rm-fAt fZS Ziyg , L THE OaiAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 14 , 1887. HE HAS A ROMANTIC HISTORY , The Spanish Marquis Who Will En tertain Kllmln and Smith , WHO WILL FIGHT ON HIS ESTATE. A Nonlo Who Was Once a Match- Tcilillcr In Mexico , Then n lilK" Officer Under Maximilian , Now a Illeh Nolilcinnn. The comlnp fi ht between Jnko Kll- raln , of Baltimore , mid Jem Smith , the KnRllsh champion , IB to be fought In S ] > uln , on tliu UHtuto of Murqtilsdu San TJitsillo , one of the richest noblemen of thnt country. After the fljjht the mur- quln will accompiuiy the American imrty baek to this rountry. If he does it will not bo the first time that he has been on the western Bide of the water , nnd if the fight takes place on his estute It limy revive the rather unpleiiMint no toriety which the murquls enjoyed sonic yearn ago when he was darkly charged by the prefer } of the City of Muxico with huvhiir iiiHtiated ( no Ifbsi than four inurdcrH. How truthful thcbo charges * were no one but the iimrqulH will pur- hups ever know. The mutter quieted down , and except for occasional hints in the Mexican papers , seems to have been almost forgotten. The history of the marqulH would fur nish a plot for a sutisiitioruil novel that would gladden the heart of the small boy. Thirty years ago you might have bought n box of matches from the pres ent iiiiii-quiM on the streets of the Mexi can seaport , fiunynuiH. Now ho Is "ono of the wealthiest men in Spain , " and atone ono time aspired , it is said , to the hand in marriage of th youngest sister of the late AlfoiiM ) , king of Spain. Years ago ho was .Forgo Carmon.i , the mutch ped- dlor. Now he is the Marquis do Sun Hasilio , over whom Now York title worshippers will ruvo when ho visits this city. Even as a match boy the marquis was ambitious , thou h his am bition never , oven in its wildest ( lights , soared to a king's sister in those days. He only aspired to become a mi'rchan- difce vender on a larger scale than his retail operations in matches allowed. And his ambition was satislied. By the exercise of the natural shrewdness which ho posseted , and by dint of close application to business ho soon found himself the proprietor of u well-stocked little store in which matches were only an unimportant factor. HIS AMItlTIOX. His business flourished , and with it his ambition. Ho now aspired to the military. The plebeian pursuits of a tradesman were beneath his dignity. Accordingly he e-old out hiy matches , good will , etc. , nnd with u part of the proceeds of the sale lie purchased a lieu tenant's commission in the army of the republic. lie was now a full-fledged son of Mars , and he did honor to his epaulets. In the ranks of the republicans , under Jaurcz , ho did noble service against the French invaders under Maximilian. \Vhero the lighting was fiercest , and the bullets Hew thickest , Lieutenant Carmona could always be found. Ho became a captain. Ho became a colonel. Then he was given command of n brigade , whoso commander waa temporarily disabled. This WIIH the present marquis' oppor tunity , or rather ono of his opportuni ties , for he has had many. His ambition , which had made him forsake the humble but honest catling of u match peddler , had kept pact ) with his advancement in life. In fact , it had always kept a slight lead on his ad vancement. Ho was in command of a position of vital importance to the re publicans. To dislodge him from this position was almost impossible forMaxi- millian. Now or never was Carmona's chanco. And ho grasped it with both hands. Ho sold out to the invaders. For this piooo of treachery Maximilian rewarded him by making him master ol the horho. Master ot the horse to Maxi- mlliun I , emperor of Mexico , erstwhile a matchboy on the streets of Guaymas , Quito a little change. His was the mosl desirable position at the court of the Austrian emperor of Mexico. Ho lived in the City of Mexico and rolled in wealth aim luxury. Ho became n grcal favorite with Maximilian , and was b.\ many considered the most powerful man at court. Wealth poured in on him from all sides. Everybody wiu anxious to gain the good will of the master of the horse , and ho was in nc wise bacKward in letting them see hov they could do this. Through his pockol they could Hud a never-failing route t < his heart. Then came the crash. Through the intervention of the United States , Napoleon poloon of France was coerced into with drawing his soldiers , whom he had ben over to assist Maximilian in setting u ] his throne. Now it was the republican ! against royalists in Mexico. The libera party , with Juarez at its head , agains the Church party , with the foroigi jn-inco at his head. The republican ! triumphed , and Maximilian was shot With the fatal six shots which rang ou Maximilian'B doom at Quorotaro , all o the tlno things of this life with whicl his master of the horse had surrounde * himself wore swept away. His palace his country place , his carriages , hi horses , all of which Maximilian hai Uindly transferred from the posscssioi of his "rebellious subjects" to him , all all were gone. The unfeeling "rebels' ' confiscated thorn. Once moru ho wa plain Jurge Carmona , with not a penn ; in his pocket. What was ho to do now ? Contact with all the fine people a Maximillian's court hud polished hi tastes to that extent that to go back t < his old honest calling of sollini matches to the walking public ho founi impossible. The very idea nauseatci him. No ; he would live like a gontlc I } man by his wits. 1 AS A GAUD SIlAIir. 'For years he knocked about the Cit ; of Mexico. As a card sharp ho scoroi liis greatest triumphs. Ho was a complete ploto master of all those little trick which are employed bynotovor-scrupul ' ' " when their ous 'gentlemen" pocket books nro slim. But as a card sharp h excelled. He could produce the aces o opiules , or the king of clubs , or the qucoi of diamonds , or the jack of hearts , who ! they wore most wanted , with a grac and skill berne only of long practice Ho became t-o proficient that after while his victims failed him. Ho wa such a regular winner thnt play ing with mm became monotonou to his former lambs. Then ho be came shabby. Dreadfully shabby for "gentleman. " Ho was getting into dospcrato strait when another one of his great opportur ities turned up. And ho pursued it wit all the vim of an old huntsman to whoi gamci had become scarce. M. Vcbtogui , a I'Yonclimun who ha bccoinu immensely wealthy ovornigl by the discovery of a silver mine on piece of land ho owned , died after mai ryinjj hU cook , a Mexican woman , IK Kcttihij three children boys. His coo must liavo been a most excellent cool for , as his widow , he loft half of his foi tune , amounting to nearly $112,000,000. This was Cunnoiui'a' opportunity Through the peed Mme , Vwtegut ho would rapidly replenish his pockets. Ho would marry the former cook of the late lanuMited Vchtcgul. No sooner Mild than done , or at any rate begun. The Marquis do Basillo never was a man to let grass grow under his feet. He managed to meet the be reaved widow when she had worn her weeds for nix months. The buxom widow was charmed with the polished Senor Carmona , who was clothed in his most elegant court manners and a new suit of clothes obtained for the occasion from a confiding tailor. He pressed his suit from the start with an ardor worthy of the big stake in sight. Mine. Vestegui was willing , nay. she was more than willing , to become wife to the gentlemanly Carmona , whoso supreme elegance fairly awed her. But there was an obstacle. The departed Vestogui had left his relict half of his fortune unencumbered in any wav. He had , however , ap pointed a famous lawyer , Jose Bolado , executor of his will , and Bolado was managing the estate for the joint ben- cllt of the widow and the three child ren , to whom the other half had been willed. The wldow'Blovo for her ardent admirer was great , but her respect for Bolado was greater. His iron will , his determination and his superior intelli gence had inspired her with a fear of him which not oven her love for Car mona could mauler. And Bolando frowned down on the proposed union. Ho would have none of It. AN OlISTACU : TO I.OVE. Here was a seemingly insurmountable tumbling block in the way of Car- nona's dreams and desires. Ho pleaded vlth the widow. Ho implored her in ho name of his overwhelming passion o wed. Day after day his love was loured out in her willing cars but it ivailcd not. If Senor Bolado would inly consent , yes , then but Scnor 5olado would not. For months matters stood thus. Then one day in broad daylight on one of the most frequented streets in the city , in 'rout of the National libriry , Honor lolado was murdered. Ho was shot down in cold blood by a young Mexican of the lower classes , Ignacio Romaics by lame by name , who was employed as a H'akeman on the Vera Cruz road. The ahsin was captured red-handed and > laccd in jail. During the night he escaped. Gold , and much gold , opened his prison doors nnd lie walked out. Three weeks after Lawyer Bolado had jccn buried Jorge Carmona and Mine. Vestegni wore married , and immedi- itely after the ceremony they left for Europe with the three children of the woman. For live years nothing was "icard of them in the City of Mexico ox- : ept through the newspapers. From Lhis source it was learned that shortly after the arrival of the couple in Europe the wife of Senor Carmona died rather suddenly , leaving her entire fortune to her husband. The wealthy widower spent his mourning year in Spain , and during this year two of his stcp-ehil- ilron died. The third boy left his btep- lather and went to England with friends ifter his second brother's death. With hiin the marquis is now engaged in liti gation for the estate of the two dead children. Some months after his bereavement , Jorge Carmona was made a marquis by Queen Isabella. Why this honor was conferred upon him was not learned. But the former matchboy was now a marquis. Well , at tlie expiration of five years , the marquis suddenly appeared again in Mexico. His arrival , by some strange coincidence , happened to bo just ten days after the police had succeeded in recapturing Hosales , the murderer of Lawyer Bolado , for whom they had been laying in wait all these years. The murderer had been caught lurking about his old haunts and promptly jailed. Precautions wore taken this time against that powerful key gold , which unlocked his jail door before. Fourteen days after his capture the trial of the young assassin was begun. All the best talent in the city had been retained for his defense. The Marquis do Busilio was never out of the room while the trial was in progress. TIUAL OF AN ASSASSIN. The prosecution presented its case. They claimed the defendant was a hired assassin. They proved ho had never known the dead man , had had no deal ings with him , consequently ho had no object in killing him unices it was for pay. The prisoner's escape had been compassed immediately after his cap ture by the free Ube of money , yet ho was notoriously poor at the time of the homicide , working for 76 cents a day. Then they proved that the prisoner , after escaping from jail , had fled to Eu rope , where , during the flvo years in tervening , ho had lived like u prince , spending money lavishly , traveling from place to place. Where did the means como from to pay for this unless it was part of the blood money received for murdering BlondoV Whore did the money como from to pay for the array of legal talent assembled for the de fense V Surely not from the defendant. They rovitfwed Blonde's blamolcs life. They brought out all the events of hie stewardship of the Vestegui estate ; his influence over the widow ; his opposition to her marriage with Jorge Carmona , now the Marquis do Basilio , who , they pointed out , was present taking a great interest in the trial. They wont beyond Bojado's death and showed that the mar riage to which ho had boon an obstacle was consummated a few weeks after the murder. Here they rested their case. The defense admitted the killing ol Bolado by Rosales , hut claimed it waf an accident. The defendant was shoot ing at another man , a brother brakeman - man , who had crossed him in a love affair. But this brakemun was dead 01 had disappeared , and they could nol prove his presence on the street at the time Bolado was killed. The able law yers for the defendant labored hard , but had a hopeless task. Their client was sentenced to death. A month afterward ho was shot. While ho wus standing before the open grave , ready to receive him , when the six rifles loaded for his execution wc.ro pointed at him , thi judge before whom ho was tried asUet him if ho had any confession to make before ho died. "None , " replied the doomed man. "Did any ono hire you to do the deet for which you nro about to dio'j ? " Answer swor truly , as you hope for pardon ir the next world. " "No ono hired mo to kill Bolado , ' and u few minutes afterward ho win dead. The papers mtido a great outcry dur ing , and lor some time after , the trla against the marquis. But lit managed , to meet the members o the 1'rcss association at a banquo given by a notoriously stingy editor wh had never given a banquet before During the festivities the amiable marquis proposed that the Press usbo elation give soml-aniuiul banquets , a which two plates bo reserved for him absent or present. If his propo itioi was act-opted ho would pay half the expenses ponses of these somi-annual banquets After that banquet there was nothiiif more said against the marquis in tin newspapers , oscopt now and then b ; some new shout. Complexion Powder is an absolute no cesslty of the rollned toilet In this nil mute. Pozoni's combinesevery clcmun of beauty and. purityt THE CROW INDIAN OUTBREAK A Review of the Trouble , Its Causes , and Probable Outcome. THE CROWS AND THEIR HISTORY. Hitting Ittill Was Oppo-icil to the Out break nnd Kept the Sioux 1'cnecalde. General James S. Brisbcn , writes to the Chicago Times from FortMcICinney as follows : The Crow Indians who have been cut ting up such a row , live in the south eastern portion of Montana , where they have a reservation embracing 4,713,000 acres. Their reservation commences at the mouth of Big Horn river on the east , and extends west along the south bank of the Yellowstone river for over two hundred miles. It embraces ono of the richest regions of the United States , and takes in the famous Big Horn coun try. Fully 13,000,000 acres of the Crow lands are tillable , and the Crows are , agriculturally speaking , the richest tribe of Indians in our country. They do not till the lands , however , and are lazy and indolent. A few years ago , when I knew thorn , they cultivated less than 600 acres of their vast domain.and the white intruders of over 1,500. There has been little change. The Crows huvo over 12.000 head of horses. 500 mules , 800 cattle , and a few sheep. They used to sell vast numbers of bulTulo robes , nnd oven as late as 18S3 sold $7- 000 worth. But the buffalo has gone , and now they rely almost wholly on Uncle Sam's rations for subsibtance. The Crows number { 1,1100 souls , of whom 1.500 arc males and 1,700 females. Perhaps 1,000 of the males are old and infirm , or too young to light , and in no event could they put over 500 to 000 warriors in the field. Formerly the Crows made it their proudest boast that they had NKVKIt KII.r-KD A WIIITI3 MAN except in self-defense , and I guess this boast wus true. When I Knew them the Crows were under the government of Iron-Bull and Blackfoot , two eminent and wise chiefs. Blackfoot was ono of ho ablest Indians I over knew. A man of largo frame with a good head , ho was calm and dignified , and instantly comprehended all questions. In man ners and appearance ho always re minded mo of George II. Thomas. Bluckfoot's knowledge of law was considerable , although ho could not read. Ho wus u natural-born states man , and had ho been a white man nstead of an Indian would huvo been a United Stutes senator or attained to some other high public position. Blackfoot - foot died some years ago , a nil his death wus an irreparable loss to the Crow nation. . Ho wus to Iron Bull what Bis- inarck is