THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SAiJJRDAY , NOVEaiBER 12 , 1887. SPECIAL' NOTICES. Advertisements under this tiead , IDcent * per Jlnt > for the llrst insertion , 7 cent * for each sub- KMinent Insertion , nnd (1.50 n Ifno per month. No advertisement tnki-n for loss than Z5 cent * for thn first Insertion. Boren words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must In-paid In ndvaure. All nil- , v rtl menls must bo ( mailed In Iwforo 1 :30 : o'clock p. m. . nnd under no circumstances , will they bo taken or dlscontlnui d by telephone. I'lirtleB advertising In these columns and hnv- tng the answers addressed In cure of the Dee. will tdenso n .k for i cbeclc toennblo them to got their letters , as none will bo delivered ex cept on presentation of check. All nnsweri to advertisements should b enclosed In envelope * ) . All ndvertlmnents In thesn columns urn pub- Itched In iKrth morning and evening editions of the Ileo , thn rlrculnllon of which ngKn-gates Inorn tliiin 14W ) papers dally , and gtvesthead- YertlKers the benctlt , not only of the city circu lation of the llee. but also of Council Illufrs. f.lncntn and other cltln and town * throughout tnfspnrtof the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. FIDLAND Ciuaronteo nnd Tiuct Co. , 1105 M1 I Fnrmim street Complete abstracts fur nished , nnd titles to real estate examined , per- fecti d and guaranteed. ( WK ! BUSINESS CHANCES. CHP.VBNNH. Wyo. , the future llttalmnf of the went. At prenent n railroad center. ThnVst built nnd wealthiest city of Its olzeln United BtKtcM. Wjomlng. 'Jho great mineral Btorn housi ) of America nnd Its Inexhanstablo oil and coal fields. Tor full pnrtlculnis ns tore- nourceii.etc. . addretn 151 * . Stahle.fecietary Chey enne Hoard of Trade , Chi yenne , Wyo.814n27J 814n27J TJIOIt flAI.U The dandiest cigar nnd tobacco X1 Htnto , located In thq heart of the trade. Stock about } IC ) . Tine opening for n cash bujer. Addicas for particulars boxSUj , Tentral city. Nob. nin-n. FH HKNT llpstannmt with 4 rooms and stable on Hainey street , ? tiO. 40 to ft ) steady boarders , furniture , etc. , M.VI , M cash ) restau rant on Ifith Ht. W , ( ) , * lno cash , balance to suit ; restaurant on Win nf. , price fTSO , rent WO ; 87-room lint , ! JKi , furiiltiiiof-Vidn , V.ftc.isli . ) , nnco Cii ) per month \\ltlmut Interest : 4-ruom IIOIMPOII tlth struct , between Chicago and ( 'ass , 1H , fnrnltnni MHO ; K-room lionsn Jio , 4 ) N. 17th St. ; 10-riiotn house } * > . " . ' { block from 1 * . O. , fur- iiltiin ; t'Kii ) , H riixh. Co-Upuratlvo Land and Lot Co. , an N. loth st. MIII FOH HAT.i : Wo offer as n snoclal bargain IfiO acres of land four miles from stock yards , at JIUI per acre , on line of IT. I1. It , H. Mcraguo , Opp I' . O. 0.11 OIIOICI5 farm land In Central Nebraska to ex change for good residence or business propeity. ( leo. N. Hicks , 315 South With street. HTO 1 Troll EXCHANdE Ranch of l.aoo acres. J. crenm ot Holt county , nil in a body ; 115 head of cnttle , Rhend horsi's , fnrm mnchlnery , nlmnt 800 tons liny , good wells nud ever ) thing neces sary for a r.inrh. Will take Improved or unim proved Inside property. Olllce open evenings. II. E. Cole. 316 8. Bt. 648 FR SALE At n bargain , three pool nnd two billiard tnblos , with complete oiitlll. Nason , 1615 Faniam st. 57 n WANTKD-rnpltal. V or Feeures a thhd or half Interest In a good manufac turing business. Address L CO , Iliu. nirfj 13 * * | jUH HA LI5 Hoarding house nnd furnltiiroof JU twenty rooms. ( Inarnntecd rent , $75 per month. II. 15. Cole , illll vmth IMh st. 1117 TTOTI'.I , for Salellest ! paying small hotel In Omaha , full of irgulnr boanleis , cash pay- ment , balance tlm . li 57 , Ileo ollke. r > H It * Foil HAM5 1(0 ( acres of laud four miles from stock j aids , at ? l2"i per acre ; this Is 11 Tmr- gain. McCngue , Opp. 1' O. | kci r1OixriIANii-loodciist : ; Iron ! lot In Hnns- J com I'lncii toi > x < h.ingi for cli-nn stock of dry goods or clothing C. F. HarrisonIIH S 11th. IVI'l Tl VKHV stable for sale or trade doing a good ' business , Co operative Land & Lot Co. 305 Nlfithjit. 547 11 \\rANTI5D-A partner with * i10 as partner T now on toad lecturing , to IKI cashlor and treasurer ; half profits , Address L.fiH , llee Of- flee. 53.1 11 * "ITTANTUn-I'iirtnervvlth ! i ) to take half In- T T tercst nnd full elntige of a saloon.lei man prefeiied. 1I07H llthst. li.17 I- * aiOTHAIl5ICnlisas land for hntdw lire stock. Address 15. 1' . Olmsted , Kenesaw , Nob. Bin 1,1 * WANTI5D- Stock of mdse In live stock In ex change for land or city property. II. E. Cole , mil 8. rah st. 648 TpOK HUNT-One of the best locations in the J. i Ity for meat mniket or grocery , on Leav- enworlh st. , very cheap lent. Apply to W. II. Preen , Jilti S. liith st. 91 TGVJIl BALI5 ( liHid bakery nnd grocery stock J. Ill one of the best towns In the west. Cen tral hxatlon ; good trade ; w 111 keep bake tools Jf not VMintxl ; good reasons for selling. Ad dress S , care of lle . : vn 11 * ITnlltNTsiTKn lint , making ? . ! " ) per moi TIi < wer J ri-ut. to trndn for n-al estate Omaha Fi nancial i\ihangcu ; wcor l.lth and Harnev.over .State Nut. Hani : . 3l ! > FOll unvn1. . Flour nnd feed stole on Parknve , Splendid opening. F I , ( Jiegoiy 'ii'l South irth st. 271 TT1OH SALE A good furiilluro nnd undeitnk- Ji Ing business and two-story frnmn bulhllng. 1 nm pohtm.iMtti and iiostolllio r.qulu-s all at tention Address P 51 Stotl.i , Nub I.4.H5 * Fpo F.xrilAMIF-fl.H rtuck geuernl mer- 1 ( limiclKe fci | jt > od Omidin pruptrty : small Incnmbrnure : miistM'llor exchange quick. K S. Ciimpbell nnd (1. \ \ lleivc-yiilO Hoard of 'liiule 4 fl. \\MNTEO Storks of men hiinillMi In e\- > > thnnge for hind. 11. E. Cole , 31(1 ( S-llth 418 FINE business < banco open In Colorado for a llliht mnnufrctliilliK business ; largeprollts nnd oiunll rnpltnl required. I'luticulsis at A. F Ii.iiwio's , N W cor. . and Fin num. Wl F F.XrilANOE lou | es nnd "lots , f.irms" hotels , lot * , mvuhaiiilNe. horses , tattle nnd In tin t niij tlilnic vou v\nnt. If jou havonnv- thlin : to tindo tall on or write to us. Olllco open evenings , H. E. Cole , IilGS. l.lth st. 1C1 rpo TRADE-Two Improvid farms In Iowa for J Omnha property or Nebraska Innds. Me- Culloth \ Co , ( or ; 1Mb nud Farnam. it's " ] \ | EAT market on paved stieet , line huMncsi J.'l pioxpt'ct. Rent cheap F , L. ( ingoiHi1 ! South | 6th st. 271 rpllHEE drug Mocks and fixtures of ( l/rt ) , Jl K.7IO , WK Inllnest Nebraska towns For sale or leal estate exchange. Address K.2 , lira. TJIOR SALE-W.COH stock of general meti him- J ill--In good railroad town In Southern Ne liriisLa. llest location. Double room. Low rent. A rare eliunco for some ono tnsteo Into a good hiislnvss. Atldroxs F. J , SUino lufk , Odell , Neb Mt N H 17AOR PAIK-Flrt-rhu < H two-story brick "hotel JL' doing i-xt-ellt nt huslnehs ; rents for $ K1 per mouth : owner going out to Cnl. Address H. 8. Lilly , Hlokeu How , Neb. 22)1 n 16 FoTl SA LE A aw ncro stock farm. In Sarpy county. Just 25miles from Omnha , with n flno tinarry on It , only 4SH per ucie. A. F , Mnyne. N , w. cor. 16th nnd Farnnm. iwi TjlOH THADK 6.00U ni-re of eliolco westerr JL' hind to exchange for general merchandise Jlio. F.Toft , 324 N. fcth Bt. Ml IF.vou have anything to exchange , w rlto us Wo hnvo Impioved nnd unimproved Ne braska , Kansas and low n lands , coal mines , heMs Ms , hlooks of merchand se , horses , rattle , hogs Mivop , etc. , to exchange. 8. S. Campbell and O W. Hervey. 310 Hoard ot Trade. 4S7 D HY goods nnd notions storeroom for rent. ( lood chance for mlllluery also , F. L. 0 regory MO South KHli st. 271 T7OH HALE-OrtrndeaNo. 1 hotel proiwrty , K dolne good trade. In ont > of the Iwst town : in Nebraska. S. S. fampbell and U. W. Hervey 010 Chamber'of Commerce. 487 WANTED A stock of groceries and genera uidie , for city lots paid for. C. J. Cunnn l l T7UR BALE A complete steam laundry hav JU ina twenty homo power vngluo. J. B. Hen iiftt , Saunders mid Clark sts. WH CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. llHANT-Clarlvoant from Hostonl reliable In nil affairs of life , unites sepai uted lover * . C ! N. 16th bt. , room 1. TO ) Deo. I' DR. NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant. Metl iral miBlnefS end test medium. Olllco 11 North Iflth itrect ; rooms 2 * il , Telephone till WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Two men to drive team , ono bo fouircss feeder , City Intelligence Oflic < CrolghtoJ ock. 64 High school boy with a goot pony to carry n evening route on Datl Dill TXTANTBu- man .ou , . , 8alary7 T3 pe T month. Must b of good ildress , have business Ail WANTED TOO ncentsj good unlnry or com- mtsslon ; rare chance. Addreb * with stamp for terms , Wc vcrl.ItrM34 N. State it. , Chicago , 111. gTiii 12 * work and good wagi s to n competent , sober Call or address if. A. Koosmryer produced ; coptly ontflt free ; no peddling ; no money required tint II fnles nro made and goods delivered. N. M , Friedman A. Co. Mar- tliudjurg. Mo. Wft-lS' " \\TANTED 10 first-class shon salesman to go TT to Llnroln , Neb. Imiulro M. H. room iw. Arcndo hotel between the hours of 8:30 : and 9:30 : a.m. ( VSH2 , _ "VVANTED-2 men nnd girl In tnllorshop , T > bloody w ork and good pay , 1 JS llnrnoy , Hj 11J NTI'I-0' > od waiter boy or girl lew hour/ day for board. Union Restnur- nut , 104 North 1,1th street. 6m 13 * _ W ANTED-Tlnncrs Ixinu Job , by Whitman W7"A AScovell. 810 N. loth. 060 12 \\7"A NTKD 15 good.rellablo boys nt American T IUt ) Telegi aph Co.'a Olllco. ( Jood wnges. Stead s w ork. Clfl H _ WANTED-Man nnd wlfo for fnrm J30. wo must till this order to-day ; man nnd w Ifo for janitors 130 to $70 per month : laborers for city. Pastry cook In City $ .15. Canadian Em ployment olllce , BID B 16th , Teias4. ( ITiO llj "OORTEH wanted at once , must bo a good , ox- J nerlencetl man ( whttealso ) want man anil w Ifo In a good family. Apply at the State Em ployment parlors , 1417 Faruam St. , room 11. 6.12 11 * WANTED A man with good team nnd de livery wngon to deliver bread , has to get his own customers nnd work on commission. A big thing to the right man , at New York Ilnkery , 1DOO Cumlngst. 604 llj WANTED-Oood cook for Nellgh.Neb. man or woman , S15 , fair paid ; good cook for hotel 111 city , llftl ; n good men , 1 cash tirtvs. . 3 \ \ mes - senger boys , 2 canvassers. Oato City Ei ' " ment olllce , 31 Hi S Mth. IV \\TANTED-n house pnlntor * . Llnluger & > T Metcalf Co. , corner uth and I'aclllc sts. CJ1 II WANTED A gentleman of fine address on salary or commission , to place with mer chants our gas saving and self lighting burner , 'gents arc making $100 weekly. Write for THIS nnd territory. J. W. Giey , Hotel Emery , 'Inclmiatl ' , Ohio , 644-11 * WANTED Two clothing clerks. colTee and teas salesmen to famines , man to speak lohcmlan. 15uu I'm nnm , room D. 50711 * WANTED-Shovelcrsnnd teamsters. Apply four miles west of Fort Omaha on line of Chicago & Noithwoftern rnlhoad. C. P. Treat , ontluctor. 6M 1U * TAfANTED-Trnvellngsalesmen , cabinet mn- T > kers , oxperlenced hostler.boy to do choi es , Ishwnshers. 160 ! ) Fnrnnin , room 0. 6D811 * ANTED Men for railroad work. Al. blight's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. F04 T\rANTED Several Hrst-class pnlcmnen for t clothing , lint and furnishing goods. Only hose with llrst-clnss refeienctf need addiess lo\ 2-.l , Omaha. 44U \\rANTI5D ( Jcneral agents for portions of 'T Nobiaska , Iowa , Kansas nnd Mtssomi. Keference lequlred. Address , Climax Window lliado Co , 201 and 201) N. 2d t. , St. Joseph , Mo. 4TJ WANTED Eight tlist-el.iss galvanized iron cronkowoikeiswages $100 for 8 houis. luemplng It llolte , nil Fnriinm st. 444 1JJ ' " " ANTED-Mllker. d'alry. 4"ll5 Sounders. 117 " \\fANTI5D Oood man partner to sell goods and oversee agents In town ; ran make rom ten to tlfteen dollars per day ; must have 500 cash. Address LWi llee. 51,1 WANTED 100 men of good appearance to try our Ific meals at Norrts restaurant , nil and .11,1 South 14th street , ( old Live and Let Mvu ) MI4 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTED neat anil tidy girl , experienced In second WOIK and willing to assist in nklngenreof and entei mining children ( load ivugos. Call at 511 Ninth 22nd street. 001 WANTED-fook for Cresttin , Iowa , cooks for private families , M ) to f per month ; aundies'es foi hotel Jill ; girl for ollicer'n family JO ; hfcond girl for out of city $4 ; ono for city , Jermnn ; nuiseglrl.1l ) girls for housework , a gill not nf raid of n llttlo woikand abletomako change ciuk-Klv can get a very nice plai o at Can adian Emp. otlice. Mis. Iliegu & Sou. Illii S. loth. Tele. MH4 111 U * " \\7ANTI5D-E\pcrlpnced sei vnnt glrl.Oerman f proferroik Aliply 1112 boutli 10th street , between I'ailllc and I'ieico. ! 0 13 WANTED Woman over 40 years for neln In kitchen , good wages. Iflf N 12th st. 64013 * WANTED One cook mid two dining room girls for David City. Faro paid. Ono [ lining room girl for Friend. Nob. Three dress makers assistants , two cooks for city. City In- elllgenco Office. Crelghton block. f)45 ) WANTED-Flrst-class girl for general house work In family or three Immediately , ono who can go homo nights. 114 N. 18th st. WANTED 1 cook ond2 dlulng-room girls foi ; David City , fnie paid. City lutulllgenco olllce , Cielghtonblock. 017 A ( JOOn looking lady vvnoean give good ref- eivnces. owns good waulrobe , has ftTi In cash and can giv o bond , can mid permanent em- idoyinent nt n sal.iry of J < S5 per mouth by nd- Iresslng L 04 , Omaha llee. (123 ( 13 * ClHLfor general housework , good wnges - paid. 312 Noith 24th bt. 57712 * WANTED Competent girl for general hoitbc- w 01 k , no w ashing. UU Park avenue. 5W > II ] \\7ANTED-Lady agents to handle light TT metalllu goods , good wnges. Cnllnftor9 n-in. nt the Olllco of the Metallic Mfg. Co , 205V4 N I7th st. 6811(1 ( * ITANTED ( ! lrl for general housework at 1109 > North 2.1th st. KM 11 * D First-claps bnsyuo finishers , also sklit tiimnifrs. Mrs. Al. A. Wallace. N. E Cor. Ilith nnd St. Mary's ave. UHI 12 * WANTED-Middleaged Indytotako charge of household for luclv nnd 2 chlldreiuglv o references. Address L III , lice. 50711 irANTED-Clil for gt-neral housework. J. > llnuls , 611 SlOth stieet. 5.K ) W "ANTEliT-Olrl nt 1.14S Slieiman nvo. Mrs. ' . M. Connsman. 620 WWANTED WANTED A good cook nnd laundress , none other need apply. Good wnges paid. Apply - ply at 411 North I'Jth ' st , 4S3 11 \ \ fANTED A gill for general housework , ' HUlCallfoinluht , coi2ltll. ) 481 WANTED m ladles totiv our 15a meals at Norrls" restaurant ( old IJv e and Let Live ) , 311 and 31,1 S. 14th st. t > 94 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. rpllEClty Intelllgenco Oil co has the only prop- L erly oignnl/ed euiploj meiit agency in the west. U in the largest , mo : t it-llabln and Its terms the most Iberal. If you me out of em ployment or wish to make a change , why do you delay In securing the best possible aid that can be given you. Persons should carefully consider whom they are dealing with as there nrt > many new catch-penny concerns coming Into existence dnlly. Full particulars concern ing our methods will bo given upon nppllca. tlou. All orders ( excapt from private families tilled free nnd sent to any part of thn west w her fare U paid. Your * respectfully , Chas. I , Hart , manager. References : John L. McCuguo president McCngue llros' . bank ; Dexter L' ThoniuR , cashier Nebraska savings bank ; lion' J. H. MtCulloth. county judge. 671. LOST. LOST A dark blue chinchilla overcoat on the rouil to South Omaha. A liberal re ward will be paid by returning same to ( loon hotel. Peter Goo * . M1-U LOST Vest , between Douglas nntt Howard on 15th st. Finder w 111 bo rewarded by leav ing same at Q. A. Llndquost. 317 S 15th st. GUI 11 * OST At or near tl. 1' . depot , n silver chate laine with n smelling-bottle , tablet am ] handsome fun attached. Finder will lw liber ally rewarded by leaving same at U. P. ticket omce. 68312J LOST A bunch of keys ; leave atlleeoftlcc and get rewind. 4PO TOST Yallovv broncho , black mane , tall and * legs ; foretop short ; no shoes. A reward ol tlO , U returned to 11U 8.2Mll at. 401 13 OST Yellow irony , black ui&ne , tall and legs Return to 1111 So. ! th st. . 32:1 : LOST Or stolen , near Hascall's park , a med lum size dark bay mare , w 1th harness uu , mall white spot ou face , largo hind legs. T Murray. 128 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "WANTED Hood family horse m exchange for lot , McCulloch t Co , cor 15th and Farnam. KM \\rANTKD To trade.for a lot of second ham ! Tt furniture ; aupjy at Hoom 111 , Frenzei block. OJ3 VtfANThD To imy short time painsr. 'J. W Gross , M C. 8. Mayntfi ; offlc * , Itih ( uk llitruejr. W WANTED Two persons to lesrn - - Ing , situations. 101J Chicago stJ. H. fmltii. 578 1C * \\rANTI5D-To rent npnce or room In or ndjn- > > pent to good s.iloon to nm five btlllatd or pool tables. Address L 02 , lice ofllro. C-K > 13 "VXfANTED To nuy n dozen good renting houses , by pa > Ing small payments down and then monthly Installment * . Any one hav ing good property to soil on thes < < terms plensn nddress with full description , T. H. C , , care of C. E. Ma ) no. 16th and Humpy. 24 I.I AVTANTED A good" Tomfortablo homo for T > aged Invalid lady. L-53 Ileo Olllco. f ) II * \\TANTI5I ) rt7Tent until May 1st next , a > > furiilshetl house of 10 or L ) rooms. C. E. Mnyne. 2H4 W WANTED Property of nil kinds to exchange Special attention given to trading. C. C , Bpotswood. .W5' { H l th. 665 WANTED To do drcRsm-vklng nnd plain sewing in prlvnte family. Children's clothes n specialty. Josle Hoyles , 2207 Douglas htreet. 042-11 * WANTED-Farms to exchange for Omahn i ronetty and stocks of merchandise. C. L. llrown A. Co. , room 13 Frenzer block , Omaha 741 n2 < 1 \\7ANTED-rarm Innds in exchange for 'T stocks of meirhiuidUfl. St. John A ; Ely , Room 13. Frenzer block , orp. P.O KM TXfANTED To adoiit n nice bright Imy from IT 10 to 13 venrs of nge , good homo. Call at the City Intelligence olllce , Crelghton block. 471 ( lood farms In exchange for WANTED Omaha property , C. C. Spotawood , .T 810th. 6.13 WANTED-To buy nve thousand to ton thousand lloono county lauds , nvcrago quality , nt 110 per ncro and less. Addrcs llox 33 , Omnha. 164 WANTED House with 6 or 8 rooms within reasonable distance of P.O. by American family of adults. Hood reference. Address L 67 Hee olllce. ( B18 12 * WANTED To buy the furniture nf u small or largo house centrally located , Co-opera- tlv o Land A Lot Co. . 20,1 , N 1Mb st. 1IW WANTED Farm lands In exchange for city property. St. John & Ely , Koom 1,1 , Fren- s-er block. IM7 MONEY TO LOAN. M' ONEV ' To loan , II. I' . Colt818 S. 15th. 457 XTK\V Yiuk Sttjrano Co. Tomer Capital -1- ' BV. \ 15th st. , II.IXP money to loan on household goods , inercluindtso of every de- sciIptloiint lowest rates. Special facilities for mei chants , goods moved , packed and shipped. Alldiaiges ndxiinced. Fireproof bilck block , Capitol nv. A : 15th t. 41U MONI5V to r < onn Sums of f > , oni ) and upwards. I'trst Moitgages. lihproved city property. 15. S. lllsbce. 4 U H imgo building , Omalin. WJI decJ * rONEYtoloan. II. E. Cole , 310 S llth. L 201 dcc2 MONKV to Loan On Impioved city propeity nt lowest rates of Interest. No commis sion charged. Sholes * Crumb , room 1 , llnikvr block , cor. IMh and Fainam Ms. ! > M MONE YTolonn , II. E. Cole , Silt S. 15th. 417 $ 7fiOreo to loan at n per cent. Llniihnn A Mn- honej , KCi-i Fnrmim. % 7 > 500fftl to lonn in any iimount at low eht rate of ' Interest. H. H. Iiev , Fitnrii block. 1H > 3 M ONI5V To loan. H. 15. Cole. ,110 S. IMh. MONEY1 In sums of (100 nnd ovei to londnt low rntes. Russell & llnriutt , UI2S Ilithst. 075 MONKV LOANED at C. F. Heed * Co.'s Loan Olllu1. on fmnltiire. plnnos , hordes , vvngons , iU'isniial piopeity of nil kinds nnd all other nr- Iclesof value vvlthout removal. 318 S. Kith , iver Illnglmm's commission store. All bust- less strictly i nnlldi ntlal. W Tir To loan , H. 15. Cole , :1I8 : S. 1.1th. 417 | 500,000 To loan on Omaha city property nt 0 l per cent. G. W. Dny , H. E. cor. Ex. Hid. 078 TlfONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , JTL horses , etc , low rates. .1. .1. Wilkinson & ! o. , 1J24 Faniam , over llurllngton ticket olllce. M ONEYTo loan , II. E. Cole , 310 S. 11th. 417 O 1OAN Money Loans placed on 1m- - proved real estate In city or county for New Ilngland Loan & Tiust Co , by Douglas County bank , 10th and Chicago Ms. UT7 MONEY To loan on chattels. Co-operative Laud and Lot Co. , 205 No. 10th street. BM M ONEY To loan , II. 15. Cole , 310 S. 1.1th. 4,17 6PEH CENT Money. 1'ntterson it Fawcett 15th nnd Hnrney. 073 [ ONEY to Lonn-O. F. Dnvls Co. . real e > tnto L nud loan agents , 1605 Furnam st. D72 INI ONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 417 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no commission ehnrged. Leuvltt Ilurnham , room l.Crelghton block. U74 Tl TONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 8.1.1th. 417 MONEY to loan to parties wishing to build. S. S. Campbell , 310 8 Ibth Bt. , CliamlH-r ot Jommerce. 1(70 M ONUY to loan. Notes nnd H. H. tickets bought ahd sold. A. 1'ormau , 213 S l.lth st. H2.1 SHOUT time loans made on any available security , in reasonable amounts. Secured notes bouifht , sold or exchanged. Gcncial Jlnanclal business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and liar- ney sts. , overbtuto National band. Corbett , manager. 1)71 ) IM.OOQ.OnO to loan. H. E. Cole , 310 8.15th. First P mortgage notes bought. IH > 0 MONEY To loan. Lowest lates. No diluy. J. L. Hlco i Co , over CommcicUl Na- tlonnl bank 078 MONEY to loan on city pioperty. and also farms In Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odell llros. Si Co. . lonn , leal estate nnd Insurance agents , 10.1 Fcorl street. Council UlulTs , In. ; 1523 Fnrunni street , Omuhn. 203 JirONEY To loan , II , E. Cole , 310 8. Iflth. * 57 MONEY to Ixian Hy the undersigned , w ho hns the only properly orgnnl'/ed loan ngency In Omaha , Loans of (10 to J1UO made on lurnlture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgontt , ma chinery , et , without removal. Nodelajs. All business Mrlctly confidential. Loans BO made that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances mnde on fine watches and diamonds. Fersons should carefully consider who they are dealing w 1th , as many new concerns are dally coining Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthuell uulldlng , 15th nnd Hnrney. UK ) M ONEY To lonn , II. E. Cole , 318 S. 15th. 417 $ ; tOO,000 to loan , special rates on farm property. Pobotker 1'errlgo. . irai Farnam bt. 1K1 MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J. W. nnd K. L. Bqulre , 1413 Fnrnam st. Pnx- ton hotel building. 984 MISCELLANEOUS. \\7I1EN your horse Is sick or out of sorts don't TV pay big doctor's bills or dope him on min eral compounds.but try a box of Standard Horse and Cattle Food , and If It does w hat Is claimed It costs you Jl , nnd It not It costs you nothing. Manufactured by F. E. Sauboru & Co. For sale everwhere. ,0.14 U A PROFESSIONAL nurse from New YorK w onld like to go out lu sickness. Residence 3SKOrchard st.Orchard Hill. 025 13 * LIO HENT-A House. See Cole , 310 S. 15th st- 044 CLEAN HEDS-16 and 25 cents a night , tl 00 a week , 220 M > . 16th Bt. 4 4-13 PROFESSIONAL Nurse. Mrs. Peterson. 2713 Ohio bt. & D 4 * FIRST-CLASS table board , served In home Ht ) le , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1B14 Dodgo. UK rpo RENT A house. See Colo. 316 8.15th ft. JL 048 IjMH.ST-CLASS board and roonis nt live nnd lei JU lire prizes , at Cottage house , 110 S 13th st , 874 U FINE shirts made to order at tl eacn , ( miahr bhlrt Factory. .Toe N lllth. SSi d 4 CTANDARD horse and cattle food has beet O gold to over 3000 men In Omaha , nil 01 whom will testify to having received full value Try u box. For tale evcrywhere , manufactured by F. E. Suuborn & Co. , 1,03 6t. Mary's avenue Oninha. 6M 13 O HENT-A house. Be Cole , 319 S. 15th Ht. C4 SAFES Agents and business men. We an manufacturing and sell In K Independent o any safe ring or i < aol by placing upon the mar ket three sites of Ore proof safes at such Ion prices that farmers , professional nnd buslnesi men c&n afford to purchase. Size , StixlBxJU Inches : weight 600 Ibs. ; rutull prfce. 135 ; smalle ; and larger ilzea In proportion. lUra opportun ttjr offtrt-d. Alpln * 8if Co , Cincinnati. Ohio. rpo HENT-A house. PeaJTole , aid S. IMh st. A 0.14 rpo HKNT A honso. S 'ole , 31(1 ( S. l.lth st. LIST YOtlR ROOMS nG the City Intelligence Olllce. Cretghton HluUk : More people c.ill dnlljrut our oftlcothnn ntady other place in the city , except the postoillce'.i'r 6S1 niollENT-A house. SoVcole. 310 S. llth st. JL 643 DR. .1. W. HAHNS1).VLI'S mil glcal and ou st etrlcnt home. 1724 Capitol nve , Omnhn , Nob. Telephone IN ) . , , . , 6lln2lj rpo HXClIAlTalFor ; c'altlo. 1 have 649 acres JL of good westeni l.nul to trndo for cattle , nnd a good house nnd lotnear thn capital ; will exchange for cattle. Address S. U. Uiyan , Ash land , Neb. Va I 1ST houses , furnished and unfurnished * rooms' with us. We will rent them. Olhco open evenings. 11. E. Cole. 316 B. 15th st. < UT > ENTAL AOENl'Y-F. L. Gregory will bo found after November 1st nt 'MSouth \ 16tu Bt , opp. Hoard of Trndo. Uround lloor. 510 PERSON ATI DR. NANNIE V.Wnrren. clalrvorunt. Med ical , business nud test medium. Diagnosis fieo. Female diseases n specialty. 110 N. Itith St. . II. 2X3. Tel. U44. 1W7 AD1F.S A full bust without medicine , mall 30c. , stamps , to II , M. Rich , llultlmorc , Md. 2WUI7 * I > EHSONAIr-Prlvatohomo for ladies tlnrlng confinement , strictly Infanta adopted. Address E 43 Ueo office. 167 n H * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TTWIl RALE Heating stove , Radiant Home -1 ? No. 00. double heater , cheap , used ouo week , call at Stnuig's building , loth and Farnam. 4th lloor. 0 2 14J BARN for sale , very cheap. JL Elgutter. 1001 Faniam st. ( ! 2 U 300,000 bricks for sale. Moles , Hanson .V Co , cor 10th and Valley st. ( South loth st ) . resi dence 2.VV1 Paclllc. ( ill 13 * FOH SALE Why Is it that the Now York Storage company can sell such elegant par lor suits , clumber sets , pianos and organs at less 4han cost of mateilal. Answer : llecnuse they are a I/oan and Storage comp inv and sell for their ad vunee.s which nioalvvajs less than cost of material. Don't delay , call nt once. Coiner Capitol avenuonnd Fifteen street. OVI 11 FOH SALE-Largn collection of Indian relics. W. L. llass , Randolph , la. 020 11 * T71OH SALE Pool table cheap. Lake St. . oppo- -C slto stieet car bnrn. ( JO I.I * FOll SALK Shelving , counteis , show cases , nnd sundry store fixtures. Inquire A Dor- liiann. U11S. Mthst. 6Hi _ FOH SALE Horse , harness and half spring wagon. 1507 N. IDth st , 470-li * _ FH HALK-A very line Stielch zither. 121S I'liriiiun st. 674 1 Ij FOR SALE Fnrnltuie for light housekeeping of two rooms , $111 ; coat 200 ; Inqiihu 610 N.lCthst. 