Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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fieUrtnd by nrritr in any part of the city at
cents week.
v twenty per
I. W tiLiof. . . . Manager ,
o. 43.
T. T. Plumbing Co.
Biter , tailor , Fall poods chcnp.
About two hundred special assess
ment notices lor Bowernpo nro to bo
served , about half of which hnvo al
ready boon filled out.
The industrial school , under the irmn-
ogomcnt of the \V. C. A. , meets Satur
day . 'November 12 , at 2 o'clock , at the
African M. E. church.
George Wright bemoans the loss of a
valuable horse which was accidentally
shot on Thursday while running in a
pasture just south of the city.
Dr. C. B. Judd has removed to No.
600 Broadway. Ho lias a splendid loca
tion and the removal was necessary on
account of his rapidly increasing busi
ness.Tho porviccB of the strrot paving
force will bo utilized to-morrow to lay
the floor at the now fire house on Broad
way. The same kind of material will
be used as upon the streets.
Bessie , daughter ofV. . P. Burnett , of
Hazel Dell township , died at B o'clock
ThwMlav evening , of membranous
croup. The funeral services will bo
hcjd at 11 o'clock this morning.
On Thursday M. I < \ Kohror Bold to
John Knowalski , of Omaha , lot 10 , block
25 , Beer's subdivision , for JIUo. The
improvements now being put upon
Broadway are sure to create u demand
for property abutting upon it.
L , C. Baldwin has not yet opened his
moat market on Broadway , as tome of
the equipments arc yet to arrive. The
date of tlio opening will bo duly noticed
by the Bti : . When ready for business
he will liavo an as nicbly arranged mar
ket as there is in the city.
A rather aged document was filed at
the recorder s ofllco yesterday. It was
a land warrant issued by Franklin
Pierce in 18-54 , while ho was president
of the United States. The conveyance
was in favor of Susan C. Culhoun ,
widow of John B. Somplo , who was a
private in Captain Ilalton's company ,
South Carolina militia , during the war
of 1812.
The fixtures of the Pacific house sa
loon have been sold to Omaha parties
by William Maloney. Ho and George
Smith , another enjoined saloon keeper
late of the Pluunix , intend going to
Lincoln to engage in the saloon busi
ness. The rooms at the Pacific house
formerly occupied by Maloney will bo
opened soon as a billiard parlor.
Charles Turner , George Monroe and
WilliiimWili-oy will appear before Judge
Ayloswoi'th to-day to answer to the
charge of breaking and entering a house
in the night time , They have just fin
ished serving a thirtydays' sentence for
larceny , and the probabilities arc that
they will prolong their visit with Jailer
O'Noil several weeks.
The barn of J. II. Dclancy was burg
larized a few nights since and a sot of
harness and some blankets stolen. The
blankets wore sold to a citizen living in
the vicinity of the deaf and dumb insti
tute , and from that clue the police ar
rested Evan Attorbcrg as the guilty
party. Ho was lodged in the city jail
and will probably bo given a hearing
this morning.
J. J. Vandovccr , of this city , who re
cently accepted a situation with Par-
lin , Olondorf & Martin , of Omaha , to
travel and sell agricultural implements
for.thom , lias been adjudged insane by
the commissioners , vandcvcor is well
known , not only in this city , but all
through Io\ya and Nebraska , and hun
dreds of his friends will unite in the
hone that his aflliction will prove to be
only temporary.
Yesterday the newspaper ofllces were
besieged during botli day and evening
by a crowd of interested persons who
anxiously watched the bulletins as they
appeared bearing the dispatches from
Chicago. As the hour of the execution
approached the excitement became in
tense. "Is there any disturbance ? " was
the burden of every thought. This
anxiety for the safety of Chicago and
her people was universal , and as the
night closed in and no dispatches in
dicating riot were received a sigh of
thankfulness was breathed by all.
Ono thousand head of ' one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of
A. J. Greenamnyer , CS3 Mynster St. ,
telephone 121.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
iecurity of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Oflico , 500 Broad way , cor
ner Main street , up stairs.
Testing the Truck.
The members of the fire department
played with their new toy , the hook and
ladder truck , for an hour or more yes
terday morning and enjoyed it very
much. After experimenting for a llttlo
while they "caught on" to the way of
working it and had the seventy-five 'foot
extension ladder run up to the hose
tower in a. hurry. Chief Tomploton was
the first man to run up to the top , and
was quickly followed by several of the
other fire laddies. Mr. Brucggor , agent
of the company that built the truck ,
will bo hero Monday and give the boys
H lesson or two to show them how to use
It successfully. The exhibition will
doubtless call out n largo number of in
terested spectators.
