Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
.THE OMAHA DAILY. BEE : JakTUKDAY , NOVEMBER 12 , 1887. Jtcnnann Miller , a Gorman cari > cntor ( wera Brrostod , It appears , for seditious tulki They nro booked and locked up nt the Chicago uvo nuc Htntlon us disorderly persons , Bsor.i/3 imoTiir.ti CHOKED OFF. Late InHt nlsht n crowd of about tliroo hundred pcoplo aAncrablod In front of tlio Store formerly kepi by Ktiplo , on Milwaukee avenue , nnd wns harrnngucd by n brother of the doomed man. who g | > okc in Kngllsh nnd German. Ho protest * * ) iiRnin t the hunting of his brother nnd called It the niurdefof an Intiocont man by a government which Wns far the benefit of a few and ut the exist of thu many. As ho spoke the clangor wnd rumble of a patrol wa on from the West Chicago avcnuo atatloti wus heard nnd ten or a dozen jxjllcouien cleared his place In nn Instant , pushed Kngel Into tHu Btdro nnd made him lock the place up and put out the lights. Tlio Dead Men Among Ilclntlvos , CIIIOAOO , Nov. 11. After the hanging the center of attraction to Idle curiosity-seekers . was transfcriod'to Milwaukee avenue , nt points along which thoroughfare the bodies of the dead men lay. At a little undertaker's fchop nt No. 180 Milwaukee avcnuo tlio bodies of Linpg and Etigcl veto prepared for the grave. The lattcr's remains wore caMly cared for nnd after being placed In a neat black cloth-covered casket , was taken to a little millinery otoro at No. S.'bO Milwau kee avcnuo , where the widow and brother oi the dead man waited to receive them. There was an eager , curious crowd hanging around the shop , and though fully a hundred persons followed the black wagon that transferred the remains to Envoi's old home , the crowd did not Bccm to diminish in thu least. People pushed and hoved and crowded to get a night of the in terior of the store in the rear of which I-ingg's body lay , while nn undertaker did Ills best to make the mangled face more HlRhtly. It was a dinicult task and it was some hours after Engel's ' body lay in state in his old homo before the fuiicide'H remains were placed in u neat casket with silver trim ming , exactly like that holding Engel's body. \Vhcn this was finally done Lingg's mortal remains wore carried out nnd placed beside thoao of his old friend. Hundreds of friends of the dead men ( lied into mid out of the little shop and took a last look ut the faces , almost Htiiinge from the passage of timo. At one end of the store Mrs. Etipel sat with eyes red with weeping and her face shrouded in n lilack vdil. Kdn Mueller , too , sat beside the casket which hold all that remained on earth of her lover. Her face was pale as death and Bho sobbed convulsively as sympathizing fi lends filed In and out. Further up thoavemio , nt No. BOO , Is nnothoi undertaker's shop , where the bodies of Spies , Parsons nnd Fischer wore cared for. Mrs , I'ursons was the most noticeable person hpro , Kho sat with her buck to the window , througli Which a hundred eager eyes peered. A woman clothed in black , with her face covered by si lieavy veil , hold Mrs. Parsons' hnud. This \VIIB Mrs. Van Znndt and she was deeph affected , as were the anarchists' wives. A Binnll , bowed ilguro sat ulonuin the corner era a low stool. It wns Mrs. Spies , the arch- anarchists' mother. Her head was buried ir tfer hands and they were almost in her lap. She rocked to and fro in an ngony of grief , strangely nl variance with the actions of Mrs. Parsons , who hat upright nnd looked toxvnrd where the body of her husband lay. Her eyes were fixed In a strong stare. They were largo and lustrous , but seemed to linvo lost the IIOWDI of .weeping. There she sat , one hand ciasped In that of the woman next to her , her lip * moving and as though muttering some ro- Bolvc , the thin , peaked , dark features poorinp tram behind tlio mass of crajio and looking a though there wns something in future to an th-lpnto. Hers was a striking figure. Tlio body of Spies was embalmed and turned over to his mother , who took it to Jior homo late in the evening. The cm- Iwlmers are still at work on the bodies of Parsons and Fischer nnd may not complete their work until early to-morrow morning. The embalming if being done by Prof.V A. Bullivau , u professional cmbalmor of Bos ton. "Judging fiom the appearance ol the bodies , " said Prof. Sullivan , "tho hanging of thcso men was u thoroughly ficiuntinc picoo of work. I did not witness the execution , nnd my Judgment UIHJII the skill with which it was managed is Imset UIKJII my observation of the appearance of tin bodies which I am now working UIKIII. Etigc was the only one of the four whoso neck was broken. The other three choked to death. Funeral Arrangements. CIIICAOO , Nov. 11. Arrangements for th < funeral of the dead anarchists were coin plutcd at a meeting of the defense committal to-night. Friends arc requested to meet a the homes of all the anarchists at 12 o'clocl Sunday noon. Thcro will bo a procession which will start from the homo of Mrs Fischer , No. 3 Dean street , am proceed thence to Mrs. Parsons' house at No. 78 Milwaukee avenue. Then th procession will inarch to Aurora Turner hall on .Huron street , near Milwaukee avenue Where the , remains oi Spies will bo guardei by the Aurora turnvcrein , of which Spic wus n member. The next , stop will bo n Engol's residence , No.'JSO Milwaukee avenue where lie tlio remains of Engel and Llngg The German Typographical union wil take charge of the remains o Fischer , and the German Cur | > cntcn union of the remains of Lingg and Enge ! I'nrsons was formerly n member of Loct Assembly No. 1U07 , ami Knights of Labo cenurnlly havu been invited to the funeral The interment will bo cither at Forest Horner or Wnldheim , on the Wisconsin Central mat nnd the remains will probably bo taken b train. Committees were appointed to sccur speakers , both English und German , and th nerviccs of several singing soeloties. 'I'll only services to bo hold will bo at Auror Turner hall. Picldeti and Bchwnh. CIIICAOO , Nov. 11. Fiolden and Schwn wore visited after the hanging. Uoth n ] pcarcd very much downcast. Fioldou bu led his head in his hands and said : "Yes , ye It is all over. " Schwab was moro loqmieious and spoli quite freely of the innocence of the men wli jind Just been executed and of the unfuirnes ol the trials had. The men who had foi fclte their liyes , ho said , would ever stand as stain on the escutcheon of the country. Interview With SherllT MatMim. CIIICAOO , Nov. 11. .Sheriff Matsou sat i his private oOleo this evening , very pale , au the dark rings beneath his eyes showed thi ho was worn out with thinking , worry , c cltcmont nnd hard work. Ho leaned back 1 Ms easy chair and rested his feet on anothi neat in front of him us ho surveyed tlio llth graph of the twenty-eight Sioux ludiin being executed at one time , which occurn fi. lu 18C3. "Four at once is enough , " ho remarked , i \ [ ho laid down the plcturo. "You look tired , " remarked the reporter. "Well , I do not deceive my looks then , " 1 replied. "I huvo slept but llttlo this wee nnd not at all lust night. " "Aro you satined with the result of t ! duty lai ] > os d upon you I" "Yes j I think the execution passed off well as an unpleasant thing like that coul It U always a ad Job for an otUcial to pc | > form , but with a healthy public moral son I , incut behind him an oftlccr feels strong I , doing his duty. I had no fear * that the I'- ' would botrouble. The police aided mo groatl the arrangements of Chief Kherson and Ca tuIn Schuack this morning being admiral und too much credit cnniiot be given tnc nnd thutr oftlcicnt force. I did all I could luivo the thing carried out decently and order , iiud think wo succeeded fairly we Thetro was not it crowd in the Jail aud vo tow curiosity seekers. Tlio Jury wus of bu nets men nud outside of these aud a few Hi class physicians , who wore present for sck title purpose * ) , there wore ouly the rcprcsi tutlves of the proas. " 'ilo you Uko uny significant meaning fn the last words of the doomed men 1" "No , I do not , " replied the sheriff. He sat still n minute , thluking of the brok Bontunco of Parsons when Uio drop full , a thonsald : "With the strained public sentiment I t not deem IVcxiK-dlent to huvo the men ma long ipceches ut that timo. Of course It cunlomary and It is bollovod that a mnii c talk u much us ho pleases on thu scaffold , I them Is no law authorizing it. I depmrd me Uiat it wonld only lead to cxcit/nnei ' had boon no understanding ; thnt th would be allowed to talk front tlio scaffold , but , on the contrary , us wo worn going to the gallows , I was tohi by lr , Dolton that they did not want to , ns they had written n great deal to bo printed. " "Do you apprehend that there will bo nny trouble at the funeral I" "No , I do not. I think the better Judgment of the friends of the unfortunate men will prevail , and that nothing will bo done to of ' work. " cause n repetition to-day's "Why was the cxccutiou delayed from 10 to 12 o'clock ? " "Merely to glvo the mon all the chance to csoapo their doom that there wa . It was my intention yesterday to have the work over promptly at 10 o'clock , but when I heard that Captain lilaek was at Springfield plead ing with tbo governor , I decided to hold oft and give them the benefit of their counsel's work. I did not care to huvo It said that wu luid rushed them to eternity when theret was a chance of their being saved. And so I walled. Wo were ready at 10 , but n short tirao before that a telegram cunio that Captain Black was Interceding with the governor. At 1 ( ] :15 : a second dispatch came that Captain Illack had left the executive's pres ence and that the latter hod declared it his ir revocable intention not to interfere further with the verdict of the courts. I might have hanged them , then , but waited until the usual time hero for carrying out the execution. " The sheriff does not seem to fear that ho will bo prosecuted by Attorneys Black and Solomon , its per notice yesterday , but ex pressed himself thnt it was a very foolish no tion. Ho believes Mrs. Parsons should bo watched and prevented from traveling around ns the "widow of a martyr" to carry out the work of organizing the anarchists. Tlio Con Tension Much Discredited. Nuw YOKK , Nov. 11. The story told in the nfllduvit of the convict Mayhoff , to the effect that Klccman Schucbo had confessed that ho threw the Haymarkot bomb , Is greatly dis credited by the police. Mayhoff was con victed of incendiarism nnd sent to the peni tentiary on Sehuotzo's testimony , and his affi davits give evidence of having been made for revenge. Schuetzo was Interviewed to-day and declared the story entirely The entire pollco force of the city wrs held in readiness nt all the most available points throughout the city during the day for Instant service. If required. Tlio city remained perfectly quiet , however , throughout the day. The captains of police nulled at headquarters in the af ternoon nnd were given orders to put the an archists under special surveillance , day and night , from now on until otherwise in structed. An Oregon Swing. LAKAYKTTE , Oro. , Nov. 11. Richard E. Wurplo was hanged this afternoon for the murder of David I. Corker. THE NKWJTlN TOWN. How It wns Keeciv d at the llullctlns and on the Street. The all nbsorbing topic of conversation in Omaha yesterday was thu execution of tlio anarchists. Crowds begun to assemble around the bulletin boards as early as 7 o'clock in the morning and before 0 o'clock the sidewalks In front wore packed with n mixed assemblage of both sexes. By 10 o'clock , and from that time until noon , when the bulletin giving the time nt which the drop cfell the crowds increased , and reached In some pi- stances across the street. Every little detail , even to the statement : "Tho chief deputy has just arrived nt the jail , " was the subject ol discussion. The crowd seemed to be moro in u bantering mood than otherwise , The bulletin announcing the fall of the drop was received at the telegraph ofllcc in Omaha at precisely 12 in. Twenty minutes later the newsboys wore calling on the .streets , "Kro yer extra HKK all about the execution. " The papers \\ercboughtbefore half of the boys had got two blocks away , and they rushed back for moro.i Manyjmen in their haste gave the boys n dime or a quar ter , and hurried off to devour the news with out waiting for change. The edition was nil extra large onu to bo issued so soon after the execution. TWO 11ED FLAGS. They Nearly liicitu a Mob to tlio De struction of lOd WIlllnni.s'TallorShop At noon , just as the whistles proclaimed the hour for dinner in a hundred manufac- .orics , the business places and railroad head quarters were being emptied of their cm- iloyes , the news arrived that the burth anarchist had been robed foi ho grave , and immediately watchers 'elt thut but u few moments more must ilapso before the receipt of the last infor- nation that the celebrated criminals had lM3cn strangled into eternity. Just at this moment there wus u perceptible diminution of the crowds about the bulletins and on the streets and u hasty scramble into the allei "xjtwccn Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth and Douglas aud Furnam streets. For u time t was thought u serious crime md boon committed which was the result of a discussion growing out of the ragedy. As a consequence in the crowd vero several policemen. When the BKB ro xirter reached the spota crowd hud gathered n the alley mentioned , in the rear of Ed , Williams' tailor shop und against C. S. Higgins - gins St. Cloud Cufo saloon. There it stood , looking up ut two little red flags which were extending from tlio windows of the second story of Williams' shop. They wore aboul 18x9 inches in dimensions and hung about i foot nnd nnd u half beyond the window sill They were dra | > cd In black , nd to the ex ; itcd crowd outside looked as if tho.\ lad been placed in positioi > y some anarchist sympathiser who worked n William's place. Some of the spectator : thought the aflulr a serious matter whil < others considered it as a joke. . All , however regarded it a joke of doubtful good taste , am some of the spectators felt disposed U make it a serious matter. The latter looked around for missile ! and found plenty of brick , with which the\ % armed themselves , intending , it is presumed to mulin short work of the windows in whiel the offensive rags hung. During this scarcl several of the alley crowd rushed into tin rear entrance of the shop and ttpstniri to see who was responsible for tin sympathy which had be-on expressed for thi dying lawbreakers , but found the place un occupied. All the workmen , it seems , luu left the place for dinner , and before goini some of thorn had displayed thu rags de scribed. When the crowd reached the alle ; again a colored man connected with tin establishment rushed to the windows am pulled in the blood-red banners. This dis armed the men with the bricks nnd the alloy was soon deserted. When Mr. Williams wus notified of whn had been done und the danger his men stooi of being assaulted by the crowd , horemarkei that ho diil not know that the latter had don < anything to excite the people , nnd if the ; did , it would but serve them right if the ; were roughly treated. The affair happil , terminated without Injury , and it is like ) , some anarchists , or pretended anarchist * will lose their positions. 1'AUSONS IN OMAHA. The Noted Anarchist Was Once n Coin poRltor tii This City. A. H. Parsons , ono of the anarchists ex < outed yesterday In Chicago , resided I Omaha during u portion of the years of 187 und 1870. Ho followed the trade of a printe mid is well remembered by many of the oldc compositors. Mr. Richard Donnelly , no < connected with the Palace saloon on Farnai street was a comiKisltor at tliat time an worked In the sumo oilico with Parsons. 'V that time ho was quite a young man , " SB ! Mr. Donnelly , "ami was quli and " * unassuming in demeanor unlci engaged In u discussion of the labor quostioi Ho hold extreme socialistic views , but w ; not what could bo called an anarchist. II seemed sincere , and impressed every oi with the honesty of his sentiments. Ho w ; a fair workman und made fair wages , whlc ho spent freely. Parsons was always willlr to assist iv fellow 'workman , and wus qui popular with his associates. " Mr. Juson Lewis , now engaged as a cot positor on the Herald , was seen at his bom all South Twenty-forth street , yc UiiMay , und asked If ho r numbered Parsons. Mr. Lewis replied : ' remotnbor the uufortunato man well , l\ \ cuniu to Ontuhu some time during the latt part of l T.'i.and worked us a 'sub1 on the Be Horuld ami Itupubllcun. Shortly after tl trial ot thu anarchists I wus in Chicago at went to considerable pains to ascertain If tl condumncU man was tbo taipo pcrton ttutt had known here. ThU 1 found to bo the case , although I wiw Unable .to sec him , per- Ronnlly. Parsons was qulto n young man when became hers. Ho was n hnndsomo fellow , and by his gentlemanly conduct made frlunos fast. Ho wns a fair Workman , unk was one of the vulctest men 1 over knew except when discussing trades unions. At that time the charter of the local ledge of the tvpgraphlcal union had Itccn surrendered. This occurred shortly befor6 Parsons came to Omaha. Ho became qulto prominently known in printing circles by his strong advocacy of trades unions , nnd took every occasion to tell the locul comixisl- tors of the bcnuflta to bo derived from usso- elating together for mutual protection. Ho wns an extremist , and his radical views did not meet these of the majority of his follow workmen. Ho remained in Omaha for sev eral months , nnd that was the last 1 over heard of him until the day after the Hay mar ket riot In Chicago. " It Is assorted by many who ought to know that Parsons was secreted by friends in this city utter ho made his light from Chicago nnd that during the whole time prior to Ills voluntary surrender on the opening day of the trial remained hero. THE UTKH AGAIN. Indications of Coining Trouble Be tween Them and the Settlers. DKXVKII , Colo. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the UKE. ] Word has Just been re ceived hero from Hlro , Colo. , thnt the south ern Ules are in n fair way to make troublo. Thcro are a great tmtnyof them off the reser vation hunting and trapping just now and arouse the Ira of the settlers. A large band of them have recently been "doing" Bear creek , which is ono of the finest hunting grounds left in the southwest. They hunt the deer , which are found hero In largo num bers , for the hides , nnd only take the best parts of the meat. In hunting they fire the forests , and thus drive the game to a certain part where the bucks are In waiting with their guns , and when the game Is shot down without trouble , they thus butcher It nnd ruin the timber ut the same timo. Naturally the white settlers do not take favorably to this work and have protested. The Indians nro sulky nnd pay no attention. Trouble is feared. COUNTY ELECTION IlETUUNS. DnWHon. PLUM CRBRK , Neb. Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to tlio Bun. ] The official canvass of Dawson county gives the republican state ticket 450 majority. Hnnicr , republican can didate for district Judge , gets 300 majority over Greene , democrat. Edmistcn , demo crat , was elected county clerk ; Holcombe , democrat , county treasurer , and Smith aud Bacon , democrats , county commissioners. Taylor , republican , was elected sheriff , ns also were Stewart , superintendent ; Hosen- berg , coroner , and Edwards , surveyor. The total vote of tno county was 1,000. ' The handsome largo new brick b'loek Just erected by A. Abel & Co. was this evening brilliantly illuminated with gas , the firm having put in new machinery for its manu facture. The fifty burners worked splen didly nnd crowds were attracted to'.aco the first building lighted by gas iu the cify. MadlHou. NORFOLK , Nob. , Nov. 11. [ Special to the UEK. ) The following are the majorities in Madison county : Maxwell , 104 ; Norris for Judge , 245. The majorities by which the democrats on the county ticket were elected are : Menuningor , treasurer , 201 ; Flynn , sheriff , ! S ; Berry , clerk , 8TQ ; Bohannon , superintendent , 480 ; Hu-hcs , commissioner , 9. The following are the majorities for re publicans on the county ticket : Tyrrellclerk of the courts , 542 ; Duncan , judge , lii'J ; Lati- imcr , surveyor , S3 : Tanner , coroner , 04. Dixoii. POXCA , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to thu BRK. ] The republican candidates are all elected in Dixon county. The republican majority on the state ticket is 2-10. Norris' election for district Judge U conceded by the democrats. A Youns Man's Suicide. SENICA , Kan. , Nov. 11. ] Speciivl Telegram to the Bun. ] Nelson B. Kendall , a young man who has been working south of Seneca duriug the past year , committed suicide Tuesday by shooting. Before ho committed the deed ho wrote a note giving his monej and effects to his sister , a Mrs. Motcalf , ol Hillsdalc , la. No cause was given moro than thut ho was tired of lifu. The body will be interred hero this evening unless other dis position is requested by his sister. at Ivy City. Nov. 11. The weather at Ivy City was cold and the track muddy. Three-quarters mile : King Idle won , Mary T second , Vixen Colt third. Tirno- l:21tf. : One and sixteenth miles : Valiant won , Pasha second , Pericles third. Time 1 :3J. : Ono milo : Bess won , Frank Wurdsecond , Royal Arch third. Time 1 :48 > . Seven-eighths mlle : Young Duke won , Joe Lee second , King Crab third. Time irfr , > 4' . Hurdles , ono nnd a Half miles : Johti Henry won , Willie Palmer second , Welling. ton third. Time a : ( B f. Unknown Schooner on n Hccf. POUT AUSTIN , Mich , , Nov. 11. This morn- g the life-saving boat Patriot discovered aii .uiknown schooner on the Port Austin roof : ialf a milo from hero. The life-savers spenl most of the forenoon trying to shoot a lint over her , but without success The life-saving crow of Puint the Barques wus telegraphed for and after repeated strug glcs and failures succeeded in getting througt 'ho breakers and started for the schoonci .list before dark. They have not yet returnee and much anxiety is felt as to their safetj ind that of the crow of the schooner. * The American Health Association. MKMPIIIS , Tcnn. , Nov. 11. The America : Public Health association held Its oloshi ( session to-day and'elected ofllccrs for the en .ulng year. Resolutions were adopted urg ng the quarantine authorities at marltimi lorts and elsewhere to exercise the utrnos xjsslblo vigilance. Judge Vandcrvoro Overruled. CINCINNATI , Nor. 11. The circuit court ha overruled the action of Judge Vandervero ii appointing a receiver for the Cincinnati Hamilton & Dayton road , and in gruntiii ] an injunction against the disposal of Ivcs securities. Fatal Accident to a Child. ROCKI-OUT , Mo. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. ] Thotwo-yoar-olddnughtc of C. E. Blake , a prominent grocery man o this place , fell from a chair yesterday aftei noon while playing In the house , and receive injuries from which she died about 10 o'cloc this morning. To Consumptives or those with weak lungs , spitting o blood , bronchitis , or kindred affection ot throat or lungs , send 10 cents i stamps for Dr. R. V. Pierco'a trontis on these maladies. Address the doctoi Buffalo , N. Y. Grevy Relieves Wilson Innocent. PAIIIS , Nov. 11. President Grevy , In anil tcrview with a number of the deputies to-da ; said ho believed Wilson Innocent and that I would confound bis enemies. Ho declare that should hla guilt bo proved ho would r sign the presidency Instantly. * Common Sense Should bo used in attoinptinjr to cut that very disagreeable disease , catarrl As cntari'h originates in impurities i the blood , local applications can do n pormanontrgood. The commonIsem method of treatment is to purify tl ) blood , and for this purpose tnoro is r preparation superior to Hood's Sarsapi rilla. That this peculiar medicine do < cure catarrh is shown by the many test raonlala from people who have found r < lief upon using it whoa all others ha failed. A booTc containing statomon of cures Bent on receipt of two-cei stamp , by O. I , HOOD & ' ' CO.j Lowel t PNTILLUS , QUITE CAUSTIC , Secretary LnrfftxrJ Writes a Sharp Letter to Sparks , i HARMONY IN'JHE DEPARTMENT. In Order to Itrlng It About Either the Laud CoiiiinlHHjoticr Or Ills Su perior Must1 lleHlK" Wash- liiKtoii NOWH. An Open Hunt lire. WASIIIXOTOX , Nov. 11. Secretary Lamar this afternoon sent a letter to Commissioner Sparks , sharply repllng to n communication from the latter , relative to the adjustment of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis ft Omaha railroad land grants , and informing Sparks , In conclusion , thatclthorho or the secretary must forthwith retire from the department. The cnso in point Is that wherein Sparks decided the Omaha road had forfeited a largo amount of their granted land. Shortly after Secretary Lamar received Sparks' decision and reversed it , restoring the lands to the railroad company. Sparks wrote a long letter to the secretary protesting against the re versal. The secretary In reply says ho Is fortunately able to answer It conveniently and with rapidity because every point submitted by Sparks has been subject to reconsideration , "having been presented through the columns of the press , whoso enterprise put them in pos session of thcso points before I was apprised that the decision roforrcd to In your letter had incurred your disapproval nnd met with your displeasure. " The secretary then goes on. at grout length , to consider the points in his decision which Sparks had claimed were er roneous nnd to show why , from his standpoint , they were correct. "I have , " udds ho , "neither disposition to enter upon polomio discussion with a subor dinate nor to engage witli him , ut his insist- anco , in a gladiatorial combat , . especially so in n mutter in which ho has received my carefully matured Instructions a matter of pressing importance lu the public adminis tration of my public duties. In no other way can the functions of a great public department bo successfully executed than for a chief to command nnd subordinates to obeyV After further consid ering various points raised by the commis sioner , the secretary says : "I had conceived it my duty , as the head of this department , to direct you us to what duties I require you to IHjrforin. I hud also conceived it to bo equally your duty , under the same obligations , to obey my Instructions or withdraw yourself from the duty of so doing in the ouly way recognized under the laws , and usages of public life , in civilized countries , especially so when I was myself but acting in direct conformity to the recent act of congress which imposes on me the ex clusive duty of causing thcso grants to bo adjusted. The practical effect of your pres ent course is that y6u cannot execute my orders and follow nij * instructions and co- operuto in my 'administration with out surrendering ' opinions which should be conscientiously entertained with rofercnco to 'a ' vitally important interest. It is ns impossible for me , in con travention of my own opinions , arrived at after long and anxiotls study , to surrender them to you. Under thcso circumstances it is duo to the orderly nnd decorous adminis tration of government , 'to tlio important pub lic interest , to thocomnion causecoullded into our hands by the prcsldentund to the iwrsonal regard wo should both entertain for him , that ho should bo allbwcd to cheese n secre tary of the interior \yli6 will conform his ad ministration to your opinions or appoint n commissioner of public lands who will ad minister his bureau , ln harmony , spirit and concert of action with the chief of the depart ment. This alternative I shall submit to the president. " _ _ _ _ _ Army Orders. WASHINGTON , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to the Bun. ] Captain J. G. Knight , corps of engineers , has been relieved from duty at Willets Point , N. Y. , and detailed as instruc tor of infantry and cavalry in the school at Fort T-iO.ivcnworth. The leave of absence granted Captain W. S. McCaskey , Twentieth infantry , has been extended three months , First Lieutenant John Pope , Jr. , First artil lery and Second Lieutenant O. F. Parker , Second artillery and D. D. Andrews , Fifth artillery have beeu ordered to Willots Point , N. Y. . for a seven months course in torpedo practice. C. C. Woolworth , of Omaha , is nt the Ebbit. Pensions Issued. WASIHNOTON , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to the BBB. ] The following pensions were issued for Nebraska to-day : Minors of A.n- drewD. Barnhart , Shelton. Original Honrj II. Moore , Orleans. Increase William Miller lor Algernon , Garrctt ; V. D. Hageman , Milford - ford ; John Kuhn , Bremerj Willis Hardin , Oakland. Reissue David Matthew , Belvid- ores. Reissue nud increase Benjamin W , Clark , Stanton. Pensions for lowans. Lucy A. , mother oi William S. Doughtcry , Carroll City ; Ruth , widow of Perry S. Lamphcre , Strawborrj Point ; Hunnch C. widow of George C. Car- ringer , Boono. Mexican war. PetorRinnor , Murray ; John S. LewisEast Elkport. Origi nal George A. Miller , Bloomflold : Willian lt | Wallace , New Sharon. Incre.iso Will hun G. MUlin , Iowa Oity ; Walker Garontho Adol ; Lyman Church , Emmetsbury ; Will iam Ladrugun , Lyons. Reissue and increase Xlna Henderson , Okoboji ; George L. Far rington , Centre Junction ; Ancil Powell , Can tril. Restoration , reissue nnd Increase George C. Carringer , deceased , Bonne. Res ( oration and increase Joseph E. Joy , Colum bus Junction ; George W. Wilson , Lorila. Arrival of a Shipwrecked Crew. Nuw YOUK , Nov. 11. The bark Union ar rived hero to-day from Permanbuco , bring Ing six of the crow of the bark Augusta f ron Swansea for Aspinwnll , wrecked October 14 it n hurricane- . The captain , mate and ono salloi were washed overboard. The remuinini twelve of the crew took to the boats , six ii each. The rescued sailors have no doub that the other boat wont down with all hands as she was barely stove. The rescued mci were afloat eleven days and were prcparini to cast lots to see who should bo killed am eaten when rescued. Weather ludiuntioiiH. For Nebraska : Fair weather , light t < fresh variable winds/generally southerly slightly warmer. ' For Iowa : Fair wcajher , light to frosl variable winds , generally shifting to south erly , slightly wanner. For Eastern aud Central Dakota : Warmer fair weather , followed byJocal rains or snow light to fresh variable winds. Minnesota's Prison-Warden Indicted MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. " 11. The Stlllwate grand Jury found two indictments against II G. Stordock , warden oftlio ( state prison , on for criminal libel and ona for subornation o perjury in connection.- with his charge Reod.- against ex-Warden - i Keep your blood pnrd and you will no have rheumatism. Hood's Sarsaparill purifies the blood , and tones the whol Bystetn. Hod need Jlatca. CIIICAOO , Nov. 11. A reduction of rate from 70 to 55 cents per 100 pounds on cotto piece goods from Chicago to Missouri rive points is announced. Foodinukes Blood and Blood make Beauty. Improper digestion of food iu ooBsanly produces bad blood , rosultin in a feeling ot dullness in the etomaul ftcidity , heartburn , sick headache , an other dybpoptio symptoms. A , closol confined lifo cuu&us iuditfodUon , const : pation , billiousiiLT-s and loss of uppotlU to remove ; tliewi troubles there is n remedy equal to Pr.lokly Ash Bitters. ] has been Irjcd ii'id ' pvovwn to be specific. * ' . > ' WILSON'S tVIOKEDXKSS. M. OroTjr's Bon-ln-Imw Severely De nounced by the French I'rcHW. tCopi/r/uht / / tRfJly Jainei Oonliw lloitiett. ] PAIIH , ( via Havro ) , Nov. 11. [ Now York Herald CnWo Special to the HER. ] The otorm clouds nro gathering nnd the rorltnlila cyclone seems to bo about to break upon M. Wilson's devoted head. M. Charles Laurent , whoso polemics against the first son-ln-luw of the republic ; 'almost ' equal Clcoro'a denunciation of Cntallno , wrltos in yesterday's Paris Mais la Prcslilcnco : "It becomes moro nnd moro probable that wo nro are approaching a presi dential crisis. So much tha worse for the men who flud themselves entangled In the fray. Now , nt last , Franco is able to draw n long breath of relief , for slio now feels that she is to bo freed , even though by means of a hot Iron , from the gangrene , the kcrnal of which was nnd still is at the Elyseo. M. Paul do Cassagnne , who shares with M. Henri Rochofort the sobrlgnetof Rupcr 1'Autorito , nays : "Cost un immense brigandage sur touto la ligue. " Not only docs the son-in-law of the president of the republic appear ns n dofraudcr of the treasury , ns a swindler fishIng - Ing In dirty waters , ns n purveyor of decora- tlou , us n partucr of tramps ; but now ho Is suspected of still graver crimes. Public opinion asks who profits by the stealing of the documents from the Llniousan-CafTcrat trial ; who protlts by the robbery of letters from the Portalls house. Why , Mr. Wil son , and ho nlono , and lucky will It bo for the president of the republic who continues to protect this dcclasscs , If ho him self is not swept away bcforo the cry of in dignation thut now resounds on all sides. The Temps , with Its characteristic wisdom nnd moderation , calls upon the French people to draw the line between the personages that occupy the Elyseo nnd the republican institu tions themselves. It says : The hour may como ut any moment when it will bo neces sary to rail/ and demand the republic. All parties opposed the republic are at this momcn in battle array against it. Franco wants the republic to-day just ns strongly as she wanted it yesterday and all republicans should learn once for all that they have nothing to expect , nothing to fear nnd nothing to hope for , ex cept from themselves. " Meanwhile , M. Grevy has not the faintest idea of resigning nnd still plucklly holds his umbrella over his son-in-law. M. Wilson passes his time almost exclusively at the Elyseo , although his nomi nal residence is at the famous hotel in the avonu * d' Icna , As CufTnrel loft the puluis justic this evening on temporary freedom , ho seemed to the crowd collected as a hero cornpajM with Wilson , who is now de nounced by almost everybody. THE CUOWN PUIXCE. Ills Physicians Say That He is Greatly Improved. [ Copi/rto/it / ISSTbu Jnme.1 Gordon Tlcnnctt. ' ] SAN RKMO , Nov. 11. [ Now York Herald Cable. Special to the Bui : . ] There is hope for the crown prince. T\\o of his doctors have left him. Dr. Schmidt , whoso advent , was trumpeted forth so pompously , has van ished Bcrllnwards charged with good news to the kaiser. Dr. Schroder , the Viennese wonder , who has performed on the Imperial throat ho brought his instrument ready harpened with him marched off to Vienna his afternoon. Ho said they had every cason , indeed , to look radiant , for at n grand consultation of the doctors assembled hero , vhich took pluco this morning , it was agreed hat the condition of the crown prince was so much better that no operation , after all , would bo necessary This afternoon the crown rinco was allowed to take u drive. Ho talks n n low tone of voice with the crown princess and children , and Prince William is so much reassured that ho thinks of leaving for Berlin to-morrow morning. The doctors to-day were unanimous in agreeing with Sir Morrell Mackenzie that no nternal operation of any kind will bo needed for weeks to como if nt all. Mackenzie will envo San Rcmo for London Sunduy or Mon day. Ho feels elated at his triumphs. Ho .ells mo ho felt confident all along but called a his German colleagues hi deference to German susceptibilities. Ho will return in wo or three weeks to perform the internal operation which is the removal of another fragment of fungoid , growth which , ns al ready cabled , will bo submitted to Virchow for microscopic examination. The crown prince's doctor informs mo that chances ol eventually saving the patient nro infinitesi mal hardly ono in. twenty. Tlio crown prince has now decided not leave San Rcino this winter unless an unexpected change in the kaiser's health obliges his return to Berlin. Tlio Forty Thieves. _ Coji/r(07it ) ( ISS7 by James Gordon TJcniictl. ] BUUHSKLS , Nov. 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BUB. ] "All Baba , ot the Forty Thieves , " nn opera bouffo in font acts and eight tableaux , wus produced at the Theater Alhambra to-night bcforo nil the beauty and fashion of the Belgian capital with deserved success , although it did not como up to the "Fillo Madame Angot. " The chorus of robbers in the first act , Nous soinmcs quaranto , Quaranto voleurs , Qui Jetons 1'epouvanto Chez les voyageurs had a tremendous success , was vociferously applauded and encored , and is likely to become - como popular all over Europe bcforo a fort night. Tlio fourth" act is , from a musical point of view , rather a slight wasto. Musi cally the libretto of Vanloo and Husnach la not particularly original or witty. The scon- cry und costumes of the ballot are all superb , Dcchacnes , the popular Belgian baritone , sang finely in the role of Alt Baba , and Mine Simon Girnrd scored a brilliant success in the third act with nn Arabic song , "Falmn ma Bicn Aimio. " As the curtain fell at 1:30 : this morning all the actors were culled out nnd the nudlcnco went homo contented. A Gncllo Disruption. DUIIMN , Nov. 11. A complete disunion of the Gaelic athletic asssciation has taken placo. After the meeting at Thurlcs yostcr- terday Father Scanlan and delegates from Tipporary , Kilkenny , Wloklow , Wcxfon ! nnd Dublin withdrew from the organization , licensing the other members of tin intention to clash with the National league and Fenian association. Archbishop Croko also resigned his membership. The Freeman's Journal deprecates the movement and says thnt mis understanding such as these have often before fore Injured Irish prospects and blastct Irish hopes. PYTHIAN KNTKIU mSE. Organizing to Build the $2OOOO ( Castle