Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    - - - -
tsj TTIITT---.T
The cost of goods not considered. Don't miss this sale. Bargains offered in every department. Now
is the great time to buy your Dry Goods and Cloaks away down low.
Special t > rices on Cloaks all Next Week.
In ? erK . Fancy Wales Novelties Tnmelcts ,
IlomcHpuns In nil colorf. Tin 10 poods nro
worth from too to fl.MJ per yard. All ntonu
price Monday.
40c Per Yard.
1 Case More or These
f , Monday Only 4ic Per Yard.
0 ome early tliey 111 not last long at the prlco
Monday Only 75 Pieces
Surah Silks ,
In oil colors. Kvcnlnc Mmdcs included. 1'or
one day only.
82c Per Yard ; Worth $1,25 $ ,
OO Pieces Very Finn Strlpid nnd
Nonn of thcio ennds cost to linpoit lcs Hum
fc-.Wnp tojiiiil l' ' 'i' > nra. We will iilnco them
CD Kale Moud.iy , oiiu day only , at
$1.5O Per Yard.
Pon't miss this chance to get an elegant trim
ming at fourth oiglnal co t.
Monday We Will OJTur 15O Dozen
Linen Handkerchiefs ,
Fancy bordois , cnujrolduml corners , etc. , nil at
) nei lco Monndy ,
15c Each ; worth 25c.
40 Persian Shawls ,
Pnrk colors and licnutlful deslfjns. Tlic e
t > lui\\ls nro rcnlly worth M.OO. Wo will closa
them out Monday ut
$1.87 Each.
Monday Only BO Kino All Linen
Fancy iiordcrcd
2'i yards long , at
75c Each ; Worth Double.
25 Pieces STRIPED ,
Motulny , JiiHt for Fun ,
Per Yard.
Monday nee Dozen Ladles' G-Untton
Prime Kid Gloves ,
With hnnd'omo twotonoil rmliroldered lmrk ,
in tarn , lirowngiey.s uml blacks , itiincmbor ,
Monday only
87c Pair ; Worth $1.50.
HO Dozen I/adtcs *
I'lcccc lined , fancy embroidered backs ,
75c ; Worth $1.25.
no Dozen Lmdlcs'
Scarlet All Wool VESTS and PANTS ,
Monday only , at
69c Each.
Others nsk you 11.00 for same quality.
1OO Dnzsn
Boys' Flannel Shirt Waists ,
On Sale at 88c Kncn.
Look at them , you \\111 buy.
Special IlnrRaliis Kor Monday , Nov. 14 ,
in Our Dress GoodH Department.
We will pliico on wile Monday the best
value in Iduck silks ever offered in this
Bluck silk nt G5c , would bo cheap at 90c
do 75 do ei.10
do 88 do 1.25
do 81.00 do 1.-10
do 1.15 do 1.G5
35 pieces fancy brocaded satin in all
the different bhudes reduced Monday to
05c , worth $1.75. All colors in silk vel
vet for Monday's silo : at 5Sc a yard , worth
from $1 to $1.50 a yard. 22 in velveteen ,
in all colors , on Monday 28c a yard.
Double width all wool tricots at 24c a
yard the lowest ever known in the
west.A new line of imported all wool suit
ings will bo sold Monday at 24e a
yard , worth 05o a yard. They nro
double width and a big bargain. Just
received , r o pieces all wool double fold
French mixtures , which will bo offered
for Monday's sale at 21c a yard , worth
( iOc. All wool double fold diagonal
cloth ut 24c a yard , worth COc.
Every lady should visit our store on
Monday and examine the bargains wo
will oiler in all wool dress goods at 24ca
yard. You will bo well repaid for your
Knickerbocker suiting for Monday at
lOo u yard.
Special sale of vard-wido prints , fou
lards , French cambric , Crompton cloth ,
long cloth , ce'ntury cloth and everything
in that line will be offered on Tuesday
at 5c a yard. Only one dress told to iv
customer. Sale begins at 9 a. m. , Tues
Compare our prices on flannels and
blankets. You will find them the low
est in Omaha. HAYDEN BROS. ,
110 and 118 S. 1CU * St. , Omaha , Nob.
