Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Ad ( rtl ctnfnt under thli head. 10 rents per
line for the first insertion , 7 rent * for each mib-
prqiimt Insertion , nn < l 1 r < ) A line per month.
No advertisement taken for less thnu ! Ti rdiU
ftir" " the llrst Insertion. Kovrn words will bo
toutitcd to the linn ; they must run ron eru-
thely , nnd must be paid In ndvnncc. Allnd-
viTtlrfemvntB must b handed In tiefore ! : : )
o'clock p. m. , and under no clmimMnnces will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtles ndertlslnp In these oolumns and h-ir-
InKthn answers aildri'is cdlniare of the lice ,
will pleasn ask for a check to enable them to
fjet their letters. n none will bo delivered ex-
cHit ( In presentation of rlierV. All nnsners to
adVertlBe.mpnti sliould bo i nrlo ed In envelopes.
All ndrtlsements In tbepc columns nr pub
lished In both monilnK and evinliu-editions of
the lien , thn elrculatlon of which aRRreRates
worn thnn H.fffl papers ilnlly , und ulxes the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of theeltyelrnt-
latloil of thn llee. but also of Council llluflK ,
JItcol ) end other cities nnd towns throughout
this part of thu west.
Diiarnntoe and Trust Co. , 1W.
rarnatn street Complete abstracts fur-
ntshrd. reul ebtute exuiuluiMl , p r-
> f Acted And Kuuranteod. W i
TJN'lt 8AI.K A pujliiK fumlturo business at
JL' ( ird. Neb , county seat of Viilley county.
Capital retiulred about TMK ) 0M > d reasons for
willlilff. I'or furthur particulars addrw-s Thos.
n. Blonc. Ord. N.-b. 4W 1U
lir.VKNN 11. Wjo , the future l'lttsburK"of
the west. At present a railroad center.
Ihn best built and nialthlest rlly of Its Hire In
1'lilled Mates , WjomltiK. 'lh ( ileat mineral
store house of Atnerldi and Its liiexhaustablu
oil and coal fields I'or full particulars as to re-
soiiicesetr. , nililress I ) . P. btahle.MTietary Chey
enne Hoard of 'I lade , Cheyenne , Wj o.
_ PHn27j
KKNT- One of thn best locations In the
city for meat market or grocery , on Ieav-
enworth \eivclieap lent. Apply to W. II.
"THOU BAI K Tro Rood restaurants , olio rlfar
J- More , one oyster lest.iurant , rontalnlm ; a
stoekof tobarco anil confections , also a saloon *
nil In central location. Co oneruth e Land Ac Lot
Co. 'MN. llithst. 3-T.1-7
_ _
ANV honest , eap.ible man with two thousand
dollars to Invest enn pet situation as rnshlur
In bank Address , Lit ! , I lio. JIVI fi *
fTIOIl SALi : One well Improved faun of filO
Jtj arreselovo to Albion , Neb . at Jill per net e ,
1700 rash , balaneu on time. Oood hotel at u It.
It , junction toun In fnllimCo , Neb , dolnc K'xxl
business 1'ilen for hotel nnd fixtures. l.rU. (
' & t'o . I IS Dodge ht 'KTi fi
" 171011 HAM ! Hoarding notice. 35 Itnnrdeis. u
J ? half Us vuluu , Ifdfi Cupltol uveniie. 111153
Bl'SINF.SS Chnnce DesliouToFiKlrlng from
business , wo xv111 el | the halunceofour
Mork of dry goods , etc. , with three years I ease
ami fixtures of stoie by January or lliuch
next. Meichouts meaning to purchase address
John J ? . 1' . Lehmann A , Co. , 1SNM312 Farnnmst.
Ml up
FOR SALE flood bakery and groceiy stock
In one of the bi"4t towns In tlii > west. Cen
tral location ; gooil tiade ; will keep bake tools
if nntwunted ; rood reasons for selling Ad
dress S , Mire of llee. SM II *
TTHHINISIIIU ) tint , makingfllP 'r month over
4. rent , to trudo for real estate. Omaha I'l-
iiniii lul lixcliangi'.u vvcor. 15th und llaruov.over
Btatu Nat. Hank. 31 ! )
"T7IOH UIINT riourand feed store on Purkuve ,
JL ; Splendid ojieulng.
I" L. flregiiiy M South 10th st. 271
$ I , ( K ) will buy a p.ivlng nnd well established
hilsineM on N. llith St. Address I , ID. Iteo
olllev. 240 ! )
FOlt SAI i : ln LliHoln , a bo.udlng house ,
tlrst ( Inssln every respeit and dolnv'a
coed buslni SM , lent itasonable. Addiess II. P.
flu i\\lli i-Co. , Lincoln. 171 7
rpb PA'cTl \Ni-JM ! ; ! i stocl : p'liiial mer-
1 ( liiindhr for rood Omaha propeitv ; small
Ineunibrnnrei must sill Or exchamrr quick S.
S. Campbell und ti. \ \ . Hene > , 1)10 ) Iloaril of
Tinde. 4Ni.
SPI'.CIAL llirg.ilu I'.lglit hundiid wies
( holro wild liind in ( hejenne lounty. Neb , ,
4 mllps liom Potlei Million on the II , P. It ,
fl.l5perarre Have this for a day only Halt
, t Spencer , 11.I.N. Kith st.
° V\7ANTr.l > \iiimc man with from $ . ! in to
V JTAito tnki. hull1 lnteic st in n rapldlv
Increasing buslnewi In Omalui , Must benrustler
vvell acquainted with thn cltv.and nhlu to fur
nish ( list-class lefeiemes. This Is the best ojieii-
ingln the dty. r.irth til.iis can be had liy ad-
dreeing. Ilex Ml. city. 2.y
* | J1INK business chance open In Colorado for n
JL1 light uuinufiictmlng business ; large profits
mid Hinall capital reiUlred. | Puiilculsrs at A.
1" . Maj lie's , N.V , cor Kith and rariiam. 02fl
T7IOK KXcTTlANOK-llouses and lots , farms ,
JL ? hotels , lots , mi iclmndlso. horses , cattle
and In fact anything jou want. It. von Imvoauy-
thing to trade eall on or write to us. Olllcn open
evenings. 11. K. Cole , illli b. 15th Ht. ! 3
W ANTED Uie\ehnnge r want iv good mod
ern house of 8 to Id rooms , w lib large yard ,
vail situated. In exchiingo for ItiO-acro farm
well Imptoved only U milts Horn Omaha. No
incumnonincit on farm. Will assume small
mortgage and pay part cash. II. II. Miller. IU2
Douglasst. Itoom 3. It. I 8
aiTPi'ltADi ; Tvvi7Tiiiuiv ] eiTTniTns ln"TiVva For
Omaha property or Nebraska lauds. Me-
Cullix h & Co. , > r ; 15th and Fiirnnni , ! t
MEAT nmikct on paved street , tine business
pro pect. Itimt cheap
K.L. Oregoiy Jtiri South Ifith st. 271
rpIIHEP. dnig storks nnd fixtures of ll.rjlO.
JL ft,7l ! ) , } . ) Inllnest Nebiaskn towns. Tor
sale or real estate exchange. Address K 2 , llee.
FOH SALE$1,000stork of gineial meri-haiv
dlsu in gooil rallioad town In Southern Nc
liraska. llest location. Double room. Low
twit. A rare chance for some one tosten lute
H good business. Address F. J , SlanoshecV
Odell , Neb. _ K57 N 11
F OIt" Tvn "irstliips two-story brick hole
doing excellent business ; rents for } 85 pei
month : owner going out to Cal. Address II. S
Lilly , llrokcn How , Nub. A ! n 1ft
) H SALK-ADOO acre stoik faim , ( n oTpj
irounty , just 25 miles from Oinnhs , with i
fine quany on It , onlj K.'i per ncie. A. K
Jlayny , N. W cor. ICth and rarnam. ( I'll
WANTED Stock of boots and shoes in ex
change for Inside Omaha property. Ad
dress PattoriioiuV Moore.101Kuriium st , Omaha
. _ 2U
TTUHl TIUDP.-fl.MO iicns of choice wester !
JJ land to cxi hniiKu for general merchandise
Jno. K Toft. ; at N. Tilh st. 811
"I * sou have nuvthlni ; to exchange , write us
Wo have Impioved nnd unimproved Ne
, KansnMind Iowa lands , cout mines , hn
telh , stocks of mere handlse , horsen , cattle , hogs
sheep , etc. , to exchange. S. S. Campbell and U
W. llervey , 310 Hoard of Trade. 4S7
DIIV goods and notions storeroom for rent
( lood chance fur millinery also.
F , L. G rogory-JlW South Ibtn st. 271
OH SALE-OrtradonNo. I hotel propei t y
doing good tiade. In ono of the best town
ill NebiUHka. S. S. Campbell nnd ( i. W. llervej
! ! 10 Clijimber of Commerc e , 4x7
" \\rANTED-A stixrk of gioceilfH and genera
TT mdse , for city lots paid for. C. J. Canaii
_ fttl
[ T1OH SALE- complete sti am laundry hn\
L' ina twenty horsn jiower engine. J S Hir
tiett , S unders and Clark ts. ( nil
\\rANTED-All ladleh to know I euro the slcl
> A11 Medlilnes freo.rlto Mrs. II. Hnj
liuuid , Denver , Col. 4.W U *
TlS. nilHANT ( InriMijnnt from HoMou I
reliable In all Rflnlra of life , unites seim
* \eA \ lovers. ! t . ' N. Itith H. . room 1. 7U ) Dec. V
It. NANNIK V. Wan-en , rlnlrvojuiit. Mcv
Icnl btisliufs and test medium. Ollice II
North 16th street ; rooms 2 * H , Telephouo 1I4 <
ANTED-A flrst-chtss buggy washer coi
HU A. rHriiam. Canneld .V Wilbur. 3Jf.7
_ _
CJOLHlTOIltotakechingrtof ! advertlslni ; di
Opartment of thu Caplttil City Courier , n tSut
clay paper at Lincoln , Neb. Miut bo ueut In ai
jieanuice , experienced and furnish good refei
oiictte. Good inducvuuiut to right muii. Addrof
the paper us abov o. 41 1 7
llrst-class Ixiller-imvkers t
T T Onmlm Holler Worss , 12th and Class.
3227 *
WANTED Man , or uiiin and wife us jautu
lu business block ; must bo first-class , ) b
nnd well recommended ; no other needs net'
upply. Gate City Employment ofiico , 314 * , s 1
\VANTKD-2btacksmitliSHUd 2 inTichliieM
T T lmuiro at cable ollice , 20th and llurney
- . ) Agents for tholiest urtlcl ovi
produced , costly otitnt free , no p d dim
no inooey required until sales aiv made an
pxMlsdelivered. N.M. Frtedinuu A. Co. Ma
tinsburg. Mo , xa ! > }
WANTED Gocxl try cook , 40 ; man and wl
for fann , f S ; one for private family , tt
r.KOod carpenters , avmossenner boys. Cunadlti
Kuniloymeul OiUce.Mr * . Ur ttu ic Hou. aiUS. _ I itl
WANTTiD-SIUkcr , dairy , 411S Sauiulen. 117
"XTTAXTED Rixxl driver nt Joseph Ilospn-
T T tcln'ii Fish market. 217 S. 1-th gt. 07
WANTHD A No. 1 man. good-rustler and
talker , good pay. Call at once , room 5 ,
1210 pollglas st. . 40S-8 *
\\rANTED-7i lim elTrs foTclty vrork tl 7l"pr
TT clay. City Intelligent olllce , Crelchtoli
block. 2fiS
25 shovelers , apply four miles
west of Fort Omalm , ou Chicago A. North
western Hy , wages t2)ier ) day , boutd J-'lfiOp
wtvk. C. P. Treat , contractor. 175 ' ,
AVASTED-IOO men fir Missouri. Ship to-
night. 1) ) . U. U'Keefu , Wl S. Illh-st. US.-7 *
VVAN'rHD A bread baker iifiJafMuhl'st reef ,
T > Council Hluirs , lu. 440- ! )
TVfAN'iED-Pnrtlesoutof work to call at the
TT City Intelllgenco olllce , Crelghton blk ; wo
nre recelv ing orders every day too numerous to
advertise , HB
NTEl ) Men for railroad work. Al
blight's Labor Agency , 1120 rarnnm , 804
WANTED -Xlnnn to vCork 1 houT 1Ti TIi3
morning and 1 hour lu the evening ut
1000 California. Ml
_ _
tlirANTED Severnl first-class salesmen for
TT clothing , hat and furnishing goods. Only
those with llist-class icfeience need address
110X2211 , Omahu. _ 44H
" \\7"ANTED tm nccnts ; good salaiy or com-
TT mission ; rale chance. Address with tnmp
for terms , Weaver Jlfr. , 34 N. State Ht. , Chicago ,
111. _ _
WANTED HO men of peed appc'uranceto
try our 15c meals at Norrls restauiant,31l
mid Hit ! feoiith Uth street , ( old Uvo aud Let
Live ) (94 (
" \\7ANTED-Competent girl to cook , wash and
TT Iron : reference icimlrcd. Mis. F. W.
Gray , 2021 Douglas. HM 5
WANTED A good gill for general house
work , family of three , H. W. Clayton , 2ith !
und Woolworth. city. an 5
WANTED A good girl for house
work , German preferred. Good wnges
paid at 312 N24th st. 2U f.J
\\rANTED-At onre , colored chambermaid
T T nt the Gem , Ki2 Dodge st , 2ii2 fi *
"TjlOIJH dining loom gills , 3 dish washers , 3
JL laundresses , 2 kltdieu gills , I criatid girl , J
dressmukpis. Uuto City Employment olllce ,
SUliSo I5th. 30fl 8 *
WANTED A neat und reliable jounit'larty
to take rhargo of and do the entire house
work for a family of foui ; $1 per week. Address
L. 41 , llee ollico. 411
LADI T.S WANTED to go sen the great comedy
dtuma , "Uncle Dan'l , " by the Katln Pear-
non Comedy Company Monday evening , Nov. 7.
42il 7
" \\rANTED-A vvomaii cook for hotel. Imiulre
2110 Iliirnoy. 31 n
\ VrANTEDAglrllo do second woik , $1 a
T T week to competent glrLMis. G. E. Prltch-
ett. aia S isth. 3U
ANTED Girl for general homework atClB
8 17th st. 227
\\T ANTED Pal ties out of work to call at the
T T Cltv lnt < lllgenco olllrcCielguton blk ; vvo
aio lecclv Ing orders cv ciy day too numerous to
advertise. 105
T\rANTiD : 1.000 ladles to attend' the People's
TT theater Monday eeiilmj , Nov. 7 , and see
thn Katlo I'eamm Comedy Company in "Unclo
Dan'l. " A meitoonger from JHIVH ! Bectlon.
WANTBIJ N ) ladles to try our IV meals at
Noirls'restaurant ( old Live and Let Live ) ,
311 and 31 IS. llth st.
"VTOTIcn to the Public Thi ) State em-
J- ' ] ilo > jncnt pallors me now open. All ladles
in ( | lii"-t of domestic'Kills will consult their bei-t
inteiests by railing at 1417 ratnnin st. upstairs ,
and give us a tilal Stale Kmplojment Parlors ,
lldom II , over Drcxel A Maul's undeitaklng es
tablishment. Ji'Jl-7 *
ON'i : Ilt'NDItlU ) able gills wanted at oneti
Call at the State Kmplojment Pallors. 1117
riuiinin ht. , room 11 , upstairs. IRI2-7 *
FIHST nnd hecot.d cok ilrst cjass "hofel
( 'ren' llt : Hist mid -wond cook tlrst class
hotel ieinuin ! > ; 2 good tnble waiters , man and
wile , janitors In business block ; must undei-
stiind tin-Inislne s thoronithly : 3 good canvass-
01 M for i Itv , 5 bell boys. ( Jato City Kmployment
ollice , II ISo. . l th st. : a fh *
CANADIAN Kinyloymont OIHce. Orders for
pintles to till positions of tiust Oiled free.
Mule help supplied fruo to nil. Domettlo help
furnlhlied on short notice. Male and female
help sent to all puts If fare Is paid. Eight jtais'
uxpurleiuc enables us to (111 ( orders hallfac-
torlly lleforenec , Omaha National Hank. Mis.
llrega .V Son. 31li S. 15th , tulnphonuHHI. 4147 *
NlTllUNDHiTraliirgirls ; wanted at o\\r \ \ .
O Cull attheState Kmplojment Pallors. 1117
Faiimm st , mom II , upstairs. [ ft'- ' , '
rpllI'Clty Intelligence Otllre has tnconly prop-
JL eily oigFinl/ed employment agency In the
west. It Is the laigest , most rellaole and Its
terms tlio most liberal. If you am out of em
ployment or wish to make a change , why do
j on delay In securing the beht possible aid that
can be glvon you. Persons should carefully
consider whom they are dealing with as tliein
arc many new catch-penny concerns coming
into existence dally. 1'nll particulars concem-
Ing our methods will be given upon applica
tion. All ordeiHe\ ( < opt from private families
tilled fiee and suit to any part of the west wher
fain Is paid. Yours respectfully , Chas. L
Hart , manager. : John L. McCaguo
president McCaguo Hros' . bank ; Diixtei I/
' 1 honias , casbler Nebraska savings bank ; lion.