to the Gorman Emperor Wil liam. Iron Bull , I am told , died soon iftor his great secretary of state ex pired , and wus buried beside him. The Crows huvo always boon the firm allies of the whites , anil aided them in their wars against the Sioux. Terry , Miles , Gibbon , Ouster , and Stanley huvo all used the Crows an scouts , and they huvo ilono good service in aiding the United States troops. Many of them huvo worn the blue and. . know the power of the United Stutes , and it is almost incredi ble that they should have gone to war. In the summer of 1875 some white men who hud gone down the Yellowstone to find the head of navigation and build a town , fixed the mouth of Big Horn us the highest point to which steamboats could iibcend in the Yellowstone river. They BUILT A FO11T. and laid out a town. They were on lands claimed by Silting Bull , and as soon as ho heard of it the great Sioux chief ordered the intruders to leave the country. They paid no attention to Sitting Bull , but hastened to complete a strong fort known as Fort Pease. It was on the north bank of the Yellow stone and about six miles below the mouth of the Big Horn. The remains of this fort can still be seen there. In November , 1875 , Sitting Bull sud denly appeared before the fort with some four hundred warriors and at tacked it. Some men who were out cutting timber were killed , but the garrison risen made a vigorous defense and soon drove off the Indians. Next da.y Sitting Bull returned with more Indians and renewed the fight. The battle contin ued almost daily through the months of November and December , when the garrison found their provisions running low. The original garrison had con- bistcd of forty-six men , of whom six hud been killed and nine wounded. They were beginning to get discour aged , but held on until February , 1870 , when , finding they must starve or got help , two bravo men , Paul McCormack and ono other , whoso name I have now forgotten , determined to sally out and if possible reach the settlements , then 200 miles distant. They succeeded , and on the 19th of February , 1870 , McCormack reached my jio.st , Fort Ellis , Mont. , and reported the situation of the men at Fort Peaso. I at once telegraphed to General fcVry , then commanding the dopnrtmcnH'f Dakota at St. Paul , and ho ordered mo to go at once with all my force to the relief of THIS HEUAOUKED SIKN. Having only four companies of cuvalry with which to confront over two thou sand Indian warriors , I culled on the governor of the. territory for assistance , and ho authorized the organization ol two companies of militia. The citizens of Gullutin county responded nobly tt my call , and on February I marched from Fort Ellis with four companies ol cavalry and two citi/on companies , ] still had under five hundred fighting men , nnd , feeling uneasy , I sent u run ner to the Crow agency to ask Iron Bull to aid mo. The whole Crow nation re sponded that they wore ready , and the agent , Dexter Clapp , came with till his employes to join mo. Wo mot the Crow Indians on our way down the Yellow stone at the mouth of Stillwater. and they kept down the south bank while wo Kept down the north bunk. Good- heat , u Crow chief , reported to mo with forty braves to uct us scouts and an ad vance guard to the main body of troops. They did excellent service , being up and away at daylight , and not return ing until utter dark. Some of them came buck twenty miles to camp. We relieved Fort Pease , taking out bixtecn white men ( all there were loft ) and ono colored man. Ou our approach , the Sioux Indians fell back , uncovering the fort. Tuoy sent mo word thnt they dii not want to fight , but wished mo to take the bad white mou in the fort awaj and out of their country. When wo loft the fort , and before wo were out of sight of it , wo taw HUGH VOLUMES OF SMOKK rolling up and the fort in flames. The green cottonwood logs burned slowly but the Indians fired it again am again , until they had nearly consumet it. And thus ended old Fort Penso am the first attempt at settling thu lowoi Yellowstone valley. The Crow Indian worn greatly disgusted at not having i fight or u chunco to steal tome horses and when I reached Pompoy's Pillar cut thum loose and told them to go bad ml fight the Sioux , nnd TKAlj AM , TICK 1IOHT.S T11KV COt'UD- heard afterward that the Sioux ex uded them , and , when they came , fell ipon them und killed nearly ouo-fourth of the raiding party. When I returned tcj the settlements vnr hud alreudy been declared uguinst ho Sioux , und General Gibbon , with a oluinn of infantry , was marching from ' \ > rt Shuw to inv poit , Fort Kills. Dis- wilding the militia , I joined General Gibbon with the four troops of cavalry , i ml we murchcd down the Yellowstone alley for Sitting Bull's country. Sit ing Bull was then tit the mouth of L'onguo river , where Miles City now stands. As wo again approached the Crow agency the Crows came out to meet us , and invited us to visit tholr illuge , fifteen miles up the Stillwuter. General Gibbon , myself , nnd one or two stall officers visited the camp , and spent ho night there. The HCUIICH of that light i shall never forgot , and it would occupy more than the space allowed for his letter to describe them. General ribbon was a great chief In the eyes of the Crows , and they vied with each ithor iu doing him honor. THK I'HKTTlKhT Olltf , n the Crow nution at that time was Crune-In-the-Sky's daughter , and wo went to f-eo her. She was indeed a > rotty Crow girl , nnd as bright us she van handsome. She embroidered henu- .ifully and made all kinds of bead-work. She showed us now clothing , mtido from skins of wild unimuls1 , und beautifully embroidered in scarlet and gold. She uul ono elk-tooth jacket , said to bo worth llvo ponies , or about $ lL'o , and I doubt if any Chicago or New York ludy wus over prouder of her now seulskin .hun this Indian girl was of her elk- ooth jacket. There were over :2oO : elk- .eoth sewed on line buckskin in rows. Wo made her put it on , anil it fitted her upcrb bust as neatly us if u dressmuker uul made it. When she walked the : eeth rattled , making a noise like the .inkling of innumerable small bells. She told us , proudly , that she could I.tOItT TUB COUNCIL I'lllK , which meant that she was perfectly vir tuous. She chatted gayly , danced and l > laycd. On expressing some sympathy ihat so line u girl should bo compelled to marr.v u buck Indian and settle down in the wilderness she said archly : "Oh , but I am not going to murry un Indian. I am going to marry some nice white gentleman. Won't you send some nice white gentleman to buy me from my father and marry moV "What do you want for this girl ? " I usked Crnno-In-The-Sky. her father. "Six ponies , or two yood American horses , " he replied. "About two hundred and fifty or three hundred American dollars , ' ' 1 said. "Ho simply nodded his head. " "Cheap enough , ' ' I replied. "And don't you forget , " said Miss Crane in- tho-Sky , as wo Imdo her good night. 1 have since learned that Mis' . Craiio-in- the-Sky is married to n Crow buck und livi"g happily in her tribe : so I suppose she never got her white American gen tleman whom she coveted. Many years ago , when Colonel Bonnc- villo got loit in the Kocky mountains with his command , ho disbanded a com pany composed mostly of Freiii'h-Oana- dians , and tlioy made their way to the Crows. Many'of those men had to live with the Crows and in thecourieof time married Crow women and raised fami lies' . These French Crow women , the descendants of Uonncvillo'ssoldiers , are often seen , and some of them are UKMAHlCAllLV HANDSOME. They have the peculiar French shrug of the shoulders , and are quite light , with regular features and fine forms. Old Pere Chcin , who died a few years ago at an advanced age , claimed to bo one of Bonnevillo's soldiers , und hud a largo family. He said he knew the trail to Washington , and could ride it any day. Ho did not think it was very far to the capital and knew of no way to got there except on horseback he had never seen the cars , and never know anything about a railroad train unlc SB possibly the Northern Pacific came along just before his death. In 187i ( there was u fine looking Frenchman with General Gibbon named Lu Forgo , who claimed to be u Crow and hud u Crow wife. General Gibbon had a hundred Crow scouts with him in 1870 und loaned six of these to Custer just before the mussucrc. Three of these were with Custer and three with TJeno in the battle of the Litttle Big Horn. Two of these with Custer were killed , und the third , Curlcy , escaped. He was the sole survivor of Custer's com mand , and wus with him in the battle. Of this there is no doubt , us 1 sent him with General Custor by General Gib bon's order , und I saw Cm-ley after the buttle und talked with him about it. I think ho is still living with the Crows. THE I'ltKMiNT CHOW OL'TUItKAK. grew out of a dilttoulty about horse- stealing. For years the ( 'rows and Pie- guns have raided each other for the pur pose of steuling horses a noble occupa tion in the eyes of both tribas. The Crows wore ut greut disudvuntago , how ever , as the Pieguns liveit near the Brit ish line , and whenever they got a good haul of Crow horses thcw would run them over the line , where , of course , the Crows could not follow them. On the other hand , when the Crows got a good haul of Piegan ponies they would bringthem homo , and in duo time the Plegans would follow and lay claim to them , often securing them. A short time ago the Crows stole a lot of Piegan horses , and in duo time the Piegans claimed them , and the agent ordered them to bo given up. This the Crows refused to do , and there wus much trouble about it. The agent finally ordered the arrest of the seventeen Crows who had been engaged in horse stealing , and they resisted the arrest. The Indian police being unable to curry out the agent's orders and ef fect the arrest , he appealed to the mili tary for aid , und a company of troops was sent from Fort Custer. The recalci trants had meantime gathered their friends , and showed up so strongly that the olllcers did not \ymh to risk an ar rest. It was impossible to tell to what extent the rebellion had progressed , but the Crows AMIIIUNO imjlSi : THIEVES it was fair to prcsuKw ) they all sympath ized with the thieves. The matter went to the Indian otllco agent to the interior office ; the interior office wont to the war olllco , aml'tboy both went to the executive office. Then it traveled buck , the Heerotury ofwar told General Sheridan something , and he told it to General Terry , an/I / Qenerul Terry told it to General Ruger , who told it to liis post commundors' . At the sumo time the bocrotury of the interior told it to the commissioner of Indian utluirs , who told it to the ugont , und now the secret