Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Jnlly ( Morning Edition ) Including Huuday
JlFi'.Oni Yf-ar . tlO fl
For Hlx Months . r. U
rorTlirco Months . . . " 0
U7to Omaha Hunday HK ) : , mailed to any nil-
dre < s. One Year . 20
OMAHA Onricv. No. HAKn in KAItNA f8rllI : KT
NKW VOIIK Omen , KOOMU'I , Tin DUNK Hirit.n
wi , WAKitiNfiTOs OrricE , NO. OU 1'oun
rnnrmi tiTiinnr. _
All communications relating news nnd
rdltorlDl mutter should b addrei > ed to thi
Emrouor TIIK lir.K.
All IniHlneM loiters and remittances should bi
mldriytsed to TJIB IIKK I'unMsiiiNO ( JOAU-ADV
OMAHA. Draft * , tliocki and postofflco orders t <
lie tnudu payable to the order of tha company ,
The Bee Polsliing Company , Proprietors
TUT DAIf/Y llEtt.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Etntcof Nebraska , I , -
r County ff DoiiKla1) . I * ' " '
( ! eo. It. T7Kchurlr. necrotary of Tlio Hce Pull
ItMiIni ; company , dixpolrtnnh'Rn par that tin
actual circulation of tlu > Dally lioo for tUo te )
* HUiiK Nor , 4 , 1WT , WOB as follows )
Rnturday. Oct. J . H.W
Buiulny , Oct. IB ) . 14,21
Mond.iy , Oct.'Jl . . . 14,74
'J'uptilay , Nov. 1 . . . H,14
Wednesday. Nov. 8 . . . 14,4"
Thwsduy , Nov. 3 . 14,70
Friday , Nor. 4 . 15,21i
Average . 14.59
Orij. n. T/.SOIIUCK.
Bworn to mid imlmqrlbml In my presence thL
6th duy of November , A. U. 18S7.
18S7.N.p.FEn , .
( SHAM Notary 1'ubllc
Etato of Nnbrnskn. I _ _
County of Dnncla * . ) " "
CIPO. II. Tzschuclc. 1 > Mnj ? first duly nwnrn , do
J > en-en nnd says Hint IIP is secretary of Tlir HIM
J'tibllsliluKroiiipiiny , that tha nrlual uveriiRi
dully circulation of thtt Dally Ilee fa
tin month ot November , Iff ) , 13,34 ;
copies : for Dcrrmbrr , Idhfi , 1 3,237 copies
/or Jfinunry. ! Nt7 , llrfl ! copies ; for 1'eh
nisry. 1W7 , 14.1 ! roilosi ] for March. 18M7. 14,40
rojilcn ; for April , 1JW. 14.1)10 ) copies ; for May
JfW. H.87roplt'H ! : forJnne , Ifr87. 14,147 copli-K
for .Inly. IM7. H . ( nil topi OH ; for AURUst , 1887 , II ,
3.M topics ; for September , IbbT , 14.W1) ) copies ; fo :
October. 1887. H.WI.
CIF.O. ii.Tzscituciv.
Swoin to and Mib crlbed In my presence till
Eth dny of October , A. 1 > . 1W7. ii. 1' . I'Kll , .
( SllAIi. ) Notary 1'ubllc.
WK think Judge GrofT has boon fulli
\VllKUK wits the Fourth ward rcpub
licauclub on Tuesday ?
1ms decided to rcsunu
his lucrutivo law practices.
HAT.I.OU nnd K&tollo now know wha' '
the people think of thorn.
' HONEST George Timmo did not SXYOOJ
the county like iv prairie flro.
THE people of the Third judicial diB
trict have decided to keep the judieiurj
WHAT became of Billion's endorsers'
It looks as if they had gone back or
their signatures.
OMAHA has redeemed herself fron
the reputation that she is controlled bj
hoodlums and dive keepers.
THE prieo of l > cof on the hoof tini
flrcsRoil is now lower thivn over knowi
before in many parts of the west.
CINCINNATI claims to have sccurei
the national republican convention
$ . , w Well slio is the hogopolia sure enough
. PAT FOUD worked very hard for Es
tollo and Ballon , but the bloody Thin
. did not all go one way as Pat predicted
JUUQINO from the amount of etui
boing' ' found in Lingp's cell the im
pression is that he occupies the whol
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE cover should bo removed froti
Cleveland's cabinet and the people b
allowed to look in and see what is th
THE BEK never did have any politico
influence , you know , but somehow i
always manages to guess which way th
wind blows.
PAT O. HAWKS nnd Donnia Lane la ,
it all to Broatch. How could they male
their inllueuco felt with lemonade an
Cingor ale ?
JOHN M. THUKSTON'S onitory an
Ballou's brass bands had no appreciabl
effect on the rank and fllo of thoughtft
PitESiDKNTCr.EVKlAND having save
his state for his party will now rovis
lW ! remarks on pernicious activity an
offensive partisanship.
, who kept discreetly out (
reach of the landslide , now points t
his speech in the judicial convontioi
"Didn't ' I told you sol"
Pooit VANDEIUIUSI feels very muc
down In the mouth. His iron jaw is a
most paralyzed from campaign spent
ing , and all to no purpose.
Tun Now York farmers scorn to hnv
neglected the united labor party's ticko
Division of Innd does not suit thofarnie
unless ho pots his price for it.
' IF the Crown Prince dies , nnd it no
seems impossible for him to rccovo
Blhiimrck will Imvo to btcp nround prctt
lively to keep the triple alliance M > li <
stumped Now York state. Ono result <
his vlbit to Ohio was an increase i
Forakor's majority of about ton thoi
' lug when ho urged the republicans <
Omaha to stand by Estcllo , Ballou an
Ilancock. Ho know they would pay r
attention to his advice.
k' A8 a party wrecker Cadet Taylor lit
no equal this side of Illinois. His maj
notlo leadership has ditched the rcpul
lican ticket , and given the dcmocra
rnoro thun they over dreamed of cai
? HKWATOII EDMUNDS says that ho wi
t' r/tiah the p/rttal tolcgraph measure i
( origroii-i n * noon an possible after U
IntU'r ( ; [ > < ) ( IM. It is Mild that ho does n
favor the | iuruluiHo of any of the exit
Ing line * but that the governm.ont shn
( /root / lUow'ii wlruH. Can It be | > 0t > blb
thpt the K'limtor wantn to make post
y A costly failure
Tlio IlouBlaboni *
The triumphant election by sweeping
maoritlcs | of the non-partlaan Judiciary
ticket in this district registers the popu
lar protest against the roustabouts and
their methods. It will' probably bo n
long time before another attempt is
mmlo to put upon the bench of this dis
trict men who are notoriously unfit for
such n position and who lack
the confidence of the people ,
which every judge should have.
The rebuke administered to the reck
less party hacks who imagined that
they could whip decent republicans into
line nnd force the election of dangerous
men nud incompetents to the judichil
positions in this district could not well
bo more emphatic. It teaches n lesson
which wo hope will not soon bo forgot
ten. It is a rcmonslrtinco which pru
dent leaders must heed , nnd which as
piring roustabouts will long remember.
The mere fact that the republicans are
in a majority In this county and
district affords no guarantee oj
an election unless the clean
nnd competent candidates arc
nominated. This is by no means the
first time that the best elements of the
party have repudiated the work of n
nominating convention. These periodic
revolts are the safety valve against
the dangerous overpressure exerted by
the party machine in the hands of un
principled men. The BEK heartily con
gratulates the people of the Third dis
trict upon their deliverance from a
roustabout judiciary and the election of
men who are entitled to their confidence
and esteem.
A ni'llllunt Political
The local political fight in New York
City was one of the most brilliant politi
cal battles over witnessed. The chief
point of interest was the district attor-
ncyship , an office of vast importance , aa
the conclusion of the case against Jacob
Sharp , charged with bribing the alder
men , was involved. Two candidates
presented themselves , both democrats ,
and both assistants under the present
district attorney , Marline. Col. John
11. Fellows , the joint nominee- Tam
many and the county democracy , was
the orator of the boodle trials. Ho made
the final pleas before the juries In flvo of
the six trials , and In four of thorn se
cured a conviction. Delancey Nicoll ,
his opponent , has had sole charge of the
boodle cases and the work of prepare-
Lion und presentation of evidence , se
lecting juries and arguing pointslin law
lias been his. The impression obtained
ihat the case against Sharp now before
the court of appeals was to bo dropped ,
and that Fellows was chosen to do the
work. The republicans on the strength
of this impression took up the cause ol
young Nicoll , a candidate for the dem
ocratic nomination , and placed him on
the republican ticket. A cross fight of
unusual bitterness immediately arose ,
the mugwumps joining in to support
Nicoll. The New York World was es
pecially severe in its criticisms upon
Fellows , and he was charged with being
a dead-beat , with unsatisfied judgments
of over $10,000 standing against him.
His sympathy and connection with the
exiled boodlurs in Canada was shown ,
and fac similes of correspondence dated
fourteen years ago between him nnd
Tweed was shown. Against these
damaging attacks Colonel Fellows stood
up manfully und with honeyed orator }
explained them all away. Nevertheless
the democracy , with a clear working
majority in the city of fifty thousand
was alarmed for the candidate , and
Mayor Hewitt wrote nn urgent appeal
making Colonel Fellows' cause his own
praying the democracy to stand to
gether for the sake of the state ticket
and national administration. At UK
eleventh hour President Cleveland was
induced to write a letter endorsing the
whole ticket and with a special request
that Follows bo elected. The fight became
came desperate for Fellows , a poor man
nnd fifty-seven years of ago. Without t
law practice , defeat under such charge :
meant poverty and disgrace for himsel
and family. Nor could his party wel
stand defeat for this powerful official
Nicoll , although a young man am
exceedingly brilliant , stood in UK
position of a bolter after going to tlu
convention of his party us a can
dSdtxte and defeat for him meant hi ;
political death. The World with its on
ormouB circulation nnd the Times wit ! :
its mugwump following wore also in th <
balance , the former alienating itsol
forever from the local democracy ant
the latter cutting itself off from Cleveland
land and the administration. For thcsi
two papers Nicoll's success was of tin
greatest importance. Both forces hat
exhausted their resources in behalf o
their candidates and money was usedoi
both sides without stint. As a rcsul
Fellows is elected by a handsome major
ity. Nicoll receives 10,000 votes mon
than were given to Grant , nnd tin
George candidate for the district attor
noyship falls behind his ticket 10,00 *
The Ilctmlt In Ohio. '
It has never been seriously double *
that the republican ticket in Ohi <
would bo successful. The democrat
wore heavily Imndlcapod by the vor ;
bad record which the party had mad !
during the past throe or four years
Frauds at the ballot box , corruption ii
the legislature , extravagance In admin
lull-alien which bankrupted the slat
treasury , and the prostitution of the supreme
promo court to partisan purposes , mail
a load that no party could carry will
any hope of success In a state whos
voters read and are of average intolli
gonco. The effort of the democrat !
leaders to divert attention from the sin
of the party nnd run cho campaign 01
national issues was neither success
ful nor profitable. The pec
pie could not forgot the record
nnd in the discussion o
national issues there were several im
portnnt respects in which the democrat
wore at ft disadvantage. Not the leas
of these was the advanced position the ,
took on the tariff question , which
however admirable as an example c
courage dissatisfied a great many dome
crats who are as ardent believers In prc
toction as are the republicans of Ohic
Neither was it wise to avowedly mak
the fight in the interest of the nations
admlnlstratpn , which was done when th
democratic- candidate for governor wn
nominated and nuule more distinctly ai
parent 09 the campaign advanced. II
forced an issue that ought to have boor
rOoorvcd for a-yoar Inter nnd compelled
the republicans of Ohio to record thoii
verdict on the presidential question
tion twelve months In advance. It
happened that circumstances oc
curred to imbue them with a spccln' '
hostility to the administration which
had a year been allowed to intervene
might hare proved less effective. As
It is , Ohio can with entire safety be
placed in the republican column foi
1888 , whatever may arlso meanwhile. .
It was nn unfortunalo move for the clem
ocrats in importing the governor o ;
Georgia , fresh from praising and honor
ing the chief of the confederacy , 1 <
take part in their campaign. 1'lierc
wore other blunders , but those wo have
cited , added to the burden of its manj
sins , wore sufficient to defeat Iho parly
and the wonder is that the republlear
majority is not much larger.
The personal effect of the republican
victory in Ohio will very likely bo tc
strengthen Governor Foriikcr in the
good opinion of the party generally. It
cannot be denied that ho made t
gallant aggressive campaign , and ha :
demonstrated that ho is a politician ol
miud'tind mottle , qualifications essen
tial to n leader. IIo is to some extent
pardonable for the sectional controvcrsj
that became so prominent u feature ol
the campaign , since Iho democratic
plan provoked it. But it is to bo said
that Mr. Forakcr is rather too fond ot
this line of discussion , in which ho it
undoubtedly at his best , and for this
reason is not the ina'n to bo pushed ftn
to the front as representing1 the spiril
and sentiment of the republican part.\
as a whole. Ho has very warm admir
ers who will probably endeavor to rti
this , and it will be well to servo limel }
notice upon them that the republicans
of the country , at least outaldo of Ohio
are not expecting and do not desire that
the presidential campaign nhtill bo rut
on the Ohio model. Nevertheless Mr ,
Forakor is likely to bo something more
of a figure in the party councils than he
has been , and in the proper place will
undoubtedly render good service.
Of Great Benefit to Omaha.
The opening of the Armour packing
house nt South Omaha ycslerdny is at :
event of great interest to the people o :
this city. One thousand hogs wore
slaughtered the first day , but this num
ber is by no means the full capacity o ;
the concern. By reason of the concen
tralion of the leading packing concern !
in South Omaha this city has become
for this section ft better hog market
than Chicago. The opening of UK
Armour house , which will now continue
to slaughter from 1,000 to 5,000 hog ;
daily during the season , establishes theme
homo market that cannot possibly be
excelled. Within a few days the Swift
establishment , fully as largo as the
Armour house , will be opened , and the
local demand for hogs will bo materially
increased. This will remove the ilifli
cnlty under which buyers nnd sellers at
South Omaha have labored thi
ruling of Kansas City aud Chicagt
pi-ices for live stock and the consc
quent fluctuations dependent on the receipts
c-eipts nt the South Omaha yards in ex
cess of the demand at the local packing
houses. A stiffening of prices has nl
ready been noticed as a result of th (
work of Armour's buyers. This gives s
character to the Omaha stock tunrku'
that draws attention hither of all deal
ers and producers in Nebraska and west
crn Iowa.
Representatives of the Swift and Ar
mour concerns hnvo given assur
anccs to the Stockman , the orgai
of the packing interests at Soutl
Omaha , that preparations are nov
being made for the slaughter of cattli
on a largo scale. This , of course , wil
put the cattle market at South Onuihi
on as substantial a footing ns thai upoi
which the hog market is to rest. Onuihi
has heretofore been powerless to in flu
once the catllo market and Iho produc
of Ihis section has been dependent upoi
the lluctunlions at Chicago and Knnsa
City. With a strong demand fron
these lo two enormous packing houses
Omaha'slive stock markets will bo o
far greater importance to this sectioi
than those of either Kansas City o
Tlio United Ktatet * Senate.
It seem * to bo very probable that Mr
Riddloborgo. . of Virginia , will bo sue
ceeded in the United States senate by
democrat. His term will expire Marcl
3 , 1839. As the two parties now stand ii
the senate the republicans have U9 am
the democrats 37 , classing Riddlobergc
as a republican. Ho has exhibited in
dependent tendencies , however , whicl
make him uncertain , and ho may al an
time make a tie by voting with th
democrats. Whether ho will bo mon
or less likely to do this by reason of th
result of the election in Virginia it i
difficult lo say. A democratic succosso
to the Virginia senator will not chang
the relative strength of the two partic
in Iho senate if , as now appears prob *
bio , the republicans have secured a nu
jority in the Now Jersey Icgislatui
und will thus be enabled to elect a re
publican successor to J. R. McPhcrsoi
whoso term will expire in 1839. It i
not improbable , however , that the claii
of David S. Turpio to the scat of Senate
Harrison , of Indiana , will bo ilisallowut
in which case the republicans would hav
a majority of twowilhoulRiddloborgoi
Of Iho other senators whoso terms wi
expire iu 1889 nil will undoubtedly I
succeeded by mon of like politics ,
thai the present political complexio
of the United States senate will pro !
ably not bo changed during the no
four years. It is perhaps not unfortut
nto that the two political parties are t
nearly evenly divided in the senalo , hi
il is a misfortune that a man so crratii
unreliable and generally wrong-headc
as Riddlobergor should have it in h
power to tip that body and thereby r <
tard and embarrass .business , or pcrha ]
work mischief.
Tlio Hanncr Ward.
The Fourth ward has for years bee
the banner ward of republicanism i
Omaha. Populated entirely I
business mou nnd the be t class of 01
citizens its expression through the ba
lot box affoi-Js a reliable index of tli
sontimonl , of Iho reputable and intoll
gent element of Iho community. The
banner warel has been hoard from andii
Hpoko with no uncertain sound *
Judge Maxwell , who represents the
party sentiment of the ward , received
033 votes for supreme judge , ngninst 492
for the democratic candidate. In other
words , the republican majority of the
Fourth ward on supreme judge was 439.
Contrast with this the vote for district
judges. The banner ward gave Estollo
only 425 votes and Ballou only 371 , while
of their competitors Wakoloy received
1,135 , Graff 5,081 , and Doano 1,043.
Just think of111 A republican
\vnrd ' which gave Judge Maxwell
430 majority gave Wakoloy 710 majority
over JMollo and 7fll over Ballou , whilu
Groff benta Ealollo G5G nnd Ballou 707 ,
and Dpano' , .who was represented aa
awfully unpopular , beats Estollo 013and
Ballou by GG9. The banner republican
waril gave Frank Mooros 093 votes , or n
cl9an majority of 659 over his demo
cratic opponent , while Dave Mercer , for
county judge , only received 603 votes
altogether and was beaten by Shields ,
democrat , by 310. This is the most
scathing rebuke that how over been ad
ministered in this stnto. It is a procla
mation by the reputable element of the
party thai only clean and compelent
candidates can count011 its support.
THE interference of the president in
the Massachusetts campaign appears to
have been less effective than was his
intermcddlincr in New York. There
was great joy in the democralic camji
of Hie Bay stale when the information
was communicated that Mr. Cleveland
endorsed the stnto ticket and desired it < :
Oioclion. The disaffected ceased their
complaining and those who were satis
fied became sanguine of success. It was
believed the expression of Iho president
would at once draw into line the mug
wump vole , which with the Butler con
tingent was thoughl tomaketheoutlool <
for the democracy entirely horonc. II
is now evident , however , that a serious
miscalculation was made somewhere ,
and very likely it was with regard to
those somewhat troublesome and uncer
tain fellowstho mugwumps. liven a presi
dential endorsement could not induce
them to accept Levering , and it may ap
pear when the figures are all in that
there were a good many democrats who
felt Ihc same way. Democratic politics
in Massachusetts has been somewhat de
moralized , and maybe more so since
Tuesday's defeat , yet with Cleveland at
the candidate next year the republicans
would be surer of some other sUilcs than
of Massachusetts.
TITE state of Now Hampshire lin | coinc
tardily into line with the states whicl :
have laws to prevent and punish bribery
or corruption , and this cannot bo ex
plained on the ground that there Ini1
been no demand for such a law. How
ever , the legislature finally grasped
the situation nnd passed a lav
which provides11- thai whoever at
tempts lo corruptly influence an oxecu
live or judicial 'ofilcer ' , or member o :
the legislature , shall bo punished by im
prisonment not exceeding five years ni
a fine not exceeding $3,000 , and whocvci
accepts a bribe shall forfeit his office
be forever disqualified for holdingollicc
and be imprisoned not more than tor
years or fined not exceeding 35,000
Such a law ought to insure New Hump
shire against unclean officials.
TITK unsuccessful candidacy of Colono
Frederick Dent Grant for the office o
secretary of the stale of Now York dem
onslrnlcs the impossibility of hodilj
transferring to a son the boundless love
and veneration which the people have
for the father. No name is dearer tc
the hearts of the people than that o
Grant , and nothing , were the fntlioi
alive- , would bo denied him. Bui Ihttl
the son does not share in this was
clearly shown by the result of the voU
in New York stato. The people plncx
no vnl jc whatever upon the uncesU-y o
a man unless he inherits powers whiel'
in thonibclvcs command respect ani
DIVISION has probably carried in Da
kola , but the indications at-o by a small
majority. There was far less interest
manifested in Ihe quoslion than hae
been cxpecled in view of Iho effort tha1
had been made to arouse the people
Perhaps a general fooling Ihat nothing
is to bo hoped for from the demooralii
congress will explain the widc&prcat
indifference reported.
GonsiAN victorious in Marylum
makes Higgins and all his other bench
men secure. The reformers need hopi
for no further attention from the ud
ministration , while the chief of tin
Maryland machine may bo expected ti
wield Iho sccplro in managing the uux
national democratic campaign.
CHIISK JUSTICE Fmuxs now rolalc
how un infernal machine was once son
lo him also. Such devices are no
nearly so dangerous lo men in his po i
tion as Iho bombJ they manufacture fo
Ihcmbclvcs every lime they decide will
Ihe monopolies and ngninst the people
JUDOK MAXWIT : < TJ must feel hi'ghl ;
gratified nt the renewed evidence of hi
popularity which is furnished by Tues
day's vote. It is a splendid and mcritci
endorsement of the fearless and uprigh
judge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HOLE-IN-TIIK-DAY , Ji : . , another soi
of his father , lijs boon adopted by ;
white family in Minnesota. Haviiij
thus advanced in tjpo social scale he wil
soon bo in trim to un for supreme judgi
of Nebraska on jh $ democratic ticket
. who "left"
Tuesday should not fall to give Ihoi
serious attention to the figures. The ,
are Iho cslimalo which their fellow
citizens place upon them , and tire
prolly just measure of their merit.
TIIKUK is a fair prospect of a rate wa
between the Milwaukee & St. Paul am
the Chicago , Burlington &Quncy ! roads
If the contest is as fierce as the threat
Ixitwcen the two lines the freight rate
between Omaha and Chicago will b
knocked quite low.
WHKN the Union Pacific shortonci
Iho time of trains between San Fnui
Cisco and Chicaco by one day mud
active competition wns stirred up in
thai direction. All the rival roads are
now preparing now Umo tables , show
ing decided roduclions in lime lo
Chicago nnd Now York.
"his old friend Col. Fellows" for dlslrlct
attorney of Now York , and Follows
endorsed his old. friend Tweed by bor
rowing $5'J3 from him during his trial
for bribery. Public office la a public
trust , but politics Is politics.
Tin : Ifcpubhcunsnys : "Tho mugwumps
tire on top. " In this case Iho term
"mugwump" is a synonym for decency ,
common sense , integrity nnd ability.
When such an Issue is forced the mug
wump will always be on top , nud don't
you forgot it.
Last week six carloads of cotton Jcana
wore shipped from Uidduford , Mo. , to China.
It has been estimated tlmt thcro arc
090,000 saleswomen hi the United States and
200,000 dressmakers.
A California mechanic has invented n
stemming machine that stems five full car
loads of raisins dally.
Artistic brass work is becoming very com
mon throughout the west on account of the
grcnt reduction hi cost.
A Mnlno mechanic lias Invented a hy-
drruillo press that compresses sawdust into
ono-foutlh its loose volume.
Tlio Amsterdam knlttliiR mills liavo all
larjfu orders nlicad , The New England dry
( juoils mills uio nearly all overcrowded with
New manufacturing companies nro springIng -
Ing up In the west , und there seems to bo no
trouble in obtaining sufllciont capital lo slart
There is a good scarcity of Spanish ores In
foreign markets , und ocean freight rates
have been advanced. This will affect the
price of iron.
Iiull.inapolls' natural pas people are about
to buy f 100,000 worth of wrought Iron pipe to
comluul imlural pus to thai city from wella
Iwenly miles away.
It has boon estimated that the prcscnl pro
duction of finished bilk goods in the United
Sltitcs is $00,000,000 ; capital employed , $30.-
000,000 , and number of liatuls , 50,000.
Manufacturers In Brllnlu are grad
ually adopting liquid fuel In place of raw
fuel. A London ship builder has Just built
a steam launch of IL'O tons burden to bo run
by petroUmm , which Is Injected Into the
furnace bv means of steam taken from Uio
boiler. This experiment will bo watched.
There nro i)0 blast furnarcs In and about
I'ltlsburp.-33 rolling mills , 29 steel works , 15
window glass works , U7 flint glass works und
11 grcuMi ) works. The blast furnaces
make 000,000 tons of iron per the roll
ing millsr > 7.i,0 ( > 0 tons ; steel works , 750,000
tons ; uUt < - glass Works , il. ' " ' 0,000square feet ;
window glass works , 900,000 boxes.
The- painters , plasterers , and decorators nro
very busy nt tins M-asou completing contract
work , nnd will piobably be crowded with in
terior work during the wintor. A vast
Hinnunl of alteration is contemplated and
building labor generally will laid more em
ployment the coiiiiu winter than hereto
Valuable anthr.icitc coal finds are being
made on the Northern Pacific coast. Ono
district js said to possess the richest coal
measures in the world. One vein is fourteen
foot thick , another thirty feet ami another
twelve feet. All thcso scams are within u
distance of 700 yaids. Thcro are seven scams
in all.
For some reason the coal owners of South
Wales propose to abolish the sliding scalcby
which 00,000 miners have been paid for ten
years. During the past three years $15,000-
000 or its equivalent , has been expended by
English mechanics , colliers nnd cotton spin
ners in paying the cost of strikes.
On account of the rapid expansion of our
manufacturing capacity the machine shops
of the country continue to be exceedingly
busy , and us a consequence prices have begun
to move up. This is welcome news to ma-
cliinemnkers , as for yearn past they have
been doing work on very narrow margins.
A Unique Distinction.
fit. Lnuli firpttb/fran.
The Atlantic ocean will hereafter enjoy
the unique distinction of being tlio 0110 thing
in God's universe that over gotuioiu from
Jay Gould than it gave.
A Health Injuring Strain.
St. Lvitia Glolit-Dcinucrat.
The announcement that Mr. Cleveland ha *
an attack of rheumatism leaves no room tc
doubt that the mental strain of bis recent
speechmaking was entirely physical , as ail
Irish philosopher would state the G.ISC.
The Power of Thought.
5j inafttM Union.
Electricians have discovered that the hu
man brain when nt work evolves enough hea
to drive an electric motor , through the inter
vention of a thermopile. One of these days ,
the ministers , lawyers and editors will be
given tree passes on the railroads on condi
lion that they wear thermopiles in their hats ,
think hard , und furnish power for the loca
Glorlouw Autumn.
lioiton Cum ( tr.
Crimson autumn , golden uutumn , autumn ol
our northern/clime ,
Spring they say's n splendid season , but yoi
beat it every time.
Season of delightful evenings , charming
mornings , glorious noons ,
Purple dawnmgs , rosoy sunsets , tender Star
light , utcllow moons.
Crimson autumn , golden autumn , uutumn ol
our northern clime ,
Lifo is Mvout and worth the living when wt
sec you in your primo.
In the autumn days wo suffer neither fron
the heat nor cold ,
And there uro no flies upon us wliilo the
sceptre she doth hold.
Lot the poets sing of spring time , let them
wo don't euro a rap ,
Hoary winter , glorious autumn , never llngcn
In your lap.
Colds , nor chills , nor dread pneumonia , ovei
do your rciun molest ,
Summer folds her arms around you and ex
pires upon your breast.
Dies upon your bosom , autumn , leaving yov
the wreath slio won ,
All the riches that Mio gathered 'ncath ' a
fiercely burning bun.
I3ut you freely share them with us till old
winter in his rage ,
Hoary winter comes to rob you of yout
precious heritage.
In the autumn twixt the winter's cold and
Bummer's parching heat ,
Wo are ne'er assailed with questions ns we
pass along tlm fclreet.
Questions foolish , idiotic , answered not , ex
cept by fo\v ,
" blazes ain't ill" "Is't
Such as , "Cold as , or ,
hot enough for youl"
In the autumn when the glory lies upon the
woods and hills ,
Wo'vo no moro ice cream to pay for , no more
Iceman's monthly bills.
In the autumn comes rejoicing , for the picnic
mason's by ,
Aim wo run nq risk of sitting on lemon ,
squash or custard pic.
Crimson autumn , purple autumn , golden
uutumn , season blest ,
All thy days are lull of pleasure , all thy
nights are full of rust.
And the fowl which ( so the story hath been
handed down to us )
Saved the city built by Remus and lila
brother , Uomulus ,
At an altitude's nuspcnded , such as gives to
mankind cheer ,
In tha autumn , gorgeous autumn , gladdest
season of the year !
The Salary nud RospoiiQlbllltloa ol
the Position.
Few OMTclCRraitlicrt-Ttift l-Mglit ol
the n. ft O. Company
Some Interest-
NKW YORK , Nov. 9. [ Correspondence
of Iho Br.B. ] Thcro nro aboul 60,000
telegraph operators in this country.
Their wages have declined 10 or 15 per
cent within the last flvo years. They
wore paid beat before Iho slriko. In
Iho Western Union Iho standard salary
Ihcn was $90. First class operators got
$85 and 895 per monlh. After Iho strike
operators who received those salaries got
$75. A year afterward the standard
was made $80. Later $90 nnd $93 was
paid to old first class operators ; after
which the decline wasjoncral | , to the
present rate. The btWdard is still SSO.
A few old hands get moro. No new
operator docs. Very many receive
loss. Salaries range from $35 to $75 or
$80 as a rule for mon. The range for wo
men is from $35 to S50. They never
receive men's wages. In some few
coses , however , women can do men's
work in full. Her work in general com
pares bettor with man's work than her
j > ny with man's pay , in telegraphy.
Wore her work exactly on a par with
man's , she would not get the bnmo wa
ges. A telegraph olllcial expresses it :
"When we have to pay men's wages to
women , wo will putinon in their places. "
Thesro is a dUposilion on Iho part of
telegraph companies to biro womenand
if in all cases the laltor wore equal to
the demands of the business , they would
bo employed perhaps exclusively.
say that in gen oral Iho labor is too
heavy and too steady for women , anil
that women do not succeed ns well as
man on long circuit work. Hero the
tax on patience. nerves and
coolness is better borne by
men , it is said. Nighl worlc again is
endured by men belter than women. In
the mutter of discipline there is no dif
ference ; women working as steadily and
industriously as men. The LJalti'moro
and Ohio company employed women in
greater proportions than the Western
Union ; never paying more than $50 per
month. In the li'eavy days' work of the
Haltimoro and Ohio Company some of
the women operators would send from
350 to 400 messages daily. This is a big
day's work for a mail. The hours of
work arc cighl for the day nnd seven
for night. First-china operators under
pressure can send 500 messages , nggre-
galing aboul 5,000yords , in these hows.
This is very exceptional. Four hundred
messages nro a big day's work ; 350 n
good one. Three hundred uro nearer
Iho average. Women in the
telegraph employ are in most cases
unmarried. It is said that they marry off
but slowly. They sire generally young
and comely , loo. They are perhaps the
handboinesldivision of women employes ,
The percenlago of women operators in
Now York city is about 80 , oulsido of
New York it is less.
Thcro are several insurance und mu
among the telegraph opuralors , They
are local with one exception. The tele
graphers' Mutual benefit association ,
which is general , has its ofllco in Now
York city nnd a membership over all
parts of the world. The ago of oligibil-
ily to admission is from 18 to 45 years.
Tlio initiation fee is $2 , and the sum
paid to bcnofieiaries of deceased mem
bers is $1,000 per person deceased.
Upon the death of a member in good
standing an assessment of from $1 to $12 ,
according to age of entry , is made upon
the survivors. The number of mom-
bora of this association in round
numbers is 8,800 , and the reserve -
servo fund for 18S7 , is $04,000.
This is accumulated by a calcula
tion of U per cent of the entire amount of
insurance provided by the association.
M,000 of this fund is held by the
Western Union Telegraph company as
trustee , and the balauco by a trust com
pany selected by the association's cx-
ocutivo committee.
In New York City there is the Tele
graphers' Aid society , with an initia
tion fee of $1 for any operator ; dues
fifty cents per month. This society pays
$ S per week to n member in case of
yiukness _ and $75 in case of death , to his
bonelie-iarics. There are about five
hundred monibers. The ofllcors are all
Western Union employes.
Another is the Gold and Stock Lifo
Insurance association with about four
hundred members , The duos are fifty
cunts per month , and tlio benefit in $ UOO
payable in twelve months at $50 [ > er
month. Another is a building associa
tion and waving institution , and finally ,
in some respects most important , is the
Brotherhood of Telegraphers ,
connected with the Knights of Labor.
Its members have nothing to impart
concerning it to disinterested inquirers.
Those who are not members have no
further knowledge of it than is to bo in
ferred from its association with the
Knights. The per centago of women in
the Telegrapher's Mutual Benefit asso
ciation is in the neighborhood of five
per cent. Their percentage in the Tol-
c-grapher's Aid society , which gives as
sistance in cases of sickness , is much
larger about Si5 per cent.
There are few old telegraphers.
Operators are anxious to quit the biibi-
ncbs which nllbrdy good pay for a young
man but poor for elders and holds no fu
ture. Tlio operator of twenty or twenty-
live earns as good pay at ho can expect
at llfty. Many drop out of the largo offices
fices continually. They become
stenographers go to the brokers'
oflicc.s on the private tickers
and remain in the brokers' business ; or
they enter the newspaper connection
and innumerable others in similar man
ner. Baltimore & Ohio opornlor.s were
mostly recruits from Western Union.
AH members of the Baltimore fc Ohio
company they wore animated by a
strong corps spirit nnd loyalty. In join
ing the Baltimore & Ohio they sup
posed that they were permanently
placed under a company that would
never sell out. Many of
success in its fights with Western
Union were greatly duo to the concert
and sentiment of the employes. There
was an enlistment of the imaginative
side in them , having a practical effect
in the competitions of the companies.
The freights of the Baltimore & Ohio
company against Western Union were
entered into withfrco will by the Baltimore
morek Ohio employes , who often won
the battle for their employers.
On the 1st of November of this year
fifty employes of tbo Baltimore and
Ohio telegraph company , now morginl
in the Western Union , received their
discharge in thu morning without the *
month's notice duo by tlioir contract
They wore given two weeks' pay upon
leaving. Thcso terms were ac
cepted by certain proportion
' ' ' ' ' * ' " ' "
. "S * .
ot the dlaohnrcod employes. OUiora hftfl
cntcrlalnod. Ideas of suing fop- the full
month's pay. Tlio lack of concert op
erated ns an obMaclo to thjs courso.
The remaining Baltimore b Ohio om-
iiloyoa look forward to nny uncortnlnty
in Iho wny of discharge from 100 to 200
airs. Sachs' I'nncuko.
St JVitil G'o.f ! ! ,
Mrs. Sachs , the SU Louis female who won
notoriety nnd n court trial by tossing n pnn-
calco Into the lap of the president's wlfo , is
now on exhibition In a dlmo museum In St.
Louis. What of thopnncakol It it is like
the uvcrago pancake b.iliod In the all-night
restaurant , the probability Is that wmo en
terprising sheemnUor who knows n good
thing when ho sees it Is using It for a lap-
" llooiilc. "
Cincinnati Commcrclul-OiizoUo : The
word boodle has gone Into tlio United
States language. 1'untorn newspapers ,
oven those of Boston , use il without
quotation marks. Wo believe the word
originally npponrod in the Cominorclnl-
Gazolto in a report of the great Amer
ican Express robbery in Cincinnati
several years ago. Ono Sunday after
noon n ono-horso wagon was driven up
to the otllco on Unco street , a small iron
traveling safe loaded on and taken neross
the river into Kentucky and rilled.
Larry Ilnzon. the famous old detective ,
was employed by the express company
to work up the case and ho succeeded iu
recovering most of the money. When
mot by a reporter al Iho police station ,
after the lucky capture , Ha/en throw
up his bunds in happy mood nnd exclaimed -
claimed : "Wo'vo got the boodle I"
The word was afterward used to denote
money nsod for dishonest purposes in
local polities , and disi-epuUiblo polltieniH
in the city and state came to bo known
us "boodlers" and their party us the
" boodle party. " The word is spread in
usage and is now common throughout
the country.
An article of household utility , which
is not only elegant and artistic , but
economical , deserves mention. It is
with pleasure that we call the- attention
of our readers to the "Garland Stoves
nud Uangos. "
Longevity of AiiiiiialH nnd
Scicnco : The elephant lives lOOyoarn
nnd upward ; rhinoceros , 20 ; camel , 100 ;
lion , t5 ! to 70 ; tiger , leopard , Jaguar and
hyena ( In confinoinonlaboul ) li5 ; heaver ,
50 ; deer , 20 ; wolf , 20 ; fox , 1 1 lo 10 ; hare ,
8 ; sqlrrel , 7 ; rabbit , 7 ; swine , 26 ; stag ,
under 50 ; horse , 30 ; ass , JiO ;
sheep , under 10 ; cow , 20 ; ox , J0 ! ; swan ,
parrot and raven , 200 ; eagle , 100 ; geese ,
bO ; hen and pigeon , 10 to 10 ; hawic , 80
to 40 ; crane , 24 ; blackbird , 10 to 12 ; pen-
cock , 20 ; pelican , 40 to 50 ; thrush , 8 to
10 ; wren , 2 to 8 ; nightingale , 15 ; black
cap , 15 ; linet , 14 to 23 ; goldfinch , 20 to
21 ; redbreast , 10 to 12 ; sky lark , 10 to 30 ;
titlark. 5 ted ; chatllnch , 20 to 21 ; star
ling , 10 to 12 ; carp , 70 to 150 ; pike. SO to
10 ; Halmon , li ( ; codfish , 11 to 17 ; col. 10 ;
crocodile , 100 ; tortoise , 100 to 200 ; whale ,
estimated 1,000 ; queion bees live 4 yearn ;
drones , 4 inontliK ; worker boos , 9 monlhs.
Choking Catarrh.
Have yon nwufccncd from a dlHturbud ttlcap
with nil tlio horrible smisntlons of an usuaHslii
clutrlilng your throut and pn-st < lng the life-
brc.ith from your tightened cheat ? Huro you
noticed the languor and debility that miccood
the ulToi t to cleur your throat and hond of this
catnnhiU mutter ? What a deitri'sslng tnlluonoo
U cxorU upon the mind , clouding the moiuory
nnd lining the head with jmlus uutlbtrungo
uolscsl I low dim cult It Is to rid the numl i >
sages , tli roat and lungH of this poUouous mucus
all can testify who nro nllllcted with catarrh.
Hmvililllciilt to protect tlio Bj-Htcni npulnatlta
fuither progrc-w towards the limes , liver and
kldnoyH , nil liliyniclfins will nflmlt. 1 lisa tor-
rlblo dlscnsc. nnd crlci out for relief and euro.
The remarkable ciinitlvo iiowura , when all
other lemedtiH utterly fall , of HANFOHD'H UADI-
CAI , CuiiR , in o uttestud by thousands who grate
fully recommend It to fellow-uilirorerB. No
.statement Is made regarding It that cannot bo
.substantiated by the most respectable aud re-
llablu rofci encoa.
Each packet contains nno bottle of the RADI
CAL Cum : , one boxCATAiiiiHAi , SOI.VKST and an
] Mi'iiovi-i : > iNHAi.Kit , with treatise and direc
tions and Is sold by all druggists for tl.OO.
With their wimry. dull , achlns.llfcless ,
all-Kuno sonatlon. UKMKVK.I ) IN ONK
MiMiriiliy the CinjuiiiiA ANTI-PAIN
l'i.ASTiiu. The llrut and only ] ) iilii-siili-
duliiB plaster. Absolutely nnrlvnllcd us an lu-
fiUuitniifons nnd lufulllblu antidote to pain. In-
Humiliation nnd weakness. At nil dniRKlntd , 25
cents ; live forl 00 ; or. posta o free , of t'oitKii
DKUII AND CllKMlCAt * Co. , lloatou , Mass.
Boyd's Opera House.
Of tlio Spectacular 1'lny ,
"Michael Stropff"
Novenilior 1O , 11 anil IU.
Louis James and Marie Wainwright ,
Thur.sdnv Evening . "VIIU1INUB"
Friday livening . "OKKTCIIKN"
Saturday _ Evening . "IIAMIjKT"
Grand Opera House.
Two Nllit ; and Matlnco.
Fr IdacO Saturday , Nor. 11 A 12.
America's OreiiU-taSoubrette , Miss
( Comment unnorooFnry ) mipportod by tlin fam
ous cnmcdlHii , C'liuH. 8. Itogurs , nnd it company
of 12 iiietiopolUau urtlatH , In her ulectrlo mic-
CCi-S ,
JACQUINE. or Paste and Diamonds ,
A u'llectlon of llfo behind the Hccncx , and
CHERUB , The Pearl of Serpent Mountain.
A bountiful play.
Mnttlo VlckcruHttnuotiosg of powerful map-
nctlsni , bofiiitltul In fnco nnd form , und a mil *
MT-iul favorite. [ ( ; hIc.iK < 'llmoH.
HO.UH on halo at box olllce. 1'rlces $1.00 , 7Co ,
We , Il'ic and ' > c. _
ifioMvv IVIM.NOV. : . TTH.
Of Ilia rliarinlnic IHUe aclrcsi nd nixlrtr faTfirlle ,
Supported by tier own excellent
In a rvportolru of tolectej comedloi ,
( V Messenger from Jnrvln Hcctlon.
Prices , 16c , 25o , 30o nnd BOC.
N'ortlmcsl Corner I'tinuim anil IDth St * .
I'AII ) W CAPITAL , $100,000
SUIU'LUS I'UND , 80,000
I'UANK MIWI'IIV , 1'resldont.
BAMUin , K. UUOKH3 , Ylco-Prosldont.
UJTIIKIt IiltAKH , A UtantCashlur.
Account * polluted und prompt uttuntluu paid
x > alt business ciitruaUd to lu tare.