Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
" " " " V"TI rt" - T-T- /i , , , - T . , - * , r * g - . . * > ty'9nm " ' - * j . . . . . . " : ' . . 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , MONDAY , NOVEMBER 7 , 1887. i THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. 18 , PEAnti BTHEET tltlirercd t > y mrr In any pnrt of the city at t * cut y cents per w i'tk. It W nw . Ri Omrjs , No. KDIIOB Ko. 23. M1NOH MKXTION' . JT. Y Plumbing Co. Jtelter , tailor , Fall goods cheap. Dr. J. C. Robertson , 625 Main St. "Little Boss ! " The best 6c cigar in th city. Troxcll Bros. , agents. r The Royal Arcanum ball to-morrow evening , will bo the third of this series. They are deservedly popular and are largely attended. y. Allen charged with a pault and battery on William Shuddon , and an un known "boozer" had the city jail to themselves yesterday. nTho billiard tables In the Council Bluffs club rooms arc being changed , livelier cushions being substituted for the slow ones furnished with the tables. A musical and literary social will beheld held next Thursday evening at the par lors of the Broadway M. E. church. An oyster tupper will bo served in connec tion. tion.A A flro in Fall-mount park Saturday af ternoon did not stop at the boundary , but required considerable lighting to prevent its reaching the high school grounds. Tlio old Rogers house , on Broadway next to the new government building. is being lorn down. It is ono of the old landmarks , but is in the way of modern improvements and must go. Some of the cedar block paving put flown on Madison street about neiir . _ ago as taken up to put water service into the residence of G. II. Jackson , and the blocks were found to bo lotted to the depth of ono and one-half inches from the surface. At this rate the Htreet will huvu to bo repa\ed in about three years moro. A car load of turkeys , chicken * and geese , from Maxwell , la. , passed through this cltj Saturday , on route to San Die-go , Cal. The owner accompan ied them to feed them during the trip. Tim freight alone amounts to $ ' < ) , but the owner expects to clear $200 or $ ; > 00 , as poultry Is worth $8 pur do/.cn in lluit section. The Presbyterian 'church was well filled last evening , the occasion being u concert given by the members of the Sunday school. The little ones acquit ted themselves very creditably , and the whole programme , consisting of scrip ture. readings , singing , recitations and Closing remarks by Dr. Phelps , was very interesting , The collection for the benefit of the r-chool was very lib- oral. oral.At At the Congregational church yOhter- day morning there \\cro services of special interest. Nine now members wore received into the church. One babe was hnpti/.cd and thw sacrament of thu Lord's supper \vus observed. The pastor , Hov. ( ! . W. ( , 'roftH , gave a brief f > ormon on "Tho Triple Endowment , " his text being "Tain the way , the truth and the life. ' ' There was no uvoning service. Slurch. seven centvr ) pound , three pounds for t < nty cents , at Troxell Bros. For best quality conl and wood , call on Gleai-oii , 20 Pearl street. Fine while clover honey , eightcet cents per pound at Troxell Bros. I'ar Kraplis. John T. lln/.onof Avocu , In. , was a1 the Kiel house jesterday. Mrs. M. Vollrath has returned from ti two months' visit with friends and re1 hitivos in Ohio. W. G. libeling left for Stanton , Neb. yesterday morning. Ho will bo abson' about two months. Mrs. A. J. Stephcnson left for Mil tird , Ind. , Saturday evening , to attend or father's funeral. Mr. and Mrs. . J. T. Berry , of Portland Ore. , nro visiting with her sister , Mrs M. S. Itoup , on Logan street. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hover , of Gales' burg , 111. , and Miss Carrie Atkins , p Omaha , are the guests of Miss Carri Brown , of this city. W. .T. Gratiain , organist nt St. Paul'i Episcopal church , was in Lincoln last week , rebuilding un organ for the Epis copal church of that city. William Lynch , of Carroll , la. , pro prietor of the hotel bearing his name , was in the city to meet his son , Charles , of Minneapolis , who will make his Cur- roll homo a short visit. Harkness Bros , soil carpets. Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. , 230 Main bti'cot , make reliable abstracts of prop erty in Pottawattamio county. You Want Them ! Domestic patterns and patterns for Damping and embroidery. Latest styles and llnest designs. "Domestic" Olllco , 105 Main st. New Kleopoi-9. The bocond of the ton now Pullman Bleeping cars being built for the Union Pacific railroad company arrived at the transfer Saturday night over the Rock Island. An Inspection of this palace on wheels showed it to bo llttod throughout with the greatest richnessand elegance. On all sides are the tlncst curtains , draperies and carvings. Between the middle compartment and the smok ing room is tno bouffo.with its oil stove , delicate china and everything neces sary for obtaining a light lunch. Elec tric light wires run to , nll parts of the car , and on every hand is shown the highest degree of luxury yet known in palace car building. About three months is required to complete ono of these "palaces of slumber , " and It costs the modest little sum of $18,000. The Union Pacific company is now receiving ono every other day , and another is ex pected to-night. They will run on the main line between this city and Ogdcn. The ono now at the transfer will leave on Its first trip to-night , and any Bluff- ites going west at that time will have n opK ] > rtunity to enjoy Its luxurious appointments. Closing out a stock of cloaks and wraps at Ilarkness Brothers this week. OVEHCOATIN'GSt Greatly reduced In price so you can save f 10.00 tolS.OO on a coat , fur bettor and cheaper than you can buy ready made. Hotter , the Tailor , No. U10 Broadway. The Cluli. This evening the Council Bluffs club has it formal opening. Those who have invitations will doubtless gladly Im prove the opportunity of inspecting the elegant rooms. None but members , and those thus favored will bo admitted. Bent mince meat , three pounds for twgnty-flvo cents. Troxoll Bros. , The finest stock of corsets in the city atllarkncBB Biothora. A QUIET DAY IN M BLUFFS. The Pavers Improve the Ohnnco to Rush Work. KICK AGAINST BRICK PAVING. The Mrlhoillftt Pastor Point * Out How Chrihl Ian * Should Vote The Doing" nl Oilier Churches Fire at the Transfer. The Rurplicld Days. Vury Interesting ceremonies attended the advent of the surpllced chair at St. Paul'swhurch Itvst evening. The entire servlco was rather commemorative of this occasion. It opened with a "pro- cchHionul liyinn" and the choir passed from the bldo room into the organ loft. This \vns followed by admission of the choristers , twenty-four in number. They are Messrs. Nortliup , Gil bert , \Vltter , Parkinson and Forest , and Mn&lcrrf George Duquette , Edwin Knistein , Harry James , Bcrtio Coy , Daniel Webb , Ebcn Zeverlcy , Richard Stewart , Rev Campbell , Flon Woods , Theron , Leo Hincs , Ed Du quette , Cliarles Ilavurstock , Robert Lalng , John Hauthorn , Aaron Lyman , Otto Coon , Jmon ! Hoover , Robert Uai- ley. Tlie feormon was upon the ' 'ritual , " or the ceremonies of the church. An anthem and the ' recessional hymn" closed the service. The first appearance of the choir was a decided success and presides most rtitiifnetory rcsulto from the new de parture. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. "Lot Her Go Gallagher , " "Little Boss. " Best live cent cigarin the city. Troxcll liros. , agents. Self rising buckwheat , fourteen cents a package , two for twenty-live cents. Tro.\e.'ll Bros. Tlrondwny Church. Rov. W. H. W. Reca preached at Broadway Methodiht church yesterday upon ' 'The Duty of the Hour , " from the text : "Woo to him that buildeth n town with blood and establisheth a city by iniquity. " In opening ho referred to tlie contest in the coining election and the moral interests involved in the supremacy of the two parties and their candidates. Continuing ho said : "I como to plead this morning for your support of a great principle in har mony witli God and man's highest good ; u principle underlying nil human great- iiu--i and inwrought into all character ; u principle which if violated hero works ruin to tlie body hero and to both body and soul hereafter ; a principle which if not obeyed threatens the body politic , and will sooner or later engulf the na tion in n fearful ruin , yi . : that of so briety and temperance. * ' Ho reviewed the