V-- V -V- V VV , - V V V - - - I V . ¶ FHE MTTA DAILY BEE : TflJ1tSDA. NOVEMI3ER 10. 1887. . . -V _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vt V _ _ -V - _ - _ _ _ -i _ 1IllL1 MIMOUR'S ' LITTLE TRIP , : Io nud. a Party Ttko a Spin Over tim St. Paul Lino. V WHAT THE GREAT PACKER SAW. A1)OUt 3OOO oftlie 0,000 MIIc In tim Sy4teIi1 Covei1-1'1me CW Rztti V V Mfl $ City Ltu-Itm1tme4 Good 1vcryImcz'c. . Chicago Tribcno , Nov. 8 : The Armour V party returned Scbtcrdlty from a ! , OOO- mile trip over thu St. l'nul iystom , imist- V Sngono weolc. Time party comprII3el Mcisrs. 1'IliIlj ) I ) . Arniour tnd Uoswoll Niller , Chicago ; anti from Nw 'ork A. Vun Sanford , a iicsv director of the s.t. I'util , and prc8ldent of tlio North Ilivor Steumuboat company ; Mr , 11. D. Avmour , l'ctcr Goddes , representative of George Smith & Co. , London , holders of 3OOOOOOO In American railway so- curittos , and Frmuik Bond , vice-prest- dent of the St. Paul road. Mr. I'hultp p. Armour svts seen at his residence , No. 2115 Prairie avenue. "flow did you enjoy time trip ? " was asked. "NUVCL had such mum enjoyable week In mily life , " said ho , sirmiling. ' 'You ( lysimcltie , fellows ought to got out In the country once In a while and get well. Itate are cheep over time St. Paul now , amid the rend just imuturaily penetrates time licaltimiest section of time gIobo. " 1)id you iimspect the entire system ? " "Hardly.Vo have 0,000 miles of rails , amid lMmSSCd over about 2,000 , visIting - ing the IflOst Iitmportant poInt. ) "For instancu ? ' " \Vell , St. l'iittl , Sioux City , Omaha and lCmmnsas City. " "Timers you went ever the new Kansas City Iranch ? " 'Ves ; ours wims the first train to pass over that promrty , anti I sitoulmi remuark that it is a good one. It is in ito sommio tL hoW country.Ve found the entire hlimo ready for us , with a big volume of bust- imess. I remember a similar In- stance. Usually a imew line has to build UI ) Its territory , but this was ripe for the harvest long before we got ready. Wo shall open trnflle inunediatehy , giv- ng Chicago and Mliwaukoo a straight hue connection with Kaimsas City. " VnImt about thio runmor that you are about to build a big packing-house on nil simLIld at St. "There is nothing in it. There is no ntcking to be done in St. Paul. That city is mmowlioro near a stock unry1 "It , is said that you will build at Du- lutim. " " \Ve htmt never contomiilatcd it. Vie Io tlminhc of an extension to Julutlm , but it vill not pay.Vo get imioro out of the trafuie Coining this way than we could by diveitiimg It. in that direction. however , luluth is hmcoiuing an lorttnt : city. ' ' V "how doyou 111cc Sioux City ? " "Sioux City is iii the center of a great V corn country , and i growing im- nmemmscly. It is one of the most promis- V lug cities in thmc northwest. No , I don't V V kimow as we shall put p a packinghouse - , house tboro-ncmt right. away , aimyhiow. " V ' ' \Vhat about OmaiiaI" ¼ "Our packimig house i just completed . V , : _ there. It isnot so big as time house imerc V the 1)USlfltmsS wurrant it. Of . course Omimaha will naturally take mituch V V Of the hog-packing. " V "What observations bavo you on your V trip in gommoral ? " ' 1 never imagined such a marvelous V growth possible as now is in progress in time vcst. I feet that one must go over V country every three months to keep pace witim it. You know I weutovor the V St Paul last sprthg. Wall , sir , I give YOU my word , the country hmad grown so V I didn't recognize It. 2his lia been . . called ti ioor corn year , but corn is 20 per cent bettor mum a crop thami formerly. Our road runs through a vast corn coumm- try. Tim most places vo found from 65 t 00 per cent of what Is called a full crop. V Time umnoumit of building along the lines is simply vtut. The country is being settled with inconceivable rapidity. V Towmis and cities are boomlng.I V "Evdeimthy you are not a bear on St. V Paul stock. " "No , sir , I expect to live to ace the 1ay when the securities of the St. Paul ; road vi1I be double their present value for I