Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1887, Image 1
V" * r " * $ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 12 , 1887. NUMBER 147 , CLOSE OF A CRIME ! The Final Chapter in the Bloody Haymarkot Tragedy. ANARCHY'S BIG FOUR FALL. The Last Drop in Their Crimsoned , Ill-Starrod Career. THEY KNOW NO HEREAFTER And March Defiantly to Their Doom Mocking the Creator. SCENES ABOUT THE JAIL. A Flock of "Artists on the Spot" Sketch the "Dull Thud. " THE GUARDS .ON DUTY. The Building Thoroughly Protected By Armed Men. A FEW THRILLING INCIDENTS. Mrs. Parsons Charges on the Lines and is Taken Prisoner. ALL QUIET IN THE CITY. No Disturbance of Any Kind Mars the Solemn Execution. LAST APPEAL TO OGLESBY. The Governor Orders the Sheriff to Proceed With His Duty , DETAILS OF THE DEMISE. I'on I'iotnrcH of Hie Appionch of Oblivion mill UN CluiHtly Mnuhiii- cry CJrcctliiK Death With mid Cheery The Execution. CHICAGO , Nov. 11. I , Canute U. Matson , < < horiff of Cook county , Illinois , do hereby certify that on the llth duy of November , A. D. 18S7 , butwccn the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon mid 4 o'clock lu the afternoon of thnt day , at 11:57 : o'clock in the forenoon of Buid day , In the common Jail of said county , I did , us said sheriff , duly execute August Spies , Adolph Fischer , George Engcl mid Allxirt U. Parsons In conformity with the sentence of the criminal court of said county of Cook , in pursuance of the order and Jud gnicnt of the supreme conrt of Illinois , for the northern grand division , made and entered of record on the Hth duy of September , 18S7 , and in accordance with the statutes of the state of Illinois in such cases made and piovidcd. [ Signed. ] CANU n : It. M tTbo.v. "We , the undcrHigncd , who nro not rela tives of this nbovo named August Spies or the others , hereby ccitify that wo have wit nessed the execution by hanging of said August Spies ami others in the above rei till- cato set forth. " The signatures of twelve Chicago citizens nro appended to the solemn declarations nbovo and with them form the essential pub lic record of the death of the Ilaymarkct murderers. JIOllE UTTEll CONTEMPT or DEATH was probably never shown by any four men. From the first moments of the rooming till the duy closed upon them they would not see a shadow of ignominy or the hereafter. The seven hours from dawn until the hour passed to eternity were crowded full of such events stirring as a day of battle. Beginning with the flat refusal in the very teeth of death to accept a word of comfort from the reverend minister of religion , ono of their number , Fischer , sang to the Jail and the world the song of the French revolution , the famous "Marselllniso. " Then with , seemingly not a thought of the dread mnssacro nt the Hay- market , the four prepared for tliolr march toward the gallows almost as if It wore a pleasant holiday excursion. Extraordinary as were the scenes presented at this moment It was not till the first man stepped out upon I ho gallows that the great climax came The two hundred and moro writers with nlmblo flngers , waiting to spread tbo news to the farthest bounds of the earth , had almost to a man been gathered In the north corrldov of the Jail. There for Just an hour they wore Imprisoned In front of the dull scaffold , Not many of the two hundred who were present that did not bit uneasily upon his chair , thinking rapidly of the coming doom of four fellow-creatures , or perhaps oven more of the vague possibility of the Jnll and all within Its walls being blown to the blue sky by anarchistic dynamite. The long hour was not yet half completed when , La tht lull's distant south coirldor , unseen and un heard by the main body of lepoitors , bin Sheriff Matson t 11 t''a a. m. , accompanied by grim old Jailor Folz , maiily-looklng Rov. Dr. Uoltou and a score of stalwart deputies , stepped up close to the open door of August Spies' cell preparatory to mumxn THE IHHTH WUIIUXT to the four condemned Mien. Twenty minute : were occupied In this trying formality , rcn tiered doubly an ordeal by the horrible silence prevailing aud by the sickening odors comliij : from the room where lay the bloody corpse % of their comrades , Louis Llngg , the sulcldo Directly above , In their cell eloors , nppoarci the dark beards and darker eyes of the twe "commutedanarchists , Samuel Fioelen ) nm Schwab. Sheriff Matson , with quick breaU and heart beating high , carried unsteadily it hU hand the documents ordering lilm to carrj . out the sentence of the law , They were written On typewriters mid nil duly attested. Tin hugo Iron door swung back and Spies steppei .firmly forward In front of bis guard to lUtei to the rtadlng of the document. With hii fgrivurUUi , sheriff began reading. Commencing In a low voice , scarcely audible flvo feet away , ho slowly and carefully pronounced every separ ate word , &s the reading progressed ho gradually assumed his natural tone of voice , and , not stumbling or making an error , rend from beginning to end. Not a syllable was uttered by any ono but the sheriff and no other sound but his voice was heard save the subdued ticking of the telegraph Instruments a few feet away. Spies listened carefully to all that was said , but his faeo did not chungo for an Instant rturlug the reading through. It occupied nt least four minutes. When Sheriff Matson finished Spies looked at him a moment steadily , but without malevo lence , and then said , scntentlously : "Sheriff , you are now about to commit a Judicial murder. " Ho said nothing more , but stepped quickly from his cell threshold , giving himself to bo pinioned and then to bo hidden in one of the snow white shrouds , of which the deputy carried an armful. Spies , whilehelmbound , was hcen to bo dressed In a pair of dark woolen trousers and a shlit of light grey flannel , fastened at the throat with a tiny red. 