contest by which prohibition became the law of the state and the elTcct being made to make it in operative and rc-cr.tablisli the saloon by legal processes. Hi1 did not believe th'o people of the state were ready to "go into parlner.ship with the saloon aris tocracy and build their cities with blood , etc. " "The duty of Christians , of every denomination , in view of the pend ing issues , whatever your politics may bo , is , I take it , to vote as you pray. You cannot vote for the saloon and at the same time consistently pray 'Thy king dom come , ' for the saloon is opposed to Christ's kingdom. " The speaker dwelt at length upon and eloquently described the work of the saloon , and -tho incon sistency in a Christian man voting for its continuance. "A vote for the saloon is a vote against the church , the home and native land ; against the fair fame of our state , its morals , its prosperity and its perpetuity. . . . The saloon provides nothing useful ; no garment to wear ; no food to cat ; no employment of industry ; no books ; no article for the homo ; no pillow for the aching head ; no joy for the breaking heart. . . . Shall wo transmit to our children a her itage of distilleries , breweries and sa loons , with liquor interests dominating in business , in politics , in the state and nation ? I answer , throttle it on Tues day next. Give it the death stab. Lot its heart's blood out on the street , as its allies did that of the lamented and bravo George C. Haddock at Sioux Cityt The Christians of Iowa are on their knees to-day. Can they ask God's bless ing on the liquor trulHcV Can they pray that the saloon may bo restored to town'/ Nay , verily , they cannot. " The speaker hero referred to the sltions of the two political parties upon the question , and quoted from their platforms. Ho then said : "I should not think it would take aehristian very long to decide which way to vote in the prcs' once of these two declarations. Wha1 does that clause meann : 'Opposed to ill. sumptuary legislation'/ ' " The speaker defined the word sumptuary and wild no one wished legislation that would re strict one in his expenses for apparel , food , furniture and the like , us applied to prohibition was a senseless bugbear. Nobody proposes any such limitations on citizens. One party asks us to sub stitute a license law for our present lav and places the maximum license lit $ -500 Summarized , the proposition stand : thus : Money vs character , money vs property , money vs happiness , vs homo , hope , heaven , vs the salvation of the soul , vs principle ; or thus , if you please : The saloon vs a mother's prayers , vs a mother's tears , a mother's hope ; the sa loon vs the home , native land , against God on the throne. What side will you take'/ take'What What a spectacle Council Bluffs pre sents to-day. Law defied , men sworn with the solemnity of an oath to guard and uphold the sanctity of the law in league with law-breakers. The open saloon , in defiance of law , selling liq uors in broad daylight and the otllcers of the force powerless to prevent it. I tell you what's the matter. The fathers of Council Bluffs nro asleep ; eo are the mothers. The rum power will bo out en masse on Tuesday to intimidate and buy men. Let every patriot , every lover of his country , every person inter ested in the name of our city and its fu ture men and women bo out on Tues day to aid and encourage men in their struggle for a great and grand princi ple , and may the Lord God thwart the enemy of the homo and give victory to the cause of the right , " Rov. Mr. Smith , presiding older , preached in the evening to a large au uienco. His sermon was nn able one. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old bteers ( or sale. Will give credit to reliableparties. . Enquire of A. J. Greonamayor , O S Mynster et. , telephone 1-1. Raising London layers , eighteen cents per pound ut Troxell Bros. natnaKliiK Sinnko. A flro alarm -wa3 turned in from the transfer about 2 o'clock yesterday morn ing. The department hastened to the scene and found the center of the Union [ Pacific repair building in llnmes. The railroad omployps had their hose laid Bnd vrntcr on as the firemen took their places and soon had the fire under con trol without laying any of the city hose. The fire originated in n box of oily waste that is usually emptied every night , but was overlooked Saturday evening. The cause was undoubtedly spontaneous combustion , as the benzine and oil render it very combustible. The lire was confined to the lamp room , where it started , BO the loss from that MHlree was not extensive. Considera ble damage was done by water , but the main loss was caused by the heavy black smoke from the burning oil and waste. Every room in the building was com pletely filled with it. and everything was covered by it with a thick black coat. One end of the building wa used as a store room for Pullman sleeping car furnishings , and over 8,000 pieces of linen and GOO bed blankets received the same inky coating. The total loss is variously estimated at from $2,000 to 5.000 , but cannot bo exactly told , until it is known whether or not the stains of the smoke can bo removed from the textile fabrics. A black stripe across them would ruin them for their present use , and aa the blankets cost $6.00 apiece the loss on them alone would bo consid erable. The company's lire equipment prevented n much greater loss as the situation is so remote from the center of the city that considerable valuable time must necessarily bo consumed by the city department in getting there. Hnrkncss Brothers will this week dis play many desirable goods on their rem nant counter. E. II. Shonfo loans monov on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Ofllcc , 600 Broad way , cor ner Mjiiin street , up stairs. Pniitst I'nnlut t Just received , a largo now , stock of pants goods , on which special bargains are now offered , at present reduced prices. Pants made to order can be had as cheap as ready made. Roller , the Tailor , No. 310 Broadway. The best sweeper on earth at Hark- ncss Brothers. Don't "Want Itrlck Paving- A short time ago the city council granted \Vickham Bros , leave to put in brick paving in front of their property on Fourth street. The property owners on the other side of the street imme diately raised objections to it on the ground that the brick paving would soon bo full of holes and the travel would all be on their side of the treet , thus wearing out their block paving much faster and aiiojccting thorn to extra expense. The dispute culminated Saturday afternoon by un injunction being obtained against them by John Limit , temporarily forbidding the use of the bricks. Wickham Bros and the brickmakcrs are very anxious for the bricks to bo laid and the majority of the citizens want to see n fair test of it. The use of brick as a paving material would result in the keeping at home of a great deal of money that now goes to outsiders , as the main expense of the work now being done in thin line is for the ma terial shipped in here from other sec tions of the country. Much interest is manifested as to the liiuil adjustment of the dilllculty. Every one making a cash purchase of 25 cents at T. D. King & Co's. cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prucs. Remnant sale this week at Ilarkness Bros. ' Dissolution Notice. The firm of Odell , Bros. & Co. , consti tuted of E. H. Odcll , Ira Odell nndC. E. Friedman , conducting a real estate and loan business at No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , is this day dis solved by mutual consent , Ira Odell and C. E. Friedman retiring. From this date A. II. Comstock , of Omaha , is asso ciated with E. H. Odell , under the firm name of Odoll Bros. & Co. E. H. Odell , of the old firm , assumes all liabilities to this date. [ Signed , ] E. H. ODKI/L , I it A ODKLL , C. E. FltlKDMAK. Council Bluffs , la. , Oct. 1st , 18S7. 