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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1887)
' " " SIT"- THE OMAHA : DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 12. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Interest Among Grain Traders Cen tered In Corn. PRICES FOR WHEAT STEADY. Transnctlonn In Provisions Reported On a More Restricted Scale llusl- ncBs In Cattle Active General Quotations. CHICAGO MtonUCE MARKET. CHICAGO , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to the UEE. ] Interest among irratn traders cen tered In corn to-dny and as a result the wheat pit was quiet and the volume of business done there only moderate. The market was strong , however , the entire session , attrib uted mainly to better foreign advices and as sisted somewhat by the sharp advance In corn. Opening prices were jfc lower than the close yesterday and this was doubtless due to local Influences , some uneasiness being felt as to the possibilities of the day with ref erence to the execution of the anarchists. This feeling seemed rather to decrease M the day went on without exciting Incident , al though there was intense Interest in the pro ceedings ut the jull and a decided relief when It was known that the execution was accom plished. December wheat opened at 7ifc : nnd May at IDc. These were the lowest fig ures of the session , Heccipts at primary markets continue large. From the opening prices December wheat advanced decidedly , with occasional Blight reactions , to 'Ao and May to 7li ) c , nnd the close was within } fu of the highest point touched , or at 7HJ c for De cember und 7ii , ' c for May. The boird cable gave spot wheat in Livcrimol llrm nt un changed prices and futures all 5/d higher ex- cent December , which was unchanged. Com opened for nearer deliveries n shade higher than lust night's closing ut 41o for December and January , at 42'jfo for Novem ber und at 4."ijfc for May , which was yester day's closing price for that delivery. The pit was lllled und there wus a lively business during the entire session. The Influences at work were a sharp demand for cush corn , the government crop report , good cxjiort movement and light receipts , present nnd prospective. November advanced from 4'JJ.fc to 43c , December and January from 41Xc to 42) c nnd Muy from 4fi { c to 4 o. When the last named delivery reached 40c there seemed at llrst to bo unlimited quantities for sale and not many buyers , but when that point was passed there wcro few sellers and the next > c was easily gained. At about this point H considerable quantity of short corn was severed , though the price wus ad vanced to 4J ( ) o by the operation. There wits some reaction before the close , which wus ut 42J.f@t2.Jifc for December und January und 40Jio for May. November corn closed nt 4'4Jfo asked. The board cable quoted ni > ot corn firm with good demand und Id higher , with futures all Id higher. The outs nutrkot was rather more active to-day and prices averaged and closed J @Kc higher. Trading in provisions was on u more re stricted scale than yesterday. The opening was characterized by more than ordinary ac tivity , but the manifestation of a disposition upon the part of packers to meet the wants of the speculative market for future property inudo professional speculators more censer vative. Outside orders to buy or Hell were more limited , and the days business scarcely reached n fair volume. Still , while there wus a subsidence , In n measure , of the bull feeling , the future was regarded with great confidence , und higher prices were aguiu the rule. rule.AKTKIINOON AKTKIINOON BoAitn At the afternoon ses sion wheat , corn and oats wcro somewhat easier. 1'ork closed r @ 7J c higher tlinn nt 1 o'clock and lurd 2J o higher. Short ribs ad vanced 5c. _ CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] CATTLE Estimated B receipts , 6,500 ; week so far , 40,150 ; same time last week , 50,047. Trade was active , with a sharp upturn on everything that was useful. A falling off in the supply of nearly 11,000 as compared with the corresponding time last week was m itself n strong factor in advanc ing values. Just what the advance was would be difficult to got at Plain and low grade natives that , say on Tuesday and Wednesday , had no fixed value , seemed to have advanced more than any other class , some salesmen claiming that they wcro 15@ 35o higher than on the days mentioned. Big and medium steers sold probably 10 < rai5o higher. The best cows nnd heifers Bold at about a 10@15o ad- Viiiico , but low grade canning stock cither Texas or natives did not "catch on" the advance to any great extent. The best rangers nnd Texans , such as dressed beef men could use , sold 10@l5chigher , Stockers and feeders wcro unchanged. Shipping U 11 , DbVLirvulo 4..IU AVUliUl Of C l.OVW * W , UUWH , bulls and mixed , $1.30@3.80bulk$1.85@3.25 ; ; Texas steers , fcU5@.00 ; ) ; cows , fl.70t'J.30. ( ( Western rangers , strong ; natives and half breeds , .00@3.02 # ; cows , .r..OOQ'.SO. Wintered Texans , * 2.75@3.85. Hoes Estimated receipts , 34,000 , ; week so far 120I85 ! ! ; same time lust week , 148,104. The market was active with an upturn of ubout 5c on some of the early sales of the best assorted heavy. The bulk of first class packing sorts sold between $4.60 and $4.75 , and fancy assorted heavy , $4.80@4. 85. Best assorted light , including York sort , sold at | 4.004.05 ; common and mixed light , (4.40@ LIVK STOCK. Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Nov. 11. The Drovers' Journal reiwrts : Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; market strong and lOo higher ; shipping steers , $3.tX5. ) 15 ; stockers - ers and feeders , $ l.hO@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.30@2.60 ; Texas cattle , | 1.70@3.00 ; western rangers , $3.00Ti'3.0'JX. ( Hogs Ueccipts , 33,000 ; market stronger : mined , W.40W4.70 ; heavy , M.50Q 1.00 ; light , . uklps , . . . Sheep Receipts , a.OOO ; market steady ; natives , f2.75W4.00 ; western , R100@y.50 ; Texans , $3.50@t.40 ; lambs , $ a.75ft5.00. National Stock Ynrds. K st St. I.ouln , Nov. 11 Cattle Receipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 1,400 ; market higher ; choice icavy Hogs Receipts , il.OOO ; shipments , 1,000 ; market active ; i-holco heavy and butchers' ' selections , t4.ltt 4.M ) ; Yorkers and packers , | 4.a3@4.70 ; pigs , W.OOQ4.40. Kaunas City , Nov. U.-Cattlo Receipts. 6,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; good to choice am ! active , lOo higher ; common to dull , weak : common to choice , corn-fed , & ( .toM.NV Btockers , f300@3. < W ; feeding steers , $2.05(3 ( 8.25 ; cows , | 1.25@3.50. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 1,000 market opened 5c higher and closing weak common to choice , fl.10(34.00 ( ; skips and pigs 13.7533.73. _ FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , Nov. U. [ Special Tolcgramt < the BEK. ] STOCKS The conditions of tin stock market were reversed and price ! moved upward. The news from Europe tha created so much stir in financial circles yes terday was of a more conservative character The political outlook in Russia was rcportoi better and securities advanced 1J per cent The execution of the anarchists also had i good effect on timid capitalists. London wa : n heavy buyer of Reading , St. Paul and othc : roads In which arbitrators deal extensively This action wont far toward restoring confl denco among timid holders , and at the sanv time scared the bears Into covering thel shorts. The market was active , with th chief Interest In Reading , whloh led th whole list ami advanced 8K points over yes terday's close , np to noon 103,100 shares beini traded in , or rnoro than 60 per cent of th aggregate sales. Grangers were quick t " respond to the good effect produced by th appreciation In Reading and advanced ) ( @ point. The Vuuderbllts and all good stock leU lute line rapidly , und advances of XQ1J jxsr cent were recorded. Louisville , New Albany Si Chlcnpo , which , closvd ycte 1nisnt , 41Jfi sold to 4S to-day ou 2V | > ortfl of fnvornblo ( Icvcloiiinurjts tSmt Were to come. What the o d'jve-lopnients were to bo Insiders refused to divulge. Tlio bnnk clearings were * 10CS3,000 , nfjalnst tl'J,784.000 yesterday. New York exchange was dull. Holders asked 40 nnd buyers were Indifferent about jmrchnslup , nnd only bid > ccntH discount | > rr $1,000. OovKiiXMr.XTs Ooverunient bonds were dull but steady. I'IIIME HUitCANTii.r. 1'Ai'EH fi@S per cent. STHHI.IXO EXCIIANOK Dull but steady nt JM.81 { for sixty-day bills , nnd f4.b5 for de mand. PnODUCK MAllKKTH. Chicago , Nov. 11. following arc the 230 ; closing prices : Flour Steady nnd unchanged ; winter wheat , Kl.r > 0M.OO ( ? per bbl ; spring wheat , f.'l.ligl.iOpcr ( ) ( ! bbl ; rye , $ 'J.7f > ( " ( fi.OO ; per bbl ; buckwheat , tri.W(0.'J. ) ( > jicr bbl. Wheat Opened a shade easierthan closing yesterday , * < c lower and closed } ( o higher than yesteuliiy for futures und J c lower for cash ; cubh , 72 7-lUc ; December , 7U a-lOc ; May , 78 15-lC.c. . Corn Active nnd strotigor. closing 'VQ J/cabove yesterday ; cash , 12'c ; December , 42)41' ) ; May , 4(1 ( " 4 c. O.its Hettrr and fairly strong , with V@ J c Improveini'iit ; cash , 25 * e ; December , " " Hyc Me. Hurley Quiet at 7(1\ ( I'llmu Timothv 2.'J7. Flux-seed (1.15. Whisky $1.10. Pork Active but unsettled ; January , 113.17 . Lard Moderately net I vo nnd firm ; cash , JO IW } ; December , i < ! ( JO. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. * T.00.20 ; short clear , fC.b5SO.K ( ! ) ; short libs , * li.Go. Hutter Active ; creamery , 22@2Sc ; dairy , Clu'cse Improved ; full cream chcddars , l@llj/c ; Hats , ll @llj < ic ; young Amci least , Easy at 1 SW 1 Oc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4@ / ; No. 3 , n ; < fc ; cakes , c. Hides unrfiangcd : heavy green salted , 7o ; Ight , do. . 7Ku ; salted bull , Oo ; green salted alf , 8 ; dry Hint. I'ftl3c ( ; dry calf , 13Q13c ; dry salted , lOc ; deacons , cash , SOc. Receipts. Shipments. Hour , bbls . 17,000 33,000 Wheat , bu . 71,000 8,000 Corn , bu . 13.,000 ) 73,000 Oats , bu . 10SKH ) 114,000 ' { ye , bu . : iUOO 1,000 J.ircy ( , bu . 54,000 40,000 New York , Nov 11 Wheat Receipts , 00,000 ; exports , 2mspot ( \ , 4 ( , 'fo higher ; uptions opened barely .steady and snbsc- pjenlly advanced ' /hCii'jC , closing linn ; ingnided red , "bfiibHc ; No. 3 red , MV c : iomlnnl ; No. 3 red , StViTSI s in store and iirrivo ; 85'fCJMo ( * delfveied , December Corn Receipts , 7(5,000 ( ; exports , lftl,000 ; ( idJie higher.closing llrm ; ungraded , R30S .3c ; No. a. C'yjCjNo. 2 , We lu store ; No. 2 , lellvercd ; December , 5I1Y ' . O.its Hcceipts , ( J7XH ( ) ; cxjmrts , 2,000 , ; shade highnr ; mixed western , 3Uiyoc ( ; white western , : Ui@40e. Coffee Spot , fair ; Hio , steady at flS.2 , " ; old and new ; options opened IfifMSR points ewer ; sales , fr)0lUObagsNovembcrSirili5 ; : ( ( December , $16.UU ; January , JlO.UU lD.Bri ; Fobruury , tll.ri@14.25. Petroleum Steady ; United , 73x\'c. Kggs Quiet ; western , l ( ; i''yc. I'ork Firm. Lard Higher : western steam , spot , J.T 10. Hutter Firm but quiet ; western , 14 ( < j27e ; western creamery , lC@27c. Ijlverpnol , Nov. 11. Wheat Steady ; lolders offering moderately. Corn Firm ; now western , 4s 8d per cental. Knnsns City , Nov. 11. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 , May 74o bid , 7f > ) o asked. Corn Stronger ; No. S , cash , SOJ cbid ; December , a7e ; May , 40 > 4/c. Oats No. 3 , Moy,2to bid ; 27) asked. MlnncnpolU , Nov. 11. Wheat Strong and closed shade higher ; No. 1 hard , cash , ; December , 714'c ; January , TC)4'o ; May , ; No. 1 northern , cash , 07 > ( c ; Dcccm- cash , , On north ern , CSK@G'Jo ; No. 2 northern , fi.r@HO > < e. Flour Steady ; patcntsfl.25@4.40 ; bakers' , -3.a" > @ 3. 0. Hecelpts Wheat , 20S,000 bu. ' Shipments Wheat , 00,000 bu ; flour , 20,000. Milwaukee , oNov. 11. Wheat Dull ; cash , 70c ; December , Tie ; May , 78c. Corn Firm ; No. a , 44c. Oats Quiet ; No. 3 white , SO Rye-Dull ; No. 1 , 53o. Hurley Lower J | No. 3 , 70J < Jc. Provisions Steady ; pork , NovcmbcrJ13.75 @ 13.25. Cincinnati , Nov. 11. Wheat Firm at Oc. Oc.Corn Corn Firm at 40) ) 0. Oats Stronger at W fSiM c. Rye Firm at 5fio. Pork Firm at ] 13.BO. Lard Stronger ut W.CO@0.02 > jf. Whisky Unchanged. New Orleans , Nov. 11. Corn Firmer ; white , fitkj. Hog Products Strong and higher. Pork 113.35. Hulk Meats Shoulders , t5.50 ; long clear , 10.75 : clear rib. I6.CSH. Oats Scarce and llrm ; No. 2 , 80c. Cornmeal Qulot at (3.30. OMAHA IilVK STOCK. Cattle. The receipts of cattle yesterday show a slight increase and the market was a trifiu stronger. Native and Texas cattle consti tuted the bulk of the receipts. DORS. The receipts of hogs were liberal nnd the demand very active. Everything was taken before noon. The market opened strong at $4.50(34. ( 55 and remained steady during the cntiro day. The best grades brought $4.65 , medium 4.40@4.45. Blieep. No sheep were sold on the market yester day. Oftlclnl HrcolptH. Cattle . N. 004 Hogs . 5.SS.7 SIIII'MBNTS. Cattle , IS cars , N. W. . . . . . Chicago Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on the markcs : Choice steers , 1300 to 1.100 Ibs . W.25@4.5C Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs . 4.00@4.a'5 ' Fat little steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75W3.85 Corn-fed raiiRO'stccrs , 1300 to 1500 3.05 4.30 CJood to choice corn-fed cows . 2.2.W2 50 Common to medium cows . 1.50S32J Good to choice bulls . 1.25@3.0fl Good range feeders . U.30Q2.C5 Good native feeders , 000 Ibs. und upwards . 't . . . 2.553.80 Fair to medium native feeders , 000 Ibs nnd upwards . 2.25(712.50 ( Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.10w2.fiO Prime fat sheep . 3.25(33.50 ( Fair to medium sheen . 2.50(33.00 ( Common sheep . 1.50a2.23 ( Light and medium hops . 4.30(34. ( M Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.50@4.5J Good to choice mixed hops . 4.35a4.4E ( representative Sales. TEXVS IUNQB CATTLE SWAN * CllKSIUIlE C TO , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr , 231. . . . OS4 $2.30 40..I9C3 NATIVE rticucns. 53. . . . 043 3.60NATIVE NATIVE STEini. 80. . . .1233 483 n oa * . No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. AT. Shk. Pr. 75. . . .241 120 K45 . . . .321 820 HW Total 5,453 JtmiKO of Prlcos. Showing tlio highest and lowest prices paid for hogs , on this market during the past fccvcn days and on the corresponding days in lbS * uml 1SSO. All sales of stock in this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at ) , c per Ib. for all weights. "HkliiH , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs. no vulnc. Pregnant s > ows arc docked 40 Ibs. and btags bO Ibs. by the public inspector. Iiivo Stook Notes. Hogs steady. Cattle a hhade higher. Austin Adams , of Upland , brought In a load of heavy hogs. J. K. Thompson , of Council UlufTs , mar keted two loads of choice hogs. T. J. Harris , of Western , la. , sold ono of hogs on the market yesterday. J. H. Halnes. of the linn of Walker & Haincs , of Postcn , Neb. , brought in one load of heavy hogs. T. J. Swan , of Cheyenne , brought in twelve cars of cattle yesterday. I. Linn , of Union , la. , brought in two loads of cuttle. The Anglo-American packing house opened onu year ago yesterday. J. H. Dunn , of Arapahoc , marketed a load of choice hogs yesterday. OMAHA AVIIOIjKSAIjE MAUKKT8. Produce , Fruits , Ktc. The following ( ire the price * < ( / iclih'h riiimd Ms of produce die * oW OH thin iixtrhct. Fruits or other linen of yootln re- rjtriicttra ( ( luliorof jxicUfif ) ainnut al- wui/s he supplltd on outside orders nt the name prices quoted the local trade. BUTTEU The receipts continue fully oqur.l to the demand. Choice dairy , 17@l'Jc ; medium grades , 13jf'l5c ( ' ; ordinary , lOc. Eoos The market was quiet yesterday at 20 ( < 2lc. CIIKESK Market fair. Fancy full cream , chcddars , single , 12c ; full cream twins , 12Ko ; young Americas , iflo ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs In case. 15c ; LImberger , 100 Ibs in case , l-'l'-Jc ; Swiss domestic , Ki ( < SlSc. POULTRY The demand was very light yes terday and considerable stock was carried over. It is late in the season for live poultry and the weather Is too warm for dressed. A few coops of live chickens sold at $3.00(32.25. ( Dressed chickens , choice stock , 7cj turkeys , lOc ; ducks , lOc. GAMK Slow. Prairie chickens , $4.00 ; mal lard ducks , $3.50@2.75 ; quail , $2.00@3.35 ; teal and mixed ducks , $1,50@1.7S ; geese , $4.00 ; snipe , $1.25 : Jack rabbits , 30 ® ! l5e each ; small rabbits , $1.25 per doz ; deer , 7VJ9o ( ; antelope. 