Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1887, Image 1

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J -
Governor OtIoaby's Decision Saves
But Two Men's Lives.
Ho Blows Out His Brains in Jail
With Fulminate ;
Their Sentences Commuted to Im
prisonment For Life.
Sensational SCCIICH in Chicago Over
the Suicide of the HOSH of tlio
IJonih-Throwrr.s Arrange-
tncntH For the Execution.
Louis IIIIU'M | | HciiHatlnnal Suicide.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Louis Llngg , the an
archist , will never speak again. Quick ,
awful as ever an act of his Creator , the
voice that cried "Hocho die anarchic" was
turned to silence for ever. What seemed n
innfllcd , horrible echo of the fearful bomb ut
the Ilaymarket came suddenly in his lonely
cell tills morning. That Instant the man's
face , which , belying his flcnd-liko deeds ,
has seemed beautiful as an archangel's , was
made a revolting mass of blood and shreds of
tangled ilcsh. Louis Lingg was triumphant ,
despite nil human efforts , he had effaced
from oven his countenance every traeo of
Uod's ' image.
TIM : nfAitii I'.utALV/nn.
For u single instance , with his back against
the bars of Lingg's cell door , the stalwart
guard stood stupitled , while u puff of blue
smoke from the dark recess behind unnoticed
crossed his shoulder. Then ensued a wild
rush of deputies , clanging of iron gates and ,
above the confusion and din , the hearse
shouting of the guard :
"It's ' Lingg ; it's Lingg ; that came from
Lingg 1"
A rapid , cautious movement by the turnkey
Hung the cell door open , and , with an eager
peer into the shadows , two excited deputies
Jumped pell-mell in. Their ejaculations of
horrorbrought the other guards quickly with
in the cell.
An ago of agony and suspense was passed
by the Jail inmates in the cells above und
around. There was u shulHing of feet on the
stone floor , and then u hundred strained
eyes watching down through the iron netting
and bars saw groups of guards in their shirt-
slcoves struggling across tlio dimly lighted
area bearing by the legs and arms the body
of a man between them. Tlio upturned face
was a lingo clot of blood , but the turnkey
who supported the head had his lingers
wound tightly Into the nnmistakablo brown
curling ringlets of bomb-maker Louis Llngg.
A ( HIASn.Y SI01 IT.
The big key of Jailor Folz grating in the
main lock interrupted for n moment the
sound of pattering blood on tlio white stone
pavement. Tlicro was a creaking of rusty
hinges , and the anarchists and common Jail
birds had gazed their last on Louis Ling-g. A
few steps brought the hnddlcd-up cortege to
the bath room of the Jail , a stuffy little apart
ment scarcely ten feet square. Lingg was
dumped on the iloor with scant tenderness by
the men who have been dally half-expecting
to meet their death at his hands.
To all appearances the anarchist was stark
dead. Ills lithe , athletic fern was clothed
only in a short tunic , and the brawny limbs
Bcemed rigid , A small pool of gore was soon
floating the brown curls surmounting the
broad shoulders , and one glance showed how
Llngg had striven witli dynamite to blow off.
iliis own head. The entire lower half of the
once handsome face was gone , including the
upper lip and Juw and an under fraction of
the nose. Where It had been was now a
Jagged , bloody gap , extending across to the
ears and down to the adam's apple.
"Open y6ur eyes , Llngg , " exclaimed the
Jail doctor , who had Just reached the room.
To the astonishment of the bystanders ,
Llngg's o.vcs opened and looked calmly about
him. Ho was immediately raised to a table ,
propped up with pillows and was washed
hurriedly. Whlto cloth bandages wore
passed around the lower part of his face and
nround the top of his head , hiding all but his
nose , eyes and forehead , all tlio loose , dan
gling bones and Ilcsh being llrst cut away.
A guttn pcrclm mouth of u fountain syringe
was inserted into the great hole left
* .iy the dynumito. By this method
water and brandy were administered.
This was lepeated nt intervals , Lingg meanwhile -
while giulug steadfastly about him , watching
every moro of those In the room , but appar
ently indifferent to what they did and carton
nothing about the almost ceaseless sninur.ia :
of the door only a few fcot distant.
Every now and then , without any seeming
immediate cause , n fearful hollow gioaninu
would sound through the bandages. The 11s
toners aghast would abandon the room' only
to glvo plaeo to a now set not yet \\vukcnci !
by the horrors within the death chamber ,
Llugg movrd his long , sinewy right urn :
easily his left baud ws ; toin b >
dynamite and without trouble wioto in
German simple directions as to i-uSlug him
or the like. Beyond a glance of recognition
to Captain Black , who came Into the room
for n moment md said , "poor fellow , " there
> vas nothing to break the horrible agyr.y ol
the six mortal hours' wait for death's'ap.
pro&ch. Hov. Dr. Bolton , the Methodist
minister attending I'ielden , went , In , but gel
no answering look from Lingg , Thoiiilulstei
came out shaking h'3 ' head helpless
) I15 DEATH.
Ui'cs's breathing cr-.idually became slower
the p'allor on hs ! forehead deepened and u
slight glaze was noticed i 'he now sunken
eye * . Seine ono said , "Ho Is dying , " ; : ! . "i the
reporters mafic ready for n rush to the near
cst telephone. Llngg's big breast heaved
once and was still. HU eyes looked straight
ubead with something of their old bright
ness , but at a whisper f ram the doctor the its
jiortcrs dashed to the telephones , falling ovei
one nuothar down the narrow btalrwav ti
the courtyard lu their efforts to tell the news
AVUHe tLo reporter * wire tumbling aui
running , the doctor raised Lingg's right arm.
It fell back on the table limp. An attend
ant's right and left fore fingers were laid on
Llngg's forehead , and pushed the cyclidi
shut. In n moment the little room was empty
of all but tlio ghastly corpse of bomb-maker
Louis Llngg.
The explosion In Llngg's cell created a de
cided sensation in the Jail. All the prisoners ,
over two bundled , heard the icport. Jailer
Folz was the one who carried the news that
Llngg hud used such deadly mean's to make
away with himself to the other anarchists.