is out , nnd the agent swears by all that is holy that ho will urres.t the seventeen Indians who stole horses if it takes the whole United States army te do it. The troops uro marching down upon the Crow agency from all direc- tions.and will soon inclose it on nil sides , Nineteen companies of cavalry and I de not know how many of infantry uro in closing the Crows , who uro said to be defiant. That the Indian horse thiovef will bo arrested is certain , but that the Crows will fight when it comes to i pinch is not so certain. A few days wili UotormiiiO the matter of war or ] > cuce but 1 predict It will bo peace ut leust ] hope so , for soldiers do not like Inditu wars. The nciuon AVhy. | Detroit Free'Pit" " ' : Ono of the \W \ \ dlti/eiiR Who beat their messages over the telephone walked Into a place on Congress street ycste.rduy , bowed suave ly to the occupant of Oio olllco ui d then walked directly to the telephone. He rung tho' bell for thu central ami began : "Hello. Central ! Hello ! Hello ! Hello ! " No answer came ami he wint over the same ground twice. Tlii-n ho sei/ed the crtuik and rung thelc-llfor two long minutes. Nounswer. He hud just finished another turn lit it when the proprietor looked up and sud ! : "What Is ItV "Why , I can't get the cei trul. " "Of course you can't. The wires were detached six months ago , and 1 don't see why they don't come and take their telephone away. " The stranger seemed to\uitit 'ngsto gel out of that place. AVhtMt YoiirXoi-vi'H Mother You , invigorate them. When your night's repose is unsound or unrefreshing. your appetite juded or capriciouswhen slight noises cause you to sturt , and annoy ances of slight moment abnormally worry you , know three things , viz : 1st , That your nerves are week ; M , that you need a tonic ; ! ! d , that its name is Hosteller's Slomuch Bittern , Iho promptest , safest , and most popular ur- liclo of its cluss. The nerves uro sua coplible of invigorution only by promot ing uu increase of vigor in the processes of digestion mid invigorution. Nurcot- ics nnd sedatives huvo their utility , but in the main , und if their use be con tinued , they uro unsafe. A wineglass of Iho Bitters before retiring , nnd a repe tition of the sumo during the day before or ufter meals , is fur more likely to con fer health-yielding sleep than repented doses of un opiuto. Dyspepsia , debility , inactivity of the kidneys and bladder , fever und uguo , and other malarial com plaints , are always dominated und sub dued by it. BITTERS URILYVKETAaU PR0WKMUM It ha stood the Teit of Yean , " In Cuing all DlieaBea of the BLOOD , LIVEB , STOM ACH , KIDNEYS.BOW- EIS.&o. ItPurifleathe Blood , Invigorates and Cltanieitho System BITTERS DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , SICKHEADACHE.BIL- LIVER IOUSCOMPLAINT8.4C under diaappear at once KIDNEYS its beneficial Influence. STOMACH It ii purely a Medicine AND aa ita cathartic proper- ties fortldi li § aft n n wnrr c P88 BUyvJ&L5J | | beverage. Itispleas- anttotnetaito , nnd aa easily taken by child- PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO Bole Froprlstors , BT.Louisand KANIU OITT RUPTURE CURED PROF. N. D. COOK , Itoom G , 1514 Douglas St. , Oiniilin , Neb JYLERDESKCO ST. LOUIS , MO. MlKUFACTURIRSOf FIHI I DESKS , BANK COUNTERS , BAKK , COURT HOUSE. GOVERNMENT WORSani' Beit Work and Lowest Prlcei Ouannteei. 100 page IUuit'4 . CsUltHpie , finest ererpriBted. aentfrte. Bostare7a. TH OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. The Best Route from Onmlia and Council UIufTs to THE EAST = = - TWO TIIAINS DAILY BKTWKKN OMAUA AND COUNCIL ChicagoAND * * - Milwaukee , St. Faul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapid * , Rock Island , Freeporl , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Darcnport , Elgin , Madison , JanesTlilc , Belolt , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Rontneaiit. For throurh tlrkeli cnll on the ticket agent at 14(11 ( Tarrmm street , In Puxtou Hotel , or nt Uulon Paclflo Depot- Pullman Sleepers nnd the finest ninlnf Cars In the world are run on the mnln line of the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul Hallway , and eicry attention Is paid to passengers tj courteous employes of the c < > . . .npanr. H.Mir.I.Kn , ncnernl Manager. J. V. TUCUHlt , AMlMant General Manager. A. V. It. CAHPKNTKR , General Passenger and Ticket Agent. < ; KO. L. IIKAKKOIU ) , Assistant General Passenger ami Ticket Arcnt , J.T. Cl.AHK , General Superintendent. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tin only road to take for Dos Molnos , Marlalltnwn , Cedar Itaplds , Clinton , DUon , Chirnyo , Milwaukee and nil points east. To the pfophi of Nebraska , Colorado rado , Wyomlnv , Utah , Mnho , Novmltt , ort'Kon , Wash. Intton anil California. It often nuptulur advantage * nil | > riu ! by any other lino. AmotiK a fuw of the numerous points of superiority enjoyed by the patrons ot tills road brtneen Omaha and Chlcntio , are Its tire trains a itajr of DA V COACH * Ks , which lire the- Uncut thai him xn art and Ingi'nul. ty can erf ale. lt 1'AI.ACK M.KI-.TIMJ CAItS , which are models of comfort nnd ulcimuctt. It * I'AIUXJH IMAY1NO UOO.M CAItS. unsurpatkcd by any , and IIS widely celebrated PALATIAL Dl.NI.Nd CAliS , Iho equnl of which cannot l > found ulamvhrro. At Coun cil llhltl ! the trains of the I'ulon IMclllc Knll ay , con nect In union depot with llioso of