Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1887, Page 11, Image 11

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boat Starts Out Firm But After
wards Becomes Dull.
( flic Provision Pit Inn ItuillyUnsettled
Condition Triulliic In Cuttle
Fair Ocncrnl 3Iurkct
( jUUtlltlOIIB.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 13. [ Seclal | ) Telegram to
the UKK. ] The wheat market to-day wa firm
from the start , but after un advance of c
became very dull. Statistics wore not cncour-
nglng , an they gave prospect of 500,000 bushels
larger increase in the visible supply than last
week. Hut Htntistlca have had little effect of
late and the local crowd bus acted by con
traries. The local receipts were more than
expected 12ti cars and thirty-three cars of
spring were of the contract grade. Exiwrt
clearances were light. The cables wcroon
the sldu of the bulls and lx > th sjwt and futures
Were firm nnd in fair demand at Llvcriwol ,
December started where It closed and sold
from 73J/c to 7i : > jO early. January sold , ' 4"o
better than the closing on Friday at 71X ! .
May sold from 79J.Cc to 79c. The closing
prices at 1 p. in. for wheat futures were :
November W f , December 73 , ? < c , January
74c , May 7liac. Charters were but 10,000
The iK'onllnr strength noticed In corn yes
terday continued to-day and a still further
advance In prices for cash and futures was
the result. Corn Is apparently firm on Its
merits. The local stock has been reduced for
the week about 400,000 bushels. The receipts
to-day were but ltd cars , or about 30 cars
less than estimated. The demand for cnsh
rorn put the prlco at 4lc , with half the month
yet remaining , and with light receipts and
heavy shipments it is not surprising that No
vember went up tot < J4C. May corn opened
fit 40'jc ' and after vibrating a few times be
tween 4fiV ; and Wo there was a bulge ,
which caused it to touch 40J c , after which it
again dropxul | back to 40c. Tliu firmness
in corn continued to the close and prices at 1
o'clock p. m , were about the top for the day.
November 4t : c , December 42Xc , May 4C.j < c.
Charters were 2i7WX ) bushels at 2) ) c to Buf
Oats were firm again to-day , but prices
were steady at the best | x > lnt.s reached yes
terday. The strength comes in. part from
com. The closing prices were : November
J)5JV ) , December 20 * ' , May IlMo.
Provisions wen : active , unsettled and
lower. Receipts of hogs were far better
than expected , but prices advanced 5 < ; . There
was u fair supply of buying orders from the
country. Shorts also bought moderately , but
their purchases had but little effect
Uwm | the market as packers were
disposed to fill the crowd up. Ar-
uionr was n iwrslstont seller of pork , lard
und short ribs. Other packers also sold and
pork declined 20o from opening prices , lard
1 f < i Ulc and short ribs 15o. Before the close
n rally of 12'jO ' was recorded in pork , and
15 17191' In short ribs , but last sales showed a
net di'i-lino from yesterday of 15c ( in pork ,
10C I'-Va'c on lard , and lOc on short ribs. Jan
uary pork o | > iu'd 7J < c lower ut # 13. t , broka
to SI2.I10 , but closed at * 13.13X'May was
down to3.42'f | ' , but closed at * 13.50. Lard
wiw offi'reil with Increased freedom and De
cember broke from $ fi..V > to ? < l.47V-i anil closed
at * U.50. Junufiry sold at * 0.i21 ! < ( 0.t5. ! Short
rib * were sold heavily and Junuar.v broke
from f ) > .U3 > to ? 0.47'J , but rallied and closed
atf * > .5. > . 1'ackcrs are all bearish and expect
a large run of hogs next week.
Cintuoo , Nov. 12. [ Special Telegram to
the Bur. . ] C ATT i. n Trudo was fair foi
Saturday. About nil the useful and fait
Htccrs were sold. Some plain and eommor
Odds and ends were left. About all tin
Texans and rangers were disposed of before
noon. A largo number of stoekcrs am
feeders were carried over , also several lots o.
poor and common canning stock. The gen
crnl market closes steady , with an advance o
15t25c ( , largely on medium and plain natives
Good rangers and Tuxans are fully 25 <
higher than a week ago. Beuvos , f.Klff5.Nl ) ( (
bulk , $ ! ! .7r.i4.40 ; st .ikers and feeders , Si.TT > ( < i
8.10 ; cows , bulls and mixed , * 1.2.X 3.00 ; bulk
$1.80(32.25 ( ; Texas steers , $2.252.30 ; cows
fl.5l ) ( f2.10.
HOIH Trade was brisk , with a few lots o
fancy heavy selling a strong 5c higher , mak
ing $4.90 ® 1.95. The bulk of the parking sort
Bold between $1.05 and f t.75 and a few lots o :
right fancy at $1.80(2.4.85 ( ; common. iU,50ij (
4. < k ) ; light sorts , ? I.TO , with culls and pigs ui
l'INANCAr < .
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 12. [ Special Tolegramt <
the Br.K. ] STOCKS The New York stool
market opened heavy this morning , will
first prices showing declines of from K@J ,
per cent from yesterday's final figures. Tin
market was very active , however , nnd tin
Weakness d'sappearcd ' Immediately am
prices began to raise. The losses of th
openlmr were soon wilted out and fractlona
gains established over the entire list , bu
Pacific Mall on a small business rose 1 ; '
Union Paclllo 1 , New England % and other
smaller amounts. The advance met with in
cheek and Hocking Valley became promincn
IB the latter part of the hour , rising ' 1 pc
eent. At 11 o'clock the market was activi
ml strong at the host prices reached. Th
market was moro quiet after 11 o'clock am
part of the gains of the previous hour wcr
lost. The decline was for insignillean
mounts only , however , though thohcavincs
lasted until near the close , when tbo markc
AgtJc become firm nnd the losses from th
k t tijcrros In most cases were made u
gi-Jn. There .was no special feature and th
lose was active and llrm'ut about the bos
prices reached.
GOVKUNMIINTS Government bauds wer
dull but steady.
MONET On call , easy nt 3@4 per con
last loan 3 per cent , closed at 2 > f per cent.
SrKin.iNO EXGIIANOK Dull but steady i
4.Slj > for sixty-day bills , und 4.S5 > 4' ford
Clilcngo , Nov. 12. Following are the 2i :
Closing prices :
Vlour Steady nnd unchanged ; winti
Wheat , * 3.51K4.00 per bbl ; sprintr when
tar.uOJ4.50 per bbl ; rye , * 2.75@3.00 per bb
buckwheat , ? 5.r.0ifl. ! > 5 per bbl.
Wheat Moderately active and firm , llucti
ating within KO range nnd closed : ln'o aboi
yesterday ; cash , ? J H-lOo ; Deceuibc
73 WOc.
r Corn Active nnd higher , closing * ' ( ! ' ' > .
nbora yesterday ; cash , 44 > < c ; Decembu
42J < e ; May , 49 l.V10o.
Oats Strong and active , at about outsit
figures : cash , 25Kc ; December. 25 15-10
May , srf 15-lilc.
Rye Steady at 52c.
Harley Quiet at 70c.
Pi line Timothy f.J.23@2.30.
Flax-Boed 1.13.
Pork Active but unsettled and irregula
closin steady at medium figures ; Januar
Lam Moderately 'active T > ut OAsler ; cas
tW ; December , & 47K ; May , $0.85.
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , I5.IOQ5.2
shott clear , f0.80@O.M ; short ribs , W.60Q
O.iV ) .