51412' _ _ FOI. SA 1. 15 Cheap , a Lood. stylish fnmllv horse for family Use. Inquire Kaufman Inn , lOO1) ) Farnam st. 452 Foil SALfl-Cheap fi 2d hand safes. Hall-i , Dlebold and Mnctunlu .V I'l ban Snakes ; In- nilre Phil ( laiietsou. An-.ide hotel , Omalin. a t : hlraio 1-afe and Lock Co ; 3S ! II NI5 hundred nnd fifty dollars will buy a news 0 and tlgarstund , 608Simth It. t list. llt ! > . 71OH SA LE A new lot of'dry goods furniture -1 ( lit up. 1120 Cap nve I Is " " ( ' ) - ls It thai tlm New Yolk Storage eomp.inv' can "ell such ele- gnutjiiirlor suits , chnmiii'ivrfets. pianos nnd or- tans at less than cost of mateInl Ansvvei : He- ause they aio n Loan and Stoinge lompitm and ell for their ndvances which me nlwnvs less hall cost of m iteilnl. Don t di lay. tall nt once. Joriier C.ipltol avenue niitl Fifteenth strei t * { M 1 1 FOH SA LI'Or trade , , hugitv nud liar- ness , stniidtng de k nnd stool , hard c-onl tove Will sell che-iii or tr.ide foi piopeity or > . niei. Alex U. Cliarlton , UcCagno Uios , opp. ' \0 . 313 BII.I.AHD Tnblo nt hnlf pi Ice , Hiimiwlck llnlke Co 's make. Irjunlr-j Leslie * . Leslie , 10th and Dodge sts. . 210 OIK1ANS at vvhiiles.vltL.ui Ices , ou easy pay ments New Yolk Piano Co. coi Capitol ave and 11th st. 7MI RENT-HOUSES. ITWIt 1II5NT-0 room house fiunlshed , owner -1 retaining one n > otn. ( Joo. J. I'ntil , 1 ( ' < 09 "at nam st. ( .mi 11 * T71OH HENT-Cottnge of H looms. M. Elgiitter. JU UK)1 ) Farnam. kll 1,1 FOR HENT 13-room house ; all modern Im provements. 24th and Farnnm sts , 475 per month. II. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th st. 04S T710II HENT New store bulming with base- - Iment and barn In Du I'ont place , suitable for drugstore or hardware , or both combined , lump to n good reliable party. Hugh ( I. Clark , 116 Douglas st. C24 15 TTUW HENT A 11-rooui new hoiibe on 1.1th st. ; -1 can be occupied bv two families : cltv water , "urge lot. Enquire of Hlmebanih & Taylor. Ii2s 24 H HENT Store nud basement. Inquire nt A. Donnunn. Oil S. nth st 5S7 FOll HENT A whole block of brick stoies suitable for Dry goods nnd notions. Hardware and stoves. Flour and feed linker and confectioner. Meat market. Fine opening for business. Cheap rents , pav ed Mieets , etc. F. L. Oiegory , 30U S. Sixteenth st. "IjlOH HKNT A irood basement to party with- J ? out children , liumlio at 202,1 Faruam st. Sti.1 111 FOH HENT Splendid 0 room cottage. $ ,11 per month. Patterson A. Fawcett , 11th nnd Harney. 5U ) FOH HENT A splendid now house cor 21st and ( irant , 9 rooms and bathioom and nil modem conveniences. Apply early , Snotswood , 30.1V4 S tiah. 5-T FOH HEN'T-3 room honso lent $7 on 11th st : fuuilture for $75. Co operative Land It Lot Co , , 205 N 16th st. 5411 11 POH HENT Hani near llth Ft. , between Douglas and Dodge ; loom for 11 and H vehicles ; also hay loft. Apply to City Steam Lnnndry. 6.U FOH HENT About Dec , 1st , tin en new cot tages on Hnmlltou.street , one block f i mil street ear. seven looms each , all modern im- prov cmeuts. Apply to E. Morony , .WJ S 12th st. 5.1S l.'J T710H HENT lUsemont , fctores nnd flats , cor. -L1 uth and Jackson. Eiumlio Mrs' F. Lango. " 171011 HENT Three stoies 110s Farnnm nnd JL ? two at cor Utn and Douglas st. S , Lehman. Si' ) OHOOMS-Hath nnd barn. Colfax st . . .fl5n ( 10 rooms , bath and furnace , Seward st 55.00 10 rooms , bath and furnace , Woolvvorth st , 6000 8 rooms , bath , city w ater. Corby st Xi 00 5 rooms , cottage , llurdettoht 2500 nxuns , cellar , well , c-lsteni. 27th st 2H.OO 0 rooms , cellar , city water. * th st 2200 Fine largo storeroom , good location . . 3.1.00 K L. Gregory , 30 ! ) South 10th st. 1W F Oll HENT If you wish to lent a honso call on ileuavva & Co. , l.lth t. , opposite P. O. IjiOH HENT n-rooinhons corner Marcyand -13 Terrlll ut. { 20. InqulroUntugor & MeteaK Co. , 6th and Padflc. 320 TTHJH RENT Noy , 15 , nftv eight-room house , JL ? all modern improvements. 2318 Chicago ut. m. J. H. lUngwalt,8IBBI5Ui8t. T77 FOR HENT Severn new 7 room houses block from street far ) rtady for occupancy November 1.0. F. Hnrrlaoft. 418 B. 15th st. OVI 1 .1ST housed , furnished and unfurnished JU rooms with us. WeiHllrent them. Office open evenings. H. B. Cofei 3168. 15th ht. IU1 * 171OU KKNT 2nd and Ikl.lloors at 1417 Douglas -L st. , with lease of three' years , Kennedy i IHbbliiM , 1000 Douglas st. 707 TjlOR IIKNT-3 room cottage , 1121 N 21st. st -P Apply 316815th Ht. 153 OK HENT oem furnished Hat , IfiO pel month. 3 rooms rented , (43. Apply 60ft 8 Ibth st. H04 TTlOtt HENT 3 Hats anil furniture for sale , nl f on Iflth. A. F. Mayne , N. W. cor. 10th anC Farnam. 9U1 _ _ R RENT 11 room nouso on Sherman ave A. V. Mayne , N , W. cor , IDth and Farnam FOR RENT-ROOMS. OR RENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms. "loT Dodge. tra 17' UHNI8IIKD Hoom cheap , 5020 Bt , Mary nvo 6.17 dlQ * T7KH RENT-Cheap. suite of nicely furnishet ! JU rooms. 1019 N gjkl at , 440 13J OR RENT-3 nice unfurnished rooms suit able for housekeeping , situated on 21s taA MchoUa et. Apply UtBlith it. fi OR RENT A small , neatly furnished south room for one gentleman , (10 , Uth and Knr- nm. Apply 1121 Farnam. ftvi 12 OR 1U5N1Vurnlsh'.d rooms. 1818 D.vlge st. IttJNSO n OOMS and lionrd for four , In privnto family. Jit with home comforts , S. W. Oir. 21st and Lenvenworih sts. 021 1& * TTIOlf RENT-Nlcely fimilshed rooTns "nTz * ? ? JL. ' Dodgn. 0 ns , bath nnd furnace hent. Dr. J , C. \ \ hlunery. B29 _ 171OH RENT Two furnished rooms , one of .K them Miltublo for four gents , 8. W. cor. 8tn and llarncy. 6U1 U * _ _ _ * 171011 HKNT-Vurnl hed rooms , 1119 Chicago. J3 573 14J _ 171011 HF.N'T Furnished parlor and bedroom , JU 2S S. 21st bt. | 573 12J " _ _ _ KKM ( lo"r two. with Ixiird It desired , In ' private family , 172U Davenport st. T7IOR RENT-L'lesrant suite of rooms nicely .i ? furnished , brick Hat , south front , 141H Chi cago. ! I57 TpOH HENT A largo nnd pleasant room.nlcely JU fiiinlshed. for twoorUiieo Kentlemeu. 007 S. 13th st. Inqulio up-stalrs. 587 il HEKT S lirg ! rooms for llghrhouse- Keeping. 607 S. Uthst. Imiulro upstairs. 587 FOR HENT Oround floor office room , cen trally located , heated nnd lighted. C. F. linn lion , 41 B. l.lth st. _ 711) ) FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and board , 1810 nnd 1S12 Chicago st. 006 10 * FOR HENT Two elegant rooms , ono fur nished nnd ouo unfurnished , second lloor , 523 North 10th st. 685 11 * _ OH RENT-Fnrnlshed room , 614 B Pth. be- tw ecu How nrd nnd Jackson , $10. 001 11 * FOH HENT Hoom and board for pentlemnn nnd wife , or two gentlemen , also furnished or unfurnished rooms. Bili ) 8 23d st. uci l.i * FOH HENT l\irnlshed rooms for gentlemen only. 1418 Dodge st. _ 5'.iU 1,1 * 171OR RENT Furnished rooms , 1913 Farnam. I ? S111127J _ OH HKNT Knrnl-hed rooms , with orwlth- F out luiardW \ > K.irn itn st. KTI 12' IJ1OK Itr.NT-l'our ( I ) unfurnished rooms. 