The Jailor approached Parson's cell. "Llngg
hni killed himself , " said Mr. FoU.
"Oreat Cod , is that sol" exclaimed Par-
"Yes , It's n fact , " was the reply.
"Well , my God , " exclaimed Parsons , "I
wish myself I boil some dynamite , I would
kill myself only too quickly. "
August Spies was then informed of tlio
"I expected nothing else , " said Spies ,
quietly. "Kver since the Ilmllng of the bombs
in ills cell last Saturday I was satisfied that
if it was possible ho would make away with
himself. For my own and comrades' sake , 1
um glad he's out of the way. "
According to Jailer Folz , all of the remain
ing anarchists are completely In oken down.
They look on the suicide of Lingg as placing
him in the categoryof an exticiii'i anarchist ,
which plaeo they do not wish to occupy them
Schwab became deeply depressed. Ho
walked up and down his cell with bis head on
his breast. Engcl and Fischer refused to
talk to their keeper , but were evidently al
most overwhelmed by the tragedy.
Coroner Hertz impanelled a Jury late this
afternoon , consisting of merchants doing
business within u few blocks of the Jail. After
viewing tlio corpse of Lingg , which lay In the
bathroom at the Jail , the Jury adjourned until
next Wednesday.
Details oCthc Deed.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Louis Lingg ended his
life this morning by means of u fulminating
cap. Ho held the cap in his mouth and lit it
with the candle which was burning in his cell.
The explosion was the llrst warning the Jail
people had , the guard seeing him with the
candle in ills hand supposing that he was
lighting n cigar. From the eltccts of the ex
plosion half his brad was blown away.
Immediately after the explosion Deputy
O'Noil rushed into Lingg's cell , which was
completely enveloped In smoke. There ho
found the young anarchist lying on his back
with great holes in bin , from which the
blood llowcd in torrents. He was at once
carried into tlio Jail ofllco and placed on a
table. Ho was still breathing faintly , and
while Dr. Gray was examining him ho
coughed slightly , and blood poured forth
again from his terrible wounds and from his
mouth und nose. The plij'siciaii , said the man
could only llvo an hour or so at the most , and
ho expected his death every minute.
rur.i'uitxo ron DKITII.
All day yesterday it was thought that
Lingg acted differently from usual. Tues
day night ho gave out his "farewell address"
which was written for the Alarm , Parsons'
old paper. In It lie recited nt length his
grievances , and closed as follows :
"Now , with a last and earnest farewell to
all friends and comrades , and with Html
wishes for their prosperity , I close with n
view of certainty that I shall never have a
chance of seeing yon again , my beloved
comrades. With earnest and hearty wishes
for your future success in life , 3'our com
rade. ' Hoch Die Anarchic. '
Louis LiN'ao. "
"HI : IP IT ix nxiiM" ! ! . "
Yesterday , when ono of the guards said
that the papers had printed his letter to D.
D. Lum , the young bomb thrower expressed
n strong dcsiro to "read it lu English , "
Jailer Folz consented and Lingg slowly
plodded through the translation. Knglehart
speaks German , and when appealed to gave
Llngg the meaning of < ho English words in
German. The doomed man said the letter
was an admirable translation of the original.
Turning to another page of the paper his eye
caught the line : "Lingg Will Surely Hang. "
Calling to Englchart ho asked : "What is the
moaning of this word 'surely1 in German ? "
Knglehart told him , und Llugg laughingly
observed : "So , sol I will surely hang. "
Hli manner was such that Englohart Joined
hi the laugh. "Say , " the blonde-haired youug
anarchist called to a reporter , "did you sec
my inuedchcnl" Ho was told that Eda
Mueller had not been seen and his next
query was : "Has my sclintz ( sweetheart )
gone to Springlleldl" This question was an
swered In the afllrmatlvo. Ho seemed pleased
and remarked that if ho could have seen hoc
ho would have told her to stay at homo.
O Neil , ono of the two guards who remain
on duty before Lingg's cell throughout the
day , declared that Lingg was the coolest mar
in tlio Cool ; county Jail. Ho was very pale ,
his app-jtUo was good and ho slept well.
iiXASiixiNQ Tin : OEM * .
A ftcr a while Jailer Folz made an cxamina
lion of the cell on the iloor. Ho found the
shell of the fulmlnaUn ; ; cap. The shcrid
said thcio hnd'beon undoubtedly dynamitu h
it. The supposition that the man put UK
shell in his mouth nml deliberately appliet
the candle ( lame is undoubtedly coriect. Tin
explosion was lernllc. It h'.aitlcd thooni
ends , who thought It was a bomb , the nolsi
was so great. The shell was so small a-i t <
allow the smuggling of It into tin
Jail without trouble. At 1015 ; Dr. Gra ;
alter iv further examination , foiiud that tin
tissues of LlngR'H throat , neck and front o
the jaw had been torn away. Ho ndminls
teivd stimulants , but they lallod to aruusi
the man.
How I'ynamlto was rnv.iggled into tlio eel
Is not known , but it is generally belicvoi
there is a traitor among the death watch win
gave him the dynamite and cap. This is tin
feeling at the sheriff's ofllco , as Llnpg's eel
and clothing were thoroughly searched yes
terday , and to all appearances the guard
who sit in front of his cell have watched bin
every minute. Lingg has always been re
garde 1 as the most desperate anarchist of tin
lot. It was ho who manufactured the bomb1
for the huymarket riot , and In whosi
cell the boml's were found lait Sunday
While It is generally thought around tbi
Jail that Llngg hud all along determined 01
ending his own life In some tragic manner , 1
Is also believed that for scmio reason o
otjn > r ho committed the act sooner that a
llfht Intended , Tuesday when Oaplair
Blaek was leaving Urn Jail on.hls way ti
Spr'tiiglibld , Lhigg culled him to the gratinf
opposite his .veil .und la
English asked him to see that
he had some clean linen sent him , and ho was
also very particular that it should bo ar
ranged that the messenger who brought him
his clean clothes should arrange to take away
his soiled things. "All right ; I'll attend to
It , " said Captain Black. "What shall 1 defer
for you at Sprlnlleldl" Llngg shook his
head and said : "Do not forget
tlio clothes. " Yesterday when Mrs.
Engcl was In the Jail she had n short con
versation with Llngg , and then bidding him
good-bye she walked Into the Jail oftlco. As
was disappearing Llngg came to the bars
nd called out , rather anxiously : "Frou
Ongell" but the little woman either did not
ear him or heed him , and hurried out of the
Captain Black came to the Jail shortly after
.en o'clock. Ho went to the room where the
iloctors were working with Llngg. "Poor
'ellow ; poor fellow , " ho said , "can you rccog-
\\io \ \ mol"
"Llngg , do you know Captain Black ! "
skcd Deputy Sheriff Morgan. Lingg
pencd his eyes , looked steadfastly
nt the captain and nodded
: ils head. The rags and strings of flesh that
iimg to his fiieo waved to and fro , and the
captain , almost overcome , left the room. Ho
called Dr. Frcnger and said : "Doctor , don't
you think a consultation of physicians ought
obe held as to whether this man ought to bo
lung ! "
"Impossible to hang him , " said the doctor ;
"who ever heard of hanging n wounded
man ? No , no , it must not be , " and tlio sur-
con returned to his grim task.
While the surgeons were dressing the
wounds Lingg rested In the arms of a news-
mper man. Every oneo In a while Llngg
coughed convulsively and the blood that was
bolting him would be spattered on the clothIng -
Ing of the attendants. Tlio reporter raised
him up so that ho might breathe better.
after the explosion was ghastly. Teeth , bits
of Jawbone , shreds of Ilcsh and blood were
scattered all over the narrow compartment.
A- little trail of blood marked the way over
the stone flagging to the room where
Lingg was carried. Within fifteen
minutcsi after the explosion , Fischer ,
Parsons' and Engclwere taken from
their cells mid searched in the Jailor's private
ofllce. All their clothing was taken from
them and new suits made by tlio sheriff's or
ders wore given them. The sheriff says Lingg
was stripped and carefully searched yester
day and the day before.
Lingg died at'J:50. :
Jailer Folz and his son , who acts as chief
turnkey , were much depressed this evening
over tlio event of the day. Mr. FoU was
asked tlio way in which Lingg had kept the
dynamite cap from the eyes of his keepers.
Ho said that the only way ho could account
for it was that Lingg had secreted it in his
hair , which was remarkably bushy , or In a
part of his person indelicate to mention. No
oilier explanation was possible , as ho was
stripped to the skin yesterday while his
clothes were being thoroughly searched.
Uegarding the manner of the
suicide , Mr. Folz said : "Tho cap
is between ono and one and a half inches
long. It is made of copper and the outer end
is tilled with dynamite. Then a small portion
tion is filled with fulminating ixnvder. Into
this powder runs n fuse. In my opinion ,
Lingg , while lying in bed , reached out his
hand , took from his table u lighted caudle ,
then placed the cap in his mouth with the
fuse outward. To this ho placed the candle
and the mortal wound followed. "
The Governor's Decision.
TsrniNfiriiJi.ii , 111. , Nov. 10. The decision
of the governor was announced in front ol
the executive mansion a 7 o'clock prompt by
the private secretary. Fielden and Schwab
were committed to imprisonment for life.
The rest were denied clemency. Thus Spies ,
Fischer , Parsons and En gel will hang to
morrow. The following is the decision in
full :
State of Illinois , Executive Ofllce , Spring-
Held , Nov. 10. lbb . On the L'Otli day ot Aug
ust , 1 0 , in the Cook county criminal court ,
August Spies , Albert H. Parsons , Samuel
Fielden , Michael Schwab , Adolph Fischer.
George Engel and Louis Lingg were found
guilty by the verdict of a Jury and afterward
sentenced to bo hanged for the murder
of Matildas Dcgan. An appeal was taken
from such finding and sentence to the supreme
premo court of the state. That court , upon
Html hearing and after mature deliberation ,
unanimously attlrmed the decision of the
court below. The case now comes before mo
by the petition of the defendants for con
sideration as governor of the state. If the
letters of Albert Parsons , Adolph Fischer ,
George Engel and Louis Lingg demanding
"unconditional release , " or , as they express
it , "liberty or death , " and protesting in the
strongest language against mercy or commu-
trtion of the wntenco pronounced against
them , can be considered a petition , n pardon ,
could It bo granted , which might imply any
guilt whatever upon the part of either of
them , would not be such vindication as they
demand. Executive intervention upon the
grounds insisted upon by the four above
named persons could in no proper sense
bo deemed an exercise of tlio constitutional
power to grant reprieves , commutations and
pardons * , unless used upon the belief on my
ji.irt of their entire innocence of the crime of
which they stand convicted. A careful con
sideration of the evidence in tlio record ol
the trial of the parties , as well as of all
alleged and claimed for them outside of tlio
iccord , has lulled to produce upon my mliul
any impression tending to impeach the ver
dict of the Jury , or the Judgment of the trial
court or of the supreme court aftlrming the
guilt of all these parties. Satisfied , thero-
toro , as I am of their guilt , 1 am precluded
from considering tlio question of commuta
tion of the sentences of Albeit U. Parsons ,
Adolph Fischer , George Engel and Louis
Lingg to imprisonment in the penitentiary ,
us they emphatically declare they will nol
accept such commutation. Samuel Fielden
Michael Schwab and August Spies unite in a
petition for "executive clemency. " Fielden
and Schwab In addition present seperato am
supplementary petitions for commutation of
sentence. While , as said above , I am satis
fled of the guilt of all tlio parties as found bj
the verdict of tlio Jury , which was sustainei
by the judgments of the courts , a most care
ful consideration of the whole subject leads
mo to tbo conclusion that the sentence of tla
law as to Samuel Fielden and Mlchac
Schwab may bo modified as to each of then
in the interest of humanity and without doinj.
violence to public Justice. And as to the sah
Samuel Fielden and Michael Schwab , tin
sentence is commuted to imprisonment foi
life. As to all the other above nainec
defendants , 1 do not feel Instilled
in interfering with the sentence of the court
While I would gladly have como to a differ
ent conclusion in regard to the sentence o
the defendants , August Spies , Adolpl
Fischer , George Enple , Albert It. Parsons
and Louis 1 inpg , 11 egret to say that nndei
the solemn sense of the obligations of mj
oftico , I hiivo boon unnblo to do so.
( Signed ; HicuAitu J. Oui.csnr ,
Governor ,
Minuirf MVTSOX OFFICIALLY xoTinii : > .
Tlio following is1 a copy of the liistrumen
ofnclally commuting the sentences of Ficldei
and Schwab !
State of Illinois , Executive Department
Hlcbard J. Oglesb.v , Governor of Illinois. Tf
the Sheriff of Cook County. Greeting
Whereas , Samuel Fieldon and Mlchac
Schwab were convicted nt the Juno term A
D. , ISii ) , of the ciliniflal court of Cook county
of the crime of murder and were sentences
therefor to bo hanged ; and
M'hcrcas. It has been presented to mo bj
divers good citizens of said county that sah
Samuel Fielden and Michael Seliwab are H
und proper subjects for executive clemenci
Now know ya that I , Kichnrd J , Oglcsbj
governor of Illinois , by authority in no vestec
by the constitution of thin state , do by thes
urcbcuts commute the sentence ol said Sum
el Fleldcn and Michael Schwab to Imprison-
lent In the penitentiary for life. In testi-
uony whereof I hereto sot my hand and
nuso to bo fixed the great Dual of the state.
Done at the city of Springfield this 10th day
of November in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven
and of the Independence of the United
States the ono hundred and twelfth ,
[ sioxini. ] H. J. Ooi.usnv ,
[ sioxno. ] HnxiiTD.Dr.MKNT ,
Secretary of State.
The Situation nt Springfield.
SruixariKM ) , Nov. 10 , The announcement
of the governor's decision in the anarchist
case spread like wildfire this evening and the
; reatcst excitement naturally prevailed ,
Much speculation had been Indulged in dur-
ng the day and since noon the Impression
: ias been prevalent that the sentence of
Fleldcn and Schwab would be commuted and
> osslbly that of Spies or Parsons. Tlio decls-
on cannot bo said to have by any means been
received with surprise hero and It Is no exag
geration to say that the governor's action
meets with general approval. Since the
mbllc announcement of his decision the
governor has remained In his study at the
mansion and Is engaged this evening In con
sidering the great volume of general public
Business which has accumulated while the
jll-absorbing pardon case was pending. Ho
is evidently giving no heed whatever to the
great volume of threatening letters ho has
received , as tlio lights are shining brightly
from tlio windows of the executive mansion
and everything has its wonted appearance.
Four iKjlieemen arc , however , keeping a close
lookout around the mansion and will doubt
less continue to do so nightly until some
days after the execution of the condemned
men. Of four or llvo of the anarchists
friends who remained in tlio city over to-day
all but ono or two left on the 0 o'clock train
for Chicago Immediately after receiving tbo
news of the governor's decision. Hoprescn-
tatlve Hohrbach and President Oliver , of the
Amnesty association , were first Informed of
the decision immediately after its .announce
ment , and expressed great astonismncnt that
more of the condemned men had not received
clemency. Itohrbaeh and Oliver could hardly
credit the news and when emphatically in
formed of its authenticity appeared greatly
downcast and refused at once to express any
further opinion on the subject. George
Schilling expressed mingled disappoint
ment and disgust on hearing the
news , but prudently abstained
from any forcible expressions of
opinion. His chagrin was moro apparent in
liis action than in Ills words and ho , too , after
fully appreciating the import of the intel
ligence , lapsed into a stubbornly uncom
municative state. The last of the anarchists'
friends left for Chicago on the midnight
A IlnuenH Corpus Writ Refused.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Attorney Solomon ap
peared before Judge Tulley this afternoon
and made his application for a writ of habeas
corpus in behalf of A. H , Parsons. His points
were that the process was void , the record
saying the defendant was present when ho
was absent. Ho claims that the order of the
court directing the execution of anarchists on
November 13 was unconstitutional and void ,
inasmuch as such final process must read :
'In the name of the people of the state of
Illinois. " Ho read many decisions in sup
port of his point. One of Mr. Solomon's
main points was that the Illinois supreme
court should have returned the case to the
lower court , where the sentence should have
again been pronounced. Neglect to do this ,
he agued , was n fatal error. The writ was
refused by Judge Tulloy ,
The r/nst / Hniltl'nrtlnjjs.
CHICAOO , Nov. 10. When tbo news of the
commutation of the sentences of Fioldcn and
Schwab was received at the Jail there was an
extraordinary scene of activity. The news
was sent to the relativcsof all the condemned
men , and in a short time they began to arrive
at tlio Jail. Tlio first of the women tq come
was Mrs. Schwab. Soon after Schwab was
brought from his cell to the main oftlco. His
wife quickly advanced to him and , throwing
her arms about his neck , burst into tears.
Schwab returned the embrace in n calm man
ner and soon tlio two were chatting quietly
together. After this Spies and Fischer were
brought from their cells and taken to the Jail
library. Engcl was brought to the private
oflico of Mr. Folz. This was done for the
purpose of allowing the relatives to take their
last interviews. Tlio first ono of the women
to arrive after Mrs. Schwab was Miss Eng el ,
the daughter of the condemned anarchist.
When the two met in the pri
vate ofllco there was an out
burst of grief which it is impossible
to describe. Father and daughter clung to
each other and sobbed convulsively. Their
conversation was in German and listened to
only by Deputy Oleson. Then came Mrs.
Spies , the mother of August. She had been
waiting outside for an hour and u half. Her
nebs could bo heard throughout the corridors
of the building. She did not stay long In the
library with her son and on her exit from the
jail Mrs. Fischer was admitted. She went
into the library and her lamentations were
heard above the tramp of the deputies , who
swarmed about the place.