Flno Proof
Adams & McBmtoCo. , 151U Dodge st ,
Architects nnd Superintendents.
Hodgson & Son , 20 , Iron Bank.
"The Overland Route. "
the only line carrying the United States
overland mail , inaugurated its double
daily fabt train service , " The Overland
Flyer , " to Kansas City , Portland , San
Francisco , Los Angeles and all Califor
nia points , making the time from the
Missouri river to the Pacific coast in 71
hours. Elegant Pullman palace car
sleepers and modern day coaches on all
through trains. Eating houses are now
under the supervision of the company
nnd meals are unsurpassed. Third class
pashongors wishing to take advantage
of low rates will still bo carried on the
regular through trains that have free ,
familv and excursion sleepers. For fur
ther information , address
General Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Nob.
Grand Ball.
The fourth annual ball of the Car
penters and Joiners' union , No. 63 , will
bo given Tuesday evening next , No
vember 15th , ut Exposition hall. You
are cordially invited to attend. Tickets ,
H.OO ; ladies free. Music by the Musi
cal Union orchestra ,
Special Notice to AVorklnemen.
Spies , Parions , Englo , Fischer hung ,
but our great sale of parlor suits , bed
room suits , chairs , tables , etc. , will con
tinue ono week longer , nt auction
prices , and on easy payments , at that.
Don't delay. Call Monday.
. . Mnv YOHK S/roiUfiE CO. , - '
Cor. Capitol Are. and 15th St. Over
Beuue.ttb < . ' , . . .
25 jrurda Good Dark Calico for GOc.
8 yards taut colors Apron Ginghams
for COo.
8 1-2 yards Good Heavy Unbleached
Muslin fur GOc.
7 yards flno Ulcachcd Muslin for GOc.
5 rolls iSc DattltiK tor GOc.
1O yards elegant Figured Comforter
Calico , DOc.
1O yards extra quality llclit colored
Sheeting Prints , COc.
2 1-2 yards elegant Ulcnchcd Slicct-
IIIRH , 2 yards wide , GOc.
1O pieces bent Red Twill Flannel ever
shown , 23c ynrd.
ICO pair Flno Feather Pillows , 7 1-2
pounds ; $ liI5 per pair.
100 Pair 10-4
Silver Grey Blankets
75c Pair ; Worth $1.50.
25 Dozen
Ladies' ' Fine lite Aprons ,
Monday , 25c.
50 Dozen
Monday , 45c Each.
All Colors.
Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Cloaks !
SLICES for /Cora-d-str azidL all DiTeszt
Sale Pi ice , $10-
Mail Orders Filled.
Sale Price ,
AT $13.90. rt
SEAL PLUSH , best 03 43 . . .
ofa rt
03 .M 03
value in Omaha C
, gone to
one week at $25 $ , i w o O
0) O
S o
o c
JB Ort
rtQi .2
to rt r-T S
P5 0
Mail Orders Filled .
d .a
Monday we will offer 100 Children's Brown Mixed Cheviot Cloaks , with Havulook Cape , ages 4 to 10 years/
all at one price Monday , $1.48 each.
5O Misses' Newmarkets , with Shoulder Cape , an elegant brown mixed cloth , in ages 12 , 14 and 1C years , all at
one price Monday. $4.88 each. Those garments are really worth $7.50.
Special Sales in all Departments Throughout the Week
- : - : - BROTHERS.
HAYDEN nuoa.
Would Call the Attention of Close
IJuyers For Monday to the Following -
lowing Special Prices In the
lilneu Department.
CO-in wide blenched German damask
at 05c yard worth $1.00. Extra bargains
in cream damask at 2oc yard worth 50c.
25c pieces Turkey red table linen nt
25c and 35e yard.
10 pieces cardinal table damaslc at 50c
yard. CU-in wide Bnrnbloy cream dam
ask , for Monday only , at G8o , regular
price $1.25.
All linen crash at 5c yard. Extra
wide nnd heavy unbleached crash for
IOc yard.
60 dozen all linen largo and heavy
crepe towels at 12jo each , or $1.60 dozen
worth $2.00. 6-8 Gorman linen damask
napkins for Monday at $1.00dozenworth
Special lot of fringed fancy bordered
napkins , Co each or OOc doz.
UOO white bed-spreads , 60c , 8Sc , 09c ,
11.00 , $1.16 , $1.25 , $1.05 , $1.76 and $2.05 ;
these prices are bottom and you will not
bo able to duplicate them anywhere in
this city.
Double width sheetings in bleached
or unbleached at wholesale prices.
Good cotton flannels at 60 yard.
Navv-bluo shirting flannel , all wool
twilled , nt 2oo , ItOo , ! 15c and 40o yard.
Red twilled all wool flannel , 19c , 22c ,
Me , 28c , 80c , ! ! 5c and 40c yard.
Grey mixed llanncl nt 12Jc , 15c and
White domestic flannel 5c and IOc.
2J-yard wide btriped skirting flannel ,
plain or striped jersey and eider-down
llnnnclii at 45c and G5c. Special bargain
In embroidered silk flannel at $1.00 , $1.10
mid $1.26 a yard. Wo have n largo
assortment of blankets in silver grey ,
blue mixed , pink mixed , stool grey
Bonrlet , white , pink , &c. , at 75c , 85c ,
11.00 , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.40 , $1.50 , $1.75 ,
11.90 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $2.40 , V2.iV > $2.60 ,
12.75 , JMS ) , $2.85 , 8:5.00 : , $ : i.2' . & 1.40 ,
13.60 , Ul.05 , $11.08 , $ .75 , 83.88 , $4.00 , a
pair. Our prices on blankets are the
lowest in Omaha or money cheerfully
All our stock of cretones have been
reduced in price nnd chased in three
Lot 1. Crotoncs worth So , lOo nnd
I21o , reduced to 7ic a yard.
Lot 2. Crotonps worth 15c , ICc and
I8o , reduced to IOc n yard.
Lot 3. All crotoncs in stock worth
? 0o ruffl Mo , have boon marked down to
I2lo , per ynrd. Ladies will llud this lot
rory cheap for comforters.
60 bales of cotton butts , clean cotton ,
which unrolls oven will bo on sale
Monday nt 7u n roll or 4 for 25c.
These bargains vou will find only at
110 nnd US S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob.
FlllEI FlllE !
Card to the Public.
Wo would notify our friends and the
public generally that the lire in our
etore , 1317 and 1S19 Douglas et. , will
not Interrupt our business moro than a
day or two , when wo hope to bo in good
hnpo for bubincss ugnin , and would bo
pleased to receive a call from nil who
need work in our lino. Respectfully ,
Store ,
1610 Dodge St. Pianos rented , ex-
Bbaugcd und sold on easy payments.
Architects nnd Supcrwtemlenti.
HodgsonSoh , 20 , Iron Bunk.
- i'
That NO\T York full crcnm chccso
toes like hot cakes nt Codver & Watts ,
1 4 cor. 10th and St. Mary's avo. ' : . . ,
Men's FurniHhing ' 'Gooils Greatest
Slaughter Sale Ever Known.
150 dozen real Scotch mixtures extra
heavy shirts 25e , worth 75c.
200 dozen grey and white merino
drawers and blurts , superb quality ,
\vitcr : weight , only 50c , cost $1.00 to
95o for an extra heavy Iamb's wool
medicated bcarlot shirtsand drawcrsand
fully worth 82.50. Will you look at this
Wo will sell three cases superb qual
ity men's heavy scarlet shirts and draw
ers at 75c. An auction lot and richly
worth 81.50.
100 dozen celebrated Swits-condo
shirts and drawers , Moon on Lake , and
other high art colors nt $1. Think of it ,
81 , never sold less than $2.60.
87 dozen double breasted shirts and
drawers to match. Just the thing for
teamsters , railroad men and mechanics.
