0 TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUKSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. 12 , I'UAIlh 8TIIKKT Delivered by carrier In miy pnrt of tlio city at tw cnty cents jier w cek. II. W TILTOV , . . . Manager. TEJ.EI'HONES : K , tin. 43. NIOIIT IlniTou No. S3. BI1NUU MKNT10X. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Roller , tailor , Full poods cheap. Dr. J. C. Hobortson , 6M Muln St. Read "Inconsistencies. " To bo hud at all nowBdealora. A now meut nmrkotwlll bo opened to day on Broudway by L. C. Baldwin. A rehearsal of the "Mn.skoteors" will bo heard this evening ut the Bloomer school. William Buckley and Sally Lewis , of Loveland , were married yunterday morning by Squire Bennett. The cases of Mike Rosomund and Bob Burke , who were arrested for disturbing the peace on election day , huvo not yet been heard. J. B. Uighman and W. S. Parker were each assessed $7.GO yesterday morning for getting too demonstrative in thcr celebration of the democratic victory in this county. Another ontcrtainmnnt will bo given in the Baptist church by the young people this evening. A chief feature of the programme will bo recitations in sign lunguiigo by teachers of the insti tution for the deaf and dumb. PermitH to wed were yesterday granted to William Buckley and Sally Lewis , both of tin's county ; Stanley TlminpMJii , of Council BluITn , and Anna M. Yost , of Omaha ; Fred Hichow and Anna M. Henrietta , Burlago , both of Omaha ; O. W. Thornburg , of Porrv , In. , and Alattio Bowers , of Council BlulTK. Captain O'Brien was very hot yester day over the published reports about his rumpus on election day over a borrowed umbrella. In his haste ho swore all men were liars. "JSMclc" has boon potted so much and so freely advertised as a won derful detective and shrewd olllccr that it lias rather spoiled him. Ho probably will got over it and find out that ho i's human , or at least that there are men foolish cnongh to think him BO. His undue olllciousness on election day laid him open to criticism , and ho may yet find that the zciil of his house has eaten him up. Carried by a big majority : That Man- del Bulls Furniture and Stoves ut re duced figures. For rent Suite of rooms , suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at 41 Main street. Ono thousand head of one , two nnd threo-ycar-old steers for sale. Will glvo credit to rolttiblo parties. Enquire of A. J. Grucnamnyor , C2JJ Myiibter st. , telephone 121. J. W. nnd E. L. Squire lend money. 13. II. Sheafe loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlidential. OHico , 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. If you want to show your girl what kind of a husband you will make buy her a Domestic sowing machine. Stntunryl New and beautiful designs. Suitable for holiday gifts , ut P. C. Mil ler's. Pantsl 1'antNit Just received , a , largo new stock of pants goods , on which special bargains tire now offered , at present reduced prices. Pants made to order can bo had as cheap as ready made. Roller , tbo Tailor , No. 810 Broadway. Personal Paragraphs. Al Frazier of Honey Creek , was in the city yesterday. G. A. Stanton of Peoria , 111. , was at the Crcston yesterday. Miss Helen Patterson is visiting friends in Kansas city. Mrs. Doran loft for her homo in Princeton,111.yesterday morning , after u pleasant vibit to her daughter , Mrs. B. L. Strawn. At Kiel's hotel : R. M. White , Joe Bufllngton and W. H. II. Dabncy , all Oakland , Iowa ; G. M. Putnamof Carson , B. Mills of Logau. Thompson Tipton , who is engaged in the live stock commission business in Chicago , is in the city the guest of his brother , J. G. Tipton. E. M. Girnrd , a Union Pacific en gineer , loft last evo'ning for the east. Ho will return in about ten days with his family , who have been absent two months. Prof. Lee G. Kratz was in the city Tuesday evening vibiting friends. Ho will , in the near future , arrange for teaching ri limited numor of pupils hero. Our musical people will give him a cor dial reception. Every one making a cash purchase of 5 cents at T. D. King & Co's. cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. , 230 Main street , innko reliable abstracts of prop erty in Pottawattnmio county. If you want a nice present for your wife buy a Domestic sewing machine. For best quality coal nnd wood , call on