But the crowning scene of all was the visit
of Nina Van Xandt , the proxy wife of Spies.
She was conducted to the library by Deputy
Oleson. As she walked through the main
oftico she betrayed no emotion. Tlio moment
nt which she saw August , however , com
pletely changed her demeanor. There was n
look , then a gasp and in a thrice the lovers
were in each other's arms. A bevy of curi
ous reporters and officers crowded up to the
door of the library , but it was quickly shut by
the deputy. The interview between the pris
oner and his faithful devotee lasted nearly
half an hour. What actually transpired will
never bo known to the world , but it was suf
ficient to bring a glimmer of tears to the eyes
of the old deputy. In half an hour the lov
ers had pat ted and the excitement of the en
trance of Nina had passed ,
Apprised of Impending Death.
CmcAdo , Nov. 10. Shortly after 7 o'clock
Sheriff Matson came to the jail. His mission
was twofold. Ho wanted to give personal
notice to Spies , Engel , Fischer and Parsons
that they would have to suffer tlio extreme
penalty of the law. Ho also wanted to see
that his deputies were so placed that all un
authorized people should bo kept from the
vicinity. When the sheriff went into the
cell room ho was accompanied by deputies
Price , Turner and Ga'.pin. Tlio quartette
stayed in the cell room for about twenty
minutes. The sheriff would only say that
none of the condemned men showed any
signs of breaking down. It was at 7:2. : )
o'clock that Hov. Dr. Bolton , of the First
Methodist church , called t on Parsons. His
visit lasted about three minutes
and bis efforts to get Parsons
to consider spiritual matters were of no
avail. At 8:10 : o'clock Spies , Fischer and
Engcl were taken from the rooms in which
they had bade farewell to their relatives and
consigned to their cells. These were soon
closely guarded. An armed deputy stood in
front of each barred door. Inside the cell oi
each prisoner was a lantern , while a table
was placed outside and on this was a lamp ,
thus giving the guards an opportunity tc
watch tlio movements of each prisoner.
Mrs. I'nrsons Creates n Scone.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Mrs. Lucy Parsons
created a scene in the criminal court building
about 10 o'clock. She walked down Michl
gan street to the main entrance and was ad
mitted to the hallway by the armed guards
She had with her a lady friend. Approach
ing the door which leads to
the jail yard she demanded permission
to proceed. This was denied her
by a deputy sheriff , who was actlng-undertho
direction of Sheriff Matson.
"But 1 must go in to see my .husband. " ex
claimed Mrs. Parsons.
"You cannot , " was the firm reply.
Then the dusky wife of the anarchist threw
UP her hands und fell to the tiled tloor in i
dead faint , it took over twrnt.y minute * to
bring her to consciousness , but when this was.
lone , she was escorted from the building ,
'arsons was not informed of the episode.
An Allowed Confession.
CHICAOO , Nov. 10. An extra edition of an
evening paper says that the following dls-
latch was received by Captain Black to-
NEW YOUK , Nov. 10. Captain TMack , Chicago
cage : I hold proof showing the sentenced
inarchlsts to bo Innocent. The guilty man Is
n New York and located. Have telegraphed
o Governor Oglesby. Proof is under oath.
How shall I communicate itt
[ Signed ] AfUfsT P. Wvor.xnn ,
Counsellor-at-Law. *
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 11. Attorney A. P.
Wagner , of No. S7 Second avenue , sent a Icl-
egram to Captain Black In Chicago yestcr-
lay , stating positively that the man who
: hrew the bomb at the Ilaymarket riot was
n New York City. Mr. Wagner was seen
jy n reporter nt an early hour this morning.
Ho said : "Franz MayhofT , who was convicted
of attempting to defraud the Greenwich
Insurance company In October nml sentenced
; o Sing Shig for four and a half years , wrote
to me some days ago , and on November 'J I
went to Sing Slngwhere ho made an affidavit
jeforo a notary public that ho know the man
who threw the bomb. Mnyhoft said
that early In January , Ibb7 , ho
was introduced to a man named
iCllmanu Schutz by William Scharff.
icharff had often told Mayhoff , Sohcutz
incw all about anarchy. Two weeks later
Schcutz lu talking to Mayhoff spoke of an
archy , dynamite , and arson , and of the bomb
at the Hayinarkct. Ho told Mahoff ho had
resided in Chicago at the time and had to
make his escape because the police suspected
ho was concerned in tlio Hay-
uarket. The second conversation
Mayhoff had with Seheutz was
.n . February , when Schcutz wanted him to
iclp kill a man who had $ J,000. Ma ioff re
fused to have anything to do with him ,
whereupon Schcutz said :
"You are no good. I have done worse than
that. I threw the bomb In Chicago. Others
arc suffering for it , but that is uouo of my
business. "
Ho told Mayhoff ho had three bombs in n
satchel and that ho had them behind the
wagon at the riot. It had been agreed to
throw the bomb when the police interfered ,
but the latter came too late.
This Is practically all there Is to the story ,
although Mayhotf talked at some length
about Schcutz showing him bombs at
various times and assorting that
if the anarchists were hung Grinnell and the
jury must hang and also much incendiary
talk of the Hcrr Most style which was In
dulged In by the self-accused bomb thrower.
Mr. Wagencr says ho has great faith In
the statements made In the affidavit from
what ho knew of tlio case before. Ho went to
Superintendent Murray and asked to
have searched the premises occupied
by Scheutz , but Murray refused to do It
unless a warrant was gotten out.
Schcutz has been employed In the repair
shops of the Third avenue railway , and is
said to have been an officer in ono of the
foremost societies of anarchists in tlio coun
try. Wagoner says ho hns no interest in the
case except from a motive of common hu
manity. _ _ _
lilack Will Make Another Effort.