1'nviiiK on Sunday. It was a surprise to many yesterday to see a largo force of men at work laying the block pavement on Fifth avenue between Fourth and Main streets. There was an oven larger crowd of lookers on than of workmen. It is well known that Council Bluffs is pushing improvements this season , but It has generally been thought that the rush was not so great but that all the needful progress could be made by working six days a week. The revela tion that it was necessary for public work to go on Sundays also was indeed a surprise. The men said the purpose was to get the job done by night. Further than that there seemed no rea son for the special haste. The incident will form a tnemo for the pulpits , and these batteries will doubtless be aimed at the offenders at no late date. THE OlllENTAIiIX NEW YG11K. The Life of n Chinese AVoinsii of the Hotter Class. Nellie Ely , who recently feigned in sanity so successfully in the metropolis writes : So far as known there are only fourteen Chinese women in Now York city. Of course these nine are married , ono is a widow , one an un married girl , ono a nurse and two anonyma. Although residents of the United States , they obey to the very let ter the strange system of law and cus tom which obtains in the flowery king dom , n system which strangly resembles the treatment of the qnoon bee in an apiary by her drones and workers. Five of those little women celebrated their marriage vows in China , two in San Francisco and two in Now York. The moment she marries , the mongolian damsel becomes the property of her husband n little more so than they do in America. Her spouse has the i privilege , as all husbands the world I over , to chide , scold and chastise her for her faults , and they assort that in cases of grave crime ho has the right to kill her. In his punishment ho may put her on what wo would call bread I and water diet , keep her locked up in a bed-room , closet or cellar , or beat her with his hand or n bamboo rod. In this respect the Chinese law is almost a fac simile of the common law which pre vailed In England and this country until about 1803 , and which allowed the husband to "correct" his wife "tho open hand or a light rod , " but not with "tho clenched fist nor n club. " Under this custom the average almond-eyed woman expects to be beaten with a regularity proportional to her queued lord H affec tion , and , like the wives of English "nuvvics , " regards the omission of corporal punishment as a sure evidence I of the loss of his love. I In New York the Chlnc&e famllv lives in the same flat or building ai thalir which the pator ftimilla.s does bushies1" . To the wife is allofori ono , two or three rooms uceording to lib wealth. From these she pratieally noor stirs , lilt hoi * her husband or servant does all the marketing and shopping. Still \u > r o , she must not receive calls from the other sex o.xceptiiig in rare eases when the husband proents1 an intimate friend. On such an occasion tlio visitor bows repeatedly , shnkes Ills own hand vigorously for a minute or two , titters the usual utereotyped remarks about the health of herself , family , cousin and friends , aud departs without having oneo looked at her nice. Where is the American who would do that ? She goes to no place of amuse ment and never walks upon the street. She reads but little , and that love stories , love poems and religious books. Hut she can generally cook. uen\o , crocket , embroider and "keop hou o > J miraculously. A dinner with MoKco , u leading im porter and baker at No. 8 Mott street .or with Fuong Hong Long , at No. fi , is an event which wilfrbcar comparison with a banquet at Dolmonleo's or tno HotT- inun house. The wife will take a doz en eggs , pierce them at either endblow out tlio contents , rollll them with vari colored and vari-llavored custards and jellies , heal the apertures and then when cooked , paint the shells until they are a nightmare or dragons , Hy ing grifllns and imi > ossiblo trees that ook like men and men that look like Itrees. She will open and bteam a Huh until the skin can bo removed \\itliout lobiug a scale and the bones without breaking the flesh , ft is slutted with an aromatic and pungent mass of meats and spices. Then the skin is put bade and the eyes and head toilohcd bo as to bo half natural and half grotesque. Most of her culinary genius is expended onstowband made dishes. JTero Mio uses every article known the Pnri-iau chef and President Blackford of the Ich theophagous club and a host of food substances , spices and eodi- mcnts for which there are no names in any city of tlio European languages. Her skill in weaving and embroidering silk is equally great. With a needle no finer than which her Occidental sister uses she will construct a dragon an inch long and a half inch high , of which not only the teeth , o\es and claws are perfect , but oven the pupil , iris and cornea , , and the diller- enco between the inciborsand canines are clearly and natunilly defined. An ulUir-clolh of dragons in the JOSH hou-o at 202 Chatham square and a moving bcrcen of peacocks at No. S Mott street , are good illustrations of this marvellous workmanship , aud probably could not bo duplicated anywhere in Christen dom. dom.Lee Lee Chick San Chong , a merchant at 20 Mott street , captured by my smiles , consented to introduce me to his wife and her boudoir , , \\liich I supposed would bo as interesting US the woman. His store was in tlio" basement and bib wife lived on the Ihvt Moor above. I fol lowed my guide through a dirt v , nncar peted hall to a door at the end. lie rapped rather vigorously with his UnueKles on tlie portal , which had no outside knob or latch. After a while it was unlocked on tbe inside , ho pu-hed it open and wo stood , on the in side. Almost in tho. rear of flu : room , with some sowing in her hand , blood the woman 1 had come to sue. She smiled at her husband and looked at me without fear or * urprise. but as u babe looks at u now object hold before iN eyes. Lee Chick San Chong hpoKo to me in his peculiar language and then turning to mo wiid : "My wife. " An other moment and the little brown lin gers covered with rings were Hasped in my gloved hand and we were looking at each other as only two women can. What she saw is left to the imagination , but this is what 1 gazed upon with in terest. A little woman , not more than five feet high , with the blackest of eyes , which were larger and more open than the average Chinaman. She had the typical Mongolian face with a comnlox- tiou that , from the exclusion of sunlight , resembled bleached golden wax. Her blue black hair was combed back with out a part , dressed over the ears liljo an oyster shell and down the back of the head in u long oblong puff Gold rings kept it all in place , but it had the appearance of being souped to make it smooth and stiff. The forehead was extremely high and the eyebrows had a habitually surprised curve. The cheeks were round , dotted with charm ing dimples , the nose a little inclined to flatness but withal piquante , the teeth exquisitely white _ and beuuti fully shaped , and the lips either artificially dyed or naturally a rich carmine. With the air and look of childish inno cence , Mrs. Sang Chong was not bad to look ut. "la yourwifo .satisfied ? " I asked Leo Chick. ' 'No , she is not. She is per fectly happy in her homo lifo , having no other desire , but she is childless , the greatest affliction that can befall a Chinese wifo. Leo Chick is also very much disbatlblled at the rate bib family refuses to increase. After trying un successfully to adopt borne American child , ho has decided to take his wife back to China , and leave her there. lie will then procure himself another. Ho has already one wife in China and two children , but she refuses to come t < America. Lee Chick wantb an Ameri can for number three , and ho made tlio writer u proposal. He was told thai men outbido of Utah were allowed bul ono wife , and that if they were found U : have ono in Brooklyn and another in Harlem they would got into serious trouble. "Two wives in one room ii China no trouble , " was his reply. This is inconceivable , but it is true. Wit ! all their addition in wives , divorce mil infidelity are very rare. The wife most appreciated is she who finds use for the most personal names. Wo drank a social cup of tea from china cups about twice the size of a thimble , and aftei wishing ono another a "Kung He Fu Toi , " the equivalent of "I wish yoi great prosperity , " the interview wab over. It would so cm that women novel wear the breeches in the Celestial empire piro , but when 1 asked Leo Chick , ho sighed and wild that there wore just ah many hen-pocked husbands in the Orient "allee same Amelika. " At 1'caco. A stomach in revolt is an obdurate rebel. Corrected with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. ilsassonbiotiB with the food introduced into it in unwary mo ments of appetite ceases. Then it is at peace. Then dyspepsia abandons its grip. Then such fractious manifesta- tions as heartburn , a sinking sensation in the pit of the abdomen between meals and unnatural fullness afterwards , flatulence , acid gulpings , biliousness , &e. , ceabo to inflict martyrdom. After a course of the national tonic and al terative , the liver and bowels , always more or less disordered during a pro longed attack of indigestion , resume their functions and become regular. Thus not only dyspepsia , but its con comitants , constipation and biliousness , are conquered by the raodioino , which remedies their fruitful cuuso , weakness of the organs of digestion. The epigastric nerve , CQllular tissue , in short , every or un that bears a part in the digestive proCvfses acquires , vigor I and regularity from th' ) benign invtg- orant. LADIES ! Watch This Space ! = A. RINK , ; No. 201 Main Street , Council BlufFsIowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Domestic and Foreign. . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. RITRIfl ? Attonipy-nt-Law , Second Floor Brown DUAIVD , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NQ/1TITTP7 Justice of the Peace. Office over American , QVJIiUIXZl , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. QTMQ Attorneys-at-Law , practice in the State D11UD , ami Federal Courts. Office Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. QTlfiPNfiTT Justice of the" Peace , 415 Broadway , , 0 , DlilllUUl , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. STKCIAf. aiUi'itl-i'iiii'iits , sucliat Io trminil , To I.ouu. I'mSuits To Hunt , Wuntx , Hoimlln , 'tc.lllbo inserted In tills column at tin1 low .iiteofTRN' riSM'S I'lJU LINK for tlietlmt In- sfitlonuml n\u Touts PIT I.lnc for chbiibso- - [ ( Hunt lust-itimi. I.t'iivo aihcTtlioiiienls at our olliPi ) No. 1'J Pearl Stieet , neni Hio.ul .iy , C'otiu- II Rliitls , lowu. . \NTII : ) iw \\nv _ lift\Vfc > M Oimirll J1OK HKNT An rl lit loom house rcutiiillv L ? located , lltiiiuho of W. T. Coif , oUl 1'cuil stioet. FOR SAM ! A sotoml hand Knalin . lilauo , nearly new ; c-ot JiVV ) , sell for Address Q / 111 , lleootllce , Council lllulls. TJ1OU SAI.n Or will tiniln for stock of cion r- J. los , cholio Improved town land. Will | > nr ortake ciisli for dllliTonmalim : ulxnit ftuuu. ) Addu'ss K. r. Sni'iiu-i1 , Hiimloliili. Iowa. \I7"ANTii : > A iiuin and wile , without clitl- dreii , to occupy ] > oitloii of house ami boutd Kcntlenuin nml his wife. Addit-ss A J , lu-e , "IIIOU KENTHouse's and fuinlshed rooms. J. .1 ? It. Davidson , ui'i Tilth avenuo. mo KXCHANHE-for Council lllunrs or Omaha -I- property , a retail Mock of boot1 * aud shoes , amount , tt.iW. Call ut More , No. MS llroailuay , or address It. .Maltin , Council IJlulfs , Iowa. FOR 8AI.KSecondfound Columbia blcyi lo very cheap. K-lnch , nt lice olUtu. ONE hundred thousand dollars to loun on real estate aud chattels by V. J. Day , U9 1'earl Bt. BUILDING lots and ncrc propcity for sale by ! ' . J. Day , iW Pearl Kt. E1OK KENT A tlrioly ftunt-lifd fiout room , first lloor. In pilvato resiilvticu near cotirt house. Water In loom , lighted aud heated. I.urKO clo-ct. Kefereuresreijulred.lihi bll. 32 , Iteeofllre , Council lllufls. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 600 Hrooduay , Council nlulTs , Iowa. Established 1857. Latest Novelties , In Amber , tor- tohe shell , utc. Ilalroinaments as Wfll as the mrttebtnovc'Hles in luilr goods. Hair goods Made to older Mrs. C. L. Gillette , 2U Main Stieet , Council IJlUIH. Out of town uoiksollcitcd , and all mail uulciM nioiujilty alti'iidpil to. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! ! Hull , Parlor , Kltrlicn , Store unil Office Lamps. Crockery , Glassware and Plated Ware , Large Assortment at Itottou Frli-ps. W , S , HOMER & CO , , No.SI Main St. , Council llluffa , Iowa , 0. H.HcDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KM and KZ Main Street.Councll IlluITs.Iown. T | JJ" I . . . . . wi i Of a aD 'fVOfffi ' UtiicititcpotpOM.Cviior MlflTITI WIIUIUI , in. t < i > i ! ik 4 Vl | ni ttriirh. * l rtJ * urMttn unpfIIIDUTU MI oiiir tiu nerti CM I per * m > ni7 ! curt IfpU/M m M . ) iiiBrklilJc.u mp Thi indonEUolrloOo. ICiLi8ilfci . , Chlciai - : SHORT-HAHDTMlWi JTrM. rtof.A. WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line , OKF1CK 015 SOUTH MA1.ST. . Tcli-jilioilP No. ( U. All mils fioui District Tulcgni ] > U Olllco pumiptly ntttiinlril to. Star Stables and Mule Yards llio.uluaj , Council ItluIlN Opp. Dummy Depot. ni cs and mule * constantly on hand , for Mtln Ht lelall or In car load loN. Oidura piomptiy flllcd bj contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. Tcleplumu 114. SCIIMJTRll & mil.ET , Opposite Dummy Depot , Council lIlutTa. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDAltD , UNUEll RULE C. WADE GARY , - - Conncil Bluffs , CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Es cape. Electric Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Miinufactuivif of Of AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders by mall for repairs piomptiy attended to. Satisfaction Kuurantfed. lOtli Avenue. Ad dress Ogduu Iron Works. Council JJluffa , Iowa. Real Estate Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res idences and Farms. Acre I'ropcrty In western part of tno city. All telling cheap , . R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent , Itooiu 6 , over Oinror .V - Hunk , Council Jllull. FINE MILLI3STERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 15H DOUOL4S STRIE ! * , - - OMAHA. IMMENSE M Pm IN Silks , Velvets AND FRENCH KID GLOVES Just Opened at Henry Eiseman & Co.'s PEOPLE1SSTORE _ , 1,000 pieces PLAIN , STBIPED AND BROCADE I ) SILK VEL VETS AND PLUSHES , which cost ) this season to import , prices ranging from $1.25 to * 5 per yard. Will bp offered during tins week ntthe 8il $ counter of the ' ' great People's Storo' aUOc , C5c,75c , 1 , $1.251.50 , , $1.7d and $2 per yard. No Indy wearing velvets can to let these goods puss. If she hni already bought , let her look at tlieso and compare her bill from high , priced houses with ours , and see ho\V much she is out to profit by it here after. At Our Kid Glove Counte ? Find one solid clearing out purchasd o 300 doxeii Indies' 4-button Tan French Kid Gloves , embroidered backs. Cost to import $1 a pair. Wq will sell them this week at 50c a pairj just one-half cost of importation. OUR ENTIRE STORE Is loaded with fresh , new goods. Lasb week's grand clearing out purchases and all at about half the price otliej houses ask for the same kind oa goods. ' SPECIAL SALE Winter Combination Dress Patterns , COMBINATIONMONDAY , 125' COMBINATION DltESSES. full dress pattern of best quality , plain .French fabrics , with Hush anu | Velvet Combination , costing to im . port from $1 o to 832. We shall close ] them at $6.50 , $7.50 , $10 , $12.50 ; $ lffi iiiid $20 each. The goods caimot be duplicated ii * costumes , as elegant and tasteful atf nearly double these prices. The goods were received in our house front the importer Friday last , and hava. not yet been shown. We advise nA" early call , as at these prices tlie asj sortment must BOOH be broken. Also call attention to our sale of 35-Cent Dress Goods , To-morrow and succeeding days wo shall offer 200 PIECKS 40 TO 4 Ji INCH WOOL DRESS GOODS , in ; superior weight , texture and colorsy that are worth double the price iibkcdv ALSO AT 48 CENTS. 250 pieces Tricots and Scotch Plaid Effects. ' SECOND Purchases in Cloaks Our buyers have just returned froni their second purchasing tour this sea sonand , we will open the coming weoU many novelties never before shown ill the city. Intending purchasers wilj do well to look at thu handsome liu of new shape. Raglans and Ulsters We are showing in stripes and checks , all new patterns. They are positively the richest garments cvep exhibited here at moderate prices. NVe are continuing our great said of PLUSH WRAPri AND SACKS. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS at hnlfi price. We have just purchased a large line of Children's Cloaks at less than half price , which vyo will opoi on Monday morning. Sonus of th6 best styles produced this bCJLson , and all sixes , from 2 to 12 years. The enormous business we ar6 doing well justifies us in asserting that wo have the hansomest line and lowest prices in tlie city. You will have money by calling in to see ujj before purchasing a garment. Great Blanket and Comforter Sale During this week ut one-half ! oj former prices. Our DOMESTIC DEPA RTMENT will bo alive with special bargain ? during this week's sale. Always call at &OO. BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - -