Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1887, Image 1

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Colonel Grant Defeated in Now
York By Ton Thousand.
Mnxurll Iloturnril to tlic Sn-
pi-cine lie-null lly mi Overwhelm
ing Mnjoill ) The Vote in
LINCOLN , Neb , Nov. " . [ Special to the
Hr.K. ] The election In the city of Lincoln
imsseil off very iiuietly mid u light vote was
] > olioel In nil the wurds , n conservative csti-
inuto placing ono third of the volcrs In thu
( day nt homo list. The curly hours of the
dny were pleasant , but at noon a light rain
was falling that Incieased duiing the after-
noon. Up to the noon hour tlioro vvoio hut
nbout bOO votes | Mlled in the city , but the
voting Increased us the rain
drove men from work and left
thein free to visit the i > ells Cairiagcs wore
brought into use without number , and to
waul the close of the day \\ero in uilive de
mand. It was neiticeublo that deal
of sciatching was being done , nnd that the
main contest in the tity was over the Judge-
HIIp ! between Field nnd Hawjnr , both candl
dates being in the thickest of the f my. The
demoi latio trade with the pioliihjtlonists on
the treasurer ijuestion inado thu tonttst
somewhat spiiitcel nt times , but n great many
democrats objecte-d to being sold out in
way and manifested their dfsappi oval by voting
ing fortho icptiblicnn ticket. Thoinoiry war
wentone\en to the question of Justices of the
peace and ( oust.ibles , and u dutei mined effort
was made to defeat .Indue Coelnan by Mi.
H.iUer on the democratic ticket , who was en
dorsed by the piohibilionists. llic-re was
through the day a notlceablo indisiosition ] to
butting , and as it was thought that the eontcst
for Judge was close neither side scorned to
e.iro to invest mueli inonc'i in insults Tele-
giiinw weio passed bUween Lancaster and
thu other countks in the distiht tlnough the
day and the Indications weiothat the other
lountios weio holding closer paitj lines than
in thisionnty
Ten ilk'ftcratehiiig makes the counting in
this e ity pingre-ss veiy slowly and at mid
night moi col the waids li.uo completed the
count. The light centered almost entitcly on
thu Judge-ship between Field , lepubllcan , and
Saw.vor , demoeiat , and also suppoited by the
prohlbitionisls. The total \oto in tlio cit\
was ! J,1M ! , and Judge Maxwell will Inuo 1.41K )
majority The piohlbition vote shows a loss
nml the party after u thieo months1 cam
paign shows e\cry evident oof disintogiatlon
In thoiontcst for distiiet Judge. Fields de
feats Saw v or l > i Will mnjoiity Thu county
will imionso tins , so tlio eleetion
of Fields is only U question of
majoi ity The o\ei whelming def < at of Saw-
jer in thcilty Is a stnpuso to the most en
thusiastic supporter of Fields. The few pro
ciiiets f i oni which rctuins h.i\oboonmot\od
in the county show that Fields is luiinhiK
oven with his ticket. Clmptn in , tlio other
republican candidate for Judge , is i tinning
far ahe.ul. Tlio icturns received up to mid
night fiom the Second wnid wero1 Maxwell
HJ1 , O'D.iy % , Abbott : , ' ) , Chapman .1.JJ , Field
'JTti , Savvic-r HiO , Hittenbedcrti5. Wavotlvpio
rlnct : Mnxvv ell 7f > majouty , Chapman ss , Field
bl ) . Denton precmt : Maxwell ao majority ,
Fields20 , Chapman"7. These ale fair indi
cations of the vote m the city and county
Thoentiio repnbllcnti ticket is elected bv
largo majorities The combination between
the democrats nnd piohlbition tlio county
treasurer solving lather lo help the matt or
than haim the republican candidate , and
Mollck , icpubllcan , for sheriff , who lias been
the cspee lal tuigot of the demociats , will
have n huge numbei of votes to spate NothIng -
Ing but a general icsumo can bo given to
The Vote in the Stiuo.
Tonu , Neb , Nov. 8 The vote on the
state tieket in this pieeinct is as follows : Re
publican 1(11 ( , democuits 5-1. piohlbition "I.
AIIIIOTT , Nub , Nov. 8 Piab m Cieek pro
clnct Judge Hupicmo couit : Maxwell 45. .
O'llav-U. Ucgentsof the univeisitj : DIM-
4r > . Koberts-l" , .Sinker II. Hauiu11. . Judge
Ninth Judicl il dlstilct : TilTnnv , icpublieaii
Ilil ; Hauls republic-all , 49 ; 1'liitt , democratic.
4SDoilo ; , democratic , ! ! "i County sheriff
Democratic majoi ity fi County tica&mci :
K < publican inajouty 1. . County clcik : Re
publican majoiitj 10.
WMSOSVII ir , Nc'b , Nov. S Follow-ill } :
mo the majcnities in Wilsonvillo pteeinct
Tor Judge of the supicmo court : Maxwell 41
For logynlsof the state univeisity : H U
la\is 41 , Coboits 41. Tor Judge of the
Him until Judicial disli lot .T U Cochtano S- ,
for counti Judge- ! W. Lew is 5 Tor count\
tiensuicr1 A .1. MePeak II. For countj
ch-ik : .1. W. OlmstcMcl 10 Tor clcik of tin
dlstiict cemit .1 T. bunny 70 Tor slieuff
J H. ICnnwlcs 1"
MOM i n i it , Neb , Nov S Moicflcld pic
cinet polled ! > l votes Foi Judge supreme
com t , Maxwell icceived .VI and O'Day H5
ItYgnnts : Davis 04 , Koberts Ml , Hums Uo
rutNM.iv , Neb , Nov. S Mailonpicclnct
rianklin loiinty Maxwell 5'J , O'Dav 20
Abbott 15 , Davis and Roberts 57 , Sliekci
and Hauls 137 , Newell nnd Hillon 15 , Wtlliun
GusllnTb , Hewitt ! ! ! .
Ki Yir.nuox , Neb , Nov. S Anlclopo precinct
cinct , Jeffeison county Maxwell ill , H. H
Davis and Geoigo Robcits 40 , Dlsttic
Judge : W. II. ' Moms 51. Cleik distiie
eouit : A. W. Matliews 17. Shcrifl : J
lie-land UI. Trcasuier : UobeitTciemail
4 Cleik : I. N. Thompson H. Collector
AV. C. Wiley 47 Supeunti-ndrnt : E. H
C'owles 47. Coioner : S W. Dodge 4.
O'Unvai. Hogents : .T Stlckev and 1H
Hauls ai. District judgoV : H Mom
! ! 1. Clerk dUti ie t couit. C. A GUI tin ! W
Shciiff : J H X.ook ! ! 0. Ticasuier : W II
Litton 23. Clerk : James UwmgUl. Com
inisslonor : John Hopporton ! U. Supeiin
tendent- . H. Chmo''C Coioner : H. N
Hiadshaw 30
TIIACIIUII , Neb Nov S Thnyor township
Yeulc e-oiinty Kupiemo Judge , icpubllcai
lunlmit } , 23 Distuit judge , icpubliein ma
Jonty.I. liogi'nt state univeisity , icpubli
can majority , 'Ji
GiuNMiir , Ne > b , Nov -O'Dnv , It"
Maxwell , 41 lie enf Slicker , 111 ; Han is
115 ; Da\is , It ; Hoboits , tl Judges Knlll
van , 12J , GilKlnson , 1U5 , 1'ost , ra , Marshall
4 , <
1U itos , Neb , Nov 8 This pieeinct give
Maxwell'5 , O'Day 20 , Da\is ! > l , Slicker 2C
Koboits'Jri , Hauib 20 Tor district Judge )
Mou is , icpublium . County tickctb tli
Paine ,
HosTU icu , Neb , Nov S Stateticket , den :
ocratio majoi ity id ; county ticket , domocratl
majority : She-lift , How man 11. tieasuiei
Dilliont : county cleik , Shaw (1 ( ; comml'
slonor , 'VVehenlan 5 ; hupoiintendentof publl
liibtruction , Spear 2 ; sui voyor , Parker 0
coroner , Leo ! ) .
Soi-Tii HPMI , Neb , Nov S The follow In
nro the majorities in this precinct Max we !
14 , Chapman 17 , tteld 1 , Davis 13 , Kobe-it
11. rollowingtuo the majorities fore-ount
ofllceis Demoeiat io : County e-lork (
recorder 0 , clerk of the courts 7 , sheriff U
Hepubllcan : Tie\suior VJ , county Judge 11
siipeiiutemlent 15 , suivejor rj , coionjrl !
coinmlssloni-r 11.
NKHIIUKA CITV. Neb , Nov S [ Speeh
Telegram to the HnItutuins are hlow I
coming in , but from w hat hiivo been receh e
up to 1 n. in. the indications are that the re
p\ftlietm ) ticket , with the pioliablo oxecptio
of shcnff , is elected by increased majoiitle'
Sawor , democrat , will probiblv cauy th
cityby3 ( . > 0 imijority. Tlio lepubllL.iu slat
tk-Kot leads.
llKivru CITV , Neb , Nov. S [ Special To
cpram to the HUB ] The iepubltean : ticket I
elected by u hugely inc-icased majority
Sctiimut. Neb , Nov. S. [ Special Toll
Riam to the nut. ! The ictimis , so fai as It
would indicate that the htato republic a
tlcKetwIUbo carried by n small inajorit'
Tlio n publk an candidates for eounty elerl
supoiintendont.i'h-ik of the dUtilct e-our
and surveyor , will probably bo clwtcd an
the democrats w 111 elect tlio trca&uier , fchti if
jueU'o nnd commissioner.
-iuiov , NeNov. . S. [ Special Tele
to tb9 BXE J TUc okctlou juatica o :
qule-tlv hero to day. This proclnct is irpub-
Hi an bv a small major ! ) * ' Ueturn ? arc e om-
ing in slowlv 'J'liu Indications ate that A. J ,
Speaiimm , demoi-rat , will bo elc-etid treas-
liter James Hosc'tt , lepubllcan candidate
foi eountj Judge- , and J. SValner , for coio-
ner me | ) iobalU ) eleetcil. All the other can
didates are still eloubtful. In Spi Inglie'd ' and
I'apilllon precimtsVnkclfvrccelved , 2SO
votes ; Oioff , i.M',1 ; Hopowell , it'.n ; Doaue ,
21) ) ; Haiuock , 'JIU ; Hallou , KVi ; Kitullc , 131.
Million and IMollii nro badly snowed under.
1 lam oc-kw ill pwbabli tun u little ahead of
his ticket.
\Vuioo. Ne-b , Nov -Special [ Telegram
to the Hi i ! ] 'I ho eleetion passed off very
( Miie-tly lie-to jestcrehiv The weather was
e old and rainy and a light vote was polled.
He-tin us come in very slowly. Only live pre
cincts out of twenty ono have bevn he-aid
fiom , Thus far the Indications ate In favor
of a republic-til victory The pieelnets heard
"mm give n considerable net teptibllcan gain.
Jiie'lr , for tre'.isiiit-r , Is Undoubtedly eketed.
I'm MONT , Neb , Nov. 8 [ Special Tele-
uni to the Hi i\J rte-mont has gone lepub-
han bv alaigu majoilty Maxwell , Mar-
ihall and Post get : X ) to ( AH ) majoi Ity. In tlio
It \ Marshall leads tlio county ticket by HK )
lo 1,000 majoritv. Maxwell's majoi ity In the
oniity Is probably MX ) The lefiulilicans aio
onlldent they have elected btauiTor tie-as-
ic-i and Clarendon supeiintendent Fie- '
icml gives them ; c > 0 to 4Vmuority. ) ] A diity
ll ht wivs made on Clarendon which the pc-o-
lie emphatically ic-sented at the noils. Tlio
li-inoc i.its will piulmbly elect Haigo Judge ,
Spear cleik , DavclcJikot tlio dlsli let couit ,
mid Million shoiilT. The total \otc in the
eitis l.lin.
COIITIANOT , Neb , Nov S fSpc-rial Telc-
; tam to the Hi i ] Coithmd and Highland
iieiine ts give a lepublic-an nrijoiitj on the
state tie ket of (1.1 ( , while In some of the county
ollle cm ge-t not moio than 15 majoiitj. Con-
sideiable sc-iatching was donoonbotlitickits.
FditMosr , Neb , Nov. S.- [ Special Tele-
jiam to the HI.I.Tho ] entiio republican
ount\ ticket Is can led m this pictinctb\
i.itgo majouty with the exception of.lameson
for tteasmor Arthur Murdoclc. the mdei
> oiident candidate foi ticasuter , will pioba-
jlbe elected lia miijoiitv of 4 to 1.
Nemiouc. Neb , Nov. S [ Special Tele-
giam to tliu Hir. ] Thcic woie ! 041otes
lolled in Noi folk piccmct. " The ticket was
iicllj scratched and ictuinswdl bo late in
omnijj in. _
Ne-w York.
Nitt YOIIK , Nov. 8. One hunched and
dnetj cloction disttiets gi\o Cliant 12,810 ,
Cook 25i')0 ; ) , Georgo7OSI , Hall l.oO'J , lluut-
ngtem 2.0 , Heccher U.
Two hundred and eighty dlstiicts give
3innt 17Ht ( , Cook > ,718 , George 11,122
Tin eo hundred and eighty election districts
; i\o Giant 20.0J5 , Cook 50,725 , Gcoigo 15 , US.
FiftIho election distiicts ; o'ivo Nicoll
3,11' ' ) Fellows ( I , ( II , Post 1,7IJ. !
Twentj-nino election distiiets InNcwYoik
slatu , outside of New Yoik and Kings
ountj , give Cook 5 2J.i. 4,71.1 , Hunt-
ngton 512 , GcoigobJ The same disti lets in
IbSl gave Hill 5,415 , IXuenpoit 5.tV , ) , Has-
com 4 ! I5
1'oui inndied and six city election dis
ti lets , or just on half the total number , gio
Giant 2b,274 ; Cook , 5i,7i5 ;'l
1'iftv ono ele-ction distncts in New York
tateouthido of New Yoi k and ICinir * e ountios ,
givoCook ! ) , ( KJj ) Grant , ! ) , TJ ; Huntington ,
Kit , CJe-oigo' Id-J. Simo distiicts in 'bl ga\o
Hill 11,140 , Davenpoit , 10OJS ; Hasiom , bl & .
Six liundted and fifty election distiie. ts out
of S12 in this city , gi\o Giant HOi'K , : ) ; Cook ,
O-V.Ill : George , 21,454 ; Hall , ; ) , 'itlj Huntington -
ton , 750.
Ono hundred nnd tw only seven election
districts in New Yoik state outside of Now
Yoik and Kings counties give Cook 1vjO ( ) , ! ;
Giant , 2.VJ5 , ; Huntington , 2,2'Mi ; Geotgo.
b8 ! The name districts in Issl ga\o Hill
1.1S2 ; la\onpoit , 2l,5ri ; IJuscom , 1,70-1.
ITIIAC. v , Nov. 8 Chanman Hobinson , of
tlio ic-publiean rounty committee , estimates
Giant's plutality in Tompkins county at 800.
HHOOKI.I v , Nov. 8 Sixtv-tlueo districts
give Gi ant 3,000 ; Cook , 12,071 ; Geoi go , a ' "J5 ;
Huntington , I'.i.l ; Hall , Hit.
Ono hundtcd and twenty nine disttiets give
Giant I'.l.sVi ; Cook , 21.M5 ; Geoigo , O.b'JO ;
Huntington , ( HI ; Hall , H7J ; Pieston. 10
Ono bundled and forty four distiicts give
Grant 2Jd75 , Cook 235 , ( , Geoigo 7.70J , Hunt
ington 777 , Hall 403
Ono hundred and eighty-seven distiiets
gi\o Giant 2MO ! ) ! , Cook ! - , ; 3 , George 10,201 ,
Huntington 1,150 , Hall 531 , Pieston 20
Two bundled nnd foitj ono distiicts out of
270 in this city give Giant : i'i,5s | , Cook
17,000 , George 111,212 , Huntington l.ijMi
Two bundled and llft.v seven districts give
Grant 41br,0 , , Cook 51,011. Gcoigo 14,0J7 ,
Huntington 1,771. Hall ss , Pteston 30.
Light hunched and ten distiiets out of n
total of 8 IS iti the ti give Cook 11 J.350 ;
Kings county complete , including Hrook-
H n , gives Giant 4r01 , Cook 51,500 , Ge-oigo
15,210 , Huntinaton 2,007 , , Hall l.oas . , Pieston
Nrvv YOUK , Nov S The Sun claims that
Mahono is defeated in Viigima and a
United States domociaUe bonator willbue-
ccc d him.
l oui hunched and sixty ilvo election dis
tiiets m New Yoik state outside of New
Yoik and Kings counties give Cook70lS7 ;
Giant bl , Id ! ; Huntington 7,51 1 ; Geoigo ,2V )
The simo districts in Ibil gave ) Hill 75,37s1
Davenpoit b7M5 ; llaseom 5,5'i4.
A Heiald bulletin sijs New York state
has gonodciuoetatio by 10,000 , to 12,000 ma
Jot ity.
The Sun saj s Grorpo's vote w ill not i cacl
00,000 in New Yoik stato.
Six hundred nnd thiity-llvo election dis
tiicts in Now Yoik stale outside of New
Yen kanrt Kings county giro Cook 101,322
Giant 11SK)1 ! ) , Huntington KV.UO , Geoige
0,5.11. Simo distiicts in l&Slgavo Hill 10(1 ( ,
VM , D u cnpoi 1 12..VW , nascombr.0-l
Sv iivei1- ! ' , Nov 8. The cilv eompleto gives
Ik'lden , leimblican candidate foi eongiess
I.MiOplutalitv. Helden is elected.
Hetrvio , Nov. 8 Voitj-tvvo districts out
of slxtj ono precincts in this city give Cool
11 2lK ) , Giant , 12,110 , u deinoc-iatio gain o
' . ' .t bovcr last j ear.
The ic-publican county tieket nnd a pieate
pait of the city ticket ate undoubted
eleited Foiti one distiicts give Giant 2,001
majority. _
CisciVN'VTi , Nov. S. Compatisons will be
inado with the governoi's vote for Ibb5
Theto aio 2,107 waids and inc-cinctb in the
Htato of Ohio. In. Ibb5 the vote was ab ol
lows : Hepubliean , 3.VJ,2bl ; demociatic , 311 ,
bJO ; piohlbition , 28,031 , labor , 2,001 ; scatter
ing , 2,774 ; total , 7.U,007. Toiakci's plurality
over Hoadley , 17 , 151 J 15. Fcnaker is the
piescnt republican candidate for govetnor
T. n. Powell Is the demociatic candidate
Sell ? Iho union labor candidate nne
Sluup the prohibition candidate
In Hamilton county the letuin
i ocolvcel at S o'clock [ ndicato an incieasee
vote over that of Ibs5. The labor v oto 1
quito a feature , cxccccliii ! . ; in manv piccinctt
the vote of older paities In the llr t ictuin-
icceived the doinociatio falling oil is gieato
than the icpubliean. Sixty-four pieeinct
In Ohio give ti net icpublhan gain of lKKl !
1'oiakcr D.017 , Powell 5,540 , Sc-itz 1,115
Shai p 103.
The absence of the union labor vote ii
1SS5 and its Inrgopropoition now in Cinein
null causes an increase in the net lepublk-ai
gain in this county out of pi ojiortion to th
toUl vote. Whcio tlio labor vote ha
diawn moio heavily from th
democrats ( ban from the icpublieans
which is ubiially the eiso , the icpubliuii
gain is inuic-ascd , though the lepubhcantota
may bo deei cased.
Ono hundred and eighteen pieeincts Ii
Ohio give a net icpublican pain of 1.5U.1
FoiaUer 10,700 , Powell 10.XW ; Scit-s 2,040
Slnup s(9. (
Two bundled thlrty-nlno inccincts in Obi
show a net reinibllcan gam of l.H'X ' 1'orakt-
3.1,140 , Powe.ll 25ul'.t , Seltz 5.0S3 , Slwry lVXi
Total 05,40b.
Ci.r.vunNn , Nov 8 rour prcclnctt > Ii
Clovolnnd glv 6 n republican gain of S'J am
ono precinct a democratic gain ° f 10.
Thrto hUndicel nnd one precincts in Ohio
nbout one seventh of thd wliolo numbeif
show n net lepubUean guln of 4,057. Foraker
44,47'J ; Powell , M.WJ ; eit0,40. , . ) ;
-,12.1. Total , t > fitH
In Hamilton eountj the icturits ulre idy i e >
ceh'ed show that Foraker lues ciurled til
ununty by a niajoiitv of possibly 3,000.
Quo huueU-od and lUfy out of 07 Pieeinct
n Hamilton eounty show Foinkcr leading
owt-ll hi 5fiOO plurality.
Six hundred and seven precincts In Ohio
how n net republican gain of 5,174 , tile do-
ailed vote being : Foiakcr 07,240 , Powell
O.vj ) , beltz 11,474 , Shaip 5.72-.I , total 101,200.
Three hundred and eighty-six precincts in
5hlo show a net lepublican ghln of 4 , ' , ' 47.
'oraker 00,200 ; Powell 40,974 : Seitz 7,874 ;
ShaipU.2,13. Total 118,401.
Four liundrevl and twenty-eight precincts
n Ohio show a net republican gain of 0,0(3-1 ( in
u total vote of 131,314.
DCS Moi\r. , In , Nov. S. [ Special Tcle-
jram to the HI.I : ] Special dlip itches to the
ti-gistcr from one-tenth of the state up to
1 :30 : p. m Indlcato that the republicans hav o
nrried the state by 10,000 majority. All of
ho retmns for the lit st two hours showed
steady democratic gains , indicating that they
md carried the state bv 7,000 majority , but
tt that time the returns began to show steady
epublican pains , Indicating n lepublican
victoiv in Polk e'ounty. wheio an especial
ight had been made on tlio piohlbition issue ,
vitlian independent republican bolt. Both
icu.vhill and Oidlleld , btt .light tepujilicans ,
ue elected
Dis.Me > iM , la , Nov 8 The polls close
verj late in Iowa Many mo not closed at
his hour 0.40 and the ictuins will bo late.
Twelve pieeincts lepotted up to this hour
sliow * caicelv any change fiom tlio vote of
ast Returns fiom the city of DCS
Moines will bo late , as the tickets ate badly
sc-rate bed and Iho counting did not begin till
ate Twentv five precincts give Larrabe-o 2,737 ,
Andei son 2,750 , n net don c ratie gain of 278.
Potty nine precincts in lowa show n net
dcmoetatic gain of 70' ' .
Ono bundled tow nwhips nnd wnids shown
not demoeiat ie gain of 5bJ Fouiteen words
nnd townships In Polkcouniy nnd city of Dos
Moines give n nut demociatio guilt of 25b.
The legislative ticket is close.
Ono bundled and sixty pieeincts in the
state show a democratic gain of 704. Tlio
same ratio of gain maintained over the rest
of the state w ill cut the lepublican majouty
in the state down to 7,000.
Two hundred and fotty pieeincts aio now
topoited that last j car gave 50 , ( > 0 vote's and
this v car give 51,3 11 Of these Lairabeehas
" . ) ,3M. Anderson 2J.OJO , Cam lUl , ! nnd Fain-
ham 17.
HIMI Ouc. la , Nov. S. [ Special Telegram
to tlio Hi r ] He-tut ns fiom eight ptccinets
give Lariabeo 010 , Anderson 510. Tlio same
inccincts last j ear gave Jac kson , republican ,
. ' 50 and the demociatic candidate 5J1.
HicitMovn , Nov. 8. Hcpoits fiom this
state nro coming in slowly , Full rctuins
from eight counties show a icpublicin gam
of ono member of the house of dele-gates. figures show that twenty of the
twenty-four precincts in Hichmond give 500
majouty for the democratic candidates for
the house of delegates Hetutns fiom twenty
counties and cities in the stale do not show a
gam or loss to either pai ty. „
Up to U p m about foity cities nnd coun
ties of the sUite havu been lieatd from. These
show that the democrats have elected dole-
gitcs in thirty counties. They have lost live
[ ounties which nt the last election went
ilemoe tatio and made gains in three counties
which at the last election went lepublican. If
this rate continues the dcmoci ats w ill have
about thrco-fouiths of the senate and ne.uly
two-tbiids of the house of delegates , thus in
suring the election of a demoeiatio successor
to United States Senator Uiddlebci ger.
IHvviME , Nov. 8 Danville City nnd
thirty precincts in Pettisylvnnia county show
a not democratic loss of ne.uly 1,000 ab com
pared w Hh the vote in 18b5.
The nicction in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Nov 8 Tlio latest repoits from
the polling places indicate the defeat of the
Jury commission law by a largo majouty.
Lake View and Ciceto have piobably both
decided against annexation to Chicago As to
the genei al result of the election , it is thought
that the icpublican ticket as a whole is suc
cessful The question of issuing l,00,000 ( ) in
county bonds has undoubtedly carried.
At 11 Mill m. it is still impossible to give
the ligures on the eleetion in Cook county.
The republicans have earned evei.v thing , it
i-tasseited , bv a good majoiity and clectc-d
Gary Judge of the supreme eouit nnd Con-
genec kcd for state's attorney. Tlio Juiy com
mission law has been earned. Annexation
to Chh'.igo was earned in Hvdo Paik , Clceio
nnd JctTet son. Tlio Town of Lake and Lake
View voted against annexation. JudgoGaiv't
10 election was pi.ieticallv a walk over. His
mime was on nil the tickets except that of the
booialMie wing of the united labot patty.
The Dakota Voo.
Rvrtn CITV , Dak. , Nov. 8 [ Special Telo-
gtam to the Hm : . ] The election thioughout
the Ulac-k Hills , so far as heaid fiom , was
quiet. Little intetest was taken in this dis
ti ict. Tlio democratic candidate for com
missioner was elected. Rapid City gives If
majority against division. Dc-advvood gives
a majouty for , nnd Lead City ngainst divis
ion. A veiy light vote was polled all
mound. The division paity will ptobabl.v
have n small tnajontv when all the icturii"
mo in. Tlio precincts nro far np lit nnd
communication poor , so that thu result will
n t bo known for several daj s
Drvmv GOD , Nov. 8 [ Special Tclegiam tc
the lUr ] Less than one half of u votown'
polled in the Htiick Hills. The vote of Law
icnco county was 2,000. Out of this l.ittK
votes weio cast for division. In Pcnningtoi
county there was not moio tlmn half a vote
which was equally divided for and ngainsl
division. Custor count v cast n light voto.
with a majouty against division. Tlio Hlael-
Hills have given u doeided tnajoutj for divis
ion piobably 500.
POUTI VND , Nov. 8. A steady , light ralr
fell all over the western section of the state
to-day. Tlio vote was light in the intciio :
nnd inteiest centered in pi ohibltion. The voti
in this city was full. The estimated vote ii
this city w 111 bo 1 to 1 ngainst the amend
ine-nt. Returns so far Indie-ato that the pie
hibltionifats have overe'stimated the-i
stienuth in the inteiior towns am
that the prohibition amendment is defeated b'
by 7,000 or SOOO jimjouty. The other tvve
amendments , namoli to clmngo the tune o
election and to allow the logislatuio to 11'
the sil.meb of state oftkers aio bupiwsee
to bo beaten.
Returns up to 9 p. m indicate that the pie
hibttion amendment is be-aten by 0,000 t <
12,000 majoutv. It will ptobablj catty enl ;
two counties in the htato.
HOXTOV , Nov. 8 Ono bundled casteri
towns anil cities give Ames , lepublk'nn , fo
governor , 22,070 , Leveling , demoeiat , 10,30J
Karlo , prohibition , Ib70.
Yoto of Hoston : Ames 21,370 , Lovciin ;
20,77b ; Lovct ing's pluialiti 5,3iO : tepublicai
gain 2bOO.
Fifty two towns nnd cities , including Hos
ton , Gloucester , Lvnn , Tnunton and Lemoll
give Ames 71bO > , Lov ut ing ti.1,24)1) ) The indi
cations aio that Ames is elected by an in
cleaned plurality.
HOITOV , Nov. b , 0 p m At tlio republicai
hcndcmartcis Chalunan Hurden claims tlia
the lupublicans will have ; u plurnlltv of no
utit less than 14,000 , nnd it may teach 17fKH ]
The nut loss for the demociatic ticket in Hos
ton is 3,000 , while the republicans claim tint
the teturns so far in show that they gainec
thieo or four senatoib and a dozen or mor
ic presantatlves. The totftl leturns iccoivec
so far at icpublican headquarters show i
demociatio net loss in the state of blH ( ) A
Iho democratic headquarteTs they nro umklni
no ilaims except tliat the vote will bo foum
to bo close when thu rotuins aio nil in
Two Immlioel and eleven cities and town
with the clly of Someivillo Included give
Ames 115.SM , Lovetiilg1 102,105.
Pirrsuur.o , Nov. 8. Rotuins from Alk
ghcnj county on the state ticket BIO ver ,
uiea0-cr , owing to the close light tm the count ,
judiciary , which has ov ej-sliado\v ed cverj
thing elso. It is estimated , however , Jha
Hart , rcpublkan , has 4U)0 ) pjut-allty fur stat
treasurer , and Williams , u-publfcan , 4,00
plurality for sunrcuo ludgc , Thy
publican county ticket Is elected by majori
ties ranging from 1.501) to 5.000.
Piiu.uiiM.rmt , Nov. 8. Twenty-six wards
out of Utlrtv-ono in the city give for slate
treusuior , Hurt , republican. 70-HO. The
llpuies for supreme Judge on the state ticket
will give Williams , republican , about the
same ns Hurt received. The republicans
elect two commissioners nnd the elemocrats
ono. At 10 o'clock eighteen counties In the
state outside of Philadelphia have been heard
from. These counties jflvo n net democratic
pain of 0,1P < ) on the vet for state treasurer In
IVv , when Quay , republican , received a plu
rality of 4'i,5lfl. Hart'h , republican , inajot Ity
In the state will bo nl out 25,000 and Will-
iains , republican , for t uprcmo Judge , nbout
the same.
.T\rK ov , Miss. , Nov S. The election to-
. Iny In Mississippi for .members of the legls-
luturo and county ofltocis was Ihoqulelest
over known. No ne-wi has j et been received
from Ihe contenting comities whore ellvisions
have occuued. but theie will bo but few
other than straight out deuiociats In the next
TthoelciHland. .
PnovinrxTr , R. I , Nov 8 The postponed
election for n rcpie cntotive to congtess in
the Second or western distiiet of Rhoelo
Island to day insulted In n sweeping republi
can victoiy. Warren O. Arnold , republican ,
received a mujoiity of 54J ovcrChuiles S.
Hrndley , domociat , and u pluudlly of 833.
Only u plmalitv was necessary to elect nt
this eleetion. The total vote cast was 15,0.10.
nbout l , iOO less than the vote of the dislrici
ut the extruoidinary stale clcclion last
spring , but over 4,000 more than the vote ut
the regular congressional election last fall ,
when Hi.ulley had n plurality of about 000
overBixon , the then republican candidate , a
majoi ity being then necessary lo elecl.
HAI.TIVIOUK , Nov. 8. The election passed
off very quietly in this city nnd thioughout
the state as fur as heard fiom. Thcio weio
.hrco tickets democratic , republican nnd
: ) tohlbltlon. Tlio indications nt 1 o'clock this
; norningnro that the majority for E. C.
Tackson , democratic candidate for gov
einor will bo from 10,000 to 12,000
over Walter H. Hiooks , republican. For W.
I' . Whvto , demociatic c-andidalo for altoinoy
'oncral , over Ftuncis Miller , icpublican , and
Victor L Haughimin , demociatic candidate
for compti oiler , overH. H , Dixon , republican ,
will bo about the same. The legislatute will
bo laigely demociatic in both brunches.
Dn-rnoiT , Mich , Nov. S Tlio municipal
contest to day insulted in the election of the
entlio Democratic lieket with the exception
of eili Ireasuier.
Tnrsrov , N. J. , Nov. S The lopublicans
claim the assembly by from 8 to 10 majouty
and the senate by 2 mnjoiity.
A \Voinhn "Wins.
Kicixr , Wis. , Nov. 8 The cnso of the
Rov. Olimpia HiownWillisvs the Inspectors
of election of the second ward , for withhold
ing her ballot in the municipal election last
Apill , came up for trial to ( lay in the circuit
couit , Judge Wlnslow.prcsldlng. It Is n test
of the constitutionality of tlio state law
enacted by the legislature last ipi ing. Judge
Winslow admitted that ttio law was a
bungling affair , but ho decided to abide bv it
and so declared the case in favor of Mis.
Willis The defendants will appeal to the
supiemo court.
Killed at th Polls.
CnicAfio , Nov. 8. James Hussey anil Pat
Hogan , two young men , pet into n quarrel
over some trivial matter at the polls this
morning. A sonfflo ensued , dining which
Ilussoy was shot by Hogan in the head , nnd
fatally injured. Tlio mnii was taken to the
county hospital where ho died boon after.
Hogan was held to await the action of the
coroner's Jiuy.
Itniiih nt a Voting Proeinct.
Cine \oo , Nov. 8 A loaded dv minute bomb
was found this morning on West Van Buren
sttect not far from the polling place vvhcie
the voting was going on. Tlio bomb was uinelc
onto ! a lai go gas pipe nnd was eight inches
long. The ends wei a closed witli iron tops
and Hi inly sci owed on. The fuse was at
tached at the the center of the bomb.
The AVKoonsin 1'rouuross Foi-1'eits Her
ISail Olllcors Alter He-r.
CHICAGO , Nov. S Mis. Cassidv , who , it is
alleged , took Julia Ilnjden and others to
Mai incite , Wis , for infamous put poses , failed
to appear in couit today and her bond ol
$1,000 was elce-lared foifeitcd. Two otliceis
have been sent to the wilds of Wiscom > m to
nppiehend her , nnd the sheriffs of ilvo coun-
tic-b have been asked to aid in captuung hci.
's TtorcHciitrttlon | of Tnirst.
Nrvv YOUK , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to
the HIT ] Last night , at the Star thcatic ,
Hcniy living nnd Ellen Tctry began thch
season upon the American stage , piebOiiting
Irving's famous pi eduction of "Faust. " The
welcome nccoidcd to Mr. living and Miss
Tet ry w as as waini as the heart could make
it. Their success was unequivocal and pie
dlgious Society was out in full force. AVin-
tor s iv s in the Tribune : "Heniy living has
fulfilled the conception ot the poet in one
pot foi manco , supeib in ideal and pot feet ii :
execution. It is a gteat woik , is mngnill-
e entlv intellectual and saidonlc , but novvhcic
does he convey even the faintest suggestion
of n godhead of glory liom which ho hnc
lapsed. His own fi. ink and clear avowal ol
himself leaves no loom for doubt ns to the
limitation intended to be established for hiir
hi the poet. In a wotd , this llend , toweling
to the loftiest summit of cold intellect , is the
embodiment of cruelty , miilico nnd bcoin
petvnded and Intel spersed witli gtim humor
That ideal Irving has inado netual. The om
ntsclent craft and deadly malignity of hi'
impel donation , swathed us they nto in the
most hpeelous numor , at some moments make
the blood creep and em die w lib hoi i or , over
while they iinpt \vithiibonsoof intelle-o-
timl IKJW or and stir the spi ings of laughter. "
A JJnel GnnR Arrested.
LotisMiir , Nov , S Gus Willinghuist
nines Igo and John King , the last of a notee
gang of despot ate cunitnals and counterfeit
eis here , weio ancsted last Piiday by Unitee
States detectives. Their capture was kept i
se-ciet until jestoiday in older to give tin
oftleeis time to complete the collection of evi
dciic-o. For two j ears detectives have beet
Hliaelovv ing the members of the two gangs o ;
countei fuiters who were operating in this
city and vicinity , ami botti bands have nov
been btoken up and thiiteen eiiminals aio it
tlio hands of the law.
The Srnnileel St. Louis Hunk.
ST Loui Nov. II Forman of Du
* , . S.-t-H. ,
Quoin , 111. , bank cx-amlncr , took chaigo ol
the Fifth National bank to daj and will wine
up its ntTaiis , Ho says the doposttois will be
paid iu full and the stockh oldei swill i cnlin
about 70 per cent. The e-nuso of tin
failuio is said to have been nn indisciriminati
lending of money to business concoi ns vvhicl
weio doing u largo business on a
AHHuiliuit Sciitonund.
, Nov. S. Hillainuid , who at
tempted to assassinate ex-Mai Mntl li.i/.iiuc
has been scntem-eel to penal f > crvitudo fo ;
eight icais , nnd to paj the costs of the tual
DIIILIS.NOV. S , O'Hiten to daj rcmov-Ci
to \\\Q \ \ prison , Inllrmaiy Qil the doctot'
Joi II-.T , lit. , Nov 8. The LockstluUFcnci
comitwy was closed out to day on Judgment
aggregating IIO.OOQ iu favor of local bunks
J ; Is said Qihor Ju J mguts are i et to come ,
Burly BailitTa Constantly Shndowhig
the Anarchists.
Sheriff1 M ntson Preparing to ficfln
Work on tlio Scaffold Parsons
Writes Ills I/nHt I'lcn-TlicMeiTo
I'or Clcincticy.
Again Allowed to I'xcrel e.
CniCAno , Nov. 8. [ SpecialTelegram to the
Tlio anarchists in the Jail were al
ow ed to exercise in the coiridor this morn-
ng for the first time since Saturday , each
icing followed up nnd down by n butly ball-
ff , who watched his chat go as though afraid
i little bird might dart clew n with n bottle of
wlsoii or a bomb. They were hntdly al-
owed to speak to one another while exercls-
ug. While they were walked up nnd down
vith their "shadows" the other jail attaches
searched their cells eagerly for any contra-
> and goods that may have found t heir w ay
heieln , but nothing tinned up. The eon-
Icmned men evidently were not In a mood
'or conversation even had they been allowed
'ull freedom to indulge in it. With
the exception of Lingg they looked
jloomy nnd bore a rather despair-
ng expression. To all appeal ances
.heir spit its were at a lower ebb than they
lave been at any time since their coming to
the Jail. It is eloubtful whether , should they
ill mount the gallows Fiielny , they would
iresent faces so utterly cast down , soentlicly
without composuio and lacking the foitltudo
that goes with ncivcs of steel , such as nro
wssesseel by Llngg. The day Itself was
lather gloomy , the sun hiding his face unlll
nfteinoon. As It was election day , no vibltots
weio allowed to enter the Jail and the still-
icss was funeieal. The attaches of the
jullding felt the weight of gloom nnd what
Ittlo talking they did was in low tones.
As the time set for the execution dinws
near the Jail men , hardened nb they aio to
: ho spectacle of human misciy , say very
little and go about their duties with
nil quietness. The only men nbout
the peace who seem absolutely Incapable of
show ing any change is the reckless bomb
maker , Lingg. lie Is an athlete in every sense
of the vvoicl and presents a pictuio of perfect
health. His appetite does not flag and ho
gets away with piodigious quantities of rich
food. The other men nro eating much moro
sparingly than founerly. Lingg's clothes
were searched to day , as well as his cell , but
nothing was found. Ho submitted to the
search with a disdainful sneer on his counte
nance. Afterward ho sung out a cheeiy
good mouiiug to Knget and then began to
Mrs Parsons , In accordance with her de
cision of last night , did not appear at the jail
today. Only Mis Fischer and Nina Van
Xnndt appealed. Mis. Fischer displajed
much emotion while talking to her husband
through the wire giating , and when the time
was up her eyes were llllod with tears
an she pleaded in vain with the jailer for an
other Intel view this afternoon. Then she
begged peiniission f > o euinestly to bring the
children to see their father to morrow that
phor Fob could not resist her.
Miss Van X.andt's interview with Spies
was bt icf. Ho listened to her conversation ,
nonchalantly fondling biscignr as ho smoked ,
and posing , so ns to oveitowcr Nina His
countenance wns as unmoved ns that of n
prav en image. She moved her head in that
uackwmd , sidewisp movement so character
istic of despair and looked the hopeless , woe
begone woman that she is.
Rev. H. W. Bolton , of the First Methodist
church , was up to see Fiolden this morning
again , but would say nothing abouttho result
ot his mtei view.
Among the incidents of the day wns the receipt -
ceipt of seven boxcsof giapes , eachaddiesstcl
to one of the multilists. Stamped on each
box- was :
"Concoid grapes , from John Hrown , jr ,
nnti monopolist and opponent of slavctv in
e-vety foun , 1'ut-in IJ.ii island , Lake .Cue ,
John is the son of the famous John Hi own ,
but his giapes won't bo allowed to tickle the
palates of the convicted men. They mo to
bo kept for tlio wive-s and lelatives and will
bo giv en them w hen they call at the jail to-
A letter postmarked San Fi aneisco , w ith n
stamp date of November il , ic-ached the Jail
this noon nddiesscd to "Messis Spies ,
Schwab and all the noble men and patuols ,
misnamed amuehist prisoner. " It was
handed ui ) to Spies.
Captain Him k , Attorney 7Ielor and Miss
Van Xandt obtained u founal declaiation
fiom Spies , Fieldon and Schwab this after
noon that they had nothing to do with the
bombs in Lmgg's coll. Lingg was visited
and denied that ho know tin ) thing of the
bombs either. Ho i of used to sign any peti
tion to the govci nor and declined undjinj :
luti eel toward his colleagues who hud ilonei
so. Ho said that ho and the othcis would
piobably hang , but that ho wouldn't lift c
linger to save ono of the others. Captain
Hhicl : for the last time laboted with Pat sons ,
Kngel and Fischer to sign tlio ietition tc
Oov ct nor Oglcsby. They refUbcct to change ;
their previous determination , saving througl ;
I'.usons that if the state could afford to bant
them they could alToid to die.
It is mulct stood this evening that prepara
tions for tlio hanging nro going on rapidly ,
Mateual foi the slnouds has been puichasei
and the gh.istlv gaiments nro being made
Chief Deputj Cileason is , it is said , preparing
tlio nooses and looking up the founof retuui'
to bo inado after the executions. All these
matters bcspeuk a belief on the part of the
she-till thai ho will bo leqniied to hangf-ome
bodv next Fiidny. At all events , ho is pie
paimg himself lor the event , nnd now nlmosi
cvctything is in leadiness. U ho gallows cat
casili bo put together In an bout and nil it'
ji itts go nicely , and any good tatpcntor cat
do the woik. The ftamewoik i eposes in th'
b iscnicnt oftho Jail in u loom oil' horn whcic
the coal is stoicd.
The police authorities will give no pro
gramme of their piep.nalions for Fiiday , but
Superintendent L'beisold , who is in constan1
tch'graphio communication with all the
principal cities , sa s the iitmoi
that anaichists aio coming here
fiom other places is not warrantee
by the facts. Instead of the anarchists com
ing here , the few in the city uio leaving It
"Theio need bo no uneasiness , " ho said , "o
any de-monstiatlori by svmpathl/crs with the
nnuichibts. fiuinds aio placed over public
buildings and at tlio watet wet ks , etc , mciclj
to insuio u fee-ling of safety and to gunie
ngainst any possible eontmgene-y , not be
cause we fear any actual violence. " It is to
polled that the major will issue n proclnma
lion closing all the saloons in the city on 1'ii
day in older to pi event tlio gathcung o
tuibulcnt cluuat.teis and lo keep the whisk ;
fiom them.
The new and singular point on which ai
attoinej s.ivs an application for habea :
coi pus may bo based is extiemely technical
A distinct judgment was pionounced on eatl
man , though their trial was Joint. The su
iiicmo couit in afllrmlng the 11 ml ing of tin
lower couit , said "Juclenient" must stand
Counsel for the defendants say that in orde
to comply with the letlcr of tto ) law tin
higher court should have said "Judgments '
It Is probable that some of the Judges win
have signed the amnesty petition will b
asked to sign a wtit of habeas toipus am
thus delay the execution.
The two companies of regular Infantr ;
fiom Fort Douglas , Utah , sent to establish i
permanent post on the Hlghvvood militar
i nserv atlon , ni rjved hero this moining nm
went tn their destination in the afternoon
The xomnmudliitf ofllcer , Major Ljsle-r
laughed w hen shown the despatches rex. " d
ing Jils tioops coming hue to ht'lp put dowi
liisuutctlon. "Tlio idea ii > preposterous , " Ii
said , "to think that tioops hhould bo oiderci
Iroia Uac extrtwej \ \ < a > \ , for auy buch dut ,
when Chicago already bos two peed regi
ments of Infantry. I shall go to Hlghvvood
nnd build up a ) Kst ) there , whleh will pioba
bly be my ) H.-tmanent quarters. "
IJenerul Terry Unit the arrival of the
troops at the present time has no e-onnectlon
with the anarchist tioubles , and that us jet
theto was no intention of ordeting them hcio
on Friday.
While the men were nt exercise each cell
was searvhed minutely , but nothing MIS-
lilclenis was disclosed. Miss Van /.andt mid
Mis. Fischer weio the only vlsltois at the
Jail , except the Rev. W. 11. Uolton , a Metho-
illst minister. Miss Van Xiindt talked to
Spies three minutes , with u bailiff in hear
ing distance.
"He Is like a capcel tlper , " said Sheilff
Matson when Llngg wns taken from his cell
logivo the baillfC n chance to search It.
Two deputies watched him us ho
stiodo ii ) ) and down , examining
the capo with n net vous , restless
movement. Two eloe'ks weie taken from the
? ell , the only pieces of metal that had be'e-n
loft to him. AH soon as the sniucli was over
Mugg was bolted In again. This Is the liist
exercise he has had since the llndlng of tlio
bombs. Light baskets of grapes Intended for
the anarchists weio hicitight to the Jnil and
liven to the wives nnd friends of thoptis-
oners , ns nothing edible is allowed to go in to
the piisoncrs fiom the outside , for fc.u of
poison being convej ed to them.
The Governor's CeirreHpondonop.
SritisnnKM ) , 111. , Nov. 8 Over two bun-
died and fifty Idlers and petitions weie ic-
'eiveel ' by Oovoinor Oglesbv this morning
: n reference to the anarchist cases , the
gieater pottion being , us usual , from Clne-a-
? o. It is nssoi ted with confidence that , con-
liary to the rule beretofoio , the proportion of
the demands for execution were gtcatly in
excess of the requests for clemency. This
change of sentiment has undoubtedly
en occasioned by the nndlng of
djnatnito bombs in Llngg's ' cell.
A. state house minor sajs that
LWO rnoro thu-atcning letters were received
lj Go vet nor Oglcsby this moining , and nc-
conling to tlio invariable custom were
piomptlv buiued. Govc-inor Oglesby seems
i pi eat deal less afraid by these tin cutoning
Ictteis than nio his fi lends hcio inSpung-
llcld. Major Chillies II. Hay sug
gested last night that if desiu-d ho
would detail a police squad to keep
stiict suivilllunro on tlio excvutivo
mansion and note the movements of oil BUS-
inc-ious ehaiactcrs m living in the cltv. A
gentleman who has conversed w ith the pov-
einoron the subject of thicalcnlng letters ns-
suted the nnijor , however , that any such
precautionary measures would only bo dis
pleasing to Ciovouior Ogle-shy as ho tieated
w ith the veriest contempt and nonchalance
all these incendlaiy epistles Huiiy Darwin ,
deputy state tieasurer , who is a nephew of
United States Senator Cullom , nml who
acted as the l.ittei's puvato sccict.ny during
the time ho wus , governor of Illinois ,
tieuts the matter of thieatcning letteis
somewhat joculaily : "Why , " said ho ,
"threatening lotteis become stale chestnuts
to the govc-inor befote ho has held down tlio
gubeiimtoiial chair tlnee inontlis When
Cullom was governor on eveiy occasion when
itbe-cnmo iicccssaty to cxeicibo nti > unusual
pieiogativo on any question of impoi lance ,
ho used lo bo ov erw helmed w ilh tin ealening
letlers. Whenever any unusual thing is ex
pected to bo done , or has been clone by the
governor or any other Impoi t ant public oftlcor ,
they delight in informing him through the
mall of tlio dreadful falu in stole for him.
There has never been an occasion in Hie his-
lory of Illinois where the governor found it
necessary to 01 der out the militia , Unit ho
was not instantly beseigcd with incendiary
communications. It is n mere matter of
eouiso , and Governor Oglesby treats it with
Just the importance itdeservesThat is ,
with perfect indifference. Of couise , inn
case of as much importance as the aniircbUt
mutlcr , it must bo expected that nearly every
clank nnd fanatic in the state makes occasion
to cxptcbs poisoual views to the govciuor.
About to Ilcgln on the Scaffold.
CHICHOO , Nov. 8. ShetifC Matson said
this afternoon that unless ho hems fiom the
govcuior by to mouow night the work of
ciccling the seoffold will be begun. As pio-
videel in the statutes , he will sw ear in the
jmy , and they , with the law.vets in the cnso
ami a few pi ess representatives , will be tlio
only ones allowe-d to witness the execution.
It is undcistood that the maletial for the
shrouds was pin chased today and that the
nooses will bo piocceded with at once.
Chief of Police Kbetsold savs to the press
that thoio need bo no apprehension on the
people ; that the piccnulions taken by himself
and aides aio too claboiato to admit of any
deinoustiation being inado.
1'arsonn' Iinnt Plon.
Cnicvno , Nov. 8. Instead of the indi
vidual letter which it was hinted by the
members of Iho Amnesty association that
Pat sons , the nnate hist , would write , deplor
ing , like Spies , Schwab and Fieldcn , the loss
of life at the Hajnunket nndnbjuiing the
use of fotco , n decidedly diffcient communU
calion uudei stood to bo Pat sons' last plea
was Issued over his signature to-night. The
document is two columns in length chiefly
jcmaikablo for the absence of nnv reference
whatever lo the massacicd at the Hav m.n ket
or to the eliiiamilo Idea. Paisons addressed
the letter to a locally prominent socialist ,
"My Dear Friend , George Schilling , " andoc-
cupies himself exclusively with a Fketch of hia
own Ilfo , p.nticuhnly his actions ns the
leader of the newly liberated negroes during
rccoiiRttuction times in Texas. Schilling will
rend the letter In full to Govcuior Oglesby
to mouow , if the governor will permit. Par
sons closes ns follows : "Thus , over n vciy
extensho ic-gion of country , among the cot
ton , coin mid Migar plantations , I became
soiue-vvhut famous us a cliampion of political
liberty. He-loved by the blacks , I was hated
and we ornod by the whites 1 then be-lieved
that Iho colenc'd people wore tiulv freemen ,
nnd that they only ne cde-d the coinage ;
toasseitit. Hut 1 did not then undeistmd
or know that economic dependence , i. o. ,
industi lal servitude inado political bc-i vitud o
impossible. I did not know nor did the
blacks , they had been moiely emancipated
fiom ehallol lo wage scivlludo I did not
then know Unit economic freedom must bo
tlio basis for political llbeitv and that the
wage labor njstein cicated classes , antag
onisms and class servitude. And now , ni
the helots ol old , Iho ho called "fieo blacks ,
In common with their while htclhien , woik
and die likebeasls in the unceasing tread
mill of wage sluvoiy. "
A Ijn > ; lslntivo Pol It Ion.
SruiNoi II.M ) . Ill , Nov. 8 This afternoon
the following members of the Icgitdnlurc
George F. Rolnbeek , W. P. Wright , George
AV. Smith , M , J. Dwyer , Leo P. Uwyi-r ,
Thomas McLlllgott , James O'Connor , C. G
Uixon , Daniel McLuughlin and A. J. Sticctcr ,
w ho fav or exeeulivo clemency for thu con
dcmncd anaichists , diuw up n pc
tilion lo Govcuior Oglcsby , blalinf
that while the subscribers abhor UK
doctiincs , Icathlngs and deeds of any nnd all
anarchisls , they believopubliopolieygood or
der und the ends of Justice will be besl
wived by ii commutation of sentence to 1m
pilsoiiment for life If this shall not seem
light to Iho govei nor nt tlio pie-sent lime it
view of Iho icccnt alleged finding of bomb1
in LInpg's cell , nnd in oidur Unit time maj
bo Riven for a thoiough investiga
tion of this matter and as U
the dcgtces of guilt of the coiulcinnte
men. Iho pctltionets pray the goveinor tc
leprlevo them for ihltty days in older nlsc
that public opinion mav havctiino to develop
An nllempt was made to lay the petit ion bo
foie the govetnoi thU afternoon , but at hi1
icquest tlio jnesuntalion was deft-ireil mill
tomonovv , when the govoinor will give
nudlcnco to this delegation nml ono fiou
Chicago headed by Caplaln Black.
K M. Unities , speaker of the last house ol
the sUlo assembly , Is in the city , and wil
Join the legislative delegation which will usli
for clemency for the condemned anaiehists
To nn Assoelnlcd pre-.siepiesenlatlve ho sale !
to night that ho is opposed lo hanging undui
any clicnmbtuiiv'cs , und went onto say thai
this was not a iiuestlon Of jrn-rcj
at oil , kut Of public pyliey
Mr , Haiucs thinks ttuV iu Y.icw of the tut
.hero are o many other anarchists and no
clullsts in tlio country It might bo unsafe tel
liang Uio condemned seven. Ho added thai
"Sotneboety will take hold of the cnso by nml
jy and eWecover Unit these men were not )
guilty of murder nt all. "
In view of the threatening communication ! )
ccelved by the governor uvciitly the police ]
iavo established a surveillance of the cxcuUi
Ivo mansion.
Determined on Sulcldo. '
Citituoo , Nov. 8. Tills evening Hngel sent
out to his wifon basket of dirty dishes nuct
soiled linen. He was so solicitous about iU
reaching her that Mispicion was moused anej
ho basket seat clicd. Hidden away between
lie dishes was a seeiet note In German tq
Angel's wife , statlngbilellv that Kngclwoulel
ipnin attempt suicidobefoio Ftlday , iindtbal
10 never would die on Diegallows. . Kverj
irecaution will bo taken to thwail his intoux
ions. '
Cnic'veio , Nov. 8. Fiederick Koist nnel
mil Wendo have been locked up by tin
lolice on chnigc of conspltiic-.v. At the titna
if his nriest , Koist hud on his pei cm foul
u-avy revolveis for dellveij to Wcndola
whom ho was under c out met to bilng nchtfotl
of tlio same pattern. Tlio chief of tlio detco
iv cs Mild that tin ; depat tmcnt hud cv ide ncctf
o convict tluso men and a number of otheis
of eonspitue-y. I'or two je-ats thd
maichists and socialists Imvo made th i *
icadiiuaitots in the not lliwe stein pat I of Diet
Iti' . Wlillo , to all outwaid apiioai
hey seemed to Imvo avoided thc-ii old
mil sMiip.ithizeis , the-y have ) be-e-n
aking inteiest in the piomulgution of theie
old time doctiincs. The police huvo hud Hpc-4 !
unong them und ns soon as they began plot
ing last we-ek n number of them weto taken
n b.v detec tlv e > s. Lieutenant Stt elo i ef uses
o say how many piisoncrs luivo been made *
Tlio LnMl Dele-Kill Ion.
Cnirvoo , Nov. 8 Tlio hist delegation tT (
ho goveinor with n petition fur clemency forf
ho condemned nnaichlsts left thu city to *
light. Captain Hlack was asked if ho hail
my leal hope that the goveinor would inter *
'c-io with the M-iitoneo Ho replied that hej
wns quite confident Unit eleiiieiie'.v wciuld'ba' '
extended to Se hvv.ib and Fielden If not to thaf
" - " said he "theieIs
others. "Of e-eniise , ! , ner
lope for Lingg. llo has Higne-d lit ovviv
loom. "
"In case of nn execution will the men bo
attended by nitnistci { "
"These men have a icliglon of their owiv
mil do not want nnv inniistei of the gospel.1
i'hcv aio not icligious men In the common ]
sense of that tciin , but aio agnostics nofl
itheists , tciiiember. "
Pi-onilneiit Cliie'ifc ! ) Ccnninnlatlonlsta. '
CIIICAOO , Nov 8. A. S Foster , who waa
associated with Captain Hlack in the defenscf
of Iho until c-hists befoio Judge Gtnv , hnrf
jccn letanied to bung the ease of Fie-ldei
nnd Schwab befoio the goveinor. Ciiplulil
Ulnek was pei milted to liuvo a few inomcnts
conversation with his clients this morning ,
I'lio following signatures weio to-elay ob
tallied to the petition foi unerehistH fotf
e ommutntlon of sciitunccs of all seven ment
llioinus G Wlndes and Judge McAllister , ol
; ho appellate eouit ; for Spies. Schwub ,
Fielden und Puisons : Heuli , clcik of tha
tppelluto coutt ; for Spies , Schwab unei
Fielden : Potter Palmer. Fielden. Spies
and Schwab signed a new petition this after- "
noon. It was drawn upln u milder tone Ihun ,
liny j ct set in. _
Flelden'n Prospects
CHICAOO , Nov. 8. In addition to the joint
letter of Spies , Ficldcn and Schw ab deplpr-J
ing the loss of life ut the Haymaikct , ami
disavow lug the use of force , the former cm *
ploycrs of Fielden have seemed fiom him d !
separate letlcr to the govcuior confessing
Unit ho has been guilty of using ox-
trnvngant languugo , which ho nowiegieta ,
nnd sajlng that ho icciints nnd disnvovvH nil
his lovulty to thodoetiins that tlio wiongs of
any class of society Hhould bo lighted bv vie
lence. Judge Giny , States Attoiney (5iin-
nell and Assistant States Attoiney Inghuni
have endorsed upon the npjillc atlon thciw
Views in Iho case. Lawyer Femsterj
acting for Schwab , has puisued it
veiy similar com so and has seemed iceogni *
tion of wlmtevei claims Schwab may have tn
commutation fiom Messis Ciinnell anil
Ingliam It may bo said with eonlldenee )
that Judge G , n v nnd Guiniell will lake no
steps in fuvor ed eoinmulnlion foi uiii of thq
otheo condemned men.
Piotcctlon Against Moh Ilule.
Ciue'Mio , Nov. S The police nuthoi itici
nio as inyslciious as ever conceuiing the ex
tent and character of their propitiations foi ?
Ft idny nnd nothing can bo loat ncd excejiti
fiom obsoivution. It Is rumored that tha
ma ) or will issue a pioelanmtion closing the
saloons on that day in otder to prevent n
guthoung of tuibulent chaincteis , and ia
oidur to shut oa whisky ftomthcin.
A Hope Found lit MIIKK'H Ct-ll.
Cuicvao , Nov. 8. John Hiown , son of th
celebrated emancipator , sent eight boxes ot
grapes to each of the nnaicliislH , lncludiii [ {
Nccbo , fiom "John UIOWII'B vlnejaid. "
They rcaelicd the jail this moriiint' with
message btatmg that the bender was a foe la
monopoly and tjianny of any soil. Another
scutch of the cells tins moining was made ,
Uio only result being in finding u led cord ,
tin co feet long , in Lingg's cell. The core !
was long and stiong enough to have peunitx
ted the use of it for nil angling puiposoi.
The wives and fiiends of the doomed men ,
weio not admitted lo Iho Juil , tills being a
The WiHUonsln Dl\c-s.
MII.VVAI KIM' , Wis , Nov. 8 [ Special Tclry
gram to Uio Hi i : ] Governor Rusk was inlcr <
viewed dm ing his \ islt heio in regard to thd
northcin dives. "Tho woik of cleaning them
out is going on satisfaclotily , " he said.
"Weie htoucs published in i elation to them
true ? "
"Tliero might Imvo been tiuth in Homo ol
them , especially that in jol.itlon to the hru
talllii's ] ) iacliccd , lint most of them weiq
gieatly exuggoiatod. All the-so htoiic s published - .
lished about onti lipping of innocent gill * , intq
the dens weio without ioundation in fact "
"Don't you think innocent gitls might havel
been lute d theiol"
"No , I do not. Notnsinglo one. All thq
women who went up there so the men whom
1 had w 01 king on Iho case liifounod mo .
weio lewd vvome-n liefoio Uioy went , aue |
know ex.ictlj where they vvoio going. "
The Now Military Camp.
Cnrencjo , Nov. 8. For the lltbt time In
twenty-two jeurn Chicago has u milltuiy
cam ] ) . Two companies of the Sixth Unitecl
States infant i. v , under command of Mnjo *
Lystor , ai lived In Iho city this moining nm\
pi oc ceded to tlio milltuiy lescivalion ul Hlgh <
wood , which v\as given lo the government by
the cily of Chicago Immediately upon tliela
ai 1 1 vul the gat i ison flag was run up and Cumji
Highwood was foi midlj de'dh-atcd. None oi
the ollh c 18 hud Iho least idea they would ! > H
In ought into the city next Fiidnj , ns many
sensational tepoits had alleged.
llnplstH Uoiibted Alive.
MoMeiOMijHV , Ala , Nov. 8 [ Spceiul
Telcgiaia to the HKI : ] > Ahoiilblo story oit
burning two ruvishers comes fjom an inter <
lor county. Satuiday Iwo negro llanips a1 * *
saulled thu pel son of n icspcctublo jounfl
while woman. When found bho was ncaiiy
dead. A posse of Indignant farmers orgnnrf
1/ed and ttio two villains weio captured Sun
day. Tlio joung woman Identified them lm <
mediately. The avengers tool : the tvvomitw
cieantb oultlialned llicm to tiueaaud roubtcej
them alive.
Fatal Tunnel Cuvo In ,
CosiioetoK , O , Nov. S. The tunnel of th4
Dresden branch of the. CJ A. & C. lailioad4
twelve miles west of hc > o , is icportcd to havi
caved in hist night. Sb. uiy killed und
btuial vvouudejd. '