Butter Steady ; creamery , 22QMo ; dairy.
linac. (
Cheese Easy ; full cream Cheddars ,
Huts , IKiill'lc ; young Americas ,
Eggs-Firm nt 1S ( 19c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4Q
4,1A" No. 2. 3Uo ; cakes , 4c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , 7cj
light , do. , 7 } < c ; salted bull , Oo ; green salted
calf , 8 : dry flint. 120 13o ; dry calf , 12Q13e )
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , each , 30o.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17,000 14,000
Wheat , bu 81,000 122,000
Corn , bu 141,000 431,000
Outs , bu 100,000 114,000
Ryo. bu 2,000 2,000
Barley , bu 09,000 84,000
Now York , Nov 12. Wheat Receipts ,
134.000 ; exports , 41,000 ; options moderately
active but declined jtc early , later recovered
XXftJuC and closed firm ; spot stronger ;
ungraded red , S3Jfiit89le ( ; No. 1 red , nomi
nal at Mijjo : No. 2 red , 85)(2SOXc ) ( delivered ;
December cloned at 84) < .
Corn Receipts. 74,000 ; exports , 25,500 ;
J ftfXo higher , closing stronger ; ungraded
mixed , 5l ( < f55. | . e ; No. 2 , 54' ( 54 c In store
and elevator , 55) o delivered ; December
closed at 54o.
Oats RocelptSj 03.000 ; exports , 1,000 ;
mixed western , y2Gs.35l4 3i white weatorn , 37
CotTeo Spot , fair ; Rio , quiet at $13.23 for
new crop ; options n shade stronger nnd
moderately active ; sales , 050,500 bags !
December , $15.50 ( 15.00 ; January , $15.25@
15.40 ; February , $15.15 ( 15.30 ; March , $15.10
( < S 15.25.
Petroleum Firm ; United , 73c.
Eggs Finn ; western , 12i(23c. (
Pork Quiet und firmly held.
Lard Lowel- and heavy ; western steam ,
spot , $7.00.
Butter Finn on choice stock ; western ,
13 ( < (27c ; western creamery , 10@27e.
Cheese Quiet und steady ; western , 9@
St. Louis , Nov. 12. Wheat Higher ;
ash , 71 ; ! o ; December , 73o ; May , 80fc.
Corn-Cash , 39Xtf39Xc ( ; May , 42&C.
Oats Cash , 25o ; May , 29o.
Pork-12.r > 0.
Whisky $1.05.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 23@27c ; dairy ,
Nov. 12. Wheat Slightly
lower ; No. 1 hard , November , 70) o ; Decem
ber , 71c ; May , 77 0 , No. 1 northern , Novem
ber , 07.Ce ! ; December , OSo ; May , 74o ; No. 2
northern , November , 04c ; December , 04J e ;
.May , 71 e.
Flour Steady { patents , f 4.25@4.45 ; bakers' ,
i3.)03.iiO. )
Receipts Wheat , 255,000 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 00,500 bu ; flour , 29,000
Milwaukee , Nov. 12. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 70 ? c ; December , 71 ? c ; May , 73 , ' c.
Corn Strong : No. 3 ,' .
Oats Easy ; No. 2 whiti * , 23c.
Rye Weaker ; No. 1 , flSJfe.
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , 71c.
Provisions Quiet ; iwrk , November , $12.75
(213.25. (
Cincinnati. Nov. 12. Wheat Good de
mand ; No. 2 red , 75' ( S.70c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 47c.
Oats Strong ; No. 2 mixed ,
Rye Strong ; No. 2 , 50c.
Pork-Firm at $12.50.
Lard Stronger at $ il.OT > .
Whisky Steady at * 1.05.
X \v OrleuiiH , Nov. 12. Corn Firmer ;
white , 51k' .
Hog Products Strong and higher. Pork-
Si 3.25. Lard $0.0214.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.50 ; long clear ,
$0.75 ; clear rib , JO.IiSi-f.
Oats Scarce and firm ; No. 2 , SOc.
Cornmcal Quiet ut $2.30.
Liverpool , Nov. 12. Wheat Firm nnd
demand fair ; holders otter sparingly ; Cali
fornia , No. 1. Os 7d percental.
Corn Firm and demand fair ; mixed west
ern , 4s S } d per cental.
Kaunas Oily , Nov. 12. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 soft. May , 74o bid , 75J o asked.
Corn Higher ; No. ' 2 , cash , bid ;
December , 37c bid , 37-yo asked ; May , 40Jc. .
Outs No. 2 , 22JJC.
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Nov. 12.
The Drovers' Journal reports ;
Cattle Receipts , t,400 ! ; market strong ;
beeves , t.Hc ( ) 5.X ( ) ; stoekcrs and feeders ,
$ ! .75 ( < f3.10 ; cows , bullsand mixed , $1.2.j@3.00 ;
Texas cattle , $1.00 :1.00. :
Hogs Reivipts , 19,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , $ -J.45nj.75 | ; heavy , 4.55@4.95 ; light ,
fl.Ciil.70 : ( ; skips , $ i.OOT ( < ! 4.30.
Sheep Receipts , SOO ; market steady ;
muttons , $2.7.riir4.00 ( ; stockers , $2.10(22.50 ( ;
Ttsxans , $2.0 ( ) 3.40 ; lambs , -3.7T(75.00. (
National Stock Yards. Kant St.
IionlN , Nov. 12 , Cattle Receipts. 100 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market strong ; choice.'eavy
native steers , * 4. ! ! ( > ( iJ4.K ! > ; fair to good natives ,
$3.00 ( < 4.40 ; butchers' steers , fair to prime ,
SI.OOej3.SO ; stackers mm feeders , ? l.GO@2.70 ;
rangers , $2.SO@3.73.
Hogs Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 300 :
market active and higher ; choice heavy nnd
butchers' selections , f4.70@4.S5 ; Yorkers
and packers , medium to choice , $4.35@4.70 ;
pigs , common to good , $4.00@4.40.
Kaunas City , Nov. 12. Cattle Receipts ,
1,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; good strong and
Hogs Receipts , 17.000 ; shipments , 500 ;
market weak and 5o lower than yesterday ,
closing firm ; common to choice , 4.00@4.GO ;
skips and pigs , $2.75@4.00.
The receipts of cnttlo yesterday were light
nnd the market quiet. Only 193 head were
sold on the market. Prices remain about the
The receipts of hogs were heavy and the
demand fairly active. The market opened
strong at $ f.50@4.f > 5 , but soon dropped tr
fc .30i4.i3. ( : Inferior grades brought * 4.20n (
4.80. Pigs , $4.00. SI5S head v.-ero sold.
A few sheep were received , but none sole
on the market.
Official ItccrlptH.
Cottlo 42 :
Hogs 9,13i
Sheep 1,821
Cattle , 2 tears , R. I Chicag (
Sheep , 10 cars , N. W Chlcagc
Hogs , 12 cars , Wabash Indianapolis
Prevailing Pi-Ices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on tbo markcs :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs f4.25@4.5 (
Choice steers , 110(1 ( to 1300 Ibs 4.00M4.3 ;
Fat llttlo steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75@3.SJ
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 3.056J4. : < t
Good to choice corn-fed cows 2,25Vt2.5t (
Common to medium cows 1.50M2.2.
Good to choice bulls 1.25f3.0 ( (
Good range feeders 2.30u2.G ( !
Good native feeders , 900 Ibs und
upwards 2.55J ( ( 2.S (
Fair to medium native feeders , 900
Ibs and upwards 2.25@2.5 (
Stoekcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2U ) ( < C2.1V
Prime fat sheep 8.25t3.5 ( (
Fair to medium sheep 2.50 < ( e3.0i
Common sheep l.WK'i'S. *
Light and medium hogs 4.15 4.2 ,
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.35M4.4
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.30(54.U (
Hepresentutlvc Sulea.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
23. . . . 914 $1.85
19..1243 4.15
109..1003 2.40
-1 . .
00..903 340 4.85 4ft..821 100 4.40
03..253 020 4.85 59..310 40 4.40
00..207 80 fi.85 03..8.1(1 ( 80 4.10
03..210 80 4.35 57..330 120 4.40
05..254 DOO 4.35 57.231 210 4.40
120.294 ; 240 4.35 01..2S.Y 80 4.40
04..255 2SO 4.35 74..201 40 4.10
57..319 80 4.J15 71..240 120 4,45
73..270 230 4.40 01..315 80 4.45
S3..233 200 4.40 53..JW3 40 4.45
53..IKJ 100 4.40 53..Oil 10U 4.45
03..304 320 4.20 rMt..S33 SO 4.45
r,2..B33 120 4.40 57..813 4.45
57..30 : ! 120 4.40 00..275 200 4.45
67..327 240 4.40 M..JU13 80 4.45
54..820 80 4.40 O1..2 0 40 4.45
02..201 100 4.40 54..2JO 40 4.45
57..237 80 4.10 03..304 100 4.45
M..291 80 4.40 03..200 4.45
57..315 2SO 4.40 107..32i 440 4.45
r > 9..304 120 4.40 54..303 120 4.47) )
00..271 40 4.40 W.ffitt ) 1(50 ( 4.47J
113. . . . : ) l 80 4.40 50..319 80 4.47' '
5l..32t > a > 0 4.40 02..205 80 4.47 ]
40..383 320 4.40 40..309 120 4.50
Ml..301 80 4.45 M..303 120 4.50
05..290 100 4.45 W..297 200 4.BO
03..313 200 4.45 59..304 4.50
40..30 * 120 4.45 07-.2.YJ 40 4.50
OI..2SI1 40 4.45 59..1115 120 4.50
57..2S9 80 4.45 55..324 40 4.50
40..3S9 120 4.45 03..273 80 4.50
50..321 120 4.45 60..Ul" 120 4.55
07..203 80 4.43
Live Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
G. H. Hammond & Co 140
Shippers 24
Local 23
Total 193
G. H. Hammond A : Co 833
Anglo-American Packing Co. " . 2,759
Armour < & Co 2,033
Kingan&Co 223
Speculators 192
Total 0,039
of Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for hogs , on this market during the past
seven davs and on the corresponding days in
18S5 and 1SSO. '
All sales of stock In this market are made
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at J < Jo per Ib. for nil weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows arc docked 40 Ibs.
and stags 80 Ibs. by the public inspector.
Live Stock Notes.
Cattle steady.
Hogs ore 10 to 15c lower.
The receipts of hogs yesterday were 0,130.
C. Clef ton , of Waboo , was In with a load of
M. Hurtzman , of Randolph , brought in five
loads of bogs.
H. Swartz , of Silver City , was at the stock
yards yesterday.
T. J. Sroton , of Sidney , la. , brought in a
load of choice hogs.
Frank Dewey blossomed out yesterday
with a brand new suit.
Michael Tex , of Elgin , Nob. , brough In a
oad of hogs yesterday.
John Dorn , of Hooper , brought in t\vo
.oads of choice heavy hogs which ho disposeel
of at good figures.
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
The follmolny are tfic prices at n-hlch
ounil lots of produce arc soZ / < Z on this
nttrkct. Fruits or other Unm of Quods re-
ntriinj cxt'-a Inlnir of jtucMng cannot alan -
an * be oitppUed on ontxlile orders at the
same jirlcra quoted the local trade.
BuTTiiit The receipts continue fully cqusl
to the demand. Choice dairy , 17(3l9c ( ! ;
medium grades , 13@15c ; ordinary , lOc.
Eoos The receipts of eggs yesterday were
liberal and the market fairly active at 20c.
An occasional case was sold at 21e , but It was
very hard to get that price.
Ciir.p.sK Market fair. Fancy full cream ,
Cheddars , single , 12c ; full cream twins ,
l-X ° i young Americas , 13c ; brick
cheese , 100 Ibs in case , 15e ; Limborger , 100
Ibs in case , 13J4c ; Swiss domestic , 10@18o.
PouLTiir The poultry market was tint yes
terday. While the receipts were not very
heavy there was almost no demand. Dealers
were asking 13.00 for live chickens and-7c ' for
dressed , but they were glad to sell at any
price. A good many chickens went nt 5e ,
und it was impossible to sell out even at that
GAMK Slow. Prairie chickens , $1.00 ; mal
lard ducks , $2.50 2.75 ; quail , 2.25 ; teal
and mixed ducks , 1.75 ; geese ,
$4.00 ; snipe , $1.25 ; jack rabbits , 35 ®
4oo each ; small rabbits , $1.25 per doz ; doer
nnd antelope , 7@9o ; deer and antelope sad
dles , 12@14c.
POTATOES The market is about steady.
Home grown stock in car lots Is selling at
55@00o. Au occasional small lot from the
store goes at 05@70o ; Salt Lake stock , 90c.
SWKF.T POTATOES Choice new Jersey
stock , $5.50 per bbl.
BEANS The demand Is not active ; good
clean stock , $2.00@2.25 ; fair to good , $1.50
@ 1.75 ; California beans , $2.20.
ONIONS Homo grown , 75c@$1.00 ; Spanish
onions , $2.00 per 50-lb crate.
OrsTCits Mediums , 25c ; standard , 30c ;
selects , ! ! 2 c ; extra selects , 35e ; New York
counts , 40c.
TUKNIM Receipts equal the demand.
Good stock , 40@50c ; rutabagas , S0@90c.
CAUMFLOWHU The supply not large.
Choice stock , * 2 no.
OVSTKU PLANT Choice large oyster planter
or salsify. 90o doz bunches.
CAIUIAOI : Homo grown , ? 5.00 per hundred.
CCI.KIIY The supply is light. Good stock
brings 40c a dozen. There is some fancy
stock on the market which sells at 45c.
LUTTUCK Choice southern stock , 35c per
Cinr.n Choice Michigan cider , $0.50 per
bbl. of 32 gal.
CiiANiiEuiiiKS Bell & Cherry , * S.OO ; Boll
& Bugle , $9.00 ; Capo Cods , $10.00010.50.
ad cidur
Arri.cs Choice stock is selling in round
lots nt $3.25 ( < ? ! 3.50 ; fancy Johnathuns , $4.00.
HO.NT.V Choice , in 1 Ib frames , 2lc.
PorcouN Choice rico corn , 3@3rfo per Ib :
other kinds , 2@2'-fc per Ib.
OIIANOKS Louisiana $4.50 per box ; $3.5C
639.00 per bbl ; Florida , per box , $5.00.
LEMONS Messina lemons , § 5.00(25,50 ( ;
Malaga , $5.00.
CAI.IKOICNIA FHUITS Pears , $2.50@2.75 |
quince's , $2.00.
Giui'Bs New York grapes , 5-lb baskets ,
BANANAS The market Is well supplied
with bananas at $2.00(33.00 ( per bunch.
NUTS Peanuts , 7@7 } < jC. raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wirt'
nuts , 15@lSo ; filberts , 12c.
Grocei-H1 Idst.
Coppnis Ordlnnrv grades , 20@20 } c ; fair ,
c ; prime , ! ! l > 4@22o ; fancy green ami
> > rc.
BUOOMS Extra 4-tio , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 3 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CANDY Mixed,9@llc ; stick. 8 }
JELLIES Jio-lb pails , $1.80(31.00. (
ProvisioNS Hams , lOJ llo ; breakfast
bacon , IDJfOMlo ; bacon sides , SJ/@le ) ; arj
salt , 7K@7Xe ; shoulders , 70j75jc ; dried bcei
hams , ILKigllc ; dried beef regular , 9XQ10Ko ;
hrins , picnic , 7J4@8c. '
DHIKD Fruits Apples , new , Jfs , Co ; cvap
orated , 50 Ib ring , 10@10Bo ; raspberries
evaporated , 2S@29o ; blackberrii's.evaporated ,
SJfOJIOc ; pitted cherries , 19fa20o ; jioaches ,
new , 7 o ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 2 ;
foriila loose muscatels , ' $2.10ffl',1,20 ; ' new
Valencia , /@Slrfv.