Gleason , 26 1'carl street. You Wnnt Them ! Domestic patterns aud patterns for BUunning and embroidery. Latest styles nnd finest designs. "Domestic" Oliico , 105 Main st. Palls Hell-to Fortune. George Rogers , formerly employed at the Ogden house as pantryman and later at Louis & Mot/gcr's restaurant as waiter , has received information of the tlcath of an undo at Portland , Ore. , by which ho falls heir to $ J5.000. A check for $100 was sent to pay his expenses to that city. Ho has previously been in rather straightened circumstances , nnd his good furtuno will bo appreciated. He left for On gen Tuesday evening. Methodist sociable nud oyster supper nt Broadway church to-night. Don't i it. A Now Hallway Line. There is a camp of railway engineers in frebcout township who tire running a line about a hundred foot from the Northwestern track , and who say they are pushing for Council Bluffs. The line is B'uppoocd to bo the Duluth , Min neapolis A : Omaha. It is intimated that the intention la to run the line to this city and then crass hero into Omaha , The stakes are being driven and the turvoy .being made with the assurance that there will bo np material change * In the lint ) , andthat , the work of con- Itructiun wijl follow Withlu a rensoimbli THE COUNT OF THE COUNTY , t Swells the Democratic Majority In the City. THE EFFECT OF PROHIBITION. V Hotel AVnltcr Falls Heir to n For tune A Warlike Benedict The DlHtrlot Court Pcrnonal * Paragraphs. Counting the Clilckens. The returns from the city nnd the county were nearly all in yesterday , nnd vcro being labulnlcd. They show the lemocralio victory to have been a weeping one. The majority In the ounty is from COO to 1,500 , some candi- iates running far ahead of their ticket. ? ho returns from city and county , with ivo townships lo hear from , show Iho omocratic candidate for governor , rttijor Anderson , to have a majority of ,0o3. This county shows a largo demo- rulic gain over two years ago. There s no question but that the prohibition aw , and the lack of energetic work and ompleto organization on the part of ro- Hiblicans , account for the change. Many ) f those who voted the democratic ticket vill be found in their usual places , vot- ng the republican tickolon Ino national ( sues. The democratic candidate for trca- uror , J. II. Plurnor , will have a major- ty of 1,000 probably , when all the town- hips are heard from. The republicans had great hopes of sleeting William Arnd us auditor and lis personal popularity is shown from , ho fact that his opponent Ira Hondrieks , vill have a majority of not over 000. IN TUB CITY. The following are the majorities of ho candidates in the several wards of ho city : 1st. 2il. 3d. 4th. Total 'or Governor : T. .1. Anderson . 151 281 124 220 781 'or Scnutor ; Wllllum Oroneweg . 144 2 * < 0 Kl SW 7J3 .Inmus O'.Vell . lail 281 131 2S8 S 'orTrensmcr : J. It. Plainer . 1 1 317 103 307 1,008 'or Auditor : I. P. lluudrlcks . US 180 . 208 William Arnil . 13 4 'or Co. Htiporluteudent : J. K. Cooper . 120 159 186 324 788 'or Surveyor : J. K. Hrodueck . 135 241 03 101 C50 "or Coroner : J. C. Wutcrmnn . 140 293 1 233 063 'or Township Trustee : Max Mohu . 120 208 121 200 717 John Bennett , who has served as county treasurer and in other important posi- ions , nnd who was supposed to bo beyond - yond any possible defeat , is among , hose who will remain at homo. James O'Noil , the democratic candidate for sheriff , lead him by si majority of nearly ,200. The following are the returns , suffl- ciontly'in detail to give an intelligent bhowing of the result of the battle of the ballots : With the exception of William Arnd's lueeess in the third and fourth wards , the democratic candidates carried everything in the city. The majorities of the successful can- lidales Ihroughout the county were as ollowd : KKO CIIKKIC. Anderson OH , Gronowcg 01 , O'Neil 04 , Plumor 70 , Hondrieks 'M. NOKWALK. Anders-on 13 , Shinn 5 , Bennett 15 , Plumer 14. , Hendricks 6. I.AYTON. Anderson 35 , Gronoweg 37 , O'Neil 42. CRESCENT. Anderson 51 , Gronoweg 05 , O'Neil 57 , Plumer 63 , Hendricks 07. llOOMUIt. Anderson 63 , Groncweg 64 , O'Neil 70 , Plumor 71 , Hendricks 07. KANE ( outside city ) Larraboo 22 , Shinn 10 , Bennett 22 , Meyers 22 , Arnd 22. OAHNER. Anderson 38 , Gronoweg 30 , O'Noil 39 , Plumer 74 , Hondrieks 27. HOCKKOUU. Anderson 