'ord. ' Ills feet were encased in a pair of em broidered slippers. A fresh beard was grow- ng on his chin , and his light curly : inlr was brushed back carelessly. Taking ills watch from his pocket he banded It to the deputy , requesting him to deliver It to his nother. A strong leather belt was then mshcel around his body , securely fastening ils arms straight down to where a pair of bright nicklo-platcd manacles behind him fastened his wrists together. A moment later his body was completely enveloped in a slnoud , loosely gathered about his neck. The sheriff next addressed Adolph Fischer , who was even moro imliffeicnt than Spies at tlio foi mallty. Like Spies , ho told the sheriff that It was Judicial murder. Fischer had his slouch hat on , but ho lemovcd it as ho stepped out of his cell. Ho was neatly dtcsseil In a blue fiannel shirt , now dark breeches ami had been shaved but a few hours before. He noddcet to Spies in n pleasant mcnncr and asked him In German how ho felt. Spies smiled good-naturedly and replied that ho felt first-rate. Engel heard the reading of the denth- wnrrant with stolid indiffci euro and did not utter a single word of comment. A few min utes later while standing beside Spies iSid Fischer , ho said : "Well ! " As if to inquire their feelings. Spies and Fischer replied by smiling cheerily and nodding. Before their arms were pin ioned allot the men shook hands with Jailer Folz and the deputies surrounding them , all of whom they had become acquainted with during their many months' confinement. I'm sons' warrant was road last. Ho seemed to have nerved himself up ton great tension tuul had nothing to say iu reply. Like Engcl hu was clad in a full suit of black dress clothes , even to a Pi ince Albert coat. He stepped lightly from his cell when the read ing finished , but drew back Involuntarily at the sight of the thrco ghostly looking fig ures bound and shrouded before him. Again bo stopped out , now with a look of defiance. "Bind mo tight , " ho said , "and bo sure to make no mistake , " but the i\oputy \ complied too well. Parsons had him reach under the shroud and ease one of the straps. "That's better , " ho rcmarkcel with a smile. Now I am ready. " TUB MAUCH TO THE \LLOWS. . Forming in double file , each of the four an archists side by side with a deputy , were now headed cast and started for the gallows. A stop at the iron door of the cages was made for a chance to turn their beads in the direction of the second gallery of the Jail and bid good-bye several times to Schwab aud Fielden , receiving Broken , guttcral farewell salutes in return. Hero again spiritual con solation was offered by Kcv. Dr. Holton , now for the last time. A sarcastic smile lit up the faces of all four men as they resumed their tread along the corridor unel turned slowly into the dark cast angle , disappearing like ghosts up the steps of the gallows. The Diuvu oi'Day. CHICAOO , COOK COU.STV JAIL , Nov. 11 , 0:15 : a. in. During the long hours of the night the only newspaper men who were admitted to the inner precincts of the Jail were the rcp- lescntativcs of the associated press. They had quarters iu what is known as the lawyers' cage and wore within ten feet of the unnrrhibts. At four o'clock ono of them rondo a tour of the lower corridor where Spies , Parsons , Fischer and Engel wcio conllucel. In each cell were two stalwart guards , who stood watch over the anarchists. The former chatted In low tones and whispered jokes among themselves to whllo away the timo. Hut the talk and whispered Jokes were all lost on the prison ers. Each ono was In the heaviest of slum ' bers. f Spies lay on ono side , his head on bis arm , and slept as peacefully as a , babe. Fiseher had turned over on his back and the consequence quence was that ho frequently let out a snore that echoed In a staitllngm.innerthrough the silent corridors of the building. Engel lay motionless , as did Parsons , except that at times the latter stalled uneasily as If dreams were couusixa Timouau ins MIND. Then at Intervals the silence was broken by the stealthy walk of an armed guard , who made the rounds of tfio lower corridor to see that all was well. The only other dlstuibing clement was the mowing of the Jail cat , who kept up the nolso so persistently that at last a deputy bore down , captured and removed her to the basement , where her cries could not bo heard. All the common prisoners , to the number of about two hundred , wcro left In lliolr usual colls. The practice at.hangings lu Chicago cage Is to not remove thorn until a few hours bcforo the execution takes place. Shcrlfl Matson decided to follow the old rule. At the appointed time all of those located in tht tier of cells facing noith , and which com' inand a paitlal view of the scaffold , arc maivhod Into the tiers facing south , wheic not a glimpse of the execution can bo had. THIS oALLOWS for the present hanging arc located In the ex treme northwest corner of the cell room. Ar Inspection was made of them during thonlghl by the associated press representative. Thc > nro the largest over erected. In Cook county , They were originally built for the swinging off of the . thrco Italians whc klllefJ. a felibw-cottntryman and shipped his remains In a trunk to Pittsburg.At the time the mwdcrers were hung the trap was undo to comfortably hold three men , but to nce-ommodato the anarchists It has been en- ( he extent ot two feet and a half In width. To ivach the bcuffold the men whc nro to bo executed ; ire eseoi ted from the ) jail oihVo through tlio lower corrldoi , of ; tlio. cell rogift Vg , U kflj stairway which leads to the second tier. This Is n distance nt ton feet from the ground floor and the platform of the gallows Is even with this tier. The woodwork of the instru ment of destruction is painted , or rather stained , a very dull reddish brown , and as seen by the dim light of the gas jets was any thing but pleasant to look upon. The weird effect was heightened by the llttlo sentry box which is locateel Just west of the trap. In this is stationed the man who re ally Is the executioner. Into this box extends a ropo. At the given signal the unknown man Inslelo cuts the rope with a brand new and especially sharpened chisel of wide di mensions by striking the chisel a heavy blow with a mallet. Down goes the trap , a dis tance of six feet and at the same time the murderers are launched Into eternity. SCENES AUOUT THE JAIL. Some time after midnight Parsons com- ilalned that the hum of conversation iu : ho Jailer's olllce annoyed him nnd irovented him from sleeping. The woodun door which hangs on the office side of the heavy bar of the Inner door was closed , aud the Texas auurchlst dropped Into an uneasy slumber. In the offie-o a busy crowd of reporters stood writing at the high desks or lounged about talking with the deputies. Occasion- illy a heavy step ou the Iron stairs outside , and the storm door was opened , revealing a candidate for admission to all the horrors pro vided for the possessors of pusses. From within the lawjers cage came the sharp me tallic click of the associated press Instrument arranged for gathering the incidents of the night. Along the otherwise silent corridors sounded the