Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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The Now Schedule of Fast Trains to
the Coast.
UlfgUHting Condition of Street Car *
on OHO oftlic City MIIPH llemls
"iVIri-H His Kxiicrlenco
With Anarcliy.
AnnllillntlnK Time.
Vlc-c President Potter , of the Union Pncl-
flc , arrived In Oinnha last , evening
after n long absence on the Paclllo const find
at Intervening points.
Yesterday the nchcdulo was perfected
regarding the tlnio of the fast train which Is
to commence running on the lath of this
monthmid , Is ns follows : Leaving Council
Bluffs for the west at 10:0. : n. : n. and 7:5 : , " p. m.
reaching Omalm 10:30 : a , m. nnd 8:20 : p , m. ;
Choycnno. 6:20 : u. rn. and l'J:50 : p. in. ; Lnrit-
mlo , UflO ; a. m. and 8tt ! p. m. : Uawllnn , 8j20
a. in. and b83 ; p. in. ; Green lllver U p. in. and
l-,20u. m
The Hccoud of these trains , that which
I ° nvc8 Council HlufTs at 7:55 : p. m. makes
close c innectloim for Portland , arriving at
Poncutolln 0:15 : a. m. ; Huntlngtou , 8:23 : p. in.
untl at 1'jrtland 1:30 : p. in.
Returning eastward a train wil leave Port
land at 2 p. m. reaching Iluiitingtnn 8 : : ) i > .
m. , Poncatollo , 0:50 : p. m. and Green Hlver
at 0:85 : p. in.
At the mentioned Btatlon the two trains
before mentioned arc scheduled to leave as
follows : 7:10 : a. m. and 6:35 : p. m. , reaching
Hawlitm at 1'p. ! : ! ( ) . in. and 12:10 : a. m. ; Laru-
mlo at ( > : , " > p. in. and 7:20 : a. m. ; Chcycnno
0r : > . " > p. m , and 10H : ! ) a. in. ; Omaha.0 p. m. and
TifiO a. ui. ; Council Hluffs 0:25 p. in. and 8:15 :
a. m.
The train for San Frnnclsco leaves Green
nivcr at 1:20 : a. m. , reaching Evanston at 5 a.
in. , and arriving at Option , mountain time ,
7:4i : ! a. in. , and leaving at 7:40 : a. in. Pnriilu
time , arriving at Klolio 7:05 : p. m. ; Kuno , ff.'Xi
n. m. ; Sacramento , 11:50 : p. m. ; Oakland , 0:40 :
p. m , , and San Francisco at 7:10 : p , in.
Hoturning. it will leave San Francisco at
H p. in , arriving at Ogden 70 : ! a. m. , the second
end day out and leaving there at 10 a. in. ,
and making close coimucUon at Green Hiver
at 0i)5p. : ) m ,
At Sacramento , close connection will bo
made for I.os Angeles.
This schedule makes the time for Omaha
to Ogden thirty-live hours and twenty-live
minutes : the time from Ogdcn to San Fran
cisco , thirty-live hours and twenty minutes ,
a shortening of live hours and fifty minutes ,
The total time between this city and Kan
Fnancisco Is seventy hours and forty-live
minutes , a saving of Jlfteon hours and forty-
live minutes.
The time from Omaha to Portland Is
. hours and minutes
.seventy-seven twenty-live ,
which amounts to a saving of eight hours and
forty-live minutes.
lie IH KcCitKcd the Liberty of Public
Mr. George P. Uomis , of this city , George
Francis Train's former secretary and inter
preter , has been to Waukcgan , 111. , and had
liis flrst experience with anarchy. Ho last
night wiregramcd from Chicago his experi
ence to the lice as follows , which is explana
tory In itself :
The following Is my first experience in
anarchy :
WAUKHOAN , 111. , Nov. 8 , 18S7. Wo hereby
nfllrm that about 7 o'clock this evening
Mayor Powell , of Waukegan , notified
Ponsonloy & Co. , In his oflioial capacity that
ho would jiot allow them the opera house for
George Francis Train's lecture to-night on
universal knowledge. After having for
several days thoroughly advertised the lec
ture in the papers hero and in Chicago , wo
hereby claim from the city of WauUegan
W50 damages and a public apology for as
suming that wo would do anything of u
treasonable nature or in any way antagonize
tholaws of the Jund.
Poxsoxi.rjv & Co.
GoorpoP , Bcmis , private secretary Gnorge
Francis Train : I consider this n d d out
rage and unless an apology is made I will
"bust the town. "
Manager Ponsonley said that 800 people
were shut out ; Member of Congress Mason
was the intended chairman. The whole
town was at the depot to see us oft for Chi
cago. Uower , start correspondent of the
New York Herald , just told mo that orders
from headquarters hero were not to allow
Mr. Train to speak within 100 miles of
Chicago. Mr. Train leaves to-morrow for
the birds and children of Madison Squaio
and 1 for Omahu.
