T8& OMAHA DAILY BE1E : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 14 , 1887. ( THE DAILY BEE. PUBMSHKI ) KVK11Y MOUNINO. THUMB OK 8UIISCIUPTION. Itafly ( Mornlni : Edition ) Including Sunday llKK. Ono Year tlO 00 Jorfllx Month * . . . , r , 10 ForThrfe Months j : 60 3.1io Omaha Hnndny lln" , mailed to any ad * . ilrpos , Ono Vfnr. . . . . . . " 'M ' OMAHAOn-iur. No.OllA.MMHOKtii.NAMSTrtKKT. KMT YoiiKOKiirr. HfxiMiViTrinitm : MIMI.IH IMI. WAHIIINIITON OKJCICK , No. 51J i'ouit TKKNTII STIir.KT. comuisi'oNnr.Ncn. All communication * relntlnc ncw-i nml editorial mutter should bo addressed to tlie I.umm or TIIK line. _ nusiNr.PS ir.rn.nsi AH 1 > uilntfti litters nnd remittances should bo nrtrtrowd to Tim ttrr. I'IIHMPIIINO OOMPANV , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and postolllco orders to bo made payable to the order of the company. The Bee Pnlslring Company , Proprietors , K. HOSKWATER , EIIITOII. TUN IAlljY BKK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btntc of Nebraska , County of Ioiiila ) i. ( " > B < ( leo. ll.'J'7i < Uiue.k , M'crrtory of Tlio Mee Pub- HMiliiR company , does solemnly swear that the nttiiul circulation of the Dully IJeo for the week ctulliiK Nov. 11. It87 , MB * us follows : HulnrOay. Nov.fi . U.410 Hunduy , Nov. 0 . , . H.-'UO Monday , Nov. " . in.l/V / ) Tuesday. Nov. 8 . H.1W1 Wednesday. Nov. U . ' . . 10.0.VI Thursday. Nov. 10 . 1l.nM > Friday , Nov. 11 . IW.lM ! Average . 1B.73J ( OKO. H. 'JV.sinft.iC. Sworn to and Mil > . ' , crlbed In uiy pictuucu this 12th day of November. A.J ) . 187. 187.N. . I' . 1'KIIi , ( SnAfi. ) Notary 1'ubllc State of Nebraska , ( _ _ County of Douglas.B'B ) > ( loo. 11. TzbLhurk , befnc Hist duly worn , do- POM-B nnd f > ajB that he in secretary of The lleo J'nbllnlilm : company. Hint the actual nveraco dally clicultttlon of the Dally Iteo for the month of November , 1PM , I.t.iHS copied ; for December , 18MI. 13,1 7 copies ! for Jamiary , lNi . lfi,2iU5 copies ; for 1'cb- ruary. Jt-KT. 14tW ( co ] > lcn ; lor Jluiih. 1M7 , 14,400 copies ; for April , JW , 14,31(1 ( copies ; for May , 1I7 , 14.27 ! copies : for Julie , ll-K. 14,147 copies ; for July. 1M > 7 , 14wriroTi | < "i ! for Aujjust , ISh , , It- ir.l copies ; fo October , 1687 , C.KO.n.TZSCIIUCK. Pwoni to and Mib nlbeil lu my prewnco this Cth day of October , A. 1) . 16J > 7. N. 1 > . PHI I , . (8IAL. ( ; ) Notary Public. TUB public debt wiw reduced nearly $17,000,000 during October. It is now 81,238,092,701. WKIISTUU'S dictionary has hcon un dergoing revision and will he out in its now form next summer. IP Canada wants commercial union wilb this country , she nuibt show more politeness toward our fishermen. Tnn Lincoln and DCSMoincs railroad , according to all appearances , should not bo voted upon when it moveth itself aright. PllUSIDKN'T FlTXGIUCALI ) , of the Irish leitguo , lias talcon steps to raino money from Irishmen in America to aid homo rule in Ireland. GOVEIINOH GliAY , of Indiana , is in training for a vice presidential boom. Cleveland nnd Gray is a trifle better than Cleveland nnd Grady. THIS jail officials arc heaping indig nities upon Editor O'Brien's head. A stupid opposition has frequently been found to aid a worthy cause. Tnio field of political action has been transferred to the floor of the house of representatives , Washington , and the exalted post of doorkeeper is the prize. VKHMONT is shipping sheep to Aus tralia. Some of the lambs offered on the judicial altars of sacrifice in Ne braska , might , with profit , ho shipped to the Zulus. TIIK reports from Iowa indicate that the legislature to meet this winter will bo handled by the railroads. In this triunum , Iowa politicians undoubtedly took their pattern from Nebraska. Luounmous prophets arc already foretelling poor crops in Ohio. Indiana nnd Illinois next year by reason of the drought prevailing in those slates. Jeremiahs should not cry until they are hurt. Tun Kouts railroad disaster has made known the fact that Indiana has no statute against criminal carelessness. The legislature of that state has been jg criminally negligent , but will thus escape - , capo punishment. IN Now York City 17,000 registered voters failed to cast their ballots. SeE E : in Omaha. At least as many registered ? ' voters failed to cast their ballots for Catlot Taylor's jugglers nnd mounte banks running on the judicial ticket. J , NKW YOUK CITV undertook n great deal when she promised General Grant n decent burial. A funeral bill of $280 , i contracted by the city s committee , has „ not boon paid and the courts have rcn- j" dorod judgment for the full amount r { with interest. i - i b THE Baltimore nnd Ohio Telegraph * company gave n bond of 850,000 to Phil- l" ndolphia when the company was first organized , to secure the city against consolidation. Philadelphia was not secured and now proposes to got the $50,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TI.ANS-ATI.ANTIO steamers still ply between the cholora-infected ports of Europe and Now York. They cannot bo stopped , ns wo have no law to that ofToct. Quarantine is our only safe guard against the scourge and this has boon shown to bo Inndoquato. We need a statute forbidding the carrying of passengers to this country from foreign ports infected with dangerous diseases. THE election of a republican to congress - gross from Hhodo Island gives the re publicans a majority of the states in the next house of representative ; , , a mallet of considerable importance in view ol the possibility of the election of the next president being