Australian medicated scarlet wool nt
$1.50 , worth $3.75. Will you buy now ?
Gent's largo size cardigan jacket in
heavy weights , pure wool , $1.25 , $1.75 ,
$2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00. An awful
150 dozen camel hair and other fine
quality men's ho o , 15c , 25e and 35c.
Not a pair worth lets than 50c. Como
and see them.
5c for largest size Turkey red hand
kerchiefs mado.
5c , IOc , 15c and 2oc for large size pure
Irish linen handkerchiefs , plain and
fancy borders.
2-50 dozen men's satin lined tccks nnd
scarfs to clofeo at 15c , not a singlw ono
worth less than 60c.
ICth st. , between Dodge and Douglas.
Fine Framing.
Adams & McBride Co. , 1619 Dodge st.
MiiHlc , Music , MiiHlc ,
Alfred Moinborg & Co. , 1519 Dodge St , .
carry the inostexleiibivobtocK in the city.
Didn't Vote.
The Pennsylvania Dutch would like to
say a word or two. Of course wo did
not know that last Tucwlay was election
day and wo wore too dumb to vote. Some
persons think wo are too dumb to bell
groceries becuubo wo sell so cheap , but
wo have n nicklo between us and the
confidence of the people who have
bought from us nnd continue to buy ,
which is the beat evidence wo gell goods
for less money than any other houbo in
the city. We have secured the agency
for the celebrated Crawford County ( Pa. )
Buckwheat Flour , where the farmers
curry it to mill on horseback stones in
ono end of the bag and buckwheat in
the other. We are soiling this strictly
pure Flour at 5c per lb. , the only house
in the city that carries this grade of
Buckwheat Flour. Wo also have Maple
Syrup at $1.00 per cral. , choice 81.25 per
gal. , strictly pure $1.60 per gal. Give us
n call. Everything in bcnson. Full sup
ply of Thanksgiving delicacies. Coovcr
& Watts , N. E. Cor. 19th and St. Mary's
Special nargalns.
Elegant residence in llnest location in
city. Owner leaving city , $20,000 , easy
Lot on Dodge and 80th st. , Cable rend
will puss this lot. Cheap ut $4,500.
Lot on Capitol ave and 2oth st ; very
cheap at $0,000 , easy terms.
Ono of the best business blocks of the
city , paying n good interest on invest
ment. Tim O. F. DAVIS COMPANY ,
Architects and Superintendents ,
Hodgson & Son , 20 , Irou Bank.
" \Vcber Pianos ,
Alfred Melaberg & Cfi lWa Dodje Sfc
if AYDKN nnos.
Special ItarKaiiiH in Indies' FurniHh-
iiiK GoodH For Monday.
Our rebate corset bale continues on
Dr. Ball's , Dr. Warner's , Thompson's
glove fitting , Browbtcr whalebone , 300
bones French woven and jockey club ,
cut away , all at $1.00 each , with a rebate
of 2oc.
Special cut prices in ladies' wool un
derwear. Ladies' Snxony knit bhirts
only 75c each.
Ladies' camel's hair vests nnd pants
reduced to Boo each , worth $1.00.
Ladies heavy merino vebts and pants
only 49c each , worth 05o.
Liidies' line scarlet wool vests and
pants , medicated , only 95o each : others
ask $1.50.
Ladies' 8-button length kid gloves
only 47c ; reduced from $1.50. Broken
Ladies' toboggan caps only 50c each ;
reduced from $1.00.
Special sale of children's underwear
for Monday :
Infants' knit shirts 35c each ; reduced
from 6c. ( )
Ladies' fine cashmere gloves , em
broidered backs , on Monday 25c ; re
duced from 50c.
Children's English cnshmero hope , nil
sizes , only 35c per wnir ; reduced from
110 and 118 S. 10th st.
A Challenge.
I will pace my yearling colt , Ed. Rosewater -
water , againbt any other yearling pacer
or trotter in the United States or Can
ada for i mile heat best 2 in 3 for from
one hundred to live hundred dollars a
Omaha , Neb.
Mrs. J. liciisnn.