SruiNOFiELJ ) , Nov. 10. It Is learned at a
late hour to-night that Captain Black has
wired Schilling to remain in Springfield as ho
( Black ) , will arrive here in the morning at
0:80 : to appear before the governor and urge a
stay in the execution of Parsons on the
ground that the latter is insane , and has been
for many months and is not responsible for
his acts. Ho will also make a plea
for Spies and in fact for all the condemned
men. Certain it Is that Black will arrived
hero in the morning and that Schilling has
remained overdo meet him and join in the
governor. Schilling was approached by an
Associated press reporter late to-night , but
positively refused to bo interviewed or an
swer any questions whatever relating to the
subject , yet ho did not deny the authenticity
of the report. _ _ _ _
How the Condemned Act.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. A few minutes after 11
o'clock Deputy Peters came out from his tour
of duty with Eugel with the air of a man
who had just loft an agreeable entertainment.
The cause of this was discovered to bo a se
lect assortment of funny stories with which
Engel had regaled him. This ono of tlio con
demned is by no means depressed by the
clamor of th * carpenters putting the
finishing touches on the scaffold where
in a few hours ho will bo a
prominent actor. The grim terrors of the
rapidly passing hours seem to liavo no effect
on Engcl. In the course of his conversation
with Peters ho indulged In a sneer at the
cowardice exhibited by several of his doomed
follows. Said ho : "There arc a good many
loud talkers among us , and the ones that
talked the loudest were the ones to weaken
when It came to the scratch. "
On being asked as to his own view of bis
coming doom , ho throw up his hands and
with a sbrugof his shoulders said :
"You see mo. "
There Is hardly a doubt that ho will march
upon the fatal platform and step out into
eternity with the reckless courage of a bruto.
At half past 11 o'clock Parsons is still
awake and pacing his cell with n restless
step. Occasionally his sharp face shows up
in the glare of the lantern sitting in front of
his door and the light in his eyes seem
brighter than in the early evening.
Fischer and Spies sit on their beds well
back from the cell doors nud say but littlo.
A Talk With Fischer and Engol.
CHICAOO , Nov. 10. Deputy Sheriff Adolph
Mueller had a talk with Fischer and Engcl
during the evening. Mueller says that the
two men discussed Linpg's suicide freely.
Both of them declared that they wished
they had n chance to follow
Lingg's example. They would infinitely
prefer to take their own lives tliun to suffer
the shameful death allotcd to them. Engcl
also discussed his own attempt nt suicide ,
which ho made Saturday night by taking
laudanum and morphine pills. He went so
far as to assert that that his own wife gave
him the bpttlo about a year ago and he added
that he wished ho had used tlio poison before
it lost Us strength.
Erecting the Scaffold.
Cmmno , Nov. 10. The erection of the
scaffold began nt 10:1 : ! > o'clock. The first In
timation that the newspaper men had of it
was the falling of a heavy board. Then came
the blows of hammers and each one was dis
tinctly heard In the dead quiet which pre
vailed. The gallows was put up In tlio north
east corridor of the Jail , where for many
years all the Cook county hangings have
taken place. The scaffold is the same used
in the hanging of the three Italian murderers ,
but it has been lengthened for the purpose of
swinging off the four anarchists at once. It
is painted a dead-Tirown color.
Between 1 and 2 o'clock the sheriff and his
assistant tested the gallows. Heavy bags of
sand were attached to the ropes and the
traps were sprung. The machine worked to
perfection und In all respects was
satisfactory to the authorities. Then
an unusual quiet prevailed in the
jail. The only nolso in the cell
rco ! " was the low voices of a few deputies ,
the turnfng of a key in a lock and the rapid
ticking of a tclegr.Tr'J instrument which was
telling the world of the last hours of the four
Military I'roparatlons.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. "What preparations
have you made against possible trouble us a
result of to-morrow's cxecutlonl" asked a
reporter of General Fitzsimons , commandei
of the first brigade of state troops.
"I can out line no plans,11 ( said the general
"It would not bo policy. I will say , how
ever , that MX ) men of the First reglmont and
730 of the X'1 can Lc thrown into the
leld for action nt very short notice. Seven
inndred to eight hundred men of the Third
mil Fourth regiments can bo gotten hero
fully equipped for duty In three hours. 1 do
lot anticipate , any trouble , however. Any
roublo that may occur will bo
not most effectually , I think , by the
) olico and detachments of the
: -'lrst and Second regiments. I deprecate the
iccesslty for summary action on the part of
ho police or troops , " continued the general.
'but If these wretched enemies of law and
order glvo us cause for action there will bo
10 such leniency as has been extended them
n the past. "
"Will your men UPO blank cartridges or fire
over the heads of the crowd In case of n riot ,
uid an order to fire Is given ! "
"We have no blank cartridges , " said Gen
eral Fitzslmmons , "and will not lire unless
wo lire to do execution. "
Many conjectures have been made the last
'cw days regarding what orders had been
ssucd to the United States troops now at
lllghwood. Accordingly n reporter called
this afternoon on Major-General Terry , com
mander of the Division of the Missouri , and
asked him what arrangements hml been made
for transferring the troops hero in case they
were wanted.
"After tlio execution and after the trouble
should any occur " said the general , "I
may bo willing to talk about It , but I con
sider it in bad form for an army officer to out-
ino his plan in advance. "
General Terry thought the militia hero
ivould be amply able to take care of any dls-
: urbance , together with the police. Ho con
sidered them all n remarkable line and ef
ficient body of men ,
DctallH of Deputies.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. At (1 o'clock there was
nn influx of deputy sheriffs to the jail. Men
who hud for years been serving civil writs
uid not bothering their heads about hang
ings came in. They all wore heavy over
coats and in the right hand pockets of these
were bulky objects which to the eyes of the
experienced were plainly revolvers. Orders
were given forbidding tlio entrance of any
one not connected with the press or sheriff's
oflleo. Then some of the deputies went to
supper and matters quieted down. A rumor
was started to the effect that Schwab and
Fielden will bo removed to .Toilet at : ! )
o'clock , but. Jailor FoU declared ho had no
orders to that effect.
