Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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: . ; : S TilEOMAHA _ DAILY , BEE : dInflSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1881. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
, ' . . cetis were the men , the 1cngh of w1oo
1t.3 ( cnn flow bo counted in
hourL All over tnwti quiet but oflectivo
workers were cngued In nttcndlug th the
inult4tudo ot nrrangemcnL that iflit IiftVO
poinethitig to do with thu litinging. The
vatworks nrc being guarded ; so are nuLny
' 4 Of the bg bui1dhig down tvn. Now wires
) iavo been strung frorii the jail to CIiIc1tgo
. flytIIUO police Mt.ntlon , anothpr ipcclat wire
. site ; bcet put In botwecit the jail luiLl the ceit
raI police Station , iiticl Milt nnother wire ho-
' . tween the httl and Harrison treot station.
jbouId thcro occur nn uprlsliig of any pro.
, ortIons-nnd the ofliciaii do not expect any
p ampio meant are 8VUIIflhtU to C1JPCk IL At
. 2:44) : thIs forenoon the following thie.
. graYn Wa rUCCiV1I by I'arsons In
" the jail : "Sign IrIIuielIato1y IetIUon I
. have prepared for you , end get Engel anil
, } 1Licher to sign It. Everythhig may depend
I ' upon this-your lives and othors-tho Public.
t For GotPs sake sign It and wire inc at. once. "
I w. 1' . Ji.Acit.
Parsons at once ( leehtrC(1 ( the communka.
tion to lie ft fraud , ft , did also Fischer. Engot
. f41l(1 ( 110 would sign It if tim others did. 'rho
dispatch was dated Springileld and was filed
. atip.m.
. . 'rho tclogram wa handcd Parsons by n
1. messenger boy , who wa.i accompanied by
. .JaIlor Folz. I'arsons road the message over
.evorat times , then receipted for It. , and was
turnizig away with 1.1w remark that no ap-
)611 would move him , when the messenger
2 asked him for 3 cents charges on the telo.
: grmrn. Parsons returned the inessaro to the
- boy with Instructions te send It. bacf to the
utlior and ay that Parsons said It wa a
. - fraud , n.i Captain Bluok would not send
. . essago without. payltig for It.
. Tim habeas Corpus l'rOCceliflgR.
. CnicAno , Nov. 9.-Atthrney Solomon , late
tliI afternoon , ol)1411r10d the signatures of
Smies , Flelden and Schwab to the petition for
a writ of hnbca. corpus. The grounds upon
. which the writ. Is asked are that the udg.
ilient of the isiiprciiie co.rt of the state was
- . IIegnl , in that It r.aId the "judgment" should
i be aflirnied , Instuui of the "judgmnent.s" in
each easu ; also that the dofondant.q should
. mave beemi In the court at the titno the udg-
. n'iit of the court was rendered , nid that at.
. that tAme they svurnin jail. 'I'lao 1)etitiOfl wilt
l ) ( laid before ono of the judges of thu crlinl-
ziul court to.uiorrow morning.
. . 'l'lio usual formal notice was sore4I On
St.ateq Attoriiey Orinnell this afternoon in.
. . . Thriilng , liliti that ii motion for a writ of
IillIUi'41tiHi ( , ( I irectQd to the sheriff conimnnnd.
lug liliti to bring Louis Lingg before the court.
, br t rial for himsaim ity had beemi filed. At9o'clock
when the heai'ing of arguments on the potl.
tloii vero tA be takemi up , Judge I'rendorgast
- iiflhiUliCCIl he voulil not hear the nppllcution
' initil after the crlmniiial court had IiSCd
. 1ipmi it.
Solomon declined to say posItively which ,
If any , of the cIty judges lie would aimly to
for a writ. , und would not deiiy but that. lie
mnight. go to tmiic of the judges of tim state su
lireme court now in iessiou atMount Vernon.
. \Vhen SUite. ' AtUirny , Urinnoll was In-
, ioriiii,1 , tliiit Slki4 , Schwab mid 1'iohlen had
. IihpIe(1 the ictitiomi foi a writ of cor-
; . ltL' lie oxircM4011 ) considerabto surprise. lie
(11(1 not know but that , nfterconslderatioii , lie
. , would withdraw hii.'ilotter to the governor.
. .
Iyiiaiiiie anhl ( hiti Cotton.
: - . CnICAOO , Nov. 11.-Dr. lluthiiwuy , living at
lOb ) Vest sIonroe street , found on his front
; 4. . porh this morning a round box eiiclos'd in
. irovn wrapping liiler , on which was written -
ten : "Don't let anyone sco you OIWfl this.
. Two lives are % % orth iiioro than oime. I3ewttro I
. e.iLrim I Ilcwru I Tini cit calls Upon 30U
ror help. Ba careful upon which end you
hCii this , " The box was taken to thu
- 3laiIles strot s4tiItiIiit amid fouiui to coiitaiii a
tiuintity of iiturateil gun cotton. A little
attcr iii thin day a bomb ns found on the
back 1rch oX Cumuphehl's hioiiio at. 11 Clark-
. , oti cOurt. It. contained enough dynamite to
; . . have blown the house titi.
: A Siiet Sent up.
Ciiic.trn , Nor. t.-A detective on ( luty
hear Stnt't Attoirmey Crinnell's house last
I : evenIng arrested , ufter a long chase , a man
whoimi lie surprise ( ut the door of the mnami-
iloit at. a late hour. The man was arraigned
' : in thin jiohice court to.dii' , but no deihimito
charge could be brought agutnqt hum , , so lie
. was iieiit. to the bridewelL on a diordcrly
cbnigu. The oflfcer vho made the arrest
, iiiys the mmmii aught have been armnoil when
. lie entered the house and easIly have thrown
away hits arms duringtho chase.
. -p CijI ; n fleturns to Chicago.
Sruucimir.i.u , Ill. , Nov. 9.-CaptaIn Black
left for Chicago at. I ) o'clock to iiight , leaving
. SehitilIug iii charge. No decision is expected
L ( rein thin governor to-night. Captain Black
. has doubtless goiio to Chicago to use nil his
, r . Jwo with Parsoims to induce him to slmi the
3)CtitIOfl to the
: The I'aclfic Coast % 'ants floOd.
. . SAN FRANCiSCO , Nov. 9.-.Tho following
telegram was semit to Governor Oglcsby
. to-day :
r - TIme Anmerican nilhiumee vhtli iL'i mnomnboisimip
I 8,0X ( ) , represemititig the Auiorican senti-
. .ncnt of tlio l'acille coast , implores you to hot
the law hike its coulioas rcurdstbo Chicago
: anarchists convicted of iiiurdcr.
VIcTOR .1. 1OiItO , President.
. C. W. BiiIV8TKI { , Secretary.
Narrow Escape otthie Inmates of limo
. , 1)avcipnr ( Institution.
, : lAvIcNroR , In. , Nov. 9.-Special [ Polo.
. gramil to the 1hEI-A territlo thunder bolt
: . alt 4 o'clock this mimornimig fired the maui build.
. jug at the Soldiers' Orplmalis' home , Located
; tllQUt two miles froiu tim i'ostofHco. Thc
imight watchman gave the alarm , summoned
. hell ) anti tIm womIc of removing thirty Ir
3nates frommi time building was speedily uudoi
: way. The occupatits WUIC taken to the cot
tngt's , and some of the furnitur
I was haved before the flames drove
. . thm workers away. But the ream
. portion , contaIning forty barrels of flour ,
100 barrels of alPlCS and a hiug amount of
. hirovishons could not be reached. The city
1r dopartmommt arrivtd in time to Ibrevelit
time spread of tIme lIaiiie. 'J'iw destroyed
. buildings cozisisteti of dining ronn , kitchen ,
. store rooms etc. , reslilumicu of the supeiia-
tendezit. itimmi sleeping roonts Tom- teachers ,
. 'i'hio total loss is about $15,000 , eoverel by
insurance. 'I'Imn lionie eoiitaiiis 85 ( ) orphans ,
. vito were II'OVIkMI with food from the city
to-day. 'rime Inm.tltutlon is coadtictiid on the
C0tt34.'O plimm : , othmervisu the loss of 1if niust
I. lmuvti been terrible.
: Central Iowa i'tliiIi Line Solti.
MAmtsim.u.iTow In. Nov. sale
, , , . 9.-Tho o
time muslim line of the Control Ior.i railroa
took lilace to-day and was conducted by P. I
Loins ; etq. , of Keokuk , special toaster. 'I'hc
mead was tiitl in by J&unesThonmson , of
& Thomson , of New York , acting in heiat )
of thio Sticlcne'y reorgiiization committee
- or 13,4OOOOO. 'llie same ImIrhaser hint , at m
Thrmer sale , bought iii divisiomis muid branches
'rime reorganization will now lroceed withou
' delay amt&t the whole property will be ) ) IIt ii
. ilrst.class order and it is gvmmcrnhly suposom
. that the i-end vI1i hmva dose relations with
. the Miiitir.ota & Northwestern railroad con :
. of which Mr. Stickney ts vresident.