thrown into the houso. In voting for president in the house each state votes as a unit , its ballot being - ing cast for the candidate favored by the majority of its delegation. State ? whoso delegations are tied cannot vote , The election of n ropublit-nn in Rhode Iblnml gives twenty states to the repub licans in. the next congress , the demo crats having foyontoen. . Now Hamp shire is ttod , and therefore could take io part in nn election , for. president TJie possibility , to which this refers boweve'L1 , is very remote. The Supreme Court Vacancy. The question of who shall fill the vacancy on the bench of the supreme court of the United States is especially intcrcfettng in view of the fact that the court ha3 boon about equally divided on several important legal nnd constitu tional questions. Foremost among these is that of prohibition and the question of compensation under prohibitory laws. The court is on record as to the right of a state , under its police powers , to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors , but the now ques tion of compensation , raised by the decis ion of Judge Brqwer that the state must pay distillers and manufacturers whoso property will be rendered worthless un der the operation of a prohibitory law , has yet to bo passed upon by the supreme court. It is inferred from pnat decisions made by the .several justices that the court is about equally divided on this question , the importance and gravity of which arc apparent , solliat the now member will probably determine the decision of the court. As now constituted the court is equally divided on the question of the responsibility of an em ployer for an injury suffered by one em ployee in consequence of the negligence of another , so that1 the now justice will determine the decision on this question , which is a very important one to railroad companies nnd their em ployes especially. On the latest phase of the Virginia debt question , involving considerations deemed to be of great importance to the states , it Is also understood that the pres ent membership of the court is equally divided , which will throw the responsibility of determining the character of the decision on the new justico. It will thus be been that the man who shall fill the vacancy on the supreme court bench will have a most important part to play at the very oul- bct of his career. There appears to bo no doubt that it is the intention of the president to ap point Mr. Lamar , and , granting that ho will bo confirmed , his probable attitude upon these questions becomes a niattcrof great interest. Ho is not understood to bo favorable to prohibition , and it is doomed more than probable that ho would favor the view regarding com pensation under prohibitory laws pre sented in the decision of Judge Brewer. Regarding the Virginia question , lis lifetime devotion to and advocacy of the doctrine of states rights does not ) crmit a doubt as to where ho would bo otind in this issue. If ho goes on the supreme bench the present government of Virginia will got the vindication , vith every right of repudiation in volved , which it is seeking. It is also o bo expected that in the question of the responsibility of employers , if it should be presented to the court , Mr. Lnmar would bo found favorable to the icw which relieves the corporations. It may reasonably be asked whether , vith such wcll-cbtablishcd views and ircdilections as Mr. Lamar is known to possess , he is Ihe sort of judge of whom the people could fairly expect an uipartial judgment on many vital luestions. Is It Foredoomed to Failure ? There docs not appear to be a great deal of confidence that the conference on the fisheries controversy provided for by the president and secretary of state will have any practical result. This is a proceeding in disregard of the > lainly indicated feeling of the last con- rress unfavorable to a commission , and t has already been intimated that some difficulty will bo found in securing nn ippropriation to pay the expenses of the conference. This , however - over , is the least important matter. Pho question of first importance is whether any conclusion that may bo cached by the conference will bu ap proved by the senate. A Now England senator whose name is withhold is quoted as saying that the senate having in open scfsion last winter expressed itself very forcibly against the appointment of any commission to settle the fisheries controversy , and also its disapproval of any treaty , it could not endorse the action of the commission without stulti fying itself. The sentiment of the sen ate regarding the whole subject was certainly very definitely declared , in view of which a dilUcultv is presented , that may not be easily surmounted. It is not unlikely that the question may bo made a party issue , the demo crats in both houses of congress support ing the action of the administration and the republicans opposing on the ground that it is in direct contravention of the declared and woll-undorstood BUII- liment of congress , or at least of the senate. In this event it would bo almost certain that the deliberations of the conference would come to naught. On such an issue it is to bo expected the re publicans of the senate would stand firmly together , not only for the re jection of any treaty , but perhaps oven in denying all recogni tion to the commission by refusing to allow any appropriation for its expenses. They may decide , indeed , to block the conference at the outset by rejecting the nominations of the commissioners , for unless this is done they could not justify themselves in refusing an ap propriation or in giving fair considera tion to the conclusions arrived at by the conference. It is to be hoped that none of the ap prehensions now expressed respect ing the possible attitude of con gress toward the conference wiU bo realized. Granting that the president's action is somewhat ir regular and may fairly bo regarded as wanting in deference to the feeling of congress , there is still some considera tion duo the English govern ment , which in good faith has sent its representative to this countrj to endeavor to bring about n satisfac tory settlement of thodlsturbingcontro vorsy. Such a result Is undoubtedly to be desired by the Intelligent public opinion of both countries , nnd it is clear that , if by any Interposition of congress the conference cannot proceed , the cf feet will be to aggravate the Issue mid very likely , increase the difficulties ii the way of a final settlement , the ncOom plishment of which might bo indetl nitely postjxMied. . The wiser course vlll bo to place no obstacle In the wny of the conference and to give to Its con clusion , If it should roach any , the fair and thorough consideration demanded > y the Importance of the controversy. AH to BoKita Tickets. "Whore Ignorance is bliss 'tworo folly .0 bo wise. " This ndago is strikingly .llustrntcd by the talk of the organ of , ho defeated roustabouts , with regard to , ho so-called election frauds , coupled with the assertion that every mixed ticket should hnvo been thrown out bye o judges of election or the canvassers. Why don't these disgruntled party wreckers read the election law ? There .a not a word in the law , even by inference - once , that makes n mixed ticket illegal , providing the voter is not deceived by n. . fraudulent heading. In any event no ticket can bo legally thrown out. All that the law contemplates with regard to regular party ickots , Into which names of opposing candidates are fraudulently inserted is , .hat . the name of the candidate so in- icrted shall not bo counted. All other mines on tho. ticket are required to bo ountcd. If the whole ticket were to jo thrown out because one nmn's , name vas smuggled in , n whole county or state lokot could be defeated by simply prlnt- ng u single name on it that is not on ho straight party ticket. In other words you could beat a candidate for congress by pur ) osoly inserting the name of the op posing party candidate for constable on , ho precinct tickets. As to Dave Mercer , who is cited as a victim of variegated tickets , the less said the better. A candidate who runs behind his ticket over twenty-five hun dred in this county , is only the victim of his own overreaching ambition. The ; ) arty merely administered merited re buke to reckless roustabouts who tried ; o force themselves into places for which , hey are not fit. The AVheol's Progress. The organization known as the National Agricultural Wheel is assum ing proportions of sufficient importance to sot politicians to thinking nnd cause Lho producers of the country to rejoice. In 1884 the membership of the Wheel was less than 5,000. At the last annual session , held at Nashville , Tenn. , the 10th inst. , its numbers had increased to 000,000. Consolidation with the National farmers' Alliance was discussed at .ength , and committees to confer with iropcr persons to bring about that result were appointed. The Wheel is a southern idea. The resolutions adopted jy the convention demand that United Stales senators be elected by Iho people ; that public lands bo reserved for actual settlers only ; that the national debt bo > aid as rapidly as possible ; that legal , ender treasury notes bo substituted for national bank notes ; that dealing in fu- , uros bo prohibited by the national gov- irnmont ; that a graduated income tax so adopted ; that the public education of Lho masses bo fostered ; that the Wheel ers support no man for congress who will not pledge himself in writing to support thcso resolutions. While this organization is as yet im perfect , and some of its demands im practicable yet its increasing strength is the straw indicating in which way the southern wind is blowing. TIIK Cobden club of England claims that Great Britain has the "lion's share" of the world's trading. Figures toll a different story , however. A care ful estimate of the internal trades of the principal countries gives the fol lowing wealth per capita of the in habitants : "United States , population 05,000,000 , at $100 per head ( rich and poor together ) , $0,500,000,000 ; Great Britain , 35,000,000 at 880 , $2,800,000,000 ; Canada and South America , 40,000,000 ut $70 per head , $2,800,000,000 ; Europe , exclusive of Great Britain , 270,000,000 nt $50 per head , $13,500,000,000 ; Asia , 700,000,000 at $25 per head , 317,500,000- 000 ; Africa , 100,000,000 nt $20 , $2,000- 000,000 ; total , $41,100,000,000. " This makes the ' 'lion's share" about 0 per cent of the entire homo trade of the world. TITE police muddle will be settled within ten clays by the supreme court , but whatever the court may decide the council will still have the power for a a great deal of mischief. They may and doubtless will have to recognize the police commission as the solo ap pointing power in the police depart ment , and will have to drop their flings nt the "protended" chief of police ; but they may , if they choose , keep on with the starvation policy by refusing to levy enough taxes to maintain a respectable police force , and defy public sentiment as long as they continue in power. Now that Architect Meyers is in the city the council and board of public works should sotllo nil the differences between the city and the contractor on the city hull basement. There has been a good deal of needless delay in the erection of the foundation , but the needs of the oily of n fire proof office building should prompt the authorities to expedite the work on the basement and lot the contract for the superstructure - structure lo responsible contractors , who can get their material out during the winter and put Iho building under roof next season. A TKXAN jury has solved the ques tion of how to reach a verdict quickly. After arguing in vain for twenty-four hours , cuts wore drawn and a verdict brought in according to lot. Straws would bo safer guides than arguments with the average juror. IN the recent election for directors ol the Manhattan Elevated road Eddie Gould ousted a son of Cyrus Field nnd elected himself a director in his place. As Eddie is but twenty-one years of ago a bright future may bo safely promised for him. IT is announced that the "boomers' are preparing to again at tempt entering the Indian territory. The soul ol Boomer 1'ayno goes marching on , but it may bo questionable whether or not his followers should attempt it. Pretty ulaukcU , with n thic-k flccco and striped in dull blue or pink on cream or raj ground , uru used for waking tlrossiuf ? wrappers pors , and are rqry .warm and iueejuenslvo. I'OMTICAli 1'OTPOUUnt. Anxious Reader Judge Stull was running fur judge lu tlie utst District JtulfTO Grulln , who hnngs vicious criminals > n slfc'lit and ocndi particulars by mall , was mniUomcly endorsed In lili district. Tito fulminate cap with which Llngg blow oft his Ic'l chock would have shrank in dis may nt the Iron Jaw ojt Paul Vandtrbum. Wo had nearly overlooked the fuct , but it scorns that the people endorsed Judge Groft n the Tnylor-ltounds city printing fraud , don't ill Can it bo that Chief Justice Maxwell made : ho recent decision hjjala's't railroads , in order that he might Bccur * " . rcasonablu rate in getting his majorities to"Lincoln. . ! Lightning has strjicli innny men. It never struck with moro graceful precision nnd in a manner cnlculatod'to do jnoro good , than when It struck * itt'tho first-district and made Appolgot Judgo. ' Judge Suljlvhn , of Columbus , who was one of the uicntbers bf the Judiciary committee of the late uulauicntcd legislature , was well snowed under ns a candidate for Judge in the fourth district. It is well. It is claimed thnt In the Seventh Judicial district over one hundred Indians , less than sixteen years old , voted for Crawford. Yet with this Importation fioni the reservations Crawford was politically sculped by the honest white man. Ono of the grim pleasantries in which O. II. Ballou often indulged , BOIUO years ago , was to employ a brass band to serenade hlin. Judge Allen Field has recently been enter tained by a brass band. Cau there bo any thing suggestive in thisl A first district exchange prints n "poem" entitled "Humphrey's Soliloquy. " This Is sad. When Muro Antony asked the noble llrutus if nil his conquests , glories , triumphs , spoils , had shrunk to to this little measure lie was satisfied with viewing the corpse of dicsar. But hero conies the exchange and nourishes nn original poem over the dead jody of the once gallant captain , and credits him with being its author. Well has it been written that the evil men do lives after .hem. The pressure which caused Humphrey to withdraw , when Just in sight of the promised and , is now known. Htnnphroy and Tom Majors wt'ro billed to speak at Bo- ntric. Humphrey commenced to talk and grew enthusiastic. Majors commenced to talk. The story is , no matter how well authenticated , thnt before ho had half finished Humphrey wrote his resignation , javo it to a friend and throw himself upon the protection of the city authorities. And up to this day Majors boliovcs that his con gressional boouilet is unimpaired. STATE AND TEKKITOItY. Nebraska Jottlnga. Political roosters thrive best in par tisan dunghills. Political graveyards are enjoying a .ivory boom just now. The state board of transportation has secured a new Lceso of life and useful ness. ness.Ben Ben Wlrite received a reserved seat in the Hastings jail for voting "early md often. " The press of tho'rftato were consider able" cut" up last week in announcing political victories. A. U. Hancock will now devote his jest nnd undivided attention to his newspaper clients in Papillon and vicin ity , it The discriminating critic of tao Wayne Gazette puts n volume of truth in a few words : "The Omaha BKK has no rivals. " Antelope county will try the township system of government and squander her surplus in a cumbersome piece of political machinery. The soherne of the Lincoln Democrat for a "trust" of candidates for oflice is needless. The trouble is they are trusted too much. The democratic party of Cuss county has been sent to the Burlington shop's for repairs. The Journals of the wreck are a melancholy ruin. It is confidently believed that the reg ulation of railroad rates will enable Chief Justice Maxwell to transport his majority to the slate capital. The dofealed Douglas county candi- dale who distributed his pictures pro miscuously can now call them in and label them "Hero lies before and after. " The Lincoln Democrat thus solutes the metropolis : "To Omaha : A thousand happy greetings. You have outgrown railroad bossism. May you live long and prosper ! " The Lyons Mirror reflectively notes that Manderson and Thurbton staked n sonatorshiu on the partisan judicial ticket and the influence of the Omaha Republican , and enquires , "Where are they now ? " A young West Point kid pulled a re volver and fired into n crowd of boys ' just to hear the durn thing croak' . " Let it bo recorded for the first and last time , the bullet only took u finger in its flight. The Lincoln Democrat says the falo of Dave Mercer "is a melancholy example of the bright young man blasted by pol itics. " And his tearless grief is ren dered moro painful by the fact that ho was pounded into the earth by a one- armed man. The venerated "smoke of balllo" has been lolally lost in the wilderness of "dull sickening thuds" echoing through the country press the past two days. The whisker * of antiquity bear a charmed life in the byways and flourish in all seasons. Swan Peterson , a Fremont rustic , blockaded a section of the street car track , and bombarded with his mouth the innocent mule nnd bob-tail ntlneh- mont. The police finally raised the blockade and Peterson's pockctbook for $11. The Ulysses Dispatch notes with pleasure that the young men of Omaha have organized a republican club , and "trusts that it will bo stuffed and vigor ously used on Paul Vamlovoorl and a large number of other republican fossils of Omaha who are a standing disgrace to the party. " V. A. Woodward , n glib-tonguod wretch and moral liar , has crawled out of Washington county , leaving n young wife and child and numerous creditors to sigh for a crack at him. Woodward taught school in Calhoun township , grossly deceived a 'young girl , was forced to marry and then basely desert ed her. Such vermin would hardly grace a picnic of hemp. The scientific theory that a hempen choker is a harmless nnd pleasant mode of shilling did not find lodgment in the molnncholly mind of Emmet Ilnnn , of Hooper. Ho wanted blood , the pure crimson coursing through his pipes , nnd with a knife sought in vain the fatal cords of his neck. Five insertions wore made , but the unfortunate only succeeded in contracting a largo sized doctor bill. The Norfolk News believes that "tho result of the elections leaves the two old political parties occupying about the same relative positions they did before. Both nro confident of carrying the next presidential election , and next year's contest promises to bo a life or death struggle with both. The labor vote has not hue n so largo as was expected , while tlio prohibition vote has Vc,9ii Increased iu nearly every state. " "Tho triumphant election of the nonpartisan - partisan judiolnl ticket in IhoThirddis- trict , " says the Fremont Herald , "is ono of the moat pleasing results of the can vass. When it comes to urging the clnilns of candidates for our highest ju dicial positions simply because of their partisanship , rognrdloss of nil other qualifications , it is time the people's voice was hoard in the interests of good government nnd honest courts. " Buffalo Flats in Whcolcr county enjoyed - joyed n lively election day , during which the polls were smashed , ribs shattered , eyes colored , nnd several old grudges wiped out. A muscular mnshor named Spring danced up to A. B. Cncy nud demanded satisfaction for thumping his uncle ono year ngo. A. 13. C. promptly flipped his dukes nnd the bat- ilo was on instantcr. An inventory of the ruins half nn hour later showed Cacy's head thoroughly softened , his son Frank laid out by n 12x4 scantling nnd young Cncy'a futher-in-law decorated with n broken nose nnd battered eyes. The latter two are dangerously injured. Mr. Spring intimates his readiness to entertain the remainder of the family and relatives nt any timo. The Burlington rend continues its long haul on the producers of the state for the solo benefit of Chicago. The Lincoln Democrat presents this sample of its friendship for the state : "From all the western part of the state it costs the same to ship hogs nnd cattle to Chicago. But us soon ns it comes within the radius of the territory in which hogs may bo bought for the pack ing houses nt Omaha , , Nebraska City and Lincoln the Chicago tariff on hogs is reduced. The Fairmont shipper of hpgs got a reduction of $5 to ship to Chicago. At Crete , $10. At Johnson nnd nil other points near by Nebraska packing houses the reduction in favor of Chicago is $10. In plain words the Burlington railroad'compels Nebraska packing houses to pay 810 moro on every car of hogs than they ought to pay , simply that it may got the long haul to Chicago. If it costs 810 less lo haul n car of hogs than n car of cattle from Crete to Chicago , it certainly costs that much les from Juniatu or Hod Cloud. ITcro is n clear case of discrimi nation that cuts both ways. It oppresses and discourages Nebraska packing houses to the amount of many thousand dollars annually. It robs the hog raisers of throe-fourths of the state of 810 on every car of hogs they ship to Chicago. " Iowa Items. There are 493 creameries in the stato. Political poultry enjoyed their regu lar fall airing last week. Marcngo retains the county scat of Iowa county by C,000 majority. Four Kcokuk children played with a bonfire and were severely burned. Kcokuk is cultivating the trade of Missouri by building roads into the country. Cedar Rapids capitalists arc negotiat ing for n site for an oatmeal mill in Sioux City. Manchester ships 8,000,000 pounds of butter annually , trimmed with 500,000 do/.ens of eggs. It is estimated that the bogus butter law reduced the trattlc in Iowa by $0,000,000 annually. Sioux City dairymen report a shortage - ago of milk and the well