Juror Itraytoii In Dimmer ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 10 , About 8 o'clock to
night n bomb was found by Thomas Maloney
in the rear of the residence of James Bray-
ton , on Yale near Fifty-third street , in Englo-
wood. The bomb consisted of a pleco of gas
pipe twelve Inches long and about two
inches In diameter , filled with pieces
af iron and u substance suppo scd to
bo dynamite. Mr. Brayton was
pno of the jurors who convicted tlio anarch
ists. He said to u reporter to-night that he
Aid not fear any organized attack , but be
lieved that trouble might bo available from
cranks. Ho has received several threatening
letters since tlio sentence was pronounced on
the anarchists and lias consulted with refer
ence to them with Chief Ebersold , States At
torney Grinnell and Captain Schaak. Two
officers were detailed to guard his houso.
Sweet heart I'roud of Him.
CHICAOO , Nov. 10. Ida F'cldel , ( which is
the correct name instead of Mueller ) ,
"Llngg's girl , " was seen at her homo to
night and asked what she thought of the
"I always thought Llngg was a resolute
fellow that's all , " said she.
"Do you think ho did right In killing lilm-
"I think It better to dlo as Llngg died than
to be hanged to helplessly allow. himself to
bo dragged to the gallows und choked to
death. "
In reply to further questions the girl said
she would not pcnd word to Llngg's mother
and did not care to bo bothered further about
th matter.
She had hardly left the reporter when
loud sobbing was heard in the other room.
showing that her calmness had been forced
and that she broke down after closing the
All Quirt Up to MldnlKht.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Up to J2)0 : ; ) a. in. every
thing is quiet throughout the city and no in
dications of a disturbance have been reported
from any quarter. The fact that the author
ities have taken every precaution to prevent
trouble and are fully prepared for any emer
gency is almost a guarantee that everything
will pass off quietly to-morrow. The Fir&t
and Second regiments of infantry and Bat
tery D of the artillery arc mustered In their
respective armories , but will not bo called
therefrom except In case of necessity.
The Death Watch.
COOK COUNTY JAIL , Chicago , Nov. 11 . 7 a.
in. At 1 o'clock a change was made in the
death watch. Deputy Hart had been guard
ing Spies since 8 o'clock. IIo reported that
ho had quite a long talk with the
anarchist. Spies declared that ho had
no reason to bo afraid and then
launched forth in a tirade against
the courts. He asserted that all the judges
who had any connection with the case had
reason to tremble , while the anarchists could
hold up their heads and walk to death with
steady footsteps. The deputy also related
the manner In which Hov. Dr. Bolton was 10-
ccived by Spies. The divlno asked him if he
would not accept of spiritual consolation.
Spies , with a haughty shako of his head , de
clared ho had no use for any clergymen.
"I'll pray for you all night , " cried the
"Pray for yourself , " returned Spies.'Yon
need moro. "
At 11 o'clock Spies lay down on his cot and
closed his eyes' , but ho did not sleep. Several
times ho got up for a drink of water. But
his every movement betokened u firmness
which was astonishing.
So it was with the rest of the anarchists.
Parsons hud the nerve to entertain his guard
with a song. His selection was "Annie
Laurie. " Ho sang tlio songentiroly through ,
and when ho finished rested bis head on Ins
hands for a few moments and then repeated
the song. His fortitude was the wonder of
all who heard him.
K\ tract From the * Arlicltor.cluing. .
CIIICAOO , Nov. 10 , The noon issue of tlio
Ai belter Xoitung contained a short account
of Lingg's attempted suicide , which read :
"They Imvo urged our courageous friend to
death. This morning ho committed suicide
by placing n rilln cartridge in his mouth and
Igniting it , almost resulting in instant
death. " The account goes on to say that his
friends' declaration that ho was insane , jes-
terday , drove him to commit suicido.
A "Fako" Exploded.
Cinrioo , Nov. 10. A sensational article
appeared in a morning paper and was tele
graphed widely over the country stating that
1(5,000 ( men of the central labor union had re
solved to make to-morrow a holiday and wore
probably going to make a grand demonstra
tion on the streets. An Investigation of the
thing to-day proved it to be ono of the sensa
tional "fakes" which some of the papers have
been engaged In promulgating for some time
past. The officials of the centi-il labor union
say they did request such of the members as
co.uld consistently do so to make to morrow a
holiday out of respect for their condemned
brethren , but that very few besides the
bakers would stop work and that no demon
stration of any kind would bo made.
Fischer's Farewell to Hcrr Most.
NEW VOIIK , Nov. 10 , The ITrclholt this
evening published a long letter from Adolph
Fischer , ono ot the Chicago anarchists , to
JIcrrMost , in which the condemned man
biJs h ! " friend Most n last farewell. The
letter is pi7ni > lually devoted to glorification
of the cause of nncr-'hy , for which he says ho
is proud ho is soon to become u martyr. Ho
beseeches Most to always bo true to the
cause and asks that his wife and children bo
looked after. _
Now York Socialists Parade.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 10. Sc.hevltch , editor of
the Leader , made applicatlpn to the police to ;
- .
day for permission for 10,000 socialists to
| > arndo to-night to express disapproval of tbo
hanging of the Chicago anarchists , In vluw
of Llngg's suicide Superintendent Murray
summoned all his captains ami puvn them
npecillo Instructions how to net. They will
furnish a detail of men nml nil the reserves
will bo held In readiness for Inshuitiinroua
service. "I deem
these precniitlons neces
sary. " said the superintendent , "us a slnpla
mischlovloUA person might cause u disturb
ance tlmt could easily result disastrously If
not Immediately handled. " Schovitch salil
ho was not surprised to hear of Llngg'a snU
cldo and said the aet showed the iron ncrvo
and will tlio man had ,
The trades unions and sympatbl/ers with
socialism paraded to-night In protestation of
the hanging of the anarchists In Chicago to
morrow. No disturbance occurred. A long
line of men n,000 strong passed down Broad
street wltli red and black lings , all lieavlly
draped in crnpo , tlio bunds playing the
"Head Muroh of Saul" and the
"Marscllnls. " Tlio transparanclon bore In
scriptions far moro bloodthirsty and threat
ening than anything in the general conduct
or apiH'aramv of tin ) marching men. Amonir
the legends were these : "Blood for Blood , "
" 1'rolctarist , " "Beware this Insurrection , "
"Tho Gallows-to Death , " "Seven Noblemen
You Kill , Savages Howarc , " Mombard Us
mid We'll D.vnamlto You , " "Wago Slaves ,
the Day of Your Liberation is at Hand. "
A Move For Charity.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 10. Justus Schwab ami
other New York socialists Imvo held a meet
ing looking to the Issuing of u call to the
tellers of the world to raise a fund for the
maintenance of the wives and children of the
condemned Chicago nimrehtstH , It was
agreed that they bo declared. "Wards of
liberty" and that a permanent organlrntion
bo formed to become International In char
A Day Ahead til' the AimrchlntH.