7(2.00 ( ; deer saddles , 13c ; antelope , lilo. POTATOES The receipts continue liberal. The quality of the homo grown averages very poor and is unfit for storing for winter use. The greatest objection is the small size and it is hard to get over 55c for such stock. A few sales of ehoico to fancy homo grown stock , in small lots , were reported at 70c ( Utah and Colorado stock , OOc. SWKRT POTATOES Choice new Jersey stock , $5.50 per bbl. UEANS The demand Is not active ; good clean stock , $2.00(32.35 ( ; fair to good , tl.50 @ 1.75 ; California beans , $3,20. ONIONS Homo grown , 75c@$1.00 ; Spanish onions , $2.00 per 50-lb crate. OYSTEKS Mediums , S5c ; standard , flOc ; selects , 82J c ; extra selects , 85c ; New York counts , 40c. TURNIPS Receipts equal the demand. Good stock , 40 ( < 50c ; rutabagas , bOji90c. ( CAULIFLOWEII The supply not large. Choice stock , $3 50. OVSTEK PLANT Choice largo oyster planter or salsify , OOo doz bunches. CABBAGE Home grown , $5.00 per hundred. ad oysters CELKUT The suppjy is light. Good stock brings 4flc a dozen. Thcro is some fancy stock on the market which sells at 45c. Cmun Choice Michigan cider , tO.50 per bbl. of 33 gal. CitANiiEHinns Bell & Cherry , fS.OO ; Bell & Bugle , $0.00 ; Capo Cods , $10.00@10.50. ad cidar AVPMS Choice stock is selling In round lots at $3.2.VS3.50 ; fancy .Tohnathans , $4.00. HONEV Choice , in 1 Ib frames , 21c. POPCORN Choice rico corn , 3@3Kc per Ib ; other kinds , 3 3 o per Ib. OitANOF.s Louisiana $4.50 per box ; $8.50 (39.00 ( per bbl ; Florida , per box , $5 00. LEMONS Messina lemons , $5.00(35.50 ( ; Malaga , $5.00. ad popcorn CALIFORNIA FUDITS Pears , $2.50(22.75 ( ; quinces , $2.00. CHAFES New York grapes , 5-lb baskets , 40c. 40c.BANANAS BANANAS The market is well supplied with bananas at $3 00S(3.00 ( per bunch. NUTS Peanuts , 7@7 > tfc. raw ; Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , Sic : English wal nuts , 15@lSc ; filberts , 13c. Grocers' I < Ut. CorrKE Ordinary grades , 20@20 c ; fair , 31rt.31J < c ; prime , SlH'322a ; fancy green ami XXXX , 25.ii'o ; Dilworth's , 24Jfe ; Hcd Cross. 25 Vo- IJliooM Extra 4-tlo , J2.00 ; No. 1 , | 2.00 ; No 2,11.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. CANIIV Mixed , 9llc ; stick. 8 } @C > Vc. JELi.iK3-30-lb p.iils , fl.80 ( < ? l.90. Pi-ovisiONS Hums , I0fllloi breakfast bacon , 10 ( < < Jllc ; bacon sides , 89e ; dry salt , 7K@7 ? < c ; shoulders , 7Q7Kc ; dried beef hams , UH211o ; dried beef regular , SXQlO o ; hrms , picnic , tJiQSo. Ditini ) Fruits Apples , new , J 's , Co ; evap orated , 60 Ib ring , 10 ( < UOBo ; raspberries , evaporated , 2Sffl20c ; blackbrrrlcsevaiorated , OJm'lOo ' ; pitted cherries. I9rt20ij ; ix > achcs. ne\V , 7/c ; ; ernporated , peeled ppaches , 2 > @ 29c ? evap-eratcd , unparcd , 18@19c ; new currents. 7 > { < 37Kc ; prunes , 5S5Kc ( ; citron , 25c ; raisins , Lonqon layers , $2.WU2.40 ! ; Cali fornia loose- muscatels , $2.10a3.30 ( ; new Valencia , 8)/8 ) > < o. CANNED GOODS Oyster , standard , per case. I3.10Q13 ; trawbcrrie > , 8-lb per case , 13.00(33.10 ( ; raspberries , 3 Ib , per cnso , $3.00(3 ( 3.10 ; Crtliforulu pears , per case , fM.tXK34.IH ) ; apricots , per cu p , $4.10 ] < ? 42A ; peaches per ca e , I5.73fi < 5 > 5 ; whtto cherries , per case , 10.00 ; plums , per case , $3.MX < jD.OOi blueber ries , per case , $2.3024j ( ( ) egg plums , 2-lb , per case , 12.60 ; plncapph" * , 3-lb , per case , $3.20 5.75 ; Mb snlnionr pir dor. Jl.b5gHWj ( 2-lb 25M3.35' 2-lb - gposberrles , per vase , W - string bcuns. per case , $1.75 ; 2-lb lima beans , per caso. 11.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat pens , $3.60(3 ( 2.00 ; 2-lb curly Juno peas , per cane , $2.75 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2:40@2.50 : ; 2-lb corn , $2.30 ® HFFIXED LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square cnn.s , 7e ; 60-lb round , 7l/o , ; 20 Ib round , 7'i'c ; lMb ( palls , 7'ue ; 5-lb | mlly , 7 fc ; 3-lb palls , Stfuii Granulated. ' 73 < "c ; conf. A , 7@7Vo : White extra C , 6 0' c ; extra C , 0V Oife ; yellow C , 6) cj cut loaf , 7s(37Kc ( ; I > owdered , } ( dl"l4e , PlfKi.Ks Medium in bbls , M 50 ; do In half bbls , $3.75 ; small , In bbls , $7.60 ; do in half bbl , $4-25 ; gerkins , in bbls , $8.50 ; do In half bbls , $4.75. TonAtco Lorlllurd's Climax , 44c : Splen did , 41e ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; LeggctUt Meyer's Star , 42c ; Cornerstone , ! (4c ( ; Drum- mond's ' Horse Shoo , 41e ; T. J. , 37e ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. Hoi'K Seven-sixteenths , llj llj c. WOOIIHNWAIIE Two-hoop pails , per doz , $1.45 ; three-hoop polls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 8 tub , $4.50 ; wush- Iroard" , $1.76 ; assorted bowls. $2.25 ; No. 1 chums , $9 ; No. c churns , 8 ; No. 3 churns , CiurKKns Garneau's soda , butter nnd picnic , 5c ; creams , Ho ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city soda , 7c. TEAS Japan , 20t55o ( ; gunpowder , 20 ® 1'iO'fo ; Young Hyson , 25 ( 550 ; Ooolong , 20@ OOc. OOc.STIIVP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.45@1.50 ; New Orleans , per gallon , 8b@40o ; maple half bbls "old time " gallon bOc syrup , , , per , ; 1-gullon cans , per doz , $10.60 ; half gallon cans , per doz. $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.25. STAIICH Mirror gloss , r fc ; Graves' corn , O.'jc ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. HoLLtxi ) HuuiiiMis 75ifSOc ( per keg. Dry floods. PIMST ? SOLID Coi.oits Atlanta , 5o ; Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil , O'.fc ; Garner Oil. 0@ 7c. PINK ASM ) Koiinsi Hlehmond , Oc ; Allen Co ; Hlvcrpoint , 5o ; Steel Hlvor , Oc ; Hlch mend , Oc ; Pacific , OUo. l.vnino HI.VK Wash ington , Co ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOe ; American , OJjfc : ArnoldHJ/e ; Arnold H 10) 0 ; Arnold A 12o ; Arnold Goldseal Hike. DIIKS.S ; Charter Oak , ; Itiimnpo , aj/o : Lndl,4fc } ; Allen , 5J c ; Klchinond , 5Ko ; Windsor , Oc ; Kddvstonc , Oc ; Pucltlo , Oc. COHSIIT JIIANS Androscogln , 7J c ; Kcar- hiigc , 7)ijo ) : Kookport. 0)40 ) ; Conestogn , O'fo. ' 1UITS Standard , 80 ; Gem , 10)4c ) ; Beauty , 13'tfo ' ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. COTTON FI.ANXILS : 10 per cent trade dis count LL , ( , ) { o ; CC , 7)/c ) ; SS , SL'u ; Nnme- .less , Cfo ; No. 5. Co ; KB , O c ; GG , 10 > c ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14c ; NN , lOc ; HX , ISc ; H , 20c ; No. 10 , 8 , ' e : 40,10)fefiO. ; 12-c , ; bO , 15c ; 80 , colored , lOo ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 18 ; e ; Union Pacific , lie. CAHI-ET WAIIP Bibb white , I8 > ac ; colored , " diNniuM Plunkett checks , } { cWhlt \ - fenton , 7 , ' c ; York , "i c ; Nortnundi Dress , 8'lc ' ; Calcutta Dress , 8 } o ; Whittcntou Dress , 9c ; Hcnfrew Dress. 9@ffifc. ) CAMIIHICS Slater , 4 } < ( e ; Woods , 4 0 ; Stan dard , 4) ) c ; Peacock , 4Kc. TICKS Lewiston , 30 in. , 12)fc ) ; Lewiston , 32 ln.,13 > io ; York. 32 in. , llo ; Swift Hivcr , 7J./e ; Thorndike O O , 8 > fo ; Thorndike E F , 8J.e ; Thorndike 120 , Oj/e : Thorndlko XXX. 16c ; Cordis No. 5. 9 } e ; Cordis No. 4 , lie. Dn.MMS Amoskcag P-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7 13o ; York , 7-oz. , 13 " ; Haymaker , " ' ' Jaffroy XX , ll e ; Jufficy XXX , 12' < ? c ; Bea ver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc. , KESTCCKV JIIANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , ISc ; Durham , 2712c ; Hurculcs , 18c ; Leaming ton , 22Ki" Cottswold , 25c. CiiVMit Stevens' B , C > c ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A , 7 ! ; o ; bleached , 8)ic ; Stevens' P. Mrc ; blenched , % ; , Stevens' N. 9 , ' o ; bleached , lOKc ; Stevens' S H T , 12 c. Miscii.i.AXEOV8 : Table oil cloth , $ ' 2.85 ; plain Holland/SJic to 9c ; Dado Holland , 13 > Jc. FUNNELS Plaid Ruftsman , 32c ; Goshen , : i2'ic ' : Clear Lake , 32 } c : Maple City , WlMc. \ hite-G H No. 3 Jf , 3lc ; G H No. ! , * ' , 27 > . < cB ; II No. 3 , J ' , ,23fe } ; B H No. 1 , " 30o" ; Quei-hee No. 1Jf , 42c ; Quechco No. 2 , j , _ i > cj iv r , ? A , ii i , u , / CoMFOKTBUS } O.GOn35 00. BuxKBis White , 1.007.60 ; colored $1.10 (38.00. ( BLEACHED SHUKTINO Berkcly cambric , No. 00 , Ojfc ; Debt Yet , 4-4 , Cfc ) ; butter cloth OO , 4' c ; Cabot , 7 e ; Farwell , 8c ; fruit of Loom , bji'o ; Greene G , Oc ; Hope. 7) c ; King Phillip cambric , llo ; Lonsdalo , llUe ; Lons- dale , b > s'c ; New York mills , lOJ o ; Pepperell , 42 inch , lOJtfo ; Pcpperell , 40 inch , ll e ; Pcp perell , 0-4 , 15c ; Pepperell , 8-4.18c ; Pepperell , 11-4. 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22 > c ; Canton , 4-4 , 8J.fe ; Canton , 4-4 , v a ; Triumph , Co ; Warn- sutta , He ; Valley. 5c. BUOWN SnuETlNo Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7L'c ; A Huntlc H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , CJ/c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , SJ/c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5ic ? ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , G } c ; Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Indian Hcud , 4-4,7)/e ) ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , fijfc : Old Dominion , 4-4 5Jc } ; Pcpperell H. 4-4 , O c ; Peppercll O , 4-4 Cc ; Peppcrcll , 8-4 , lOo : Pepperell , 9-4 , ISc Pcpperell , 10-4 , 20c ; tJtlea C , 4-4. 4 i'c ; Wuchusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , G c ; Au rora B , 4-4. Cc. DUCK Webt Point 29 in , 8 oz. , lO o : West Point 29 in , 10 oz. , 12Kc ; West Point 29 in , 12 oz , 15c : West Point 40 In , 11 07 , lOc. Checks Caledonia X , 9 c ; Caledonia XX. Economy , 9@9 > cj Otla , General Markets. Fi.oun AND FEED Minnesota patents , $3.50 per cwt ; Minnesota bakers' straight. $2.20 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $3.45 ( < $ 2.110 ; Nebraska patents , $2.25S2.85 ( ; rye flour , $1.75@1.90 per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal - meal , yellow , 90c per cwt ; cornmeal , white , $1.00 per cwt : chopped feed , $10.00 per ton ; bran , $13.00@13.00 per ton ; screenings , $9.00@13.00 per ton. HAY The low prices of the past week and the inability of dealers to sell immediately on arrival , causing demurago charges , has cut off the receipts to some extent. Yesterday the supply on the market was light , prices a little stronger , good upland prairie going at $7.75(38.00. ( Funs Very few furs have been received as yet , as the trappers have hardly com menced operations. Raccoon , S0ffi70c ; mink , 10 < 550 ; musk rats , fall , i(35u ! ( ; striped skunk , 10 ( 40 ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , $3.00@3.50No. ; 3 , $1.50tf3.00 ( ; prairie , IXX&75o ; No. 3 , 40ff45c ( ; beaver , No. l.per lb$2.00@3.00 ; No. 3 , $1.00 ® 1.25 ; otter , $1.00Si.OO ( ( ; dry deer skins , 20 ( < * ! ! 5 per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 @ 25c. SIMHITS Cologne spirits , 1SS proof. $1.10 ; do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits second quality , 101 proof , $1 10 ; do 188 proof , $1.09. Alcohol 188 proof , $2.10 per wino gallon. Redistilled whiskies , $1.00@1.50. Gin blended , $1.50(33.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.000 ? 0.00 ; Kentucky "wnd Pennsylvania ryes. $2.00@G.50 ; , Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50g3 ( 00. Bran dies , Imported , $5,00 < gS.50 ; domestic , $1.0@ ! ! 3.00. Gins , imported , $4.5CX30.KI ( ; domestic , $1.35@3 00. Champagnes , imported , per cawe , $2S.OU@33,00 ; American , per case , $10.00 ® HKATT IlAiinwAnn Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4K1 ! crucible steel , tltfoj cast tools , do , r-Xglfrfi ; wagon spokes , per set , $200(35.50 ( ; hubs , per1 set , $1.50 ; felloes , sawed dry , $1 CO ; tontfues , each , SOc ; axles. each , 75c ; square tuts | , per Ib , CrttlUc ; coil chain , per lbOXil3u ( : malleable , 8 ( < ilOc ; iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , Jtfc ; spring steel , 4@5c ; ' ' Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mnloi shoes , $5.75 ; baibed wire , in car lots , $4,00 per 100 Ibs ; Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. HIDES Green butchers' , 5 } c : green cured , 7c : dry Hint , 10cdryflalt,8c : green calfskins , 750 ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tal low 3c. Grease Prime white , 3c ; yellow , rerun CIc r Poplnr , llx. Hds , K In. . 