Boiler Ixpio.4Iun at. Ottnmnw.
, OrruMwA , Is. , Nov. th.-Spoclal [ Tolegrar
. ' - to the Bss.J-A terrillu boiler explosion o
curnd at. 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Lb
, f Iwart of the cIty , in Kesters view man
.tetory. One-third of the boiler was blowi
twenty rods over the top of the house. Tb
two.thlrds killed a tine hors and won
through the kitchen of is dwdlling bouso an
, icvorely lnurod Mrs. W. I ) Turner. It. blei
a swtill boy over time top of mm ozio.story hotts
I'io deaths have oecurred.
Got z
Dmt4 : Moiss , Iii. , Nov. tE-Simecial [ Tohi
grmmnm to time flx.3-Tho shot-if of Tuylc
county canto to thi'm city to-day and obtaiim
r. n remiulsitlon for tIme arrest of M. 13. Foste :
r chmurotI with the murder of Ernest Rood neil
t Bedford. The elmorilT shuts at once tL
obraskn muter his imrIomIer.
- _ -
, For Nebrashia : SYarmuer , fair weathme :
light to fresh winds , generally shifting I
houth arid west.
Foi Iowa : siititiy warmer , fair wcnithmci
, light to fn.'sh westerly winds , mdiiftItig I
k'ur Estenm and Coatcol Iakotam ; Wimvmme : :
fair weather , followed by locid nilni. em. s'io '
light w trcsh variable winds ; genoruhly south
Ono of Ills Pot Schomen l Badly
Snowed Undor.
Plum Result iii New York-Bourbon
SItttesnicti Itegarmi ft a Clev1amit1
1tIdtl'Metmmciit-iteyOitme ( Join.
zimissioner 1tlIer's Itipovt.
( IOt'tflMm NOt All Powerful.
\VASII I S(1TO , Nov. 9.-peaial [ 1'eiogramn
to the J3s.-Marylrmid politics will gtow
more interestiimg from roar to year front thmi ;
tuna forward until the final dIsolutiomi of thu
power of Boss Gormnan eomnc. lie has won
againbut his victory Is not altogether vttlt-
out some stings. Gornman hind a imt scheme.
lie has grown tired of time courts of Ilalti-
more which have mnado such havoc among
his heimchmnemm. For this reason lie favored
the calling of a constitutIonal convention
whIch would have wiped out time courts. In
this ho was opposed by a niaority approxl.
nmating 15,000 and the courts are safe for two
3 ears at lcat. Jackson , domocr.tttc nominee
for governor , is elected by a ma-
oritr smaller than that ever before
fhivCfl ton andidatc forthmtt 0111cc. In Haiti-
more Ciiy the plurality was as large as , or a
trifle larger than that. givento thin democratic
emuididmito for time ninyoraity two weeks ago.
lit nearly every county in the state the re-
lmubhicans and hmelr independent allies made
heavy gains and , oven In Cornian's own
county ( iinward ) , there was ii decided fall.
lug off In democratic votes. 'rho democratic
mnajority in the logishmLtImtc will ho materially
dimninisncd amid , owing to thus fact , it Is imos.
sihlo that tie formers may be hble so force
the legislature to amend the election laws ,
lii this lies Limo hope of eventual emancipa-
thou froimi time yoke of the boss. I is admit.
ted that time regular or Gorummimi ticket was
greatly strengthened by the immune of Phimckmmey
Whyto s'hmo was a candidate for attorney
general. Whyte hums hieii a bitter Olhofleimt
of Gorimian ever since time latter cheated huimmi
out of ro-ulectiomi to thmc United States senate.
It Is an universal belief amimong those 'lio
intro watched time course of political events
iii tIme state that the peace between the Gor-
niamu and Whyto f.ctions is only a truce , and
that time tiny is not fur diutant when Limo light
between them ivhii be renewed with more
vigor thmnn ever. Whyte is still anxious to
sit ommee more In the senate , and at time cxplra.
thou of Gormmnu's torni four years hiemico lie
viIl ceitainly tm'y once nmoro to wrest control
of tIme state from : : time mmmii who is now trying
to imhimemite him after betraying his Political
benefactor alit1 maker.
Internal Itevenime Statistics.
WAS1IINUTOP , Nov. 9.-ISimocial Telegram
to the iJEi.-Tho ] report of the comnmnis-
siommer of hmiternal revenue for tim fiscal year
emided Juno :1(1 : ( lust hits just. licen made public.
It shows that rcceiIts from Nebraska and
Dskota wore $ ,8.i3,4o4 , and ( roam Iowa , ti , .
t)51l24. ) The seisurcs of ProPerty for viola.
tiout of time Internal revenue law In Nebraska
munmounted to but $ Z , while there were miono in
Iovmu. In Nebraska acoummts wore reported
from 1S9 cigar manufacturers , who used $311 , .
251 hOUilds of tobacco mind niammuractured 18- ,
2iSS93 cigars. Iii low.m 8O accounts were re-
ioIted , showlmmg that. s9i,47 POunds tobaccO
were used timid 12,3U3r.75 ; . cigars manufactured.
No cigarettes were nmatle in either state.
'I'lmo tumtemneimt showing the nuumiber of to-
hacco factories in ouch state , quantity
of loaf tobacco and other materials
mused , has time following for Iowa , there
being miomic 1mm Nmihraska : Fact ones , 4 ; leaf
tobacco used , 2t,5tit ) ) poutmds ; scraps , 9rI7
steing , 6f9S iolmruls ; licorice , 2,714 hiOunuls
sugar , t'iit4 pounds ; other nimiterials , 114 , hti.
Imouuids ; total , 371)Th2 ) lwummds. Tulmaci'o imman-
ufmmcturcd in Iowa : 1"ire cut , chewing , 27,2'.2i )
lmiuimds ; snmokitmg , 8l,71l lolmmmds ; snuff , 6t5) )
lOimmlds ; totul , : t.iP,112t PiUImLlS. Vulun of
stampi mused , 4S,9tII. ) Number of regi'tored
distilleries In Nebauska , , both in olmratiomi
in iowa , 2 in oierntion , 3 registered. In J'i.
braska lS41) ) head of cattle vere ! i nt reg.
imitered at grain distillcrte , atid in Iowa l,6JS
( Press-Tooph ] S. Miller commissioner
of iut.n'imuL revecue , subnmittem lila annual report -
port to the secretary of the treasury to-day.
'I'hmo totAL ! rcceilit.s from all sources of inter-
imi revemutmu for the fiscal year ending Jummo
30 , 1887 , wino Ii8S29,523 , as comnpmmred with
$ liO,1102Stit ) for the year 1S1J , 1l249i,121 for
the year ISS.5 , $111,900,931 for the year 1884 ,
i44,55J,3l4 for time year 1883 nod $14,523,2T3
for time year l882. It is estimated Unit lk- )
000,000 wiLl be collected from the various
sources of internal revenue during the cur-
remit. fiscal year , provided no changes are
auntie in time rates of taxation now imposed by
time internal revenue law. The total
cost of collection for the past fiscal
year , including salaries of officers ,
etc. , was 4OIi5,149 , being about 5lor cemit of
tim amount rollected. An additional head of
division and two messengers are asked for to
execute thic irovisions of the oleomargarine
law. Nine hundred and sixty-nine grain dis-
tiilerics amid : ftr26 fruit distilleries were oper-
tmtcd , aim incrercaso of lii in the former mind a
decrease of 1,149 in the latter. 'rho eomnnuls.
missioner renews his recommendation of last
year in megai'tl to time taxation of fractional
lmim'ts : of a gijllon of distilled spirits. Ho also
urges legislation authorizing the estabiish-
iuemmt of special bonded varehouss for the
: storage of brandy minute fm-omit apples or
Peui1eS or from any fruit whose
distillation many bo autlmorlzed. Time
grout faliimmg off in the assessment of overdue
taxes cmi distilled spirits Is duo to the fact
that whuiu at the beginning of the fiscal year
18s4i thieve ivero 111StllS gallons of spirits in
distillery ivarehmouscs1 time tax on which
would become duo during time year under tim
terimis of warehousing bonds , the.zo were emily
lO,7OI,4.'i galleimwo ! such spirits in distillery
vamreimuusea mit time beginning of the year 1887.
'rime quantity of shiirit prshmced umimil mb.
lositetl in distillery warehouses miuring the
last fiscal year , compared with issr , dis.
trihuted aummng the different kimids
kimown to time trade , was as fol
lows : Increase in production of ruin ,
57,71 gallons ; gin , t'O,418 ' gallons :
high is'iimes , I 1.1115 gallons ; pure neutral or
cologne simirits , 527(88 ( gniiomm'i total increase ,
1,280 74t1 : decrease in lrOdUctIOn of bourbon
whmisky , 9,84JI,7S. ; gahlomis : rye whisky , 528,1kb
gahlomis ; alcohol , 'JlO,84 gallomis ; total do.
crease , 3,7.13,527 gallons ; net decrease ,
r 2,5l2,78 gallons. Time qmiuntlty : of spirits
withdrawmm timid tax imiid from distillery svaro-
imouses during the imast fiscal year , corn-
Pmrod : with 1887 , was : Decrease in withi-
&imaivuls of bourbon whisky , : It17,704 gallons ;
r rye whisky , 4IO,9b9 gailons ; miscellaneous ,
f 261,7(4 gallons ; total deerea'o , 4,6411,707 gal-
iomms ; inreaso in withmdm-awel of alcohol ,
1155,1)17 ) gallons ; run : lOli97 gallons ; gin
i8,7'.4) gallons ; imlgtms1mmes , lXi4 ( ; jmuro neutral
t or cologne spirits , ( XJI3,2I ; totni increase ,
Lu lT34,1lO ; net decrease fimui 288th , 2,913,597
gallons. _ _ _
Time hitter With the Sweet.
