Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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How a Gny Book Agent Eluded on
Indignant Huabund.
Itncy .Scandal Dcvflopod nt n Mncoln
JioarilltiK House Various Items of
Interest Picked t'p'Almut tlio
[ rnoM TUT nrr.'c M.NCOI.N JIUIIEAU. ]
Tlicro was uti unliiiateJ scene nt a board-
fng house in this city ycstcrdiiy thnt lins a
rauy history. At this particular boarding
house a very loving couple ni'pllL-il for board
n \\ook ngo mid ( 'iij'o tliclr iiniucs as Cherry
Ilohnun and \vifu. lloom mid board wetu
provided thorn. Asldo fioiu their dornonslra *
tlons of ufTcetlon nothing wus suspected ,
Holmes giving It out that ho was n book
agent , nud that ho proposed' slaying In tlio
city lor Bomo tluio. All moved quietly along
until the noon hour josterduy , when u
striinger appeared at the door of the board
ing houno and Inquired of the landlady with
t'n vltfor thnt denoted business on his part , if
Cherry Holmes and u woman clufmliig to ho
hlH wife \\ero theio. Ho was informed Unit
they were in the dining room , and without
further walling ho pulled his overcoat and
Undercoat uiul pn.sbcd forwaid to the dining
room. NS hen lie opc'iu d the door to the room
710 miix ) | > sud Mrs. Holmes cried out , "My
husband I" ami Holmes shot out of tlio batik
door , with the husband In eloso puisuit. 'J'ho
boardeiH followed out of doors to witness the
race , which W.IH for blocks an ani
mated one , but Holmes piovcd hlmsolf the
berit runner and escaped. 'J'horonged hus
band then returned to the house , where the
woman in the case hud hid , and persuaded
her to emerge fioin her concealment and
talk with him. It seems that his name is
lloilgo , and that with his wile they have re
sided In Hastings , whore the hook agent fell
In love with his wife and tlio two skipped.
The woman expressed IniMffeiciue for her , ami a reconciliation did not
10 bo at all piob.iblo. The husband scorned
to bo the most willing of the two for a re
union. but the wife cxpi e.sscd her satisfaction
with her now chosen consort. At List ac
counts Dodge was after the police to put the
matter in their li.uids , but Holmes , if ho
Iropt up the gait ho was making when last
Rcen , was out of Dm state by the tlmo the
win ant was issued.
The city Bchooln ere overflowing pending
the completion of the new C street school
building. To relieve the overflow temporary
quaiteis for two grades have been found in
the Itohannon block.
Members of the llvu stock sanitary com
mission arolmrk fiom Holt county and north
ern Nebraska whcio they have been at work
condemning horses allected with the glan
ders. The members of tlia commission killed
twelve horses lu Holt county ulono and their
time is taken up for weeks yet for like wotk
in other parts of the stale.
Mr L. E. Heigner , of the business office of
the Sl.ito Democrat , was married Monday
evening to Miss Iteitha Do Witt , the happy
event occurring at the Congregational church ,
llov. Lewis ( Iregoiy poi'foimlng the cere
mony Mr Keiglier is a young nma of good
business ability who posscsse.3 many friends
in the city \\lio are heaping upon him the
customary congratulations.
This evening the icgular monthly reception
will I e held at Iho pallorsol the Y M. C. A. ,
to which all are invited. An Intel cttting pro
gramme has been piepajed which will bo a
popular f ciitmc of the reception.
Tlio nay-roll for the public- school teachers ,
nsalhmcdby the last meeting of the board ,
uggrogntes U.six ) , u handsome sum of money
and a decided ineicaso in volume over former
years. The school board mo constantly securing -
curing now looms to accommodate the pupils
In the city ,
Louis James and Marie Wnlnwrlght with
their sclt cted company have been occupying
the hoards at Fmiko's opera house the tmsl
two nights , presenting "Vlrginous" ami
"Hamlot" to ciowdcd houses.
James MtCarty , the man arrested charged
with setting Iltoto tlio oldMutropohtnn hotel ,
had no dilllenlty in clearing himself of the
charge and WHS discharged fiom custody ,
Thin o is no doubt but that the building was
ilred but the light mau has not yol been
West Lincoln , since tlio tivo packing houses
nro in operation , flits for hogs to slaughter
and on several days the supply has not
equalled the demand. The packers there arc
ready to top the best prices in Chicago and
Omaha nml when the fact that the house *
are running becomes known there is little
doubt but the supply will como.
There was practically no business nt the
county ofllccs yesterday and the stiito house
also felt the effects of the election. A nura
her of the state ofllcors and deputies were ul
homo for the day for voting purposes.
Tim city council , at its last meeting , flnall.v
turned tlio city hospital over to the care ol
the Willard Vf C. T. U. This will remove
the piolillc chaiges of mismanagement thai
havu hovcied over the city hospital foi
The water service in the city still in-
crcnswi. Water Commissioner Lyman reports
ports the receipts fiom the last month a :
At 1'encc.
A stomach in revolt is an obdurate
rebel. Corrected with Ilostottor'i
Stomueh Bitters , its ngsonsions with tin
food introduced into it in unwary mo
juenln of appetite ceases. Then it is a
peace. Then dybpopsia abandons iti
grip. Then such fractious manifest a
tiona as heartburn , n sinking sonsatiot
in the pit of the alxlomon botwcoi
meals and unniit Jral fullness afterwards
fiatuleneo , acid gulpings , biliousness
Ac. , cease to inflict martyrdom. Aftei
n course of the national Ionic and alterative
torativo , the liver and bowels , alwaji
more or less disordered during a pro
longed attack ol indigestion , resumi
their functions and become regular
Thus not only dyspepsia , but UB con
omitants , constipation and biliousness
ftro conquered by the medicine , whiol
remedies their fruitful catiso , wcukncs
of the organs of digestion. Tli
opigiibtrio nerve , cellular tibsuo , ii
short , every organ that bears a part ii
the digestive processes acquires vigo
and regularity fiom th benign invig
Iloiitiitl lly a Girl.
Now York Telegram : It was a giddj
gushing girl from Now York , with a
amplitude of bung and asearcones& t
vocabulary which showed at once ho
romantic tendencies. She waa travelin
in a stage coach in ouu of the sparfol
settled regions of the country. "Ohl
eho said to her mother , " 1 do wondc
whether wo are going to innko thi
Whole trip without oven the sign of a
adventure. Wouldn't it bo horridV"
Her mother informed her that sh
didn't have much common sense , hi
the girl didu't seem to mind it in th
least. In the course of the next houi
lioworor , the coacli stopped suddoal
ivnd the muzzle of a ptatol was shove
through the door.
"Sorry to trouble you , ladles , " sal
the man whoso head followed the pis to
"but if you'vojgot any valuables , them
what wo want , an1 we're a little presao
fur time. "
D "Oh 1 mamma , at last wo have foun
a real high way man , " Bald the girl wit
little shriek. " You're
n delighted u rei
live robber , nren't you ? "
"Well , I reckon that's what I' :
called. "
"And you toll people to hold up the
hands , aud say ; 'Your money or yoi
life' to them , don't you ? "
"I hov done ) , miss. But T ain't g
no time tor talk , I'll ' have tor ask
"How lovely ! Just como right at
sit hero bcbldo mo. "
"Yo see , miss , i'ui here on bubines
au' I'll trouble you - "
"No , you won't trouble us at all. , Tu
COIIIH in" , we won't hurt you. 1 Just do
on robbers. "
The highwayman hud dropped Ii
find wnu beginning to look njipro-
Mo you have tO tfo nwny nml rob
FOtni'body ? " she Inquired nolvcly. ' 'I
hope you will not run tuvny , bccmi'e I
tun juwt beirinnlny to icA nuqtmlntcil
with you. I alwnyH salt ! I would hug
Iho ilr t real robborV"
But Uio binge door slnjnmcd shut ntid
the lilghwnjiuiiii had Hod.
I'heuinntiim IP caused by Inrtlc acid
in the blood , uhiuh Hood's SitiMiparlllu
ncutruliKcs , and thus cures rhouinn-
Tlir Kill Ian nt 1'rayrr.