slow regular tramp of the deputies composing the death watch , to and fro , ceaselessly In front of the cell doors In which were the four forfeited lives. On the street a squad of policemen paraded their beats , and all who had no business in the neighborhood were peremptorily ordered to "Move on. " THE j MI. rnoran occupies the Illinois street front of building while that part used by the criminal court fronts on Michigan street. On the laj cr front Is the main entrance through whicji all who enter must pass. This openiriff , Is guarded by a heavy double Iron door which is kept closed and fastened by a padlock and chain. Immediately within the door stand two trusty policemen , armed with breech loading rifles and carrying thirty-eight rounds each in a convenient cartridge box. A step sounds in the outer vestibule and from the watchful sentries comes the stern demand : "Who comes there 1" A voice from the outside responds spends , the padlock opens , the chain rattles and the doors slide apart , a few Inches and a survey is made by the guards of individuals applying for admis sion. If his credentials are satisfactory'the doors are opened sufficiently for him to nass in. The Jail proper Is reached by crossing a narrow court , dismal and cold , in the dark ness. In this part of the building special preparations have been made for thoicceptiou of unwelcome callers. Now and then a louder voice than common floats out from the cell room , where some ordinary prisoner has waked with a cry , but from the cells of the condemned comes only murmurs of conver sation between the guards and their ward. About 1 o'clock , while these were comparative silence , the occupants of the sheriff's offlco were startled by a crash and a bang from the northern corridor. It was nothing only the sheriff and a few of the of ficers experimenting with the scaffold , and testing it and the ropes. A few minutes after 2 o'clock Spies stood at the door of his cell smoking and talking through the bars with his guard. Between 3 and 4 the rumble of wheels outside penetrated the thick walls nnd a wagon drove up and un loaded four cofllus one for Spies , ono for Engel , ono for Fischer , and ono for Parsons. At 3:30 : all were asleep. About 1 Ficldcn woke , and after refreahing himself with adraught of water relapsed into slumber. Not many minutes from 0 o'clock came daylight , cold nnd pitiless as the law about to bo avenged , and a bustle different from that of the night Invaded the seclusion of the previous THE DAT op TiinnANflixn had arrived. Six o'clock came and the rumbling of wagons , the blowing of whistles and the ringing of bulls told that people 'out side wcro astir but the anarchists slept on. It was Just fifteen minutes to7 o'clock when Eiigol awoko. Within the next ten min utes his thrco doomed companions opened their eyes. They tumbled out of their cots , and hastily dressed themselves. No conver sation took place between the anarchists nnd the guards. Spies and Parsons simply bade them good bye and In a few minutes the dep uties emerged from the cell room. They were relieved by others. Fischer was the first ono to emerge from his cell , accompan ied by two deputies. Ho stepped over to the plain Iron sink and took a good wash. His every movement was closely watched. Spies next per formed his ablutions , and seemed to enjoy them , as ho lingered long at the sink. lie carefully cleaned his teeth and gargled his throat. Old man Engcl followed the young anarchist , and the lust at the wash was Parsons. AT IMin VKFAST. At 7:20 : two waiters from Mai toll's restau- nnt biouRht to the prisoners their breakfast. The edibles wcro carried In a largo new clothes basket and the liiicu and tableware looked blight and clear. Her. Dr. Uoltou arrived at 7:15 : and after depositing bis satchel on a chair and hanging up his ovoivout In the jail olllco , passed into the cell loom. Passing first into Parson's cell ho attempted to engage the doomed Texan in religious conversation. Parsons had not yet finished his breakfast. What passed between them was not divulged. In the meantime Spies had called for paper and envelope , and they wcro furnished him. Ho began writ ing. After a stay of eighteen min utes in Parson's cell , Dr. Bolton emerged nnd walking to Spies door stood and looking at that individual , who glanced at the clergyman and continued his writing. Dr. Bolton icmaincd standing In front of Spies two or three minutes , but receiving no recog nition he walked away. Writing materials were furnished to Par sons and Fischer who immediately set about prepai Ing statements. Engel made no requests lor pen or paper , but sat stolidly on his bed looking at thu opposite wall of his cell. The clergyman passed aiound Into the north corridor rider and fiom the gallery overlooking the se-affold took a view of that grim struuture. Then ho returned nnd paced nervously back ward and forward In front of the cell con taining the fated four anarchists. THE TLOtKIXa SCHIIIES. At S:80 a , m. , not thirty feet away from the e'omlng victims , the massive iron-barred door wasclanging constantly , admitting crowds of newspaper men aud deputy sheriffs , crowdIng - Ing the llttlo room almost to suffocation and indulging In a loud buzz of conversation that could be heard plainly In the cells. Nearly everybody in the room was smoking , and what with the fearful feeling of depression felt by the roost hardefned , the place- was nearlv un- endurable. It was at this moment IhntDr- Mayor , the assistant county physician , passed through and rapidly walked to the cells of the condemned. Ho asked each if thcro was any deslrofor stimulation , and all stwo Engcl aloito replied quietly in the negative. Engle aseUd for some port wlno. It was given him MIA Ue vlavra.ttafl classes. Spies requested water , and seem ingly consumed by a burning thirst swal lowed nearly two tumblers of the pure , cool liquid. In the Jail oftlco , Deputy liurko was now passed around amongst the throng and taking TICKETS OP ADMISSION , apparently Indicating that the execution was not fur distant. This unusual proceeding was objected to by some , but all were com pelled to submit. Whllo standing In front of Engel's cell , Dr. Bolton was In danger of be coming Involved in a religious controversy , for the condemned man boldy combattcd the propositions of the divine. Within a few minutes of nine , a message came from Mrs. Parsons through n bailiff applying nt the Jail for admission. The roqutst was sternly re fused. THE FVTkL DOCUMENT. At 0:10 : a. m , Chief Deputy Gleason ar rived with the fatal document authorizing the execution. Gleason Immediately went Into close conference with the sheriff on a private apartment that was loc-ked and bolted at once on the inside. Whllo they were still consulting , Spies' internal fever hael so incrcascel as to induce him to order n glass of Hhino wine , which was brought to his cell nnd swallowed at a gulp. A few minutes were then occu pied by him In writing autographs for the ofilccis attached to the sheriff's ofilco. - MXA'sJ I'llOOIlK-iS llAllltEl ) . At about 8. 