CANNBD Goons Oyster , standard , pci
case , J3.l0gl5 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb jcr ) case
$3.00df3.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.CXK '
3.10 ; California i ars , per case , $1.00g4.SO' (
apricots , i > er case , $4.10(84.23 ( ; peaches pei
case , $5.75625.85 ; white cherries , per case
fO.OO ; plums , per case , $3.80(23.90 ( ; blueberries
rios , per case , $3.80@2.40 ; epg plums , 2-lb
per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case
$ .1.200 5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , tl.8561l.00
B-lb goosberrles , per case. $3.25 < SJ3.35' 2-H
string beans , per case , $1.75 ; 3-lb lima beans
per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $ i.r * < Ji
2.60 ; 2-lb ea.-lyJuno peas , per ease , $3.75
3-lb tomatoes , $2:40 : 2.50 ; 2-lb corn , S3.aXa
lUrisep LAUP Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb squan
, . .
uiiiJt * u ' * t.
can * , 7c : MMb round , 7c ! ; 20-lb round , 7/oj
1Mb pail * , 75'c ; 6-lb pails , 7\c ; palls ,
Granulated. 7Vo ; conf. A ,
7@7lo ; white extra C , G\(40 o ; extra C ,
O'iW'lHc ' ; yellow- , 5tfe ; cut loaf , 7 , ( ( J7 i' i
l > owdered , " , ' . ( ( * ? We.
PICKLES Medium In bblc , $0.50 ; do In halt
bbls , $3.75 ; small , in bbls , $7.50 ; do In half
bbN , $4-25 ; gcrklns. iu bbls. $3.50 ; do In half
bills , $4.75.
TOIIACCO Lorlllard's Climax , 44c : Splen
did , 41e ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Legcott&
Meyer's Star , 42c ; Cornerstone , "Me ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoo , 4lc ; T. J. , 37e ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44e.
HOPE Seven-sixteenths , lll 311fc.
WootMiNWAiiB T.wo-hoop palls , per .doz ,
$1.45 ; three-hooii i ills , $1.70 : No. Itub , $0.50 ;
No. Stub , ; No. a tub , $4.50 ; washboards -
boards , $1.75 ; 'assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No.
1 churns , $9 ; No. 5 churns , Sj No. 3 churns ,
CiiACKr.ns Onrneau's soda , butter and
picnic , Co ; creams , So ; ginger simps , 805 city
soda , 7c.
TEAS Japan , 20@55o ; gunpowder , ° < 9
COJ cj Young Hyson , 25@55o ; Ooolong , 20y
COc.Srnup No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.45@1.50 ;
New Orleans. i > cr gallon , 3S@40o ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 80o ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
cons , per do$0.25 ; quart cans.$3.23.
STAHCII Mirror gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves' corn ,
0'fo ' ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
HOLLAND HumiiNoa 75@SOc per keg.
Dry Goods.
PIIINTS SOLIIJ Corona Atlanta , G e ;
Slutor , Bo ; Berlin Oil , OVc ; Garner Oil. 0@
7c. PINK ASH ROBES Richmond , Co ; Allen
Oc ; Rivcrpoint , bo ; Steel River , tie ; Hich
mend , Co ; Pacific , CWc. INDIOO BLUE Wash
ington , Oc ; Century Indigo blno prints , lOc ;
American , fl cs Arnold ( IJ c ; Arnold 11 10 > o ;
Eddvstone.Cc ; Pacific , Oo.
ConsnT JEANS Androscogln , 7 } c ; Kear-
sage , "Ko ; Rockport , OJi'c ; Concstogn , O'fe.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOKe ; Beauty ,
12Uo ; Boone , 14e ; B , cased , $0.50.
COTTON FUNNELS 10 per cent trade dis-
! 20c ; ' No/10 , Sc : 40 , 10Kc00. ; 12e ; 80 , 15o ;
30 , colored , lOo ; 50. colored , 12c ; 70 , colored ,
15c ; Bristol , 13Ke ; Union Pacific , 18o.
CAIIPET WAIIP Bibb white , IS' c ; colored ,
GINOHAM Plunkctt checks , 7Kc ; Whit-
teuton , 7Hc ; York , ! ; Normandl Dress ,
SJ-fo. Calcutta Dress , 8 c ; Whittenton
Dress , 9c ; Ken f row Dress , ! i@12J o.
CAMIWICS Slutcr , 4 } o ; Woods , 4 } c ; Stan
dard , 4Ko ; Peacock , 4Kc.
TICKS Lowlston , 30 in. , 12 > c ; Lewlston ,
DENIMS Amoskcug 9-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7
oz. , 18o ; York , 7-oz. , 13o ; Haymaker , 81 < c ;
Jaffrcy XX , UJ o ; JufTrey XXX , 12 } < c ; Hea
ver Creek , AA. 12c ; Heaver Creek HU , He ;
Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
KIISTUOKV JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Ko ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22) e ; Coltswold , 25e.
CIIASH Stevens' H , Go ; bleached , 7o ; Ste
vens' A , 7 > < fe ; bleached , S c ; Stevens' P.
8 } < c ; bleached , 9 c ; Stevens' N , 9 > c ;
bleached , 10' ' < c ; Stevens' S R T , 12 } c.
MIHCKLLANKOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland8Ho to ! lc ; Dado Holland , 12 > c.
FLANNELS Pluid Raftsman. 32o ; Goshcn ,
'BJrfc : Clear Lake , 32Uc ; Maple City , 30'ifc. '
White-G H No. 3 f , 2lc ; Q H No. 1 , % ,
; H H No. 2 , $ { , 22e ; H II No. 1 , Jfi
, & , * . - , a it. * i.Tli ' / > ll > ' i 7
COMFOIITKUS140.JX ) < W35.00.
BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored $1.10
BLEACHED SHEETIXO Bcrkely cambric ,
No. 00 , Ulfc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , Ctfc ; butter cloth
OO , 4'c , ; Cabot , 7o ; Farwell , 8c ; fruit of
Loom , 8j ! c ; Greene G , tic ; Hope , 7 > c ; King
Phillip cambrie , Ho ; Lonsdule , llj/e ; Lons-
dale , 8 > c ; New York mills , lOKc ; Pcppcrell ,
42 inch , lOKc ; Pepperell , 4iineli ) , llVfc ; Pep-
percll , 0-4 , 15c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , ISc ; Pepperell ,
' .M , 20e ; Pepperell ; JO-4 , 23J c ; Canton , 44 ,
SJie ; Canton , 4-4 , ' . c ; Triumph , Oc ; Warn-
sutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
HKOWN SncETiKO Atlanta A , 4-4 , " ' c ; A
Hantic H , 47c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , Kc ; At
lantic P. 4-4 , 5 ; o ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5J/c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4 > c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJifc ;
Hoosier LL. 44 , 5Jfo ; Indian Head , 44 , 7 > 4c ;
Lawrence LL , 44 , oj/c ; Old Dominion , 4-4
fij-fc ; Peppercll R , 44 , OKe ; Pepperell O , 44
Oc ; Peppercll , 8-4 , 10c : Pepperell , 94 , ISo
Pepperell , 104 , 20c ; Uticii C , 44. 4Jfc ;
Wachnsett , 44 , 7o ; Aurora H , 44 , OJ c ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , Oc.
DUCK West Point 29 in , 8 oz. , lO c ; West
Point 29 in , 10 oz. , \ c ; West Point 29 in , 12
oz , l.r.c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , ] 0c. Checks
Caledonia X , ! > X ; Caledonia XX.
Economy , 9@9 c ; Otis ,
General Markets.
FI.OUR AND PEED Minnesota patents ,
$2.50 per cwt ; Minnesota bakers'
straight. $2.20 per cwt ; Kansas and
Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.45@
2.00 ; Nebraska patents , f.25a2.a.v ( , rye flour ,
$1.75@1.90 per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per
cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , We per cwt ; cornmcal , white ,
$1.00 per cwt ; chopped feed , $10.00 per
ton ; bran , $12.00@13.00 per ton ; screenings ,
$ y.X ( ) @ 12.00 per ton.
HAY The low prices of the past week and
the inability of dealers to sell immediately on
arrival , causing demurago charges , has cut
off the receipts to some extent. Yesterday
the supply on the market was light , prices a
little stronger , good upland prairie going at
$7.75@3. < X ) .
Fens Very few furs have been received
as yet , as the trappers have bardly com
menced operations. Raccoon , 20 < ? J70c ; mink ,
lJJf ( ) ( > 0 ; musk rats , fall , 2@5c ; striped skunk ,
10@40 ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , $3.00@3.50 ; No.
2 , $1.50U2.00 ( ; prairie , C0@75c ; No. ' „ ' 40 ( < f45o ;
beaver , No. 1 , per lb$2.UO@3.00 ; No. 2l,00rt ( !
1.25 ; otter , $ l.00@0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20 ( < / >
; is per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15
(325e. (
Si'i HITS Cologne spirits , 1SS proof. $1.10 ;
do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits second quality , 101
proof , $1.10 ; do 1SS proof , $1.09. Alcohol 1SS
proof , $2.10 per wino gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , $1.00@l.iO. ! Gin blended ,
$1.50(22.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00@
0.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryes. S2.00 ( ; .50 ; Golden Sheaf
bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50@.1.00. Bran
dies , imported , $ , r > ,00@S.50 ; domestic , $1.30@
3.00. Gins , imiKirteil , $4.50@0.00 ; domestic ,
$ l,25i/3-00. ( Champugucs. imported , per case ,
$28.00 ( < iay.00j ; American , per case , $10.00@
HEAVY HAnnwAiiE Iron , rate , ? 2.70 ; plow
steel , special cast. 4' e ; crucible steel , OKc ;
cast tools , do , 12@l5c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.00ff.r.50 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , SOc ; axles ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per Hi , 0@13c ; cell
chain , per lbOK@13c ; malleable , SiCHc ( ) ; iron
wedges , Oo ; crovvbars , Oc ; harrow teeth. &c ;
si > ring steel , 4iJ3c ( ; Burden's horse shoes.
$4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , In car lots. $4.00 per 1X ( ) Ibs ; Iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 : steel nails , $2.50.
Hun : * Green bntchcrs',5J- : green cured ,
7c ; dry flint,10odrysalt,8ogreen calfskins ,
7 > < c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tal
low 3ifc. G reuse Prlmo wh ite , lie ; yellow ,
3o : brown , IJ e. Shccpjiclts , 25@00c.
COAL Egg , $10.25 ; nut , $10.25 ; range , $10.25 ;
walnut block , $3.75 ; Iowa lump , $3.50 ; Iowa
nut , $2.75 ; Illinois , $4.ari@4.75.
Dry Lumber.
1st and 2nd. clear , 1 , \ } inch , s. 2 s. . . , $50 5C
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , . . . . 45 5C
" , " IJf , 1 ,2 in . . . . 40 W
A select , 1 inch , s. 2s. , . . . . 40 IK ;
" " IK , 1 } 3 in . . . . 44 W
B " 1 inch , s. 2 in . . . . 30 ( K
" " Itf , IK , 2 in . . . . 37 ( X
Clear Poplar , Bx. Bds , Kin. , s2s , . . . $ ; 15 5 (
" " Min. Panel , s2 s . . . .270C
" " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . . 23 K
No. 1 com , b 1 R.$18.00 I No. 1 , com , s 1 f 17.0C
No. a " " 15.50 1 No. 4 " " IS.OC
Com,4 .to In. flooring. , , . $17.50
Star " . i.5C
Clear * in Ceiling . 21.W ;
CIiMir lu Partition . . . . . 2r.OC
.Clear finish , I & iv in. , s2 a . .29.01
Clear corrugated felling , 4 in . 25 ( K
Yellow pine cosing aud base . ; . . . 27.UC
The Roooptlon to Mr. and Mrs.
Olomont Ohnao at Oortlunclt
The Home Circle Parly Mrs. Ilntlcjr'ri
ProBresslvc Kuclire Mlsa Miller's
German General Society Gos
sip Personals.
The Clmse Heceptloti.
Tlio reception given to Mr. Clement C.
Chase , editor of the Excelsior , and his beau
tiful and accomplished bride , by Hon. J. M.
Woolworth nnd Mrs. Woolworth , at Cort-
landt , their beautiful home , between tbo
hours of 8 and 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon
nnd evening , was a recherche and brilliant
affair. Nearly everyone who was fortunate
iu having received an invitation responded ,
nnd the gathering was tbo most cheerful and
homo-like of the season. The palatial resi
dence nnd delightful grounds were attract
ively decorated and Illuminated for the occa
sion , which was blessed with tbo most charm
ing weather. The groom und bride , Mr. and
Mrs. Chase , assisted by the Misses Butter-
field , Colonel Chase , Mrs. Woolworth and
Miss Mcloria Woolworth , received the guests
with a warmth of pleasing cordiality that at
once made them feel at homo. In the dining
room Mrs. Doctor CofTman and Mrs. Connell
did the honors , nnd presided with becoming
grace. Mrs. E. S. Dtiudy , Jr. , und Mrs. D.
H. Wheeler were In charge of the room con
taining the wedding presents , which were
numerous , beautiful nnd costly. The sil
ver , china , bronzes , vases , hammered
brass lamps , paintings , Imported linen table
ware , brac-n-brac , cte. , Were attractively nnd
temptingly arranged and pronounced very
handsome by all. Franko and his orchestra
furnished the music , nnd the time was very
pleasantly whiled away until the close of the
reception. As each of the guests departed
they were presented with very pretty sou
venirs containing pieces of the wedding cake ,
anil samples of crystalized Callfc-nila orange
blossoms nnd vlolots. The monogram of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Chaio was embossed on the boxes.
The bride was u Miss Lulu Edwards , of
Santa Ann , Cul. , and has already won u place
in the hearts of her newly made acquaint
ances , to whom she will bo at homo on
Wednesdays of each week at No. S09 Park
nvcnuo. Guests wore present from Lincoln ,
Plattsmouth. Missouri Valley Junction and
Council Bluffs.
Dr.spiTE TUB Inclement weather Tuesday
evening the greater portion of the members
of the Hyperion club attended their second
party of the season ut Masonic hall. A thor
oughly good time was enjoyed , nnd the good
musiu und unique method of serving refresh
ments added greatly toward making the
aftuir n notable and delightful one. Dancing
commenced shortly before 9 o'clock nnd con
tinued until after 12. Many of the costumes
worn by the ladies were strikingly handsome
nnd tasty. There wore present : Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Corby , Misses Llvcsey , Lawton ,
Healoy , Studelmnnn , Mayne , Green , Hana-
ford , MoLuiii , Cook , Boycc , Mulford. Bores-
ford , Cuntield , McKcnnn , Wilson , French ,
Wllklns , Miller , Brunei1 , Hussoll , Scxaucr ,
Grunt , Walker , Messrs. Mullen , Bradley ,
Kostcrs , Byrnes , Birney , Cook , Merriain ,
Day , Ilensen , Griflin , Milligan , Llvcsey ,
Ogelsy , Phelps , Patterson , Steeiv , Talc ,
Weber , E. B. Smith , Hryuns , Craig , Uussell ,
Wllkins , Crandall , B. H. Smith , Sherman ,
Gregory , Wilkio.
TnimsiiAT EVKNINO Dr. and Mrs. It. C.
Moore entertained u number of their friends
at whist.
Mus. FIIANK Cor.pKTznn gives a muslcalo
Thursday evening for the benefit of the organ
fund of the First Congregational church.
Miss ISAACS entertained a few friends
Monday evening at her home , 113 South
Twenty-fourth street. Those present were
Mr. anil Mrs. Carlisle , Mr. and Mrs. Woods ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cully , Mr. and Mrs. Haincs ,
Dr. and Mrs. Stone , Miy. Botkln , the Misses
Botkln , Woods , Messrs. Wally and Lcnncp.
Mus. R. P. BOSWOIITII .gave n luncheon
Thursday in honor of her niece , Mrs. G. A.
.Toplln , at her homo , 2030 Capitol nvcnuo. The
following ladies were present : Mrs. H. A.
Doud , Mrs. Bradley , Mrs. Dr. Darrow , Mrs.
George Darrow , Mrs. W. L. Purrotte , Mrs.
A. D. Schermcrhorn , Mrs. A. C. Kennedy ,
Mrs. F. W. Hills , Mrs. J. L. Kennedy , Mrs.
A. S. Graham. Mrs. W. K. Potter , Mrs. W.
Tin : LUNCH given by Miss Yates was one of
the most pleasant events of the season. The
appointments were perfect , the plate cards
being shaped like the letter Y , with the
guests name. Those present were Miss Hol-
lingshcad , of Philadelphia ; Mrs. Clement
Chase , Mrs. Eustis , Miss Eustls , Miss
Elllnscr , of Portland , Ore. ; Miss Hugus , of
Pasadena , Cal. ; Miss Thrall , of Detroit ;
Miss Lake , Miss Balcombe , Miss Mabel Hal-
combo , the debutante of the week , Miss
Yatcs and Mrs. Yates.
Mu. ANI > Mns. F. E. HAILKV gave a cuehro
party Friday evening at their homo , 1504
North Nineteenth street. Miss Maggie
Latey won the first prize , an Ink stand , and
Mr. John Gannon the booby "a left shoo. "
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Jackson ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hensman , Mr. nnd Mrs. Latey ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gannon , Mr. and Mrs. Collett
nnd Master Collett , Mr. and Mrs. Hnsknll ,
Mr. and Mrs. Percival , Mr. nnd Mrs. Kod-
iniin , Mr. and Mrs. Bailey , Mr. and Mrs.
Baker , Mr. and Mrs. Bassctt , Mr. and Mrs.
Brown , Mr. und Mrs. Counsman , Misses
Huskull , Fahrion , Harris , Pauline und Min
nie Collett , Buker , Latey , Messrs. McLnnc ,
Chaplain , Pickers , Nelson , Copley , Conrad.
Miss MILI.EU gave u german Wednesday
evening at her home , 2221 Dodge street. The
affair was in honor of Miss Vashti Miller and
was ono of the pleasant events of the season.
The participants wore : Miss Dickey , Mr.
Heed , Miss Shears , Mr. Seaver , Miss Cham-
burs , Mr. Barton , Miss Kuhncn , Dr. Smith ,
Miss Sallie McCllntock , Mr. Kennedy , Miss
Hoagland , Mr. Paxton , Miss Lake , Mr. Jor
dan , Miss Kennedy , Mr. Kingwalt , Miss
Dlxon , Mr. Ott. Miss Vashti Miller , Mr.
Broch , Miss Brown. Mr. Wilson , Miss
Hugus , Mr. Donne , Miss Williams , Mr. Pop-
pleton , Miss Ida Dixou , Mr. Cocn , Miss Mil
ler , Mr. Ward. Mr. Wilbur Beall led , The
favors were bags nnd matchsafcs , Japanese
dolls and p.ilntcd wooden favors , cups aud
birds , cologne bottle0 , pen wipers , minted
cniukcra mid frogs , thimble cases and paper
weights , dusters and ash receivers.
A GAUD party was given Thursday evening
by Mrs. Collins al her homo on Capitol
Mu. E. IIIVINO VAN HoiiN , one ol
Omaha's popular young men , has just ru-
turned from the east bringing with him ono
of Connecticut's fairest daughters ns his
bride , the daughter of Frederick Hiird , csq , ,
ono of the leading citizens and business men
of Bridgciwrt. His numerous friends wish
Mr. Van Horn nnd his young wife mauj
years of happiness.
THE OPENING partyof the winter series of
the Homo Circle club took plucu at Masonic
hall Friday evening. Forty-three couples
waltzed and sehottlsched to a selected pro
gramme of sixteen numbers. The opening
party was characteristic of the club whost
name Is synonomous of hospitality and gooe
fellowship. December II , the dutooftho
next party , will bo the seventh anniversary
of thu organi/jtlon of the club , on which oc
caslon an especially attractive party will bo
* *
THE SOUTH Sim : club , on to-morrow night ,
will inaugurate a series of hops , which are to
bo given during the winter In Forest hall 01
the corner of Sixth and Pierce streets. The
club is a strong one and promises to bo un
usually successful.
AT THE residence of Hon. James E. Hoyd
Wednesday , a sale of fancy articles tool
place for the bcnallt , of the organ fund o
Trinity. The display of fancy work was
especially pleasing und the amount realized
was quite large.
TUB HAPPV Houus'club will give four balls
during the season : November 22 , Dccumbc
23 , January 11 and February 8.
Miss Maggie Gibson , of Spokane Falls
W. T. , is I ho guest of General and Mrs
Wheaton , nt Fort Omaha.
ANIV/OUUAL hop was given at the For
Wednesday evening. The affair wns glvoai by
Japtnln aud Mrs. JJllo nnd Dr. and Airs. Hat-
slii. A pleasant evening was spent by nil
A UNIQUI : cntcrtnliiment which will glvo a
orrcct idea of Chinese customs , religion ,
uuslc and styles of dress will bo given by a
imipany of Chinese students , under the
uisplces of the ladles of St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church , in the church parlors ,
on Friday evening , November 'J.1 , following
.Thanksgiving. A Chinese wedding will bo
olebrated , un entertaining programme rcn-
lered and a great variety of Chinese articles
vlll be on exhibition and for sale. An ele
gant supper will bo served from 0 to S o'clock.
Vdmlsslon , 25 cents ; supper , 25 cents. All
are cordially invited.
. %
Tun NEW family directory l sucd by Chase
t Eddy will prove convenient us well as an
utorestlng addition to the book shelves of
Omaha's beaux nnd belles. Carefully nnd
onveulontly arranged , the llttlo social guide
commends Itself at once to all who may
mve use for the ample luformutlou its pages
Mr. Herman KounUo is In Chicago.
Hon. James M. Woolworth Is in Washing-
Mrs. D. H. Goodrich has returned from her
eastern trip. >
The Misses Dunely have returned from a
visit to Atchlson ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Mlllard returned Tues
day from Boston.
Mr. anil Mrs. H. B. Lockwood are making
a tour of the west.
Miss Holllngshead , of Philadelphia , Is the
; ucst of Miss Eustis.
Mrs. C. E. Yost aud daughter have gone to
Clifton Springs , N. Y.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Ringwalt have
uken up their residence In Omuhu.
Captain and Mrs. John Simpson arrived in
his city on Tuesday from Snn Antonio.
General Tom Wilson , U. S. A. , visited his
laughter , Mrs. Wurren Swltzlcr , this week.
Mr. ami Mrs. F. N. Jaynes , who have been
stopping nt the Puxton , have moved to 1707
Jodgo street.