the ChlionoA NurlhweHern Ity In Chlcugo the Iruluj of this Una ins kocloie connection vtlth those ol all other eastern lines , For Detroit , Columbus , IndlnnnpolK Onclnnatl , Niagara Y nll . Buffalo. Plllfnunr , Toronto , Montreal , llonton , New York , Philadelphia , lUltluiorc , Wuih- lniiluuand allpolutsln tbutatt , aik lor a ticket il Uio "NORTHWESTERN. " If yon wl.h the rent accommodation. All ticket agents sell tickets Tin this liuo. ILllUiillllT. K. P. WILSON. Genl. Manager , tionl. Pass'r Agent ct ° " W.M.iiAiicorK. * ' "L. n. noLi-ns. Wcsuru Atfent , City Vass'r. Agent. Omaha , Nebraska. ucnc't-.SurTouseL [ > illt > CHii < .C through rrrois and bad practice * CURED. VLU M ttttAL. t'U , WLociutat. iuLyuU o _ Agricultural' ImpitmantB. c H u n C'H f LT p A R K Eft" Dealer in Agricnltural Implements , ! agons , 1"1'9111'11 * * LININOER & METCALFCOM Agricultural Implements , Wa2on0)CarriajG ) ; $ Buggies , Etc. Wholesale , Omaha , Nebraska. , ' OREND'ORK . . . Jfholf al ivalcrs In Agricnltnrallnipleiiicnls.Wairflns & Bnjjgles _ Ml , KB , W and ( OT , Jones 8lreet , Oman * . P. P. MAsflTcO Mannfacturers of Bncleye Drills. Seeders , Oaltlrators , Uay lUkes. Cider Mills anf Luban Pu | ! rerlters. Cor. lltli and Nicholas Streets. WINONA IMPLEMENT"cdTi Wholesale Corner lull and Nicholas streets. . . _ " "A/HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , _ UU Douglas Street. Omaha. Nebraska. Boots and Shoes. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. Id Varnam ai.Omslia , Nnh. Manufactory , Sumnm btreel , llontun. KIRKENDALL. JONES St CO. , ( Successors to need , Jones A Co. ) Wholesale Mannfacturers of Boots and Snoes Agents for Huston Hubbsr Shoe Co. 1UH , 1104 A1106 Hartley St. , Omaha , rUliratka. Coffees , Spices , Eto. " CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha Coffee and Splc * Mills. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , r.Torng , , - - ' - ' ' -vInK.o. 1.1. , . ! OlaBsvarq. W. U. WRIGHT. Agent for tba Manufacturers ami tmportf n of Crockery , Glassware. larans , Cliinincys , Ktc. OBlce , .117 S. 1.UU St. . Omaha , Nobrasia. ' Commission and Storage D. A Commission and Jobbing , Batter , KHI mid Pnuluco. Consliinnivntt solicited. lle auii rleri < for Slonewnre , Kerry Hole * aud _ OtHpo Baskets. KKDolxo SI , Omaha. RIDDELL & . RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDEMAN & CO. . Prodnce Commission Merchants , Poultry. Duller , ( Jaine. Trullv Ktc. 2W South lull St. , Omaha , Nebraska. CEO. SCHROEljER & . CO. . ( Successors to Mcfhanu A Schroedcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage. Omaha , Nebraska. Coal , Coke and Ltmo. 3MAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , JOV South IMh Street , Oiuaha , Nabroska. " * j. j. j o H N"SON & cp. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , apd rlilpnurs of Coal , Coke , Cement , Planter. Limit Drain Tile and Hewur Pip * Offli f. Parton Hotel , V'srnRiu M. , Omaha , Nub. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA > UEL CO Shippers of Coal and Coke , 8U South nib St. . Onmlm. Neb. _ _ Dry Goods ajid Notions. " ME."SMITH 61 co. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 and llOJUouglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY O O O b S C o Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , O nU' Furnishing ( ioortiCorner llth aud llaroey Bls- Omaaa , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnara Street , Onsaka , Nebraska. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , T07 , TOO and Til S. 10th St. , Omaha , NeD. MoCORD. BRADY * CO.j Wholesale Grocers , llth and Leatenworth Btretts , Omaha , Nebraskk. D. M. STEELE & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , Ul ( , mi and Ita Uaraey Street , Omaha , N b. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 111. and 1119 Hamer Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnwkre.Sheet Iron , KM. Agents for Itowe Scales , and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMBBAUQH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. IKK Douilas st. Omaha , Nebraska. _ RECTbR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilamey Sts , Omaha , : N b. Western Age nts for Austin Powder Co. .Jefferson Steal Nallf. talr- banks Standard Scales. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Hcayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Sleek , Hardware Lumber , etc. IJOJ and 1211 llarnay Str at. Omaha. EDNEY & GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Tuon and Carriage Wood Clock , Hesry Hsrrtwara , Ktc. 1217 aud Ufa LuaTenwortb. 8t. , Omaha , Nub. Mats , Caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 llarney blrcet , Omaha , Neb. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER * CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines & Liprs Bast India Bitters and Domestic Liquors. 1112 llarney Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 19th Street and Union Psclfo Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , etc. Tanli-Corner tth and Douglas ; Corner Ma and Uouglss. C. N. DEITZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , IBtb and California Sts. , Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. CdrnerCth and DJMglas tits. , Omslia. . _ , _ T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , Office , 111 ! i'arnaa Strict , Orasba. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , - tapOrtedaadArotrlean Portlsnl Cement. State ag a tut MUw B * Uyd > aulUCem Bi pi T-xr-u y.--- .Um ? > er * n M Mil ' " _ > CHASER. LEjjrT .LIT" Dealer in Hardwort Wfiivl' Wooa Carpetiaa * I'arqsst florlat. Hi and IXJatl ' M Illlne rypin d H tip n V' _ J I. OBERFBLDER * C O.t"i Importers & Jobbers of Millinery I NotftQt IW , IIOftattltSoutklUkBtr * * ! . - I- J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions and Fnrnls.ini Gooft KB and OS Mouth 1Mb gtrnt , O ai . ' VINYARD & BCHNBIDER , ,7 Notions and Gent's ' Fnmistilni GooU. 1106 tlarney Htrtet. Omaaa. _ _ Ol | . ' t CO'SscTClDATED TANK LINlS CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lniirlcatlm Oils , Ail * < lras , etc. , Omaha. A. II. Blsktp , Maaa ( ry Paper. CARPENTER PAPER ± , Wholesale Paper Dealers. OarrraBlco stock of prlnllrm. wr ppln aaj irrKliig stltntloatlTtn to car load cMsrs. Printers' ' Material * . Auxiliary Publishers , Runner Cooda. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers anil Dealers in RnUr GoodJ Oil nothing and LeMticr Helllm. 1W ( Ktrnftm Htr etj A. L. STRANO Co. . j Pumps , Pipes and Engines. ; Btpam , water , mllwi r and mining umillev do. 9M > 1M and VH Karn m BlriH't. Om h . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , 'l Wholesale Pumps. Pipe , Fittings , ' Steam nndV lcr SuppMen. Hoidquirlrrs for MaifL Kiio t A IV ROO.U , llll furnrini at. , ( Jiu li . T 'U.S. WIND ENGINE ft PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , H lll(1 j Wind Mills , illft nnil YXl l-'nrnnm St. , OrnMlfc U. K. lion. Acting > l n n r. BRO'WNELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sbtct Iron Work , Mi'nm Tump * . Saw Mllll. l lM2ll L af enwurlh btrt'Cl.Ouintiit. J Soocls. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed : 911 anil V13 Jours St. , Omaha Storage , ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission. , Uiaiidi liuuscof th lU'imcr Illiggr Co. llnixlpi a | wliolosalu ttiiJ ntnll. l'WHlllO ii3 1S15 ItarU Street , ( Omalia. Telephone No. M. ± T ? 5 a"d Cigars. jt WM. A. wTtSON & CO. . Importers and Johte of Teas & Cigars , Bplcci ml Dulsy lUklnf Pointer. 1110 tnd 1118llt noy Street , Omaha. Comics. EA'CLE'CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ; John Kpcnoter. Proprietor. 3 > IX > dij uud llUaud 106 North lotfc btreot. Omaha. ; } Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Eto. H. K. Manufactnring Dealer in Smole ( Stacks , Brltcblngs , TanVa and Uenoral Uollsr Repairing. 1311 Uuclge Street , Omaha , Nob. ] Iron Work , * . . sjiirvrf w < f * fw f- * * * - * - * * s < iJ * lrfr + f l P AXT O NftV 1E R LINO. f ronuM and Cast Iron Building Worn Engines , Ilrass work , ( tneral fouairr , avblne anJ blacksmith work. Offlce and wurls , U , If. Rjr. aud \ ITth Utreet , OmaLa. OMAHA WIRE it IRON WORKS. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wlrt slgnM etc. , 12.1 North 1Mb Bt. , Omaha. . OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes ) Vanlti , jail work. Iron and wire f.nolng. tlini , etc. CM AnUreen , Prop'r. Cor. Kill and Jackicm Bu. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co 31iiiuifuctureri and Jobnuri In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. Pthoncl Pacific Stv.OmiihH. Neb. * MEAOHER * SPROAT. General Aiientt ( or DlebnM Safe \ lx > ek Co.'i Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Lock Vaulti and Jail Work , H16 Farnara Hired , Omitha. Ovorallo. _ --i CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO * Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Punt * , Shlrti , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Douglai Street ; Oualia , Nol- . Sash.JDoors , Eto. " " * M. A. DISBROW & CO. , Wholetalo Manufuctureri of Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Brannh Office , 12th and Iianl Htreets , Omaha , Neb , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Mouldings , RlnlrWork and Interior Hani Wood rial Itb. N. B. Corner 1th and 1.pavtnworth BtrccU , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Monldings , Sasb , Doors' ' And llllmK Turning , Rtalr-work. llank and Offiol Mtllngi. mil and I'opplflon Aveniiu , Brewers. 8TORZ St. ILER. lager Beer Brewers , 1W1 North Kluhtccnth Htreet , Omitba , Neb. o.n.i-Ai.Mtu. x. P. UICIIMAS J u PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Office I loom J4 , OppoilUt Richnniio Ilulldlng , Unlo4 block Vards , routh Oinaua , Neb. McCOY BROS. . Live Stock Commission Merchants. Market f urnlshod free on application , Stackers siA feeders fumlsbud on gnod tnrms Itelrrnnrc : ( ina * ha National Hank anThuuth Oiauhit Natlouai , Unl HUKk Yards , ttuuth Omaha. LORIMER. WESTERFIELD < b MALEV Lire Stock Commission. Room H , E > cbanK UulldlnK , llnlciu Hlock Yariltt huuth Oiuaha , Neti. HORN * SHARPE. Commission Dealers in Liye Stock , Room 23 , Kifhangn HulMIng , Union flock Vets. 8b fftuaha. HefMrencni. Union Nat'l Uuuk , OumhC Union Sl ock Yards Hank , H. Omnlm , H. b. Kowlei * , Prvs , Am , Hank & Trust Co. , Omuha , ALEXANDER k FITCH. Commission Dealers in Liye Stock. Iloom 2J , opponllo Kichsnufl IlullJInu , Uulon Yards , South Omaha , N l > . UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , John K. Boyd , Superintendent. _ JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Advertising liua ulwiiyn piovcu BllCfossful. llefdio | iluclliK Mjr f. < ! W | iiiirr A'lvi'rtliltitr cousillt LORD & THOMAS , .1 Is it Uu.olvb Slr.il , CHICAGO ,