30 o'clock Nina Van Zandt and and her mother took a cab at their residence on Huron street and directed the driver to iroceed to the county Jail. The driver tvhlppcd up his horse and the cab- speeded southward toward the Jail. When the cab reached the line of policemen which blocked the avenue leading to the Jail the driver reined in , but was urgcel on by the ladies. The police began signalling the cab to turn back , but the driver , obedient to his passen gers , pushed on. As the cub approached the ropes with no evidence of an intention of stopping , nn ofllccr darted forwarel and , thiowlnghis musket up , barred further pro gress nnd as gently ns possible informed the ladles that they could not proceed nnel could not bo admitted to the Jail. The cabman then turned about and Nina , breaking into tears , fell upon her mother's shoulders. In this attitude they were driven homeward. Nina fairly flung heiself Into the house nnd could be heard without sobbing and moaning. Amid her daughter's lamentations Mis. Van Znudt sent dispatches to Governor Oglesby and Captain Black at Springfield. A IIAV OF SUNSHINE. The sheriff and his chief deputy were still . jriiig over their documents and gloom was deepening on the fact of every ono in the Jail , when a vivid burst of sunshine came through the topmost windows and went straight to Schwab's cell. Ho came to the bars and blinked , basking in the welcome light. The governor's decision on tbo application for executive clemency was brought to Chicago cage by Governor Oglesby's son. Deputy Gleason intercepted the messenger ou the train near the city limits. The official oopy was at once brought to the Jail by u deputy. THK LV T Al'IT.AL. It was just 0:110 : when the information ticked from the associated press telegraph instrument , n few feet distant from the cells , that Captain Black was at that very moment again pleading with Governor Oglesby at Springfield. The message was handed in' to Sheriff Matsou , who glanced at it a second and then crum pled the paper slowly In his hand. Whatever the sheriff's thought were , no expression of their purport crossed his compressed lips. Five minutes later the sheriff emerged , and in reply to n chorus of inquiry said phlegmn- tlcally that ho had "not Just fixed the time as yet. " I.KTTnilS AND SPKECIIES. At 10 o'clock Parsons , Fischer and Spies asked for twenty minutes each on the gallows in which to make speeches. The sheriff did not Immediately return an answer to the request. Fischer then began singing the "Marseilles , " in which the other prisoners Joined. The manuscripts which Spies , Par sons and Fisohur spent the greater part of the morning in preparing , were in part written statements , the contents of which would not bo divulged by any of the officials. These wore delivered into the hands of Clerk Price , who turned them over to thu sheriff and this official locked them In his personal safe. It was stated by the sheriff that Spies , Parsons nnd Fischer have in addition written letters which he had also locked up securely. Parsons' letter was addressed to bis wife and children , that of Fischer goes to his wife , but the ad dress on that of Spies' the sheriff refuses to divulge. It is supposed it will reach Nina Van Xandt. The voice of Fischer seemed round and full , but quivering just a trifle. The report ers pressed close about tbo door to the cage and listened till the deep tones died away into silence. The song lasted full two min utes. Before 10 o'clock Dr. Gray went into the prisoner's cell for a second time , bcailng in his hands three wine glasses and n bottle of Jarvis brandy , with which to brace up the men. All of them partook of the stimulant. Adjutant General Vance , of the ) state mil itia , came into the Jiill nt 10 o'clock and was immediately closeted with the sheriff. The opinion us to his appearance was divided , some thinking it related to some new disposi tion to be made of the militia , while others believed ho carried a supplemental message from Governor Oglesby , About this time Police Inspector John Bonfiold , who commanded the iwllcent the haymarket , entered the jail looking as grim as ho did within half an hour after famous bomb massacre. It was rumored nt 10:15 : that the I'KOCESSIO.V TO TUB GALLOWS would start in exanctly three quarters of an hour. Fischer continued to make n display of bravado. Soon after singing the Marseilles ho spoke to Turnkey Stubb In a laughing way : "When I get to heaven I'll put in a good word for you. " When Fischer woke up this morning ho turned to one of the officers and said : "I dreamed about Germany last night. " Then ho relapsed into silence for quite n long period. Following close upon a telegram from Springfield that Governor Oglesby had de cided once for all , the deputies commenced , at 10:27 : , distributing tickets to reporters who were to watch the march to the gallows. The greatest bustle and excitement prevailed in the Jail office , but Spies , In his cell , continued writing uninterruptedly , and the others re mained equally nonchalant , notwithstanding the confuslou that marked the beginning of the end. KXfiKL'S lUWJHTKIl applied to the sheriff this morning for per- njlsbiou to visit her father and say geiod bye , but was refused. She Was not ngitate'd lu the least and took the refusal in a very mat ter of fact way. The rattling of chairs , tables and benches continued for several minutes but by 11:0.1 : there began to fall u hush , and conversation among the crowd sunk almost to a whisper. The bare \\hite- washed walls made a painful contrast with the dark brown gallows with its four noosed ropes dropping ominously near the floor. A gleam of sunshine shooting through thu window at this instant fell on a corner ol the death machine and In a slight dcgico re lieved its sombre hue.1"1 ritei-AR moHSTon en VTH. Through a window ono saw u number ol policemen , armed with rifles , looking down from the roof ol the Dearborn street wing on the proceedings. The chief bailiff began at 11:10 : calling out the names of the persons summoned as Jurors and bringing them forward to a row ol llttlo stools directly In front of the gallows. No other sounds were heard In the long high corridors but the solemn monotonous voice ol the bailiff nnd the rustling of the jurors as they tiptoed forward through the ciowd. THE OFPJCKCAT. The eyes of the crowd began to center on the dark box upon the scaffold and the dang Hug ropes. This box scemeel to possess a fearful fascination and was ab- borbiug the attention of every person In the corridor when a frightful wai btartlcd the crowd. Some who hud heard the horrible prounlug of Llngg yesterday Just be fore his death declared It sounded as If ho was still In agony , but this was mere fancj- Tbo black Jail cat was the cause of the com motion , nnd at Intervals continued to emit her ghobt like mewing. TUB IllUTlf WAllIUST was r adflwtto Spies , then to Fischer , tltfn to Engel and , at 11 M the sheriff was through with Pardons. , Hl'ies ' , Ent'el and Fiselier in their shrouds , were standing at' the grated udicus to friuuds in thv ybi or's cago. All the men were now In their shrouds , nnd at 11:49 : the death march to ho scaffold started. The command to the crowd fronting the gallows that all roust stop smoking was given at 11:85. : The elozen or two who wcro using the weed quenched ho fire , some rat1i r reluctantly , nnd the ashes slowly thrown on the pavement. Whether the command was given out of iiimnnlty to doomed men or ns a precaution against the appallng possibility of any treach erous bomb lighting In the corridor when the 'atal moment came , no person seemed aware , but moro than ono said n prayer down In their inmost hearts. It was now 11:45 : nnd the suspense of the crowd near the gallows was like slow torture. There was no relief , and the newspaper men gazeel at the gallows and noted four ropes swaying slightly to and fro. ArrRAiivxcE ox Tim ovrroLn. It lacked just seven minutes and n half of the hour of high noon when u single white shrouded figure , above which was u fuco of yellowish pallor , the fae-o of August Spies , iirst passed to the gallows. The gapping crowd ten feet below half rose , Involuntarily , from their chairs nt the first glimpse of the apparition advancing across the scaffold. Spies lemkeil calm and glanced at n reporter with a truce of his old-time cynical smile. Ho walked firmly over the drop , guided by the grasp of a deputy , to the fuithcst edge of the fallows. Following close came Fischer , close enough to touch Spies' shroud had his hanel not been pinioned under the white muslin. Fischer's e-ountonanco had a peculiar glisten totally unlike the ashjness of Engel's ' heavy features , and in strange contrast with the dead lack of color In the pinched lineaments of Parsons. The once Jaunty , vivacious Texan came last , a withered old man. Ho had aged twenty years since the day ami hour scarce twelve months before , when ho tripped lightly into the court before Judge Gary nnd flippantly declared that ho was ready to bo tried at once for his life. The moment his feet touched the scaffold Parsons seemed to completely lese his Identity and to feel that his spirit was no lunger a part of his body. Ho hud wrought himself to an ecstacy of solemn self-glorification. Only he , the one American , seemed to realize to the full that ho must die in a manner to impiess , if possible , on all future generations the thought that ' HE WV9 A MAItTVIt. No tragedian that has paced n stage In America made a moro marvellous presenta tion of n self-chosen part , perfect in every detail. TJio upwind turn of his eyes , his distant , far away look , and , above all , the attitude of apparent complete resignation that every folel of the awkward shroud only served to make moro distinct , was by far the most stiiking feature of attention in the gallows' picture. The squat form of Engel alongside , with his stupid , wide-jawed face made a hideous contrast tejiPui sons' assumption of the halo of a marfyr. Fischer was head and shoulders taller than the other three , making his only occa sional looks of too-evident bravado moro no ticeable than might otherwise bo at sorry disadvantage compared with the steady cool ness of Spies. The hitter's exhibition of quiet , thorough nerve far surpassed as a wonder the demeanor of any of his com rades. ADJUSTIXO THE ROPES. Four burly deputies standing to the rear of the four condemned men begun without delay to adjust the ropes. Spies' noose being thu first one placed. Ho did not appear to re gard it of any more consequence than a new linen collar. The knot was slipped down the cord , close against his neck. Spies did not show a tremor , but when the same process was being carried out with Fischer he turned and quietly whispered to the bailiff some sug gestion concerning the ropo. Fischer's occasional ardor was qulto no ticeably lessoned when ho felt the hempen strand , and Engcl bit his under lip hard when his turn came. Just then Dr. Murphy , a young physician standing back of Engel , whlsperingly cracked a joke in Engle's car. Incredible as it may seem , the low-browed anarchist LAUOUKI ) OUTltlQHT with the rope around his neck ami whllo an other wu * being fastened on Parsons by his side , but the grotesque laugh stopped In a single instant nnd Parsons meekly as a saint cast his eyes up at the dangling rope above him. THE CAPS IinAWX DOWN. Before the four anarchists had nn Inkling of what was to bo done the whlto caps were slipped upon their heads aud drawn quickly down to the necks , shutting off the view of each as completely and with less warning than does the camera cloth of the photo grapher. August Spies was the first of the four doomed men to make use of his wits while ho could. In a tone of intense bitterness of spirit , he , the man who wrote the infamous " Hevcnge " circular , hissed out between his tightly clenched teeth : "Thcro will eoino a time when our silence will bo moro powerful than the voices they are strangling to death. " ; iiLiiit.ui rou ANAucur. The last syllable of Spies' concluding wet ds , Hoarse with suppressed passion , had not i cached an end when Eugel , raising his voice * , wildly cried : "Hurrah for anarchy I" Fischer caught the fire of the utterance and still more loudly exclaimed : "Hurrah for anarchy ; " adding : "This is the happiest moment Of my lifo. " Tlioro was a silence like the grave , broken abruptly by the slow , measured intonation of Pal sons , like a white-robed priest before the altar of sacrifice. Not us a dying request , but rather like a command or a warning , ho shouted f01 th : "May ! bo allowed to speak } " Then , with slow entreaty , came : "Will you let mo speak , Sheriff Martin ? " Thcro was another agonizing pause. Muf fled tinough the shroud , ho bioke out in un natural , hollow accents : "Let the voice of the people bo heard. " THE Tit VI' Sl'llUXO. A crash as of a falling bouso thundcrcel through the corridors. The slender ropes were tuu'J , . In full view of 200 men in front wcro four white , writhing shrouds. The ropes could bo seen slowly tightening about the necks that between the cup and shroud could bo , noticed blackening and purpling. Nine mortal minutes passed. Then It was known to n certainty that not aneckhadbeen broken. The four Huymuiket murderers had been literally throttled and strangled by law. THE NEWS OUTSIDE. When the intelligence came outside that the men-were on the scaffold theofile-crs who were insldo the lines of police went to the northeast corner of Illinois sticot and waited. There were in the group Chief Ebersold , Cap tain Schaak , Lieutenants Kipley , Bold and Blottner and thico putiolmcn. On the roof of the criminal couit building , where they could look through ono of thu big jail windows dews , wcro posted nine policemen and deputy sheriffs. From their position they could sco the scaffold and the condemned men upon It. As the grim moment approached the men on the roof kept the officers below informed ol the proceedings insido. As 12 o'clock drew near a policeman , who was straining his eyes to see tlio interior of the jail , raised his hand and without turning his head aside said , lu u thrilling tone , "They aio putting on the caps. " Foran Instant the clusterotolliccrs waited below with bated breath and heads half in clined to one side , waiting to hear the nolbo of the drop. "Sh , " now murmcrcd the man on the roof. roof.A A loud thump came from the Interior ol the jail. It was a sound made by the falling trap. Every ono in the group heard it dis tinctly and everybody knew what It meant. The policemen on the roof threw down their guns and clapped their hands and then ceasec suddenly us though ashamed of the act. Captain Schaak flung ono arm In the air am' smiled feebly. His face was flushed. Chief Ebersold shifted his position , said nothing and then walked quietly away. Ono of the others pulled out his watch , closed the case with a snap , nnd exclaimed : "Three ininutes of twelve , recollect it. " A reporfcr Jerked a whlto handkerchief from his pocket and waved It as i E10XAL TO THE C110WIJ3 passing along North Clark street. It was understood. A cry went up nnd In an In credibly short siiaco of time the Intelligence was blocks and blocks away nnd the buzz and hum of excited conversation eoundee like the rising of the tide. Armed patrolmen stopped In their regular tramp nnd droppee tlu ; butts oJtUclrtfuaa to IhB wtU vita 9 clatter. Others broke oft In their hoarse ihouts to the crowets of "move on , move on. " Some shook hands with their elbow neigh- wrs and exchanged congratulations. Netti ng but pronounced opinions upon the an archists "go" among the police. With roost of the people In the vicinity thcro was neither ither feeling than the stir of Ideas which a ) lg piece of news always creates aud the sud den ending of expectation. " EXTIIl , EXT1IA. " Messenger boys came shooting like rockets 'rom the criminal court building nnd ran jreathle'ss with bits of whlto pnjKjr fluttering n their hands. In eight minutes newsboys wcro darting tbrovgh the crowds bawling out : "Extra extra , all about anarchists m n g. " Curious police officials walked Into the Jail o learn how the execution had been pro ceeded with nnd were In turn questioned as to how tbo eitlacns outside had acted. "There was absolutely no trouble , " ono nnd ull replied. . THE LAST A1TEAL TO O01.EM1T. SPIIIXOPIEI.H , 111. , Nov. 11. Captain Black counsel for the condemned anarchists ar rived this morning and nt80 : ! ! solicited a spe cial interview with the governor nt the exo- jutlvo mansion. He made n last appeal for : ho lives of the condemned anarchists. The uterview was private between the governor and Cnptnlu Black and thu public and pi ess representatives were vigorously denied ad- nission. Buchanan and Felteier cumo with Captain Black to Springfield , AtUiM George Schilling called at the man sion , and In a somewhat agitated manner an nounced that telegraph bulletins had Just stated the execution would take place nl IOtO. : ! [ lo begged that If any action bo contemphite-d JV the governor It bo taken at once Ho was admitted , and at 10 o'clock was still with the governor. At 10HO : n. m. the governor telegraphed Sheriff Matson that no saw no necessity Tor any further communication with him ou ; ho subject of the execution , and cone-ludcd Ills telegram by telling him to proceeel with his duty. Captain Black , on coming out of the man- slou , said to the Associated press reporter : "I have done the best 1 could In this final ap peal to the governor , but ho firmly refuses to further Interfere. I hoped for n ellfferent de cision , but cannot say I expected It. I wish to say that I give the governor credit for con sidering our final appeal carefully nnd con scientiously and , though the decision is against us , ho is acting in accordance with what ho believes to bo the best , and in har mony with Justice. I want to give him ercellt for his earnestness and sincerity. " QUIET AT THE JAIL. It was wonderful to note how quickly the excitement which had flllcel the jail all morn ing calmed down. The two hundred prison ers confined in the place , who had been in fever heat during the tragic event of the day. regained their usual spirits. They cracked jokes from cell to cell , and ns they had had nothing to eat since breakfast , they soon began to yell for soup. The spectators who bud witnessed the hanging walked rapidly out of the inclosuro and the weary deputies went to dinner , the only ones left in the jail office being the press representatives. DISPOSITION OF THK 11OD1KS. When the coffins were brought to the scaf fold , Sheriff Matson exclaimed : "His will bo done. " The bodies were lowered in the following order : Spies , Fischer , Engel nnd Parsons. All looked natural. The coffin lids wern quickly screwed clown. Paper tabs were pasteel ou each for identification. Engel's nnd Lingg's , the suicide's , remains were token to No. 2&0 Milwaukee avenue. Fischer's wife claimed his , Mrs. Spies took August's and Mrs. Parsons recelveel that of her husband. Spies' was removed In his