415 1. South llitliBt. , containing all modern-con- cnlences. 511 OH HI5.NT Ttto furnished rooms , 1017 How ard st , , with board If deslted. Hefei dices ' 7011 ' RENT Three furnlshod rooms , nil now , 1111 Davenport st , 501 14 * F I Oil III5NTFurmsniHt room ; modern 1m- ptovumeuta , 171tf Dodge t. fill 14 FF F OH HI5NT 3 unfurnished roonis sultnbln for housi-keoplng. UK ) N 20th st. 15. ) FOH KENT S'onth trout room , 1620 Cass. 4li3 13 * A FINE Inrge bay window room , newly fur- /V. nlshed with vis , hath , fillnnco nud closet , HI other roomer , for ono or two gentlemen. 501 5'Ml list. 1U "I710H HI5NT2 double fillnlshed rooms , fl" nnd J-1 f.l ) per month , with Ilia Noitli sldo > aveiiHorthst between 17th and 18th. Sll 11' FOH UKNT Kuinlshed and unfurnished looms in all parts of the city. When you \ \ ant t a house wo can accommodate you. Car- lage ready to Mioxv houses. Olllco open c\eu- ngs. II. 15. Cole. II18S. 15th St. A LOVELY , laigo fiont room boated , beauti ful location , with all modern conveniences in st car line , IHI7r.iss IOH KENT S nntutnlshod roonrs , 2d lloor , nin.S. 11th. 3.V > . HF.N'T Two di-sliablo rooms , nnd bath , 30tlS 31th st. Uentlemen prelened. f.ll 14 * "I7IOH HUNT F.leg-intlv furnished rooms In I new building , he. ited by steam , with bath and all modern Improvements ; location < entinl. No 17l'l ' Davenport stteet. 512 l.'j FOH 1H5NT Fninlshed rooms In Orounlgblk. cor I Ith nnd Dod e Ms. InqulieofUeo It. > .iv Is , Mlllard hotel billiard room. scu JIOIl HENT-3 unfurnished rooms suitable for 1 housekeeping , 110H'S. . 7 th St. 248 T7OII IIBNT-3 nicely fiunlshed rooms , ( ) St. X ? Mary's ave. ( i 'i HENT 'Rooms , shu'lo nnd en suite , good plauo for sale , JIM , 1821 Farnam st. ( OR HENT Ono furnished nnd one unfur nished room , 2118 llnmey st. 6H.I 11 * "TIIOH HENT 3 rooms suitable for house keen- JL lug. N. W. cor. llth and 1'Ieico st. Apply to 310 8.11th st. 3.K1 F "ciTrflENT-Nlcely furnished room suitable for J gentlemen , Inquire 2011 St. Mnry's ave. OJO FOH HENT Tlire unfurnlshod rooms ; water In the housH nnd eveiything convenient for 'lousfkc-eplng , 2012 Huiney st. 6.Y ! 11 * IflOH HKNT Pleasant rooms , furnished , southwest corner 20th nnd Webster. 'J01 HENT Furnished rooms In nil pails of FOH the city , by the clav , wtek or mouth. City Intelligence ollke , Crelghton block. KB Foil HENT Oniceroom , llrst lloor , nt310S. rail st. 441 SITUATIONS WANTED. V\rANTED A single womnn wnuts place In T > countrvor In small family to do light woik. Apply 271H Hurt ht. ( > iU-U * \\7 ANTI3I- Situation for 1 housekeeper. 1 > T Inundiess , 1 talloress and ! t general honso maids , 1 nurse , 1 boy dlshwaslH'r.or , taking care ofJhorM ) ( ! oed letorences. Apply nt the State Emplojmeut Pallors , 1417 Fainam st , Hoom \ \ . - > IM ll'CJ W ANTED Situation ns baker In or out of city. Address L ( V ) . Ileo oltlce. HOT 12 * "V/17ANTED / Position ns housekeeper for T T widower , w 1th small family , by 11 middle- aged Indy of cxperlente , can finnlsh refeioiues If required. Address L 0.1. Hee olllce. 013 WANTED-Situatlon by a sensible , well edu cated woman of ,10. as housekeeper ; Is n nice cook , verv < " and not afraid of work ( no olllce fee ) . Mrs. Hrega i. Son , 310 8. 15th , Tel ESI. 01411 * \\7ANTED-RltuatIons In city by 3 Irish girls , ? f are good cooks and laundresses , Have nlno Svvt dcs and lluhemlans , anil nuy amount of nlrn Americans Canadian Employment of llco , Mis. HICK.I \ Son. ,110 S 15th. Tel , S.M. ( -1311 * WANTED Situation by a ( icrman , 2.1 , as coachman , yaidman etc. . good reference , iiblonndw tiling to work , no ofllco fee. Cuna- dlnu Emplojmuut olllce , Mrs. Hrega i Son. JIG S. 1Mb. Tel. NSI. 61VI1 * STORAGE. NEW YOHK Storngo Co. hnve most extensive facilities for storage ot furniture , pianos , buggies , general mcichaudisc , west of New Yoik. Cash advances to any amount ; ware house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick building lire-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N , llth St. , lltmnett's block. 759 ' { Merchandise or furniture. Little S' & Williams , 1407 Douglas st. WM n29 F IRST-CLAS3 storage at 110 N. 13th st. 903 STORAGE for carriage at Omaha fair grounds and horses wintered by A. Thomson. 173-N 20 * STOHAnE-Oeo. Schwartz. Omaha Storage Warehouse , 1001,1011 North Llth st. furnlt- ure.buggleii and merchandise. Olllse 1115 Dodge. 427n Itt * STORAC1E Fnrnltnro , boxed goods , etc..terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. W { FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. LOT 9. block 1. Ureunan Placo. price 12,100 , cash 1750 , balance 1,2 and 3 years from March Oth , 1RH.S ; (100 commission 1C sold within 10 days ; No. 10 was sold for FJ.300. No. 1 sold for * 4uoO. I > . R. Uelden & Co , 418 South IMh street. E LEO ANT Residence sites In llanscom Flaco. Ixit 21. blk. 6 , one of the ttutwt lota In the addition ; only r ' .7uO. Corner Delaware nnd Topple ton avenue : 100x110 feet , south and euat front , magnlllcont view , Bplviidld neighborhood , iiuar t > treet cars nnd park. A iiarguln It stild at once. 19) ) feet east front on Diiane street near Popple- ton nvenuo. Water and pas on street , close to street car line , perfect Krndo.lusf the place for an elegant residence or block of houses. Call and get prlco. Henutlful south front lot , corner Thirty-third street and Poppleton avenue ; (2,700 , only $700 cash , balance one , two , three or foui years. If you want a nice home or Invest- meat U will pay you to look them up. Qco. N. Hicks , 215 South 15th at. | 61013 H BALE-Or exchaugo. farm * m Iowa , Kunatis and Nebraska for Omaha houses suia imall mortgaites on farmland give cleat deed to city lots , rumi want * ! la Central N br * U. Xr.Tnktr.UMirftnuuaM , 140 FOR SAT.K-Ixit4 : , nurr Oak. (1,100 , COO cash bal. S years. Lot 4fl , llurr Oak , (1,000 , W.10 cash , bsl easy , Iot 47 , llurr Onk , ll.aiO , (400 easii , bill eu-sy. Ix > tiablk8ltllIslJeNol , . : 0 , U.10U casli , bnl 3 years. IotSblk7 , Hillside No 1 , K.fOO , 11,000 ca u. bal 3 yenri. Lot7bklO.R ) < 'eVsl , tad.t , W.OOX Lot 32 , PuniijPldc , 12,400. ( Mill cash , bnl enoy. Two new 7 room hounes with modern conven iences two blocks west Hauscom park , (3.4U ) each terms emy. Ix > t in , Fairmont plnco with five room eottag * . , . Two good lots with five room cottage on each , In blk In , Patrick's add , only 4U.OUO i.ich , terms very easy. lluslness lots In South Omnhn on N , Q , 51th , 2.1th nnd 2 lth streets for sale cheap. Acre property near South Omniin forsnloor for trndo for Insldo Omnhn nnd South Omaha lots. I'ottcr * Cobb , 1601 Farnnm st. llonnl Trade building. 877 21 10 Hargain-Conier lot , 72x110 feet , on Hello- vue st , Sonth Omnha. Call nnd get prlco mid terms. Qoo. N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th. 600 13 IF YOU hnvo nny good propoity to teller trade list it with ( leo. N. Kicks , 21& S. 1Mb. 676 19 1T10H SALE Finest location for n homo In JL } West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkendall , Coo , llrady , Ensson nnd others. Nothing liner lu the city. Can sol ) lt" > xlH7 or less ; for prices and ternn see 8. A. Blouinn , 1301 Furuaui st. 71W TT'OH TRADE-Eoultv in lots 1 nnd 3 , Union J- square , next block to Martin , Ensson & llrady ; (4,000 for house nud lot , or vacnut Insldo lot. Address K 60 Ileo. 707 V FEW more lota at (100. H. 15. Colo. TO TKAIIV-We have n largo list of property of all kinds for s.ilo or exchange. Stevens llros. , 1513 Farnam Ht. 400 ii : GOOD east front lot In Nelson's add. , H.OOO ; cash. Graham , Crelghton blk. 810 U K SAM5 At JSOO , house and lot , rented at $11 per month , on small cash pnjineuts , bal ance monthly or quarterly , or all caxh at H hot ter price and warranted deed. D. D.Smoiiton. 11)03 ) Itodgo st. lia AIili nnd see the chotco bargains I offer In C : South Omaha. Hicks , 215 8 ftlh Ht WX ) 12 rpo KXCHANOK-City and farm property JL Call on Utc\ons llros , 15U Furuuin Ht. Ht.4tw n LIST houses , furnished nnd unfnrnMiod rooms with us. We will rent thorn. Olllco open evenings. H. K. Colo. 31B8. IMhst. > 5 A IT.W more lots nt tlOO. II. 15. Cole. FEW more lots nt $100. H. E. Cole. 415 A 5W more lota at 1100. II. K. Cole. S1 OUTII OMAHA business lots for sale. Hicks. 600 12 TIO THADR We have a large list of property of all kinds for s vie or exchange. Htuvrns llros. , liil.1 Palnam st. I'M 11 rilO KXCHANGK-Clty mm farm property. JL Call ou btevcns Itvo.s. , 1 jlj Faruam st. st.4'M IS F15W more lots at J10U , H , K. Colo. fjlOH SAM ! or Exchange r.lghtccn acres , -I1 Junction of two main streets and M. 1 * . llelt l.lno lly . only ten minutes' ride by rail to South Omaha and stock yanls and SJO minutes' rldo to the business center of Omaha ; covered with splendid shade tiees ; will plat Into Hcholcn ) lots ; land all around It IH divided Into lots and milling for ttOO to $500 each ; prlco fcil.rtlO ; huyer to assume Incnmbranco of j,200 ! ) , iluo In 1 , 2 , II nnd 4 years ; will tnku t7,000 cash , balance * Hfloi , ) 'n good Improved faim property. Oeorge N. licks , 215 s. t. un. is FOU SALE Hood brick business property In contioof Crand Island ; great * bargain ind best terms In the city ; but llttlo cash re- inlred ; long time , low Interest and eass'jiav- nents ; other real estate for sale. Addie-.s J. H. .Voolloy . , attorney at law , ( jrand Inland , Neb. TIO exchange-F > oimi money and choice land for llrst class Improved Insldo proper ! 1. E. Cole. ; 110 H 15th. 411 TV yon have anything to sell or exchange list ItwlthC. C. SpbthWooil. aaiHS 1'ith. ' ( W "I7Vll SA 1.15 A beautiful new A-room house In JL1 block "A , " lledfoi d I'liice , binall cash pay- nentllalanco monthly or to suit. Charles C. NI5W 1'our room cottage , w 1th pantry , closets and collar. Near car line , nchools and In an excellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , lltirdotto court , prlco IfiOil ) , small cash payment and $15 mr month. Wallace. Crulghtou block. 4ik ) BAHUAIN In n lot on Franklin st. . 2HIO : easy terms. Graham , Crolghtoa blk. ( Ml 13 FOll PALK Several houses nnd lots on small payments , also somw houses and ots to trailo ; several farms for sale or trade for Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mayue , N. W. cor Iflth and Farnam. UU1 "GIOR BALE Now store building and lot on JO Hfllevue ht. . South Omnha ; price (1,600 ; on- MOO cash. Can glvo immediate possession , ( leo. N. Hicks , 215 8. llth ht. 600 12 LIST your property for snlo with Charles C. Spot aw oed , 30 > li S 16th st 012 A FEW mote lots at $100. II. E. Cole. POH SALK 121x100 ft cor. Howard nnd 3.1th sts. , next block to Easson , llrady ic Mnr- tlns houses , 7r > 00. Address 15. .13 Hoe ofllco. irjo A FEW more lots ut tlOO. II , E , Cole. 455 riT large lot.s on Ilamlltou for bale or trade , JL ( iiaham , Ciulghtou blk. Oil U \O exchange for house nnd lot n section of - good farm land lu central Nebtaska. Hicks , 215 S. llth. 50012 nilOMFSON. Estate , 31t S. 15th st. 60 ft on F.irnamnear.'Hth , per ft ( 12.1 40 ft ( in Farnam near 2Mb , per ft 22.1 ( lift OH Sminders near Uraco 5,600 llest lot in Klrkwood „ . . . . 1.4K ) OoodlotlnKlrby Place : 1,275 50 ft on isth st near St. Marv's ave 8,750 100 ft In blk 1. Hedlrk's subdivision 4.200 A good trackage lot In city for lease cheap Lot on Pink ave opposite Hanscom Park . . 2,700 Lot In Ilollman Terrace , only 275 10 acres at South Omaha for platting , get prlr . List your property with Thompson. 3S8C rpHACKAOE-I havesomo choice property In JL West Omaha on the F. E. & M. V. R. R. and Missouri Padtlc Hy. , near the junction of the two roads , Theio \ no liner truckage near the city for mills , elevntors nud manufacturing pur poses. Parties contemplating locating In Omaha w 111 do v\ ell to cull and see the pioperty. to the right kind of parties I will oiler liberal induce ments. George N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th st. 50012 rplIOMPSON , 314 8.15th St. . buys and sells real -L cst.ito. loans money , purchases securities ; has n good list of property for sale and wants more. Notary puullc. 854 FEW more lota at ilOO. II. E. Cole. 455 rpWO houses in Hanscom place renting for J$70 per month to exchange for good Insldo vacant property. H. 8. Campbell and G.W. Her- vey.31liS. ICth st. Chamber ot Commerce. 15J 0 IIOICE THACKAOE. close to city , for sale by Hicks , 215 S. 15th st. 60012 TJHW I5XCHANOE-3brick lints on 2.1th st . JH between Kiirnam and Dodge ; will exchange equity for other good paying property , not too heavily mortgaged. This proptuty needs no commendation. Speaks for Itself. No bettor in this city. If you want It como quick. Spots- Wood , 305 1 S. 16th st. 4'J1 FOR SALE or trade at a bargain south front lot on Franklin fit. , 00x127 ft , flrahum , Crelghton blk. cod T .OT8 nnd houses worth buying , If you want JLJ to mnko money. Ambler Placo. lot 15 , block 12. price. 800. Ambler I'lnce. lot Ifl block 5 , price , fftV ) . Orchard Hill , lot I ) block 12 , prlco , .son. G racu street , 140 f net front , price , M.HOO. Baunders st. one and a quarter miles from P. O. , 121 ! feet front , prlco tl2MM. Farnam Bt. one and one-half miles from F. O. , 48 feet front , price , 15,000. Walnut Hill , lota 2 and 3 block B , price , 11,100 for S lots. South Omaha , Albright's Choice , good lot for Seven-room house eo-st front on Georgia ave nue , price , IW.OOO. Five-room house enst front on 18th St. , price , 13,500. Four-room house In Omaha View , price , (2,000. Six-room house on California St. , price , 12,200. Nine-room house on I'ark avenue , prlco , 17,000. Well Improved farm of 640 acres In llooua county , $10 per acre. A good hotel lu Saline county , Neb. , (4,600 , in cluding funiiture. Have 2 unencumbered fariua to trade foi small nouses. StrliiKer & Co. . 1518 Dodge Bt. W > 18 A FKW moi e lots nt 5100. H. E. Cole , " " OH SALE-Lot""ll , blk ( J , Shlnn'B ! nd ndd , t2.buOGraham. . Crelahton blk. ( W 1.1 TTVOH BALE Cheap-One of too cornet JU lots on South Eleventh Htreet. Apply Room 24 , Omaha National bank. l& 16 NEW eight-room house , pleasant location , can give immediate possession , u bar gain II taken at once , Ueo. N. Hicks , 215 8. 15th HI. 50012 THAUE TiUilde property for good house -L eight or nine rooms , and full lot. MM/'nl loch * Co. , cor Utb tad Jfornam. yst A FEW more lota at 1100. It , B. Colo. ( V , 8A1.H-A good lot j-W feet ) on Park a1 nuo. low prlco If sold goon , McCulloch Co . cor IMh and I'nruain. Itll Ilcml Kstnto Goo W Smith to H Mchlttondou , lot 13 blk 1 , Wnrrnutnn. w d t 1,000 , Patrick Hooter and wlfo to Fronds C Drown , lot 21 bile 1 , So Omaha View , wd , 400 Aaron l > lick nndv Ifo to J u Vaughn , lot 5 blk l > , Wont Albright , q o d 1 M J Wangli to I'roston Omits , part lot fi nnd 0 blk U , Mc-Ciuruos add , w d. . . 0,000 Otis H Uallou ot nl to Alice A Aulls , lot 5. 0 , 9 , blk 1 , lot 7 to i4 blk ' . ' , lot 10 blk S. Otis place , qo Howard 1) Doltrlok to Oscar Oroslioll ct nl , lot 3 blk 15 , Myers , Hlchards fi Tilhcns mid. w d 1.000 E K French to Goo L Duubnrn , lot 11 blk 8 , Central park , w d TOO C O Stanley to S.imh Barrett , lot 'Jtl TOOt blklt , Omalin Vlotr.w d t Chas Corbllt. tax deed on O-HW b , IB , 11 blk 433 , lOnnd 114U3 , lO-MOOmnh.i Charles Corbclt , tax dcod on lots 1 " nml3blk4l3 ! , Clrandvlovv Charles Cot belt , tar ilcxxl ou lots 1 and I3blk4i3. ! Otnndvlevv Charles Corbctt , Uix deed on lots 1 and lit blk 41 , Credit Konclor ndd William N Harris and wife to Albert I ) Hughes , the tint ! X of lots 15 nnd 10 blk 4 , lot 1 blk 8 , Summit place , w d 1,009 Lromml L Jevvoll to Albert M Hughs , lot 15 blk ! l. Exchange plaoo , w d , . . . 800 Herman liorlin to Andres Svcnsou ct nl , cK of lot 8 , Hawes' add. w d 1,000 Mary S Wnlkor nnd husband to Jon- nlo E Stevens , lot 11'niyn'i sub , 7 nnd 8 blk 14 , Shinn's add , w d 1 n F Troxoll to Hlehani S Muulsby , lot 1 , Troxell's ndd , w d 1,500 , George C Hobble ctnl to Lincoln Y Slkes , lots 1 4 nnd 10 blk 1 , lot 0 blk 2 , South Exchange place , q e d \ George W Covoll and wf to E M 1 * Harvey , lot 0 , blk 8 , sub of J I Uodlek , wd M Otis II Uallou ct nl to Oeorgiana 1C Hall , lot 13 , blk it , Ambler place , wd , 400 M M Clark to A L Young , lot 7 , blk 459 , Grand View , wd 15,000 John L Miles ot al to ( Joorgo Malone , lot 8 , blk 0 , Walnut Hill , w d 400 Fred Cliristiimson to Wllhclm Luot- grotiau , n 34 ft of out lot 14 In BOO lo-15-lH , w d TOO Herman Kntintru nnd wf to Emily II Hurst , lot 8 , blk 5 , Kount/o place , w d 891 Union Stock Yauls Co to David Anderson , lot 1 nnd " , blk 8 , 1st ndd to South Omalin , w d 1,100 David Andoisoti and wf to Anthony J Langdon , part lot I , blk 8 , 1st add to South Omaha , w d 1,600 Bntthas Jotter and wf to George W KliiRinim , lot 12 , blk S , Jotter's 1st ndd.w d 5,500 , David W Young to Chas J Hunt , loll ' sub Paulson's add d f Pruyu's , w 3,500 Chns Corbott , plat of sub of North Side add. Lewis S Heed to Cnrrlo J Uyau ct nl , lot 10 , blk 408 , Omaha , w d 359 C 10 Mtiyno mid wife to Dexter L Thomas , lot 1 , 3 , 8 , (110 ( , H ) , 'M nnd 21 , Mnyno's ndd to Orchard Hill , w d. . . 10,000 Haniinh K Collins ct nl to E H John- sou , lot 1 , blk E , Lowe's add , w d. William S Martin nnd wlfo to Jacob ICondls , lot HI , Fainuount plnco , w d 4,500 SD Mercer and wlfo to Patrick D Garvm , lot 14 and 15 , blk 31 , Walnut Hill.wd 2BOt John J Mnhnncy etui to Uichard Munn , lease building in lot 1. Total sales. 1'crmltfl. The following building permits were Issuc4 yesterday by Superintendent Whltlock. American District Telegraph Company , barn , Nicholas and Twenty-second. . $ 200 t. W. Huntess , cottage and barn , ' Twenty-first nnd Mandoitton 008 Mark Hnnscn , another story to brick Btoro , Tenth and Hickory 3,000 S. W. Simpson , two story dwelling , Cass near Dillon 1,800 i. Uushnoll , cottage , Twenty-second nnd Seward 250 Henry Hcnsingson , double cottage , Walnut between Fourtli nnd Fifth. . 50Q Congregational Society , church , Paxton - ton nnd McCandlist TOO Seven permits , aggregating $ 4,551 THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. . Leave Arrtvo Omaha. Onialm. UNION PACIFIC. Depot loth and Fierce sts. I'nclllc Express H:2flp. : m. 7:50 : a. ra , Denver Express 10.55 a. m. 5:20p.inl : "Loral Express , 5:05 : p. in. 11:000.111. : .Except Sunday. H. & M. II. H. 11. Depot loth and Pacific sts. Mall and Expiess 5:30 : p. m. Night express 7:41 : p.m. 10.00 a. m. C. H. & Q It. H. Depot 10th and Paclllcsts. Mall and Express 0:00 : p.m 0SOa.i-i. : 'Chicago Express U .00 a.m. 055p. ; 1.1. K. C. . St. .1. i C. II. Depot 10th and I'aclllc sts. Mall 8:40a.m : A55p. ; nu Express 8:50p.m : TjOOu. m. 0. St. P. . M. & O. Depot 15th nnd Webster st Sioux City Illack Hills Ex. 8:1.1 : a , m. 4:4r.p.m. : Ituncroft Express * 4:45p.m. : 10:40u.iu : Illack Hills PaHseuger. 5:11.1 : p.m. 740p. ; in. Except Sunday. M1SSOU1U 1'ACIFIO. Depot 15th and Webster st Day KxpresK 10:4.1a.m : , 8:25 : HI i Night Express. U10 ; PUMMV TIIAIN8. nunntng Between Council Hluffs nnd Alblrgbt In addition to the stations mentioned , tralrn stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth itroou . and ut the Summit In Omaha. " \VpHtwni-tl. ItroiKlTrans - Omaha Hheo- Stock AI wuy. fer. Depot. loy. Yards. > rlt-Ji ( , A.M. A.M. A.M. A.U. A.M. A.fI fl:4A : 5.51 (1:00 : I .11 nio : 0:17 : 0:30 : 0:37 : 0:50 : I i flM : 7:02 : 7:15 : 7:22 : 7:3.1 : 7 'I 7:45 : lira HOA : 8:12 : 8:2. : ' ) I-I 8:4R : 8:52 : 0:05 : 9:12 : 9 : : ( > > l U:45 : S:52 : lOiOii 10U : 10:45 : 10:52 : 11:05 : 11:12 11:25 : 11:1) ) 11:45 : 11:52 : 1MJ. I'.M. r.M , I'.v : P.M. l-.M. 12:05 : 12:12 : 13:2.1 : 12-31 12:45 : 12:52 : 1:05 : 1:12 : 1:25 1 I 1:41 : 1:58 : :0fl : 8:12 : 2:2,1 : L I 2:4.1 : 3:52 : 11:05 : 8:12 : 8:25 : 11:4.1 : 3W : 4fi : ( 4U : 4:25 : 4..I 4:45 : 4:52 : 5:05 : 5:19 : 6:35 : r.-uu 5:45 : 5:52 : 6.05 0:25 : ll--U 8:45 : 0:52 : 7.05 7:2 : ; 7 : . 7:41 : H.rtS 8:12 : 8:2.1 : I---M 8:45 : ! l:05 : 0:12 : 0:25 : \ II 19:45 : 0:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:21 : 10 . .II 10:45 : 1Q63lv.li30 ! | ; 11:38 : 11:4 : 11:54 : Kuntvvnrd. CJOUNCI fr nLVPFtfT wfer i" > t. i m. ; > m. .1. in. n. m. p. in. a. m , p. in. > to. a. in. p. in.