The bultnn &tam1r ) erect with his fnco
to the oMbt and his fi < < > t on lila praying
carpel , and placing the thumbs of cncli
hand umlor each onr , ho sure mis his
handfl like wing * , lifting his ears up
wards as if to catch an.v Hound fiom
lioavon , and with Ills hands in this po
sition must turn first to the right and
Hpit , then to the loft and then dropping
his hands to his Hide hold them rigid
while ho bends his Unco and then his
whole body forward from his Knees un
til his forchoad touches the floor three
timus. Ho repeals his prajer in Ihi3
position , and gets upon his feet again
without touching his hands to the lloor.
uid | again makes wings of his cars and
ngaia tjiitrt right ( mil left and his prayer
is over. Every Turk believes that ho
has Uvo attendants bpirits , ono good and
one evil , and as ho in not sure which
hide the emissary of sntaji lias pre
empted ho Hpits at both to make buro.
To Consuinptlvcfl
or those with weal ; lungs , spitting of
blood , bronchitis , or kindred affections
of throat or lungH , send 10 cents in V. 1 Metro's treatise
on those maludies. Address the doctor ,
Uufliilo , N. Y.
Some oxporimeiits have boon placed
on record , says the London Electrician ,
in which a number o ( oggsworo liatchod
out in a magnetic field , \ulli the rebult
that the chickens were all more or Ica-i
deformed ; blind , deaf or lame. A biolo
gist at Manchester , in course of conver
sation , told us that ho hud bovoral times
tried to repeat the experiment , but with
the rebiilt that the eggs was always ad
dled. Without profeb&ing to expound
the physiological or morphological rea
sons for thoio bingulur results , it is at
least pormib-dblo to suppose Unit the
movements of the protoplasmic sub-
Btanco in the magnetic Hold bet up cur
rents of electricity , which tend to decom
pose the doliciilo organic structureb of
the egg so as to destroy or vitiate its vi
8 * PERFECT M * ° !
Its superior excellence proven in million1) of
homes for more Hum u < ( Uirter of a icnlury. It
is usttl liy Iho United States ( iovcrninonl indorsed : -
dorsod bv the heads of the cro it unlv rrsltles , ns
the Mnmiest. ; I'urret nnd itust lluillhlu . Dr.
1'ilra'H the only MiiMni ; I'owcler thut does not
contain Ainiiionlii , Ilino or Alum Sold only lu
cans i'mru IUKINU I'UWIIPH Co. ,
New Yoik , Chicago , St. Louts.
, $300,000
| A C
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporilort by th I.eKl lntiiroln IciS , for F.diica-
tloiiHl nnd Ohnrltu'iln purO [ i , unil lt frHnihlia
inndi ) ft part nf IbiM'rt'ii'iit ' Main Constitution , In 1SJ ,
b ) an mcrwliolialiitr pniutlar \ utu.
IU ( iruml Slnelu Number DrawlnKi t.iko | > lace
niontlily , und thudriunl heml-Annuiil Drawlni ; n-iju <
larly ovury six nionllia ( Juno and Deuumbur )
"We do hereby certify thnt wo nupervlvi tlionr
pciTt' . uiiu iuiii inn aaino nruconiiurieii wuu nonea
fulrni'M ami In Knud Inltli toirard nil purlli's. and i
Hiithiirlre tlut Coiiipnny to usu tills certmcnto with
I no sliullcB of our Biguature attnclied , lu Its adrertlie
lUBIltS. "
We. the anderslKiieil Banks anil llnnkerswin payal
I'rltci drawn in tlie IxmlMunu htutu Ixjtturles wbkl
may bu | > re > vntetl atourcouaUirs.
J. ll.OCI.KSnr , 1'roi , I.oiilMnna National Hank.
I'lKKIti : l.ANAUX , l > rcs. Stntc National Hank.
A. UA1.UWIN , l > res. New Orleans National Uaak.
CAIU , KOIIN , 1'ros. Unlin | Natlonul Dank.
In tin ) Academy of Music , Nuxv Or
Iran" , Tur < * iln ) .Oi-oomlHT 1.I8S7.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
lOO.OUO Tlclcots at Twenty Dollar
Encli. llalvcH $1O ; Quarters 85
Tuiirhv $ U ; Twentieth * $ l.
IT"iT Or 1MU7K * .
1 I'lllXK OK it . yum
1 I'lil/KOK lU.UIla ( ) . " 1U1U
1 l'HI/K OK ( AKI ) Ii . ; . ' Hlik
1 I'HI/.K OF 25.UI ) Is . 2JU
J I'lll/.KS OK 1U.UII are . . . aiu
6 I'lll/.K-l OK s.tiiinro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ziii
S& I'lll.KOK . 1.UU ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! KU
ItU l'UI/K.S ) K OUnre . . . " . . . " Wu
1'KI/KS OK .HUnro . . . ! ! ! i u. .
a ) nre . . . . . Mm.
101) I'rlies nf KUU approilaiatlng to
CtXl.llil I'rlte art ) . M.a
100 1'rlien of f.i appruzliuatlnx to
HUI.UU 1-rlFU nrn . no ,
1UO i'rlica uf rMJ niipruiluiatlDg to *
MO.UUJ I'rlut are . . . SU,0
TFIIMINAI. rui/t.s.
1,000 1'r'ios of 1100 decided by. . . .JJU.OUO
1'rUuaru . llMrj
1,000 Prlii'i of HOD itecliUd by.41H.OUO )
1'rltuaru , . . . lou.u
3.1J8 i'rliea amonatlnji to
Kor club rntt > > , or tiny further Intonuatlon apply I
the UndernlKiuHl. Your linndwrllliiK mint bu illitini
and rlKiinluru plain. Moro rapid return malldellvci
will boatiurud by jour uncloiluit an envelope biarlu
your full adilrrsi.
r-end IOM'A1 < NtTES , eipre s money onleri. c
New \ork iiilianiu ; In ordinary hitter. Currency b
oiprtii ( at uurex | < cnic ) ail.ln sscit
N Om . .I
Or .A.l.AOUN. |
Addrc : : Begistored Loiters to
NKW OHI.KA.N ; ! , Li
T ? It'AI ' IVR.T'Hir'lir' > rlmt tllrt Presence of Oei
UilM IliiU Ji I'j
IX IV eral < llvaureuanl n n
Early , who are In llmr < oo ( lh draolnni , in a kr"
anlvu of ab > i > luui lalmvii and luictfrlty , tbat II :
rhaiicri are all cuunl , iu.l that nn ono cnu ; > onlbl
divine wbai niiiubor will draw n I'riie.
UhMLMHKU fiat tli payment of ull prliei
nUAIUMfMl 11 Mll'll KArillV\L IIAXhs UK NE
mi ! E * ? . and tbe tUkvti ar ilyncd by the preildni
( it mi Intlltutlnn Hlioie iharlurid rlcbl * ult ) nno
nlzrd In Hie hliilirit eourl > i thoreture , beware of an
Itultaili i iir anunymru * tthcmoi _
THO > . I" . MMI > > ON , Waihln
PATENTS tun , I ) . U. No pay aiken 1
| iatcut uclUvbialbCd.Vll
luifhtgr'i Uuld * .
' . ' ' . * ' . ' . . " . . . . . . . ' . ' . . ' ! '
, . . . . " . .
Can fte had in Over 709 Different Styles and
Sizes , at the same price as the counterfeits , j
Insist upon seeing the Tracie Mark or you may he deceived.
THE MICHIGAN STOVE COMPANY , Detroit , Chicago , Buffalo , !
11 > R bAI.K IIV
Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha , Neb.
Hinroof tnorclnnH wlm romracml olhiT "tnvoi In iircfi'ronro to I
_ " ( H1IIANIK ' 'Ilii-y liuvn i-ltlicr fiilli l to "i-curn Ilio " ( lirlanil1
iiKpnry tirnn * IMEIIMTKIIIII svlllnn lusnli' lrublo jtoro ?
E \vthrhivht t rrrellen-
A. eeilniliiipttl > irfico > nfartanil
" tttirnbintiiHndHrrthertlgnlng
favorlte inf < "lii < iHtilcclcl ) .
Our name is I J.&T.COUSINS.
.n . every sole. I NCWYORK.
For Sale by
Haward Brothers.
1 -a - & - =
AniAUIr < UUUI < UljUllH IIU.MUK .
The nrivantiiKe of this compound ovur thcplilnOII
Is. thut tlio imn ntlnis taste at tlie Oil In entirely ! , n-
mot ml , nnd llio wlioln rvnderud pnlutablo. 'J Inoffi'ii -
Blvotantoof IlioOllliiiHlonKiRli'il tunuront ol > jecl >
tlon to Ita iisii ; but In tlilj loriu tlio troulilo Ii oli\ I it-
eil. A hnit of ccrtltlr.RU'B inlRlit lioglvcii lirro in ti > > -
tlfy to thu oxcollcnte iind success nl "Wilbur1 * Oml
Ij\crOII | anil l.lmu ; " hut the fact that It Ii ruculiirly
) > r Kcrllii > d by tlioinoillrul fucultp is sullUioiit. sold
by A. II. Wll.liUIt , Chemist , llostun , and all ilniUKHtii.
Tr.D.wlio In hUr4 > I.IY anil HJ > ltAN 'K
hnaTRIFI.KMawnyhls VICiOIlof IIOI Y ,
niNI > and.nAMIOon.ramlnioxhaU9tlng
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of 1.1 KK ,
IlrcamB , WKAUM'.NS of Memory , I1ANII >
the PACi : . and all the Kl'FKCTN leiullni ; to
MOST or INSANITY , should coiiFiilt nt once
the CKI.KIIHATEU Dr. Clarke , KslAhllslied
18M. Dr. Clarke has made NKRVOUN II E-
BIMTV. CIIHOMt ! and all Diseases of
the OE.MTO Ultl.XAHY Organs a I.lfo
Btudy , U make NO dlllcrenro WHAT you
have taken or WHO hits fullc d to cure you.
rfFEU A I.r.SsuderlnK from dlBcatci pecu
liar to their FCX can consult with the nssuiKnco
or ipeedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents poatugo
for works on jour disiaies.
jrPend 4 cents postage for Cc-lelirnlccl
Workt on 4'liroiilr , NcrtonM and 1II
culo Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
letter , I roc. Consult the old Ducfor.
TliouvniuN on rod. Oflirritiind pnrlor *
prlvalo. S"lhoso oontemplatliiK Marrlnco
feud for Dr. < 'Inrk * > ' celebrated guide
Mule and Foiniilr , each lie. , both 'JOc.
( st ni | ) . Ilefnio confiftlnc your case , consult
I r. UI.AKHE. A friendly letter or call may
save future suflerlngand shame , and add golden
yean to life. WBook " > % ( Secret ) Er-
ran , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
sent everywhere , secure from < * xpoBiire >
Hours , 8 to R : Sundajs , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
180 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
fnl'sfZ Athcrilslinj Ima always proven
iVfK f - flucccbgrui. Ilofoio plncltiKany-
i Newspaper Ad vcrtlslns consult
iffiW > 0 LORD & THOMAS ,
SUnrSaJLjiV imrnTi < iKP AC.KMS ,
* * T = M JOlBll < 5 to 49 Randolph fclrrrt , CHICAGO.
of the body eulsrgcd and strenstbemil. Full partlc-
Olars ( Healed ) free. K1UK 11 KU. CO. . llu Halo. N. T.
Our buyer wires us that he has just completed the purchase of an im
mense wholesale stock for which we were negotiating. A large manu
facturer of fine clothing was determined to close out all his fall and win
ter goods. The enormous increase of our sales last month prompted us
to make an offer for the entire stock. The offer was accepted and the
goods are ours at OUR OWN PRICE. They will be shipped immediately
and in about a week or so , we shall give the people of Omaha a surprise ,
and show them something in the way of Fine Clothing , and prices , that
was not seen before. In the mean time , to make roo'm for these goods
we will force the sale of our present stock and have marked several large
lots of suits and overcoats at prices which will surely make them go. The
goods to be sacrificed includes part of our immense stock of
We have engaged an extra force of clerks for Saturday , and hope to
be able to wait on all our customers on that day.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
'Glasgow ' via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Are Ntrlctly Plr > t-C'ln t and Among
the largest , fiiBtoil and finest In the world.
hAlonn , secooil tlHM anil sleeniim Pa cnRtr
it'rouiraniliitloii * Unexrrlleil. Kvery
regard for tbo conifortand convenience of pus *
sensors studiously cousUlcrod and practiced
btesmers every Saturday for Cilnsnow. city of Ilomn
( alls for l.lTC-rponl October M. It Ii tinInrnc'l und
rlni'St iiawpnRer stciunrr alUint. llntc * of PIIKSSKO for
nil cla ! < e as low u Ly any other llrst-elnm line. r > o-
loon oieur'lon tickets at reduced rates. PrnfUfor
nny amount nt lowest current rnton. Kor Ixioki
of liiir , llekpt , or further Inforniutlon , npply to
HKNIIKUSON lUtoriuHS , ChlcOBO , or UtANK K.
MUOni.S.OnmLm , Nub.
Disordered Stomach ,
Impaired Indigestion ,
Constipated Habit.
A llemedy wliloh ( inlckly clmrmi
1 Im Inlnnt In the mother' : inin.
\ \ lillo droopliiK BUM will trlvu tu ilraln
IHCI ! drop thn irolilet doon rnnt-iln
'IMi UhFhltVKsCINO bKI/1/.K.Itnno
A blu lim Troves to me aud uilno.
1707 OUre Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy. St.
Louis , Mo. , University College Hospital , Lon
don , ( lleson , Germany and New Voile. Ilavlu
devoted tholr attention
More especially those nrlslnp : from Impni-
ilenco , Invlto nil t.o suirorlng tocoirespond with
out delay. Diseases of Infection und contagion
cured safely mid f-peedlly without usu of uun-
Ecrous drugs. Patients whose casoa have lt-en )
neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur
able , should not fall to wrltmis concerning th lr
K > mptoms. All letters recelv o immedlatu atten
Anil will bo mailed FHRE to any address on ro-
celptof ono S-cent stamp , "I'ractlral Observa
tions cm Nervous Debility and Physical Kxhaus-
tlon , " tolilth Is in Id oil an "I'ssuy on Jlar-
rlngp , " vrltli Important cunptorson dl .ise of
the Jleproductlve Organs , the whole forming a
\ aluable medical trt > which should be read
by all young men. Address
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmansliip.
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send lor College Journal.
S. E. Cor. Ifilh nnd Canital Avo.
Mention ( lie Omnha llco.
M NU * cTunt us or FIN
I Best Work and lowest Frlcei
Ou rantecl. | 100pc Illuit'4
t CtUlnguc. Flntlt f.yer tirlntf A , irntfrre. Boll ta7o.
Hot and .hortr.t ir.tem now'm u.i. .Circular *
Tliat veto made to order
Coat and Vest , that weie made to order ForJM now sold for . .1980 Coats and Vests , new style blnglu breasted , that
I'or J-5 or madu to order
- now sold at J1225 Kor S5 . 11 75
For ao " urn For $ Jfi now sold at 11220
DEUTSCH For 40 " 1975 1'or 0 , 1130 Kor ! " " HOO THE
1'or M " . ' . 24 M ) I'or ai , 1730 VOT B5 1720
For M " 2980 1'or 40 , 1930 1'or 10 " " i960
WIRD I'or 75 " auo 1'or 45 , S3 10 Kor 45 " J35 VERY
Kor 60 " " B4HO
Kor DOTer , SI 86
Tor 55 , 8000
Kor C5 0300
Kor T5 B720
Fr ancais.
ALWAYS ! That ere ruado to order
That wore made to order
Kor W ) now sold for 000 YOUTHS.
InAstrachan , Chinchilla , Plush For 25 " " 1300 Kort 000 now sold for . | 2H )
I'or 700 " . 310
and nil gradesqunl- 1'or .10 " " 14 bO Kor 800 " . aio
For i " " 1720 Kor BOOKer " . 4:10 :
ities and sizes.u For 40 " " , 1950 Kor 1000 " . 48U
Kor < 5 " 300 Kor 1300
For M " " 24 CO
For CO " " 930
Kor 70 " M , 8400
For 75 " " , 37 tt >
1119 Farnam Street
Between nth and i2th ,
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