coffin nt 1:40 : ei'clock. The remains were received by a committee of the central labor union. Bo- foio the committee left the jail they went into the visitors' cage and shouted a good bye to Schwab nnd Fielden , who Will bo ro- rooved to Joltot penitentiary to-morrow. The members of the committee kissed their bauds aud raised their hats to their Imprisoned comrades and sadly left. TUB COIITEOB. The bodies of Spies , Fischer nnd Parsons were taken from the jail at 4:15 : o'clock. For Spies a hearse hod been provided. There was some trouble in getting away from the crowd Unit tailed onto the last wagon , but rapid driving freed the processson from thla trouble. Followed by n string of cabs and headed by a carriage containing the commit tee , the hcnrso and wagons moved speedily along. There was no excitement , only n few persons having gathered. The corpses were taken to an undertaker's shop , where they wcro dressed and allowed to rest until they were taken to the houses of their relatives this evening. Fischer's remains wcro removed to his home at 1 : SO o'clock. Many people displayed autographs of the dead Fischer , which ho had written during the morning. It was es timated that ho made fifty of them in all , They all read alike , aud were couched In the following words : Anarchy is liberty. ADOLPH FISCHEII , Cook County Jail , SCOIICH on the Streets. CHICAGO , Nov. 11. A quiet , almost Sun day-like stillness prevailed on the down town streets ull day , but there was nn omnipres ent air of suppressed excitement. The very wagons on the streets seemed to move less noisily and the sharp voices of the newsboys rang on the air , calling the extra papers which contained tlio announcement when the final act In the lifo and death drama was to bo enacted. The great bell In the board of trade tower struck the hour of 11. Slowly and solemnly the notes pealed out , resound ing far and near in the unutterably still air , and seeming to ring out the death knell of the four men who at that time were making their toilets before taking their departure into the unknown. The moments crept on like hours and u dozen men on the reserve In the central squad room sat around in moody silence , reading the papers or conversing in whispers. Thcro were none of the usual jests to bo heard , nnd nnd oven the officers , recalling the fate of their comrades nt the Haymnrkct , seemed to fully realize the imprcsslvcness of the occa sion. At the armory the great hall was clothed In semi-darkness. All the blinds wcro closed and on the benches along the walls fifty uniformed officers sat or lay nt full length to catch a few minutes of much needed rest and wait In silence for the sum mons that might como nt any moment. In front of the station stood three patiol wagons in readiness for a call. The news o Mrs. Parsons's arrest caused a ripple of excitement. "That woman Is moro to bo feared than a thousand rioters , " said ono of the officers , and that was the general sentiment. Little groups of men congregated on the street corners and In the eonldors of the city hall. They consulted their watches. "They aio getting them reaely , " said one , coming from the telephone room , nnd the hushed expectancy increased. No ono wanted to move , but all hung around , wait ing for the news to bo flashed over the wires that the drop had fallen. When the news that the end had como fin ally reached the public thcro was but llttlo excitement. Extra copies of the afternoon pajers were eagerly bought , but that was all. and business soon went on as usual. A visit to numerous prominent manufac turers , whore largo forces of men uro em ployed , showed everything to bo quiet ami peaceable , with the regular employes in full numbers In their places. On 'change the day was a moro active one than for several days past. Around the jail It was n military scene , nnd the crowd was Impressed with It. Over four hundred police , nil armed with rcpcntlni , rifles , kept guard at the streets. Along Clark street nt Michigan and Illinois , along Dear born street nt Indiana , along Stuto street at Illinois and Michigan and on Dearborn avcnuo at King street rSpcs wcro run across the street to keep th ? crowd back. It was a wise precaution nnd was n success. Karly In tin morning the nollco were placed on guaid am ns early o b o'clock thousands of person lingered around the picket lines. Dozens o officers with their rojientlng rifles were stn tloned on the top of the criminal coin tain otUcr building ? W < 1SS ovcry avenue leading to the Jail. Of the hun Ireds of window * opening upon the stre U tatrollcd by the iwllco there wJ lot ono which was not watched with tcnlon ! eyes not ono that could not have been rlel lied with bullets had occasion demanded. Luckily for the history of the day , not a trig * ger hud to be pulled , not an occasion was ofS crcd for scud Ing a leaden bullet ou u fatal rraud. MIO. TAll'OXS M VKrs TllOtMILB. About li o'clock a little excitement was crev atcd. Mrs. Parsons , with ml glistening eyes and drcssenl In widow's weeds , nccom- muled by her two children n boy and u girl of tender years and closely followed by ilrs. Holmes , ex-editor of the Alarm , Mrs. Fischer , Miss Engel nnd ouo other woman , ippeared before the ( Milieu ut the corner ol jlark and Michigan streets. Mrs. Pnmotis van the nMkesiunii | , and was stopped by the Ktllec , who Informed her than she could gene no further. " 1 must go , " she cried , as her dark cyos lashed foith fiio ; " 1 am Lucy Pnisonsj heso nro my children ; wo must go to the ail : they must see their father. " There was little sympathy in the hearts of ho police. "It Is impossible , " explained two oflle-ers n chorus. "No ono e-an pass hero ; entrance ) can only bo bad ut Deal born street. " * "I will po , " cxclalmi'd Mrs. Parsons , and vlth a determined effoit she dinted under ho ropes. In an instant four stalwart oflie-ers had her n hands. She was lifted over the ropes and once again stood outside the lines. "You must obey the law , the-y said , "or It nay go hind with jou. " "Tho law , " she jelled , "what do I care for * ho law and my husband being murdered. Shoot mo , kill me , If you will. " She finally succumbed and turned to go. lor companions , with the em'optlem of Mrs. loliues , left her , but together the two wo- uen , with the little childien struggling bc- ilnd , walked down Clink street to Klnzlo md tliem-o around to Dearborn avenue. A rowel of lingo proportions followed , but Mrs. Parssons heeded tlu'iu not. On she went until she met another onion of police and another