.1. II. Me rulloch , county judge. 571. .
TIAKHN UP-Ited brindled > ovv one horn
broken. Apply 1141 N Ihth st. 271 6 *
Apalr of ejo-glasses with chain at-
Jl tachcd Owner can have bv calling at
Thump-ton , llelden \ Uo.'s nnd paying for this
notice. _ _ _ _ ; c li
LOST Every pel son who falls to go see the
Katie Pearson Comedy Company play
"I'ncle Dan'l" at the People's theater Monday ,
Nov 7 , maybe assured they have lost a line
evening's enteitalnment. _ 421 ! 7
TOST-Stonu plan of the Now York Hfo insur
i unco building lost yesterday. If the tinder
w 111 return thiimimo to the corner of 17th nnd
1'mnaiu st they will be rewarded. NorcrosE
Hros. 357 &j
\\7ILL Under of a red bill book please , returr
i same to ovv ner , he w HI not gain any proHl
by keeping contents. J. lluellf. 352 5 *
LOST Thursday bunch of keis ; rcwardsrooir
U , Neb , Null bank. 311 5 *
IOST Pony , lion gwy. four white feet will
spot In head. 10 yt ai's old. Please returr
toS Ecor.Usth and l.taveiiwoith andgttrewau
LOST A sllv er medal of St. Phtlomcna school
Please icturn to Father McCnrthy.opposlti
Co7zens. JS45 *
TOST A live months' old Skye terrier pup
' dnik hall cm back and tall , eais not clipped
missed iioout a week ago. Finder ievvurdedb\
notlfj Ing or leaving dog nt 1112 Furnam 2W6 ,
LOST Physician's smglcal hand satchel , 01
Fnpploton ave. Finder please leturn to Dr
Hiown. Ui'l ' I'm k live. If tinder wishes can keel
satchel and return contents. 3105 *
- at the People's theater bv no
going early to secure It. to fee Katie i'ear
son Comedy Company In "Uncle Dan'l. " 4Jy 7
LOST Yellow pony , black mane , tullundlegi
Hctuiiitollll So.&lh st. 323
T OST J5 levvanl. An"oplithalmo..cope In "i
.U small black box. The above will b pal <
Under by Dr. Gilford , 1101 Fmnum lit. 2ftS
STHAYED-Cow-Dnrk red with black stripe
light horn broken olf. Heturnto : EU2 Hlondo
Lt > ST Orstolen , neur lla call's part , a med
turn slzo dark buy mare , w 1th harness on
mall white spot ou face , largo hind legs. 1
Murray. 120
A HA HE CII ANl'K can tx > secured of seeing i
line performance liy witnessing "llucl
Dau'l" ut the IVoplea Theater to-moiiovv night
and vvlfo without children Ilk
to rent vv hole or part of u well furnlshei
house for winter , llest of references. Address
glv Ing particular , etc. , L 31 , Hee olllce. 41. b *
WANTED-To buy a doren good rentlni
houses bv inyliig small pa > ments dowi
and then inonthtj fnvtalhuimtsr Any ono havIng
Ing good propel ty to sell ou these terms pleas
iiddiess with full description , T. U. C. . cure o
C. E. Ma > uo. 15th and llurney. 2tH U
\\TANTED-To rout until May 1st next ,
T T furulahcd house at 10 or U rooms. C. I
Ma } no. 281 U
" \\rANTED-Hoom and boiiid , priv ate fiiinil :
TT by lady with references. Addiess L 3
lUo olllce. 3175 *
W.\S'lUD-leuuits rot liousa cor Himletl
and Siiinilurs. low rent to rlunt party. C
F. G ai dmr.7l'lN Hlih. 2411 IS
AIL'hlU WanU'd , pupUs for piano aud Bin ;
IM tug. by experienced lady teacher , tin ,
c-lnss style Imparted. Acldres * LSI , Hee oince.
\\rANTED-Two pfixnu to leuni book keej
T ti , ' , situations. J. H. Smith , PU3 Ciilcugi
1J ) f.
. \\\N ' 11 > - deed family horea in excliung
1 > f. ) lu l. , M IJulliiL'h A. IVi , rnr 15th uu
WANTED Good farms In PTchantje for
Uiniiha property , O. 0. Spotswood , aiVi
SlBth. 083
_ _
House of 7 to 10 rooms vv 1th mod-
eru Improviitnents , northeast front , situ
ated on high ground with largo lot. Will as-
siime h moderate encumbrance , pay u thousand
dollars cash , nnd trade vacant l"ts or good Neb.
land for balance. Address Li * . I lea ollico. I'll
XVA ! ? ! ED Plem-aut. well furnlMieiProom
> > with board and Useof bath for invstlf
and wife , private family preferred , or plate
\vherctlierenrebut few Imurders. Cltv retTcr-
enceg. Address , giving terms , location , etc. , L
31. llee. 4 IKS'
\ \ 7AiVIT.D 'In buy ttve thousanu tii Ten
T thousand Hoono county lamN , fivernge
( inillty , at MOperacie ami less. Addres ,
Omaha. PI4
\\rANTED-To trade fora lot of second hand
> furniture ; apply ut Hoom U , Fren/er
block. J leif
_ _ _ _ _ " _
\\f A NTLD To buy ohort tTtne ] ) npiir , j"\vl
TT Gross , ut C. E. .May no's ollico , 1MU and
Hartley , 2sr >
WANTKD Fnims to oxclmngo for 'Omaha
lopetty and stocks of merchandise. O.
L. HroHiuV Co. , room IJ Frcnzer block , Omaha
711 nT )
\\rANTED rarm lands In erchnnuo for
> storks of mercliaudlsii. St. John Jl Ely ,
Hoom 13 , Frenzer block , oi p. P 0\ \ VM
W NTF.D-Property of all kind * to exchange
Special attention given to Hading. C C.
Bpotavv ootl. 3U5)t ) 3 liitli. _ OTti
WANTEI > To buy the furniture of n small
or largo house centrally located. Co-opera-
tire Land i. Lot Co , lift N ICth st. 1J8
"WANTED Faun lands In exchange for city
property. bUJolm & Ely , Hoom U , Freu-
zer block. WI7
NEW Yolk Storage Co. Coiner Capital
lav. , V 15th St. , have money to loan on
household goo'ds merchaudlso of every de
scription at lowest'rates. Special facilities for
merclmnts. goods moved , parked and shipped.
All charges advanced. Fireproof brick block ,
Capitol ar. \ nth st. 41U
MONRYto Lonn-Sums of Si.OOO nnd upwards.
I'ltst Moitgnpes. Improved city property.
E. S. Hlsbee , T 5 Itnmgo building , Onmlm.
Nil dec3'
M ON BY to loan. H. K. Cole. 31(1 ( S. 15th.
2111 Uctfl
5iny. on hand to loan on Improved pioiii'rty.
. llelBtand , Arlington block.
MONI3V to Loan On Imptoved city property
nt lowest rates of Inleie't. No commls-
Ion charged , [ -holes A. Crumb , room 1 , Itaiker
block , cor. Ifith and Farnam sts. tSl )
t7M > , fXK ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnauan & Ma-
| J honey , 16Jl ( I'aiimm. ! Kj7
lJ5X.OliO ( ) to loan 111 any amount ut lowest rate of
\ > Inteiest. II. II. Ircy , I lenzer block. im
MON13V hi sums of MO nnd overto I iadat
low tatei. Itusscll & Barrett , 3123 llithst.
ONEY LOANED atC. P. Herd & Co.'s Loan
Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kindniul nil other or-
IclcsofMilue without renioval. 318 8 nth ,
over Hlnglmm's commission store. All biisl-
less strictly confidential. IWJ
10,000 To loan on Omaha city properly ut 0
per cent. G. W. lay ) , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
1)70 )
MONEY loaned on fuinlture , pianos oig.ins ,
Iior-es. etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson i
Co. , 1J24 Farnum , over Uurliugtou ticket olllce.
ro J.OAN Money Loons placed on 1m-
prov ed real estnto In city or county for
"few " England Loan & Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , tilth nnd.Clitcnro sts. 977
rONEV To loan on chattels. Co-opeintlvo
L Lund and Lot Co. , 205 No. 10th street.Ktf
Patterson A Kavvcett l.'th and Horney. 073
M ONET to Loan-O. K. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan ngents , inor > Kariiam st. t > 72
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham ,
oem 1 , Crolghton block. 071
MONEY to loan to parties wishing to build
S. S. Campbell , 310 S Kith St. , Chamber of
ONKY t loan. Notes and II. It. tickets
bought nhd sold. A. I'onnan 21J S 1.1th st.
