Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under tliii head , 1U cents per
line fin the Urn insirtlon. Trent * f or each nub-
M-iwi-nt ln crlion. and iljjrj a. line per month.
No advertisement taken for less than 23 cents
for tlio first limiTtloti. Hett-n words will lw
counted to the line ; they rmiatnm con ecii *
lively and must bo paid In advance. All ad
vertisements must lie handrd In l > cfore ItW )
o'clock p. tn. , mid under no circumstances will
they 1io taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artlfs advertising in those columns nnd hav
ing the unsworn addroKsrd In cure of the UPC ,
will ploasn auk for n check to enahln them to
got their letters , un none will l > e delivered ex-
eejit on presentation of check. All answers to
navprtlacnicntH should 1m enclosed In envelope * .
All Rdvertl ernetitn In these columns ro pul > -
HMicd In both morning and evening edition * of
tlio lire , tlio circulation of which aggregates
inorntliun l . ( x papers daily. and gives thn ad
vertisers the bcnHIt , not only of the city rtrru-
latlon of the lice. but nl o of Council IlltKTn ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this part of the west.
MIDLAND Guarantee mid Truit Co. , 1W >
Pariiim Btrret Compute abstracts fur-
tilshed , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected and guaranteed. OH3
Clir.Vr.NNE.Wyo. . the future PIttHliurg of
the west. At present a railroad center.
The best built and wealthiest city of Its sl/oln
United States' . "Wyoming. The great mineral
store hniin1 of America nnd Its Inexhaustablo
oil nnd coal llelils. 1'orfull pnrtlculatsas tore-
poiirceH.ete. , nildress 1.K. ! Stalile.seeretury Cliey-
cnne Hoard of Trade , Cheyenne , Wyo.B14n27j
THOR HA Li : or Lease Thn Cherry County
JD Republican , thu only republican paper In
the county. It Is good paying property ; good
reanonuwhyl wish to dispose of It. Corrns-
nondenco solicited. Addrt' s Alfred Lewis ,
VnlBiitltip. Neb. r > ; i 10
HOTEL for Snle llcst paying small hotel In
Ornnhn , full of regular boarders , cash pay
ment , balance time. L 57 , Hcc olllco.
mOKXCIf ANOR-Oood east Iront lot In Han *
X com Plnre to exchani-'o for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. C. F. HarrHon,41RS. Mth.
LIVERY ht bln for sain or trndo doing n good
business , Co-opurath o Land Si Lot Co. , 203
NICthst. M7 11
WANTED A partner with ns partner
now on road lectuilnr. to bit cashier nnd
treasurer ; half profits , Address L.51. Ite Of-
lice J BH II *
fllOTIIADi : ICnnsiis land for haidware Btocl : .
X Address K. P. Olmstud , Kenes.iw , Nob.
61013 *
TJ10R RENT Onoof the liest locations In the
A city for ment miirketor groiery , on lA > av-
enworth St. , very cheap rent. Apply to W. II.
Orcen. 215 S. 13th St. 883
FOR HALE ( lood bukery and grocery stock
In one of the best towns In the west. Cen
tral location : good trade ; will keep bake tools
If not wanted ; good reasons for belling. Address -
dress S , caioot llee. .153 11 *
FURNISHED Hat , making $ .Trt per month over
rent , to trada for real estate. Omaha Fi
nancial E\rlmngen W cor. Mth and Harimv.ovor
HlaloNat. Hank. 3l !
"ITIOR SALE A paving furnltiini business at
X ( lid. Neb , eoiliity sent of Valley county.
Capital irqulrcd about IMII. flood reasons for
Belling. For further partlcular.4 address The .
J ) . Stone. Ord. Neb Wi 10'
FOR RENT Flournnd feed fctoro on Pftrkavo ,
Spk-ndld oprtilng.
1" L. nregory-ii)9 South Ifith stf _ 271
$ , ( ( ) will buy H II \IIK | mid well established
buslnehs on N. .st. Adihu.-.s L 19. llee
AltOPTscM'nhiindied dollars easblll burn
piolltnhlc feeil store wheie big money could
1 > made. Owner has no time to attend to H.
Will lienrtlosu Investigation Addiess I , 4S lleo.
411 IHJ
"W JANTHD-PiiMinr v llli JI.IHiO totaKehalf
mid lull of a wellest.ib-
IMied nut Iru store : niddo-aged ! ! lady pi fieri od.
AildrPss , " , , lice olllce. 2i0 !
cliandlso for giind Oiiuilni pinpctt > : Hiniill
Incumbiiiiue : must sell or CM liuinn' quick h
H. CnmphUI nnd (1. W. lien ey , 310 Hoard of
Trado. 4S/X
Tir ) - Stocks of merfhandisn In ex-
> rh.ingu for land. 11. E. Cole , 310 S11th
HOTELMEN My biftmi new hotel In the
booming town of Oelrlehs , Pull Itixer Co. ,
Dakota , for salti or lent.Viito to owner. II. A.
Calland. 4 1rlchs. Dak. 4BO-9 *
T7HN E buslnesH clmncii open In Colorado for a
JO light manufacturing business ; largo prollts
and small capital required. PuitlcnU > rii , at A.
F. Mnyno'H , N. W. cor llilh mid Farnum. 020
OR KXrttANflE-IIouvpn nud lots , fnrnisi
holols , lots , merchandise , hoisos , cuttle
nnd In fait anything you want. If yon have any
thing to trade call on nr wilte to us. Olllco open
evenings. II. P. . Cole. 3168. IMh Rt. OJ3
a 10 TRADE Two Improved faims In Iowa for
Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Mc
Culloch & Co. , cor ; IMh and riirnnm. 32 ! *
MEAT market on paved street , fine business
piospe < t. Rent cheap
V , L. ( iregory-UOT South Icth st. 71
rpllREE drug sto-.ks and llxturcs of I1.MX ) ,
Jr2,7l , K ! , X ) inflnest Nebnutka towns. For
sale or real estate uxelmnge. Address K. 2 , IJeo.
"p'OR 8ALI4OiiO stock of general merchau-
J. dlso In good railroad town In Southern Ne
lirnNkn. llest location. Double room. Low
riait. A rare rhniirn for porno one to step Into
n peed busluess. Address F. J , Stanosheck ,
Odell , Neb 857 Nil
TJ1OR PALE First-class two-story brick hotel
O doing excellent ; rents for fMS per
month : owner golna out to Cat. Address II. S.
Lilly , llroken How , Neb. 226 n 18
TIVJR SALE-AiW ) aero stock farm , InSnrpy
J. county. Just 21 miles fiom Omaha , with a
flue ijuarrv on It , only 125 per acre. A. F ,
Mayne , N.V. . cor. ifltu nnd Fnrnam. ffil
fTlpIl TRADE-n , * i uues of choice western
JL. ' innd to exchange for grmrnl merchandise ,
Jno. F. a'oft. 324 N. 1.1th st. 81. )
IF you have anything to exchange , write us.
Wu have Iiupioved and unimproved Ne
braska , Kansas and Iowa lands , coal mines , ho
tels , stocks of merchandise , horsus , cattle , hogs
sheep , etc. , to exchange. S. S. Campbell and G
W. HiMvey. Bill llonid of Trade. 4h7
BUY goods and notions storeroom for lent.
( loud chamo lor millinery also.
F , L Oregory- : i South Ifitn st. 271
FOR SALE Or trade n No. 1 hotel property ,
doing good limit' , In one of the tow ua
In Nebraska. S S. Campbell aniUl. W. Hervey ,
BIO ( "hamlior of Commerce. 487
" \XrANTKD-A Mock of groceries and general
" nulEi' , tor ell v lots paid for. C. J.Cunan. .
FOR SALE- complete steam laundry hav-
luu twenty horse power engine. J. S. lien-
nett , Saunders and Clark hts. Wl
" \\MNTKD-A11 lufllos to know I cure thosltk.
T > AM Mi-dlclnes freo. Write Mrs. II. Ray-
mend , Denver , Col. 4399 *
MRS. Dl'ltANT Clmlvojiint from ItoMonl-
rellablo In all atTnlrs nf life , unites separ
atcd liners. 322 N. IMh * t. . room 1 , 7CO Dec. 1 ,
R. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvojnnt. Med
Icnl business nd test medium. OtNcit III
North 16th street ; rooms 2 * ; i , Telcphono U44
\\TANTED An expeilenced Janitor ; no otiirt
TT need apply ; man to drive an express or
phaiesiiianand ; wlfoou nrm. Canadian Km
jiloyuieut Ollice , 315 So. 15th St. , Tel , & > 4.
An r.\p < "i lenced canvasser I o sel
teas and coffees In city nnd vicinity. Kef
ervucii required. Apply to Union Pacltlo Te.
CO. . XX N. ICth Btreut. 600-10 *
WAANTEl-6mento drive team , ti3mei ! ;
to drlv delivery wiwms , 118. City In
telllgence olncu. Crelghtou bhu'lc. 471
WANTED-rnnvo.sM.rfi , unnle ) nrw article Ir
Omaha , big commission. Cull at City In
telllgunce olllce , ( heighten block. 471
T\7ANTED Partlpa out of work to cull at thl
T > Citylntelllgpuce olllcv , Cretehton bU ; wi
are rerelving orders every day too numerous t <
advertise. 18ft
\\rANTED-Men fof railroad orZ Al
bright' * Labor Agency. 1IJO Farimm. t < H
AV ANTED-Bi eial flrst-clasn salesmen foi
V t clothing , hat and futnthhtng goo < U. On ) ;
tliose lth tlrat-class referruco need nddres
lloxgj.0ui.ilia. 448
\\TANTKn Twc reliable men to Mil Rood-
Btendy position for jjood men. Call 42
421 South lOtli gt. 453
- - llook-Ciimpv
tent workmen who are willing to worl
, ten hours a day can obtain permanent employ
ment In Chicago , at current v\a es. Ab.sulut
protucllon viiibe fitHiilsht'd to mich men. Ar
Ply or address the Chicago Ty | > otbi < tne , Room
1.1 and K , Commercial Hank building , corner o
JHarborn and Mourtw streotN Clitq.-xjm. Illlnol.-
fah S 't. ' ' J.
TTrANTrTn-Trt ) ncrntfl ! Rood Mary nr com-
T tnUslonj rare chance. Address with stamp
for terms , Weaver Mfr. , 31 N , State t. , Chicago ,
111. .
WANTED A good salesman that has some
experience in the Jew clry business nnd Is
willing to make himself generally useful. Hef-
nrrnco rwiulred. Steady placd for the right
man , t. I * Erlcknon Ic Co. 213 N , ICth t.
STHA1I1 * woik for a good cabinet innVer. call
atCMH Kith st , brlwcon Uund 1 o'clock or
after 6 p. m , 657 0'
\\rANTKO-3 men and girl In tallon hop ,
T steady work and good pay , liUi Ilarney.
515 11 j
\\T ANTED Hey to learn trado. U07 Homey
T > W4 10 *
\\rANTED-Jcncral ugentrt for noltlons of
' Nebraska , Inn a , Kansas and Missouri ,
Iteferenco required. AcldtrfM , Climax Window
Shade Co. , J3U1 and SO N. 2d St. , St. Jo-jeph , tip.
. calvanlyed Iron
ANir.D-P.lKht llrst-claRs
rronlco workers wages Moo for B hcitirn.
KnempltiK & lloltn. 811 Farnam t. 414 1JJ
TrANfr.DIIkcr. ) . dalr4liSaundcr !
> > 117
WANTED fl gentlemen nnd ladles an agents
for Omaha ; apply Immediately It'JO
Davenport , cor 17th , fiomO to U o'clock a.m.
M. Initially. 630 UJ
WANTED-Afow boys to distribute circu
lars. Apply 7:30 : n. tn. . Mentor's llvcrjr
htablo , Capitol avenue , near IHh street.CM
CM 9
WANTED flood man partner to sell goods
nnd oversee agents In town ; tan maku
rom ten toll ftcen dollars per day ; mint ha\e
TAW cash. Address I , Ml 1 tee. 64J
WANTED 100 men of good appearance to
try our lrc meals nt Norrls restaurant , .111
nnd 313 South 14th street , ( old Llvo aud Lot
Live ) cm
W ANTED-Girl for general housework. J.
Harris , Ml S 10th street. K39
WANTED Woman cook for Creston. la. ,
dlnlngroom girl fur Colorndo | J ) . 2 wait-
tresses for N n folk good place for the winter ;
dlnlngroom girl and hiundicss for Wl = nor , nil
fines paid , cook and 2d gill for Council HlulTs ,
* .Wond f 17.50 : 2 ghls for boarding houseiwo- ; :
men cooks , 10 girls for housework. Cnnadhm
Employment olllce. Mrs. Urega 4 ; Son. 1110 8.
11th. jTelephoneKil. D4tn *
\\TANTEIl-Oh1. mu t be good cook nnd
' laundress , good wages paid. Mrs. J. M.
Tliurston , 24th anil Fnrnam.M9
W ANTED Nurse girl ; good wages : call at
once , 2211 Douglas St. 650 9
w TANTED-Olil ofl3 or II to assist In care of
children. Apply at 718 N 21st St. 50610
_ _
WANTED Gill for gcneinl housework ,
Hohcmlan.lSw cdo or colored. 711 Hickory
st. rn io
w rANTED-OIrl nt 15H Shetmnn nvo. Mis.
J. M Counsmun. 520
WANTP.D A nurse for children. Some one
with experience desired. Applv northwest -
west cor. 2fitli and St. Mary's avenue. 4T > 9
WANTED A good cool : and launrttcss.nnono
other need apply. Uood wages paid. An-
plynt Hi Noithliithst. 4S3 11
"VXTANTEDPevernl yo > mg Indies of pleasing
" apprmnnin to act n cnnvasseif In the
city , now article , big commlKslon. Call nt the
City Intelligence olllce , Cielghton block. 471
\\TANTr.D-A girl for general housework ,
T > ma California st , cor 20th. 481
FOUR dlulng room girls , 3 dlsn washers. 3
laundresses. 2 kltchui girls , I errnnd girl , 2
dressmakers. Oato City Employment olllce ,
3l44SoJMh. ! ! B)0 ) 8
_ _
WANTED I'm ties out of work to call at the
City Inti'lllgeiuo olllce , ( "lelgnton blk ; we
are lecelving otdurn c ely day too numerous to
advertise. ira
VANTKD-n ) aips to tr
' Norrls' restaurant ( old Live and Let Live ) ,
311 iindliriS Hth st. 004
T\r ANTED -Tomale hels on hand 4 excelent
' gills for genet nlhousew oik. (2) ( ) cooks. (11 (
Ri'iond gill for ] nl\stu family. (1) ( ) laundress and
H ) muses "Stato" EmploMiient Pniloii. H17
I'm mini bt. Room 11 , o\ur Diuxel & Maul's
store. 52-5 It *
POH KENT A whole block of bilck stores
suitable' ' tor
Dry goods and notions.
Hurduaio mid stous.
I'loiir nnd feed
Ilaker and confectioner.
Meat imuket
Finn opening for business. Cheap rent ? , paved
stieets , etc F. L. iegory , 80U S. Sixteenth bt.
62. ! .
BUSINESS When in need of help can save
time and trouble by communiiating with
American Employment Bureau. 1U10 St. ,
room o , li.10 9 *
CANADIAN Employment Ofllce orders for
- parties to till position of trust tilled free.
Domestic help furnished on shoit notice. Male
and female help sent to all parts If faro Is paid.
Eight wur successful experience speaks for
our reliability as emplo ) munt agents. Rufor-
enco : Omaha National liank. Mrs. llrega &
fcon , 310 So. 1.1th , Tel t4. 649 10 *
VirANTED-Traveling salesman , codec and
T tea silexman to families , 1,1 per cent on
cotroo nnd 25 per cent on all otner goods : gio-
cury clerk , blnglo man ; 1 Herman dishwasher.
City Hotel ; sahitied book agent.s , $ f 5 to$76 per
month ; sollcltorM , 2 dining-room girls ; also ,
ladles to sell colTco and teas In Nebraska. lown
and Kansas. Heudiiuarters 1509 Farnam st.
Room 9. 4M 9 *
rplIEnty Intelligence OPTico has the only prop-
J. erlv oriTinlzed employment agency in the
west. It Isthh largest , most reliable and Its
teims the most liberal. If you are out of em
ployment or wish to make n change , why do
> on delay in securing the best possible aid that
can b given you. Persons should carefully
consider whom they are dealing with as there
are many now catch-penny concerns coming
Into existence dally. Full particulars concern
ing our methods will be given upon appllca.
tlon. All orders ( oxcapt from private famlllea
filled fiee and bent to any paitof the west wher
fmo ! H puid. Yours i espectfully , Chas. L
Hart , manager. References : John L. McCugue
president McCague llros' . bank ; Dexter L.
Thomus , cashier Nebraska savings bank ; lion.
J. II. McCulloch , county judge. 67L .
OST A bunch of keys ; le.ivo at Ileo olllce
* and get reward. 4W !
I OST Yellow broncho , black mane , tall and
J legs ; forotopFlioitno ; hhofs. Alewurdof
tlO , If uturued to 1111 U. 2tth st. 401 11 *
T , OST Yellow pony , black mane , tall and legs
XJ Return to 1111 bo. 2Mh st. : BI
I OST Or stolen , Hascull's p-\rk , a incd-
' lum Rlze dark bay mate , with harness on ,
mall white spot on face , largo hind legs. T.
Mm i ay , 120
" \\7ANTED-A good comfortable homo for
aged invalid lady , LM Ileo olllco. 62S 11 *
1C. OO DEN. the person with whom you had
* a business correspondence nt Lincoln "last
July and August , " wants your address at Oma
ha. DCS Moines , lown , papcis please copy.
\\rANTED To adopt a nice bright boy from
10to It years of age , good honiH. Call at
the City Intelligence olllte , Crelghton block. 471
WANTED-lnstructlon In the Spinlsh Ian-
guag b > a gentleman ; turm munt bit mod.
erato Addr si , J , WlUou , care of Llntnuur &
Metcnlf ( , 'o. 4139
ANTED-To tuy a dozen good renting
houses , by paying small pujments down
nud ( hen monthly Installments. Anyone hav
ing good property to sell on these terms pleavi
address with full desciiptlon. T. It. 0. , cure ol
U. K. Mayuo. 15th and lluruey. S&i 13
\\TA NTE ilvrent until May 1st next , o
' fuiuUhedhouiiOOf 10 or 12 looms. C. E
Mnyne. , _ 2 > t 13
\\7ANTKD flood family hon > e m exchange
' for lot , McCulloch i Co. , cor 13th and
1' J
" \\7ANTED-Oood farms In exchange foi
Omaha property , C. C. Bpotswood. 305H
S IGth. 053
WANTED To buy five thousand to ter
thousand Itoono county lands , average
quality , at (10 per acre aud less. Addrcs llox . ] ,
Omaha. 1S ( (
WANTKD-To trade for a lot of second ham
furniture ; apply at Room 13 , Frrnzci
block. 1.CI
_ _ _ _ _
\ V ANThl > To buy short time paper. J. W
V V Gross , at C. K , Mayuo'a olHcc , 15th uni
ilarney. 2M
WANTED Farms to exchange for Omaht
> roiwrty nud stocks of merchandise. C
L. Drown & Co. , room U block , Onuhi
T41 ua
_ _ _ _
\\r ANTED Farm lands In exchange foi
t > Mocks of merchandise. St. John i Ely
Room U , Frenzer block , orp. I'.O _ KW
A\rANTED Women and glrU looking for em
' f ploj ment to cull at our ollice. wo have t
comfortable room In which thuy can wait uhtl
suitable positions nro provided tliom. No ollla
fee until place U fumUb d. Canadian Urn
JilovmtMit. oltice , Mrx. llrusa .V Sou , 318 S. UUl ]
uir . .Tilifohoutt&Si. ? . , * W
"WANTED rropcrty of all kinds to exchange
HpfclHl attention givtuito tradlut ; . U. C.
Spotswo > d.aulH 810th. KA
\\rANTED finiuylhTfurnltur * of a small
T > nt large house centrally looted , Co-opera-
tlve Laud A Lot Cft. . aft N St. l.H
WANTED Farm lands In cychnnge for city
property , bt. John & Ely , Room M , I'ren-
scr block. ! 7
\fOXEYTo loon. H. E. Pole , 310 8.15th. 4J7
"VTEW York Storage Co. Corner Capital
-L > av , ! t r > ist. \ \ . , have mousy to loan on
household goods , merchandise of every de
scription at lowest rates , Special fanllltles for
men bant * , goods moved , packed and shipped.
All charges advanced. Fireproof brick block ,
Capitol av. \ 15th fit. 41U
MONEY tn Loan-Sums of * .V } nnd upwards.
1'lrst Mortgages. Improved city property.
E. S. lllsbce , 4ki : llamgo building , Omaha.
NJ4 dco3
ONEVtolo.m. U.K. Colo. 310 S. .
2CI dcc3
Money on hand to loan on Improved property.
J. A. Helstand , Arlington block. ' 623
MONEV to Loan-On Improved city propel ty
at lowest rates of Interest. No commls-
Dion charged. Hholes& Crumb , room 1 , lluiker
block , cor. 15th and 1'arnam sts. 081
M ONEVToloan. II. R. Cole , 810 S. 15tu. 457
, ( to loan ntflper cent. Lluuhan Jt.Ma-
honey , rta Farnam. 9C7
. ( to loan In any amount at lowest rate of
Interest. H. H. liey , Frcnrer block. lltM
ONEY To loan , II. K. Cole , 310 3.15th. 457
M IONEY In sums of trflOnnd over to load at
low rates. Russell & llnrrett , 312 8 Kith st.
M ONIY ! LOANED ntC. F. Reed * Co.'sLoan
; . Ollirn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal pioperty of nil kinds , and all other ar
ticles ofnlue without removal. ! H8 S. 13th ,
over Rlngham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 982
M ONEY To loan , H. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 457
< CC.OO,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
P per cent. O. W. Uny , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , lowrntes. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Ilurllngton ticket ofllce.
M ONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 417
TlO .LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
pro\edreal estate In city or county for
New England Loan A. Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , IGth and Chicago sts. 977
MONEY To loon on chattels. Co-operative
Lund and Lot Co. , 205 No. ICth street.
M ONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S. Mth. 417
6 PER CENT Money.
Patterson St. Fawcett 15th and Harnoy. 973
M I ONEY to Lonn-0. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1505 Faruam st. 972
M ONEY To loan , H. E. Cole , 316 S. 15th. 457
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission chaiged. Leavitt Ilurnhaui ,
room 1 , Crelghton block. 971
M ONEY To loan. If. L. Cole. 310 S. 15th. 457
MONEY to loon to parties wishing to build.
S. S. Campbell , 310 S IGth bt. , Chamber of
Commerce. 970
M ONEY to loan. Notes and R. R. tickets
bought uhd hold. A. Forman , 2U S 1'lth st.
SHORT time loans made on any nvniinblo
security. In rensonnblo nmounU. Seemed
notes botignt , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of nny kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha I'l-
uancinl Exchange. , N. W. cor. 15th and Ilar
ney sts. , over State National bund. C'orbett ,
mnnagt.'r. 971
$1,000.000 to lonn. H. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. Tirst
mortgage note ? , bought. 900
MONJIY To lonn. Lowest rates. No delay.
J. L. Rico & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 978
MONEY to loan on city property , and nlso
farms in Nebraska nnd Jown. Odell llros.
A. Co , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , 103
Pearl stieet , Council lllulls , la. ; 1523 Fnrnam
street , Omaha. 208
M ONEY ( To loan , H. E. Cole , 316 S. 16th. 457
"llfONEYto Loan Ily the undersigned , who
JLU has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to $100 mndo on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrcons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans HO made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing thu cost pro rota. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many new concerns nre dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
Fee me. W. R. Croft , room 4 Wlthnoll building ,
15th nnd Hnrnoy. 9N )
M ONKY To loan , H. E. Cole , 310 8. 15th. 467
$300.000 to loan , special rates on farm property.
Sobotker & Perrlgo , 1521 Farnam st. f I
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , po delay. J.
W. nud E. L. Squire. 14IJ Faruam St. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 984
C LEAN UED3-I5 and .Scents a night , 11.00 a
\ \ eek , S20 so. IGth ht. 404-1J'
rrillY a 50o bottle of Standard Stock Liniment
JL for nny external Injury of man or htmnt.
Nothing better. Guaranteed. Sold everywhere.
458 9
TTSE Standard Horpo and Cattle Food Safer ,
vJ cheaper and better than any condition pow
der ; 7 Ibs. for II ; quality guaranteed. Sold ev
ery ttheio. 45S B
USE Standard Horse and Cattle Food Safer ,
cheaper and better than nny rondltlor
powder ; 7 Ibs for $1 ; Quality guaranteed. SolC
every H hoi o. 4W 9
U 1SE Standard Horse and Cattle Food ,
PltOFESSlONAL Nurse. Mrs. Peterson. 2713
Ohio st. 300 D 4
T7IOU KENT 80 acres with good house and 1m-
JJ piovements near Omaha. Schleslneor
Uros. , C H S. 10th st.
TT8E Standaid Stock Liniment.
U 4589
TTSE Standard and Cattle Fowl Bafer
vJ cheaper and better than any conditior
IKw dcr : 7 Ibs. for $1 ; quality guaranteed. Sold
everywhere. 4" > 8 8
"I71IHST-CLABS table board , served In homi
-L1 fctyle , for 3 or 4 Bentlcnion. 1814 Dodge. "W
TUV a DOc bottle of Standard Stock Liniment
for nny external Injury of man or beust
Nothing better. Uuarauteed. Sold everywhere
171IHST-CLASS Imard and rooms at live nnd let
JD live prizes , at Cottage house , 110 S Mth et.
87411 *
11NE shirts made to order at II eacn. Omaha
Shirt Factory , 308 N SS ) d 4
U ISR Standard Horse and Cattlu Food.
4.r > 30
U Se Standard Horse aud Cattle Food.
TT3U Standard Stock Liniment.
U 4580
rplCY a 50c bottle of Standard Stock Llulmcn
JL for any external Injury of man or beast
Nothing better , Uuarauteed. Sold everywhere
I 1ST YOUll IIOOMS at the City Intelligence
J Office , Cralghton llloct. Mora people cul
dally nt our olllco than at any other place In the
city , except the postoUlce. 685
u SE Standard Stock Liniment.
E LEO ANT plush parlor sets at Immense sac
rifice to pay storage charges. New York ,
storage Co. , cor Capitol ave and 15th Rt. " ( B
SE Standard Horse and Cattle Food.
It , J. W. llAItNSDALI/8 surgical and ob-
stetrlctdhome , 17 4 Capitol uve , Omaha ,
Neb. Telephone VM. DUn'JlJ
mo KXCHANOK-For cattle. I ha eB40 ncraa
Jof good western land to trade for cattln
and u good bouse and lot near the capital ; wll
exchange for cattle. Address S , U. Uryan. Ash
land. Neb. 9no
LltiT houses , furnished and unfurnlshei' '
rooms with lu. We * lll rout them. OIIlc
opcnovenlngg. H. E. Cole. 316 a. 15th st. 'J35
TT E Standard Stock Liniment.
U 4588
KNTAL tAiF.NCV-F. I * . Gregory will
( ound aftu- November lut at 3u3 wi'J ;
tt. , opp. llo.ird of Trade. Orounl 2,6f , tjo
milY a Ttic bc' e ot Stn l W Btook Mnlmenl
. - * . 'ii' * rlf external Injury of nian or htvutt ,
nothing betttr. Quaraatced , Sold evtrrwhere ,
[ "THE Standard ltor f nnrt fattl * Food Safer.
U cheaper and IwUer than any condition
> owder ; T Ibs. fur II ; quality guaranteed. Sold
very where. 4VH 9
_ _
rfurriiAS7im.ULY' & great Australian pain
\J \ king the greatest lifMant relief for i lieu-
matlMn. arul neuralpla.ctircs toothache In 5 tnln-
ites. for futther particulars apply 1KM
> ort st , cor of 17th st. '
Also ladles uttentlnnt'TliG only ladles chlropo-
list In the country , remu\fs Ingrowing toemvtU
mid club nails by anew process without palu ,
mil guarantee a permanpnt euro In every case.
) ( llce hours 1 to fi o'clocJTTf. jn. 1KM Davenport
t , cor 17th , Oinnlm , Nell. Ml J
2A1'ES- Agents ami litiRlnoFs men. We are
k ? manufacturing and. + wlling Independent of
any Rtifo ring or ] > eel by.ylncliiK' upon the mar
ket three sires of lire proof safes at mich low
irlces that farmers , professional anil business
nen can afford to purchase. Plzs , X8xl8x18
urlies ; weight 5001b.s. ; rctnll prlro , IKj smaller
uul larger sizes In proportion. Hare oppoi tun-
ty allured. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati Ohio.
1GS30 *
Ol 0 House furnishing Rood" , all kinds ;
rnsh or Installment ; lowest prices at ,1. lion-
icr , 1315 Douglas Rt. "NJ
BK. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Komale diseases a specialty. 11H N. 16tU
Bt. , 11.2 A3 , Tel. Ml. iW7
LAltlES A full bust without medicine ,
mall 'Me. , stamps , to It. M. Hlcli , llaltlmore ,
Md. i..iOnl7 *
PEHSONAIr-Prlvatohomo for ladies during
conllnement , strlrtly confidential , Infants
adopted. Address E 13 lice olllco. 107 n 8 *
FOIl SALK rmnltiire for light housekeeping
of two rooms , fll5j cost $200 ; Inquire 510
N. Ifith st. 614 12 *
TJTOL HALE Cheap , a Rood , stilish family
J. horse for family uso. Inquire Kaufman
Ilro.s. , 1009 Famam st. 4'C
TJIOn SALT ! Horse , harness and half spring
-I ! wagon. 1507 n. I'lth st. _ 470-0 *
FOR PALK-Chfnp C Sd hand safes , Hulls ,
Dlebold and Macnealo It I'iban makes ; In-
qulro I'hll riurrot.soi ) . Arcade hotel , Onmnu. agt
Chicago Safe and f.ock t'o ; i 3 11
f VNK hundred and fifty dollars w 111 buy n new s
W and cigar stand , fXW South Ifith st. t W.
F n SAIilJ A now lot of dry goods furniture
cheap , iiao Cap , live. 11H
FOH S A IiR-Or trade , horse , bugcy and har-
noM. standing desk and Mool , haid coal
stove. Will sell cheap or trade for property or
Mper. Alex Q. Charlton , MtCaguo Ilios. , opp.
171011 BALE Fine her e , buggy and harness
JL' a bargain. Call at Arlington block. 3OV10
BAKOAIN One ball beat Ing Columbia tricy
cle In perfect older and as good as new-
will bo hold at a bargain. Apply to J. L. linker ,
West Point , Neb. 1251 9
BILLAKD Table at half price , Ilnmswlck
lialkc Co.'s make. Inquire Leslie & Leslie ,
10th and Dodge sts. 210
ORGANS at wholesale prices , on easy pay
ments. New York Piano Co. , cor Capitol
nve and 16th Bt. 7GO.
TjlOU HUNT A splendid new house ror 21st
-L and (3 1 ant , ! l rooms nnd bathroom and nil
modern com enlcnces. Apply curly , Spotiw oed ,
30TiH S Kith. K.7
Tj OH HUNT Small house on Torcas st , , near
JIbth , $10 per month. Enquire at 1310 Knr
nam. 540 9
TT1OII KKNT H room hoa o rent1 $7 on ' 13th' st ;
JL' furniture for $75. Cooperative Land A Lot
Co. . glV. M 10th bt. Mil 11
OH RF.NT House of rooms and barn 1IH7
Webster Rt. Inquire I1. J. Crecdon , lloyd's
opera house blk. g 548 10J
oTt ItKNT-narn ii .r 11th st. . between
Douglas and Dodge joom for II horses and
K vehicles ; uNo hay loft. "Apply to City Steam
Laundry. _ j _ 1SJ
FOK RIiNT ifl-rooiu licTtlsu and bain , Cajiltol
[ XemipM ) n month , llieiinau & . Co. ,
chamber of commei co. r > " 0 9
FOK KENT About Dec. Ut , thiefi now cot
tages on Hamilton M-rcet , one block from
street par , seven rooms each , all modern Im
provements. Apply to E. Morony , oOU 8 1-th st.
\ < K > 8 12j
TjTOR HUNT H vail h InM. . 0-ronm cottagn.cen'
JO trally. few blocks n of pottollicu. Itcntor to
buy few cat pet 4 and stoxe. Apply 508 South 10th
FOU HENT Eight room house on 1'niknvo.
Enqulie C. C. Schiiutler , IBo Soutli Smn st.
450 9 *
WANTP.D To rent , l.'i or SO-room ho\ise.good
location , or HO to 4room hotel In city , at
co. H. P. . Cole , illfl S 15thBt. 454
ClOU RKNT 1 nroom cottage,013So.lth ( st. ,
C bet. Jackson & Jones. At water Jc Co. 4-S
I710K HI'.NT Ilnsement. stores and flats , cor.
L' iJtli uiid Juckbon. inquire Mrs' F. Lange.
F I OR RENT Three stores 1108 Fnrnnm nnd
two nt cor 12tn and Douglas st. S , Lehman.
9 ROOMS Rath nud barn , Col fax st J4100
10 rooms , bath nnd furnace , Seward tt. MOO
10 rooms , bath and furnace. Woolworth st. . 60 00
8 rooms , bath , city watr. . Corby st 35 txi
5rooms , cottage , Rurdette st 2500
Blooms , cellar , well , cistern,27th st , 28.IX )
Orooms. cellar , city water , 2-sths.t 22.00
Fine large storeroom , good location 35.00
F. L. Ci regory. 309 South IGth st. 188
TPOR RENT If you wish to rent n house call
JJ on llunaw a & Co. , 15th Bt. , opposite P. O.
FOR RENT C-room house , corner Mnrcy and
Terrlll st. S20. Inquire Ltninger & Motcalt
Co. . Oth nnd PaclHc. 220
T7IOR RENT Nov. 15 , new eight-room house ,
J nil modern Improvements. 2218 Chicago st.
MO. J. R. Ringwnlt. 218 S 15th st. 777
FOR RENT Two largo stores and flats Just
completed. Rulldlngs provided with all
modern conveniences and situated on South
nth St. , Nos. 1330 and 13118 , one of the most trav
eled thoroughfares In the city. Street car ac
commodations. One of the basements fitted up
w 1th glass front and especially arranged for a
restaurant or oyster house. Also will lease
reasonably for a term of years n very desirable
business corner lot In heart of the city. Tills Is
a rare chance for a man who would put up stores
nnd Hats. There Is big money In It. Also 0 do-
nlrnblo residence lots opposite the city park. Si-o
Joseph Michal , proprietor , 1223 South 13th st.
TCTOU RENT Savera new 7 room houses
JD block from street car , ready for occupancy
November 1. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 353
T .1ST houses , furnished and unfurnished
JLJ rooms with us. We will rent them. Olllco
open evenings. II. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th st. 035
FOR RENT 2nd and 3d floors at 1417 Douglas
St. . with lease of three years. Kennedy 4 ;
Ribblus , 1300 Douglas st. 707
J10K KENT-3 room cottage , 1124 N Slst. st.
Apply 3108 15th St. 153
FOH KENT 6 room furnished Hat , $00 per
month. 3 rooms rented , (43. Apply BOB 8.
ICth st. - fcXM
Flt KENT 8 room cottage , large lot. good
barn , In delightful lac At ion. Furniture for
sale ; call at Kinsler's drak.Ktore , 1307 Furnam st
TjlOU KENT Now b-rOfia cottage , 24tli and
JH llancroftsi , rstdft6r west of shot tower ;
veil , clatcru. t4 per mot JK _ 478
FOR HENT a flats anil ( Urnlture for Role , al
on 10th. A. F. MayM N. W. cor , IGth and
Varnam. jf wi
F OH RENT 11 room House on Sherman ave
A. F. Mayne , N. VUlor. 10th and Farnam
TWIl } ItENT-Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 41E
-L1 Smith IVth Bt. , coutalulug all modern con
vcnlenccs. ( jj Ml
TJTOIl RENT Tivo furnished rooms. 1017 How
JC ard st , , with board if desired. Heferenies
required. KM
F I OK KENT-Elefrantlp-furnlshed suite o
rooms , on tint lloor , heated by furnace , al
modern improvements ; 'also single looms , i
St. Mary's ave. 554 10 *
T7IO K KENT Three furnished rooms , all new
JD 1311 Davenport st , 0114 *
FOH KENT Cheerful , sunny front room will
board In private family , modern conveu
lence , terms reasonable. KB Pleasant st.
403 10 *
TIKK HENT Kurnuned room ; modern m
JU iiro\emcnt . 171H Dodge st. 615 It
TJTOE RENT Nicely furnished front rooms.ll
J N 17th st , 611 U'
T7IOU KKNT-A small , neatly furnished
J2 room for one gentleman , 10U5thps4
nam. Apply Ilia Farnam. Cvi 10
T71OH KENT 25nimlnh < Hl rooms suitable foi
- * " "U tttFplng. l ( ii N UOth t. 1U
Is KBHT-Furnlshed rooms. SXM m.dgo.
FOK KENT-South front room , 1020 CasZ
4'3 ' 13 *
FOH KENT-FurnUhed room * , with or with
out board , I'/W Farn&m st. , , m 9 *
Eon Tir.NT Two newlr renovated furnished ,
comfortable nMims , private fitmllycentral ,
o respectable genUouicn ; reatotiable , til * N 17lh
t. 447 9j
FOH HENT Choan , suite of nicely furulihod
ruouis , 1010 N M st , 4IU VJ
[ 7TOK UE.XT Cheap furnUhed room' , 1510
JL1 Ilarney. 4Si 0 *
FIIONT roomi. good board for gentlemen ;
modern conveniences ; private famlly.ncar
\fo car llmis. 618 S r th avo. 430 10 *
I710H KKNT Pleasant room for gentleman ;
JL' now limisc and now fmnlturo ; heat , bath
and g.ll. 17W ) Dortgn st. 407-0 *
filOK KENT-r.lcgant now furnlMipd nwiufl in
LJ private family boarding hou e Just opemul.
Aveiiuo Place. 161) and ini3 Cap , ave. Pol 10 *
FOK HUNT Nicely furnished mom * , stentn
heat , gas aud bath room , 901S ! Hth it.
' . 9 *
IjlOK KENT To a lady , furnished room In
-J family of two , 16 mln walk from P. O. , two
ilocks from street c rs , use of piano , $3 pur
mi nth. Silt ; Davenport st. 361 8 *
FOK KENT 3 trice unfurnished rooms Milt-
able for housekeeping , situated on 21st
and Nicholas st. Apply 810 S LHU st. 639
FOK KENT Elegant milte of rooms nicely
furnished , brick flat , louth front , 1IIG Chi
cago. iV > 7
1710H KKNT Ground lloor ofllce room , con-
JU trally located , heated and lighted. fX ! ' .
: larri9 n. 418 8.15th t. 719
FOK KENT Furutstied rooms , 1913 Furnam.
A TINE largo bay window mom , newly fur
nished with gas , bath , furnace nnd closet ,
no other roomer , for one or two gentlemen , 601
J auth st. 1U
OK KENT-2 double furnished rooms , 115 and
f.'O per month , with tiro. Noith side
: , cavcnworth st betw cen 17th and 18th. X\l \ 11 *
F OK KENT-1'uinHhed rooms , 1810 llodgn st.
ItU N30
FOK KENT Furnished nnd unftirnlshod
rooms in all parts of the city. When you
w nnt n house w o can accommodate you. Car
riage ready to show houses. Olllce open even
ings. H. E. Cole , 31RS. 15th Bt. 934
tTTICELY furnished rooms , S023 St. Mary's
> ae. . 280 10 *
FURNISHED room , 2207 Uouglns.
439 ]
A LOVELY , large front room heated , beauti
ful location , with all modoru conveniences
on st car line , 1917 Cnss. 235
JTO R RENT 2 uuluinlshcd rooms , 2d floor ,
: no s. 15th. ais.
POll RENT Two desirable rooms , gas.stonm.
und bath,20JS 21th bt. Ucutlemcn preferred.
5.1114 *
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms In
new building , heated by steam , with bath
nnd nil modern Improvements ; location central.
No. 1719 Davenport street. 648 12J
FOR RENT Furnished rooms In Greunlgblk ,
cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Ueo. R.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 9ft !
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping , 1100H S. 7 th St. 248
J7IOR RENT-3 nlcel > furnished rooms , 3020 St.
JP Mary's uve. 9i > 9
FOR 11ENT Rooms , single and en suite ,
good piano for sulc , (165 , lb-1 Farnam st.
171OR RENT 3 rooms suitable for house keep-
JO ing , N. W. cor. 14th aud Pierce bt. Apply
to 310 S. 15th St. U.V
FOR RENT-Nlcely furnished room suitable
fora gentlemen. Inquire2011 St.Mary'savc.
9 0
FOR RENT Nice front room and other
rooms with or without board , 2210 Fnrnam
275 10 *
T710R RENT Three unfurnished rooms ; water
JO In the house nnd everything convenient for
housekeeping , 2012 Harney st. 652 11 *
1J1URN1SHED rooms with board. IMClFar-
JL1 nam. 7bOulO
"I31OK It KNT Pleasant rooms , furnished ,
JO southwest corner 20th and Webster. Wl
" 1710R RENT Furnished rooms In all parts of
JO the city , by the rtuv , week or month. City
Intelligence olllce , Crclghton block. 1R5
FOR RENT Onico room , first tloor , nt3IGS.
15th st. 445
A COMPETENT broad and cake baker cw ants
employment ; address L 65 lice , 5329 *
" \rOlTNO man desires to lonrn type setting ;
JL willing to work for nothing. Address LM ,
Reo olllce. 625 10 *
WANTED An experienced dressmaker
w ishes w ork In families or at home. Satis
faction guaranteed. Northwest corner 18th and
Mason. 621 10 *
WANTED A position by an expert book
keeper. Ameilean Employment llnreau ,
1010 Fni nam st , room 0. 655 9 *
' ED Situation for men and their
wlu's in prhuto families , on farms and
rnnches ; lots of applicants ; no office fee. Cana
dian Employment Olllce , Mrs. Brcga & Son , 310
So. 15th , Tel. 884. 649 10 *
ANTED-Sltuatlons for girls In private
families- , hotels , etc. Welia\o nny num
ber of applicants , old nnd young , big nnd little ,
black and white and any denomination and na
tionality you may call for. Ouroflico is full of
girls all day. Cnnndinn Employment ofllce , Mis.
llrega & Sou. 316 South 15th. telephone 8H4. 5019J
WANTED In a country town a situation as
clerk In a general stoic. Huvo had llfteen
years' oxperience. Have sold goods In this itato
six years nnd can give best of references. Ad-
dressRromw ell , Omaha , Neb. 4C8-9 *
" \\TANTED-Situation by a gentleman having
> ten years' experience in the real estate
nnd abstract business ; best of references. Ad
dress Vf. T. Otis , East Saglnuw , Mich. , care
Marshallhouso. 24.19J
N'KW YORK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of Now
York. Cash advances to any amount ; waro-
honso iccclpts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; spo < lul arrangements for
commission merchants. Cell New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave uud N. 15th St. , llouuott'a block.
" TOHAfiE Merchandise or furniture. Little
& Williams , 1407 Douglas st. Ha rOSi
1IKST-CLASS storage at 110 N. 13th st.
S' TOItAGE for carriage atOmnha fairgrounds
and horses wintered by A. Thomson.
173-N 20 *
/ - . Schwartz , Omaha Storage
Warehouse , 1001.1011 North 13th st. , furnlt-
urc.bugglea and merchandise. Olllce 1315 Dodge.
427n llr
STOKAGE Furniture , boxed goods , ctc.tenns
reasonable , 7141'aclflc. W4
TO THADE We have n largo list of property
of all kinds for sale or exchange , btuveiu
llros. , 1513 Farnaui at. 490 11
Residence sites In llanscom 1'Iare.
Lot 21 , blk. 0 , one of the lots In the
addition ; only K,700.
Corner Delaware and Topplcton avenue : 100x110
feet , south uud east front , magnltlrent
view , Rpleadid neighborhood , near street
cars and park. A bargain If Bold nt once.
150 feet east front on Duaue street near Fopple-
ton uvenue. Water and gas on utreet ,
close to street car line , perfVct grade , juxt
thn place for an elegant residence or block
of houses. Call and get price.
Uuautiful south front lot , corner Thirty-third
street and 1'opplutou avenue ; $2,700 , only
$700 cash , balance one , two , three or four
years. If you want a nice home or Invest
ment It will pay you to look them up.
Qeo. N. Hicks , 215 South 15th at.
T7IOH HALE Finest location for a home In
i West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkemlull , Coe , llrady , Knsson and others
Nothing finer In the city. Can Rel 116.1x187 or
less ; for prices and terms see 8. A. Sloman , 1301
Faruam 8t. 73U
T7HU TKADE-Kqulty In lots 1 nnd 2. Union
-L' nquare. next block to Martin. Kasson He
llrady ; 14.000 for house and lot , or vacant InMJo
lot. Address K W llee , 707
A FEW more lots at 1100. 11. B. Cole.
TTIOR HALE At IdOO , house and lot , rented at
- i111 per month , on small cash payments , l > al
ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash at a bet
ter price and warranted deed. I ) . D.Smeaton.lfXX.
Dodge t. I.B
CALL and seethe cholr ' .mrgalns I offer In
Bouth Ornaba. : ; teg3.iU ! flfaihst 60013
nno E OlIATiQE-Clty and farm property
2. Call on Stevens Ire , 1513 Farnam st.
mo EXCHANOF. For Improved city property ,
JL stock fann ot TH ) acres with all modern Im
provements. 4 miles from city of 7,000 populu-
lion , tn Iowa. H. E. Cole , 31ii S 15th bt. M
I 1ST houses , furnished and unfurnished
J room * ) with ui. We will rent them , Olllce
open evenings. U.K. Cole , 318 6.15th st. KB
IO llargaln-Corner lot. 72x150 fwt , ou nolle-
yue ot. . South Omaha. Call aud get prlc-i
auatcrmi.iio. ( .Ui lts , litJ.14Ui. ( MIX
A FEW more lols at 1100. II. E. Colo.
AFKW moro lots at IIU ) . 1I < K. Colu.
_ _
KUW more lots at 1100. It. K. Cole ,
S QUTU OSIAIIA business lots for sale. Illoks.
IjlOll SALK Or oxclmnse , farm * In Iowa ,
JU Kansas aud NebraskA for Omiilm houstvs
nnd lots ; will assume mortgages on houses and
: ! TO clear deeds to farms ; will also oxclmugo
city lots for good farms , well located nnd us-
tune small mortgngos on farms and itvu clear
deed to city lots. Farms wanted In Central Ne-
> nuka. A. P. Tukey , 1 tit Farnatn st. 110
'PO TIIADK Wn have a largo list of property
JL of all kinds for sala or uxchaugo. Stxvuna
Iros , 151. ) Fariiam at , 4W1J
OK SAI.K-Lottt , Iliirr Oak. 11,100 , JMIO cash
bal. 2 years.
Lot 4rt , Ilnrr Oak , 11,00.1 . , fM ; cnsh , bal easy.
Lot 47 , llurr Oak , f I.IV ( ) , KM cnsh , bal easy.
Lot 10 blk t < , Hillside No 1 , t-Wl , 11,100 cnsh ,
> nit \ years.
Lot ft blk 7 , Hillside No 1 , KJJOO , $1.000 cash.
jal 3 yearn.
Ixit 7 blk 10. Reed's 1st add , $ n,000.
Lot 32 , SuunyBlrte , 2,4X1 ( , .srt ) cash , bal easy.
Tw o now 7 room houses with modern convcn-
ences tw o blocks west Ilanscutn park , fJ,400
each terms easy ,
Ixit 95 , Fairmont place with five room cottage ,
T ii good lots with five room cottage on each ,
n blk io , Patrick's add , only U.OOU oacli , terms
very easy.
Ituslness lots In South Omaha on N , Q. SUh ,
Suth nnd "Gth streets for Palo cheap.
Acio property near South Omaha forsaloor
'or trade for Inside Omaha and tfouth Omaha
ots. Potter If Cobb , 1G01 Futnaui St. , Hoard
rraao building. 877 I'l
MX ) KXCHANOK-Clty and farm property.
JL Call on Stevens Ilrod. , 1513 Faruam bt.
tW 13
A FKW mora lots at 1100 , 11 , K. Cole.
171OU SALK or Kxchange Klghteen acres ,
JL' junction of two main streets and M. P. licit
Mno Ity. , only ten minutes' ride by rail to South
) maha and stock jardx and 20 minutes' rldo to
the business center of Omaha ; covered with
splendid shndo trees ; will pint Into N ) choice
ots ; land all around It Is divided Into loU nnd
Belling for W to 500 each ; pi Ice Hl.tiOO ; buyer
to assume lucumbrancu of F.I.IAH ) , duo In 1 , 3 , 'A
xnd 4 years ; will tnkn fr.OUU cash , bal.incefI.SiM
n good Improved farm piopcrty. Cieorgo N.
Hicks , sr , 8. 11th st. WX ) 12
TjlOR S.M.H Ooodbrkk business property In
Jj centre of Grand IJatid : greatest bargain
and best terms In the city ; but llttlo cash re
quired ; long time , low intoicst nud eusypav-
nonts ; other real estate fur sale. Addioss.f. H.
Woollcy , attorney at law , ( irand Island , Neb.
r10 exchange-Some money and choice land
JL for nrst class implored lusldo propcity.
H. R. Cole. 3UI3ir > lh. 411
IF you havu anything to sell or axchnnge list
It with C. C. Spot3Wood.30.-iV4S Ujt
" 17UH SALE A beautiful newfcroom house In
JU block "A , " llcdford Place , small cash piy-
mentItalanco monthly or to bull. Charles 0.
Spotswood. 305Ji S. 10th St. W4
NKW Four room cottage , with pantry , closets
and cellar. Near car line , schools and In an
excellent neighborhood , being lot IB , Ilurdottu
court , price tl.nnn , small cash payment and 115
per month. Wallace , Crelghton block. 408
SALK Sovernl houses and lots on
small payments , also sumo houses nnd
lots to trade ; several farms for sale or trade for
Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mayne , N.
W. cor llith and Farnam. IW1
"TT10K BALK New store building and lot on
JO llellcvue St. , Soutli Omilm : ; piicn $1,0 ( > U ; on
ly KAXI cash. Can glvn Immedlato possession.
Ueo. N. Hicks , 21fi S. 18th t. MK ) 12
1ST your property for halo with Charles C.
JSpotuwood , 30Ti > i S Kith ht K42
A FEW more lots at J100. H. E , Cole.
A. 4.V ,
FOR SALK 124x100 ft cor. Howard and Kith
sts , next block to Eassdii , llrady 4 : Mur-
tlns houses , $7WX ) . Addiess K. ! 3 lloeolllce. m >
A FEW moro lots at $100. H , E , Cole.
" 171OR SALE or trade-J20 ! acres of land one
JO uiilu from Central City , Neb. , 70 aci es under
cultlvntlon. 100 acres under fence , Including
corrnls ; balance extra good meadow ; house
cost f'0) ) , barn tWO , c.ittlo luin&WO : good wind
mill , 3 acres nice young orchard , with hedge
fence ; \\llltradefor stock of hardware , grocer
ies or general moi chaudiso. N. llarnos Central
City. Neb. 231 10J
exchange for house and lot n section of
JL good farm laud In contrul Nobinska. llloks ,
" 15 S. 15th. 60013
11HOMPSON. Heal Estate , 311 S. 15th Bt.
60 ft on Farnam nearSlth , per ft t 1-1
40ft on Farnam near2Sth , per ft 22.1
( VI ft < m Saunders near Grace 5,500
Ilost lot In Klrkwood 1.4K )
Oood lot In Klrby Place 1.27.1
60 ft on 18th st near St. Mnry's nvo 8,750
100ft In blk 1 , Redlck's subdivision 4.200
A good trackago lot in city for lease dieap
Lot on Park ave opposite Hanscom Park. . . 2,7ml
Lot In HotTman Terrace , only 27.1
10 acroa at South Omaha for platting , get
List your propel ty with Thompson. 3S8C
rnilACKAGE I have some choice property In
JL West Omaha on thn F. K. & M. V. H. R. aud
Missouri Pacific Ry. , near the junction of the
two roads. There Is no nncr truckage near the
city for mills , elevators nud manufacturing put-
posos. Parties contemplating locating in Omaha
will do well to call and see the property , to the
right kind of parties I will olfer liberal Induce
ments. George N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th st. 60012
irmOMPSON , 311 8. lSth Bt. . buys and soils real
JL estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has a good list of property for sale and wants
moro. Notary public. 8.11
A FE\V more lots at $100. H. E. Colo.
COMETHINO Choice , terms easy. Lot l.block
kJ 12 , Heed's 1st , nt a baraulii.
v. Cole , ; nu s i5th st. aw
FEW more lots at 1100. H , K. Cole.
/CHOICE THAUKAnE. close to city , for sale
\J by Hicks , 215 B. 15th Bt. 500 U
TT1OH EXCHANQE-3brlck Ilats on 25th St. ,
JU between Farnam and Dodge ; will exchange
equity for other good paying pioperty. not too
heavily mortgaged. Tills pi operty needs no
commendation. Speaks for itself. No bettor
in this city. If you \utut It coma nulck. Spots-
wood. 303 S. ICth Bt. 4'Jl
FOH EXCIIANOE-CIty property for Iowa or
Nebraska lands. L. H. Watts , N. K. Cor.
