Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1887, Image 1

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The Last Act In the Memorable Hay-
market Tragedy.
Spies , Fischer , Engel , Lings and
Parsons Burled.
Immense Throngs of People View
the Cortege.
The Hei > It-en fit the Cemetery CnnslHt
Mainly > ! ' Soi'inlistio Hai-aiiKiicH
1 lie liOinl-.tlonllicd Orntoiy
Cut Sliort ] ( >
A Quiet Funeral.
Cnit.Mio , Nov 13 Flitting mile after mile
( n the gloom , down to the cold flat enith , five
unseen , soulless lignics , fleeing in death ns
fiom the one grout Helng for vvliom nlono
theru i an be no law , found a hiding place to
night in the darkness at the most desolate
spot on the pi ah IP'S w Ide pxpansc. The five
ghastli llgincswero ( " .vmbolsof ntteiiiptnd
dustrmtlon to the law they were the fivu
di nil mum hlsts Spies , Pat sons , Fischer ,
Kngel and Louis Llngg. Piobably half u
million people in thu city of theit tPinblc
crimp saw the hist public : pippaiations forthe
final flight to the tomb Seal tclv mme than
half thpniimlcre\peitcd,7,000inen ) and " " 0 wo
men aided In theiiti by foiming in pioies
slon behind them Ten thousand people wcru
present in the b.nist , emptiest giaveiind ad
jiicent to Chicago when tlio toipsesatl.n
wcro hidden.
JltTII 111 l > I I ItSI SMI I1ITTI It Ml UMt'ltS
nnd any of "Thiottlo the law' ' " mcom-
| ) inledthu paitlng words spoken over the
llvo life-lots bodies It was almost to a
second the exai t time that , foity eight houis
previous , the scaffold diop fell with August
Spies mid his comrades , that to-day the
blackest of hearses dicw up at the door of
his telatlves. Mote , peculiar ntill was the
fin t that the he.n so w as Just i cadi to stai t at
thu piecisu moment coucsponding to the an
noiincement at the gallows that Spies had
teased to hientho. This was the beginning
of the obsequies The sccno Is at thccxtrcmo
noithwestein uoinei of the citv and thu i onto
taken resembled nothing so much as a mon
ster black snake stiotching light to tlio
center of Chicago and piotitiding out and
beiond the toiithwestein nnglo. Sen led
lines of blackness were funned of human
beings wedged togi liter m almost a single
continuous whole. Off fiom Milwaukee avc
JiuuSpies lived in a little oasis of well to dc
Americans and Germans , while the othcis
entombed to da\ had places of abode scat
tered along at intervals of llvo or six blocks
close to the same thoioughfaic , but in the
midst of the most ignoimit and uncouth
classes of Chie-ago's foieign born population
About four thousand poisons , most of them
neighbors of Spies , weio congiegated on the
steps and sidewalks of the blocks In which
Spies lived when the time for du-
pai luio in lived. As nt other houscswhere
the anarchists' bodies lay , a constant
stream of minniieis and of cuiious sightspeis
had been since almost dai light pom ing
through the building viewing the livid to
mains or giiing at the weeping relatives
When the loiti-cight houis annivcrs.ny ol
thu scaffold di op had come and the sombre
hem su was standing patu nt at the cm b , the
the mmielilsts' chief counsel , was sect
stepping out ihiougli thu thiong at Spies'
tlnethhold. Supported on his mm , with hci
head pillowed on his shoulder , was a linging
Klihsh figurechid in ci.ipo fiom head to foot ,
thopictinoof uttoi woo. Ilei face v\as completely
plotely veiled fiom sight. Instantly wlnspcis
weiohiMid on oveiysldo : "Theio she Is , "
und "Thuio's Nina Van X.andt , " "That'
Spies'wife. " It was not till the coflln had
been placed in the he.nse , Immedlatply tin
mourners had cnteicd the caninges and tin
500 blup-lnidged Turners had foi mcd ii
the ranks ahead that the Plow ifdiscov PI ed it-
mistake. Calmly seated in the Hist car
riage , without a sign of mounting In her up
paiel or a single tiaco of gnef in her palo
sot couuteiiatiee , the face was unmlstahabli
that of Spies' joutliful , pio\y biide , but i
had suddenly acquired dignity mid a mature
Hess that gave an unlooke'd for but far fiom
repelluut aspect to ono of her i ears. Asldi
from this oxpiesbion the shapely feature *
woio a peculiar jellowish pallor It nmj
litivo been the meio limey ot tlio obspiv
cis , but tho'-o who mw the faci
of Sjiles as he tied to hi
place on the gallows say/ the pallo
on his countenance then was exactly tha
to day on the face of MlfS A'an Kiiudt. Shi
was appaiclcd hi a well woui fur tnmniet
wrap of daik wine eoloicd or puiplu velvet
a vciy simply made diess of black silk and i
Hiuall neat bonnet to match the wrap. AVhlh
the ciowds were iPcovpiing fiom the sin
pi iso at Miss Van Xaudt's demeanor am
ihess , the black clad gill who hud nciom
panled Captain Hkick Into the same caniagi
with Spies' pteudo wife tlnow back he
vi'il and disclosed the tear stained fe.i
turcs of the dead man's sister , Gictihen
Alongside Nina , and appurcntli dinivin ;
some consolation fiom the woius of thcc
spoken now and then , sat thu
who teemed to have rather bcttei contiol o
her gilef than the daughter The b mil soot
stiuck up n rnouinful dltgo nnd the pioccs
slon started slowly dovv n Milw aukeo av cnuu
which was lined with such a mass of poop !
as was never soon on U before ) . Movinj
slowly on , the procession was joined at tin
homes of Fischer , Parsons , Engpl and Lingj
by tlicir rpinalns and the poition of the pa
r.Vlo which originated at caih house Th
scenes at each of thu houses w ere somrw hr
similar to those at Spies' .
Tlio most Btrlking view of the pi-ocosbloi
was obtained nt the coi nor of Lnko and Dos
pluines stre-cts , for it biought \ivldli t
mind the sccno of May 4 , isssii , wjen , fi
bomb was thrown. It was Just 1 45 o'clod
when the head of the lit.o reached M.e depot
At the corner Is the siloon and hall o
Cluiles Zopf , nn nuaichlst. It was , hi thi
Uoon that Pin sons took his wlfo and ihll
dtcn after ho had finished his speech at th
Hujm.uUet nnd where they sat when Hi
bimb was thrown. Two hundio <
foot south pf the comer was th
place where stood tlio wagon from whit ;
B.lcs and his comrmles deliveied the !
hiranpucs and counse-icd the thtvttlins o
the law. And hero , too , was the alloy fioi
which the hissing and fatal bomb was h < irl > >
into the ranks of the police. A little fmtl.r
icjuth Is tbo Biwt where iho inUsllu fell an
ent or design that the parade wound around
his historic corner ! was a question asked by
undrcds. And the line of march took the
narching army of siinpatht/cts illicitly past
irlef's hall , In the basement of w hleh a group
f amnthlsts used to hold night lyionfereiices
and Instruct each other in tlitj use of djna-
nltu and prautleo the manual of aims.
TIII. i IM : OP MUM it.
At the hour above mentioned the ihst line
of men could be seen crossing Desplnlnes
stieet vl.idmt , wherein ISM a bloody light
ook place between the polieu and
strikers There was no advance guard of
mllce. Chief Marshal Hepp with two aides
ed the way. They wore no red , but simjilo
) lack clothes and crape1 on their m ins. Then
mnu u bi illlanth dressed corps of musicians.
\s this band passed Zepp's hall , which was
open and filled with drinking men , It struck
ip a dirge , as did in fact every other band In
the piocession , and thoie were at least fifteen
of them
Following the Ihst coips of musicians
walked the defense commltttemcn who hud
chinguof collecting the funds with which it
was hoped to s ivu the anarchists from their
fate. George Si hilling headed the committee
md can icd in his hand a lloi a ! t ) ibute. Fol
lowing them mm died eight abieast ncaily
.wo bundled mpinbci1) ) of the Auiora Tinn
Veieln , of w hii h Spies was a member. The
wholu society did not turn out , us many
menthoi s are not In sympathy with iinaichy.
Four hundred of thu Voiwemts Tinner so
ciety camp next , wearing icd badges on their
In easts. This blanch of the Turne'is Is more
stiouglv linitured with soi uilisni than an.v in
the fit } One bundled of the Toitsihiitt
bram b cinno np\t and then followed Iho
fealuiu of the piocession. It was the
miviisi , or AIOI ST SPII t.
Theio weio no nodding black plumes on It
but thu top was to covei cd w ith lloi al ti ibuto
that nothing else could bo seen. Ittsldu was
tlio in lily eoveicd casket. Standing out in
bold icliuf against thu black broadcloth of
thu coflln , was thiovvn a sash of icd
silk. It was all the moio bccautu nolloweis
had been plated Inside to Intel foic with the
idea of having Spies' beloved eolois shown to
thu public even at his death 'J hu eiowds on
thu stieet coineis turned then necks to get a
glimpsu of this , thu most Imposing of all the
hi at ses in the pageant.
Then another band wheeled into Lake
stteel , followed bv many bundled membeis
ot the Cc.nlul ! L tbor union , fho membois of
whiih me among the mo&t extienip socialists
of thoiilv. Behind them walked the black
hoises w huh die\v the hem se in whitli lav
the coflln of Adolph Fischer , he who j oiled
"lit UKui ton vsuitiu 1"
at the moment ho was hanged. His licaiso
was well supplied with floweis , but for some
luasou no led silk emblem of his faith hud
bpcu thrown across the casket in which were
his leinains.
Then mine the funeial caiuiige of Albeit
It. Pai sons. Oa the box b } the driver sat a
man holding in his hands a Hoiul tiibuto of
tiuh si/u that thu Inscription of the lloweis
"Fiom 1C of L Asst'inbli 1.W7" lould be
SOPH a hundred feet away. On 1'arsons'
tollln , instead of a great tush of red , theio
was simply a stup ot led silk iibbon. which
wast t ailed laielesslv fiom the head of the
itiskct to almost the center and was then
sluing along the floor of the heaiso until H
wound itself in u little heap at the foot.
"n it suoib--riv r rtr A ri.i'i NT , "
was the remark of the onlookei. Then
alongiame miother cohoit of cential labor
unions , butiheis , bakeisand lepictontatives
of all soils of Hades. Helmut these weio
drawn thu heaises of Geoige Kngel and
Louis Lingg. Over both thu bhu k cotllns
weio the inevitable red banneis. All thiough
tins , \\hieh mav bo called the first part of
the dcmonttrationveiu mtcispeisicd the
cm i nigcs containing thu iclutlves and near
fi lends ol the dead anarchists , but the ougi-
nal piogiammo was changed in the huiiy
and confusion of getting the line together , so
thai the cai i iajres of the mouineis became
somewhat mixed. The next feat in o of the
pioiession was the turnout of people ) who
followed after the heaises Theiuweiemun ,
women and ihildicn. In i.inks of foui to
eight dei p they tiamped side by side As
they swung into Lake sticet not a woid was
uttPted by Ihose in Ihu tanks or on the
aiir MOST \or\ni r i IHTI ISE
of this pai t of the pigeant vva the showing
m.ido by two local assemblies of Knights ot
Labor tomposed wholl.v of women. Hach
ono ol theao w PI o alhinio w ith t cd , seal let in
then huts , bowsof ciimson at their tlnoats
and longstiearners of ciimson fiom their
shoulders made tlio appeaianeo of the \\oik
ingwomen an obje'it of special lomiiient. In
iiont of them mnithcd Miss Mat } Me Cor-
mick , miistpioilunan of thu oigaiiuntion
known as "Luci I'.nsons' Asseinbl } K of
L" She was attended bytvvootheis and
the tlio can ice1 a huge wicatli , to the top of
wliiih wat attached a snow white
dove the emblem of It will bo
lemembered that the signal for the gatheiing
allliiimaiket squiiio was llio piinted ( Set
man woid , "Hnlie , " meaning peace This
was Iho only whitu dove in thu wholu lino.
After the long line of pc-oplu on foot had
passed came em i i.igcs to the number of tlfty.
The piocession went , cast on Lake sheet ,
south on Fifth avenue and past the building
wliMh was formeily the olllco of August
Spies and Albeit H. Pai sons , wheio they
wioto the blood-thnstv editoimls for their
tosiectivu ] papcis. , As Iho Hist ranks of the
Autoia Turner Vcreiti passed the building ,
somu one of its mumbcit taiscd In thu air a
binall United States flag and
WAV i D IT ovrn IMS nrvn.
This was the signal for a cheer from the
lei al spectators on the sidewalk. In half an
hour moio the piocession halted nt the depot
on Polk stieel and Iho cofllns of Iho dead
men weio can icd out by the pall-bearers and
deposited in the baggage car , which was at
tached to the tialn. Forty cars weiu to-
quiied to to tuko out the members of thapio-
i ession and lumdieds of otheis besides those
in cairiugcs went sal on difTeicnl loutes. bo
dense was the crowd on the Hack vvlicn
the train pulled out it was at a snail's pate ,
ilveii street i tossing and oveiy viaduct was
lit UIv WITH Ill'HN Ill.IMIt ,
who looked cniiously at the train us it passed
bv. Out thiough the Hohpinian distiicts tlio
w heels tolled , and as the slowly moving tiain
passed many Hohemiau women whoto hus
bands had taken part hi the riotous scenes of
May , lbM ( , pected out of the windows nnd
ov er the back fences to get a glimpse of the
car in whiih werolhoiemainsof Iho men who
had pi cached amn eh v to their spouses and led-
them in man } a stiiko. These was no inci
dent of special rote dm ing the tiip to Wald
si HV ICTS VT rue rr.MKTi UT
Ail iv id theio the people qnitkly ills
mounted and the band led the wav to tin ;
ecmctei } , plavlng the most mouinfnl eiigc
ofthoda } . Hvli < 5n thu shouldeib oftlieii
omvtimo associates w eto the black cotllns ol
the iinarehisls , caih naif hidden bi thu ills
plav of flaming ltd. Inside Iho tciiiPteti the
lofllnswero laid upon a rude plat foi mil
fumt ot w hat seemed a rough alonu hut , per
fectli window-less and with only onu small
door A moment later a pel sou who had fol
lowed thu toDlns to thih point could not stl-
ii hand or foot in any dlitction , so thick tun'
the ciowd li\ome.
The relallves of the dead men quietlj
iratheicd bci-ido Catituin Hluck on the plat
form The captain delivered the first or tin
fmipial oiatioiib , Hwiiscouihed in iletn
cut , language , but hiulno oiUot or
thouowds It was nrincipail } confined K
laudation of thn dead meu.
Hubert Kcit/el spoke next In Goimannni
was rather violent in his denunciation 01
overvonis connected \\lthltho famous it ial Hi
loused ui > tlio ctowd considerably.
'I' J Morgan , a nibid Ungllsh socialist
followed him In a violent harHiisuo agnlns' '
th"piesent conditions of society. Ho Mile'
Ihoiu could b nothing hot contempt foi th <
1 tw hung his comi-iidcs. Here wa1
the moment whtit an cxtltt'd listener } cllti
"Tln-ottlo the law1" Moigmi continued ti
hpoak In most bittorteims of all conccrnet
with the anarchibts' case.
J'ho lust hpcoch was by Albett Cm i tin
founoily of the Ai belter Zoltuug. Hi
srau-olygot a jfalr stint on what was appar
ouUy ubout to bo u t j iiical anarchists liar
ar.into vvhpn Cajitain Hlack stojiped him
U \\n pitch dill k mid thu people wtro belli )
wi.nip-ht up to a high pitch by the titatorj
ami .hoi-iiiixnindluEs ,
wcro secured. 111 the vwlt am
the jicoplo made Ihelr way to the carriages
and tinliis.
The gieat object lesson of tlic century was
nt an end
A Militiaman Shot At.
CIIICMOO , Nov. lit. A great deal of excite
ment was caused among the members of the
Second icglmcnt early this morning by the
reK | > rt of an attempt to assassinate ono of the
guards on duty on the outside of the
armory at Washington boulevard and
Cm Us sticet. Private M. Hell was
patrolling nt the north end of the building
and about 4 MO o'clock was slartlcd by the re
port of n gun and a bullet whistling past his
ear. The shot apparently tame from the top
of some of the i sheds In the rear of Car
penter stieet. Immediately the alarm was
given and the soldiers turned out and over
hauled the ncighboihood. but w ithont dis
covering anioiic. The militia was at n loss
to account for the shooting unless It was
done by some anaichlsts.
MnicmciitHot'the Police.
CIIICHOO , Nov. li ) Thu cnllro squad of the
cential detail of police was on duty this
motnlng at U o'clock. About twenty men
hud been In reserve all night nnd spent the
day ! n the station Instead of being assigned
to positions on the line of march. About
' o'clock word reeeived
1'3 li , shortlvaflcr was
that the ftiiteinl procession had stinted fiom
August Spies' late home , Captain Hubbard
calli d on the men lo full In and assigned these
who had not been on night duty to stations
along thu line of match fiom the Laku struct
budge to the corner of Fifth avenue nnd
Hariison stiecl. Four men wcro plated at
each stieet intersection. Orders wcro given
to stay until the ciowd dlspeiscd and then go
home and icpoil this evening at 0 o'clock for
A St. Iionls Incident.
ST Lot it , Nov lit Theip is little sympa
thy for Iho anaichlsts In St Louis , } ctlheio
is some , and Mis May Duff ditplnjed her
feelings by di aping Iho Slurs and Sliipcs
and ditplajing pictures of the hanged men In
the windows of her looms on the coiner of
Fif Hi and Pine sti cets The sight alii acted
n eiovvd about 9 o'clock this moining and
aminmur of displeasure wan quickly fol
lowed by a shower of missllps mid
down came the emblems of giiof. Mis.
Duff , in a fin v , throw open the door snd
found vent foi her tago in low expletives
Her hnianguo was answeied by a shower of
clubs , which demolish ! d the windows and
limited the woman , but she pluekil } ictinned
the Hi o and w lib a h.iti bet In her hand detii d
Iho mob As she Inn led her last weapon at
thuii heads she tui ned on hoi heul mid made
an oideilv , while the police quieted
the disturbance A pictuioof Geneuil .John
A Logan 01 ciipicd a conspicuous plt'to among
the dc'coialions and iceoived duo caret nnd
tcveienio fiom the mob. No one was in
juied boiond a lew bruises.
Monctai-j Ti-insnclioiiN In the Country
the 1'iiHt Week.
BOSTOS , Mass , Nov. 1 ! ) [ Spepial Tele
gram to the Hi r. ] The follow ing table
compiled from dispatches to the Pott from
the manage ! s of the leading cleat ing-houses
of the United States , shows the gloss ex
changes for the week ended November 12 ,
IbbT , with the r.ite per cent of increase or de
crease as comp nod with the amounts for the
con etpoiidmg week lust i car :
Election Day in tlie/ Fore Part Tends
to Check llnniiiesH.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. in. [ Special Telegram to
the HIM : . ] Tlio oeeuricneu of election day
bioko into the catly pai t of the week and had
n tendency to check business on the stock ex
change at the opening , but subsequently in-
ci cased activity prevailed and the stock
mm ket was moro animated. Dm ing the first
three business days prices moved up nnd
down with gieat rapidity , being influenced
on the one hand by nn advance in passenger
fines fiom the Missouri liver to the Pacific
coastincreased raihoad cainings and fotuign
biiiing and on the other bj a cut in fi eight
tales on Iho part of the St. Paul toad , the ill
ness of Ijinpetor William and the crown
in nice of Geiiminy , the anarchist excitement
at Chicago mid seine demonslralions by lead
ing bears. On Ftiday London , which sold on
Thuisday on Ihu dcpiusgion at Euiopean
bomses , again came in ns a largo biiicr und
this gave pni es a sharp upwaid twist ami
caused an advance of 1.4K ( ( points fiom Ihe
lowest of the week. The bears , both huge ,
and small , who had previously sold freely
rushed in nnd their pin chases gteatly acccler
atid thu impiovement. Heading was Hit
principal fcaturu thioughoutand tiansactioii'
in it lompiitcd a lingo poition of thu tota !
business. Tlio rest of thu list was guided tc
n lonsideiablo extent bv its coutsoand it
Into dealings it led the advance ,
Tlio mai ket gradually gained sticngth ,
which was exemplified by the comparative
PIISO with which it i allied after all attacks ,
Speculation was undoubtedly broadened tc
somu extent and eommissiou brokers wcro in
leeeipt of inoiu outsidu orders than for some
tlmo. This business is not largo as jet , but
novelthclvxs it shows signs of incieasmg.
which encourages thu belief iimong thu bull
fraternity that in the future there will be n
more libeial t espouse to good trade outside
and Incipased railroad earnings Many ol
the low pi Iced shares paitlcipatcd in the im *
provement , and weio dealt In to a larger t'X'
tent than of late. Uailrond bonds wuic
low er em ly In thu w eek , but later on became
linn and closed higher for thu majorit } of is
sues traded in The demand , both for in
vestment nnd Miecuhition , Inci eased us time
woio along and again some foreign otduu
woio icceivcd. Offerings of good mortgage'
weiu comparatively hiiiall , the floating tup
py ! ol these having been reduced by iccent
purchases Govcrnmculs were firm thiow-h
out and the 4's Were higher on a cautliiTici !
demand fiom dciwsitory banks Tlio foreign
exchanges weto alternately vvcdk and tlim n ;
toup , with very little change in rates.
Five Laborers Killed.
GMM > OMinn , Nov. U. A fatal col
llHion occulted at Aveiill siding at midulglr
Satuiday between n icgular Height and i
wild stoclc train , n which llvo laboicrs , re
tiunimj n--ii > Montana , were killed. 4 .
Troops Called Out to Prevent the
Trafalgar Square Mooting.
Many Itlomly KncoiinterN Kill No I.\CN |
l/ost ItouluiiKcr llclenscd Pfoin
I'rlHiui TinCrown li luce
Aurotis the Atlantic.
Diokcn Heads.
[ Oipyrfy/it / 1KS7 liyJamts Gnnlun Jttnntlt , ' ]
L.OSDOV , Nov. 13 [ New York Herald
Cablo-SHclal | to the Hcr.-"Wlld ] exclto-
ncnt" Is the only piopcr phrase to use to do-
sci iho the condition of London feeling this
Sunday evening. The dimming Cioss hos-
iltal Is full of damaged heads and the How
stteet cells ate crowded with arrested pur-
sons. At the clubs nnd in taverns and
ly ciicles the gossip Is about this afternoon's
lot , and how the military were called out
.o suppiess a street low for the first thno
n twenty jears. A Sunday tumult
mil been foieshadowcd last week. The
[ 'all Mall Ga/etto and street oratois
mil directly incited the people to defy the
Nillco proclamation foiblddliig the meeting
: o day at Tiafalgar sijuaio and advising the
loUling of thu assemblage at all hazards ,
fho friction has been glowing for a foit-
night between the homo ofllco and Sir
Jinnies Warren , who Is a stiong
Gladstone appoititeea and who fiuois as
lopuhir rights what tire known as fieedom
of speech and the press. Finally when It
was shown to Warren that Trafalgar square
was crow u pi opei ty uud not dedicated to
iiiblio use , ho agreed to forbid Us
employment when scoies of
other places wore capable of
jping taken foi the assembly. This morning
L\\enty-two ladical clubs met at viulous paits
of the mctiopolitan district , especially at the
Cast End , and ngieed to in will to the sipiaio
with bands and banucis at all police hazards
md there hold u meeting to piotcst against
icient go\eminent action in Ireland. The
iuoccssions weio unfoitunatoly Joined by
[ nobably ovcrj logue , thief , lowdy nnd pick
pocket in London. They agieed to unite
foi ccs on the louto. Thu main scene of
events will appear on the map iccently pub
lished by the Herald. Taking this map ,
let the leader Imagine 20,000
men matching or hi drags being
dm on thiough Fleet sheet , Strand ,
to the tiipjiuo ; also fancy 4,000 policemen
posted in coidons about it and gum ding the
approach mid encircling the largo basin ,
wherein aio fountains , the statutu of Nelson
and gieut paved inches ; imagine also neailj
every one In the procession Is provided with
a stout stick or cane nnd mo pressing around
the squat o intent oil fanning a meeting ,
wlnlu the police are alining to prevent such
formation or obstruction of the Immense
tuifltc even on a Sunday , from the Hajmaiket
or the Embankment or Nortliumboi hind av
cnuo or Parliament street or Strand. Then
fancy n collision , sMibborn lights wltto
rushes of mounted police riding down ;
the ciowd ; also tha advance of the
police Infantry mercilessly aiming blows al
head and shoulders. Imagine the sudden np
pcaranco from their bairacks of the hoist
guards and hard by squadions .of biuss
lielmd di agoous intent on ruling down am'
dispersing the wedged populace , und tin
leader will obtain a idea of tin
material for a not , bodily injuries and a pauii
with a lofoitiling of the people who endeavor
to maintain their ground but are chased bj
the police or soldiers.
Theic were thieo sets of the processionists
No. 1 lopiosenting the East End ladica
clubs mniching from the direction of the
tower thiough the city mid reaching Holborr
piiteied Oxfoid sheet and passed into St
Mmtln's lane leading to the squaio ; No ' .
icpicseiited the clubs of Siurcv Side , am
mmiliing thiough Soutlmailc and Lumbelh
ciossed Westminister blidgeto reach Tin
fill gar bipmio by going bcsido tin
pailiamont house , the abbey , and the Donn
ing bticct govcinmcnt buildings
No. icpresented the clubs of Noith
cm Heights , und matching fiom Is
lingtou and eiitciing Tiiidell How and Wul
lington stieetsinado for the Stiand tothcnci
reach the squate. With excellent mihtaij
prescience , Sir Charles Warren had occuptei
nil possible vantage ground with his con
stables , They wcto practically encamped n
the city , near the Mansion house , mound St
Paul's , thioughLindgato Circus , along Flee
sticet , at the confluence of Wellington slice
and the Stiand , with videttcs of mountci
police along nil thorough fines. Doubtlcs :
11,000 of the 113,000 foico weio thus nriangcd
Oideis had been given to pi event piocesslon
through Fleet stuct und Sttnni
and to break them up Into groups and de
t.ichments at ceitaln points No. 1 , at St
Mai tin's lane , bciond the national galleiy
No.- , at the head of Parliament stieet , nea
the treasury building ; No. 3 , at the Junctioi
of Wellington sheet and the Stiand , whicl
was accomplished for Nos. 1 mid li comp-uu
tively peacefully , except that thcic weti
groans , shouts , imprecations and futll
tushes. Hut In Wellington stieet , dhtctl ;
between living theater and the Moinini
Post building , when the mountei
police and foot constables uttempto
to , as they did , capture th
icd flags nnd bi oak up the procession of Nc
3 , the latter with sticks and stones appat
ontly ptepared made a strenuous light
With admirable ditciplino the mounted con
stables sidled their horses against the mo'
using oven the sidewalks. The mob striltin
the hotscs only nuulo these restive , wh
vigoiously prancing and kicking producci
a panic , so that in a few minutes the fighter
were in fullfllght but With mapy injured , a fo\
trumped upon and some with ttuncheoi
marks on their heady. In front of Iivin
theater could ho sojcn email bpeclmcns o
hats icady for the propeity loom. Then th
dismembered processionists in the thrc
sections llltercd , as | t were , thiough bid
streets into Trafalgar squaio.
The sight now at , Trafalgar squnro wa
something to rcnietnbpr. The windows of th
Grand Victotia and Morley hotels wereblaol
with spectators. The fountains Hens and th
statue of Nelson with arms folded us i
saying to the authoVities , "England expect
every policeman to do his duty" had the bij
chain enclosed squnro all to themselves so t
speak In front of the national gallery several
oral companies of gicnadier guaids in lint
formed like England's old guuid , and fioi
Wellington b.f | aeks , hard by , weie draw-
up in line two deep. They gtoundcd arm
nnd fixed bajoncts. A squadron o
horse guntds , in shining helmet !
seal let coats , blue trousers and o
thotoughbrcd horses , were alternating wit
the mounted polke in patrolling the fou
sides of the Maiarc. Sir James Inghan
senior magistrate , at mcd w Ith a printed papc
which every spectator knew to bo the rlc
act , was tiding in ihlllim dress between tw
oflke'tii. At least four thouhHud constable1
with truncheons undraw , n were mnrshnllc
against the four sides of the vacant square.
The four thoroughfares In sight were black
vlth surging mattes of people , esti
mated by u veteran police
ofllcial to number -100,000 out of
London's 4,000,000 Inhabitants. The bulk of
ho people were meie sight seers nnd rcpio-
sented all classes of society. Nothing was
nore remarkable than the fact that whenever
itllo groups of IKMSOHS weio gathered to
gether for a moment or two the conveisatlon
hewed that the majoilty of the speakers
weio In accord with the action of the uuthorl-
, lcs mid wcro unanimous In declining
: hat the meeting In Tinfulgar squaio ought
to bo prohibited altogether. These sent- !
nents were , of comsc , not sinned by the
loughs , who were picse-nt in foicc , but
Acronotsonumcious as those who weio de
sirous of obeying the law ; though , by the
Any , those latter would have given be't-
ter evidences of the pcaceablpiipts
of their disposition by stailng away
iltogether. Thu feeling on thu pint of the
bonafldo dcmonstiatlonlsts against all the
lollcowas veiy bitter , and had they oppor
tunities of acting In conceit the hlstoiy
of this meeting might ha\o been vciy differ
ent. One hi arc man , who was willing
: o saerllico himself for thu people , said while
lanungulng- ciowd of bi other loughs , that
they could make short vvoikof thoto bluu-
coats with Just ono bomb , and his
lenicrs muttered assent and cuiscs
on the police. So admlinblo
Acre the arrangements that while the people
; iaekcd against the curbs and on the side
walks far and near thcto was space left for
all vehicle tiaftlc , which was Inteituptcd and
somevv hat dclaj ed but not stopped. The eon-
stabnlarj , how ever , concentrated all their en-
ei gies to keeping the people mov ing. In this
they were fairly successful though all their
elfoits weio doggedly resisted by a
considerable section of the mob
which hooted nnd hissed whenever n little
charge was made * The fiist uncstwas ef
fected at 3 o'clock opposite the Chan ing Ct oss
postofllco , and the offender , a rough looking
man mai died by a couple of policemengmn ded
byado eu mounted constables , to the How
stieut Jail , followed by u hostile , hooting
Fiom this hour until nightfall conflicts
weio constant and the number of injuied will
bo found in the morning linger , If ever the
total Is reckoned up. Shoitly after t o'clock
great crowds came hooting and cheering
down St. Mai tin's Lane and , notwithstand
ing the enormous mass of people ahcady
thuio found their way thiough ami
made n dcspeiatu attempt to
enter the squaio. The pohco keeping
splendid line used their batons freely and
dispcised the assailants in all dncctions
Some of the mob had piovided largo pieces
of wood , h iving demolished fencing , and
with these indicted ugly wounds on the po
licemen nnd the melee threatened to assume
seiiouspioportions. The mounted men now
did good sea vice scattering the ciowd , but
not without resistance. The mob stiuck
their hoisos with sticks , kicked the animals
on the legs and endeavored to pull the riders
off their seats. In one instance they were
successful und the unfortunate ofllcur was
literally in danger of his life for a moment ,
but his comrades promptly came to his as
sistance and ho escaped with a severe
beating. All this tlmo the crush
on the steps of St. Martin's
church along the roadway , In front of where
Duncannon street opens out onto the square ,
was fearful and the screams of women and
chltdien were hcind above the hearse shout
ing of thu combatants.
While these events weio proceeding a still
moro serious conflict was going on in the
Hnimaiket. A piocession with a band and
banners entered the Hnymarket. The inspector
specter , In chuigo of a largo force , bade
the crowd dispense. Some resisted
the police , who immediately proceeded
toditpciso the mob At fit st the latter had
thu best of it but the police i allied and
loutcd them. Banners weio tour , dtums
smashed and the pla.vers on biass scattered.
The police were foiccd to use their tiuneh-
eons. A few minutes after the row w as
over , several men with bleeding hands were
being lead by fi lends to a place of safety.
The fight was watched at the bottom of the
Hajmarket and when victory was nssuroand
the mob came running down the hill , them
was nnugly rush into Cockspur stieet and
Pall Mall east , which gave the police another
bad quarter of an hour.
Chining Cross hospital Is very near the
square. It is not too much to say that the
wounded who were brought there for treat
ment constituted almost a procession by
themselves. Many of them were conveyed
In cubs , others walked , with the assistance of
friends , and , as they arrived , the mob
cheered sympathetically. Ono or two police
men were among the injuied , and , as they
wcro assisted fiom the cabs ,
yells of tilumph moso fiom the
roughs , answeied by cheers from
the better disposed. Heio weio gathered
many men whohadbcpniii the conflicts in the
Havnmiket mid Wateiloo phco , nnd who , af
ter they had left their woundeit fnonds at
the hospital , gave highly eoloicd accounts ol
the conduct of the police to the bjstaudPis ,
The small number of injuicd pollco driven
up , as compaied with the number of civil
ians who attended for ticatment , was com
mented upon , the crowd foigctting n
a good many of the former were taken tc
neighboring pollco stations nnd their wound'
dicssed there by divisional suigcons
Hy far the gt cater number of those
who applied for suigical assistances woic
found to bo suffering from scalp wounds , In
flicted by the constables' batons , but In no
instance was thcie any injury of u iciillj
seilous nature and all applicants , with one
exception , left the hospital aftur having had
their wants attended. This exception was
thu man suffering fiom u punctuied wound
in the right buttock , which ho stated ho had
received fiom a bayonet thrust by ono ol
the guards and this statement was
declared by the attending surgeon to bo
a ci editable ono fiom the appearance
of the wound nnd a hole In the man's cloth
Ing. Altogether some seventy-six cases were
attended to at Westminster hospital1
twt nty-eight eases of scalp nnd other wounds brought in ; at St. Thomas hospital
twenty persons were admitted BUlTciiiig
from scalp wounds , four of them policemen ,
Mr. M. Kellas , chief divisional surgeon ol
pollco , stated that a jwliceman was stabbct1
in the back with a swotd stick bi
ono of the mob. Another police
man was blabbed. At Kings College
hospital PX ! poisons wcro admitted. The
twenty-three persons ai rested wcto taken to
the How street pollco station , among thpm
being Cunningham Graham , M. P , and Mr
John Burns , the socialist. The thuiges wen
mostly for assaults on the police. At King
stieot pollco station twenty-six ppisons wen
taken In for assaults upon the pollco anc
111 treating hoises. Tlio mob ehottli
after nightfall practically melted , si
quickly and quietly did they leave. Ther
the | K > lice wcro gradually dismissed and the
military returned to their barracks. As thlt
dispatch closes Trafalgar square presents i
perfectly peaceful appearance though r
small detachment of police arc blvou'aukiiii
hcio with the statues of Sir Charles Nnpler
and Sir Henry Hav clock , seemingly looking
on In mi attitude of satisfaction.
CoiiiniPiitH ill1 the Morning 1'rcsvi.
l < "i'i ' > l/'tl'i ' ' < JWiJttmcf | ( lunltin Ittmutt , ' ]
LONDON , Nov * . 14 , 5 a. in. [ New York
leinlil Cubic Special to the HFB. ]
'ho morning papers arc nbtoibcd with ac-
ounts and comments about thu riots. The
elegraph admits that the history of the
notiopolls picscnts llvo sadder pictures than
hat ptesented to the astonished piro of cltl-
ens and foielgncis on the afternoon of the
day of i cat.
Dally News blames Sir Clunles Wnr-
icr's arbltuny oideis , but praises the manly
vny In which the police can led the oideis
out. It Is bitter against the cumil for not
milling the meeting in Hjdo Ptult after the
The Post obtei ves : It is opprobrious to the
list city of the vvoild that suih scenes of ills-
coal should bo so fiequcnt , and it is all
ho gi eater Inasmuch as they aio
fomented for puieli pin ty put poses by men
who well know that icsistanco to thu con
stituted unthoiltics Is one of thu most .serums
climes The Stnndmd and Times , while
equally lamenting the disgiaco to the
iietiopolls , pinibo the police und believe the
etson of the supicmacy of the methods of
aw at this JuneUno Is pen Imps vvoith thu oc-
cuieneo. _
The General Sallies I'orth Prom Cler-
iiiont Ken anil u Kfec Man.
ITopijfy'it4S7 liJiliiifK | / fJonloil It' Illicit. ]
Ci.i UMON r Fi HH\NII , Nov 13 [ New Ymk
[ Iciald Cable Special to the- HIT ] Cleneiiil
Uoulangcr , exactly as the clock struck 12 to-
lay , buckled on his swoid and cineiged from
niest. A small but noisy ciowd collected at
.ho railway station and tiled to catch a
glimpse of him us he loft nt 7 r > 0 Hut the diovc to Uiom , ci ht miles fiom
Jleimont , thus avoiding thu ciowd , and got
into the tiam theio The general's Hist
wouls as his attest expiied weio a re
quest to keep down thueal of ill-
advised file mis. Houlangei will not
go diiect to Pans Ho will get out of the
tialn at a station near Pans and dnve to the
city in a fiiend's camigo The station
vvlicie ho ) ) i oposes to alight has been sin-
rounded with as much uiistoiy ns if it vveiu
the meeting place of a great pi i/o light in
Aniei lea , but 1 leain now that it is to bo Foil-
t.iinbleau , where , by the way , the gip it Nil
poleon also halted onco. Tlio popular gi'n- takes tins means of teaching Pai is In ot-
derto avoid a demolish at ion
The Geiintui Crown I'rinro liif'cirnipil
of His Hcrloutt Condition ,
IVfUni Tmnr * Cnnlnn llrnnrlt 1
SAN UI.MO , Nov * . 13 [ New Voik Htiald
Cable Special to the Hi.r J Tlio liitt iiitim-
alien of llto crown pinico's serious condition
wasconveicd to him on Thuisdaybv Dr
Maekeimo. The pimco listened biavely , but
he winced a lltllu and lui tied his head aside
for a moment. Ho quickly rciMinod his spit-
control , however , mid addiesting Dr.
Mackon/ic , said : "I thank you sir. " Tin-so
were the only words he uttered. Dr. Mae-
kcnziu is bcm ? f i anth ally abused lioi c He
lias oven icccived some threatening letteis ,
among others ono addicsslng him as mi "ar
rogant stranger" atid bidding him to beware
of tlio wrath of the German nation. The
courage and coolness fdiown by the
tiown prince are simply hcioio. Ho
cats well too well , in laet nnd
diinksChietl wmo fieelv As n rule Iho
prince r ites early and takes his meals w ith
either the riown pi me ess or one of his
daughteis The doctors do their utmost to
discourage gcncial hinnly galbeiiiigs. as
tending to piomoto touveisation. The
piincu's throat is now repotted a tiillo
John Hi ilit Opposes Land Piui-linse.
LONDON , Nov. 13 John Hiight wittesa
long letter protesting against any land pur-
chiisc act for Ii eland. Ho i onteiids that the
Ashbouruu act , impiovod if neccssaiy , will
sei v o all purposes lei a giadiial tiansfprof
thu land to thu tenants , when such is needed
The Fornipr nnd lite.
Imtlcr Fa\oted ion.
Ni.w YOIIK , Nov. 18 [ TolPgiam
to tlio Hi r ] In leplj to itipiests for llieit
views on iho execution of tlio Chicago an-
at chlsts , Gladstone and Houlangor have ca
bled the following to the editor ol the Woild :
HAWUIIII N , Nov. It ! Iiegiet not to have
compichensivo knowledge ol the uitinii-
stantcs , without whiih I fear an opinion
fiom mo would bo wholly valueless.
{ Signed ] WlMIVMK Gl.UlsTONP.
Ci i HMONT Fi uitvNi ) , Nov * . It ! Much flat
tered by iour iiqupst foi inv opinion. I
hold thai , as gudtv of an oflonso against
common law , the C'hicigo anaii lusts meiiti d
severe puiiishinent , but with lefeietieo to the
sc-nti-nco wlmh lias been piononm-ed , 1
should , taking into lonsideiatlon the politic al
concomitants ot the case , have Joined my
fi lends in Pai is in petitioning foi a commnta
tion of thu penult } of death.
[ Signed ]
Paj INK Hack Stolen Money.
NrvYomc , Nov. Ill [ Special Telepinin
to the HHWhen ] Latimer 11. .lonesion
fesscd to HenJ.ttnin L. Ludington fhal ho had
forged the paper on which Ludintrlon had
advanced him $ i ) ' > 7XK ( ) at vaiious times , ibi'
two men and John T. Martin , nnolhci c u di
tor of Jones , cnteicd into a tiust agieeimiil
Undoi this agiei-mi'iit all of .lones1 pi open ty
and his wife's InlPietl in lur Ittthei's ( state
woio plaei-d in thu hands ot Mm till as
tiiisteo Under this aiiaiigemint Liidinglon
is to bo p lid $100,000 in four } eais and i'H- ( )
0K ( ) within two vt-ars moie Ludington said
yesterdav : "Ho admitted to mo shoith
after ho Imd cPnft-sKod that the notes I had
indoiscd wi-io principally eithei loigi-doi
ftftltlous , that hu expeited to ( fit twentj1
} eaisforlt. I think hu ought tOReivcthi :
state that lung at least. " Ludlngton alsi
said thai ho believed that Jones had most ol
the money , of which he had dcfiaudcd him ,
Colonel Grant' * Future.
NKW Youic , Nov. 13 ISpecml Tclcciani
to the Bci : . ] In togaid to the repoit that hi
had been olTuiud a position in the Pullman
Palace Car company , Colonel Ftcd Gianl
says : "Some tlmu ago Mr Pullman said time
mo that hu would llku to have mu at the tow n
of Pullman , and I replied that I would tic
pleased to bo attached to thu company Hr
rofeiied to the subjeel once or tvvico Mihso
qucntly , but no definite pioposillonvas o\ei
made and so the matter has dioppud at , fai ; v-
I am toncurncd "
CHICAGO. Nov. 1.1 This week's issin ol
the l\uim is Heiviow will sav : K potisol
the last foui weeks on the iiiimbci of hogs
and cattle on latins in Illinois , Indiana , Io'vat
Missouri , Kansas , Nebraska , \Visionsin ami
Michigan shows " smaller number of lmii- ;
than usual in some states , but no maton.i !
change in the number of cattle , and that Die1
hog tholoia Is much Icis ptcvalent that ; ' .u' '
year. _ _ her
For Ntbtasku : Fair weather ,
warmer , except m cxttenio eastcin poition
statlonaty tcmpctatuio , light vat hiblo winds
For Iowa : Fair weather , light to fied
westerly winds , beLOining variable , statiuit
ary temporatute.
ForDakoU : Warmer , fair Vr foi
lowed by local rainb or snow , lijit to In si
variable ; winds.
The General Land Commissioned
Proposes to Dlo Game.
Don M. DIckiiiNiin , of Dcttolt , Niuncef
ns II10 Next PostiniiNletScueml
The President P
Ills 3lct"WH ( % .
The SimrkN-Lamnr Scrap.
WASHINGTON , Nov li ! [ Special Telegram
o the inc. ] As pit-dieted by the Hiu special
ast night , Land CommlsHloncT Spntks lti
Wills U ) defend himself befoluliuis folXCI
out of hi * petition , and them iiinj bou llit-t <
class low. Todii.vs Post ( mlmhiistnition or
run ) , In 11 two eolumd attlilu on thu Laimtr *
jparks difficulty , has thit. "Mi Sparks will
ight , mul not ictlgii Ho lmn no ilonbtot ,
ibout the put foil piopiiely of thu letters to
which Societal } Lamm's phlllippic was 11 10-
ily. It it eeituln tliut ho will upholil thnb
otter anil bis whole guiicinl coin so to tlto
jcsl of his po\\er , mul it is le.isoimlilo to bo-
love that , holding lilmtolf to bo right , ho
will not considei hluisulf bouiul to resign
simply beeuuso ho hns received netter
otter fioni the scvtetniy urging
ilm to that course. . General Spaika
\\ill piobabl } light mul ho will like ! } nialio
a statement for publication on Monday. Vet
so nnii h In the whole iiflalr icgmdod asset-
tied that thei o was mot e spot illation } i stoi day
icgaiding the identity of Sp.nhs' successor
tliuu thoiouiso that Sp.nks would .
ipopt. Thogeneial belief was that , wlmt-
e\ei he. in it-lit do , hound to go. The
[ lositlon of the commissioner of the gonoial
land ufllio has as.ihni of WKK1 ( a j ear , but
its power mul Importance mo inimeastitably
gieatei than Ihe sahn.v. " In the opinion of
the 1'ost and the lot ill puts gtnciallv , as
ofllccis in thu intci tor department , Assistant
Commissioner btocltsl.ijei will suceccil
Sp.u Us _
Tlie Cumini * PoMiiinster General.
W\SUIMIION , Nov 1.1 [ Special Telegram
to the Hi r J It scorns to have been doll-
ultclj settled that Don M Dickinson , of
Deli olt , it to bo the ito\t postm.istcr genuuil.
Tlio pi. u i1 WMs olloicd to DiiKintoii about six
weeks ago He at lltst dii'llm-d on nccount
of his de-she to continuo his law pi.utico , bub
upon be-in , * iipe.itedl } tilled to accept by the
picsldt'iit 4iud thcpiesout postmustui gcnoinl ,
ho at hist said that ho would go back to Detroit -
troit and consult his ft lends mid that ho
would be govinned by their ndvlic. Ono of
Ins fuundt hcio Is said to ha\o iccelvod a
lottei icsteidav fiom Dickinson , In which ho
announces that ho has concluded to accept
thoollho. It is icpoited that the letter in-
fount tills fi icnd that 1m lias notitlod the
president of his detei mi nation. If this Is
tiuc and the HOIII 10 fiom which the Information -
tion ionics is cntircU tiiistwoitby , Mr.
Lamar will bo nominated foi the supreme
bi noli ssmi after the boiinto meets At the
same tune the name ot Vilas will be sent to
the senate im the neeiotniislnp of the in
terior and Dickinson will bo niimeil fur
postmaster genc-inl. Dickinson IB
C'xpccted hero within a few thus.
Domoci.its hoio expiess Iho bclic-f that the
appointment of the Michigan statesman to a
position in the cabinet means that thoiu Is to
bo n campaign for blood next jcar. They
Innkupoii DlcKinson as a JutToisonlnn demo
crat upon whom theio me no mugwump Hies ,
and thei piediit that the icsult ot his ontiy
to the cabinet will bo a campaign conducted
fiom headqnarti is Somehow tlicio soeina
to bo an impiettion among the mugwump nd-
hi'ionts ot the .idmittiation that with thu nd-
\ent of Dickinson theio will bo less ad-
heii neoto the tenets of i ivll sciviic lefoun
mid thev seem to think that the Michigan
man is an ogio who will do lushest to 11111 the
lainimign next . .veinm the good , old-fash
ioned manner. Kepublicans who ha\o ex-
PH hsetl any views on the subject sav that
judging liom the lesults ol Diikinson'a
management In Miihlgan UIP.V havullttln
to fiom him at the head of thu national
on the Mei-Miijc.
WASHING rev , Nov. 1 1 [ Special Telegram
10 the Hi i ] The pic'tidc'iit has already
commenced his met , age and Is having daily
consultations with the mcmbPisofhis cabinet
over official inuttcis that will bo tiontcil
thi'icln. It Is understood that Speaker
Cailislp will bo split for or has boon sent for
ahcady to confoi upon the most iinpoitant
tojilc to bo discussed the i eduction of the
surplus. Hit. views nio well known , but the
pi psident is anxious to find somu basis upon
which the demo i nits in the house i an bo 111-
duccd to ugico. That is almost impossible.
hut hu ahcady has the views of
Congicssniaii Scott and othi'is and many
siiggistioiis fiom his political fi lends in No-
biaska. Mi Fanthild will go to Now Voile
l > efoio Ins icport is lomplntcd to consult
with Jimini i il Ipadus time Thi'io is no
doubt that Mr C'ai lisle will bo eluttil
speakpr iif-ain. Them is not thosliuhest sign ,
of opposition , and the Hist thing IIP will do
ntlor being swoin in will bo to call Williani
D Kpllto , the i hair and ask htm to appoints
ihu coinmitteo on elections to i onsider mid
immediately ait upon the claims of Mr ,
Thobotolho seat ofCmlislo. The speakeq
wants tliut uisu decided bofoie IIP peifoimt
an1 , moro ollhial nits than mo .ibsolutcl-/
ncicssmy for the organ /atlon ol the hoiibo *
1'oHtlil kei-\ice hell'-SiiiH ] | > rllliK.
W\siiiNnTON , Nov i'l [ Sped il Telegram
to tholSi r 1Few 1 IIIPII will enjoy the satls
faction I'obtmnstpr dencral Vllas will feuj
when ho laj.4 down his postolllcu department
poitfolio. Ills third annual icpoit is pracv
tiially completed , oxccjit in such paitleulaif
as ho desiios to consider In romp my wlthhl4
successor. Thu books of the department
Miow that , foi the ihst tune. In the hisloty ofi
the country , the postnl scivlio is now on a
splfiupiioi ting basis Tlio postal deildency
.IUIIP ; ) , \ < iH\ \ , was l/MHi.tXX ) This was ro-i
ilucoil dm ing the \vai ending .lunoiiO , IShT , to
IPSS than lMK/Hi ( ) < l , An eipuil 1 1 dm tinn w ill ,
hu m.tdo dm ing the cm i cut i i ar , MI that the
dellucmy will ho but flHJO ( , ( Ht When It Is
iPinunbeicd that "O.UUO go\piniiicnt of-
Ih liils all over the country UHP the malls frca
foi public buslni'ss at a cost of * JfXXK ) ( )
je.'nlj , it can bo seen at once that the postoN
IliiMlppaitinentls piautiiallv sPlf suppuitliif
at this lime , and , bi the end of thp ji-ur , wil >
show a prollt of upwards of SI.OOO.ixX ) This
piosppious ipsult , ( Jtncial A'llas sujs , Is duo
to the great business acthitj and piospoltjj
of the i omit iv ' 1 ho stump rates have la-
creased 10 pci < cut , which 1" almost double
the usual Incrcaso
( < ( HaiH'ouk's Willow.
WinvoroN , Nov 1. ) [ .Spotlitl Tologiwm
to the HUK 1After 1 Oenoial H.iiikcock died
thuio a fund laisc'd to imrUmso u icsl-
dcnco for his widow In this 'city Mrs.
Hancock was sent for und bolocted u no\ #
house then In p.'ous * , of erection In the fusH-
lonubln qua * lur of ttio clly , Ono of thu Sun *
dui papoiH afc-rts , liowovcr , that the housu
has inn 01 bcni bought , that Mrs. Hancock ]
has shipped hci ruinltuiu hero , uxpettlnff
that It would bo icady for her to occupy !
b foiu the cold season set In , hut that th
goods had to bo sent to a btoiuhousoamlMrH.
llmicoi k Is stopping with u fi lord mulouu
Utiir : , , vhy the iked it. nut Klveu her. '
Ni. VCKK , Nov 1J. [ Special
to the ] Jii' : | Ariivcd The Aaranla ,
I.hciool | , the Douieoyne , from Havrn ; tha
Hi Igi phiml , fiom Antwoip ) thu TliIntpaU .
I MI t i.iinliaf'cn | }
' Ji 1,1 N t < tv. . Nov. 13 Ait 1 veil The Lord
la > iif.i ! , li'om I'mlnduIpUla.