have always had faith In St. l'aul stock. Now the matter is beyond fmttt1m it. is an assured fact. Time road Imas it rootm , in a vast territory with a ten fol soil with a carrying trade daily devcl V oping beyond all expectations. " "You tid not observe any signs or n V V ? " 1)anictlmcn ' 'VA lanic ! There is no such timing 1)05511)10 fl the west. I found every 41 thimmg busy. I tII,1 , In my position with agents everywhere , I ought to be allo to judge. I assure you , on 1fl3 word , tlmat collections have nevum boon o good as they are this fall. Wall . street may bo in trouble , but that h 4 ; & It is stated that the business of P. fl Armour & Co. will reach $00)0O,000 ( ) fem the year. 'riiis is doubtless mi groatom ¶ alume tiuLmi that of any house iu tiu vorll. It iiiakcs urea tIme coal-dealorm Cnvious. LIFE will ucqutro imow zest , ammi cheerfulness return , if you svill impo liver and kidneys to time porformmi ituco o ( their functions. Dr. 3. H. Me Lemtmm's Liver ammd Kidney Dahimi vi1 stimnulato them to healthy action. $1.Ot perbottle. _ _ _ _ _ _ ItImmmoNt It ' .VtItL IInn. St. Patti Globe : llesidents.oii the For mmeIling romul Imuve several times ro rted time appenranco of a queer stran ger iti timat vicinity who imad been seem in the edge of the woods , and skulkimi about time doorways at night. 1ecentl the pollee got tntck of the muystoriou individual , and Ollicor Fonn , of tb , V mounted pLttrol , succeeded in cnltuvini him. lIe appears to ho crazy , ammd cai . . . ot toll a very intelligent story of hmimn iolf. Ho says Imis mitune \Villimui % ; 3ones. mmd claims ho was once a rich : imman , but that ho fell in with bad muon V ' vLmVs given a drink utah robbed of all hi : wealth. I1 Is tlmimm and is almost liter : ally starved to death. Ho can hmardl ; : va1k , and is unable to speak above ' whisper. lie intil no simocs or hut , an' ' V his clothes are badly tattered. lie ha : t i . two old newspapers tied around hi wrists for cuffs , nmmd the v1nd blowln 1ImmougIi imis grizzly beard anti long hat ndd to hib grotcsquo appearance. A far us known his only subibtenco bum Foomi on rav corn , which lmo stole by th ; V ear fromn corn cribs in the vicinity , an . te from tlmo cob.V . . V /V / Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria . ' , : W1ie Baby 5 , wo 5TO her Caatort& . , V Wbei ahu b.cmo ) ! tu , she clung to VAstorI , p V V : . : , : . , , . . . . V . . . V , , . . , . : , . . . . . . . . . . 1 - V . ? . . CAI'ITAL NOTES. HIIilmeIlme ntl 1)im'trlot , Cui-The New ; Ii)1IL ) time City. [ ; osm vim hEx's tixcox aunzAt.1 Time sUIrCmflO , court iiict , VO5thTdA numb time docket was caUcd o cases from the Sixth district. Jicyond time submitting bf a few cnes time business was light. It is cxpecthd that todmiy tIme decisiou will be 1ummmted down on time question of the lower of time boerd Ut trnnsjortatloti us argued last week. Titt is regarded imm legal clrIcs as one of thu mnot iniportmmt cacs jinsscd upon for sonmo time by time cotmrt , mmd the decision is awaited with a great deal of iTmtcremL If time cnmmt Imolds that the board bins the iower to declare an existing mate unjust smmd unreasonable , and that time board liss the power t4 assert. and cimforce vumat a rcnsonmmblo rate is , the entire quctIon of r.illroad ratc in the atato viI1 be at Issue. The report iscurrent on time streetfi that time decision will bo that the board of transportation is vcscd with the Iowcr. it is certain however , that the general opinion is that time decision will run that. way , but the decision vI11 not be tiled until today. 'rime 01)101011 wIll be drawii byJutlgo 1mxvc1I nnd wiU uimdoubtcdly be an opinion of more than ordinary weight and volume. in the district court yesterday Judge Chzp. mmiii called a jury In time case of the state against Schrador , a lfrtmggist , who is charged in time lmmformnatlon with soiling liquors with. out a 1)CrIflIt ) or a ,1mysIelan's IrecriItIom1. it is omm of the nummterous etmse of minor lot- Portanco oil time crimnimmal cailendar that are being disposed of prior to the hearimig of time Schollengerger and beer vender cases sot for time I lti Inst. Time lire department was called out election mmlght by a lire In the barn of CapUInVlngcr. . The flames were vell under Iiemmdwuy svlmeu they arrived and it was only with great exertion that the lire men save.l . time family resIdcn4. 'rime barn was destroyed. it Is supposed to he time work of fire bugs. Among the Increased real estate sales of the Present month a I5OOO , deal vas coin- v1otmi yesterday for a business proerty , nit Q street that s'iII no greatly improved 1mm time coining smtImmg. The investors are , nrtics fromit time east. A city vrisoncr in jaIl for drunk and disorderly - orderly conduct 'its trmmnsfermetl to time COuflt' Jail yesterday to scm'vc an ultBt lanai sentence for beatimig one of time prisoners in time city lmt'4tiiC. lie is , to all mmipeaLaflCC , mm urimice of toughs mind a bad ncmmm. State Superimitendont Latme immms gone out in the sttto 01' a visit of inspection to pub1i schools. Mr. Lane will mmmako critical cautI- nations as to time miceds of improvements in time s1mools and vili pass time coming month in time worlc. 'rime board of public lands and 1uikiings vilI be iii Icmttrice $ to-day loolcimig mifter the alleged defects In the imcw home fortho feeble minded building. One i"miCt Is worth a column of rhetoric , said an American statesman. It lm3 a fmtct , es- tailisimcd by time testimnoimy of thousands of I)00llU , that Iloomi's Sarsmtpavitla does cure scrotum , salt rhetmm , and other dis- cases amid affections arising from lmfllUrO ) state or low condition of the blood. It also overcomes that tired feel- lug creates a good appetite , and gives strength to every 1)Ltt of the system. Try it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jr. ( imtiiimg's Nmv ( ian. Now York Tribumme : 1)i' . R. .1. Oat- hug , time iymvemmtor of time fanious gun which belLrms his mmammme , hilLs imvcntctl , aim- other instrumnommt of destruction , which ho calls time ' 'pollee gumm . " It vmts omm exImtiitmomm 'CStCtdiL.S' itt No. 19ImLidcmm Imimmo. amid itmi interested group of mmrmmiy othlcerm nimd mmevspaper mncim studied its mnecimmmim ismn ammd listeimed to time imm vent- or's explaimatiemi of its virtues. It is it hruss gun , weigiming SOVI" ) ty-eight l)0U1tl5 , mmd is moummtcm.l oim a tripoI ( , time wimolo mimiun goimment weigimin g nim ly I 49 pouud. It is calablo of fmrimmg 1,000 simots U. mimmute. 'Ulme gemmoral working pmimmcil)1o of time gun is time sante as timat of time gnu tthi cit boa t5 Dr. Ott tl I ii g's muiLmnmm an U Ii so widely kmmowum. Time imnprovenmeumt is ; in time immctimot1 of fcediimg. Iii time ioiico gumi a mnmigmtziime , holding sixty-two cartridges - tridges timid hooking like time 1moper ofa corn sheller , is set UI ) at cud at a rigimt. mtmmgle on the to1) of time brass 1arrel. Time turning of time hands by time cuti- noncer (1101)5 time cartridges iimto six re- volvimmg barrels witimimi time caution. As the barrels revolvelock with a spiral spring cmttcimcs each citetridge , and a small needle in the book strike the icrcussiomm cap , exploding it. The mmext limatant an extractor catcho8 time empty shell , and following a spit-al ' groove , It is dislodged front the gun. Wimen one mogazino is empty anothet stands ready to take its place. As time empty imeils fall in a stroant from time orifice , it looks for all the world like ii country corn-sheller with the denuded cobs droppsng to time floor as time marmmi hands turn time crank. By a long levem the cannoimeor can with Imis left hand change time range of time gun , shoot ui ' or down or sideways , while with the right hamid ho turns the crank that puim time stream of cartridges 1mm motion. m\\r0 can clear time btrcct of a mob and hmotmsetops as tveii , " said Dr. Omttling , lcmmccftti ) leokimmg old gomutiomnun , with spectmmc1e nmmd a snowy beard. "Tin gun will kill a mint a mile off , though V yards is time best range. We don' want to see our cities overrun by a mmmi as was 1ittsburg.Vhy , ito man woult stand iii range of timmtt gun. If lie dit ime wotmld be fooiislmto say the least. " Foodmakos Blood and Blood mmtkcm Beauty. Iniprojier digestion of food ito cessarily iroducos bad blood , vesultin in a feeling of dullness in time stemnttclm acidity , heartburn , sick lmemulmmcite , unc other ( lySetiO symntomns. A ciesol3 comitlmmeti life causes immtlmgestion , consti ptttiomm , bilhiousnoss and loss of appetite 3 to remove these troubles thieve is am VemneI.l' equal to Prickly Ash Bitters. I ' imos bceum tried and ut-oven to be m spocitie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Sommictimimig ot a Flmnmmclci- . . ; New York Mail maid Express : ' 'Therm j in stmirviimg in this day o ) niental activity , ' ' ( minerved a tail maim vimo'o face iimdicmttccl a large ctmnoummt o simrevdimess. "No ? " responded his companion. "No long us timaro are imoardiimg lmoucs - restaurants , hotels tutU mimoimny in tin - world. " m "j without money. " f "Yes , but sotmte 1)001)10 have scruplc ! ngmiimmt : cotmuty jails amid ulmus houses. " S "J domm't menu timat , either. ' ' "hut SulhOse ) Otit fittimer-In-law faiL : tim itlsinoss , wimat thou ? " m "Nom do I mean timat - 4\rhmnt do you memtmm , thou ? " ' ' macan that any nmnim who imas hi : i wits about his P0rS11 amid kumows how ti tiSO timemn cmtmm its-c without any S thing for it , ummd bo actually palm - imis host ? " for time honor by y "how so ? " a "Betwecut ourselves , I tvihl relate i d little oxpurionco of my owmm. I emil : S worked mt once , but it could lmavo beom S trucked so oxteimsivoly that I could imctvm g acquired both weiglmt and wealth in tin r bug mit. I omico imiadean arm-ungomeim .5 withm a restaurant keeler to dine witl .5 Itium every duty for ii week. Time Pm'iC 0 of Imis dimmuer was 50 cents. But on no d coimimi. of immy regular customii Ito was t give inc time week's board for $3.75 mm' ' - - dedtmct 50 ceimts for every day I was at semmt. " "I domm't see hmow you could niako ttmi - timing of that. " "Don't. elm ? You'd maico a flume units dciwouldn't you " replied the tall inn with scorn. " "I mid utiike mnomtoy Oh - of it , timougim. Before I ommtorcd upo time arrangement I made time maim sigim wmittemm mtgroemnent emubotlying tim terms of ourVcpntract. I staid away si dat's , and at time ouch of time week I liii a tImm dimmimur , utter whilolt I walked ute to tho.Cashiuz tosettle. I prOdUced tim V . ' . . . : . , V' : . , . . : - : . . t , f _ : : . is : . . . . - _ . , agreement and figured outtimat I itot only diii nOt owe. for time dinner , but time proprlotOrowed 2.5 cents. lIe imad to liar it , too , " 4 Some Timrnnt or Cough , if nftored to irogres oftcu results in aim ineur.ihlo throat or lung troubie. "Ilrowim's Iirwmchtai , TlVOchCsI give Instant relief. - A EILOODY REMINISCENCE. hbrouglit to Mind by tjatnnm"s Su.prommmt Iiuicii 1splrnt , A special dispatch to Globe-Democrat from fleti-olt sitys : Thmo probable oieva- tiomm of Secretary r4ammitr : to time suprwTmo bench rccmm1l a bloody immcldemmt in hits fmimnliy's ' history , witnessc by lIon. George Iledflold , of Cass county , in July , isn , while Mr. itedibeld was boarding In the soutim with , Mr. Janies Lamar , aim uncle of Seemotuiy Lamar. There wore tlmrco irotimors-Janmcs Lamar - mar Colonel llenm'y 0. Lamar , and Lueus Quimitus Curtlus Lammmam , time fatimer 01 the im'csent secrotmtmy of the lntot'lot' . Colonel hleumry G. Lmmtnnr had imad sonic mlcitilngmt wRit time aeom'ginmm Indians , and on time return of the cob- aol fi'omu one of his ox1)editions , a maim by the name of Bartlett hod criticised his cotmrso and Imad used time expm'cssion : ' ' \Vitit a lie jim lmls niouth nnd flea in his car. " Tue words , Ilr. Iludilcimb suit ! , aroused time enimmity of time three brotim- era amid loud threats of hilling were made. Otme afternoon Barrett saw time three brothers npproueiiimmg iminm and suspect- tug atm attmI ( , ime stopped into mm bOokstore - store where the ceiling wmms scarcely six foot imtghm aumd , having hilpcd his knife mmli imis sleeve quietly busied himself with a book. Time brothers emitored , and Cobomcl , Latnmmr .tcpmimig fortvmmrtl , club 1mm humid mmhctI if ito wis : lt' . Burt- butt. Bartlett replieti iii time itliim'muta- tive , wimeim Colonel Lmttmmmtr maised time stick to strike. On aceommmit the lowmiess of Limo ccii- log Ito found time slick almimost useless , htmL mme sooner svas time cubommel's umqu m'a'msod titan Bartictt hind hint tlbmtmt time waist mmd plunged time kimifo to time hilt eight times into his body. Time coiommel dropluad to the floor. iCuito in hand , Lucius Qutntus Curtitms sprnumg forward to assist imis brotimer , but tvitit a vicious thrust Bartlett laid OjOml imis face [ coin Imis forohmcad to his neck , mmmml with mi groan Lucius rolie(1 ( tiotvit ummdcr a tnbio and time third. brother rushed fomrarml , but Bartlett grasped time tik that the colonel had dropped mmd soul. Limo kmmif of the last brother smimmimiug ueros time Iloor. llavimtg vanquished time timrce the ) bt1ciey little miortimcrumet emumily wiped imis lemmifo ttnd tveimt out. Not ommo of the brotimors died of imis wounds , but the consciousness of defeat drove Lucius Qulmitus front zuti ye ii Ic aim d liii ally , fooling tue igimoumminy so keenly , Imo citded his life by suicide. iJThNr IIREAM 4kII4 QWOEI V Oiy ERF T 0oE Its superior excellence provelt 1mm mIllions of hoimies tot-nmore than a qunmier of a cezmtmmry It is tistI by limo Umiltod States uovernmmment. Emm. ulot-seci by the lmeat1 of the gre.mt tmnIver.ItIes , ums V tue Strongest , l'ureet and MnHt iieuItmmmtmi. hr. I'ric&s the oily himtItxmg t'ow clor that ( lees mmot contain Aiflumonla. LImmo , or AiuIml. So1h otmmy In cmtmms l'mmmcmm 1iVkII5Q I'OWmEuI ( ) . , York. Chtcmmgo , JVVV t _ itV i.otml. IT ISAFURLYVE6ETVBLE PRWAhtMiC. t &sH Bkt A1linIEs L PR1Y" ! ) SENNA-MANI3RAKE-DUCHU t AsooTucci itwrnIcurnTnwwiES t It bsi stood the Test of Yean , ) _ _ _ ' _ fit Curing all ieaases of time ELOOD , LIVZft , 8TOX. t' ACE , KIDNEyBOW- , -31iCICC ELS , mo. It l'uriftea the ' 2 . ' Blood , Invigorntei and Oleansostito y.tsmn. srrms , OURE3 PATIO ! ! , ZAUIfDICZ , &IIDIEkSOPW 8ICKUL&DACHtEIL- : LiVER IOVSCOIPLAINTS&a d.ieappear at once under : . KIDNEYS ite beneficial influence. STOMACH itii purely a xodl o AND U iti cathartle proper- ) 1RFFV * UosfOrbIdSitIUOaI a t . beverage. It is pleas- c7V.VSIW : anttotlietaste , maid ai BvJ&4' : : : i by child- PRICKLY ASH hITTERS CO ) tioheI'roprlethri. PRICE1UOU.AJ1 f _ _ _ = _ OT.Loulsand nAssAu Cn-z J. & T1 COUIN8 8110118 Elimbomly time imigimest excellencies 1mm Shapiincss , Conifort mummi Durability mmnd are time S REIGNING : - : FAVORITES In l'mt'mimiottmtblo Circles. Ommr umamne Is on every , . ' 1' . , . S mmh , J. & Cousiss Naw Yomuc. AGENTS FOR OuIA1IA , Hayward Brothers. i GREAT SLAUGHTER For the next ten days , all wool overcoatd at I anti upwards. tens' salts , all wool. t4.7i ui wards. ) lem' 1ants. all wool , he upwards. .At L. LEVI & CO. , ITo. 316 S. 13th Zt. , 3 Docre S. of Tarna DREXEL & MAUL , 0 ( Successors to .Jolmn 0. Jacobs. ) llidiitaks aiid iiibaliR11 , - At the old stand , 1407 Farnaun St. Ormiers by teis graph ohlctte.i ammut promptly uutteutlsU to. Telelepboaa No. _ h. L- : ROOFING. G.W.ROGER x ( mntpoiitInn-ftxd Orsyol Roofing. d fVw 1htralApha.1t floofing p Mcdii Uras5 2 an4 3 p17 lteady Roofing. 1 Mijo , U btrretOmmmshomiib V . . , , V , . V ; : - : ' ' , V " ' ' ' \ : V . , m , : ; t : . : ' . ' ' . . . : : : , : SUITS.V MENS'SUITSAT S5 , MENS' SUITS AT $0. MENS' SUITS AT $7.60. MENS' SUITS Al $0. MENS' SUITS AT $10. MENS' SUITS AT $12.60. MENS' SUITS AT $13.60. MENS' SUITS AT $16. Also imgtur ! grades of notiby cheviot suits lit 44nitton t-utnwsy ClOCkS ttfltl mc'cks. as well as a generimi ilumo of wortedaults fromum $1 up. THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING CO. _ . - . 1308 FARNAM ST UNDERWEAR. I'or Sumit UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , SOC UNDERSHIRT S DRAWERS , $1.26 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS. $ I.60 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , $2 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , $3 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS. $4 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , $5 Also s gemmorsi iltme of Iniported underwear In Scoti h wuol fine immerlilo , In luhalim unul fancy , mmmcl C.mrtwmiht & SYat mmn-'s t.oltmbr.mtotl luummior. wear. 'rho Thocmtrlcnt VrotcsmIou. 5artt will win and rcccmo 5ubhlo roeogzittion mtnd prnt3e. } ate , which are tIme outcome of gencral cw perlenee , grew Ing through ycars of critical auct practicaL become as rooted atmd Iinmo-mmbieas iSo rock ot Qiiiraltsr 1mm publa opinion , umntl imemucu. toni , need no further guarant-'o es to ( beir gunu inn.is. The lndl.pututbio tact lust Swift's Speetfl I , 150 bcst blood purlflcr Ia the wedS , Is one Of ilmeis lmr.rnovzmblo Ombraltar rock facti of which epoien , ntmt every dCy'e , , xprmonr , roots Uml comm. yletlon mmccpcr end deI'r mu pubiio opinion. Iery CIA.s of our pepic mum Amnericg amati In Eurure , evcrY traSe , ceiling sn5 itifc'oE , inclimding tb , medIcal vrufssiun. Iue torae voluntary tout. , nommy to the emtrkable , mrtuos or 5. 5. s. emil its mufaflhtlo emssy iii curIng sit dleae. of the bloo&t. 'lucia tetmaonl&u , arson thIs 1y the thou. sand. and open to hun , Inspection or all. r0y timmmomIcite , two eItutnsuitm.i inembors or tSp ttmeal. rlc4 orofcutou. who iretecuuly testify to the wonder. ful curetire quuitics of the &peCtnO 1mm theIr luSt. lduI cases. Their tpsUnoulet. are herewith SUb- mottled to the putlio wutimout further coaminent-met then epeak for thn.eeive. The lady Is a rnenmberof the tamnous Thaila Tb .aire Company , of Ietc tua , cmn5 formerly of the Itemdeocmi Tbeatr , , Imerhlum , ( icr- many , nod of McVkkor'a Stock Comtvr.y. etCUesgo. The ggmmtonian Ii it .li knowu u.inbor Of the Now York Thaus Tbosire Company. flotl are welt knOwn Jim theatrical circles Ia this country audio &urop. Charlotte Itaudow's Teutimony. V NEW Yonic. I1y 3. 1557. Swift Specific Company , Atimints , Ga. : Oentlemen-lhivlng icn annoged with piraples. eruption. and 1ougiacoftho ukia , front bail comm. 'litton of mimy blood. for were than a year , I tucd a leaJiug preparutlon of e5rsapa55lla and other udvor- ticed remeflirs to no elreck yhen I Cofluttited a 5ronl. biont physiclau. and from his Ue5mu.nt recvtved 00 benefit. I then concluded to try the B. 8. 5. rcm. iy for the blood aci fl , , , or lix packagei , by a thorough .ricadon of my trouble and restoritm , ,000timneus to my ilda , Iiae rondo tue happy , an I orerfiaiiy give you this testimonial for such n.e and pubuciy as ou wisim to aake of It. ( JaIRWTTr IWIDOW , mmi flowery , near Oanat SIce. Iliug. Ilaeiknrl' . Teitlm.ny. ? b. Swift Spoctflo Cooapn5y , Atlanta. a. . : Ooutltumemm-For two y.itreI usda ec-eru , ceseol eeiemL I tmeed tar coapo , eulpmmur ! soapsgncj yaHoo. C,44ep remedies. anti % su preeoutIet fOr by numbers of pbyetclans , but fommmmdVtmDrCjot. AttMt teeter. mined to try tlio S. S. 5. lOnmedy. aimS seven or oIimt bottles hay , , t&04 ougbiy rstiwsd mmmc. and you ca use ( ku oortlflcato mu 007 nasser ou wtu. linen mie.suaz. . V Menmbor ot 'riiamia Thoote. ew York. slay 3 , 157. Treatise u Dmooi enS Skium Dtseaos mailed free. Ta. 8trr m-r.czyio Co. , Drawer3.Allauta. Out. OYNTUN FU1NACE Co. , Sok ? lanamfacturers of BOYNTOIlS FURNACES , RANGES P HEATERS , With Alt MeDEI1N Irnprovcrnermte. 47 and 49 Doarbos"n SI. , .3. H. MAIINY , MANAGER CHICAGO. n FOht SA ii LIV Henry E. Cox , Omaha _ UPTJRB V ottlislyeure lilCO doy.byJ.- . . ' Uormio'eEli-.tro-5JegmictIt icIt. - Fru.uromtiln.d. Onarant.edtke V oni ; one intbn workigenerating acenhlaminul Rlectrio .5 itog.ie V cwrrent. kekntiOe I'ewcrful , miurabme. Comfortable .rC EtTeolivo. Avoid fratulL 0 % , rliOO ( ) cureS. 5emi'5tmnp fnroamnjihmet. . A1..m ( , IL1CCTRIC imM.Te lOlt niaEAr.1J4. at. IUVESTSR. igi IVACASII AVE. . g mwltanfm. HOPKINS' City Atlas of Omaha PRICE $25. Addroea , 0. B. Vardervoort , Is IC. 6th Si. , Kemma , City , Mo. NI. R. F1ISDON , INSURANCE AGENT Merchatmtmm National flank Building , Itoomim I , Upstairs. Telephone No. : mnS. ( ) maima , Nolra.ska. Photnix , London , Englammtl. . . . . . . . . . . . } 'Ireimmeum's , Nntvnrk , N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( iions FaIR Ouiim Falls , N. Y. . . . . . . . . . ( htrmmrtl. Phmlimulelpblmm. i'a . . . . . . . . . . . . J.241i.rO3.7U : \VStClmPSter , Now York , N. V. . . . . . . V , , Wilt. Nor UNHOOK WniLc BEiNG WeaN. kyrry isdy wit. , deIrcs perfection In atylc and brat should wear them. Manufactrrd only t'y Umo WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY. Worccttcr , Mass. . and sm I.tukcl atruct , cuimcag V H. K. BURKET , Funeral Director and Embalmer , ill North Icttm Street. - SCIENTIFIC GLUCK & WILKINSON. MANHObD.TouttmfuI.impr ueume.oriouuDcbllttyeaused S through errors and bad paicttcas CURED. SLkZM IL CViPLocuItt. St.Iiiula V. , , 5 , V t ' : .V : . . ' I. . ' . : , : . . : . : ' . . . . : ' . . . . : . , . Need a new suit or an overcoat nowand if you will look at the prices quoted in the upper corners of this advertisement. You will be nearly convinced that Caii furnish you with the best bargains , and when you have once seen their goods you will be thoroughly convinced that they have the very best bargainsboth as to quality , price and fit. Read the. 4 : CQIJRS. Who Is VEAI , FiERVOVS. UEBII.I'EA. TEl ) , wiun In lii. FIIY and IaTiJtA1'CE has TRIFIEI ) away his V1G4)JI of HOIY , , I I mc t ) imtiil I . ' & 4)IO ( ) I ) . eotmMliig exlmztiittiig dralims upon time FOUNI'IINS of lIFE II IIA IAfl E , flAt5ACII E , Prec.dflmL Iresmn , , WEAI&NF.MS ( if Memory IASU. FVl.NES54 In SOCAEI'Y. l'IMI'.ES upon the FACE. and nil titu EEI'ECI'M headlmm to IlAILIX lEhAt ( and perhaps ( YNSVMV. TION or INSANIrf. Kimomild consult itt once the CELEIIJ1A'IEt ) Lr Clarke , Eeiabilstmett 3551. flr. Clarke ias , mode ? jEltTjIF4 flF. . aliiiv. ( flRONIC end all Ilteases of the GENITO IJRINAItT Orgaims a I.Ifo Study. It makes NO difference UIIAT you have teken or Who has falmed to euro you. -FEIIA ! i.ts : suflerliig from dtseitcipccU. Liar to their sex can consult with time asmumenco of speedy rellefatmd cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your dlsenes. * 5ond 4 ceats postage for Celcbrnted W.rkN Ott ChronIc Ncryou. amid IetI. Cat Diseases , personally oe by letter , Iroe. Consult time Olel 1)oct4r. Thmosmeaudo cured. Omcesamtd nrJormi private. 4Thoso contemplating Marrlutgo semi for Dr. Clarke's celebruted guide ! IIe ana Fciu.siteach SIc. . both 25o. ( stamp. ) . Befoi-o conflhg your ease , consult UI. . CLAIILE. A friendly letter or call nmsy save future auflerlng end Imam , and add goiden years to llfc.i5cioi "Itfc'u , ( Secret ) F. . I-or , , , " ( toc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and rltings ecut everywhere , eecimre from s'xposure. flours , 8 to 8 : Stmndutv , 9 to 12. Address , P. D. OLARE , M. D. 180 So. Clark St. , CUICACO. ILL. DIIS. S. & B. ' 1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of the MIssouri State Museum of Anatomy. SL Louis. Mo. , UIiVLVOVT4ItV College hbospImal. . Lomm- don , ( flesca. Germany simS Now York. Ilaytit devotee ! their attention PECIALbY TO THE TREATMENT OF Ioolls , Chrouic ii B1oo DISEASES. ) lore especially those arising from hmnpm- deuce. InvIte all so suffering tocorrespond with. tiiutdoIay. Diseases of lnfectiofl ammd contagion cured mmufily aud seeii1ly without use of iman gemomts drugs. I'atleuts wVhoso c.ases have been im'glecteml , badly treated or pronotmneeml incur- aide , should not fall to umit o us concerning timolr syniptomims. All 1etter receive imnnmedimtm , atten. tlomm. JUST PUBLISHED , Amiii will 1)0 nmmmlled FItEE to auy address on ro- celilt or one C-cent stanip. "I'ructicmul 4)b-memva. tlomms on Nemvimis Debility ammti i'ims-slcnl IxImamms. tioum , " to tlmIcim Is adde % an "itssay on Itiam. riage. " with important chapters on diseases of time 1opIodttctlVe Orgaims. the utimolo formumimig a vaitialilt' mmidlcaI treatise witicIm , .honld ho rend by all young inca. Addm-t'ss ORSI Si and D DVIESON , 1707 Ohivo Street , St. Louth , Mo. Jo B. HAYNES , _ _ .VOF hiLCtAL _ _ STENOGRAPHER , I TimIm-d .lutllclal Jlstrlct. a CIIAMIJELL OF OMMtCF. WEAK ENIM ! im.eic O. M. zc..rn.wIOCAa.eaTuImTe ( UUCby un. NCW zurIova U NC 'V iSI..prcmlipurpo.Cuuop 5NCJnyIWgLIis. , gin- ) ng n. toss. . . inlmd. sQtktug cunmiw of ea.ctme. . , . 57 d&T.CIIy iltrugh mimI u..k psrtanto- t'igttan .10 huSk s'.dVigoruut.gth. mctmo Cary.ut ftmt iuttamitIy or we furIi .bcO to cuib. rutth.neo.antee itt oik.r huh. or.tra..Ipen. m.n.tlyri.rdinihr.einontti. lu1d prmhi.t4e. aciap be Bandse Electric Cmi. IG LaSalbo st. _ ChicsqoV TYLER DESK CO ST. LOUIS , MO. MeNUrActi.etRi 0' I'iN DILES IIAYK COtrNTER , - - llMfkCOURTII0USZ , V 0OVRNXENTWORZnn _ _ _ -V PiNE OflICE IVflXfle5 , IlcatWork arid Lowest Price. - Ongranteed. 100 psee Iilust'd Flnit ever rititfrrn.Iktas7g , Nebjiaska NatiOlll llaik. V. C. DEPOITOflTOMAEA , RED. _ Paid Up Capital , - $280.000 Surplus , - - - 42,800 U. IV. YATES , l'remild eat. Lzwis 13. REED , Vice-President. .A. E. TOUZAI.IN , Sd Vice.I'rcsident. w. ii. s. hiuouas , Cashier mimiECTOiS. ( w. V. Momts , JohN S. Cmmr.Tuss , Ii. W. YATIcS , Lawis S. iIItJcD , . & . E. T0IIzAaIN. ilamikimig Otilce- THE IRON BANK. Cor. l2tim and Farnem Sto. A General Banking Uusine.ss Transactod. SteckPiano liemarkable for powerful aympa. timetic totmu. pliable actloim and ai- solute durabIiIt. 30 years rocorul the best gunrnmmteu &f the cit-nt. lent-c of ¶ imOt.e ilistrumeuts.V W000BRIDCE BROSI . . . . : ' ' " ' . _ ' : . , , , , , : ' . . . . . . , % S. V , . ' ' , . ' _ , . . . . . . . . - - - - - V V CHARLES SHIVERICK _ _ Purnfturo-i-Draperi s , fledding and Mirrors. 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street1 ESTADLISIIED 1655 , A. J. SIMPSON , i1eadiii Caihiliage Fatoy. 140P and 1411 Dodge Street. Iluilder of first class Iitmggtos , Pbmntom , Itocka yays. and Family Carriages. N. ii. First Class Ilepatring Promptly Doito. _ _ _ _ EMERSON PIANOS ! . 'i . nst Popular First Class Flab Iae. It taiis Oil Its Jori , : Hallet & Davis PianoHas no Equal1 HimbailPianos andOrgans. At Wholesale and Retail. Agents Wanted. . (1 ( 11 1513 V A1HosDeJr.auMuA1bDouglas , . , Display at their warerooms , I 305 arid I 307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces ths highest cIas and medium grade , Including STEI NWAY , FISCHER , LYON & HEALY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - BURDETT , ORGANS STANDARD , LYON.&HEALY . ' Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long ' . established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , afford5 the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible detects in matrIala and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , ' . 1305 * $307 FARNAM sTRUT' . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The WEST FURNITURE COMPANY . OVERCOATS. MtNS' OVERCOATS AT $4 ' MENS' OVERCOATS AT $5' MENS' OVERCOATS AT $0 MENS' OVERCOATS AT $7.60 MENS' OVERCOATS AT $9. MENS' OVERCOATS AT $10. MENS' OVERCOI TS AT $12 , MENS' OVERCOATS AT $13.50 MENS' ' OVERCOATSATSI5 , Aict it large assortatont of fur overcoat-s an I fur tritummitud oyercott * . Childrons' ' Dopartmollt. CHILD'S SUITS $1.50 TO $10 CHILD'S OVERCOATS , $2 TO $10 _ _ SOY'S SUITS , $3 TO $15. BOY'S OVERCOATS , $2.50T0 $15 SI-HR T WAISTS , 250 TO SI. SI NGLE PANTS , 500 AND UPWAR WE sL'Lr1 IVEIY AND SflCOIVD 1MND FURNITURE , STOVES and House Furnishiog Coeds V On Weekly and Monthly Payments. Ios. 108 lli 110 , 1tIi 8t. Btoou B t1o aiitl ClliIo1 AOIIIIOI TheWESTFURNITURE CO DON'T FALl. TO GET CATALOGUES AND I'JIICIIS ON 1llOS ! Orlllls , Viollus , Mt iii Biiios. . . From CRAP BROS.J . 219 . 15th st. , Oora louse Bik. And don't bull a piano miNI pou ? mave examined the r4thriute4 Sohrner , , V which SaLt recctved thefirst prize wmererer exhbUe4 ( , and fts time east corn- vnamdz a lufolmcryn-fce thaum of and other snake. V For a short tOne Dimly we will offer thus eeLclrated at kss than QUiets are aaktn for a secotmd does fnstrunmcrmt , It wilt pajj ou to colt and 'ret' . . PIANOS yon $2t UI'II'.1IW3 , OIW4NS 1'IWM $ t ) uz It'AIWS. SMALL IISTRUMEHT AT CORRESPOD1NGLY LOW PRICES . . , I