1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 9. 1887. 3 CHICAGO Mvn STOCK. CHICAGO , Nov. 8. [ Hiioclnl Tclopram to tlio Brn ] OATTI.F. IMImntctl receipts , 8,600 ; the week BO fur , 10,775 ; snmo tlmo last \\cck , 21,703. OutHlilo of n fair demand for prltnu Nn. 1 atccrs and such as would suit , the ship ping demand business was slow and common Block , whether natives , Tcxans or runjrt-r1 ? , was entirely npglcitcd. As to pf-Icrs , then ) wan little or no change as compared with the advance on the host as noted ycstrrdny , and norno salesmen claim ordinary fair to good natives are loo/llic higher than last mule , while cvcrjtliliiK In the native line Is rather on tlm down tuin th.m otherwise. Falling olT In rerelpts sec'in.s only to help the best grades oX natlus und the best rniiKers , sonic ? briinchr-B of the latter fitillliiK ytt'AC ) highlit- than lust \vt > ck. I'l It'es today rungwl us follows : lixtra , ? 500d/ > RfiJ' 5 ponimon , lower ; shipping 1i.crs , 1H.V ) to 1&JO IIIH , , 00 ; 18 < X ) to litfiO Ilia , M iW 4 Mi ISO to l'H ( ) His , < 8.W'Oii75 ' : ; Htotkeis nnd feeders , tl.7&fftIOO ! : CJOWH , wills and mixed , ? l.X/iKJ ( / ! ; Hulk , * 1.7f. ( tt 85 ; Tcxus cows , tl.85ii8.ix ( > ; ulcers , * . ! 00 ( < i8iO ! ; wcstuin raiiftprsiMikcr ; natives nnd lialf-hrocds , 12 S0rf ( : ) 60 ; wlnteied Tcxans , i-J JOdiS.'JO. Hoes KstimatodircclptH , 8I : , < XX ) : the week BO fur , 50UJ , : ; Hamutlmu lust w eek , W,27a' ) The market was mtlvo with another iiptmn of a nickel or thrrenlxmtfl w Ith puckers and shi | > - ] tcrs ea'or ( buvors. The advance i cached both heavy and Unlit. The bulk of packing Bortftsuld between $150 and $4 I'M ; a few fancy , equal to Philadelphia , ? l < < . " > ( ! ? ! 75 ; light 801 tri , Including Yorkc-is , fl 4f ( ) I 45. MVIJ STOCK. Union .Stock VardM , Chli-n o , Nov. S. The DIOMMH' .loin mil icjiuttH ! Cattle Hc'cc-lpts , $ , H > 0 ; slow ; conntion lower ; pxtia , fidooj. ) I1/ ! / ; stoikni and feeders , tl 7" > i.'l 00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , f 1 OOrWMOO , Texlis i-.tttlo , 1.85 ( > < 8.JO ( ; west ern landers , $4 40iul ! Ml Hiijfs Heceipts , ) , ( ) ( ) ; higher ; mixed , M 85 ( ( M ) ; lieuvy , i-t.10'-/ 1 75 ; light , i-l l > < 441 ; skips , Moy , ) 4 15 Slicx-p Het ulpts , WX ) ; slow and lower ; natives , > Jf.dif ( I IX ) ; westetn , M ll ( < : i 53 , TexntiH , .1 ( Xl/ri.'l 50 , lambs , * { ( Hii5 ) ( 85 A UKHCIH' .loinnal lablegiam from I-on don quotes1 Csittlo Stronger n light suv | plies ; good to chulco American Hit crs , 18 ( ) lii u per pound , estimated dead w eight. National Slock YnrilH. J.HHI St. JjoulH , Nov. 8. Ciittlu Heccipts , 2,1)00 ; fhlimentH ) | , 400 , nun ki > t stiongci ; clioi < o lie.ivy native M < t-is , f4 , > ( ) ( | til ; fair to peed uativo ntujis , f.ltiOi ( ( ° 4'.r > ; liulehers' stoeis , nicdiuni to ( 'lion n , f.l ( Xf75 ) ( : ) , stoekeis , full to good , ll.Mlfci'J 111 , i angers , ? J lOfell 70. llogs-Keiclpts , J,1X ( ) ; shipments , 400 ; market active and a ttliado higher ; ehoiio he.ivy and butcluis' ele < lions , $1 .Mlfii I 70 ; packing and Voikers , medium to jiinne. ft. 10 ( ij.1.45 ; pigs , common to good , t-J 70.4.10. ( ; IJ\erpool , Nov. 8. Wheat Quiet and demand pour ; holdeis offer modeiately. Corn SteaiU and dcnuind fan ; new mixed western , 4s tlJ4d pur cent.il. KaiiNnH City , Nov. 8. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , c.isli , no bids , ti7o asked ; De cember , no bids , 07V ; asked ; May , 7IJ 75i ; iinluil. Corn Steady ; No 2 , cash , ? r bid , asked ; Dei . her , : n > fc asked ; May. bid , ! l'J'be ' asked , No. 'J white , cash , asked. Oats-May , 2ii'/e ' bid , 2fi c asked. ntlluaiikiT , Nov S. Whe.it Uepicssed ; December , TOpfc ; Mav , 7iXi7 ( ! c. Corn htaiLU , No. 2 , 1''c. O.its Fair demand ; No. 2 white , 2 ! ) ' , c. Hjo-Ncglccted ; No. 1 , .Mo. Huilcy Stiudy ; No. 2. 74 ( 7. > e I'lovisionsyuict ; polk , November , fl'JTIj @ll ! 25. AIlnncaiioIlN , Nov < Wheat- Steady nnd lull I\ active , No. th.ud , cash , iiv ; Du- cumber , Tie ; .hiinuny , 72c. Muy , 77o , No. 1 noitlicin , cash , liO c ; JJecembei. l)7jc } ; January , ( ' .i ; May , 7.IJft' ; No. 2 north- em , cash , tiH'c ' ; Uecembcr , IM'fcc ; Januai v , WJYe ; May , 701ic. On track : No. 1 haid , 71 c ; No. 1 noithein , d7"4ii . | ie ; No. 2 1101 th em , tVll > 5c. Flour Steady ; patents , M--HrtJ I i Heeuipts Wheat , niO,200 bu. ( shipments Wheat , 117,000 buj Hour , 27OC , : ! bbls. bbls.New New Orleaiin , Nov. 8. Coin Inegu- lar at T > 0. Oats-Firmer ; No. 2 , .Tierce. Commenl ( Juiet at M ! IO. Pork Kaslev nt * lil.12 . Lard Dull and lower ut * r > 50. Hulk Me.its Shoulders. f5y5long ; elcai nd clear rib , JOO'J , ' . OMAHA MVi : STOCK. Tuesday , Nov. 8. Cnttlc. The iciclpts weio light and consisted en tiiuly of lange cattle. Thu nuukct lemnlii ! about the same , JZcrj thing was taken. Thojeceipts weio niodcrato nnd the demand mand active. The matktt opened stiont and closed Co higher. Choice hogs sold al M S0rf4 ( ! . Fair to mediuiu , H.-'Ofti 1 25 Aimour& Cudahnv oought \eial loads ol I'hoii o hogs for their opening to day. lieiy thing w as. taken. _ hlit'pp. No sheep weto sold on the maiLct. Oftlcial KfcelptH. Cattle . 0 : Hogs . 2OM Bill I'M LNT' . Cattle . 14 cms , H & . M. , ChicMgi Cattle . 7 cms , Hock Island , C'lucngi Prevailing I'rlccN. Show ing the pi ailing prices paid foi hvi stock on the mat lies : Choice steers , iy < H ) to 1500 Ibs . Pl.S'Kj ? I ft Choice stcci s , 1100 to 11100 Ibs . it ' .1X 4.21 Fat little stecis , tXX ) to lO.'iO Ibs. . . . : i.7.X"-'l S : Coi n-fed range hteei s , 12IK ) to 1500 ! t tkifti . ; n Ciooil to choke cot n-fed cows . 2 25i/ ( W Common to medium cows . 1.50(0.2.2 ( ; teed to choice bulls . 1.2X < < 2 01 Good i ango feeders . 2.25i2 ( ! Oi Good nntUo fccdeis , DOO Ibs and upwiu ds . 2.50S2.SI Tuir to mi'ilimn native fccilcus , VHXI Ibs and upwards . 2 2"iJ2 ( 51 Stoekeis , 41X1 to 700 Ibs . 200 ( . 2 ? ) < Prime fat sheep . it 25n ! 1 5i Fair to medium sheeu . 