springs of pity bubble cheerily for them. Samuel E. Brown , formerly of Daven port , nnd of a highly respected and in fluential family , has been arrested in St. Paul for forgery and robbing the mail. mail.William William M. Lock , an elderly resident of Dos Moines , blow out his brains with a revolver bullet. Mental aberration produced by sleeplessness was the mo tive of his madness. A reward of 8.500 has been offered by Governor Larrabco for the arrest an'd conviction of J. Kacalack , the gunsmith of Fort Dodge , who is charged with having fired the Clay township farmer's barn to cover n , surreptitious exchange of horses some time since. ' Mrs. Anderson , arrested at Boone for dealing in counterfeit money , was found guilty in the federal court at DCS Moines nnd flncd $100 with a term of ono year in the penitentiary. The sentence was suspended conditional upon good behavior. Colonel Charles A. Clark , n prominent attorney at Cedar Kapids , could not comply with the registry law , being ab sent from the city. Ho offered his vote njjd.il was rejected. lie secured from trio superior court nn order for the board of election to receive his ballot. This they refused to do and the entire board was arrested. The constitution ality of the law will probably bo tested. Dukotn. Prairie fires are doing considerable damage in the vicinity of Slcclo. DTho new memorial hall of Phil Kear ney po-jt G. A. It. ut Yankton was dedi cated Wednesday evening. The extension of the railroad from Rapid City to Sturgis is now in opera tion. The mule team and stage coach nro no longer a feature of Rapid City lifo. lifo.Tho The vote of Fargo , the largest town in north Dakota , was 1,283. The vote of Sioux Falls , the largest town in south Dakota , was 1,198 , though the vote of Sioux Falls last fall was 1,805. Within the past month or two a num ber of samples of ores have been brought in from the southern mining districts of the Ilills which are claimed to bo tell urium. Professor Rill , the noted pro prietor of the Argo Colo.ore reduc tion works , has examined samples of ore from a mine a short distance from Cus- tor , and unhesitatingly declares them u combination of tellurium , gold and silver. Wyoming. The Burlington graders and track layers are within hailing distance of Choycnno. A now coal camp is being opened up thirteen miles from Curbon by the Un ion Pacific. The Boomerang declares that there is no longer any doubt that anthracite coal has been found a few miles west of Laramio. A bloodthirsty Choycnno man offered the Chicago sheriff a bonus of $20 n head for the privilege of hanging the anarchists. IIo did not got the job. Cattle shipments from Wyoming dur ing October amounted to 8,109 cars. Estimating each car load ut twenty head , wo have 62,180 head of cattle re ported ns being shipped to the Chicago and Omnha markets during the month , nnd to this number might bo added at least 12,000 moro which were sent to Nebraska feeding farms. The double cob slack burning locomo tives now running on the mountain di visions of the Union Paolflc are known as "man killers" among the railroad boys. A single locomotive consumes from twenty-six to thirty tons of this stuff in making a trip from Lnramio to Rawlins. They frequently run out nt some point nlong the road , oven then , and nro compelled to sidetrack their trains nnd run abend fcir n fresh supply nt the nearest coaling station. Tlie Stewart mansion in New York is guarded by private watchmen at all hours of the day and night. DIGGING FOR GOLD. What Ihe Tlonl Iilfo of n Western I'rtn- prctor U Iilko. Helena Correspondence N. Y. World : People used to think thnt Iho life of a gold-hunter Is a jolly ono ; lhas when ho gets nut of funds ho simply retires to the nearest mountains , finds a gold or stiver mine , returns in a few day * , sells the property for n large sum ami "blows in" his easily acquired wealth against a faro bank , or lo.-cs it In trying tu master the intricacies of draw-poker. After this ho sallies forth as before and refills his depleted purse. The fact , however , is thnt the lifo of a prospector is not easy or pleasant , but rather ono of in cessant toll , innumerable hardships nnd ditappointmonls. Nor is ho moro given to gambling than those who are engaged in other callings. In the spring time , often with no other com panion than a stubborn paek-mulo , which ho leads nlong with a halter , the gold-huntei turns his back on such civ ilization as border towns can boast of nnd hides himself among the awful eoli- tudesoftho mountains , whore ho re mains , except when ho repairs to the nearest settlements to procure fresh supplies , pursuing his lonely nnd dan gerous tasks until the storms of winter compel him to Book shelter again nmong the habitations of hisfellow men. If perchance ho should discover a prom ising lead during his summer explora tions , then ho builds himself a snug cabin of logs , or , if there is no timber in the neighborhood , scoops out a hole ii ; the side of a mountain , and , to use his own expression , "camps on the pros pect. " His diet consisls of fat bacon , broad of hisown manufacture and coffee , occasionally varied by roasted grouse , a nlico of venison or other game supplied by his own trusty rille. And he makes his nightly bed on the brown lap of mother earth. As the gold-hunter ascends the slope of the mountain which ho has selected us the scene of his exploration ho notes every change in the structure or com position of the rocks. When a fnvor- nblo locality is renched.n locality where the geological formation indicates the presence of gold , ho stops at the first spring of water , unpacks his outfit , pitches his tent , if ho has one , which is rarely the cato , pickets his tired mule , gathers a few loose rocks nnd places them in Iho form of a horseshoe on the ground , to servo as a steve , nnd then , with bent head and watchful eyes , care fully scans every gulch and mountain side , pries into every nook and cranny in quest of those signs which Mother Nature always posts near the spot where she has hidden her precious treasures Far up on the rugged Hanks of that storm riven mountain the gold hunter breaks off a piece of rock from a ledge and lol it is flecked with bright , yellow specks , not unlike that metal which till mankind is glad to poss-oss. His heart beats fast as he examines the specimen. Ho wets the bright specks with his tongue and picks at them nervously with his penknife. They crumble at the touch of that instrument , and then ho throws the rock down with an angry gesture , nnd mutters disappointedly : "Pilgrim gold , be gosh. " Now ho is down yonder in the gulch , which seems ns though it might bo the repository of a vast amount of the yel low metal , digging a hole in the gravel. The trend of the drift is north and south. Nature never piled up a drift in that manner , especially in a ravine in this range of mountains without sprinkling it with gold. It was just such spots as this that she loved to secret her most beautiful metal whenever it was torn from its native homo in the rock by the slowly advancing glacier or the iloods of bygone ages. _ A little stream of water goes singing down the gulch , and the tall bunch grass bends gracefully over it as if charmed by the song. Hard by a chipmunk sits ns motionless as a stone at the entrance to its little hovel and watches the intruder on its domain with the greatest curiosity. On the op posite flank of the mountain n ooyoto skulks along in the manner of its kind , while high above the eagle is winging his way , a speck across the blue. The shaft Is down _ three feet , and now the miner fills his pan with gravel from the bottom of the pit and washes it in the stream. Yes , there is gold in the drift , for on the bottom of the pan glis ten three colors. They are mere specks , it is true , but they arc the genuine arti cle , nnd no mistake. This small find encourages the toiler to continue his search , for he knows that the heavier particles of gold , no matter what may nave been their position in the drift when it was first deposited , will not rest easy until they have reached the bed rock and found a crevice for their grave. And so ho sinks the shaft , to bed-rock , twelve feet moro. Ho drifts east along the rock , ho drifts west , north and south , and finds the precious stuff every where , but not in sufficient quantities to pay. pay.Again ho is upon that cliff. How did ho manage to scale those perpendicular walls which form its side-si1 It seems as though nothing but a bird could find a foothold , and yet there ho is dancing wildly around something tli t glitters in the sunlight like an enormous ball of silver. That pile is ore , rich in silver nnd lead. Ho has just dug it out of the ground. Is it any wonder , then , that ho is in an ccstncy of delight , for it seems ns though ho had struck it rich at last. A little assistance from capital is all he requires now to become a mil lionaire. Ho sits down for a moment and stares towards the oust with a yearn ing look in his soft grey eyes. Ho is thinking , perhaps , of the homo of his childhood , and how ho has mot with success nt last. Ho leaps into the pit again and digs away for dear lifo. But the walls of tlm lode have .suddenly come together. It was merely a pocket of ore , and will never make him rich or anybody else ; and fortune , who seemed sfo near to him a moment ngo , is as far away as over. The "pinching out" of that lode only disheartened our prospector for a mo ment or so , for there ho is now driving a tunnel at the foot of thnt granite boss. There is a fine lot of ore lying at the mouth of the opening. It is a sugarycom- by. drusy quart/ , and is sprinkled hero and therewith gold. Carefully ho ex amines the granite walls of the lode nnd sue how clean they arc. The most skilful workman could not have made them so smooth or polished them half so well. Ob ° ervo those shining bunches of crys tals there in the heading , a sure sign that the vein is a live ono. It is six foot between walls , nnd the load matter averages ? IO per ton. It is surely a rich lodge and the miner's foudeot hopes may yet bo realized. But who are those two men who have just come over the crest of the hill above the tunnel. One of them has a wooden box under his arm. It has no cover and there is a paper containing some writing fastened on the inner side of Us bottom. They nro a villainous looking pair thoso-two , nnd are there for no good purpose. Shoo how they crawl along , almost on tholr stomachs. They conduct themselves as though Rome ono might see them and make a target of their worthless carcasses. But nobody molests them. They have como to a halt , set the box down on its end and piled loose rocks on it to keep it in place , and then sneak off-lho way they came like a couple of cowardly coyotes , which they closely resemble. Thtiso two worthies belong to that disreputable class known hero in th wcstns "claim jumpers. " They have boon sent out by some covetous specula tor , who wnnts the earth nnd who sticks nl nothing to got it. or nt least a largo slice of it. Ho has learned in some way of this promising prospect , nnd has en gaged these wretches to po t n notice thereon , claiming the property. There will bo a fierce dispute over it now. The matter will bo brought into the courts , nnd will probably bo nettled porno time in Iho ncxldccaue. Itwlllboiu'onlltctof the friendless nnd ponnilcs ? against the rich and influential. Might and not right , generally wins In such cases , not througn any fault of these who admin ister the law , but because of the pov erty of the rightful owner and the law itself. Such Is the real lifo of a gold hunter. oxccpt in a few cases. . After years of exhausting toil , and just when his efforts nro about to ho crowned with success , others step in and steal the fruits of hi * Inborn , or by trickery and fraud reap the harvest which ho has sown. Those who so wrong him nro highly honored nnd respected in the communltins whore they reside , while ho who first planted Iho standard of civilization in the western \yilds , and won n vast empire from the wilderness , steals Into an unknown grave. AN ODD"EPITAPH. A Queer Inscription on a 'J'oinlistono. Chattanooga Commercial : A corre spondent of the Commercial copied the following unique and exhaustive epitaph from a Tombstone in Tennessee and sent it in as a masterpiece in its line. It gives pretty much all of the deceased's history , and ho certainly had a remark able career. The stone was erected by M. Muldoon of this city. The epitaph is ns follows : THOMAS P. Al-Tr.HALL , The 8thSon of SOLOMON FII > IIITV : AnritAi.1. , Killed iu IhKiliy the Indians. Of Puritan Stock. And His Foutth Wife , KI.IZA JANB SMITH. Who was the third wife of J. Smith , who was her second husband , born at the now city of Indianapolis , Ind. , in the year of our Blessed Redeemer nnd Savior , 1814 , on the Ifith day of Janu ary , the same blessed year ; and , after having been bapli/.cd by the proper way , and acknowledging the true Bap tist faith , was married to Peggy Cott ( the tallest ono ) , daughter of Jim Colt ( who lived _ at the forks of the rend ) who , having died , ho took to his tender breast his true friend and mine Martha Wolpus. The two above help mates gave him seven sweet buds of trust and affection , and I gave him ono after his death myself , who got scalded .accidentally by him on maple sugar , and then still trusting the prom ise of God , he clasped his wife for the third lime , O ! HO swcetl his now weep ing widow , Mary Bangs Aftornll ( whois myself ) , nnd died soon after , on March 10 , 1872 , A. 1) . , peace lo hi * ashes. Hav ing performed the work laid out for him to do by his C renter , ho now rests from his labors. There is no Borrowing thoro. Erected by his weeping and disconso late widow , and his truest wife , Mary Bangs Aflerall. A S trnnjioTiirfCarcrr. Lelcx , who won the big race from Vo- fanto , etc. , at Baltimore last Friday , says the St. Louis Republican , ran second end to Hindoo for the Kentucky Derby six years ago. Ho then wont to the bad , nnd at ono time helped tote a hoarse for Scott < fc Lynch , the well known St. Louis undertakers. Anotho phase of usefulness was found for him on the stage , where ho has boon seen nt the rate of $ - a night in our different tho- alres in "Tho Vovago on Suissc , " "Tho Black Hussar , " "Kerry Gow" and other piebes. Ho is probably as speedy a miler as ever peered through a bridle , and no ono outside the authorities of his present stable really know just how fast ho his at from six to nine furlongs. Catarrhal Dangers. To l > o fioed from the dangers of nulTocutlon uhllu lying down ; to In eatlio freely , bleep sound ly nml uudUturbed ; to rlio lefrushed , head clear , bruin netIvo nnd fico from palnornchu ; to know that no poLsounm , putrid mutter denies the bron th H ml rots HMIJtho dollcuto nmcliln- cry of smell , tnHto and lienrliif , ' ! to fcol thnt the systi'in does not , through Its veins and arterloi , suck up the poison that Is sure to nnilornilnn anil destroy , Is Indeed a bleshtnt ; buyimrt all other human enjoyments. To purchase Immu nity fiom Kiich a futu tOumld bo the object of ull allllctod. Hut those who liavn tried many reoiu- dies anil physicians despair ( if relief or euro. SvNKomi'rt HAIIICAI. Cum : nieuts every phase of Catarih , fioiu u simple head cold to the most loathhomti and dfatiuittvo Mn cs. It 1 local and constitutional. Instant In lolIovlDK , per manent lu curing , bate , economical and uover- St.NFOiiD'H lUnicu. CUIIB conilits of ouobot- tloof the llAinou , ( JtiitK , ono box nf UATAIIIIII- All KoivisT mid ono iMrimvhii l.Ml.u.Eit , all wrapped lu one. imckaKf , w 1th treutlsn ami di rect ions , and Holtl by all ilrucalbts for $1.00. POTTKK Dltra & ClIUHIOAIi CO. , IlOSTON. PAINS AND WEAKNESS f femalitH Instantly relieved by that ew , elegant and Intalllblo Antldoto to I'd In , Inllaminutlon and Weakne.BS.thu UllTIOUUA Atm-1'AIN Pl.AblKK. Th6 first uud only piiln-HiibdnliiK I'lasttir especially mlaptml to Cuio Vomiihi I'lilni nnd WoHknesBen. Vastly aupnrlor to ull other planter * yet pro- pared. Atull ilriiL'KlistH.-'icuutH ; tl\o forI.Wi or , postage free , ol t'omu : Duuo AMI ) Ciuiu- u.uCo. . , lloatou , MIIHS. F.inlioilv tlir Mohnl rrrtllen * fir * In tlniirlltirtieuntfortan < l t/tlitutiabloclrcl Our name It I J.4.T.COUSI N8 , every wlc. 1 NEW YORK. For Sale by Haward Brothers. WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILB Demo WORN. KTcry lady who rittiiii perfection Iftttyle and lotrji ihould * cirthem. Mauufftctureuonly by tta , WORCF.STER CORSET COMPANY , Worculcr , Msut.miJii M ikclUrcU , Clilcigft