Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1887, Page 9, Image 9
1 THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1887. - PAGES , FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ! WORTH OF CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS , JL < " -/J T3"1 i ! Owing to our removal and change in business we aije offering our entire stock of Ready-Made Cloth ing for Men , Boys and Children , Gents' Furnishing Goods , Hats , Caps , &c. , at a REDUCTION OF 25 PER CENT ON OUR PLAIN MARKED FIGURES. This is No Advertising Scheme - But Fact Call soon and get some of the Bargains we are offering , as the store must be vacated forthwith. CO. - ' 1216 Farnam Street Omaha . , - - - - - , BRIDES AND BRIDEGROOMS , An Unwilling Groom How a Con vict Remarried HisWifo. A MOCK MARRIAGE UNTIED A True rove Match A Fnltliloss Uuiilllc-Iinrrclcil Marriage A. Mecca For llrUlul Couples. Wedded. Cora /.Inn Ditnttlt. Oh , mighty Joy ! Oh' wondrous rcstl Thine dear , to bo at last ( or uyol My fulth'ull won , my love confessed , Anil fears dim ghosts of yesterday. No more alone I Thy soul and mine , So Joined that , folded heart to heart , We count no future more divine , Nor feel they ever dwelt up.irt. Thy royal mind its kingdom yields , That I , poor beggar at the gate , Mny , curried through its harvest fluids , He queen of nil its fair estate. No mirthful fancy , pure desire , No brave , ilrm purpose , hidden still , No sudden touch of passion's lire , But bends to serve mo us I will. Hero in the moonlight , clear and cold , Thy grand yet tender face doth seem The image of some god of old , The deep entrnncemcnt of n dream. Yet with some light and fleeting charm , . Or some poor show of uuclent pride , A dewy lip , n snowy arm , Oh , love , I know thou'rt satisfied. Held in thine arms so warmly closed , The outer world sounds faint and far : Thus blest how many have reposed I Our loves are not as others arc. They know not this ecstatic pain , Tills sharp , keen bliss they cannot know , The past oh , never conic again ! The future let the future go I Together ! what arc words to show The heavenly meaning of the hourl The light , the rapture , and the glow , The subtle scnso of newer power ; The speechful silences , and speech Too fond for other hearts to hear ; Tliti harmony of each in each , God knoweth I do love theedcarl An Unwilling Groom. San Fnmcisco Examiner : "Why can't you wait a few months ; it will do Justus well then us now , " baid a well dressed young man to his companion , a young lady in a black and white costumein the corridor of the city hall yesterday after noon. "No , I won't wait another day , " said the young lady ; "tlioro is the place to pot the licons-o , and we can go right up jtairs and get married by ono of the " > % judges , ' "Say , May , you can wait just as well B8 not ; nuclei am not in a position to bo harnessed just now , and a few months will not make any material diltercnco to you. " "I tell you I will not wait another day ; " and by the determined look which nettled across the face of the maiden her companion must have- realized that further rcsiHtenco was useless , for ho accompanied her to thomarriago-liconso ofllco , whore Cupid Wiseman issued a Ik'oiiBO , entitling E. C. ConlilT , of Now Orleans , twonty-hoven years old , to wed May Clark , nged twenty-two , of Eureka Springs , Ark. ConlilT did not entirely give up his hopes of getting the lady to consent to wait a while , but all his persuasion was vain ; she would not have it , but firmly conducted him to the chambers of Judge Finn. Not having a witness , the ceremony could not bo performed , but Miss Clark would not leave , and the judge , wishing to accommodate the lady , wont in the corridor and secured the services of two reporters. This proved to bo another opportunity for an objection , for when ConlilT learned that the witnesses were reporters ho said ho would defer the ceremony until ho could secure his own friends , as ho did not wish any notoriety. The newspaper men told him how foolish ho was to let Huch a little thing stand in the way of his happiness , and as the lady was willing to niivo them present ho had no right to object. But ho remained obdurate and till de parted. The lady , however , was not to bo balked so easily , and would not leave the hall a miss. Finally they mot Max Warschaucr , who is noted for his wil lingness to arrange matters in which Cupid is concerned. Ho secured satis factory witnesses and the ceremony was performed. The young lady appeared to be very happy when she left the hall and took a car with her husband , who , in spite of his unwillingness to marry , could not help feeling proud of his wife. How a Convict Hc-innrrlcd Ills Wife. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 30.