2 500-f 0 Common sheep . 1.50W22 Kight and medium hogs . 4 10 ( < 4 1. . ( iood to choice heavy hogs . 4 25 ( < < > I ! l Good to choice mixed hogs . 4. ' . > 0 ( > i4 2 Kc'iire.scntatlxo Salen. > MirruN sin us lons-n i > . No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pi 20. . . v.'js .nr \M SHUN 1U 1)1 -MI1MH l'sUCVTfir 10. 2J..UIHJ 2. to 15 . . .1212 2..10 lUNCU - > TI F1H. 20..10V1 223 100. . . . 1195 3 ( K ) 40. . . .111)1 ) 205 ti niicus. M..m250 IUo Stock Sold. I PlioIIIR tlm number u ( head of block sol on tlio uutrUut to cluy : CATTLE. 0. H. llmnmoml & ( . 'o i - Totnl t 11O03. O. H , Hammond JfeCo , fl ! I Anglo-American 1'acklnj ? Ca 1-J > AIHIOUICo „ bl Itnngo of I'rlooH. Bliowltig the highest ami lo\\et P414 let hogs , ou thl market All salts of stock In this market nir Hindi ! per cut , ll\o weight \inlestt otherwise slated. Dead IIOKS "sell at Jjc jw-r lb for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing le s than 100 Ibs. noXnlne. 1'regnant sows are docked 40 Ibs , mid slugs io Ihs. by the public Inspector. | j\c | Stouk N'oles. Hogs * I.C ! , . The hog maikcthas advanced. W W AWr o of IJcalrioo hi ought in a load of nestein cuttle. R .1. Unto , of lliiltle Creek , Neb. , teeeived $ -1115 for his load of hogs. H. O. MtCuteliOu of AHhlaml sold u load of good hogs on the marki't. 1 .1 Murphy , of Uogcis , Neb , disposed of u load of line hogs ut the top pi ii e. Cameron & Wagner of Hampton maikctcd a load of line hogs at a good ttguic. H\ur.vthing on the mniket was sold and the i aids aio i omp.it atively deserted , J. C. Whlpple of the Lai umlo Hlver CatUo compaiij biought in u load of cattle yester day. day.H. H. II dough , of the firm of Cloiigh. Too & Maddey , of Sioux City , was u visitor at the aids jestoid.iv. Armour .fe Cudnhay were on the markM ( 'Hti'iilay. The cffe ( t nf the im.sejuo ol Mr. Imphy , their buyer , will bet seen on looking t the lint of pi availing pilces. OMAHA AVIIOMKAM : ; MAitur/rs. Tuesday , Nov S. Produce , KriiltM , I3io. The /ill/on / tnij mr the jir/Ti / ( it nlitili ininil lutt nj i uilnrc firr m > td nit thl * ! ) / . < / . 1'nittn or O//ICP / / llnri of iiowii ie- nlrinii r.itui till/in'nj p/iilJmi / miinot nl- ( il/s / lie MIJ/ ; ) ; | < ( / on imltltlionliiMittliC nine ) ( its < n < otitt tliclnral tunic. IHiTiii The receipts aio faiily liberal nd about equal to the demand , f'hoico airy , 17Q/lo ) ! ) ; luedmm giades , l.15c ; idinary , lOc. I'dos-Thobulkof the good stock is moving .t 80o. Cnii : sn M.tiket fuir. Tanev full eream , heddais , Mingle , 18' ' , ( ! : ! < ; full i team twins , 8h@H ! < ' ; joung AIIICIKIIM , llt'jc- ; biick heeso , 100 Ibs in cnso , 13o ; Limbeiger , 100 bs in ease , 14c. Poii.rm Live F.inc.v chickens and old owls , yiXK-i285 : i-holeo , * 175/200 ( ; nmmonll..151101.75 ; Duel's , huge , * . ' 5 < Ky.2.75 ; nedmm , tJOO (885 ; tnikejs , 7 ( < TV llvo velght ; geese , 1050 per doDicssed Ue- mind light by leasonof the warm weather ; hiekens , choice stock , 7 ( < i'Jo ; tuikejs , ll ( < s 18e ; dueks , lOe. CSiMi : Receipts light ; prairlo chickein , -100 mall.iid dm Its , $ J75 ; quail , $1 50@ .75 ; teal and mixed ducks. $1.50sl.75 ( ; geese- , M5lsnipo ( ; , 75iiifl.lNl ( ; jack tabbits , 40C > i.r o eiuh ; ] aik Ktilpe , $1.00 jier dodeer. . UC' " Jc ) ; antelope. Il ! ( < il4o ; deer saddles , 12jU ; intelnpo , l.'i lOo. l'or\ioi s-Tho maiket Is well supplied 't.th and Colorado stock sells ntbOtTisio ; Ko- ) inskii and low.i stoi'k , 5" > ( < i70o per bushel. S ii.r I'ortTois Choice new Jersey stoik , r 50 perbbl. Ht mi \ OASUlioico stock 0"c per bushel. Urvss The diMii.ind is not adiNei good lean stock , $1.50n,200 ( ; Cahfoini.i beans , OMONIHomo giown , 70 ( t)0o ) ; Spanish onions , * J ( H ) per 50 lb elate. O\MI it'-Mediums , 25c ; stand.nd , DOc ; selec Is , ilJV c ; e\ti a selectH , o5e ; New York counts , 40o. Hell .t Hiigle , VJ Ml'Capo ; Cods , $10 IX ) . Ci i MIA 'i'ho snply ) is llght. Uooil stock lrmgs I5 ( < ? 5e ( ) a do/en Lriinr An OIIIIHIOII.II consignment of lettuce is leceiverl which sc'lls at ! r > o a do en. Ci ill-it Choice Michigan cider , $0 50 per i Louisiana & ! 50 ® t 50 per box ; $8 50 per bid. Lt MOSS A consignment of Malaga lemons will an iv o In a Tew da\s. KOI i onto , $0. ( > 0ii ( > ! 50 ; I'aleinlo , J-l 000(5 00 ; Vetdella , lee ® 150. 150.Coronet Coronet rs Out of the market. AUi'Li : Snun Choice Ohio stock , lOc per lb. AiTtrs Choice stock is selling in lound lots tit ! 8Xri ? : 50 ; fancy .lohnathans , J4.00. HOSKI Choice , in 1 lb fiames , 8le. Pore OIIN Choice i ice coin , life. ) ) , e per lb ; other kinds , 2 ( ! 2 > f e per lb. CAI.IPOHMA Intuits Although the season is pt.ictically over occasional shipments aio still icceived. 1'eats , 2.50 00 ; quinces , < J 50. Gitu-FS Tokay gtapes , $2002.85 ; New- York grains , 5 lb baskets , lOe. BANANAS The market is well supplied with bananas at $2 ( Hia.i 00 per bunch. Nirts New eiop ; Ohio chestnuts , 15(7 ( ? ISc per lb ; peanuts , ? i/c. raw ; Hia/il nuts , iie : ; almonds , Tau-agona , 20e ; Unglibh walnuts , l&o ; lllbeits , ISc. J Flour and Fenl. 'flicfoUon inn ( iir the lolililim prim : Minnesota patents , $ J 50 per cwt ; Minnesota seta baekeis' straight , t.80 per cwt ; Kansas und Missoini winter fancy jutcnts , fcl5rf ! 