\VAsi1uuToN , Nor. 9.-LPeial Telegram
to the hiss.1-Tbo democrats find just one
feature in all time results of time olcctiou yes.
a tonlay for congratulation. They see In Now
: - York what they are pleased to term an "en
0 dorsemnent. of time administration and thierc
U rejoicing at the white house to-day
U Suumtors Vortices , l'ugh , Call and othem
C democrats Lii the city called to congratulat
it time Irosldemit , but. it is said there were otimem
ml things tItan time election of a dommmacratk
5 tiekt iii Now York that. vom'e discussed ,
amimong thimi time electiou of a legislature iii
New Jersey which vEll elect a republican tc
succeed Smumater McI'hcrs.on , a warm sup
porter of the adnilnistratiomi , the heavy gainm
in Massachusetts , 'trginia , and Ohio , amic
ir Ume fact that the republicans by this eleetiom
1 immwo a nma3ority of the states iii congree
should time election of Pumideuit go there aexi
r ,
. r.r Atijuitimuit ( mmmcmi Drimni's [ toport.
WAIIJNOThN , Nov. 8.-AduLant Genera
Drum , in his annual report to the secretarj
mif var , states that limo steadily increasini
interest nmanifested by time militia of tie
states is evidenced by time high iorvcatc o
mittundammec at time annual cnc.uupmnonts an
r , geuiomliy excellent mmmilitsry spirit of Uui
o treou. With the lIberal iimcroaso of uuppro
iriations immado mit limo last session f con
r , 'i t 1mm earnestly hoped the state iumil
mtam'y mmuthmorihes ( will increase the ahlowancm
I. of meniumunition amimi foster amid develop liii
ftlcbemmty of ibm rumu1. mmii tUe In target. tiring
, - , . . . . . ' 4STRACT op THE VOTE. . '
, .
. =
- - - - -
I I t I
' . - . . , : . .
C.NflhiATI3. - . . . .
. .
- _
$ i , . ri s Te Thim 1s r. . . , iii rTii ; _ i , rmr'm Thim , -u -i i it' , , ? ; irT ] . ;
flmcu. & ) 'lay I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . I U 13. . 440 20 4fl1 ) ; ' 271 fl ) IOu 149 4 I 1O' lit II $ . Gi l2 lam O 41) ) 71i II 73 7 ' 71 t 42 14b' 13
htegents of tiniver'.Ity-Ib ii II ii I' , It , ii. ; io 'i msi 14 i i't ris 4(53 tb msms . , r.i . . .il it. , _ iu . , . , .it ) St b. iii' Ji (01 ( 78 ' 4 IlL. 'l Ill t I lit. em is 45 i
( I ILmiItnts , It 12 IT' tin bC ) lrio . . . . , Iii t.l 4' it. . 2"7 . .it ) SI V 8 .4 . . ( .Ot $4 7 bfl ' tn 7 $ ' 4 li ) $ t r.i rm la. _ i i r ii
.1 1.1. . SIiek.'r I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 13 $ 4) .J4 4b I7 I2 271 ; It'S1 140 4)1 ) hiT 107 11 * liti , i ) 61 1Il il 6 $ 411 i2 6 41 71 n l m M 42 4tmii
I'reil'k liamrl' . I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . II 241 i ; 4i1 tt 4,3 871 ii 2'Si 0UI 1sf 140 41 ; 1 iu ii : liv tm l 1t ) 27b 6 $ 45 : L2 75 Ii 7b 8 'l r.4 4' tzt ;
IJismmILttotmrt Judos-1 WmmkeIe3 N 1' .gt 'p ri . r i 441' ' Cl , MS 4 1iJ , . $ , . . " . 2m II . . ' , O IM t'e If. I W . .T 10" ' .i ) 8) ) C ( 'I St is. t' ' to mo " " , . 't. $
I. ( broil N I . _ l3 2) ) 1ii rr 14 I tmi isa tin 4 $ " 4 ri . _ m , 2. . l 78 11. rl S. I I , 88 i l I ii 211 lbPm 78 9 I 1 ' 4 si-i ttb 6 ft r , It. . .
M. It ilopevth1. N I' . . . . . . . : biS 41) ) ' Z)4 ) 751 )4 ttii rt * flt ) ff1 314 411 302 31 ia 410 ht 7 $ ii.i ! ItI 2It1 2 ( iV , 115 la4 limb 141 129 109 121 T , Cl IImt'2 '
( leorg , ' Y. lboamms , N I' . . . . . . 2I ) :11mm : i'm a45 li' $ P ) 3' . tt ( 4 412 2LII ni . 70 ! 4 317 O 24 liii it lime 14 mr 1(51 ( 75 13 a ) a g ; ime Ni so no : ns J43
I ) . ii. lislhu , . . . . . . . . . . . . mu t is 110 4I ; l.2 i7. 10) 214 12tI . . . . 'b lit 77 It'O lS III t.iI tim ) OS 2 $ : e ( "ii " P1 (17 ( 42 II ) 3tm lii 4 8I2.
I e I MteiIt it I 'I 115 L , I . .4 , , 41 . .l. .I1 . .l1 1 4 IS. . . 34) ) ItS' N ) PU I' ' , 191 fl. . 7 I 7 % t. , ill IM " . 70 1)7 ) ' 1 41 ID ' in 4 4ll
. ' , p. hlmmncoek. It..S IEI 48 215 119 20 13 $ 1)11 ) iNi 2I 121.'U . . ii It 147 11) ) 140 64) ) fi ( ; , 2 3S 3 74 imi HIm 1 4) ) m ; 1,1 , 4 : blsm :
SheritT-Wihlthmn Cohmurmi it . 0 Ia ill ) b'.U 1 t . .b4J Mi ) 4i. 'l . . $ , is se .4 ' 4 2'i $ . .l .sil si m'i i .u - bi I 4 10 , ' . 57 b1 07 40 4m f.CV 1111
( ieomg' Ii. ( ; mir , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 25 124 5t ) 281 42V : ni I 269 207 lOib 131 Ii l lIT 119 115 8 114 1O 1 2 ; ' Ci t2 2 ' ; 41 71 07 ' $ 27 : n 4 ( ) 46V.
County Judge-i ) . Ii. Mrrci'r It..i , ii o 3 131 t $ 129 ) 24i 270 Ir.II 1i 3 li' . 78 lN ! 11)2 190 71 , 71 nib so o. r u o ui io ri * 'r o i
"I nrgu ituIlldM I ) . .7 2m04 Irl 4. ) aui r 441 4. 1 4. ) 377 2.0 .iti 5 4 , il. . .lO . .il lit. 1) ) 3 b. lIT 7 I'm' ' r 15 74 4. . 24 3 2S IL' r.r 44 tii. 231
IIstnetCourt Clerk-F. l. Moore's , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , 1M7 101 51 BI tI 240 ri , b2lt)2 ) 4 . t lOt : i . ' 7 $ 211) ) 5 $ 144 'T ? 414 t 't ( ii 'P1 LII ill 71 l.a 27 58 It l ( bT 44J
(1. hiemmekt' , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Fil 51 : s'4 ' 310 i7 :119 : hal 144 44 11 liZ 131 116 Ti us IiI 12.S 2I ' 6 r.l P ti : t 3 na n3 c ro : mo 4'2
County Clerk-li. F. ltednmztmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : hijij iJ 21i Ill Hii 1St ) 40 ) L'47 ttP 2.2 245 64 2)4 ) Th 2.7 041 It 80 65 67 till 3 'I 77 l0' 69 1 311 tL 21 19 4bfl4
M. I ) . IOChi ( ( , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 1.2 4J 215 ri asi 2.'t m& :112 : un iri 34 15 $ 118 145 1 87 64 lat II ; 27(1 i : u ' :1 41 r. no l at 40 rise "ik3
Itegisterot ieeds-iua. 1'.Ntphhmnmn , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : t o : t.'u 141 37 105 4 : ci , ms n io s7 : ium ? , -J ( 107 IIS 1i Ti rm n 'u n III inc r as mm n
'F. A. ? .legeath , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 11i1 42I1 21t r4 , 37S ) 3 i lb" 2V , Th2 4m3 1O 154 160 li4 ; ig 5 lii 1r : , 21n mt ri .i i re 13 71 21 53 40 & 78 tt3
Coroner-i' . .1. llrirrctt , it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fli 13i1 80 t 140 31t liD 317 7t ) 2iM ) . ' 7 atie 47 21t m : t , 160 75 75 XII msii 51 r.o 7 lr , 4 ri m ss , . 11 4t1O
J. U. Drexel. I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2I s it ; i io 41 4'Ei 4J7 403 : moo Jill 101 49 1k 312 Itt 18. 97 70 1' lit 1O t4 41 8 Tr , 41 6i i i a ' 40 t.2t 1(11 ( !
Stmrve'or-O. II. Jlowcs , it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12i' i mm ; i7 I 841) ) 104 5419 413 440 S ti 2i imJ 5iJ Ifli' g 7 4 au iii s o ' ; im i Ito 21 It ) shin io&
N. t. l'utlimn'r I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 130 4. ) It 4.2 : I'm ) 242 2i 80 , html 182 4 lit. lot 19 1I1 i oi i i n 3mb ii 7i :35 : ' ; 3 73 ti' ; 21 Si 41 ttIl
Treastmrr-hlenry bum.p . 401 tt 752 317 ki rm COl 610 401 3t 00 : m.ioi 401 aM ; sa Ha immi 1bl 2n' ; i : : 10i3 ti ir.o hr. 342 121 1o'J 124 ! 'J 1t24
Supt. of Schooi--J. Ii. hirunm'r , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 i'i 8.I ) I IC 3l0 JWi r2'm ' 414 310 2.13 270 1 : tci ri in 'o ' 7t : r o as m : i oo t r , ii r 21 hl2 53
C. ( honovem' , 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 140 411) ) 211 41'O 370 i 7i 2I ) I 111) ) 4 it. lii 130 i2. SI flu ) 131 131 2'i 03 3'3 10 1 IV ? ' 0 'Ti t' $ 41 43 : r rtim
Corn is Third District-Win I amer it 118 1 - 'i HIll iai F.07 _ b ( il. . tI illb . . . SI si . , . I 16 87 14 iii l4 115 ( VT i ti ¶ 'l ' 'r. . iii' ir ci _ i ii , . ;
( leo. 'l'iuumnme ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.t 1 4l 2il 2thl 3l 44 27mb 447 it4 IM 4 17 197 121 120 713 t,7 1311 1 202 17 it' ' t , 98 r 'o ' 16 LC 60 54 81) ) 494
Coin ruu 1 oumith DistrIct-1amrs ahilm It , . I. . . . 14 t. UI l ) t. . .i I 4) ) $ iT ii4 . _ t . , M Si b..i 71 . . . ,4 .i4) 1)'i ' 84 4 4J 41 Cl 5 $ ' ' _ iii 0mb Wi Si 9. . u 1mm 81 4" . I
I 1 Corripuli I ) . . . .4 ' _ 330 4.41 . , . . 4D t , . , . ' . 'i , 81 1 1911 1 , l 4 , I t iI I im ro ; ri iso ls 2 'I ' i ; i 40 II ) l 41 , o i ui .i ait ,
Com'rs Fifth District-John Mend ! . . . . . . . . . . 132 78 3U 140 243 ii 4I : r7 : wi 20't mro 411 221 ie .i e.i ir.m s .mi r , 83 ' 3 51 'l .l b fS rh : : bo ) n t
Ta. M.Aimdcrson't ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i 2Ch 154 411 2l. f10 ifl 807 310 833 142 ir' 52 him 10 ] 67 139 78 58 ItO lii 2B 01 59 14 77 74 CO l OS 21 tO 3t SilO 6410
lie rocoimiumicuds tim establishment uring
each oncanipumont. of an officers' school for
instruction iii batalhion drill and ndmmministra-
tionof the post. He also suggests the advantage -
vantage of Imolding weekly mmteetings during
time v1imthr mouths of a noim-comnumissiommed
olbicers' school ( the captain as immstructor ) ,
for instruction. Young officers of time aramy
could be spored iluring the winter to report.
to the nduthnt general of the states on imp-
phicatlomi of governors to aid In instruction.
Postal Changes.
VAsTToTo ! , , Nov. 7.-tSleclal Telegram
to the IiicJ-Thio hmostofilces at. Davis , Clay
county , Cray , \Vnymmo county , and Madison ,
Lincoln county , Nob. , were discontinued to-
day. ¶ I'hmo following Nebraska lsistmasters
wore appointol to-dmmy : Jesse J. Campbell ,
Brute , ICeitlm county , vice Drury W. Ulamnan ,
rcsigmmed ; l3enmiett Seymour , North Loup ,
'all0y county , vice Roman II. l'ahuer , ye-
sighed. Thu name of the PostofticO at Troc-
nov. Buffalo county , was changed to Nan-
TIme name of time postoffico at Ox Bow
Nuckolls county , Nebraska , Immus 1)00mm ehmamigiMi
to Angus and I'hilip A. Brimlce appointed
Time 0111cc 0 ! mail supply for Gerimmg , Neb. ,
has heemm changed to ICitmmhnll.
Time scheluies on star mail routes liavo
been changed as follows :
Nebraska-Eagle to Avomidalo : Leave
Eagle 'rueadiiys and Saturdays at. 33O p. mn
arrive itt Avoummiate by 5 :80 : p. in. Leave
Avondabe TuesdaysaimdSaturdays at 1 p. in. ;
arrive mit Eagle by 8 p. in.
Iowa-Living Sliring to SilverCity : Leave
Living Sprimmg Tuesdays , Thursdays and
Saturdays at. 1 p. in. urrive at Silver City
by 2:50 : p. in. Leave Silver City Tuesdays ,
Thursdays amid Saturdays mit 3:50 : p. nu. ; ur-
rive at Living Spring by :4O : p. ma.
Pi'om Noveumber 1,1887 , Ilieknrdto Abbott :
Leave Rickard Tuesdays amid Saturdays at
12 in. ; murrivo at Abbott by 2 p. m. Leave
Abbott Tuesdays and Saturdays at 10 a. in. ;
arrive at lUckuril by 11 :43 : a. in.
Nebraska mmmi Iowa l'eumsion .
WAShINGTON , Nor. 9.-Spccial [ Telegram
to time BEm.1-Time followimig icimsions were
issued for Nebmmmska to-day : Minor of Isaac
v. Ely , hubbell , Original : Watson C.
Lommg , Iccarimey ; John Co'mnan ( navy ) ,
Omaha. Inereaui Ira S. Lozier , Omaha.
Rcissuo Demorest J. Smith , Qmaha.
r'eusloxis for Iowans : harriet E. , widow
of Augustus TulhisVcst Liberty. Original :
herman Jmmos , Mnrongo ; Henry Scott ,
tratto.uI ; Harris ii. Beighler , Polk ; Elijah
\v. House , Sammdusky. Immcm'etse : : Milan
Browmison , Columbus City ; Newell J. Sum.
her , l'lynmouth ; 'jlhiaiui 11. Seeley , Du-
bumjuo ; George W. Croadbont , Corydon ;
Jacob Lamitz , Muscatimme.
Our jLiieiide0 Treaty 'it1i hawaii.
\VAsImunTos , Nov. 9.-President Cievelamid
to-day Issued a Proclanmation publishing time
munended reciprocity treaty between the
Uimitod States and hawaii agreed ulmoim by
the llcnlPothntimrics : of the two governments
DeccmnberO , 1834 , and since ratified by both
nmmtions. ' 2lie amended convention provides
its definite duration to ho seven years front
time date of time cxchaimgo of ratifications and
further umitil twelve macaLlis after citimer
party shall have givemu notice of a visli to
terminate it. It gramts to time United States
the exclusive right for vessels to enter the
harbor of Pearl river in time island of Oahu
amid establish timid nmuiutalu there coaling
Time Last Crow Captured.
\\'AsmiNGroN , Nov. 9.-General. Terry has
informed time war department of the receipt
of the following from Crow agency : "The
Crow reported ycsterdmmy still to be arrested
is In custody , also Chief Crastlo Head ,
whoum I find is imnphirated in time trouble. Had
a tahlc with assommibled Crows to-day , Coed
feeling prevails anmommg them. I will retain
troops lmem'o until time Indians dIsperse and
then gradually return theum to their rescc-
Live Imosts. _ _ _
Amimiy News.
\VASmIxcToN , Nov. 9.-Spcclal [ Telegram
to tim Bna.-Tiio ] leave of absence grnmmtcd
to First Lieutenant Edgat Ilaber , Elgbtlm
infantry , has been extended two mouths.
Fifty recruits have been assigned to the
First cavalry at Fort Shelling , Miun.
Lieutenant Colonel Henry Hedge , deputy
quartermaster general , has boon ordered
front New York to relieve Colonel Rufus
Sumxloim , assIstant quartermnastergommeral mit
. ' Louisville , Colonel Saxton tocloso accounts
and then Procecti to'Ferrnantown , Pemmlm. , to
nwnit reti remout. Sccommd Licutetmant
Frederick T. Vanliew , Second lnfaatry , has
been granted six months leave , Colonel
Alexander M. D. McCook Sixth bmfmumtry ,
thirty duys heave , Captain umuuer II. TAn-
coin , Tenth infantry , to recruitmg duty t
Crlunibus Barracks , 0.