47 , Gronoweg 42 , O'Neil 45 , Plumer 24 , Hendricks C. HAumx. Anderson 17 , Gronowcg 15 , O'Neil 9 , Plumor 20 , Hcndricks 23. NEOLA. Anderson SO , Gronowcg 60 , O'Neil 70 , Plumor 72 , Hen dricks 60. PLEASANT. Anderson 70 , Groncweg 71. O'Neil 85 , Plumer 08 , Hendricks 08. MINDEN. Anderson 149 , Gronoweg 148 , O'Noil 130. Plumer 147 , Hcndricks 142. WASHINGTON. Anderson 8 , Gronoweg 2. YOKK. Anderson 29 , Groneweg 81 , Bennett 41 , Plumor 29 , Arnd 20. HELKNAr. Larrabco 76 , Shinn 82 , Bennett CO , Meyers 05 , Arnd 78. GUOVE. Larrabco 50 , Shinn 58 , Bennett 49 , Meyers 44 , Arud 64. CENTEK. Larrabco 77 , Shinu 05 , Bennett 71 , Meyers 77 , Arnd 77. CAUSON. Larrabco 63 , Shinn 89 , Bennett 47 , Meyers 20 , Arnd 6. SILVER CIIKKK. Larrabeo 20 , Shinn 49 , Bennett 29 , Plumer 20 , Arnd 8. VALLEY. Larrabeo 13 , Shinn 11 , Bennett 7 , Meyers 3 , Arnd 8. MACEDONIA. Larrabeo 11 , Shinn 8 , O'Neil 0 , Meyers 4 , Arnd 9. .TAJIKS. Anderson 5 , Shinn 2. O'Neil 9 , Plumer 5 , Arnd 3. \VlllGHT. \ Larrabeo 45 , Shinn 45 , Bennett 44 , Meyers 45 , Arnd 40. AVAVELAND. Larrabco 45 , Shinn 11 , Bennett 0 , Meyers and Phunor tied , Hcndricks 2. MISSOURI VAI.I.KY , Nov. 9. Roberts , republican , for legislature , elected ; Garrison , democrat , sheriff , elected ; Massio , democrat , treasurer , 14 majority ; CroasdiUo , republican , audi tor , elected ; Kinney , superintend ent , elected. The vote to change the county seat back to Magnolia was de feated by 200 majority. Logan reck oned on 1,000 majority. The vote hero for S25,0K ( ) bonds for waterworks was carried by a big majority. GLENWOOD. la. , Nov. 9. The repub licans elected senator , representative , auditor , county superintendent , sur veyor and coroner , and have a majority on the Btnto ticket , of about fifty. This is a gain of the first two and lust officers. OVKKCOATIXGS ! G really reduced in price so you can save $10.00 to $15.00 on a coat , far belter and cheaper than you can buy ready made. Roller , the Tailor , No. 310 Broadway. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at ouco. Ad dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110 Main btrcet Council Bluffs. I'rolilliltlou Dill It. Overheard bolweon'two rank , republi cans : , First-r"IIow. is this1/ ! heard thai you voted the , straight demauratii ; ticket yesterday , IbtluiteoV" . Second "Yes , it's u fact. I aiurt' the only one by a long way * . There was a joodly company of us. " Firstr-"Why , how in the world could r-ou do that ? You've been such a hot cpubllcan that , you're the last man in .ho world I should have thought would mvo gone back on the ticket. " Second "Well , I'll toll you. I don't : ) eliovo in a side show crowding the big tent so as to knock dowu the center polo. When they get the big lent lip igain , and put the side show in its place at one side , you'll find mo with the circus again. I don't like side shows much anyway. They're ' good enough to catcli suckers with , but when the side show takes the place of the circus itself , [ won't have anything to do with it. " Another street corner talk : "How do youl account for it that so many of the leading republicans voted Lhe democratic ticket ? " "That ain't no hard conundrum. Pro hibition. I loll you when you touch n man's jiooket ho yells. Prohibition has been ripping the lenlherof somoof Iheso men who own property. They holler. You can't help it. From the limo a fol low leaves Iho cradle and begins mak ing pennies up lo Iho limo he is letter ing towards the grave making dollars , tie hangs on to his leather. Ho may talk morals , but nine out often will nay. 'I'll just take care of the slulY first , and then I'll bo moral. ' The leather covers Lhe conscience , and gets prelty lough lo prick , and when a law comes along that Hist rips it wide open fellows begin to itoller. That's why borne of these big men , great republicans , voted tlio demo cralic lickot. They say they must pro tect their property and have prohibition lOino other time , when bonio other fel- ow owns the building which they want , o rent. " Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Trcynor and Mrs. Ward tib.iist in the musical exorcises at : ho Methodist booiablo to-night. Crooked Polls. It is conceded that there was much juyingof votes on election day. The county attorney , Colonel U.xily , who was chairman of