.60 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
fcl20 < JW.75 ; Mb salmon , per do ? , $
2-lb goosbcrrics , per cuso , $3 2503.35 ! 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1.75 ; 3-lb lima beans ,
per case , 11.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat pens , $2.50'T ( )
2.00 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.7 ! " ' ;
: t-lb tomatoes , $2:40@2.50 : ; 2-lb corn , $2.30. i
RGFINED Luin Tlcrco , 7c ; 40-lb squr j
cans , 7o ; 50 Ib round , T c ; 20-lb round , 7'jf '
10-lb palls , 7 o ; 5-lb pails , 7c ; 3-lb pail-i
'SUOAII Granulated. 7-Vfc ; conf. / ,
7@7Vc ; white extra G , 0@flJ c ; extra ( ,
OJft@0c ; yellow C , 5Jie ; cut loaf , % @ > ,
powdered , 71 @ 71 c.
PICKLES Mediumth bblc , $0.50 ; do in hiir
bbls , $3.75 ; small , in bbls , $7.50 ; do in h.ilf
bbls , $4-25 ; gcrkins , in bbls , $5J,50 ; do in half
bbls , $4,75.
TonArc-o Lorlllard's Climax , 4lo : Splcn
did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggctti1 ;
Meyer's Star , 42c ; Cornerstone , ! Mc ; Drill
mond's Horse Shoo , 41o ; T. J. , 37c ; Sorj .
Spearhead , 44c.
Horn Seven-sixteenths , l\4@l\c. }
AVoonnNWAUB Two-hoop pails , per d-
$1.45 ; throo-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. Hub , $ < ! '
No. 2 tub , H5.GO ; 'No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wa
boards , $1.75 ; assorted bowls , $3.25 ; t ,
1 churns , $9 ; No. 5 churns , 8 ; No. 3 chum , ,
$7.CIIACKF.HS Gnrneau's soda , butter v '
picnic , 5o ; creams , 80 ; ginger Hiiups , 8c ; ci'7
soda , 7o.
Tins Japan , 20@.T > c ; gunpowder , 2 )
00c ; Young Hyson , 25 < 255oj Ooolong , 2 i
Sriiup No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , fl.45@l.f
Now Orleans , jxjr gallon , as@10c ; inr
half bbls "old time " S
syrup , , , per gallon ,
1-gallon cans , per doz , $1050 ; half gal .1
cans , per doz. $0.25 ; quart cans , $ ' . 1.25.
STXHCJII Mirror gloss , Bc ; Graves' co-.i : ,
O o ; Oswego gloss , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7c.
Dry Goods.
PKINTS SOMJI CoLons Atlanta , 5J. ;
Slater , 5c ; Ilcrlin Oil , CVo ; Garner Oil. f j
7c. PINK AND Hoiii'.s Ulchmond , Oc ; Al'oa '
Oc ; Hivcrjoiiit , 5c ; Stcol Hivcr , Oc ; Kk'--
mend , Co ; Pacillc , OWo. iNinno Ui.ur. Wash
ington , Cc ; Century indigo blue prints , 1 ,
American , 0 > fo : AinoldG ; ArnoldIMOJ i ,
Arnold A 12o ; Ainold Goldscal toko. ;
Charter O.ilc , 4 } c ; Itamapo , 3Jfc ; Lodi , Ij c ;
Allen , 5J o ; Richmond , 5 > < c ; WiudsoIK. . - ;
Eddvstonc.Oc ; Pacillc , Oc.
COUSKT JIIANS Amlroscogin , 7 c ; Kc-u--
sago , 7 } c ; Hocltiiort , O Goncstoga ; , C' ' c- .
HATTS Standard , be ; Gum , 10 > o ; Uc.iuty ,
12UO ; noone , 14c ; H , imcd , $0.50.
Conox FI.ANMII.S 10 per cent trade dis
count I..L. CJ/o ; CC , 7' o ; SS , 8u ; Nr.uu-
less , SKo ; No. 5 , Oo ; EE , O o ; GG , iU' ' c ;
XX , 12c ; OO , 14o ; NN , ICc ; ItX , 1 -i . U ,
20o ; No. 10 , 8 } < o : 40 , lOXejCO. 12 } < c ; U ) . ;
SO , colored , lOo ; CO , colored , 12c ; 70 , coloi-cti ,
15c ; Bristol , l ) o ; Union Pacific , 18c ,
CAKI-KT WAIUUlbb white , IS o ; ct'o. . . : ,
0K .
G iNonAU Plunkett chocksT
tcnton , Ua\ \ York , 7 c ; Normandl Ul
8 0 ; Calcutta Dress , 8 > tfo ; Whlttou * ) .i
Dross , 9o ; Honfrow Dress , 0ci513fc. (
TICKS txjwiston , 30 In. , 12 > o ; LcwU'on ,
82in.,13Koi York. 33 In. . 14o ; Swift Ulv-i-
7Kc ; Thormllko O O , 8 0 ; Thorndll . IJ V ,
8J < c ; Thorndiko 120 , OJ o : Thorndilci UXX.
irxj ; Cordis No. 5. 9 c ; Cordis No. 4 I li.
DKNIMS AmoRkc-ag Ooz. . IRc ; , 7
07. . . 13o ; York , 7-cw. , 13c ; Haymalif.- o ;
JalTroy XX , HKo ; Jaflroy XXX , 12' ' . Hea
ver Creek , A A. 12o ; Ucavcr Creek 1 J , lie ;
LJoavcr Creek CC , lOo.
KKNTUCKV JIUNH Memorial , 15o ; C.-uinii
ISo ; Durham , 27 o ; Hercules , 18o ; ! > '
ton , 23 > o ; Cottswoid , 25(5.
CIIASII Slovens'U , fie ; bleached , iiKlo ; -
vons' A.7fo ; blenched , R o ; Stcvons' I .
8 } < o ; bleached , U-fo } ; SUsvens1 N , Dlfc ;
bleached , lO c ; Stoveim1 S H T , 12j < u.
MlsCKLLANEOtis Tublo oil cloth , $2.8,1 ;
plain Holland.'S o to 9o ; Dado Holland , 12 > c.
FLANNKLS Plaid ItJiftsnian , ! Wo ; Goshen ,
32Ko : Clear t.ako , JB c ; Maple City , an c '
Whlto-GH No. 3 { - ' ; O H Nq. 1 , Jf , 3
27 > < a : B H No. 2 , / , 83K i H H No. 1 , Jf , 4