ropo. ler resistance hero was so stubborn when opposed that Captain Buckley was at last compelled to order her arrest , after every effort of gentle restraint and pe-i suasion had icen exhausted. Accordingly a patrol waeon was sent for , and while bieathliig Hentlmcntg of mingled rage and despair , Mis. Paison } was assisted to enter it. Mrs. Holmes ami the children were then put In. A trememdoiiB crowd gathered , and it was only after a Hquae } if officers had rushed upon the throng wltji Irawn clubs that the wagon was able to pastf out. Once at the East Chicago avenue stu- ion the prisoners were given scats in th6 egistry room. They were not booked nor pcked In a coll. Mrs. Parsons , with Airs. ilolmes and the two children of the former , were released from the station at 2:15 o'eloclf > . m. She looked very sad and down hcaftcel. n meek tones she asked a reporter : "Is the bloody business over ! " When told that it was she made no answer nnd proceeded to explain why she waA nt the jail. She was told by a deputy last night to call at the ail at 8:30 : o'clock this morning , so that the ) children might HCO their father. At the ap ) ointed time she made n request to be al lowed to enter and was sent from ono street to another until 10:30 : o'clock. Then she made an effort to pass under the ropes unel was prevented. At the next corner she was [ it In a patrol wagon and taken to the stn- Lion. She said she was very courteously treated , being placed In the sumo cell with Mrs. Holmes and children. Accompanied by n reporter she walked south on Clark street to Indiana without apparently being rccog- ni/ed by any one. Every moment n nuw - boy would shove a paper in her face , crying i "Full account of the execution. " She frequently broke down and sobbed , and as they passed along took her boy moro firmly by the hand and walked moro rapidly , keeping her head bent down. THB CllOWDS KEPT MOVIXO. The police had strict orders not to allow crowds to congregate and people who walked along the streets lending to the Jail were kept moving. It was a good-natured , well diessed crowd , and not a worel was heard that could bo interpreted ns an attempt to create excite ment. At 10 o'clock there were fully 10,000 persons surrounding the police , but ail were kept moving except where they congregated two blocks from thu Jail and stood in groups watching the somber building. EXCirlXO INCIDENTS. On the moment the trap fell in the building and word reached the outside half n docu incidents occurred to throw the crowded streets Into the wildest exclteiiu-nt. As the throng were crowding forward the Eaet Chicago avcnuo patiol wagon came dashing down on the crowd at full speed , with gong ringing. Shouts aud cries arose from the multitude , which , dividing into halves , rushed upon the walks with crushing force. Through this passage the wagon flow to the corner of Klnsio Htroct. whore it encountered a mass of struggling beings that could not give way. In the cen ter of this crush half a do en policemen were struggling with a prisoner endeavoring to clear an exit. The arrest of this man had been n source of excitement nnd the rush of people was uncontrollable. The prisoner had attracted attention by the loud and Insur rectionary remarks ho delivered from the curb of Clark and Kinsio street s. Ofile-or Gnrrity of the day squad , pushed through the crowd and , sei/ing tlio orator by the shoulder , shoved him along with the. Instruc tions to "move on. " As ho did so the officer struck the man across thu hips with hlu club. The blow gave back a sharp , mctallo sound thnt could come from neither llcsli or clothing. Instantly the man whirled and whipped a largo revolver from his hip pocket. Just us quickly Officer Smith , also of the squad. seUcd tno man , wrenched the pistol from ills hand and administered an open-handed blow upon the man's ear. In the vigorous clutches of the officer thu man was drugged to the pu * trol box , amid concentrating crowds and swelling tumult. A "hurry" call was sent In , and it was in response to this that the pa trol wagon dashed up. To complete the confusion at this Instant a powerful double team of horses , di awing ft heavy hide wagon , took fright ut the same point cast of Dearborn nvcnuo and came driverless - verless and with trailing reins westward ana into the crowd. The line of armed policemen stationed across Klnsio street at Dearborn avcnuo offered all the resistance in thehr power , but the terrified miimals scat tered them like chuff , and , plung ing through the ropes , dashed on ward. As they flew across Dearborn avcnuo and bore down upon the ciowel u terrible - riblo catastrophe seemed Imminent , but tno police finally succeeded in bringing them up. The crowd , however , aroused by tlies BUCCHJ slon of eivcnts , broke Into the wildest turbu lence In an effort to escape from the scene of peril. Tlio police then fixed bayonets and made n feint at charging upon the crowd , stopping just short ol them and forcing th people uwuy with the butts of their guns. The effort at Uils was satisfactory and Ivlnso street was seion cluaicd without any casu. allies. The prisoner that iiod erased a portion of this disorder was locked up at thu station , where ho said his name was Edward Luco , of Logunsport , Ind. , a railroad brakcmau. Ho was booked for disorderly conduct , car rying concealed wcaiwns and assaulting an OlficXT. ALOXO MILWAUKKB AVENUE. There wcro little crowds along Milwaukee avenue , but tlioy wcio composcei of Idle ourl- osity-seekeis and not of sympathl/crs with the anarchist cause. There was llttlo exclto * mont , and whllo groups of men stood on the street corners and'ellscussed ttio execution , thcro was not n policeman in sight or any apparent need of ono. The only sign of open Interest was shown at Aurora turner hall , on Huron street , neur Milwaukee avenuo. Here a flag was at half mast and In the saloon below groups of men fathered and expressed their disap proval of the hanging. Thorn wcro some scowling fae-es here and the stranger was not cordially gicetcd. Clenched llMs and ugly glnnccK told of the un | > opularlty of the Eng lish press In the "Turnhallo. " ' John Tiosduhl was arrested this afternoon on North Clark street for refusing to reeve on. At the station lie was searched and geveraj pieces of KIIS pipe ubout thrco Inches long were found In his pockets with some pieces of brass. JIo said that ho was a machinist and that ho was currying thei plpp to use In his business. Ho wu churned with bcljitf dtfiordorly. WlHl'jm Uoeer , K Gerua