Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1887, Page 10, Image 10

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    tliW I
Advertisements und r thin head , 10 cents per
linn for the first insertion , 7 cents for - > BCh sub
sequent Insertion , and line t > er month.
No advertisement taken for less thnn 25 cents
for the first infprtlon. Seven words will be
counted to tlio line ! they imi t nm consent-
lively nml must lie paid In advance. All ad
vertisements must lie handid In In-foro ln : :
o'clock p , m. , nnd under no circumstances w 111
tlipy 1m taken or discontinued by telephone.
J'artles advertising In these columns nnd hnv *
fngthi ) answers addressed In euro of thelJec.
will Please asV for a cluck toenahl * them to
get their letters , as none will be delivered ex
cept on presentation of check. All answers to
ftdvertistiments should b enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns re puli-
lished in both morning and evening editions of
the Hee , thn circulation of wlilih aggregates
more than 14.000 jinpers dully , and gives the ad-
-/ertlsers the bcmflt. not only of the city rlrrti.
Intlon of the Bee. lint also of Council Bluffs.
Mncoln and other cltli sand towns throughout
this pnrt of the west.
Guarantee and Trust Co. , 150.1 .
MIDLAND street-Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to rial estate examined , per
fected and guaranteed. 002
TT'OB BALK The dandiest cigar nnd tobacco
-E ftato , located in the heart of the trade.
Htock about fl.lin. Fine opening for n cash
huyer. Address for particulars box yr , Central
City , Neb. Ct'i-n. '
T71OB BALK We offer as n special bargain 100
JJ acres of land four miles from stoc k jords ,
nt J121 per acre , on line of U. P. It. H. McCagne ,
Opp. P.O. i > '
IIEYENNK , Wvo. the future Pittsburg of
the west. At present a railroad center.
The best built and wealthiest city of Its size In
United States. Wjomlng. The great mineral
ntoro house of America nnd its fncxhnustablo
oil anil coal fields. For full particulars and re
port Hoard of Trade , address E. F. Stable , secre
tary Cheyenne Board of Trade , Cheyenne , Wjo.
SALK A snUmn doing a good business ;
for halo cheap If sold at once ; cause , sick-
ness. Address Box 614. P. P. . Omaha. 710 IJ *
HOICK farm land In Central Nebraska to exchange
change for good residence or business
property. Ueo. N. Hicks , 215 South 16th street.
500 Will buy an established business that will
liny 1100 per month , will give time on part ,
ndclress L 71 lleo ollico. 0IJ *
TjlOB BALK or Trade For Omaha property
JJ 2i7Jiicreswv.lllmptoved farm , four miles
era1 ! ! Union slock yniC.A. no Vtk't1 lOcfttinl faiiii
In the state. Address CM N . ifith. 7il 18
FOB SALK or Trade 'Hit- state or county
right for n patent clothes eliyer. One
of the best clothes elrvers ever invented. Bight
party can make JI.KK ( ) In the city of Omaha
alone. For particulars call on Sholes 4. Crumb ,
room 1 , Barker block. GUI 21
FOB SALK ( "heap , lease- und llxtutes of ono
of the best located real estate olllces in the
city. Addiess L 72 lleo olllc e. 071 U *
T710B SALK Stock , teiols. etc. , of an estab-
Jt ; llshcdaiid paving wholesale coiifectlouei y
liuslness ; will take part pay lu Omaha leal
estate. Apply 317 S. 1,1th st. 700
Oil KXCHANdK-Hanch of 1,300 acies ,
cieam of Holt county , all in n body ; 115 head
of cattle , Bhead horse's , farm machinery , about
800 tons hay , good wells and ev erj thing neces
sary for n ranch. Will take improved or unim
proved Inside property. Ollice open evenings.
li. i : . Cole , 310 IS.45thht. : 48
FOlt SALK At a Imigatn , three pool and two
billiard tables , with lomplete outllt. Nason ,
1015 rarimm st. 6701J
' | /lOlF SA LIT Hoarding house and furniture of
JP twenty rooms. Guaranteed tent , $76per
month. II. K. O'le. 310 south 15th st. 1)47 )
IIHB ) SALK IfiO acres of land four miles from
X' stock yaids , at $121 per acre ; this Is a bar-
Rain. McCague , Opp. 1 > . O. 633
OKXCHANGK-Goodcast Iront lot In Hans-
com I'laco to exchange for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. 0. F. Harrlsui,118 H 15th.
r > r >
T OTB A DK Kansas land for hardwaie stock.
Address K. P. Olmsted , Kcnesaw , Neb.
nio in *
\\7AN'TKI-Stock of mdse In m e stock in ejc-
TT cliunKo for land or city propeity. II , E.
Cole. 'JIOS. 15th st. C43
TJWH lliNT-Ono : of the best locations In the
1 ? city for meat marketer grocery , on I.eav-
enworth st. , very cheap lent. Apply to W. U.
Orecn.gl58. nthst. 3B3
TjlliHNISHKDIIat. makliiK * at per month over
.A ? rent , to trade for real estate. Omaha Fi
nancial Kxrhanjcu w cor. Ifith and Ilunicv.over
Htnte Xat. Hank. yia
TO KXCHANOr. Improved ' farm In Jowa
for Omaha residence property. J.J. Wil
kinson , If-'I rarnam , 084
F1 I OH HKNT riournnd feed store on 1'arkave ,
Splendid opening.
F L. areKory-'iU'J bouth 10th .
TJ1OII SALK A good futnituic and uudertak-
JL Ing business and two-stoiy frame building.
I nm postmaster and postolllco requires all at
tention. Address P. M. facotla. Neb. 01M5 *
TIO KXCHANOK-Jl.HO pfock general mer-
chnndlse for good Omaha property ; small
incumlirance ; imihtsollor exchange quick , b.
H. Campbell and O. W. Hervey , 310 Board of
Trade , 4 HO.
"WrANTKD Stocks of merchandise in ex-
TT change for land. H. K.Colo , 310 S15th
T7UNK business chance open in Colorado for n
A. light munuf BC Hiring buslne'ss ; large profits
nnd small capital required. Partlculbrs nt A.
F. Mano's , N. W. cor. ICth and Farnam. 020
TJ1OB EXCHANGE Houses nnd lots , farms ,
Jc hotels , lots , merchandise , horses , cattle
nnd In fact an ) thing } ou want. If ) ou have any
thing to trade call on or write to us. Ollico open
evenings. H. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th st. 03. )
THADK Two Improved farms In lown for
JOninhn property or Nobmskalands. . Sic-
Culloch & Co. , cor ; 15th nnd Furnnm. 328
MEAT market on pa\ed street , line business
prospect , llt'tit cheap
F. L. Gregory-am ) South leth st. _ 271
HliKK drug stocks nnd fixtures of ll.MX )
( . ' ,700 , WOU ) iullnest Nebraska towns. Foi
ale or real estate CM liango. Aclcliebs K. 2 , Hee
PALE Fiist-tlass two-story Inlck hole
foil excellent business ; rents for f 5 pel
xontli ; owner going out to Cal. Address H. 8
till ) ' , llrokeu How. Nob. 220 n 10
FOH SALK-AWO air stock farm , InSarpj
county , Just 25 miles from Omaha , with i
no qttartr on it , only 125 per ucie. A. F
Mnjim , f.f. . cor. 10th nnd I'nrnam. oiil
FOB TBADE 8.00U ncres of choice westen
land to exchange for general merchandise
Jno. 1' . Toft. 324 N. 16th St. E1J
IF you hnvo anything to exchange , wilte ns
We have. Improved and unimproved Ne
tiriiNka. Kansas and Iowa lands , coal mines , ho
tels , blocks of meichand be , horses , cuttle , hogs
> hoep , etc. , to exchange. S. S. Campbell nnd G
IT. Heney , 310 Board of Trade. 4h7
D BY goods and notions stoieroom for rent
Good chance tor millinery nlbo.
F , L.0iegoiy iiiijiSouthIfilli m. 271
Oil RALE-Or trade n No. 1 hotel property
doing good tiade , In one of the best towir
fei Nebraska. S. S. Campbell nnd O. W. Herv ay
10 Chamber of Commerce. 47
T\rANTED A stock of piocerle-s nnd genera
It mdse , for city lots paid for. C. J.Canan
FOB SALK A complete steam laundiy hav
ina twenty horce power engine. J. s. Hen
Belt , Sounders nnel Chirk Ms. 0 > V1
D .11. NANNIE V. Warren , clalnovant. Mec' '
Jleal , business and test medium , Dlagnosl
free. Female diseases n specialty. 119 N. 18t
Bt . Booms 2 A 3. Tel. 044. _ Ob7
HS. DUHANT-Clailvo.Miut from Boston 1
reliable in all an airs of life , unites sepai
atcd lov irs. 322 N. ICth St. , room 1. 7 < X ) Dee. 1' '
TXT ANTED Tliree clotlilng sale lneii nmt { vv
TT menouhnts nnd fuintshlng gcmcls ; alh
three salesmen who have sold any class of mei
chandise. . Apply IMebday 2 to 4 nt l.'ll Dougln
pt ; bring written reference for honesty. 7is j
" \\rANTKD-Flyo cash bovsto work In lar
TT retail btorc. Apply Tuesday a to 4 nt l.'i
Pouglns st. _ 748 IJ
TVANTED Traveling grocery , liquor , clotl
TT ing , dry goods salesmen , for Milwuukt
nnd Kansas City houses. Headquarters IM
Farnam st , room 1) ) . 754 13 *
masons wanted immediately attli
Omaha Milling and Kiev utor Co. . 1.IU Nort
ICtli st. 7U 14 *
_ _ _
"WANTED Coachman in private family $2i
T T Hostler f \ardmnu ; for hotel CM. 3 ills ]
atthers ( men ) 0 colored wallers , good wages.
men une w Ives for f arnib , (23 nnd j.W per moiitl
UborviH foreltv , Canadian Emp. ollice , Mr
Son. 3li 8. 13th. Tele. hJ4 713 U *
WANTKD-A HlKhschoollK- with a goo
pony to carry an evening route on Dall
WANTKD-A man to solicit ! Balary.fiS 1"
month. M list be ot good artcUes * . have
ind H Illlng to get right daw u to business. A <
re Lt . Omaha Be . . ar
steam fitter .te'ndr '
\VANTKD-A first-class : .
TT work and good wages to n competent , sober
man. Call or address F. A. Koosmcycr * Co. ,
'Lincoln. Neb. COO
TVINTEDBarber Monday morning. 2403
TT fuming. 731 11J
\\TANTKD-talesmen ; fho traveling sales-
TT men ; calary and expenses ; no experience
nere-isiiry. Address , with stamp. Palmer A. Co. ,
La Crosse , Wls. 070 dl *
\\rANTF.D-Good. reliable and experienced
TT cigar salesman for this state on commis
sion ; references required. Address the Mutual
Union cigar factory , Halber-tacl X Co . iiroprlo-
tors ; 322 I' KM st. , Nnvv York. 7M 14 *
ANTED A first class tool sharpener. Nor-
cioss Bros , 17th and Farnam , 03 1.IJ
ColTee and tea salesmen , solicitors ,
WANTKD makers , hostlers , boll boy , yard-
man i , 1500 Farnam st , room 0. * 54 lJa
"VVANTHD-Ti-n carpenters at Y. M. C. A.
T > building Moniluj monilng. Cor. inth and
DoUKlati sts. 755 14'
TTrANTKDMau and wife on farm , 2 cooks
TT for tlty , 5 mes-awH boys , 2 cash bojs. ft
dining loom Klrls.U dish washers,25 K'rls ' for
private families , n good dressmakers. S uinvuss-
eta. Uutu City Employment office , 814J } H. 15th.
7JIM4 *
\\7ANTKD-Brlght boy. nbout 14 ; must WTito
T T u fair hand. Store dcpt. Nebraska Telephone
Co. 702-13
' \\7ANTKD-Oood waiter boy or girl few
TT hours a day for board. Union Bestaur-
ant. 104 North Uth street. 6KI l'l
WANTED 1" good.rellable boys at American
Dlst.Telegraph Co.'s office. Oood wages.
Ste-adswork. 048 IJ
WANTED Shovelers and teamsters. Apply
four mile's west of Fort Omaha on line of
Chicago & Northwestern rallioad. C. P. Treat ,
contractor. 5f4 10 *
7v"NTED-Two painters , H. H. Beltelman ,
No. 2524 Deeatur st. 000 1JJ
ANTED Men for rallioad work. Al-
brlghf s Labor Agency , 1120 Fninam. 804
WANTED General ag"iits for portions of
Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas and Missouri.
Befercnco required. Address , Climax Window
Shade Co. , 201 and 203 N , 2d bt , St. Joseph , Mo.
WANTED Eight flist-class galvanl7e-d iron
cionlcowoikers wages tl.OO for 0 houis.
Kuemplng & Bolte , 811 Fatnam st. 444 1 IJ
\\rANTED-Good man pnitner to sell goods
TT nnd oversee agents In town ; can make
from ten to fifteen dollars per day ; must have
VM cash. Address L M lleo. 64J
WANTED 100 men of good appearance to
try our 15c me als nt Not i is restaurant , 311
BUI.31JSouth 14th btreet. ( old Live Tiuil let
Live ) CM
WANTKD-2 cooks , 2 dlningroom girls , 1
laundress , . ' 1 iliei-smakeis' assistants , 1 girl
for djeing establishment , he\eral experienced
gills forpiivnte families nil for city ; I Look and
2dlnlngioom.girls for Ia\idCltv , Neb , I dining-
loom girl for Friend , Nob. City Intelligence
Ollite , f relghtuu blk. 7U7
W ANTKO fllrl for general housework , s w *
coi of 21st and Lca\en\\orth sts. 751 10 *
WANTKD-Olrls for housework In and out
of city \ I and W per week , woman cook
and betond girls. Canadian KniploMiient of-
tltc , Mis. lliega A. Son , UIO h 15th. 'iel.'bfit.
71113 *
ifANTED-Atonce. gill , 022 N lllth st.
T 082
WANTKD Knergetlc agents , ladles and
gentlemen , to sell a new i atent needed and
hold In ei ry household , easily hold and good
pa > Ing , tall ami see at 1JI7 Douglas ht. . between
2 and 5 p. in' 07,114 *
WANTKD Kxperlenced sonant glil.Geunan
preferred. Apply IIU South JOth stieet ,
betw een I'ucillc and Pierce. ( StO 13
" \\rANTI5O Woman over 40 v ears for nelp in
T > kitchen , good wages. 107 N 1-th st.
04013 *
WANTED I'lrst-class girl for geneial house
work In family of three immediately ,
one w ho can go home nights. 114 N. IKth st.
02717 *
AOOOn looking lady w no can give good ret-
erences , owns good wardrobe , has 125 in
cash and can gl\e bond , can find permanent em-
plojmentat asalarj of } 05 per month by ad
dressing L 04 , Omaha Hee. 023 13 *
\\7ANTKD-Lady agents to handle light
TT metallic goods. gT > od wages. Call after U
n-in. nt the ollice of the Metallic Mfg. Co. . 2UVJ
. . .
. . . . .
N 17th st" "to'l lb i
IfANTKD-Oirl for general housejwoik. J.
T Harris , 511 S 10th street. 6.19
W ANTKD-01rlntl54i ! bherman n\e. Mis.
J. M. Counsman. 620
WANTKD 50 ladies to try our 15c meals nt
N orris1 restaurant ( old LheandLet Live ) ,
,111 and 31. ) S. 14th st. CM
WANTED Hy nine general house-maids , ono
laundiess , two scamstresses , an elderly
nuise. one govemess. five dining room and
chamber maids , ono Flench cook ( man ) , two
teamsters and an excellent music teacher. Oood
refeiences. Ordeis by mall solicted. Apply
State Kmplojment pailois , 1117 Fmnam ht. ,
room 11. 757 1.1 *
CANADIAN Kmployment Olllce orders j for
pintles to fill position of Must Illledfiee.
Domestic help fuinlshed ou shoit notice. Male
and female help sent to nil parts if fine Is paid.
Eight jears successful experience speaks for
our lellablllty as employment agents. Itefer-
enco : Omaha National Hank. Mis. lliega &
Son , 310 So. 15th , Tel. W4. 649 11 *
rpHOSE desiring first-class help can be sup-
X piled at the old reliable Employment Hu-
reau. free of i barge , 214 N. 16th st. 70" ) M *
GOOD men In most any branch of employment
would beuellt by advertising through the
State Employment parlors , 1417 Farnam st.
758 13J
TIIliCity : Intelligence Oflico has the only prop
erly organl/ed einploj meiit agency in the
west. It is the laipest , most reliable nnd its
teims the most liberal. Ifjouaroout of em
ployment or wish to niako n change , why do
jou delay In hecmlngtbe best possible nlcl that
can bo gtxen > ou. Peisons should carefully
consider whom they me denllng with ns there
are many new catph-penny coiuoins coming
Into existence daily. Fijll particulars concern
Ing our methods will bo gixcn upon uppllrn *
tlon. Allotdeisfexcnpt fiom prhato families'
llllc d free nnd bent to any part of the west whcr
fare is paid. Yoms respectfully , Chns. L
Hart , manager. Hefeieuces : John L. McCague
jiresident McCague Hros' . bank ; Dexter L.
'Ihonuis , cnshlei Nebinskn savings bank ; Hon.
J. H. McCulloch , county Judge. 571 ,
fPAKEN UP Small bay hoise , white spot In
J. foi ehi'iul , w hlte hind leg. Call 2122 fuming ,
Stephen Morsey. 74913 *
rilAKKN UP-October 8betw een Florence nnd
X Ponka hill , small , druk brown pony nnc !
buggy. M. Cannon , north of Floience.
octll , 20,27 , noy .1.10.
OST A bunch of keys ; leave nt lleo odicu
J and get row ard. 4W
LOST Yellow broncho , black mane , tall and
legs ; foretopbhortno ; shoes. Arewardol
tlO , If icturuc'cltcllllS.2Sthbt. 401 U *
LOST Yellow pony , black maue , tall and legs
Hetunitollll b'o.2Mhiit. 323
LOST Or btolen , near Hascall's park , a med
lum size dark bay mare , with harness on
mall white spot ou f nee , large hind legs. T
Murray. IM
\\7"ANTKD To rent space or room In or adja
T T cent to good saloon to run live billiard 01
pool tables. Address L , Hee office. 680 U
\\TANTKD-To rent until May 1st next , i
T T furnished house of 10 or LJ rooms. C. K
Majne. 284 U
WANTED Hoommttte Inpleasant front rootr.
at 621N leth at. , 2pd tloor. 770 13 *
\\7ANTF.D To buy first-class road horse , toj
T T buggy nucl hnniebs nt a bargain , M * Be
office. - Vill5J
TJOOM and board in private family , nice loca
Aitlon , lady with references. Address M. 3
lleo. 724 13 *
\VAN1KD-Two or tluec rooms , furnished
TT for light housekeeping ; state rent. Ad
dress M 9 , life office. _ 73ft-14 *
VlfANTED To buy the furnltme. of n smnl
T T or largo house centrally located , Co-opera
live Land & . Lot Co. . 205 N Hith st. 1J3
WANTKD-Hood family horse in exchang
for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th urn
Farnam. UX )
\VT ANTKD To buy a dozen good rentlm
TT houses , by paj Inc small pajments dowi
and then monthly Installments. Anyone hu\
ing good property to sell on these terms pleas
address with full description. T , H. f.cure o
f . K. Mayue. 15th nud Haruey. _ 21 U
WANTED To trade for a lot of second ham
furniture ; apply nt Hoom li , Frenie
' = =
ANTKlTi > uuy bhort time p ier. J. W
„ dross , t f. K. MnTuo'6 office , Uth | auc
llarney , "
Two persons to learn nook-keep
ing , situations. 101. ) Chicago st.J. B. Smith.
678 16 *
_ _ _
- of nil kinds \n exchange
Special attention glen to trading. C. C.
potiwood , 30,1 3 ICth. _ b.10
Farms to exchange for Omalm
ropetty and stocks of merchandise. C.
, . Brown i Co , room" n Frenzcr block , Omaha
741 n23
Farm lands in exchange for
stocks of merchandise , bt. John & Ely ,
loom 11. Freii7fr block. o | p. P.O _ OM
To adopt a nice bright boy from
WANTED ) ears of age , good home. Cull at
lie City Intelligence office , Crelghton block. 471
Oood farms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotsvvood , 305Ji
; 10th. OoJ
WANTED To buy five thousand to ten
thousand Boone county lauds , average
unllty , ut $10 per acre nnd less. Addrcs Box 158 ,
Omaha. 104
tVfANTEl ) At once two rooms in small pri-
TT Mite family , not expensive , within 8
quares of postoffic e , state terms , references ,
ttddiess LUK , Bee office. 008 1IIJ
WANTKD Farm lands In exchange for city
property. St. John & Ely , Boom 1. ) , Fren-
zer block , 07 !
XIO capitalists : Anyone hav Ing $2,000 to place
nt a high rate of Interest on good colateral
euiiltyim } Ing 2 per cent per month and per-
ectly safe may nildtess Cash , cars lock box 714.
7/J ( U
_ _
\ JONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 3itl S. 15th. 437
NEW York Storage Co. Corner Capitol
av. 4 , 15th st. , have money to loan on
lousehold poods , merchandise of every de-
bcrlption at lowest rates. Special facilities for
nerc hunts , goods moved , packed and shipped.
All chiuges advanced. Fircpioof bllck block ,
Cupltol av. & 15th bt. 41 < )
MONEY to Loan Sums of * 1,000 aiidupwntcH
First Mortgages. Improv ed city propeity.
I. S. Blsbec , l.t'i Bamgc Umldlug , Omaha.
804 dec3 *
ONUVtoloau. U.K. Cole , 310 8.15lh.
M 201 dec3
MONEY to Loan On Improved city propeity
ut lowest i.ites of inteiest. No lommls-
hlon ehuiged. tholes Ic Ciutnb , room 1 , Barker
block , cot. ] 6tli and Farnam sts , 081
TV roNEY To loan , II , E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 417
, to loan nt 0 per cent. Llnuhan & .Mn-
honey , IQiQ Fainaiu. t ttij
$ OUOUO to loan In nny nmottnt nt low est rnto of
interest. H. II. Iiey , Fienrci block. Oe > 8
"jl roNEY To loan , H. E. Cole , J10 S. 15th. 457
ONEY'LOANED at c. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan
-1T1. Offices on furnltuie , pianoshorses , wagons ,
personal property of all Kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without lemovnl. 318 S. llth.
over Blugham's commission storo. All busl-
nehs strictly confidential. DSJ
TI TXNKY To loan , H. K. Cole , 310 S. I5th. 457
UJ100.0UO To loiui on Omalm city property at 0
P percent. O. W. Da ) , S. E. coi. Ex. Bid.
MONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. \\ilkinson &
Co. , 1J24 Fiirnam , over Buillngton ticket office.
TV rONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 437
ri O LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
A proved real estate in city or county for
New England Loan JL Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , 16th and Chicago bts. 077
M ONKY To loan on chattels. Co-operative
Land and Lot Co. , 203 No. Itlth stieet.
M ONKY To loan , H. K. Cole , 310 S. 13th. 457
61'EK CENT Money.
Patterson i Fawcett 15th and Harney. 873
M ONKY to Lftan O. F. Da > Is Co , real estate
und loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. 072
M ONKY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 457
MONKY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission chaiged. Lcavitt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Cieightoli block. 1)74 )
M ONKY To loan , H , E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 417
MONKY to loan to parties wishing to build.
8. S. Campbell , 310 S 10th St. , Chamber of
Commeice. D70
ONKY to loan. Notes and H. H. tickets
bought ahcl sold. A. Foiinau , 21J S 13th st.
SHOHT time loans made on any nvaimlile
security , In icasonablo amounts. Secured
notes bought , hold or exchanged. Oeucial
financial business of any kind \ transacted
pi omptly , quietly nnd fairly nt the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 11th and Har
tley sts. , o erbtate National band. Corbett ,
manager. 71
$1,0(10.01)0 ( ) to loan. H. K. Cole , 310 b. 13th. First
mortgage notea bought. IHM
MONKY To loan. Lowest rates. Node-lay.
.1. L. Hlce i. Co. , o\cr Commercial Na
tional bank V78
MONKY to loan on city property , and also
faims In Nebraska and lown. Odell Hros.
& Co , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , 103
Pearl street. Council UlulTs , la. ; 1523 Farmun
street , Omoha. 208
] \ JTONKY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 B. 10th. 457
MONEY to Loan By the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omalm. Loans of $10 to $100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. . without lemaval. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans .so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro latn. Advances
made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into exlbtence. Should } ou need money call and
see me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wltunell building ,
15th and Hnrney. I'M '
M ONKY To loan , H. E. Cole , 31U S. 13th. 457
djJOO.ttX ) to loan , special rates on faim pioperty.
P Sobotker i Perrlgo , 1521 Fumnm. bt. OS1
MONEY to loan , cash on hnud , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squlie , HUFarnnm bt. Paxton -
ton hotel building. UH4
DHKSSMAKlNl-Mrs. Heed nnd Singer have
remov ed to Ml N Idtli St. , where they will
be pleased to bee ladles. 770 13 *
OA. SCHOF1ELD. expert accountant. Books
posted uud audited. Estates cared foi and
louts collected. Patents bought , sold aud pio-
cuied. Terms reasonabls. P. O. box25.1. Olllce
N. W. cor. Hith and Farnam. 737-19 *
CABINET nnd screen fnctoiy , best location in
Omaha , on paved bt. . 44x40,2-storyahdft-room
house adjoining , togethc'r with engine , boiler
nnd full set mac hlnery , inrludlnn 5 > eai s lease
of ground at half Its \nlue , all for W.OUO. Easy
tertas. K. M. btlckney & . Co. , 2403 Cumlng st.
732 11
" \\7'HKN your norbo Is sick or out of bortsdon't
T T pay big doctoi's bills or dope him on min
eral comioundsbut try a box otStandard Horse
und Cattle Food , and if U does what Is claimed
It costs joufi , and if not it costs you nothing.
Manufactured by F. E. Sanboru & . Co. For halo
everywhere. [ 034 U
Al'HOFESSIONAL nurse fiom New York
w ould like to go out lu sickness. Hesldenco
3.S15 Oichard st.Orclmrd Hill. ftil U *
T HENT-A House. See Cole , 310 S. 11th st *
C LEAN BKDS-15 and 25 cents u night , II00 u
W eek , 220 so. ICth st. 4H4-1 )
P HO1T.SS10NAL Nureo. Mrs. 1'eterson , 271J
Ohio st. 8W1 1) 4 *
TT1IHST-CLASS table lK > rc1. Bned in hotoe
4 at ) le , for J or 4 gentlemen. 1814 Dodge. 5k )
rpo H.K.NT-A house. See Cole. 310 S. 15th st.
FINE shirts made to older nt H cacu. omalia
Shirt Factory , boa N Ifith. 3ad4 :
STANDARD horse aud cattle food has been
sold to OMT 3'OUO men in Omaha , allot
whom will testify lo having received full value.
Try a box. For tale e > en w here , manufactured
by F. E. Sanborn i , Co. , 1.03 Bt. Mar ) ' avenue ,
Omaha. oa H
SMALL Private family wishes to board a
gentleman and wife , front loom , all con ,
\ euleuce * ) , moderate te-rms , address P. O. Box
28 , ( .09 14 *
mo BENT A house. See Cole , 310 S. 15th st.
J. 048
rpo HENT-A house. Se Cole , 310 b. 15th fit.
J. 048
A FES Agents und bilsiuebs men. vVe art
manufacturing and helling independent ol
any safe ring or pool by placing upon the mar
ket three sizes of tire proof nates at such low
prices that funnera , professional and bualnos-
inen can afford to purchase. Size , 28x18x18
inches. ; weight 600 ibs. ; ret H price , ptl ; Rinallei
and larger sizes lu proportion. Hare opportuiV
Ity ottwed. Alpuie S5afe Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio.
- . . . . 0830- .
qiO HKNT-A hou ? s. gee Cole , 310 S. 15th st.
JL , Oil
rpO llKNT A bouse. Me Lole , Jl & . 11th st.
J. i BH
I'.CKKH , Miller , llaiis , Dobsoti pianos at
New York prices ou easy pa > inentH. Special
rates to dealers , teachers and agent * . New-
York Piano Co. . manufacturer's agents , whole
sale depot cor. Capitol uve. and 15th st. 700 I )
IPT'YOUU BOOMS at the'city Intellluenco
Olllce , Crelghton Illock. More people call
dally at our office than at any other place In the
city , except the postolllce. fiSS
H. J. W. BABNSDALL'S surgical and ob-
stetrlcalhome , 172-4 Capitol nvc1. Omaha ,
Neb. Telephone OM ) . , 6l > ii21j
ri O EXCHANOK-For cattle. 1 hao 010 acres
JL of good western land to trade for cattle ,
nnd n good nonce and lot near the capital ; will
etchnngo for cattle. Address S. U. Bryan , Ash-
land. Neb. \ > "a
LIST houses , furnished nnd unfurnished
rooms with us. We will rent them. Olnco
open ceiilngs. . 11. K. Cole. 310 S. l.lth st. U35
ENTALAUKNCVF. . L. Gregory will bo
found nfter November 1st nt. South Idtu
gt. , opp. Board ot Trade. ( I round floor. 610
KBSN"AT Have jftu Just been married ? If
so you should commence housekeeping nt
once , nnd buy your dinner sets , lamps , cutlery ,
etc. , at Moody s China store , 302 N 10th , where
prices are always lower thanel ewhere. This is
good advice if it is nn nchcrtlsemcnt. 702 13
IJKHbONAL Don't use clectiic light ; don't
use gas light ; light your stoic , chop , hotel
or office with DuitleUrs Canadian lamp ; 200can
dle power ; the largest , whitest and most econo
mical light ever produced from coal oil. Call
and see it at Moody's china store , 802 N luth st.
747 U
AMIDDLK-AOED widow lady would like to
. form the ainialntanceof an elderly gentle
man . Object , friendship. Address "MS1 Bee
office . 76.11,1 *
PKHSONAL IfOttoWoIskvpfls in this city
he w 111 learn something ti his Interest by
w iltlng to Weiskopf Bios , TTnosha , Wis. 0711.IJ
LADIES A full bust without medicine ,
mull iJOo. , stamps , to H. M. lllch , Baltimore ,
Md. 2-iUnl7 *
PKHSONAL Private homo for Indies during
confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
adopted. Addi ess K 42 Bee office. 107 n 8 *
TJIOH SALK Clieap , il > oung fiorbcs , Inquire
JP N. W.cor 2sth nud Cap. nvo. d'lo 14 *
L' Special lates to dealers , teachers and agents.
Please call. Celebrated mukeis New York
IManoCo. Wholesale depot block coi. Capitol
ave. nnd 15th ht. 708 U
H SALK-Oood boaullug business. 212 S.
10th st. 7(11-11) ( ) *
TlOHSALK-Cheup , 4 Sk ) o Tci i lor pups. Apply -
ply Oil ) North 14th st. 07014 *
FOlt SALK Heating btove , Hadlant Homo
No. CO , double heater , cheap , used one week ,
call at btrang's building , loth and J'ninam , 4th
Hour. _ CK2 UJ
AHN for sale , veiy cheap. M. Klgutter. 1001
1'amamst. ctfJll
OOO.OOObiicks for salo. Moles , Hanson & Co ,
J cor toth and Valley st. ( bouth 10th st ) , resi
dence 2505 Paclfle. Oil H *
T710H SALE-WhyTs It that the New Yoik
-l.1 Stoiapo company can sell such elegant pai-
lor suits , chamber sets , pianos nnd organs at less
than cost of material. Answer : Hecause they
are a Loan and Stoiago company and boll for
their advances which are always less than cost
of material. Don't delay , call at OIKO. Corner
Capitol ueuue und Fifteen street. 6,50 U
OH S A LK-Latgq collect Ion of Indian relics.
W. L. Hass , Haildolph. la. Ml 13 *
FOH SALK-Pool table cheap. , Lake St. . oppo
site street car barn. f' 020 1 1 *
PIANOS and organs at wholesale prices on
easy payments. Now York I'iano Co , cor.
Capitol ave. and 15th sf. 70313
FOll SALK Shelving , counters , show cases ,
mid sundry store fixtures. Inquire A. Dor-
mann. Oil S. 13th st. BH )
F IOIt 8ALK-A very fine zither , 1218
1 aruum st. 574 l.'IJ
FOL SALK-Cheap , n good , stylish family
horse for family use. Inquiio Kaufman
Hros. , 1003 Farnam st. 412
NK bundled and llfiy < lollars will buy n news
O and cigar stand. 50& South 10th st. 100.
F IOH SALE A now lot of dry goods furniture
cheap. 1120 Cap. aye. 118
CONNUNDHUM-Whyls it that the New
York Storage c ompany cau bell such ele
gant parlor suits , clminner sets , pianos and or
gans nt less than cost of material. Answer : lie-
cause they are a Loan and Storage company and
sell for their advances which are nlwajs less
thnn cost of material. Don't delay , call at once.
Coiner Capitol u\enue and Fifteenth btreet.
0,11 13
FOll SALK Or trade , horse , buggy nnd har
ness , standing tlebk nnd stool , hard coal
sto\ . W ill bell cheap or trade for property or
paper. Alex O. Cluirlton , McCaguo Hios , opp.
BILLAHD Table at half price , TUunswlck
Hulke Co.'b make. Inquiio Leslie Leslie ,
10th nnd Dodge sts. 210
OUOANS nt wholesale prices , on easy pay
ments. New York 1'lnno Co. , cor Capitol
ave and nth st. 7QU.
I'OirKKNT Cottnge , 4 room"s723d nnd Lenv-
cnwoithst. Apply 813 S20th. 7301,1 *
FOll HKNT-Sultnble for Jobbing house , sec-
end nnd third floors No. 1117 and IJIUDoug-
lasst ; wlllbelltted up to f > ult tenant , ItcaidJc
Otis. 771 15
FOIl HKNT 2 10-room houses , all modern con
veniences. In center of town , ? & > per month.
1K. . Dai ling , 1505 I low are ! st. 728 13
F1 IOH HENT-House. Inquire 15U ( Hurt st.
7W I'lJ
FOH HENT 7 loom Hat and furnltuie for
pale. Inquire nt lC03Howuid St. , 3d floor ,
Mrs. Paiker. 717 17 *
FOIl HENT Small cottage on South Six-
teenth street , near Vinton. Apply to T. J ,
Fitzmortls , lleo ollico. Noy 12
FOIl HKNT-Store 22x10 , city water , gas , sew-
erago on 1 Ith bt , W"i pc'i month , new 5 room
fiat all Improvements , $ .15. ( J. K. Thompson , 314
SK.thBt. 714
T7"OU HENT 0 loom house ; all conveniences ,
X1 cor. ( ith nnd I'oppleton uvo , M. Amahnm.
0'J4 14 *
Foil KENT 10 loom bonidlng house MS , ! i
block fiom P. O , furniture for sale ; 4 room
hotibo fM , funilturo JJOO ; 37 room Hat centrally
located , fornltuio for sale J.100 cash , bal. IK ) per
month without Interest ; 2 Hats for rent and
small amount of furniture for sale , 4 restaurants -
rants , all in good locations , saloon for rent , fixtures -
turos for sale ; livery btablo for sale or trade ,
cigar store $50 , fixtures for sale ; leahe on n brick
building for 6 yrs. 2 8 room houses sulatablo for
boaiding houses , Co-operative Land A. Lot Co. ,
205 N. Kith st. 700 14
17011 * HENT 8 room noun- , furnished com-
J.1 pleto for housekeeping , J50 per month , 420
N. 17th st. i/KH4
FOH HENT House , 7 looms , with good barn ,
flO per month. 2540 Capitol av e.c . CM 18J
FOll BENT 3d btoi y flat , also several offices
on Selhtoiy , Douglas st bet 15th and 16th.
Chas Tin ner. oo 18 *
OH BENT Cottage of 8 rooms. M , Elgutter ,
1001 Farnnin. . l > ll U
" | jUB BENT IMoom house ; nil modern 1m-
JJ provements , 24th nnd Farnam tts , $75 per
month. H. K. Cole. 81US. 11th st. 018
TTIOB BENT New store bulialngwith base-
JC ment nnd barn in Du Pont place , suitable
fording store or hardware , or both combined ,
cheap to a good lelldblo paity , Hugh G. Clark ,
1516 Douglas gt , 024 15
FOB HENT A 11-room new house on 11th St. ;
can be occupied by tw o families ; city w nter ,
large lot. Enquire of Hlmebaugh 4 Taylor.
HENT Store and basement. Inquiio nt
A.Dormanuoils. 13th at. 687
BENT A coed basement to party with
out children. Inquire at 2025 Farnam st.
FOB BENT Splendid 0 loom cottage. .13por
month. Fiittei > on i. Favvcett , 15th 'and
Haruey. 61.9 .
HENT A splendid new house cor 21st
FOB Grant , 0 rooms and bathroom and all
modern conv rnlences. Apply eaily , bpotswood ,
fa luth. tuT
TTlOlt IIF.NT Bam near llth ht. . between
J3 Douglas und Dodge ; room for U horses and
8 vehicles ; also hay loft , Apply to City Steam
Laundry. 65.1
HKNT Basement , stores and flats , cor.
FOB und Jackson. Enquire Mrs'F. l-ange.
BENT-2nd and 3d floors at 1417 Douglas
FOB . with lease of three ) ears. Kennedy 4-
lllbblns , 1JOO Douglag St. 707
TTlOH HKNT-3 room lottut'e , H24 N 21st. Bt ,
-C Apply U16 S 13th it. 1U
. V '
T7KB 11KNT-3 flats nnd funilture fornalo , all
JD on 16th. A. F , Mariie , N. W. cor. 16th nud
Farnnm. VJl
OBOOMS-Baih and barn. Colfax st J41.00
10roonf ; batli nnd furnace. Sewardst. 6.100
10 room * , bath and furnace , Woolw orth st , . 6000
H rooms , bath , city water , Corbyst ! tt l
6 rooms , cottage , llurdetto st 2. > (
Brooms , cellar , well , cistern,27th st t. . . 28,00
(1 ( rooms , cellar , city water. 2Mh st ' . ( )
Fine large storeroom , good location 35.00
F. L. Gregory , 'WJ South loth at. l
OH HKNT-If ) on wish to rent n house call
on Hennwn & Co. , 16th st. , opposite P. O.
" 1710 H HKNT fl-room house , corner Marcynnd
J-1 l errlll st. $20. Inquire Llulngcr 4. Metcnlf
Co. . nth and Paclllc. 22 >
OH HENT-A whole block of brick stores
sultablo for .
Dry goods nnd notions.
Hurdwnreand stoves.
Flour and feed.
Baker aud confectioner.
Meat market.
Fine opening for business. Cheap rents , paved
streets , etc. F. L. Olegory , 300 S. Sixte-enthst.
FOB BENT Nov. 15 , neweightroom house ,
nit modern improvements , 2218 Chicago st.
$00. J.H. Hlngw ait , 218815th st. 777
FOB BENT Severn new 7 room houses
block , from street car , ready for occupancy
November 1. U. F. Harrison , 418 3.16th st. 85J
LIST houses , furnished nnd unfurnished
rooms with us. Wo will rent them. Office
open evenings. H. K. Cole , U10S. 15th st. 035
FOB BF.NT fl-rooiu house , $15 month , 22nd
nnd Pierce. 1' . K. Darling. 1505 How aid. 7231J
F 1011 BENT 11 rooju nouse on Sherman ave.
A. F. Mnne , N. W. cor. 10th nud Farnnm.
FOB BKNT Nicely furnished parlor , bedroom
mid closet , pilvnto family , near cur line > . $10
with or without board , 11UJ l/nid st. 7.11 IJ *
T A HUE south front loom , nil modern couveii-
J-J lences , suitable for two gentlemen ; nlso
llrst-clnss table * bouid forthtee or four ; refer-
ehccs. 1814 Dodge st. 704
FOH HKNT Front parlor nud bed room , down
htnlrs. 2010 Harney ; refeicnccs required.
Call at house. 716 13 *
OB KENT 4 furnished rooms , 1001 Hownid ,
cor 10th 7501,1 *
FOll HKNT Bain and furnished loom , s e cor
20th and Chicago sts. 762 19
1OH KKN'T-Elegnut roomS. cvrnjliilng new ,
JL all conveniences. Thieo minutes fiom 1 * . O.
Av euue Place , 1011 and 11116 Capitol av e. 750 10 *
FOB HKNT A nice furnished fiont loom for
2 young men. Hefcrenco required. 1U22
Saumlers bt. 727 IJ *
FOB HKNT One slnglo and two biiltsof looms
with board nt 4-4 N. 17th ht. 721) ) n *
FOB HKNT Nicely furnished rooms for gen
tlemen in private family ; steam heat and
every convenience ; very close to business. li > | j
Douglas. 73S-15 *
OH HENT Nicely f mulshed rooms. S. W.
eor. 10thand Chicago. 745-lb *
FOB BKNT Furnished fiont loom ; huge liny
window , with or without boaid , 617 Pleas
ant bt. , near St. Mary's nvo. 70J-li ( *
FOB BKNT Two nlce-ly furnished looms
w ith lire , 721 S. 18th St. 7J2 13J
OB HKNT Fin uMied fiont loom with heat ,
sutiable for tw o gentlemen. 2217 California
street. 70-11,1 *
FOIl HKNT Fuinlshed looms with heat and
bath , at 1710 Cass bt. Wl IJ *
F OB BKNT Nicely furnished rooms , 1013
Dodge. 058 17 *
F UHNISHKD Iloom cheap , 2020 St. Marynve.
C.7 diO *
FOIl HKNT Clieap , suite of nicely furnished
rooms , 1019 N 23d st. 4U ) 11J
FOll HKNT 3 nice unfurnished rooms suit
able for housekeeping , situated on 21st
nnd Nicholas st. Apply 316 a 15th st. f > 19
FOH HKNT A small , neatly furnished south
room for ono gentleman , $10,25th and Far-
nain. Apply 1121 Farnam. 605 12
FOlt HKNT Furnished rooms , 1810 Dodge st.
102 # 30
TDOOMS and board for four , In pilvate family.
.IV w 1th homo comforts , S. W. Cor. 21st uud
Leavcnwoith sts. 62115 *
OH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms at 2227
Dodge. 0 us , bath and furnace heat. Dr. J.
C. V hlnnery. 029
FOll HKNT 1 tirnlshed rooms , 1419 Chicago.
BOOM-For two , with boaid if desired , in
prh nto family , 1723 Dn > euport s > t.M320J
FOH HKNT Klegnnt suite of rooms nicely
furnished , brick tint , south front , 1410 Chi
cago. 357
FOll HKNT A largo and pleasant room.ulcely
fmnished , for two or tlireo gentlemen. 007
S. 13th bt. Inqulionp-stnlrs. 5Kf
EOll HKNT-2 laigo looms for light house-
keeplng. 007 S. Uth st. Incjulreupstalis.
FOIl HKNT Oiound tloor ollico room , cen
trally located , heated nnd lighted. 0. F.
Hnrrlson. 41SS. 15th st. 71 ! )
F IOH HKNT Nicely fuinlshed looms nnd
board , 1810 nnd 1H12 Chicago st. 65010 *
T71OH HENT Hoom nnd board for gentleman
JJ midwife , or two gentlemen , also furnlnhecl
or unfurnished rooms. 803 H 2iid st. 002 1 i *
FOH HENT Furnished rooms for gentlemen
only , 1418 Dodge st. 6WJ 13 *
Oil HKNT Furnished rooms , 1313 Farnam.
OH HENT Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 415
Smith IDth bt. , containing all modern con
veniences. 1,41
T71OH HENT Two fuinlshed looms. 1017 How-
X1 aidht , , with board if debited. Heferenceb
lequlied. 6JO
FOIl HEN i1 Three furnished looms , all now ,
ltllla\enport st , 601 H *
FOH HKNT 1 urnisnecl room ; modern im *
inuementH , 171b Dodge bt. Ml 14
OH HKNT-3 unfuinlbhcd rooms suitable for
housekeeping , 1025 N Moth st. 15J
T710U HKNT South trout loom , 1020 Cass.
Jj 4I > 1 13 *
HKNT Two unfurnished nnd ono furnished
ished room , w 1th largo clobots und nso of
bathroom , NJ7 N 17th bt. 710 li *
PHONT loom , good boaid , modern conven
iences , private family. For gentlemen , or
gentleman and w ife , 61 ! ) S 25th ; u euue ,
- 710 10 *
FOll HKNT Ono largo front room with al
cove and closet nnd n largo bedroom ad
joining with chiset , Ml ; also 2 bedrooms , all
nicely furnished , each suitable for ono or two
gentlemen , with hot air , gas. bath , hot and cold
water on same lloor , JlOandil207 : S 24th st ,011
ear line , between Fnnmni und Douglas.
71114 *
TT10H HKNT Handsomely furnished fiont
-J3 room , 221lfc.ewnrdbt. . _ 7HS U *
"V fcl/V finnlbhed looinS W cor 18th nnd
1 > Dodgo. 701 17 *
A FINK largo bay window room , newly fur
nished with gas , bath , furnace and closet ,
no other roomer , for ono or two gentlemen , 601
b 20th st. IM
FOIl HKNT Furnished nnd unfurnished
rooms In nil parts of the city. When you
want a house wo can accommodate you. Car
riage ready to show houses. Olllce open een -
tugs. ILK Cole , 3108. Uth st. ! U4
ALOVKLY , largo front room heated , beauti
ful location , with all modern conveniences
on st car line , 11)17 ) Caaa. 235
FOll HKNT 2 unfurnished rooms , 2d floor ,
310 3. 15th. 355.
FOH HKNT Two desirable rooms , gas.bteam
and bath , 2UI S 24th bt. ( Jentlcmen preferred.
631 14 *
Foil HKNT-nnnlshed rooms in ( Ireunlg blk ,
cor. 13th and Dodge bts. Inquire ot Ueo. 11.
Da > is , Millard hotel l > llllard room. TO
FOB BKNT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping. 1l ( i S. 7 th St. 213
1J1UK HK.N"J-S nicely furnished rooms , 20211 fat.
U Mary's ave. OKI
FOB BENT BooniM , single and en suite ,
good piano for sale , $ lti5 , It21 Fanuim gt.
H HEN'T 3 rcMims suitable for house keep.
Ing. N. W. cor. llth and Pierce Bt. Apply
to 310 N 15th st. HVi
Tj OH HENT Hinilshed front rooms , bath nnd
JJ modern cov ncnlences , 401 N 16th. 687 M *
OH BENT-M/l Howard ht.S furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. 111. bleeping
rooms w 1th itocs for gemlemen , f 10. o 3 1 j *
T71OB IIF.NT Nicely funilshed room suitable
J3 for 3 gentlemen , liwnilro 2 < ! ll St. Mary's ave.
V )
TjlUHNISIIKDrexini suitable for two tjemle-
Jv ? 'wonj uKo hall bedroom , 1C23 Dodge.6W
6W 13
FOH HENT-lurnl.lipil roon with heat and
uoord-r-w'ith use of parlor , her man and
wife or tvro ladles. 25.E. Day enport. 077 In *
fjlOB IlKNT-l'lensnnt rooms , furnished !
-LT outhwest eorncr 20th nnd Webster. Ml
FOB HKNT Furnished rooms In all parts of
the city , by the clav , week or month. City
hitelllgeiuo office. Crelghttni block. 103
T71OH BKNT--Newlv furnished rooms , with or
JC wIthout board. ilJ a 24th t. 678 IJ *
TjlOH HENT Onico room , llrst lloor , nt310S.
JL1 IMh st. * ,
RITFATION wanted by n Swedish girl for sec
end or general house work. 1319 N. loth st. .
2nd lloor. 7,11 u *
" \VA NT KD Position by n joung tndytet do
TT general olllce w oik. Is typewriter. Best
of references. Aelilios.s M 2 Bee office.
CM in *
\\rANTKD-Sltuatlon by n German. SI , as
T T coachman , jardmnn etc. , geiod reference' ,
nblonnd willing to work , no office fee. Cana
dian Kmplo ) ment olllce , Mrs. Brega & Son. U10
H. 15th. Tel. DM. Q1V1J *
\\rANTKD-Bylady nsntlrst class worker n
TT few places to work by the day nt washing
or house cleaning ornny other house w ork. Acl-
dress Mrs. W . 1007Chicago st. 7.0 1,1 *
"lTANTKlSituntlons in city by 3 Irish girls.
TT nre good rewik.s and launch esses , limn
nlso Swedes and Beiheniluns , and any nmonnt
of nlco Amerlcnns. Cnniidlnn Kmplo ) melit
olllce , Mis , Brega ic Son , 310 S 15th , Tel N < 4 ,
111 1 1.IJ
AAfANTF.D-Sltuntlou by a lady ns copv 1st. A
TT good nnd nccui ate pi'innan. lleferences
given. Address M. No. 2520 California street ,
city. GSO 1J
A GENTLEMAN of long experience in Busi
ness would like to take n sltunblo position
In n w holcsnle or manufacturing establishment
January 1st prox. Fiist-chibs icfeiences. Address -
dress until Dec. Ibt. M. 4 , Bee. C'.Hl 30
\\rANTKD-Sltuntlou as coachman or caring
T T for stock , 8 years' experience. Address JL
6 , Bee olllce. 701 1 )
\\7ANTF.I ) Situation by a theiroughlv compe-
TT tent and expel lencecl stenogiapher. Can
furnish ti pet-writer. Best of lefe'rences. Addiess
H. B. C. , 1021 Douglas bt. 070 IJ *
\\7ANTKD Position ns housekeeper by n
TT woman eif expedience. Beferences given
if requited. ( Ji South 3d , ! bt. US ) 14 *
" \\rANTF.D A single woman wants place In
T T count ry or In small family to do light w ork.
Apply 271s BuiJ bt. Ull-12 *
\\7ANTED Situation as baker In or out of
T T city. Address L tie ) . Bee office. OJJ 12 *
\\rANTKD Position ns housekeeper for
TT widower , with small family , by n middle-
aged lady of expelienie1 , can furnish refeiences
if leqiilrod. Address L IM. lleo olllce. 618
TVTKW VO1UC StoiagoCo. ha\'e most exlenslvo
-Ls facilities for btorage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of Now
York. Cabh advances to nny nmount ; wnrei-
housn receipts given ; goods iusureet ; brick
building lire-proof ; special airaiigements for
commission men chants. Call NemYoik Storage
Co , Capitol nvo and N. 15th st. , Bennett's block.
' Merchandise or furniture. Little
& . Williams , 1107 Douglas st. N.9 1129
FtHST-CLASS storage nt 110 N. 13th st.
S' TOBAGK for carriage atOmahn fair grounds
and horses wintered by A. Thomson.
17SI-N 20 *
STOHAOE Ooo. Schwart ? . Omaha Storage
Warehouse. 1001.1011 North l.lth st. furnlt-
ure.buggles and merchandise , OIllco 1,115 Dodge.
4J7n lit *
STOKAOK Furniture , boxed goods , etc.tenns
reasonable. 714 Pacific. 1HH
AIUlAIN-flhcst lots In Hillside , No , 2 , cor-
ner. J5.200 ; terms easy. K. SI. Stlckney &
Co . 2IU8 fuming st. 733 r >
EOll KXCHANOK Improved and unimproved
city propeity far farms or mortgage notes.
J. A. inestand. Arlington blk. 7J15-15
"IT1O11 SALK Or Exchange A house and lot In
JL1 Chicago for house or lot sin Ouinh'i or \ icln-
ity. Address H.1U1J Mason bt. 740-lj *
FOH SALK or trade Ten choice Improved
farms in Washington county , Nebraska.
WillbOllon tenyeais' time or tiiulo for other
propeity. Most of the farms are within slxttcn
miles of Omaha. Apply to the owuer. C. Mo
Menemy , ilhilr. Neb , 75' ) n *
"ITUHl SALK A comfortable homo on n sight S.
-t ! front boward st. lot for only U2.050. Veiy
easy terms. Improvements cost f 1,100. J. A ,
HIestand , Aillngtou blk , 1511 Dodge st. TIB 15
sites in Ilanscom Place.
Lot 21 , blk. 0. one of the ilucbt lots in the
nddltion ; onlyW,700.
Coiner Delaware and I'oppleton avenue : 100x110
feet , south and east fiont , magnllltent
\ lew , splendid neighborhood , near stieot
cats und park. A baigalu If sold at once.
150 feet east front on Diiane stieet 1'opplo-
ton avenue. Water and gas ou street ,
close to street cor line , perfect grade. Just
the place for an elegant resUlente or block
of houses. Call and get price.
rteautlfiil houth front lot , comer Thirty-third
street and I'oppleton a\enuo ; t2,7U ( , only
$700 cash , balance ono , two , three or four
years. If jouwant a nice home or lu\est-
ment it w ill pay you to look them up.
Ueo. N. Hicks , 215 South nth st.
510 12
TT10H SALK Or exchange , fnims In Iowa ,
JL1 Kansas and Noluaska for Omaha houses
and lots ; will assume mortgages on houses and
give clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange
city lots for good farms , well located and as
sume small mortgages on farms nnd glu clear
deed to city lots. Farms wanted In Central No-
brnskn. A. P. Tukey , LKI rainamst. 140
Oil SALK-Lot43 , Hurr Oak , SI.1UO , iJOO cosh
1ml. 2yeais.
Lot 40 , Iturr Oak , ll.onn , * 35fl cash , bal easy.
Lot 47 , Hurr Oak , tlU5U , * 4U ) cash , bal easy.
LotlOblka , Hillside No 1 , f..UOO , 81,100 cash ,
bal 3 years.
Lot 5 blk 7 , Hillside No 1 , J-.uOO , 81,000 cash ,
bal 3 years ,
Lot 7 blk 10 , Heed's 1st add , 1,000.
Lot 32 , Simnjslde , J2.KK ) , JhUOtash , bal easy.
Two new 7 room houses with modem < on\en-
'S two blocks west Ilnuscom park , f,400 )
each teims easy.
Lot 1)3 ) , 1'uirmont place with flvc loom cottage ,
$2HJJ. (
Tw o good lots w Ith five room cottrge on each ,
In blk 10 , Patrick's add , only $ -,000 each , terms
M'l y easy.
Huslness lots In South Omaha on N , Q , 21th ,
23th and 2oth streets foi sale iheii'i.
Acre Jiropeity near South Omaha for sale or
foi ti ado for inside Omaha nnd South Omnha
lots. Potter \ Cobb , 1001 rarnam nt. . Hoard
Tinnu building. t)77 ) 21
IF YOU ha\o any goo < l piopcrty tosc'll or
tiado list it with lieo. N. Illck.s , 215 S 15th.
570 11) )
SALK rinest location for a homo in
West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkendall , Coe , liiady , Kasson and others.
Nothing finer In the city. CHII sel HilSxlhT or
less ; for pi ices ami teims see H. A. Sloman. 1 Ml
Knrnam st. 73S
oTPi'TtADK-rnultv In lots 1 mm. , Union
squaic , next block to Maitin , Kii'son .V
llrady ; W,0i ) for hoiiho and lot , or \ acaiit Iimldo
lot. Address K 50 Uee , 707
FEW more lots nt $100. H.E.Colo.
rpo TIIADE We hnon largo list of property
i of all kinds for b.ilo or exchange. M v ens
Hros , 1113 Farnam ht. 4''ii ' IJ
OOD east front lot In Nelson's add. , J1.0QO ; U
G cash. Graham , Crelghtou blk. elOll
) SALK At fsOO , house and lot. rented at
FB per month , on small cash payments , bal
ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash at a hot
ter price and warranted ( feed. 1) . D Smeaton.HiiW
Dodge st. 1"
EXClIANGE-Clty and farm property
TIO Call on fateveus Bros , 151J Farnam st.
1ST houses , furnished nnd unfuinlshed
I J rooms with us. We will n-nt them. Office
open evenings. H. K. Cole , 310B. 15th st. 1 3
A 1'EW morolotsut } IOO. H. E. Cole.
'A FKW moio lots at SIOO. H. K. Colo.
A FKW more lots at ! 100. H. E.Cole.
rPO TBADK We. hive a largo llbt of property
Jof all Kinds for bale or exchange , btcvena
Bros , 1513 Farnam at. 4W IJ
fPO KXCHANOE-Clty ana farm property.
JL Call on sloven * Broa. , 111.1 Farnam bt.ItM
ItM ) U
T" FEW mote lots at tlOO , H , E. Cole.
OB SALE or trade at a baigaln-sputh frontlet
lot on Franklin at. , 00x127 ft , Graham ,
Crelghton blk. " * U .
SALE Elegant corner lot on street cnr
FOB . Lies beautifully ; unsurpassed view.
Owner must sell for want of money ; Ihft cash ,
balance KM seuil annually. Apply residence. 401
N 15th st. 730 II *
rPO TBADK Inntde property feir good house ,
X olght or uliiH rexnn * . und full lot. McCul
loch It Co. , cor ISth * nil 1 uruam. UTJ
J FKW more lots at 1100. U , B. Colo.
' 'OB SALK AgeMil IcTtllA feet ) on Par. . . . .
etiui ; . low price if sold goon. McCulloch *
Co. . cor 15th and Farnnm. sn
3 Oll TBADK Home nnd lot worth $ lfiOO foi
inJlorlf" ; < ' , Votr or , fnrm or > c ut lots. J. A.
, ArltliKton blk. 7J5JJ
"iron SALE ( leioil brick business property lu
J.1 centre of Grand I laud ; gre-atest imrgalu
nnd best tetms in the city ; but llttlei cash ro *
nulled ; long time , low interest nnd easy payments -
ments ; either real t'stiito fer sale' . Address. ) . H.
\ \ oolley , attorney at law , Uraiul Island. Nob.
rjlHOMPfrON , Beal F.stato , III ! S. 13th st , " l
6 < ) ft on Fnrnainnenr3lth , per ft. . t pt
40 ft ou Farnam near2Mh. per ft an
til ft on Saunders near Gince
Tte'st lot luKlrkwoexl , . , . , , , l 4M )
Good lot in Klrby Place. . l " 75
60 ft on Ifthst near St. Mary's ' nve' . . . . . . . . . . (17.111 (
KM ft in blk 1 , Bedlck's sube'llvlslon 4.21 * )
A good tiackngc * leit litrltv for lento cheap
Lot on Park nv e opposite llaiiscom Park. . . 2,7ixl
Lot In HotTmiin Terrace , only 275
10 ncies ut South Omiihit for phUtlm- , get
* .
price i
-1st your property w Ith Thompson. IKS
BABGA1N in a lot on Franklin st , JJ.SOO ; eas7
teims. Graham , Crelghton blk. U30 11
171011 luniks lots"on
SALE-Seveial nnd on
-I small pa > ments. also mime house * ami
lots to trade ; e\ernl farms for sale or tnule for
Omaha property or for stock. A. F , MamN. .
\V . cor lilth and I-'urimtn. ' ( ml
Tj STour property for sale with Charles C.
A FKW more lots at MOO. H. E , Colo.
4V ;
IflOHSALE-U'fxIOOftreir. Howard and aitli
sts , next blink to Easson , Brady , V Martins -
tins houses. $7,6HO. Addtess F..JI lleo office , ml
A FKW more lots at t UK ) . H , K , Cole.
i _
rpo exchange Some monev and choice land
Jfor first c lass Improved inside property.
11. K. Cole , illOSlltli. 411
IF ) ou have an ) thing to sell or exe hnug list
It with C. C. Spotswood , 3UV ; S 10th. 631
FOH SAIih A beautiful new ft-room house In
block "A , " lledford I'laoe , Mnull cash puv-
incut * llalnnrn monthly or to suit. Churles C.
Spotswood , iKf ) ' } S. Itlth st. m ) |
"VTi\V ; Four loom cottage \\lili pantiy , i.lo-.em
-Li and cellar. Near car line , schools and In an
excellent neighborhood , bfiiij- lot III , Hurdettn
court , price JI.MX ) , small lash paMiient aniHlj
per inoiitli. Wallace. Crelnhton block. 4uS
largo lots mi Hamilton ' torslilc or trade ,
1710U iXCHANni-abrlk : : Hats on K M.
J-1 between I'm mini and Dodge ; will e
equity for other good paying piopcity , not too
hea\lly mortgaged. This propeity needno
lonmuMidiitloii. h-poaks for itself. No ln-lter
In this ( it y. If j ou w ant It come quick. Spot -
wood.iiiVVt S. loth st. 1'I |
I flOH SAM' ( lood six-loom honsti co-tint-
1 $ l.lOi ) . sKitl | | ) Sewardht lot , M\ I K , for only
$ -.lkVl , J550 casli. J. A. lliestaml , Ailinglon lillc ,
ISltDodgoHt. T.Ci II
rPIIOMl'SON , 14 S. nth st. . lmjanil sells roul
JL i state , loans money , purchases socurltlcs ;
hasngoodll tof piopertj for sale and wants
more. Notary public. 85J
" 1 > AH(1 A fir-Two best lots InV shliutou ;
1 Jsq'c. fronting Madison ae .Just east or Slioi
man a\e. , line location forthuo IIOIIM'foronlv
(1,115(1 ( , nisytiitns , worth W.tKJt ) . F. . M. Stlckney
X Co , 2ltw fuming st. 7U r ,
A 1T.W more lots at 1100. II. K. Cole.
rilWO houses In llnnscom plnco lentlng for
JJ70 per month to I'xchnugo for good Inslilo
Mic.intpriqieity. S. S. Campbell aiiel G.W. lieu-
vev.'IIQS Hith st. Chambe-r e > f Commerce. 16 }
C HOICK TRACKAGE , close to city , for sale
by Hicks , 211 S. 15th st.
A FKW moi e lots at 100. 11. K. Cole ,
FOll SALK-Lot 11 , blk G. Shltm's 2ml add.
f2MX-Oraluun ) , Cielghtonblk. 007 U
FOIl SALK Cheap Ono of the best corner
lots cui South Kleventh street. Applv Iloom
24 , Omaha National bank. fiM 10
- \ onN W cor llurdett
and -lull sts ; a choicest building lots In
Omaha , south and east front , all guided ; hell
within ten du\s nt ,2IX ) , J2.5IX ) cash ; biilamu
easy. U. M.Htlcknoy i. Co. , 2108 fuming st.
7 m
M ST1CKNKY & CO. make a specialty of
lu North Omaha , for bale or icnt
nt Citizens' bank , 2IOH filming st.
THOU SALK A line tcsidencu In best portion
JL1 of Council lllnffs. Call cm or aililii'ss ,1. N.
(1. Wjlle , with Odell Hios , i. Co.lUI Pcirl ht. ,
Counull Illulls. 70diu
Foil SALK-WaiohoiiMi and tiackagu on II. Sc
M. Fine location for coal ) aid. P.O. box
618. 705-1,1 *
Running Between Council Illulls and Alhlrght.
Innddltlou to the stations mentioned , trnliH
Htop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fouith stieuts ,
nnd at the bummlt lu Omaha.
\ \V'Ht\\ ( I.
Embody Ihe hlghcfct excellencies InShapllneiu ,
Comfort aud Durability and are the
In Fashionable Circles. Our nam U on ever *
Hay ward Brothers