HONKMUI.K , Pa. , Nov. 10. James 1' . Mo-
Cabe , who murdered Mic.haol Klle.v in Do-
eember , lib , " " , was hanged hero to-day.
Cotton Advances < IO Points On tlio
New York K\chaiiKc.
NHW YoitK , Nov. 10. There was u bear
panic on the cotton exchange to-day and re
ports of trouble are cuirent. The different
futures have advanced ( W points since noou
on the publication of crop reports continuing
the estimates of n short crop. Several
houses uro said to bo short over a 100,000
bales each , and one house is reported to Imvo
had to provide WO,000 additional margin.
The sales between calls amount to over
70,000 bales and trading continues enormous.
Ill the Chamber of Deputies * .
PAIMS , Nov. 10. Before the opening of the
chamber of deputies animated groups stood
in the lobby discussing the incident. In the
chamber Count Do Donvillo-Malllefou moved
for leave to interpellate the government in
reference to Wilson , declaring It Impossible
after the disclosures made yesterday that
there should bo any delay in reassuring the
public mind , which had received a severe
shock. M. Mu/cuu , minister of Justice , re
plied that the government declined
to accept any responsibility for
the doings of M. Wilson.
M. Piou moved that the government order
an Immediate inquiry into the allegations
against Wilson. Houvier , after some debate ,
said the government had done its duty from
the outHct and was now prepared to d.irect
the opening of n new Inquiry. Piou's
motion was accepted. M. Mim'im directed
the procurcurs to institute Judicial inquiry.
Itouvier then declared that the cabinet hail
decided freely on its own responsibility and
asked the chamber to vote the order of the
day. The chamber apjn-ovcd the suggestion.
Flyer * at 'Frisco.
SAN FIIAXCISCO , Nov. 10. The track wi.
fair and tlio attendance largo.
Five-eights mlle : Snow Drop won , Susie S.
second , Kildaro third. Time 1:011. :
One and one-quailor miles , ullages : Kenny
won , licpotta second , Idalcue Colton third.
Time 2:11 : tf.
Three-quarters mlle : Bryant W. won ,
Daly second , Kuth third. Time 1 : 'JO.
Ono and threo-eighlhs mile , three-year-
olds : Shasta won , Adelenu bccond , Kllwood
third. Time 2:25'.f. : '
Ono und one-sixteenth miles , heats : Etta
W. won , Moonlight second , Black Pilot third.
Time 1W : : > < J.
Second heat : Black Pilot won , Bolero sec
ond. Etta W. third. Time 1 ; Ky. .
Third heat : Black Pilot won , J ttn W. sec
ond. Time lr : > 7' ' < j.
Ilaccs at KaiiKiiH City.
KAXSvsCirv , Nov. 10. Seven furlongs :
Estrella won , Colonel Owens bccond , Tommy
H. Third. Time 1 : .Ti.
Six furlongs : Emperor of Norfolk won ,
"Wheeler T second , Los Angeles third. Time
-i -.wy .
Ono and three-quarter miles : Wary won ,
Grisetto second , Insolence third. Time
: tlb : > i.
One and ono-sixtccnths : Dad won , Wood
craft second , Panama third. Time 1:55J : .
Ono and one-eighth miles : Clone 1C. won ,
Biddy Bowling Bucond , Malaria third. Time
2:04. :
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , light winds ,
generally from south to west , slight changes
in temperature.
Iowa : Slightly warmer , fair weather , light
to fresh variable winds , generally shifting to
Eastern and Central Dakota : Slightly
colder , fair weather , followed by local rains
or snow , light to fresh variable winds.
The Magistrate Wrong.
Dnii.ix , Nov. 10. In the case of the gov
ernment's appeal from the decision of Mag
istrate O'Donnoll , dismissing the case of
Lord Mayor Sullivan , charged with publish
ing repoits of meetings of suppressed
branches of the league , the court held the
magistrate wiong m law in dismissing tlio
ease and oideicd it referred back and ro-
Steamship Arrivals.
SOUTH v.Mnox , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BII : ; . ] Arrived The Allcr ,
from Now York for Bremen.
QLT.IN&TO\\.V : , Nov. 10. Arrivcd-Tho Brit-
tanlc , from New York.
GLASGOW , Nov. 10. Arrived The Hiber
nian , from Philadelphia.
Pim.ADCi.rmt , Nov. 10. Arrived-Tho
Lord Clive , from Llvomool.
Sensational Kovolutions.
PAIIIS , Nov. 10. The revelations In the
Caftarel trial yesterday in relation to M. Wil
sons antedated letters have caused a sensa
tion. The nowsp.ipois now declare that it is
impossible that he should bo allowed to es
A Warner Institute Opened.
BitnK.U'oitT , Conn. , Nov. 10. The formal
opening of uho Warner institute occurred
this ovenl.-ig. Addresses wcro delivered by
Hobort Collier and others. Mrs. Cleveland
was present and gave u reception to " , l'OU '
wuiliing girls.
He-fused to Tart With Wilson.
LONDON , Nov. 10. A Paris dispatch to the
Times says a violent scene occurred at the
cabinet meeting to-day , Grovy obstinately ro.
fusing to part with M. Wilson.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Bm : . ] George W. Master * was to-day
appointed postmaster at Bear Grove , Outli
ne county , la. , vice Clcarchus Heed , ro-
J'rlncoton'H I'r
PnixcnroN , N. J. , Nov. 10. Dr. McCosh
resigned the presidency of the Princeton
college this momlii - .