Mr. and Mrs. Gannett will leave next week
'or the cast. They will spend the winter on
the southern Atlantic coast.
Mr. W. E. Annin and family leave on
Tuesday for Washington to remain during
ho congressional session.
Lyman Richardson and wife nnd Miss
Minnie Richardson , after un absence of some
weeks , returned yesterday.
Miss Nellie Burns has returned from Lin
coln , accompanied by her friend Miss Tote
McMurtry , who will spend a week with her.
Mrs. C. F. Sweeney and sister , Miss Lizzie
Parrotto , returned homo yesterday morning
from their visit to friends in the east and
Mrs. Dr. L. A , Men-lam has returned from
an enjoyable visit of six weeks , accompanied
by her mother , Mrs. E. A. Carter , of Pres-
co , In.
Mrs. Lieutenant Chittenden arrived from
the east this week. The lieutenant and his
wife will move to their cottage on State
street , North Omaha.
Heal Kslnto TrnnsferH.
D L Thomas , tux 'deed on lots 0 nnd 8 ,
blk 5 , 7 blk , 45 , 5 , blk 1 39 . . $ 1
John M Dougherty to Hellen C Smith.
lots 12 and 13 , blk 1 , Clovcrdale , w d 700
R Eliza Adams to Henry F Cudy , outlets
lots 150 , 173 , 178 , Florence , q o d. . . . 100
R Eliza Adams to Annie N Sayre , lot
8. blk 20 , Florence , q c . 100
II L Ambler and wife to Otis II Bal
lon , lots 4. 7 and S , blk 1 , lots 1 to 0 ,
13 to 13 , blks 3 , 11 aud 12 , blk 3 , Otis
place , q c d . 1
John J Muhonev nnd wife to Moso
Block et til , o 25 of w 50 of 7 , blk 78 ,
South Omaha , w d . 1,000
Edwin S Rood and wife to William II
Roscmin , lots 10 und 17 , blk 7 , lots 27
33 , blk 11 , Albright's annex , w d. . . . 2,000 ,
Rosmus Peterson et ul to Samuel
Mortcnson , lot 10 , blk 2 , Hoggs &
Hill's , w d . 3,400
Emma Scsscmumo to Bernard
Sacksso , iKNver of attorney .
Phillip Swoboda to Vcrogel Swoboda ,
lot 3 , blk 5 , Lymoro place , w d . 200
George W Buck to Mary E Griffith , e
50 of w 100 of 1 and 2 , blk 19 , Hun-
scorn park , w d . 4,200
E V Smith and wife to William Ben
son et ul , lot 9 , blk 19 , E V Smith's
add. w d . 3,000
William Lotoy ct nl to Orlando Toft ,
being a part of blk 19 , E V Smith's
add , w d . 0,500
Edwiy S Rood nnd wife to G F RolT ,
lot 13 , blk IU , Albright's annex , w d 113
Aug Kountzo and wife to William' H
Sowurd , lot 13 , blk 1 , ICuuntzo's
fourth add , w d . 1 C51
William E Hawley to M P Keiiney , lots
1 to 7 , Huwley's tcrruco , n c . 2,500
George Hobbhi et ul to D M Stuart ,
lots 2,0 nnd 8 , blk 24 , South Exchange -
change plnco , w d . 1
Jehu H Hungate , trustee , to Thomas
Hi-eiiimn , 14 , blks 2-lsj , blks 3-21-22 ,
blks 0-2 , blks 0-20-21 , blk 7 , Bedford
place , wd . I. . , . 2,750
John H. Hungate , trustee , to Thos.
Brcnnan , lot 0 , blk 3 , lot 8 blk 11 ,
Bedford place , w d . 1,000
Thos. McCullock to Frank P. Post ,
et nl , und J < lot 1 nnd 2 Andrews &
Benson's , add. w d . 13,223
Mary Gribbin to Hossa Hobinson. s y.
9 , blk 12 , and n 12 , blk 12 , Kountzo
& Knot , wd . 4,000 ,
South Omaha Land Co. to Margaret
Lewis , lot 4 , blk 14 , South Omaha.
w d . 550
Edwin S. Rood and wife to John Con
don , lot 2 , blk 15 , Albright's annex.
wd . 200
Hugh G. Clark and wife to Chas. N.
Johnson , lot 4 , blk 3 , Dupout place.
w d . , . 500
Charles Corbett und wife to W P.
Cuwlcs , lot 73 to 205 North Side.
w d . 30,000
W. B. und Jcnnio Cowlcs to R. W.
Day. Power of attorney , Joseph
Barker nnd wife to Nils Hogclan ot
til , lot 05 , Giso's add. ce . 100
Wm Laley ct nl to W M Shcldou.lot 3 ,
blk S , A S Polrick's add , w d. . . . . . . . 8,000
Jno M Marston to the public utllduvit.
Albert Zonhncr to Richard dishing ct
al , lot 0 , blk 72 , South Omaha , w d. . 35,000
Herman Kountzo and wife to John F
Flack , lot 3 , blk 5 , Kountzo's Place ,
w d . ] COO
Jno F Flack and wife to J W Bishop ,
same . 9,500
Chas F Foks to M A Upton , lot 20 , blk
0 , SE Rogers add . . . . . . .
M A Upton and wife to Chas V Folks ,
lot land 11 , blk 87 , South Omaha ,
wd . 0,000
A W Pattlson and wife to John L Ol-
ner ot al , lot 21 , 25 and 20 , blk 0 , lot
13 , blk 11 , lot 8 , blk 5 , lot 20 , blk li : ,
Albright's annex , w d . 1
Total * sales . $102,901
Permit * .
The following building permits wore Issued
yesterday by Superintendent Whitlock :
E. E. E. McJinney , barn , Twenty-
third and Mnnderson . $150
P. H. Davis , two dwellings. Thirty-
third near Spauldlng . l,20 (
Montague Yatcs , skating rink , Harnoy
near Twenty-fqurth . 250
George Saulter , two cottages , Seventh
and Hickory . 2,000
B. P. Knight , addition to dwelling ,
Davenport nnd Pleasant . BOO
Five permits , aggregating . f 3,900 ,
Another Street Cur Itoblini-y.
Another successful sneak on the cash box
of a street car was made last evening nboul
0:43 : , from car No. 23 , at the end of the Fur-
nam and Park uvcnuo line near Hanscom
park. The driver , Jack Turner , had left the
car for a few minutes to go Into the barn
nnd in his absencs the robbery was effected
A fter securing the booulo the thief walhci
lelsurly down Woolworth avenue where ho
was Joined by another party. The two worn
met by Mr. Ingrahm. a groceryman living in
the vicinity , who noticed the cash box under
the thief's arm , and supposed bo was a driver
going homo for his supper. Mr. Ingrahm describes
scribes the man us a young , well-dressed fel
low , of medium height. The cash box con
talncd $15 and $2,50 worth of children's
tickets. No arrests have yet been made.
A Tin In MoArdlo Precinct.
Jn McArdlo precinct at the late election S
G. Allen and F. A. McArdlo tied for the office
of Justlco'of thn-pcaco. eneh receiving twenty
fceven votes. They will now haVe to come to
Rome agreement unions themselves u to wlio
shall bo who.
Horns of Interest to the Mombora
of the Various Sbcrot Orders ,
General Pytltlnn NCWH DoliiK" of the
Odil Fellows The A. O. U W.
A. F. & A. M. Gosulji-Tho
KnlKlitH ofllonor.
SAMCRI , UnKn , the first supreme chancellor
of the order of K. of P. has Just recovered
from a severe spell of sickness.