Gr.onoi ; P. BEMIS.
FILTHY iioitsi : CAKS.
Condition or Public Conveyances nil
the CiimltiK St-cct l.lnc.
The frequent complaints concerning the
lllthy condition of horse cnm on the Thir
teenth and Cuming street line induced n Bin :
representative to make an investigation yes
terday. Eleven cars were visited , nnd
every one was found to bo in n state of un
precedented Hastiness. The steps and rear
platforms were covered with mud from a
one-half inch to two Inches In thickness. It
was like setting one's foot in n bed of mire to
cross it. The Hoers of the car were uniform-
ilj covered with sticky mud , and the interior
of the majority of them were positively foul
with the odor of tobacco smoke.
In one cor a drunken man was stretched at
full length upon the seat , his muddy boots
soiling the covering and causing the passen
gers no little annoyance and disgust. His
drunken slumbers wore finally disturbed by
u gentleman who took him by the shoulders
and rudely awakened him. Notwithstanding
the fact that there were Indies in the rar.nnd
that the inebriated man fairly made the air
blue with his curses , the driver paid no at
tention , nnd the result was that many left
the car to await another.
Five men , more or less thoAvorso for liquor
occupied u second car and "made things
pleasant by singing snugs and expectorating
tobacco Jcico in all directions. The entrance
of a young school girl caused the driver to
stick his head inside and mildly protest with
the runians. This frightened the young girl
who immediately left the car after having
paid her faro.
In a third car In which several ladles were
seated was a man engaged In pulling u vile
cigar to which 110 attention was paid by the
These are but n few Instances of what was
Peon by the reporter. Not n single car vis
ited presented n cleanly appearance nnd there
seemed to be no attention paid to the rules or
any attempt on the part of tUo driver to enforce -
force them. _
Omnlm'H Hunka nnd Surplus.
Chicago Tribune : Mr. II. Kountz , of the
directory of the First Natioual bank of
Omaha , is at the Pacific. Ho says four of
the banks at O in aim are national deposito
ries , but , unlike the east , the favors granted
them by the secretary of the treasury in securing -
curing Dortlous of the surplus revenue for
loons to investors has had no appreciable ef
fect In Nebraska , ami ho did not think the
surplus would bo decreased any on this ac
count They were expecting great things
from the investment , of Chicago capital in
Omaha. Swift's now slaughter-house would
soon bo in operation , and its capacity w " 'd '
be it thousand head a day. Armour's new
hog-house would dispose of 4.000 hogs dally ,
nnd the new concern of Fowler Bros , would
get rid of about the same number. In addi
tion to this Hammonds slaughter-house would
handle MX ) head of cattle , and Omahu was
going to bo a rival of Chicago on a small
scale. _
It Tenderly Consigns to Earth u De
ceased Comrade.
The notice In the BEE of yesterday di
rected to the remains of George Bin-rows ,
'which lay in Barret & Hcafy's , the attention
of the local committee of Custer Post. Xo. 7 ,
O. A. 11. , to which society it seems the ik
ceased was n'member. ' A letter was fouud
o his person shewing that he' had been a
'oX a. Grand Army ; post "tu
HloomficUl , la. , the commander of
which was J. S. Smith. It re
lated to a card for which the deceased
applied on the ICth of last Mny , In his
wallet was found his Grand Army bndgo.
Barrett & Hcafy telegraphed to Milton , la. ,
where they learned some of his relatives
lived , but received only n letter from o Mrs.
Kllrabcth Burrows , asking for the cause of
the death , nnd whether he had left any prop
erty. Tim remains was burled yester
day under the auspices of Custer post. To
day an Investigation as to what effects
he left at South Omaha will bo made by the
Two more deaths occurred nt St. Joseph's
hopitnl yesterday , one being that of Peter
Powers a consumptive aged sixty years ; the
other Matthias Tensch , of brain fever. The
former has friends In the city , and the
brother of the latter , in Huntlngton , Ind. ,
has been telegraphed.
Political nnd IJCKU ! Notes How the ,
Various Candidates Keel.
The docket for the November term of the
county court was called yesterday at'M. \ : .
It comprises ninety-eight cases.
No suits were filed In cither the district or
county courts yesterday.
In the oflleo of County Treasurer Bolln
there pervaded an air of gaiety which Is some
thing unusual in the well conducted depart
Private telegrams to Judge-elect M. U.
Hopcwell from Burt county show that he was
given nearly every vote In the count ) ' . The
balance of the non-partisan ticket received
tremendous majorities.
Judge Wakely , with nn air of content and
nonchalance , was engaged yesterday in
figuring out his majorities , which run beyond
his expectations.
With the exception of Judge Hopowcll , Judge
Wakelcy's ' majorities are in excess of any of
his associates on the non-partisan ticket.
A feeling of sadness was apparent in the
faces of the majority of the attaches in the
county clerk's oflleo yesterday Mr.
Necdham , himself , was the jolliest looking of
the lot.
No cases were on trial in any of the courts
yesterday. _
George Marks , n traveling salesman for a
Kansas City clothing house , is in the city so
liciting orders.
The Armour packing house was opened this
morning and the hog market advanced 5
cents In consequence.
Excavating for the foundation of the hog
house of the Switt Packing company will
begin some time during the latter portion of
this week.
The board of trade matter is being vigor
ously pushed and n paper which all who favor
the movement are requested to sign is being
extensively circulated.
A prisoner confined in the city prison was
attacked with delirium trumens last night
nnd for a time was very violent. Medical aid
was summoned and he is improving.
Tobias Miller , a resident of Hhodo Island ,
who is on his way to visit relatives in San
Diego , Cal. , stopped over yesterday to in
spect the workings of n packing house , ho
having never seen one in operation. The old
gentleman expressed great astonishment at
the rapidity with which the animals are dis
posed of.
A New Enterprise.
\Vo arc pleased to note that we are to
have a valuable addition to South
Omaha , in the shape of a first-class dry
goods and notion store. The proprietor ,
Mr. Charles Singer , has had tin experi
ence of nearly twenty yours in the whole
sale and retail dry goods business in one
of the best houses in the country , viz. :
Messrs. Taylor , Kilpatriek & Co. , of
Cleveland , O. A few months ago ML- .
Singer decided to locate in Nebraska ,
and hus boon employed in the Kilpat-
riek-Kooh Dry Goods company , the head
of which house was formerly ono of his
employers in Ohio. Mr. Singer comes
among us with a largo experience and
nn excellent business education. The
stock is all new and will bo told on the
lowest possible basis. It will bo found
nn advantage to trade at home nnd wo
bespeak a cordial reception for Mr.
Singer , nnd predict a great success for
his business , as a good dry goods store
has been a long felt want.
Real Estate Transfers.
Keal estate transfers filed November 8 ,
ISb" . furnished by the C. E. MuynoHeal Es
tate & Trust Co.
Jonathan II Dustman and wife to 1C
Kurlson , lot 15 bile 1 , South Omaha
View , w d r 00
Larmnn P Pruyn and wife to Norman
II Brown , s HO feet of lots 10 and 11
blk 10 , Patrick's 2nd add , w d 3,250
Harry B Mulford to Norman II Brown ,
35 feet of lots 0 and 7 blk 1 , Pope
Place , w d 3,000
Kate McMillan and husband to Fred
erick Dellone , lot U , Uitchlmrt &
Persons sub , w d 2,000
John F Ilclln ami wife to John S Spaf-
ford , lots IS and 11) ) blk 12 ; lots 17 and
18 blk 13 , Albright's annex , w d 3,275 ,
Wendell Benson et nl , to Fremont N
Jaynes , blks 1 and 2 , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,
6 , 7 , 13 , 11 , 15 , 10 , 17,17,10 , 20 , 21 , ,
23 , 24 , blk 4 ; lots 20 to 24 blk 5 ,
North Omaha add , q o 1
F N Jaynes and wife to AVendeil Ben
son , lots 8 , U , 10,11. 12 blk 3 ; 1 to 10
blk n ; lots 0 to 10 North Omaha , q c 1
Augustus Kountze et al , to Charles T
Taylor , lots 18 and 111 blk 12 , Kountze
& Uuth'H add , w d 2,200
John F Kitchlmrt et al to U P Bos-
worth , lot 5 Hitclmrt & Persons sub ,
Wd * 1,800
Prince A Barrett and wife to CII Wai-
worth , trustee , lot 10 blk 2 , IJush &
Solbys add , w d COO
Iticiiurd S Berlin to Henry F Millau ,
14 in W A Ucdicks add , w d 1,000
Win F Schwcrin et al , trustees , to Win
F Schneider et nl , trustees , 10 blk 1) ) ,
Marshsadd , w d 6,000
Henry S Juynus and wife to Minnie L
Jaynes , north 33 ft of Jot 8 blk 7 ,
Omaha , wd 6,600
Charles W HIggins and wife to Mal
colm McKinuon , } , t int hi lots 12 and
11 ! blk 4 , Albrights annex , w d 1
Win Li McCaguo to M J Waugh , beg M
ft northof a point on the quarter sec
tion line 354 , 10 ft west of the s o
comer of the n o } { 15 , 15 , 13 being i\
triangular piece adjoining the rail
road , wd 2,000
Wm lj McCaguo , single , to Albert M
Kitchen , part ot lot 6 and 7 blk U ,
McCagucs add , w d 2,000
Kebecca Murray and husband to J E
Markel , 2 in blk 117 Omaha , q c 1
Sam'l Mortenson ct al to Martin Calm
et al. the n CM of the east 41 ft of lot
1 blk 200 ; also ID ft adjoining in
Omaha , w d 11,000
Martin Calm et al to Ncls J Christen-
Bcn. lot 0 ami 10 blk 3 , Grummercy
park , w d 8,150
Martin Calm et ul to Samuel Morten-
sen , lot 4 , blk U , Grummurcy park ,
w d 800
James E Vandercoolc and wife to Thos
J Pennell , lot I mVf\m \ , . Vandercook
terrace , w d. . , . . . „ . " . . . , 1,300
A Gregg Inghram'ana wife to Euclid
Martin , und } $ of lot 5 blk 6 , Hans-
coin place , wit : 4,000
Isaac S Base-all to Marcus P Mason ,
power of ntty
Is-.iuc S Hascall to Marcus P Mason ,
und MO of 153 lots in Carthage et al ,
q o 4000
Thomas Uock and wife to Chcsloy I )
Leyton , lot 10 blk 1 , Fowler place ,
w d ; 1 000
* \ T Seaman and wife to Elizabeth
While's' " 30 f pet of the n 80 of lot
3 blkM4 , Shlnu's uui"K1- ! ; . . j 3.500
The U S to Win Brown , patent on IiJt3
1 und 2 , section IS , 15 , 10 , E
Sophl Pearson ( single ) to Herman
Hereliu , eastK df lot S , Huwcs' ad.
, Wd 1000
Patrick A McKenna and wife to Gee
C Wallace et ul , lots 1 mid 2 , Par-
mentervlacc , wd 3,750
John F Twamloy and wife to George E
Gibson , blk 3 , Lincoln park , w d. . . . 8,000 ,
F hugeno Seavcr ct al to Arthur W
Saxe , lots 4 and 5 , Uticu place , w d. 2.SOO
Frank E JUtchlo and wife to Peter
Nelson , lot 0 , blk 1 , Potter's ad to
West Omaha , w d. ; . . . . , 1,850
nmcis Smith to Gee Warred Smith ,
northW-uereg of the northeast'/of ,
the southwest of nxtlon \ , 15,13 , . . ' ,
K Q.C..J.- , , . . , , . . . , . . , 1
August F- Fitu&Qaud \vllo .to
runner ct nl. lot 4. Barker's sub-dlv ,
w d 605
Hurry Hcndle ( single ) to II V Hamil
ton , south K of lot 0 , blk bO , South
Omaha , wtl 1,500
Churlcs K Collins ct al to Etlwln II
Onylpy , lot 10 blk fi sub-dlv of John
lUedlrk's ad wil 0,750
John H Cannon and wife to Hugh O
Clurk north .TO feet of lots T ami S
blk 7 Patrick's M nd w d 8,000 ,
Fielder M Phillips ot nl to Fielder M
Phillips , lots 1 , 2 , 3. 4 blk 14 ; loll
blk 11 : lots 7 , S. 9,10 blk 12 ; lots 4 , 5 ,
0 blk 7 Patrick's ' 2d nd ; lot 5 blk 3 ;
lot ( I blk 1 A S Patrick's nd wd 20,300 ,
The John DIcrks Manufacturing com-
puny to Hugh Hughes , lot 20 blk U
West Albright w d. 850
Henry Wolloston to Charles Clcoter
Mcndenhall , lot 22 blk U West Al-
brlirht w d 8oO
D C Patterson and wife to John ICunu
lot M blk ft Patterson park \v d 1,000
Otto Lobeck and wlfo to Axel J Smith
lot 12 Hertford w d 750
Otis H Hiillouetal to Krastus A Tillo-
son. lot 17 blk 4 Ambler place w d. . . 400
Frank Hrowncll nnd Wlfo to Amos
Phillips , beginning nt u point 7011
feet east of the line between sec
tions 'J and 10 , nnd 070 feet north of
the line between sections 10 and 15
13 o , thcnco east 100 foot ; thcnco
north yj feet ; thence south 100 feet ;
thence south 20 feet to pliico of beginning -
ginning w d 5,250
William Lntcy et nl to Amos Phillips ,
west 31 feet 3 Inches of lot 0 , blk 3 ,
Foster's ad , wd 5,500
Amos Phillips nnd wlfo to Minnie L
Jaynes , west 31 feet 3 Inches of lot
0 , lilk 3 , Foster's nd. w d 0,500
Amos Phillips and wife to Minnie L
JH.YIICB. beginning at a point 711 ! ) feet
east of the line between sections ! l
nnd 10 , nnd 070 feet north of the line
between sections 10 and 15 in 15 , 13
, e , thcnro cast 100 feet , thcnco north
1 SO feet , thence west 100 feet , thcnco
south ' -'J ! feet to place of beginning ,
wd (1,500
City of Oinnha to Mary J Huek , begin
ning at the s o corner of lot 1 , blk 50 ,
nnd running thence n 132 feet , thcnco
e 14 feet , thence s 132 feetnnd thcnco
\v14fcettoplacoofbeginning ; deed 554
Charles Goldsmith et al to L H Mickel ,
s y of lot ft , blk 17 , city of Omahn ,
and 10 feet adjoining on the west ,
being a part of Twenty-third street
vacated by the city of Omaha , w d 0,500
George II Hoggs and wife to Jennie U
Orr , lots 13 and 14 , blk 15 , George H
Hoggs' add , w d 350
E K French and wife to Einiiia FHay ,
lots 1 und 2 , blk 'J , Hertford Place ,
w d. , 2,000
Tlio John Illerhs Mnfg Co to F V At-
watcr , lot 5 blk 10 , West Albright
add , w d 350
W Cochran ( single ) to Herman K
Cochran. Iots4 and 5 section 10-15-10 ,
east , wd 300
Herman E Cochran to Gordon Wai-
drum , n yt of s } jf of the n Y of s o
\i \ of s w } f section 14-10-10 , and the
s X of the s 14 of the n o X of the a
w } i of section 19-15-10 e , w rt 400
City of Omahn to James Neville , lot
8 blk 78 , deed 3
Matthew Cahlen ( single ) to John I rev
et nl. lot 14 Huell's ' sub-dlv of blk V
and Shinn's 3d add , wd 2,250
Wm J Paul to James II McColIocb et
nl , lots 15 nnd 10 blk 4 , und lot 1 blk
8 , Summit add , w d 8,300
Total sales $163,042
V. M. C. A.
Pledges and subscriptions made to the
building fund of the Young Men's Christian
association arc needed immediately in order to
continue the work and secure the enclosure
of the building before winter. Some $15,000
stands pledged and the association and build
ing committee rely upon the payment of this
to continue the work. Subscribers are re
quested to remit immediately to John L. Mc-
Cague , treasurer , opposite the postoflico.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purl
ty , Htreiintli nnd vliolesotnoness. More econ
oiiilcal than the ortllnury klmls. and cannot bo
bold In competition \\lth the mullttide of low
cost short weight alum or phosphate powdern
* 't N" " ' UovAtl BAKINO 1'owuEii Co.
OFi'lCKS :
SOUTH \iiA-Jtoom 5 , Hunts DiiiMIng , Ninth
OMAHA Kooin 6 , Over Commercial National
lilumi a
Fltio cabinet work n specialty. Telephone 000.
209 South Sixteenth Street.
Uftlco and red lencu niom 17 , Arlington lllock , 1
Dodtio H. , tlrstbulUllnfc nest of postoflico.
Telephone bod.
Sample Bottles Free.
4til IJVJt LVV * UVI IM'l lldttj ' * * * * " " ( -
cr Ac Co. , Cincinnati. O. For sale by the following -
ing dealers : Itlclmrdson Drug Co. . Illnke , Hruce
tCo. . Adler & Heller , ( lladitono Jiros. & U > . ,
Frank Ucllone i Co. , U. It. Orotte.
; f
S. T. n.ilJJRWOE , .V.'JD. ,
, ' Physician and Surgeon , ,
Office'Cor , 15th and 1'arnam Bit. BejMenct.asa
Vbtuom St. Uoura , U ) ll.swm * W ? PJfr ,
Part of Our Grand New York Purchase and Open To-Day
Of Fine Clothing on record. The goods were made by one of the best houses in
the country and we positively assert that they will be sold at
And some even for less. This may be a broad assertion , but we are willing to
stake our reputation on it , and will easily convince you of it if you will
see the goods. We commence with
Among which we name few special lots for this week :
$3.50 Liens' Good Blue Chinchilla Overcoats , double breastedwith good , warm cassimere lining
and cut long. These are only in men's sizes , from 36 to 42. The coat is sold nowhere for
less than $6 to $7.50. Our slaughter price for this coat is $3,5O.
$6.50 An Elegant All Wool , Woven Back , Wide Wale Overcoating , blue color , meiis'and youths'
sizes. We have sold the same coat right here early in the season as a bargain for $10.5O
and they cannot be bought elsewhere for less than $12.50 to $15. Our slaughter price
for this coat is $6.50.
$8.50. The biggest card in the deck ! One of the finest Kersey Overcoats , best double warp ,
Farmers satin lining and fine satin sleeve lining , silk velvet collar , trimmed and made
in the best tailor-made style ; a beautiful garment and good enough for any gentleman.
We have sold thousands of them that were not better for $16 and $18 , and others ask
that for them today. Our slaughter price is $8.50.
$9.00. For this price we offer a lot of splendid all wool Chinchilla that cannot be bought else
where for less than from $15 to $18 , and which we guarantee to be worth at retail fill-
ly that much. Our slaughter price is $9.
$14.50. We will show you something you have never seen before. One of the finest Chinchillas *
Lined throughout with best quilted satin , silk velvet collar and velvet bound. This coat
is made by custom tailors for finest city trade , and is made for wear and service and not
for mere show. It is a garment which readily sells , by the largest houses in the coun
try for from $30 to $35. Our slaughter price is $14.50.
Samples of these lots are displayed in our large windows. Boys' and Childrens' Overcoats will
be slaughtered likewise. Next week we will mention some slaughter prices of Mens' and Boys'
suits. As a foretaste of what is coming in the latter line , we will place on sale Saturday , Nov. lz
Sizes 4 to 13 years , the regular price for which is 50c , at
These pants will be sold only between the hours of 1 and 4 p. rn-j on Saturday.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Corner Douglas and 14thf Streets , Omaha.
fUlt your retailer For th
$3 SHOE ,
acconlliiR tu your neeilK.
CAUTION ! I'otllUcly none RCtmlne iinlcn our
nine and price apprnrplKlnly on the coirs. Same
mmmmmm * * , dialers. In nrJfr tom.iko a lark-cr
profit , will recommend the Inti rior
coinls with which IIif market Is
llnnrtrd. JAMKS JIEANS H4
hllOK IK light ami stjlish. It
tits llla > H Hlocklnir ami ] ( K <
IN J IX , " | IIIK |
cn > thefirsllinielt la worn.
U "ill satisfy the molt
laHMIousasltls In every
% ltalrc ptct equal to
the hand'Seuiil
A k fortheJnmes yfcfSHgK-.jJP lillllHrtS
JlcansU shoe fur Uo-s gjgjMfjjfi been re
tailed at
* 7ortS. JAMFfi MFANS Sit SIIOK Is theorlBi-
nal * 1 Shoe , and Is nbiolutrly the only shoe of Its price
which hai ever hen placed extensively on the market
In which durability Is considered ttffort * mere outward
appearance. Thc c shoes arc sold hy tlic hesl retailers
throughout the United States , and wo will ttl.icc thorn
easily within your reach In any urato or territory If jou
will send us i > postal card , mentioning this paper.
4amei Mcau * it Co. , 41 Lincoln Ht. , lloitim.Mms.
Full line of tlio above Shoos for snip In OMUIA
by O. W. Cook , limtl Kurnnm btrcet ; ( J. H. Miller ,
Bli ! North IBth street ; Huywiinl Urns. , 407 South
I5th street. In UOUNCIL ULUFFS by Sart'eut &
Evans 41Bro'.ulwuv. .
Ttio Old r.clliiliki Ppcclnlln nf mnny year * '
once , trc'iits with wonderful nucrr.-s , nil
DIIDTIIDC uroil without | > Hin or lilmlrnnco
nllr I Imr fi'imbui-lni-sH. ' All Chronic
IIUI I UIIU inr | | , iiilMiniuol | nny In-tltutUm i
this country The * " ' 'o ' contemplate cnlng to Hot
Mirlrik's lor tlio treatment of HIIV I'rlvnlu or Illouit
nlxfifu run to cured fur onu-tulrd tlio cost at our
I I niCC1 IT I' ! * tn'iilnifnt n 1'iiro , I/ively Corn-
I QIIIrA iilvxlou , tree from callow iu"d , frr < klt > 4 ,
bnUIkU Llniklii-mla. eruption' ! , utc. , tjrllliiiiit
CJTM mil perfect hc'iltli can uu Imd.
Iir-Tlmt "tlreil" feemiKHml nil fenmlii wcakm'H-es
troiuptly eureil , IHimtlnK llendiioliet , .NLTVUUS I'rui-
nriitnn , ilLMii'nil Debility. Meeiile iiiein. Deprexslun
I'nil InillEenllon , Ovarian troubles , Inllmmntlon und
iilderiitlon. Kulllnit und Divine rnients. Splniil weiik.
t'p B. Kidney coiupluluta and CliuiiKU of Life , Consult
tlipold Doctor
CVC IUn CID Acutn or Chronic Intlamtua-
til * A Pi II CHI ! tlonof thu Kiullds or Glnbo
U I L. flllU Unil Bnt , pBror x&ir Muhtednpsi ,
Inversion of the , Scrofulous Kyc , UlLcratlJns ,
InlUnimntloiK. An ccs , Dimness ot Vision of ono or
both < iye . and Tumors ot LIU.
IJC"lntl iuiuatlon of the Ear , ulcnrntlnn or Catarrh ,
Internal or External Denfnuss , or I'anilyels , blnglutf
or lloarlnir noltes , Thlrkeued Drum , etc.
Dobllltr.Lossof Vltul Tower , Sleep-
l''B nesm Despondency , l.osi of
Memory. Confusion of Ideas Hlura
before the Eyns. Lassitude , Languor , ( iloomlneiis ,
Dcnre lon of Hplrttn , Avurslon to Society , Knsy Dis
couraged , Lack of Confidence , Dull , Listless , Unlit
for Mudy or HiMnen , and ttmlsllfua burduu , saUdy ,
rernianently nnd I'rlviiUly Cured.
oinnn iiincinN "i" > < " . scmruiv
nLIIIIU A NU oPUN Kry li > ola .Kevcr ! > ore
Ubuuu nnu uniii u tefin i > iinpie , ui-
ccn , Talus In tlio Head ! and Hones. Syphilitic Sors
Throat , Mouth nd TonKUK , ( llandulnr Knluruemcnt
of the Neck , llheumutlsin , Catarrh , Kto. , I'erumneut-
ly Cured When Others Have * Knlleil.
Consultation free and strictly conlldantlnl.
Jledlclne sent free from observation to all parts
of tlio Unltod Ptntes. Correspondence receives
prompt attention. No letters answered unless
accompanied by four cents m stumps. Bend ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet and list of ques
tions upon private , special und nervous dls-
Ternia strictly cash. Call on or address ,
No , 311 South ] 3th St. , Omaha , Neb-
n. r. HUD WELL
Real Estate Dealers ,
HO South Spring Street.
Los Angeles , - - - California.
Dealers In city and country property of all U *
Bcrlptlons. Uuueral Information tu newcomers
ers Ireclv
THO * . I1. SIMltOS , Washing
DA T FN T 5 % I0" . D. U. " No , pay ' ' * ske " < l ' foi
H I CH I V i > aunt. until obtained. Writ *
Untntcr'i unld .
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
N , W. Corner of 13th and Codge Streets ,
Kor the treatment of nil CiliiOMO mid b'L'UMi M.
> ' ' for lirtuiMiTir.s.
I -KA i rs-MKArfc1) . Ai'i'MANcm :
mid TlirctK"llest liiclltlli * * , uppnrntiia nnil reine-
dies for successful treatment ot every lorni ot illv
en o rcMiulrliiKMedlcHlorSurL'Icnl treatment. FullIV
MODATlii.NSln the west. Write for c-lrculnra on Du-
fonnltli-H mid llntco * , Club 1'ect , Curvature of thu
Spine , 1'llei , Tumor * . L'tincer , Cjitiirrh , llroncliitK In ,
halntlon , iiuclrtidty : , 1'iinibsls , Epilepsy , Kidney ,
lllmldcr , Kye. , Mttn , uiid Blood and all surxlctil
operation * . Dismsrs of WIIHKX a Hl'F.CIAI.l V.-
HOOK on l > lswi L's of Women , FIIEK. Only rellnblu
modlOMl Institute muttlnit n "peclnlty of rittVAiB
DISKASKS. All blood dlneasea autee fully treiitud ,
IVrMHis mmblo to visit us treated nt homuliy cono-
ppomU'nte. All communication1 * confidential. Meill-
clnea or lUHtruinunts * > ent by malt or ex pies * , r > pcuicly
pitcked , no mitrkrt to Indicate contents IT fender. One
peroiiHl Interview preferred. Call und consult ii * . or
send history of your case , und we will snnd In plain
wnipprr , our HOOK TO MEN Kut.h upon 1'rlvute , MIO-
cUI nnd Nervous Diseases , etc. Address.
Omaha Meillnil and Surgical Institute , or
Dr. . McMenamCor / , , I3tti aid Dodge Sis. . . Omaha , M
Owing tn the rapid growth of Omaha nnd our uo
cess In erTectluK cures , our business hat * become so
la H' that the old .Mndluil Institute on Kth street nml
Cnpitol avenue , could not accommodate nil coining
tons for treatment. Wo have therefore moveil Into
ouruuw brick bulldim ; , Northwest Corner of nth ami
Dodco streets , one block fouth of tUo old Instltuto
bulldlmr , nnd have now the laruest nnd moit com
plete Medical Institute tir hospital In tlio west. Furty
newly furnUhed , well wnrmeil nnd fentlhttcd rooms
forpatlenU , three rVlllCMl physicians nlwiiyx In Ilia
building. All kliuU ot dl uiiM. treutecl In thu most
tcli'iitlllc manner.
\VoinunutHCturo fiurelcal llrnces for Deformltlei ,
Trusses , supporters , Klectrlcnl llittterlcs , and can
fupply pu > blctiins or patients nny appliance , remedy ,
or Instrument known Cull nnd ( onxult us.orwritu
forc'lrculani upon nil subjects , lth lints of questions
tnr patient to nns er. Thousands treated successfully -
fully by corresiiondenco. Wo have euperlor mlvun-
tates nnd facilities for treating dlfeni-es , iM'rfonnlna
ptirtdc ill operntlonii , und nursmu' iiiitli'iita which com.
blneil wltn our ncknonlt'ilueil nlilllty , experience ,
re poni-lblllty und reputation should make thu Omulm
Medical uud Mirulcul Institute the tlrst choice.
" ' T'ry *
tlrt Price-list ,
ted fa colour-
prtnt , of Uit
which iboald
ba fQund la
rery tomlly and may b obtAlned from U Toy
dealer * , BUlioners and Educational DtiioU. Tlie
fttttviut will be forwsrded gratis oa tppUaaUoa la
V AD. RICHTEri & ' Co.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , PenmansWp ,
, Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for CoUege Journal.
8. E. Cor , 16th and Capital AYO.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science
Scientifically Made and Practically Applied.
matlim , r r lT l > , Nrumlxla , Hrlatlca , IMncur * of Kldnr } * , Hnlnul l > lwa r > , Turnla Liver ,
Gout , Kihuii'llon , Kmluluni , Asthms , llcurl DUrair , llj > ncislut < 'on lln llon , Krj'IprUa ,
Indirection , \Vcuknfu , Imiiotuncy , f lurrh , lllv . Kpllrpsy , Dumb Acurt l > lubctci ( Utdroeclci
lilooil Illirusrt , llronny , rtp. , thrn thl belt U just hat Jou Dec * .
Electricity Instantly t'tlll Can bn aiipllcd . . _ . _ . . n m mm
to any part of thii body. Whole family can MfHEN M + tmtm ELftE PAIL.A
wear It. It tlwlrUUs th * blood and cures
tory nne ( remilno nnd used by permission. NOTE the following who havi > brrn
DIEl > t-A. J. H. 1'arkrrnml J.M. Ilailittnllonllo nlof Trade ,
mission mi-reliant , mock Vnrtlsi Huddl > oblethrLrreathorsemaniUol Connelly ,
UhnUC'C Ci CPTDn UinilCTIf1 RTI T ls upcriortoalotlicreurrcntsofelcctrlp ! | -
lf nUnNt O CLtblHU MMUNCllU DELI lyamntronifor mlldas the wearc-rmay do-
slroi produces a continuous current j con vein electricity through the body on thenervts. It cures diseases
by ircnrratlnK a continuous current of electricity (111 ur la hours out of 114) throughout the hiiuian sysu m ,
allaying all nervouKnesa Immediately , nnd producing a. new circulation of the llfu forces UIB blood , lin *
p.truni ; vlcor. strength , energy and health , ishcn all other treatment his failed. The merits ot tills Uou-
title lit it arAbpincrueoKnlzrd and Indulged by thousands whom It has cured.
ItRFEKKNCKH Any bank , commercial acrency or wholei.alo house In Chicago ] wholesale druggliti.
San Francisco and Chlcni ? " tSTBond xtampfor lift page Illustrated pampbK't.
IDXt.W. . T. XZOXUVXI , Inventor and Manufacturer , 1U1 Wabolh Avenue ChlcB t > .
A magnificentdisTolay af every thing useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
100 N. 13th Struct.
I'Ulti : CAMKOHNIA WINKS , fchlnjied direct
from our vineyard. IllealliK , ' , ( liitedel ClaretH ,
1'ort , Blierrles , etc. SHU Jose Vaults , Seventh ,
iiKhth : , Sun Hulvudor and William btrctts , San
Jose , California.
Advertising hai always proven
successful , llcforo jiladnK any
Newsjiaiicr Advertising consult
U I * It IU 1IU Mitlt , CHICAGO.
Epp ss ? Cocoa7
"By a thoronuh knuwlcvluo of the natural Inwf
wlil < h iinern tlieoiierutloni of illneitlon Hud initrl-
Hun , unil by ciiruf nl uiillcutlcin | | of the line properllcl
ot well sclecteil COCOH , Mr. Kiipt him provtilcil nur
brrnkfuit tables with u rtellcniely llavoreil bevuraita
whiih nmy snvu us many heavy doctor' " bills. Ill *
by tlin Juillclous lisa of such articles of illut thatik
( onslltiitlon muf b KruduKlly built up until slroni/
( iiouuh to nolst every tendency to itlseiisn , linn-
ilreilt of sulillu maluillei uro lluiitlnv urounil us ready
tonttnck nbcruver thera Is u weak pulnt wuiimf
e ( | , o many a fntiil slmlt by kecplntt ourselves well
fortlHea with pure blooii and it properly uuurlibuil
Irame. " Civil s"ervlceJa tle. . . . „ _
Maile simply with bolllnv outer or milk. Bold only
In half pound tins by ( iroccn lubclml thus ;
TA I ! < 3 TDD ? < 3 9. PO Jlomci'oiiatlilc Chemiflts ,
JnWbo ill 10 a. IU , , J.OM > ON. UMILAMI.
The beit known and most popular Hotel In tha
stiue. I icatlon tnntral , uptiolotuieut llrst-vlaib.
Headquarters for coiumualal meu aud all political )
. . .d.ubl.cliuther.n . . > ! . .
II * . J. UAUtAl'CH ,
Surgeon and Physician- '
( JIIIco N , W Corner Kth and IJouKlaa tit. OfQc * ,
teU-phoue , tt3 ( ; UtulCenco telvpllQ.lMt.MI.
I No