-In 1879 Wil liam L. Wheeler , a prosperous stock- tradcr of Miama county , Kan. , and Miss Wilson , daughter of a wealthy farmer , mot accidentally in Kansas City , whore the young man had taken a drove of mules , and the girl was visiting with an old school friend. When they re turned home , much against her father's wishes , they wore married. Six months later the husband failed in business and went to Texas , promising his wife to come after her when ho became settled. Several months after his arrival there ho became involved in an un fortunate fight in which a man was killed. Wheeler was convicted of the murder on circumstantial evidence purely and was sentenced to servo fif teen years in the San Antonio peniten tiary. The father-in-law at once ad vised his daughter to apply for a di vorce. She finally yielded and obtained an absolute divorce and the restoration of her maiden name. Upon September 19 last , the governor signed the pardon of Wheeler and ho was released. When ho entered the penitentiary , being well educated , ho was placed in the dispensary depart ment and there became a good pharma cist. Upon his release his Fort' Worth friends raised a subscription and set him up in the drug business. On Thursday last the young man re turned to Kansas and wont to claim his wife , ignorant of the divorce proceed ings of years before. His advent cre ated a sensation but his father-in-law drove him away with a shot gun. Sat urday afternoon ho wont to Lyndon , whore Miss Wilson mot him , and the two drove to Quonomo , where they took the train for Ottawa. The groom tried tosccuro _ a , license there late Saturday night , but failed to find his honor the judge. At 10 o'clock ho applied to ono of the justices and tried to persuade him to perform the ceremony without a license - cense , the squire would not hear to it , and yesterday they were married tit Platho. Wheeler is twenty-nine years old and in the bloom of manhood , but during his term in prison his hair tu > tied snow white. A Mock Marriage Untied. EAU CLAIUU , Wis. , Nov. 9. A great social sensation was recently created here , and iij other cities where the lady in the case is well known , by the marri age in fun of Miss Clara Foster ( daugh ter of Millionaire Foster , this county ) to Edward Foss , station agent at Fair- child. Interest is added to the case by the fact that the charming young lady has a twin sister who so closely resem bles her that many are unable to toll the two apart , ana the sister who had nothing to do with the escapade has ox- porienecd as much annoyance as Mi&s Clara , who did not leave her room for several days after the affair , while Mr. Foss , who is a gay grass widower , was at times quite uncertain which girl ho had married. It was at first supposed by the distracted bride that the only way to escape was to bo formally di vorced. The matter has now been sot- led after some worry. The rumor that Mr. Foss was demanding $ .500,000 from the young lady's father us a condition of release being quite unfounded , as Mr. Foss is too much of a gentleman. A plan was de vised in n consultation ot the village wiseacres and lawyers with assistant counsel from Augusta and Eau Claire. It was concluded that a divorce was not necessary , but that all parlies must go on record as havingcjigagedin the mar riage ccrcmon'J without any serious In tent and merely as a jest. Accordingly , bride , groom and justice of the peace made solemn affidavits to that effect , and the bride and groom "exchanged receipts. " as it were. Of course , this remedy may bo legally wicked , and it was probably advised by the lawyers simply to quiet agitation. They acted rather as physicians than as lawyers. At any rate , the matter ic considered as settled in this wayand the millionaire's lovely daughter smiles through her tears of vexation and grief. "It's all fixed now , " exclaimed her twin sister ( they are just nineteen ) , "and Clara will never do such a thing again. I think it's horrid to have your own twin sister get married in fun , and to bo caught in earnest ! O , it makes mo shiver ! " Both the young ladies are highly accomplished and popular , and the villagers have hardly yet got through congratulating them on their escape from the rather serious consequences quences of an innocent joke. A True I eve Match. A Detroit ( Mich. ) dispatch says : Mrs. Oarfield has in Mrs. R. Haw ley , of Wil lis avenue , this city , a valuable friend , who gives an interesting version of Mrs. Garfield's call to Europe , and of the re lations between the Garlleld family and Stanley Brown , the late president s pri vate secretary , who was reported to bo engaged to Miss Mollie Garlicld. This knowledge comes from private letters from Mrs. Garfield , and from personal intercourse with the Garfield family and Mr. Brown , allot whom were guests of Mrs. Hawley during the summer at her homo in Godeich , Ont. Harry Garfield is engaged to marry a Miss Mason , who , with her twoyounger sisters , is in England , and ho cabled his mother to come over on account of Miss Mason's illness. The marriage of Mr. Brown and Miss Garfield was not expected to take place before next summer at the earliest. It is the present expectation of Mrs. Garfield - field and her daughter to bo in Mentor , O. , by the Christmas holidays. There could , therefore , have been'iio thought of escaping from the wedding by mak ing a trip to Europe. Mrs. Hawley is also in a position to know that the en gagement is the result of genuine love on both sides. A Fuithlc-hH Ijov > r. A correspondent to the Now York World writes : The town was excited Sunday over the fact that ono of Win- throp's most estimable .young ladies had been deserted by her faithless lover al most on the eve of her wedding day. Great indignation prevailed , and if thu the excited townsmen could have put their hands on the recreant swain matters would have gone hard with him. Six or seven years ago a young man hailing from somewhere in East Maine visited Winthrop and became acquainted with a Winthrop girl , the daughter of a respected citi/.en. This acquaintance had lasted about six weeks , when the young man wont west. It is certain that for the past year or moro ho has been located at Helena , Mont. , where ho is said to have moved in good society. During all these years , too , he seems to have found a place in his memory for his Winthrop love , and has constantly written the young lady during his entire - tire absence , and the young lady has re plied to his letters in kind. Recently their correspondence has been of a vigorous kind , and when the young man wrote insisting on n wedding this fall the young woman , with her father's knowledge , gave her consent. This done she gave up u clerkship in a millinery establishment and went to work getting her clothes ready and af fairs settled generally for her approach. ing marriage. About the first week in October the young man put in an appear ance and was warmly greeted tit the girl's homo. The young lady introduced him to her friends in Winthrop and oven took him to see her relatives in Monmouth. Ho also took her to Dexter and introduced her there to his own family. On their return to Winthrop , about October 17 , the banns were published and the license was to hove been issued Saturday. Thursday morning , quite early , the voting man greeted his in tended wife's family pleasantly andtell- ing his bride-elect that he thought ho would run down to the village and have a chat with old friends , ho went out. Returning in the afternoon he bade a light farewell and was gone. That was the last seen of him in the girl's homo , as he hastened to the station and took the 10:112 : train for Boston , writing from the train to the express agent at Win throp to go to the girl's homo and get his trunk and valise , which ho wished forwarded him an Somerville , Mass. When afternoon came the deceived girl watched in vain for her lover , little dreaming of his conduct until she had read a note which he had mailed her and which reached her the same day. In the note this cool trifler calmly an nounced "that things hadn't turned out just to suit him and 'ho ' had concluded not to get married just yet. " Of course the young woman was some what overcome at first , but on reflection she cheered up and carne to the conclu sion that she had bad a narrow escape from a bitter future. The people hero were far from taking 'such a calm view of the matter , having known the father and daughter all their lives. To-day A crowd of forty men got together and avowed thc'ir intention , in the absence of the culprit , of seizing his baggage and burning it up , together with his elligy. These were all men of middle age and well known in business circlcH hero. The father , who is a very sick man , did not wish , however , to give up , the property , and in deference to his' ' wishes the scheme was abandoned , Ono of Winthrop's richest citizens has offered to buy all the tar and feathers necessary to coat the young man should he appear here again. A nridcRrnom in Splints. Mr. William Lundio , superintendent of the Consolidated Gas company's works at Forty-second street and the North river , Now York , was pretty badly shaken up when the Rossovclt hospital surgeons picked him out of the debris of the retort house Sunday , Oc tober 1C. and put him in their ambu lance. His left leg was fractured and his scalp was lacerated. After the Roosevelt hospital doctors had put twelve stitches in his scalp and placed Mr. Lnndic's left leg in plaster of Paris splints , tlloy admitted to Mr. Lundie's bedside the young lady to whom ho is engaged , and to whom ho was to have been married the day following the col lapse of the gas house. But Mr. Lundio and his sweetheart talkt-d " the matter over in the hospital , and" finally concluded to put the wed ding off for one week. So all last week the young lady called to see Mr. Lun die ; and the surgeons smiled , and the other patients in the ward smiled , be cause the surgeons knew and had told the patients that Mr. Lundio wouldn't bo able to leave the hospital for weeks and weeks to romo. But the visits of the young lady worked a wonderful effect on Mr. Lun die , and yesterday morning ho toldHho doctors that he was going to be married on that day. "But you can't , " said the doctors. "But I shall , " wiid ho. "But you musn't , " said they. "But I shall , " ho repeated ; and when the young lady didn't pay her morning call as usual , the doctors began to see that oven they had to stand aside when Ctipid , M. D. , was managing the case. \csterdaynftornoontho doctors put fresh bandages on Mr. Lundio's head , un'l two men carried him and his bed A Great CATASTROPHY ! OF OUR 4,15 , 17 & 18 SUITS TO This IB the cheapest lot of goods ever sold in Omaha. If you want a suit of clothes , buy now , , as this cut will only las 10 DAYS. OVERCOATS for $6.50 , $7.50 , $9 and $1O ; worth double the price. THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING CO. LEADING CLOTHIERS , 1308 FARNAM STREET down stairs and put them into an ambu lance. A doctor sat on the tailboard and a driver climbed up in front , and so , in a rattling ambulance , Mr. Wil liam Lundio rode to his homo , whore ho was married to the woman of his choice , just ono week after the doctors had pre dicted that ho wouldn't do anything of the sort. uMr. and Mrs. Lundio are now on their wedding trip , and it is not to the hos pital , either. A Double Barreled Marriage. Atlanta , Ga. , Dispatch to New York World : The Catholics of this city are astounded to learn that Martin Amor ous , a prominent member o' their church , had been married to a Miss Williams under a ceremony performed by Rov. P. H. MoMahon , a Catholic priest , and Rov. J. U. Hawthorne , a Baptist preacher. Doubt was expreesed as to whether , in the face of the laws of the Catholic church , Father McMahon had assisted at such n ceremony at all. The correspondent called on Father MeMahon , who paid : "Tho report is false. I had nothing to do with Dr. Hnwthorno. I would not lend myself to violating the law of the church , even by indirection. Mr. Amorous ar ranged with mo to olllciato at his marriage. The bride signed the agreement usual in case of mixed mar riages that her children should be reared in the Catholic faith. I married the couple and hold the marriage license , which I will turn in to the proper ollicors to-morrow. I am positive that Dr. Hnwthorno did not marry them before they came to mo , and as for any thing which may have happened after wards it amounts to nothing. " Dr. Hawthorne was then sought , and from him it was then learned that the couple had been remarried by him on their drive back from Father ilcMahon's residence ; that he' knew nothing , how ever , of the previous marriage ; that ho also was in possession of a marriage license" , whicn ho shbuld' have placed upon record. This developed the curi ous fact that Armorous had taken out two licenses , had been married twice to the same lady , and that while ho is abroad upon a wedding tour ho leaves the clergymen behind him struggling to place on record their respective licenses. A Mecca for Hrldal Couples. New York Telegram : Marriages at the city hall are of daily occurrence. Persons of all nationalities conio there to have the nuptial knot tied. These votaries of Hymen arc of all ages , from the miss of sweet sixteen to the gray haired matron , and from the man of sixty to the youth of twenty. Early in the forenoon Italian bridal parties , and they are the most numerous of anycomo trooping down the city hall corridors to the chamber assigned for nuptial cer emonies. There the matrimonial clerk , Mr. Henry Van Pelt , makes out the marriage certificate , and when an ac commodating city father comes along to officiate , the waiting couple arc made one. one.Somo of the aldermen have con scientious scruples about marrying per sons , but the majority of them rather like the dignity of the thing and per form the ceremony with all the solemn gravity of a bishop. Alderman Walker has married moro couples than any other member of the board. The linguist of the common council , however , Alderman Conklin , unites couples in half a dozen lan guages. Alderman Flynn has a peculiar idea. Ho will not marry a widow whoso late spouse has not been dead at least ono year , but ho always gives the aldermanic - manic blessing. The civil marriage is rarely sought by persons of Irish birth. CONN L HI A tilTIES. Kcllar , the magician , was married at Kala- mnzoo. Mich. , last Tuesday to Miss Eva L. Medley , of San Francisco. Miss Lottie Roebuck , a Georgia girl , dl appeared on the night before her wedding day. No trace of her has been found. A tailoring firm at Orawfonlavlllo adver tises that a marriage license will ho given to every young man who will buy his wedding suit of them. Senator Hawley after his marrlago will with his bride ho n guest of Mr. Charles Dudley Warner at Hartford before the open ing of congress. A young man who had been compelled to marry u girl at Jamestown , N. Y. , shot him self througli the head us soon as the cere mony was concluded. > A Michigan belle , who was jilted by her lover , has brought suit against him for $3.000. Two thousand of this Is for her lacerated heart-strings the remainder to reimburse her for her trossoau expenditures. In a police station nt Norfolk , Va. , ono morning recently a young man , who had been Jailed the night before for drunkenness , begged the authorities to keep his numo se cret us ho was going to bo married that night. A young man at Xenla , O. , deserted his bride on the day of his wedding , and got as far as Cincinnati , when his heart failed him , and ho turned back. The wedding was several hours late , but the bride was made happy. An Indiana young man. after making love to two girls , borrowed money of ono to pay the expenses of marrying the othor. Ho need not bo snrpi ised if his wife soon offccs to pay his fair creditor double the sum loaned him to take him oil her hands. A young man at Tiflln. O. , courted a young lady until 1 o'clock in the morning. When ho started to go homo ho found the door fastened with wires so that ho could not open It. When ho tried to crawl out of a window ho was arrested as a burglar , and had to bo identified by the girl. A colored man of Smlthvlllc , Ga. . finding that his lady love had been locked In the house by her father , climbed down the chim- ni y. The father , on returning , discovered the dusky Adonis with his daughter , besmeared with soot. "Du ain't up usoinstoppin' doin , " said the old man. "no dcbbil Is uftor dom , but do Luwd work wid um. L'cm go along. " The new fad In wedding presents has about ruined an otherwise happy couple in Phila delphia. They received 200 presents and there wasn't anything nmdo of the precious metals in the entire collection , which was cut glass and bric-a-brac , and there was so much of this bulky and Intrinsically worth less stuff that their house will not hold It , and they will bo compelled to build on a woodshed in which to store it. A gentleman once wrote to a lady whom ho had offended by his dilatorincss and who for a long time had refused to speak to him. His letter was earnest in supplications for for giveness. It concluded with "Ono word from your lips will make mo happy. When and where will you speak iU" Her answer was "Next Wednesday at the altar. " To which ho sent the following reply : "I will bo there. " A young man of Nantlcokc. Pa. , became engaged to a highly connected young lady , and elaborate preparations were made for their wedding on a certain date. The minister and guests were all assembled ; the hour came , but the groom did not , nor has ho yet appeared. Ho sent a note to a friend , which read as follows : "I love Nora dearly and would like to wed her , but something tells mo that I must not. O , if I could only drive off this fooling. I believe In my heart that I am not good enough for the girl. " It is believed that the young miniwho is a very bashful man , was afraid to face the lurgo wedding party. IlETjIGIOUS. Of the 800 Baptist churches in Now York state over COO arc without pastors. The "Peter's Pence" collections In the archdiocese of Philadelphia aggregate about 120,000. The jubilee of Congregationalism Is being celebrated this year in some of the Austral asian colonies. The Reformed church In Hungary has ex isted since the time of the great Reforma tion in the Sixteenth century. The sensation produced by Ilov. Charles H. Spurgeon's secession from the Baptist communion is considerable. A Sioux Indian missionary says there are 2,000 Sioux converts now living , and an ecjual number have died in the faith. A Chinese tcmplo costing $15,000 has been erected in San Francisco and dedicated with all the barbaric splendor of Pagan ritualism. The nine hundredth anniversary of the In troduction of Christianity into Russia will bo celebrated in 1SS8 by the baptism of a grand duke. The steeple of St. .lames' church , Newark , Is said to bo the tallest tower in Now Jersey. Its height is 243 feet from the sidewalk to tha gilt cross on the top. A man has been discovered at Portland. Mo. , who has been for many years a secret agent of the Mormon church. It Is said that ho has nmdo a number of converts in Muino and Massachusetts. In the eight years Just past the American Sunday school union has established in the Indian territory 17 ! ) Sunday schools with 073 teachers and O.iWl scholars. The work has been extended among eleven tribes , with each 11 different dialect. A column of brick masonry about twenty feet high is still standing , overgrown with ivy , amid a group of line old trees on the James river. It Is all that remains of the llrst church erected by Englishmen la America and was erected by the Jaincstowa colony in 1(110. ( The met hod 1st Episcopal church has In Kansas ! l'l ' ) traveling preachers , 70 adnllttcd on trial and 51' ) local preachers. It has 57,200 church members , 12,81 ! ) probationers , f 1,813- 010 worth of church property. Its Sunday schools number 785 with 8,58' ! oOIccrs and teachers , and 02,238 scholars. The fall convention of Jewish ministers' association will meet In New Yoik , Novem ber 38 and 29. Addresses will bo made and papers read by Dr. Ootthoil on "Somo Pas sages in Kohclett. " Dr. Kohut , "Talmudlq Analeika : " Dr. Wise , "Jewish schools hi Ancient Times ; " Dr. S/old. Baltimore ; Dr. Hothlehoim , Baltimore , "Tho Prophet Nr- liuin ; " Dr. Jastrow , Philadelphia , "Tho Duty of Congregations to Provide Congrega tional Privileges for the Poor ; ' , Dr. Lcucht , Newark , "Congregational Partlcidatlon la Public Worship1' ; Dr. Morris , Philadelphia- Dr. Aaron , "Tho Prophet Jeremiah. " nitlGHT IilTTIE FOLKS. Mother You must put your dolly away to-day , Flossie. It's Sunday , you know. Flossie I'm Just playingsho's dead , mamma , and we're having a funeral , A little girl in a primary school was asked to tell tno difference between the words feist and foot. She said , "Ono feet is a foot , and u whole lots of foots Is u foci. " "Tliero are fire gold dollars , Raid old Hearty to his young grandson ; ono for each of your birthdays. What moro could a little shaver like s-ou wish j" "Only that I was as old as you , graudpa , " replied the young finan cier. cier.Littlo Little Ruth sat at table and heard each re mark made as the plates wore passed. Ono wanted a "small piece , " another "a very little tlo , " etc. When It came to her turn she reached her plate out eagerly towards the coveted food. "I'll ' take too much , If 'oo pease , papa , " she said with naive sincerity. A certain Sunday school superintendent goes to see little Clara's big sister qtiito often. "Children , " said ho to the school last Sunday , "wo are told in your leaflets to day to love the Lord. Do you know what love 1st" "It's when j'ou hug my sister la the parlor , sir , " spoke up Clura from thq front row. Papa to Adelaide ( whoso mamma Is away for a few day ) : "Wo miss mamma awfully , don't wo , Adelaide. " Adelaide ( hcsltut * ingly ) : "I don't know , papa ; probably you' ' do , but she fusses so , I think it tries my nervous system. " At another time a stiimgo child was introduced to the tiny hostess witll injunctions as to his entertainment. With a superb dignity the suggestions were checked by : "My dear , I have played with children all my life. " } The conversation had been about children In general , and the mother told the following story about her own child , a little tot not moro than three years of ago : "Tho other night she was kneeling bv my side and sayIng - Ing her prayer of 'Now 1 lay mo down to sleep. ' She got as fur as 'If I should die before - * fore I wake , ' she stopped , and being In a hurry to place her in bed , I said , 'Well , go on , what comes next ? ' The little eyes were sparkling with earnestness and deep thought , and after having apparently settled the question In her own mind , she said In her baby way , 'A foonoral. " Charlie , agoeight , brought homo a slinking ; yellow pup , bow-legged , droppiug-tailcd and shame-faced. He cared for in tenderly , fixed a dry-goods box in the back yard for a ken nel , and on every possible occasion exhibited the animal pi oudly. His sister , Ella , ago eighteen , asked him facetiously : "Whore did you get that dog ! " "I bought him from a man for 25 cents , " with the pride of owner * , ship. "Mercy 1 The Idea of paying 25 cents for that horrible beast 1" Charlie's cyca flashed indignantly. "He isn't horrid , That shows how much a girl knows. The man told mo ho is a full-blooded cur. " PERKINS , GATCH & LAW 1514 Farnam Street , Near Paxton Building. Fine Sets in China and Porcelain. Art Goods from all Countries. Fine Cut Glass and Silver. Lamps and Chandeliers. Brass , Bronze and Copper. <