On Monday and Tuesday wo will give
some unprecedented bargains in table
linen napkins and towels.
Turkey red table linen at 45c , worth
Turkey red , 0-5 in wide at 55c , worth
White , 57 in wide at 38c , worth Ooc.
White , GO in wide at 05c , worth $1.00.
White , 00 in wide at $1.00 , worth
White , 72 in wide at $1.60 , worth
Napkins and towels proportionally
These goods are all nowriind choice
patterns. Mus. J. BENSON.
Gco. L. Fisher , architect. Room 47 ,
Chamber of Commerce building.
Ilennoy Buggies nt Armstrong , Pettis
& Co.'s , 1308 Izard bt.
A Conundrum ;
Why is it that Now York Storage Co.
can sell such elegant parlor suits , cham
ber suits , pianos and organs ut less than
cost of material ?
Because they are a Loan & Storage
Co. nnd sell for their advances which
nro always less than cost of material.
Don't delay. Call at onco. Now York
Storage Co. , cor Capitol ave and 16th st.
Adams & Mcliride Co.
Fine job printing,1519Dodgo st.
Flno Wedding Stationery.
Adams & McBride Co. , 1619 Dodge st.
" The Overland KoutQ. "
The only line carrying the United
States overland mail , is running frco
family sleepers to nceonnnouatq third-
clots travel from Council Blurts and
Omaha to Portland and Los Angeles. . '
To Gas CoiiMiinerH.
On account of the burning of the gas
works the McBride Oil and Point com
pany will run their oil wngons to-day ,
and all orders left at 1403 Douglas street ,
telephone (127 ( , will receive prompt at
tention. Wo carry nothing but 175
test perfection oil the very best.
IInrrah lor the Ice.
A mammoth "Ice Skating Pavilion"
will be opened on or about the first of
December , and continued until the 31st
Of March , 1888 , on Twenty-third nnd
Hnrney btrects , ono block from the
Fnrnnin and T\venty-fourth fetreetH ,
Park avenue and St. Mary's in'oniiC
car lines. No expense will bo spared to
make it a first class place of amusement
for the citizens of Omaha , where they
can have a most enjoyable time during
the coming winter.
The Pavilion will be entirely covered
over , well protected from the inclem
ency of the weather , beautifully deco
rated , and brilliantly illuminated by
the Thompbon-Houston Electric Light
A largo nnd commodious structure
will bo erected on the west end of the
Pavilion , well heated and made com
fortable for the skaters. A promenade ,
seven feet wide , will encircle the whole
enclosure , where those who dare not
venture on the glacial carpet
may enjoy the dazzling scene
before them. A refreshment coun
ter will also bo provided , where
hot coffee , tea , cakes , etc. . may bo had
during the evening. A good band will
be in attendance every Tuesday , Thurs
day and Saturday throughout 'tho 8ca-
EOII. It has been decided to limit the
number of season tickets , bo that those
wishing to procure buch had better avail
themselves of the opportunity at an
early date.
They may bo purchased at C. S. Tor-
bitt's drug btoro , 2208 Farnam bt ;
I ) . W. Saxo , 15th and Farnam ; Max
Meyer & Co. , llth nnd Fnrnnm ; Rilov
< fc Robinow , exposition building , N. 16th
st. , and at Kaufman Bros. ' cigar store ,
South 15th st. The Pavilion will bo
under tbo management of Captain Mon
tague Yules , "late of the Union Pacific
headquarters , " who is an experienced
hand at the business , and will gladly
give any further information to anyon'o
who may dcsiro it. Address 2208 'Far
nam bt. C'all between 10 n. in. and 0
p. m. MONTAOUJCYATKS , Manager.
T. P. CHAM Kit , Treaburcr.
WILMASI PAIIK , Secretary.
A Vuluahlo Invention.
Charles J. Bcckman , of Council
Bluffs , In. , has completed a 650 foot ,
three-rail tubular fence for Mr. J. Rush ,
city treasurer , corner of Arbor and
South Twelfth btreots ; a 180 foot fence
of the same kind for Mr. Michael Dee ,
corner of Eleventh and Castellarbtrcots ;
albou 111 foot two-rail fence for Mr.