If you want to show your girl what
kind of a husband you will make buy
her u Domestic sewing machine.
Statuary ! New and beautiful designs.
Suitable for holiday gifts , at P. C. Mil-
For best quality coal and wood , call on
Glcason , 20 Pearl street
Gene to Ills Father.
On the last day of October Rev. J.
Fisk olliciated at the funeral of Gibson
Miller , sr. , and to-day at 10 o'clock ho
will conduct the funeral services of Gib
son Miller , jr. , who has been aftllotcd
for Bomo time with paralysis. Although
but twelve years of ago , ho lost all do-
Biro to live after his father's death and
econied anxious for a reunion with him
that must needs bo in another world.
The funeral will take place at the resi
dence , on South Eighth street. The re
mains will bo interred in Fnirvio\v
Every ono making a cash purchase ol
5 cents at T. D. King < fc Co's. cigai
btore gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prized.
Wndsworth. Etnyro & Co.,230Mnh
street , make reliable abstracts of prop'
erty in Pottuwattamlo county.- ; . '
Jf ' you want a nicq present for yoxu
wife buy a Domestic sowing uiuchiuu.
The Poet Preacher.
A recent issue of the Chicago
In tor-Ocean contains A portrait of Rov.
G. W. Crofts , pastor o ! the Congrega
tional church pf this city , and views of
the log cabin in which ho was born and
of Margaret Fuller's island. The bio
graphical sketch of this popular
preacher is as follows :
George W. Crofts was born April 9 , 1M1 , In
Manchester precinct , Uoono county. Illinois.
Ills mil-cuts were originally of Middlebury ,
Vt. , but at on early Ante removed to Ohio ,
and from thence to Illinois In 1B41. The IOR
cabin in which he wits born was of the most
primitive character. In it there was not a
nail or a plcco of iron. Its roof was of
"shakes" and the floor was raado of hewn
logs. H had but ono window , and the only
real boards about the building were those
which formed the door.
The lotf cabin In which he was born and
the more pretentious ono of hewn lops his
father afterwards constructed have long
since passed away , but the "old stone school
houso" which forms the subject of ono of his
poems , still stands Just across the road from
bin father's old farm , Its walls intact , a
sturdy witness to early struggles and sacri
fices. In his tenth ycur ho removed with his
parents to Mount Morris , 111. From the time
ho commenced learning1 to read ho had a sin
gular desire to understand how books and
newspapers were made , and on learning that
there was a printing ofllce In Mount Morris
ho experienced great uneasiness until the
mystery was pr.ictlc.illy solved. In his
eleventh year he entered the Gazette offlco as
nn apprentice. In the course of three months
the ofllco was purchased by Allen &
Atkins the Hon. C. C. Allen ,
now of Missouri , and General S. D. Atkins ,
of Frccport , 111. , and removed to Savannah ,
111. , where they established the Savannah
HugisUtr. They hud become so warmly at
tached to the little enthusiast In the printing
business that they took him along with them.
The Uciflstcr lived but about nine mouths ,
when the subject of this sketch returned to
Mount Morris , and attended the village
school. In the fall of ISM Mr. Allen re
moved the ofllco to Dlxon , 111. , and uetfim the
publication of a paper there. Again the help
of his little friend was applied for and cheer-
"ully granted. Ho well remembers how in
lurrying papers in Ltixon ono cold , frosty
ivcning his feet were badly fro/en , mid how
10 went to bed in a tireless room and lot
hem thaw out at leisuro.
In less than a year ho again returned to
ilount Morris , this tiino entering the sem-
nnry. In the soring of Ib55 ho went to
Mount Carroll , 111. , and entered the printing
fllco there us a comi > ositor. The paper was
lublished by Prof. D. II. Wheeler , who at
his time Is the honored president of Alle
gheny college , wearing all the learned titles ,
"hiring this time ho "sot up" a part of
Jharlcs Simmer's famous speech on "Tho
2rimo Against Kansas , " which fired his
/outhful blood , and from that day until now
lie has been a staunch republican In politics.
' 11 the fall of this year ho returned again to
vlount Morris , having saved his summer's
ivagcs , and re-entered the seminary. In the
spring of 1850 ho went to Oregon , 111 , , and
x > ok a position as compositor in the Reporter
office , a position ho hold for nearly four con-
seeutlvo years. The scenery around Oregon
's very romantic , and was to him a continued
'east , and aided largely In molding his
noughts. Many a time did ho climb to
.ho top of "Eagle's Nest" the spot
iVlicro Margaret Fuller , July 4 , 18411 , com
posed her famous poem , "Gatiymcdo to His
Eagle. " and drink from this glorious foun
tain of inspiration. This place Is now a sumner -
: ner resort.
In his nineteenth year Mr. Crofts went to
jprmgllold , 111. , and entered the Illinois
State university , to prepare for the mjnistry.
While hero his first attempts at poetry were
: mide. and several of his effusions were pub
lished in the Register and other papers. In
180-1 ho began preaching , and has continued
steadily in hiscallinguntilnow. Ho preached
tc-n and a half years in Oregon , 111. ; ten and
a half years in Sandwich , 111. , and for the
lust two and a half years has been pastor of
: ho Congregational church of Council Bluffs ,
Mr. Crofts has been a regular contributor
o the Intcr-Oceun for several years , and his
best work has appeared In this paper. Sev
eral of his songs have been set to music. The
most popular of thcso is "Move Forward. "
This song appears In the "Gospel Choir , " by
Ira D. Sankcy and James McGrundian. It Is ,
It seems , a favorite with Mr. Moody , and has
been sung at his great meetings. Shortly
after Mr. Crofts went to Council Bluffs a
mass meeting was held in the opera house ,
where Mr. Moody was to preach. As Mr.
Moody came upon the stage ho said to the
singers and others sitting there , "Move for
ward I" There was a spontaneous movement
to the front. The next day the song was
written , und at once set to muslo by Prof.
Towner , who was with Mr. Moody at the
You need not go without the furni
ture or stoves you need , for you can got
them at Maudel's on weekly or monthly
For rent Suite of rooms , suitable for
light housekeeping. Inquire at 41
Main street.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Common Council.
Common council met last evening in
regular session. The bill of Thomas
Moore , amounting to $5.28 , for sewerage -
ago at intersections was rend and on
motion allowed. Bill 01 St. Bernard's
hospital for $13 was also allowed.
Petition of trustees of the German
Evangelical church , that as the lines on
the street run by the city engineer for
curbbing have been changed from the
original that the old line bo established.
One corner of the church stands five
feet in the street , which reduces the
width of Seventh street to forty ieot. It
is desired to secure as much width as
possible both in street and sidewalk.
The petition was referred to the com
mittee on streets and alloys with power
to act.
Communication from the Richmond
Fire Alarm company asking for pay
ment according to contract. Referred.
Petition to open a street through the
tract known as "Lost Creek. " Referred.
Communication from J. E. Reiloy &
Co. representing that their 'bid
for grading Broadway from
Twelfth to Twenty-fifth street
was lower than that of M. Callahan and
that the letting of the work from Twen
ty-fifth street to the river was illegal ,
also tendering a bid on the entire work
at l3l ! cents per cubic yard. W. II. Ware
Esq. , appeared as attorney for Mr. Cal
lahan and asked that the council grant
him time to file a protest against open
ing the bids. The contracts unj already
lot and his client has already done some
work on his contract. Filed.
Bond of M. Callahan in sum of $1,000
with sureties was presented. Approved.
The time of beginning work on his con
tract was put at Nov. 14 , and March 1 sot
as the time of completion with a fine of
J10 per day for non-completion.
Bond of II. E. Owens In the sum of
31,000 was presented and approved. The
conditions of the contract made the
buino as proceeding one.
Ordinance granting C. R. Mitchell
and P. Sweeney the night to lay down
temporary tramway for the purpose of
grading on Ninth avenue back to Third
street road. Rules suspended and or
dinance passed to second and then final
reading. Passed.
Petition of Henry Bcecraft for remis
sion of taxes , refused.
Petition of Sarah Burroughs , refused.
Petition of J. Uickoy , refused also that
of C. Dcotkiu.
Petition of C. J. Colby ot al , for grad
ing. Granted. The work to bo done
and charged up to property abutting on
the streets named.
Report on the application of the
Million heirs for damages sustained by
tham by the putttiur ol a dylco between
xliolr property and the river. . Filed.
Petition of A.\y. Street ' reported ad-
rsQy. " .
Nolico from Pee'ro , Wells & Co. that
the lining in frOut ol their prouerty if
done and that no assessment bo made
against it. Filed.
Resolution that the electric mast now
located at the intersection of Ross street
and Oakland avenue be changed to Oak
land avenue and Avenue E. Adopted.
Petition of residents on Harrison
street sent back to them for full number
of names.
Notice fromN. P. Dodge that no other
paving against his property than white
cedar blocks will be accepted. Filed.
Resolution that the Intersection of
Fourth and Worth streets bo laid with
brick or cedar blocks. Adopted and re
ferred to the committee on streets and
alleys with power to contract , and that
contractors take warrants on the inter
section paving fund.
Communication from Dr. Rico that an
erroneous tax has been made for filling
Sixth street to Seventh avenue and that
it bo cancelled. Referred.
You Want Them !
Domestic patterns and patterns for
stamping and embroidery. Latest styles
and finest designs. "Domestic" Office ,
105 Main st.
Mrs. Cole of Chicago , is visiting with
Mrs. Oflicor.
The "Little Nugget" comedy company
nro stopping ut the Bechtclo.
Miss Teal of Tabor , In. , is visiting
with the family of G. F. Butler in this
Miss A. B. Bigelow , sister of J. T.
Field , is visiting with her for a couple
of weeks.
N. W. Green jr. is nt homo after n two
years' absence. He expects to go into
business hero.
Mr. W. A. Wood has just returned
from Nebraska where ho has extensive
stock interests.
Mr. Reed , the Manaua motor man ,
went to Omaha yesterday to meet his
wife and children.
Miss Ollio L. Cook has returned homo
from Chicago , where she has been for
has been for four months past studying
music under Mme. Ramsovolt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Newton nro at
homo on a short visit. Mr. Newton is
temporarily stopping at Siloam Springs ,
Mo. , for his health.
Now invoice of Cooking and Heating
Stoves. Chcapl Cheap ! 1 Odell & Bry
_ _
An Unsuccessful Jump.
About 8 o'clock Thursday evening the
police were notified that there was a
horse in the sewer excavation on First
avenue. Several members of the force
repaired to the spot and spent some time
in getting the animal out , as the ditch
is about seven foot deep. No ono recog
nized the horse and ho was taken to the
city stable. Yesterday evening Pace
& Schmidt , marketmon nt 78 ! West
Broadway , made complaint that someone
ono had stolen a horse from their stable
, ho previous evening. After a few in
quiries it was found that the animal
rescued from the sewer answered the
description of the missing horse , and
the gentlemen were soon in possession
of their . stolen . . Investigation
showed that the thief had jumped the
horse across three sewer ditches , but
'ailed in the next attempt , and was
compelled to abandon his prize , as ho
dared not summon aid to assist in get
ting him out. His chances of escaping
are more favorable than if ho had been
able to keep the animal with him.
For Sale or Trade A good second
hand Piano. Little used What have
you ? Address 2 , Z. 31 , BEE ofllco , Coun
cil Bluffs.
The Damsel's DOR Departed.
As two young ladies were "walking
down Broadway" yesterday afternoon ,
accompanied by n canine friend , they
ivero considerably startled by a savage
looking bulldog that dashed from an
open doorway and tackled their escort.
After recovering somewhat from their
surprise they rallied to the aid of their
champion. For a few minutes the air
was full of flying petticoats , fighting
dogs , savage growls and cries for help.
A gentleman hurried to the relief of the
troubled damsels and finally succeeded
in separating the angry brutes. Hold
ing the aggressor nt arm's length ho
advised the ladies to remove their pet
from the vicinity. They evidently
thought the suggestion politic , for each
one took a firm hold of his dogship's
collar and disappeared around the cor
ner at a lively gait.
Just received : Now line of Cooking
and Heating Stoves. Odell & Bryant ,
604 S. Main.
A Hay Festival.
A hay festival recently hold in Gold-
mitnArk. , is thus described by the
Little Rock Gazette : "Tho stores were
nicely decorated in Garlands of hay ,
wagons were wrapped in the same , while
hay gashes and hat bands were the chief
articles of regalia worn by the citizens.
The procession was plain , but neverthe
less imposing , and when the hay king ,
seated on his throne , with attendants ,
drawn by three yoke of cattle to a hay-
bedecked wagon , pasicd through the
streets n mighty snout of 600 voices
'made the welkin ring. ' Following his
majesty was the hay queen , beautifully
attireu in a hay-colored dress , a perfect
picture of beauty and grace , with her
maids of honor. Then came young la
dies on horseback , buggies , horsemen
and pedestrians , and triumphantly in
the roar was the Grand Prairie band ,
composed of boys , tin pails , bolls , etc.
At the grand stand a halt was made
and several appropriate selections were
rendered by the organ choir. Then the
mayor in a few happy remarks , pre
sented the king , Thomas Able , with a
crown amid the going-up of cheers.
The queen , Miss Hallio Shrout , In the
speech of the presentation , was highly
commended for her industry and the
devotion she had shown to her father's
hay interests this season. "
Development of the Tenderfoot.
The Coffeyvillo Journal says : "When
n man first comes to Kansas from the
east ho dresses well , goes to church
regularly , and carries a meagre bank
account. The second year ho brings
out his second best suit of clothes that
ho were 'back in the settlements' and
figures on the profit of his cattle and
hogs and the amount of interest that
will bo coming to him. The third year
ho comes out in brown overalls , with
but one suspender , 'points with pride'
to his broad acres , well improved farm ,
and fat stock , and talks about bonds and
local politics as ho smokes his pipe and
sips his coffee. Then there are not in
fluences enough in the east to draw him
back. Ho goes to church when the
weather is favorable , sends his boys to
collcgo , gets 'mother' u now silk dross
every now and then in consideration of
her not insisting upon his broadcloth or
blacking his boots. Ho is every inch a
man , nevertheless. "
The Alcohol , Morphlue and Opium-habit Ab
solutely Cured without Interfering " 1th the
patient's dally avocation. Correspond with or
call on DR. F. P. BELLINGER ,
Oli Broadway. Council Bluffs , ( a.
, Foiin < l ,
To Loan , For Sale. To Hrnt , Wnntu , Boarding ,
etc. , will be in rttd in thin column fit th6 low
rule of TEN CENTS FBH UNK for the nrnt la-
wcrtlon aud Five Of ut Per Line for each nubj * .
qiient Inrertlon. Leave ailvertl enirnts at our
ofllco No. 12 1'enrl Street , near Broadway , Couu-
ell Bluflg. Iu\ra.
_ _
ClOll RENT Houses In all parts of the city by
JC Johnston > V Vnn.l'fitteu , Kl Main at.
"VTOUNO lady , PXiiMleneed bookkeeper ami
X competent tttenftgiaplior , wants position.
Addregg H 10 , Hue olllce. _
. H. tf ami to work on Hrqud-
way between Council IlliilTs andOiuaha.
Wagci , t3JX > per day. Owuu liro'n. , contrac
TT1OH SAI.K A second hauil Knnbe square
.1 ? piano , nearly new ; cost ICfiO. sell for fcWO.
Addres * Q Z 31 , lleo onice , Council IllufTg.
TJ1OHHKNT Houses and furnished rooms. J.
J R. Davidson. tt Fifth avenue. _
FOU BAJjE Second-hand Columbia blcyclo
very cheap , K-lncli , at Hoc olllce.
hundred thousand dollars to loan on
ONE estate and chattels by F. J. Day , 09
1'earl st. _
BUIMHNO lots and aero property for sale by
F. J. Day , JI9 Pearl St. _
TI1OK HKNT A finely furnished front room ,
Jt ? llrst floor , in private residence near court
house. Water In room , lighted and heated.
I.arKo closet. References required. Address H.
IS , lieu olllce. Council Hindu.
TT1OU RENT Dwelling house of 0 rooms ,
JC closets , woodhou&e , gas , river water , etc.
House No. 148 Washington avo. , next west of
Mayor flronew ejj's. Inquire of 8. 11. Wudsworth
& Co. . SJfl Bo. Main t. _
HUNT Four unfurnished rooms In a
double house at No. fito Washington avenue.
$2. AN ELEGANT $2.
To each purclmser of f 2.00 worth of
goods we give a ticket which en
titles the holder to one chance on
nn Elegant Gold Watch worth $90.
Wo carry a nice line of goods , in the
latest styles , embracing Men's and
Boy's clothing , hats and caps , boots
and shoes , gloves , mittens , etc. , which
we will sell you at One-half the Price
asked you by other dealers and give
you a chance on the watch besides.
lomo and examine our goods and prices
before purchasing. Remember the
place , 640 and 548 Broadway.
Carriage and Express Line ,
Telephone No. 03.
AH calls from District Telegraph Ofllco
promptly attended to.
COO Broodway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , - - Council Bluffs ,
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturer ! ot
Orders t > y mail for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Address -
dress Ogden Iron Works , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
D. H. McDANELO & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market-prices. Prompt
820 and eS2 Main StiectCouncil Bluffs.Iowa.
Main Streetjouricil Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the' { City with Fire Es
cape. Eleotrfo Call Bells.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN ? Proprietor.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Broadn ay , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses and rnnles CpuManjly on kand , for
sale at retail or In car loftil lots.
Orders promritry filled by contract on short
nolle * . '
CouacU liluiu ,
Silks , Velvets
Just Opened at
Henry Eiseman
& Oo.'s
1.000 pieces PLAIN , STRIPED
VETS AND PLUSHES , which cost
this season to import , prices ranging
from $1.25 to $5 per yard. Wifl be
ofl'ered during this week tit the silk
counter of the great People's Store
at 50c , C5c , 75c , II , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75
and $2 per yard.
No lady wearing velvets can aficrd
to let these goods pass. If she hm
already bought , let her look at these
and compare her bill from high-
priced houses with ours , and see how
much she is out to profit by it here
At Our Kid Glove Counter
Find ono solid clearing out purchase
of 300 dozen Ladies' 4-button Tan
French Kid Gloves , embroidered
backs. Cost to import $1 a pair. We
will sell them this week at 50c a pair ,
just one-half cost of importation.
Is loaded with fresh , new goods. Last
week's grand clearing out purchases
and all at about half the price other
houses nsk for the same kind of
Winter Combination
Dress Patterns.
We shall offer MONDAY , 125
full dress pattern of best quality ,
plain French fabrics , with Plush .and
Velvet Combination , costing to im
port from $15 to $32. We shall close
them at $ G.50 , $7.50 , 810 , $12.50 ; $15
and $20 each.
The goods cannot be duplicated in
costumes , as elegant aud tasteful at
nearly double these prices. The
goods were received in our house from
the importer Friday last , and have
not yet been shown. We advise an
early call , as at these prices the as
sortment must soon be broken.
Also call attention to our sale of
35-Cent Dress Goods. .
To-morrow and succeeding days we
shall offer 200 PIECKS 40 TO 46-
superior weight , texture and colors ,
that are worth double the price asked.
250 pieces Tricots and Scotch Plaid
Purchases in Cloaks
Our buyers have just returned from
their second purchasing tour this sea
sonand we will open ihe coming week
many novelties never before shown in
the city. Intending purchasers will
do well to look at the handsome line
of new shape.
Raglans and Ulsters.
We are showing in stripes and
checks , all new patterns. They are
positively the richest garments ever
exhibited here at moderate prices.
We are continuing our great sale
price. We have just purchased a
large line of Children's Cloaks at less
than half price , which we will open
on Monday morning. Some of the
best styles produced this season , and
all si/.es , from 2 to 12 years.
The enormous business we are
doing well justifies us in asserting
that we have the hausomest line and
lowest prices in the city. You will
save money by calling in to see us
before purchasing a garment.
Great Blanket and Comforter Sale
During this week at one-half of
former prices.
will be alive with special bargains
during this week's sale.
Always call at
Council , oluffe , *
If he is the right kind of a husband he
will take you to 1O5 Main St. ,
and buy you a
401. 401. 401. 401.
These Are Symbolic !
What Do They Symbolize ?
There Are 401 Reasons for This.
The best goods in the varioqj $ |
departments of our stock th6
market contain.
The most goods possibleto
Quantity !
be given for the money.
The greatest amount of t | } $
Cheapness ! best goods for the leasU
4O1 persons can testify that this is so.
4Q1 Kinds of Dress Goods for
401 styles of beauty.
401 styles of Carpets for
401 kinds of homes.
4O1 styles of Underwear foij
401 kinds of persons. j
All this and 401 times as much you will find at
4O1 Broadway. '
Harkness Brothers.
405 m 405
Times < RUGS ,
as Much m Carpets ,
Stock Curtains ,
as is Carried Upholstery.
By any Other Upholstery ,
House 5 Curtains ,
In Western Carpets ,
Iowa. RUGS.
405 X UJ 405
Attorney-at-Law , Second Moor Browii
Building , 116 Pearl Street , C'ounoJ
Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice of the Peace. Oflico over Apiericafi
N , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council
Attorneys at- Law , practice in the State ;
, aud Federal Courts. Oilice Kooms *
and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ r ]
Qrl < RNTTJtice of tlio Peace ,
, 0. DmVrlml , Council Blufts. Refers to any bank
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
" . . ' ' ' . ' " . ' . . . ' . ; . , / , ' . ' . . ' . . ' , ' . . . - . . . . , ' . - . .1
' . . ' ; . . . . . . ' ; ' . ' . . i ; . . . . ' . . - . i i ' . . . . . J J