the republican county central committee , was knowing per sonally to some of Iheso transactions , and ho has been given the names of wit nesses in other cabcs. It Is understood ihnt ho will have the grand jury inves- ; igulo the mailer of crookedness at the : iolls , nnd it is expected that the offend ers will bo prosecuted with the boldness ind vigor which characterizes Colonel Daily when ho is called upon to stop into court. There has never been an election when such brazen bribery was manifest , and such ultor disregard for ; ho purity of the ballot box. If one-tenth of the reports are true it seems Ihcro is an excellent chance for some of the workers at the polls to go down deep into their pockets lo pay lines , or spend i portion of their lifetime behind Iho bars. Some of those who have been looked upon as having been actively engaged in Ibis nefarious business are badly rat tled and are begging for mercy , offering excises and explanations lo throw aside Iho well-founded suspi cions. There will bo much in- tcrest taken among the honest voters of all _ parties in the settlement of the question whether votes can bo bought and bribes ottered , and the offenders go unpunished. Another class of offenders are to bo looked after. There were several known cases in which men voted illegally using the name of bomo registered voler who was notable lo bo here to vote himself , and in some cases men who had a right. to vote and came to the polls to do so , found that some one else had got the start of them and voted for Ihom. The grand jury was impanelled yes terday , nnd they will doubtless have some evidence before them. It remains to be scon how much backbone there is in the prosecution nnd punishment of these oflenders. _ Oysters in every style and a good time for all at Broadway church lo- night. Come. A Bloodthirsty Husband. A few weeks since ono Parctt , living in the western part of the city , was ar rested for threatening the lives of his family. Ho agreed to leave this part of the moral vineyard and never come back , if the judge would give him an oppor tunity. Ho was taken at his word and seen safely across the river. No more was heard from the Parett household until Tuesday night ; when the police were sent for to again take possession of the bloodthirsty head of the fajnily. Ho was brought before Judge Aylcsworth yesterday morning , but was sent back to jail until his honor can decide upon what disposition to make of his case. His family are in mortal terror when ho is around , not knowing at what moment he will put his terrible threats into execution. Money to loan. Cooper SsJuds'on. Virginias Last Night. Those who were at the opera house last evening were given a choice entertainment - tainment indeed. Louis James is an artist , and although oxpcclalion ran high , yet there was no disappointment. His resemblance to McCullough was noticeable , not only in his physique , butte to no mean degree in his strength of character. The audience was enthusi astic. It could not , help but bo so , for seldom does such an artist stop on the slngo before a Council Bluffs audience. Miss WaSnwright rightfully shared in the honors of the evening. Her every move is graceful and her classic draping and posing were especially pleasing. The support of Iheso stars was excellent. The District Court. Judge Loofbourow yesterday opened his term of Iho district court in this city. The grand jury was empanelled and will begin its active labors this morning. Two divorces wore heard ami granted , Mrs. Parrott being the plaintilt in ono and Mrs. Minnie Brewer in Iho other. Tlio following assignment was made of equity cabcs for to-day and tomorrow row : Thursday Nos. 4043 , 4070 , 650S , 6521 , 5525,5520,6527. Friday 4023 , 48SO , 488 J , 49S9 , 4995 , 5107 , 5109 , 5111 , 5121 , 515S , 513J. Court adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning , Iho rule for opening court at 10 o'clock being suspended , it seems. Tlio Social Hcation. The pocial season has fairly opened nnd the constant round of parlies , balli and theatrical entertainments has caubed a great rubli oj business for at least one man in the city , namely , William Lewis , proprietor of the Coun cil Bluffs bus , carriage nnd Iratibfor line. Ho has as fine n lot of hacks , coupes nnd carriages as can br found anywhere , nnd the Eociety gentlemen of this city have realized Ihis fact. Very few of them seem to think it possible to nllond any kind of an evening's cnlorlalnmonl without ordering a coupe. It is the iri- tontion.pf Mr. Lewis to branch 'out still more extensively , nnd in the spring ho will - fit up a livery depiirtiac.ut for the convenience of his patrons. Mr. Lowlo given his personal attenlion lo all mils and bees that car riages are promptly on hand when wunlcd. This removes nil uneasiness from the minds of his pulrons , and not only increases their evening's enjoy ment , but establishes n confidence in his punctuality that will assure him continued success. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. CjrEOlAIj advertl f intuits , Mich as IotFounfl , C.5 To Lout ) . For Hftli , To Heut , Wants , n < mnUiK. ) etc. , will tin ln rt d In tills roJwrnn nt tlio low r to of TKN CENTS PKtt LINK fors the flrst In sertion and Five Cents Per Une for ouch subse quent Insertion. Lcuve ndve > rtUemeuta at our offlre No. 12 Fenrl Btitet , iieur UrouJwuy , Couu- ell IllulTg , Iowa. WANT8. * W 'ANTi : 100 It. It. teams tii work on Hronil- way between Council IlliUI * aiul Omnliii. WBKOS , I.UK per Uuy. O en Uru'ti. , toutruc- tQI-H. tQIH.Fll ) KF.NT-An right room homo centrally located , inquire of W. T. Cole , MH 1'eai 1 street. FOH BA1.K A ppcnnd liatul Knnbe square jilano , nonrly new : cost WfiO. ' ! ! for t-WO. Address Q / 31 , Hue ulllcc. Council illulTa. OH HKNT-lloiises ami fuiiitthed rooms. J. H. Davidson. ( gf > Fifth avenue. FOR SALE Secoml-lmiKl Columbia blcyrlo Vi'ry cheap , KMnch , at llee olHre. * ONF. hundred thousand dollars to loan on real estate aud chattels by F. J. Day , 3 ! ) 1'carl st. BUILDING lots and acre property for sale by F. J. lay ) , ; 1'carl st. 1OU HKNT A tlnely furnished front room , llrst floor , in private rcMdeiuo near rouit houso. Water In room , llphted and hcntt-d. Laws closet. Itefi'miresieqnired. Address II. IB , Uee olllop. Council niulfg. TjlOH HKNT Dwelling ! IOUK of n rooms JL1 clo \\oodliouse , ( 'as , river water , etc. House No. 148 Washington avt1. , nt west of Mayor (1 ( roncwec'H. Inquire of S. 11. Wndaworth jECV > . .gMSiOlulUHt. T71O11 HUNT Four unfuirilsliod rooms In a JL1 double house at No. JiW Washington avenue. D. H. HcDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. ffiO and 823 Main Strcct.Councll Illuffs.Iowa. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! 8TAKUAUD. UNDEU HULK 0. IADECARY , - ftfflcU Bluffs , Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturer ! of AIMS Of STEAM AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Aveuuo. Ad dress Ogden Iron Works , Council Bluffs , Iowa. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET. - - OMAHA. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es cape. Electric Call oils. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. WM. WELCH , ; ss Lioe , OFF1CK-015 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. Kl. AH cnlls from District Telegraph Oflico promptly attended to. Star Stables and Mule Yards IJroadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horses and mnlcs constantly on hand , for snla at tetall or In car load lota. Orders promptly filled by contract ou short notice. ' . Stock sold on comml'rfon. Telephona 114. SU1LUTCR * IJOI.r.V. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council lllulTs. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 600 Broadway , Council Muffs , Iowa. Established 1S57. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! ! Hall , 1'arlor , Kitchen , Store nnd Office Lamps , Crockery , Glassware and Plated Ware , Largo Assortment nt liottou Trices. W , S. . HOMER & CO , , No. 23 Main St. , Council lllmld , Iowa. W UNDEVELOPED PARTS of tb * ted ? tnltrctd tml Mrtnclttned. full pirtlo DIES ! LOOK AT THIS TO-MORROW COUNCIL BLUFFS Carpet Company 405 Exclusive Carpet House We carry five times the stock carried by any other house in western Iowa , as a visit to our store will abundantly prove. Quality the beat , prices the lowest , no shoddy goods , no short measures , no botch jobs. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN QUAL ITY AND PRICE. 101. 401. 101. 101. These Are Symbolic ! "What Do They Symbolize ? I. QUALITY. 2. QUANTITY. 