SHOUT time loans made on any available
security , In reasonable amounts. Secured
noten bought , sold or exchanged. General
llnanclal business of any kind transacted
piomptly , quietly and fairly at thn Omalm ri-
nanclal K\c.lunge , N. W. cor. Pith and Hat-
noy sts. , overstate National baud. Corbett ,
nanager. ! i"l
$ I.OOO.fiOOtoloiiii. H K Cole , 311) ) S. 15th. I'lrst
mortgngo notes bought. Dili )
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
.1. L. Ittco St Co , over Commeiclal Na
tional bank R78
MONKY to loan on city property , and also
farms In Nebraska and Iowa. Odell Bros.
Ii Co . loan , real estate nnd Insurance agents , 10 ! )
Pearl street. Council Uhids , la. ; 1KM Fa mam
street , Omaha. 208
MONEY to Loan Ry the undersigned , wbo
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to I1GO made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma-
chlneiy , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on tlnn watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
see me. W. It. Croft , room 4 Wltlmell building.
l.r > th and Harney. Uf
$ . ,00,000 to loan , special lates on faun property.
Sobotker & Perrlgo , 1521 PHI nutn st. IIM
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squlic , 141J Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. "S4
KATIE PEAHSON Comedy Company will re-
colvo ull their friends at the Peoples Thea
ter to-morrow ulght to witness the preut comedy
drama , "Unclo Dan'l , " a Messenger fiom Jarvls
Section. 12U-7
MlSOHLLANEOUS-To Stockmen : Standard
Horse and Cattle Food Is the only stock
remedy on the market which Is fully guaranteed
to accomplish nil that ii claimed for It. It Is
put up In boxes of 7 Ibs each and sells for 11.00 ,
by dealers everywhere. Ask your dealer for a
circular giving particulars , nnd try n box.
Manufactured by F. E. Sanboru A Co , 1703St.
Mury'bave. , Omaha , Neb. 2i < 05
STAN DA Itll Stock Liniment Is guaranteed to
_ cure sprains , cuts , bruises , barb wire
wounds , weak back , rbeumatlctiouhlcs , mango ,
scratches , sw elllng glands , sere throat , strained
cords and muscles , and every Injury which has
not alfected the bone. Manufactured by P. E ,
Sanboin i Co , , 1TUI St. Mary's uveuuo. Omaha ,
Neb. For snlo evcryw hero , 34)5 )
PnoTESSIONAL Nurse. Mis. Peterson. 27N
Ohio st. ! U1 D 4 *
TGIOH HUNT Macros with good house and Im
JJ provements near Omaha. Schleslngei
Hros , 614 S. 10th st. 2H21) )
T71IHST-CLAPS table board , served In home
JL1 stjlo , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1S14 Dodge. 23t
"IjllHST-CLASS iMurd and rooms at live ami lei
JL ! Hv o m Izes , nt Cottage house , 110 S lath bt.
l 3 ! * " " !
TTMNlTsnTits made to order at ! 1 each. "oTimTic
JU Shirt Factory. 308 N ICth. W A 4
ANYHODY can enjoy the great comedy play
"Uncle Dan'l , " ft Messenger from J 1111)1 )
Section , to moirow night at the Peoples 'Hie
nter. 420-7
SAI'Eb AgeutA and business men.'a an
manufacturing and selling Independent o :
any s.ife ring or pool by placing upou the mar
kel three sizes of tire proof safes at such IOM
prices that formers , professional nnd buslnes <
men can afford to purchase. Size , 2rixlS\tl
Inches ; weight MO UK , , ; retail price , t3.'i ; smullei
anil larger sl/es tn proportion. Hare opportun
ity otlered. Alpine Safe Co , Cincinnati , Ohio.
1118 30 *
f nil E Central Loan und Trust Co , ( paid ill
X capital IIOO.OUI ) pay Interest on time deposits
posits of any amount. Ollice Kill Farnam st. r
333 7
L 1ST houses , furnished and unfurnlahei
rooms with us. We will rent them. Oltlci
open evenings. II. K. Cole , 310 S. 15tt ) .st. U33
R ENTAL P AGENCY-F. L. Oregon-will "bi
found after November 1st ut 3i > ) South IGti
bt. , opp. Hoard of Trade. G round lloor , MO
TsT YOHH HOOMS at the City Imelllgenn
Olllce , Crelghton Hlock , Moio peoplu c.-il
dally nt our ollico thnn at any other place In til
city , except the postotllce. ffft
E MUTANT plush parlor sets at Immense sac
rltlco to pay storage charges. New Yorl
storage Co , cor Capitol ave and IMh st. 7tJJ
BH. J. W. HAHNSDALL'S BurgliJiTaiufoT
stetricul liome. 1724 Cupltol UVB , Uinulu
Neb. Telephone Ota. ' M3n21j
rpO EXCIIANGF.-For cattle. I have 840 acre
JU of good western land to trade for cattlf
and a good house and lot near the capital ; wll
exchange for cuttle. Address S. O. Uryan. Ash
land. Neb. 1)35 )
i \ 1 O House furnishing gcxxla , all kinds
V/ cash or lostallmtut ; lowest prtcea at J. Don
ner , 1115 Douglas it , 9N )
LADIES-A full bust without medicine
uiallJOc. , stamps , to U. M. Hun. llaltlmore
MO. 2uuai ;
rEHPONAL Meet me af1 People's thentf r to
morrow evening , 1 Mil going to set1 the
grrat comedy drama. "Uildu.Uuu U" the lues-
senger from Jnn'ls section , _ 4J-7
1" > KHSONA1 < A teniitcmtB nnd
young man from tlia.vait ul'liea to meet n
) -oung lady of good address. Heferences ox-
i hanged. Address L 4R , JH'eolllce. 4.fl7 > -
1J > EHSONAIi--Amnn amlvvlfewho hare Jut
lost an Infant w Ish tnndopt n young child
of good parentnge nnd heAlth , No other child-
ten In family , good homo guaranteed , refer
ences given , Addiess L,4 leo. | Ii50 fi *
] EHSONAi Katli > l'e rion and her comply
eompauv will play " ,1/uile Dan'l , " the mes
senger from .larv Is sectlqnat the People's thea-
ler to-morrow night. 420-7
] : > EHSONAL Tlic- ladles of Oinnlm can secure
the services of competent and reliable do-
mestle help nnd have n room full to clionso from
by calling at the Canadian Employment ottlm.
Mrs Hi ega A. Son , 31t ) So. lAth. Up stairs. Tel 8f 4
PEHSONAIr-Prlvnto homo for ladies during
confinement , strictly conlldcntlal. Infants
adopted. Address K4.'i llee ollico. 107 n 8 *
IflOH SALE-Every.seut in the Peoples Ihea-
ter for people U > witness the great comedy ,
"Uncle Diiu'l 'nMeMssengerfroni JarvisSection ,
to-morrow night. , 420-7
- - Interest In real estate
c.lllce for $ l.fX l cash. Olllco now maklni ;
$ IGOO l > er month. Address L 44 , llee olllce. 4 35 8
FOIl HALR A line Improved double barrel
shot gun , nnd , n bargain , 1821 St.
Marys live. IM f > J
TTIOIl SALE 1,000 tlrst-clnss neats at the Ilrst
JD presentation of "Uncle Daii'L , " a Messenger
from .larvls Section , at the Peoples Theater to
morrow night. 47J-7
FOR SALE Cheap 6 2d baud safes , Halls ,
Dlebold nnd Mncnonle * Urban makes : In-
qulri ) Phil Garretson. Arcade hotel , Omntia. agt
Clilcago Safe nnd Lock Co ; Jtw 11
TTHJIl HAI.K Tvvo elegant lmp - > rtcil stallions ;
JC will sell or trude for inside property or
good livery stock. Address J. H.Lamnr , care
Gees hotel , city. flOO 7
FOH SALFr-1 feed mill. 24 In. French burrs.
1 Victor shelter , 75 bu per hour.
1 bolt for buckvv heat or meal.
40 ft. 2 In. shafting. 0 hangers , elevator belt ,
etc. Address 200 S 2 ! th St. , Omahu , Neb. 325 n 1 *
ONE hundred and flftv dollars will buy n news
nnd cigar stand , MM South Iflth st , t rt.
FOH SALE A new lot of dry goods fumlturo
cheap. 1120 Cap. live. Us
FOH SALE Or trade , horse , buggy nnd hnr-
ness , standing desk nnd stool , hard coal
\\illsellfhennnrtriidfl forpioperty or
paper. Alex G. Cliarltoii , JlcCnguo Hros . opp.
P. O 34J
FOK SALE Tine horse , buggy and harness
n bargain. Call at 0 Arlington block. JWiHO
FOH SALE Shelving , couutcrs. snow cases
and sundry store llxturcs. Inquire at A.