83s . . . .105 fiO " " } i in. Panel , s2s . . . . 27 PO ' " Cornigntcil Celling , K. . . 28 50 HXTTES ! > . WELL TflllNO. PICKETS. O.G. Halts , Skin. . . , . 100.75 " J < x31n. sis . 00.45 T In. Well Tublnjr I ) k M mid Ucv . 2.1.00 Pickets , 13 & H , Flat . 20.60 " " squuro . . . . 31.00 muims. No. 1 com , B 1 s.lS.Xl I No. 1 , com , 1 s$17,00 No. 8 " " 15.50 1 No. 4 " " ia.00 No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 13 & 14 ft , rough . $10. Ml " " " 10 " . 19.50 No. 3 , " 13 & 14 " . 10.00 " " " 10 " . 17.50 CEIMSO ANH PAItTITION. iBtcom. $4 lu White Phio CeiUng . 134.00 Jud if " " " . 2S.OO Clear , < In Norway " " . 10.00 Jud com. { In " " " . 14.00 STOCK no.uins. A131nch8ls . I45.M ) No.l.coiii.lS In B 1 B , 13ft . 'J0.50 " " " 14 ft . 10.UO " " " 10 ft . 18.50 No. 3 , " " . 19.00 " " " 10 ft . 17.50 Inch OroovcJ noofinir , $1.00 i > er M , more thnn 12-Inch stock bounla siuno length. S1IINOI.E ? , LATH. XX clear $ 3.10 Extra "A $ 3.PO A * Standard. . 2.75 * AHB.fcB. . . 2.55 6 in. clear , No. 1 1.60 Luth 1. . < , D BIDING. A , 12.14& 10 ft.$21.60 I C , 12,14 & 10 ft.$15.50 B , " " 20.60 | D , " " 13.60 ri.ooitixo. A 0 In. White Pine K15.60 C , $29.50 B " " " 3:1.600 : , 21.00 E " " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 19.00 BIIII'LAP. No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 in $19.50 No.3 " 17.60 No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In 10.60 POSTS. White cedar , 0 in. , J s , 12o ; 0 in. , qrs. , lie ; 8 in. , qrs. , lOo : 4 in. round 15c ; Tennessee Hed Cedar , split , 15e ; Split Oak , 12e. 1.1MB , KTC. Qulncy white lime ( best ) , OOn ; Akron ce ment , ? 1.75 : hair , 80c ; plaster , $2.75 ; tar board , $1.75 ; sash , 40o per ct. ; doors , 40o per ct. ; lH , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per ct. ; tar felt per cwt. , $ .75 ; straw board , $1.75. MIUTIIVHX YELLOW 1'INE. Com. 4&0in. flooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear ifin Celllnp 21.50 Clear 5/ln Partition 2T > .00 Clear linish , 1 & Ijr in. , 8 3 s 29.00 [ Jlcar corrugated ceiling , 4 in 35.00 Yellow pine casing and base 27.00 fientli by Chicago Journal : Dr. .Towell , the em inent specialist in iliseai-cs of the brain mil nervous bystem , insisted that death by hanging was always and of necessity painless. IIo oven went so far as to Bay Unit death by strangulation , where the ncek was not broken , was painless also. Where the axia and atlas are pulled apart , ho sain the rupture or even the scratching of the spinal cord produced instantaneous unconsciousness , anil where the neck is not broken , and the breath is simply shut off , the rush of un- aerated blood to the brain produces an almost instantaneous stupor , like that produced by opium. IIo said that all the people who had been partially hanged and resuscitated cor roborated these a priori judgments. But these assurances have never afforded the slightest comfort to people who had to leave thib world by that route ; and there is ono very sound reason for be lieving that people who are hanged arc in conscious agony , at least in some in stances , after the drop has fallen.Vhy are the hands tied ? Simply because , if they are not , they find their way to the throat at once , in frantic efforts to effect relief. In some instances hanging men have caught hold of the ropes above their heads and lifted their whole weight. No hanging in mine , please. . K'INTOSIl. H. F. IIUUWELb BODWELL SL MclNTOSH , Real Estate Dealers , ' HO South Spring Street , Los Angoloa , - California. Dealers In cltv and country property of all de scrlptlons. Genera 1 Information to uew-coiu * ersfieelvmvcn. DREXEL & MAUL. ( Successors to John G. Jacobs. ) Oiidertate and At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders by tele graph solicited and promptly attended to. Tclelephone No. 225. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line * Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tke nly road to take for Dei Holnei , Mnrlalltown , Cedar Kapldi , Clinton , Ulzon , Chicago , Milwaukee and all tiolnli eait. To the people of Nebra ka , Cole * rado , WjomlnK , Utah , Idabu , Nevada , Oregon. Wath > Innton and California , It offeri lupe-ilor adtantagoi n' t pculala br anr other line. Among * , few of the numerom point * of luperlorlty njoredhr the patrons of thla road bMwe n Omaha and Chicago , are Ita two tralni a da ? of DAY COACH- KS. which are the Hnett that human art and Ingenul * tr can create. Hi PAI.ACU BI.KKl'ING CAHS. whlcli are modela of comfort and elegance. Ita l'ARl/OK DKAW1NO UOOM CAHS , un > urpaM d br a or , and lt widely celebrate * PALATIAL DINING CARS , the canal of which cannot be found eliewhera. At Coun cil Blutli the tralna of the Union raclnc Rallwar , connect - nect In union depot with tboie of the Chicago A Northwestern Kr. In Chicago the tralni of tbll line maka close connection with tuoie of all uther vastera for Detroit , Columbui , Indlanapolli. Cincinnati , Niagara tall > , DutTuIn , Plttaaurg , Toronto , Montreal , Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash ington , and all points In the vast , ask let a ticket Tla the "NORTHWESTERN. " If Ton with the best accommodation. All ticket agents sen tickets Tla tbl > line. II.HL'OUITT. K. P. WILSON , Uenl. Manager , tienl. I'ass'r Agent w. M . n A ncocK.culcaso' nlllfc n. BOLLKS. Western Agent. Cltr i'ass'r. Agent. Omaba , Nebruka. THE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' , TUe Best Route from Omaha and Couucll Bluffs to - = = THE EAST = = - TWO THA1NS DAILY BKTWEEM Oil AIIA AND COUNCIL iiLUfra Chicago , AND Mllwnultcf , St. Paul , Mlnnoapolls , Cedar Itaplds , Rock Island , Freeport , RocVford , Clinton , Ihibiiquc , Darenirart , Elgin , Madison , Jancsilllr , Bclolt , Vinona , La Crossc , And all other Important points East , Northeait and Southeast. for throneh tickets call on the ticket a nt at 1101 Tarnam street , In 1'aiton llotul , or al Union 1'aclOo I'ullmsn Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars to the world are run on the main line of the Chicago , Mil waukee 4 Hi. Paul nallwar. arul orerj attention Is patil to ( aiiangen br couUflill WU ldl at ttd 00uJnif.ER.Oen ! ? | ! r l Manager. J. v. TUCK Kit , A ilit nt General Manager. A. V. It. CAiU'CNTKU , Qeueral I'tisenger and OKO , l 'rlKAFroiU ) , Assistant Qeniral t'Mtengtr tnd Ticket Agent. . _ J , V. CLAUK , Qeoeral SupsrtnUniJsnt. OHAMJQBBBBS'DIBBGTOBY ' AgrlcuHurnMlmplatliont r CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Waps , Carriages nd Bn glM. Jones Klre r I. lletneen Vlh and _ lpn. Om h , Nebraska. LINfNaTR & METCALF CO n Afllcnllnral Implements , Wagons.CarriaECS . , Om h , Nebraska. PAR L IN , OR EN B elF i""MA RT IN ? holesale Dralors In s , Wagons & Bnggies _ Ml. TO. MS and W7 , Jones Street. Omaha. p. ' P. MAST iTco , ' Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , OoIUtator , liar tUkri C1Jr Mill * anil l.uhan Pal' _ terlieM. Cor. I4lh and Nliholaa mreels. WINONA I'MPLEMENT cd Wholesale Agricultural Implements , ? agons & Buggies Corner 14th and Nicholas Htreela. Artists' Materials ! A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1M3 Don Ui Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Boot * and ShooB. W. V. MORSE 81 CO. , Jokers of Boots anil Shoes , 1 U rarnam St. , Omaha. Nab. Manufactory , Rameset ( jtretl. llmtoo. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , ( Suorenori to Il i1 , Jonn * Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Afentf tor notion Hnbt > * r Uo Co. 1IW , IKM A1106 H ro r St. , Omah . N brn k . Coffa , ploB , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha ColTri and Pplce Mllli. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , Flarorlnf RxtracU , Ijtundrr Blue , Inkn. Utc. 1IU lilt llarney Street , Onmha , Stbraikit. Crockery and Glassware. W. L. WRIGHT. Agent for the Mdnufarturorn mid Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. dmcf.3179. 13th fet. , Omaha. Notiraalm. ' _ Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY Commission and Jobbing , B tt r , Vgi und Produce. Connliinmentii tollclted. Iltadouartera for Htimewnre , Il rrr Hosri and _ Uray * Uaiktli. UU Dodge St. . Um h . RIDDELLA. RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDEMAN Si CO. . Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , Game. Knilti , Etc. 2JO South Kth St. , unalia , Nsbrnka. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( SucctBson to McShnno A Schrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , ' Omaha , Nebraska. Coal , Coke and Mmo. OMAHA COAL. COKE it , LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , MB Boulh 13th Street. Omaha , Nobrinks. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , ind ihlppcrf of Coal , Coke , Cjmi > nt , PlHatrr , Llm Drain Tile and Hewer Pipe. Office , ration Hotel Karnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 814 South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. _ _ Dry Cooda and Notions. M. E. SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 11W and UMDouglaa , Cor , llth Bt. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.Mons aat * ' FurnlihlnK Ooodi.Corirrllth and Harnej SU , Omaha , N brMk . Furniture. DEWEY tt STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Slraet , Omaha , Nebraika. OrooerlPB. PAXTON , GALLAGHER * CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , 797 , TM ana Til 8.10th St. . Omaha. N b. MoCORD , BrlADV & CoT. Wholesale Grocers , Uth and LeavenwortU BtretH , Omaha , Nehraikaw ' D. M. STEELE * CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1B . 1 1 and Ig3 Uarner Street , Omaha. N b. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1118 Ilamey Street. Omaha , Keb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED * CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , HIMEBAUQH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tooli and Buffalo Scalei. 1KB Douglant. Omaha , Nebraika. RECTOR * WILHBLMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarnif 8UOmahay b. Weitcrn Aienti ( or Auitln 1'owdarCo. , JtfTeraan Steel Nall , ialt- baakl Standard Dcalea. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Iprluga , Wagon Htock. Hardware Lumber , etc. UOt and UU Harney Street , Omaha. . EDNEY * GIBBON. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wacon and Carriage Wood Stock , IleavT Hardwaiv Btc. 121T and 1IU Learenwortb Bt , Omaha , Neb. Hats , caps , eto. W. L. PARROTTE * CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Harper Hlftet , Omaha , Neb. Liquor * . WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER * CO. , Importers& Jobbers of FineWines&Liprs ait India Bitten and Uomtitlc Llquori. 1112 Hareey Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale Uth Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , DOOM , eW. Yardi-Corner Tth and bouilai ; Corner9t anil Douglaa. c. N. DEITZ , Dealer In all Rinds of Lumber , 13th and Callforcla iti. . Omaha. Neb. ' " ' FRED w. GRAY ] ; Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , ' . Cornet Ctb add DontlaiBU. . Omaha. * " ' T. W , HARVEY LUMBER CO. , - To Dealers Only , , - , " * * " -JOHN A.'WAKEFIELD.1 ' " ' Wholesale Lumber , Etc , iHtorttd and American Porllap < Cement , till * a al --'f * * ! ' ? ' ' ' * ft'Ji89/- ' . . CHAS. R , LEE , Dealer in Hardweod Lumber , ' * tTooaCarp l aid I'arquf t t'loerlng. 9th and Dongli M Jill n a'ry iin d M < tU n I. OBERFELDBR & CO. , Importers & Jobbers of Millinery SNoUo ; WH , 710 toil 111 South ttth Street. J. T. ROBINSOSTNOTION CC Wholesale Notions and Fnraishtni I M and 4M South 10th Street , OaMaa. VINYARD A SCHNEIDER. Notions and Cent's ' Furnishing Goodl UCtt Haraiy Street. Omaha. oliiu CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE C Wholesale Refined and Lubricating DIM ? ) Aili Qrea e. etc. . Omaha. A. H. Blihop. Mi Paper. . CARP.ENTER PAPER CO. , ' Wholesale Paper Dealers , Hock ot prlntln . wripplif and writ1. , paptr. f p cl l attf ntlon jlrtn to car load ul-d < r Printers' Nlaterlala. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION ? Aniillary Publishers , Huuoor Goods. . OMAHA RUBBER CO. , \ Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goodl Oil Clothing ami 1 author Boiling. IftB r'nniam Mr e& _ _ oart nttlng PumpBJEto. ' A. L. STRANCJ CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Steam , water , rallicar ami mining iipplle , etc. VS nuil v.'l V'amnin Slroot. Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , I Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Pt am nnd Wntor Bunpltev llpmlqimrtprs fur Maik I'uuit A I'u'iKona * Hit Kuril urn Ht. , Omaha. < "U.S. WIND ENGINEPUIVfP CO , Steam and Water Supplies , nallldaj Wind Mills , vis nnil ra > Kunmin St. , Omaha , ' U. K. Hun. Actlnn ManniiBr. BR"OW NELL & co. , ( Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bbuet Iron Work. Slenm IMimpx , Haw Mllli. 1211-1211 l.tavenworth Street , Omaliit. y SeodBi t t' PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seefi Oil nnd 013 Jcinei St. Omaha U Storage , ARMSTRONQ , PETTIS Storage , Forwarding and Commission , ' . Dmnch bou < ( in ( the IlpnnT BUEKT * 'o. HuinlflUt wbuluiale and retail. I KH.IJIO nnd dO.'M Omaha. Telephone No. ? dO. I WM. A. WILSON Oi CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Hplcoi and Daley lUklnit I'on dor. lilOnnd 141SlIa ; 11 ey Etieiit , OmHha. Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and 3 John Kpeuvtrr , Proprietor. DM Podce aad 11U and 1M North 10th Street. Omaha. : { S Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Eto. 1 H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks : Brltcbluga , Tanks and General Bollnr Repairing. Ill Dodf Htreet , Oinaba , Neb. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERLINC , frought and Cast Iron Building for ! Engine , Brait work , iieneral foundrj , machine and blackimllh wor . . cJfflce ana worki , U. 1' . Hr. ana 7 iltb Street , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE * . IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing Dei * ralli , window gunrdi , flowrr standi , win llicl etc. , 1X1 North liith Bt. , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS ] Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes' V'Hulli , jail work , Iron and wire Ionclng , 'Un , etc. Andreen , Prop'r. Cor. Uth and Jackson fill. ! . . . . 'IT ' MOL1NE.MILBURN&.STODDARD C6 Mnnuf.ictnrvri and Jobbers In Wagons , Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cur Stlinnil r'uilllcgti * .Uiiiahu. Neb. MEAGHER & SPROAT. ' Geniral Agents for Dlebold S fo & Lock Co.'i Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Loctu TaulU and Jail Work , 1415 Karnam Street , Omaha. j Oy eraUB. \ CAN'FIELD MANUFACTUR"INO coV' Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jeani 1'aoti , BUIrti , Ktc. 11CR and 1101 DouKla * BtreeW Omaha , Neb. > Sash , Doors , Eto. M. A. D1SBROW St CO. , Wboleial * Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch OfBco , 1Mb and Iinrd Btreeta , Omahii , Neb. J BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds' ' llouldlu i , Blair Work and Interior Hani Wood KIM lib. N. K. Corner 8th and I amawortb btrteti. I Omaha. Neb. J OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , ' Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , Aad lillndi , Turning , Rtalr-wnrk. Hank and Offlc * HUlnm. autb anil I'oppleton ATenue. Browers. " " " " STORZ&"lL"ER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1U1 North Rlghteentb Street , Omaha , Neb. 0 C.R. TALMER. N. P. IUCUUAN. J. B. PALMER , RICHMAN * CO. . , Lire Stock Commission Merchants , Offloe Itoom 24 , Opposlln Kxclinngp Ilulldlug , UnlOA Block Yards , rloutli OnialiH , Neb. MoCOY BROS. , Liye Stock Commission Mercnants , Market fnrnlibeit fnto en application , Htockers anej feednrs furnished OA good torms. Iteffroncefi : OrnM a National Ilauk and Moutb Oinaha National , Union block Yards. Bonth Omaha. _ LORIMER , WESTERFIELD Si MA LEV Live Stock Commission , noom IS , Bxcbange BulMIng , Onion block Yard * . ttoulh Omalil , Neb. HORN & SHARPE , Commission Dealers in Liye Stock , noom 23 , Eicbango building , Union Block Yds , 9l Omalia Kefurrnco * Union NHt'l II ink , Onmlia , Union Stock Yanls Hank , H. Omaha , U. y. Howloj > * I'res. Am. Hank 4 Trnit Co . Ouinlin. _ J ALEXANDER 4 : FITCH. ; Commission Dealers in Liye Stock , Boom n , opposltu Bzchaniie Hulldlng , Uulon Btoei Yards. Houth Omalm , Nob. UNION STO c KYARDS co. , Of Omana , Limited , John P. Dord , Buperlnlemlent. JUDICIOUS AND PEHSISTtNT Advortlslnif Ima alwnya | itven Bucti-BSful. Jlofoio placliiif any Nowspapcr AdvertUIng coijnull LORD & THOMAS. ' ilIIRII8l > a iUgtTB , I U t * O Rw4 lj > k llrwl. CHICACOi