Dee at the South Omaha cemetery. The
latter has the patent "Locking
Bracket. " By the ube of this device
which Is Mr. Beckman's own patent
on any kind of fence , picket bar or gaa
pipe , any panel can bo readily removed
nnd firmly replaced again , or the entire
fence moved to M > mo other plnco with
out damage , as the bracket protects the
end of the rail where it joins the post.
This protection prevents rotting of n
wooden rail and gives the advantage of
putting the full strength of the rail in-
bide the bracket. No nails are used ,
therefore , no split rails where they join
the post. AddrebS C. J. Beckmun , 728
Seventh avenue , corner South Eighth
street , Council Bluffs , la.
. . /
Go to Jordan & Co's. , 1611 Farnam St. ,
for bebt meals in the city for 2c.
Twenty-one meal tickets , $4.00.
Architects and Superintendents.
& Son , 20 , ICQU Bank.
Dazzling Diamonds , Hcautifiil Bronzes
and Glittering Jewels.
_ A Bii : man attracted by the beautiful
display in the windows of Kdholm < fc
Akin's superb jewelry establishment ,
101 and 103 North Fifteenth street ,
stopped within its portals. The inbido
of the store was even more attractive
than the exterior. The scribe was mot
at the door by ono of the gentlemanly
proprietors and courteously invited to
inspect the stock. The lirst thing to
engage his attention was a magnificent
tray of diamonds. ThebO wore sot after
the latest design ? . To mention all of
the beautiful pieces of workmanship
would be impossible. Ono handsomely
designed Mar and crescent studded
with diamonds beggars description.
A magnificent pair of solitaire
diamonds was shown which sell
for the modest sum of nno thousand
dollars. There were leaves , fruits
studded with diamonds. A _ beautiful pin
was exhibited representing a chaste
prcscent and star which by its attach
ments could bo used either for a breast
pin or a hair ornament. This beauty
was so mounted that every movement
of the wearer was communicated to the
sparkling pedant. A ladies' watch was
shown having a horseshoe engraved upon
itssurface , bobtuded with diamonds. An
other was ornamented with a neat an
chor , also brilliant with diamonds.
A largo tray of presents , such as rings ,
broaches , etc. , together with their diamond
mend settings not yet mounted were
shown. These , said Mr. Kdholm , are
Christinas presents , which have been
purchased and laid aside. Further along
was a beautiful show case lillcd with
broaches , bracelets , earringsandbrcast-
pius , everyone of which was n beauty.
Every diamond genuine and every
piece solid gold. Their display of
rings could not help pleasing the most
fastidious. Their stock of plain and
circle wedding rings seems inexhausti
ble. All as pure in their golden circles
as the troth they will ono day cement.
There was a profusion of studs , sleeve
butlons and collar buttons , plain and
with settings , also a nice line of em
blematic pins and cl arms. Passing
around the store more cases appeared
filled with golden thimbles , beautiful
chains for ladies and gentleman , includ
ing the latest thing the Queen chain
for ladies. A short chain with ball lit
up with diamonds. Next came n magnifi
cent line of ladies' and gent's watches ,
including everything that is now. uni
que and valuable of the watch kind.
These goods need to bo seen to bo ap
preciated. Some of them having beau
tiful carvings , others ornamented with
flowers , bluebells , buttorllys , all done
in different colored gold. Their
line of silverware includes the newest ,
the most unique in design and the mos.t
useful in the market , suitable for pres
ents. Their oxidized silver fruit bas
kets are elegant. A nut dish , also of
oxidized silver , with a sprig and nuts
carved on the outside , was a rare and
beautiful thing. This particular ware
was never seen in this city before. The
next department visited contained a-
splendid array of bronze clocks and fig
ures of their own importation , many of
which are heroic in design and
style and all are the work of
a master hand. Two beautiful water
Botg occupied a shelf , which for
workmanship and ornamentation in
silver and gold are certainly equal to
any ever manufactured. Every article
shown was genuine of its kind. Through
out the immense and beautiful stock
which filled every available nook of
their double store there was nothing
Everything bore the impress of
being just as represented. Tliis store
always held a popular plnco in the gooc (
opinion of the public. Messrs. Edholm
& Akin have lately fitted up their rooms
with now and elegant furniture and in
tend to keep a store which will bo sur
passed by none in the city. These en
terprising gentleman have established
oTnow btoro in South Omaha , for the ac
commodation of their south bide cus
tomors. This store is nicely stocked
and presided over by n competent jew
eler. A visit to the store of Edholm Sa
Akon will convince you that the above
bketch of a beautiful store is a true ono.