Dormann , oil S. 13th st. )5 ) H *
BAHGAIN One ball bearing Columbia tricy
cle In perfect order und us good ns now
will b sold at a bargain. Apply to J. L. Haker ,
West Point. Neb. S31 0
TLLAHD Table at half priceHmnswlck
Halke Co.'s make. Inquire Leslie \ Leslie , nnd Dodge sts. 2U )
I71OH SALE -Span of good draught mules and
1 ? iilie humors , or will trade for insldoyrop-
[ ity. Address J. II. Lamar , care Gees hotel ,
-Ity. U007 *
OHGANS at wholesilo prices , on easy pay
ments New York Piano Co. , cor Capitol
iiv o and Kith st. 700.
FOH HENT Cottage. 4 rooms , modern 1m-
piovc-ments , cor. 2d : und Leaveuvvorth. Ap
) ly , Sl | ti 20th. 312 M
JJ10H HENT Tic > uso5 rooms , 2closets.pantrj %
1 good cellar , outbuildings , etc , 2fllt Daveil-
iiortst. John W. Foley , 1116 *
1T10H HE.NTNew hou < 6i of fi rooms , with all
-I1 lonvtnlences , 112 South 2Mh st. Call in
ear liom 1 tofip. m. 231 ft *
co'ltage. 1117 Pacific .
FOH KENT-S-ioom . st.
J2u mouth. W. N. Niisou , Uit5 I'arnam st ,
0 g fi
T7IOH I HENT tl room cottage 2Hh nnd Indiana
J-1 st. 14U-BJ
_ _
"I71OH TtlTNT- room hortw two blocks fron P.
J' O , ? sviiuys ) thn furutturo on time. 3 room
iiniso lent $7 , liV { so. 1,1th st. : lurnlturc $75. 10
nom house ono block fiom P. O , rent MS , furnl-
uieontluio. Largo llat of thirty-seven rooms ,
iiaving well , two blocks from postodico , thiee
Jims' lease , * 2MO , for fiiinttuif , * 7IX ) , bal , * .V )
pel mouth. Cigar utoro on Tenth , IKtures and
stock lor sale ; tlve nlco tints , furnished , lent
ensv nnd fumlturo on timo. Hcstaurants on llith
and l.ith stieets. Look under "Husiness
Chances" About twenty-live other houses for
rent , and furniture at ptlcesnud terms to suit
joiinll. Call and see us. Houses and lots tor
sale In all parts ot the city. Co-opeiutlvo Land
Lot Co. . 205 N. llith st. 351-7
FOH RENT A double house of 5 looms for
each paity ; new nndcovenlentfortwo good
families without chlldieii. Address L37 , Hee
olllce. : i 08
OK HKNT-1 0-rooin cottage.fin"sT ) . ICth st ,
bet. Jackson A' Jones. Atw ater & Co. 428
FOH HENT Hasemunt. stores and flats , cor.
Uth und Jackson. Eiumlio Mrs' 1Lange. .
71OH HENT Hy 20th lust. , 0-room cottage.ceu-
- trally. few mocks u of postofllce. Hentorto
buy few c.upets and stove. Apply 60s South 10th
171011 HUNT Three stores 1IOS Farnam and
JL1 two at cor 12tn ami Douglas st. S , Lehman.
FOll HENT-Elegantly fuinUlied house of 10
rooms , close to Park nve , nil conveniences ;
this can be rented nt a bargain. II. H. Miller ,
1522 Uouglaa Bt. lloom 3. 324 8
ITKJU HENT-Storel 22xBO toro room 22x10.
JL1 good cellar , yard and stable , good location
for groceries ; counter and shelving in the
Store. Inirutioat 1123 S.fithaud Pierce street.
! ) 7 *
KENT House : furniture for sale. In
quire of It. J. Wright , KlOt Cass st. 2S7 7
OPOOMS-Hath and barn. Col fax st J4500
10 looms , bath and furnace , Seward t. MOO
10 rooms , bath and furnace , Woolworthst. . 5000
K rooms , bath , cltv water , Corby st 35 00
fi rooms , cottage , Hurdettost 2ROO
H rooms , cellar , well , cistern,27th st 2S.OO
0 rooms , col In r. city water. 2ftust 2200
Flue large storeroom , good location 35.00
F. L. Giegoiy. 30 ! ) South 10th st. 188
IflOH HENT If you wish to rent a house call
1 on Heuuvvu 4 Co. , 15th , st. , opposite 1' . O.
FOH HENT Severu new 7 room housoi
block fiom street car , reudv for occupancy
November I , C. F. Iliurison. 418 S. 15th st. ; 153
LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished
rooms with \VowllIicnt them. Olllce
open ev enlngs. H. E. Cole , 31CS. 15th st. KITi
" 17IOH KENT 2nd and 3d lloors at 1417 Douglas
Jl st , with lease of thieo years. Kennedy i.
Hlbblns , 1 Ui Douglas st. 707
T7IO11 HENT 3 room cottage , 1124 N 21st. st.
J ? Appiy3iasi5tbst. ira
IJIOIl llENT-fi room furnished llat. $ W ) per
1 month. 3 rooms rented , (4 ! . Apply 608 S.
Ifith st. . ' rot
TJIOH HENT fl-room nous * . G. E. Thompson ,
J | H4S. _ 15th Ht. 211
WANTED-To rent n burn that will hold 10
head of horses , not' for livery purposes.
Address J. II , Lamar , Gees hotel. 178 7 *
FOH HENT Two elegant store rooms , best
location lu the city for dry goods ttore or
hardware. Apply at Courtney & Co. , 2Ath and
Davenport st. 270 7
T7WH HENT Nov. 16. new eight-room house ,
JL1 ull modern Improvements. 2.18 Chicago st.
M. J. H. Hlngwalt. 218 Svlith St. 777
T71OH HENT 6-room hcnfre. corner Marry nnd
JJ Torrlll Bt. Ml. Iniiuini Linlnger A ; MetcaU
Co. , Oth ami Pacific. 220
FOH HENT H room cottage , large lot , good
barn. In delightful locution. Furniture for
sulo ; call at Kinsler's drugstore , l-W Faniam st
roirirRNT New b-room cottage. 21th and
Hancroft St. , irst door west of shot tower ;
well. cUtern. 114 per month. 478
" 171OH HENT Handsome now residence within
JL1 IV miles of P.O. : ten rooms , burn , etc. ,
with all conveniences. Will rent cheap. Addruu
J. II. Lamur , care Ooos hotel , city. Win 7 *
T710II HENT 3 tints and furniture for sale , nil
JJ on 10th. A.F. Mune. N. W. coi. llith ami
Furnam. wt
It HENT H room house on Sherman ave ,
A.F , M ) lie , N. W. cor. Itth and Furnam
171OH HENT-Two largo stores and llat.s Jusl
JL1 completed. Hiilldlngs provided with all
modern conveniences and situated on Sontl !
1 Ith St. , Nos. IIM and Ills , ono of the most trav
eled thoroughfares In the city. Street car uc-
commmlatlons. One.of tbo basements fitted ut
with glass front and especially arranged for n
restaurant or oyster house. Also will least
reasonably for a term of } ears a very desirable
business corner lot lu heart ot the rlty. This It
a rar chance for a man who would put up stores
and Mats. There Is big money In U. Afco fl de
sirable residence lots opposite the city park. Sec
Joseph Mlchal , proprietor , 1223 boutu 13th nt.
JL 1810 California st.
"TiVlH HENT Pleasant room for gentleman !
* - new limisp nnd new fiiriilturu ; lieat , bath
and gas. I'lH Dddgn st. 407-U *
1 PLEASANT loom for gentleman nnd wife or
two gentlemen , with or without board , pri
vate family. call lifter U p. m , 21JO Itiuney st.
"w I " ,
M 4
"ITlQll HENT Elegant new furnished looms lu
1 private family bo u ding house Just opened.
Avemio Place , HlFi and Ml 1 Cap , ave. N'l 10
1J1OH HENT FiiuiNhed and unf mulshed
1 r < Mtim , (12. tin. IH and I.M , IV'J Farnam st ,
room 2 , opp. Merchant's hotel. JI7 7J
' 171011 HENT Olio Inigo front loom with ul-
Jcove and closet and n large bedroom ad
joining with closet ; also 2 bedrihuusall nlcelv
furnished , with hot air , , bath , hot and cold
water on sanin lloor , 207 S. 24th st , on car line ,
bit Famaui and Douglas. 370 7j
K10U.HENT-Desli.ibU5 well furnished rooms
J- for grntlemeu , Toims reasonable , luOii
Capitol .iveiiue. _ ; M 7 *
IjlUHNISIlED looms , day , week 01 month.
JJ Ladles pr gents. .lUNIZIli. 3. ' > a 7 *
FOH HENT NIrelv furnished rooms , steam
heat , gas and Lath room , 201 S 21th t.
"IJIOH HKNT To a lady , furnished room In
J. family of two , 15 mlu walk from P , ( ) . , two
blocks from street cars , use of pla no , tii per
month. 2 : > )2 ) Davenpoit st. .Wl 8 *
HENT-Furulshed rooms. 2200 Dodao.
l 7 7 *
" 17IOH HENT 3 nice unfurnished rooms suit-
JL' able for housekeeping , situated on 21st
and Nicholas st. Apply 310 S 11th st. hf >
"plOH HENT New furnished parlor room for
-P 2 gentlemen , 812 N 23d. Cull corner fuming
aml ! d\ts. J14 7 *
FOH HBNT Furnished rooms for lighthouse-
keeping : also , furnished sleeping rooms
( with stoves ) for gentlemen ; WJ Hovvardst , near
Cozze'.H houso. 315 7 *
KENT burnished room , 141ri Howard.
JCSI 7 *
ITIOIl UKNT rurulshed front room. niri North
JU 14th st. ; ) 7
TJIOH HUNT I'.legaut sultu of rooms nicely
JO furnished , brick llat , south front , 1410 Chi
cago. ; VM
Fll HKNT Oround floor olllce room , cen
trally located , heated and lighted. U. F.
Il4trlsou.4l b. nthst. 71U
FOII KENT Furnislied rooms , 1U13 Parnam.
Al'INi ; largo bay window room , newly fur
nished w 1th gas , bath , fun.ace nnd clohct.
no other loonier , foronoor two gentlemen. 501
b 20th st. 113
10K HKST A suite ot rooms over my More .
Price. $ T > . W. 1 % . Stoctzel. 7U
FOR KENT Nicely furnished rooms , $10 , $12
? 15 and $20 , at Iti'l I'arnam St. fiUO
FOH HENT 2 double furnished rooms , tin and
WO per month , with tire. North side
Leav eiivvoith st between 17th uud IMh. 3:11 : 11 *
JLJT10II llKNT-Knrnlshed front room with
JLJ board for gentleman. 1721 Douglas > t.
TplTHNISirnD rooms suitable for I gentlemen
J. and 2 gentlemen , with board. SWu > r2lst
und Leavenwoitlibts. 27H 7 *
HKNT Two elegantly furnished rooms
with bath , California and 17th sts , price
reasonable. I'or terms , etc. , call at lUle ( loth-
Ing Co . 320 N. 10th st. 2777
171OH ItKNT Furnished rooms. 1S1B Dodge st.
Jtt Ut ! N dO
J71OH IlENT furnished and unfurnished
JP rooms In all parts of the city. When you
w ant a house wo can accommodate you. Car-
ilage ready to show houses. Olllco open even
ings. U. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th st. MM
"I710K ISKNT Large front furnished room at
JL1 211'JHarneyst. 871 114
N ICKLY furnished rooms , 20 ± i St. Mary's
uxe. 2010 *
FOTtNTsiTlID loom , 2207"ioiTgIas ;
242 PJ
A LOVIUA" , largo front room heated , beauti
ful location , with all modern conveniences
on st car line , 1U17 Cass.
HENT Nice furnished room fa per
month , S. W. Coi. 1Mb uud Jackson. 107
FOH HENT 2 unfurnished rooms , 2d tloor ,
3HI S. 15th. 3.V. .
iTUlilTTKNT Furnished rooms in ( Jreuulg blk ,
Jcoi. . 1 ith and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. II.
Dav is. Mlllard hotel billiard room. INS
FOH HENT-2 pleasant furnished front
rooms , ground lloor , $ JO ; one side loom ,
810 , ! i block fiom high school. 2217 Capitol live.
NICELY furnished loom to rent with boatd ,
AN to two young men , on Hurdetto St. , near
street cars. In private family , teims reasonable.
Address L 2:1 : , Hee olllce. : IU 6 *
FOH HENT Two fiunlshedrooms cheap. 1019
N23dst , 328 fi
JOOMS and board for gentlemen in private
I fumlly. Address K 72. llee. U295 *
LAHGEand small front loom , all conven-
leuc es. 212:1 : Farnam St. , s o corner. 018-5 * .
F Oil HENT 1 nicely furnished room >
w Ith board If desired. 111 S 20th. 250 5-
KENT I'mnlslicd room 1U21 Douglas.
20S 5 *
LJVMl HKNT 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable
V for housekeeping. 2U22 Iluincy st. RWi'iJ
FOH HHNT Nicely furnished front loom to 1
or 2 young men , $ 'J per month. 010 S 25th
nvo. 2117 5 *
T710H KENT Desirable loom. 1023 Dodge ht.
J ? 3US 5 *
TJIOH HENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
JJ housekeeping , lltmi S. 7 th St. 248
FOK RENT-3 nicely furnished rooms , 2020 St.
Mary's ave. Otfl )
ly furnished suite of parlors -
lors , suitable for two or four gentlemen , ill
now brick building , all modern convenience. ;
tlrst-cluss board If desired. Mrs. Win. Young ,
2209 Douglas st. 137 7
FOH HENT Hooms. single and en suite ,
good piano for sale , tlU5 , 1821 Faruam st.
FOH HENT 3 rooms suitable for house keep
ing , N. W. cor. 14th and Pierce st. Apply
to 310 S. 15tbst. 350
HENT-Nicely furnished room suitable
' for 2 gentlemen , inquire 2011 St. Mary's uve.
° HENT .1 unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping , 102" ) N 20th st. IM
"I71OH HENT Nice front room and other
JU looms with or without board , 2210 Fnniiim
275 10 *
° ' HENT FusulHheil rooms with board
F 'e
gentlemen only , 2011 Douglas st. 14V7J
riUHNISHED looms with boaid. l' SI Fur
nam. OnlO *
I7IOH HENT- Pleasant rooms , furnished ,
JJ southwest comer20th and Webster. Wl
"I71OH HENT Furnished rooms In all parts of
JJ the city , by the < luy , week ormoiitli. City
Intelligence olllce , Crelgliton block. 165
F I OH HENT-Furnlshed rooms with board it
desired , 11)11 ) Faniam street. 202 7J
FOH HENT 1 urnisned rooms 701 S 17th.
Jim ) 7 *
" \\rANTEDtorcut.3 or 4 unfurnished rooms
TT for housekeeping , within 10 blk-s of P.O.
City Intelligence olllce , Ciclghton block , 1 ( > 5
InoTf HE.NT Nicely fuinished rooms , fifij
1 Dodge. IHl 7 *
T71OH HENT Ofllco room , first lloor , at 318 S.
JD Uth st. 445
VVTANTED liy n young man , a place to do
T > chores morning anil evening for room und
board or equivalent. Understand milking und
horses. Address L 3.1 , Hee. 3H ! 7
WANTlfD Position as kookkeeper by ri
young man of experience. Can furnish best
of references , Address L 4 < J , lleo olllce. 4'17-h *
\\7ANTlD"-Sltuatlon ; in wholesale or retail
i grocery store by middle aged man , with
oxpeiicnco. Heferencii given. Or ns collet tiny
agent. Address L3 * , llee. 4Uit-7'
"V\TANTED Situation for stenographer or cl
Tl tj pew riter , active and corr < t large cx >
Jierienco in olllce , Gate City Employment office ,
14JSo. ! Pith 3'J7 7 *
WANTliD-Sitiiatiun by a gentleman having
ten years' xperlenco In the real estate
and abstract business ; best of references. Ad.
dress W. T. Otis , East Sajlimw , Jllch , care
Mnriiliull house. 213 J
TXrANTED-Sltuutlon by young man willing
todoanykludof work. Address L28 llec ,
"VTKW YOHK Storage Co. have most ertcitslve
J- > facilities for storage ot furniture , plunos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of Now
York. Cash udviuurs to any amount.wore-
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building flro-proof ; sperlal arrangemenU for
couirnHilon mercbanM. Call N w York Storage
Co. , Cupltol ave und N , Uth St. , Uenuvtt's block.
S' ' - or furniture. I.lttlo
A. Williams , HOT Douglas st. W9 Ii2ll
plIHST-CLASS storagu at 110 N. Uth st.
S'I OH All E for carriage at Om Urn fair grounds
_ and horses w Intel ed by A , Thomson.
I-I-N 20 *
OTOHAIE-leo. ( ( Schwam. OinihiTstoriJn
nwarehoiise , hmi. Mil Not tit 11th st , fiirntt-
lire'.biiKulos uud iiieruh nulle. Olllce 1,115 Dodge.
STOif. ' OKlurnlturi . boxed Roods , etcteims
reK- oii.ili1o.7U 1'mlilo. WH
| " > IO Hargaln-Corner lot , 73 liy l.V ) feet , on
l > llellevuo'iticet , South Omaha. Call nnil
get prlco uiul terms , lleo. N. Hicks , 2M S. loth.
_ _ _
TflOH SALE-l'Incst locution for n homeIn
JL1 West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkcndull. COP. Hrudy , Eassoii und others.
Nothing liner In the city. I'nn sol limxIST or
ICHS ; fet pilces mill terms see 8. A. Slomiin. 1.W1
Furiiain st. 7J.S
FIR SALE Several houses niul lots on
"mull p.ij-niouts , also some houses nnd
lots to trade ; surernl forms for sulo or trade for
Omaha property or for stock. A. F , ilujno , N.
W. ror liith ami Punmtu. Ull
IK you li'ivo nnj thlug to sell or otchuuge list
It with U. C. Bpotswood. ; a liitlu I'M !
TJ1OH HAI.K A beautiful new fi-room house In
JL1 block "A , " lied ford Place , small cash payment -
mentllahinco monthly or to suit. Charles 0.
Spot snood , 30Ci , j S. lilth St. tHH
WK A HE ordered to sell ut u \ cry low prlco :
2 lots In Mneolu Placo.
3 lots 111 South Omuha.
2 lots In Hovvllng Uieen.
Tor pilco-s mid terms lumitro of Tel. 73
Marshall A-Lobeck ,
Itoom P , Chamber of Commerce , Kith ittreet
cntriincu. 373 8
1710H THADE-Enultv tn lots 1 and2. Union
JL : siiimrt * . next blocK to Mnrtln. Kasson A ;
llrndy ; $4,000 for house uud lot , or. ' vacant Insldo
lot. Address K CO Hce. 7K7
I7UH SALE At RWO. house and lot. rented ut
JJ $11 per month , on small cash pnj incuts bul-
nnco monthly or quarterly , or all rush ixt a bet
ter inlcc and warranted deed. 1) . D.Smeiiton.lbUl
Dodge st. 1U
Pll BALE New store building on Hellovuo
street , South Onmlm , ran glvo Immcdluto
possession Call and get prlco and toinis.
lllc'ks. 21 > South 1,1th stieot. 24S 7
rPO EXCHANGE-For Improved rity property ,
JL HtoLkluimot 750 acres nit hall modern 1m-
provements , 4 miles from city of 7,000 popula
tion. In lo\\a. II. K. Cole , IlluS 1'itll t. 2115
rpllACKAGE-1 hu\o some cholcu tnic'kimo
Jpiopcrty In West Oin ilia on the. V. E. & M.
V , It. It and Missouri I'aeltlo Hy , near the Junc
tion otthn two roads. There Is no finer Hack-
ago near the city for mills elevators and manu
facturing pm poses Putties contemplating lo
cating in Ouialiu will do w ell tit rail and see. Urn
Iiroporty , to the right kind of parties 1 w 111 olfor
Ibcral Iniluceuit'iitb. Qeo. N. llicta , U15 S Ijtu.
LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished
looms with us. Wo will rent them. Olllco
open evenings. II. E. Cole , 31 S. 15th st. KB
STOHE building , South Oniuhu , for salo.
Illiks. 4100
AN Intelligent man , good hand lu mechanic
of all kinds of win k , wish to Uud work"
Address L 17 , Hoe ollice , SOI-flJ
Position w it'll w holesalo house or
retail grocery ntoro , Uvo } ears experience ,
best of references. Addiess 1C Ii7 , lleo olllce.
807 5 *
ONE Of the best lots in Orchard Hill , price
only $ w > , u bargain. StiingorA. Co , 1518
Dodge bt. 325 5
STHINGEIl & CO. 1518 Dodge st , Invo for
sale fcov 01 al desirable homes at HJ.OOO aud up-
waids ; also some vacant Inside lots , eligible for
building aud good Investments for speculation ,
at very low pi Ices I f you want to iiinko money
come and look at them. One of the best lots lu
old Ambler Place , close to car Hue , price JNHI ; u
bargain. Stringer A : Co , 1111) Dodge st. ,1255
rp J. I1OOOIC , 1100 Parnain , Good luvest-
Jinenth. .
Gooil 4 loom houso. full lot , cast fiont on 21th
St. , near Popploton nve. , JJ.400.
East front on Viiglulu a\e. , uoith ot Lciven-
woitb. tliKlft.
Full lot , 2 fronts , south on IIuH and north on
IIovvuiil st. , near Viiglula live. , $1,2.10 A bar
2 south front lolson Davcnpoit Ht. , near 21th ,
$111 ft.
00-ft east front lot on 19th st. , south of Lake
St. , with two good housHS , ? l,500.
East front , In Hauscom Place. il.n.V ) .
4W-8 T. J. Hook , IKM F.irnam.
" 1710H SALE Or exchange , farms In lowu ,
JL1 Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha houses
and lots ; will assume mortgages on houses ami
Blve clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange
city lots for good farms , well loc ated and as
sume small mortgages on fai nu and glv o clear
deed to city lots. I arms wanted in Central Ne
braska. A. P. Tukey , 1J24 l > 'ttrnum st. 140
FOR SAl < I-Lot45 , Hurr Oak. * 1,100 , $ . .00 . cash
bal. 2 yearn.
Lot 4li , Hurr Oak , $1,000 , EKO cash , bal easy.
Lot 47 , Hurr Oak , ILtKO , * IOO cash , 1ml easy.
Lot 10 blk 8 , Hillside No 1 , t-.bUO , f 1,100 cash ,
bal 3 years.
Lot 5 blk 7 , HlllildeNo I , C.GOO , $1.000 cash ,
bal J years.
Lot 7 blk 10 , Heed's 1st add , $1,000.
Lot 32 , Snnuvsldo , ? J,400 , $ sm ) cash , bal easy.
Tw o new 7 room houses ith model n conv on-
iences two blocks west lliuiscom paik , fJ.llM
each terms easy.
Ixt U > , l-'alrmout place with live room cottage ,
Two good lots with five room cottage on each ,
in blk 10 , Patrick's add , only l-VKHJ each , temis
% ery easy.
Husiness lota In South Omaha on N , Q , 24th ,
2oth and "Oth streets for .sale cheap.
An o nropei ty near South Omaha for sale or
for trade for Inside Omaha and South Omaha
lots. Potter & Cobb , 1W1 l-'arnam St. , Hoard
Traao building. b77 21
CALL and see the choice list of house's I offer
for sale on easy terms , Geo. N. IIIrks , 215
South 15th st. 248 7
-71OK SALE Good bilck business property in
JL ; centre of Grand Island : greatest oarguln
and best terms in the city ; but little cash re
quired ; long time , low interest and easy pay.
ments ; other real estate for sale. AddiessJ. II ,
Woolley , attorney ut law , Grand Island , Neb.
LIST your property for sale with Charing C ,
Spotsw ootl , SUoii S Ibth st. 04J
and see the choice corner lots I offer In
the icsldonce und business portion of South
Omaha. Gco. N. Hicks , 215 South 15th street.
24S 7
TIO exchange Some tnonny and choice land
for Ilrst class Impioved insldo piormity ,
U.K. Cole , 318 S 15th. 411
TnoitSALR-IIMxIOOitror. Howard nnd ar.tli .
JL1 sts , next block to Easson , Hriuly ft Mar
tins houses. $7.lil ) . Address K. 33 lieu ollico. Wl
NEW eight-room house , pleasant location , car
give Immcdlata possession , a bargain II
taken atonce. Geo. X. Hicks , 215 South l.'
218 '
IALL and see the choice bargains I oiler Ii
' South Omaha. Hicks , 2l" > S. 15th street.
21S 7
FOH SALE or trade J120 acres of land one
mlle liom Central City , Nob. , 70 acres undei
cultivation , 100 uues under fence , including
corrals ; biilanco extra good meadow ; hoiisi
cost RKfl , barn Sl ! , cuttle barn 5)00 ) ; good vvlud
mill'lacies nlco > oung orchaid , with hedgi
fence ; will tiade for stoekof hardvvare , iiKer
les or genuial merchandise , N. Harnes , Centra
City , Neb. 231 loj
DON'T Say , young man , young woman , met
Tvlio o hairs are turning grav women who *
beautvmay bo fading , but whose good sense am
sound judgment will ever remain. Never perml
the cloudsof adversity to castthelr shadow supoi
jour rented cottugo cloor. Don't ulluvv old ugi
to creep over you a homelc-ss nnili-ier. llnj i
lot vv hen you can. Now Is the time to secure i
lot for u home. Don't delay or yoi will sure ) ;
lese the chance of a lifetime. Wit will soil you i
beautiful lot , Hxl20 ) feet , for tll ) . riayablo 1 , :
and 3 joars without Interest , provided you bulli
n clottage on tun property worth 4I ) . Onlyom
lot sold to each purchaser. Call and see plnti
Olllce open evemngs till U p. m. 11. E. Cole. 31
S. 15th st. ! f)2 )
ri O IUTY , seflor tiade. real estate. Call 01
-L us. We have u number of bargains to offer
Tel , "I. Marshall & uibeclc ,
Hoom 9 , Chamber of Commerce , Ibth street , ]
37) ) 8
T MIOMl'fcON , Hval Estate , 311 S. 15th bt.