to Do Erected. Tlio Pythian Knights' Building assoclatlot wus formally organized last night , and tin notable event was celebrated by a spread a the St. Cloud , when Quartermaster Hlggin : demonstrated his capabilities as a caterer His bounteous larder was well taxed , and thi assembled knights tested the products of thi vineyard sparingly and witli the eclat o counosleurs. At the meeting of the stockholders the foi lowing named ofllccrs were elected : Presl dent , Doctor Dlnsmore ; vice-president , General oral J. E. Smith ; secretary , J. A , Brown treasurer. D. Kauflinun ; board of directors Isaoo Shlff , L. Mendelssohn , Thomas Burrcl ! Chariot S. Hlggins. Henry Creightoa am tbo principal four officers. The proposed building Is to bo erected 01 tha northeast corner of Sixteenth and Duvou port streets , U to bet chleily of stone ani marble , six stories In height , and b ) to cost Ii the neighborhood of 1200,000. The flrat floor will bo occupied by stores. Mr. Mandelsohi prepared the plans , and a very pnitty &ni substantial building is assured. The Seven Cuticura Boys Tlieso seven beautiful boys o\vo thulr beauty of skin , luxuriance of hulr , purity ot blood and rcodom from hereditary taint or humors to the celebrated CUTICUKA UIMIIUIH. : : Thousands of children nro born Into the world every day with some cczumatoiis affection , such as milk crust , scll head , scut f or dnndrutr , Hiiro o develop Into an agonizing eczema , the itch- ng , burning , and disfiguration oC which make Ifo a prolonged torture unlos.s properly trontoil. A warm bath with CUTICUIIA SOAP , an oxo.uls- to skin bonutltlor , aud n slnglo application of 'UTICUIIA , the Gieat Skin due , with a llttlo yimcuiM'.NT , tha Now Itliiod I'uriller , s often sulllclcnt to arrest the progress of thu disease , and point to a speedy and iwrnmuent euro. Your most valuable CUTICUIIA ItKMKiiir.s have lone my child so much good thnt I fcc > l like say- ng this for the benefit of those who nro troubled vlth skin dlseaso. My little girl was troubled vlth Kczema , and I tried several doctors and nediclnes , but did not do her any good until I isodtho CUTICUIIA UI.MKDII'.S : , which speedily aired her , for which I owe you many thanks aud nauy nights of ret. ANTON HOSSMIEH. Edinburgh , hid. Sold everywhere. Price , CuriciniA. Mo ; SOAP , 23c ; ItKSor.vnxT , tl. Prepared by the Porrttt Unun AND CIIKMICAI. Co. , Itobton , Mass. fSCTScml for "How to Cum Skin Diseases , " Cl ingos , TO illustrations , nml inn testimonials. ' 10 Skin anil Scalp preserved nnd beaut 1- ' Hud by CUTICUIIA il A TRAIN WRECKS ITSELF , Fatal Collision of. Oars With au Eu- gino Near Dubuquo. THE FIREMAN INSTANTLY KILLED. A Venire iNHticd For .Jurors to Try Arensdorf Sale of the DON MolucH & Osceola Road Nebraska and Iowa News. Killed In a Ilallroad Wreck. DunuQUE , In. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to tlio Br.K. ] Early this morning nn extra train on the Minnesota & Northern railroad broke In two near Lament , la. The engine , with cars attached , stopped to water at Lament , and , while doing so , the detached cars followed down the track. The collision threw the llreman , John Casey , off the car while ho was pulling the water pipe , and ho was run over and Instantly killed. Brnko- mun Kemp was also thrown from a car and was seriously injured. Two of the cars loaded with Hour wore badly wrecked. Casey was an unmarried man , thirty years old , residing - siding in this c.ty. Barn and Cattle Rurncd. Sioux Cmr , In. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BRK. ] Yesterday the barn , to gether with two head of cuttle , a number of hogs und a quantity of grain , belonging to John Means , living cast of the city , was de stroyed by lire. The three-year-old son of Mr. Means got possession of matches , un known to his mother , nnd went out to the barn. Ho set flrc to a bunch of hay near the barn door , and thus the lire. A Vciilro for Are.nsilorfH Caso. Sioux Cm1 , la. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BKB. ] Judge Wakcfleld has is sued a special venire of seventy-five Jurymen in the Arensdorf case. Forty of these are drawn from the county and the balance from the city. It is now thought that when tlio case is called on the 14th hist. , there will bo no delay. Fort Mndison'H Itig Itrldgv. FOUT MADISON , la. , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to the BKB. ] The 400 foot draw span of the now Santa Fo bridge crossing the Mississippi river at this point , was swung for the first time ut 2 p. in. to-duy. The totul length of the iron work is 1,935 foot , the approaches preaches increasing the length to one-half mile. Trains will bo running across by the 1st of December. But three und a half miles of track remains to bo laid between the river and Gulcsburg , 111. This will bo done in a short time so that trains are expected to run through to Chicago from the Pacific coast before New Years. Chadrou After the B. & M. CiiAimoN , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BBC. ] There is great excite ment over the B. & M. coming to Chadron. A number of surveys have been run toward Chadron. Last evening , nt an enthusiastic mass meeting of citizens Thomas H. Glover , A. C. Putnam , D. F. Uichards and Ilobort Hood were appointed to go to the 11 , & M. officials and offer inducements which will bring them here. The gentlemen are four prominent capitalists nnd go prepared to pre sent suQlcient bonus in inonuy und land to induce thu road to locate u division and shop at this place. Enough prominent men have this matter in hand to warrant success and have awakened to tne fact that Chudron is bound to bo a railroad center and the B & , M , Is only waiting for some Inducement to como hero ut onco. The subject of waterworks and electric light was also taken up. A prom * inent Lincoln man presented plans to put in waterworks at onco. These plans will un doubtedly bo accepted and u franchise granted. Judicial and Military. SinXEr , Neb , , Nov. 11 | Spcciul Telegram to the HER. ] General and Mrs. Monow tendered an elegant reception this evening to the members of the bar and Judiciary of this district nt present in attendance nt court. Ho was ably assisted by the ludliss and ofll ccrs of the garrison. Among these present were Judge Homer , Judge Thurston ol Omaha , Judges Lacy and Corlotto of Chey enne , Judges Heist , Norvell , Royner , Mcln- tosh , Uoilly , Sheriff Eubank , Juilt'eSliermun und many others. The Des MolnoM & Osceolu Iloud. DM MOIJUSS , la. , Nov. 11. ThoDesMolnca & Osccola railroad waa sold to-day by order of the United States court to M. V. B , Edgerly , uf Springftold.Mass. , for fiOS.OOO. The Tire Uncord , Muurnis , T un. , Nov. 11. Brooks , Nouloy Ii Co.'s cotton warehouse burned this overi' Lncr with the conteuls. Loss , ,50OtX , ) ; in surance , $300,000. Our oldest child , now six years of iige , when an infant sK months old , was attacked with n virulent , nmllKiianl skin dl-cnso. All ordinary remedies falling , wo called our family physician , who attempted to cum It ; but Itspro.ul with al most Increillblu tupidlty , until tlio lower portion tion of the llttlu fellow'n person , from tlio mill- dlo of his back down to his know , was ono solid null , ugly , painful , blotched , and malicious. Wo had no rest nt night , no pence by day. Khmlly , wo w ere advised to try the CimoniA HKMKIIII- : * . The elfect wns simply marvellous. In tliico or four weeks a complete curowns wrought , IcavliiK the. llttlu fellow's poison ns white and healthy as though ho had nnver been attacked. In my opinion your valuable reme dies saved his llfo , und to-day ho 1 a strong , healthy child , perfectly well , no repetition of the ilKcaso over having occurred. OHO. II. SMITH. Att'y nt Law und r.vl'ios. Atl'y , AHhhind , O. UKFKHK.NUI : : J. O. Welst , Diugglst , Ashlunrt , O. One ago the Ci'TicuiiA nml SOAP cured a , \ llttlu girl In our house uf the worst sore head wo \ oversaw , uncl the UIISOI.VKNT nnd CuTicmiA are now curing a young gentleman of a sere leg , -while the physicians mo trjlng to have It am- putat'ed. It will snve his log. S. U. SMITH Ar I1UO. , Covington , Ky. CuTirun HKMCIIIKS niu absolutely pure , nml the. only Infallible bklu bo.mtlllers nml blood purlllor.s. Ml'lilJS , bluckhemlH , chapped and oily skin pievonteil liy C'uiiciMA MII : > ICATII : > SOAP. Oil III Minnesota. A dispatch from Albert Lea , Minnesota seta , , says : A few weeks ngo this com munity was excited over the discovery of natural RIW upon the farm of A. G. Ilaxard , a few miles from this city. Yes- terday another discovery wus niiido in the .same neighborhood , which is moro wonderful if not more important. Tlio iiitinwtion of gn cous deposits was tlio oil Unit covered u smnll stream llowing through Mr. Hazard'M farm. The same phenomenon had boon vMblo for a number of years. Yesterday morn ing , while two mon in the employ of Mr. Iliward wore digging at the base of n small hill whence this stream flowed , they noticed a nuddon increase in the < { oily deposit. They dug into what f ij scenic d to bo n natural banin in a oloft formed by two largo rooks. The oxca- varion made was rapidly filled with iv thin yellowish oil and after the liolo had been cleared of debris , it filled quite rapidly with oil which spouted in thin jets from the Bides of the basin. A blast was neceswiry for further de velopments. This made an opening two feet wide in the side of the basin , showing a largo cavernous hole , from which proceeded a strong smell of oil. It was some time before the men dared to enter , being afraid of an explosion , but a safety lamp was procured from an old coal minor , who also volunteered to explore. Ho was gone hut a few mo ments when lie returned and called for fc a pail. This was furnished and he reentered - i entered the cavern. When ho came > out ho had the pall full of the thin yellowish - ' lowish oil which , free from dirt , was clear and translucent. I5ut u greater surprise was at hand. Thcro appeared to bo something living in the oil. Closer examination showed that there wore at least fifty small tlfih swimming about in tlio oil , as lively and unconcerned apparently as a speckled trout in his native stream. The fish uv- , orngod from an inch to two inches in length. They were of a bright yellow color nnd without scales. They resem bled the Hah of the river in Mammoth cave in that they had no eyes. In all other respects save these mentioned , they were like the common minnow. I Several pounds of thia wonderful variety - 1 ety of the llnny tribe were taken out. j An old Fronclunan , who wr.a oneo on- guged in the Bard i no llnliorios off the coast of Franco , prepared Homo of the liHh for the table , nnd declared them to be equal to the best sardines. Several scientific gentlemen are now analyzing and experimenting with the oil with a view of a&cortaining its value. * , A Sere Throat or Coujjli , If suffered to . progress , often results In an inmirablo thronti ' or lung troublo. "ItrouiH'a lironcMul Troches" clvo instant relief. Wanted Good iimido property for cash customer. Goo. J. Paul , 1009 Fai- nain ut. The Gorman Hmpr R * Paralyzed. P-nis , Nov. 11. Lo Martin says the em press of Gormuuy bus had an attack of apoplexy plexy , which has partly paralyzed her. Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease , with distressing and oltcnslvo symptoms. Hood'n 8arsaparllt.i gives ready relief nd speedy 'cure , Irom the fact It acts through tlio blood , and thus reaches every part ol the system. 111 guHerod with catarrh filtccu years. Took Hood's Samiiarlllii and I am not troubled any ' j with catarrh , and my general health Is much ' better. " I. W. JM.IM , 1'ostal Clerk Chicago & St. Louis Railroad. " I suffered with catarrh 6 or 8 years ; tried many wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , spend- Ingncarly one hundrrddollars without benefit. I tried Hood's Rarsaparllla , nnd was greatly Improved. " II. A. ADIIKY , Worcester , Mast. Hood's Barsaparlll * Is ebaractcrUed by three pccullatllles : 1st , the combination ot remedial agents ; 2dtho proportion ! Sd.tho proetit of securing the actlvo medlclu l qualities. The result Is a medicine ol unuiurt strength , -fleeting cuirs hltlierto unknown. Bend for book containing additional evldenco. 'Hoo(5's Birmi'arllla ' tonci up " > y w tcra. purities my llood , ; . " J. . .coins to make mo mer. Jircistcr ot Ucccls , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Sarsapnrilla others , nd 1 , worth it" weight In lf Wt" lUMtlKUTOir , iw JJunk Street , New iork CUy. Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all drurnl t - It i ili for 8. MwU only by 0.1. HOOD a CO. , Lowell , MM * . IOO Doses Ono. Dollar. . j