Tnr. QUESTION of tnfdng the Endo\vmcnl
rank of the 1C. of P. , from the control of the
supreme ledge Is strongly favored. A u-
iremo council has been organized for the
nnmtgcmont of this rank. Many of the rep
resentatives to the supreme ledge not being
ncml > ers of the Kndownmcnt rank It Is
bought they should not legislate for Its
TUG cnictn.Aii sent out by the supreme
edge of the A. O. U. W. in reference to tha
Upchmvh Memorial , Is not meeting with suc
cess. Many members are In favor of building
n hull for the order hero , rather than contrib
ute towards building a memorial ball In tbo
small towu of Meadvllle , Pa.
* f *
Tins riusT uniform oommandry of the
[ Cnlghts of Honor was recently organized In
Texas , and last week another was organized
n Boston , with llfty clmrter members ,
ANor.t. CITY ledge of 1C. of II. of East Los anxious to know the whereabouts
of K. G. Schlnotto , n member of the lodge ,
'ormerly of Now Orleans.
THE grand ledge of Kentucky at its Vecenl
icsslon reaffirmed the law formerly adopted ,
> y nn overwhelming vote , making suloon-
( eeping n Masonic offense. Thus Missouri.
Kentucky , Ohio , Washington , Oregon and
other Jurisdictions have passed upon the
int'stlon and nil determined it In their grand
odgcs advorsoh/ the saloon interest.
Tun GitANi ) Lonni : , A. P. & A. M. , hn
olivti'd the following grand ofllcers in Cali
fornia : Hiram Newton Bucker , of Merced ,
" 5. M. ; Morris March Estw.of San Francisco
D. G. M. ; Alvu Russell Conklin , of Indepen-
lence , S. G. W. ; William Johnston , of Rlcb-
imd. J. G.W. : Nathan Weston Kpauldingof
Jaldand , G. T. ; Alexander Gnrton Abell ,
J. S.
Tin ; SUM of $229i97.'Mi : has been paid out in
charity to the widows mid orphans of Master
Masons and distressed Masons visiting Sun
Francisco by the board of relief of that city.
TIII-.IIE AIII : 8,000 lodges of the I. O. O. P. ,
md of this number over 2,000 have libraries.
SOCIAL Rr.miKAH Dr.unm : Lodge of Man-
chcsti-r , N. II , , has over 500 members , being
the largest ledge of the kind In this country.
TinOi > FKM.OWS of Now Jersey have
inirelmsod near Trenton nine acres of land
, uul mi eighteen room mansion , which is to
be n homo for indigent members , and mod'
olcd on the plan of the Philadelphia homo.
Every member of the order wlU bo taxed 1
cent per week for its iimintulnunco.
Tin * . Nr.w Ann , thu oflleinl order of the
I. O. O. F. has passed Into the hands of Dewey
ey & Co. , W. F. Norcross , Its former proprie
tor. , will still remain its editor.
A -siiss.MixT : : No. 110 , the eighteenth for
18S7of the American Legion of Honor , was
called to the mipromo treasury October 14 ,
and No. 117 was levied on the memberx de
linquent November 211. The call embraces
thirty-six deaths , amounting to $104,500.
The last claim reported on the call was paid
HX ! days after death. California bus no death
on this call.
When the new laws go Into effect assess
ments will become delinquent on the 1st and
15th of each month , respectively , ns one or
two may bo levied.
Tun i.onni : which Is soon to bo organized by
the Good Templars in California will be mi
experiment of the benefit system in the order ,
and its promoters , having this object In view ,
earnestly request the co-operation of tbo
members of the city. It Is expected that this
first ledge organized with a sick benefit con
nected with it will prove a great sjicccss.
Di'itixn THE Pythian festivities in this city
in October the committee of arrangements
offered a prize in the shape of a if5U banner to
the 1C. of P. ledge which appeared in the
parade with the largest number of members
in citi/.ens' dress. Star ledge No. It , at Asb-
land , Neb. , won this prize , and on Friday the
sumo arrived in this city. The banner is of
beautiful design , made of the
best of silk , with gold cords , tassels nnd
lace. The front is a dark red and bears in
the center the armor with the emblems of
the order and the name of the lodgo. On
the other side appears In largo letters of gold
the following : "Awarded by the Knights of
Pythias of Omaha to Star ledge No. 9,1C. of
P. , Ashland , Nebraska , for tbo largest num
ber on parade at Omuhu. October 12th.
A largo delegation of knights from Omaha.
Lincoln and other portions of the state will
go to Ashland ono day this week , probably
Wednesday , where the beautiful banner will
bo presented to the members of Ashland
lodge. J. W. Lounsbury will probably make
the presentation speech. The knights at
Ashland are making oxtcnsivo'.preparations
for the reception of their brethren , nnd will
tender them u banquet and ball in the oven-
SrniNnrir.M ) I.OIXIE b" , 1C. of P. , has or
dered its pnrnphiinnlla for degree and ampli
fied work. It will bo beautiful und costly.
HICIIAUII O'NKIM. , grand cbancellor 1C. of
P. , was in the city Monday in consultation
with (5. 1C. of R. and S. , E. E. Prcnch. Chun-
cellor O'Neill left on the evening train for
Plnttsmouth. where ho visited the ledge in
that city.
I'l'.TiTioss have been received and granted
for the following 1C. of P. lodges :
At Elmwood , Cuss county , to bo known as
Crescent 91 , with thirty charter members.
To be instituted November 24 by D. D. G. C.
P. W. Ruco.
At Poucu , Dlxon county , to bo known as
ledge 90. To bo Instituted November
10 , by D. D. G. C. , R. M. Goshorn.
* *
LoNfiFF.i.i.ow Lonni : & 9 was Instituted Oc
tober 2(1 ( ut Hooper by D. D. O. C. , F. I.
Elick , with the following officers : P. C. , E.
R. Hand ; C. C. , E. J. F. Burgh ; V. C. . C. E.
Olcson ; P. , C. J. Halm ; M. of E. , J. Helm-
rich ; M. of F. , F. O. Harms ; K. of R. S. ,
F. .1. Hcrro ; M. nt A. , E. Kliugbell ; I. G. ,
J. L. E. Looschcn ; O. G. , P. N. Quasi.
A LAIIOR attendance of the members of Ne
braska Ledge No. 1 Knights of Pythias are
expected at the next meeting. Wednesday
evening , to consider the advisability of rais
ing the rank fees to $50.
Tun iw.r. of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen to bo given Wednesday night
promises to bo u success. A special train
will bo run leaving Council Bluffs at 8:55 p.
m. and leaving Omaha In the return trip ut
3 a. ui.
TUB newly elected olllcers of the Elks were
Installed Wednesday evening by D. D. E.
Grand Ruler Francis. Exalted Ruler Dav
enport made the following appointments :
Esnulro , Phillips ; Inner Guard , Gco. U.
Eddy ; Chaplin , Wantland ; Organist , Wood *
burn , Last night u largo number of Elks
were the guests of the ofllcers of Fort Omaha ,
un informal social having been arranged by
the line oftlccrs.
Kt'.vsTONr. Loner. No , 155 , I. O. O. P. , was
Instituted Tuesday evening nt their hall ,
Sixth and Pierce btreets , by Grand Muntoi
Gcorgo H. Cutting , of Kearney , assisted
by the Initiatory stuff of Omaha Ledge No. A
Charter members , Alf Vlne-y , William A.
Kelley , William Sherman , C. A. Olscn. P. M.
Bock , E. H. Hellman , J. P. Chrlstiunaon ,
Forty-flvo candidates were Initiated , to b
followed next Tuesday evening by thirty-five
others. The olllcers elected were : All
Vinoy , N. G. ; William Sherman , V. O.I
William A. Kelley , secretary ; O. A. Olscn ,
treasurer1 The lodge will meet every Tues
day evening at their hull , northeast corr.ei
Sixth and Pierce streets.
* _
InKirnnl Kcvcnue Collection * .
Yesterday's internal revenue collection !
amounted to (0,793.50.