'jOfton Farnam near 34th , per ft 1 12
40 ft on Fainum near2fth , per ft 22
( ft ft on SaundersnearUruce fi.Ml
llest lot In Klrkvvood 1,41
Ooodlotln Kirby Placu 1JTJ
W ) f ton Ihth st near St. Mary's ave B,7ri
100ft in blk I , Hedlck's subdivision 4.2U
A good trackage lot In city for lease cheai
Lot on Park ave opposite Iliinscom Park . . 2.7H
lot In lloltmanTerrace , only 27
10 acrcH ut South Omaha for platting , gu
Ll t your property with Thompson. t > 81
niHOMPSON. 311 S. 15th bt. buys und sells ro i
X estate , loans money , purchases securities
hai a good list of property for sala and want
more. Notary public. Kit
OH SALE or trade Two hundred und eight ;
acr s of beautiful Iowa land , unlnciiir
berod. Will sell low or trude for Inside Omahi
real estate , Artdross J , H , Lamar , care ( lee
hotel , city. ' .KD7
NKW Four room cottage- 1th pantry , closet
and cellar. Near car line , schools uud lu ai
excellent niilKhlxirhood , being lot ID. Harriett
courti > rlc 11.500 , Biniill cash payment anil ) )
SOMETHING Choice , terms easv. Lot l.blocl
U , Hee-d's 1st , at a burualu , luvestlirutt. 1C ,
K. Cole , 310815th st. M
"inOH SALE -Now home of n rooms tn splendid
JL1 location , fn.wo. worth 7i l ! only l uuo cash
reiitilred. 11 , It. Miller , 1122 Douglas st , Itoom
rpo I'.XCHANdi : lijully lit rholco Omaha
.1 , p ; irojieity for stock dry goods or clothing ,
1 , is , lire. SPJ 8
InolMIXCIIANai : City property for lowu 6r
3 Nebraska lands. I. . II. Wiittfl , N. 11. Oor.
ll > th itid tft. Jlary's uvo. 'Ml
IjlOlt SAl7l2-New atom bulldliiK and lot iiT
.V llellevuo street , Stiuth Omaha , c.iu glvn
possession lit once , prlco II , < VU. JiW o.ish , 1ml-
mice 1 , U and 3 } ears. Uco. N. I licks , U'l.'i 8. litli.
l/lOll SALE A pvid lot (3.1 ( feet ) on Park UT-
. .1eiiue , low prlco It gold soon. McCulloch &
Co. , eor IMh aud Parnam , _ JHI _ _
rpo TIIAIHInside ! property for good housn ,
JL eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul *
loch A Co J-orP > thand _ iSirnam. IKU
rpWl houses lu llansrom place rentlin : for
X 170 per month tn exchange forgootl lunlrto
viuivnlproperty. S. S. Cumpltt'll aud G.W. Her-
ey,3los. Kith st. Chamber of Commerce. 1VJ
U > nve Aiilva
Onmlm. Oiiiiilia.
tcpot 10th and I'lerco sts.
'aclllc Kxpress 8:21) : ) p.m.
) enver Kxpress IDiVio-m. naip.m. :
Local Kxpress. . . . . . 6U : > p. m.
.Except Sunday.
H. ti M. H. H. H.
Depot loth and Paclllcsts ,
Mall and Express ,
Night express 7 : ti > p. m.
c. ii. .v Q. n. u.
lepot Kith and 1'acillcst.s
ilall and I'.xirons ( . ,
Chicago Ilxpress U.00a.m
K.C. . Bt.J.JkC. II.
Depot 10th and I'ucltlu sU.
iall R:40a. : m.
HUp.m : ) 7 UK ) a. m.
C , St. P. , M. A O.
) epot Ifith nnd Webster st
MouxCltylllack Hills Kx. sl.rinm. :
IIIIK roft llxpreas . . . . , . * li4'ip.m IrtitOn. nu
Hack Illlls Passenger . . . 7:40 : p. nu
llxcept Sunday. ,
Missouitr v
lepot IVh andWebsterst
> ay Kxnresg 10:4r.n.m.
S'lght I'xpress UiUlp.m.
Hunntng Iletvreen Council HlnHs and Altilrght.
n addition to the stations mentioned , tnilua
top at Tvventluth and Twenty-fourth sticcta ,
aud at the Summit In Omaha.
llroad- Trans , Omaha # tu > o- Mock Alright -
way. fcr. Depot. ley. Vards right ,
A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
0.41 11.00 0:05 :
0:10 : ' tif : > o OifiS
n.V : . > 7.02 7'l5' : 7T : , 7:40 :
8tn : Hn : :
8tr : , U.Ofl Dn : :
10:5 : ! ! 11 .US 11:30 :
11K : ! r.M. _ I'.M , I'.M. P.M.
I'.M. 12:1' : 12 : 12:39 :
I'.M.U.ffl Tier ! 1-Ji ) : :
lira sii 2.M :
il.H :
4i : : 4.U :
4r : >
r > ; 4f ) n.u'i
BM'i llfi : 7:1 7n : :
7:4r. : 8:1' : Hn : :
Hr. 8KJ : U.Ik- 11:2.1 : o . ,10
Bn : lO.OTi 10:2.- : 10:30 :
llfili 10.52 | , lv.ll.30
0:25 :
7:15 :
II 07
I-.17 *
4:07 :
fi 07
11 07
Leuvo Arrlro
CONNECTING LINUS. Transfer Transfer
depot. depot.
C. . U. I. & P. : 1:40 u. m. l'i a. m
AH trains run D.illy. 0:40 : p. m. 7:00 : p. m.
C. & N. W. : ! ) :40 : a. m. ilr. : a. ra.
All trains run Dally. 1:40 : p. in. 7oo : p. in.
C. . 1 . i. Q. : l:4"i ) : n. m. 0:11 : . m
All trains run Dally. D:35 : p. til. 7.00 p. in.
C. . M. & St. P. : Jtt a. m. 9l-i : a. m.
All trains run Dully. Ute : p. m. 7:00 : p. uu
Sioux City. lap. : . m. 12.00 m.
K. C. . St. J. A , C. II. : 9:2"i : n. m. 9.T3 : u. m.
All trains run Dally. 0:15 : p. m. ' .1:13 : p. m.
W. . St. I , . & ! ' . :
All trains run Dally. 2:15 : p. m. 12:15 : p.m.
8.0. & I' . : 9:40 : a. m. 8:5n'a. : m.
All tialnsiiui Dally. 7:00 : p. in. 7.00 p. m.
PAID Ul * CAPITAL , - $100,000
AUTJIOU1/K1) CAl'lTAL , 500,0 < > : >
W. W. M.AHSII , President.
J. W. HODnFER , Cashlei-
Accounts sollcted and prompt attention glv c i
to ull business entrusted to Its caro.
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits.
No. 205 Masonic Building , Corner Capit.l
Avenue and 16th Streets.
510 North 16th Street Omaha ,
PAID IX UAHTAI , , $100,000
OF.O. E. HAHKEH. PicMdcnt.
HOHT. L. OAHL1CIIS. VIco-Prcsldent.
F. B. JOIINriON , Cashier
SvMtifull JmiN ns , Ono , E. ItAiiKiiit ,
Hour. 1. . U Aiii.irii * , WM. Hinvum ,
A flonoral Haiikliig Huslness Transacted
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
5J08 S. 15TH ST. , OMAHA , Xl. ! ? .
CAPITAL , $300,000
Loans Made on Real Estate.
Bihool , County nnd Municipal Honds Ne .itccl ,
WM. A. PAXTON. President.
WM. 0. MAUL , Ylicl'uat. .
UOHT. L. OAJlLirilS , Secretary.
F H.JOIINhON.Tie . er.
DlltEC-lOHS :
WM. A , PAXTON , HKNIIV T. Of.vitsr ,
W. Q. MAUL , i , . H. Wir.Mns ,
Hour , L. ( jAiii.icns , S. H. , '
r' . II. JI/IINSOV. /
jr.s to John (1 Jacobs. )
Undertakers anil
At the old stiiml , 1407 Faruam St. Orders by tnli >
Cruph solicited and promptly attended to.