PeronftI ( iossip.
W.&sn1NcTo , Nov. tb.-Spcclal [ Telegram
to the 13um.-SeantorWilson ] , of Iowa , has
engaged rooms for the winter at621 U street.
lIon. C. II. Catch , of Des Moines , In. , who
huts been hi time city over a week , havIng busi'
hess before time supreme courtleftthis nmorn-
ing for the tvest. While hero he was time
guest. of his sister-ia-bmw , Mrs. Coloimol Stewart -
art , of Capitol lulL
Ijatid 0111cc Registers Appointed.
\VAsuuiNoro' , Nor. 11.-The president to-day
; appointed William M. flhmmndlng , of Wiscoim-
sin. register of the laud otlico at St. Croix
i"alls , Wis. , sad John H. Marklo of No-
lmraska , register of the laud office at Z' iobrars ,
dob. _ _ _ S _ _ _
l4OVtl Mayor's Iay.
LoiioN , Nov. 11.-The Lord Mayor's procession -
cession to-day was of time tuimnest description.
Timoro was a lmeavy ralimfall anti thu threaten.
Ing & 'ummommstraticmn of rougims did not. take
lhmmco. )
A Murderer eiitCuiCe(1.
/m.TI.ANTA , Ca. , Nov. 9.-A colored boy
named Charles Ilemiry Looksley , cleveui yeura
of ago , wmms senteimeed sterday to hUe lam.
vrlsommmemit for time murder of Milo Timoitmas ,
a well kmmowum young mmmcmi of Augusta , two
months ago.
MethodIst Misslonimry Cornimiittco.
r NW Youtx , Nov. 11-The gitttritl mission'
f utry comnmltteo of time MethodiSt church
) Op000d its sesslomm hero to.mlay. DisemmasiOn
r of time annual umpproprimmtion vas time busimmesm
of the nwrmiimmg sesiomm ,
A " , Vnrraiml For 1'me , M. P.
: Nor. 9.-A warrant has been is
m SUOd ( or tlmearrotof Pymmo'mnc'mnbor of par ,
S hiauwnt1wlmt smrnmoned ( or Inciting ro
; sLsLauco at nit eviction.
' ' '
Non-Partisan Judge Soouro About
Three Thousand Majority.
Cobursi 1toorcs , hirimner auth Turner
Pull Through , Hut the Iimmlnnce of
the Ticket hiuricd-lioneimt
George Itet lied.
County Election ILpaults.
Tuesday's election in Dougiits couuty re-
stilted in a surprise to time oldest lnlmabltimmmts
as far as commcem'mlcd the couimty ticket , tmd
fully demonstrated that. P0litiCs are mighty
uncertain. Before the votes were cast anti
counted the relubhlcnhms were confident that.
theyhmad captured everything , imuid time dome-
erats , somnuwhmnt abshmed amid reduced to
timidIty by tIme ummrestrafnod confidence of
their foes , coupled together by time fact that
tIme county generally goes republican , were
to a certaIn degree alumost temimpted to concede -
cede that. tim enemy had taken them in. Hut
whien the votes wore committed Limo tide was
changed , mind it was commeedcd on all sides
that time republican , jtldiciat imomlumations had
worked time defeat that was encountered.
O'Day's majority for supreme judge of 183
over Maxwell in time , 5ommnty is sonmewlmat sur-
irisimmg , amid is dimeult to explalmm. The emily
excuse for It is that time democrats voted , azid
time republicans renmained mit home.
Time splcumdid nmithrlties : given time nonpartisan -
isan judicial ticket i Ito more than was to be
expected under t.hcqircumnstammces. ' [ 'lie ticket.
was umado UI ) of amen Q uaimmichmable char-
aeter , moral purity , and undisputed legal
ability. Time records of their oppoimemmts hi
time main twere of a different kiuid , amid voters
could miot be lmoodwinked , immto supporting
them. Through tiiO purity of the bahiot it
was determimmed to lceep time judiciary imure ,
and timis vmis nobly done. . The Br.'s figures
which may be shigimtt altered by time onicimd
count , shows that Wakeloy's mnnority 1mm th'o
county over Estelie , who received time highest.
umumber of votes given to any of
those on the republican judiciary
tIcket , Is 3,2.4 GroWs 2rJ2 , and
Deane's 2,678 , judge I1opevoll ti'imo was on
both the non-Pmirtismmmm amiti i'epmmblicaum tickets
received 10,092 votes. Fronm returns received
dy time lbr.r. from time otimer coummtis of time
district the Indicntiomms are that. the nonpartisan -
partisan will have a majority of at least
Frank Moores came out of time cr.msh witim
a majority of 450 over his opponemmt , iionelco.
1"rmnk's : PolUiarit.y served him most faithfully -
fully In the struggle.
Sheriff Coburim is elected , and thio figmmrcs ,
as Lucy now stmmnd , show a mmajor'mty for hmixmm
of 914 over ( lily. Time official vote may
chamigo tlmls somewhat , but. the shirimikage , if
there be : mny , will not unseat him from m'on-
timmued enjosmuent of the office lie now holds.
1)ave Mercer , mmext to time judicial ticket ,
waq thin worst smmosvetl timider mmmii of time duty.
Shields has a majority of 2,939 over lmimmm.
Ammdersomm amid Corrigaim , democrats , beat
'iVimlshm and Merroll for cornmnlssioners , by
majorities of respectively IWO amid 303. TIme
honest voters retired "Honest George"
Timnmo to Imis farmuto the tune of a majority
of 339 for Turner.
It was nip and tuck betwecon Bruner and
Coaoycr for county SUICi'immtefldeumt of schools
amid time figures obtuinablo show
timat Brimnor got timero by 58 majority. It is
bchievcd , however , that t'he official count will
increase time latter's vote.
IIowos , republican , for county surveyor ,
canmo out of the commtest with 11)4 ) mouSe votes
than were accorded Palmer , democrat.
Johmm Drexel will eommtinue us coroner , time
figures simoiving that lie 10(1 Barrett in time
Procession by a majority of 1,034.
Cham'ley Needham surrenders thu fat. and
acceptable berth of register of deeds to his
aimtmmgommistdegcathi , time latter having to.
ceived a immajority of 709.
1) . A. Roche , demmmocrat. , beat 11. F. Red-
maim. republican , for eoummty clerk by 200 ma-
The whole story of time result in time county
is given in time mteconmpauying table , although
Oh account of the manlier lit whlcim time votes
were couumted timem'c mite liable to him some
cimanges in mnorities , though not. In time candidates -
didates elected.
It ; Vmts Old Fossils Day ,
Time 110mm. Joimim M. Thurstomm , iii his speech
before the Young Men's reimubhicami dub
nmecting last Saturday night , put particular
cumimbasis on time remnrmrk : "Dare Mcrcor Is
going In nail the old fossils cuma't. hoop imitmm
out. " No doubt Mr. ' .i'Imurston bclwve'm by
this time timiut time ancients broke loose Oii
They h1roIu time Law.
Seven saloonkoepi'rs asre arrested ycster-
day for selllmmg ] biuor on election day. Their
umanmes are Andrew Anderson , Fr.tmmk Ilartus ,
John Liaauvk Adoip liimeinhmardt , Charles
hCm'ug , Frummmk ould mumml S. Sinus. 'rimey vcre
each put ummdmmr 2O0 boumils to appear for trial
Novemmmber 14. , m
- .
Commdition otthe Crowum l'minco ,
} Ixiu.mmc , Nov. i.-Thmo Bulletin telegrajihmed
from San Bomb to time Ofhicimmi Gazette ,
setting forth the -otmdltion of the crowmm
prince , has uivakemed general sorrow amid
sympathy. it is femtru1 the anxiety c4used
hy the crowum prbics.Jllness will retard the
irogrcss of the cymptrOr. The cuuhiress Is
greatly distressed over time condition of her
husband and soim ,
SN RICMO , Nov. 11.-All the doctors agree
that. the aymmmptoms of the cruwmi lirImmco muo
of the imiost. sermous chmar.a. tar , Eumlierur
\VIlhiamu has sent a letter by l'rhmeo Willimium
expressimmg an earumest tiesire timat. if mmmi opera-
tiomm is imecessary It. be lem'ormucl iii hierlimi
if Posbiblo. Iii time immeazitimime time crown
iriimce coiitiimuea to take long walks amid
drives without muppearmug to suiTor.
Vhr.A , Nov. tb.-l'rof. Stork , the doctor
who muuskes mm specialty of thro4t miiseaso , iii a
lecture to-duty created a aunsatiomi by declar-
lug tue Comma crosu'li lirince mis suffering
from camicer.
Suiliviuii Siiurs lii Loumtton.
Losmioc , Nov. t-Johmn ) I. . . Sullivan made
: his first public appenrance at St. James bait
to.nighmt. 'l'iuere wa-i aim Oumorumotis crowd
liresent. Sullivan was immtrodpcrd by Jew
Smith. . timid exlmre5ril tiiumnks for time recelmtiOn
lit : imad nmet with nummi iiohitd Simmitim would beat
Tilrmuin. Suhhivtui imoxed witim two or three
ie.ahing ptighhists , pad itliimougim mmlhgiitiy nut of
eondltlom ; , h [ smmutmtfles : greatly imleascit tII
Arrest of time Casimier of' the St. Louis
Fifth National flank.
Sr. Louis , Nov. 9.-Cushier Crocehlums , of
time Fifth Natiommal bammk , vmis mmrreted to-day
on warrauts swormm out ly hank Examiner
Forman , who stated that. ho believed the
cashier fclommiousiy made false emitrics in the
books and statemnemits of time bammk. Hail vmms
placed at * i20,000. 'l'ho bank examuimmor cx-
Imlaineci how fm'atmtls hind been conmrnltted by
lmmcrcaiing tue statcmnCmmt of time cash on hmmmumml
In the daily statements by ml00,000 amid decreasing -
creasing time loans mmmmd discounts by
time sanme aumount. The bmmk examiminer
stmutcd that time imioumey thus obtimimmed
it-is loaned to several busimiess
c4mmcerums , In which Crecehius was hmtei'estetl
lCi'SOumallY. Sonmo of time directors say thme3'
mmever 1amev aumythiimmg about thmo nff.mir , imavimig
iiCCeitctl time caimiei's swomu Statemneimt. At
hmo exanmimitition tIme cxammminur hind umotl-
tied time controller of time cmmm'rcmmcy that. time
bank was overioummimig amid mmotice was at. oneo
returmmed ormleriumg the decrease of time loan.
'J'hme directors kmmow little or notiming about
tIme mmtTaira of time bimmmk. Presidemmt Overs-
toltz mind Cashier Crecelius nmitmmaged time
taken seriously ill recently. lie is itt ireseut
at death's door itnul will mmot be miotified of the
conditinim of affairs ummtil Ime recovem's suf-
ficiemmtly to be umble to stammd time mmimoelc. It. iii
not kmmoivn 'wimmt : further action time bank
exumimiumei ; vill tithe.
it. appears that Cmcilius was interested iii
five commcerus which time bamik was carryimmg
iii sums ranging frommm 50,0O0 to * 150,000 eaclm
without mmecum'itics.
Mm's. Mark Hopkins Quietly Married
to Architect SeamicS.
Nr.v Yommg , Nov. 9.-Specimml [ Telcgrammm to
the Imnu.-Mrs. Mark Iiopklmms , widow of
tue well kimowim Cailforumla mihhiummaire , was
mnarrie(1 yesterday at an curly Imour at Tmiimity
clmmmpel , to E. F. Seurles , of Boston. Immno-
diately after the corommiony imad been imer-
fommned time imappy couple tool : the 10:30 : a in ,
train for Boston. Time mmmarriimge was a social
suririso. Only a few Imitimmimite friends immd :
been tolul of the engagememmt , amid they were
lledgCi to secrecy about it. TIme wedding
was a quiet cue , and was witnessed by only a
few friends and relatioums. Mis. Hopkins is
soummotbing over sixty years of ago and is well
kmiowmm in castez'ii and ( imulifornia society. For
maimy yemum's she hits cmmjoyed the roputatiotm
of being omie of the wealtimiest anmong time
wealthy women of the world , Mr. Soarles is
a hmm'nmiuent I3oston arclmitect and a man of
mature years , tlmougim several yeirs : younger
tuna lila wife. He designed Mrs. hopkins'
mnmmgimiticommt house at Great Barrimmgtomm and
tiius began an acquaintance tvltlm Mrs. Hop-
kimis. which ripened into somnetiming warmer
thami friemmdship.
A Valise With a Skeleton in It.
Sr. 3osii'im : , Mo , , Nov. 9.-Spcciat [ Pete-
grimm to time HEm'-A valise attached to a
stick tiirce feet. in length was discovered by
Charles Lnhmr , a fireman on a sand boat , float-
lag around in the umiddlo of the river at thmo
foot of Francis street this afternoon. The
valise was picked up and a Imunman skeleton
was found 1mm tIme Imisido. Very little fiesim
ivils found on time 1)0005 , time vumliso having
evIdently been iii time water for soumetimime.
O'hlriemi Iookiigl3nd.
Dunm. : , Nov. 0-Justico of time Peace
Egan has paid a visit toO'hiricn in time iison ,
hospital at Tuhiamoro ammd states that ho
foummd him exceedingly ill. O'Brien told him
ito had not humid a chmamge of lineim since hue entered -
tered the Prisomi. TIme governor of time jail ,
who was imm'eseumt , replied that ho could have
uchmange if hue wished , meammimm he could have
lmr'son clothes.
limmacall's Latest Display of Spleen
Against time Ilinyor.
Last imighit Councilman Ihumscall wmmmmdered
iumto the council clmaaibcr , looked about. with
an air of ovldt'imt disappoimmtimiont. at the many
empty commncilimmammic cimairs , and it is to be
inferred from lila actiomms Inwardly remarked
that it was a had night for nmiy hlascall
tricks. Pullhjg froimi his capacious lmmshlo
joekct a large sheet of foolscap paper , be
imantled it to time reporters with time remark
that ho ummlghmt introduce its commtents ( luring
tIme ovommimmg's session. here is the imimport of
the document :
To Ills Excellency. Grover Cleveland , Pres.
idemmt of the United States :
WimoroasV. . J Ifroathh , of Onmaha , Nob. ,
is mm umemnber of the botmd : of comminiisslonors
for Limo immmlroveumemit of thu MIssouri river ,
mumd is retaivlng a salary as stick from time
govcruuiieiit. of the Unitcil States ; amid ,
Whereas , Said I3roumtch is also mayor of
time city of Omaha and is receiving a salary
us suicim from tIme city of Omaha ; and
Whereas , Said hircmatchi is incompetent to
fill either of said isitinns on account of his
fammaticismu amid fully , and devotes but little of
lila timmmo totlmedutiesof either position ; therefore -
fore Resolved , Ilytlme city council of time city of
Omumuhut timmit the imresident bound lie Is hem'eby
requested to remove said Broateh from said
board of coniumisslonersammd touppointacomn-
petemmt person to time bilaco who will be of
sonic service to tIm inmbhic ; also
Resolved , 'runt time city clerk trammimmlt to
his oxcehicimoy , Grover Clevclammd , a certified
copy of thIs ummemmumrinl amid resolutiomi.
'rhi awful bomb was not exploded , and at
time alose of tiiamectimmg a Ilium reporter asked
lluscall whyime did not carry out his inteim-
"J'hero wmtsmm't a full coummeil , " lie said ,
"lmut It will keep mmd I wilt introduce it auro
mit time next meeting. "
Pay on Domnmmntl.
At the council mmmeeting last night. Council-
amun Ilurimimmumim suimmmltted an ordinance amend-
lug the vresommt city excise ordinance. Thmo
irimmcloal ehmaiigo irooo1 is that ap3mhicants
mmmust l'aY time required l 000 upon tlmu grant-
lug of a hicemise. Time ordimmanco was given a
tlrat and second reading by title , and at the
nCxt mnetiimg will be read in full when It
vihl eonmo tm. . for consIderation. 'limis ordin-
aruce amneumds time one , masking time city
iawooumply iVitim the state law.
An Eummhmment Author in
Cimarlc Iudley Warnmr , time distingulahod
writer anti edit.r of hlarpor's Monthly ,
is in time cttyviaitlng friends. Mr. Varnai is
lJ4st known a a humort'mt and cmompmunioo
author with Mark Twain of the "Gilded
Age. " Yesterday b visiwd the Omastia high
st'hiool and cxpressci hmInmclf mis vehI pleased
with time worlcimigs of timmut. institutloim , lie
arrived in time city yesterdimy and expects to
remain lmero a day or two.
Viioiesalc Mllhiiiet"s Pail.
CINCINNATi , Nov. 9.-Osbormm , Ilutelmimma &
Hunt wliolesimio mniliiimery. mmssignod to-day.
Liabilities ; s5ooo. Assets . -ooOo.
Fimrmmi Notes.
Many swine-breeders regam'd a solid
eat'th floor its tIme best for it pig 1)611.
It mmmimst ime higlm ommougli to be reathily
drained , so as to be dry at all tinmos. It
is also custoimmmtry with sommme brecdei to
i'emmmovo from six to eight immelies of these
earth fleet's every spring , dm'awimmg the
mnanuro-soakoil earth on to time fields amid
renewing tIme floors with fresh earth.
A paiumted femico around the yard will
last lommgor tlmnmm amm Uimlaitmted cue timid
bolts better at the sutmime time.
Feeding stock only wlmmit it vill eat
readily ammul digest thorouglmly will vu-
stilt in an imnlortammt savimmg 1mm forage
during time whiter.
It bins beomm donmonstm'ated tlmimt umtmt-
loarimg trees Cmiii be mmmmmdo to pay mnom'o
tiutmi the interest om : time value of Limo
lumal occupied during growth , as tvohl as
to return a larger pm'olit itt time end of
twenty-live yomum's 1mm tilnier thmmum could
have been made emi such lamni 1mm regular
(1101)5.Vhmom'o a farmer humma Immure lammd
thiami lie taco cultivate he would timid it.
to his advantmigc to pimmmmt mm grove of val-
nuts , eimestmitits or somimo other valuable
VOOtJ. om mmut-bemriimg : trees.
Poultry mimamiure is mum excellemmt fertilizer -
izer for slrawboi'i'y imiumit. Time mropem
mode of applving t is t mupremmd it
thiekl'- over ttuo Pimimits ill Limo row after
the heaves have dried , 1mm tIme sprimig
time mmew leaves will pummit above the ma-
utiI.o , and the i'miiis : will carry Limo solut-
blo purtiomms down to time root. 0mm light ,
sandy soils time umammuro should mmot be
mihllied before time middle of January ,
iUt Cli heavy soils it imitmy be spread late
iii time fall.
Comimparo the fifty quarts of nmhlk
per dmmy yielded by sonic of time Ilolstoimm
cows with time ten quaiLs from the ordi-
mimiry dairy cows , amid it will require but
IL few momnentim' caletmlmution to show the
loss sustuimme(1 by Limo use of scrub bulls.
\Vhmomm it is commuihlered that a 1)ulf'o-lt-od
'iUll Ci'tfl in a fcvyears change limo chum-
actoristies of a large herd , if time dairyman -
man will raise Imis cows instead of sell-
iii g off timoso that become dry fur time pur-
1)050 Of procuring fresh ommes , the surprise -
priso is that ilmuirynmeim still comitinue to
pm'aetice the old extravmmgnut method.
Our Magic Remedy
All syphimitic DIeae , , of rt'cent or long thnntngln
fnI.i t'um to mmttcen clayN. ' .Ve wili give wnmumi gisr-
antecs to curt , amiy ( ' 1(35 or rnfitiid your uuloner. Anih
WI , woimid to tiioso Wimi ) misyc minpmoy'm tim miuo.
Skilled Piiy.iciuii. . muM'd every krujwu uriS
Iraym , not been curt'i , that you lire the suimijects 'to umri
looking ( or. You that huuvt , beer , to tim eftm.'bruteIi
iiI $ prbniz' of Arkmimu.a , tuuiil hvo 1o1 ruhi miope of
recovery , we
Will Ours You
or niako no riumirgo. Our rcnm'dy I' . nnlrrmown to any
one iii the world outsIde of our Coinpamy , , smi it i ,
mmiii only rurndy iii thin worii tiiiui will euro yoU. We
will cur , , tire niobi ObIlruato ciio In hess ihauu one
lirolitit. Sey'n rIus : iii recent camun , ' , the work. it
1i4 the old , churnmi ( ' . (1c'em-sesto.i caae , , tiuiui we iolmca.
Yt. have cureil ijumui1ruis who had hoer , abutmidoured
by I'bytctitmis and Pronounced iumcrmrabiu , sail
We Challenge the World
to Iir1n ti a case that we will nOt emure in lean than
one muioiutlu.
m'liie , the httory of mcidtclmuo. a Trim Siecilic ( Or
suallmuc Icrulitioni ; . Uleer& m.rn IliolItli , SC. , liaC
bceiu , iuugbl mr but ueer , founii uiutii
Our Magic Remedy
was diieoverm'd , and wr alp JnatiflS in "eying it Ia the
Only runa.'dy In ibis wirit 11,51 will p.ismtmveiy . cure ,
berauao Lb. , lfttebt medical wurka , inbiialied by thin
hell knowi , nutmmorlllt' , . sal there wit , , iever a trim. ,
apecillo bIOro. Our iteniedy ii. tim oiily iiiecIicIn , In
tue world that will cure when everythutrig i'le hiimi
( sIloS. ii ha. been so coiitviiod by im large miuniier iC
CeIelrimtmd , I'hiyalctana. IT HAS 5ICVit var
'to cuuir. Why wa.te your timt' anti muni y wIth
pUt4liit nieuIcluea , ( bat never hail Yirtiin. , ir uiotor
with jiliyIcI'uia tiiitt cannot cure you. tou tiimii liavo
trOd everything cii. . , ihould coin. to us umw Rnii gut
iwrniarment rehiell yOU uievor ( am , got Ii oiiewiuoru.
Stark what we any : hi the end you wut tk. our
Itiuedy recover. AilS you timiut b&vu berum
atllic-turi but a ihorl ( mimi .ihouid by Nil iflCNfl ennui , to
up uiow. Mimily get lieu. miiid tIaiiik they , . , ye frt'O from
timodiiiuaae. but in omw. two or three yesra miller , IL
aloIra , , agitmn in ii more imorrihilo forum.
lmvostlgute our tlrmauclsi atandirmg iuirOimh ; thm , flier.
eammille ageuiciel iuid nOW tiimt , we are fuiij fl'Nl'Onsi.
hum and our written guarmuiteus are good. We have a
Iimeirmy 1mreparrd on pimruhy ScienIltlc i'rlnciplt'm , smi.i
we wiali to reun'St IIKt , It rocysmi rAils re ctisa. All
letter. Nacrudly conIIdmitiai.
TILE COOK REMEIY ( 'A ) . , Oumahia , Nob.
Itooma 11 &nd l , Ileilnuan hiiock.
Borli' ' Ro B1oo Roffiey.
8uk sd LewarO Sts. t'.O , lies i.
- - - - - - - - -
_ -
Tue Methods ConfIdence Mon Use
toEnsnnro Limo Unwni'y. t
_ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _
how time Ummsum.mpeetumg 1'ariner Is Ta.
ken In-flmotl $ oihtL Haumkujra Often
Caught-The Experience of Jno
Swauburg , of Omaha.
liar after day limo tlamilv pacers cimronlcic thmtm
fmtct ( lint 51)11mm' Il llI MIwctIlig futrummer lms imgal it
lolt swlmmmileti by ( lie siimoothm ammO mleek commit-
( iritie hmumtmm , 8overiml minys a m ) Wi ) )1tbhishn0 aim
account of a mimhimiatcral loohmmg c amp with re.
C. , imimmmeimdal iili'l , Pr'suuiimahlY forgeml frommi tlm
ister o I imo l'r..imyt . erinlm church ti 1.1 . muilsoum ,
t.1 , . I I cvmti. . I mtlm'mm i Ii by I Pm. ' mliIlmlilt yr t o s' Imoumi
thio lctti'r of mt rrshimt't hmmm wits imihtlressoil amid
i-'Iit so fmr m , a to oeui l'Y hmt pmillmlt for hi hI
\I huh iii a mmmmmitmuttl ccli smIm-hmmomu iiiiri
iumhirtsei every umie lvii im hula learmmtmmg mmliii
kmiowlt'dge ot history , 1mm mm few in
mmmmmmiflgcm I ii sn'imui ilt I ime l'ri mmcipimh laumk thft7 I lit
city omit of flrsi , Iisimmgn firg.i , miraft for 0tkil
I 0 imccolmmplimshm hula ChuM. I buy mmt mr duty thu miumimme
story is iepeatt'mL nimmi it 'm'emmis , hint \'eoiiio a ill
lto'tr ml. Jo mum tmvmmmmiiiim-g , of hi \ hvur City ,
10mm-mm , a yomimig himimli emmiphmyetl o mmsalst en the
fuirmmm by : .Ir. j. ii. MeNi.y. . of thmimt ii1mmC' . Cummmmo to
Ommmnhmmm llOhiI ( ) tllime migim t'xpect immit Li , le riiiIii- '
mibuth , but hmmal a very mtgrm'emmlmle ml isappimimit mitral , '
lie say : "For mm lotm lilac I imim\-e bermi siihTorilmg
vIthm catrtrrhm. ill . im'itml sruis remit limmumihly ucim lug
1 miiltl imao al mmmomt uunhoumruihh , ' laums imi in y 't'
hirami : immy thu oat Will ; 5tIit , I etummil scarcely
mmn-mmihimiy. I vommkl hawk amid PIt ' himtd ii cmiii'
umtamit tiokhimmg hum tIme hack of mmii' 'ihimout. I fo't
1-0 mnhserumllo m immit tommlml go aiommt imiy
dmmtios 0mm t ho ( uflim . I naid I lie aiivem I Ift'mmmmml
of Jra. ) Mci 'oy mmmmd hlemmrr , mmliii ( ommclmmmloul to
immako a call on tlmmmlmm. I nit im it Ii very little
I can asslirt , fl fur I huimmi titktfl miii cukmmhmiomu'm
anmoummt ofamtoimt mmietitciumeim. 1(1(1 Vuts aiouit
uhicomiragei \amtoimt \ I wum i'r'ry mmgreeaimlv mllsnp-
polmmtcml , for I imaib hot hitut uni , 'r I heir trt'mmt.
mmemtt hmu I ii m ut'k or tmt , II iii ii I iy.iim frohhuug
very better , mtnii tu0imy I mmiii fe'hlmm' both-
tItan J hai'o for a lm.img tinmo. "
. ,
) mlt. 30115 SwANhitimimi ,
reslde8 with Mr. .1. I. . McNmmy. mit Silver City ,
! owm , , amid will com rohirmmts time above te umnyomme
whmo vi1i maltlress or call on hmimmm ,
Time fnhlowlmmg stntenmcumt rcgariltmmg flrs. Mc '
Co1 amid I I emiry is mmialo ( umprimi good mnmt hmmmrit :
' 'S 114'S fFliC i-nm ( imeiit ii istiuit mu him i'm been fa I im
ii'i.t , IFICJI liiit' ft crfo ii mmml rll-e4i imm'er s.r Imoims. ?
anti C4ISCS uif ratmlrl 14 0 mmii rmnim , Sc th man ? a tub timmj , -
trmzlmkq. aiuml ( if rns' . 4t ) j' c4)mt hail lmeemm .
riechmcd , umuf pmiiiiiutmced ilucmumifile. , ' ' . .
'l'hmo Mynrptouns Atmomding ( lint Disease
Which tinruim. , to Couisuimmiption.
\S'iieui catarrlm lium. eisttl lit tlmo Imeini amid the
Part of tlmm , tim mi , mt for mtmmv lemigthm of I I ins
iul9wr , iithemmt living him a ml it rict a mere
nmo , to m-zttmmrrhmmti utilmietion- time is-
ease hits 1ecim left uurtlrct , , them catmirrim hmmvmmrl-
atily , soIctiincs ! slowly , 'xii'umls , mlowmi thu ivimirl-
jbhpt , nail imito time lrommclm 1st t tile's , iiihclm t mbea '
cIimiV3' the air iiitm LImo di il rmommt lmtmLs ) of tlmtm
lummigs. 'lime tmlni imeccitmim utIltctuml fuommm time
swehhimmg mmliii thu mmimucotms mmrishrmg ( roam tatmirrim ,
mumil , 1mm i'iiiil I nat mummees , liectmmno 1ihmmggoil up , Mim
that tilt ! air cmmumiot get hum mis lice y mis It , imiiiiiI. ,
Simortimt'ss of imrrat m Ii mlii mmm's , mm miU time hitttelmt
brcmttiies ivltm ) lumbar mmmm,1 .1 I hliemil t y.
Pm eltimur easmm theru Is mm imommimmi of i'rncmkhini
nimO w'hmeexln himstiio time thirst. At lhmt siu" ' _
time milsease iii ) lit lt.t.i : : ; ? immore 'rim ikl
tlmtifl when In health. ' 1' mc attin bits also Lot
dutsimea over luls hily ,
'I'hmn pimimi shmicht aceonipanius thus commilitioli is
( it a multi clime-actor. foiL I mm thin chu.'st , 1)ehmimmd ) time
breast lomme or ummmicr time smmomulmler biummin. 'limo
pmmln inns' comae mmmml , go-last it few dimys nail
helm be mtblClmt for several othmerim. Thim , roimgim
timimt occurs In the first stagi's fit bronchial en.
tarrim is ( It ) ' . combs on itt imitorvimla. hacking in
thmmmracter. muid lit usmimully mmmmnt troublesome in
time nmornhiig on rialmig. or gmiimmg In lieu itt night.
amid it may ii in the tirat uvldemmco of the disease
exteniltag Into time lumliga.
Sommietlummus ilmero are this of eomgimhng induced
by the tough hmmucima so vloiommt as to cumiso roam-
Iting. Later on the mnticmis Lust Is rmmlieci is
fouiimrt to contain mlmnithi pnrLicls ( , t yehluw Wt
let , whicim ilmihcatea that the mmmnall uibe iii time
lungs are floW ntructel. V1thm this there mire of.
ten streaks of 1)100(1 nmlxed with time ummncus. him
sommme cast's tIme hmatheimt hitcolIteum very palS ' imas
fever , aflil expectorates bofomo muir coug'h ap-
hum somimo cases smimall nmasses of choosy mu-
ttammcmi are Shill upwhmicim Whmtlmm Pressmld lietwUumm
tim , lingers , tmtt a haiti olor. Jim other casts var
thebes of ii hinrd. chalk1 immttmmre mtro spit imp. i'ima
rmmtshmmg of' chiCermy or c utiky lmimipii mmiltcatea se-
tiotma mniselmiot itt work Jim lie lungs.
In semite cases caUmrrh whim oxtenhi into time I
htummgs Iii mm few weeks ; 1mm ( itimor cmmMos it mummy be
immomutlms. utimmi even yuiLrS , before thuo disease at- '
tmmks the iimlmi4 smihllcientiy to citmmao inrious 1mm.
turfemenco WI hm time g'mmommmi hmrmmiitim , 'We'n tim , ,
.Usemmso iiaa 0ovloptrd to inch ft Poimit tim , , pa.
tl'nt Is mslil to imavo catnrm'hmai commsmimimimtion.
S'itim bi-oncimluml c.atarrhm Lucre Is morn or lest
fever ti'imhch mihlrers with time mhiiroremmt pumrt8 of
limO tlay-sllgiut hum time immormdmmg , hIgher lii time
umttermmoomi milirl e'eiilmmg.
Wiiai ; It Meauis , how It AOLu , and
What It Is.
You smiceze s'hmemm you get mi in time inorning
7Oti try to your hose 0 OVEY tinmo you
are CXIOM(1 to time hi'mtSt draf lof air. You have
a fmullmmmnts over the , front of Limo fort'hmeaml mmmii
time mmoso feels its If them was mm mimmg 1mm each mint-
tril , Which ) 'Oim cmumimmot mhhalomlge , yomu iihow your
mmmii. . , ummtiiyour ears crmuk , limit it tlomm't do mtmmy
gonul mmml ( lie emily rm'smmlt Is t1miit you miuccoeti iii
geti img Imp ii very red line' , muimil you so irritate
time ha 1mg rnenmhmrmmne of thmnt orgmmrm that immi are
ummahmlo tAm breathe tiirm-mmmgh it at all. 'Ilils mm a cor.
mtt't mmmmd mint mmieidiitvii liii litO Of mimI itCiite at.-
tack of catmirrim , or " 8mmeezimmg Cmttrumii , " mom It Is
NOW , a-limit does this commihtiloim indIcate ? First
a cohn tiimtt caimses mmmlmcims to lie ? > ollreil mmmmt 1w
thu glammds In tim 111)51' ) ; thou I moo dirwumm'ml
glanmis are mtttackod liv swmurns of little germrms
-thu eatumirlm giimmum-tiiitt host Iii time air in it lo.
ealhty wiiem'e thu uiisias , , 1 $ provv.lflimt. 'i'Imm.mso aim-
I mum uiciuhimc iii t lmutr mitorts a fl ad mm hodgmnunt ,
irritate tim , : sensitive mmmemnbrimmmo lining of timim
flOiC aimii uitimmo immnlertmtkes to i-i , ! hurolf of
tijelmi hiy jirod micimig it lIt or , lb
% Vimim t me ImOSmI lrncorimen fhhloil w timhckomimml
disuasud mmmucmms t iit mutt Ii mid chimmmmim'ls fur tim. , Iii-
troductiiflm ut air into timmi lumumgit is .
melt ii. amid I lie ' so mmferttimh imimmst lireimtime
I hmroimgii time inolut ii. mtmmih by such imicamma the
t bros heconit'ii liii i c'hmeil ammO lry , snorln $ ( l.a
hmiMhiiCIil. nod Limo cmmt4urihmimi .hlsemmse gains re&dy
itcecita to time throat ( mmml lungs ,
Late of ilelletime IlospItimI , N. Y. ,
hare Ollices
Cormier 15th amma Jlzmruey StuItS ,
Omaha , Ncbrara.
Where aletimbio cases are treated with au
ee. : . , Medical mhiamaseim tret401 smkillttmlly. Comm.
? , lhrlglmt's lIli.rftse , lyah'uhmshm' ) ' , hitmemu.
5um1tiomm itnil mmii NSItYU $ 1)li4KAHIH. All dls.
eases peculiar to thimsexus mijiecliilty. CA'rAiummz
cIastr.TArmoN by mutilor at oflice , $1.
( JUice hIourmm-b tim ii mm. ma ; il to 4 p. mi 7 to S p.
In. $ unday included.
Correspondence rn iriYea prompt attention ,
Many m ImmemumeS mire treated succesSfully by Dr.
McCoy thmroubh timmm fluhii , icid it Is thu. lQSdble
foi timose lion mis to immilko a Journey te obtain
surzsimtUl imospital treatImiemit mit I usir hitlnmN.
Nh letters amimiwered ttUlei.5 accompanied ,
in stitummpa.
Address id ietters to firs. McCoy J5152111
I Itomflii' Jill ammd Ill ; tmumig'm flutidiag ,
I Nebraska ,
. -
- - - - - - - - - - '
; -