8 00 : Nebraska patents , * 8.85it2 ( ! W ; ne Hour , H.7BCM ! Mporrwt ) ; lie , Oralnun , H.40 per ewt ; wluut , Ciiaham , Jl 75 per cwt ; coin- meal , jellow , IHV pur en t ; eouimeal , white , * 1 ( HI per cwt : chopped feed , M4 WV 10 ( X ) pel- ton ; bum , f 12 ( Xn ) ill 00 per ton ; scieenings , HA\ Slow ; upland ptaiiie , 57 OOQ.7.fiO. Lint. Coirrr Oi dimiry grades , 20(320 ( > fc ; fair , 25 'f ' c. Kr.rivr.n LAUD Tiercr , 7c ; 40-lb cans , 7c : 50 lb lound , 714'c ; 20 lb lound , 7'jc ' ; 10 lb pails , 7'jc ; 5 lb pails , 7j > e ; U lb pails , 7 4 e , SifiAii Oramilated , 7V ' ; conf. A , /7'te ' ; white extra C , H'VtKl'.j)1 ; extra C , I'-'sWIV'1 ' ; jellow C , 5 } c ; cut loaf , 7/t6ii7ic ( ; ; powdeicd , 7j4'fi71i'c > . PiCKi.i's Medium In bbls , $ fl 50 ; do In hall bbls , * i 75 ; small , in bbls , f7.50 ; do in hall bbls , M 25 ; geikins , in bbls , * S 50 ; do in hall bbls , * 4 75. Ton \ ccoLorlllaid's Climax , 4le : Splen did , 41c ; Mechanic. ' * Delight , 41e ; Legsettit Meiei's Star , 42c ; Cornel stone , ! Mc ; Dnim- inoml's Horse Shoe , 41u ; T. J. , y7e ; Soig's Si > eathcad , 44c. HUOOMSVtin4tio , f3 0 ; No. 1,2 , No , 2 , * 1 75 ; heavy stable , f . CAM > \ Mixed , < l ( < i lie ; stick. S' Ps'e. ) .Tin i.ii.s : to lb paiK , $ i MVT ? > I.OO. Pi'OMsioNs Hams , UP 'dle ; btcnkfnst bacon , 11 > ( ( * I1 Jc ; bacon sides , bjflic ( { ; dr.v salt , 7JU'st. ; shouhleis , TO'T'.e ' ; diled bcel hums , UK" tic ; diied beef icgufur , 'J VCi'lO ' e ; hims. , picuic , 7JiifsL. ( . Din ri ) Pi uits Apples , new , ' 's , Oo ; evnp orateil , 50 lb ling. 10i(10He ( ; laspbeuies , evapoiatcd , 2s-Jiiv liluclthci \ ies.evaporated , tl4llOi' ( ! ; pitted iie.ulen ) , Ulid-'Oo ; | > eaches ! new , 7J4e ; evaponited , peeled leaches , 2b ( a21 > o ; evjpoiated , nnpared , IstJiye ; new tuiii'iits. 7'4y ( 7'oc.1 ; piunes , 5fr(5'e ' ; cltion , 25c ; laislns , London hi\eis , t' . ' 'Mli.- ' 10 ; Call foinia liKsn ) muscatels , t-J. 10(22.20 ( : new Valencia , h GdH.c. Herr So\en si.xteenths , _ WOOIIKNW uicTwohoop pails , per doz , 91 15 ; t luce-hoop pails , SI 70 ; No 1 tub , fO 50 : No 8 tub , $550 ; No. ! 1 till ) , M.50 ; wash Ixmids , $1 75 , ussoitcd bowls , t8.23 ; No 1 ehurnij , $ 'J ' , No. j ; chums , s ; No. U ehuins , CvsMD < ) on5-O stel 1 ' standaitl , pei case , jt lorjfl.'i ; htiuwbeiiies2-ll > per ease f.lOOui3.t ( ) , laspbeities , 8 lb , per c.UiOl O XTi ! ) 10 ; Califciinl.i peats , ) > er ease , (1 00ii4.SO ( ii | iIcoN , per c.i > < c , f4lXl85 ( ; ; peaches fiei < aso , f."i 75 ( 5 & 5 ; wlilto chert ics , per ease 000 , plums , jHjr ease , tl.MKgSOO ; blueber rics , per ease , } J : iOc ( < 240 ; egg plums , 2 lb per case , fj.50 , pineapples , 8 lb , per case 11800(575 , Mb sulmoi ) , per do , tl PO@lOo 8 lb goosbernes , per ease. M 85fff ! ) 5 ! 2-11 stiing beans , per rase , $1 75 ; 8-lb lima beans pcri-.isc. ; i.u,2'lb ) mairowfat jeas ) , $ ) .60& 800 ; 8-lb earl\ Juno peas , per tnihc , fi.76 81b tomatoes , Jj-J08.50j ( 8 lb coin , W 30 CiurKi.n * Onrnt'Bu's soda , butter one picnic , 5c , cream * , be ; ginger snips , be ; eitj sod.t , 7c. TKVS Japan. 20@55o ; gunpowder , 20ff tWJio- , Young Hjson , 85 < g35o ; Ooolong , 80 < i S'TKUI--JO. 70 , 4 gallon kegs , * 1 45(31.50 ( New Oilcans , per gallon , ' 5g40o { , mapli sjiup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , bi o 1-gallon cans , per doz , 10fiO ; huK gulloi cans , per doz , to 85 ; quart cans , M.85. STAIICH Mirror gloss , 5J/o ; Grrtvcs' com O' 1m- c Oawcgo glo&g , 7o ; Oswego com , 7u. - i-75(2SOcyerkes. ( Dry PiusTSU ( tt > COIOIH Atlanta , Mfc ; Sinter , , V ; Merlin Oil , i t . Gnrnrr Qfm \ \ * 7c. PIN'K AM > Hcmi lllchmond , tV ; Allen < < ; Uivcrpolnt. 5c ! Steel lllxer , ( VHUH ; - mend , Oe ; Pacltlc. ' , V Isnidft Mit'K Wash ington , Oo ; Centmj IndUo blue pilnts , lOo ; Amtilcnn , OJsc : Ainoldi ( ( t ; ; Arnold Blu'ac ; Arnold A 12o ; Arnold Ciolusinl lO.Uc. DKESS ; Charter Oak. 4 > oc ; Humai > o , fJJfc ; Lodl , 41ic ; Allen , iVijO ; lUchmntid , 5 0 ; Windsor , oo ; Kdd\stone , faI'lielllc \ - , f/a , COII'-KT ' .lr ' s' Androscogln , 7lf ( " , Kcar- HIIUC , T/iCt / Ho < kpoit , O e' , Conestogn , I5i c' . Stnndnid. t-c ; Gem. lOUc ; Heauty , 12 > , e ; Bourn * , He ; li , cased , $0 50. LOTION rijASNEi.t 10 per cent trndo ills- ( ount LL , OJ4'r ; CC , 7V ; SS , S'j'e ' ; Name less , GKo ; No 6 , Cc ; V.K , O'j'e ' : GO , I0'/o ' ; XX , 18e ; OO , 14e ; NN , lf < ; UX , ISc ; K , 80e ; No 10 , iac : 40 , lO eidO. 1'JWc ; H ) , Ifie ; yo , colored , lOc ; 50 , ( nlorcd. 12e ; ,0 , coloicd , 15e ; Bristol. ii\V : : Union Pacific , ISc. CAIIM.IIHI - Bibb white , ISJjo ; colored , * OiMiiuM-Plunkett cheeks , 7l4'c ; Whit- teuton , 7'/e ; Yoik , 74o ; Noimandl Dress , H'fco ; Calcutta Du-ss , b'.e ; Whlttentou JJiess , "Jo ; Honfiew Ihcss , .ictTJ'fei CAMHIIK.S Slater , 4' e ; Wood * , 4 e ; Stan dard , 4'o ; Peacock. 4 } , e. A7I.MUHI nLlJ , , r U7i , 111 : , EJ\UJ'lt , I o ? . . lite ; York , 7-o/ . , lc ! ! ; Ilujmakt-r , 8' ' < c ; .fuftieyNX , lljje ; , laffisy ( XXX , 12 } e ; Hea ver Cii'ck , AA , 12e , Heaver Cieck HH , lie ; Hem er Creek CC , lOc. KiATithJ JKA\S Momm-Ial , lr e ; Canton , ISiDuilnim ; , 27Vi ; Heicnlcs , Ibu , Leaming ton , 22 > jc ; Cottswold , 2 M ! . Ciusn Stevens' H , ( ! o ; bleached , 7c ; Stp- vens' A. 7UCble.uhed ; , s"i , ; bto\ens' P. S"e " ; bleaihcd , H'.e ; Stevens' N. UJfe ; blcaihed , 10 < ; Stevens' S UT , 12' , c. Ml"i 1 1 i.tMoi " Table oil cloth , fJ.S5 ; plain Holland , Stc to ( ic. Dado Holland , 12 } fo. FIANNMS Plaid Uaftsman , ! L'c ; Goshen , nJSc. Clear Lake , tU'e ' , Maple City , Hdl c. Whito-n II No. 2 84" , Sic ; G II No. l , f , 27 cHHNo. 2 , 94' , 2J'e ' ; H H No. 1 , "f , 0c ; ( juechee No. ! . ' , 4.V , ( jiuvhuo No. 2 , % , : i7'c ; Ouechco No. ; t , ? . , , 'U'je : Anawau , Iti2e ! ; Windsor , 22 J. Uid-C 21-inch , J5 > ; e ; ] : , 24 Inch , 21e ; ( iG , 21-inch. INH ; A F , 4. 25c.1 U F , J ( , 27 } c ; G , 4' , 5o. ib- ? < ) ( iOi/r. ( ; oo. Whlte$1.00n7rjO ( ; colored * ! 10 HiruilKl ) SIII.J-TISO Heikclv enmbiie , No. ( id , ( J'4e ; Best Yet , 4 4 , t5J.Ce ; butter cloth 3O , 4'Ce ' ; Cabot , 7Jjc ; l'ai\\ell , Se ; fiuit of ' ,00111 , bJ4c ; Uieeno f ! , Oe ; Hope , 7J-jo ; King liillij ) lambiie , lie ; Lonsdalo , ll'4e ' ; Lons- lule , aijis ; New Yoik mills , lO'tfe ' ; Peppeiell , 18 inch , 10j./e ; Peppetell , 40 inch , ll c ; Pep- > erell , 0-4 , 15e ; Peppeiell , b 4 , Ibe ; Peiqieiell , 14. 80c ; Peppeiell , 10-4 , 8JJo ; Canton , 44 , 8'/e ' ; Canton,4-4 , UJ e ; Tiinmph , Oe ; Wam- sutta , lie ; Valley , 5e. BIIOUN Siit.irrisii Atlanta A , 4-1 , 7'4e ; A Hantio H , 44 , 7c ; Atlantic V , 4 4 , ii'jc ; At- iintio P , 4-4 , 5JCAuior.i ; LL. 4-4 , 5 fe ; Au rora C , l-t , 4'fe : Ciown XXX , 4-4 , ! , ; Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , Sffo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , " e ; Lawrence LL. 1-4 , 5Jfe ; Old Dominion , 4 4 r > K ! PeeiHll | U , 4 4 , li'-'i" " Peppeiell O , 4-4 Io ; l'eppeic-11 , 84 , loe"Peppeiell ; , 1) ) 4 , Ibu I'cppeioll , 10-1 , 8de ; Utiea C , 4-4 , 4 4c ; Wachnsett , 4-1 , 7c ; Auioia 1 { , 1-1 , O jc ; Au- rot.il ) , 4-4 , ( ie. li t K West Point 2' " in. S 07 , 10fe ; West Point811 in , 10o ? , 12 e ; West Point21) ) in , 18 07 , 15e ; West Point 40 in , 11 ol.c. ( . Checks Caledonia X , ! i ; . < c : Caledonia XX. lOj.o ; Kcononii , I'fti'.ijjo ' ; Oils , 'Jdi'.i'jC. Oi-neial 31 SfiitiT * Cologne spitits , Ibb ptoof , (1.10 ; ilo 101 proof , SI.12 ; spirits second quality , 101 jiioof , l III ; do ISbpiool.fl O'J. ' Alcohol Ib8 [ iioof , * MO per wine gallon. He-distilled whiskies , 4lOO ( 1.50. ( Jin blended , tl50 ( 2l)0 ) ; Kentucky bouibons , f J0ffi ( \ 1500 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania lies. .MXKfftj.TO ; Oolden Sheaf bom lion and rju whiskies , $1 .Mi i. ) 00. Hum- dies , impoited , $5OUdS ( 50 ; domesticM ! Ui ) ( ( . II ( XJ. Gins , imMitedI.W | ) 0 00 ; domestic , $1.85f/il ! ( X ) . Champagnes , impoited , per ease , < U-5 00.y,100 ( ; Ameiican , per case , S10lX.i ! ( ( 10 ( X ) . UEVM Hiuiiniu.Iion , lute , $2,70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4J > , e ; cincihlo steel , d o ; cast tools , do , 18il5e ( ! ; wagon spokes , per set , $ JOO-T550 ( ; hubs , per set , * l 50 ; felloes , hawed dry , $1 W ) ; tongues , oath , bOc ; axles , each , 75e ; squaio nuts , peril ) , 0f7'13c ( ' ; coil chain , per lb,0'ji'lie ( : ; malleable-SfiMOc ; linn wedges , Oe ; cronbuis , Oc ; harrow teeth , 'fe ' ; spiing steel , 4C"5c" Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , J" 75 ; bin bed wiio , hi car lots , $ -1 ( XI per 11M ) Ihs ; lion nails , lutes , 10 to 50 , * J 40 ; steel nails , $ . ' 50. HiDhs ( Jioen lmteheis'V < gieeneined : , 7e ; dry Hint , 10ediy ; suit , bc-.green call skins , 7'ic ; damage-d hides , tw o thn ds pi ice. Tal low ! l)4c. ) GMUSOPinne white-Heic-llow ; , He : blown , lc. , Hheeppelts , 2VniOc' ( . Covi , Kgg$10,2" > ; mil(10,25 ; i.mgu.f 10.2i ; walnut block , * . ! 75 ; lowu lump , $ .150 ; Iowa nut , ? i.75j Illinois , f4 25 ( < 74.75. Dry Lumber. 1IIMIso | AM ) TIMlll It" . I14 \l I It ) ft. 'iSft.'JOft. ' Ift [ 24 .17 111 W ) JO i " - M"j ) 'T HI ' ' " ; X10 IH prriO'jo H ) ui ; co 23 m IH fiOil'l .VI'-II .VI 1 IXI'Ji ( Kl 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , Ii4 in , h , s. 2 s. . , f50 50 'M , clear , 1 mclr , s a s , . . . . 45 5J ( " " l' < , l'4,2in ' . . . . 4(5 ( 50 A select , 1 Inch , s 2 H. , . . . . 40 0(1 ( " " 1'4 , 1 > . 2 in . . . . 44 ( XI B " 1 inch , s. 2 in . . . . : ) ( XI " " I'i IH-in . . . . i7 ! 00 roil tit i uMniiii , Clear Poplar , Hx. Hds , J < in. , s2 s . . . fl" 5(1 ( " " Min. Panel , s2 H . . . . 27 ( Ml " " Coi lugated Ceiling , J < . . 8b 511 IHTTINS , win , Tim MI , I-ICKI i . O. G. Halts , 8'2 ' in 007fi " h in , s is 00 1.1 .T in. Well Tubing I ) & M and Hev 8.1 OC Pukets , 1 > &H , Flat 80 5C " " sniaie- ( 21.0C IKIAllll" . No 1 com , s 1 s * is ( X ) I No. 1 , torn , a 1 sJlT.OC No. 3 ' " 15 UI \ I No. 4 " " Hi ( X. I'l NCIMI. No. 1 , 4 feOin 1814 ft , lough riOM " " " 10 " 11)5(1 ) ( No. 8 , " 12 & 14 " 10 ( XI " " " 10 " 17.5C ( Til ISO \Mi 1-AltTlTlON , 1st com 'in White Pine Ceiling f.ll.OC 2nd * * * ' 4i ' * . 2a Ot ' ' ' ' ' ' Clear , \ in Noiway " " . . . . . . . Itfix ; 8ndcom. , in " ' ' HOC STOC-K noutns. A 12 Inch si t < 55 ( No l.com 18 in sis , 18 ft 'JO 51 " " " 14 ft 101X " " " 10 ft lb5C No.2 , " " l ! ( ) f " " " 10 ft 175C Inch Gioo\ed Hooting , fl.CX ) per M , moic than 18 Inch stock boaids same length , < , IATII , XX clear $ : no Hxtia "A * $ 2K ! * AStamVud. . 1.50"A" II H & H li in. clear , No 1 1.50 Lath 2er SIII1NO. A , 12 , 1 1 & 1C. ft .til 50 I C , 12 , 1 1 & Hi ft .115 5 ( U , " " 20 50 | D , " " 1 > 5 ( 1I.OOIUNO , Art In White Pine * .I5 WC , ? 20 5C H " " " .1.1501) , 21. ( X K " " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 1U.OC Mill' HI1. No 1 Plain. S.10 in . $10 5C No 2 " . 17 ft No. 1 , O GSIn , . VJ5C rosTs. White ced.u1 , ft in , i s , 12e ; 0 in. , qrs , lie : 8 in , qrs , lOe ; 4 in. round 15e ; Tennessee Ucd Cedar , split , 15o ; Split Oak , 12e. I I ME , LTD. Quincy white lime ( best ) , OOc ; Akionco mcntvl 75 ; hair , HOo. ; plaster , fJ 75 ; tar board fl 73 ; sash , 40e per ct. ; doois , 40e per ct : blinds , 40e per ct ; mouldings , 40c per ct. : tar felt per cwt. , 4XJ 75 ; straw board , f 1.73. SOUTIItHN BELLOW I'JNE. Com. 4 .tOIu. Jloonng . $17 .V Star " " . 21 5f Clear Kin Celling . 21.51 Clear J.ln Petition . 2.1 01 Clear Jlnlsh , l&H/tn. , s'Js . , . 2-JIX Clear cori ugnted ceiling , 4 in . 25 ( X Yellow pine casing nnd base . 270 ; ( An Old Now York Commerclnl Aelvei-tlsor ' Talking of hiiujflns , " paid ft white haired old goiitlom.an nt the St. .Taino&'i hotel , last night , when the couvefsatioi touchoil upon the subject of the con ilomnecl anat-chlEts : ' " iilk about liang inpI had an oxporlonco when I wus i boy that is ns vivid to mo to-daj ui when It happened. " " \yoll , what Is UV aakcJ the it'i > orter ever ready for a story. 'Youltnowl was bgrnlij Montreal an < was about se\t-n jt-nis old when the Fii'itch-Canadian rebellion bioko out. Tlueu ( < f the rebels wuie caught , tried niil ) pciitoncetl to bo hutttffd. One ( it them was. .lulcs Dc'luciotk , an old ninn of fl.xty , \\lio oi'i-asfonnlly Utl a bit ot work for my father. Jules laid lot his rlfjhthaud in MIIIIO nimnicr yoatrt before I know him ; it was cut off attho wrist , k'uvinnu Hiiooth , rounded stvunp , I was iircfcont with the ciowd on the 4 day of tlio execution - cution of the throd 111011 , who were liaiiKed topother on ' { h'o mine gibbet , fooliii ( , ' a sort of proprietary intotest in the wliolo aflair on tlio ftretiKtli of my noiiuiilntiuieo with .lulcs. The gibbet was mtulo of two hotuy uprights with aide \\ido \ string jiiuco across the top , over which the thtec lopes : wt-re thrown , for in these limes they simiily fastened the iitMMO around a man' * nock and pulled him up by linml and lot him strangle to death , ns they do at a western lynching no\v. Ono end of the gibbet wasclobo to and nearly on a Imol with a , nhed on which 1 had tukuu my Mand to witness the o.M'uutlon. Wolf , iust an the f-ol- dien wore about to pull up the- victims ft boyish freak possessed mo , and I climbed out on the utilng-pieec , lay ing Hat on my face and : i aw led out to the I'u si rojio just as \iptimswcio pulled up. I happened to bo directly o\cr DelacToiv. AH the tone was pulled , up pamo. the wiithing body of poor Jules till h'e almost rouchcd the beam above him , on which I crouched. They had tied his hands behind him , but in his death struggle he managed to pull the blump from its fastening , and , as ho found it loose , throw it up and oxer the beam , and with dcisperuto s ieugth drew hiiiixelf up , thiib shickouiug the rope about his neck. I was looking don n into his ghastly face , which WHS so close that I could 'have touched him with my hand. His wild , blood-shot ojt" * looked straight into mine w'th a pitiful , beseeching glance that haunts mo to this day. "Ah , mon Dion ! moil Dion ! " ho gasped , us a IJritish soUlier caught him by the feet and gave him 11 pull , his handlers stump lost its hold on the eio.-s piece uul the [ wor wiotch fell back to ] ii& death. No ; I uo\er think of a man's hanging but I leeollect those wild , blaring ejes , and hear the gasp ing supplication : ' 'Mon Dleu , mon Kluillc Hal Meat or Not ? K\or.\1iody will tell jou now in this ( IIMHI of s-ummor that v > u ought not teat at M ) mueh meat. "Try tlio vegetarian liol , " tlioy Miy. "Well , wo luuo tried he vegetarian iliot until wo uio sick of t. It is liaril to got in America and it s coitiy. And wo bclie\e. nnj way.that nun is"earnivototts to a largo degree1. Still , \c-getables ought to bo eaten in heir season. The only trouble1 ib one s so itt ] ) to uat at hotels and les aurnnts oulj such \eyetallies ; at , ha\c lain in the sun and tiirneel a "eholei.i j reeu. " ' Of -oui'-'O , tbero is risk in fating' Mich food. Hotter piotoctoursuH as well as ixc-si- de by having nlwnjS within ic.ieh some HliANlHtKi UN IMM. . A lo-c of three o ten , aeeotding to 50111' bulk , will geii- . inllj acliis a m'ejvcntivo a-jainst all eating impure food I'UXXY COUXTUY IjAAVSt'lTS. me JOxuniplcH of Queer Tiltluntlon hiiliiK ' ' ' < ' n Cent A I'ninoiiM Turkey Suit. Nm\ York Sun : Ten jears ago the town of "Wales , l rie county , enjoyed a reputation as the center of coimli.law . - t-uils in that section of Now Yoik st.ite. The local justices , of whom there weio four in the township , weio kept con stantly busy listening to arguments in- \ol\hig the most trivial cases imagin able. An old fellow named John Howe was continually in hot water witli his neighbors , and when he was uot the de fendant in a lawsuit , ho generally had one on hand against some ono elm. John conducted a small saw-mill on the banks of IJulTalo creek , and lived in a little house all by himself. lie had u large number of hens about him , and these hens were ono of the piincipal sources of his troubles. On one occasion he was sued for damages because his fowls sciatchcd up the corn of one o/ his neighbois , and the judge decided that ho must pay something like twonty-fho cents for the destruction wrought by the scratchcrH. In this case the lawyers' fees and comt expenses , before the case was finally decided , Amounted to upwards of SUM ) , but the plaintill did not care a snap about this , allhough ho had to mortgage his farm to pay his shaio. He had downed John ll'owo , and that sulllced. Hj far the most celebrated cafco that e\or oeoiuied ill the town , however , was that in which a blacksmith in \Vales Center sued the tax collector for ono cent , and seemed \erdict. . Tlio blacksmith and the tax collector had been good friends for j ears , but some thing came between them , and they wore transformed into bitter enemies. The blacksmith had paid his taxes with the exception of four cents. The col lector came around to got this balance ono day , when the blacksmith handed him a nickel. ' 'I'll keep that odd cent for interest , " paid the collector. "If jou don't pay it over I'll bo - if I don't sue j'ou , replied the blacksmith. The collector paid no attention to this , and walked away with the odd cent. T\\o or three days afterward ho was _ summoned to appear before Justice Gail to answer the suit of the blacksmith. Each bide secured the services of the best legal talent in the town. Joe Shea- ver roprobonting ono bide and Si Emery the other. The collector decided that ho would rather risk his chances before a jury than with the judge alouo. Con sequently , the constable was notified to lind twelve good men , and true , who knew nothing of the merits of the case , and who were unprejudiced. This proved to bo a very dillicult matter. Three timob the jury was hung , and the cause extended over several weeks. The court was held in one corner of a room in a country inn. Boniface made almost as much out of the witnesses as the law yers seen led from the litigants. At last , after each sidfi had paid its attor- nej- several hundred dollars , tlio jury decided that tlio collector must pay over to the blacksmith the bum of ono cent , with costs , and an execution for the same was forthwith issued. For Kino years now the inhabitants of Wales have "quit having" to a gtcat extent , and the olllco of justice of peace in the town has not been so remunerative as it used to be. A few dajs tigo , however , another case came up. Two farmers living on IIolmcs'7lill gotinto a. dispute about the ownership of n pair of liish black turkeys. They resolved to allow the law to settle their differences. This time thrco lawyers wore engaged , As semblyman H. Iv. Emory , Supervisor -Prank U. "Whaloy , of the town ol Aurora , and Village Clerk Addington , of the village of East Aurora. Again , it was determined that ti jurj1 bhould decide the merits of caeh tide. Twice they failed to agree , and the turkey suit of Holmes'1 Hill promised to bo a long-drawn out fight over ft very smal ! matter. The lawyers , however , wore not of the Now York brajid , and thov decided to bring the case to au end with OblHtlo expense s jwbbihlo. Assemblyman - man Emory remarked to Supervise ! "WJialoythat ho ahould like Vo try the llnvor of the o turkeys , accompanied bj cranberry sauce anil other trimmings Tlio suggestion was immediately see oiided by Villtige.CJerk Addipglon , aiu Supervisor \YUaley uUmittcd thathii nouth watered to some extent. The re- till was that the three lawyers called ho plainliff and defendant together Hid suggested that the quickest way to ettlo. the cnae would bo to devour the urkcys. The two men , Mho had been icighbors and friends for jears , looked it one another , and flnallj1 agreed that t was the most sensible suggestion that lad over como from u legal mind. Thou nine a dispute as to who should prepare ho dinner. This was llnally settled by irbitration. A third party volunteered o spread the tnblo and cook tlio tur- toys , and last week the judge , the law- ers , the parties to the action , the jury mil their friends sat down to an old ashioned country spread in the dining oem of Mrs. George Holmes , and .ill agiecd that wheno\er there was ft dls- nito about the ownership of a turkey in ho future , Mrs. Holmes should cook it , and that the lawyers should bo called in o enjoj' the feast. EDISON AS A PHYSICIAN. How He Was Offered the Position or Soti-In.IM\V. A yetoran plainsman who had met Ed- bon when he was out west in 1878 , tells lie following storj' about KdUonn Phil adelphia doctor , and a chance patient of the doctor. Ho said : "A ranchman came along on his way o Uawlins for a doctor to see his daugh- er , who appeared to have been suddon- y nfllietod by some peeuUardisoaso , the cau e and nature of which pu//.lcd and thinned the familj- , who were evidently simple nnd well meaning , hut ignorant people. Seeing buch an unusual stir ibont Separation , and so many men .hero , he stopped and asked if any unong us was a phjsiciau. Ijr. French , if Philadelphia , was there and volun- teeiexl to accompany 1ho man , so ho climbed onto tlio buckboatd and the mules weio turned raiichward again. "Several hours later tlio doctor , who was a great believer in the olllcacjof electricity as a medical agent , returned uid described the cube to us. "Tho girl , who was about seventeen ycats old and beautiful in a rude sort of i\ay , had been btanding at a sink wash ing dishes , when bhe. had suddenly leaned forward and remained 50 , in n and of cataleptic condition , until her mother came to her , ptob.iblj-an hour later. 'She had seemed all right after ward and could not explain exactly how they had been bei/ed. Aftcrwai'd , an other daj- , the same thing had occurred , : is she stood hanging out clothes. She and remained with her arms uplited , in one position , till she had been brought away and aroused. Hut the occasion which had most seriously alarmed thorn md which had caused the father tel l inp a physician , was that slio had laid down , and been found in this stupid condition , fiom which they had failed to aiottsQ her. "Dr. French had worked over her an hour and si half before she recovered the possession of consciousness. Hut ho asserted if ho had had a medical olee- trie battery ho could hn\e restored her immediately. "At this Edison became quite excited and declared if ho could got some old cells nnd a coil from the opciator lie could punido the necessary curt out. So Edison liggedup a rude kind of b.itterj' and went down with French to opoiate on the girl the next time she had one of her attacks. "One of the whims of the girl was , when emerging from her rataleptio state , to grasp whatever was nearest her. so as Edison happened to bo there with the sponge on the back of her neck treating her to a dose of electric ity , she took fast hold of him. The father saw this and supposed the girl to be in love with the electrician. Hound the mother tallied the matter o\or , and came to the conclusion that the elec- tiical appliance was a sort f infernal machine or philter by which this htranfjer was winning the atlection of the girl. " 'See here , stranger , ' said the man to Edison , 'if jou mean business , all right. ' Edison bowed very gravely , hearing not a word. 'Cure the girl up and you can marry her. There's fifty head o' cattle you can run off and bell if you want to , as jjou look mighty seedy joursolf. 1 don't bupposo you're worth iv dime , air yeV Edison seeming to undoi stand that a negative was re quired shook his liOiid at this. " 'I thought so , jest what I told mjr woman. Hut that gal's the apple o' my eje , and if bhe hankers after yo she a goin' to have ye ; and some of thorn men who seem to rathur like jo if jpuaira poor cuss can witno a the thing and bring down a justice. ' "Again Edison bowed. "French then thought it was about time an end was put to the business and hill lied the telephone man off to Separation - ation , and the icst of us wont down and explained the situation to the iiineh- man , tolling him that Edison was deaf and a lunatic- , and know absolutely noth- inpr except a little about electricitj- , which he could show the mother how to apply to the girl in case of a renewal of the attack , which , however , bcemed doubtful , as the disease had so bwiftly succumbed to the btrong meabuies used. " \Vo all chipped in and made up ft purse for the girl , Edison heading the list with a , bigbum. . "Tho girl married the next year. I found afterward , and is as buxom a woman as jou'd wish to sec. " Ingersoll on the Anarchists. Colonel Robert G. Ingorsoll is not in favor of hanging the anarchists. Ho EIIJS : "It may bo that I am led to this conclusion because of my belief that o\erj' man does as ho must. This belief makes mo charitable toward all the world. This belief makes mo doubt the wibdom of revenge. * * * "Whore the criminal cannot bo reformed , and the safety of society can bo secured by his impribonmont , there is no possible excuse for destroj'iug his lifo. * * * It is far better for soei oty to have a little jiiorcy. The effect upon the com munity will bo good. If these mon nto imprisoned , people will examine their teachings without prejudice. If they are executed , scon through the te'ir" of pity their vii lues , their bufferings , their noroibin , will he exaggerated , others may emulate their deeds , and the gulf between the rich nnd the poor will bo widened a gulf that may not close until it has devoured the noblest and the best. " Dean Stanley nnd Jenny Mml. A correspondent from London writes : I can give jou some new anecdote about Jenny Lind. Dean Stanley once offci ed hinibolf to her in marriage and was ic- fused. The whole Stanley family , in- eluding the hibhop and Mrs. Stanley , weroalwaj'S devoted to her. She hail lived in perfect retirement of late years , spending the most of the time ut her charming place at Malvorn. Her greal musical accomplishment was hci "shako" in a piece which IJalfo wrote for her. She made three forte "shakos' successively , rushing upthe. | scnloat the top o ( her voice nt the end of each "snake11 with nn ease * which no singer ever rivaled. She was besieged with requests for autographs , but onlj' gave thoin in support of oharitnhlo institu tion . Mendelssohn wrote "Elijah" for her , and declared that such a mubica t'eiiius appeared pnly once in a centurj' | AreliltcctH nnd Siipcrlntendcnte. , Uidgsou & SOn , 26 , Iron Bank. AgrlculturtiMmplomonts. _ CHURCHILL" PARKER , ) oaler in Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons. Otrrtairei and UURKIM. Jonr Sirrct , llclnt't n lib unj _ luth.Omahit , .Svbmfki. "uNTNdin A METCALFVo. ' AgricnluiralIinploinentslWagonsCarriaEGs , _ llumlei. Eto. W holc < itl , Ouiahn , N br V . ' * PARLIN , ORENDORF'VMARTINT . . Wliolf lc r > c lf r In AgricnltnrallinplGineiils.f apns & Buggies UlMai. HO nn J WJ.Jonei Street , OraitL * . p. p.iv/vsTc Manufacturers of BncKeye Drills , Sectors , OplllTalorii. lift ? llnkcu. CMi > r Mill * n < 1 I ntmn 1'ul' Terlien Cur , lubtnd Mcholn Plreclt. WINONA IMPLEMENT COi W Uolosulo Agricultural Implements , Wagons &BuggiK Cnrnrr Kill ml Nlclmlai Strpft * . _ , _ Artlstn' Materials. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1613 BoiiglM Slrt-el , Oinnlm , Nubrntk * . Boots and Shoos. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , UUFiroatu SI .Oiualin , Neli Mnnudtctury , Bummtf Strrel , Iloitim. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Surcrssur * to llreil , Joint A Co ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes AgenU for Ttnutim Hnbhor MOo ( ' < i. lltr. , 11M A 110 HHNIFT St , Onmlm , Nvbrn kn. Coffees , Splcos , Eto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha Coffee ami plo Mlllf. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baiting Powder , _ Cropkoryjind ciasayyaro. w. L. WRIGHT ! ' Agent for Urn Manufacturers und linpnrlrrt of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc omc < ' . .Uh lUht t , Oiiiuhn. NcbratHu. ' Commission and Storages D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Join , Batter , Kum nnd I'rmlnro ronilitnmriitp rollcltrd. lleailquartiT * for Stoniurnrp , ll.-rrj Iliucs uini Orapa llmkt-l * 1411 DoJgu bl , Omaha. Storage and Commission Merchants. Bp * WIEDEMAN& CO. . Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , Onnic. Knilli. Klc. KOboulti Kill f t , OEO. SC HR OE D E R A CO. , ( Huccenforn to McShano A Si-lirocdf r ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Oinabn , NMiruika Coal , Coke and Lime. JMAHA"COAL , COKE & "LIME Jolers of Hard and Soft Coal tua Sou Ui lltli ritroct , Omalm , Ncliraf ka. &cp. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , .nd hlppi-r * of Peal , C'okn , Conipnt , IMi tor , t.lni brain 'I'lln anil s iri > r 1'lpiORlio , I'ailiin Hotel , 1-arnnm t , Oinubii , Nob. 'I olepbonf * hll. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 Hoiith 11th M , Oiimba , Neb. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions IKCmid 110Uoug1as , Cor , llth 8t .Omaha , Neb. " " " " KILPA"TRTCK KOCH"DRY"GOODS"CO Importers and Jooliers in Dry GoodsNotions , Umt > ' KurnlslilnKOiioil'.l nrnnrlllh aiut llarney HU Omaha , Nebraska Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , l ariiam Street , Oaiaha , Nebraik * . Groceries. PAXTON. GALLAGHER \ CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , TOT , TOO and 7U H. 10th Ht , Omaha , TieD. Wholesale Grocers , 1Mb and Ieavenwortli ytrcets , Omaha , Ncl > ra ku D. M. STEELE & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , HU , 1MI and IK ) Uarner Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and llir. Harnor Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnware.bhert Iron.Klc. Agent * for Itonp hcalet.and Mluml 1'owder Cu , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools and Huffulo Prales. 1W6 Douglant. Omaha , Nebraika. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , IDthand llnrney 8U .OumUa.'Neh. Wentcrn Aiirnti tor Autllu 1'owder Co .Jeffrriun Hlcul .Nal , J-alr- - banks Standard ttinlrt Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , EprlUK * , Wagon Stock , llardnaru Lumber , etc. 1206 and 1211 llarncr Htrn t , Onmha EDNEY * GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , W on and Cgrrlnao Wood Stock , Ili-avy lUrclwar * . Etc. HI" and litv I avtnworlt Ht , Omaha , Nvb. , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 llarney tftfeet , Omaha , Neb , Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and 1LER & CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Liprs ait lalla Dltten and Domeiulo Liquor * 1112 llamey Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale IBtfc bUe t and Unlou TaclOo Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , etc. V rdComrr 7th and luugl , Corner ith fad Iau l , C. N. DEITZ. Dealer In all Kinds of Lumber , th ard Cullfornlt 6t > , Omaha Neb. * ' * FRED W. GRAY. Lumlier Limo Cement Etc Etc ; , , , , , , _ Corner tth ted loulaiati , Omaha. ' T , W , HARVEY LUMBER CO. , c To Dealers Only , * One * , 1(81 rttaam Blml , Ota aba. w - ' "r -JOHN-A7WAKBFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ( ran rorttanl Cetntnt Slat * t | l . , Lurnbor. * . v. . . j "CHAS. H. LEET Dealer in Hardwood Lnmliop , < * uiet | nnd 1'nnuel flaorlng Oth ami Dctultl Mllllnory nnd JNot'Onaw j { * * I. OUERFELDER ii Co7 ) IinDorters& Jobbers of Millinery SNolio SW , JIO ind : i ] South tub Street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods' 401 MiJ dV. South 10th 8tr * t , Omibi. * J r VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , ( v Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , | 1105 Ilnrner sttf ct. ( > m lm. , ' Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE COi Wholesale Refined and Lubricating 011 $ All * llrriito , etc , e'nmha. ' A , II , HUhop , MitR K'r > _ . _ . . _ . _ Pnpar. . " CARPENTER PAPER CO. . ' Wholesale Dealers Paper , s CtrrjKnlcc flock of tulntlnK , wrnpplnt tiul * rlllt | II | I < T Speilnl uttrnllun rln-n to or luail uttlcct. Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION ; Auxiliary Pnblishei's , Dealers lBtpe , prex n and tirlnlcr * ' inppliel , M South lilh Street , Omaha. Ruooor Goods. _ _ " " OM"AHA RUB"BIR co. , ' ] Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods OH Clothing nd 1 yiilhcr llolllnn liHH Kanianilr ct > _ Stonm JFJttlnga , _ A L. STRAND CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Btcnm , walt-r , rnllonr anil mlnliiKi.iippllf > < , no. KO , 'J'i aiul ' . ' . ' 4 1 rim Mi Slrri I , Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , t Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Slcam anilntur Siimillioi. lli.ii.liinulirn | lor MMtt 1-uoit ALe tKOoils 1111 Vuniiuii "I , OniBliii i "U.S.WIND ENOINEA PUMP CO.T" , Steam and Water Supplies , ItallklaTlnfl Mitl fllSnndirJO I iirniim hi , Ornnb * . U , K , llo , AitlnK Manauor. ' * B R OW NELL&CCs , I1 Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , bhtet lion \\nrk , Strum I'limi" . , Haw Mllli. ) :12-U1 1 t-aTt'nworth Strt-Lt , Omaha. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , , ' Wholesale Farm , Fieli and Garden Seeds fill and 13 Joue ( U , Omaha StornKo , ForwnrdJriB AjCornmlBBlpri ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & . C Storage , Forwarding and Commission , ItrAnrl , houtif1 of the 11-nner I1UKK7 Co llnpBl * > t ftUolcnaluuiiil D-tnll Im.HIOmiil IUJ Ii rd stint , OtmiUa. Ick'ptimir .V > W JToagMind Cigars. WM. A. wTLSON & CO. . Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars , Cl > kc and Daisy linking 1'omlir lllo and HIS liar * nor htrect , Onmha. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ; Johu Kpcuelor , I'roprlntor. Ml Iuik and III ) anil 108 North lutli f tri-t t , Omuhii. : < \i \ Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Eto. H. K. SAWYER. fi Manufacturing Dealer in SmoKe Stacks- ! llrltihlngi.'lankK ami tieneral Holler HepaliliiK. 131& Dortuu Mrei-t , Oniuha , Neb. T Iron Works. Ti PAXTON & VIERLING , Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorW ICiiKlnpK , Hrni work , iienrral founilry. nmclilne unit blackiuiltli work. ( Sniff unit wnrki , U. 1 * . Ity. nml 4 IHb Street , OumU . OMAHA WIRE& IRON WORKS. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings lVBk rails , window cuaids flower dtand § , wire etc , IZI North 18th bt , Omaha. OMAHA S AF EAN D I R ONwo R K s Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes i Vaults Jail work. Iron and wire fencing , ilgni , etc. ( J. Andreun , I'rop'r. ( or nth uud Jaik un his. MOLINE.MILBURN iSTODDA D Co Mun f c uri > r nl lolbeiiIn Wagons , Buggies , Hakes , Plows Etc , ( or Old iiml I a Itlu " "is , otnuhn. M li MEAGHER & SPROAT. Jl General Agents for DleboM ' uli ; \ Lock To. > Rre and Burglar Proof Safes.Time . Locks , Vnulti and Jail Work , 1415 KarnamJtruet , Omaha. ' Overalls. { CAN"FrELD MANUFACTUR'lrG CO . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeaui Pants , bhlrts , Ftc. 110 ! nnd 1101 Douglas Street Omaha. .Scli. , , Eto. ' " " * MTA. DISBROW & CO' . ; ( Wbole ale Manufacturer * of Sash , Doors , Bliuds and Mouldings , H ranch Office , 12th and liard Mrerts , OniHhn.Neb , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds/ , / Mouldings , Malr Wnrk and Infrlor lUnlVciod Flor Uu. N , K. Corner 8th nnd LrsvinwultU Streets , Omaha , Neb OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ; And IlllndK , Tumln * , Stair work llnnk and OfflcV 'Mil and I'opiilcton Avenue. Brewers. STORZ St ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1MI North UlKhtc-enlU Street , Omaha , Neb C. It PAIMEIt N UKIIMtV ) n UI.ANCIIAIll * ) PALMER. RICHMAN St. CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , Otllco Uooni 14 , Oppoillo Vichnniip llulMlug , Unloi block \mili , tmulb OniitliHi .Neb. MoCOY QROS.7 Live StocK Commission Merchants , Market furnlilicd dm on Hppllrnllon fltnckur * * ni frodtrn fnrnliliKilon u > or | ttirmi Hcrnri'n r ijmij lia .NalloriHl limit nnil Mnutli Ouuihu N'utlDiiul , UnlOM Block Yanli , viutli Oitittn. LORIMER. WESTERFIEUD & MALE ? Liye Stock Commission , Boom Kxcbange HulldlnK , Ifnlon Stock Yant * Houtli OiBAlia , Neb HORN * SH A R pli Commission Dealers in Live Stock , noom 33 , F rh np * > Ilvill 'nir. Union Clock YM * Oinnhit Uufxrrnce' Union .Vnl'l llunlc , Oninlja. Union Stork V r.t Rank. H Otiiuliu , li , b. Uowlcr I'rei API llank A'lruil lo , Onialiu . " " ' ALEXANDER aUFITCH , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Room 22. oppfxltq rictiin HullilInK , Uiilou Altu " Yarji , houth Oii liu.Neb. UNloTJ ST"oCK YARDS CO. . ' " * Of Omaha , Limited , John V Boyd. Superintondtnt. .S. 7' . IIMtlimiiOK , M , I.t Physician and Surgeon. Unite , Cor. loth HIK ) rurnam Hts. llesljfiice.jca' i'uruuw bt , Houri , U to 11 a. in , z to 0 p. u.