Save Thin and Wait.
Cut this out , save it nnd wait until
Thursday , November 17 , at 2 o'clock.
The largo store , 1211 Douglas street , bo
twcen 12lh and 13th streets , ( opposite
MiUnrd hotel ) , Omaha , has been closed !
for four days to take an inventory of
stock and arrange for n great bankrupt
sale. On Thursday , November 17 , nt 2-
o'clock , Btoro will bo opened again aii ( |
this great tyinksuptsalo will commence.
Everything will bo sold 45 per cent losf
than actual cost , as the entire stock
must bo closed out in six days. Men's
fine quality overcoats $2.95 , guaranteed
worth $13 or money returned. Elegant
beaver overcoats $0.99 , worth $18 , and
over 0,000 different styles of overcoats
equally us cheap. A splendid suit ot ,
men's winter clothes $3.99 , guaranteed
worth $13 or money refunded. An cjo- '
gant pair of men's pants $1.21 , guar
anteed worth $1 or money returned. '
Men's extra fine quality tailor made
suits S7.49. This is of the best quality
and really worth $18. Also over 10,000
other suits , cashmere , corkscrew nnd
bilk and satin-lined equally as cheap.
Men's latest styles , llnest quality hats ,
$1.24 , guaranteed , worth 83.00. Fina (
znnilln umbrellas , 85 cents , worth $2.00.
Men's woolen jackets , 09 cents' , wortli
$2.60 , and 20,000 other goods at prices
equally HH low. Remember this great
bankrupt sale commences Thursday.
November 17 , at 2 o'clock , at No. 1211
Douglas street between Twelfth anu
Thirteenth streets , Omaha , and must
positively close in six days. No gooda
shown before Thurwlny , November 17 ,
at 2 o'clock. Store open from 8 in
morning until 9 ut night.
Special Notice to
Spies , Parsons , Englo , Fischer hung ,
but our great sulo of parlor buits , bed '
room suits , chairs , tables , etc. , will con
linuo ono week longer at auction prices
and on casv payments nt that. Don't
delay , call 'Monday. Now York Stornga
company , corner Capital avenue auu
Fifteenth street over Bennett's.
The Larffrflt Htook or MnMo
in the city ut Moinborg's music store.
Special Notice to AVorklnRnion.
Spies , Parsons , Englo , Fischer hung.
but our great sulo of parlor euitH , bed *
room suits , chairs , tables , etc. , will con *
tinuo ono week longer nt auction prices
and on easy payments at thai. Don'ft
delay , call Monday. Now York Storngo
company , corner Cnpllal avenue and
Fifteenth street over Bennett's.
Grand Opera House.
Three Night * CoininnnolnR .Monday
November llth.
Sisson&Cawttiofn's ' Comedy Co ,
Under Ilio rannnccmcnt of H.V. . Brady , prcientlng
t'oinortliin , Herbert fawllinrii , bly unporteil bj tb
ilmriuliiu touliivlla unit ittiioipllibed TbcallitHlM
Ji lu Hunon ! IIKI | Hie IttVortle eccentric corue41m
Usuir Mmnii , aud uiuiiiiiUi'nteonii'anj olewefull
f elittvil TIKII ! unii ( urn" ! ? artltti. New and "WMjJ
lul wii.luiind ucciianUal tO ( .tl , 1'rtce.l i&Ci 8
Kc and ilJUU. . *