19th and St. Mary's nvo. 331
TEW more loU at $100. II. K. Cole ,
NEW eight-room house , pleasant location , c.ui
give immediate possession , a bargain If
taken at once. Ueo. N. Hicks , 215 8.15th st.GOJ12
fllO THADE Inside property for Rood house ,
JL eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul
loch > V Co. , cor 15th and Faruam. 32. )
TI1WO house1 ] In llancom plare renting for
X * 70 per month to exchange for good Insldu
varantproperty. H. S. Campbell and O.W. Her-
vey,310S. Itithst. Chamber of Commerce. Vil
FOK SALE A good lot (3j ( feet ) on Pork or-
untie , low i > rcu If sold soon. McCullorh &
Co. . cor 15th and Tarnum. 331
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Oinalia and Council
Chicago , AND Mllnaukeo ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Itock Island , Frecport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dubuqnc , Pareuport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jaucsrillc ,
Hclolt , Winona , La Crc s ,
Aofl all other Important rmtl Eajt , Northeast arid
For through ticket * call on the ticket agent at um
Farnam street , la 1'aiton Hoteloral Duloa ratilln
IMillman Blotperi and th * finest niolni f'Jxr In t'.u
world are run on the nmln HDD of tlie Chicago. Mil
vautm ft HI. I'aul Hallnar , and ercrf attPiitl'in '
paid to pasaungert ceurtaous amplofes or in
C ° lllMPfi.Kll. ! ! General Manarer.
J.f. TUCKKK , Assistant Uvacral Manucr.
A. V. 11. CJUU'BNTKU , Otucral fuscaieur mi
Ticket Afnt.
UEO. K. UKAFFOnD , AttltUnt diDirml faneate
nJ Ticket AK nt.
J. T. CLAUK , G n r J 8 p rtnt ii < lint.
Dissolution Notice.
'Ilia llrm dolnu lusliKisrt nnder the name o
Illrsliburg k Co. , hn tblsday beenUlKsohe'l ' , H
IlirhhburK will continue the buMUitu , paylui
all bill uud colltcUiJU ull tUbta.B.
B. Iliiisnuuuo ,
l\7-3tp J.
Running lletwecn Council Illuirs nnd Alblrght.
n addition to the stations mntloned , t nil in
top nt Twentieth nnd Twanty-tourth strocts ,
and at the Summit In Omaha.
Leave Arrive
CONNECTING. LINKS. Transfer Tiunsfer
depot. depot.
C , R. I. &IV. :40 : n. m. 1:15 : a. in.
AH trains run Dally. 0:40 : p. m. 7:00 : p. in.
C. & N. W. : ' 1:40 : n. m. 1 a. tn ,
All trains run Daily. ii:40 : p. m. 7:00 p. m ,
C. . R. * y. : 9:41 : a. m. 9:15 : a. m.
All trains tun Dally. 0J5 : p. m. 7:00 : p. m.
0. . M. 4 St. P. : 9:11 : a. m. fl.ll a. m.
All trains run D.Uly. 0:10 : p. m , 7.00 p. ra.
bioux City. : , Ci p. m. J2.UO m.
K.C. , St. .1 &O. 11. : 9:25 : a. m. . ! a. in.
All trains tun Dally. 0:1.1 : p. m. 'J.18 p. in.
W. . St. L ilvi ,
All trains run Dally. 2:15 : p. m. 12:15 : p.m.
8. C. A P. : 1:40 : a. m i.6.1 a. m.
All trains run D.Uly. < : iw u. m f.QO p. ni.
ran n cxAdjuiisTKD WITII THII oroamrnr or TIM
oouKtur WILL see or zJUMiNina Tins Mir TUAT xu
Rjr reason of H * central yosltltn. cat * relation to llni
} a > t of Chicago , and continuum lines at termina
polnti Weit , Northwest and Houtbwait , Ii tlie tn-1
mlditlo link In that transcontinental fijstem ivhtt i
InTltea ami facilitates trrnvdl and traffic between tu !
Alliuilla and 1'aalflc.
The Hock Inland mnln line and branches IncludoC !
c jo , Jollet , Ottawa , LafialU , I'eorla , Qemoeo , Moll.u
anil Koclc Island , la Illinois ) Davenport , Muscat ! : ,
Washington , Falrflcld , Ottumira , Oakalooa , Westl III-
ertj.Iowa CityUes > loln6S.IndlanolaWlntfrj tAtl.u ,
tic , Knonllle. Audubon , Itarlaa , Guthrte Centra un I
Council JllufTn , In lowai Uallatln , Trenton , St.srp" ,
Camtrun and Kansas CttIn Idlssourtt I < eaj"jwort i
anil Atclilson , In Kansasi Albert LeaMinneapolis a-1
HI. Paul , In Minnesota ) Watertomi and Sioux falls , '
Dakota , and huadrodi of Intermndtata cities and toivn u
VTho Great Rock Island Route"
Ooaranteei n > eod , comfort , eertalntr and lafetjr. 1 i
permanent war Is distinguished for 1U excellence. 1 i
bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of o I
tcel.lUrolll/iK'tockperfect Itspassenierequljjmi i
bas all the sate ty appliances that expoi l nro lias prv t"V *
useful , and for luiurloua aecomDiodatloos ii u.u >
passed. Its Express Trains consist of superior i >
Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Bleep .
Cars , euperb Dining Can , prorldlnc dtllclous mei. . .
and ( between CblcaKo and At. Joseph , Atcblson o I
Kansas City ) restful ilccllnlne Cbatr Cars. It m.-
aKemcnt U conserratlre , Its < Jl clplluo ciactlnf
"The Famous Albert Loa Rorro"
Between Cbleaeo anil Minneapolis and fit. Pa. Is t >
farorlte. Ortr tills line Solid Fut Kxpruu Tralnx T i
dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa t I
Minnesota , and , rla ITatertown and bloux Falls , to I i
rich wheat and Rraxlnj lands of Interior Dakota. \ .
Beneca and Kankakee , tliolloilc Island otfeniuporl r
lnclurom nts to trarolen between Cincinnati , Inillnn
apolli. I.aay < tU tnd Council UlurTsSt Joseph , Alt
ion , I tarenworth , Kansaa City , hi. Paul , and lotcn.
dlato points. All patrons ( especially ladles and cl u
drfnrcctlTO protection , courtetjamlltlndlyattcntLM
for tickets , raapa , folders , ooples of WojUrn Trail ,
any dnlrod information , apiily to principal ofllcoa < i
tli United States and Canada , oralldreiw , at Cblca- > ,
R. B. CABlt , E , ST. JOHN , E. A. HOURO ; . ' ,
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha , a
Council Bluffs
And Cliicp
Th onlr road to take for Dei Motnes. l'-.1.mi ,
Ctdar llunldi , Clluton , 1)1 jnn , UnmgoTl irirukc *
and all points east , n ; U. < trT > plu ofKelirn I'oltv
rmdo , Wyon-U-w TJWli. Walio. N.Tfcda , Orcitm .ish-
' " " "idCalKumla , U oH.ra ( iipailur nu .ui < e
f t puulalx t < r anr ullirr lint.
AmvnsT a few of tbe Dnraeroas points of t n > rlorltf
enjorwl br tha patroi.i of tbli road butnn n Mmlia
and Cblrago , are Us two trains a dar ol WAV I ( AiMI *
Ka , which are the Onrst that human art anil l.uciuil-
trcancrratu. Its I'ALACK FI.KKl'INU OAIIH. hl < h
aremodaliof comfort auJ elegaoce. Its I'/iilxjll
MIA WING IIOOM OA1I * . un > uriasrd | bj m > > unit
Itt wldclj crlebrited PAI.ATIAl , DININIJ CA tlid
tsiiualot whlcti cannot \ > found elsowlif re. A I'oun-
ell Ilium tlm trains of ilia llulou I'aclUo lull"
iiect In union drpot wUi | tbos * of tlio llim > r ( > &
hnrtliwotnrn HrIn Culoro tbe ttalpi nf t Ii Una
nmka ( .lose connection wltti HIOM of all olhrr instepi
tor Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincinnati ,
Nlanara rails. llnfTalo , I'litsaiirit , Toronto , Slunlrral ,
llostun. Now York , I'nlladtliilila , UaUluj < T" . Wasu-
Iniiioa , and all poiuU ID lb n , ask lot K UckH Tl
tb *
If yon wish tlie ttilaccoaciuodatlun. Alltlekiti | r.U
MI ! tlckns la this llut.
( jitnl. Xlanagir , Una ) . 1'au'r Aitnt