3. CHEAPNESS. There Are 401 Reasons for This. The best goods in the various departments of our stock the market contain. The most goods possible to Quantity ! be given for the money. The greatest amount of the Cheapness ! best goods for the least money. 4O1 persons can testify that this is * so. 4O1 Kinds of Dress Goods for 401 styles of beauty. 4O1 styles of Carpets for 4O1 kinds of homes. 4O1 styles of Underwear for 4O1 kinds of persons. All this and 401 times as much you will find at 4O1 Broadway. Harkness Brothers. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. , Second Floor Brown UTMTUV BTTBin ? Attorney-at-Law rillLDl DUlmEf , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ _ _ CPIITTP7 Justice of tlio Peace. Oliico over American , ODflUlUJj Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. J& QTIWQ Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State 01 011110 , ani ( Federal Courts. Oliice Kooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 0 D JPWfJTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , , 0. DnRUIlll , Council Bluffs. Refers to any banker business house in the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. WOODBURY & SOUS , GQJJD WOBS 4 SPECIALTY. . IMMENSE 1 IN Silks , Velvets AND FRENCH KID GLOVES Just Opened at Henry Eiseraan & Co.'s PEOPLESTORL _ 1.000 pieces PLAIN , STRIPED AND 1MOOADEI ) SILK VELVETS - VETS AND 1'LUSltKS , which cost tins season to import , prices ranging from $1.25 to $5 per yard. Wifi bo ottered during this week at the silk counter of tlio great People's Sloro nfcSOc , Cue , 75o , fl , $1.23 , $1.50 , $1.75 and $2 per yard. . No lady wearing velvets can ntt'cnt to let these goods pass. If she lir.0 already bought , let her look at these and compare her bill from high- priced houses with ours , and see how much she is out to profit by it here after. At Our Kid Glove Counter Find ono solid clearing out purchase of 300 dozen Ladies' d-bulton Tan French Kid Gloves , embroidered backs. Cost to import $1 a pair. Wo will sell them this week at SOc a pair , just one-half cost of importation. OUR ENTIRE STORE Is loaded with fresh , new goods. Last week's grand clearing out purchased and all at about half the price othoc houses ask for the same kind o ! goods. SPECIAL SALE Winter Combination Dress Patterns. We shall offer MONDAY , 12 t COMBINATION DRESSES. $ full dress pattern of best qnalityi * plain French fabrics , with I'lush an * Velvet Combination , costing to im port from $15 to $32. We shall closer ) them at $6.50 , $7.50 , $10 , $12.50 ; & " and $20 each. The goods cannot be duplicated ii , | costumes , as elegant and tasteful ubi nearly double thtso prices. Thrf' goods were received in our house front.1 ic importer Friday lust , and havq , not yet been shown. Wo advise art early call , as at these prices the as sortment must soon bo broken. Also call attention to our sale of 35-Ceut Dress Good * . To-morrow and succeeding days w shall oiler 200 PIECES 40 TO 40- INCH WOOL DRESS GOODS , in superior weight , texture and colore , that arc worth double the price asked * ALSO AT 48 CENTS. 250 pieces Tricots and Scotch Plaid Ettccts. SECOND Purchases in Cloaks Our buyers have just returned from their second purchasing tour this sea- Ronand we will open the coming wech many novelties never before shown in the city. Intending purchasers wilt do well to look at the handsome lin of new shape. Raglans and Ulsters. Wo are showing in nlripes and checks , all new patterns. They are positively the richest garments ores exhibited here at moderate prices. We are continuing our great Halo of PLUSH WHAPrf AND SACKS. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS at ImlB price. Wo have just purchased a large line of Children's Cloaks at lo.sa than half price , which we will open on Monday morning. Some of the best styles produced this season , aud all si/es , from 2 to 12 yours. The enormous business wu are doing well justifies us in asscrtinc- that we have the hatibomest line anil lowest prices in the city. You will have money by calling in to see ua before purchasing a garment. Great Blanket and Comforter Sale During this week ut one-half o former prices. Our DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT will be alive with special bargains during this week's sale. Always call at &CO. 314,316,318,80(1320 ( , , , BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - -