Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Oorrospondonoo Between Qovorn-
era Oglosby and Thayor.
ninckblrd County Mnnclnmtin
Cn o Argued Hlvftl Pftpcra Quar
rel Over XCMH ofllio HaiiKliiB
Supreme Court Decisions.
frnoit THE jtnn'n LINCOLN
A Miort time ngo Governor Oglcsby for
warded n letter to Governor Tbayer urging
tbnt tlie Nebraska fjuarnutlno against the
union Block yards , Chicago , and Cook connty ,
Illinois , bo raised , occomimnying bis latter
with a circular from tlio Illinois state live
stock commission totting forth tbnt pleura-
imcuinonlu bad been Rtampcd out In Cook
county. Governor Thayer bunded tbo letter
to tbo Nebraska live stock commission and
tbat body furnished a written reply to the
governor onSvlilch ho In turn bases hla reply
to Governor Oglesby. Tollowlng Is the cor
respondence :
LIVCOLN , Neb. . Nov. H. Govonior John
M. Thuyur Dear Sir : The accompanying
Icltur fiom Governor Oglcnby , of IlllnoU ,
relating In Ibisquarantiiio ieslrictlona against
the shipment of cattle fi om Cook county has
been lully i ( maiden d. In reference thereto
wo would H.iy Unit the quarantine established
by the oni ( iuls of thogunorul govornincnt will
in all probability bo modified or raised at an
eaily day , and wo feel it our duty to bo cov-
orned to it considerable extent by the actions
urnl judgment of thcsu ofllciuls , hence , wo do
not desire to take any dcllnito action unlll wo
nro fully udvisud us to what course these
government olllcials shall puisue In tbo mut
ter.Hv order of tbo commission , respectfully
BUbmltted. J. GLUTII , Jli. ,
LINCOLNNeb. , Nov 10. Hon.H J Oglesby ,
Governor oi Illinois , Springlleld , 111. Dear
Kir : 1 have the honor to acknowledge the re
ceipt of your communication of the 16th lust. ,
requesting me , If I should deem it expedient ,
to icvoko HO much of tbo pioclnmatlon of the
governor of this state now In force against
thu shipment of cuttlo from that portion of
Cook county , In your state , occupied by tbo
union stockyards. Tbo same was referred
by mo to our board of live stock commis
sioners for their consideration , and I trans
mit herewith u copy of their letter in reply ,
by whleb , It will be seen , that they are not
prepared at present to uavlso thu raising of
thu quarautina referred to. I concur In their
conclusion. It Is a source of rcgrot to mo
that u sense of duty compels mo to deny i our
1 notice a variance between the statement
of the Illinois stuto board of live stock com
missioners and that of Dr. Salmon , chief of
tbo bureau of animal Industry , in his address
befpro tbo Consolidated CattleGroweis' as
sociation nt Kansas City. The former
gives July 28 , 18S7. as the last date mnco
which no acute case of contagious plcuio-
pncumonla has been found in Cook county ,
III. , wbllo Dr. Salmon , In bis address re
ferred to , states tbat "tbo last sign of tbo
plague. ( In Cook county ) was found in a cow
killed September 10 , Ib87. " It matters not
whether It was an acute case or in a modi-
lied form. Since then only two months hiivo
elapsed. Though the disease may bo en
tirely eradicated , as I trust It is , and no
danger whatever may exist , yet wo cannot
positively know that fact ; and I feel con
strained to defer raising the quarantine until
u longer time has passed since tbo lust case
I need not icmtnd your excellency of the
disat-trous consequences attending the Intto-
ductlon of this fatal cattle disease , plcuro-
pneumonia , into a ntnte , for you me too fa
miliar with tbo subject. It is so ruinous to
the public welfaio that the extrcmest caution
and vigilance must bo observed to pi event its
iotiotluotlon. I pu'fer to bo overcautious
and over 2culous father than be too hasty in
raising the ( luaiuntlno. Very respectfully
yours , JOHN M. TIIAVBR.
Tbo topic of the day in Lincoln yesterday
was the hanging of tbo una'icbista. Tbo
State Democrat , thut bus tbo afternoon press
dittputchcs , put a full sheet extra on the
Btreots In the uftoinoon and tlio State Jour
nal also Issued a late edition of the morning
paper with the news of tbo banging. This
the Democrat considered was a violation
upon its rights as holding the afternoon press
Hud It swore out an injunction against the
Join nal to restrain it f i om using the after
noon dispatches. Either tbo injunction was
not served in time or clso the Journal pre >
fcircd to take chances and violate It.
In supreme court tbo mandamus case
brought uy residents of tbo Omaha Indian
reservation asking that tbo couit compel the
governor to organize that territory , as lilack-
biid couiityu us argued by Attorney General
Lceso and J H. Barnes. Tbo decision Is not
yet given out. Tbo Omaha delegation that
was present at the arguments on the Omaha
police law > ( -turned iestculay to Omuha ,
In district court the trial of Ed Haggortj
for assault witli intent to kill was complete !
and given to the Jury. Haggci ty was one ol
tbo men eniragcd in stabbing u hack iluvei
nt the B. A M. depot a year ago.
The following opinions were filed In the
supreme court :
Hammond vs Jewell & Co. Error fron
Clay county. Heveracd. Opinion l > ;
Heeso , J.
1. The evidence examined and held nnl
eufllclcnt to sustain tbo vcidlct of the trla
Juiy. . . . .
2. When Ufliio Is presented by tbo plead
ings , tbo verdict of u Jury thereon cannot bo
sustained unless supported by some evidence
I'ollard vs. Turner. Error fiom Fillmon
county. Aftlrmed. Opinion by Ueeau , J.
1. liooks of account nro receivable in ovl
deuce only when they contain charges bj
one party agulnst tlio other , and then enl ;
under thu circumstances and verified in tin
manner provided by statute. Van Every va
Vitzgerald , 21 Nob. , M.
2. It Is not every error that calls for a re
vuiaal of a Judgment. To have this offec
the error must appear to have been pre
judicial to tbo party seeking to take advan
tagu of it. Dillon vs. Hussell , 5 Neb.1M. .
Singer Manufacturing company vs. McAllii
tor 13ros. Error from I'latto county
Afllrmed. Opinion by Keese , J.
1 , The filing of an answer by which Issu
I * Joined upon all the covenants of the peti
lion , Is a waiver of exceptions to the decrei
of the com t in overruling a sivciul denmrret
! 3. The fact that n notary befoo whom
deposition was taken has bis ofUco in a toor
occupied by the attorneys who rcpresentci
the imrties taking the deposition is not o
itself Biinieicnt to warrant the exclusion o
tbo deposition when offered to bo lead upo
the trial. Tbo practlco of taking deposition
in the ofllco of an attorney interested in tli
can so Is objectionable , yet them is no law t
ju-ohibit it ,
, it. A motion for a continuance is addressc
to the sound legal discretion of u court , an
its decision thereon will not be reversed ui
less there has been au abus.0 of such discn
4. Where an aflldavlt in support of a mi
tlon for u continuance on account of the al
son co of a' document necessary to boused I
the cause as evidence Is filed , it should L
imido to appear afllrumtivc-ly tboieby , nt
only that tlie party seeking tbo continuum
lins been dllllgcnt In trying to procure sue
document , but tbat it is ut least probable Hit
the evidence can bo bad in case thu udjouri
ment should bo granted.
NewmKu v State , error from Washingto
county. Ueverced. Opinion by Heoso J.
Plaintiff In error was prosecuted upon It
formation tiled by tbo district attorne :
charging , lu two counts , the forgery and u
taring , as true and genuine , a promlssor
note. The information was tiled on the lit
day of October. lie W.M placed upon li
trial on the 10th day of the same montl
Prior to the day of trial he tiled : i motion fr
n continuance , and which was supjvoited li
his affidavit , In which It was alleged that 1 :
could prove by four witnesses , all non-rot
dents of the state and none of whom wci
present , naming them , tbat Uie notes wei
placed In his bunds for thu purpose of * ale t
one U , and that , as rcQWMcd , ho sold tl
notes simply its an accommodation and r *
turned all the money to the person for wlioi
the sale \vu * made. The resilience of two <
the witnesses , out of the btuto , was given , >
that their depositions might bo takei
luo proposed evidence-being material , mi
tulHcLcnt time for procuring Uieir dcposiUoi
not having elapsed , It was bold that the di
trlol court erred in overruling the motion f ;
, eontlnimnco.
* iger vs State. Error from Sallno count1
Judgment modWied. Opinion by Ilec e , ,
nl. In n prosecution for rape it Is not essen
tial to conviction that the prosecutrlx bo
corroborated by tbo testimony of other wit
nesses as to tbo particular act constituting
tbo offense. It la .lufilclent If slip bo corrob-
'cralod iw to material fncts nml circumstances
which tend to support her testimony , and
from which , together with her testimony us
to the principal fact , the Inference of guilt
maybe drawn.
2. Wbllo It Is the right of a trial Judge to
Interrogate witnesses when essential to tbo
administration of Justice , yet the practlco of
BO doing , except when absolutely necessary ,
be dUcouraKcd. The common law
rule conferri1' ! ' arbitrary power upon trial
Judges has been so far muullled by tbo cede ,
and the advanced civilization of tbo nc , aSto
greatly limit the power , nml in cnso of Us
abuse a reviewing court will not ucaitnto to
glvo a new trial to the unsuccessful party.
8. Whore It i * claimed that Improper testi
mony was allowed to bo given to n Jury In the
trial of u cause , It must appear by the bill of
exceptions that objection thereto was made.
upon which tbcro was nu adverse ruling and
to which exception was taken at the time.
Otherwise It cannot be reviewed In the su
preme court.
Lnraon vnHutts , uppeal from Dodge county.
Uovcrscd , and upon defendant paying to
the clerk of the supreme court the sum of t M
for the use of the plaintiff , the action will
bo dismissed. Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. A contract to convey a homestead en
tered Into by a wife In her own nnmo , will not
bo specifically enforced as the statute requires
the Instrument of conveyance to bo signed
and ackuowlcd by both husband and wife.
2. Thu fact that the husband and wife nro
not living together at the time the contract
was imido , will not render her contract for
the conveyance of the homestead valid.
3. A decree against the clear weight of
ovldcnco' will bo set aside.
Hottmnn vs Hartling. Appeal from Otoo
county. Heverscd and dccice. Opinion
by Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. Wheio tbero Is a schism In a religious so
ciety , u court of equity does not attempt to
cnfoico the degree , faith ordoctnnesof either
parly , though their existence and nature
may Incidentally bo Involved in an Inquiry
elativo to the rights of such society. All
hat It does Is to enforce the observance and
ixccutlou of an ascot talncd trust.
2. Whore a separation has taken place n
: ourt in determining the question of legitl-
uuto succession will adopt tbo rule of such
oclety und enforce its policy In the spirit
, nil to the effect for which It was designed.
a. Where n chin ch bus been organized and
constitution adopted and signed by Its mem-
eis , under which the church has existed for
i series of years , such constitution can bo
ihangcd only in the manner provided therein ,
r by the rules , or by-laws of such society ,
nd whcio thu constitution provides fora
, hrco month's notice of any proposed change
n the constitution , n change effected without
givinn such notice is Invalid and of no effect.
4. Where certain members and officers of
ho Evangelical Lutheran chuich , without
giving the notice requited by tlio constitu
tion and complying with its terms. Join "Dio
Eisto Doutsebo Kvangellscho Klon's Ger-
meinde. " Hold , that having ceased to bo
members of the Lutheran church , they weio
iot entitled to the possession of the property
f such church.
Omaha & Republican Valley railroad com
pany vs Stnndcn , mid Omaha & Republican
Valley railroad company vs Brown. Error
fromSaundeis county. Opinions by Max
well , Ch. J. Cobb , J. , dissents.
1. Where an action Is brought to recover
damages for tbo negligent construction of a
railway bridge across the Platte river ,
ivhero It became an unlawful obstruction
herein Held , under the liberal rules of
construction of the code , thut the petition al-
'egcd "Ulllcicnt to authorize a recovery.
li. The insertion of the woids "ordamagcs"
n section 21 , article 1 of tbo constitution of
Ib75 , was intended to give n right of recovery
which did not previously exist , and were not
'ntondcd to limit or restrict utiy remedy pro-
, 'louslv existing.
y. Whole u railway bridge is so negligently
constructed across a river as to form an un
lawful obstruction , and become a , nuisance
iiy causing an overflow of the river , no right
of action accrues to a land owner until he
sustains an actual Injury caused by such un-
awful obstruction as by the overflow of bis
4. Where a nuisance Is a continuing one , in
consequence of which damages are sustained ,
a recovery is limited to damages which may
have accrued before the action is brought ,
and one action Is not n bur to a second action
bi ought for damages tbeieafter sustained.
Tnlco otic of Dr. J. II. McLean's Little
Liver mid Kidney Pillots nt ni ht before
fore you go to bed mid you will bo sur
prised how buoyant and vigorous you
will feel tlio next dny. Only 25 cents a
Struggle With a Panther.
Chicago Times : James Patterson and
Jamoa Arrandalo , while on thotr return
from North Carolina , wore- attacked by
ti panther about ono-huH inilo from
Clayton , Ga. Patterson , having lived
in n country infested with these fero
cious beasts , took in the situation at
onco. It seems that the animal foil upon
Patterson for its prey , duo to the fact ,
no doubt , that ho attempted flight upon
its discovering him. The struggle that
ensued , and the frantic efforts of Pallor-
eon lo extricate himself from the clutch
of his unexpected assailant , was wit
nessed by his partner.
The hufjo beast , with glaring eyes ,
( Sprang with its forepaws upon Mr. Pat
terson , circling him with a hug which
almost bulged outhiscyes. The p.inthci
would first shako itself to one side anil
then to tlio other , evidently with the
purpose of throwing its victim to the
ground. Patterson'know that if ho foil
lie would bo instantly torn to pieces , sc
leaning against a chestnut tree by whicl
ho stood , ho did his best to poise him
self t-o as to maintain his balance. Aftei
hard endeavors he managed to got his
knife from his pocket , which he opened
by clasping arms around the panther's
body. In doing to ho had to squeeze the
animal sharply. The panther sccmct
to catch the idea of the old "backhand
wrebtlo" from this movement , and
entwining its hind legs around Patter
son's waist , there , WHS for a minute 01
two ns pretty a wrestling match as wai
ovqr witnessed on the arena. It ondei
in n "dogfall. " both coming down a
once , and rolling over each other.
Arrandale,1 in the meantime , was no' '
idle. lie was unarmed , and for a mo
ment was in iv quandary as to what U
do. He saw no means of attacking tin
animal , but was too bravo to think o
deserting his friend in such an orner
gency. Ho ran over tlio ground looking
for some weapon. It seemed as if tin
ground hud. been swept of every olTen
bivo object. At last lie found a Ion ;
piece of granite , sharpened on one side
and heavy on the other. With this hi
determined upon a hand-to-hand struggle
glo witli the monster. Kunning up jus
in time to lind his friend giving awa ;
from exhaustion , ho delivered one stun'
nlng blow on the panther's head. Thi
attack , from an unexpected quarter
evidently aroused the fuur of thi
panther , for , releasing its embrace upoi
Patterson , it made one spring across thread
road , and with a piercing cry di ap
pcarcd in the dense forest beyond.
As boon as Patterson had rccoverei
suttlciontly to do BO , the journey hoini
was continued. Ho did not sustain i
scratch , but says that from the vice-lik
grin of tlio panther , ho feels as if over ,
borro in his uody had boon broken. Th
panther on the night following occu
pied the front yard of Mrs. Yorks ,
widow lady. Sno had no arms of n
tack , but had to close doors , bar windows
dews and bit up in terror all night
while the beast" outside filled the ui
witii its mournful lamentations. '
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
When Hil > f oi Kick , we garo her Castoria.
Wbtn ho vru H Child , the cried for CMtorU ,
When tie became illu , the clung lo CostorU ,
VTlicD she tuul Children , she gate tbem OutorU
. * V ; t * .
' * "
The Canvassing Bonrd at Work on
Tucsdny's Result ,
Yesterday J. M. Slfneral , H. A. Drew ,
County Clerk C. P. Needham and Judge J.
H. McCulloch , comprising n board of can
vassers , wet al the ofllce of the county com
missioners for the purpose of canvassiuR tto
vote of last Tuesday. The boxes containing
the precious documents were moved from tbo
vault of the county dcrk's ofllco , and an ex
pectant crowd gathered about the long tabft
nnJ outside Qf the railing. There was en
multiplicity of defeated and successful can
didates lu attendance. Charley Kcodlmm ,
downcast and dejected , squinted enviously
nt his successful opponent. M. D. Kochc ,
who Worked diligently with pencil and paper
took good care that nothing occurred to
overbalance his majority. Dave Mercer , too.
was there , but for what purpose It was hard
to dcslen , unless It was to 11 nd out really kovr
bad he had been snowed under. Ills antago
nist , Geoige Shields , was also on band and
looked extremely contented and happy.
Henry Bolln dropped In occasionally to see none of the votes cast for him escaped.
Frank Moorcb' bald pate shone like a French
glass plate mirror , and ho was
as Jolly as an end man In
n minstrel performance. Billy Coburn was
pecinlngly proud with the manner In which
the boys stuck to him , and John Druxol was
in an agreeable mood. "Honest" Gcorgo
Tiinmo lescuibled H funeral director , and evi
dently tool : It upon himself to supply all the
gloom for the balance of the defeated candi
dates who strolled in mid out.
The canvass was conducted from tbo tally
sheets furnished by the judges and clerks of
election , mid as there were no exception taken
from tba llgures the ballots were not dis
turbed. But few and unimportant changes
wore made in the returns already printed in
the HER , and there will be no room for con
tests of any description. The canvassers
worked through until half past 0 o'clock , at
which hour they had not completed their la
bors , and they adjourned until 10 o'clock this
morning. Tbo tally sheets were returned to
the precinct boxes , which were again tightly
rescalcd and locked up In the vault. Several
amusing features were disclosed during tbo
count. On one ballot an Intelligent voter
erased the name of Howes , candi
date for county surveyor , and
wioto on tbo margin in n bold and clegiblo
hand , "I'll bo d d if I'll vote for Church
lowo. " Another scratched the
amo of every man on the republican ticket ,
, nd applied n largo poster bearing the name
f Frank Moores. Of course according to
nw the vote only counted one for Moores. In
n outlj Ing precinct about every man voted
or himself for assessor , and there was a
trango combination of names. A man by
ho name of Jones carried tlio day by four
otcs. it being found that tbat was the mem-
ior of the family and they fetuck together.
'Doc" ' Smith , the present county surveyor ,
ccelved one vote for the same ofllco.
George-Matlock , of Grand Island , is In the
ity yesterday.
Tlio city council will meet In regular scs-
ion on Monday evening next.
CTho receipts of hogs at the stock yards yes-
' .erday morning were nearly live thousand.
Mrs. Clarke , of Missouri , ycste.iday
purchased a piece of property on N street for
C. VV. McCoy , of the commission firm of
McCoy Uros. , who has been atllicted with
houmatlsm for some time , is recovering.
Mrs. Haughnmn , Miss Clara Cook and Mr.
M. C. Cook , Schuyler , Neb. , spent yesterday
n South Omaha visiting Mrs.V. . S. Cook.
Tlio A. D. T. company have decided to
ipen an office at South Omaha , where they
, vill establish a mechanical night-watch in
all the largo industries ut that place.
The firm who remove the dead animals
'rom ' the yards and convert them Into lard ,
til , phosphate , oic. , are no longer to enjoy n
monopoly of the business , a man named
Stockton having announced his Intention of
'oundltig a similar institution.
The work of cleaning out the debris from
the Armour packing house Is progressing.
Nearly all the machinery has been placed in
position and by tbo llrstof next week the kill-
ng capacity of the house will undoubtedly bo
douvled. At present about ono thousand
' ogs per day are slaughtered.
The railroad companies are evidently of tbo
opinion that the amount of business trans
acted In South Omaha is poing to increase
and are constructing now side tracks on every
available foot of ground. New switches are
being built from the yards of the B. & M. and
Union Pacific to the stock yards and the
packing houses of Armour and the Anglo-
Ameilcan companies while , in the northwest
ern portion of the city at least twenty tracks
are in course of construction.
A man namcn David Leo was fined $50 and
costs by Judge Huetber yesterday for petll
larceny. Lee Is a member of a syndicate
who have recently made n practlco of purchasing
chasing- sewing machines , clocks and otbci
articles on the installment plan , making om
or two payments and then leaving for parts
unknown , taking the goods with them. Three
or four members of the crowd have worker
tbo schema successfully , and had Leo fol
lowed the same principle ho would have un
doubtedly escaped. As it was ho sold his
sowing machine and ] tockctcd the cash. Hi
was committed to Jail in the afternoon.
Why He Wants Uio Mayor Ileiiiovet' '
Prom the Missouri Itlvcr Improve
ment Commission.
Yesterday Miyor Hroatch was uskcd wha
be thought of Councilman Hascall's attempter
or intent to h.wo him removed by President
Cleveland from tbo position of member of the
Missouri river improvement commission sim
ply tfccauso he was at the same time mayoi
of this city , drawing a salary fiom botl
Omaha and the government , when ho couli
not be expected to work satisfactorily foi
Tlie mayor said ho thought it was a piece
of impertinence on tbo part of the council
man who bad clearly nothing to do in the
premises , except to show both spite and mal
ice. With regard to bis drawing a salar ;
from the Missouri river commission fund
tlio mayor said that congress for two year
past had refused to make an appronriatioi
tor the payment of the members and hai
treated the members of tbo Missouri rive
improvement commission in the same way
With regard to his drawing his salary whil
aw.vy on the business of tbo commission , thi
fact was tbat Hechcl , who was acting mayor
in such cases always drew the salary him
self , notwithstanding that ho ( Mr. Broatch
did all the woik.
A TcleRi-nphlo Match.
The Pcr.roso and Hardln match , which con
ststs of H. A. Penroso , John J. Hardln , Johr
W. Potty and R. H. Metz , shot a tclegraphli
with a team from the Wichita ( Kan. ) gut
club , yesterday afternoon , ttfty blue rock
each , twenty-one yards rise , National rules
Tbo local team made an admirable score , a
the following liguics attest ,
Penroso 4S
Hai-din 47
Petty 48
Metz 40
Total ISO 1
Hefcree , S. G. V. Griswold.
A certilied copy of the score was tclt
graphed to the American Field , Chicago , i
which Journal the scores of both teams wil
bo published In the next Issue.
Mr. THetz llcmemliers the Fireman
Fire Chief Galligan wishes to rctur
thanks on behalf of himself and the Omab
department to Mr. C. Dletz for n check fo
{ 300 , which was received yesterday. Th
check is u token from Mr. Dlutzof his thank
to the department for tbelr cnlciont service
at the nro at his lumber yard a week ag
Personal rurngraph.
James Murphy , who for some time ha
boon connected with Hell's drug store
has withdrawn for the purpose of nl
tending the commercial college. II
goes to his homo in Ncola , la. , to-da
for a bhort vacation before engaging i
his studies.
Fell OT ( the Hoof.
Yesterday a workman named John Conro
fell from the roof of the Odd Fellows hal
now In course ol erection on Saundera strci
and sustained the fracture of several rib1
Ho rcbldcs at the corner of Eighteenth au
Webster streets.
? 15$17&$18 SUITS
This is tlio cheapest lot of goods over sold in Omaha. If you want a suit of clothes , buy now , as this cut will only last
1O DAYS. OVERCOATS for $6.50 , $7.50 , $9 and $10 ; worth double the price.
Taken to tlie Asylum.
Herman Meyers , the insane man , whose
pranks have heretofore boon described in
tbo UBE , was yesterday removed to tbo asy
lum for tbo lusano at Lincoln.
Its supci lor excellence proven lu mil lion sof
homes lor inuru than a quurtor ot a century. It
Is used liy tlio United States CJovermiient. Ku-
doused by the herula of the [ uout unU crsltlea , us
the .Strongest , 1'ureet and Most lie.iHlilul. Jr.
Pilco'n the only Haklng 1'ouder that does not
contain Ammuulii , Lima or Alum. Sold only la
C.111S PlUCH llAKINQ l'U\VIlH CO. ,
KUVT York , Chicago , St. touts.
The Theatrical Profession.
Xerlt will win and receive publlo recognition and
pralsa. facts , which are tlio outcome of general ex
perience , growing tbroagh years of critical and
practical test , become us rooted and Immovable M
toe rock of Gibraltar In publlo opinion , nnd henoe.
forth need no further guarantee as to tbclr gonu
Incneas. Tbo Indisputable fact tbat Swift's BpeclCo
Is the best blood purifier la the world , Is ono of these
Unmovabla Gibraltar roik facts Ot which we have
spoken , aud every day's experience roots this con *
Tlotlon deeper and deeper lu publlo opinion ,
clau ot our people lu Amiirloa and la I
every trade , calling and profession , including the
medical profcsalon , have berne volunur tentl-
monjr to the remarkable virtues of S. S. S. and
Its Intalllblo cnlcacj lu curing all diseases of tbo
blood. These iciiltnoulals are ou Cl bf tbe thou
sands , and open to tbo Inspection of an. Now corns ,
unsolicited , two distinguished members of the theat
rical profession , who gratefully testify to the wonder ,
rul curative qualities of the Specific , In their Indl.
virtual cases. Tbetr testimonials ore herewith sub
mitted to the publlo without further comment-lot
them speak for themsclveS. The lady Is a member ot
the famous Thalia Theatre Curnpauv , of New Ynilr ,
nnd fonnorlv pf tr.e lic'lcjcnc * taeafrt , Berlin , Ocr-
many , and ot KoVIeker's Slock Coiniuinjr , of Chli-ago.
The g ntlemnn | n well known member of the Xevr
i ork Thalia Theatre Company. Both are well known
w theatrical circle * In this country and In Kurupe.
C'hurlotte Bnndow's Testimony.
Nxw YORK , Mar 3 , 1337.
Swift Spfdflo Company , Atlanta , Ca. i
Qcnllpmon . , . Harlng been spuorcd with pimples ,
eruptions and , - the klnfrombiulcon-
tlltlon of my bl - -1 , for moru than A year , 1 unod a
leading preparation of siusnparUla and other odrur-
tliod rtifieiU > to no effect. Then ( consulted a prom *
1m nt piiyalojan , aud from his treatment received
no benefit. I then concluded to try the 8.8.3. rem
edy for the blood , and Ore or six package * , by a >
thorough eradication of my trouble and restoring
nmoothneo to my skin , lure made mo happy , and
1 cheerfully give you thu teitlmonlalfortuch use
and publicity ca you wish to make of It.
CiiAraoTTr. IUKDOW ,
IS ) Oowiryt uear Canal Street.
lingo Ilasskerl'i Testimony.
The Swift Bpccllla Company , Atlanta. Oa , :
Oentlcmen For two years I hadn serero case at
ecenia. I u wl tar soap , sul phur soaps , and Tarlon
otter remedies , and was prescribed for by number *
of physicians , but found no relief. At lost I deter
mined to try the a 8.8. remedy , and eeren or eight
bottles hare < thoroughly reltered me , and you con
use this certificate In any manner ) "u wish.
. Member of ThaUa Theatre
how York , ilay 3,1S37.
Treatise on Ulood and Skin Dlioaies mailed free ,
TUB snirr SpKcjria Co. ,
Drawer 3. Atlanta Oa >
Embody the highest excellencies lu SunpUnoss ,
Comfort und Durability and are the
In rntlilonallo Circles. Our name Is on every
sale , J. &T. , Ni.w Youic.
Hayward Brothers.
[ aiu rma Latwuy unounr RBiroiES
| U bai itood the Test of Yean ,
' i Carlntr all Dlieaiei of the
EL8fte. ItPnfifle tt
I Blood , Invigorates and
CUaatea the System.
dluppear at once under
KIDNEYS Iti beneflclal influence.
STOMACH It li purely a Medicine
AND a * It * cathartic proper
tite forbids iti me i i
BOWELS beverage. Itiipleti.
astto tne taste , and at
easily taken by chlld <
ren at adulti.
Bole rrorrUtors ,
BT.LoEjssnd iUjuxs Orrr
T : i > . who In his FOI.I.Y nml HJNOIlfH T.
has Till riKI nway his > IttOK of HOD Y ,
M I N l > and M AMIOO II. i atisliiK exhausting
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of l.lFi : ,
HKAl > A < tIIK , II A OIC At : III' , Dreadful
Dreams , WEAKNKNN of Memory , 1IANII-
the FACi : . and nil the EFFECTN lending to
EAUI.Y I > ECA Y nnd pcrhari CONSIJMP *
TIONor INSANITY. ehcniUl consult at ouce
the VEtiEHIlATEU Dr. Clarke , EntnhlUhod
latl. Dr. Clarke has mnde NEItVOlIH HE-
mi.lTY , CIIHONK ! and all DUcasci of
the UEMTO imiNAKY Otfnm a , Life
Study. It tnaken NO difference WHAT you
have taken or WHO lias failed to cure you.
* aFEMAIjE8auflcrtng from diseases pecu *
Imr to their sex can consult with the assurance
of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 couts postage
for works on your diseases.
49-Bend t cents pottage for Celebrated
tVorhn on Chrontr , Norvoim and I > ell
to Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
letter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
ThonqiuidH enroll. Office * and nnrlori
private. 49-Thnee contemplating Marriage
foiul for Dr. C'lnrke'M celebrated guide
Mule and Fetnnlr , each 15c. . both 250.
SitampM. lloforo confiding your case , consult
> r. CI.AHUR. A friendly letter or call may
save future suffcrlngand shame , and add polden
yean to life.iook " 1,1 fo > ( Secret ) Er >
rorft , " Mo. Kara ] * ) . Medicine and writing !
cent everywhere , cecure from xponure.
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundajs , 9 to2. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
180 Bo. Clark St. . CHICAGO. Ill *
By reaion of Its central politics alose relation to lines
Kait of Chleafro , and 6ontUuus tinea at terminal
points Wet , Horthweit and Southwell , ls the true
middle link In that tranicontlnontai syitem whloh
Inrltos and facilitates travel soul traffic between the
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Hock liland main line and branches Inclade Chicago
cage , Jollot.OtUwa , La.Salle , Foorla , QoncMO , tlollae
nnd Hock liland , In UllnoUi Dannport , Mnirallne ,
Washington , Talrfleld , Ottumwa , Otkaloosa , Vfett Lib
erty , loir a Cltr , lci llolnei , IndlinolVutenel ! , Atlan
tic , Knoirllle , Audubon , HnrUn , Onthrlo Centra and
Council Ulnffi , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. .ijsepn ,
Cameron and Kansas City , In MItsourli Leai.-'jworUi
nd Atchlnon , In K nsait Albert Ix > a , Mlinoapolli and
8t. Paul , InMlnnonotM Watertown and Bloux Kalli.le
l > akota , and hundreds oflntermedlate cities and towns.
' 'The Great Rook Island Route "r
Guarantees epeed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its
permanent ar Isdlstbifrulihrdforltaeicellence. Its
bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solli
teeItrollljigttockperfect. ) Itspuxneerequlpmunt
ban all the lately appliances that eiporlcncohaspivre.1
utefnl , and for luxurious accommodations U utu u >
pa ed. Its EiprcJi Trulna conalit ot superior U ty
Coaches , rleprint Pullman I'alace Parlor an J Sleeping
Can , tuperb l > lnln Cars , providing delicious inenls ,
and ( between Chicago and Et. Joieph , Atchlion aad
Kansas City ) reitful Reclining Chair Cars. It * man
agement Is con.crvatlre , Its dliclpllno eioctlng
"The Famous Albert Lea Roiire"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St , Pa.1 ! the
f > \ orlto. Orer this line Solid rait Ezpreis Tratni rim
dally to attractive iciorts for tonrliti In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Sloox Falls , to the
rich wheat and graclnglands of Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca and KanLakeo , the Hock lalandotfer * superior
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian-
apolln , Lafayette and Council Blnffi , 8t Joieph. Atehl-
son , I avenworth , Kantas City , St , laul , and Intenne-
dlate I'olnH. AH patroni ( eipeclally ladles and chil
dren ) recelropro tec tton.courUiy and kindly attention.
For uiapi , folders , copies ot WwtoruTrail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal office * In
the United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago.
I. R. CAIlf , E. ST. IOM , t. A. HOlllOla ,
rnitao. > i > i K * > aMie iat > u r. o. . m a rut , itt
This Is the nt-
teofodcnilp *
tire Price-Hit ,
richly Illustra
ted lo colour *
print , of Cbe
which should
ba fqnnd In
every family and may bn obtained from * ! ! Toy
d lcn , BtatlDnen and Educational Depots. The
FrJos-Utt IU be forwarded gratis on application to
> ' AD'/RIMTER & Co.
Irvd [ ou. tb < oolr k.i > ! ulr aV
< r \Mniiu4loiUn4lneartVnitU. . AU jaui
lwlb m. Illutnud C Uloc m > IM Irw k7 tke MoifMl
LYOH & HEALY , 102 State St. . Chicago
Incomparably the Beat.
FUR ! FUR ! !
The Misfit
Positively the largest and finest assort
ment of overcoats ever seen under one
roof. We never say anything but what
we mean. Overcoats to fit any size man
from the 90-pounder up to the Jumbo
400 scale tipper. Overcoats made of
chinchilla , lined with satin ; Melton and
Kersey overcoats , silk lined and faced ;
Astrachan overcoats , plush lined ; Seal
skin overcoats , quilted satin lined ; Bea
ver overcoats , Cassimere overcoats and
the nobbiest , dressiest , best and cheap
est ever put on sale.
Special VEff
We call your attention to these genu-
ine merchant-tailor-made atthe
- - goods ,
following prices :
ForlO.4O That wore made to order for $20.00
For 12.75 " " " 23.0O
For 1B.6O " " " - - 3O.OO
For 18.OO " " " 30.OO
For 2I.OO tt _ - 4O.OO
For 26.30 tl ttt II BO.OO
. tl t tt _ .
For 3O.2O tltt - 6O.OQ
For 35.OO ttIt tttt IIII 7O.OO
Eor 38.OO It tt II 7B.OQ
For 42.DO ItII IIII tt _ - 8O.O0
For 108.OO II II 3OO.OO
Besides these our merchant-tailor
suits will be sold a little below our usual
half of original price.
Misfit Clothing Parlors.
1119 Farnam St. , Bet. llth12th. .
A magnificent display af everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
Elsctfo-Mapelic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science
deoUencB'.Btlt Made ta _ Practically Applied.
With Eltttrlo
Kltetrtctt * Inttanllv FtW Can b applltd mmmm . _ _ . _ . . _ . .
to anj part of the t > o5y. WLolo famlf/ can W HEN ALL. ELAE
wearlt It electrifies tti blood an < l cores "
. . . , . . ,
L.utcarqj a. urriforj. commiMion iaerciiDboM > cK i an i tiuuu L > uuio.infljKTeainoriQaiaiiii * > i. tvunuDuj
nf the fnltr Oerani O. W. llellus. H. I ) , . Mnrraontown. lowai lyrnunl stnk.Uankakeu.llLi . Juljf t N.
, . . , , . . .
Murrar.Napervllle lll.i E.L-Abbottsupt.ett/waterworkiBuuthll . nd.llidi ll.jbt. lUSwiplon.CWCago
. . .
l.ostoSlceil. I ) . McMlchatl.M. I ) , Uufr lo.N.y.-i'Vourb Uhaiaperjinpll fit < I wbainonthlrreiilWJhMi
teadv nervri and romfortable . sleep at uJght. " RoLk UaU , aldtrman , i < w Cast HUl Btreet. , Nlw York
andtl ihnuii an < U ofolhen.
' w4) tbrouunout toe hum
n or the Ilia forr i th
ai faflid. The uttrlts of tuis scltu
JO | vbolclllo
'bash AvtntM Caloac * .
tlirouK > > errors and bud iiruLtlctMi CURE
Best and shortest srsUm now m uie. Circular *
* 'r . fret. A It. UAEOUs'li. ' Hot 101. DLJ-oiO *